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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59527 The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark as it is now acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre / by William Shakespeare. D'Avenant, William, Sir, 1606-1668.; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. 1676 (1676) Wing S2950; ESTC R17530 61,735 94

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to a publick count I might not go Is the great love the people bear him Who dipping all his faults in their affection Work like the Spring that turneth wood to stone Convert his gyves to graces so that my arrows Too slightly umbered for so loved arms Would have reverted to my bow again But not where I have aim'd them Laer. And so I have a noble father lost A sister driven into desperate terms Whose worth if praises may go back again Stood challenger on the mount of all the age For her perfections but my revenge will come King Break not your sleeps for that you must not think That we are made of stuff so flat and dull That we can let our beards be shook with danger And think it pastime you shortly shall hear more I lov'd your father and we love our self And that I hope will teach you to imagine Enter a Messenger with Letters Mess These to your Majesty this to the Queen King From Hamlet who brought them Mess Saylors my Lord they say I saw them not They were given me by Claudio he received them Of him that brought them King Laertes you shall hear them leave us Exeunt High and mighty you shall know I am set naked on your Kingdom to morrow shall I beg leave to see your Kingly eyes when I shall first asking you pardon thereunto recount the occasion of my sudden return King What should this mean are all the rest come back Or is it some abuse and no such thing Laer. Know you the hand King 'T is Hamlet's character Naked And in a postscript here he says alone Can you advise me Laer. I am lost in it my Lord but let him come It warms the very sickness in my heart That I live and tell him to his teeth Thus didst thou King If it be so Laertes As how should it be so how otherwise Will you be rul'd by me Laer. I my Lord so you will not o're-rule me to a peace King To thine own peace if he be now returned As liking not his voyage and that he means No more to undertake it I will work him To an exploit now ripe in my device Under the which he shall not chuse but fall And for his death no wind of blame shall breath But even his mother shall uncharge the practice And call it accident Laer. My Lord I will be rul'd The rather if you could devise it so That I might be the instrument King It falls right You have been talkt of since your travel much And that in Hamlet's hearing for a quality Wherein they say you shine your sum of parts Did not together pluck such envy from him As did that one and that in my regard Of the unworthiest siege Laer. What part is that my Lord King A very feather in the cap of youth Yet needful too for youth no less becomes The light and careless livery that it wears Than setled age his sables and his weeds Importing health and graveness ' ' two months since Here was a Gentleman of Normandy I have seen my self and serv'd against the French And they can well on horse-back but this Gallant Had witchcraft in 't he grew unto his fear And to such wondrous doing brought his horse As he had been incorps'd and demi-natur'd With the brave beast so far he topt my thought That I in forgery of shapes and tricks Come short of what he did Laer. A Norman was 't King A Norman Laer. Upon my life Lamord King The very same Laer. I know him well he is indeed The gem of all the Nation King He made confession of you And gave you such a masterly report For art and exercise in your defence And for your Rapier most especially That he cry'd out 't would be a sight indeed If one could match you the Fencers of their Nation He swore had neither motion guard nor eye If you oppos'd them Sir this report of his Did Hamlet so envenome with his envy That he could nothing do but wish and beg Your sudden coming o're to play with you Now out of this Laer. What out of this my Lord King Laertes was your father dear to you Or are you like the painting of a sorrow A face without a heart Laer. Why ask you this King Not that I think you did not love your father But that I know love is begun by time And that I see in passages of proof Time qualifies the spark and fire of it There lives within the very flame of love A kind of wick or snuff that will abate it And nothing is at a like goodness still For goodness growing to a pleurisie Dies in his own too much that we would do We should do when we would for this would changes And hath abatements and delays as many As there are tongues are hands are accidents And then this Should is like a spend-thrift sigh That hurts by easing ' ' but to the quick of th' ulcer Hamlet comes back what would you undertake To shew your self indeed your fathers son More than in words Laer. To cut his throat i' th' Church King No place indeed should protect a murderer Revenge should have no bounds but good Laertes Keep close within your chamber Hamlet return'd shall know you are come home We 'll put on those shall praise your excellence And set a double varnish on the fame The Frenchman gave you bring you in fine together And wager o're your heads he being remiss Most generous and free from all contriving Will not peruse the foils so that with ease Or with a little shuffling you may chuse A sword unbated and in a pace of practice Requite him for your father Laer. I will do 't And for the purpose I 'll anoint my sword I bought an Unction of a Mountebank So mortal that but dip a knife in it Where it draws blood no Cataplasm so rare Collected from all Simples that have vertue Under the Moon can save the thing from death That is but scratcht withal Ill touch my point With this contagion that if I gall him slightly it may be death King Let 's further think of this Weigh what conveyance both of time and means May fit us to our shape if this should fail And that our drift look through our bad performance 'T were better not assay'd Therefore this project Should have a back or second that might hold If this did blast in proof ' ' soft let me see Well make a solemn wager on your cunnings I hav 't when in your motion you are hot and dry As make your bouts more violent to that end And that he calls for drink I 'll have prepar'd him A Chalice for the purpose whereon but tasting If he by chance escape your venom'd tuck Our purpose may hold there But stay what noise Enter Queen Qu. One woe doth tread upon anothers heel So fast they follow your sister 's drown'd Laertes Laer. Drown'd O where Qu There is a willow growing
brothers hand Of life of Crown of Queen at once dispatcht Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin Unnuzled disappointed un-aneald No reckoning made but sent to my account With all my imperfections on my head O horrible O horrible most horrible If thou hast nature in thee bear it not Let not the royal bed of Denmark be A couch for Luxury and damned Incest But howsoever thou pursuest this act Taint not thy mind nor let thy soul design Against thy mother ought leave her to heaven And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge To prick and sting her fare thee well at once The Gloworm shews the morning to be near And 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire Farewel remember me Ham. O all you host of heaven O earth what else And shall I couple hell O fie ' ' hold hold my heart And you my sinews grow not instant old But bear me strongly up remember thee I thou poor Ghost whiles memory holds a seat In this distracted Globe remember thee Yea from the table of my memory I 'll wipe away all trivial fond records All Registers of books all forms and pressures past That youth and observation copied there And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain Unmixt with baser matter yes by heaven O most pernicious woman O villain villain smiling villain My tables meet it is I set down That one may smile and smile and be a villain At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark So Uncle there you are now to my word It is farewel remember me I have sworn't Enter Horatio and Marcellus Hora. My Lord my Lord. Mar. Lord Hamlet Hora. Heavens secure him Ham. So be it Mar. Illo ho ho my Lord. Ham. Hillo ho ho boy come and come Mar. How is 't my noble Lord Ham. O wonderful Hor. Good my Lord tell it Ham. No you will reveal it Hora. Not I my Lord. Mar. Nor I my Lord. Ham. How say you then would heart of man once think it But you 'll be secret Both. As death my Lord. Ham. There 's never a villain Dwelling in all Denmark But he 's an arrant knave Hora. There needs no Ghost my Lord come from the grave To tell us this Ham. Why right you are in the right And so without more circumstance at all I hold it sit that we shake hand and part You as your business and desire shall point you For every man hath business and desire Such as it is and for my own poor part I will go pray Hora. These are but wild and windy words my Lord. Ham. I am sorry they offend you heartily Yes faith heartily Hora. There 's no offence my Lord. Ham. Yes by Saint Patrick but there is Horatio And much offence too touching this vision here It is an honest Ghost that let me tell you For your desire to know what is between us O're master't as you may and now good friends As you are friends Scholars and Souldiers Give me one poor request Hora. What is 't my Lord we will Ham. Never make known what you have seen to night Both. My Lord we will not Ham. Nay but swear 't Hora. In faith my Lord not I. Mar. Nor I my Lord in faith Ham. Upon my sword Mar We have sworn my Lord already Ham. Indeed upon my sword indeed Ghost cries under the Stage Ghost Swear Ham Ha ha boy say'st thou so art thou there true penny Come on you hear this fellow in the Selleridge Consent to swear Hora. Propose the oath my Lord. Ham. Never to speak of this that you have seen Swear by my sword Ghost Swear Ham. Hic ubique then we 'll shift our ground Come hither Gentlemen And lay your hands again upon my sword Swear by my sword Never to speak of this that you have heard Ghost Swear by his sword Ham. Well said old Mole canst thou work i' th earth so fast A worthy Pioner once more remove good friends Hora. O day and night but this is wondrous strange Ham. And therefore as a stranger give it welcome There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio Than are dream't of in your Philosophy but come Here as before never so help you mercy How strange or odd so e're I bear my self As I perchance hereafter shall think meer To put an antick disposition on That you at such times seeing me never shall With arms encumbred thus or head thus shak't Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase As well well we know or we could and if we would Or if we list to speak or there be or if they might Or such ambiguous giving out to note That you know ought of me this you must swear So grace and mercy at your most need help you Ghost Swear Ham. Rest rest perturbed Spirit So Gentlemen With all my love I do commend me to you And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do t' express his love and friendship to you Shall never fail let us go in together And still your fingers on your lips I pray The time is out of joynt O cursed spight That ever I was born to set it right Nay come let 's go together Exeunt ACT II. SCENE I. Enter Polonius with his Man Pol. GIve him this money and these two notes Reynaldo Rey. I will my Lord. Pol. You shall do marvellous wisely good Reynaldo Before you visit him to make inquiry Of his behaviour Rey. My Lord I did intend it Pol. Marry well said very well said look your Sir Enquire me first what Danskers are in Paris And how and who what means and where they keep What company at what expence and finding By this encompassment and drift of question That they do know my son come you more near Then your particular demands will touch it Take you as 't were some distant knowledge of him As thus I know his father and his friends And in part him Do you mark this Reynaldo Rey. I very well my Lord. Pol. And in part him but you may say not well But if it be he I mean he 's very wild Addicted so and so and there put on him What forgeries you please marry none so rank As may dishonour him take heed of that But Sir such wanton wild and usual slips As are companions noted and most known To youth and liberty Rey. As gaming my Lord. Pol. I or drinking fencing swearing Quarrelling drabbing you may go so far Rey. My Lord that would dishonour him Pol. Faith as you may season it in the charge You must not put another scandal on him That he is open to incontinency That 's not my meaning but breath his faults so quaintly That they may seem the taints of liberty The flash and out-break of a fiery mind A savageness in unreclaimed blood Of general assault Rey. But my good Lord. Pol. Wherefore should you do this Rey. I my Lord I would know that Pol. Marry Sir here 's my drift
Pol. That did I my Lord and was accounted a good Actor Ham. What did you enact Pol. I did enact Julius Caesar I was kill'd i' th Capitol Brutus kill'd me Ham. It was a brute part of him to kill so capital a calf there Be the Players ready Ros I my Lord they wait upon your patience Gert. Come hither my dear Hamlet sit by me Ham. No good mother here 's metel more attractive Pol. O ho do you mark that Ham. Lady shall I lie in your lap Ophel No my Lord. Ham. Do you think I mean Country matters Ophel I think nothing my Lord. Ham. That 's a fair thought to lie between maids legs Ophel What is my Lord Ham. Nothing Ophel You are merry my Lord. Ham. Who I Ophel I my Lord. Ham. Your only Jig-maker what should a man do but be merry for look you how chearfully my mother looks and my father died within 's two hours Ophel Nay 't is twice two months my Lord. Ham. So long nay then let the Devil wear black for I 'le have a sute of sables O heavens die two months ago and not forgotten yet then there 's hope a great mans memory may out-live his life half a year but he must build Churches then or else shall he suffer not thinking on with the hobby-horse whose Epitaph is for O for O the Hobby-horse is forgot The Trumpets sound Dumb shew follows Enter a King and a Queen the Queen imbracing him and he her he takes her up and declines his head upon her neck he lies him down upon a bank of flowers she seeing him asleep leaves him anon comes in another man takes off his Crown kisses it pours poison in the sleepers ears and leaves him the Queen returns finds the King dead makes passionate action the poisoner with some three or four comes in again seem to condole with her the dead body is carried away the poisoner woes the Queen with gifts she seemt harsh a while but in the end accepts love Ophel What means this my Lord Ham. It is munching Mallico it means mischief Ophel Belike this shew imports the argument of the Play Ham. We shall know by this fellow Enter Prologue The Players cannot keep they 'l shew all straight Ophel Will he shew us what this shew meant Ham. I or any shew that you will shew him be not you asham'd to shew he 'l not shame to tell you what it means Ophel You are naught you are naught I 'l mark the Play Prologue For us and for our Tragedy Here stooping to your clemency We beg your hearing patiently Ham. Is this a Prologue or the poesie of a Ring Ophel 'T is brief my Lord Ham. As womans love Enter King and Queen King Full thirty times hath Phoebus Cart gone round Neptunes salt wash and Tellus orb'd the ground And thirty dozen Moons with borrowed sheen About the world have twelve times thirty been Since love our hearts and Hymen did our hands Unite infolding them in sacred bands Queen So many journies may the Sun and Moon Make us again count o're e're love be done But woe is me you are so sick of late So far different from your former state That I distrust you yet though I distrust Discomfort you my Lord it nothing must For women fear too much even as they love And womens fear and love hold quantity Either none in neither ought or in extremity Now what my love has been proof makes you know And as my love is great my fear is so Where love is great the smallest doubts are fear Where little fears grow great great love grows there King I must leave thee Love and shortly too My working powers their functions leave to do And thou shalt live in this fair world behind Honour'd belov'd and haply one as kind For husband shalt thou Queen O confound the rest Such love must needs be treason in my breast In second husband let me be accurst None wed the second but who kill'd the first Ham. That 's wormwood The instances that second marriage move Are base respects of thrift but none of love A second time I kill my husband dead When second husband kisses me in bed King I do believe you think what now you speak But what we do determine oft we break Purpose is but the slave to memory Of violent birth and poor validity Which now like fruits unripe sticks on the tree But fall unshaken when they mellow be Most necessary 't is that we forget To pay our selves what to our selves is debt What to our selves in passion we propose The passion ending doth the purpose lose The violence of either grief or joy Their own enactures with themselves destroy Where joy most revels grief doth most lament Grief joy joy griefs on slender accident This world is not for aye nor is it strange That even our loves should with our fortunes change For 't is a question left us yet to prove Whether love lead fortune or else fortune love The great man down you mark his favourite flies The poor advanc'd makes friends of enemies And hitherto doth love on fortune tend For who not needs shall never lack a friend And who in want a hollow friend doth try Directly seasons him his enemy But orderly to end where I begun Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown Our thoughts are ours their ends none of our own Think still thou wilt no second husband wed But thy thoughts dye when thy first Lord is dead Queen Nor earth to me give food nor heaven light Sport and repose lock from me day and night To desperation turn my trust and hope And Anchors cheer in prison be my scope Each opposite that blanks the face of joy Meet what I would have well and it destroy Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife Ham If he should break it now If once I widow be and then a wife King 'T is deeply sworn sweet leave me here a while My spirits grow dull and fain I would beguile The tedious day with sleep Queen Sleep rock thy brain And never come mischance between us twain Excunt Ham. Madam how like you this play Queen The Lady doth protest too much methinks Ham. O but she 'll keep her word King Have you heard the argument is there no offence in 't Ham. No no they do but jest poison in jest no offence King What do you call the Play Ham. The Mouse-trap marry how tropically This Play is the image of a murther done in Vienna Gonzaga is the Dukes name his wife Baptista you shall see anon 't is a knavish piece of work but what of that your Majesty and we shall have free souls it touches not us let the galled ●ade winch our withers are unwrung This is one Lucianus Nephew to the King Enter Lucianus Ophel You are as good as a Chorus my Lord Ham. I could interpret between you and your love If I could see the