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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A32873 Choice novels and amarous tales written by the most refined wits of Italy ; newly translated into English. 1652 (1652) Wing C3917; ESTC R13551 88,161 254

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Marquess Arderico was perswaded onely to love him by her husbands commendations The Marquess on the other side as he was going to reap the fruit of his Love being assured thereof by her leaves off his design IN the noble City of Vicenza amongst other Ladies which ravish'd the Eyes and Hearts of all Men the beauty of Aleria descended from the Counts of Malo was singular amongst the rest so that shee gave way neither to flattery nor Envy The fairest Faire yeelded to the Charms of that Face which would have been beleev'd Divine and adored with continued devotions had it not glorified her Humanity So that being pretended to by those who despair'd of gaining her she obeying onely those affections which yeeld onely to desert marries with the Count of Sancta Croce who both by birth and Vertue was chief amongst the greatest He had no Conditions but those which were desirable neither had He any thing in him which did not beget admiration The Wedding was celebrated with as much solemnity as was requisite for their Nobility and Wealth Those who in the common Joy lamented the Funerals of their own Hopes did not forbear to come to the Wedding They in the Joyes of another saw their own Sorrows Musick and Dancing which have the power to ravish Hearts even out of the hands of Melancholy it self could not sweeten the Grief of those Mindes which even lost the hopes of Life with the beauty of Aleria Many submitting to the Laws of Necessity according to the variety of their genius when they could not resist their own affection they dedicated it to other objects Others knowing that their eyes were the instruments of their pleasure would also oblige them to be the Messengers of the longing desires of their hearts Some flew from that heaven where the Sun shone but in favours of others Others observing the precepts which the art of Loves remedy prescribes they observ'd a heaven of beautie in her looks which could not be without shaddows Arderico onely the Marquess of Castel-Novo in the impossibility of the undertaking enlivening the more his hopes found in that daies solemnity his flames encreased where others had found the remedy of their passion He did I beleeve stupified with grief assist at all the ceremonies imitating the Fly who to injoy the light careth not to lose its own life He suffers this torment with so much impatience that his least dotings were to forget himself The feast ended he found his fire more enflam'd absence from the beloved object exstinguisheth not love but foments it This Arderico prov'd his ardor being so much the more violent when he could not recreate himself with the fight of his Aleria She on the other side so Idoliz'd her husbands countenance with such continued demonstrations that any hope would have despair'd but that of Arderico which was vowed to obstinacy The more he was despis'd the more he lov'd He let slip no occasion to discover his wound He being continually in her sight assaulted her with sighs and begged pitty from her with his looks In fine following her every where and waiting diligently upon her at the ball no accident happened which he did not signalize with some shew of respect and testimony of love Aleria not beleeving or not caring to be lov'd never regarded him but with indifferent looks And although the obligations of civility forc'd her to return him the favour of the ball and to correspond by way of salutes yet did she never priviledg his affection with the least token of acceptance Arderico have ing no other means to insinuate his love into Aleria's minde had recourse to the benefit of his pen with much trouble he dictates this Letter his tears even washing away his ink Fairest I Should feare to deserve the rigours of your disdaine by discovering my flames did I not know that all hearts are obliged to the love of divine things The raies of your beauty have introduc'd such a fire in my brest that I should rather think it an effect of stupidity then of vertue Aleria I love you and if the laws of love were as powerful as those of Religion I would say I adore you But what the pen silenceth the heart licenceth so as you will not disdain the obsequiousnesse of Your most humble servant ARDERICO The letter being sealed he sighs for the means how it might be securely conveyed to Aleria's hands The servants although they were all gain'd by the excess of his liberalty durst not assault their Ladies affections so much the chaster for as yet she gave no leave to be tempted To use other persons might prove both scandalous and dangerous so that he resolves to be himself the bearer Having fitted a day when she was at Church perhaps more pray'd to then praying getting neer her cheating the suspition and observation of many he puts his note in Aleria's Offices when she casually had laid them behind her to intend her mental private prayers No body was ware of it Aleria her self although she took up her Offices did not presently perceive it Scarce did she finde it but she was presently overtaken with blushing more disdain'd against her self that she had given the boldness to any man to tempt her then that she was displeased at the temptation The prudence of this Lady knew well that she did not deserve the name of chast who did not resist the flatteries of Lovers whoever is chast out of necessity is unworthy the title Aleria having quieted her mind from the first confusions which had stoln the blood from her heart and had left the Characters on her face when she thought it fit overcoming her curiosity which is natural to women she tears the letter in a thousand pieces as if that had been guilty of the fault which his audacity deserv'd who had given it her Ar. derico felt his own heart torn in pieces with the tearing of the letter despairing ever after of any invention whereby he might make known his affection He was lost in a confusion at her behaviour who being ador'd not onely took it ungratefully but seem'd as if she would not know her adorer yet the miserable man continues his servitude so much the more unhappy as his hopes were far from their reward It so happen'd that Aleria accompanied with her husband retires to a Villa to enjoy that season which bearing more fruit then the rest flatters with the more pleasure the gust of men Arderico who was this Suns Heliotrope follows her not without hope that the pleasures of the Villa might bring him to what he was debarr'd off by the divertisement of the Town he thought more easily to corrupt the people of the Villa the minds of men being the more vile the more they are interested He was seen to come thither but he begins to go the round about Aleria's house faigning to plant nets to catch birds and to hunt wild beasts Whilst his heart was in the nets of love and
they paid withusury by the loss of their liberty In fine this Sun blinded hearts no less then eyes and he was rather esteem'd stupid then prudent who could escape so sweet a Tyranny and he was call'd sacrilegious who sacrificed not his heart to the Idol of her Beauty This treasury of Natures richness was possest by way of matrimony by the Count of Castel-Novo a Cavalier indued with all the favours which Fortune could dispence or Vertue merit But he was thought not much belov'd by the Countess because he commonly was abroad in Princes Courts or in the wars excercising himself in arms more then in love Which was easily beleev'd by the desires of many who thought to subdue that Fort which was onely guarded with beauty which was easily to be corrupted with presents or overcome by the violence of services and entreaties but they soon found themselves deceiv'd finding such opposition from the vertue and shamefac'dness of the Lady that some were forc'd quite to abandon the undertaking others to raise the siege and others to expect occasion which is the daughter of time onely the Marquess Oliverio the first amongst the proudest both for Wealth and Nobility abated nothing of his resolutions But followed the assault with so much the greater ardor by how much the more desperate he thought the Victory He had overcome denials repulses and disdains which insteed to exstinguish made the fire of his heart still the greater And although he hop'd for no further advance in conquering the pudicity of that Lady yet did he omit no means possible which might make him deserve the title of a true Lover since he could not prevail to be lov'd again and so much the more for that with gifts he had possest himself of the good will of all those who serv'd her so that the poor Ladies ears were continually befieg'd with this Cavaliers praises the whole Family being never weary of celebrating his valor sometimes his birth his bounty his wealth his person and his magnaminity And although these commendations being often repeated mov'd her to admire such rare qualities yet this oblig'd her to no other love but that which vertue begets in a noble breast But what Oliverio could not achieve with all his love treacheries he still did beleeve that in process of time a moment of Fortune would gain The Countess had a young brother and rich which is sufficient to speak him insolent There was no scandalous business in the City wherein he shar'd not or was not principal night which brings rest and quiet even to the insatiable fury of wild beasts disquieted him then he usually went about the City offending equally all he met but ill actions brings at last to a just punishment when one night he would by force have enter'd the house of a Lady of honor and already began to use violence on the doors and windows whereupon being taken prisoner by four Companions he had neither time nor boldness enough to resist the threats wherewith he had also injur'd the Lady having also rais'd the neighbourhood against him His imprisonment was no sooner known but bills were so multiplied against him that his life was even call'd in question The Countess who lov'd him as being her brother and could not endure to see him suffer a publick punishment having no mony in a readiness quickly procured from certain Merchants 1000. pistols giving them the best part of her jewels in pawn with this money she so deals with the Lord Governor whose eyes being blinded with the splendor of the Gold look'd justice like The young man with his Companions escapes by the conivence of the Commander who fearing least his avarice should be discover'd would have the guilty fly far away to estrange those testimonies which might convince the Judge of guilt The Countess enjoy'd not much by her brothers deliverance having receiv'd a letter from her husband which reduc'd her to dispair the Count commanding her that without delay she should with all her costliest apparel come to Millan to wait on the Imperatrix who was hourly expected to pass there The poor Lady being agitated with many thoughts knew not what resolution to take which might neither be dishonourable nor dangerous To go to Millan without her Jewels which are so requisite in such occasions it would very much have prejudic'd the reputation of her greatness To discover the freeing of her brother she could not without incurring her husbands anger there being betwixt them particular digusts After many things which floated about in her minde she forceth her heart to the law of necessity and taking her pen she writes these Carracters Marquess OLIVERIO SHould I say I did not love you truly I should lye since the confidence I have in you acknowledgeth it self the ligitimate daughter of Love I love you Marquess Oliverio and so that with the blushes of my reputation I have recourse to your favour I want a thousand Pistols to release my Jewels being oblig'd to go for Millan to wait on the Emperatrice if you can furnish me till my return my heart shall oblige it self to you by a perpetual correspondence But Cavaliers like you move but with gentlenesse and then what can be promised from that heart which till now was aw'd with the opinion of the World and a Nuptial Faith Besides I assure my self that the greatnesse of you spirit will not disdain to give me leave to be Your most devouted servant AMASIA The letter being seal'd she caus'd a Staffeer to carry it to the Marquess faigning as if it had been sent from her Husband unwilling by obliging any to silence to venture her self on the fidelity of her servants Oliverio had scarce look'd over the paper but he thought himself deluded by a dream He could scarce beleeve himself so much the greater a felicity as it was less hop'd for His consolation was so great that confining with grief it fetch'd tears from his eyes His first disturbance being past in which a Man within himself is out of himself he answers after this manner Madam I Would have the possession of a thousand souls aswel as I have of a thousand peeces that I might satisfie them all to pleasure you I ought truly to thank you for the honour you do me desiring with so much sweetness what is yours but the confusion of my heart is so great that I cannot express its joy nor its obligations but by silence Yet I rejoyce with my self that you are pleas'd to ciment my faith with gold and so much the more for that desiring the riches of the Earth I hope the treasures of the Minde will be doubly grateful I would that you should argument from these double Pistols that my love is not double and my onely glory is to be acknowledged Your most humble and more oblig'd Servant OLIVERIO Without delay he caused the Letter with the Mony to be delivered into the hands of the Countess who having recovered her Jewels
with a deceit in some manner to correspond with my obligations and your love The love practises of the other night were with my Chamber-maid Aleria I being forbid both by the advantage of my birth and my husbands honor She is here present to give testimony of this truth Oliverio expected not that she should proceed in her discourse but full of malice returned home machinating in his minde a thousand precipices against the reputation and life of the Countess At last reason having gain'd the field admiring the prudence of the Lady who without prejudice of her own honor had so prettily deceiv'd her lover he chang'd his sensuality into friendship and respect Hence may Ladies of honor learn to shield themselves from the dangers of necessity without hazarding their reputations And Cavaliers may learn not to tempt the chastity of a prudent Lady since they may gain onely cheats or reproches It being not blamable sometimes to use deceit to shun the Tyranny of necessity LEONORA NOVEL IV. The ARGUMENT Gernando and Anselmo love two Gentlewomen whom after several accidents they enjoy which their wives having discover'd occasion by their jealousie an unhapy Tragedy NAPLES is a City delightful in all seasons the flattring accents of the inhabiting Sirens turns with the reeling lubricity of Fortune if the truth prevail their mindes are to be preferr'd to all others like those of Paradice Many years since in that place as in a Theater amongst others the chance of two most noble Cavaliers was presented who qualified with that air fruitful in titles were call'd most excellent Princes The one Gernando the other Anselmo the vicinity of their Palaces the likeness of their years the sympathy of their mindes had in a manner so united their wills that having inseparably ingrafted their hearts they possest nothing amongst them imcommunicable but their wives Gernando was married with the Princess Leonora who mixing in her most beautiful countenance sweetness withseverity majesty represented only a lively transmutation taken from the most exquisit excellencies of Venus Bellona Anselmo was wedded to Celinda a Lady who with her sweet behaviour and with her winning fashion was thought worthy to be preferr'd to the Graces to suckle and nourish most tender loves Both the one and the other liv'd a whole age deliciating themselves with the legitimate sweets of exquisit pleasures their world would have been beleev'd a Heaven had their happiness but constantly wheel'd about they often left the City to disport themselves amongst the delightful Groves of their pleasant Villa's where fully enjoying the prerogatives of a Golden age each did enjoy in their own amorous possessions the redoubled contentment of the others legitimate enjoyments jealousie did not sowre their sweet the least cloud of grief did not disturb the tranquillity of their contentment They usually went out to enjoy the fresh air of the cleer morning and what beyond measure was Leonora's sport which had a bizar capricio to shoot birds incredibly bragging at every shot she made of her prey whilst Celinda intended more tender pastimes gathering the Flowers of the field she weav'd Garlands to crown the triumphs of her conquering companion neither did they with less pleasure pass the remainder of the day for Rosalba Celinda's Gentlewoman did harmoniously sing whilst Do●illa Leonora's sweetly plaid on her Lute with their singing and playing making so ravishing a melody that from the loving brest of their hearers by the treachery of pleasure their souls had fled away could they but one moment have been releas'd from their adored beauties Amongst the rest one day Rosalba having let loose her voice to the singing of a wanton song she lighted on such affectionate notes upon the lasciviousness of some amorous accident that she awaken'd the soul of Gernando to admire her good grace and facility he began like those who dote accusing himself of sacriledge for that till then he had not contemplated in that most beautiful singer the excellency of the noblest Seraphin in Heaven whereupon his heart being incourag'd by the reverberation of murthering accents he the more lively imprinted that likeness which condemned him to the sufferance of such a grievous martyrdom where the wretch at once being bloodless and liveless his motion and speech being taken away he lifts up a languishing look with a dying sigh you would swear that he retain'd not the least spirit of life the Lass observ'd it and joggs Dorilla perceiving that her finging had wounded his minde and colouring her cheeks with rosy blushes with which she had bereft the miserable dying man of accusing the murtherous wound yet she thereby forbore not the more spitefully to pursue it so that with the tone of her voice lifting up the lamp of a smile she lightned so sweet a look that fascinating him with a wonderful Magick she took him quite away from living any longer to Leonora and brought him to live a fresh but a painful life in her own bosom from that time the unhapy man felt so unmesurable a fire to run about his heart which inwardly burning him sends up the ashes into his face to accuse the burning as inextinguishable Thus did this miserable man burn and silence it three whole moneths Being brought to Town he was visited by the Phisitians and afterwards forsaken whose opinion was that he was opprest with an unknown disease and that his ill was incurable Leonora aflicted her self at the sickness of her beloved consort and no less amongst themselves suffering the like did Anselmo and Celinda lament so that daily frequenting visits and Anselme with much familiarity did somtimes stay by the by to jest with Dorlla with cunning slights who being taken I know not how with him suffer'd not one to pass without giving him an answer yet she one day resented a peece of pungent treachery when Anselmo told her I perceive very well now Dorilla why you are so coy towards me why do you not love me why do I not love you said she for my part I could wish to see you languishing as Gernando is whereupon with a wink her cheeks blushing she added then should you not finde me so cruel as Rosalba is these last words seem'd to Anselmo as the words of an Oracle revealing the secret of Gernando's hidden infirmity whereupon without any more to do running quickly to his bed he findes him ravished in Rosalba's eyes who stood by Leonora and Celinda who were to no purpose on either side of him comforting him to take away that strange melancholy from his heart which for his unknown passion occasioned in them so manifest a grief and attentively observing him he clearly verified Dorilla's enigma whereupon having made the motion that all should go out of the Chamber he begins Is the love then of Anselmo so little known to thee that out of idle respects thou doubtest to discover it to me at last I have found it out thy heart is wounded the shaft comes from Resalba and it
shall be my care that she who gave it shall cure thy wound be comforted therefore my friend restoring thee to thy self keep us with you for your usual comfort the soul of Gernando being vanish'd at his words was in great danger to be drown'd in love which rose up from the bottom of his heart swelling and changing the languishing mans countenance He blushes grows pale trembles freezeth but at last having recover'd his spirits he with a trembling voice answers Out of respect that I would not violate not even in my thoughts the Religious bonds of our friendship I have thus silenc'd my self even to death Why alas were you so scrupulous replyed Anselmo Resalba is a servant not a wife and do you beleeve that I should take to heart a vain opinion of her honor more then you who are a part of my self who perhaps with an imaginary fancy inwardly laughs at it At a call Resalba comes in again with the Ladies when he goes out purposely to bind the practice of his undertakings with Dorilla the stronger and descending in short to desire of her a proportionable help to the needs of Gernando he had Dorilla's answer that if another should languish for him whether by anothers perswasion would you your self gratifie her well then replies he I now understand thee Dorilla find my self so oblig'd by the dear pawn of thy love to love thee that I wish thy desire so as Rosalba by thy means may but relieve Gernando Thee Dorilla resplendantly for the reward of her suffer'd love every moment seem'd to her an age to ciment the undertaking to gain Rasalba's consent that rock wherein she knew she should finde the living life of her heart So that having taking the first opportunity she afar off of her self begins to detest the miserable condition of their servitude which destinated them to deny their own for to follow the will of others which not onely the indiscreet commands of their Mistrisses witnessed to them but of others also who would have precedence over them and indeed ought rather to be their companions then servants whereupon with disdain she said Anselmo Anselmo thy Master O Rosalba rebelling yesterday against the obligations of due modesty grew to that boldness as to desire me And what weighs as much with me he hath prest me to pass civility with thee forasmuch as forgetting thy honor that thou thy self should give thy self to Gernando who truly dies languishing for thee God forbid that I should ever do it I would rather for ever part from this house Thou growest angry Dorilla replyes Rosalba and art not aware that our Masters do it to try our constancies they do it to make sport with us and thus they treacherously pitch their nets to catch the foolishest when they brag they suffer most and die for love when they intend to tyrannize it over another they point the line another way they countersigne with Characters of gold the first expression of their loves with griefs O Dorilla not with words they give us an assured testimony of the gift which they say they have made of their hearts trust me sister who gives not presents certainly he loves not Upon this scandal Dorilla seem'd for the time satisfied as having steer'd to that port where was the principal traffick of her hopes And suddenly with Anselmo who was at the catch not far off glowing with desire she communicates the avaritious sense of Rosalba with solid pretences that she would be gotten with three hundred peeces of gold for the first pawn of Gernando's amorous affection and the sooner to gain her by example she tels her from the beginning the carriage of her loves with Anselmo Rosalba seeing that she had already sold that at a great rate which in her heart she very willingly would have given begins by degrees to decline from her faigned rigor and more freely to contract with Dorilla the business of her love proposition and covering with a cloke of charity the impurity of her affections she protested she would come as a victim to the Altar to expiate the crime and implore his favour whom she had so much offended for his loving of her And having expresly made the agreement there was no more to do By this promis'd comfort Gernando being recover'd they were so to order the business that their amorous theft might be hid Neither could Anselmo any waies fail to afford Dorilla her promised reward that he might not lose his own satisfaction who even also long'd to be in the lists of his hoped for delights He at once was a lover and a procurer So that if by his means Gernando enjoy'd the love of Rosalba his Gentlewoman he by way of exchange was to enjoy Dorilla Gentlewoman to Gernando whereupon with their beloved taking advice they consulted on the best meanes what way they might the most secretly injoy one another several councels interven'd but amongst others it was beleeved to be the best that Anselmo and Gernando faigning business or sport should go out of Town and at night secretly return and changing the keys of their garden doors should thereby get access into one the others house going up the back stairs to their loves they every one might hapily enjoy till morning the fruits of their amorous conspiracy At this only remedy O the great miracle of love Gernando grew quickly well and went about this practice with so much wariness that neither Leonora nor Celinda although at the return of the day they stole and took turns yet they were not at all awares At last their husbands new delights encreas'd in prejudice of their abandon'd wives and whether it be a defect of our humanity that it prizeth not long what it possesseth in abundance or whether it be the vice of sense which findes a greater pleasure where love hath more of the impudent Their wives at last grew so disgustful to them that when out of cunning they visited their marriage beds yet they brought with them such a coldness and inofficious conversation which forc'd them to reflect on their great losses they could not but at least be induc'd to beleeve that som impudent wenches fascinating their husbands had with their impure lasciviousness turn'd their hearts in their brests so much were they chang'd from their first loves whereupon Leonora who was of a more resenting and wary genius then Celinda looking on it with a neerer application first in all Gernando's actions it seem'd as if a certain treating or cypher a kinde of speaking by signs which he daily held under cover of a youthful familiarity with Dorilla might if it were well understood take away the Curtain from the Tragedy of all her contentment whence one day observing tha according to his wonted presence he was with Anselmo to go out of Town Gernando practis'd more then usually with Dorilla their misterious language whence presently entring into a high suspition she therupon resolves to watch her all that night
the Lady would either resolve to put him from his importunity either accusing of him to her husband or making it known to her kindred who assuredly would not let pass unpunish'd so foolish a temerity which endeavoured to stain with notes of infamy the honest reputation of another mans Family Love admits of no advise he acknowledgeth the truth of reason in his friends words but it being not possest by him the words were but cast into the air with this answer onely leaves he him You shall soon see saith he whether I or who else it is that shall be lost His friend was astonished and afflicted that he could nothing move him from avoiding those dangers which threatned him if he should obstinately pursue his intentions Many daies were not past when Eusebio going to a Villa of his was shot in the flank with a brace of bullets he knew not from whence and having enmity with no man he could not imagine from whom it should come This hurt made him fall to the ground from his horse so that he could not help himself til some Country men passing by who knew him put him on their Cart which was loaded with Corn going for the City and brought him home to his wife who for the disaster which had befaln him was unmeasurably afflicted The Physitians and Chirurgians were sent for who knowing the wound to be mortal gave him over yet they did not forbear to apply the best remedies they knew which were but all in vain the miserable man at the end of the seventh day was forc'd to leave his life and his wife I should say his wife first since by him she was preferr'd before it What sighs and complaints she made how she toar with her white hands her golden locks and beat her candent brest cannot be exprest the excess of them was so great that men would hardly find faith to beleeve the truth of them The last day of the month was scarce at an end the fair having perform'd the obsequies of her deceased Husband when Gelindo was observ'd more then he was wont frequently to go about the Ladies house and with words and gestures to discover himself more enflam'd then ever with her unparalell'd beauty He often tempts by means of a neighbour of hers that she might procure her for him to wife causing her in his name to make as generous offers as could be made from a heart which loves immoderately But all vainly succeeds for she was resolv'd never to consent to any the rather for that although she was not assured yet she very much doubted that her husbands death had been effected by none but by Gelindo so that she did not onely deny to exchange love but she return'd him one of the fiercest hatreds that ever woman bore a man Women as well in hatred as in love have no bridle but have both in excess The most beautiful Widow nourishing the fire of this disdain within her heart against Gelindo who ador'd her often meditates to revenge her wrong'd and murther'd husband and because she could finde out no way more secure then one which was to execute it with her own hands she deliberates with her self to dispatch it after this manner It was about the end of the year of her mourning widowhood when on a day she cals one of the most faithful amongst her maids and having shut themselves up together in a secret Chamber she speaks to her after this manner Fosca for so was her name My long experience of thy fidelity towards my person assures me that I may confide in thee even one of the highest resolutions which I ever made in the whole course of my life but before I discover it think well upon it whether you can be sure to keep it secret for if you finde that you have not resolution enough to silence it tell me that I may not speak it and I shall take another expedient for to accomplish my thought It s needless to relate what Fosca answer'd it s enough that her words were such that Limisinda pursued her already began discourse I have alwaies heard say that its impossible for a young woman that 's handsom and that hath tasted the delights of her husbands embraces to live long after his death without the company of a man I have prov'd the truth thereof from the affections of my minde I have endeavoured a long time since the death of my dear Eusebio who is now amongst the Stars to violence my self and to repress the heat of youth which a fresh fomented my desires of those amorous pleasures but because I perceive it impossible any longer to overcome the force thereof I have taken a resolution that I will not live altogether the rest of my life unaccompanied of a man It s true I would not subject my self to that Noose which is not to be unloosed betwixt man and woman unless by the death of the one or other of them Other thoughts other desires possess my mind The Maid remain'd a while suspended at these words of her Mistris who observing it continued Wonder not my Fosca at what I am to tell thee and if you see me chang'd in my opinion which in the esteem of all was of an unparalell'd honesty I must hereafter live otherwise Resolve therefore on what I shall impose upon thee for I am confident you will one day praise me when you shall entirely know the end of these thoughts which revolve in my minde Servitude fidelity and the importunity of a Lover with the time overcomes the most obstinate rigour of a womans brest I am not the first who have been subdued If thou hadst ever found thy self in the like case thou wouldst compassionate help me so that what thou art to execute may be effected with all possible secrecy that it at no time may be known by any but by us two and Gelindo whom at the shutting in of the Evening thou art to expect at a window of the lower room and when he according to his custome passeth by cast him out this paper wrapt up in this sarsenet and then presently retire thy self that he reading it may think upon what he is to do The wench takes the letter from her Mistris and full of astonishment by reason of the novelty of the accident wonders at so unexpected a resolution Yet she promiseth diligently to perform what was commanded her and so departs to go about her other house affairs till the hour come wherein she was to execute it The Evening being come Gelindo passeth the street and whilst he cast his eyes towards the uppermost windows of Limisinda's house where sometimes he had had the fortune to see her there comes to him thrown by the Maid who stood hid behinde the glass of a Balcony in the lowermost part of the house this letter involv'd and having observ'd him to take it she presently returns to her Mistris to acquaint her with the success
these imaginary comforts she solac'd her grief whilst with the assurance of real contentment the other confirm'd her minde with her desir'd consolations Irlando at last goes to her enjoyment Armando at least as he thought to contention Both were civilly admitted not without the astonishment of the one who thought his admittance prohibited by disdain seeing his way made plain by love His heart leapt at this incredible novelty which before was sunk with dispair Fancying a happy omen to himself he thought to resolve those words in thanksgivings which like clouds thickned with fury threatned to fulminate reproofs The reception of Emilia forewarning him of a cheat renued the tumult of his thoughts which afterwards conspired to torment him when having enquir'd after Rosalia she answer'd him That she was there in her steed she her self having made the change Hence she went to speak of love promising to act that person in all degrees of complacency which might satisfie a Lover And thereupon with carresses and other love tricks she began to weave those delights which alone captivate the sense Yet did his affection spume away even those powerful motives of sense obstinately obliging him to continue his vassaladge to the others beauty who although she was ungrateful yet she did not forbear to be adoreable nevertheless the bridle of consideration impos'd rules to this disorder suggesting as unreasonable to despise the favours of so kinde a Lady in hope to aspire to the others favours who even loath'd him So that with his genius and with his consent he inclin'd to that part which with reason predominated even to enjoyment He was not inferiour to his friend in running through the lists of delight whose bounds and carriere were her fair brests These two fortunate couple of Lovers will have no cause to envy one the other both being equally in the road of contentemnt if not of old of newer loves and far more vehement affections Thus Emilia and Armando revolv'd the sailes of their thoughts fitted to the wind their hopes being already undeceiv'd to finde harbor whereto their desires had at first steer'd The dispute of Rivalship being thus taken away the practise of these Lover was free between whom mutually there was a strait knot of friendship Yet the flight of this liberty a fresh transports the affections to the shunn'd post of their election Irlando loves Emilia and Rosalia Armando The cause of this change was either the usual property to finde that loathsome which we have long enjoy'd or the ordinary condition of our desires which alwaies more ardently aspires to the possession of that which we may acquire by depriving our selves of the other Others things seem alwaies better to us then our own forasmuch as being oblig'd by our being to be alwaies content its necessary that not vallewing what we enjoy we desire what we see another possess principally in love which the likeness of fire shews whose common condition is to aspire to new objects This element the greater nourishment it receives as it were to glut the pride of its ardors raising its flames so much the higher seems to demonstrate the voracity of its appetite greedy of making new prey As novelties most delight so the thoughts began to suggest hopes of more grateful felicities in these new Lovers Irlando to whom these desires shut the fight to the beauties of Rosalia considered in the other the excess of such a good grace that it engrav'd in his heart the adorable idol of his affections The Lady also who saw that Emilia was had in greater esteem of Armando whom she thought far inferior to her in desert resolv'd presently subjection of love to him who could acknowledge it with the greater tribute of reverence This change of their own wills was conceited with looks carresses and jests which being the effect of a friendly union degenerate into affectionate accents Emilia was satisfied with the behaviour of her Lover and gave way to no thoughts which bore not the marks of her being consecrated to him Even Armando also remembring the great kindeness with which his Lady at first confirm'd the excess of love before she reveal'd it had oblig'd his heart to preserve his affections that he could not mix them with those which carried any other image but that of Emilia So that those two lost the field being excluded from any correspondency who first of all entred loves Capital in triumph To continue it amongst themselves it seem'd impossible for their luke-warmness was soon converted into coldness and that into ice so that at last disdain and loathings sprung from corrupt dispositions each of them thinking themselves oblig'd to revenge the others infidelity or at least inconstancy which begot an exceeding hatred to paralel the punishment with the crime The assaults were revolv'd against the true Lovers who in opposition to their discord rendred the indissolveable union of their affections the more strongly fortified mutually confessing their genius transported out of the center of themselves and lockt up within the circumference of their amorous wills agreeing to cast off the love of their two friends although to their disgust With faign'd fictions they perswaded the more highly to fix these roots in their hearts which us'd to breed affectionate correspondence that jealousie might not move the others to suspend or prohibit them this commerce wherein these rivals equally found acquest of enjoyments Familiarity sometimes permitted a kiss to be snatcht whereof these Lovers took an usurious interest considering the penury of other pleasures The occasion of a jest oblig'd a carress and those endearments without offending those mindes with suspitions who thinking even that the others hearts were interchangeably knit they doubted not that aspiring to any other object they would by their rivalship disturb their contentment Rosalia at last being importun'd by accidity with the more pleasure to terminate these deceits renders her friend jealous with a faign'd jealousie of her own She seems to doubt that the Lovers being tir'd with their long possession were equally traytors of their oblig'd faith She said that she knew very well that Armando's minde was inclin'd towards her as one the other side she perceiv'd her Lovers heart aspire towards her Being thus perswaded to discover the proof of this truth they should one evening fraudulently exchange the Gentlemen and by this occasion the liberty of amorous demonstrations would discover to whom their affections most enclin'd They promis'd one the other to revenge the the others offended faith with rigorous reproofs when the vayl of dissimulation was taken off and the stains of treachery appear'd The other being after this manner imbued with suspitions consents to the experiment to assure her self of this relation of her pretended faithful friend Thus Rosalia with Armando and Irlando with Emilia were in posture to compleat the web of their own contentments brought about by this cheat The two Ladies one evening invited their two Lovers to a private treat every one
even his Fathers Genius finds a thousand excuses to delay his journey but they nothing prevailed since our Lover must obey Florida remain'd astonished at the newes of this sad separation and then burst forth into so high a resentment of griefe which the tendernesse of a Woman and the folly of a lover could possibly suggest She with a good will would have followed him had she not fear'd to have ruin'd him by the ruines of her selfe in repute and honour Yet she remain'd like the Heliotrope altogether mortified when the Evening divorceth it from the Rayes of the Sunne Octavio being gone who went away immerc'd with griefe bathing with his tears the earth he stampt on with his feet Being arrived at Bologna in the pleasing quiet of Letters he finds the warre of his affections still the more cruell whence he concludes it false That absence cures the infirmity of love His own thoughts became his executioners alwayes martyrizing him with the memory of his so much regretted felicity then which nothing was more dear The Lectures and Scholastick Conferences so gratefull to the vertuous to him who was opprest with griefe and whose soul was in an agony seemed like Funerall Songs and study appear'd truly the sepulture of the living He tasted not the Nectar of Wisdome since spirits weakned by dissolutenesse usually suffer the disrelish of all good things He then remained in Bologna and though in appearance he frequented the Schooles yet in effect he heard the Masters as an Asp and profited like a stock He liv'd a Scholar in name onely amongst students without study idle at their exercises and so desperate that he even lost his life in that place where others render it immortall with the glory of Learning Octavio was at last in the midst of so many afflictions consolated by Fortune who by the hands of certain Merchants caused his Fathers liberality to fall into his hands converted into showers of gold So that being richly provided with money he ravisheth himselfe to Parthenope to visit his Florida the sweet cause of his cruell torments Being arrived unknown without going to his Father he so orders the businesse that she hath notice of his arrivall so that through the favourable darknesse of the night he came to adore her at a little window of her house It 's superfluous to relate the Complements which past or how many tears were shed out of tenderness since any man knows what affections an unthought-of accident will raise in two hearts tenderly loving one the other and so long tormented with such longing desires to review one another But these pleasures lasted but a few nights for that Octavio refus'd treacherously to tempt his Fortune having already experimented that with velocity she turns her wheele in felicity but slowly in time of misery He therefore parts burthening himselfe by this his new departure with new griefs and being scarce come to Bologna and having hardly furnished himselfe with necessaries that the businesse might not be discovered he retakes his journey back again to Parthenope So that for the space of a whole year he alternatively travelling and resting liv'd betwixt torments and contentments The yeare being almost at an end Octavio being at Bologna falls fick of a Feaver which though it was without danger yet was long and many great perplexities of mind befell him because it diverted him from his journey In the mean time Horatio for so was Florida's father call'd concludes her marriage with Don Fernando Marquiss of Tuedos she having been from her infancy design'd for him He was of Arragon descended from Dukes a Cavalier of a small Fortune of great parentage and for pretences at all He presumed that he had a greater wealth then truly he possest that he was more valiant then indeed he was and yet more Gentile then he seem'd of a short stature of a proud port of a brown complexion and lame so that to give the faire Florida to Fernando was the same thing as afresh to grant a Venus to a Vulcan This was the Bridegroom which Horatio had prepar'd not to accommodate his daughter but to advantage himselfe in the Court of Castile Cursed interest cruel and perverse Numens which necessitates men to sacrifice even their own children unto you Florida having heard the conclusion of the marriage became sad yet seem'd pleas'd to her Father and dispenc'd tears which seem'd of joy but were of grief After a day she feigns herself ill and begs that all publick or privat solemnity might be suspended till her recovery In the mean time she dispatcheth a Letter to Octavio which included this following sense My Lord MY Fathers authority forceth me to break my faith with you to violate my genius and to be no more yours He hath promised me to the Marquess Don Fernando a Cavalier whom I wish a Monarch that I might shew my self the more constant to you by despising a Regal match for your sake I fear my fathers Anger will become murtherous when I shall have discovered him our loves Therefore come my Octavio but come quickly to see your Florida who is inmoveably disposed either to live with you or dye for you Come and hear my mournful Nenias insteed of Epithalamiums And to see how contentedly I shall go to my grave if Fate consents not to joyn me to your bed Remember your self then my Lord if I shall see you no more of your oaths and of our mutual affections and live happy since what ever happens I shall be sure to die Your most faithful FLORIDA THis Letter was an enchantment which would have ravished Octavio out of Hell aswel as from his bed He who already was better'd in his health rose assoon as he had read it and no sooner got to horse but away for Parthenope guided by fury and accompanied with dispair Somtimes with a raging heart he wish'd himself alive only to be reveng'd of his Rival and somtimes with a desperate voice he begg'd Heaven to thunder-strike him that he might not see Florida either subject to death or Fernando's Spouse But Fortune which equally preserves both fools and desperate persons happily brings this unhappy man to Parthenope being arrived at his Father Odoardo's house and before he lighted from his horse having seen the fair Florida appear at the Balcony he salutes her with a joy mixt with grief of heart as ignorant whether he honoured her as his own or as the spouse of another man Fortune would have it so he findes his Father's house without his Father who was newly parted for some Domestick occasion whereby he had the opportunity to speak from his wonted apartment to his dearest who thereby testified inexplicable signes of contentment The first complement past she confirms him the great danger of her life how far greater her faith was and that towards him her affection was supreme She also added my Octavio did you know with how much satisfaction for your sake I shall encounter death perhaps without
carefully observing her waies whose chamber by a narrow door communicated a passage into hers having gotten that opportunity which she most desired so that intending all her motions at the passage she perceiv'd that about midnight a person entring in the dark was dearly but silently receiv'd by Dorilla attentively giving ear at the door it seem'd with an unhappy equivoke she took it to be the voice by that amorous reception although very low of Gernando and by the alternate murmor of kisses and sighs which by degrees from their more fervent carresses the lovers resounded thinking she had sufficiently found out the thief who unworthily robbing her of her husbands love transfixed her through the most sensible part of her bowels burning wholly with jealousie the enrag'd woman sometimes rais'd her self against Gernando and then against Derilla machinating revenge A thousand times she was going to discover them and shew forth their shame but then again being counsell'd by all kinds of respects she was disturbedly tormented unresolv'd in the atrocity of the most desperate distractions at last having not courage enough any longer to hear the others sports to publish the loss and breath of her dearest joyes She went off confus'd and grieved and fell on the neighbouring bed where till morning precipitating her self like a fury her agitation suffer'd her not to close her eyes yet weariness had at last overcome her had not Celinda unexpectedly knock'd at the door and call'd her afresh to the grievous sense of her first grief with her accustomed familiarity she enters the Chamber and desires her not to stir from her bed and withal intreats her kindly to admit of the importunity which their mutual confidence imbolden'd her at that time to give her and then begins Madam my heart is so full of horror that did I not fly to clear my doubts to the tranquility of your dear conversation I beleeve truly my heart would have broken But now sleeping I dream'd that as you were delighting your self in a thick Forrest according to your custome with your gun courted by your Gernando and my Anselmo and my self when with the greatest delight we applauded your triumphs Behold The heaven obscures it self in a tempest And out of the shades behold a Lion issues And falling on my Anselmo throws him down whence turning to Gernando who too assaulting him threatning to glory in his death when you readily coming to his relief struck boldly against the beast but alas your self wounded Gernando to death whereupon the firce beast disdaining to fight with the dying furiously assails and kills you So that whilst I smote my brest and was crying out for help half dead I did awake But so troubl'd and confus'd that still floating betwixt truth and doubt of this unhappy success I have been thus and perhaps too importunately carried hether to you Prais'd be Heaven O Celinda answered Leoncra that the slaughters are vanish'd and pray God with them all sinister presages may do so too but alas there remains far more grievous images more lively imprinted in my brest then you ever had sleeping in your dreams which I have had watching all night and which I have heard with mine ears We are betray'd Celinda I know that the impudent Dorilla ravisheth my Gernando from my bosom As on the other side I conclude that Rosalba takes away from you your Anselmo Let 's up and think of a remedy on some sharpe revenge and then from the beginning relating the History of her first suspitions and the manner how she certified her self of their practice she instill'd so much disdain in Celinda's brest that maturing it with judgment she renders her an inseparable Companion to any undertaking They went to very strict waies and at last concluded that dissembling their inward rankor they should both prepare at the first night of their husbands faigned departure to change upon some colour their own beds with their shameless servants not onely that they might in the dark with the more savory carresses enjoy by this innocent cheat their own husbands with the sweeter contentment but that either of them at parting should gently discover themselves convincing their disloyal husbands with the like approved delights that they had no reason to counterpoise by this amorous recreation dearly obliging them thereby to cast off their injurious rivals Five dayes were scarce past when the desired night came The two Cavaliers parted that they might soon return to their appointments when their wives pesently began to bring about their designes Celinda commands Rosalba that changing beds for that night she should go lie in hers for that she being desirous of rest intended to get far from the noise of the street but finding some difficulty in being obey'd she was faign to use her authority Dorilla obey'd more then willingly too Leonora arrogating so much to her self the affection of Anselmo she doubted not at all to loose him for the love of another but rather thought to legitimate her escape by her Ladies fault and efficatiously went to effect it to that end that at last being freed from fear of her reproofs she might enjoy them under that protection At midnight the Lovers according to their custom came and beleeving as they conceiv'd to enjoy their wonted embraces they found themselves after such a manner carressed with so much advantage that they found themselves oblig'd to correspond with far more expressions then usual For that their wives knowing the persons they were to act put by the seriousness of marriage and let themselves loose to the excesses of an impudent lasciviousness not onely by not contradicting any amorous proposition but by invitation fore-runing every way what they thought would most augment the pleasure of their supposed Husbands To conclude they would give them proofs of the knowledge that 't was not the substance of truth but an heretical opinion which perswaded them they found more pleasures in others which made them transgress the legitimacy of their loves Now the course of the hours towards morning run apace when Gernando seeking on the white flank of Rosalba with his hand the rise of a certain pretty mole she had there which was the incitement and delights of his highly priz'd pleasures not finding it as he was wont he awhile remain'd astonish'd with wonder where revolving certain perticulars in his minde he thought that as it was without a voluntary crime if insteed of Rosalba he might have enjoy'd Celinda Anselmo 's wife so Anselmo by a studied perfidiousness insteed of Dorilla perhaps did enjoy his wife Leonora whence upon the urgency of so weighty a suspition hardly suppressing the grinding of his disdain without even bidding her farewel he clothes himself and away Celinda perceived it but penetrates not the Occasion of his alteration whom she truly beleeved her husband whence she thought it not much to hazard that office with him which Leonora and she had preordained that they might regain their husbands lost affections
representations of tenderness who repented not onely her own mistake but also the torments she had occasion'd when she had reheated him so that hee could no more be changed as she thought by the cold of her rigorous correspondence she resolv'd on an amorous peace and invites him to negotiate it himself with greater advantage of his gust then he possibly could have desired Were we not said she subject to fail we should not remember our humanity and were we not subject to obey our passions our souls would soar up too high were they not depress'd by that tyranny yet shall I not blush to confess my fault for having thought you unfaithful I will with a sincere chastisement correct it if you please I shall alone punish my self did I not think to offend your love which I have experienc'd so constant with my death or with my torments Return therefore to my house that between your arms I may know your will either to enjoy or destroy me as it shall be your pleasure with a dominion over me gain'd by the merit of your unchangable constancy you shall have the liberty to follow what you shall think most agradible Our Lover would have answered these kinde invitations or rather loving mistrusts but she hindred him saying It is no time nor fit place for amorous expressions otherwise superfluous when the testimonies of love were so quick it concerns me to witness my gratitude and it s my obligation to exviscerate my self to correspond with your affection It s I ought to dye either for the delight I shall take to please you or by the excess of my pains in chastisement of your so ill rewarded a desert Niarpe held his peace at her command and his debility being reinforc'd preparing his arms to cement their joys He goes with Euridea to her house and with embraces and kisses the peace was concluded before it was treated by words of mouth They liv'd afterwards regretting onely their lost and fled delights confirming by experience that the Water of Disdain sprinkled on the Furnace of Love reinvigorates its ardor insteed of extinguishing it DEADORA NOVEL VIII The ARGUMENT At the burning of a house the love of Lovanio to Deadora commenc'd who gratefully corresponds with his Love and to give her self the more freely to him she suffers her husband to enjoy her Maid Aleria whilst she enjoyes her friend the Maid falls in love with Lovanio betrays her Mistris whose jealousie causeth the ruin of them all IN the most noble City of Bologna pretending his studies liv'd Lovanio the Count of Roccabruna's son a youth who with the comlines of his person and the affability of his manners won the love of all those who had the happiness of his acquaintance As he was one day going towards the walls to take the air he was stopt by the voices of some who crying out Fire fire pitifully begg'd help amongst others who despairing out of fear had bedew'd her cheeks with her tears was a Lady although the roses of her face were fled yet she might brag it still inclosed a Garden of beauties who although with the greatest despight of danger she nothing lost her courage yet unable to remedy the business and abandon'd of all help was oblig'd to fear Lovanio observing that no body mov'd the neighbouring houses being empty of inhabitants there being some few poor little untoward women who multiplying their outcries encreas'd but the fright and confusion He resolves to go himself with his servants to quench the fire which already in triumph had rais'd it self up to heaven Entring the palace where the flames furiously turn'd about after having wish'd Deadora for so was the Lady call'd that she should quiet her fears whilst he would endeavour to secure her from danger he with his servants and some others who came at the cry went up to the top of the house and there labours so with his hands and orders that the fire was in a short time buried in a thick cloud of smoke He scarce was come down when Gelasio the Ladies husband meets him who having had notice of the danger was come running thither Their words were many ful of civility Gelasio even offering him the house as Padron since he had sav'd it from the fire Deadora came also to these thanksgivings with so charming a behavior that Lovanio findes his heart enflam'd with worse fires then those he had lately quench'd He had seen her at first with a sense of pitty when opprest with fear she could do nothing but weep and cry the extinguish'd colours of her face had not then the power to enflame a minde Her heart having now restor'd the honors it had robbed from her face and the beauty of her eyes being no more troubled with her tears his pitty was rais'd to love Lovanio vowing all his affection to the fair Deadora who soon observ'd it and the more for that at his leave he sent her his soul in a sigh Yet she faigns her self careless whether to set the higher value on her honesty or that she would not so soon venture on the faith of a man and although Lovanio continued to serve her both at Church and at Bals yet he gain'd nothing but salutes and indifferent looks which signifie no more as may be thought then obligation and not Love The young man when he could no longer resist the violence which tormented his minde sends out his passions on his paper after this manner Madam THE flames which burnt your house were destinated to torment my mind I would hide them but the fire being shut up tears me with the greater violence and renders my relief untimely I would extinguish it but being supernatural my tears have the power onely to render my grief the more sensible I therefore beg of you O my fair to quench my ardors with a like compassion as my heart was fill'd withall at your first call you have reason to pitty me knowing by experience the hurt and danger of fire I hope that a Lady of your conditions would not offend her good name with the stain of ingratitude Help me then if for no other cause yet that you may not lose a servant who loves you as much as he can and as much as he knows if not as much as you deserve The honor of your answer is the hopes of my life the nourishment of my Beeing is the favour of your good Graces The letter being written and seal'd he solicited Fortune to favour him in the delivery He thought in himself that the most resolute means would prove most dangerous to use women of that profession were to stain the reputation of the Lady and would provoke her disdain instead of procuring her affection at last that he might overcome all hinderances which resisted his desires with a bold action he comes one day to Church when Deadora intended the Divine service and wrapping up the letter in a round he so prettily casts it into her bosom
as a Buck from a Hound speaking ill of him and covertly threatning revenge Emilio slighting his disdain began to think since he was free from the laws of friendship how he might pursue his loves with Cleria being continually sensible of the flames her beauty had caused which oblig'd all his thoughts Hippolito on the other side repenting his past suspitions every hour condemning his folly for having yeelded to so salfe a belief he resolves to bring his wife to Town again who had notice of all what had past in Lucca whereupon she conceiv'd so great a hatred against Emilio that her desires machinated nothing but his ruin as absolutely beleeving Emilio enamor'd of Silvia Hippolito endeavours to reconcile their former friendship refus'd by the other who now aspir'd to be of his kindred Emilio continued to pass before Cleria's house faigning alwaies to court Silvia who giving credit to the appearances with an amorous corespondence favour'd the demonstrations of his affection as far as the termes and limits of civility permitted her Hippolito at last thought on all those means which might be fit to procure Emilio to be again friendly with him and to that end commands his wife to do the best offices she could possibly in his favour towards Silvia It being Carnevale time he appoints a ball to be danc'd in his own house whereto he also invites Silvia hoping that the love of her would likewise bring thither Emilio So it was taking the opportunity of disguising himself in a masking habit he embraceth the party and comes He was known by Hippolito who orders Cleria who was mask'd to speak to him of Silvia offering her assistance kindly forcing him to enter into a certain chamber to drink imposing on her besides that she would not suffer him to depart before she had pacified him and reconcil'd them as they were before familiar friends Cleria quickly executes her husbands commands and going out of the Feastival Room invites Emilio to dance and danceth with him after the custom of Lucca She begins to discourse with him and asks him of his Mistris Emilio foons discovers her and with a languishing sigh answered her That from her alone he could hear the most desirable news They both prest on the others hands speaking rather with their sighs then with their words The Ball being ended Cleria goes out having Emilio by the hand and brings him into a Chamber joyning to the Hall under pretence that who she had with her would unmasked themselves to drink but would not be known and therefore sends away the servant who kept it The door being shut and she alone with Emilio presently takes off the vizard from both their faces Then she draws out a Dagger and tels him To vindicate the injuries of thy perfidiousness Traytor I should sheath this in thy heart but that I know one death is not sufficient to revenge the outrages thou hast done me At these words Emilio kneeling down opens his naked brest saying Satisfie then O my dearest thy desires although I have erred in nothing but in loving thee too much Thou lyest says she Thou hast to my shame and despight lov'd Silvia Kill me then replies Emilio that in those characters engraven in my heart you may have a sufficient testimony that I alwaies adored none but you Would you have me then kill you replies Cleria so I resolve arise and come with me for even now I will deliciate my self in thy death which having said she opens the door of another little Chamber wherein there was a bed and there knitting her armes about his neck she unloosed them not till she breath'd her soul into him Hippolito expecting to know to what end his wife had brought her undertakings thought well of her stay and with this hope he went merrily and boldly about beleeving that his desires would be felicitated by his reconciliation with Emilio The good man knew not that his Ascendant was then entring into Cupricorn by means of Gemini Cleria and Emilio at last retir'd to the dancing Room diverting the toylsom pastimes of the others in comparison of the private dance they had had He dancing with Silvia whilst retiring aside she sets her self down None observ'd Emilio's return but Hippolito who being curious to know what had been done quickly accosts his wife enquiring of the success She remits the relation to a fitter time tells him onely That if another night she might repeat the endeavours she had made on Emilio's stubbornness she was confident she should gain him He was pleas'd at the motion of another feast for the following night the better to effect the business which was advanc'd being already disposed Hippolito gladly appoints it and thereupon they renew the invitation All succeeding according to what had been ordered the precedent night Cleria invites Emilio into the Chamber which was the Theater of their delights But before them Hippolito to secure himself how his wife managed the business retir'd secretly into the little Chamber hiding himself under the bed Without any suspition the Lovers shut the door and on the Down they solace themselves with the sweetest expressions of their loves Hippolito being astonish'd at so unexpected a success durst even scarce breath He was disarm'd and on the otherside saw Emilio well provided with Pistols so that he thought if he should discover himself he should certainly expose himself to death What his sense was in so rude a necessity to be a witness of the sports and pleasures of the Lovers let him imagine who can beleeve that he was not confounded with various passions At last the amorous wrastlers being weary aband on'd the Field and going out of the Room they heard I know not what russling under the bed Cleria being curious to know what it was findes that it was her husband who was there then she cries out Alas O Emilio we are lost The Lover mov'd at these words and animated at the accident grew bold and with his Pistol in his hand he commands Hippolito to come forth who being afraid would not raise his knees from the ground before he was secur'd they would not take away his life which he submissively begg'd from Emilio He freely offered both to him and to his wife pardon for the injuries they had done his reputation Cleria observing her husbands cowardliness took heart and interposeth her intercessions to divert the other who alwaies shewed himself unresolv'd in the thought of killing him he faigns to yeeld to her prayers and deposing his disdain he accepts the oblation of Cleria's pardon praising Hippolito's prudence for that resolution shewing that such like errors are the more compatible forasmuch as there are commonly but few women who inviolably observe the faith they ow their husbands He said that silence and carelesness were forms fit in such matters that a man need not be oblig'd to live continually disquieted with his arms in his hand that in this present exigent all should sleep in perpetual
oblivion that even himself as he had judg'd this occasion as a dream so he should put it out of his remembrance He promised that he would never commit the like with his wife which she for her part also authenticates assuring him that she intended ever hereafter to live according to the laws of honor Afterwards he protests with threats that if for this occasion he should ever disgust Cleria with the least sign of remembring this escape he would reserve to himself a notable revenge The other promiseth what was requir'd of him with the greatest Oathes and Assurances that his Minde could think Obliging himself never more to trouble his thoughts with the remembrance thereof With the truest Acts of a sincere affection this Agreement was made of a peaceable Union Neither was the peace ever broken neither did they fail in their promises Hippolito was oblig'd by the natural baseness of his minde and the fear he conceiv'd from the Lovers threatnings Cleria being warned by this danger was perswaded to keep her replicated faith knowing that it is alwaies dangerous to violate it And Emilio returning to his own Country oppos'd absence to Love whose Laws otherwise perhaps would have forced him to despise all other obligations LIMISINDA NOVEL X. The ARGUMENT Gelindo to gain the love of Limifinda secretly kills her husband she suspecting it and desirous to revenge it invites Gelindo to lye with her and insteed of enjoyment sacrificeth him to her disdain WOMEN have not alwaies as som would perswade bin unfaithfull to their Husbands many examples are read of their imprudence and very many may be related which serve for Rules of Chastity one among others which comes in my minde to discourse certainly may be numbred amongst the most laudible worthy to be recommended to Posterity In that City which after the destruction of Troy was built by Antenore on the most famous River of Brent after that Limisinda and Eusebio had lov'd with a singular correspondence of affection They attain'd from the curteous favour of the Stars and from the concordant will of their parents the desired end of their Loves Being both bound together in the bonds of Matrimony their affectionate union was not diminish'd but so powerfully day by day increased that they were singularly admired by all good husbands and by all kinde wives but paralell'd by none although many at that time by their example oblig'd themselves to illustrate their marriage with an access of affection But Heaven is not alwaies Serene neither do Rivers alwaies run with pure water The beauty of Limisinda was of such a temper that it made even such as Senocrates know themselves to be men although without ornaments borrowed from Art although seldom seen although look'd upon with curiosity by those eyes which beheld them and desired by all hearts innocently murtherous they bound to themselves amongst others the good will of Gelindo a youth to be respected amongst the first of his Country both for the Nobility of his Blood and for the Gentility of his Manners He so fiercely lov'd the Lady that he gave himself over to pursue her with all manner of serviceable diligence After a long succession of time Limisinda was at last aware of the importunate sollicitation wherewith her new Lover pursued her nevertheless either she would not see or car'd not for him but so despis'd him that the miserable man by reason of her honest behaviour was often falling through despair into an excess of phrensy he tempts by the force of prayers and presents to possess himself of her servants that at least he might procure them to present her with his service or his letters but none of them knowing the Ladies disposition durst take the boldness to offer it being confident to incur onely shame and perhaps danger The poor young Gentleman knew not what to do he did his best to free himself from those chaines but all his endeavours were vain Many many months were past yet in vain he could not dispence with his love having not as yet receiv'd the least sign upon which he might ground the least hope at any time of being lov'd again Being agitated with all and the greatest furies which can overwhelm the minde of a desperate Lover The miserable man often thought even to bereave himself of his own life that withal he might free himself from his torments In these perturbations of minde he grew so weak that every man thought he was even at deaths door and that with his loves he would cease to live He had not although he had a long time been a lover of Limisinda discover'd to any the secret of his heart but seeing himself reduc'd to such a condition that he had no more hope of safety he resolv'd to desposit it in the bosom of a friend of his whom before others from his childhood he had singularly preferr'd To him he discover'd what had been so long time hid in his brest and in his words fell even to these expressions that his ill was derived from no other cause but from his love and that he could attribute his death to nothing but the cruelty of Limisinda thus being blinded with passion did he wrongfully cal the Ladies chastity cruelty not knowing that a man cannot dye unless at the fatality of the determin'd time he should beleeve that his death was caus'd by the beauty of a womans face His friend who cordially lov'd him and who would not have spared his own life to preserve Gelindo's having reproved him that he had not before discover'd this secret to him comforts him perswading him to expect the health of his body if he did but intend his cure and so finde a certain remedy for the sickness of his minde Our Lover having receiv'd some ease from his friends words and hoping that some time or other he would tell him some easie and secure way to gain the end of his desires he with patience receiv'd the application of remedies for his disease and after a few daies although his infirmity past slowly yet he found himself freed of his indisposition and scarce had he recover'd but a part of his strength when he had recourse to his friend that the hopes which from him he had conceived in his minde might not be defrauded desiring him to teach him the easiest way he could devise whereby he might enjoy his Limisinda His friend who knew the Ladies vertue to be such that it admitted of no paralel and discovering in Gelindo an excess which might rather be call'd a foolish fury than an amorous affection with a free discourse seeks to reclaim him shewing him that in following the vanity of his Cappricio's or rather in persecuting the praise worthy constancy of Limisinda he behaved himself like a mad man who would plough the Sea and catch the Winde in a Net and finally after a long discourse concludes That if he would not retire from his undertaking some ill accident would certainly befal him That
The discreet widow shew'd some tokens of joy in her countenance women can faign at pleasure and a fresh commands Fosca that she should go into one of the lower Rooms and prepare a convenient bed for that she was confident her Lover would that very night come to finde her alone and there she intended their amorous enjoyments All was executed Gelindo having open'd the letter reads it and findes these words GELINDO BECAVSE it often happens that those women who easily give themselves in prey to young Lovers finde themselves quickly deceiv'd and penitent I that I might not fall into the like error would from length of time have experience of your faith and affection whereof being assur'd I cannot deny you the reward ef the excesse of the love which I know you bear me If it please you therefore about midnight to come to my house where my Maid shall expect you to let you in to the place where you may be happy we will either contract marriage or otherwise as you shall think fit Since I desire nothing more then to be for ever Your Servant LIMISINDA He was astonish'd at the reading of this Letter and gave Love and Fortune thanks that they had shew'd themselvs so favourable towards him Retiring himself full of thoughts to the others dwelling expecting with impatience grievously sighing after that midnight which was to be the last of his life The hour came and he departs and alone goes to Limisinda's house behinde the door which was half open he findes Fosca who with a small light in a little Lantern stood there expecting him He enters and is presently led into the Chamber which he fancied should be the Theater of his Pleasures but prov'd afterwards that of his Tragedy O how ill doth a man oppose himself to what must happen Alas with what blinde steps Love guides us to precipices The Maid leaves him in the Chamber with some Candles lighted and goes up Stairs to give notice to her Mistris She having taken some Comfits and some costly Wines though sleepy sends back the Maid telling her Bid Gelindo from me refresh himself with these Junkets the better to prepare himself for those delights and then come back and I will presently come to him Fosca goes and returns The lovesick Gelindo forc'd himself although against his will to tast a part of them and having taken a cup of Wine he sends it down his brest sending to his heart the advertisement of his own death He had scarce drunk but he findes his eyes out of measure possest with a heavy sleep He sits himself down on a Chair and scarce was setled but he falls profoundly asleep When Limisinda imagin'd that the Poyson began to work she comes down Stairs and enters the Room where Gelindo was asleep The young Lady was in a confusion and almost repented that she had before taken such a resolution Nevertheless taking up her Heart with a Courage and although she had hid a Dagger in a Corner of the Chamber yet would she not take it but takes from the young man that which he wore by his side and striking it often through his throat he not stirring at all otherwise then streching out his last with his Legs and his Arms. Thus dyed this unhappy man and thus she sacrificed his Soul to the Soul of her dead Husband Having executed this she goes up and brings Fosca with her to terrifie her with the horror of this miserable Spectacle The Maid sayes twice or thrice with a loud voice and with actions as of a desperate person Alas O God! Alas And had follwed it with other words had not Limisinda cryed out and threatned to call out for the Neighbourhood reversing all the crime on her Poor Fosca was thus forc'd to be quiet to fly her own shame and the danger of punishment which the Justice might have inflicted And being help'd by her Mistris they silently carried the body to a place where they buried it that none ever knew any thing of the Fact till many years after it was known from Limisinda her self a while before the hour of her death Let the unwary Youth learn by this History to Regulate his Immoderate Affections Nor so much trust Women as to beleeve they may not at last be deceived IRLANDO and ARMANDO NOVEL XI The ARGUMENT Irlando and Armando love Rosalia and Rosalia and Emilia love Irlando and after many various deceits and turns of Fortune finding fidelity in their Lovers the Ladies fix a constant and sincere affection IN Padua a City the more noble by how much the more ancient the compendium of beauty was to be seen in the likeness of a most graceful Lady who might have boasted to have debauched the graces from Venus to get a glorious train for her self Whensoever she made shew of her self to the eies of others 't was necessary to beleeve that heaven keeping open Court did abundantly disperse its splendors Who with a chance look could steal away pledges of Love she had a perpetual light in her minde which rallied up in the thoughts of all the hight of the greatest beauties which possibly could be admired in a created object Glances need not be repeated in that face which lightning with Majesty oblig'd the errors of a timerous boldness to correct themselves with modesty Sitting sometimes at a window she sent abroad Love her son to hunt after hearts born from her eyes and bred in the cradle of her lips and raigning in the throne of her countenance There were bound with the chains of her looks the souls of a thousand Lovers With an extraordinary violence being so neer the sun every one was constrained either to have the tenderness of his heart melted or burnt with the bait of affections In fine the rayes of Divinity could finde no fitter sphere then that most beautiful face when it would make it self visible to mortal eyes It was once gaz'd on by two Cavaliers born in France but following their studies inhabitants of that City The conjunction of their minds had unanimously led them out of their Native Kingdom and indissolvably link'd them together with the tye of a singular friendship inviolably observing the laws thereof they never suffered their alwaies regulated affections to disturb their mutual contentment They were unanimous in their apparel and diet inseperable in conversation and indivisable in love so that they it seem'd agree● together to lose their liberties the soul willingly following the looks fled away to imprison it self if we may call Heaven a prison in the bosom of so eminent a beauty They unanimously Courted the Idol who on the Altar of her Window receiv'd the victims of their hearts they sometimes fix'd their eyes on one another I know not whether to move a mutual pitty towards eithers ardors and to testifie the excess of that beauty which silencing the tongue rendred the eyes talkative yet was it superfluous for the eyes to speake the language of
admiration since all the visible species which that face represented were as many Characters which circumscrib'd the necessity of astonishment It was needless also for them to communicate alternatively the kindled flames of their inward affections since either of them had in him a living fire wherein the most vital spirits of the minde were cousumed But perhaps those looks were with more truth to be call'd effects of the already conceiv'd jealousie of their hearts for those beloved beauties so that they would spy one the others countersigns paralel with their own whereby they might conjecture the others love The winde of a concordant sigh at last blowes away the ashes which hid the fire of love whereupon not to belye the truth they both confest themselves to be Lovers A remedy for ills which might have been bred with the discontent of their wills in consideration of their ancient friendship which ought not to suffer prejudice by this improvident fury rather then affection both of them did glory to yeild this object to the other which the more estimable it shew'd it self it so much the more authenticated the excess of their faith whereby they corresponded with a voluntary privation to felicitate his friend with the possession with the touches of a gentle affection they mutually consecrated to eithers contentment the enjoyment of that beauty which although it was the life of their hearts was willingly renounc'd by them whose mindes were the will and pleasure of his friends this strife lasted long till by an absolute protestation they both denyed themselves to be Lovers The like contest at the same time hapned with the beloved Lady a neighbour and friend of hers who by accident was there at the same time when the two Cavaliers were looking on them The beauties of her face were not despicable but worthy of a publick esteem had they not been prejudic'd by the vicinity of those which exceeded in beauty even the ordinary power of Nature They both observed the Cavaliers looks wherein they saw the sparks of Loves fire which cannot be hid when they transmit flames from the heart to the eies They were both also onely pleas'd with Irlando who was inferiour in age though superiour in that desert which by youth and beauty prevailes with Ladies In the course of their praises they discover'd either of them unawares their inward affections the more freely having as yet not known the knot of their rivalship but they were no sooner advis'd of the consent of their thoughts which harmoniously agreed to the love of the only beauty but they oblig'd themselves to repentance least they should go too far in their discourse Emilia most of all fearing a treacherous prejudice to her practises being inferiour to the other in beauty thought to dissemble the inclination of her minde absolutely denying to love Irlando to retreeve the error she had before committed by the liberty of her discourse yet within her self she resolves to outgo her with excess of favours forerun the others endeavours who presum'd the victory from the excess of her beauty After some discourses she taking leave seeks to confound the remembrance of Love yet with a sollicitous dilligence by countersigns she sends to enquire that Cavalier's lodging and writes him a letter to this purpose SIR I Cannot withhold my self from acquainting you that I am your Lover 't were to offend the singular merit of your condition to think it hard for you to beleeve your self adoreable even from one who hath learnt it but by the knowledge of a look only I invite you to enjoy me not to return me your love for I dare not pretend such a reward being oblig'd to sacrifice my self since my affections have already destin'd me your victim Besides that I know no qualities in me worthy of you I hope only that I may acquire with a flood of delights the fertility of your love I shall this night expect you preparing a Room for you in my besom where you shall receive the Caresses of that heart which to please you would exviscerate your EMILIA With these invitations she thought to catch the young man who commonly loves but to enjoy Sense predominating causeth that violence with is attributed to affection The end of his amorous thoughts are a bed although he fancy a Celestial beauty for the Sphere The offer of enjoyment was the fittest bait to make a prey of his heart which sooner might be caught by the hook of once delights then colour'd appearances Emilia being thus perswaded resolves to be thus prodigal to triumph over the other whom she supposed to preserve the pride of her beauty in its hight would be more moderate of her favours yet it even subdues the pride of that love which suppresseth Majesty as contrary to its laws She acknowledgeth the necessity of submitting to that power which bragging of his triumphs over the Gods themselves it might more reasonably carry away trophies from her although she had a part of Divinity in her looks Having long strugled with her thoughts she at last yields giving way to a wounded quill to distil floods of ink with the like sentiment of her heart SIR THAT heart which perswades me that it was no temerity to love you hath embolden'd me to discover my self your Lover I shall not multiply attestations to make you beleeve the truth of my Affection My sudden resolution is a sufficient testimony with your singular desert Your being a man and in the quality of a Cavalier prescribes you the duty tomake you know this love I shall expect effects rather then promises Resolve to answer me with your sight consent but to wil what ought secretly to be approv'd by the desires of your ROSALIA This Letter Rosalia writes for so was her name she using Emilia's Mesenger who was also to deliver the other wherewith she was already trusted Their express charge to bury in silence these loves weav'd the net the business chiefly consisting on the mutual secrecy of these Lovers They were Rivals without discordity concurring even to prevail by the same means which they had one way commenc'd and on the other estrang'd themselves from the pretended end The like in the mean time happen'd to the two before-nam'd Cavaliers The revolution of thoughts dissolv'd the promises they had made to love the Lady no more least their concurrance might break the union of their amity either of them being assaulted with an army of passions which warr'd under the same Ensign of that admired Beauty was forc'd to hazard their friendship that they might not vilifie their love Their inseparable conservation gave them no other means but that of letters to instance their affections to their beloved which requir'd for their servitude the reward only of their Mistrisses graces So that unanimously although disjunctively they resolve to put their hopes in by-waies that the tract of their Characters might secure the following steps of their hopes Irlando writes thus Fairest Lady I
Cannot exaggerate the quality of my ardors which are even exstinguish'd by the ink discredited by the Hiperboles which a pen can afford Prohibit but these and I am denied to express the truth of my affections yet nevertheless if the reflection of your countenance will illuminate the obscurity of these Characters you will know what the fire is which is enlightned by the rayes of so much beauty Admit me but to your presence the tongues of my flames shall speak in my eyes to witness that my heart is a living furnace my blood shall assure you that the wound of my affections is made by your looks so that as its usual in presence of my Murtheress my face will shew you a blushing mantle to testifie it worthy of a kiss Besides I shall shew my heart not onely wounded but torn whereby you cannot but be oblig'd out of pitty to the duty of a civil correspondence Your Servant and Lover IRLANDO To testify his amorous thoughts he recommends this Letter having sealed it up to a faithful servant of his commanding him to conceal especially from his friend this love negotiation affirming that secrecy was the chiefest part of his hopes Who in the same manner and with the same orders had received a Letter from Armando for so was the other Cavalier call'd In which this was written Fairest Lady AFfection hath no bridle to restrain it within those limits which bound the knowledg of my smal merit unruly in Love's carriere from that point where it received the impulse of its violence which being frō your beauty it s now at last reduc'd to this resolution considering that all wills guided by reason are oblig'd to love what 's fair whereupon I ought not to fear the discovery of the excessive love of this heart which were guilty if it should not love you If it act then conformable to its duty it deserves no punishmen forbid your cruelty therefore to punish me with rigour since I love you and rather let it acquit me the reward of an amorous correspondence obliging me to serve your merit with the weight of those sufferings which love begets which you your self knowing may assure your self that my affections lye not but you ought also to consider it injust to suffer for me the fallacy of my hopes It s sufficient I say I love you for your knowing what your beauty deserves will also know what your affection owes to Your Servant in Love ARMANDO Both these Letters come to Rosalia's hands almost at the same time when those of their Messengers were delivered Irlando from the two Ladies The soul of this Cavalier ran with its most vital spirits to honor with gratitude that of his beloved In the tenderness of his highest Jubily the affections extended themselves that they might the more actively rise to the Sphere of so much contentment and to shun the necessity of being carried away by the violence of so great a joy Finding himself gratified with a correspondence which he desir'd he thought he might presage that his love would most happily succeed when graces ran before the very flight of his desires 'T was fit for him to moderate the effects of so much sweetness in reading Emilia's Letter whose civility rather invited then enticed that heart which rejoyc'd onely in its effects for the beauty of the other Armando comes in when his eyes and his minde were attentively examining those Characters to whom smiling he shews the Letter discovering those heedless loves but hides Rosalia's esteeming that confidence without judgment might ruin the interest of his felicity When Love will be alone all his lawes are contrary to those precepts which conversation or friendship hath established The remembrance of Love raiseth suspitions original even in him from his own knowledge they having unanimously ador'd that Lady But although they had had no occasion to doubt rivality yet he might fear least he might fail of such a beauty who was so apt to afford favours and love So that in discoursing of Emilia he shew'd himself even in his memory far from thinking on the other naming her onely when it was necessary to circumscribe this comparison of hers The Gentleman who thought this occasion fit to felicitate his thoughts us'd all the efficacy possible to perswade his his friend not to refuse the favors of so loving a Lady which if he could have oblig'd him to he pretended that it would be free for him to seek Rosalia's love Extending his discourse in her praise celebrating her singular merit to shew him how unjust the refusal of his affection would be He tells him that the fairer a woman is she is so much the prouder and less tractable then another who being inferiour in beauty would be wanting as much of pride which usually checks the delights of love In a fair woman quarrels and contests were ordinary forasmuch as knowing the power her looks have over hearts she alwaies pretends such an Empire over her Lovers that it often deserves the title of Tiranny He added that it was the common course of Nature that where beauty was wanting she supplied it with abundance of graces which give the best relishes to amorous delights At last he concluded That when we aspire to the highest pitch of prosperity in love a man never ought to make choice of a Lady of excessive beauty It being sufficient so she be not deform'd to that heart which seeks true and continued enjoyments In obliging them by the interest of higher contents a man might perhaps presume to make the observance of that duty inevitable whereby he was bound not to refuse the invitation of so much civility And in fine That his perswasions were not ill grounded That as Emilia's beauty was not in excess yet was it not far short Yet all this could not pervert Irlando's thoughts who treacherously glorious applauded in himself how he was lifted up by his towring hopes to a heaven far more sublime He could not have prejudic'd his fortune by changing his propos'd election for all the treasures of the world yet on the other side he fancies thinking he might gain a greater liberty in his love with Rosalia could his dissimulations but be credited as made to Emilia The other remains so fully deceiv'd in beleeving these appearances whence concluding that he could not offend their friendship he designs to follow the waies of love with that Lady who wholly possest his minde Nevertheless Irlando advanceth to enjoyment before the other procures himself to be loved He writes back to both the Ladies with a diverse sense according to the pleasure of his affections or according to the little correspondence of his minde Those he sent to Rosalia were thus express'd Fairest Lady THE showers of your civilities which dissolves in deluges of grace might justly threaten tempests of disdain should I not come to enjoy the presence of that sun from which there distils a dew of delights To night I shall come to sacrifice
with her who flattring him with the others refufal which had necessitated her to apply her affections in such a change to so worthy a Cavalier Taking leave he returns home commencing to prove those impatient longings which oblig'd him to expect the evening of the following day when he was to continue his amorous conversation He runs quickly to his friend to whom he imparts the excess of his joy relating the fortunate success of his loves He a great while holds him doubtful jeastingly relating him how kinde and curteous the Lady was till at last he discovers her to be Rosalia courted and admir'd mutually by them but a few dayes before He shews the Letter wherein he receiv'd the invitation conformable to which he swore the effects of her civility were It s easier to fancy then to describe what conceits this relation produc'd in Irlando's minde It s to be beleev'd that the grief of his heart corroded his bowels aswel as it desperately tore his heart in peeces Knowing that the occasion of all this was onely the miscarriage of the Letter cursing him that had been the cause of his torment The certainty which on the otherside his beloved enjoy'd was not an ordinary vexation for one who excessively lov'd He protested he was troubled with an inward grief of heart that he might take himself off from the necessity of an affectionate congratulation for the contentment of so good a friend No less could faigning form effects of joy where the heart was over whelm'd with the abundance of intollerable grief His bed was all that night a hell his soul being distracted in the confusion of his turbulent thoughts shipwrack'd his quiet even in the depths of dispair The next day he resolves to send a Letter the contents whereof were to signifie the injustice of those chastisements which the cruelty of his beloved inflicted when he had never the least way undeserv'd her good graces He was glad to make the sincerity of his soul appear in hope that upon the knowledge of the truth her affections would change So it hapned because that by the mistaken countersignes Rosalia was assured that there was no fault in Irlando deserving her disdain she soon changeth her hatred into love priding of it to have reacquir'd that happiness which she thought she had lost by his discurteous rigour This change was nothing difficult besides being necessitated by the proper volubility of her sex she took occasion not to be buryed but onely asleep towards him in affection To have lov'd Armando as they say for a divertisement which yet hindred not the inclination of her heart to him who first was possest of the Center Whereupon she thus writes YOV and I being equally deceived we can convert our reproofs and complaints against none but Fortune I perceiving my self scorn'd was oblig'd to vindicate my self with rigour Now being undeceiv'd I restore you to the place even to the throne of my affections where your desert rules and comands I shall be so much the more affectionate in rewarding your faith as I was rigid in cashiering you out of my brest Come therefore this night to my house to reap the fruits of your sufferings and of my repentance to your ROSALIA He who carried this Letter had withal order to give into Armando's hands a note in which the same Lady had thus written FOR what hapned happily for you yesterday you are oblig'd to Fortune and not to love Now being to obey him I am oblig'd to please others I forbid you therefore to pretend to me any more retracting all promises whereon you might build your hopes Remember no more what 's past and think no more of me for the future I am no more yours 'T is sufficient to let you understand that you may live content with what Fortune hath already given you without seeking any longer what you cannot obtain ROSALIA These Characters chang'd the Scene both in the minde and countenance of the two Gentlemen Armando who gloried to have surmounted such a felicity seeing himself at once cast down from that hight whence he thought he could not have been remov'd never thrown down chang'd his mirth into an equal grief of heart and vexation Irlando on the other side who being afflicted tormented himself for having been too severely us'd from her who had authority to condemn his heart by a mortal sentence seeing himself invited to enjoyments clears up with the splendor of so much contentment the heaven of his offuscated minde from the clouds of his grievous torments A man might read in both their faces this change unexpectedly cast about not known by what accident Armando could not conceal his complaints which proceeded from a minde full of grief there came to light from his tongue which feeding with a friendly confidence with a long discourse in dispraise of the inconstancy of women he begins to publish the arms which had wounded him till at last he discovers the wound which was the original of his grief He shews those Charracters the unhappy messengers of his infelicity and the foundation of his grief He vehemently exaggerates against the treacheries of women who faigning high excesses of love at last discovered frauds and snares Being at last carried away with the current of a grievous heart breaking he flew into words which came from the predominancy of his passion till at last he concluded that he would go to her house and reprove her for her treacheries if by the justice of his complaints he could not obtain the turn of her affection These last words the fortunate Gentleman particularly observ'd whereupon that he might have no disturbance in his enjoyment he advised his beloved of his rivals intention ordring her to expect his coming in Emilia's house Rosalia at last relates to that friend of hers the entertainment she had the night before with Armando adding singular encomiums of his grateful behaviour which invited even hearts of stone to love him Emilia whose memory represented to her the proofs of a rigorous severity in Irlando was quickly taken with such like informations Her desires approv'd those effects to felicitate themselves with a most civil correspondence which supposing out of her former experience of the other would surely be in Armando The buds of such a desire could not but disclose themselves in her words whereupon Rosalia making use of the occasion yeilded him for her satisfaction for that night The terms of ceremony wherewith she refus'd that too curteous offer could not stop the way of executing the others thoughts who faigning to satisfie her gust serv'd also her own interest She brought her to the change again of houses as where she might enjoy him who was by her commands oblig'd to com thither about two of the clock at night She finally fits every thing in hope to make way to the despight of Irlando by the favour of the other Gentleman from whose civility she pretended her heart-burning love would be asswaged With
at her own house And afterwards by the ordinary change they betray'd the effects of their promise whereupon the success answer'd the design The true Lovers being disturb'd at the change Emilia and Armando with signs but little grateful soon stifled the others hopes And made it appear that the contentment of the minde was not pleas'd to change its sphere that it might not vary the motion of affections At last with all the art they could use they could never stir that constancy which being rendred invariable knew no accident whereby it might overturn or overthrow it self So that least these temptations might be converted into fury against her or of disdain against themselves they protested it was onely a mistrust of faith expos'd to the ciment for that they doubted they wanted the triumphs of perseverance The beauties of Rosalia blusht finding that being prostrate they could not obtain love Besides these blushes were acknowledg'd for signs that her minde was wounded with remorse for a punishment of her being so changable when another by the force of her beauty and violenc of her carresses could not be perswaded to be inconstant Warnd of her error she recollects her thoughts and refixeth them on Irlando to preserve the quiet of her minde by the immutability of her will She considered that the election made at another time on the valew of his grateful qualities confirmed by his not loving her that she was rather insatiable then voluble Having at last fixt her resolution she resolves never to be mov'd by the impulse of unbridled desires Irlando being assured of these thoughts resolves to keep her as the onely miror of his felicities from whose looks alone he drew the image of his contentment He could not but glory in the possession of so fair a Lady the life of whose glory drew breath from the air of the sighs of those who desir'd her correcting the error of his corrupted gust for having not esteem'd what others Idoliz'd he afresh obligeth himself to her in an amorous conjunction with oathes to maintain the knot undissolveable Thus both these two couple of Friends and Lovers happily hung the vows of their own affections in the Temple of Faith and erected an Altar to Love on the Pillar of Constancy EPIDORO NOVEL XII The ARGUMENT Epidoro a young Florentine being deceived by a Masker whom he beleeved to be Leena a Lady of honour is found in the embraces of her Chamber-maid and for his own safety is forc'd to marry her TO enjoy the delights of the Carneval there resided in Venice Epidoro a young Florentine of a very mean birth but his fathers avarice had gain'd him a kinde of reputation He by the death of his progenitors was gotten into an estate which did not onely enlighten the obscurity of his birth but mov'd his desires to the prosecution of those pleasures which are often long'd for by great ones So that in Venice there was no publick feast game or recreation whereto he did not come One evening his heart was ravisht by an imaginary the dress and behaviour of a Masker represented such fancies to his imagination that he confest himself the lover of a face before he had seen it and the follies of his minde ended not there so that having warily followed her as she parted from the ball he saw her go into the house of one of the prime Gentlemen of the City to whom amongst other things which concurr'd to make him humanely happy his wives beauty not a little contributed It fell out in his thoughs that the Masker must be Leena forso the Lady was call'd which the more enflam'd him and which the more invigorated his new desires he the next day knew Leena with some of the same garments wherewith he had seen the Masker adorn'd The difficulty of the enterprize hightned his spirits which encouraged him to tempt all means neither was Fortune wanting in shewing her to him when the same evening the Masker came to the Ball he having been very officious seeing no small correspondence in her looks the concourse of the people not giving way to observation tells her Madam Did not my tongue fear the crime of temerity I durst dicover the fire which is nourish'd in my bosome and should offer you the use of that love which is the greater the more hid it is Did you know answered the Masker who was hid under this habit your heart would repent what your tongue foments My heart Madam replies Epidoro bears no desires but from the knowledge of the desert which your singular beauty hath begot To gain the name of lover then says the Masker you care not to have the repute of a Glasier Tell me How can you form a judgement on the beauties of that face which you never saw but hid under a vizard A man may replies afresh Epidoro make a judgment of the Suns splendor although it be covered with a cloud But my eyes too much force myheart to sacriledge by introducing therein the image of your beauty Madam Leena is it possible to hide the affection of a Lover who hath Arus his eyes To say I adore you is the greatest testimony that a mouth can utter but the least resentmenta heart can express It s you may felicitate me great undertakings are not without great difficulties Love who can snatch the thunder even from the hands of Jupiter himself can make plain the very mountains of impossibility He would have said more had not the Masker with some trouble cut off his discourse by telling him When you spake to me without knowing me I bore with your ignorance now knowing me with the greater presumption of your boldness to tempt me I cannot but blame your insolence Did I not fear to prejudice mine own honor by having been a subject to subminister such thoughts so inferiour to my condition I would cause your pennance to be the least ill you should suffer for you temerity But whilst she uttred these words her hand and her eyes betray'd her tongue and assured Epidoro by all possible favours that those resentments were endeavours of civility and not effects of disdain Thus the Feastival ended so that Epidoro was forc'd to retire with all the disturbance which assault the youth and indiscretion of a Lover Having expected the following night which was the last of the Carneval with all those vowes which use to accompany the impatience of an amorous heart Scarce did the stars begin to glory of the light which they borrowed from the Sun but he came to the accustomed Ball Not far from thence he meets the well known Masker although with all art she had thought to hide her self from the curiosity of Epidoro He taking her by the hand endeavours by these words to make her beleeve his affection Fair Leena you may by your change of habit deceive the eyes of other men but never my heart which by united means and diffus'd heat to all my parts acknowledgeth and