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A27315 Poems upon several occasions with, A voyage to the island of love / by Mrs. A. Behn. Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689. 1684 (1684) Wing B1757; ESTC R15250 83,722 308

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Love he Vowd And strange Fantastique Passion show'd Poor Doris and Lucinda too And many more whom thou dost know Who had not power his Charms to shun Too late do find themselves Undone His Eyes are Black and do transcend All Fancy e'er can comprehend And yet no Softness in 'em move They kill with Fierceness not with Love Yet he can dress 'em when he list With Sweetness none can e'er resist His Tongue no Amorous Parley makes But with his Looks alone he speaks And though he languish yet he 'l hide That grateful knowledge with his Pride And thinks his Liberty is lost Not in the Conquest but the Boast Nor will but Love enough impart To gain and to secure a heart Of which no sooner he is sure And that its Wounds are past all Cure But for New Victories he prepares And leaves the Old to its Despairs Success his Boldness does renew And Boldness helps him Conquer too He having gain'd more hearts then all Th' rest of the Pastoral Cabal Mr. Ed. Bed With him Philander who nere paid A Sigh or Tear to any Maid So innocent and young he is He cannot guess what Passion is But all the Love he ever knew On Lycidas he does bestow Who pays his Tenderness again Too Amorous for a Swain to a Swain A softer Youth was never seen His Beauty Maid but Man his Mein And much more gay than all the rest And but Alexis finest Dress'd His Eyes towards Lycidas still turn As sympathising Flowers to the Sun Whilst Lycidas whose Eyes dispense No less a grateful Influence Improves his Beauty which still fresher grows Who would not under two such Suns as those Cloris you sigh what Amorous grown Pan grant you keep your heart at home For I have often heard you Vow If any cou'd your heart subdue Though Lycidas you nere had seen It must be him or one like him Alas I cannot yet forget How we have with Amyntas sat Beneath the Boughs for Summer made Our heated Flocks and Us to shade Where thou wou'dst wond'rous Stories tell Of this Agreeable Infidel By what Devices Charms and Arts He us'd to gain and keep his Hearts And whilst his Falsehood we wou'd Blame Thou woud'st commend and praise the same And did no greater pleasure take Then when of Lycidas we spake By this and many Sighs we know Thou' rt sensible of Loving too Come Cloris come along with us And try thy power with Lycidas See if that Vertue which you prize Be proof against those Conquering Eyes That Heart that can no Love admit Will hardly stand his shock of VVit Come deck thee then in all that 's fine Perhaps the Conquest may be thine They all attend let 's hast to do What Love and Musick calls us to SONG The Willing Mistriss AMyntas led me to a Grove Where all the Trees did shade us The Sun it self though it had Strove It could not have betray'd us The place secur'd from humane Eyes No other fear allows But when the Winds that gently rise Doe Kiss the yeilding Boughs Down there we satt upon the Moss And did begin to play A Thousand Amorous Tricks to pass The heat of all the day A many Kisses he did give And I return'd the same Which made me willing to receive That which I dare not name His Charming Eyes no Aid requir'd To tell their softning Tale On her that was already fir'd 'T was Easy to prevaile He did but Kiss and Clasp me round Whilst those his thoughts Exprest And lay'd me gently on the Ground Ah who can guess the rest SONG Love Arm'd LOve in Fantastique Triumph satt Whilst Bleeding Hearts a round him flow'd For whom Fresh paines he did Create And strange Tyranick power he show'd From thy Bright Eyes he took his fire Which round about in sport he hurl'd But 't was from mine he took desire Enough to undo the Amorous World From me he took his sighs and tears From thee his Pride and Crueltie From me his Languishments and Feares And every Killing Dart from thee Thus thou and I the God have arm'd And sett him up a Deity But my poor Heart alone is harm'd Whilst thine the Victor is and free SONG The Complaint AMyntas that true hearted Swaine Upon a Rivers Banck was lay'd Where to the Pittying streames he did Complaine On Silvia that false Charming Maid VVhile shee was still regardless of his paine Ah! Charming Silvia would he cry And what he said the Echoes wou'd reply Be kind or else I dy Ech I dy Be kind or else I dy Ech I dy Those smiles and Kisses which you give Remember Sylvia are my due And all the Joyes my Rivall does receive He ravishes from me not you Ah Silvia can I live and this believe Insensibles are toucht to see My Languishments and seem to pitty me Which I demand of thee Ech of thee Which I demand of thee Ech of thee Set by Mr. Banister SONG The Invitation DAmon I cannot blame your will 'T was Chance and not Design did kill For whilst you did prepare your Charmes On purpose Silvia to subdue I met the Arrows as they flew And sav'd her from their harms Alas she cannot make returnes Who for a Swaine already Burnes A Shepherd whom she does Caress With all the softest marks of Love And 't is in vaine thou seek'st to move The cruel Shepherdess Content thee with this Victory Think me as faire and young as she I 'le make thee Garlands all the day And in the Groves we 'l sit and sing I 'le Crown thee with the pride o' th' Spring When thou art Lord of May. SONG WHen Iemmy first began to Love He was the Gayest Swaine That ever yet a Flock had drove Or danc't upon the Plaine T' was then that I weys me poor Heart My Freedom threw away And finding sweets in every smart I cou'd not say him nay And ever when he talkt of Love He wou'd his Eyes decline And every sigh a Heart would move Gued Faith and why not mine He 'd press my hand and Kiss it oft In silence spoke his Flame And whilst he treated me thus soft I wisht him more to Blame Sometimes to feed my Flocks with him My Iemmy wou'd Invite me Where he the Gayest Songs wou'd sing On purpose to delight me And Iemmy every Grace displayd Which were enough I trow To Conquer any Princely Maid So did he me I vow But now for Iemmy must I mourn VVho to the VVarrs must go His Sheephook to a Sword must turne Alack what shall I do His Bag-pipe into War-like Sounds Must now Exchanged bee Instead of Braceletts fearful Wounds Then what becomes of me To Mr. Creech under the Name of Daphnis on his Excellent Translation of Lucretius THou great Young Man Permit amongst the Crowd Of those that sing thy mighty Praises lowd My humble Muse to bring its Tribute too Inspir'd by thy vast flight of Verse Methinks I should some wondrous thing rehearse Worthy Divine
their Wings to perfume all the Air While to their soft and tender Play The Gray-Plum'd Natives of the Shades Unwearied sing till Love invades Then Bill then sing agen while Love and Musick makes the Day III. The stubborn Plough had then Made no rude Rapes upon the Virgin Earth Who yeilded of her own accord her plentious Birth Without the Aids of men As if within her Teeming Womb All Nature and all Sexes lay Whence new Creations every day Into the happy World did come The Roses fill'd with Morning Dew Bent down their loaded heads T' Adorn the careless Shepherds Grassy Beds While still young opening Buds each moment grew And as those withered drest his shaded Couch a new Beneath who 's boughs the Snakes securely dwelt Not doing harm nor harm from others felt With whom the Nymphs did Innocently play No spightful Venom in the wantons lay But to the touch were Soft and to the sight were Gay IV. Then no rough sound of Wars Alarms Had taught the World the needless use of Arms Monarchs were uncreated then Those Arbitrary Rulers over men Kings that made Laws first broke 'em and the Gods By teaching us Religion first first set the World at Odds Till then Ambition was not known That Poyson to Content Bane to Repose Each Swain was Lord o'er his own will alone His Innocence Religion was and Laws Nor needed any troublesome defence Against his Neighbours Insolence Flocks Herds and every necessary good Which bounteous Nature had design'd for Food Whose kind increase o'er spread the Meads and Plaines Was then a common Sacrifice to all th' agreeing Swaines V. Right and Property were words since made When Power taught Mankind to invade When Pride and Avarice became a Trade Carri'd on by discord noise and wars For which they barter'd wounds and scarrs And to Inhaunce the Merchandize miscall'd it ' Fame And Rapes Invasions Tyrannies Was gaining of a Glorious Name Stiling their salvage slaughters Victories Honour the Error and the Cheat Of the Ill-natur'd Bus'ey Great Nonsence invented by the Proud Fond Idol of the slavish Crowd Thou wert not known in those blest days Thy Poyson was not mixt with our unbounded Joyes Then it was glory to pursue delight And that was lawful all that Pleasure did invite Then 't was the Amorous world injoy'd its Reign And Tyrant Honour strove t' usurp in Vain VI. The flowry Meads the Rivers and the Groves Were fill'd with little Cay-wing'd Loves That ever smil'd and danc'd and Play'd And now the woods and now the streames invade And where they came all things were gay and glad When in the Myrtle Groves the Lovers sat Opprest with a too fervent heat A Thousand Cupids fann'd their wings aloft And through the Boughs the yielded Ayre would wast Whose parting Leaves discovered all below And every God his own soft power admir'd And smil'd and sann'd and sometimes bent his Bow Where e'er he saw a Shepherd uninspir'd The Nymphs were free no nice no coy disdain Deny'd their Joyes or gave the Lover pain The yielding Maid but kind Resistance makes Trembling and blushing are not marks of shame But the Effect of kindling Flame Which from the sighing burning Swain she takes VVhile she with tears all soft and down-cast-eyes Permits the Charming Conqueror to win the prize VII The Lovers thus thus uncontroul'd did meet Thus all their Joyes and Vows of Love repeat Joyes which were everlasting ever new And every Vow inviolably true Not kept in fear of Gods no fond Religious cause Nor in Obedience to the duller Laws Those Fopperies of the Gown were then not known Those vain those Politick Curbs to keep man in VVho by a fond mistake Created that a Sin VVhich freeborn we by right of Nature claim our own Who but the Learned and dull moral Fool Could gravely have forseen man ought to live by Rule VIII Oh cursed Honour thou who first didst damn A VVoman to the Sin of shame Honour that rob'st us of our Gust Honour that hindred mankind first At Loves Eternal Spring to squench his amorous thirst Honour who first taught lovely Eyes the art To wound and not to cure the heart VVith Love to invite but to forbid with Awe And to themselves prescribe a Cruel Law To Veil 'em from the Lookers on When they are sure the slave 's undone And all the Charmingst part of Beauty hid Soft Looks consenting Wishes all deny'd It gathers up the flowing Hair That loosely plaid with wanton Air. The Envious Net and stinted order hold The lovely Curls of Jet and shining Gold No more neglected on the Shoulders hurl'd Now drest to Tempt not gratify the VVorld Thou Miser Honour hord'st the sacred store And starv'st thy self to keep thy Votaries poor IX Honour that put'st our words that should be free Into a set Formality Thou base Debaucher of the generous heart That teachest all our Looks and Actions Art What Love design'd a sacred Gift What Nature made to be possest Mistaken Honour made a Theft For Glorious Love should be confest For when confin'd all the poor Lover gains Is broken Sighs pale Looks Complaints Pains Thou Foe to Pleasure Nature's worst Disease Thou Tyrant over mighty Kings What mak'st thou here in Shepheards Cottages Why troublest thou the quiet Shades Springs Be gone and make thy Fam'd resort To Princes Pallaces Go Deal and Chaffer in the Trading Court That busie Market for Phantastick Things Be gone and interrupt the short Retreat Of the Illustrious and the Great Go break the Polititians sleep Disturb the Gay Ambitious Fool That longs for Scepters Crowns and Rule Which not his Title nor his Wit can keep But let the humble honest Swain go on In the blest Paths of the first rate of man That nearest were to Gods Alli'd And form'd for love alone disdain'd all other Pride X. Be gone and let the Golden age again Assume its Glorious Reign Let the young wishing Maid confess What all your Arts would keep conceal'd The Mystery will be reveal'd And she in vain denies whilst we can guess She only shows the Jilt to teach man how To turn the false Artillery on the Cunning Foe Thou empty Vision hence be gone And let the peaceful Swain love on The swift pac'd hours of life soon steal away Stint not yee Gods his short liv'd Joy The Spring decays but when the Winter 's gone The Trees and Flowers a new comes on The Sun may set but when the night is fled And gloomy darkness does retire He rises from his Watry Bed All Glorious Gay all drest in Amorous Fire But Sylvia when your Beauties fade VVhen the fresh Roses on your Cheeks shall die Like Flowers that wither in the Shade Eternally they will forgotten lye And no kind Spring their sweetness will supply VVhen Snow shall on those lovely Tresses lye And your fair Eyes no more shall give us pain But shoot their pointless Darts in vain VVhat will your duller honour signifie Go boast it then
Prevail Not Prayers or Sighs or Tears avail But Heaven has Destin'd we Depriv'd must be Of so much Youth Wit Beauty and of Thee I will the Deaf and Angry Powers defie Curse thy Decease Bless thee and with thee die To Lysander on some Verses he writ and asking more for his Heart then 't was worth I. TAke back that Heart you with such Caution give Take the fond valu'd Trifle back I hate Love-Merchants that a Trade wou'd drive And meanly cunning Bargains make II. I care not how the busy Market goes And scorn to Chaffer for a price Love does one Staple Rate on all impose Nor leaves it to the Traders Choice III. A Heart requires a Heart Unfeign'd and True Though Subt'ly you advance the Price And ask a Rate that Simple Love ne'er knew And the free Trade Monopolize IV. An Humble Slave the Buyer must become She must not bate a Look or Glance You will have all or you 'll have none See how Loves Market you inhaunce V. Is 't not enough I gave you Heart for Heart But I must add my Lips and Eies I must no friendly Smile or Kiss impart But you must Dun me with Advice VI. And every Hour still more unjust you grow Those Freedoms you my life deny You to Adraste are oblig'd to show And give her all my Rifled Joy VII Without Controul she gazes on that Face And all the happy Envyed Night In the pleas'd Circle of your fond imbrace She takes away the Lovers Right VIII From me she Ravishes those silent hours That are by Sacred Love my due VVhilst I in vain accuse the angry Powers That make me hopeless Love pursue IX Adrastes Ears with that dear Voice are blest That Charms my Soul at every Sound And with those Love-Inchanting Touches prest VVhich I ne'er felt without a Wound X. She has thee all whilst I with silent Greif The Fragments of thy Softness feel Yet dare not blame the happy licenc'd Thief That does my Dear-bought Pleasures steal XI Whilst like a Glimering Taper still I burn And waste my self in my own flame Adraste takes the welcome rich Return And leaves me all the hopeless Pain XII Be just my lovely Swain and do not take Freedoms you 'll not to me allow Or give Amynta so much Freedom back That she may Rove as well as you XIII Let us then love upon the honest Square Since Interest neither have design'd For the sly Gamester who ne'er plays me fair Must Trick for Trick expect to find To the Honourable Edward Howard on his Comedy called The New Utopia I. BEyond the Merit of the Age You have adorn'd the Stage So from rude Farce to Comick Order brought Each Action and each Thought To so Sublime a Method as yet none But Mighty Ben alone Cou'd e'er arive and he at distance too Were he alive he must resign to you You have out-done what e'er he writ In this last great Example of your Wit Your Solymour does his Morose destroy And your Black Page undoes his Barbers Boy All his Collegiate Ladies must retire While we thy braver Heroins do admire This new Vtopia rais'd by thee Shall stand a Structure to be wondered at And men shall cry this this is he Who that Poetick City did create Of which Moor only did the Model draw You did Compleat that little World and gave it Law II. If you too great a Prospect doe allow To those whom Ignorance does at distance Seat 'T is not to say the Object is less great But they want sight to apprehend it so The ancient Poets in their times When thro' the Peopl'd Streets they sung their Rhimes Found small applause they sung but still were poor Repeated Wit enough at every door T' have made 'em demy Gods but 't wou'd not do Till Ages more refin'd esteem'd 'em so The Modern Poets have with like Success Quitted the Stage and Sallyed from the Press Great Iohnson scarce a Play brought forth But Monster-like it frighted at its Birth Yet he continued still to write And still his Satyr did more sharply bite He writ tho certain of his Doom Knowing his Pow'r in Comedy To please a wiser Age to come And though he Weapons wore to Justify The reasons of his Pen he cou'd not bring Dull Souls to Sense by Satyr nor by Cudgelling III. In vain the Errors of the Times You strive by wholesom Precepts to Confute Not all your Pow'r in Prose or Rhimes Can finish the Dispute 'Twixt those that damn and those that do admire The heat of your Poetick fire Your Soul of Thought you may imploy A Nobler way Then in revenge upon a Multitude Whose Ignorance only makes 'em rude Shou'd you that Justice do You must for ever bid adieu To Poetry divine And ev'ry Muse o' th' Nine For Malice then with Ignorance would join And so undo the World and You So ravish from us that delight Of seeing the VVonders which you Write And all your Glories unadmir'd must lye As Vestal Beauties are Intomb'd before they dye IV. Consider and Consult your VVit Despise those Ills you must indure And raise your Scorne as great as it Be Confident and then Secure And let your rich-fraught Pen Adventure out agen Maugre the Stormes that do opose its course Stormes that destroy without remorse It may new Worlds descry VVhich Peopl'd from thy Brain may know More than the Universe besides can show More Arts of Love and more of Gallantry Write on and let not after Ages say The Whistle or rude Hiss cou'd lay Thy mighty Spright of Poetry Which but the Fools and Guilty fly Who dare not in thy Mirror see Their own Deformity Where thou in two the World dost Character Since most of Men Sir Graves or Peacocks are V. And shall that Muse that did ere while Chant forth the Glories of the British Isle Shall shee who lowder was than Fame Now useless lie and tame Shee who late made the Amazons so Great And shee who Conquered Scynthia too Which Alexander ne're coud do Will you permitt her to retreat Silence will like Submision show And give Advantage to the Foe Undaunted let her once gain appear And let her lowdly Sing in every Ear Then like thy Mistris Eyes who have the skill Both to preserve a kill To thou at once maist be revengd on those That are thy Foes And on thy Friends such Obligations lay As nothing but the Deed the Doer can repay To Lysander at the Musick-Meeting IT was too much ye Gods to see and hear Receiving wounds both from the Eye and Ear One Charme might have secur'd a Victory Both rais'd the Pleasure even to Extasie So Ravisht Lovers in each others Armes Faint with excess of Joy excess of Charmes Had I but gaz'd and fed my greedy Eyes Perhaps you 'd pleas'd no farther than surprize That Heav'nly Form might Admiration move But not without the Musick charm'd with Love At least so quick the Conquest had not been You storm'd
without and Harmony within Nor cou'd I listen to the sound alone But I alas must look and was undone I saw the Softness that compos'd your Face While your Attention heightend every Grace Your Mouth all full of Sweetness and Content And your fine killing Eyes of Languishment Your Bosom now and than a sigh wou'd move For Musick has the same effects with Love Your Body easey and all tempting lay Inspiring wishes which the Eyes betray In all that have the fate to glance that way A carless and a lovely Negligence Did a new Charm to every Limb dispence So look young Angels Listening to the sound When the Tun'd Spheres Glad all the Heav'ns around So Raptur'd lie amidst the wondering Crowd So Charmingly Extended on a Cloud When from so many ways Loves Arrows storm Who can the heedless Heart defend from harm Beauty and Musick must the Soul disarme Since Harmony like Fire to VVax does fit The softned Heart Impressions to admit As the brisk sounds of Warr the Courage move Musick prepares and warms the Soul to Love But when the kindling Sparks such Fuel meet No wonder if the Flame inspir'd be great An Ode to Love I DUll Love no more thy Senceless Arrows prize Damn thy Gay Quiver break thy Bow 'T is only young Lysanders Eyes That all the Arts of Wounding know II. A Pox of Foolish Politicks in Love A wise delay in Warr the Foe may harme By Lazy Siege while you to Conquest move His fiercer Beautys vanquish by a Storme III. Some wounded God to be reveng'd on thee The Charming Youth form'd in a lucky houre Drest him in all that fond Divinity That has out-Rivall'd thee a God in Pow'r IV. Or else while thou supinely laid Basking beneath som Mirtle shade In careless sleepe or tir'd with play When all thy Shafts did scatterd ly Th'unguarded Spoyles he bore away And Arm'd himself with the Artillery V. The Sweetness from thy Eyes he took The Charming Dimples from thy Mouth That wonderous Softness when you spoke And all thy Everlasting Youth VI. Thy bow thy Quiver and thy Darts Even of thy Painted Wings has rifled thee To bear him from his Conquer'd broken Hearts To the next Fair and Yeilding She. Love Reveng'd A Song I. CElinda who did Love Disdain For whom had languisht many a Swain Leading her Bleating Flock to drink She spy'd upon the Rivers Brink A Youth whose Eyes did well declare How much he lov'd but lov'd not her II. At first she Laught but gaz'd the while And soon she lessen'd to a Smile Thence to Surprize and Wonder came Her Breast to heave her Heart to flame Then cry'd she out Now now I prove Thou art a God Almighty Love III. She would have spoke but shame deny'd And bid her first consult her Pride But soon she found that Aid was gone For Love alas had left her none Oh how she burns but 't is too late For in her Eyes she reads her Fate SONG To a New Scotch Tune I. YOung Iemmy was a Lad Of Royal Birth and Breeding With ev'ry Beauty Clad And ev'ry Grace Exceeding A face and shape so wondrous fine So Charming ev'ry part That every Lass upon the Green For Iemmy had a Heart II. In Iemmy's Powerful Eyes Young Gods of Love are playing And on his Face there lies A Thousand Smiles betraying But Oh he dances with a Grace None like him e'er was seen No God that ever fancy'd was Has so Divine a Miene III. To Iemmy ev'ry Swaine Did lowly doff his Bonnet And every Nymph would strain To praise him in her Sonnet The Pride of all the Youths he was The Glory of the Groves The Joy of ev'ry tender Lass The Theam of all our Loves IV. But Oh Unlucky Fate A Curse upon Ambition The Busie Fopps of State Have ruin'd his Condition For Glittering Hopes he'as left the Shade His Peaceful Hours are gone By flattering Knaves and Fools betray'd Poor Iemmy is undone The Cabal at Nickey Nackeys I. A Pox of the Statesman that 's witty Who watches and Plots all the Sleepless Night For Seditious Harangues to the Whiggs of the City And Maliciously turns a Traytor in Spight Let him Wear and Torment his lean Carrion To bring his Sham-Plots about Till at last King Bishop and Barron For the Publick Good he have quite rooted out II. But we that are no Polliticians But Rogues that are Impudent Barefac'd and Great Boldly head the Rude Rable in times of Sedition And bear all down before us in Church in State Your Impudence is the best State-Trick And he that by Law meanes to rule Let his History with ours be related And tho' we are the Knaves we know who 's the Fool. A Paraphrase on the Eleventh Ode Out of the first Book of Horace DEar Silvia let 's no farther strive To know how long we have to Live Let Busy Gown-men search to know Their Fates above while we Contemplate Beauties greater Power below Whose only Smiles give Immortality But who seeks Fortune in a Star Aims at a Distance much too far She 's more inconstant than they are What though this year must be our last Faster than Time our Joys let 's hast Nor think of Ills to come or past Give me but Love and Wine I 'll ne'er Complain my Destiny 's severe Since Life bears so uncertain Date With Pleasure we 'll attend our Fate And Chearfully go meet it at the Gate The Brave and Witty know no Fear or Sorrow Let us enjoy to day we 'll dye to Morrow A Translation I. LYDIA Lovely Maid more fair Than Milk or whitest Lilies are Than Polisht Indian Iv'ry shows Or the fair unblushing Rose II. Open Maid thy Locks that hold Wealth more bright than shining Gold Over thy white shoulders laid Spread thy Locks my Charming Maid III. Lydia ope ' thy starry Eyes Shew the Beds where Cupid lies Open Maid thy Rosie-Cheeks Red as Sun declining streaks IV. Shew thy Coral Lips my Love Kiss me softer than the Dove Till my Ravisht Soul does lie Panting in an Ecstasie V. Oh hold and do not pierce my Heart Which beats as life wou'd thence depart Hide thy Breasts that swell and rise Hide 'em from my wishing Eyes VI. Shut thy Bosome white as Snow Whence Arabian perfumes slow Hide it from my Raptur'd Touch I have gaz'd and kist too much VII Cruel Maid on Malice bent Seest thou not my Languishment Lydia Oh I faint I die With thy Beauties Luxury A PARAPHRASE On Ovid's Epistle of OENONE to PARIS THE ARGUMENT Hecuba being with Child of Paris dream'd she was delivered of a Firebrand Priam consulting the Prophets was answer'd the Child shou'd be the Destruction of Troy wherefore Priam commanded it should be deliver'd to wild Beasts as soon as born but Hecuba conveys it secretly to Mount Ida there to be foster'd by the Shepherds where he falls in love with the Nymph OEnone but at last being known and own'd he sails into Greece and carries Helen
to black Despair Start from the ground and throw your Mourning by Loves great Sultana says you shall not die The dismal dark half year is over past The Sea is op'd the Sun shines out at last And Trading's free the storms are husht as death Or happy Lovers ravisht out of breath And listen to Astraea's Harmony Such power has elevated Poetry T. C. To the Lovely Witty Astraea on her Excellent Poems OH wonder of thy Sex Where can we see Beauty and Knowledge join'd except in thee Such pains took Nature with your Heav'nly Face Form'd it for Love and moulded every Grace I doubted first and fear'd that you had been Unfinish'd left like other She 's within I see the folly of that fear and find Your Face is not more beauteous than your Mind Whoe'er beheld you with a Heart unmov'd That sent not sighs and said within he lov'd I gaz'd and found a then unknown delight Life in your looks and Death to leave the sight What joys new Worlds of joys has he possest That gain'd the sought-for welcome of your Breast Your Wit wou'd recommend the homeliest Face Your Beauty make the dullest Humour please But where they both thus gloriously are join'd All Men submit you reign in every Mind What Passions does your Poetry impart It shews th'unfathom'd thing a Woman's Heart Tells what Love is his Nature and his Art Displays the several Scenes of Hopes and Fears Love's Smiles his Sighs his Laughings and his Tears Each Lover here may reade his different Fate His Mistress kindness or her scornfull hate Come all whom the blind God has led astray Here the bewildred Youth is shew'd his way Guided by this he may yet love and find Ease in his Heart and reason in his Mind Thus sweetly once the charming W lr strove In Heavenly sounds to gain his hopeless Love All the World listned but his scornfull Fair Pride stopt her ears to whom he bent his prayer Much happier you that can't desire in vain But what you wish as soon as wish'd obtain Vpon these and other Excellent Works of the Incomparable Astraea YE bold Magicians in Philosophy That vainly think next the Almighty three The brightest Cherubin in all the Hierarchy Will leave that Glorious Sphere And to your wild inchantments will appear To the fond summons of fantastick Charms As Barbarous and inexplicable Terms As those the trembling Scorcerer dreads When he the Magick Circle treads And as he walks the Mystick rounds And mutters the detested sounds The Stygian fiends exalt their wrathfull heads And all ye bearded Drudges of the Schools That sweat in vain to mend predestin'd fools With senseless Jargon and perplexing Rules Behold and with amazement stand Behold a blush with shame and wonder too What Divine Nature can in Woman doe Behold if you can see in all this fertile Land Such an Anointed head such an inspired hand II. Rest on in peace ye blessed Spirits rest With Imperial bliss for ever blest Upon your sacred Urn she scorns to tread Or rob the Learned Monuments of the dead Nor need her Muse a foreign aid implore In her own tunefull breast there 's wonderous store Had she but flourisht in these times of old When Mortals were amongst the Gods inrolld She had not now as Woman been Ador'd But with Diviner sacrifice Implor'd Temples and Altars had preserv'd her name And she her self been thought Immortal as her fame III. Curst be the balefull Tongue that dares abuse The rightfull off-spring of her Godlike Muse And doubly Curst be he that thinks her Pen Can be instructed by the best of men The times to come as surely she will live As many Ages as are past As long as Learning Sense or wit survive As long as the first principles of Bodies last The future Ages may perhaps believe One soft and tender Arm cou'd ne'er atchieve The wonderous deeds that she has done So hard a prize her Conqu'ring Muse has won But we that live in the great Prophetesses days Can we enough proclaim her praise We that experience every hour The blest effects of her Miraculous power To the sweet Mcsick of her charming tongue In numerous Crowds the ravisht hearers throng And even a Herd of Beasts as wild as they That did the Thracian Lyre obey Forget their Madness and attend her song The tunefull Shepherds on the dangerous rocks Forsake their Kinds and leave their bleating Flocks And throw their tender Reeds away As soon as e'er her softer Pipe begins to play No barren subject no unfertile soil Can prove ungratefull to her Muses Toil Warm'd with the Heavenly influence of her Brain Upon the dry and sandy plain On craggy Mountains cover'd o'er with Snow The blooming Rose and fragrant Jes'min grow When in her powerfull Poetick hand She waves the mystick wand Streight from the hardest Rocks the sweetest numbers slow IV. Hail bright Vrania Erato hail Melpomene Polymnia Euterpe hail And all ye blessed powers that inspire The Heaven-born Soul with intellectual fire Pardon my humble and unhallow'd Muse If she too great a veneration use And prostrate at your best lov'd Darling's feet Your holy Fane with sacred honour greet Her more than Pythian Oracles are so divine You sure not onely virtually are Within the glorious Shrine But you your very selves must needs be there The Delian Prophet did at first ordain That even the mighty Nine should reign In distant Empires of different Clime And if in her triumphant Throne She rules those learned Regions alone The fam'd Pyerides are out-done by her omnipotent Rhime In proper Cells her large capacious Brain The images of all things does contain As bright almost as were th'Ideas laid In the last model e'er the World was made And though her vast conceptions are so strong The powerfull eloquence of her charming tongue Does clear as the resistless beams of day To our enlightned Souls the noble thoughts convey Well chosen well appointed every word Does its full force and natural grace afford And though in her rich treasury Confus'd like Elements great Numbers lie When they their mixture and proportion take What beauteous forms of every kind they make Such was the Language God himself infus'd And such the style our great Forefather us'd From one large stock the various sounds he fram'd And every Species of the vast Creation nam'd While most of our dull Sex have trod In beaten paths of one continued Road Her skilfull and well manag'd Muse Does all the art and strength of different paces use For though sometimes with slackned force She wisely stops her fleetest course That slow but strong Majestick pace Shews her the swiftest steed of all the chosen Race V. Well has she sung the learned Daphnis praise And crown'd his Temples with immortal Bays And all that reade him must indeed confess Th' effects of such a cause could not be less For ne'er was at the first bold he●t begun So hard and swift a Race of glory run But
lik'd to fall in Love Yet so he order'd every Glance That still they seem'd but Wounds of Chance He well cou'd feign an Innocence And taught his Silence Eloquence Each Smile he us'd had got the force To Conquer more than soft Discourse Which when it serv'd his Ends he 'd use And subtilly thro' a heart infuse His Wit was such it cou'd controul The Resolutions of a Soul That a Religious Vow had made By Love it nere wou'd be betra'd For when he spoke he well cou'd prove Their Errors who dispute with Love With all these Charms he did Address Himself to every Shepherdess Until the Bag-pipes which did play Began the Bus'ness of the day And in the taking forth to Dance The Lovely Swain became my Chance To whom much Passion he did Vow And much his Eyes and Sighs did show And both imploy'd with so much Art I strove in vain to guard my Heart And ere the Night our Revels crost I was intirely won and lost Let me advise thee Amoret Fly from the Baits that he has set In every grace which will betray All Beauties that but look that way But thou hast Charms that will secure A Captive in this Conquerour Our Cabal COme my fair Cloris come away Hast thou forgot 't is Holyday And lovely Silvia too make haste The Sun is up the day does waste Do'st thou not hear the Musick loud Mix'd with the murmur of the Crowd How can thy active Feet be still And hear the Bagpipes chearful Trill Mr. V. U. Vrania's drest as fine and gay As if she meant t' out-shine the day Or certain that no Victories Were to be gain'd but by her Eyes Her Garment's white her Garniture The springing Beauties of the Year Which are in such nice Order plac'd That Nature is by Art disgrac'd Her natural Curling Ebon Hair Does loosly wanton in the Air. Mr. G. V. With her the young Alexis came Whose Eyes dare only speak his Flame Charming he is as fair can be Charming without Effeminacy Only his Eyes are languishing Caus'd by the Pain he feels within Yet thou wilt say that Languishment Is a peculiar Ornament Deck'd up he is with Pride and Care All Rich and Gay to please his Fair The price of Flocks h' has made a Prey To th' Usual Vanity of this day My dear Brother J. C. After them Damon Piping came Who laughs at Cupid and his Flame Swears if the Boy should him approach He 'd burn his Wings with his own Torch But he 's too young for Love t' invade Though for him languish many a Maid His lovely Ayr his chearful Face Adorn'd with many a Youthful Grace Beget more Sighs then if with Arts He should design to conquer Hearts The Swains as well as Nymphs submit To 's Charms of Beauty and of VVit He 'll sing he 'll dance he 'll pipe and play And wanton out a Summers day And wheresoever Damon be He 's still the Soul o' th' Companie My dear Amoret Mris. B. Next Amoret the true Delight Of all that do approach her sight The Sun in all its Course ne'er met Ought Fair or Sweet like Amoret Alone she came her Eyes declin'd In which you 'l read her troubled Mind Yes Silvia for she 'l not deny She loves as well as thou and I. 'T is Philocles that Proud Ingrate That pays her Passion back with Hate VVhilst she does all but him despise And clouds the lustre of her Eyes But once to her he did address And dying Passion too express But soon the Amorous Heat was laid He soon forgot the Vows he 'd made VVhilst she in every Silent Grove Bewails her easie Faith and Love Numbers of Swains do her adore But she has vow'd to love no more Mr. J. B. Next Jolly Thirsis came along VVith many Beauties in a Throng Mr. Je. B. VVith whom the young Amyntas came The Author of my Sighs and Flame For I 'll confess that Truth to you VVhich every Look of mine can show Ah how unlike the rest he appears VVith Majesty above his years His Eyes so much of Sweetness dress Such Wit such Vigour too express That 't wou'd a wonder be to say I 've seen the Youth and brought my Heart away Ah Cloris Thou that never wert In danger yet to lose a Heart Guard it severely now for he Will startle all thy Constancy For if by chance thou do'st escape Unwounded by his Lovely Shape Tempt not thy Ruine lest his Eyes Joyn with his Tongue to win the Prize Such Softness in his Language dwells And Tales of Love so well he tells Should'st thou attend their Harmony thou 'dst be Undone as well as I For sure no Nymph was ever free That could Amyntas hear and see Mr. N. R. V. With him the lovely Philocless His Beauty heightned by his Dress If any thing can add a Grace To such a Shape and such a Face Whose Natural Ornaments impart Enough without the help of Art His Shoulders cover'd with a Hair The Sun-Beams are not half so fair Of which the Virgins Bracelets make And wear for Philocless's sake His Beauty such that one would swear His Face did never take the Air. On 's Cheeks the blushing Roses show The rest like whitest Daisies grow His Lips no Berries of the Field Nor Cherries such a Red do yield His Eyes all Love Soft'ning Smile And when he speaks he sighs the while His Bashful Grace with Blushes too Gains more then Confidence can do With all these Charms he does invade The Heart which when he has betray'd He slights the Trophies he has won And weeps for those he has Undone As if he never did intend His Charms for so severe an End And all poor Amoret can Gain Is pitty from the Lovely Swain And if Inconstancy can seem Agreeable 't is so in him And when he meets Reproach for it He does excuse it with his Wit Mr. E. B. and Mrs. F M. Next hand in hand the smilling Pair Martillo and the Lovely Fair A Bright-Ey'd Phillis who they say Ne'er knew what Love was till to day Long has the Gen'rous Youth in vain Implor'd some Pity for his Pain Early abroad he would be seen To wait her coming on the Green To be the first that t' her should pay The Tribute of the New-born Day Presents her Bracelets with their Names And Hooks carv'd out with Hearts and Flames And when a stragling Lamb he saw And she not by to give it Law The pretty Fugitive he 'd deck With Wreaths of Flowers around its Neck And gave her ev'ry mark of Love Before he could her Pity move But now the Youth no more appears Clouded with Jealousies and Fears Nor yet dares Phillis softer Brow Wear Unconcern or Coldness now But makes him just and kind Returns And as He does so now She burns Mr. J. H. Next Lysidas that haughty Swain With many Beauties in a Train All sighing for the Swain whilst he Barely returns Civility Yet once to each much
oft has Fetters worn and can with ease Admit 'em or dismiss 'em when he please A Virgin-Heart you merit that ne'er sound It could receive till from your Eyes the Wound A Heart that nothing but your Force can fear And own a Soul as Great as you are Fair. Song to Ceres In the Wavering Nymph or Mad Amyntas I. CEres Great Goddess of the bounteous Year Who load'st the Teaming Earth with Gold and Grain Blessing the Labours of th' Industrious Swain And to their Plaints inclin'st thy gracious Ear Behold two fair Cicilian Lovers lie Prostrate before thy Deity Imploring thou wilt grant the Just Desires Of two Chaste Hearts that burn with equal Fires II. Amyntas he brave generous and young Whom yet no Vice his Youth has e'er betray'd And Chaste Vrania is the Lovely Maid His Daughter who has serv'd thy Altars long As thy High Priest A Dowry he demands At the young Amorous Shepherds hands Say gentle Goddess what the Youth must give E'er the Bright Maid he can from thee receive Song in the same Play by the Wavering Nymph PAN grant that I may never prove So great a Slave to fall in love And to an Unknown Deity Resign my happy Liberty I love to see the Amorous Swains Unto my Scorn their Hearts resign With Pride I see the Meads and Plains Throng'd all with Slaves and they all mine Whilst I the whining Fools despise That pay their Homage to my Eyes The Disappointment I. ONe day the Amorous Lysander By an impatient Passion sway'd Surpriz'd fair Cloris that lov'd Maid Who could defend her self no longer All things did with his Love conspire The gilded Planet of the Day In his gay Chariot drawn by Fire Was now descending to the Sea And left no Light to guide the VVorld But what from Cloris Brighter Eyes was hurld II. In a lone Thicket made for Love Silent as yielding Maids Consent She with a Charming Languishment Permits his Force yet gently strove Her Hands his Bosom softly meet But not to put him back design'd Rather to draw 'em on inclin'd VVhilst he lay trembling at her Feet Resistance 't is in vain to show She wants the pow'r to say Ah! What d' ye do III. Her Bright Eyes sweet and yet severe VVhere Love and Shame confus'dly strive Fresh Vigor to Lysander give And breathing faintly in his Ear She cry'd Cease Cease your vain Desire Or I 'll call out What would you do My Dearer Honour ev'n to You I cannot must not give Retire Or take this Life whose chiefest part I gave you with the Conquest of my Heart IV. But he as much unus'd to Fear As he was capable of Love The blessed minutes to improve Kisses her Mouth her Neck her Hair Each Touch her new Desire Alarms His burning trembling Hand he prest Upon her swelling Snowy Brest VVhile she lay panting in his Arms. All her Unguarded Beauties lie The Spoils and Trophies of rhe Enemy V. And now without Respect or Fear He seeks the Object of his Vows His Love no Modesty allows By swift degrees advancing where His daring Hand that Altar seiz'd VVhere Gods of Love do sacirfice That Awful Throne that Paradice VVhere Rage is calm'd and Anger pleas'd That Fountain where Delight still flows And gives the Universal VVorld Repose VI. Her Balmy Lips incountring his Their Bodies as their Souls are joyn'd VVhere both in Transports Unconfin'd Extend themselves upon the Moss Cloris half dead and breathless lay Her soft Eyes cast a Humid Light Such as divides the Day and Night Or falling Stars whose Fires decay And now no signs of Life she shows But what in short-breath'd Sighs returns goes VII He saw how at her Length she lay He saw her rising Bosom bare Her loose thin Rohes through which appeat A Shape design'd for Love and Play Abandon'd by her Pride and Shame She does her softest Joys dispence Off'ring her Virgin-Innocence A Victim to Loves Sacred Flame While the o'er-Ravish'd Shepherd lies Unable to perform the Sacrifice VIII Ready to taste a thousand Joys The too transported hapless Swain Found the vast Pleasure turn'd to Pain Pleasure which too much Love destroys The willing Garments by he laid And Heaven all open'd to his view Mad to possess himself he threw On the Defenceless Lovely Maid But Oh what envying God conspires To snatch his Power yet leave him the Desire IX Nature's Support without whose Aid She can no Humane Being give It self now wants the Art to live Faintness its slack'ned Nerves invade In vain th' inraged Youth essay'd To call its fleeting Vigor back No motion 't will from Motion take Excess of Love his Love betray'd In vain he Toils in vain Commands The Insensible fell weeping in his Hand X. In this so Amorous Cruel Strife Where Love and Fate were too severe The poor Lysander in despair Renounc'd his Reason with his Life Now all the brisk and active Fire That should the Nobler Part inflame Serv'd to increase his Rage and Shame And left no Spark for New Desire Not all her Naked Charms cou'd move Or calm that Rage that had debauch'd his Love XI Cloris returning from the Trance Which Love and soft Desire had bred Her timerous Hand she gently laid Or guided by Design or Chance Upon that Fabulous Priapas That Potent God as Poets feign But never did young Shepherdess Gath'ring of Fern upon the Plain More nimbly draw her Fingers back Finding beneath the verdant Leaves a Snake XII Than Cloris her fair Hand withdrew Finding that God of her Desires Disarm'd of all his Awful Fires And Cold as Flow'rs bath'd in the Morning-Dew Who can the Nymph's Confusion guess The Blood forsook the hinder Place And strew'd with Blushes all her Face Which both Disdain and Shame exprest And from Lysander's Arms she fled Leaving him fainting on the Gloomy Bed XIII Like Lightning through the Grove she hies Or Daphne from the Delphick God No Print upon the grassey Road She leaves t' instruct Pursuing Eyes The Wind that wanton'd in her Hair And with her Ruffled Garments plaid Discover'd in the Flying Maid All that the Gods e'er made if Fair. So Venus when her Love was slain With Fear and Haste flew o'er the Fatal Plain XIV The Nymph's Resentments none but I Can well Imagine or Condole But none can guess Lysander's Soul But those who sway'd his Destiny His silent Griefs swell up to Storms And not one God his Fury spares He curs'd his Birth his Fate his Stars But more the Shepherdess's Charms Whose soft bewitching Influence Had Damn'd him to the Hell of Impotence On a Locket of Hair Wove in a True-Loves Knot given me by Sir R. O. WHat means this Knot in Mystick Order Ty'd And which no Humane Knowledge can divide Not the Great Conqu'rours Sword can this undo Whose very Beauty would divert the Blow Bright Relique I Shrouded in a Shrine of Gold Less Myst'ry made a Deity of Old Fair Charmer Tell me by what pow'rful Spell You
to Troy which OEnone understanding writes him this Epistle TO thee dear Paris Lord of my Desires Once tender Partner of my softest Fires To thee I write mine while a Shepherd's Swain But now a Prince that Title you disdain Oh fatal Pomp that cou'd so soon divide What Love and all our sacred Vows had ty'd What God our Love industrious to prevent Curst thee with power and ruin'd my Content Greatness which does at best but ill agree With Love such Distance sets 'twixt Thee and Me. Whilst thou a Prince and I a Shepherdess My raging Passion can have no redress Wou'd God when first I saw thee thou hadst been This Great this Cruel Celebrated thing That without hope I might have gaz'd and bow'd And mixt my Adorations with the Crowd Unwounded then I had escap'd those Eyes Those lovely Authors of my Miseries Not that less Charms their fatal pow'r had drest But Fear and Awe my Love had then supprest My unambitious Heart no Flame had known But what Devotion pays to Gods alone I might have wondr'd and have wisht that He Whom Heaven shou'd make me love might look like Thee More in a silly Nymph had been a sin This had the height of my Presumption been But thou a Flock didst feed on Ida's Plain And hadst no Title but The lovely Swain A Title which more Virgin Hearts has won Than that of being own'd King Priam's Son Whilst me a harmless Neighbouring Cotager You saw and did above the rest prefer You saw and at first sight you lov'd me too Nor cou'd I hide the wounds receiv'd from you Me all the Village Herdsmen strove to gain For me the Shepherds sigh'd and su'd in vain Thou hadst my heart and they my cold disdain Not all their Offerings Garlands and first born Of their lov'd Ewes cou'd bribe my Native scorn My Love like hidden Treasure long conceal'd Cou'd onely where 't was destin'd be reveal'd And yet how long my Maiden blushes strove Not to betray my easie new-born Love But at thy sight the kindling Fire wou'd rise And I unskill'd declare it at my Eyes But oh the Joy the mighty Ecstasie Possest thy Soul at this Discovery Speechless and panting at my feet you lay And short breath'd Sighs told what you cou'd not say A thousand times my hand with Kisses prest And look'd such Darts as none cou'd e'er resist Silent we gaz'd and as my Eyes met thine New Joy fill'd theirs new Love and shame fill'd mine You saw the Fears my kind disorder show'd And breaking Silence Faith anew you vow'd Heavens how you swore by every Pow'r Divine You wou'd be ever true be ever mine Each God a sacred witness you invoke And wish'd their Curse when e'er these Vows you broke Quick to my Heart each perjur'd Accent ran Which I took in believ'd and was undone Vows are Love's poyson'd Arrows and the heart So wounded rarely finds a Cure from Art At least this heart which Fate has destin'd yours This heart unpractis'd in Love's mystick pow'rs For I am soft and young as April Flowers Now uncontroll'd we meet uncheck'd improve Each happier Minute in new Joys of Love Soft were our hours and lavishly the Day We gave intirely up to Love and Play Oft to the cooling Groves our Flocks we led And seated on some shaded flowery Bed Watch'd the united Wantons as they fed And all the Day my list'ning Soul I hung Upon the charming Musick of thy Tongue And never thought the blessed hours too long No Swain no God like thee cou'd ever move Or had so soft an Art in whisp'ring Love No wonder for thou art Ally'd to Iove And when you pip'd or sung or danc'd or spoke The God appear'd in every Grace and Look Pride of the Swains and Glory of the Shades The Grief and Joy of all the Love-sick Maids Thus whilst all hearts you rul'd without Controul I reign'd the absolute Monarch of your Soul Each Beach my Name yet bears carv'd out by thee Paris and his OEnone fill each Tree And as they grow the Letters larger spread Grow still a witness of my Wrongs when dead Close by a silent silver Brook there grows A Poplar under whose dear gloomy Boughs A thousand times we have exchang'd our Vows Oh may'st thou grow t' an endless date of Years Who on thy Bark this fatal Record bears When Paris to OEnone proves untrue Back Xanthus Streams shall to their Fountains slow Turn turn your Tides back to your Fountains run The perjur'd Swain from all his Faith is gone Curst be that day may Fate appoint the hour As Ominous in his black Kalendar When Venus Pallas and the Wife of Iove Descended to thee in the Mirtle Grove In shining Chariots drawn by winged Clouds Naked they came no Veil their Beauty shrouds But every Charm and Grace expos'd to view Left Heav'n to be survey'd and judg'd by you To bribe thy voice Iuno wou'd Crowns bestow Pallas more gratefully wou'd dress thy Brow With Wreaths of Wit Venus propos'd the choice Of all the fairest Greeks and had thy Voice Crowns and more glorious Wreaths thou didst despise And promis'd Beauty more than Empire prize This when you told Gods what a killing fear Did over all my shivering Limbs appear And I presag'd some ominous Change was near The Blushes left my Cheeks from every part The Bloud ran swift to guard my fainting heart You in my Eyes the glimmering Light perceiv'd Of parting Life and on my pale Lips breath'd Such Vows as all my Terrors undeceiv'd But soon the envying Gods disturb'd our Joy Declar'd thee Great and all my Bliss destroy And now the Fleet is Anchor'd in the Bay That must to Troy the glorious Youth convey Heavens how you look'd and what a Godlike Grace At their first Homage beautify'd your Face Yet this no Wonder or Amazement brought You still a Monarch were in Soul and thought Nor cou'd I tell which most the News augments Your Joys of Pow'r or parting Discontents You kist the Tears which down my Cheeks did glide And mingled yours with the soft falling Tide And 'twixt your Sighs a thousand times you said Cease my OEnone Cease my charming Maid If Paris lives his Native Troy to see My lovely Nymph thou shalt a Princess be But my Prophetick Fears no Faith allow'd My breaking Heart resisted all you vow'd Ah must me part I cry'd that killing word No farther Language cou'd to Grief afford Trembling I fell upon thy panting Breast Which was with equal Love and Grief opprest Whilst sighs and looks all dying spoke the rest About thy Neck my feeble Arms I cast Not Vines nor Ivy circle Elms so fast To stay what dear Excuses didst thou frame And fansiedst Tempests when the Seas were calm How oft the Winds contrary feign'd to be When they alas were onely so to me How oft new Vows of lasting Faith you swore And 'twixt your Kisses all the old run o'er But now the wisely Grave who Love despise Themselves past
tender Love is all I ask again Whilst on her dang'rous Smiles fierce War must wait With Fire and Vengeance at your Palace gate Rouze your soft Slumbers with their rough Alarms And rudely snatch you from her faithless Arms Turn then fair Fugitive e'er 't is too late E'er thy mistaken Love procures thy Fate E'er a wrong'd Husband does thy Death design And pierce that dear that faithless Heart of thine A VOYAGE TO THE Isle of LOVE An Account from Lisander to Lysidas his Friend AT last dear Lysidas I 'l set thee Free From the disorders of Uncertainty Doubt's the worst Torment of a generous Mind Who ever searching what it cannot find Is roving still from wearied thought to thought And to no settled Calmness can be brought The Cowards Ill who dares not meet his Fate And ever doubting to be Fortunate Falls to that Wretchedness his fears Create I should have dy'd silent as Flowers decay Had not thy Friendship stopt me on my way That friendship which our Infant hearts inspir'd E're them Ambition or false Love had fir'd Friendship which still enlarg'd with years and sense Till it arriv'd to perfect Excellence Friendship Mans noblest bus'ness without whom The out-cast Life finds nothing it can own But Dully dyes unknowing and unknown Our searching thought serves only to impart It 's new gain'd knowledge to anothers Heart The truly wise and great by friendship grow That best instruct 'em how they should be so That only sees the Error of the Mind Which by its soft reproach becomes Refin'd Friendship which even Loves mighty power controuls When that but touches this Exchange Souls The remedy of Grief the safe retreat Of the scorn'd Lover and declining great This sacred tye between thy self and me Not to be alter'd by my Destiny This tye which equal to my new desires Preserv'd it self amidst Loves softer Fires Obliges me without reserve 't impart To Lycidas the story of my Heart Tho' 't will increase its present languishment To call to its remembrance past content So drowning Men near to their native shore From whence they parted near to visit more Look back and sigh and from that last Adieu Suffer more pain then in their Death they do That grief which I in silent Calms have born It will renew and rowse into a Storm The TRUCE With you unhappy Eyes that first let in To my fond Heart the raging Fire With you a Truce I will begin Let all your Clouds let all your Show'rs retire And for a while become serene And you my consiant rising Sighs forbear To mix your selves with flying Air But utter Words among that may express The vast degrees of Ioy and Wretchedness And you my Soul forget the dismal hour When dead and cold Aminta lay And no kind God no pittying Power The hasty fleeting Life would stay Forget the Mad the Raving pain That seiz'd Thee at a sight so new When not the Wind let loose nor raging Main Was so destructive and so wild as thou Forget thou saw'st the lovely yielding Maid Dead in thy trembling Arms Iust ●n the Ravishing hour when all her Charms A willing Victim to thy Love was laid Forget that all is fled thou didst Adore And never never shall return to bless Thee more Twelve times the Moon has borrow'd Rays that Night Might favour Lovers stealths by Glimmering Light Since I imbarqu'd on the inconstant Seas With people of all Ages and Degrees All well dispos'd and absolutely bent To visit a far Country call'd Content The Sails were hoisted and the Streamers spread And chearfully we cut the yielding Floud Calm was the Sea and peaceful every Wind As if the Gods had with our Wishes joyn'd To make us prosperous All the whispering Air Like Lovers Joys was soft and falsly fair The ruffling Winds were hush'd in wanton sleep And all the Waves were silenc'd in the deep No threatning Cloud no angry Curl was found But bright serene and smooth 't was all around But yet believe false Iris if she weep Or Amorous Layis will her promise keep Before the Sea that Flatters with a Calm Will cease to ruin with a rising Storm For now the Winds are rows'd the Hemisphere Grows black and frights the hardy Mariner The Billows all into Dis-order hurl'd As if they meant to bury all the World And least the Gods on us should pity take They seem'd against them too a War to make Now each affrighted to his Cabin Flyes And with Repentance Load the angry Skyes Distracted Prayers they all to Heaven Address While Heaven best knows they think of nothing less To quit their Interest in the World 's their fear Not whether but to go is all their Care And while to Heav'n their differing crimes they mount Their vast dis-orders doubles the account All pray and promise fair protest and weep And make those Vows they want the pow'r to keep But sure with some the angry Gods were pleas'd For by degrees their Rage and Thunder ceas'd In the rude War no more the Winds engage And the destructive Waves were tir'd with their own Rage Like a young Ravisher that has won the day O're-toil'd and Panting Calm and Breathless lay While so much Vigour in the Incounter's lost They want the pow'r a second Rape to Boast The Sun in Glory daignes again t' appear But we who had no Sense but that of fear Cou'd scarce believe and lessen our dispair Yet each from his imagin'd Grave gets out And with still doubting Eyes looks round about Confirm'd they all from Prayer to Praises hast And soon forgot the sense of dangers past And now from the recruited Top-mast spy'd An Island that discover'd Natures Pride To which was added all that Art could do To make it Tempting and Inviting too All wondering Gaz'd upon the happy place But none knew either where or what it was Some thought th' Inaccessible Land 't had been And others that Inchantment they had seen At last came forth a Man who long before Had made a Voyage to that fatal shoar Who with his Eyes declin'd as if dismaid At sight of what he dreaded Thus he said THis is the Coast of Africa Where all things sweetly move This is the Calm Atlantick Sea And that the Isle of Love To which all Mortals Tribute pay Old Young the Rich and Poor Kings do their awful Laws obey And Shepherds do Adore There 's none its forces can resist Or its Decrees Evince It Conquers where and whom it list The Cottager and Prince In entering here the King resigns The Robe and Crown he wore The Slave new Fetters gladly joyns To those he dragg'd before All thither come early or late Directed by desire Not Glory can divert their fate Nor quench the Amorous fire The Enterances on every side Th● Attracts and Beauties Guard The Graces with a wanton Pride By turn secure the Ward The God of Love has lent 'em Darts With which they gently Greet The heedless undefended Hearts That pass the
Aminta keeps awake And I all Night soft Vows and Wishes make VVhen to the Gods I would my Prayers address And sue to be forgiven Aminta's name I still express And Love is all that I confess Love and Aminta Ever out Rival Heaven II. Books give me no content at all Vnless soft Cowly entertain my Mind Then every pair in Love I find Lysander him Aminta her I call Till the bewitching Fewel raise the fire VVhich was design'd but to divert Then to cool Shades I ragingly retire To ease my hopeless panting Heart Yet thereto every thing begets desire Each flowry Bed and every loanly Grove Inspires new VVishes new impatient Love Thus all the Night in vain I sought repose And early with the Sun next day I rose Still more impatient grew my new desires To see again the Author of my Fires Love leads me forth to little CARES we pass Where Love instructed me Aminta was Far from Inquietude this Village stands And for its Beauty all the rest commands In all the Isle of Love not one appears So ravishingly Gay as Little Cares Little CARES or Little Arts to please I. THither all the Amorous Youth repair To see the Objects of their Vows No Iealousies approach 'em there They Banish Dulness and Despair And only Gayety and Mirth allow The Houses cover'd o're with flow'rs appear Like fragrant Arbours all the year VVhere all the dear the live-long day In Musick Songs and Balls is past away All things are form'd for pleasure and delight VVhich finish not but with the Light But when the Sun returns again They hold with that bright God an equal Reign II. There no Reproaches dwell that Vice Is banisht with the Coy and Nice The Froward there learn Complysance There the Dull VVise his Gravity forsakes The Old dispose themselves to Dance And Melancholy wakens from his Trance And against Nature sprightly Humour takes The formal States-man does his Int'rest quit And learns to talk of Love and VVit There the Philosopher speaks Sense Such as his Mistress Eyes inspire Forgets his learned Eloquence Nor now compares his Flame to his own Chimick fire III. The Miser there opens his Golden heaps And at Love's Altar offers the rich Prize His needless fears of want does now despise And as a lavish Heir he Treats and Reaps The Blessings that attend his grateful Sacrifice Even the Fluttering Coxcomb there Does less ridiculous appear For in the Crowd some one unlucky Face With some particular Grimmas Has the ill fate his Heart to gain Which giues him just the Sense to know his pain Whence he becomes less talkative and vain There 't is the Muses dwell that sacred Nine Who teach the inlarged Soul to prove No Arts or Sciences Divine But those inspir'd by Them and Love Gay Conversation Feast and Masquerades Agreeable Cabals and Serinades Eternal Musick Gladness Smiles and Sport Make all the bus'ness of this Little Court. At my approach new Fires my Bosom warm New vigor I receive from every Charm I found invention with my Love increase And both instruct me with new Arts to please New Gallantrys I sought to entertain And had the Joy to find 'em not in vain All the Extravagance of Youth I show And pay'd to Age the Dotage I shall owe All a beginning Passion can conceive What beauty Merits or fond Love can give With diligence I wait Aminta's look And her decrees from Frowns or Smiles I took To my new sixt resolves no stop I found My Flame was uncontroul'd and knew no bound Unlimited Expences every day On what I thought she lik'd I threw away My Coaches and my Liverys rich and new In all this Court none made a better show Aminta here was unconfin'd and free And all a well-born Maid cou'd render me She gave My early Visits does allow And more ingagingly receives me now Her still increasing Charms Her soft Address A Partial Lover cannot well Express Her Beautys with my slame each hour increase 'T was here my Soul more true content receiv'd Then all the Duller hours of Life I 'd liv'd But with the envying Night I still repair To Inquietude none lodge at little Care The hasty Minutes summon me away While parting pains surmount past hours of Joy And Nights large Reckoning over-pays the day The GOD of Sleep his wonted Aid denys Lends no repose or to my Heart or Eyes Only one hour of Rest the breaking Morning brought In which this happy Dream Assail'd my Thought The DREAM ALL Trembling in my Arms Aminta lay Defending of the Bliss I strove to take Raising my Rapture by her kind delay Her force so charming was and weak The soft resistance did betray the Grant While I prest on the Heaven of my desires Her rising Breasts with nimbler Motions Pant Her dying Eyes assume new Fires Now to the height of languishment she grows And still her looks new Charms put on Now the last Mystery of Love she knows We Sigh and Kiss I wak'd and all was done 'T was but a Dream yet by my Heart I knew Which still was Panting part of it was true Oh how I strove the rest to have believ'd Asham'd and Angry to be undeceiv'd But now LOVE calls me forth and scarce allows A Moment to the Gods to pay my Vows He all Devotion has in dis-esteem But that which we too fondly render him LOVE drest me for the day and both repair With an impatient hast to Little Care Where many days m' advantage I pursu'd But Night returns me to Inquietude There suffer'd all that absent Lovers griev'd And only knew by what I felt I liv'd A t●●●sand little Fears afflict my Heart A 〈…〉 ormer order quite subvert T 〈…〉 which all day my hope imploy'd S 〈…〉 w too excellent to be enjoy'd I number all my RIVALS over now Th●n Raving Mad with Jealousie I grow Which does my Flame to that vast height increase That here I found I lov'd to an Excess These wild Distractions every Night increase But day still reconciles me into Peace And I forget amidst their soft Delights The un-imagin'd torment of the Nights 'T was thus a while I liv'd at little Care Without advance of Favour or of fear When fair Amin●a from that Court departs And all her Lovers leave with broken Hearts On me alone she does the Grace confer In a Permission I shou'd wait on her Oh with what eager Joy I did obey Joy which for fear it shou'd my Flame betray I Veil'd with Complisance which Lovers Eyes Might find transported through the feign'd disguise But hers were unconcern'd or wou'd not see The Trophies of their new gain'd Victory Aminta now to Good Reception goes A place which more of Entertainment shows Then State or Greatness where th' Inhabitants Are Civil to the height of Complisance They Treat all Persons with a chearful Grace And show 'em all the pleasures of the Place By whose Example bright Aminta too Confirm'd her self and more obliging grew Her
pleasure I attended what she said And wonder'd at the friendship of the Maid Of LOVE I ask'd her name who answer'd me 'T was Pity Enemy to Cruelty Who often came endeavouring to abate The Languishments of the unfortunate And said if she wou'd take my injur'd part She soon wou'd soften fair Aminta's Heart For she knows all the subtillest Arts to move And teach the timorous Virgin how to love With Joy I heard and my Address apply'd To gain the Beauteous Pity to my Side Nothing I left untold that might perswade The listening Virgin to afford her aid Told her my Passions Sorrows Pains and Fears And whilst I spoke confirm'd 'em with my Tears All which with down-cast Eyes she did attend And blushing said my Tale had made a Friend I bow'd and thankt her with a chearful look Which being return'd by hers her leave she took Now to Aminta all inhaste she hyes Whom she assail'd with sorrow in her Eyes And a sad story of my Miseries Which she with so much tenderness exprest As forc'd some Sighs from the fair Charmers Breast The subtil Pity found she should prevail And oft repeats th' insinuating Tale And does insensibly the Maid betray Where Love and I Panting and Trembling lay Where she beheld th' effects of her disdain And in my languid Face she read my Pain Down her fair Cheeks some pitying drops did glide Which cou'd not be restrain'd by feebler Pride Against my anguish she had no defence Such Charms had grief my Tears such Eloquence My Sighs and Murmurs she began t' approve And listen'd to the story of my LOVE With tenderness she did my Sufferings hear And even my Reproaches now cou'd bear At last my trembling Hand in hers she took And with a charming Blush these Words she spoke I. FAithful Lisander I your Vows approve And can no longer hide My Sense of all your suffering Love With the thin Veil of Pride II. 'T was long in Vain that Pity did assail My cold and stubborn Heart Ere on th' insensible she cou'd prevail To render any Part. III. To her for all the tenderness Which in my Eyes you find You must your gratitude express 'T is Pity only makes me kind IV. Live then Lisander since I must confess In spight of all my native modesty I cannot wish that you shou'd Love me less Live then and hope the Circling Sun may see In his swift course a grateful change in me And that in time your Passion may receive All you dare take and all a Maid may give Oh Lysidas I cannot here relate The Sense of Joy she did in me create The sudden Blessing overcame me so It almost finisht what Grief fail'd to do I wanted Courage for the soft surprize And waited re-enforcements from her Eyes At last with Transports which I cou'd not hide Raising my self from off the ground I cry'd The TRANSPORT REjoyce my new made happy Soul Rejoyce Bless the dear minute bless the Heav'nly voice That has revok't thy fatal doom Rejoyce Aminta leads thee from the Tomb. Banish the anxious thoughts of dying hours Forget the shades and melancholy Bow'rs Thy Eyes so oft bedew'd with falling show'rs Banish all Thoughts that do remain Of Sighing Days and Nights of Pain When on neglected Beds of Moss thou 'st lain Oh happy Youth Aminta bids thee live Thank not the sullen God's or defer Stars Since from her Hand thou dost the Prize receive Hers be the Service as the bounty hers For all that Life must dedicated be To the fair God-like Maid that gave it Thee Now Lysidas behold my happy State Behold me Blest behold me Fortunate And from the height of languishing despair Rais'd to the Glory of Aminta's care And this one moment of my Heaven of Joy Did the remembrance of past Griefs destroy And Pity ceas'd not here but with new Eloquence Obliges the shy Maid to visit Confidence CONFIDENCE A Lady lovely with a charming Meen Gay frank and open and an Air serene In every Look she does her Soul impart With ease one reads the Sent'ments of her Heart Her Humour generous and her Language free And all her Conversation graceful Liberty Her Villa is Youth 's general Rendezvous Where in delightful Gardens winding Groves The happy Lovers dwell with secresie Vn-interrupted by fond Iealousie 'T is there with Innocence they do and say A thousand things to pass the short-liv'd day There free from censuring Spies they entertain And pleasures tast un-intermixt with pain 'T is there we see what most we do adore And yet we languish to discover more Hard fate of Lovers who are ne'er content In an Estate so Blest and Innocent But still press forward urg'd by soft desires To Joys that oft extinguishes their Fires In this degree I found a happiness Which nought but wishing more cou'd render less I saw Aminta here without controul And told her all the Secrets of my Soul Whilst she t' express her height of Amity Communicated all her Thoughts to me The REFLECTION OH with what Pleasure did I pass away The too swift course of the delightful day What Ioys I found in being a Slave To every Conquering Smile she gave Whose every sweetness wou'd inspire The Cinick and the Fool with Love Alas I needed no more Fire Who did its height already prove Ah my Aminta had I been content With this degree of Ravishment With the nee'r satisfy'd delight I took Only to prattle Love to sigh and look With the dull Bartering Kiss for Kiss And never aim'd at higher Bliss With all the stealths forgetful Lovers make VVhen they their Little Covenants break To these sad shades of Death I 'd not been hurl'd And thou mightst still have blest the drooping VVorld But though my Pleasure were thus vast and high Yet Loves insatiate Luxury Still wish●d reveal'd the unknown Mystery But still Love importun'd nor cou'd I rest So often and impatiently he prest That I the lovely Virgin wou'd invite To the so worshipp'd Temple of Delight By all the Lovers Arts I strove to move And watch the softest Minutes of her Love Which against all my Vows and Prayers were proof Alas she lov'd but did not love enough And I cou'd no returns but Anger get Her Heart was not intirely conquer'd yet For liking I mistook her Complysance And that for Love when 't was her Confidence But 't was not long my Sighs I did imploy Before she rais'd me to the height of Joy And all my Fears and Torments to remove Yields I shall lead her to the Court of LOVE Here Lysidas thou thinks me sure and blest With Recompence for all my past unrest But fortun'd smil'd the easier to betray She 's less inconstant than a Lover's Joy For whilst our Chariot Wheels out-stript the Wind Leaving all thought of Mortal Cares behind Whilst we sate gazing full of new surprize Exchanging Souls from eithers darting Eyes We encounter'd One who seem'd of great Command Who seiz'd the Reins with an
Whilst all my Torment all my Care Serves but to make you put new Graces on You Laugh and Rally my despair VVhich to my Rivals renders you more fair And but the more confirms my being undone Sport with my Pain as gayly as you will My fond my tender Heart adores you still My differing Passions thus did never cease Till they had touch'd her Soul with tenderness My Rivals now are banish'd by degrees And with 'em all my Fears and Jealousies And all advanc'd as if design'd to please The City of LOVE IN this vast Isle of famous City stands Who for its Beauty all the rest Commands Built to delight the wondering Gazers Eyes Of all the World the great Metropolis Call'd by LOVE's name and here the Charming God When he retires to Pleasure makes abode 'T is here both Art and Nature strive to show What Pride Expence and Luxury can do To make it Ravishing and Awful too All Nations hourly thither do resort To add a splendour to this glorious Court The Young the Old the Witty and the Wise The Fair the Ugly Lavish and Precise Cowards and Braves the Modest and the Lowd Promiscuously are blended in the Crowd From distant Shoars young Kings their Courts remove To pay their Homage to the God of Love Where all their sacred awful Majesty Their boasted and their fond Divinity Loose their vast force as lesser Lights are hid When the fierce God of Day his Beauties spread The wondering World for Gods did Kings adore Till LOVE confirm'd 'em Mortal by his Pow'r And in Loves Court do with their Vassals live Without or Homage or Prerogative Which the young God not only Blind must show But as Defective in his Judgment too LOVE's Temple ' MIdst this Gay Court a famous Temple stands Old as the Universe which it commands For mighty Love a sacred being had Whilst yet 't was Chaos e're the World was made And nothing was compos'd without his Aid Agreeing A●toms by his pow'r were hurl'd And Love and Harmony compos'd the World 'T is rich 't is solemn all Divine yet Gay From the Jemm'd Roof the dazling Lights display And all below inform ' without the Aids of day All Nations hither bring rich offerings And 't is endow'd with Gifts of Love-sick Kings Upon an Altar whose un-bounded store Has made the Rifled Universe so poor Adorn'd with all the Treasure of the Seas More than the Sun in his vast course surveys Was plac'd the God! with every Beauty form●d Of Smiling Youth but Naked un-adorn'd His painted Wings displaid His Bow laid by For here Love needs not his Artillery One of his little Hands a loft he bore And grasp'd a wounded Heart that burnt all o're Towards which he lookt with lovely Laughing Eyes As pleas'd and vain with the fond Sacrifice The other pointing downward seem'd to say Here at my Feet your grateful Victims lay Whilst in a Golden Tablet o're his Head In Diamond Characters this Motto stood Behold the Pow'r that Conquers every GOD. The Temple Gates are open Night and Day Love's Votaries at all hours Devotions pay A Priest of Hymen gives attendance near But very rarely shows his Function here For Priest cou'd ne'r the Marriage-cheat improve Were there no other Laws but those of Love A Slavery generous Heav'n did ne'r design Nor did its first lov'd Race of men confine A Trick that Priest whom Avarice cunning made Did first contrive then sacred did perswade That on their numerous and unlucky Race They might their base got Wealth securely place Curse cou'd they not their own loose Race inthral ' But they must spread the infection over all That Race whose Brutal heat was grown so wild That even the Sacred Porches they defil'd And Ravisht all that for Devotion came Their Function nor the Place restrains their slame But Love's soft Votaries no such injuries fear No pamper'd Levits are in Pension here Here are no fatted Lambs to Sacrifice No Oyl fine Flower or Wines of mighty price The subtle Holy Cheats to Gormandize Love's soft Religion knows to Tricks nor Arts All the Attoning Offerings here are Hearts The Mystery's silent without noyse or show In which the Holy Man has nought to do The Lover is both Priest and Victim too Hither with little force I did perswade My lovely timorously yielding Maid Implor'd we might together Sacrifice And she agrees with Blushing down-cast Eyes 'T was then we both our Hearts an Offering made Which at the Feet of the young God we laid With equal Flames they Burnt with equal Joy But with a Fire that neither did destroy Soft was its Force and Sympathy with them Dispers'd it self through every trembling Limb We cou'd not hide our tender new surprize We languisht and confest it with our Eyes Thus gaz'd we when the Sacrifice perform'd We found our Hearts entire but still they burn But by a Blessed change in taking back The lovely Virgin did her Heart mistake Her Bashful Eyes favour'd Love's great design I took her Burning Victim and she mine Thus Lysidas without constraint or Art I reign'd the Monarch of Aminta's Heart My great my happy Title she allows And makes me Lord of all her tender Vows All my past Griefs in coming Joys were drown'd And with eternal Pleasure I was Crown'd My Blessed hours in the extream of Joy With my soft Languisher I still imploy When I am Gay Love Revels in her Eyes When sad there the young God all panting lies A thousand freedoms now she does impart Shows all her tenderness dis-rob'd of Art But oh this cou'd not satisfy my Heart A thousand Anguishes that still contains It sighs and heaves and pants with pleasing pains We look and Kiss and Press with new desire Whilst every touch Blows the unusual Fire For Love's last Mystery was yet conceal'd Which both still languisht for both wisht reveal'd Which I prest on and faintly she deny'd With all the weak efforts of dying Pride Which struggled long for Empire in her Soul Where it was wont to rule without controul But Conquering Love had got possession now And open●d every Sally to the Foe And to secure my doubting happiness Permits me to conduct her to the Bow'r of Bliss That Bow'r that does eternal Pleasures yield Where Psyche first the God of Love beheld But oh in entering this so blest abode All Gay and Pleas'd as a Triumphing God I new unlook'd for difficulties meet Encountring Honour at the sacred Gate HONOUR I. HOnour 's a mighty Phantom which around The sacred Bower does still appear All Day it haunts the hollow'd ground And hinders Lovers entering there It rarely ever takes its flight But in the secret shades of night Silence and gloom the charm can soonest end And are the luckyest hours to lay the Fiend Then 't is the Vision only will remove With Incantations of soft Vows of Love II. But as a God he 's Worshipt here By all the lovely young and fair Who all their kind desires controul
appoint thee for their own May no good deed be in thy Circle done May Rapes Conspiricies and Murders stay Till thou com'st on and hatch em in thy day 'T was on this day all Joyful Gay and Fair Fond as desire and wanton as the Air Aminta did with me to the blest Bower repair Beneath a Beechy Shade a flowry Bed Officious Cupid's for our Pleasure spred Where never did the Charmer ere impart More Joy more Rapture to my ravisht Heart 'T was all the first 't was all beginning Fire 'T was all new Love new Pleasure new Desire Here stop my Soul Stop thy carreer of Vanity and Pride And only say 'T was here Aminta dy'd The fleeting Soul as quickly dis-appears As leaves blown off with Winds or falling Stars And Life its flight assum'd with such a pace It took no farewel of her lovely Face The Fugitive not one Beauty did surprize It scarce took time to languish in her Eyes But on my Bosom bow'd her charming Head And sighing these surprizing words she said Joy of my Soul my faithful tender Youth Lord of my Vows and Miracle of Truth Thou soft obliger of thy Sex the best Thou blessing too Extream to be possest The Angry God designing we must part Do render back the Treasure of thy Heart When in some new fair Breast it finds a room And I shall ly-neglected-in my Tomb Remember-oh remember-the fair she Can never love thee darling Youth like me Then with a Sigh she sunk into my Brest While her fair Eyes her last farewel exprest To aiding God's I cry'd but they were Deaf And no kind pow'r afforded me relief I call her name I weep I rave and faint And none but Eccho's answer my Complaint I Kiss and Bathe her stiffening Face with Tears Press it to mine as cold and pale as her's The fading Roses of her Lips I press But no kind Word the silenc'd Pratlers will confess Her lovely Eyes I kiss and call upon But all their wonted answering Rhetorick's gone Her charming little Hands in vain I ask Those little Hands no more my Neck shall grasp No more about my Face her Fingers play Nor brede my Hair or the vain Curls display No more her Tongue beguiling Stories tell Whose wonderous Wit cou'd grace a Tale so well All all is fled to Death's cold Mansion gone And I am left benighted and undone And every day my Fate is hasting on From the inchanting Bower I madly fly That Bower that now no more affords me Joy Love had not left for me one Bliss in store Since my Aminta cou'd dispence no more Thence to a silent Desert I advance And call'd the Desert of Remembrance A solitude upon a Mountain plac'd All gloomy round and wonderous high and vast From whence Love's Island all appears in view And distant Prospects renders near and true Each Bank each Bower each dear inviting Shade That to our Sacred Loves was conscious made Each flowry Bed each Thicket and each Grove Where I have lain Charm'd with Aminta's Love Where e're she chear'd the day and blest the Night Eternally are present to my Sight Where e're I turn the Lands kip does confess Something that calls to mind past happiness This Lysidas this is my wretched state 'T is here I languish and attend my Fate But e're I go 't wou'd wonderous Pleasure be If such a thing can e're arrive to me To find some Pity Lysidas from thee Then I shou'd take the Wing and upward fly And loose the Sight of this dull World with Joy Your Lysander A TABLE THE Golden Age a Paraphrase on a Translation out of French page 1. A Farewell to Celladon on his going into Ireland 13. On a Iuniper-Tree cut down to make Busks 19. On the Death of Mr. Grinhill the famous Painter 24. A Ballad on Mr. J. H. to Amoret asking why I was so sad 29. Our Caball 33. The willing Mistress a Song 44. Love Arm'd a Song 45. The Complaint a Song 46. The Invitation a Song 47. A Song 48. To Mr Creech under the name of Daphnis on his Excellent Translation of Lucretius 50. To Mrs. W. on her excellent Verses writ in praise of some I had made on the late Earl of Rochester written in a fit of sickness 57. The sense of a Letter sent me made into Verse to a New Tune 61. The Return 62. On a Copy of Verses made in a Dream and sent to me in a Morning before I was awake 63. To my Lady Morland at Tunbridge 65. Song to Ceres in the wavering Nymph or mad Amyntas 68. A Song in the same Play by the wavering Nymph 69. The Disappointment 70. On a Locket of Hair wove in a True-lovers Knot given me by Sir R. O. 77. The Dream a Song 78. A Letter to a Brother of the Pen in Tribulation 80. The Reflexion a Song 83. A Song to Pesibles Tune 86. A Song on her loving two Equally set by Capt. Pack 88. The Counsel a Song set by the same hand 89. The Surprise a Song set by Mr. Farmer 91. A Song 92. The Invitation a Song to a New Scotch Tune 93. Sylvia's Complaint a Song to a fine Scotch Tune 95. In Imitation of Horace 98. To Lysander who made some Virses on a Discourse of Loves Fire 101. A Dialogue for an entertainment at Court between Damon and Sylvia 102. On Mr. J. H. In a fit of sickness 106. To Lysander on some Verses he writ and asking more for his Heart than 't was worth 109. To the Honourable Lord Howard on his Comedy called the New Utopia 113. To Lysander at the Musick meeting 118. An Ode to Love 120. Love Reveng'd a Song 122. A Song to a New Scotch Tune 123. The Caball at Nickey Nackeys 125. A Paraphrase on the eleventh Ode out of the first Book of Horace 126. A Translation 127. A Paraphrase on Oenone to Paris 129. A Voyage to the Isle of Love 144. FINIS * So he called a Sweating-Tub (a) Lent (b) I wanted a Prologue to a Play (c) He pretended to Retir 〈…〉 o Write * Little Arts to please * Duty