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A20540 Three godlie and fruitful sermons; the two first preached by Maister Iohn Dod: the last by Maister Robert Cleauer. Whereunto are annexed, fiue propositions, or points of doctrine, comprehended in three other sermons, by the same author Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. aut 1610 (1610) STC 6950; ESTC S117481 100,240 192

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the eyes of the Lord but not with a perfect heart Therefore marke what came of it after that he had ouercome the Edomites his heart was lifted vp and he contrary to common sense fell to worship their Idols whom he had vanquished in battle he would not bee so precise any longer nor be at the command of euery Prophet but would take his liberty and so being an hypocrite in the beginning he manifested himselfe to be a miserable hypocrite in the end So Ioash all the while the good Priest 2 Chron. 24. Iehoiadah liued that would not suffer him to take ill courses was very forward yea in some things more forward then Iehoiadah himselfe but as 2 Kings 12. 7. soone as Iehoiadah was dead his religion was dead with him and of a professour he became a persecutour and nothing could stay him from his wicked courses vntill he was taken away by a violent death But that the point may be yet more cleare we wil giue instance in some particular things wherein men iudge themselues to be very strong when as the truth is they are exceeding weake Many will thanke God that though in other things they come short yet they are endued with patience but what doe they when wrongs are offered them why then they take on as bad as the worst Such neede not brag of the aboundance of their patience for they haue neuer a iot more then they finde when iniures are offered them So others there are that hope they loue the truth but let one of the Family of loue or of the Brownists set vpon them and what will they doe presently beginne to thinke and speake hardly of the seruantes and seruices of God and of the truth of God This plainely argueth that there was in the heart but little loue of the truth but much pronenesse aptnesse vnto errours and heresies He is the truely couragious souldier that wil stand to it when the skirmish is at hottest as for those that will bragge much before and betake them to their heeles or ioyne for feare with the aduersarie when the battle beginnes they are meere cowards vtterly vnworthy of the name of souldiers Againe others are conceited that they haue merciful hearts but hereby they manifest the quite contrary that they giue so little of their superfluity to those that are in necessity whose hearts might be gladded and whose soules might be stirred vp to offer praises and prayers vnto the Lord for them in regard of their liberality Others againe will not be perswaded but they make conscience of the Sabboth but if there be occasion of trauell offered on that day will they not rather God should lose his glory than they their commodity Yes surely and thereby they shew themselues to be but prophane persons that did neuer conscionably sanctify the Sabboth for if they had done so euery sleight temptation would neuer carry them so farre wide Vse 1 This serueth for comfort vnto those that haue laid a sure foundation it is impossible that they should fall away for temptations doe not make those that are good to become ill but onely try what euery one is Gold is as good when it comes out of the fire as when it is cast in nay better many times whereas copper that was before glistering in shew appeares to be that indeed which formerly it was though men discerned it not so wel til it had gone through the fire This comfort the Apostle Iohn giueth vs saying VVhosoeuer is borne of God 1 Ioh. 3. 9. sinneth not and why for his seed remaineth in him c. that is he can neuer be brought vnder the dominion of sin any more because the immortal seed of the word sowne in his heart can neuer die It is as possible to pull the Sunne out of heauen as to pul grace out of such an ones heart because all such are kept by the power of God himselfe Adam at first Pet. 1. 5. stood by his owne strength but euery Christian now standeth by Gods strength VVho is greater then Ioh. 10. 29. all so that none can take them out of his hand Obiect This then serues to answere the obiections of diuers that are troubled with doubts and feares What if the pestilence should take hold of mee and I should be shut vp and all my friends forsake me Why now examine what foundation Ans you haue laid before this storme assaile you if your heart be vpright with God all the powers of hell can doe you no hurt Obiect But what if the pangs of death should be very bitter Ans If they be Christ can sweeten and sanctify them Obiect But what if religion should change how should I doe then Ans As well as any time before for God neuer changeth and therefore if you be a branch of the true vine once you shall neuer be cut off but remaine in the vine for euer Therefore we should be so farre from being afraid of any fiery tryals that we should reioyce when we fall into diuers Iam. 1. 2. 3. temptations And the Apostle yeeldeth 2. good reasons First because thereby our faith is refined Other weapons the more they are vsed the worse they are but it is otherwise with this shield of faith the more blowes it receiues the better it is Secondly these tryals do work patience as is plaine Rom. 5. 3. in Iob who by his weaknesse and humble submission vnto God vnder his grieuous crosses did much honour the Lord so that sathan is the lesser in all such conflicts Vse 2 Secondly this is for terrour to them that haue not a sound inside when afflictions come as come they will sooner or later they that are vnsound will shew themselues to be vnsound and they that are false-hearted in the sight of God will appeare to be so in the sight of men Therefore let euery one looke vnto his heart or else his fall will be fearefull and shamefull Neither let men dreame that it will be alwaies Summer nay the Lord hath said that those that peruert their waies shall be Pro. 10. 9. knowne hypocrites shall be sifted first or last and then their filthy nakednesse will appeare In the Acts of the Apostles we reade of many that made Acts 26. 1● profession of Christ who when Paul brought amongst them the fire of persecution to try what mettall they were they in steed of standing for Christ fell to blaspheming of his name Pauls cruelty was but the occasion of this the cause was in themselues for if they had bene faithfull Christians they would rather haue denyed their life than the Lord of life and haue endured a temporall death than an eternall Indeed Gods deare children may be somewhat frighted and terrified at first but they quickly recouer themselues againe being therein like a pure spring which being trodde in by beasts or any other way stirred will be somewhat muddy for a while but come within an houre
vnpleasant and vnwelcome vnto impure and vnholy persons are these First because it doth maruellously crosse their wretched lusts and goes against those euill affections and actions which they are determined to follow they would be proud but the word tels them that then the Lord will resist them and at Iames 4. length confound them bodies and soules they would bee alwaies rooting in the earth and scraping together the pelfe of this world but the word tels them that such swine shall be without Reuel 22. that is excluded frō the heauenly Ierusalem and haue their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone for euer Now when they are resolued to be proud still and to be rooters still and the Ministers of God are euer and anon grating vpon their consciences for the same they are much imbittered and incensed against them and their doctrine and if they can worke them any mischiefe they shall be sure not to misse of it Secondly such kinde of doctrine doth much disgrace both their courses and persons for it is the square whereby such crooked peeces are discerned and the touchstone wherby wicked mens vnsoundnes is discouered Hence is it that when our Sauiour had inueighed against the hypocrisie of the Scribes and Pharisies an expounder of the law answered and said vnto him Master thus saying Luke 9. 45 46. thou puttest vs to rebuke also as if hee should haue said Be aduised what you speake for this doctrine of yours tendeth to our disgrace as well as vnto theirs But what doth our Sauiour forbeare them hereupon nay hee commeth neerer vnto them and driueth the naile to the head saying Woe be vnto you also ye interpreters of the law as if hee should say Will you play the dissemblers and must not a man speake against your sinne for feare of disgracing you Yes surely sinne must haue shame wheresoeuer it is and therefore woe vnto you also yee Lawyers for without repentance your case is very dangerous Thirdly the diuell is much disquieted with right and powerful doctrine If a man come with the sword of the Spirit to strike down right vpon the sinnes of mens soules and to summon their drowsie consciences before the iudgement seate of Iesus Christ that is the next way to thrust the diuell out of possession and to cast him violently Luke 10. 18. out of their hearts euen as the lightning fals from the cloud And this we must make full reckoning of that whatsoeuer dislikes the diuell the same John 8. will dislike the children of the diuell And therefore we may obserue that when Paul at Philippi Acts 16. 17. c. had cast out the diuell of the maide that had a spirit of diuination Satan himselfe being enraged thereby all the citie was in an vprore against him and Silas and commanded them to be grieuously scourged with roddes and after to be laid fast as close prisoners with their feete in the stocks Vse This point serueth 1. For instruction to Ministers that if they be faithfull vnto the Lord in teaching right things in a right manner they must make full account that euill men will be grieued and tired and quite wearied out therewith they will be vnwilling to come to the Church and think euery houre two while they are there Christ himselfe could not please carnall men nay he displeased them most because his teaching was best But what saith hee for his owne and others comfort Wisedome is iustified of her children so that albeit fleshly minded Luke 7. 35. men dislike and reiect pure and plaine doctrine yet those that are wisedoms children that is truly and spiritually wise will approue of it and embrace it Secondly this is for instruction to all Gods people that they should labour to bring their hearts to bee willing to heare and receiue sound doctrine that they may from a plaine and faithfull desire say vnto the Prophets prophecie vnto vs Isaiah 30. 10. right things tell vs plainly of our faults make vs to see them and to bee ashamed of them if you perceiue vs to be couetous or voluptuous or riotous c. let vs heare of these our corruptions and of the iudgements of God due vnto them that so wee may bee terrified and reclaimed from them And when we faile in the duties of pietie or mercie or of our callings let vs bee admonished and exhorted let vs haue forcible and vnanswerable reasons for the conuincing of our iudgements and the winning of our affections to the loue and liking of those good duties which we haue been formerly negligent to performe If we can come thus prepared to the preaching of the word we shall receiue abundant fruite and profit thereby and hence be assured to our comfort that wee are not rebels and traitors against the great King of heauen but his true and faithfull subiects and seruants in that wee are glad to know his statutes and willing and desirous to yeeld all loyall and dutifull obedience thereunto and howsoeuer our owne misinformed consciences or Satan our subtill enemie may perswade vs that we doe not lone and feare the Lord but that wee haue vnsound and vnsanctified hearts yet let vs stand vpon the contrarie for if wee haue no other argument of our true and sincere loue towards God yet this may be sufficient viz. that wee doe vnfainedly loue and embrace his sacred word it is an vndoubted testimonie of a good stomack to bee delighted and refreshed with wholesome foode neither is there a surer and better signe of a sound heart then to bee well affected towards a sound ministerie Doct. 4 OVr wretched nature is neuer so forward vnto All men are naturally most prone vnto euill any thing as vnto that which is sinfull and vtterly vnlawfull All men are naturally exceeding slack in attempting executing that which is good but very swift in setting vpon and going through with that which is euill Therefore is it said of all the sonnes of Adam without exception that their feete are swift to shed bloud Many there Rom. 3. 15. are who if they should be prest to fight in lawfull warre for God and their countrie would be fearfull and dastardly and if they could with any credit or safetie they would betake them to their heeles and yet the same men in a priuate quarrell or in robbing by the high waies side or in stealing somewhat out of their neighbours grounds will be very forward and swift to shed blood Againe there are diuers that are exceeding slow in going to a Sermon or to any such holy exercise or seruice but to runne to a Bull-baiting or a Beare-baiting or to a Whitson-ale none shall rise more early nor hasten more speedily then they Examples will make this point yet more cleere When Nebuchadnezzar was minded to passe an vniust sentence of death vpon the Caldeans and Astrologians for that they could not Dan. 2. 14. bring to his
it and haue it quenched in him Answere To this it may be said that because the spirit of God commeth to and worketh in diuers men diuersly and in diuers measures therefore we must consider of the diuers working of the spirit and then frame our answere accordingly First then there is a lighter and lesser worke of Seuerall operations of the sp●rit the spirit which may be quenched as appeareth in the two kindes of grounds Luke 8. to wit the stonie and thornie ground which doubtlesse felt Matth. 13. Luke 8. some working of the spirit for they are said to receiue the word with ioy and to beleeue for a time though after either the pleasures and profits of this life did choake the graces of God or else the fierie heate of persecution did drie them vp not being such sanctifying graces as are bestowed vpon the elect If any would see the trueth of this more cleerely let him reade Hebr. chap. 6. vers 1 2 3 4 5. There is a second kinde of working of the spirit which is more effectuall which can neuer bee lost This Peter describeth saying that the chosen of God are begotten againe of the immortall seede of 1. Pet. 1. 23. the word this is not a light but a deepe tasting of the word whereby men are regenerated and begotten vnto God The Apostle Iohn setteth down another note of this saying that they that are thus ● Ioh. 3. 7. 8. borne againe doe not sinne that is they cannot make an occupation of sinne they cannot fall flat away by sinne and why euen because the seed of God abideth in them euen that seede whereby they were begotten againe which will abide in them euen vnto the end so that they shall neither Matth. 24. 24. John 10. 28. 29. by secret seducements nor by open violence be taken out of Gods hands Thus then we see the question answered neither must it be strange much lesse offensiue vnto vs that the Lord should take some and leaue others or that he should work effectually in some for their eternall saluation and more slightly in others for the increase of their condemnation for thus hath God dealt euen from the beginning and that most righteously because hee may doe with his owne what he will Rom. 9. 20 21. Let vs see rather what vse we may make of it First let vs take heed of quenching any grace of God Secondly still labour to haue a greater measure of gifts seeing small gifts may be taken away Lastly let vs learne to put a difference between hypocrites and sound Christians for the one sort indureth but for a time but the other lasteth for euer But if yet wee require a cleerer difference betweene these seuerall operations of the spirit let vs marke these rules First let vs trie what insight wee haue into the Rules to trie whether the spi●i● haue wrought in vs in a sauing manner word of God certaine it is that both the godlie and wicked are inlightened but diuersly for the knowledge of the godly is certaine and distinct and therefore in particular things they are able to 1. Concerning knowledge 1. apply the threatnings of God for their humiliation and his promises for their consolation whereas the knowledge of the wicked is confused and causeth them to applie nothing to themselues for good Againe godly mens knowledge is sufficient to direct them both generally and in particular duties whereas the knowledge of the vngodly is only generall Lastly the knowledge of the one continueth with them vnto the end but the knowledge of the other leaueth them in the end Therefore is the knowledge of the godly for the cleerenes certaintie and sufficiencie of it compared to the Sunne and the knowledge of the wicked to the Heb. 6. lightning which is onely for a sudden flash and when it is gone men are more dimme-sighted then they were before Thus wee see one difference in their iudgements Secondly let vs come to their affections Certaine 2. Concerning the affections 1. Desire Psal 78. 34. it is that the wicked doe desire the help and fauour of God but the difference stands in the cause why they seeke helpe onely because of some extremitie they are in and sue for the fauour of God because they would be freed from griefe and therefore it is vsual with them to say Oh that I were out of this paine oh that this my sorrow were taken from me by which speeches they shew that so they might be at rest and ease they would little weigh of the helpe and fauour of God but the godly finde such sweetnes in his loue that they count it better then life it self Psal 63. 3. in so much that for the obtaining thereof they can bee content to forgoe all the pleasures of this Matth. 13. 4. life yea and to suffer whatsoeuer it shall please the Lord to inflict vpon them Further not the godly onely but the wicked 2. Sorrow also are grieued when they haue sinned but the wicked doe therefore sorrow because their sinne hath or will bring some punishment vpon them and the godly sorrow chiefly because they haue Psal 80. 7. offended God and giuen him occasion to withdraw his fauour from them The third differēce is in their loue for though 3. Loue. both of them doe loue God yet it is after a diuers manner the one of sinceritie the other for wages only A poore childe that is taken vp fed and cloathed will loue him that doth thus feede and clothe him but if hee receiued no more of that man then of another he would like him and loue him no better then another euen so it is with the wicked if their bellics be filled their barnes stuffed and they haue their hearts desire they loue God indeede but onely for their belly and their barnes Thus did Saul loue God for his kingdom Achitophel for his promotion Iudas for his place of Apostleship but what became of their loue Saul a little afflicted forsooke God Achitophel somewhat crossed in his deuices and disappointed of his hopes hanged himselfe and Iudas for gaine betraied Christ Some experience of this wee may see among vs Courtiers will be professors and Schollers of ripe wits will be religious if that Courtiers may become Counsellors and Schollers may be preferred to the chiefest places but if promotion come not then is their profession forsaken and their religion laid aside and yet that is not all for either they waxe prophane in their liues or hereticall in their opinions Doe the children of God loue on this manner No the holy Ghost which they haue receiued in effectuall manner doth shed the seede of loue in their hearts and doth Rom. 5. worke in them a speciall liking of his goodnesse and of his holinesse so that they loue him not for Psal 116. 1. his blessings alone but chiefly for himselfe as the naturall childe loueth his father naturally
the word that checketh him for his sinne and in what measure any man dislikes the word in the same measure will hee take pleasure in all manner of iniquitie which is condemned by the word And thus much for the causes of this vnwillingnesse The ill effects follow which to mention but a few of a great many are three The two former in respect of men themselues the last in respect of God Concerning themselues first they are neuer able to meditate on the word For whatsoeuer a man comes vnwillingly to hearken vnto that will quickly slip out of his minde neither can hee possibly get it to take any deepe roote in his heart Hence is it that when couetous or malicious or vnchast persons repaire vnto Sermons to please their masters or to satisfie the law or for some such by-respect they neuer seriously think of that which they haue heard to make any application thereof vnto themselues they cannot bring their hearts vnto it for a sinfull conscience will not indure to be tied to the word of the Lord. The Prophet Dauid saith Lord how loue I thy law my meditation Psal 119. 97. is in it continually What will follow then if a man doe not loue Gods law Surely he will not at any time meditate thereon which hee that doth not must needs be a very sinfull creature Secondly as hee will neuer ponder vpon it so neither will he practise it He that is vnwilling to heare his dutie will be much more vnwilling to doe it If wee see a seruant that cannot endure to bee informed what is his masters will and pleasure we presently conclude that such an one will not prooue a faithfull and trustie seruant and so may we do without any breach of charitie when wee perceiue a man to be altogether carelesse or contemptuous in listening to the charge of his heauenly master hee that cannot abide to heare of the duties of the Sabbath nor of the exercises of religion that hee is to performe in his familie and the like we may boldly say except the Lord conuert this mans heart certainly hee will neuer make conscience of performing these duties Now for the effect which they shall find from the Lord it is this that he will deale with them as with wicked and vngodly ones both in this life and afterwards for because they receiue not the loue 2. Thess 2. 10. 11 12. of the truth that they might bee saued therefore God will send them strong delusion that they should beleeue lies That all they may be damned that beleeue not the truth but take pleasure in vnrighteousnes This doctrine maketh Vse 1 First for the terror of Papists and all such as are popishly affected as being liable to this iudgement and heauy stroake of God because they refuse to heare the word of the Lord and will rather hearken to erroneous and heretical doctrine then to the truth of God contained in the holie Scriptures and rather lie in prison amongst malefactors then bee in the Church amongst true Christians Obiect But though they doe not heare the word preached yet will some say they pray very much Answere What of that doe they imagine to haue any benefit by their prayers if they doe they will bee much deceiued for Salomon saith He that turneth Prou. 28. 9. away his eare from hearing the law euen his prayer shall be abominable Let them pretend what they will for their wilful absenting of themselues from our assemblies as namely that wee corrupt the word and misinterprete and misapplie the same yet they shall finde that they haue refused to embrace the loue of the trueth and haue beleeued lies and that therefore the Lord hath iustly giuen them vp to be deluded by Satan and so to be damned with him euerlastingly Secondly for the iust reproofe of many among vs who will come vnto the Church and sit before the Preacher as men and women desiring to obtaine the knowledge of Gods waies whereas in truth the Lord and their owne consciences can witnesse that they are altogether vnwilling to receiue any wholesome admonition and instruction and that no charge is or can bee more vnpleasant and distastfull vnto them then that of the God of heauen when hee straitly enioyneth them with all speed to get out of their sinnes and to turne their feete into the way of his testimonies And because they will bee very loath to acknowledge thus much but are readie to harbour too good an opinion of themselues as if none were more forward hearers then they are let their owne hearts bee iudges what preparation they make before hand for the fitting of themselues for such a great work what attention they vse when they are present and what meditation and conference they haue concerning it when they are departed Of which points if they would without partialitie examine themselues they should easily discerne a great deale of backwardnesse in their nature and in their practise If a man should protest that hee goes to the market with a great desire to buy food for himselfe and his family yet if hee alwaies plaied the vnthrift with his money and neuer brought home any prouision we would not giue credit to his words but account him a meere dissembler and the like censure may we passe on such as pretend they are willing to reape benefit by the word to the intent they may bee able to helpe both themselues and their families and yet neuer carrie away any thing to the purpose but if you aske them what points were handled they can say nothing but this surely wee heard a very good Sermon God be thanked but my memorie is very short or I cannot vtter all that I haue in my minde my heart I hope is as good as the best though I cannot talke of the Sermon as others doe what is this but to deceiue their owne soules with vaine words for certainly he that hath a heart willing to heare will haue a tongue readie to vtter in some tolerable sort that which hee hath heard though not all of it yet a good part of it as God hath giuen to euery one the measure of grace Another sort are here to be reproued who doe in a more palpable and grosse manner manifest their vnwillingnes to heare in that they will take euery slight occasion to absent themselues and that not onely on the weeke daies but on the Lords day also so that when the Lord commeth euen to their dores and offereth to powre down his graces abundantly vpon them they refuse his gratious offer and so iudge themselues vnworthie of Acts 13 46. eternall life Thirdly this is for our instruction if we would be freed from the accusation and condemnation of impious and prophane persons then let vs labour to bee willing and well affected hearers and to come with a better appetite to the food of our soules then wee doe to the foode of our bodies and bee more desirous to
shall be turned into ioy But by what meanes should they attaine vnto this the words following doe make it manifest Ask saith he and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be verse 2. 4. full When Christians do enioy wealth credit and ease they are oftentimes made so dull and secure thereby that they haue little mind to powre out their soules before God in prayer but when once they are throughly pinched and pressed with miseries and calamities then they begin to renue their acquaintance with God and so bringing before him abundance of holy and heauenly prayers he replenisheth them with store of sweet and celestiall comforts A third reason hereof may be taken from the end of Gods afflictions which is as he himselfe testifieth in the booke of Deuteronomie that he may doe his children good in the latter end that hee may make them partakers of his holinesse and so by Heb. 12. 10. consequent of the consolations of his spirit Whē God will doe his enemies a notable displeasure he setteth them aloft in slipperie places that so their Psal 73. fall may bee more fearefull and vnrecouerable euen so on the contrarie when hee purposeth some extraordinarie benefit vnto his seruants he will lay them full low and afflict them full sore as he did Ioseph and Dauid that so they may be more capable of his fauours Vse 1 Heere commeth to be reprooued that faint-heartednesse that is in many of Gods children in the daies of their affliction who seeing that they haue many and great and strange crosses lying vpon them begin to bee cleane out of heart and out of hope and to make these or the like desperate conclusions Surely I shall neuer winde out of these distresses my state is past recouerie I neuer looke to see ioyfull day more These are base and naughtie and vnbeleeuing speeches which doe dismay the soule and cause the parties that vse them to desist from seeking vnto the Lord for help and reliefe and wretched is that sorrow that driueth vs from hope and from prayer What can the Lord wound and can he not heale can he cast downe and can hee not raise vp can hee kill and not make aliue shall our faults be more forcible to procure his displeasure then Christ his merits to recouer his fauour Away with these vnbeleeuing conceits and distrustfull thoughts and speeches for he that saith he shall neuer liue a comfortable life more doth in effect say thus much that either he is no true Christian o● the Lord no true God of his word who hath said that light is sowen for the righteous and ioy for all Psal 97. 11. that are vpright in heart Why then should we not sustaine our selues with the expectation of deliuerance to come and why should we not sweeten our present teares with the hope of future comforts The Apostle Iames presseth the example of the husbandman who though his barne be emptie and his seede that he hath cast into the earth not yet appearing aboue ground yet hee waiteth for the precious fruite of the earth and hath Iames 5. 7. 8. long patience for it vntill hee receiue the former and the latter raine And what of this Be ye also patient therefore saith he and settle your hearts c. And indeede all Christians haue reason so to doe for they are good seeds-men that are euermore sowing prayers and teares in the bosome of Iesus Christ and therefore they haue a crop growing that cannot possibly miscarrie howsoeuer it fall out vnto others they shall be sure to speede well and to haue an happie issue out of all their temptations Obiect Oh but my crosses and trials are strange and extraordinarie Answere What of that were not Iobs so in so much that no instance could be giuen by him of any of the Saints that had endured the like yet the Lord made a good and happie end of all his distresses and miseries and so will he do of yours if in faith and patience you can waite vpon him And in truth it is a great dishonor and indignitie that we offer vnto the Lord when wee imagine that hee can doe somewhat for vs in small and light afflictions but if our case bee any thing extraordinarie that then there is no hope of helpe and succor from him for thereby we make the Lord such a Pilot as can doe somewhat vpon a shallow riuer where there is little or no danger but vpon the maine Ocean especially if the Sea begin to swell and rage wee dare not trust vnto his skill what vile and base vnbeliefe is this The Prophet Dauid was otherwise affected when hee saith God is our hope and strength a helpe in troubles readie to bee Psal 46. 1. 2. 3. found Therefore will we not feare though the earth be moued and though the mountaines fall into the midst of the Sea Though the waters thereof rage and the mountaines shake at the surges of the same And therefore let vs be ashamed and grieued that wee haue been so heartlesse and hopelesse in great extremities Secondly is it so that all the perplexities and anguishes of the righteous shall end in ioy Is this a priuiledge and prerogatiue peculiar vnto them then how wretched and wofull is the conditiō of all the vngodly ones of the world whose sorrow shall end in sorrow and who shall goe from their present paine and griefe vnto perpetuall tortures and torments in hell fire let them make mcrrie and bee as iocund as they will for a time and seck to put away melancholy fits as they tearme them they haue a crop growing as well as Gods children but what is that euen a crop of shame and horror and anguish which shall seise vpon their soules at vnawares and that to their euerlasting ruine and the vtter destruction of their bodies and soules for euermore And therefore as the godly are to bee exhorted not to enuie the prosperitie of the wicked though they flourish for a season so are the vngodly to bee admonished that they doe not esteeme Gods children to be miserable albeit they bee in heauinesse for a time for their light and momentanie afflictions 2. Cor. 4. shall bee recompenced with a farre most excellent and eternal weight of ioy and of glory whereas the short and vaine delights of wicked sinners shall be infinitly ouerpeised and weighed downe with the vnsupportable miseries which if not in this world yet in that which is to come they shall most certainly meete withall Thirdly heere is matter of very great consolation to all such as are mourners in Sion though they be weeping when others are reioycing and fasting when others are feasting yet a time shall come when sorrow and trouble shall flie away and comfort and peace shal succeed in the roome thereof God hath said it and they shall finde it that it shall goe well with the righteous and that the Isaiah 4. Psal 37. end of such men