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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19508 The triumph of a Christian contayning three excellent and heauenly treatises. 1 Iacobs wrestling with God. 2 The conduit of comfort. 3 A preparatiue for the Lords Supper. Full of sweet consolations for all that desire the comfortable sweetnesse of Iesus Christ, and necessary for those who are troubled in conscience. Written by that worthy man Master William Couper, minister of Gods word. Cowper, William, 1568-1619.; Cowper, William, 1568-1619. Conduit of comfort.; Cowper, William, 1568-1619. Jacobs wrestling with God.; Cowper, William, 1568-1619. Preparative for the new Passeover. 1608 (1608) STC 5937; ESTC S117170 143,181 383

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was senselesse before being dead in sinne and trespasses begins now to stir and moue as Iosiahs heart melted at the reading of the Law and the hearts of those penitent Iewes which were pricked at the sharpe Sermon of Peter then feeling our selues vnder death through sinne wee begin to thinke vs of the wayes of life and to aske with the Iaylor What shall wee doe that wee may bee saued These motions meltings and prickings of the hart wrought in the ●…lect by the operation of Gods word are the very plucks of the hand of God translating thee out of Nature into Grace yet must wee not rest here for Felix may tremble while Paul is preaching and many for a while may receiue this word with joy and yet afterward fall away in the time of temptation Wee must therefore consider if there bee in the hart a respondence and answering vnto the Lord so oft as hee calleth doe wee present our selues before him ready to follow him saying with Abraham here I am Lord and with Samuel after hee knew the Lords voyce Speake on Lord thy Seruant heareth thee This answering and following of the Lord are vndoubted tokens of effectuall Calling So oft as the Lord calleth the Christian answereth When thou saidst Seeke yee my face my heart answered O Lord I will seeke thy face If the Lord commaund the Christian answereth O Lord quicken me according to thy louing kindnesse that I may apply my heart to keepe thy statutes alwayes to the end If the Lord promise mercy the Christian answeres Stablish O Lord thy promise to thy Seruant and let it bee to me according to thy word for I beleeue in thee but Lord help my vnbeleefe And thus in the heart of one effectually called there is a continual respondence to the voyce of God a waiting on the Lord a walking with him and a following of him where euer hee goe If the Lord haue called thee sure it is thou wilt follow him and no power of the Diuell of the world or of the slesh shall hold thee back from him When Eliah touched Elisha with his cloak he left his Oxen and came after him When Iesus called on Andrew and Peter they left their nets their ship and their Father and followed him when hee called on Mathew hee left all his gainful trade of the receipt of custome and followed him when hee called on Mary Magdal●…ne shee forsooke her sinfull life and followed him Here is the finest Touchstone to trye an inward calling If the Lord hath called thee thou wilt follow him but if yet thou bee wandring after vanitie walking on in the course of thy sinne turning thy backe and not thy face vnto the Lord deceiue not thy selfe pertalcer of this heauenly Calling wherein stands the onely comfort of a Christian hast thou neuer beene CHAP. XV. The loue of God a sure token of an inward calling and of the commendation of loue THat Loue of God And last of all to returne to the words againe the whole effects of out inward Calling the Apostle compriseth vnder one to wit The loue of God and that most properly for Loue compriseth all the rest vnder it Loue is the Cognisance of Christs Disciples sayes our Sauiour It is the band of perfection saith the Apostle and accomplishment of the L●… Loue speakes with the tongue of eue●… Vertue Pittie bids thee help the indigent Iustice bids thee giue euery man his owne Mercy bids forgiue Patience bids suffer but the voyce of Christian Loue commaunds all these Holy Loue is the eldest Daughter of a iustifying Faith that is the fi●…st affection that Faith procreateth and sanctifieth and whereby she workes in the sanctification of the rest Loue is the strongest and most imperious affection in the whole nature of man all the rest of the affections giues place vnto it which wee may see euen in the man naturall and vnregenerate Where Loue is kindled Feare is banished Couetousnesse coucheth Ambition is silent A Coward inflamed with Loue becomes valiant and a couetous man is oft times ●…y Loue made to bee more prodigall yea the proud and ambitious man who otherwise giues place to 〈◊〉 man for obtayning that which hee 〈◊〉 cares not to prostrate his honor 〈◊〉 the dust If carnall Loue be so forci●… what shall wee say of the spirituall Loue How much more doth it draw 〈◊〉 whole powers of soule and body 〈◊〉 the Lord neyther is it possible to 〈◊〉 otherwayes for euery thing returns to his owne originall as the waters go 〈◊〉 to the deepe from whence 〈◊〉 came and fire tends vpward to his owne place and Region euen so holy Loue being a sparke of the heauenly fire kindled in our hearts by the holy Ghost doth continually enflame them towards the Lord from whom it came and suffers vs neuer to rest while vvee enjoy him then vvee begin to liue when vvee begin to Loue. As no Creature can liue out of his owne Element so the Soule is but dead in sinne vvhich is destitute of the loue of God No feare to offend him no care to please him no obedience to his Commaundements can bee giuen by the heart that loues him not It were tedious to speake of all the properties of Loue we make choise of a few as chiefe tryals of our Loue. CHAP. XVI First triall of Loue. THe first propertie of Loue is a burning desire to obtaine that which is beloued as a Woman that loueth her Husband vnfainedly cannot bee content with any Loue token she receiueth from him in his absence but longeth more and more till she receiue himselfe So the soule which is wounded with the Loue of Iesus her immortall hushand hath a continuall desire to bee with him I graunt enerie token sent from him brings comfort but no contentment till shee inioyes him whereof comes these and such like complaints As the Hart brayes for the riuers of water so panteth my soule 〈◊〉 thee O my God O wh●…n 〈◊〉 I come appeare before the presence of my God my soule desireth after the Lord as the thirstie land for I would be dissolued be with the Lord therefore come euen so come Lord Iesus But alas here are we taken in our sins Thou sayest thou louest him but how is it then thou longest not to see him neither desi●…est to be with him yea a small appearance of the day of death wherein we should goe to him or mention of the day of judgement wherein hee shall come to vs doth terrifie and affright thee Thou that contents thee with the gifts of God and thinkest not long for himselfe thou art but like an adulterous woman who if she posses●…e the goods of her husband regards not albeit she neuer see himselfe The Iewes are blamed because they called on th●… Lord rather for oyle and wine then for himselfe The Gentiles are conuinced for worshiping the creature rather then the creator but more iustly shall the bastard
we are to take of our selues for if as I said the Iewes had assigned to them the space of foure daies for preparation before they eate their Passeouer what shall we doe that haue to celebrate a more excellent misterie they searched diligently euery corner of their house to see that no leauen were in it but more diligentlie should we search euery corner of our hearts that no knowne leauen of wickednesse maliciousnesse be left in it which wee haue not purged and cast out by repentance Then shall wee find that euery new sight of our selues shall discouer a new corruption for the heart of man is a great deepe and deceitfull aboue all things manie Chambers of corruption are in it If we haue entred into one and seene the abhominations which are there thinke not for that wee haue entred in all No doubt the Prophet Esay knew before that he was a sinfull man but a new vision of the Maiestie of God brought him to a deeper insight of his owne vncleanenesse and made him to crie out woe is me for I am vndone Because I am a man of polluted lips and mine eyes haue seene the King the Lord of Hostes I haue seene saith Iob The Lord therefore doe I now abhorre my selfe And this I speake that none of vs thinke a new triall vnnecessary but that euen ye who through grace haue bene accustomed euerie morning to chastice your selues and euerie euening to examine your hearts in your beds may be warned to you also belongeth this precept Let a man try himselfe and so let him eate CHAP. VII What a laborious work is enioyned a man when hee is commanded to try himselfe Two things necessary for this tryall First the Spirit of God Secondly the Word of God Many try themselues by wrong Rules and are so deceiued VVHich shall appeare more euidently if thou ponder this preprecept Try thy selfe it is a restlesse and laborious work that here is inioyned to thee thou art set to a task which may hold thee exercised all the dayes of thy life The Lord by this precept will haue euery thing that is in man brought vnder examination Man as hee is the workmanship of God is euerie way so meruailous that no meruaile the Philosophers called him a little world Augustine in his Estimation accounted man a greater miracle then all the miracles that euer were wrought among men but as he is peruerted by sinne and become the workmanship of Sathan hee is so fraughted with iniquitie that Saint Iames cals one member of his body a world of wickednesse and if in the tongue onely which is but a small member of the body there is so much wickednesse that the Spirit of God who giueth names to things as they are calleth it a world of wickednes what shall we think of the rest what bottomlesse depth of iniqui tie must there bee in the fountaine when there is so much in the streame and therefore I say hee had need to be full of eyes within and without that will practise this precept of the Apostle Let a man trye himselfe For if ye shall begin to take a view of your minde and consider how farre it is enlightned and what naturall darknesse yet remayneth in it how many bands of strange cogitations at seuerall times soiourne in it some flowing from the loue of the World and her deceitfull pleasures intending to steale our hearts after them some from the roote of concupiscence and her inordinate Lusts that oftentimes violently oppresse vs and some from the roote of bitternesse raysing wonderfull commotions and perturbations within vs reeling too and fro by courses in our swelling and restlesse mindes raging like waues of the Sea carryed with furious windes besides infinite armies of other vaine and idle cogitations whereof wee cannot tell from whence they come nor whether they goe and if from the minde they proceed to the heart which is the seate of the affections take a particular view of them how our loue and our hatred our feare and our confidence our ioy and our griefe our care and our contentment are renewed and framed according to that word which is the rule of righteousnesse And if againe yee goe to try the affections and see how the members of your bodyes are imployed as weapons of righteousnes in the seruice of God if yee haue made a Couenant with your eyes or not that they regard not vanitie or if negligently yee let them stand open as windowes at the which death enters euery moment into your soules and if yee haue learned to take heede to your lips that yee sinne not with your tongue if yee shall also take a time to consider the ignorances of your youth and sinnes of your old age if I say yee looke vnto all these which yet are few in regard of many moe we haue to looke vnto what shal appeare but a new found world of wickednesse dicouered vnto thee which most iustly may make thee ashamed and compell thee to cry out with Dauid O Lord who knoweth the errours of his life Lord cleanse me from my secret sinnes and keepe me from presumptuous sinnes that so I may bee made cleane from much wickednesse yea thou shalt wish with Ieremie O that my head were full of water and mine eyes fountaines of teares that all the whole day long I might with Ezekiah recount my sinnes in the bitternesse of my heart and all the night cause my bed to swim and water my couch with teares for the manifold transgressions wherwith I haue offended the Lord my God And now because this tryall of our selues is so necessary let vs here remember that there are two things without which wee cannot profite in this work of tryall The one is the Spirit of God the other the Word of God As to the first man by nature is so blinded with selfe Loue that hee accounts his owne deformitie beauty and his bondage libertie what viler bondage then the Seruitude of sinne O quam multos Dominos habet qui vnum non habet said Ambrose and yet man vnregenerate counteth it his libertie to liue vncontrolled in the seruice of his lusts to doe what hee will what libertie againe so excellent as to be the freeman of God Seruire Deo est regnare and yet foolish man accounts the obedience of Gods Law which is the law of libertie a seruitude and the Commandements of God he esteemes as bonds wherwith he will not be bound walking the footsteps of other Rebels before him hee cryes out Let vs breake their bonds and cast their cords from vs. It vvas not the disease of the Laodiceans onely to account themselues happy vvhen indeed they were miserable it is the naturall disease of all the Sons of Adam for euery mans way seemeth good in his owne eyes A pittifull blindnes that death should raigne ouer man and man not feele it
kinde Pelican that sendeth out his owne bloud to nourish his young and all this hath our Lord Iesus done not grudgingly but willingly prouoked hereunto by that feruent Loue hee bare to the glory of God his father and to our saluation Which shall yet appeare more euidently out of his owne comfortable saying to his Disciples I haue greatly desired to eate this Passeouer with you O word full of consolation sundry Passeouers had hee eaten before with them but hee protesteth this was his desired Passeouer See yee not here his vnquenchable Loue hee knew it was the last hee was to eate vpon the earth he knew he was to drink no more with them of the fruit of the Vine till it was fulfilled in his Fathers kingdome hee knew that the same night they would ●…ay him and that after Supper a bitter Cup of Passion was abiding for him yet his loue ouercame all these impediments and made him thinke long to eate of this Passeouer And which is much more before euer hee gaue himselfe to bee crucified for vs on the Crosse hee prouided this Sacrament as a meanes of the communication of himselfe vnto vs thereby assuring vs that his subsequent passion should not defraude vs but rather affoord vnto vs and make ready for vs that righteousnesse and life by Christ purchased on the Crosse and communicate in his holy Table to them who are his In the one hee was prepared and made ready as the onely foode of our soules to eternall life in the other hee is applyed Communicated and giuen vnto vs both of these necessarily behooued to bee done for the work of our Saluation Sicut enim ad potandum vinum venire nemo potest nisi botrus calcetur ante prematur sic nos sanguinem Christi bibere non potuimus nisi Christus prius fuisset calcatus pressus It was a great Loue which made our Sauiour content that his bloud should be shed out on the Crosse and so should bee made both a ransome and a conuenient foode for vs for the father sent him Quasi saccum plenum misericordia in passione conscindendum vt effundatur quod in eo latet pretium nostrum So is this also a new declaration of his loue that before his body was broken and his blood was shed hee first ordeyned the meanes whereby it should be communicated vnto vs. These and many more spirituall meditations should bee vnto vs as the breathings of the mouth of God to kindle in our soules that little sparke of the loue of God which alas for fault of entertainement is almost ouer gone and extinguished with the ashes of our corruption for seeing our Sauiour longed to eate with vs shall not we long to eate with him he greatly desired to giue himself to vs in this table and for vs on the crosse shall not we earnestly desire to receiue him hee knew it was the last he should eat vpon earth that after it heauy sufferings abode him wee know that our banqueting here is the banquet that shall be accomplished in heauen it is begun here it shall not end here Comfortable is that word of our Sauiour it shall be fulfilled in my kingdome and will not we then ioyfully begin this banquet shall we be so foolish as to wait vpon lying vanities and forsake our owne mercies shall we turne our back vpon the fountaine of liuing waters and digge to our selues Cisterns that can hold no water certainely our darknesse is grosser then the darknesse of Egipt and our hearts harder then the Adamant except this burning loue of the Lord Iesus rauish vpward our hearts after him The spouse in the Canticles professeth she was sicke of the loue of her glorious husband the Lord Iesus but alas wee are not touched with the like loue wee feele not the smell of his oyntments therefore with the rest of the Virgins we runne not after him Eliah touched Elisha with his Mantle and therwithall the Lord ioyned his inward calling and suddenly Elisha left his plough of Oxen and of a husbandman became Prophet Now the Lord cals vpon vs by his word and Sacrament let vs also pray that the Lord would shed abroad in our harts by his holy spirit the sence of that loue of God then should wee neglecting all things runne after the Lord seeking onely to inioy him The men of this world maruell to beehold the suddaine change of life which is made in the children of God by his effectuall calling they maruell to see them running so feruently after Christ seeking him by continuance in prayer by hearing of his word by participation of his Sacrament and that with such an insatiable desire that in this life they can neuer be satisfied with hearing reading praying and communicating but if the Lord should in like manner touch their harts and let them feele the power of an inward calling then would they marueile no more farre lesse disdaine yea they would make hast and ioyne themselues to the company of the godly And Saul also should become amongst the Prophets The woman who had liued before a licentious life would now change it with Mary Magdalene shee had beene a great sinner in the Cittie but became an example of Repentance to all the sinners in the Cittie shee prostrates no more her body to her carnall Louers but falles downe at the feete of Christ to craue his mercy in stead of her wanton lookes her eyes poure out teares and her beautifull hayre which before shee set out as a proclaimer of her Lust now shee pulleth downe to wash the feete of Christ. Thus all the former meanes of her sin shee maketh new witnesses of her repentance the man in like manner who had sate all his dayes with Mathew at the receipt of Custome that is who had liued in the sinfull trade of vnlawfull gaine would now in like manner forsake it but where the Lord by effectuall calling workes not in the heart an earnest loue of God no meruaile they lye still in the graue of their sins and rise not to walke after the Lord. We are therfore so much the more to vse all the ordinary means which may entertaine in vs that little sparke of the Loue of God till it grow vp vnto a great flame for the farther vnion and coniunction of our Soules with Iesus Christ and this for our disposition towards God As concerning our Christian disposition to our neighbour it is vsuall to the spirit of God to comprise it vnder Loue. Our Sauiour saith that loue is the Cognisance of his Disciples and the Apostle calleth it the band of perfection and fulfilling of the Law and no meruaile for Loue speaketh with the tongue of euery Vertue All the sundry precepts wee are commaunded to doe vnto our neighbour are summarily comprehended vnder this one Loue one another As this Sacrament sealeth vp the Communion of the
no way be prejudiciall to the veritie of his word O strong O rare O wonderfull Faith Therefore the Lord who giueth no vaine stiles to his seruants honoureth Abraham with this name the father of the faithfull For by his example our weakenes is strengthned to giue credit to the Lord when he speaketh to vs. And the same lesson of Faith is in like manner taught vnto vs by the example of patient Iob for many schoolmasters and examples haue wee on whom the ends of the world are fallen No doubt he had laid vp the promises of God in his heart whereupon he dependeth yet doth the Lord handle him sohardly both in body and minde as if hee were determinate to keepe no promise vnto him Yet Iob for all this distrusts not the truth of Gods promise but gripes them so surely that in his greatest extremitie he resolues O Lord albeit thou shouldest slay me yet will I trust in thee That is albeit Lord thou shouldst deale hardlier with me then thou hast done yet will I neuer thinke but thou wilt bee mercifull to me according to thy promise there is a heart knit to the Lord there is a soule cleaning to God without separation that thus concludes O Lord none of thy workes shall make me to misbeleeue thy word though thou cast me downe to hell my eye shall bee vpward towards thee my soule shall loue thee euen when it appeares thou saist that thou hast no delight in me And the like also may we see in that woman of Canaan according to that promise ask●… and it shall be giuen call on me in thy trouble and I shall heare thee and deliuer thee She 〈◊〉 O Lord haue mercy on me but at the 〈◊〉 gets no answere She cryeth againe againe but contrary to another promise as it would appeare God giues to all men liberally and reproches no man not onely is she refused but reproched as a dog and one not meet to eate the childrens bread But at the length leaning without wauering to the Lords promise shee receiues a fauourable answere O woman great is thy ●…aith CHAP. X. Let vs euer leane to the Word of God how strange soeuer his worke s●…eme vnto vs. OF all this then the lesson ariseth vnto vs that when ere the Lord shall exercise vs so hardly as to our Iudgement Gods working with vs seemes to fight with his promise made vnto vs so that suppose wee pray and wee mourne and we seeke comfort we can find none yea the more we pray the more our trouble encreaseth yet let vs not despaire but learne at our brethren who haue fought the like battailes before vs to rest assuredly on Gods promise For in the end his hardest working shall bee found to tend vnto the performance of his promise made vs in Christ Iesus let the Lord walke on in his secret wayes knowne to himselfe and let vs giue to the Lord this glory I know O Lord that it cannot 〈◊〉 but well with them who loues thee I know O Lord that thy iudgements are right for thy word endureth for eu●…r in heauen and thy truth is from generation to generation Heauen earth shal passe away but one iotte of the Word of God shall not passe 〈◊〉 O happy are they to whom the Lord hath made a promise of mercy they shall sing in the end with Ezechiel The Lord hath said it and the Lord hath done it he will stablish the promise he hath made to his seruant and hee will not alter the word that he hath spoken with his lips Wherfore O thou that art afflicted humbled in spirit disquieted within thy selfe waite vpon God and thou shalt yet giue him thanks Now in the fourth roome we haue to speake of the time how long the wrestling continueth Moses saith it lasted to the breaking of the day Here then is a new mercy to bee marked the Lord will neuer so exercise his children with wrestlings but in regard of their weaknesse graunts them some intermission and a breathing time least they should faint he will lay no more vpon them then they be able to beare neyther suffer his rods to lye longer vpon their backs then may serue for their weale Al our afflictions are measured by the Lord in quantitie qualitie and continuance of time For quantitie the Lord propines to each one of his Children a c●…p of affliction conuenient for their purgation and as to qualitie he tempers also our afflictions that where of their owne nature they are exceeding bitter being the fruites of sinne worse to drinke then the waters of Marah vntill Moses changed them by prayer and made them sweet He alters them in like manner by the vertue of the Crosse of Christ and his intercessions for vs the become so sweet and delectable that wee reioyce in t●…bulation And as for time hee giues vs but dayes of try all affliction houres of tentation attending to his good pleasure and wish●… dispensation If we cast Shadra Mesah and Abednego into the fire one like the sonne of God shall go with them to waite vpon them and relieue them in conuenient time Yea no gold-smith waites so diligently vpon his gold to take it out of the fire in due time as the Lord attends vpon his children that in due season hee may draw them out of their troubles Iacob wrestles no longer then the dawning and all our troubles haue an appointed time of deliuerance Weeping may abide in the euening but ioy commeth in the morning And of this ariseth to vs a lesson of patience that so long as it pleased the Lord to exercise vs with any crosse so long should we bee content to beare it No minting to cast off the yoke vntil it please the Lord to take it from our neck Noah was weary of his abiding in the Arke a yeere and a day for so long he remayned and no doubt when he saw the ground he was greatly desirous to come forth but he will haue no deliuerance till the Lord who closed him in command him also to come out and in very truth there can be no deliucrance but that which commeth from the Lord as this one notable example among moe makes manifest vnto vs. When the Angell commanded Lot to escape for his life to the mountaine ●…e requested the Angell for license to ●…arry at Zoar. And so where the Lo●…d pointed out the mountaine for the place of his deliuerance hee himselfe makes choise of another but when he obtayned that which he desired durst he for all that abide in Zoar no certainly he could neuer liue without feare vntill he went forward to the mountaine whervnto the Angell at the first directed him So that both the time the place the manner of our deliuerance must be referred to the Lord and not elected by our selues Then wee rest in quietnesse when wee rest on the will and mercy of God not vpon
which thou hast gotten are pledges of a fill of mercy vvhich yet abides thee For so Dauid of that which he had felt concludeth doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall follow mee all the dayes of my life CHAP. XIIII The presence or absence of God is euer dispensed for the weale of his owne Children FOr the Morning appeareth These words containe the reason why the Lord desires that Iacob should let him goe because the Morning appeareth This at the first seemes a strange reason Is it not a like to thee O Lord to abide with thy seruants in the morning as in the euening or is there O Lord with thee any such distinction of time Surely none at all for thou O Lord art couered with the light as with a garment euen the darknesse with thee is light yea those bright Angels that stand about thy throne makes the midnight where they come for shining light like the noone-tide of the day But we must consider that this reason respecteth not the Lord it respecteth Iacob and so the meaning is It is for thy cause O my seruant Iacob that I desire to goe for now the morning appeareth and thou must goe on in thy journey thy seruants family will wait for thy comming as being vncertain whether they shall remoue or remaine till thou direct them and therefore that I be no more to stay thee from them let me go And of this we may more euidently perceiue that which I said how the going and comming of the Lord to and fro his children is alway ordained and dispensed for their weale when hee commeth when hee goeth all is for our weale Ne timeas ô Sponsa nec existimes te contemni si paulisper tibi sponsus subtrahit faciem suam omnia ista tibi cooperantur in bonum de accessu recessu lucraris Be not afraid saith Bernard O spouse neither thinke that thou art contemned albeit for a short while the bridegroome withdraw his face all that he doth works for the best vnto thee thou hast gaine both of his comming to thee of his going from thee And this for the comfort of one exercised with spirituall desertion doth hee explaine more cleerely in the wordes vvhich hee immediatly subjoynes tibi venit recedit venit ad consolationem recedit ad cautelam ne magnitudo consolationis extollat te ne si semper adesset exilium deputares pro patria arrham pro prae●…ij summa paulisper permittit nos gustare quam suauis sit antequā plane sentiamus se subtrahit ita quasi alis expansis te prouocat ad volandum Hee commeth saith he for thy consolation and goes for thy warning and humiliation least the greatnes of his comfort should puffe thee vp and least if hee were alwayes present thou shouldest esteeme this place of thy banishment for thine own country and should take this earnest for the principall summe hee lets thee tast of his sweetnesse for a short while and incontinent before thou feele it fullie he withdrawes himselfe and so as it were with his wings stretched out ouer thee he prouokes thee to mount vp and slie after him This is the reason why the Lord dispenses in such sort his presence and absence vnto his Children If at no time hee shewes himselfe vnto vs then would wee bee ouercome of that heauinesse vnder which we lye through manifold tentations and if alwayes he should be familiar with vs then would we take the earth for the heauen and forget our fathers house which is aboue therefore sometime he with-drawes his presence from vs that hee may teach vs to become weary of this barren wildernesse wherein we liue absent from our Lord Hee ascends many times from vs that we may stand like these Disciples on the Mount of Oliuet not looking downeward to the earth but gazing looking vpward towards our Lord who hath gone from vs he giues vs a little tast of his graciousnesse and then hee goes but goeth in such sort that he cryes after him Come and see Not of purpose to defraud thee of any joy that is in him doth he goe from thee onely that hee may prepare thee to follow him to that place wherein he will communicate to thee the fulnesse of ioy and let thee see that glory he had with his father from the beginning Hee will not alway tarry from vs least we despaire neither yet alway remaine with vs on earth least vve presume Sometime he will kisse vs with the kisses of his mouth and as it were vvith the Apostle rauish vs vp to the third heauens other times againe as it seemes he casts downe his angry countenance vpon vs he humbles vs to the hell and permits Sathan also to buffet vs least wee should be exalted out of measure Alwayes this comfort vvee haue of the Lords vvorking with vs that as here wee see hee comes to Iacob and goes from him for his vveale so vvhether he shew himselfe familiar vvith vs or againe for a vvhile hide his face from vs in both the one and the other hee is vvorking for our comfort and vveale Onely let vs possesse our soules in patience and giue glory to God CHAP. XV. How their inward exercises of conscience workes in the godly a diuorcement of their soules from all creatures and a neerer adherent to the Lord. WHo answered I will not let thee goe Perceiue here how the mint of the Lords departure workes into Iacob a more constant cleauing and adhering to the Lord. This as I said before is that notable fruite which all the Lords spirituall desertions worketh in his children it augments in them a desire of mercie and a more earnest carefulnesse to seeke the Lord. And this also wee see in our dayly experience for among all them who professe the name of Iesus Christ yee shall finde none more feruent in praier more continuall in mourning and sighing for their sinnes none that thirsteth more earnestly for mercie then they whom God hath humbled in their spirits with threatnings of spirituall desertion As here Iacob is more wakened by this one word Let me goe then by all the rest of the wrestling so is there nothing goeth so neere the heart of the godly as doth the mint of the Lords departure from them they are neuer so louing to him as at those times when hee seemeth to count least of them if hee looke angerly vpon them the more pittifully looke they vnto him if hee threaten them they threaten kindnesse vpon him the hardlier that hee answeres them the more importunately doe they cry vpon him Then with Dauid they water their couch with tears and call vpon God all the day long Their eyes cast out water continually when the comforter that should refresh their soules is away from them In a word these desertions worke in Gods children a diuorcement of their soules from the delight of euery creature a straiter adherence
Calling that ye haue bene baptized in the name of Iesus and communicated at his holy table for not euerie one that sayes Lord Lord shall enter into his kingdom except ye find also the Lords inward and effectuall Calling that the arme of his grace hath drawne you within the compasse of this third circle and so brought you to be of his owne third part and set you downe among the generation of them that seeke the face of God and therfore forsakes their sinnes that they may finde him CHAP. XIII Of the inward Calling THen wee see this excellent priuiledge is restrained to them who are called inwardly and therefore let vs yet a little consider it This inward Calling is the Communication of Christs sauing grace vvhereby the minde is inlightened the heart purified by faith the affections sanctified and the whole man reformed For as the Lord by his Gospell offers to his children righteousnesse and life so by his holy spirit he giues them that iustifying Faith and openeth their hearts to receiue that Grace which is preached and proclaimed to them in the Gospel So then this worke of our Calling is altogether the Lords It is his praise that hee cals things which are not and makes them to be the Lord that commaunded light to shine out of darknesse hath giuen to our mindes the light of the knowledge of his glory in the face of Christ Iesus hee it is that creates in vs a new heart and putteth a new spirit into our bowels that vvee may walke in his statutes The Lord promised that hee would call many of the Gentiles to the spiritual Ierusalem to suck out the milke of the breasts of her consolation and be delighted with the brightnesse of his glory shall I cause others to bee fruitfull saith the Lord and remaine barren my selfe and this his gracious promise hath he most abundantly performed in our dayes his name be praised therefore As this worke is onely the Lords so he restraines it onely to them who are his owne The outward Calling is extended to all but the inward calling makes a particular seperation of a few from the remnant where it is wonderfull to see the distinction which is made betwixt man and man in all rankes and estates by this effectuall calling of two Brethren as Iacob and Esau of two Prophets as Moses and Balaam of two Kings as Dauid and Saul of two Apostles as Peter and Iudas of two theeues the one is taken the other reiected and thus the arme of the grace of God goes through to euerie corner of the earth according to his pleasure culling out by his word from among the remnant of the world those who belong to his Election This grace of God it enters in a Land and not into euery Cittie it enters into a Cittie but not into euery Familie yea it will enter into a Familie and ●…et not come to euery person of the Familie or husband and wife of Maisters and Seruants of Parents and Children of Brethren and Sisters oftentimes the one is taken the other is left It came to Iericho and chose out Zacheus It came to Philipi and weiled out Lidia and the Iaylor It came to Nero his court and not to himselfe It entred into the familie of Narcissus and yet past by Narcissus himselfe It is the worke of God and merueilous in our eies The Gospell is preached to many but the blessing brought by the Gospell lights onely vpon the children of grace And hereof ariseth this dayly distinction which we see betweene man and man all heare alike but all haue not Faith all are not edified alike Some forsake their sins and followes the Lord others forsaking the Lord walkes on in their sinnes As the Lord gouerneth the raine and makes it fall vpon one Cittie and not vpon another so hee dispenseth the dew of his grace that hee makes it droppe downe vpon one heart and not vpon another And of this I would wish that so many of you as yet are strangers from Grace should learne to know your miserable state What a fearefull thing is this that God hath conuerted so many in the Cittie wherein thou dwellest yea perhaps many in the familie wherein thou remainest and yet his grace neuer lighted vpon thee but thou art left in thy olde sinnes Consider it rightly I pray you If the Lord should do to you as hee did to Israel in the daies of Achab causing it to raine for three yeares a halfe on all the lands about you but not vpon your Land would you not conceiue in it a sensible curse of God vpon you O Hypocrite thou that canst discerne the face of the skie and take vp the tokens of Gods anger in the creature canst thou not discerne the state of thine owne soule nor apprehend this for a sensible curse that thirty or forty yeares the showers of sauing and renewing grace hath descended vpon the people round about thee but neuer vpon thy selfe thou possessest thy old sins and keepest still a hard a barren and a fruitlesse heart What shall I say to thee to cut thee off from all hope of mercie and so send thee to despaire I haue not that in commission the Lord hath his owne time of calling and can when he will of Saul a persecutor make Paul a Preacher But one thing I can certifie ●…hee of so long as thou a●…t in that state mourne if thou vvilt thou hast much cause of mourning for if this effectuall calling by grace goe by thee in time to come as it hath done in time beganne it is an euident declaration that thou art a man reserued to wrath and not ordained to mercie CHAP. XIIII In the inward calling the Lord begins at the illumination of the minde NOw that this Calling flowing from Election may bee yet made sure to our Consciences for our greater comfort let vs marke the manner of the Lords proceeding into it and so gather vp some tokens whereby vvee may discerne it As in the first creation the Lord began at the light so in the second Creation he begins at the illumination of the minde For wee can neither know the Lord to feare and loue him neyther yet our selues and our sinnes aright till the Lord vvho commanded light to shine out of darknesse shine also into our hearts to giue vs the light of the knowledge of the glory of GOD in the face of Iesus Christ and this light of God discouers to vs so many workes of darknes wherewith in ignorance wee defiled our Consciences that wee begin to be ashamed of our selues in the sight of God yea our very flesh trembleth for feare of his iudgements and vvee crie out with Iob Now my eye hath seene the Lord therefore I abhorre my selfe And thus the Lord proceeds from the minde to the heart working into it such a contrition and godly sorrow as causeth repentance vnto saluation whereby the heart that
Christian bee condemned for louing the gifts of God more then the giuer Let vs therefore beware of this fearefull ingratitude Wee may indeede reioyce in all the gifts the Lord hath giuen vs and they should thankfully be receiued but alwaies with a protestation that nothing giuen vnto mee here bee allowed vnto me for my portion and inheritance and that no contentment euer comes to our hearts till wee obtaine the full fruition of our louing husband Christ Iesus If the Loue of men compelled the Apostle to say to the Corinthians it is not yours but you I seeke how much more should the Loue of GOD compell vs to say to our Lord It is not thy gift but thy selfe O Lord I long for thou art the portion of my soule If thou would●…t giue mee all the workes of thine hands yet shall I neuer haue comfort nor contentment except thou giue me thy selfe therefore O thou whom my soule loueth shew mee where thou feedest where thou lyest at noone for why should I bee as shee that turnes aside to the flockes of thy companions Blessed is hee that hungers and thirsteth for thy righteousnesse for hee shall behold the face of his God and bee filled with his Image for in his presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at his right hand there are pleasures for euermore CHAP. XVII Second triall of Loue. THe second triall of holy Loue is Obedience and a care to serue and honour the Lord in all estates and callings Preachers must bee tried by this rule Peter louest thou mee feede my flocke Gouernours and counsellors in your callings must be tryed by this Can yee say with the godly gouernour Dauid I loue the Lord then will yee also say with him What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits How shall I shew to the Lord my Loue and what shall I doe in my time for the aduancement of his glorie If you loue the Lord then bee nursing Fathers to his Church be faithfull aduancers of his kingdome wise prouisours to remoue the stumbling blockes that hinder the course of his Gospell If yee loue the Lord. Stand vp with Dauid and say Doe I not hate them O Lord that hate thee and doe I not earnestly contend with them that rise vp against thee Surely I hate them with vnfained hatred as if they were my vtter enimies I●… yee honour the Lord as Dauid did the Lord shall blesse you as he did Dauid Dauid sware vnto the Lord that he would not rest till he found out a place for the Lord euen an habitation for the mightie God of Iacob And the Lord sweares againe to Dauid that of the fruite of his bodie hee would set vpon his Throne to raigne after him But if otherwaies there be nothing in you but a care to stablish your selues and your houses with the neglect of the glorie God then remember the curse of Shebna and not the blessing of Eliachim shall be vpon you you shall not bee fastned as a nayle in a sure place but shall be rowled and turned away like a Ball The Lord shall driue thee from thy station and out of thy dwelling place shall he destroy thee for the wicked shall not haue their desire his thoughts shall not bee performed neither shall he be established on the earth but euill shall hunt him to destruction the Lord shall take thee and pluck thee out of thy Tabernacle and roote thee out of the land of the liuing and generally all of you in your callings remember the value of your Christian loue must be tryed by the same touchstone not by your words but by your deedes If any loue me saith Christ 〈◊〉 him keep my commaundements But here also the hypocrisie of this age is cleerely discouered In word they pretend the loue of God but indeede they grieue him with their transgressions as the Iewes they called him king and bowed their knees before him but sp●…t in his face and buffeted him So the bastard Christians of this age call Christ their Lord and bow their knee before him yet they c●…ucisie him and trample his blood of the Couenant vnder their feete they kisse him and betrai●… him with Iudas It is but a Scepter of Re●…d they yeeld and graunt to him for they giue him no command●…ment ouer their affections wherefore great is the controuersie which the Lord hath this day with the men of this generation CHAP. XVIII The last tryall of Loue. THe last tryall of Loue whereof I will speak at this time leauing many other is Bountifulnesse Loue saith the Apostle is Bountifull Experience prooues this euery Louer is a bountifull ●…ower on them whom he loues Yee loue your backes and spare not to cloath them yea with excessiue apparell yee loue your bellyes and therfore are bountifull daily to them in feeding them ye loue your Children and therefore lets them want nothing that is needefull for them yea yee loue your beasts and yee bestow large ly on them onely you say you loue the Lord but wherein are you bountifull toward him It is true that in nothing can a man be profitable to the Almighty saith Iob. But are there no works which should so shine before men that by them our heauenly Father may bee glorified Though works can bee no merits yet are they your witnesses of your Loue towards the Lord Though your goodnesse extend to the Lord yet where is your delight that should bee in his Saints and excellent ones vpon earth Where is your compassion and loue toward the brethren Are not the men of this age like the Fig-tree that haue faire leaues but not so much as one Fig to giue Iesus in his hunger hauing the shew of Godlinesse but hath denied the power thereof rendring words enough but not any fruits at all to adorne the glorious gospell of our Lord Iesus And so if wee might proceede euery tryall of Loue should discouer the hypocrisie and bastard Christianitie of the most part of professors of this age But being forced at this time to conclude I turne me toward you whom I know haue set your hearts to seeke the Lord that I may leaue my last blessing behinde me vnto you being no more purposed ●…o speake to you from this place to you and to euery one of you who can say with Peter in a sincere Conscience Lord thou knowest I loue thee to you here in the name of God I ratifie this priuiledge All things shall worke together for the best vnto you Faint not therefore I beseech you in the course of Godlinesse but be strong in the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ stand fast in the power of his might praying to the Lord continually that hee would stablish that which hee hath wrought in you and bring it forward to perfection And now I commend you to that Grace of God which is able to build you farther and to gi●…e you inheritance among them that are
that strange Lords who can claime no right vnto him should tirannize ouer him and hee not endeauour to vvithstand it and that Sathan should leade him away in Captiuitie bound with chaines euen the cords of sinne blinder then Zedekiah hauing his eyes pulled out and man should not lament for it But where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and freedome there is a knowledge and detestation of sinne and a sighing to God for deliuerance from the Bondage The Prophet Ezechiel could not see the abhominable idolatries of the house of Israell till the Lord taught him to digge through the wall but we shall be farre lesse able to see the vile abhominations that are in our owne hearts vntill the spirit of the Lord digge through demolish that thick and hard wall of induration that naturallie hideth vs from the sight of our sins and keepeth vs in blindnesse vnder Sathans bondage The other thing whereby we are to proceede in this tryall is the word of God for euery thing that is imperfect must be tryed by another not by it self gold is tryed by the fire touch stone the weight of a thing is tryed by the ballance and the spots of the face are tryed by the glasse Thus euery imperfect thing that is tryed is tryed by another not by it selfe As to the law of God it is a most perfect rule by which God will haue men and their actions tryed but it is to be tryed by no other then it selfe If any man will trie scripture he must with the Nobles of Beraea trie it by the scripture so then the word serueth vnto vs as a touchstone for our tryall as a glasse for discouery of our spots as the ballance of the sanctuarie wherein we must bee weighed in the last day the secrets of all hearts will be iudged by the Gospell and therefore it were good that in time wee did iudge our selues by it some trie themselues by it some t●…ye themselues by themselues supposing they are such indeed as they haue conceiued themselues to be some againe measure themselues by others speciallie with such as in their opinion are behind them not with such as in light and grace doe farre excell them like that Pharisie who when hee came to examine himselfe before God thought he was good enough because he was not like the Publican wherein hee was also miserablie deceiued for suppose he spake the truth yet spake it ignorantlie as Caiaphas saide that one behooued to die for the people hee was not like the Publican indeede the Publican was much better then hee for hee came to the temple humble and penitent and went home to his house iustified whereas the Pharisie puft vp with a conceit of his own righteousnesse and iustifying himselfe went away out of the Temple more guiltie then he came In the tryall therfore of thy selfe make not thy neighbours disposition thy rule least thou in like manner be deceiued And yet if thou wouldst profit by the example of others remember it is a great follie to thinke that thou art religious enough because in religion some are behind thee and not rather to bee displeased with thy wants when thou seest so many before thee enriched aboue thee in all spirituall grace and haue profited more then thou in the mortification of their sinfull lusts hauing out run thee further in the way of Gods commaundements then that other Disciple ouer-ran Peter vnto Christs Sepulchre to learne his resurrection It is pittie that the Sonnes of men in worldlie things can looke to those who are aboue them thinking they haue little because they haue not so much as others yet in spirituall things they should looke to others that are inferior to them and so easily stand content with the little beginning of religion they haue because there be many who in their iudgement haue not so much whereas certainly if we could try our selues by the right rule wee should finde that as yet wee are farre from that which wee should bee and therefore haue more neede then that holy Apostle To forget that which is behinde indeauour our selues to that which is before following hard toward the marke for the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus We haue therfore heere yet farther to obserue that seeing the Apostle commaunds vs to try our selues wee thinke it not enough that others try vs and giue vs their approbation we must also try our selues The Pastors may try thy knowledge and thinke it good enough thy superiors may try thy conuersation and finde it vnreprouable of man But thou must try thy owne conscience for no man knowes the things of a man saue the spirit of man the minde of a man will shew him more sometime then seauen watchmen that are in a tower When this sacrament was first instituted there were twelue who communicated with the Lord Iesus and one of them was a Diuell and a traiterous hypocrite the remnant knew him not therefore could not reproue him but that made not Iudas the better man yet the fault which man could not finde out the Lord discouered it one of you said he will betray me Thinke it not therefore enough albeit vnchallenged of man thou maiest sit downe at the Lords table Remember the king will come take a view of the Guests euen he who is the God of the Spirits of all flesh and to whom the secrets of the heart are manifest Iosaphats garment cannot hide Achab from him hee is not blinde like Isaac that hee should bee deceiued to take one for another therefore try thou thy selfe how thou commest to this holy table whether as Iohn louing Iesus and beloued of him or as Iudas betraying Christ and accursed of him for as Christ foretolde them that one of them was a Diuell so the Apostle hath foretolde vs that many will eate and drinke vnvnworthily at this holy table who they are wee know not yet are they known to the Lord let euery one of vs striue to purge one euerie man trie himselfe and wash his hart from his wickednes and so shall we be all cleane let euery man aske for himselfe with the Disciples is it I Lord am I one of them that comes to betray thee to crucifie thee againe to tread the blood of the new Testament vnder my feete let vs neuer rest til we haue gotten the Lords certificate in our consciences and that after due triall of our selues wee come not as Hypocrites vnpenitent and vnbeleeuing Atheists but as diseased and poore sinners to seeke the Lord Iesus the Sauiour of the world for if wee doe so then shall we get that answere which the Angell gaue to the two Maries feare not ye because ye seeke Iesus who was crucified we shall eate at this Table and be satisfied shall goe away not without feare indeede but hauing our feare tempered with great