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A18963 Foure sermons The two first, of godly feare: on Hebrewes 4. verse 1. By Robert Cleauer. The two last. Of Christian loue and life. On Canticles 2. verse 10. By Richard Webb. Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625.; Webb, Richard, preacher of God's word. aut 1613 (1613) STC 5381; ESTC S108059 69,327 96

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vpon the things But to leaue the reasons of this doctrine Vse and to come to the vses of it this loue that is in Christ towards his Church may seruevs well for foure purposes The first is to assure vs of glory to come For it is vnpossible that they should perish whom the sauiour of the world doth loue and whom hee hath chosen for his vvife Doubtlesse nothing shall hinder their saluation but all things shall worke for there best for the accomplishment thereof Rom. 8.28 Well therefore might our sauiour say of them as he doth in Iohn Chapter 10.27 28.29 My sheepe here my voyce and I know them and they follow mee and I giue to them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of mine hand My father which gaue them mee is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand I and my Father are one The second is to open vnto vs our dignitie aboue others As Iohn did say behold what loue the father hath shewed on vs that wee should be called the sonnes of God 1 Iohn 3.1 So may I say behold what loue the sonne hath shewed on vs that we should be called the wife of God for so we are in many places of the scriptures Surely there are none in the world aduanced to this degree of honour but our selues vvho are of the Church Oh my deare brethren can vvee consider enough of this or can vvee expresse it as it doth deserue What is it true indeede that the sonne of God yea the onely sonne of God who is the heire apparent of all the world doth loue vs poore and sinnefull vvretches and that hee is well content to marry with vs and to take vs home to himselfe for his wife wonderfull Oh wonderfull what a thing is this meditate Oh meditate I beseech you vpon this point both day and night and turne it to your good The third is to comfort vs against the hatred of this world Here wee shall be dispised and be had in great contempt and disgrace Iohn 15.19 Math. 10.22 But as Elkanah said to Hannah his wife Why weepest thou and why eatest thou not and why is thine heart troubled am not I better to thee then ten sonnes 1 Sam. 1.8 So may not Christ say vnto vs why are you sad or why are you grieued Is not my loue better to you then the loue of all the world Doubtlesse Gods children doe finde it so to be Their owne life is not so sweet vnto them as the loue of Christ according to Dauids words in Psal 63.3 Where speaking vnto God he doth say for thy louing kindnesse is better then life therefore my lips shall praise thee But that we may indeede receiue full comfort from hence let vs consider in few words what manner of loue it is that Christ doth beare vnto vs. In it I commend vnto you foure considerable properties The first is the greatnesse of it The second is the singularitie of it The third is the commodity of it The fourth and last is the perpetuitie of it For the first it is so great that wee cannot by our shallow reaches comprehend it if all the land vvere paper and all the vvater vvere incke and all the plants were pens and all the creatures were writers yet they would not nay yet they could not expresse the greatnesse of it as it doth deserue For as the Apostle Saint Paul doth teach vs the loue of Christ passeth knowledge Ephos 3.19 For the second it is so singular that all are not made pertakers of it but the elect onely onely the Church is interessed in this loue Ephes 5.25 In this respect she is compared to a garden that is inclosed to a spring that is shut vp and to a fountaine that is sealed fast in Cant. 4.12 So then as Christ did not pray for the world but for his Disciples onely vvhich were in the world Iohn 15.9 So hee loues not the world but those of his owne which are in the world For the third it is so commodious that to vs it is better then all the world yea more sweet and pleasant vnto vs then any costly banquet vvhatsoeuer made of wine and other pretious things Let him kisse mee saith the spouse with the kisses of his mouth for thy loue is better then wine Cant. 1.1 We need not doubt of this because without Christ we are all but damned persons but hauing Christ wee shall be saued Ioh. 3.16.18 and 1 Ioh. 5.11.12 But yet remember what the CHVRCH doth say like the apple tree saith shee among the trees of the forrest so is my welbeloued among the sonnes of men vnder his shaddow had I delight and sate downe and his fruit was sweet vnto my mouth Cant. 2.3 For the fourth and last it is so perpetuall that nothing can breake it off but it doth continue for euer well the mountaines may remoue and the hills may fall downe but Gods mercy shall neuer depart from vs neither shall the couenant of his peace fall away saith the Lord that hath compassion on vs. Esa 54.10 Those whom Christ doth once loue hee will be sure to loue to the end Ioh. 13.1 So that nothing can seperate vs from the loue of our God Rom. 8.39 Now my brethren shall not this comfort vs against the hatred of the vvorld When any doth beginne to despise vs let vs cheere vp our hearts with this that Christ doth loue vs. For what are they to Christ Is not his loue better then all their loues Behold they are poore but he is rich they are weak but he is strong they are foolish but he is wise they are base but he is honorable in a word they are mortall but he is a God immortall Therefore let not the displeasure of this world daunt vs but let his fauour euermore comfort vs. The last is to inflame our loues towards him and to blow the coales thereof that they may burne out more and more The loue of Christ saith Saint Paul constraineth vs 2 Cor. 5.14 And the Church doth tell vs that Christs loue was as a banner ouer her to draw her vnto him Cant. 2.4 Let it then worke vpon our soules and moue them to affect him What shall hee loue vs and shall not we loue him againe What shall he preferre vs before all the world and shall we preferre the world before him God forbid as he doth loue vs so let vs loue him againe Doubtlesse if some great man should offer his loue to a poore woman of the countrey and be well pleased to take her for his wife we might well thinke her to be distracted of her wits if she should refuse him and not requite him againe with the like loue towards him So after the same sort may we thinke our selues bereft of all our senses if we loue not the Lord Iesus seeing he hath loued vs so dearely Wherefore to end this point let
vse hereof is three-fold Vse the first is concerning the Minister the second concerning the people and the third concerning the Minister and the people The Minister is here taught that he must neuer leaue off teaching he must preach in season and out of season and watch thereunto with all perseuerance 2 Tim. 4.2 My brethren therefore giue not ener but labour still time after time so long as you lius for your congregations will still stand in need of teaching The people are here schoolled that they must neuer giue ouer their schoolling like schollers they must to it day after day and weeke after weeke during the terme of their whole liues For doe they what they can yet they will be ignorant still yet they will be faultie still yet they will be faint-hearted still And therefore continuall preaching is as needfull for men as the aire that we breath in as the clothes that we walke in as the food that we receiue in as the houses that we dwell in and as the company that we liue in Lastly here both Minister and people are instructed to attend euermore to instruction The one must employ his studie diligently that he may be able to instruct other further and the other must frequent the Church carefully that they themselues may be instructed further The fruit whereof vnto them both with their duties the Apostle doth teach in 1 Tim. 4.16 when he saith Take heed vnto thy selfe and vnto learning continue therein for in doing this thou shalt bothsaue thy selfe and them that heare thee Now vnto him that is able to doe exceeding abundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs be praise in the Church by Iesus Christ throughout all generations for euer Amen THE SECOND SERMON OF CHRISTIAN LOVE Canticles 2. verse 10. Arise my loue my faire one and come thy way OMitting the Paraphrasticall exposition of these words the sound whereof hath alreadie peirced your eares you haue nothing now to remember in summe welbeloued in the Lord but the words which Christ did vse vnto his Church at what time hee spake vnto her and did behold her thorow the window of his Gospell As to day in the fore-noone you hard her words of him so now by Gods grace you may heare his words to her In which I commend to your considerations two points The first are certaine Appellations the second certaine Exhortations The appellations are two the first is My loue the second is My faire one The Exhortations are also two the first is Arise the second is Come away The Appellations shew how well Christ is affected towards his Church The Exhortations declare as it were how well the Church ought to be affected towards Christ The appellations are as arguments to moue her And the Exhortations are as duties moued vnto her But let vs proceed-in order beginning first with the Appellations and then comming afterwards vnto the Exhortations The first appellation is this My loue Here you may call to minde what was obserued before vpon this word My welbeloued for both of them are equiualent and of one force But yet here is further to be added vnto that for the loue of Christ may be considered three wayes First it is generall towards all his creatures whereby he loues them all approuing the same to be good as they proceed from him and are his creatures or the workmanship of his hands Secondly as it is speciall towards mankinde in that he was content to become a Redeemer for mankinde after their fall and not for any other creature no not for the Angels that fell as well as man Lastly as it is proper to his Elect or chosen ones whereby he accepts of them to life euerlasting and hath a purpose to doe them good for euermore Now in this last sense is the word here to be taken Doct. wherefore from hence we may safely collect this Doctrine that Iesus Christ our Sauiour is such an one as doth loue his Church and people well they are deare vnto him they are his darling and his loue they are such on whom his heart is set So much doth Paul teach vs when he faith And walke in loue euen as Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himselfe for vs Ephes 5.2 So much doth Iohn teach vs when hee saith And from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnesse and the first begotten of the dead and Prince of the Kings of the earth vnto him that loued vs and washed vs from our sins in his blood Reuel 1.5 So much doth Zachary teach vs when hee saith For he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye Zach. 2.8 So much doth Zephanie teach vs when he saith Reioyce O daughter Sion be yee ioyfull O Israel be glad and reioyce with all thine heart O daughter Ierusalem The Lord thy God in the middest of thee is mighti● he will saue he will quiet himselfe in his loue he will reioyce ouer thee with ioy Zeph. 3.14.17 So much in one word doth Christ himselfe teach vs when he saith A new conmandement giue I vnto you that you loue one another as I haue loued you that ye also loue one another Iob. 13.34 Then as he loued Iohn his Disciple Ioh. 20.2 and as he loued Paul his Apostle Gal. 2.20 and as hee loued Lazarus his friend together with his two sisters Martha and Mary Iohn 11.5 so doth hee loue all those that doe belong vnto him The reasons to moue him herevnto are chiefely foure Reason The first is because shee is part of himselfe For no man euer yet hated his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the Lord doth the Church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones Eph. 5.29 30. The second is because shee is like himselfe hauing the image of his owne Maiestie stamped in her As he is holy so shee is holy Cant. 4.7 For Simile simile gaudet like doth reioyce in like as it is in our prouerbe The third is because she doth loue him and hath some good care to worship and serue him For hee cannot but loue such againe and that according to his owne word and promise when he saith He that hath my commandements and keepeth them is he that loueth me and he that loueth me shall be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shew mine owne selfe vnto him Iohn 14.21 The fourth is because shee is redeemed by him and it did cost him much before hee could get her yea more then siluer and gold euen his owne hart blood as Peter doth well note in 1 Pet. 1.18.19 When hee saith Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold from your vaine conuersation receiued by the traditions of your fathers but with the pretious blood of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and without spot For the more we giue for things the greater value and price doe we set
liued long enough to know how to be saued and as for seruing of God they haue had a good deuotion euer since they were borne and they trust they haue as good hearts to God-ward and as good a beleefe in him as the best of them all that can talke so much of the Scriptures Alas poore silly people their case is lamentable whatsoeuer they imagine for all the while they intertaine so good a conceit of themselues they cannot possibly flie vnto God for mercy in Christ Iesus Ephes 2.2 but are strangers from the couenants of promise and howsoeuer they brag of their hope of eternall life yet as the Apostle sayth they are without hope and without God in the world and therefore if euer they looke to be cured by the great Physition of our soules Christ Iesus let them labour to see their spirituall maladies for he came not to heale those that thinke themselues whole but such alone as feele themselues to be sicke and doe esteeme it a singular benefit to haue a through cure wrought vpon their soules Secondly the promise is forsaken through infidelity when men thinke it to be bootelesse for them to apprehend the same and that there is not therein vertue sufficient to bring them vnto heauen whence it comes to passe that if they be set vpon by feares and terrors they sinke vnder the same as Iudas did notwithstanding all the sweet promises which hee hard from his Maister And as for their soules so for their estate if they be poore and behinde hand or any other way distressed they imagine it to be a folly for them to cast their care vpon God and to rest vpon his promise who hath said that hee vvill not faile nor forsake those that depend vpon him they will neuer put him to it nor try what he will doe for them as wicked Ahaz professed when hee was in danger of the enemy Isa 7.12 but they will rather shift for themselues and vse falshood and lying whatsoeuer ill meanes they can deuise for the releiuing of themselues this also is to reiect the promise Thirdly they also are guilty of the same crime that doe preferre earthly things before heauenly Luk. 14.26 Hee that doth not forsake father and mother wife and children lands and goods and all that he hath or might haue for Christ his sake and the Gospels Luk. 14.24 is not worthy of him And therefore were they reiected as vnmeete guests for the heauenly banquet who made more account of their farmes their oxen and such like outvvard things than they did of those spirituall comforts which the Lord offered vnto them And in like sort shall they be iudged and condemned as contemners of the promises of life who doe more greedily seeke after gold and siluer and perishable substance than they doe after the treasures of a better life which are permanent and euerlasting Indeede Gods people are oftentimes ouercaried with an immoderate affection towards the things of this world and lust breaketh in vpon them but they giue no harbour nor lodging therevnto in their hearts neither doe they loue these lying vanities more than grace and godlinesse but would willingly giue the Maister a place aboue the seruants though they as rude and vnmannerly guests doe striue for the chiefe roome in their soules they would gladly preferre the glory of God and the meanes of their saluation before all the kingdomes of the earth desire these outward things onely as helpes and furtherances thereunto And thus wee see how the promises may be reiected Now a second vse of this point shal be for our instruction Vse 2 that seeing the hearing of the promises is not sufficient for the procuring of our eternall happinesse but the apprehending and applying of the same is also required of vs therefore wee should with all earnestnesse take hold thereof and by faith make them our owne preferring them before all that this world can afford vs and being content to relinquish whatsoeuer wee possesse for the purchasing of this precious pearle And when once we haue obtained it Math. 13. let vs hide the same within our hearts and keepe it as our very life neuer making shipwracke of a good conscience least thereby our saith and comfort in the promises be much weakened and diminished but holding on a constant course in the wayes of pietie that so our inward ioy and assurance of Gods fauour may be still continued and dayly increased And for the same end let vs be often meditating and conferring of the promises and be willing to hearken vnto others that either in publike or in priuate doe their best endeuour to adde further strength vnto our faith Thus if vvee can doe wee shal be sure of a portion in the heauenly promises vvhen others shal be punished for refusing of the same Of entring into his rest That is into eternall blessednesse in the heauens and the assurance of enioying the same here vpon the earth according to that in the 3. Verse Wee that beleeue are entring into rest Whence wee may learne this doctrine that The state of Christianity is a state of rest Doct. 6 The land of Canaan Christianity is a state of rest whereinto the children of Israel entred after their long and tedious trauell in the wildernsse was a tipe thereof and therefore is it called Gods rest but he doth not so greatly stand vpon that because reprobates were admitted into it as well as his chosen people but he putteth vs in minde of a better rest euen the state of grace and of glory which his elect and they alone shall haue the fruition of our Sauiour confirmeth this point vnto vs where he sayth Come vnto me all yee that are wearie and laden Matth. 11.28 and I will ease you Take my yoake on you c. and you shall finde rest vnto your soules Heere wee see what an happy case they are in that betake themselues vnto Christ for reliefe and comfort submitting themselues vnto his holy gouernment though they haue manisold troubles and aduersities without yet they haue quietnesse within so long and so farre as they can disburden their soules of all their sorrowes and cares by casting them vpon Christ Iesus as hee would haue them all that while they are euen like men that inhabite in a strong and inuincible Castle who in the middes of blustering stormes and windes that are round about them and of violent aduersaries that doe lay continuall seige against them are merry and cheerefull and fall to their foode and betake them to their rest without any feare and distraction at all as knowing that they are safe and sure how soeuer they be assayled and opposed against such is the case of all godly men what outward trials soeuer they haue their consciences are at quiet within as being confidently assured that nothing can befall them for their hurt for indeed euery sanctified Christian is as safe from all mischiefe
as the very Angels of God in Heauen Another proofe of this point wee haue in the Prophesie of Ieremie where the Lord speaketh thus Stand in the wayes and behold and atke for the olde way Ierem. 6.16 which is the good way and walke therein and what then ye shall finde rest for your soules And that wee may yet more fully see into the truth of this doctrine that grace and peace true godlinesse and sound tranquilitie and quietnesse doe euer accompany one another let vs weigh these reasons following First Reasons 1 whosoeuer is truely gracious is deliuered from the troublesome carriage of an ill conscience whereupon must needes ensue marueilous great ease for sinnes vnrepented and vnpardoned doe lye wonderfull heauie and are vnto the soule euen as an ouerweighty burden is vnto a Ship which is ready euer and anon to sinke it and to cause it to be ouerwhelmed and swallowed vp of the Waters this burden CHRIST IESVS doeth remoue as soone as euer hee beginneth to dwell in the heart by his holy Spirit freeing vs from the terrour of a guiltie conscience and from the accusations and clamour and continuall complaints of the same Secondly as the guilt of sinne is quite taken away so is the power thereof greatly weakened by him whereupon much peace and quietnesse must necessarily follow For that partie is in great slauerie and bondage that liues vnder the dominion of sinne being alwayes tossed and turmoyled with one vnruly lust or other which makes him euermore vnquiet and restlesse as the raging waues of the Sea or if at any time hee haue a little case his torment is afterwards redoubled now from this raigning power of iniquitie all godly men are exempted according to that of the Apostle Paul who speaking of regenerate men saith that the olde man is crucified in them Rom. 6.6 that the body of sinne might be destroyed that hencefoorth they should not serue sinne to which purpose he also addeth Sinne shall not haue dominion ouer you vers 14. Thirdly whosoeuer is indued with sauing grace is freed from many doubts and feares concerning his estate and concerning such perils as may befall his body for as touching the charge and care of prouision and protection the Lord himselfe vndertakes it for him so that hee may and must quietly and cheerefully labour in his calling and neuer trouble himselfe with the successe but leaue that vnto God who hath promised to care for those that cast their care vpon him and to be a defence vnto those that commit themselues vnto him It must needs be very burdensome vnto the mightiest man that is although hee haue many thousands comming in by the yeere to take vpon him the maintenance of himselfe and of those that doe depend vpon him for hee cannot but be many times mistrustfull of his estate in regard of many casualties which he is subiect vnto and so be perplexed and distracted with feare that he shall not be able to maintaine his port and to vphold his dignitie in such sort as he desireth and what a quieting then must it of necessitie be vnto the heart of a man to haue this burden taken off his shoulders vnder which others doe walke so heauily and to be freed from a number of carking and vexing thoughts by relying on Gods gracious prouidence for all the meanes of this temporall life Fourthly and lastly grace freeth such as haue it from the feare of death and of hell which causeth those that are vnder the guilt and power of sinne to be in marueilous great bondage all their life long as the writer of this Epistle witnesseth Chap. 2. vers 15. For albeit vnregenerate men put away from them the thoughts of death as much as possibly they can yet when any grieuous sickenesse is vpon them or any the like messenger of death approcheth vnto them and doth as it were knocke at their dores they are commonly very much disquieted and in very sore distresse and anguish but as euery one is more religious so his desolution and departure hence is lesse terrible vnto him nay vsually no newes can be more welcome vnto such than that they must shortly leaue this sinnefull and wretched world for then they know they shall make an happy change and instead of the Earth enioy Heauen Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord for they rest from their labours Reuel 14.13 Isa 57.2 Psal 16. their bodies rest in the graue as in their beds and their soules goe to the full fruition of that rest which was but begunne heere vpon the earth Which serueth in the first place for the confutation of their errour which iudge a Christian life to be of all other the most tedious and troublesome Vse 1 fullest of feare and of vexations which imagine that the professours of the Gospell are perpetually as it were vpon a racke in so much that for their owne parts they would more willingly sit all day in the stockes than be at religious exercises and chuse rather to liue in Bridewell than in those places where they shall be tyed to the outward performance of Christian duties But what sayth the Lord concerning this matter doth not hee auouch that the state of a Christian is a state of rest and of peace and which shall we giue credite vnto eyther the wise God or foolish men But some will say how can it be that their estate should be so full of quietnesse Obiect seeing that they are continually subiect to afflictions and persecutions temptations as the Scriptures themselues besides daily experience do euidently shew Those doe not at all breake off their quietnesse so long as they keepe their peace with God Answere for they are but as it were stormes and boysterous windes that beate at the windowes and vpon the outside of the house so that their inward man to wit their minds and consciences are nothing disquieted thereby or if they be it proceedeth not from the hauing of grace but from the want thereof and as they grow more religious so their hearts are still more calme and quiet Secondly heere is matter as of incouragement Vse 2 to cause men to enter into the course of christianitie because howsoeuer it be a warfare yet it is not a dangerous but a safe warfare so also of singular consolation vnto those that haue already made entrance into the same For whereas all men desire to liue at hearts ease they doe indeed take the ready way thereunto for it hath bene before sufficiently confirmed that religion bringeth men vnto rest and quietnesse and therefore let them expect it and pray for it and they shall be sure not to misse of it Now because our rest and peace is eyther more or lesse according to the measure of our holinesse and our sanctification in this life is but in part and therefore our rest also imperfect this should make vs long for the day of our glorification when wee shall be indued
great to Christ that in the end he died for Christ so that he might well say to Christ when he did aske of him this question Whether he did loue him or no Ye● Lord thou knowest that I loue thee Ioh. 21.15 So did Mary the great sinner her loue was so large to Christ that she did many things which did iustly honor Christ she came to the place where be was and brought a boxe of oyntment she stood at his se●●e behinde him weeping she washed his sect with teares shee did wipe them with the haires of her head shee did kisse them with her mouth and annoint them with the ointment so that Christ might well say of her and to her praise that shee loued him much Luk. 7.47 So did the scattered Iewes that were Saints their loue was so vpright towards Christ that though they did neuer see Christ with the mortall eves of their bodies yet they did loue Christ and so set their affections vpon him that they did reioyce in him with ioy vnspeakable and glorious so that Peter might well commend them in this respect for their loue to Christ as indeed hee doth 1 Pet. 1.8 So in a word did the Church and still doth her loue is so hot and strong to Christ that nothing shall part her from Christ neither persecutions on the one side nor promotions on the other Cant. 8.6 7. So that she might truely say these words of her selfe Stay me with flagons and comfort me with apples for I am sicke of loue Cant. 2.5 Thus then should all the righteous loue Christ as indeed they do witnesse the Spouse her selfe Cant. 1.3 The reasons to draw vs on to this loue are foure Reasons The first is because he hath loued vs according to that of Iohn in Ioh. 4.19 We loue him because hath loued vs first Inuenimus eum non praeuenimus We found him not preuented him Dilexit enim non existentes imo resistentes For he loued vs when we were not yea when we were his enemies Rom. 1.10 The Church doth declare in Cantic 2.4 that this is a speciall meanes to draw the affections of men after Christ for there his loue is compared to a banner for as by the banner or ensigne the souldiers are drawne to their owne Captaines and colours so by the loue of Iesus Christ as by a banner or ensigne are all the chosen ones drawne to Christ in which respect the Apostle Saint Paul doth shew that the loue of Christ hath a certaine power or force to constraine or to compell men when he saith for the loue of Christ constrasneth vs. The second is because he is very kinde and bountifull to such as do loue him according to that which is in the Psalme Psal 31.25 where all the Saints of God are willed to loue the Lord vpon this ground because he doth preserue them that doe it as well as destroy the wicked that are their enemies Christ is not a wildernesse nor a land of darkenesse to such as loue him but a fountaine of all happinesse He is content to come home as it were to them and to dwell with them in their soules Ioh. 14.23 Yea hee doth prouide such large things and excellent matters for them as are altogether incomprehensible and past our vnderstanding as witnesseth the Apostle Saint Paul 1 Cor. 2.9 in these words The things which the eye hath not seene neither the eare hath heard neither came into mans heart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him Surely vpon this consideration Mary spoken of before was much affected to Christ because she saw that Christ was kinde to her and very liberall in pardoning all her sinnes which were many she could not but loue him much for that cause Luk. 7.47 So the Virgins fell in loue with Christ vpon the view and remembrance of such benefits as do come to men by Christ as we are taught in Cantic 1.2 in these words Because of the sauonr of thy good ointments thy name is as an ointment powred out therefore the Virgins loue thee The third is because he is most excellent in himselfe and most worthy of all our loues as being the chiefest of ten thousands Cantic 5.10 And this is true in many respects First for his beauties sake Secondly for his riches sake Thirdly for his parentage sake Fourthly for his wisdomes sake Lastly for his loues sake In this world we loue some and marry with them onely because they are faire and beautifull some onely because they are rich and wealthie some onely because they are of a Noble and Honourable house some onely because they are wise and prudent some lastly because they are louing and kinde Now how Christ is faire and beautifull you may see by this because he is the brightnesse of the glorie of his Father and the ingrauen forme of his Person H●brewes 1.3 How he is rich and wealthie you may see by this because he is the heire of all the world Heb. 1.2 How he is noble and honorable you may see by this because hee is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Reuelat. 19.16 How he is wise and prudent you may see by this because in him are hid all the treasures of knowledge and vnderstanding Coless 2.3 And lastly how hee is louing and kinde you may see by this because he died for vs to redeeme vs and doth still cherish and nourish vs as his owne bodie Ephes 5.2.29 When the Church had commended her welbeloued and had set him out in his orient colours before the eyes of men those that did before despise him fell in some loue with him and offered their seruice to the Church to ioyne with her to seeke him out Cantic 5. and last verse Thus his excellencie is as an Adamant to draw vs that are irons vnto him The fourth and last is because those that will not loue him shall perish and be damned if any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ saith Saint Paul 1. Cor. 16 22. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 let him bee hanged vp on high the Lord doth come or as it is translated in our English Bible Let him be had in exceration yea excommunicate to death Hereof is that saying in Luke Chapter 19.27 vttered by our Sauiour himselse These mine enemies which would not that I should raigne ouer them bring hither and slay them before me When Niniuch heard that shee must bee destroyed within fortie dayes she repented immediately vpon it in sack-cloth and ashes and did forsake her euill wayes and turned from the wickednesse that was in her hands Ionah 3.8 So wee hearing that we shall be destroyed vnlesse we loue the Lord Iesus it must awaken vs like a mightie thunder-clap from heauen and cause vs out of hand to affect him Thus you see the reasons Vse now let vs come to the vses they are in number three The first is for reprehension the second for consolation and the third for admonition In the
yet they will loue him in their words They can crie out and say We loue the Lord Iesus Christ as well as the best of you all he is not worthy to liue that doth not loue him it were well that the ground would open to sincke him in c. Thus can wicked men giue good words but where are their workes Surely in this corrupt age of ours wee can talke much but walke but a little word it much but worke it but a little our mouthes are bigger then our hands which is a thing monstrous in nature as well said Saint Bernard Monstrosa res est sedes prima vita ima lingua magniloqua manus otissa sermo multus fructus nullus It is a monstrous thing to haue the chiefest roome and to liue the basest life to speake much with the tongue and to doe nothing with the hand to vse many words and to bring forth no fruit But as Iames the Apostle said Shew me thy faith by thy workes Iam. 2.18 So may I say Shew me thy Ioue by thy workes There are foure things in all heartie and sound louers which must needs be in thee if thou doest loue Christ aright The first is that they long still to be ioyned together and to enioy one the other The nature of loue is such that wee desire still the enioying of that which is loued Ammon was very sick through loue and his flesh did pine away because hee could not enioy his sister Thamar whom he loued 2 Sam. 13.2 The second is that they are bountifull and liberall one vnto the other Loue saith Paul in 1 Cor. 13.4 is bountifull So was Booz to Ruth whom hee loued Ruth 3.15 and so was the Centurion to the Iewes whom hee made much of for hee built them a Synagogue Luk. 7.5 The third is that they are obsequious and obedient one vnto the other Loue can hardly deny any worke which the partie beloued doth require Hereof was it that Delilah said to Sampson in Iudges 16.15 How canst thou say I loue thee when thine heart is not with me thou hast mocked me these three times and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth The fourth and last is tollerance or enduring of troubles one for the other for the loue that Iacob did beare to Rahel seauen yeares of hard seruitude seemed but a short time Gen. 29.20 And for the loue that Sechem did beare to Dinah he was content to be circumcised and to suffer the cutting of his flesh though it were very painfull vnto him Gen. 34.19 Now in all these things examine thy loue towards Christ In the first place tell me doest thou long to be with Christ Art thou willing to die and to leaue this world to goe vnto him Doest thou wish with the Apostle Saint Paul to be dissolued to be with him Philip. 1.25 Art thou desirous to haue him come to Iudgement Doest thou cry out with the Spouse Come Lord Iesus come quickly Ren. 22.17.20 In the second place tel me Dost thou bestow any thing vpon Christ Art thou willing to let go thy goods and riches for the honor of Christ Art thou readie to relieue his Saints according to their need and thy abilitie Doest thou ioyne with others in building vp his Church and in bestowing some maintenance vpon his worship In the third place tell me Doest thou obey him and doe according to his Commandements Art thou readie with Abraham to leaue thine ovvne countrey and to goe vvhither he shall send thee Wilt thou forsake that vvhich hee doth forbid and follovv that vvhich hee doth command If yee loue me saith Christ beepe my Commandements Ioh. 14.15 And a little after he saith againe If any man loue me he will keepe my Word Vers 23. So that those loue not Christ vvho doe not keepe his Commandements In the fourth and last place tell mee Doest thou suffer any trouble or miserie for Christs sake Art thou vvell pleased to take vp thy crosse to goe after him Canst thou be content to die for his sake as the Prophets and Apostles haue done By these markes or tokens wee may know whether wee loue Christ or no if we haue them we loue him but if we haue them not wee loue him not howsoeuer wee perswade our solues or boast before others to the contrarie And so much of the second sort namely of those that vaunt of their loue towards Christ and yet doe want it Now let vs come to the third and last sort which is of those that would be informed what manner of loue it is that is pleasing to Christ In it you must obserue foure remarkable qualities The first is that it must be great and not small we must loue him more then our fathers or mothers or brothren or sisters or husbands or wiues or lands or goods or life it selfe Matth. 10.37 Lzk. 14.26 The second is that it must be singular and not common we must loue onely Christ and none else we must not ioyne others with him Whom haue I in heauen saith Dauid Psal 73.25 but thee and I haue desired none in the earth with thee Well therefore said the Church in Cant. 1.6 Shew me O thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest where thou liest at noone for why should I be as she that turneth aside to the flockes of thy companions Her care was onely to goe after Christ We cannot serue God and Mimmon together Mat. 6.24 We must not part our loue Christ must haue all as the woman by Gods law must haue but one husband so the Church must haue but one Congregation Doubtlesse as an honest man cannot endure that another man should haue a portion in his wife so will not Christ endure that any other should haue with him a portion in his Church for he is a iealous God Exod. 20.5 The third is that it must be totall and not partiall we must loue him not with the loue of the soule alone or with the loue of the body alone but with the loue both of body and soule together Ye are bought with a price saith Paul 1 Cor. 6.20 therefore glorifie God in your bodie and in your spirit for they are Gods And whereas the soule and body doe consist of many parts our Sauiour must haue the loue of all those parts Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule and with thy strength saith Moses to Israel in Deut. 6.5 So that Christ must not haue onely the loue of the eye to behold his workes the loue of the eare to listen to his words the loue of the tongue to talke of his wonders the loue of the feet to goe to his Temple the loue of the hands to doe his businesse the loue of the memorie to remember him the loue of the minde to plod vpon him and the loue of the heart to long after him but hee must haue all these loues together The fourth and last
giuen of them These are they which are not defiled with women for they are Virgins these follow the Lambe whithersoeuer he goeth these are bought from men being the first fruits vnto God and to the Lambe Reu. 14.4 Thus you see how we should goe after Christ and be well content to leaue all the world to follow him The reasons to moue vs herevnto are these First Reason because he is our husband and we are his wife Ephes 5.26 For the wife must follow her husband and forsaking all other friends must cleaue onely vnto him Gen. 2.25 Secondly because he will then take a great delight in vs and satisfie himselfe in our loue according to that which is in Psal 45.11.12 where it is said Hearken O daughter and consider encline thine eare forget also thine owne people thy fathers house So shal the King haue pleasure in thy bewtie for hee is thy Lord and reuerence thou him Thirdly because wee are dead to the world and a liue in him C●l 3.3.4 Lastly because he will liberally reward all such as doe come after him Verily saith he I say vnto you that when the sonne of man shall sit in the throne of his Maiestie ye which followed me in the regeneration shall sit also vpon twelue thrones and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel And whosoeuer shall forsake houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my names sake he shall receiue an hundred-fold more and shall inherit euerlasting life This reproues those that care not for Christ Vse but followes this world altogither Whatsoeuer they be whether rich or poor high or low wise or vnwise bond or free male or female certaine it is that they are none of Christs Hee will disclaime them and not approue them for his owne If any man saith he come to mee and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his owne life also he cannot be my Disciple And whosoeuer beareth not his crosse and commeth after mee cannot be my Disciple Luk. 14.26.27 wherefore let this worke repentance in the harts of worldly men and turne them to the louing Lord. As this doth serue to reproue all such as preferre the world before Christ so it may serue also to prouoke vs all to preferre Christ before the world Surely it should moue vs to set him still before vs and pricke vs forward to goe after him if a man were in a farre country farre from his friends and neerest kinsfolkes though his eyes did behold the fairest pictures his eares heare the sweetest musicke his mouth tast the daintiest meate his body lie vpon the softest bed and all his senses compassed about with the rarest obiects of tenne thousand yet would his heart be at home vnlesse hee were bewitched as the poets faine of Vlisses whom the cups of Circe did make to forget his natiue country and faithfull wife So cuen so vnlesse we be inchanted with the witchcraft of the deuill all the trash and pelfe of this world cannot hold vs here below but our harts will mount vpward and be fixed vpon our Bride-grome in whose presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at whose right hand are pleasures for euermore and all our trauell will especially tend to attaine vnto our country in the heauens and to celestiall Ierusalem that is aboue For wee are here as strangers and pilgrimes vpon the earth 1 Pet. 2.11 and our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or corporation whereof wee are members is in the heauen Phil. 3.20 Surely our earthly houses are not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is rather an Inne to lodge in then a permanent mansion to abide in 2 Cor. 5.1 wherefore I pray you let vs euermore set our hearts vpon Christ and follow him It is recorded in the greeke and Romaine stories that Hypsicrataea did so excedingly loue her busband M●●hridates King of Pontus that when hee was put to flight and enforced to wander vp and downe the woodes and deserts to saue his life she attyred in mans apparrell did follow him euery way through th●●●e and thinne reputing her kingdome her wealth her country and her happinesse to be there where her husband was So after the same manner if we be so faithfully affected to our most sweet and louing husband in the heauens we must not settle vpon our lees nor set our affections on things that are below but follow on hard though it be through the thorny path of persecution or the strait way that hee is gone before vs wee must count all things but dunge and drosse in respect of him Phil. 7.8 If any man would here know how wee must goe after Christ Obiection the answere is that we must doe it first by contemplation Answere secondly by desideration thirdly by determination fourthly by conuersation or imitation By contemplation wee euermore thinking of him and hauing our thoughts in heauen where hee is 2 Cor. 4.18 By desideration wee euermore desiring to be in his presence and to haue a fellowship with him in ioyes vnspeakeable Col. 7.1 Phil. 1.23 2 Cor. 5.8 By determination we euermore resoluing with our selues to cleaue continually to him and to repute all things but trash in respect of him Act. 11.23 Phil. 3.8 Reu. 12.11 By conuersation or imitation wee euermore labouring to doe as he hath done and to walke in such steps as hee is gone before vs. Ephes 5.2 Ioh. 13.15 Math. 11.29 Oh my brethren striue and contend to follow Christ after these waves if there be any thing that will hinder you from the same cast it away Heb. 12.1 Be it that the right hand or the right eye should cause you to offend herein yet spare them not cut off the one and pull out the other Math. 18.8.9 There are many Lords doubtlesse striuing for vs. The world with her pleasures allures many to follow her but pretend what she will in truth her word is Decipion I will deceiue you The flesh would haue man a seruant to her lusts shee wants not her baites wherewith to beguile him but in truth her word is Inficiam I will infect you Satan strongest of the three vsurpes superiority ouer man hee craues that man should fall downe and vvorship him he vvante not promises enough faire in shew but in truth his word is Interficiam I will destroy you Iesus Christ our lawfull Lord bee also calls vpon vs and exhorts vs to serue him he hath life in the one hand durable riches and honour in the other and in truth his word is Reficiam I will refresh you Now in this strife to vvhom shall vvee yeeld our selues but vnto him vvho cries Reficiam Let vs therefore doe as vve are here vvilled for to doe come away and then doubtlesse vvee shall vvant nothing Habent enim omnia qui habent Christum habentem omnia For they haue all vvho doe enioy Christ the Lord of all And so I end and commend you to God and to the vvord of his grace vvhich is able to build further and to giue you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified To the vvhich inheritance the Lord bring vs all for his sonnes sake to vvhom vvith the father and the holy Ghost one eternall God and three distinct persons be all honour and glory ascribed both novv and euermore Amen FINIS