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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18329 The deligtful [sic] history of Celestina the faire. Daughter to the king of Thessalie Shewing how she was inchaunted by the three fairies: with the strange aduentures, trauels, chiualries, tournies, combats, victories, and loues of diuers wandring princes and knights errant, but especially of Sir Marcomyr of Tharsus, who did conquest hir by the sword, and enioied her afterwards in mariage, with the Thessalian kingdome for hir dowrie, and his perpetuall inheritance. Done out of French into English.; Primaleon (Romance). English. Selections. Barley, William, d. 1614. 1596 (1596) STC 4910; ESTC S122496 168,531 252

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will conduct you my selfe foreséeing already the extreame anguish my heart shall suffer finding it selfe in exile from your presence but I must tollerate for a while this violent and bitter passion in the which the hope I haue to enioy hereafter the happy and perpetual fruition of you shal warrant me from death Be you hereof most assured quoth the damsell I will neuer loue other then your selfe to whom the irreuocable fates haue destinated me that during your absence I shall féele no lesse torment then your selfe so that haue me whether it shall please you For when I would I could not mislike of it hauing alreadie translated the conquest of my heart into your frée will and gentle disposition Iudge you whether Marcomyr were glad of this answere or no for the continuall chaunging of his countenance with many other tokens procéeding from a vehement flame of loue were true witnesses of the ioy which seized all his vitall spirits so that this ioy striking into him a suddaine courage he imbraced Celestina gratiously protesting to her he would neuer disobey her commandements but from thence forward did pretend to beléeue and reuerence them as if they were the deuine Oracle of Apollo So he led his eies with the obiect of this princesse at the light of those burning torches which were there and iudging her beautifull aboue all creatures whom he could call to mind he had euer séene by reason of her liuely purple coulour that the heart which felt it selfe constantly loued of so perfect a knight sent often into the surface of her chéekes more whiter then alabaster he was more then before inflamed with her loue So that from point to point he began to discourse vnto her all which had happened to him in the temple of Delphos where he saw if not her proper person yet at least her true shape and representation with the which he assured himselfe he talked a long time whereat the Damsell greatly admired praising vnto the skies the wisdome of the thrée Fairies whom she thanked sincerely for procuring her such a knight to be her husband Then she praid him with a singular affection to tel her who he was which he did most willingly recounting vnto her the history euery word without dissembling or disguising any thing at all vpon promise neuertheles she should not shew it to any creature before he was returned from the conquest and rescue of her father the king of Thessalie And then he gaue her a swéet gratious kisse with a faire ring which his mother the quéene gaue him at his departure from Tarsus praying her to kéepe it carefully because he said she charged him to present it one day into the hands of the Emperor Cleodomy● his father as in very déed it was the true token whereby he was recognished to be the Emperors son as hereafter you shall heare CHAP. XXII How Marcomyr and Celestina going towards the queen of Thessalie who was yet at the end of the bridge met at the issuing out of the castle many ladies and knights of that isle who attended there for them and how the lord of the same island after he had done great honour and reuerence to them brought them to the queen who carried them backe to lodge within the castell and of the sequel SO great was the ioy of Celestina hearing her future spouse to say he was son to the Emperour Cleodomyr that all that night no sléepe nor any desire to sléepe could enter into her head by meane whereof she and Marcomyr past it away in deuising together what they had best to doe and in the end laied down the plot which liked them best After the cléere morning had chaced away the darknes of the night and spread ouer the horison his blew and azured mantle to prepare a passage for her swéet louer Titan against he left his ruddy couch they both together went into the dungeon of the castle where Marcomyr wondred greatly at the riches and magnificence of the lodging of his lady Celestina There would she néeds search him to sée if he were wounded in any place dangerously and finding none but brusing blowes she caused him to be bathed diligently with swéet hearbs to be comforted with many sorts of fomentations and to put on a rich blacke armour which the Fairie left there expresly for him with a sword by which he might cast a sléepe whomsoeuer he would the helmet and lance were born by two damsels then descending out of the tower passing thorow the gréene garden they came away by the bridge holding all hands together Celestina was finely tricked vp with a carcakenet full of great collets set thick euery where with carbuncles diamants Rubies Emerawdes and Orientall saphires clothed in cloth of gold cunningly wrought ouer with many litle pretious stones embossed in figures set like vnto Silenes or little apothecarie boxes whose fashion and rare artifice surmounted far the valour of the things In one whereof was séen so great quantitie that you would haue iudged nature had bestowed in that place the most excellent and rarest gems of her treasure Hauing moreouer wich a fillet garnished with great pearles quainlie attired her haire yellower then the gold-twind hanging round about adowne her shoulders and vpon her two little apples on her breast more to be desired then those of the garden Hesperides thus she marched with a grace no lesse gratious then beséeming a Uirgin who saw at her side so valiant and magnanimious a knight to defend them better then any dragon could doe As they then came forth in this pomp and ioy second to none other they found many gentlemen and ladies of the island who attended there for them in great deuotion and among the rest one faire and very braue knight kin vnto the Fairies whom they did inuest with the siegniorie of that place after their death he bowed himselfe very low and set one of his knées to the ground before Marcomyr and Celestina vttering with a verie good grace these spéeches Aduenturous and most fortunate knight benigne and happy was the planet which raigned at the hower of your birth séeing by your Prowesse and inestimable valour you make now accessible and in his proper nature the place whether we could not goe and come well at our ease Sir quoth Marcomyr it hath pleased the deuine bountie to doe you this benefit thorow my meane and for that I repute my selfe a man much fauoured of the planets to haue set foot within the castle if you be by any way of parētage allied to these noble ladies who haue by their knowledg wrought we so much good being not able to rēder such personagesthe guerdō méet to recōpence the good will they haue shewed me since the enchantment in this isle I giue you all the right which I may pretend in conquering of Caelestina I thank you most humbly quoth the knight of the isle for so great a benefit and courtesie which it pleaseth
THE DELIGTFVL HISTORY of Celestina the Faire Daughter to the king of Thessalie Shewing how she was inchaunted by the three Fairies with the strange Aduentures Trauels Chiualries Tournies Combats Victories and Loues of diuers wandring Princes and knights errant but especially of Sir Marcomyr of Tharsus who did conquest hir by the sword and enioied her afterwards in mariage with the Thessalian kingdome for hir dowrie and his perpetuall inheritance Done out of French into English NON PLVS WB LONDON Printed by A. I. for William Barley and are to be sold at his shop at the vpper end of Gratious street 1596. To the Worshipfull and his verie good friend M. Barley of Petworth in Sussex W.B. wisheth health and prosperitie REmembring sir the great good wil and vndeserued kindnesse which your Worship hath shewed vnto me makes mee to thinke my self much bound vnto you so much as if I should not by some means shew my selfe thankfull to your Worship I might be condemned of great ingratitude Wherefore I haue thought good euen now being vrged thervnto by the kindnesse which I haue found at your hands to shew my thankfull mind towards you although not in so ample manner as I would doe or as I hope hereafter I shall doe when it shal please God to make me better able till which time I humbly desire you to accept at my hands this token of my feruent good will wherein I haue made bold to set foorth vnder your Worships Patronage this Booke entituled The delectable Historie of Celestina the Faire hoping it wil be the better regarded of your Worship first in respect of the indeuour and pains which hath bene taken in translating and publishing of the same to the intent the reading thereof might be some pleasure and delight both to your Worship and your good friends and secondly in respect of my thankful and willing mind towards you who wisheth vnto your Worship all bountifull happinesse in this life according to your hearts desire and in the life to come eternall felicitie Your Worships to commaund William Barley The delightfull Historie of Celestina the faire daughter to the king of Thessalie Shewing how she was inchaunted by the three Fairies with the straunge aduentures trauels chiualries tourneys combats victories and loues of diuerse wandring Princes and knights errant but especiallie of sir Marcomyr of Tharius who did conquest her by the sword and enioyed her afterwards in marriage with the Thessalian kingdom for her dowrie and her perpetuall inheritance CHAP. I. THe time being then come that Belcarin king Frisols sonne should receiue the order ofknighthood hee humblie besought the Emperour to knight him with his owne hand the like request made yong Tiraquell sonne to duke Eustace of Micene who desired likewise the honor of the same order which the good Prince graciously graunted foreséeing how worthily on them knighthood would be employed Therfore after obseruation of the Uigill as the vse was on the Monday morning next after Easter day hée armed them both knights with great magnificence beséeching God of his goodnesse to make them of that valour which should neuer degenerate from their auncesters Belcarin especially to whom with a louing kisse on his chéek he began thus Deare nephew I pray our Soueraigne aboue to accomplish in you the per●ection of all noble vertues that euerie one may say you are sonne to the good knight Frisol no lesse hardie and val●r●us then anie whosoeuer bore Armes in his time The ceremonie being ended they all re●urned to the Palace where the new knights as soone as they could be disarmed attired themselues in most rich and sumptuous robes for the more honour of the feast which for their sakes was solemnised with verie great pompe throughout all the Court But Belcarin made no tariance to behold the ●●litie of that assemblie his mind was rather occupied in the high intended thought of his future glorie then in the excesse of a feast which made him begin thus to debate with himself Belcarin thou hast now no more idle time to spend hauing taken vpon thée the honourable degrée of knighthood and art therewith inuested by the h●nd of thine vncle the Emperour one of the best knights whom euer the diuine prouidence hath adorned and made illustrious through many laudable vertues which neuer wanted thy father also in any thing that might bée requisite to a man perfectly accomplished in armes if thou hast liued hitherto in delights and pleasures yet now it is high time for thée to trauaile the world to shew wherein thou resemblest thine ancestors treading in their steps who with great paine wandered before thée and purchased therby that famous reno●me the memorie whereofshall euer remaine immortall the which if thou wilt not blemish thou must hasten thy departure from hence and looke out to séeke some strange aduentures as they did After manie cogitations which perplexed his mind not a little he resolued in as secret maner as might be to depart with one onely Squire to attend vpon his person purposing to take his voyage directly into Macedon there to make his first assay of Armes in the aduenture of Celestina the Faire who was at that time enchaunted within a castell of the I le of Carderie for at that season there was no other talke euery where but of the great number of knights who dayly flocked thither enterprising to win her by the sword being to haue her in mariage afterward with the kingdome of Thessalie for her dowrie so great should be the recōpence and guerdon of him who could deliuer her out o●the inchanted dungeon But as yet had no knight been séene there who could set foote within the castell to set frée this yong Princesse Now were Belcarins eares oftentimes tickled with the fame of this aduenture which euerie one reputed so strange that he determined to goe thither to trie what he could doe with an incredible desire to performe it for besides he should thereby purchase great honour and a generall commendation of the world he might yet thinke himself most fortunat making his so rich and faire a Damosell and that by dint of sword So that being excéeding glad through the hope which he had conceiued to atchieue his desired purpose hee did on●ly but thrée daies honor this solemne feast with his presence and the fourth day endossed verie early in the morning a rich armour burnisht greene which he had caused very priuily to be made and commaunded to paint on his shield in a siluer field a castell of G●wles representing a Iasper stone in verdure for his deuise Departing thus the citie without knowledge of any person hee tooke his voyage towards the kingdome of Macedon The Emperour who heard afterward ofhis secret departure was passing glad of this enterprise and in presence of many knights began thus in his fauour Now as God mee helpe I haue an opinion nay a confident hope Belcarin will be haue himselfe so valiantly in feates of armes that
him thou art dead cruel and inhumane Barbarian séeing thou hast not had pittie of a better and more courteous knight then thy selfe Hée knowing it was time to bestir something els then his tongue and not to be all day in doing it put himselfe brauely in defence when with the first stroake of his sword he sent one of them to kéepe Diolas company in the other world But the other foure held him so liuely play that he receiued two or thrée wounds yet not mortall nor dangerous for he droue them so before him that neither one nor other could once come néere him but they should find him ready to receiue them And although they gaue him his hands full as doubtlesse the match is too vnequall of foure against one yet he neuer shewed himselfe coward or fainthearted but in warding stil their blows mist not their bodies an inch at euery aduantage where they lay open and he made the sweat drop down his forhead for feare whom he could sometimes by chance light vpon The countesse séeing her champion in perill of death sent many of her people to his rescue so that there salied out of the fortresse more then twentie knights all very well armed to goe sacage and take prisoners those foure assailants for all that they could take but two of them al hewen and massacred of their bodies whom they caried afterwards within the castle for as for the others very feare had made to take their héeles so soone as they saw the supplie of enemies come forth of the castell to assaile them In the meane while two young knights kinsmen to the countesse came humbly to thanke Rifaran and to inuite him to refresh himselfe within the fortresse as well because it was néedfull for him to rest as also because the ladie and mistresse thereof had a great desire to know him and to doe him all the honour she might deuise for the suddaine and miraculous aid she had receiued at his hand Gentleman quoth the knight then smal matters are these I haue now exploited in respect of that I would endeuour to accomplish as far as my life would goe for her and her péeres Notwithstanding I will goe willingly to visit her to the end to doe her that reuerence which I ow to all the honest and vertuous paragons of her sex So he walked forth towards the castle and as he drew néere it behold the countesse who met him who thanking him in most humble manner for the knightly act he came from performing in the defence and maintenance of her good right required him most instantly and with a very amiable grace he would declare her his name to that end her spirits might be setled knowing him by whom she had receiued this aid Madame quoth Rifaran I am a gentleman of the emperours court whence I am come not long since to séeke a knight who departed thence very secretly this other day and arriuing here by chance as you may sée I could not endure you should be thus villanously outraged by your aduersarie against whom I haue as I thinke without all blame attempted that which euery aduised and noble knight is bound to doe in the like occurrence With this talke they mounted vp the staires of the great hall where being arriued the countesse did with her owne hand disarme Rifaran then laid him in a rich bed and caused his wounds to be looked vnto with all care giuing commaund the same euening to make an honourable tombe to inter therein the bodie of Diolas her brother in law with ceremonies of funerall pomps as were requisit for the yonger brother issued of so high a house as that of Iseland And afterward causing al her vassals to bée assembled she aduised that Rifaran and the two knights which she held prisoners should recount vnto them the discourse of this battaile the happie issue whereof made them more then content In respect whereof they all againe sware and promised vnto her loiall fidelitie and she remained in tranquillity and peaceable possession of her estate So that hereby her thoughts being no more troubled with the continuall vexations and alarmes that Diolas was wont to giue her she occupied her selfe altogether in tricking vp of her naturall beautie and in doing of things which might please the knight whom she perceiued alreadie a little entangled in her loue which on the other side fiered her owne thereby with an vnquenchable flame hauing vnderstood he was nephew to the Empresse of Constantinople but she knew not he was a Moore this reciprocall amitie grew so hot betwéene them that it rauished quite the spirits of this countesse euen to make her forget the chast and vndefiled lawes of her widdowhood for the impatient desire of Rifaran and the guerdon of his merit whereof she was in silent manner required did prouoke her so liuely that shée was persuaded to let her heart swim in the streame of all delicious ioissance so it fell out afterward by the subtiltie and secret practises of Cupid wherof not any liuing creature but they two and one of her most faithfull ladies of honour were priuie and Rifaran loued her afterward so strangely that for the loue of her fearing least his departure might cause her sorrow insupportable griefe he soiourned a great while longer in that place then hée was determined to doe CHAP. XX. How Marcomyr arriued in the island of Cardery where first he dismounted Tiraquel at the ioust afterward vanquished the knight G●rdian at the bridge and some others who assailed him at the third turre● how he had at last a sight of faire Celestina and was set vpon by two great enchanted dogs YOu haue heretofore vnderstood how after Marcomyr h●d vanquished Arnedes he went on his way with incredible desire to arriue quicklie in Carderie so that he made tarriance in no place before he came thether which was vpon a munday at afternoone full glad was he as euer he was in his life to be come thether wherefore he put himselfe in deuout praier praying vnto God with all sinceritie to giue him so much grace that he might happily atchieue the victorie of this aduenture for a memoriall and sacrifice whereof he promised with a contrite heart to offer vp the purity of his soule to the holy character of Christianitie and to be baptised as soone as by any meane possible he might At this same time was not Belcarin in guard of the bridge as he was wont before for he was importuned to goe some daies before to visit the king and quéene Griana his ouncle and aunt in Macedon who hauing euery day newes of the great and meruellous chiualries he did in defence of this bridge had sent for him by an expresse messenger to come vnto them And indeed he had not gone so obstinate he was in his enterprise if Alderine had not requested him priuily by a letter which the very same page brought him who had spoken vnto him in her behalfe
that it may be registred in the number of the valiant I resolued not to publish it but with very good testimoniall Further you shall assure her from me that I offer my selfe from henceforth to serue her as her most humble knight hoping vnder the fauour of her famous name to win so great reputation that I and my posteritie shall for euer remaine her bounden seruaunts And then when I haue done those thinges whereby I may merite honour and commendation I will come vnto her my selfe to make her the offer of my heart which féeleth it selfe so much affectioned to obey her that it shall not attempt any thing hereafter which may not be to her liking and pleasure So much she shall know in commanding me for I haue so readie a will to employ my selfe in her seruice that notwithstanding the hazard of my life did depend vpon doing it I will not spare any of my best forces Beséeching her moreouer not to disclose my name to any one for that I would at this present visit the king Florendos and the Quéene my grandfather and grandame With this answere returned Gracian to his mistres who staied for him in so great deuotion that so soone as shée saw him come a farre of she could not containe but must néeds aske him what successe had followed the exploit of his ambassage Well Madame answered the page but you must kéepe it secret for so is his humble request That shal wée doe most willingly quoth they and then hée recounted to them all that hée had vnderstoode of him saying that hée was Belcarin the king of Hungaries sonne What is it he Quoth Quéene Denise scréeking alowd for ioy why hée is then my nephew and what so great iniury haue we done him that he vouchsafeth not to visit vs Truely I should bée verie glad to see him for I loue him entirely for that from our infancie wée were brought vp together And well can I assure you Madame Alderine that he hath béene alwaies verie courteous and gentle from a youth wherefore I reioice greatly that his valour in arms doth so wel second his courtesy ●nd mildnes Neuertheles séeing he wil be so ●●●ret he shall not be disclosed for vs. We néed not demaund whether Alderine were ioifull when she heard say that Belcarin was descended of so noble and famous bloud séeing also he proffered himselfe alreadie very cordially to be her knight wherefore from that very instant hour she began to loue him without measure and to imprint so well his remembrance in her spirit that shée could neuer blot it out but euery houre more then other did she multiplie in her heart the amourous passion that Cupid who was then in ambush had before brewed for her at the Fountaine CHAP. III. How Belcarin fearing to be discouered departed secretly out of Macedon to fal again into his way in which he met a knight whom he afterward vanquished and how hee had a fierce combat with him who guarded the bridge where Celestina was enchanted AS soon as Belcarin had dispatched away Alderines gentlem●n he resolued to depart that court doubting the king Florendos would send to séeke him all about as soone after ●ell out for he desired greatly to know who was the knight that was the vanquisher But he found himselfe frustrate of his attempt for that Belcarin g●t him quickly away which the king could hardly haue beleeued had he not perceiued it in his second iusting which he ordained for the nonst the which séemed to him but a sport of little children in comparison of the former tourney where this vnknown knight shewed such incredible acts of chiualry and albeit quéen Denise and the princesse Alderine heard thē speaking hereof many times yet would they neuer open any other thing butthat hee should be some one of best account in the emperours court Belcarin then after that he had in most courteous maner thanked the two knights for their great humanity courtesie towards him tooke of thē honestly his leaue ●aining he was constrained to be gone in all hast for some affairs of importance which he was to manage in another place whereat the two knights shewing themselues greatly displeased of this suddain departure offered to kéepe him companie but he thanked them againe saying as then he had no néed thereof So hée put himselfe againe into the way which he left before to sée Alderine and road that day little more then thrée mile onely to dislodge himselfe from the court It chaunced he tooke vp his lodging all that night in a faire gréene meddow where for that there was no house-roome néere he purposed to rest and to passe that night away as well as he might But euen as he thought to close his eies and to take a nappe a déepe thought of the surpassing beautie of Alderine troubled his spirit During which he entred this combat with himselfe Truly Belcarin thou maiest by good right be noted o● ingratitude and discourtesie hauing shewed so little ciuility towards so noble a princesse as is the duke of Pontus daughter Ah Thou must amend this fault and shew her in effect that the innocent mistaking of dutie is nothing where repentance and satisfaction for the offence committed presently ensue After many amorous discourses he resolued himselfe if he could not atchieue the aduēture of Celestina to accept her with all his heart for wife And in this point of his thought a swéet sléepe fell into his eies which continued without waking till the morrow morning when séeing it cleare day he mounted on horsbacke But he had not gone farre ere hée met a knight armed at all points who asked him whether he came from Macedon and whether the marriage of the kings daughter were solemnized whereunto he answered affirming that they were notwithstanding if he went to the Tourney he should come thether time enough to be set a worke 〈◊〉 knight bidding him farewel without further talke road on ●is way And if you will know-what newes with him he was Sergin the sonne of Cardin he who departed from Constantinople with Colmelie to follow the dams●l who came to do the hastie embassage to the emperor Cleodomyr as you vnderstood in the last chapter of his hystorie And albeit they had raunged ouer many countreis to finde her yet could they neuer heare any newes for that she was retired verie quicklie within the castell of Carderie from whence the Fairie sent her away in haste to the Court for the dispatch ofthat businesse which tended to the greater glorie and renowme of the future prowesse of Marcomyr sonne to the Quéene of Tharsus and the Emperour Cleodomyr To the end that this knight comming one day to vndoe the enchantment of Celestina hée might be enterned with greater honour and magnificence Now had Sergin made his assay in this aduenture but being not able to goe anie further in it than others hauing vnderstoode of the solemnitie and open Court helde in Macedon went
thée and to passe the bridge if it be in my power with that word he tooke him such a rap with his sword that he started the fire from his eies vnder his helmet but the knight was quit with him presently for he payd Belcarin two for one so well set on with his club wherewith he fought that he taught him the way where he might goe fet the like ●s often as he would Neuerthelesse by his dexterity and skil in managing his armes hée did beat by afterwards almost all the rest of his blowes and did reach his enemie some sound knocks very often In this maner continued they about thrée houres hacking and hewing one another till Lipes who commended Belcarin greatly and muc● more then he did before spake aloud a word of courage that hée had neuer in his life séene knight who quitted himselfe so well kéeping his weapons in his hand These words did so animate and prouoke the courage of Belcarin that perceiuing the knight of the bridge somewhat wearie he would haue done that which he heard say Linedes did but the guard which stood a little on the left hand lent him such a villanous polte which hit him on the shoulder that Belcarin was faine to kisse the ground with one knée Then did the dwarfe sound his horne so swéetely that al Those which heard it were verie ioyfull and pleased except the Prince who felt a great ●ea●e and a●●king in his heart neuerthelesse as a man not●ing but heart and valour he dissembled it The knight th●n r●sto●●d to his former force by the sound of the horne 〈◊〉 the assault more ●uriouslie than hée did at first in the which Belcarin behaued himselfe alwayes so brauely that he helde him shrewde tugge and one thing comforted him aboue all other it was that none of all the blowes that his enemie lighted vpon him had giuen him a bléeding wound but did onlie bruise the flesh vnder his armour and therefore could hée fight verie well at his ease Thrise blewe the watch which was aboue at the sentinell his horne to fortifie his champion to the battell which continued so long that in the end Belcarin felt himselfe a little wearied by reason he had not rested himselfe all that day Neuerthelesse hée imagined with himselfe that shewing no other valour then that which he vsed in this skirmish in vaine had hée taken so great paine to come thither which hée would haue counted a great shame if the Emperour had béene aduertised thereof Being in this imagination his stomacke began to encrease in him maruellously wherefore he gathered néere his enemie thinking to lay him along on the ground but the knight of the bridge was too warie for him to be taken at that disaduauntage for stepping a little aside he deliuered him so sound a blowe on his crest that he cleft it in two péeces When Belcarin saw himselfe in this daunger hée threw with a mightie violence the two péeces at his aduersarie and by great chaunce hit him so full ouer the shinnes that the knight fell backeward and turned round twice or thrice in the place Then the Prince séeing that hee might easilie get the bridge without resistance of any ranne verie swi●tlie to the middest Turret the gates whereof closed at the instant with so great impetuositie that hee sell from his height downe to the ground all amazed and without any féeling at all Now L●pe● who was verie glad to sée him runne along the bridge chaunged his ioy into sadnesse when he perceyued him halfe dead neuerthelesse lifting him vp betwéene his armes with the helpe of his two Squires carried him presently vpon his bed where disarming him straight and sprinckling Uinegar and cold water on his face they vsed so good remedies that he came quickly to himselfe againe But he had no sooner recouered his spirits when he began to lament in straunge manner as well for his misfortune and disgrace as for the murthering blowes which his enemie had giuen him whereof bore witnesse his armour thrust thorow and pierced in manie places While he thus complained and lamented so grieuously Lipes begun in most courteous manner to comfort him againe Sir quoth he bée of good cheare take a good heart to passe ouer and let slip this anguish of minde assuring your selfe without doubt that it is more than eight yéeres since euer Knight came into this Isle onelie Linedes excepted who hath woonne so great honour as you haue done now so that you haue farre greater cause to reioyce than to complaine as you doe Alas my brother answered Belcarin a sorrowfull man may I be who haue not atchiued my purpose pretended but séeing I sée none other remedie I must take in patience the disaster that hath so shamefully put me to this foyle For of things so diuelishly enchaunted neuer succéedeth any good Accursed be the Fairies with all their infernall charmes and sorceries which make poore wandering Knights suffer so many mischiefs and diseases for their pleasures CHAP. IIII. How Belcarin resolued to fight with all those who came to make assay in the aduenture of Celestina and how amongst others he made front against the marques of Trosse whom he ouercame and afterward against Tiraquel to whom he discouered himselfe LIpes tooke great paines to cause the knight Belcarin to be attended with all diligence whilest he kept his bed who in y e meane time was proiecting a thousand new fantasticall discourses in his mind Sometimes imagining with him selfe that hauing not effected this aduenture he must performe so rare and admirable matters of chiualrie therby to amend and couer this shame For this cause he purposed to make stay long time in this place to combat all those who should come thither to make their trials in the aduenture with resolutiō that the braue feats of arms which he should exploit there wheresoeuer else he should employ himselfe abrode should be for loue of Alderine the duke of Pontus daughter whō from that time forward he purposed to loue aboue all other in the world and if peraduenture he were vanquished by any knight he determined to go incōtinent vnto king Florendos court This desseigne discouered he to Lipes who maruelled much thereat and told him that this was no small thing that he did vndertake because there were woont continually to arriue good knights from all parts neuertheles knowing him before verie resolute in his deliberations he procéeded with him in this sort Séeing you are fully resolued thus to doe I will not forsake you but to sée your prowesse and great chiualrie which I am most certaine resteth vnder the dexteritie of your person I offer my self frankely to do you seruice with my loyall companie Commanded moreouer incōtinent for their greater expeditiō that they should bring him frō his house horses and arme● ●s well offensiue as defensiue brieflie all manner 〈…〉 which were necessarie for so long a time of 〈…〉 as they hoped to spend in this
enterprice But so soone as Belcarin could endure the trauaile of armes he sailed not to endosse them to be in a readinesse if per●duēture any thing chanced in the mean time so it fel out that the Marques of Trosse who came then to make his assay in th●t adu●nture arriued there the same day He was a braue and a hardie m●n at Armes and albeit hée parted from his countries wel accompanied with knights pages and gentlem●n he had neuerthelesse caused them to stay behind short of this place and towards him he marched with one onely squire who bore his launce When Belcarin saw him come so couragiously directly to the bridge he mounted incontinent on horsebacke then drew néere him saying Gentleman this way can you not passe before you Iust with me because I haue established this for a law that no knight shal haue battle with him on the bridge who hath not first ouercome me for a fewe dayes past my strength hauing failed me in the assay of this aduenture I will that no other shall accomplish it if he cannot preuaile against me This your rashnes séemeth to me verie great replied the Marques seeing you enterprise to carrie a burthen of such weight but I beléeue you doe it to depart hence more ashamed and dishonoured 〈◊〉 you haue done heretofore Happen what shall 〈◊〉 Belcarin then with some disdaine you must passe 〈◊〉 my handes and take héede of me if you thinke good The Marques had alreadie drawne his sworde which was the cause that in the violent running of the horses they made a furious encounter and hauing both a desire to behaue themselues brauelie brake their Launces downe to their handles brushing one another with their Shéeldes and shouldring so fiercelie that the Marques fell to the ground féeling himselfe hurt a little ●ith his fall g●tteth quickly on his 〈◊〉 dr●w ●orthwith his sword with which he 〈…〉 such a blow on the ribs that he made 〈…〉 but Belcarin who was nimble l●apt 〈◊〉 the saddle and setting hand to his bl●de likewise ran vpon him in a great rage Ill for thy profit saith he learnest thou euer to vse such cowardise in combating for thou shalt receaue by and by thy deserued guerdon then charged him with two such deadly blowes vpon his helmet that before the sword was from it the bloud ran downe in the place The Marques who was actiue and couragious went alwaies eagerly to worke and defended himselfe with a wonderfull stomack neuertheles Belcarin who surpassed him in valor and actiuity fetcht him quickly so liuely about that the Marques who could not almost stand before him did but void the strokes Which his aduersary spying laid so fiercely vpon the edge of his shield that he laid him along at his féet where the miserable Marques lost all possibility and meane to defend himself for so soon as he was down Belcarin began to batter him cruelly with the pommell of his sword saying Catif yéeld thée now for vanquished and sweare vnto me thou wilt neuer séeke to meddle or make any more in this aduenture if not I send presently thy soule to the diuel In good f●ith knight answered the Marques you haue passed me so far that I warrant I shall neuer passe further in it and of fauour I beséech you to leaue me in this pittious estate in the which now I yéeld my self at your mercy Belcarin who heard him speake so gently thought he was in danger of death therfore withdrew himselfe a side a little whilst the Marques squier approched him to sée in what state he was who when he had quickly raised him on his féet bound vp his wounds with a kercheif which he tore in péeces he set him faire and softly on his horse which he took at the end of the carrier But before the Marques departed from thence he requested Belcarin very amiably to tell him who he was to the end he might know the name of his vanquisher which hee graunted him willingly H● quoth the Marques truely I haue no cause to complaine nor to bée sorrowfull for my mishap séeing it is by the hand of so valiant a knight that I see my selfe now vanquished the Marques hauing spoken these words marched towards the place where he had le●t his people from thence to a town from whence he stirred not til he had recouered his perfect cure health then to●ke his iourny directly into Macedon there recounted what had happened to him with Belcarin The king Florendos and the quéen his wife were very ioifull hearing so good report of Belcarin for they said they had a nephew so called who might very wel be the same then demanded him what arms he caried the Marques answered green As sure as God liues thē said the king it is none other but he getting a few daies since the best at the tourney departed thence secretly fearing to be discouered whereof I am very glad and con him thanke that he can doe so well for that in Prowes●e and chiualrie he séeketh to resemble king Frisol his father Great was the ioy that the nobles of the court receiued by this news but aboue al other was Alderine most ioifull because she had set her heart and all her most secret thoughts vpon him and loued him euery day more ardently then other for the great praises she heard were euery where spread abroad of his singular déeds of armes so that by the only blast of this renowne many knights departed from that court to goe trie themselues against him who being all vanquisht augmented his fame daily more and more But to return to the damsel who pursued to be reuenged of Belcarin for the death of her brethren after that she had thrée daies serued Sergin very courteously séeing him on the fourth well amended she purposed to depart his companie honestly to follow after her enemie It fell out by fortune Tiraquel son of duke Eustace who wēt to sée his companion Belcarin euery where abroad arriued the same euening in a lodging where seeing the Damsel make such pittious mone for she could very well play her part at the arriuall of any one was moued at the last with pittie and compassion to promise her his aid if she stood in néed therof and as he demaunded the cause of her lamentation and sorrow she made answere how shée hauing two brethren slaine treacherously by a disloial person wh● her father lodged one night in his Castell did put her selfe presently in pursute after him and méeting by the way a courteous knight besought him to take reuenge of the murtherer who had committed that vile act in briefe that this valiant Gentleman also had béene by him daungerously wounded which caused him so much the more to gréeue and sorrow at her fortune Full well knew she how to worke him by her enticing and sugred words so far that Tiraquel promised her once more his aid and enquiring what was become of the wounded
guard that since the time he died the accesse vnto it hath bin very dangerous So that vntill the time Marcomyr arriued there no body could euer enter into it albeit before Baledon had seased into his hands the Isle a great number of knights of diuers countries had béene there to trie what they could do and thither came also for the same effect the giant himselfe who being in a great chafe he could not tell how to approch y e tēple because the isle séemed to him pleasantly scituated and very goodly to behold he inuaded it by force of armes So that the people thereof could neuer resist his hostilitie But returning to our purpose Marcomyr being arriued in this isle of Delphos one of his marriners who knew al these things wel told him of this mischieuous giant and besought him in any wise not to anker in this port for we shall all abide by it quoth he either dead or prisoners How so quoth Marcomyr is there no man in the world who can abate his pride and chastise his so great tiranny If God helpe mée I will sée séeing fortune hath guided me hether and if I be sonne of the Emperor Cleodomyr I should not feare this lubberly kind of giants resembling rather senceles brasen pillers in their monstrous statures then any humaine creatures and lesse any other strange aduentures be they neuer so difficult and dangerous for if I will win praise and immortall honour I must a long time follow the exercise of warfare as he did in his yong yeres dompting many such monsters and atcheiuing fortunatly innumerable enterprises Turne then the prow to landward and let vs enter hardly into the hauen without making your selues affeard of this slouenly and villanous Golias Then the Pilots albeit sore against their will leauing the shore directed the helme right betwéene the two rockes where they were no sooner entered but they saw themselues shut in with the chaine which was hoised vp behind thera whereat all of them were sore dismaied except Marcomyr and Ozalias who equipping themselues with gantlets and their helmets which they had laid downe a little before to refresh themselues did prepare to the defence if peraduenture it came to any matter of blowes The giant being aduertised there was in the hauen a rich ship fast enclosed within the chaine commanded his son to take arms and goe accompanied with some others to take them all prisoners which were come in wherevnto the yong tyrant obeied and being well armed with thrée knights entred into a squiffe then comming as fast as they could rowe directly to Marcomyrs vessell who was alreadie vppon the hatches began to boord him with these prowd spéeches Knight how durst thou presume to enter in here without our license I haue truely béene so saucie this once quoth Marcomyr and the reason is I make small account of cowards and base companions such as thy selfe who by damnable treacheries entrap people within this port that you may afterward vse all crueltie and fellonie toward them but now it is time you receiue the due guerdon of all your execrable brutishnes With these wordes the giant was so eager and fell into such a rage that hée commanded his rowers and marriners by and by to grapple fast to the ship of Marcomyr thinking to enter as soone 〈◊〉 hée came to her but it fell out otherwise for the prince who was as hardie as a lion séeing he must either di● there or shew in armes some notable act knew full well how to repulse so great a furie as that And began to reach him very great and maruellous slashes which hée might doe at his ease for the giants barque which was ●ery low vnder him reached but to the height of the lower decke of Marcomyrs ship which gaue him some aduauntage in fight In the which if they two shewed the little good will that the one owed the other yet Ozalias and the thrée knights of the Isle made it appeare that they would not be scant good freindes together againe in hast So fierce and sharpe appeared the conflict of two against foure that the sonne of Baledon féeling himselfe put to the foile by his enemie whom he could not strike at his pleasure resolued to put himselfe in hazard when reaching vp with his hand vpon the side of the hatches hée thought to leape into the ship But Marcomyr who slept not a winke in this skirmish lighted a great blow vpon his arme which sliced it quite from his shoulder wherewith the giant by reason of the extreame paine he felt fell downe halfe dead within his vessell making a noise as if it had béen the raine and fall of some Obelisque or Pyramide In the meane time Ozalias fetcht such a beake vpon the skull of one of the thrée knights that he cleft him downe to the iawes whereat the giants skippers being sore amated retired as fast as they could row to get quickly to land As soon as some of them were gotten on the sande they ran with all spéed to giue Baledon vnderstanding of the spéedie dispatch of his sonne When the giant heard the newes he began to rore like a bull with such a horrible and hoarse voice crying Ah Ah Iupiter As my sonne dead If so it bée I will take the most cruell reuenge that euer was heard of neuerthelesse I cannot thinke that the gods haue so farre forgotten themselues as to destinate my sonne to so infortunate a disaster Hauing ended this spéech he commaunded his armes to be fetcht him incontinent the which hée began to put on when they brought vp into his chamber his sonne halfe dead whom when his eies had séene his heart began to rise so strangelie that it had almost burst for sorrow And of such inward bitternesse and passion did clearely demonstrate all his outward parts of his bodie for besides he could not hold still nor armes nor legges it séemed a burning flame of fire procéeded from his mouth eies and nosethrils The two knights who had saued themselues in their barke and some others also which had staied on the shore spake a thousand outragious words and villanies to Marcomyr assuring him one would spéedilie come to make him die a cruell death But Marcomyr answered their reproches and menaces did moue him but a little for their lord being a traitour and an inexecrable tyrant their gods should know it were not lawfull to suffer him to liue any longer in this world And to come vnto his desire he had good confidence in them they would giue him miraculous power And if he be such quoth he and so valiant as you make him let him come hardly to encounter me in single combat in the which if I bée so much fauoured of Mars and fortune that I get the victory let him accomplish only what I shall bid him and I will saue his life cōtrariwise if I be vanquished of him he may doe with me and mine what he shall best
triumphant scepter enriched with all honour and immortall praise Wée néed not aske whether Marcomyr did meruaile hearing the voice of the Damsell who came to succour him in this austere desert to decipher to him so well his affaires For the extasie and rauishment of his spirits who had then séene his countenaunce did giue sufficient testimonie thereof Yet séeing himselfe in place fit to speake to this Damsell hée called his spirits againe to him and embouldened himselfe to say thus Madame for the honour and reuerence you beare vnto your God I pray you not to conceale from me who you are that know mée so well and I beséech you therein excuse mine vnwise request for your rare and perfect beautie which doth prouoke mée to demaund it doth draw mée into greater admiration then all the other strange visions which I haue now séene the which I held for friuolous and Diabolicall in respect of you who séeme to mée celestiall and sent hether of the gods into these base regions séeing that you discoursing so well of the future euent of my destinies doe comfort my sorrowfull heart with an incredible ioy and contentment Courteous knight quoth she thinke not strange at any thing I tell you for it is long since I knew who you are and for your prowesse and valour I loue you and estéeme you more then any other knight of this round world therefore am I come hether farre from the countrey where I was borne to make you vnderstand it Praying you to pardon mée otherwise if I doe not tell you who I am for at this present your curiositie is not to bée satisfied herein well will I assure you before long time passe wée shall sée one another at pleasure together and then shall you know something of my doings by a gift which I will request at your hands which is not now to be disclosed It should bée a great ioy and an vnspeakeable comfort to mée replied Marcomyr if you would commaund mée something in which I might employ the vertue of all my forces with the perfect deuotion I féele alreadie vowed to make the world know the singular affection I haue to obey you and to rest alwaies your faithfull friend Offering my selfe for earnest of this obeisance hereafter to serue you as your knight with promise not to transgresse the least of your commaundements as long as my life shall dwell in this terrestriall bodie And thinke not I will any more importunate you to tell me who you are séeing that it is not your will I should know it albeit to haue knowne it had béene to me a thing most acceptable so that euerie day to me shall séeme a thousand yeares vntill I sée the hower which you say is so happie for me But in attending it I wil accomplish for my part all that which it hath pleased you to giue me in charge and will dedicate this temple to the seruice of your God whose faith alreadie hath by your meane greatlie edified mée in this Euangelicall truth Whilst the Damsel gaue him thanks for this good affection and for his so many amiable spéeches behold the old beldame came who enchaunted him with the loue of Celestina in his Kingdome and taking this maiden by the hand saith to her Come away with me my daughter and leaue this discourteous and foolish Knight alone who suffered me to be misued before his presence in Tarsus for which abuse I hope full soone to bée reuenged on him by the extreame anguish and passion his heart shall endure hereafter Scarsely had she spoken these last words but both of them vanished away at the very instant whereat Marcomyr maruelled much and from that time forward entered into such a déepe conceit of the liuely and perfect beautie of this Damsell that he had almost died with the thought thereof for it séemed to him he had neuer séene her second and in truth he was not deceiued in his iudgement in this matter as many young louers bée who in their owne loues shew themselues too fauourable iudges By and by he thought with himselfe because the old mother had taken her away from hard by him this Damsell must sure be Celestina her for whom he felt so liuely imprinted in his heart the loue which did encrease in him more euery day then other at the onely remembrance of this ladie and forced him first to abandon his kingdome So great was then the perplexitie of his spirit because of this amourous fantasie that vnstopping the fludgates of his eies hée shead a great streame of teares which were tossed with the impetuous wind of his sighes so thicke one after another that during this torment he was faine to exclaime thus Alas olde mother I knowe not what thou maiest bée but well I finde thy spéeches to be true O that in an ill houre for the happinesse of my life did Ozalias anger thée in my presence Ah cruell enemie why hast thou so soone depriued my sight of the vnspeakable content it receiued beholding this angelicall and diuine face Thou diddest permit me to sée her that I should loue her past all measure albeit I know not how thy wordes haue pierced my heart so farre that I could not taste of anie more sharpe and corosiue bitternesse notwithstanding if this be the obiect of Celestina who séemed to mee the fairest and most exquisite péece that euer presented it selfe to mine eye I will neuer rest till I haue met her once againe In this anguish of minde remained the knight long time so astonished as if hée had come from the Antipodes and accusing himselfe greatly of simplicitie and want of courage blamed the olde woman who had cleane taken away his strength vnable to stay the damsell with him whose presence and gracious spéeces did so content him as hee thought him selfe in eternall blessednesse for the while To bée briefe as soone as hée perceyued the cleare morning to chase towardes the West the darkenesse of the night hee resolued to effect all that the vision did commaund him wherefore he went straight to the Aultar where the riches was and taking the golden basins with all the other sumptuous things hee laide them all on a heape to carrie them out of the Temple and spoiled moreouer the idoll of his scepter and crowne which he had about him In the meane time were Ozalias Rifaran and the other Knights verie sadde and melancholicke thinking they had lost Marcomyr their lorde wherefore they purposed to goe see what was become of him and especiallie Ozalias who without delay called vppon all the rest to follow him thorowe the same way which hée perceyued his cousin had cut out to the Temple And béeing come to the place of the combate they first found the horrible boare slaine whereof béeing most ioyfull and maruailing much they amased themselues there all a little to beholde rhis monstrous animall except Ozalias who béeing desirous to sée the Prince entered as soone as euer hée
arraied in this sumptuous manner with all curiosity of iewels and womens ornaments were mounted vpon two white hacknies brauely harnessed and trapt to the ground with stones set in collets and buckles of gold finely wrought and embrodered ouer Next vnto whom rode Diocles mounted vpon a great Barbary horse caparassond after the turkish manner to conduct the bride and Abenunq her brother came next the Princesse Philocrista but Lechefin who loued her not the least put himselfe on the other side to goe front by front with her yet for all that Arnedes whom Cupido did impatiently maister wrought so cunningly by his amourous deuises that he got the place finely from him whereby he might behold her better at his ease whereat Lechefin fell in so meruelous an indignation that from thence forward he began to beare him more then a mortall grudge perceauing thereby very well he loued her as well as himselfe Recindos sorted himselfe with the infant Melissa Ditreus sister for she séemed to him excéeding faire and gratious with whom Rifaran who was her conduct made her quickly acquainted by saying it was the knight who vanquished the earle and that for his laudadable vertues he well deserued some fauour aboue the rest By meanes wherof she began to make him discourse of many excellent matters which she could do meruellous well by reason of the ripe vnderstanding and fine grace wherewith nature had enriched her For she néeded not to betaught to vse her tongue affably and discréetly Here by the way Recindos was so enflamed with her loue that as long as he liued the heat so liuely kindled dwelt in his heart that it could neuer be quenched after that time Now if he were wel pleased in mind the prince Arnedes was no lesse glad for his part beholding himselfe in that pearle of beautie which his deare ladie Philocrista inherited from the day of her birth whom he gaue well to vnderstand by his curious and often looking on her that he was her entire and perpetuall slaue yet neuer was so bold to tell her the least word in the world thereof such a strange humour felt he in his soule which forbad him to speake But in the meane time Lechefin whose eies fed of her beautie much gréeued at such an obiect did rage with gréefe and intollerable phrensie multiplying in his stomack more and more the rage and hatred he bore against him When all this honourable troupe was arriued within the principall church of the cittie the solemnity of the mariage was incontinent celebrated with great ceremonie then after the same order it came returned with as goodly pompe to the pallace where they did couer for the feast which was so sumptuous and magnificent in all thinges that it might almost compare with that of the gods held at the mariage of Peleus and the goddesse Thetis The tables were serued in and the princes and princesses all set and placed in their order then began a ioifull musicke in the which were instruments of all sorts here might the louers behold their ladies whereby they receiued an excéeding ioy in their hearts which they could not dissemble after dinner when they shewed by the agility of their bodies in dauncing the great desire euery one had to win the fauourable iudgement of his mistresse to be reputed the finest reueller In this iollitie past they that day away with great pleasure and content till the houre the bridegroome and bride were to goe to bed when the Empresse her selfe brought the Princesse Esquiuela into the bride chamber where she left her in a bed which was richly prepared for her and the Emperor himselfe brought Ditreus into the same and soone after euery one retired into his lodging Arnedes amongst the rest the ioisullest man liuing in his mind brake thus with Recindos How like you cousin the beauty of Philocrista did you euer sée a more rare and perfect péece Ah I must néeds hasten the end of this my most vrgent businesse to giue some howers of quiet rest to the anguish of my poore passionate heart wherfore I am determined to dispatch a post to the king my father to the end he send hether honourable embassadors who shall conclude this marriage with the Emperour Meane while I will sound the depth of this amourous riuer and I will sée whether the knowledge and wisdome of the spirit of Philocrista be correspondent to her singuler beautie and if so be her inward vertue second the excellencie wherewith nature hath outwardly endued her I may repute my selfe the most happie and fortunate knight who liueth vnder the zones of the heauen hauing her once in my power Surely sir replied Recindos you may truly praise her and I pray vnto God in deuout and humble praier our comming may succéed as well in my behalfe as I beléeue it will fall out shortly in yours for as touching my matter if the grace and courtesie of Melissa doe not giue mée some succourable comfort I may well assure you it had bene better for me I had neuer set foot in these countries Then Arnedes tooke him in his arms and embraced him saying O how glad and eased am I by these your words which haue pleased my hearing aboue all other Séeing by them I sée you are my companion in all things repose I pray you your firme hope in him on whom depend all things who by his deuine bounty shall direct our actions so well that with time they shall sort a happie effect And if it please him to fauor mine affairs that they cary aright and succéed I will worke yours till they compasse the matter you leuell at Courage then and let vs make the Gréeks know France bréedeth as good knights and men of as great valor as any nation in the world Upon these spéeches they went to take their rest till the morrow when the Emperour went forth into the fields with the Empresse and the new maried couple who were conducted by the thrée infants to the scaffolds which were richly hanged with clothes of state tissue where they might behold the triumph better at their ease Hard were it to count the number of ladies gentlewomen and others who were assembled without the citty to view this goodly sight the scaffolds were thorowly replenished and the presse on euery side the stages so great that it could not hold halfe the people for the knights only who came within the lists to Ioust made vp the number of six thousand all choice men and braue champions when they began to come to hands you might heare the aire ring on euery side with drums and trompets which sounded the assault and forthwith the combattants run together crashing their lances hacking and hewing one another with their cemitories and courtelaxes There might you haue séene a thousand blazing starres by reason of the glitring of so many braue frontstals helmets sheilds and guilded armours faire burnished and shining bright as the sun or as the Carbuncles in
glad in this place he soiorned two daies to cure his wounds from whence he tooke his way towards the kingdome of Macedon with the same arms he bare in the triumph hauing Celestina continually in his thoughts CHAP. XVI How Arnedes had conference with the infant Philocrista after supper whereupon hee sent away with all speed a post to his father the king of France and how after that he Recindos Rifaran and others had won the price at the second tourney they purposed to put themselues in quest of Marcomyr AShamed and greatly abashed were the vanquished knights at the hard vsage they had receiued of Marcomyr and Arnedes more then the rest for he had bentwise vnhorsed before his ladie Philocrista whereupon he purposed to auenge himself or to die in it as likewise did many others afterward who fell in a mutinie against him The Emperor soone perceiued it well and came to Arnedes Recindos and Rifaran to remoue this fantasie out of their heads he shewed them a smiling and merrie countenance bidding them neuer to be vexed further for the matter because they had well made knowne their great valor and chiualrie and therefore he requested them at the next tourney by some meane to recognish the knight who was vanquisher If he come quoth Arnedes it shal be peraduenture smally to his aduantage for hauing foiled so many as he hath the sport cannot well end but he will smart for it After these spéeches the Emperor conducted them to his pallace where he feasted them very louingly and long continued this roiall feast throughout all his court wherein was heard no other talke butof the knight of the Flower Meane while arriued Abenunq who assured hée could not find him whereat the Emperor was very angry saying I shall neuer sléepe soundly till I know the name of this valiant knight and if it might not be imputed to my folly and lightnes I would goe to séeke him my selfe Many meruelling at these spéeches purposed to goe in quest after him so soone as the tourney was ended if peraduenture he returned not in the meane season thether againe and those who had this determination were Arnedes Recindos Rifaran Lechefin and Pernedin the Duke of Pera his sonne who without saying word to each other resolued to die euery man or to bring the knight of the Flower before the Emperor if they could méet with him in any part of the world Supper done Diocles and Ditreus tooke with them Arnedes and Recindos and went to sit among the ladies where Arnedes compassed so much fauor as to sit next his Philocrista and Recindos hard by the Infant Melissa There receiued they vnspeakeable pleasure and content séeing themselues néere the quicke and burning flame which heated them more strangely a farre off then néere hand so that through the extreame ioy which by little and little crept into their hearts they began somewhat to blush as falleth out most often in such amorous alarmes Neuerthelesse letting their eies gaze their fill to glut them with the liuely beautie obiect to them albeit the heart desired ioissance of a far greater ioy they began to chat of many things with them and among the rest of the great prowesse which the vnknowne knight had performed in the tourney but the infant Philocrista perceiuing how these purposes might be griefesome to Arnedes wherefore she encountred him thus Sir knight you haue none occasion to be vexed or angrie for any thing happened vnto you for the best knights remaine sometime surmounted we haue well beheld your valiancie nor haue the vanquishers lesse cause to bée sorrie and gréeue at your comming thether then the vanquished had at that of the knight with the Flower whom none of vs know Arnedes was so glad to heare these words out of Philocristaes mouth that scant could he answere one word yet loue which had fast hold of him embouldened him in the end to speake with a voice which well might witnes the delight his heart conceiued in this suddaine and vnexpected ioy Madame quoth he the courtesie and excellent grace wherewith nature hath deuinely accompanied the perfection of your beautie inciteth you to giue me this praise albeit my valor merit not to approch the least part of that which it pleaseth you to say and if I haue neuer so little I should there shew it séeing my selfe before her who hath such preheminence ouer me that with one winke of her eie she may augment my courage and make my force inuincible therefore shall my desire neuer be satisfied till I haue reconquered my fortune which hath brought me from so farre to this tourney the successe whereof giueth me a pain and griefe more intollerable then doth to Sisiphus the stone which he rouleth continually in the infernall lake I pray God hasten your attempt therein procéeded Philocrista I wish it with all my heart for it were against al reason hauing taken so great paine as you haue to come from so remote a countrie to sée my father the Emperor you should reape so bitter fruit of your trauell With this swéet and fauorable reply the ioy of the French prince was redoubled so that he softly thanked Philocrista with many amorous signes and tokens whereby she strait knew the passion of his heart whence they procéeded was vehement and in a meruellous disturbance Recindos in like case entered so far in discourse with Melissa that he discouered to her the affection he had to be her knight which she accepted most willingly pleasing her selfe more then of any other with his beautie valor and modest behauior whereof the continuall and stedfast regard of his eies beholding this princesse were a manifest argument Whilst these did swim indelights with their ladies solacing their hearts inflamed with the burning sparkes of loue Lechefin felt himselfe gnawne with an insupportable iealousie séeing Philocrista talking with his corriuall insomuch that he wisht to haue him at his ransoming in the strongest prison of Persia. When bed time was come the Emperor retired himselfe with the Empresse into his chamber and euery one likewise to his lodging especially Arnedes who held himselfe so content of the good and laudable perfections which he knew were infused into his ladie Philocrista that the very same night hauing his memorie fresh he wrot to his father to send his Embassadors to the Emperor to conclude the mariage moreouer he wrote how he would attend their comming in that court not making himselfe much knowne till they should be there arriued and after he had sealed vp his packet as he would haue it deliuered into the kings hands he commanded on the morrow one of his seruants to ride away post for the dispatch thereof who made such spéed that this busines was soone brought to the issue that Arnedes had dessigned When the post was departed he tooke aside B●uquel his dwarfe whom he charged not to bouge from Constantinople before he returned from a place whether he must néeds goe for
but of mine owne accord thether will I goe when I shall thinke good I requested you for your owne good quoth Arnedes and your valor did induce me to pardon the hatred and grudge I beare you notwithstanding séeing you will come to none other point prepare your self to the combat and thinke not the reputation of the discomfiture you gaue me in the Triumph the other day can auaile you here any thing Séeing you force me quoth Marcomyr yours bée the wrong for as for me for the loue of the Emperor I haue no desire to sight with you This said they encountred so violently that it séemed the earth should open vnder their coursers and breaking their lances in a thousand péeces they went both to the ground where Arnedes had his shield and armor pierced thorow with his aduersaries sword which he caried alwaies with a sharpe edge and moreouer a wound in his breast for al that he was quickly vp againe and running with a great viuacity of stomacke roughly vpon him with his naked sword fought with him couragiously a good while making him to know what was the amitie he bore him But by reason of the great abundance of blood which gushed out of his wound his heart began much to faile him by meanes whereof Marcomyr had him so much at aduantage that in the end he gaue him a mighty blow downeright vpon his creast wherewith he fell downe astonied in the place which when he saw he cared not to giue him any more but after he had made cleane his sword which was all bloodie he put it vp into his sheath saying I beléeue you will haue little list to force any knight hereafter but you will remember your paiment at this time then remounting on horsebacke albeit he was hurt in the encounter hée pursued his way with Ozalias who highly commended Arnedes for an act of a right good and hardy knight which he had séene him doe in this combat But the Hermit who beheld the battaile moued with charitie and compassion made apace downe the hil to succour Arnedes who lay all along vpon the grasse and vntying the strings of his helmet he puld it off his head to know in what state he was in whereby it fortuned that the vigor of the sun sending downe his beams perpendicularly vpon his face restored him in an instant made all his spirits come to him againe Then séeing no more the knight who was conqueror in the ioust but an Hermite hard by him he iudged him to be very courteous and humane who would not kill him outright being in his power so to doe yet felt extreame paine and was in vehement choller to sée himselfe so foiled and hardly vsed not so much for his wound as for the fortune of the victorie which had ben so contrarie to him that he began to lament in this pittifull maner What should I now doe but complaine of the inconstancie of fortune Am not I accursed to come into these countries to purchase fame and renowne and haue as yet done no act which doth not redound more to my shame and ignominie then to any honour and praise of Chiualrie Ah séeing my forces will not be correspondent to the courage of my heart and I cannot otherwise demeane my selfe more valiantly it were better I surcease the exercise of Chiualrie then so il to employ my selfe in the vpholding and augmentation of so noble estate Further would he haue prosecuted the exclamation of his bad fortune detesting the enormitie of his life when the Hermite exhorted and comforted him in this maner My son thanke our Lord who hath deliuered you out of the knights hands who hauing you at such aduauntage hath shewed himselfe very pittifull and mercifull in that he did not seperate your soule from your bodie Cease I beséech you these discourses which cannot auaile you otherwise then to nourish in your heart anguish and sorrow but thinke vpon God who in a moment can make you inuincible and giue you all your hearts desires Hauing said thus he wrapped vp his wounds as well as hée could thinking to conduct him more easily afterward to his Hermitage but as the diuel would haue it one mischance commeth seldome alone euen as he was getting vp on horsebacke there arriued Lechefin who bare him a mortall grudge for the loue of Philocrista Who knowing him well and séeing him in so euill taking was verie glad of his méeting to the end to be reuenged at his good aduantage for otherwise he had not the heart to haue met him face to face Wherefore comming néere him he began with this prowd and presumptuous language I declare thée as much my capitall and disloiall enemie as thou louest her whom thou art not so much as worthie to serue this much I hope I shall make thée quickly confesse and pay dearly for thy rashnes and too audacious attempt in addressing thy loue to a ladie whose least grace of a thousand surmounteth in merit the most braue and excellent of all French men These words ended he couched his lance thinking to naile him fast to the earth which he had assuredly done if Arnedes who saw himselfe ouertaken thus vnprouided had not shrunke a little on the left hand whereby he began to play his part so nimbly that in trauersing euery way he gaue his aduersaries horse such a sound blow that he laid them both vnder féet by which meane hée had leisure to put his helmet on his head for he supposed it stood him greatly vpon to defend himselfe In the mean time Lechefin leapt vp quickly againe sore brused with the fa●l and came with a great furie vpon his enemie intending to massaker him cruelly or to die himselfe in the place neuerthelesse Arnedes who was a valiant and hardie knight albeit he were gréeuously wounded began with a courage almost inuincible to deliuer him manie shrewd and daungerous strokes which did so much the more augment the féeblenes of his members wherby hée could not long time hold out against him The good Hermite who perceiued him loose his blood thus put himselfe incontinent betwéene them praying Lechefin for the honor of God to hold his hand for that the knight of himselfe did much abridge his owne life but Lechefin who was a Moore and by that mean more inexerable would in no waies heare him but raging in great choller stroke the poore Hermit such a blow vpon his head that he claue it asunder downe to his téeth Ah thou traitor and disloiall dog quoth Arnedes séeing the act of so pittifull a tragedie ah what blood●e crueltie is this to murther thus basely a seruant of God who had in nothing offended thée Assuredly I haue such hope in his diuine goodnes thou shalt quickly receiue the paiment and guerdon for all thy vile demerits Saying this he goeth courageously to charge him with thrée so strange blows that he made him féele the last smart neuerthelesse by reason of the blood which
in vain for in troth he held a contrarie way to that Marcomyr had taken knowing not what to resolue on whether to returne to the court or to goe on still to séeke his man it chanced he p●ssed hard by a fortresse ioining to a little cittie albeit very strong and defensible belonging to the countesse of Iseland a very faire and gratious damsell This countesse was a widdow and had béene but two yeares without her husband who in the end of his daies for that he had no children and loued his wife with a singular affection made her the inheretrix of all his estate and siegnorie whereat was greatly wroth a brother of the earls called Diolas a fierce and hardy knight who as a yonger brother was little the better by succession of his father but for a small farme being al he could pretend for his part and willingly would he haue made warre vpon his sister had he not séene her well beloued of all her vassals By reason whereof he feared to loose his labour and all the time he should employ therein thinking to get more another way caused her daily to be sollicited and aduertised if she did not forsake quickly that possession shée held vniustly surrendring it willingly into his hands he would cast her out by force and violence as he who next after the death of the deceased earle his brother ought by right and reason to inherit The countesse was in a great perplecity through these threatning spéeches yet determined to defend her selfe if he went about to molest her and by good fortune the same day Rifaran came that way when Diolas went the round without the fortresse with fiue other knights well appointed to espie the féeblest part where they might scale and surprise it The countesse thereof aduertised presented her selfe presently vpon the battlements of the wall where leaning ouer the top of a rampire iust at the arriuall of Rifaran she began these pittifull and sorrowful lamentations Alas why will you thus ruine me What hath moned you to be so angrie and furious against a poor damsel a widow to dishonour her to outrage her vassals and best friends who neuer committed against you the least offence which in any thing might exasperate the choller of a mā were he neuer so malitious or mutinous to take so austere and rigourous vengance as you séeke to offer me I pray you in the fauour and for the deuoire of that honest and vertuous amitie you haue alwaies séene in me towards you you permit me to liue in peace suffering me to enioy without disturbance during my life that little which it pleased him to inuest me with by the ordinance of his last wil I promise to render it you vndoubtedly at the end of my daies for now to depart with it were to me a heartsgriefe vnspeakeable Diolas returned her a thousand villanous spéeches to terrifie her saying she had empoisoned her husband and that he would otherwise haue dispossessed her of all that she did wrongfully possesse by the law of the twelue tables Thē Rifaran who staid there to heare those alterications betwéene them perceiued well what the cauill meant Wherefore moued with pittie towards the damsell could not containe to reprehend Diolas for his discourtesie in outraging with such vile spéeches the ladie who shewed farre more modestie and wisdome then he counselling him if by her he found himselfe wronged to take his way to the emperor who would minister good iustice to him for his right The explorator was in a rage and ful of indignation hearing Rifaran speake to him in this sort who in great choller cut him of thus You who speake before you be bidden will you take vpon you to maintaine the right of this ladie surely I wil quoth he and albeit I know not the cause whence procéedeth this quarrel yet I vnderstand you offer her violence wherein for as much as I haue taken vpon me the order of knighthood with intention to aid to my power those whom I sée iniuried without cause I cannot nor I ought not to faile but succour her And if herevpon thou wilt enter the combat with me I hope by the helpe of God in whose hand are all victories to make thée repent this villanie offred her I will neuer be accounted knight quoth Diolas if I doe not make thée pay too deare for this thy foolish rashnes and to the end thou maiest be an example to all other presumptuous and witles fooles such as thou art to defie a gentleman whom thou knowst not resolue now to defend thy selfe well for I cannot thinke otherwise but th●u art of the faction and one of those who with this disloiall and accursed woman hast murderously slaine my brother Knight you surmise too great a lie quoth Rifaran séeing that I know not this ladie nor haue I euer séene her in my life but now no more then you which I will make good in any forme of combat which you like best Upon condition notwithstanding that for any accident which may befall you none of your complices shal once stir in your behalfe to offend me more then your selfe alone No sooner had he spoke these wordes but he commaunded all his companions to withdraw themselues from the place and that none of them should bée so hardie as to come to his aid whereat the countesse greatly meruelled because she knew not the knight who vndertooke her defence Meane while the two knights who had great desire to grapple encountred with such courage and furie that breaking their lances to their gauntlets they brusht one another so puissantly with their shieldes and bodies that Diolas was dangerously wounded in one of his shoulders and turning bridle incontinently began to hew on another fiercely with their swords all the time of this recharge the countesse who wel knew how valiant a knight her enemie was estéemed in these countries praied God deuoutly for her champion wondering much how without great cause his heart serued him to enter this combat But Rifaran being valerous and a perfect warrior shewed within a little space he would quickly carie away the victorie for he made his fight with meruellous dexterity neuer profered blow but hurt his aduersarie so as in lesse then halfe an hower he tamed him so well that with a stroake which he lighted aloft on the creast of his helmet he made him fal from his horse to the ground Then Rifaran alighted from his and running hastely vpon him cut a two the laces of his helmet and withall his head from his shoulders saying to the countesse who looked on thorow the loopeholes of the platform Madame now are you secure from the vexation which this peasant did worke you so that from henceforth you néed not feare him any more The ladie was much abashed at his suddaine spectacle and much more affraid were Diolas fiue knights who séeing their maister alreadie dead came like mad dogs to charge vpon Rifaran crying to
passe ouer at that present albeit many assaied to doe it and yet tooke much paine in vaine Marcomyr on the other side was so ioifull he had set his foot so far that he neuer remēbred to take any rest whereby he went directly to the castell going almost round about to séeke the entrance into it séeing the countermure and the enclosure of the wals which did enuiron the great chamber were very high and too stéepe to be climed vp past a little farther where he found the posterne gate of the garden garded by two enchanted dogs thorow which he saw hard by a fountaine within many Damsels standing vp Among whom she in the middest sitting vpon a chaire wrought with imbroderie was Celestina so passing faire and most sumptuously attired that she had not only prouoked the tender and passionate hearts of inamoured knights but also made ioifull yea moued stones plants and other insensible creatures The prince Marcomyr then hauing thus séene and curiously beheld her as a bodie rauished and franticke thrust from him the dore so violently without al feare that at the third time he brake it open and entring ioifully into the place of his blisse the dogs ran vpon him forth with tearing with their sharp téeth all the plates buckles and leathers of his harnesse Notwithstanding he who saw himself in eminent peril of life fearing to be torne in péeces and deuoured by these beasts which séemed to him more terrible and mad then the infernall furies began to lay at them with downright blowes and then thrust vpon thrust so liuely that he rather wearied himselfe then hurt them in any wise for that his sword could not pierce their skin being diobollically enchanted Wherefore not well knowing what to doe in this perplexitie he said in great brauerie How is this Now I am before the eies of the most excellent of all ladies shall my force and stomack faile me that I cannot defend my self against these hideous and brutish animals Ah too great an enemie should be to me that old mortall Chimere if she should make an end of me here before her in whom lieth the perfection of all my future glorie As soone as he had ended this spéech letting his sword hang at the chaine of his arme and taking in either hand one of these sauage and horrible beastes he put them finely vnder his armepits where he thratled them so hard that they were quickly strangled neuerthelesse he remained so wearie and senceles that scantly could he well stand vpon his féet a good while after CHAP. XXI The gracious greeting and talke that passed between Marcomyr and faire Celestina in the garden where they supt both together and how after he had giuen her to vnderstand who he was he gaue her the ring which his mother had giuen him at his departing from Tarsus NOw to come to Celestina she had alreadie felt the flame of loue as well as Marcomyr for the Fairy knowing the time of the ceasing of this enchauntment to approch gaue her to vnderstand she should be quickly conquered and deliuered out of that prison by one of the best knights of his age to whom from her natiuitie the destinies had absolutely vowed her for wife in recompence of his labours Which made this amourous destinie sparple more and more in the spirit of Celestina to sée her selfe surprised with this new and maruellous disrest for the little god Cupid who maistereth and dominéereth ouer the hearts subiect to his bow did studie to make appeare in like degrée the reciprocation of Marcomirs loue in this princesse Who being assailed with such vnusuall passions did nothing but wish for that so happie hower when the knight should arriue there for her deliuerance So that euen as the pilot tossed long time with the impetuous storme and tempest at sea mounteth sometime into his mainetop to sée whether he can discouer a far off the port or hauen hée desireth so much likewise this damsell disquieted with the wauie floates of this amourous sea gets to the top of the platforme of the castle to looke whether she might sée any knight from far in the plaine champaine sea coa●t comming towards her And by good fortune being there when Marcomyr arriued at the bridge foot her heart began to leape for ioy which caused her to imagin strait he should be her deliuerer and future spouse wherefore shée soone got downe into the garden with her damsels in gallant array to sée what might be the issue of the knights exploit who did presage vnto her so much ioy By this time the beams of the great planet running swifter then they were woont to doe gaue place to the light of Phebe his sister when the princesse who was before aduertised by the Fairie of that which beséemed her to doe séeing the dogs vanquished rose from her place with all her damsels came toward the knight shewing by the gesture of her countenance she came to welcome him with many amiable courtesies But Marcomyr who saw her draw néere him féeling his heart striken with a suddaine motion set one knée on the ground thinking to kisse her hand whereat Celestina blushed a little and did the same to him saying it is to me sir knight to whom it belongeth of dutie to begin this wherein thorow your courtesie I sée you haue now preuented me for by that aduenturous act from the finishing whereof you now come you shew your selfe euidently to be in perfection of Chiualrie second to none of those who at this day beare armes so that before I rise from hence I must entreat you to graunt me one fauour which I beséech you not to refuse me séeing it shall not be any thing that may take from you or make you loose that which shal be for euer entirely yours for hauing set me frée from this enchantment after my sute obtained you shall dispose of me as may a loial spouse do of his wife Madame quoth Marcomyr I estéeme my selfe no lesse at this present loued of the heauen then fauorised by fortune hearing you say that I am yours and you mine which makes me thinke my selfe fully guerdoned for all the trauels and troubles it behoued me to suffer in comming into this place so that demand what it shall please you for I being your slaue and voluntarie seruitor cannot but obey without exception all your thoughts Ten thousand thanks gaue she to replie albeit it is not néedfull to vse this language in my owne behalf conconsidering I am her ouer whom you haue so ful power that according to time and all thinges else the least proofe you will make shall demonstrate the true effect but it séemeth to me more then time you take some rest as it is good to haue alwaies respect to the end and period of all things wherefore shall I pray you humbly to refresh your selfe a little for the preseruation of your health Thē they walked together towards the fountaine where
you to present me whereof notwithstanding I know neither my selfe nor any of mine worthie for that farre aboue their knowledge did passe your vertue and valiancie as being him only who should accomplish the aduenture of this castell wherein the Fairies had emploied all their secret philosophie Neuerthelesse let vs omit these circumstance● to some fitter opportunitie let vs goe to the end of the bridge to giue some comfort to the quéene of Thessalie who attendeth your comming thether for that neither she nor any other whosoeuer can enter within the bridge before you be first come forth with her daughter and then shall all these enchantments cease except the castle which shal stand for euer firme in his foundation for an eternal memory of her who was once therein so long enclosed O God quoth Celestina alowd is the quéene my deare mother then here Surely I sée the heape of all my blisse by little and little come to perfection And as she shewed still in her going many signes of congratulation to her louer the knight certified her how ten or twelue daies past her officers arriued at the end of the bridge and she her selfe the next morrow after accompanied with many Barons and ladies whereof Marcomyr was well a●aid hoping to send away Celestina with her mother to the Emperour and to depart himselfe quickly to go to deliuer the king of Thessalie When the quéene saw her daughter come so pompeously attired she was seised with so much pleasure and ioy that her spirits vncapable to conceiue it she fell downe in a traunce betwéene Ozalias armes who had almost born her companie through the content and ease suddainely stroken into his heart séeing Marcomyr seated vpon the top of Fortunes whéele But as soone as Celestina was come to her she knew right well it procéeded of the vehemence and superabundance of suddaine ioy therefore she tooke her mother by the hand and kissing it many times began to wéepe for compassion but she soone came to her selfe againe and séeing her daughter hard by her she embraced her with so ardent a motherly zeale that she could not chuse but vnscopping the sludgates of her eies let the tears trickle downe her chéekes when her mother began thus Alas my deare daughter how long a time it is that mine eies ●round in teares doe séeke by all meanes to sée you O how many times hath my heart quailed with continual anguish in vaine sighed and powred forth complaines and cries into the aire for the absence of you and of your father wishing that which I sée may in brief bring some remedie to my griefe by the meanes of him who hath now deliuered you out of prison Ah pitti●ull mischance when I remember I was so cruell and seuere a mother to you the true substaunce of mine entrals as to suffer you to be banished and shut vp in prison so farre from me Alas God had predestinated it in this manner which was cause the loue of the mother nor the abundance of feminine pittie could not in any thing preuent the will of the fatall destinies And therevnto was I forced to consent not without enduring extreame heartsgriefe which I suffer patiently since the thrée Fairie sisters had vndoubtedly persuaded me I should recouer your father againe by the meane of him who should deliuer you from the charmes and enchauntments which they should lay vpon you So that there resteth nothing now but to sée whether these magitians are here in veritable wherefore faire knight whom God blesse from all mischance séeing you haue brought into so great gladnes the soule which floated among the waues of this tempestuous sea of aduersity restoring Celestina into my hands so also I must entreat you with an affection procéeding from a heart which shall féele it selfe for euer bounden to you to doe so much that this ioy may be entire and perpetuall to giue me her father as he is by the fatall destiny appointed to the end we may liue together the rest of our old age in al tranquility of spirit The knight had great pittie on the quéene and quickly tooke her vp by the hand saying Madame I pray you vex not your selfe any further for I haue determined to die or to worke these matters so about that you shall passe the rest of your old yeares with more content then of the quéene of Thessalie may be imagined Then the good ladie thanked him and kissing his chéeke very courteously she replied thus againe I beléeue vndoubtedly my son you wil assuredly hold your promise séeing our Lord hath so wel accōplished you in all things that he doth not permit you to speak ought with your mouth but your hart is pricked with a desire ready to perform it to y e vttermost While they were vpō these purposes althe Barons and knights of y e quéen did approch to kisse the hand of Celestina being the ioifullest mē in the world to sée her so fair so sage for y e hope they had to be one day vnder the siegniory of so perfect a couple of louers And at the last the knight of the isle besought the quéen Marcomyr séeing many had by this time passed easilie ouer the Bridge to co●e lo●ge within the castell to refresh themselues there and to the end they might both forget their sorrows and paines past Which they did right gladly with all their traine who marueled as much as at some great miracle séeing y t rich houses of y e Fairies built wrought with ●●mirable architecture if y e building did shew stately magnificēt that part of y e island wher it was scituated séemed no lesse delightfull and a place of pleasant recreation By meanes whereof they remained there thrée daies with as much pleasure and solace as any humane spirit might wish nor could they saciat themselues with beholding the strange things especially those of the dongeon wherein Celestina had bene so long time enclosed wherby it chaunsed that Marcomyr finding the seat of this isle in so good and fertile a climat purposed to transport thither a colonie of people out of his kingdome of Tarsus to inhabit it the better and to the end also this countrie might immortalise the remembrance of him and of Celestina to the future ages of his posteritie There were they serued sumptuously and with all abundance by the siegnior of the island but the quéen could not glut her selfe in beholding her daughter and talking to Marcomyr who loued her surely no lesse then her selfe did in such manner that they two one day being both together far in talke he praied the quéene most louingly to conduct her daughter to Constantinople to put her on his behalfe vnder the protection of the Emperor whom shée should tell moreouer that so soone as he could dispatch his voiage into Turkie he would kisse his hand and so acquit himselfe of that promise which he had by the mouth of others made vnto him diuerse
times Lord Marcomyr qd the quéene then I will with all my heart doe that which you prescribe me yet would I faine know whether you meane to goe against the Turke with a puissant armie for as much as if the case stand so I will send into Thessalie for as many companies as you will haue and for a néed will demaund aid at the Emperours hand who will succour mée willingly with so many legions as I would demand Madame replied Marcomyr my mind is to take none other companie with me then such as I brought hether considering this busines shall be brought to an end rather by aduenturous hazard than by any forces which I may march into the field and were all those of the Emperour vnited together they shall not be able to bring it so quickly about Neuertheles sée here my resolution You must vnderstand how I met not long since at sea with the king of Culacin son in law to the great Turke beating vp downe the coast of Thrace accompanied with many other Rouers and a great consort of like faction that with all his power he might endomage the Empire I tooke him by faire war and sent him forthwith fast bound and manacled as an arch pyrat and king of Rouers vnto the power of the Emperour If perhaps I cannot by my carriages and secret drists preuaile in mine attempts being in that countrie I will politickly séeke to make exchange of these two kings vnder pretext of some good and colourable practises In bréefe I will worke as the occurrences of time and place will giue me leaue wherein I beséech the diuine bountie to shew me the spéediest and directest course whereby I may quickly bring to a fortunate end this my so affectionat desire Excéeding glad was the Quéene to heare of the exchange of the king of Culacin so that being put in great comfort through this hope she hastened with al diligence the departure of Marcomyr thinking euery day as long as a thousand yeares till she saw at libertie the king her husband the same thought Celestina also who with her amorous becks and signs shewed vnto her louer al the fauour she could deuise for that neuer going from her mother they could not giue such contentment to their hearts as they desired in amorous talke and deuise only more priuie habitude then kissing had not as yet bene permitted in their sportings nor did it happen at all till the day of their mariage when Marcomyr vndid the impolluted girdle of hir virginitie which till that day she had euer worne vntouched CHAP. XXIII How Marcomyr and Ozalias accompanied the Queene of Thessalie and Celestina her daughter departing from the isle of Carderie halfe a daies iourney and how after they had one taken their leaue of another the Queene and her daughter went to the Emperors court whether they were most welcome and excellently wel entertained THe quéene of Thessaly considering Marcomyr would neuer depart first she and her daughter Celestina tooke their leaue in good sort of the lord of the island giuing him many rich presents for the great benefits they had receiued of him the like liberality felt he from the prince of Tarsus who bidding him adie● as well as the ladies would néeds beare them companie halfe a daies iourney But before their departure the spirits of this trinitie could not contain but they must poure out a great streame of tears which was so tossed by the wind of their sighes that the storme did depriue their tongues of their office and especially that of Celestina Wherewith Marcomyr had his heart so griped that he could not endure to sée her in such paine but departed without further adieu and tooke his way with his cousin Ozalias towards the seacoast of this isle where he had commanded his marriners to attend him with his ship All that day did Celestina nothing but sigh and sob and for ought her mother could doe she could not be merrie but so well as they could they continued on their way in the which they had euery where great honour done them all along as they passed for they knew before who they were and the occasion of their voiage to Constantinople By meanes whereof the people ran out before them to sée Celestina who had remained so long prisoner within the enchanted castle and euery one said if the knight who set her frée were adorned with so high valour she did not appeare to be indued with lesse beauty and that it should be a paire as rare in all perfections as euer nature might couple together in matrimonie Then being arriued at the last néere Constantinople the quéene sent before one of her knights to aduertise the Emperour of their comming who meruelling much therat demanded the name of him who had conquested Celestina My lord quoth the knight he is called Marcomyr one of the most valiant and courteous knights who liues this day vnder the firmament You say true replied the Emperour but commeth he now with the quéene Surely no answered the knight for that the future deliuerance of our king hath constrained him to passe into great Turkie Then the Emperour commanded Diocles and all his Barons to goe forth to méet the quéene and her daughter which they did most gladly for vpon the famous renown alreadie spread of her euery where thorowout all the regions of the leuant euery one was enflamed with a great desire to sée her Amongst the rest would néeds venter out to behold her Arnedes who began but ●o recouer of his wounds notwithstanding he found himselfe much perplexed because he thought his fathers Embassadours staied a little too long as also for that he heard no newes of his cousin Recindos And if those of the court were all richly araied the Quéene and all her ladies on the other side came in clothed in blacke and mourning wéed except Celestina onely who by the knights entreaty must enter into Constantinople in all her gorgious attire and in her ha●●●ments of most exquisite and costly stuffe As ●oone as Diocles had giuen first entertainement to the queene he came next towards Celestina laying his head vpon the bridle of her pal●rie the like did Amedes to the quéen being both astonished at the excellencie of Celestina when Diocles began thus Madame it séeme to me the Fairies committed a great ouersight to empr●●son thus long so liuely and admirable a beauty as yours considering euery gentle heart should rather endeuoured to haue gone to deliuer the king of Thessalie in séeing you then depriued of your presence séeing you are the guerdon of his exploit whereof indéed may Marcomyr estéeme himselfe fortunate if he deliuer out of prison the good prince your father So also am I most fortunate qd Celestina winning by this meane the most valiant and gentlest knight who marcheth vpon the surface of this habitable earth wherein were many learned Fairies who shut me vp fast within the castel for that a few exposed
would impute the fault to procéed from him notwithstanding she had not her heart vpon any other thing but on the knight to whom the honor of this victorie was truly due commending him to the heauens for his admirable addresse and magnanimitie Faine would she haue vnderstood the whole processe of his historie and knowing no better mean tooke to her aside her Embassador of the day before whom she setteth thus aworke vnspeakeable séemeth to me the generousnes of this strange gentleman who knew full well how to put in effect the resolution whereof he sent me word yesternight by you for which you must néedes goe thanke him from me and also for the great trauel and pain which he hath sustained to come for mysake thus far moreouer as he hath in ample sort shewed me his force and prowesse in armes tell him that I desire no lesse to sée his person being disarmed Wherein to satisfie me if he will be this euening at the banket with my brother who is newly espoused he shall doe me this pleasure which I wil not faile to account in the number of the kindest which I may receiue from him The yong man went to dispatch this message In the meane time while they did couer in the great chamber al their talke was of nothing else but of the great prowesse of the knight who had won the Tourney and that which drew the people into more admiration was that no bodie knew him not Ripolo himselfe who would very faine haue knowne the certaintie what he might be but none could giue him any certaine newes At the last Leifidaes page being come to Marcomyrs tent deliuered him his message in wise manner whereof the knight was meruelous well apaid and returned him this answer Gentleman I pray you certifie your mistresse from me that I would not for any thing disobey her commaundement because no other thing in the world forced me to come so far from mine owne countrie but an extreame desire I had to present vnto her my humble seruice reputing my selfe most happie if she will but employ me in any thing which may be pleasurable vnto her To goe sup with the Bridegroome it séemeth to me a thing a little repugnant to the small acquaintaunce which I haue as yet with him and with those of his companie neuertheles I thinke verily to be there soone after supper to the end mine eies may take their full repast at the obiect of the celestiall visage and comely grace of your mistresse beséeching you in all deare affection that you doe not make knowne to any who I am And if peraduenture I may speake a little in secret with her I shall tell her thinges which shall make her liue in ioifull content all the rest of her life Wherein if you will be a third agent loiall and fauorable to bée a meane of her good and your owne I will return you such recompence that you shall call a hundred and a hundred times happy the hower wherein through appointment of the destinies you met me by the way for albeit you sée me now alone and in this simple equippage of a knight errant I possesse neuertheles great wealth rich prouinces and great state Sir answered the messenger I will employ willingly my person to doe you all the seruice I may deuise in things which shal not empaire mine honor nor that of my mistresse and I will take beside very good order that you shall not be knowne of any but of hir who desireth extreamely to come to that point Then Marcomyr disarmed himselfe and cast a Turkish gowne about him carying vnder it his sword only came along with the yong man into the great chamber wher the feast was kept there standing in a corner where he might sée and be séene of Leifida began to eie her with none other then a demure smiling and fained looke to the end thereby to worke a cautelous meane to deliuer thence ere long the king of Thessalie And whilst he plaied his counterfeit pageant very circumspectly the page went vnto Leifida his mistresse telling her softly in her eare Sée yonder madam the knight vanquisher of the Tourney who praieth you in all deare loue you will not disclose him to any of this countrie whether he directed his voiage onely to sée if your beauty and excellent graces did second your renowne which resounded into his eares euen into his owne countries hoping if it be so for he hath alreadie opened to me the most secret gate of his heart so to employ himselfe in matters of all difficultie to come by your acquaintance that you shall haue none other occasion but to loue him at the least to thinke your selfe much beholding to him for the trauell you your selfe shall sée him take for the same effect The rest that hée told mee I will recount it you at leasure in a place that may séeme fit to make vnto you so long a discourse The Damsell who was sage and well aduised left off at that time to conferre any longer with her new secretary fearing least the assistants might misdéeme the loue which had alreadie too lightly ouercome her but being not able to dissemble it long time she cast her eies vppon Marcomyr who imagined still his plot how he might bring his matter about And she perceiuing him so pensiue interpreted this Saturnine stilnes to her good thinking it procéeded ●rom the rauishment that her beauty graces might haue driuen him into according to the news which her messenger had brought her before Ouer and aboue iudging in him more comelinesse forme and swéetnesse of phisiognomie then in any other whom she knew she was so enamoured in the very place with his entising looke that for the quenching of this flame she desired then no greater thing then to speake vnto him to know who he was Marcomyr neuer departed from the place till euery bodie almost was retired and his long tarying there séemed not to be in vaine assuring himselfe it would returne some ●ruit vnto him for he conceiued alreadie in his vnderstanding by the amiable and often eyings of the damsel that he should obtaine of her the greatest point of his desire the which he must néeds communicate to Ozalias who neuer boudged from him In fine when she saw them depart afterward she entered by and by into her chamber who calling aside to her the messenger of her loue she began thus Ah page most true are the words thou didst tell me of the knights beautie whose comely gesture and séemely grauitie if I deceiue not my selfe too much with his prowes and valor in armes make me déeme him the flower of the best accomplished gentlemen that I euer yet beheld Madame said the young counsellor if you will sée many perfections infused into one bodie I beséech you speake vnto him as soon as you may and let not slip out of your hands the happie and inestimable good which the destinies haue sent you
hither fatally wherein his eloquent and fluent tongue shall witnes sufficiently the rest of his vertues whereof you shall find your ●elfe so well satisfied as he may not require that thing at your hand which you can well denie him How can I speake vnto him quoth Leifida thē without incurring blame and wronging mine honor which I haue hitherto carefully preserued if it be not by your meane in some secret place whether he may be brought to take away all suspition from people who are now adaies so prompt and readie to make the very innocents examples of their mallice I will tell you quoth the yong man you remember that my lord your father praied you the other day to returne to him as spéedily as you might possiblie that will serue you in stéed of a good occasion to take your honest leaue of this companie and if you will depart too morrow in the late of the day you shall goe to bed to my mothers house whether I will goe before you with the knights to entreat her to say they be her two nephews who come thether oftentimes to visit her So may you at your discretion deuise and parly together You say well replied Leifida neuertheles you must looke you be very discréet herein least our deuise be discouered This plot being taken and concluded vpon for good the yong man went the morrow morning to be with Marcomyr at his vprising and hauing made him a glad mā with this newes they mounted incontinent on horsebacke to get betimes to his mothers house being seated in a verie pleasant place iust in the halfe way betwéene Tubanta and the castell of Albase néere which streamed a fresh riuer whose bankes were planted with many goodly trées whereof al that countrie therabout was abundant which appertained to the father of Leifida who was lord therof when the good gentlewoman saw the two cousins she was greatly abashed but her son had aduertised quickly how she was to behaue her selfe in that businesse and well might she call such knights her nephewes béeing that she was a stranger and of a country farre distant from this place The mother hauing had her sons instruction how to gouerne her selfe herein said only this one word God grant this busines come to a good end Doubt you not thereof mother quoth the guide but it will succéed euen as you and we would wish for this gentleman is one of the honest and best gouerned knights that I euer saw in my life Marcomyr and Ozalias liked maruellous well the situation of this place where they tarried alone with the good gentlewoman of the house for that the messenger was gone backe to his mistresse who made such diligence to depart that the new maried couple could not get her to stay a day nor an hower longer for she thought the time so long before she was with him for whom her heart felt so extreame passion that by no mean he could be remoued out of her fantasie Therefore taking her congie of al the companie she would take along with her but foure of her Damsels and two of her fathers squiers And she tooke the time of the day so iust that she came about sunsetting to the place appointed from whence her pages mother who had made good prouision of all things she thought might séeme necessarie against her comming went to meet her with shew of maruellous gladnes the entertained her with no lesse ioy and welcome then she would haue done her owne daughter because that in her infancie she suckled her alwaies with her breast and after many welcomming and entertainments Leifida demaunded her who might these two knights be who had saluted her so graciously They are quoth she two of my nephewes who come oftentimes to visit me to know if I néed any thing that they may doe for me and likewise to present their seruice to my lord your father if he may please to employ them They are very welcome quoth the Damsell and for my part I thanke them with all my heart for the good wil they beare to my lord and father by means whereof and of the néere affinitie betwéene them and you I shall loue them no lesse then mine owne proper brethren and kinsmen Then Marcomyr bowing himself towards her with a lowly reuerence thanked her courteously for the honorable offer she made him and so entring into further talke Leifida could not hold her eies off him his séemely countenance good grace and naturall beautie did rauish her so much that from thence forward the liuely portraiture of his face was so far imprinted in her thoughts that she did inherite nothing else thereby but an excessiue loue which by this occasion did increase daily more and more in her Whilest they were in treatie of their amours the gentlewoman commaunded to spread the table amidst a pleasant tuft of trées which was hard by the castle wher Leifida did eat very little by reason of the soueraigne pleasure which she toke indeuising with the knight and afterwards séeing they were both by themselues alone because Ozalias and their hostesse were walked together abroad and the rest went to supper presently after the Damsell bespake him in this manner Sir knight I maruell very much at one thing in my selfe that I being neuer moued for the loue of many braue gentlemen who haue heretofore oft times offered me their seruice I féele now for you whom I haue séen but these two daies my hart so wounded with loue that I cannot heare nor thinke vpon any thing but the continuall and vehement remembrance of you doth strait interrupt it Therefore I pray you doe not therin repute me declining ●rom that true chasti●y which a pure Uirgin ought to haue aboue all other things in recommendation For as much as the valor and chiualrie which I sée worthily lodged vnder your beauty second to no other hath fatally rauished from me my libertie with the which I kn●w ful wel how to defend my selfe against the sharpda●ts of Cupid and now since yéelded your handmaid and captiue neuer to striue against the honest affe●tions which it shall please you to shew towards your so prompt and voluntarie prisoner Assuring my self you will not offer any thing to me which may hinder me from marching among maidens of honor not ashamed to looke the best in the face And I pray you moreouer to satisfie the extreame desire I haue to know you imparting to me the most secret and inward meaning of your heart and further to tell me what it will please you that I do in recompence for the paine you haue endured for my sake wherevnto mine honour being not trodden vnder foot I will condescend as willingly as for any that liueth in this happy age Madam replied Marcomyr I repute my selfe so much fauoured of the celestiall bodies considering the fauor and pi●●ie it pleaseth you to shew me without any merit that I feare me I shall neuer be able to accomplish
of them such pleasure in this recognisance and naturall homage of father and daughter that with simple reiou●ssaunce their hearts had almost both fayled And so fell it out also betwéene Marcomyr and the quéene who could neuer sufficiently thanke him and commend his vnspeakeable prowesse and magnanimitie In the meane time the Emperour had commaunded two hacknies and a palfrie richly harnessed to be brought to the hauen and would by all means go thither himselfe with all his barons by means whereof ●rriuing vppon the ●ay he alighted from his horse to doe the more honor to the king of Thessalie and séeing him so poore and transfigured could not chuse but let the tears run downe his eyes Then went the king to bow himselfe before the Emperour who imbraced him in most amiable manner saying My déere brother let vs praise our soueraigne Lord God who hath deliuered you from out of the hands of our common enemie wherein if I be now a most ioyful man for your recouerie I receiued no lesse displeasure and grée●e for your imprisonment being my selfe as you know in the Turks power at that time albeit he graunted me far greater libertie then you which he did only to and himselfe with my right hand the desire whereof to escape his seruitude constrained me to commit against you a most signallerrour and such as I know is most truely reprehensible but the merciful God who pardoneth fréely the offences of the repentant hath in his pittie looked vpon vs and by his infinit bountie hath brought all vnto a happy end Sir quoth the king I haue alreadie vnderstood all this whole discourse from Marcomyr whereof I can giue you no blame séeing you could not doe withall notwithstanding let vs omit these occasions past now it hath pleased the soueraigne and iust iudge to shew an apparent miracle by my deliuerance to the end that I should come my selfe in person to present you the extreame affection I haue to obey you in all things to me possible Be certaine brother then replied the Emperour that the most melodious harmonie which ●he celestiall organs can turne to reioice me did neuer make my spirits more glad then doth now your comming with the knight who hath bene your deliuerance to whome I am content to forgiue the sorrow these words he spake smilingly hee hath caused me frustrating mine eies vntill now of the fruition of his presence Marcomyr who demeaned himselfe very modest and humble before him setting one knée on the ground began sagely on this manner Redoubted prince if I haue sometimes prouoked your Maiesties displeasure I confesse I haue inc●rred such punition as it shall please you to lay vpon me and I will most willingly indure to fashion my selfe the better vnto your seruice wherein I desire to imploy my selfe indistinctly according to your thoughts yea when it were to go knocke furiously against the gate of death whereof I suppose shall giue you a good testimony the commaund you shall giue me when it shall best séeme good vnto your Maiestie hoping to execute it in such sort as you shall well know with what affection he speaketh who findeth himselfe greatly bounden vnto you And to the end you know the name of one of your most voluntarie slaues I am Marcomyr destinate to serue you before my natiuitie who pray you in all humilitie to pardon and banish out of your memorie that wherein by the disgrace of Fortune I may haue offended you for I neuer did it for any other respect bu● because I wanted the hardinesse to appeare vnwoorthily before your Maiestie so that I shall neuer rise from this place again before it please you to giue me your hand to kisse in signe of your frée and liberall graunt of pardon The Emperour seeing him so faire and gratious speaking what he would maruelled most of all how nature had lodged in one only body so many graces and perfections Wherefore casting his armes about his necke you doe me quoth he so much honour offering me for seruice your vnspeakeable Prowesse and valor that I should ouermuch forget my self if I did not pardon you séeing pardon of me you desire albeit by you I am nothing at all endommaged 〈…〉 and I d●e not only impart this fauour vnto you but f●rther I accept and retaine you as min● owne proper son At the end of these words Marcomyr kissed his hand by force then embraced Diocles who gaue him like honourable entertainement next came Abenu●● towards him almost transported with ioy saying Truly braue knight as glad am I of your comming into this cou●● as great is ●he obligation whereby I shal find 〈…〉 all my life beholding vnto you for a beginning of the satisfaction whereof I could not at this time shew better euidence then to render praise to the director of all things to fill you with the happines that this company wisheth you hauing desired so much your presence in ●●en sight without longer concealing of your selfe Marcomy● ●ecognished him incontinent and so shewed him againe many tokens of amitie and good will then approching A●edes and all the other knights and ●arons he saluted them most courteously and if they were abashed at his prowesse magnanimitie the day of the i●●s●ing farre more were they now astonished at his goodly appearance and liuely beautie after he had disarmed himselfe as you shall heare by and by In the mean time Ozalias went to ●etch his Marencida from the ship who much maruelled to behold so braue and magnificent a crue of nobles when she demaunded in what countrie they were landed Madame qd the Prince this cittie is called Constantinople and among that ●●ourishing troupe of knights who attend for vs at the shore you shall anone know the Emperour Cleodomyr who hath vouchsafed to come so farre to receiue the king of Thessalie and the knight who hath deliuered him out of prison and you your selfe shall iudge him so prudent and vertuous a prince by the honour gratious entertainment and good welcome he will giue you if once he know who you are that you shall not repent this your voiage were it but for hauing knowledge of him only Ah wretched creature that I am quoth she then how accursed and disastred am I to fall now into the handes of so capitall an enemie of my father And continnuing her inuectiue with many sighes and sobs Ozalias did all he might to comfort her by all way of humanitie replying to her thus Be not grieued for any thing Madame but bee of good cheare hoping your affairs shall prosper better then you thinke And what can there befortune me quoth she incontinent which doth not agrauate my matyrdome If I sée Ocurites my deare husband it shall bee but with insupportable heart sorrow that we shall both féele finding our selues both captiues to the worst aduersarie we haue Forget the king Ocurites I beseech you then said the knight séeing in his stéed is found a se●gnior who louing
alreadie endure wherefore I require you againe if request I must néeds make to such an aduersarie to aduise hereafter to conserue your reputation so that I purchase no blame which may offend mine honour and you shall doe much as well for my sorrowfull consolation as for the increase of your owne praise When she had vttered these spéeches the princesse began to complaine in such strange maner that the emperour himselfe did pittie her and could not chuse but answer her thus I vnderstand very well what you say and I know better that feminine choller which now enrageth your spirit making you transgresse the limits of good manners and modestie not being ignoraunt how the puissance of princes is lesse then nothing when God doth resist and stand against them wherevpon we must make our full resolution that we cannot doe any good act but according to his will by the which I was carried as it pleased him into the Gransiegniors your vncles court and I sweare and protest before him to whome all things are knowne I will not otherwise be saued at the end of my daies if I slue him or euer thought to doe it hauing then intoo too fresh memorie the honour which a little before I receiued of him this indéed I depriued him of the damsell which he detained by force to put her againe into his hands to whome by right she appertained wherein in mine opinion I committed none offence séeing he vniustly withheld her profaning the sacred lawes of royall equitie And for that the sage and wise alwaies take in good part as well aduerse as prosperous fortune I assure my selfe madame you shall haue no more cause to be sorie hereafter when you shall vnderstand you were conquered by the most courteous and braue knight who liues at this day vnder the stars Marcomyr by name the very same who vanquished in Hellespont king Ocurites your husband O thrise accursed that I am exclaimed the damsell then whose rauisher who hath shut me in here by the means of an inexorable gut of sea caused the imprisonmēt of the king my déere husband Now should I assuredly hasten on the last hower of my life séeing that hauing him in my countrie where by a cruell and shamefull death I might haue bene reuenged of him easily I knew not hée was the rouer and pyrat who betraied my husband O Fortune how dooest thou in all things shew thy selfe too much mine enemie bringing me into such perplexity that I cannot giue my self the mortal attaint to send my soule out of this gulfe of affliction in which I féele my selfe so déepely plunged that I sée no better remedie to get out then to launch my selfe cruelly vpon the dart of the implacable A tropos Surely thou art so spightful against me that I can haue no hope by praiers to mooue thy mercie but may say iustly the heauen hath bene far better aspected towards me then thou prosperous or fauourable and so it is better I resolue to indure patiently my mishaps séeing all things crosse me so that I cannot in them find the least sparke of fauour The end of these words brought downe such aboundance of tears from Marencidaes eyes and so great number of sighs began to rise from her heauie heart that shée remained a long while resembling nothing but some mad sencelesse creature filling the aire with such lamentable cries and sobs as no humaine eare hath heard the like Therewith was Philocrista much mooued to pitie compassion carieng her suddainly into her chamber where she so laboured by all good counsails and consolations to quiet her that she diminished part of her rage and madnesse There will we leaue them togither in this paci●ication to returne to the good knight Marcomyr who disarmeth himselfe in the meane time to the end to appeare in presence before the Emperour with such pompe as his roiall excellencie did require CHAP. XXX The honest and gratious conference had betweene Marcomyr the Emperour the Empresse and D●ocles and how afterward he caused himself to be baptized to be f●anced immediatly after to his faire ladie Celestina MArcomyr being disarmed he put vpon his backe a sumptuous and rich iacket beset round about with pearles and other rare pretious stones of great inestimable valor the which he caused to be made before he departed out of the kingdom of Tarsus after the moderne and newest fashion vsed then amongst the most magnificent kings of Asia with intention to were it the first day hée came before the emperour such a splendor did this roiall vestement giue to the naturall beautie of Marcomyr that he drew all the beholders into admiration and exactly to remarke the Phisiognomie and lineature of his countenance one might haue easily iudged him to resemble much his father who engendred him but they were out of this thought so that Diocles taking him then by the hand they went and sat downe both so by the Emperour who hearing all the court to speake of nothing but of the extreame desire which they had to know of what race hée was discended began to speake vnto him in this manner Marcomyr my deare friend it behoueth you now no more to couer your selfe from me hauing your famous flourishing renowne pierced so the foure corners of this base and terrestriall region tell me then I pray you of what parents are you issued and all the rest wherevnto you may thinke our eares will be attentiue to hearken Gratious lord quoth he to you whom I hold for my liege s●egnior can I not cloake honestly any thing which you may desire to know of me for I should thinke my selfe vnworthie of your presence in dissembling vnto you the sinceritie of my heart Know ye then I am son to the Quéen of Tarsus the most affectionate handmaid and perpetual louer of your maiestie who by a strange aduenture am come f●r from the confines of my kingdome so soone as I knew who was my father whereof I was alwaies ignorant before The occasion of my comming into your court was the renowne and high praises of Celestina to whose seruice I firmely beléeue the fatall Destinies haue submitted me euer since my natiuitie for the loue of no other ladie liuing did euer get place in my spirit which hath felt an intollerable passion in knowing it self vnworthie to purchase her grace and lesse to gaine accesse and fauour in your court There made he vnto him the whole discourse of the old beldame who appeared to him sitting vpon the foot of a stone pillar in the cloisters of his palace and what she told him blaming him for the idle and delicious life he led Kéeping silent neuerthelesse how she certified him to be his sonne because he reserued that to manifest it vnto him last of all other matters if he did not sollicite him more instantly He farther procéeded how hauing till that day liued like an infidell and after the Alcoran of Mahomet he did purpose with a sincere
I haue sh●●ne lesse then no Prowesse and magnamitie it must bée to you referred whence it is deriued and to the desire I haue therein to be known for your son Eternall God then brake the Emperor forth for ioy how happie haue I reputed my selfe recouering in so small time a son so perfect and accomplished Surely far more then any humane tongue is able to expresse for the vnspeakeable ioy wherewith I féele my heart ouercome surpasseth the capacitie of the most eloquent and learned clarke who euer for this effect might put pen to paper Ah Marcomyr my dearely begotten son vndoubtedly I beléeue that which you tell me considering you much resemble me by your complexion and many other gifts wherewith nature hath endued me and chiefly your martiall and heroicall courage whereof all those of my blood haue ben heretofore partakers and albeit this laudable and pretious fruition which I presently enioy of you redoundeth a litle to the dishonor of mine Empresse yet that doth a little pierce my heart assuring me her prudencie and modestie will not permit her to taxe nor disdaine me very much Now I perceiue how much I am bounden to loue the Quéene your mother séeing she hath taken such pains for me that of her so cunning deceit wrought on me by night there procéedeth so goodly and rare fruit At the end of these words he stroked him with his hands on both his chéeks and giuing him many swéet kisses with a more singular affection then can any father shew to his child hée prosecuted his spéech thus My sonne I pray deuoutlie the creator of all the world to accept you hereafter for his true and faithfull seruant to the end your Prowes and valiancie may shine and augment in you euery day more more by the communication of our Christian faith which you shal receiue in the fount of holy baptisme and albeit in doing so you forsake your own kingdome assure your selfe you shall find no lesse crowne herein beside that which I shal giue you during my life the future succession which you shal inherit after my death Marcomyr made humble obeissance down to the ground to thank him and to kisse his hand which he did with such humilitie that the teares distilled from the Emperors eies brought downe thorow the great ioy wherewith his heart felt it selfe rauished which being not able to abide so secretly shut in forced him to goe take the Empresse in her chamber whom at his first entrance he kissed in all most honest amitie telling her this I beléeue madam you haue heretofore held so good opinion of my firme l●ialty how cordially I haue al the time of my life loued you that hereafter ye will not séeke any better or more sufficient proof so that to speak this vnto you induceth a little scruple which is not long since crept into my brain fearing least you misdéem mine honest cariage whē you shal vnderstād y e discourse But not to suffer this fantasy to imprint it selfe further in your spirit I protest before God the only searcher of mens harts I swear vnto you again by al y e creatures which assist before his tribunal seat that neuer to my knowledge wil I haue not de●iled our mariage bed And lesse I haue infringed in word or déed the holy lawes of matrimonie nor polluted the inuiolable faith which I haue promised you But if I haue ben sometimes so vnfortunate that some other woman beside your selfe had of me by charmes and deceit that which to you only appertained you ought not now to be so seuere and rigorous but to pardon me séeing I confesse mine indiscreet offence and ouersight Albeit the fault did not procéed from me and that in that behalf I shal alwaies be sound innocent Madame you may well remember what heretofore I told you befortuned me with the quéene of Tarsus in her countries wherein the dreame that you dreamed was not altogether false and vaine for so much as by the acquaintance she had of me by meane of her sorcerie and sophisticated beuerage which shée commaunded the yeoman of her seller to giue me hath ben engendred Marcomyr the gentle knight My lord answered the Empresse with a smiling and very gracious countenance so soon as euer I saw Marcomyr I assured that to be true which you say he resembleth you so néerely in all lineatures of his person so that not only I haue pardoned you being ignorant of bringing into this world one so excellent and perfect creature but when wéetingly you had forgotten me in a thing whence procéedeth so rare and pretious trea●or being long since assured of your integritie that by your good will you will neuer worke me anger or displeasure As for Marcomyr I accept him most willingly for my son and I loue him alreadie with no lesse zeale then Diocles his brother beséeching you my lord to send him hether to me speedi●ie for I will receiue him for no lesse and declaring mine affection to him giue him the maternall kisse and embracing which his good manners and commendable vertues do merit Glad was the Emperor without measure of this answer and sending for Diocles and Abenunq thether after they had heard the discourse of this good newes sent them for Marcomyr to bring him before the Empresse They went to fetch him with a maruellous gladnes and as far off as Diocles saw him he ran to him with open armes saying in this manner O the incomprehensible blisse that now bringeth me the neerenes of linage which would extract vs two out of one and the selfsame originall sourse O the inseperable brotherly amitie What two persons might you combine and vnite to hold better together with your affectionate hands then vs two Surely when you should wander ouer the bottome of this Hemispheare you should neuer ●ind the like couple more enclined to reuerence you especially I who therein féele my selfe aboue all other so much fauored by the diuine prouidence that I hope my deare brother and friend you shall neuer know in me any other will then your owne Ah deare brother answered Marcomyr then the felicitie which you say is the contentment of your spirit constraineth me to striue therein against you in this only that in any other thing I should crosse your desires God forbid wherein it pleaseth you to tearme your selfe the most affectionate whom fraternall amitie may at this day find on earth for when the extreame desire which I haue in this behalfe should be measured by the elle or poised in an euen ballance you should plainly sée it wey downe and surpasse yours by far the which for all that I estéeme to be no lesse then you say But for as much as mine hath excéeded the height of all measure and that it is impossible to mount aboue it I would faine giue you to know what did vrge me to assure you you shall alwaies find my body a prompt seruant of your soules desire
wherof shall giue you loiall testimonie the first commaundement which I shall receiue from you wherein I pretend to employ my selfe so well that you shall discerne the little difference I put betwéene doing and saying As then Diocles and Abenunq had enterlaced many courteous spéeches and gratulations they came all thrée towards the Empresse to whom as soone as they were arriued Marcomyr fel on his knées to kisse her hand which she would not haue had him done but she lifted him vp quickly againe and embracing him with her most gentle and gratious entertainement she began thus My sonne Marcomyr the vertues gifts of the heauen whereof the soueraigne God hath knowne your bodie worthy of séeme vnto me so well emploied in your person that with great reason they incite me to loue you naturally as I doe with all my heart willingly and conceiue in my selfe a maruellous great ioy that you are now come to shew the true office of a sonne which is to recognish your father to present the humble obeissance which you owe vnto him being thinges whereof your father and I feele our selues so well pleased and content as of nothing els so much which might happen vnto vs at this day Madame answered Marcomyr it is of your accustomed bountie that it pleaseth your highnes to account me in the number of your most humble and af●ianced seruants albeit I doe not merit the least part of any such fauor Neuerthelesse if a sincére deuotion and zeale of a loue more then of the son to the father which I haue neuer day of my life to transgresse your commaundements might purchase me so much happines to containe me alwaies in your grace and in that of my lord my father I should content my selfe as much with fortune as the richest prince of the earth therein haue I set downe hidden the limit of my riches thinking there can be no more pretious a treasure found for me My deare child then replied the Empresse you are so forward that you néed not vse any seruice therein towards vs for this matter but henceforward you shall take such habitude and familiarity with vs as you shall séeme best for I sée you are very worthie of that ●auor and so modest you will in no wise abuse it Much more honest and gratious conference had they together In the mean while this newes was spread all ouer the pallace by means whereof Philocrista went as though she would flie to embrace and receiue Marcomyr for her brother The like did the king and Quéene of Thessalie all running to him so filled with gladnes that when they came to him they could hardly opē their mouth to speake to him So great was the ease and pleasure of those who vnderstood this good newes that all the night they could not sléepe nor take any rest for that some made bonefires others sounded trumpets and many other instruments for ioy and gladnes in briefe he did not thinke himselfe the son of a good mother who did not welcome Marcomyr as the Emperors sonne or who did not shew some signe of reioicing at that vnexpected parentage but all this was nothing in respect of that which the Emperor did on the morrow morning who sent one of the richest and most sumptuous presents to Marcomyr and Ozalias that euery one might easily discerne common loue from that which is naturall wherein Ozalias shewed himselfe not too much pleased for no other cause but to sée Marcomyr thorowly resolued to become a Christian presaging alreadie in his heart what would befall the Quéene his aunt when she should be aduertised of that miserie neuertheles Marcomyr comforted him in the most amiable sort he might assuring him to crowne him king of Tarsus where he might lead a ioifull life with his faire Marencida which assuaged his miscontented mind a little And if the Emperor did giue rich presents vnto Marcomyr the Empresse sent no lesse to Celestina some whereof were presently bestowed vpon her person which was thē to be adorned to goe to the ceremonie of the baptisme of hir loue Marcomyr who should be affianced to hir presently after for this occasion did all the Barons and knights of the court mount on horsebacke who did much more honor to Marcomyr then before when they knew not his descent And being all arriued in gallant order within the church of Sancta Sophia he was there catholicklie baptised hauing for godfather his brother Diocles then presently by the hand of the most reuerend patriarke was he fianced to the faire Celestina who was so richly attired that she drew into more then a strange admiration al those who regarded her And we néed not to compare her in perfection of her graces corporal beautie and rarenes of iewels and habits to the sage Andromecha when the valiant and redoubted knight Hector of Troy espoused her nor to Cleopatra Quéene of Egypt when she contended in magnificence sumptuositie with Marke Antonie Triumuir her husbād eating one of the pearls which hanged at her ears estéemed worth two hundred and fiftie thousand crownes nor vnto many others of the ancient time wherof the historians both Gréeke and Latin make memorable mention for euen as the Carbuncle the most rich and pretious of all Orientall stones set in a darksome and obscure place doth send forth such a glistering cleare splendor that not onely all the place round about is made light and shining but also the eies of all that looke vpon it are comforted and reioiced thereby likewise might they estéeme of Celestina not so much a Carbuncle within this temple as the only and true Phenix of her age The troupe then returned to the pallace in the same goodly array as they departed thence there began such a feast as neuer was the likē séene before in such sort that euery one enioied part of the pleasure except Arnedes the good prince who felt himselfe in intollerable paine and in extreame diffidence euer to sée his fathers Embassadours arriue there By means whereof beholding a whole hower of the day together the now affianced in such content and his deare ladie Philocrista leaning vpon them one arme vpon Celestina and the other cast about Marcomyrs necke to shew him the greatest signes of loue she might deuise the sorrowfull louer attainted to the heart with that sight fel at the same instant in a trance to the ground but he was by many knights quickly holpen vp againe and forthwith caried into his chamber where after hée was come againe to himselfe fetching a broken sigh from his very heart he saith Alas my God and will the succor which should come to this poor afflicted soule stay any longer How doe you suffer thus my passible and fraile body to sée deth before it eies yet cannot die as it desireth ●iij thou searcher of hearts permit I beséech thée that death may cast quickly his dart against mine and imprint therin for whose sake I die that
all ye will be glad in heart to heare me make the discourse therof God graunt it may be so and may he fortunatly direct him in his courses and so well prosper the generous forwardnesse that all men may beholde shining in him that hée maie winne thereby honour and aduauncement such as his heart desireth Surely this act of Belcarin did well please them except Tiraqu●l who w●s greatly offended because he imparte● to him no part of his entent for he would gl●dly haue kep● him companie so that he resolued immediatly to put himselfe in quest after him as soone after it fell out In the mean time Belcarin made such expedition in his iournies that without any let by the way he got out o● the bo●ds of the Empire in a small ti●e and being entered the frontiers of the kingdome of Macedonie he lodged the first night in an old knights castle who very affable and courteous séeing him passe before his gate because it was alreadie late gētly desired him to take his rest that night with him which offer he willingly accepted at the instant request of the venerable old father who tooke great pleasure in beholding Belcarin after he had disarmed himself as well for his goodly stature and proportion of members as for his eloquence and affability wherewith he much enriched and graced his language which was occasion that they conferred long time together and falling from one matter into another in the end the old man discouered that this knight was one of the chiefest fauorites of the Emperour Cleodomyr But the Gentleman had three sonnes very vngratious ●mpes and of a wicked nat●re who were ve●y much offended at the courtesie and liberall hospetallitie their father vsed toward strangers wherefore he who knew well their mallice went to méet them in the way homeward for at that present they were hunting abroad to admonish them how they should welcome and entreat this new guest Know my children quoth hee we h●ue this night in our house a knight descended of the Emperours house whose physiognomie bewraieth him to come ofsome great and high linage for which cause I pray you do him all the honor you can in the best sort deuise and feasting him with all chéere and gladnesse speake nothing before him which may not beseeme his honourable estate Father answered they we shall doe all your commandements But assoone as he was gone they conspired to assaile this knight on the morrow at the entraunce into a forrestnot farre distant from the castle to proue if he were so braue a man as their f●ther had signified vnto them Therefore came not th●y to supper as they promised but on the morrow morning betime salied out of the castle all three wel mounted and in armes The honourable and good knight séeing the ingratitude and disobedience of his childeren did his best to do all the honour he could to Belcarin who returning him many thanks the next day departed and tooke his leaue of him to put himselfe againe into his way wherein hee had rode little more then two miles but he met the thrée brethren lying in ambush for him at the side of a wood the eldest hauing his launce vanced vpon his thigh stept before him and thus began to play the champion Faire knight you must ioust with me otherwise you can passe no further for now I will try whether you be so hardie and valiant as your report is or no. Belcarin who doubted a greater ambuscado tooke a lance out of his esquiers hand and speaking very courteously made him this answer Knight ye offer great wrong to assaile thus the Emperours gentlemen perhaps you may quickly find one who will giue you both your hands full and little leisure to repent your hast Trouble not your self therfore replied the eldest brother haue don and prepare your selfe to breake a launce This said they retired from ech other the length of a good carrier then setting spurs to their horses they came to encounter with such a violent ●ury that the assailants staffe flying in shiuers could not stir neuer so little Belcarin out of the saddle who on the other side for that he was strong and puissant hit him so soundly with the first blow o●his launce that piercing his shield and armour he ran him more then a foot and hal●e thorow the body with his sword so that there was no néed to send for a Chirurgion to cure his wound The two other brethren which beheld this piteous spectacle supposing truely their elder brother had his deaths woūd came in a great rage galloping towards him called to him aloud Ha knight in a curled hour didst thou strike that blow for thou shalt presently receiue thy death So they can bo●h full at him but the one mis● his blow and the other lighted vpon his slanke where he made a little wound wherof when Belcarin felt the smart he began to stir himselfe couragiously in his owne defence And albeit these two brethren d●d trouble him sore yet the bickering las●ed but a while for this yong prince being very resolute and exper● in armes did deliuer such a full blow vpon the massard of one of them that hée set him tumbling to the ground to beare his brother companie And to make briefe with his falchion doubled his blowes so thicke against the other that hee was faine to fall from his horse al amased to the earth where he lest them all three thus vanquished and betooke himselfe to his voi●ge againe The squier who came with the brethren hauing séene the end of the skirmish rode backe presently towards the castle and finding their father in his chamber certified him of this heauie news Alas sir quoth he man vnlucky houre did you lodge yesternight the strange knight who euen now hath made an end of s●aieng your three sonnes Th●● h● began to rehearse the whole discourse of the combat wh●●e sor●●wfull issue drew vp the fludgates of a stream of tears which distilled frō the miserable fathers eies who bewailing their so great disaster called them many times fellonious and prowd children His vassals vnderstanding afterward the occasion of his gréeuous lamentation went incontinent to the place where their young lords were discomfited Two wherof they found stone dead and the third in danger of his life if he had not present succour Whom they put into a litter and the other two they laid vpon a Béere couered ouer with dolefull black and so did they conuey them with much sorrow and mourning into the castle where was their wéeping mother powring forth a sea of salt teares wringing her hands with pittifull and lamentable complaints s●réeching vp to the heauēs with continuall yelling and crying that you would haue iudged her rather to haue resembled some senceles thing then a woman in any thing partaking humaine wit and reason The like did her daughter also who after she came againe to her best senses did protest and déepely sweare before