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A17968 The deseruing fauorite As it was lately acted, first before the Kings Maiestie, and since publikely at the Black-Friers. By his Maiesties seruants. Written by Lodovvicke Carlell, Esquire, Gentle-man of the Bovves, and Groome of the King and Queenes Priuie Chamber. Carlell, Lodowick, 1602?-1675.; Castillo Solórzano, Alonso de, 1584-1648? Duquesa de Mantua. 1629 (1629) STC 4628; ESTC S107554 55,341 120

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him Nay I hope you know it not your selfe Shall I belieue that your great heart that euer Yet contemn'd loue can on a sodaine in foure Or fiue daies knowledge be struck by my vnworthy Brothers slender merits and one that must Be periur'd too if he should loue you Cleo. Mariana take heed how you doe pursue This Subiect for if you doe I should begin To hate you are you not asham'd to contradict Your selfe How oft hath your owne tongue Giuen him the highest attributes of worth Nay you haue beene so lauish of his praises That I haue check'd you for it though I beliu'd Them to bee true because it comes Somthing too neere the praising of our selues To praise a Brother I am my selfe a witnesse Of his valour and his wit and those are sure The maine supporters to all other vertues Blush not Lysander to heare thine owne iust praises Except it be that I doe sully them in the deliuery Thou gau'st too sad a witnesse of thy valour In ouercomming him which through this Kingdome was esteemd the brauest man Lys. Madam a brauer man by farre then he Vnder whose sword he fell Fortune that did enuy His worth because his mind was fortified Aboue her reach applyed her selfe that day Vnto the ruine of his body and then though Neuer before nor since fought on my side Cle. When next I come I will intreat you tell me euery particular Accident through the whole Combate Lys. Most willingly for I by that Relation Shall make apparant the difference betwixt His worth and mine Exeunt Enter King Utrante and Attendant King So many dayes o'repast and yet no newes Of my deare Cozen whether he be aliue or dead Utran. Sir there is a Hermite Which hath brought sad newes King What of his death or that he 's deadly hurt Utran. Sir to your Maiesty he only will relate That which he hath to say and yet by the sadnesse Of his countenance know his newes is ill King Call him in Whilst with patience I fore-arme my selfe Enter Hermite Speake Father is the Duke dead what sad newes Is this you bring giue me my torment in a word Her Your feares are true indeed the Duke Is dead Kin. How doe you know Her Your Maiesty shall heare As I was gathering Rootes within the Forrest The best part of my foode casting my eye aside I saw a man lie weltring in his gore Straight I was strucken with a sodaine feare But Charitie preuailing aboue feare I stept to see if yet the soule had left That comely Mansion for so indeed it was Finding some sparks of life remaining I tooke A cordiall water which I euer carry with me And by the help of that I brought him to his senses So that he was able to deliuer these few words Death I embrace thee willingly thou being A farre lesse torment then for to liue And know Clarinda loues another better May she enioy Lysander whom now I doe Beleeue is worthy of her for I that Most vniustly went about to crosse it Must pay my life downe for my error Lysander I forgiue thee my death and so I hope the King and with that word the King He sunke betweene my armes and neuer Spoke word Kin. O what a man was this what marble heart That would not melt it selfe in teares to heare This sad relation but what became of the body Her There Sir begins occasion of new griefe Whilst I did vainly striue to call backe life Three barbarous theeues seeking some booty Came by chance that way and seeing his garments Rich they went about to strip him but hearing Of some noyse within the wood one of them Did aduise to carry him to their boat which lay Hard by within a Creeke I went about To hinder them and for my paines they did compel Me to carry the body vpon my shoulders Threatning to kill me if I did refuse But not content with this they made me row Them downe the streame three dayes together Vntill they came vnto their fellow Pirates King What did they with the body Her Threw it ouerbord when they had Rifled it first King How chance you came no sooner to tell This newes though yet too soone they are so ill Utran. I see the King did dearly loue him He weepes Her Sir the current of the water bare vs farther In three dayes then I was able to returne in ten King Giue the poore Hermite something Though his newes deserue it not Yet his sufferngs doth It is an addition to my griefe that when I parted With him last I seem'd to be offended with him For his dotage on Clarinda which he hath Dearely paid for and yet I cannot blame him For she is the fairest creature that yet I euer saw Enter Cleonarda O Sister we haue lost our dearest Kinsman And that which ads vnto my griefe is that I cannot Be reueng'd on him that kild him Cleo. Are you certaine Sir that he is dead or Who it was that kild him Ki. Too certaine of them both It was Lysander that kild him Whom If I euer get within my power The sharpest kinde of death that iustice can inflict Vpon him he shall feele Cleo. Say you so brother hee shall Not come within your power if I can helpe it then But royall brother if the Duke had kild Lysander I know you would haue pardoned him King Sister I thinke I should Cle. With what Iustice then can you pursue Lysanders life who as the Duke himselfe Informes you in his Letter sought Onely to maintaine what was his owne But on the other side the Duke like an vsurper Without any title would haue taken from him That which he valew'd farre aboue his life His Loue King It is not I That pursues Lysanders life but Iustice The Law condemnes him to dye Had it beene but a priuate man much more Being so neare a kin to me Cle. There is no Law but doth allow vs to defend Our selues Lysander did no more for who can denie He was compeld honor compeld him The Duke compeld him and loue which cannot be By noble minds resisted did aboue all compel him Then all the fault Lysander did commit in my Opinion is that hee was too slow needing Compulsion in so iust a cause and therefore Sir If you should apprehend Lysander though by The letter of the Law his life is forfeit Yet remember that mercy is the greatest atribute Belonging to those powrs whose substitute you are King Sister you often haue had occasion To shew your Charity in being a Suiter to mee For the liues of those that had offended Yet vntill now you neuer beg'd my mercy vnto any Cleo. Sir you neuer had occasion giuen you Till now to whet the sword of Iustice by your owne Particular reuenge that it might cut the deeper And being not intressed your mercy of it selfe Did blunt the edge and needed not my intercession King I do coniure you by my loue To speake no more
her leaue to doe she curst her beauty As the cause of all this mischiefe at last Considering who it was that spoke A Father that deseru'd an answere Her iudgement shut her passions in a lesse roome For hauing calm'd the tempest of her greefes She mildly answer'd that she was happy In his liberty though now she saw It was but giuen him to procure her bondage For such she did account all ties of marriage Made by the parents without the childs consent Though nere so rich or hononrable Mari. And hauing said so did she not cast her watry eyes Vpon you and in this sad yet pleasing language Tell you that she would not forsake you for the Duke Lys. It is true shee did so there is no tongue That can expresse the hearts of those that loue Like their owne eyes but Sister it will be late Before you reach the Forrest the Princesse too May wonder at your stay Mari. Brother it 's true but I so seldome see you That I 'le not goe vnlesse you promise to come and see me Lys. You know the strict command That none but those appointed should come neere the Lodge Mari. That is but your excuse I haue told you how often the Princesse Earnestly hath desir'd to see you yet you would neuer goe Lys. Sister I feare these sad occasions will hinder me But I will write Mari. Will you not come sixe miles to see a Sister That so dearely loues you Lys. Sister I know you loue nor will I be a debter You are both my Friend and Sister Exeunt Flourish Enter King Utrante and Attendants King My Lord Vtrante can you not then Perswade your Daughter to receiue a Blessing Which euen the greatest Ladies in this Kingdome Would desire on their knees Enter Duke and Followers Is this a Man to be neglected Though he were not A Kinsman to your King besides my Lord Remember you may draw vpon your selfe Our high displeasure by her refusall Duke Great Sir let not your loue and care of me Bar faire Clarinda the freedome of her choyce By threatning punishments vnto her Father If she choose not me for should she offended Which she might iustly be if I should seeme To force Loue from her it were not within your power Though that you would giue all that you possesse To make me satisfaction for the wrong King Yes I could make you satisfaction Though shee were offended by forcing her Into your armes to whom the wrong was done Duke Her Person Sir you might but not her Minde Which is indeed the obiect of my Loue That 's free from your subiection for it 's free From Loue a greater power by farre Utran. My Lord I thinke shee 's free from reason too For did that gouerne her she could not thus neglect Her happinesse or rather she may yet suspect your Lordship Doth not meane what you professe and from that feare Seemes coy till she be more assured Duke I cannot pluck my heart out of my brest To shew her I wish I could yet liue to doe her seruice There she might see her worth truely ingrauen In lasting Characters not to be razed out By the hand of Time nor which is more her scorne King Cozen if you will be rul'd by me I 'le make her leape with ioy into your armes Duke Sir so that it be by no way of violence I will obey you King In act I 'le vse no way of violence Yet I must threaten it Duke Sir if you threaten her you ruine me Her Sun-bright Eyes by faithfull seruice May in time shine gently on me and warme My frozen hopes But on the contrary Shee knowing that I 'm the cause of these your threatnings Will from her iust vext soule throw curses on me I would not see thee heauen of her faire face Clouded with any raised by my power to be a Monarch King You know my loue and you presume vpon it Take your owne way of loue deliuer vp your selfe Vnto her mercy that I would make at yours Would you be ruled go see your Mistris Tell her you loue her more then euer man did woman To proue which true pray her that shee 'l command you Taskes more dangerous then did the enuious Iuno To great Hercules all which you will performe With much more ease since you by her command Shall vndertake 'em whose vertue hath the power To arme you 'gainst a world of dangers doe Make her proud with praises and then see How she will torture you Duke Sir she may torture me and iustly too For my presumption since I haue dared To tell so much perfections that I loue Not being first made worthy by my suffering For her Vtran. My Lord if you 'l be pleas'd to grace my house This day she either shall requite your sufferings O I will deny her for a child of mine Duke My Lord most willing I would see faire Clarinda But not vpon such conditions nothing But gentle intreaties must be vs'd for tho the King Were pleas'd to say that my humility Would make her proud I would not haue a subiect Say not you that are her Father that she can Doe an act or thinke a thought that tends not To perfection King Come my Lords we will goe hunt a Stag to day And leaue my Cozen to his amorous thoughts Exe. K. Atten Duke I thanke your Maiestie for this dayes licence My Lord Vtrante shall I then see Clarinda And will you lend your best assistance To make me Master of a happinesse the world may enuy Utran. My Lord you make an Idol of a peeuish Girle Who hath indeed no worth but what you please To giue her in your opinion Duke I must not heare you thus blaspheme You might as well say Pallas wanted wisdome Diana chastitie or Venus beautie As say she wanted worth for euery seueral excellence That shin'd in them and made them By mens admirations Goddesses Flow mixt in her indeed shee hath Too much of Dians Ice about her heart And none of Venus heate but come my Lord I lose my selfe in her vast praises and so Deferre the ioy of seeing what I so commend Exe. Enter Iacomo and Lysander at seuerall dores Lys. Good morrow honest Iacomo is my young Ladie readie Iaco. She is my Lord Lys. And where 's her Father Iaco. He was this morning early sent for by the King Lys. Tell your Ladie I would speake with her Iaco. My Lord I will Exit Lys. The Count Utrante is happie in this honest seruant Let me before I doe perswade Clarinda consider well Surely that houre in which I see her led to the Temple And there made fast with Hymeneall rights vnto another Will be my vtmost limit and death is terrible Not where there is so glorious a reward propos'd As is her happinesse shee shall be happie And in her happinesse consisteth mine Haue I not often sworne I lou'd her better Then my selfe and this is onely left to make it good Enter
Clarinda and Iacomo Clar. Good morrow noble Brother for by that title I am proud to call you being deny'd a neerer Lys. It is a title that I am blest in Nor can there be a neerer betwixt vs two Our soules may embrace but not our bodies Clar. Let vs goe walke into the Garden and there Wee may freely speake and thinke vpon some remedy Against this disaster Exeunt Lys. Clar. Iaco. What a dull Slaue was I had not I last night ouer-heard their louing parley I neuer once should haue suspected that they had beene in loue shee alwaies seem'd an enemie to loue yet hath been long most desperate in loue with this young Lord which quite will spoyle my hopes at Court yet when I better thinke it will be for my aduantage as I may handle it and further my reuenge for I will insinuate my selfe into the Dukes good opinion by making a discouery of their loues and then aduise him that there is no way to gaine Clarinda's heart till first Lysander be remou'd by some employment for out of sight with women out of minde or if hee impatient of delayes I will aduise him to vse some bloudy meanes which if he want an Instrument to do I will effect it my selfe pretending that it is out of loue to him when it is indeed the satisfaction of mine owne reuenge and when the Duke is once a partner of my villany I will be richly paid for what I do or else for all his greatnesse I will affright him For though great men for bloudy deeds Giue money to a Knaue Yet if hee bee a witty one like mee Hee 'l make that Lord his Slaue Exit Enter Clarinda and Lysander Clar. Come let vs sit downe for I am tyr'd With walking and then I will tell you How I am resolu'd to free vs from this torment Lys. I feare there is no remedy but we must part Clar. Yes if you will giue consent to what I shall propound Lys. First let me heare it Clar. My Father though he haue his liberty Is not yet restor'd to his Lands when next The Duke doth visit me which I beleeue will Be to day I le seeme as if I did mistrust his loue To be but fain'd he then will striue by some strong Testimony to proue hee truly loues Then will I vrge my Fathers restoration To his Lands which he being once possest of Will not be hard for me the world knowing How well he loues me to get some coine and Iewels In my power sufficient to maintaine vs In some other Country where we like shepheards Or some Country folkes may passe our time with ioy And that we may without distrust effect this I to the Duke will promise that when a moneth Is expir'd if he will come and lead me to the Church I 'le not refuse to goe doe you approue Of this Lysander Lys. No deare Clarinda Though most men hold deceit in loue for lawfull Lysander doth not Ere you for me shall spot Your yet pure selfe with such a staine as to be A deceiuer this sword shall pierce my heart The debt I owe you is too great already And till I cleere some part I shall vnto my selfe Appeare a most vngratefull man When first I saw you The height of all my aymes was onely to haue leaue To loue you so excellent I then esteem'd you But you in time out of your bounty Not for my desert for no desert can reach Your height of merit gaue loue for loue For which I owe my life sau'd by that mercy From despaire and lent me for to serue you Clar. You are too thankfull and attribute that To my bounty which was the wages of your true And faithfull seruice Lys. Were this granted yet how euer I shall be able To free my selfe from that great burden of debt Which your intended flight for my sake Will lay vpon me as yet I cannot see For did at all value your owne happinesse You could not thus flie the meanes That can best make you so Clar. Lysander to what tends this great acknowlegement I vnderstand you not what is your meaning Lys. My meaning deare Clarinda is to make you happie And I coniure you by your affection And all that 's deare to you to lay by That little portion of wilfulnesse Which being a woman you are forc'd to haue And heare me with your best attention And with the same affection as if I were Your Brother which if the heauens had pleas'd To make me I had beene most happy With your best reason looke vpon your present fortune Looke first vpon the man from whence you had your being And see in reason what pitty it will challenge from you A noble ancient Gentleman depriu'd of Lands And honors by iniustice that as a stranger Might exact your pitty but as a Child It being within your power it forceth your consent To giue a remedy If pity of your Fathers fortune Cannot moue you pitty your owne I beseech you Consider not of me as a tormented Louer That hath lost his Mistris but as a fortunate Brother Fortunate in seeing of his Sister whom he dearly loues Married to one so worthy whose merits Compels fortune to waite vpon him for such the Duke is Whom you must not refuse for such a poore Vnworthy man as I am Clar. Lysander should I grant your want of worth I then must giue consent to the committing Of a Sacriledge against the Gods in suffering you To rob your selfe you being the purest Temple That yet they euer built for to be honour'd in And for the Duke each worth which you expresse of him to me Is but a doubling of your owne The way to speake for him were to appeare Your selfe lesse worthy in this your worths increase Lys. Would you but looke with an impartiall eye On our deseruings you soone would find me The lesse worthy for euen in that wherein You thinke me not to be equal'd he goes Farre beyond me I meane in true affection For being but a priuate man as I am Who would not thinke him blest to loue and be belou'd By you that are esteem'd the wonder of this Age But for the Duke within whose power it lies To choose the most transplendent Beauty of this Kingdome Set off with Fortunes best endowments for him I say To choose out you amongst a world of Ladies To make the sole Commandresse of him selfe Deserues if you would giue your reason leaue to rule The neerest place in your affection Clar. Doe not thus vainly striue to alter my opinion Of your worth with words which was so firmly grounded By your reall actions it is a fault but I will striue To wash it from you with my teares Lys. These teares in her stagger my resolution For sure he must be worthiest for whom she weepes Clarinda drie your eyes Enter Iasper Clar. How now Iasper where is my Father Ias. Madame he doth desire that you will make you ready To
King Her brother that Trophee of her Victory Whilst she followed the hownds and so fled From the hearing of her owne iust praises Which all with admiration did bestow vpon her Utran. But that your Grace doth tell it I should not thinke a woman could doe this Clar. My Lord did I loue you so well as to be iealous These praises of the Princesse were apt food For it to feed on Duke Madame I honour her as the beloued Sister Of my Soueraigne but adore you as my Goddesse At whose blest shrine I offer vp my life and fortunes Clar. My Lord I should accompt it as the most acceptable Seruice that you could doe to bring me to kisse the hands Of this much to be admir'd Lady Duke Madame once euery week She comes to see the King And the King euery time he hunts failes not To see her when next she comes to the Court I will wait vpon you to her Clar. What is the reason She liues not with her brother at the Court Since he so dearly loues her as they say Du. It 's certaine no Brother loues a Sister better For there 's no Brother hath a Sister so worthy You hauing neuer a Brother Clar. My Lord 't is late And though heretofore the company of a Father Were a sufficient buckler to beare off slanders darts Yet now world is changed growne so vicious That Fathers are become the likeliest Instruments Of sin and women are not to satisfie themselues Alone with being good but they must giue the world A firme beliefe of all their actions That they are so there may be some seing me here Thus late that will not sticke to say my honour Is the bribe paid for my Fathers restoration Du. Though there were found one enuious woman foolish And wicked to report it for both these she must be There could not sure be found another Fiend Of the same stampe that would belieue it I dare not though I wish it bid you stay longer I will wait vpon you to your Coach Clar. My Lord it shall not need Utran. My Lord I hope it will not be long Before this ceremony of parting will be quite lost And that you will not be so farre asunder Duke In hope of that blest houre I liue Clar. Doe not too strongly apprehend your happinesse A month 's a long time all things are vncertaine Especially the promises of women Exeunt Enter Iacomo Iaco. Fortune I see thou art a friend to working spirits Thou wouldst not else haue giuen me this occasion So soone to compasse my ends by I ouer-heard Clarinda When she intreated Lysander to meete her in the Accustom'd place and thither will I bring the Duke He from Clarinda's promise of Marriage Is now growne something doubtfull whether that Which I did tell him be true or no but now his owne eare Shall be his witnesse for which seruice he cannot choose But both loue an reward me But I lose precious time which wise men euer Consider of but fooles seldome or neuer Exit Enter Clarinda and Lysander as in an Arbour in the night Lys. Had you not sent me word I had not come to night It is so darke Clar. It is darke indeed the fitter for one orecharged With griefe in heart as I am Lys. Why deare Clarinda are you not resolu'd To marry with the Duke Clar. I see Lysander you doe not loue me now Nor wish my happinesse you would not else Perswade me from louing you wherein it only Can consist Lys. Will you still for the ayery name of Constant Rob your selfe of a substantiall happinesse Besides thinke what duty bids you doe it In respect of your Father if he should marry He must needs fall into the Kings displeasure He being his Kinsman so what happinesse Could you inioy Will you be rul'd by me And I le shew you a direct way to happinesse Doe you loue me as you professe Enter Duke and Iacomo Clar. You know I loue you more Then I haue words to vtter Lys. Yet you would neuer giue consent to marry me Though it were still my Suite alleadging That our fortunes were too meane and had we Without Marriage inioy'd the sweets of loue It had been dangerous vnto your honour Should you haue prou'd with child but will be now Secure in that respect if you marry with the Duke And for our difficulty in meeting 'T will adde to our delights now euery time That we shall meete in secret will farre passe A wedding-night in ioy stolne pleasures giue An appetite secure delights but cloy Duke O my vext soule Must I then heare a villaine speake thus to her I loue and not reuenge it presently Iaco. My Lord remember your Oath Clar. Lysander why d' ye stare so and look pale Your hayre stands vp an end as if your sense Began to faile you sure you are falne mad Nay I doe hope you are so for if you be not I am more miserable then if you were For can Lysander be himselfe and speake thus To his Clarinda No he cannot either Lysander Is chang'd from what he was or else he neuer Was what I esteemd him either of which Makes me most miserable Lys. You would seeme to thinke me mad when indeed Your selfe are so you would not else thus weepe When I aduise you to that which will be most to our content Clar. Pardon me Lysander that I haue seemed For to beleeue for sure I did no more That which you haue spoke proceeded from your heart Lys. Why doe you thinke that I dissembled in what I said Clar. Yes Lysander I know you did dissemble For if you did not you were a loathed villaine Lys. I doe confesse if I were that Lysander Which I haue seem'd to be it were impossible For me to thinke what I haue spoke but know Clarinda Though hitherto I haue seemed To carry in my brest a flame so pure That neuer yet a sparke of Lust appear'd It hath beene a dissembled shew of modestie Only to cozen you and if Clarinda The requitall of my affecton be that which Hinders you from these great honors be not deceiu'd For you shall haue more power then to requite it When you are greater we are now equall But when you are a Dutchesse then t' enioy you Will be a double pleasure then you shall haue Occasion to expresse your loue in my aduancement Duke I le kill him instantly Iaco. Your oath my Lord Duke The merit of the act being so iust Will expiate the sinne of periurie Iaco. My Lord Duke What shall I heare her whom I haue ador'd Almost with as much zeale as I haue offer'd vp My prayers to the Gods tempted to acts of Lust And not reuenge it Iaco. My Lord heare me but speake and then doe what you will if you should thus in the night and in the house of the Count Utrante kill Lord Lysander your honour Clarinda's and her Fathers would be tainted and so breed strange combustions but
if you be resolu'd that he must die which in my iudgement is most necessary if you still loue Clarinda I will vndertake for to dispatch him by some meanes or other but should you now here in Clarinda's presence kill him she loues her mind is so noble she would neuer indure you Duke This is a villaine an incarnate Diuell Yet will I follow some part of his counsell Lead me the way backe vnseene I le stay no longer For if I heare him speake againe in that base Key I shall doe that which I hereafter may repent No I le take the noblest way to my reuengement Exit Lys. Clarinda you haue long beene silent What is it you consider of if it bee my words You must needs find them full of reason Clar. I le seeme as base as he would haue me And so find out whether he speaks this from His heart or no Clar. I must confesse that this which you haue spoken Stands with good reason and reason is the rule By which we ought to square our actions Dare I belieue that you would counsell me To any thing but that which will be most For my content and for the Duke will it not be Farre lesse to his content not to enioy at all Me whom he loues then if he should possesse me And yet you haue a share with him in my embracings For what is that husband worse whose wife abuses him If she haue but the wit to keepe it from his knowledge Lys. It is true the Duke is so noble and doth withall So truely loue you that it will quite banish All base distrust so that we might with all security Inioy our loues Clar. Leaue leaue Lys. Or if he should find out our craft How soone might we dispatch him by poyson There haue beene such things done Clar. You doe ouer-act your part I see the end you ayme at your vertue shewes it selfe Quite through that maske of vice which loue to me And to my Father made you put on you thought If you could haue giuen me a beliefe Of your vnworthines that then I would haue giuen Consent to haue married with the Duke Leaue your dissembling then since y' are discouerd Lest you offend the Gods I only seem'd To giue applause to what you said to finde Your crafte Lys. I see my heart lies open to you You haue spoken my very thoughts indeed This was my end Clar. Lysander I perceiue that your affection Is altogether gouern'd by your reason For which if it be possible I loue you more Because it well becomes a man to doe so But I should hate my selfe if I should loue According to your rule which I will manifest For here I take the heauens to witnesse That if within three dayes you do not marry me I le kill my selfe speake quickly for if you do not Loue me it is a greater mercy to tell me so That I may dye then to perswade me To loue another that being impossible But death is easie Lys. Clarinda you haue ouercome by this rash oath My resolution for I perceiue the fates Had fore-ordain'd we should enioy each other After such reall testimonies to make our loue the firmer I doe with ioy embrace what you compell Me to by your rash oath and if your Father Wilfully will stay and not flye with vs Rather then I will euer draw teares From those bright eyes I so dearly loue wee 'l leaue him to the danger Exeunt Enter the Duke with two Letters Duke Shall I stil loue one that neglects my faithfull seruice Alacke I cannot helpe it now I yeelded vp My heart at the first summons her faire eyes made Me thought it was a kind of treason once To doubt that she was not the soueraigne of all hearts Thus she that came to Court to beg her Fathers liberty Had not that granted only but that I who beg'd It for her became my selfe her prisoner And neuer man was prouder of his bondage Then I was what though she loue a villaine Whose intemperate lust and base dissembling Kather deserues her hate yet shee is faire And vertuous still it is my part to let her See her error tho with the danger of my life If I suruiue the combat and that she know For what respect I fought she cannot choose But loue me and if the heauens haue so ordained That I must fall vnder Lysanders sword Yet I haue written that which shall giue a better Testimony that I did loue her more then he Who waits there Enter Francisco and Bernardo Fran. My Lord Duke I meane to ride abroad this morning And if I come not backe at night carry this letter To the King Bernardo carry this presently Vnto the young Lord Lysander Exeunt Enter Iacome Iaco. My plots are dasht the Duke doth turne his eyes vpon me as though he would looke me dead I shall gaine hate on all sides if I bee not wary and cunningly dissemble reuenge and profit are the ends I ayme at since I haue mist the one I le make the other sure Lysander I doe hate thee for comming into the world to rob me of my land yet I doe thinke thou art not onely false my Brother did tricks which when I would haue proued in open Court the Dukes power boulstred vp against me but I doe hope I shall bee now reueng'd vpon them both I le poyson the Duke my selfe and to the King accuse Lysander as if he had done it fearing that the Duke should rob him of his Mistris I haue a seruant shall sweare what I would haue him I keepe him for the purpose since the Duke would not giue me leaue to vse my drugges for him he shall himselfe taste of them lest for that kindnesse I offer'd him I should my selfe bee punish'd Hee that to honor looks is not for my blacke ends Reuenge profit I le pursue through blood of foes and friends Enter Lysander and Bernardo Lys. Where is the Duke Sir Ber. He is this morning ridden forth Whither I doe not know Lys. Your Letter Sir do's not require an answere It will not be long before I see his Grace my selfe Ber. Good morrow to your Lordship Lys. Good morrow Sir I le read them once more ouer Hee reads Though the small number of Lines seeme not to require it Lysander I wait for you at the great Elme within the Forrest make hast and to preuent danger come arm'd Few words but I belieue a Prologue to much mischiefe I feare that my affection and Clarinda's Is to the Duke discouer'd and now disdaine And anger to be out-riual'd boyle within his brest If it be so he takes the noblest way To vse no other force but his owne arme But how shall I imploy my Sword to take His life that gaue me mine my conscience tels me Though it be not apparant to the world That I am euen with him for that since I to him Would haue giuen vp my interest in Clarinda Would she
haue turn'd The streame of her affection vpon you Du. Can this be true Sure feare makes him inuent this no sure He cannot bee a Coward Lysander Thou hast told me that if it be true Doth render thee a perfect man but not A perfect louer and trust me if there were A possibility that I could liue without Clarinda I should be friends with thee but since she Is the marke at which we both ayme the one must By the bloud of the other purchase that happines And therefore gard your selfe They fight Lys. My Lord the iniustice of your cause Not Fortune hath disarmed you and therfore yeeld Duke If feare of death could make me Forget Clarinda weare the Victors prize Then I perchance might yeeld but since it cannot Make vse of your aduantage Lys. I scorne to gaine a victory so poorely But to this man that sau'd my life Du. You are a noble enemy and haue so won Vpon me by my courtesie that could you Quit your interest in Clarinda I should with ioy Share fortunes with you Lys. We lose time for since we cannot both Enioy Clarinda both must not liue Lys. falls Du. Fortune I thank thee Now I am euen with you rise Lys. I owe you for my life we were but quit before I would our quarrell were of another nature Duke I would it were but as it is One of vs must lye colde vpon this grasse Before we part Fight Duke fals Lys. Ah poore Clarinda this is too sad a witnesse Of thy perfections would thou were here yet That I might take my last farewell Enter Cleonarda and Mariana Mar. O deare Madame what a sad obiect 's this Cleo. Bee not afraid See if the breath haue quite forsaken that body Lys. O my best loue Clarinda Receiue from my dying lips a dying kisse Cleo. How 's this Mari. Madame the breath hath quite forsaken this body as I thinke O my deare Brother Cleo. Is it Lysander then whom I haue long'd so much to see I saw him not since he came home from trauaile And much it grieues me that I see him thus This is the second time that I haue seene him Besmeard in bloud Mari. Deare Brother speake who hath hurt you Lys. Deare Sister What blest Angell hath brought you hither Cleo. This it no fit time for questions Mariana Let 's helpe him to the Lodge before his losse of bloud O'recome his spirits Lys. Faire and courteous Lady pardon me My sight did faile through my excessiue bleeding Which made me to mistake Mari. Brother it is the Princesse Lys. O Madame lead me no further then For you will curse your charity if you preserue me Cleo. Why Sir Lys. Because I haue by this vnlucky hand Robd you of such a Kinsman as our Soueraigne And your selfe were iustly proud of Cleo. Who is that Lys. The Duke who lyes there as you see Cleo. It cannot be Lys. Madame it is too true Cleo. Alas my Cozen Sir you haue an vnlucky hand indeed For you haue this day murdered two Iustice will at your hands require his blood Mar. O Madame say not so had you but eu'n now So great a care to saue his life and are you now So cruell to say that he must perish by the hand Of Iustice though he should scape these wounds Would not the Duke haue kild him if he could I le pawn my life vpon 't my Brother kild him fairly Cleo. What shall I doe if I helpe to preserue him That kild my Kinsman it is vnnaturall in me And I besides may lose my Brothers good opinion And should I be the cause that Mariana's brother perish I shall lose her for euer either shee 'l dye for griefe Or else shee 'l hate me I le doe as I did first intend My conscience tels me it is the nobler course Besides there is something I know not what it is Bids me preserue Lysander the great desire I had To see him bred from the generall commendations which The world bestowes vpon him imported somthing Mari. Deare Brother what was your quarrell Cleo. Come Sir be of good comfort neither your wounds Nor the cold hand of Iustice if it be Within my power to helpe it shall rob Your louing Sister of you shee is by me So well belou'd Mar. I want words to expresse how much I loue And honour you Lys. Madame I would not haue you goe about To preserue mee with your owne danger I meane the Kings displeasure besides I feare Your labour will be fruitlesse for if the Lodge Be not hard by sure I shall bleed to death Before we can come thither Cleo. It is but hard by Lys. Then I may liue to doe you seruice Rather let me perish before I trouble you Cleo. You are her Brother and cannot trouble me Wee 'l lay the body behind yon bush vntill we Send for it Exeunt Actus tertius Scoena prima Enter Cleonarda and Gerard Cleo. Can you not finde the Dukes body Say you Gerard Ger. No where Madame can I finde it And yet I haue sought it round about the place Where you appointed me I found the bloudy plot Where it had beene his horse I found to Tied fast to a tree Cleo. It is strange what can become of it Gerard Vpon your life keepe secret what you know And see that none come neere the Lodge I will send you all prouision necessary Pretending that Mariana is sicke Ger. Madame I feare she will be so indeed She doth so apprehend her Brothers danger Cleo. She hath no cause no wounds of his are mortall Or if they were I haue applyed such soueraigne remedies That they shall cure 'em but who shall be my Surgeon Loue I must flye to thee I feare for remedy I pray thee goe backe and see that all things be well And in the morning bring me word how she hath Slept to night Ger. Madame there shall bee nothing wanting That lyeth within my power Exit Cleo. How carefull am I Of his wounds me thinkes I would not Haue him dye for all the world fie Cleonarda Taken at the first sight with outward beauty Nor being assur'd first of the inward worth I wrong my selfe and him It was The inward brauery of his mind which all The Kingdome doth admire that turn'd my heart Which vntill now hath beene like adamant To Kings to melting Ice to him and not his Outward beauty that neuer could haue found A passage to my heart but that the way Was chalked out to it by his Fame but stay Whither doe my vaine imaginations carry me Though Lysander could in worth equall the Gods Yet it were not fit for me to loue him as a husband He is my Brothers Subiect shall he be my Master No To my old sports agen to morrow I will bee vp by breake of day And Reason as I chase the Stagge Shall chase these thoughts away Exit Enter King Bernardo Iacomo Attendants King When rode your Lord abroad Ber. Early this morning King How
chances you then did not sooner Bring me this Letter Ber. I was commanded otherwayes by him King reads Royall Sir adde to the number of your many fauors the performance of this my last request What doth hee meane by this I pray you see Clarinda who is my wife possest of what was mine and withall pardon him that kils mee for I will compell him to fight How 's this Begin not after my death to deny me that which is iust since in my life time you neuer did see the will of the dead effected as you desire to haue your Testament perform'd after your death which I pray the Gods that it may be yet a long life O what a Character is here deliuer'd of a pure mind Which only seems to shew the greatnes of my losse The plainer his death is not yet certaine Let me not like a woman spend that time In fruitlesse lamentations which may perchance Afford a remedy but now it is night What shall I do call all the Court and let them all Disperse themselues each man a seuerall way He that brings word the Duke is aliue Shall haue a thousand pounds he is gone to fight A Combat with whom I know not but he that Apprehends the man that kild him shal haue his land Is there none here that knowes of any falling out Betweene him and some other Lord speake Is there none can tell me Iaco. And if it please your Maiesty I thinke I haue a guesse King Speake then Iaco. If he bee gone to fight it is with Young Lysander King Let one goe looke for Lysander presently What grudge was betwixt them or fell they lately out Iaco. I will tell your Maiesty in priuate I am a seruant to the Count Utrante and was imploy'd by that most noble Duke whom I doe feare sleepes now in death for to solicite his true loue to my young Lady which I did faithfully performe but I found all I did was vaine for shee long time hath beene in loue with young Lysander which when I knew I gaue the Duke straight notice this hath so farre incenst the Duke against Lysander that they are gone to fight King This that thou hast told is certaine true Else she would neuer haue deny'd to haue married With the Duke and for thy loue and faithfull seruice to him Which I beleeue is now no more for else by this time He would haue return'd I will requite thee Iaco. He was the noblest Gentleman That I shall euer know He weepes King Alas goodman he weepes He that can bring me word the Duke is aliue Redeemes his King from misery Exeunt manet Iaco. Iaco. I hope he neuer shall come backe aliue he knowes I am a villaine I was too forward in my offers to him til I had tried his dispositions better It is kindly done of him and of Lysander yet to spare my paines there now wants nothing of my wish but that the Duke be kild and I to find out where Lysander is then I shall be reueng'd vpon them both and be possest of that which is my due Lysanders land for so the King hath promis'd My way to find Lysander if he hath kild the Duke is for to giue Clarinda a firme beleefe that I doe dearly loue him for sure if he be liuing she shall heare of him and if I finde him I haue another villanie in my head which I will put in act besides my giuing notice of him to the King My villainy shall Vertue be in show For all shall thinke me honest Iacomo Exit Enter Clarinda with a Letter Clar. reades I feare the Duke hath notice of our loues for he hath sent to me to meete him armed I feare it is to fight if it be so and I suruiue the Combate I will send you word where I abide if I be kild I doe coniure you by your vertues not to to bee vngratefull vnto the Duke who you see doth not desire to liue without he may enioy you for his wife No my Lysander in that houre when I shall heare That thy faire soule is parted from thy body I will quickly follow thee Enter Seruant Seru. Madame the King is at the gate and in a rage Threatens your Fathers death and yours they say Lysander Hath kild the Duke Clar. I fear'd as much This comes of my dissembling Enter King Utrante and Attendants Utran. Why is your Maiestie offended with your Vassall Who as yet neuer so much as in a thought offended you King Where is that Inchantresse which you call Clarinda Clar. Here Sir is the vnhappy obiect of your anger King I am amaz'd I neuer till now saw true beauty Why kneele you Lady Clar. It is my duty Sir you are my Soueraigne King Rise faire Creature came I to chide and doe I kisse This is the force of Beauty who liues That can be offended with so sweet a Creature I cannot now blame the Duke for valuing Her so much I would she were the Daughter Of some neighbouring King that I without Disparagement might loue her but I forget My selfe these are poore humble thoughts And farre beneath the Maiestie of a King Lady I came to chide I feare you are the cause That I haue lost a Kinsman a worthy one In all the worlds opinion excepting yours Cla. Sir pardon me you were your selfe the cause By your excessiue loue to him for that made me Dissemble my affections to Lysander Fearing to daw your frownes vpon my Father Should I haue shew'd neglect vnto the Duke Kin. Who euer was the cause you shall not feele The punishment the Duke did truly loue you Lady which you shall see here in this Letter Apparantly may you see your error And grieue to death for your past folly In refusing the quintessence of Mankinde Read it not now you shall haue time to grieue in He shewes there in his Letter that you are his wife That by that meanes I might be drawne the sooner To performe his will which is that you should Be possest of that which was his and so you shall If hee be dead Cla. Sir I doe vtterly refuse it all that I desire Is that your Maiestie will giue me leaue To depart my griefes doe so oppresse me That I am sicke at heart King When you please Lady Exit Cla. My Lord how chanc'd it that you neuer told me That your Daughter lou'd Lysander Utran. Sir let me perish it I knew it I am amaz'd to heare it now Exeunt Enter Lysander and Mariana Lys. But Sister can you thinke it possible The Princesse should thus loue me Mar. Brother I know you see it your selfe Though you will not take notice of it Lys. Belieue me Mariana it doth grieue me much So great a Princesse should bee so vnhappy To loue a man whose heart is not his owne For he that had a heart at his disposing Could not denie to giue it her Ma. When she shal know you haue another Mistria She will call
backe her iudgement and quickly Free her selfe but Brother I doe feare You loue her too you looke and speake to her With more affection then well becomes your faith Being promis'd to Clarinda Lys. What would you haue me to doe Shall I not backe returne those courteous lookes That she the sauer of my life bestowes vpon me One knocks without Mar. I le see who it is Exit Enter Cleonacda Cleo. How hath your brother slept to night Mar. Exceeding well Madame Brother here is the Princesse Cleo. Lysander how doth your wounds Is your paine lessend Lys. Madame I haue no paine But that I feare I neuer shall be able to requite This vndeserued fauor Cleo. Let not that trouble you it is to me You owe the debt and I will find some way To pay my selfe that shall not make you poorer Lys. What shall I say each vertuous deed Rewards it selfe and that 's the coyne with which You must be paid or else you will be a loser Cleo. Tell me Lysander and tell me truely Haue you a Master Lys. I dare not lye Madame I haue one that loues me equally Cle. Lysander she hath reason were I your Mistris I thinke I should loue you better then my selfe But tell me Lysander what was the quarrell Betwixt the Duke and you Lys. Madame I cannot tel you without discouering That which I would gladly keepe conceald Yet why I should deny you the knowledge of any Secret my heart holds I cannot see except I should Be most vngratefull you being the only cause That I haue now a heart to keepe a secret in Cleo. What was it speake I long yet feare to know it Lys. The Duke and I were riuals Clarinda was the marke at which both aym'd Cleo. Which of you loued she best Lys. Madame she loued me best Wee being brought vp together Which was her great misfortune For had she knowne the Duke before me Her iudgement would haue taught her To loue the worthier And one indeed that loued her better At least with greater passion Cleo. But did not halfe so wel deserue to belou'd By her as you since hee did goe about To force loue or at the least to take from her The loued that which she most delighted in her seruant Lys. Hauing once remou'd me he hoped she Would accept of him who would haue made A worthier seruant farre since he had power To raise her to that glorious height of fortune Which well would haue become her merits But on the other side he knew the meanes Of my Fortune must needs obscure and darken Her perfections so that he out of loue To her rather then to himselfe desir'd To make her his Cle. He could not chuse but know that if he kild The man belou'd by her she needs must hate him If she were worthily constant if not Then he with danger of his life had purchas'd Her too dearly for I should still belieue If once she changd she alwayes would become The victors Prize Lys. Madame there was some vnlucky mistaking Betwixt vs or else we had not fought Cl. Would it had pleas'd heauen you had not fought Or that the Duke had scaped with life but since Your quarrell was not to be reconcild though I Doe blush to say so I am glad t' was he that perisht For I haue euer wisht you well I would not haue you thinke I am now in loue With you yet by my life I cannot say but I may be Hereafter tho I know you haue a Mistris Whose perfections darken mine giue me those Things to dresse his wounds with The wounds sure were giuen to me to make me happie In being toucht by your soft hands my wounds Can neuer heale my prayers are against it Because being well I cannot haue this blessing Cleo. What a strange alteration doe I feele now When I touch you a certaine coldnesse seizeth On my heart and all my blood flies to my face Sure I do loue you I ne're yet knew what it was For to dissemble if I loue I say so And if I hate I keepe it not conceald I will not giue a thought that is base A harbor in any brest what need I then Conceale my heart the praise Lysander Which was bestow'd vpon thee had bred in me A great desire to be my owne assurance Whether thou wert the master of so many Excellencies as fame bestow'd vpon thee And now that I doe find they rather doe Come short then any whit out-goe thy merit Wonder not that I though a Princesse am in loue With thee for I haue still profest to loue the Richest minde which is in thee compleat With the addition of a comly Personage Lys. I hope your Grace doth not mocke me Cleo. No by my life I take delight In looking vpon you Lys. I cannot thinke you are in earnest yet I will Answere you as if you were should you loue me Thinke you or would you wish that I should breake My forepast vowes vnto Clarinda Cle. No it must be for your worth if I do loue you And when your proue vnconstant you are No longer worthy Lys. If I be constant What fruit can you receiue from your affection A barren Loue will ill become So great a Princesse Cle. Be you still constant loue your Clarinda stil For when you cease to be so I shall hate you Only respect me as a Sister for when my reason Shall haue leaue to combate against my passion It will conuert it to a Sisterly affection Lys. Madame I know In that you say you loue me you doe it only For to make a tryall how strongly I am arm'd By my Clarinda's merits against inconstancie And I confesse if it were possible To vndermine my faith and blow my former Promises into the ayre your pleasing speech And those yet maiesticke glances Of your eyes were the only Instruments that yet I euer saw to doe it Cleo. But speake you as you thinke Lysander Lys. Else may I perish but mistake me not For though I could belieue your beauty And merit to be aboue Clarinda's Which is vnpossible either that it should be Or that I should belieue it yet where my word Is once past though all the tortures mans wit Can inuent should at one instant inuiron me To torture the minde and body yet I would not breake my faith Cle. May I be miserable if ere I perswade you to 't Yet I could wish that you did loue me And with a little passion but doe not make shew Of more then you doe truely feele thinking To please me for if I find it I shall be angry I will not hide a thought from you Mari. But Madame is it possible that You should loue him thus Cleo. I scorne for to dissemble for who stand I in feare of were the King my Brother here Sure I should not deny that I loued Lysander Mar. Madame I rather wish My Brother neuer had beene borne Then that the King should know you loue
censure any of your actions Cleo. Lysander Must you goe to day Sure you doe not loue me as a Sister else You would not part so soone Lysan. By this kisse which I belieue shall be The last that I euer shall be blest with Did not my faith oblige me otherwayes I should loue you equall with Clarinda Nay had I knowne you first I should Haue lou'd you better but as it is I know you are so noble in you selfe That you wold hate me if I should proue inconstant Cleo. It is true it were a basenesse for which My iudgement would condemne you as vnworthy To be belou'd but yet I thinke my passion Would make me change that saying of louing Of the Treason yet hating of the Traitor For I should hate the Treason and yet I feare me Too much loue the Traitor Lys. It were impossible that you should loue A periur'd man Cleo. I doe but feare it I know your worth will neuer put it to the tryall Lys. Deare Princesse Gerard to whom I am much bound Hath horses ready for me so that there is Nothing wanting but your leaue to make My iourney happie Cleo. Which I vnwillingly doe grant you yet Pray the heauens to make your iourney prosperous O Mariana would I had neuer seene thy brother Or hauing seene him that I might enioy him For my Husband but I doe ill to wish anothers Right that happinesse belongs to faire Clarinda's Merits onely Lys. Go Gerard get the horses ready Ex. Ger. Cleo. Lysander let me heare from you And if you thinke it no way preiudiciall To your faith I pray you weare this fauor For my sake Lys. Madame most willingly And thinke it for the greatest honor that ere Was done me Within Crye round beset the house Cleo. What noyse is that Mariana Mari. Madame I le goe see O Madame we are vndone it is the King Who threatens to hang vp Gerard for concealing Of my Brother Lys. Deare Madame hide your selfe What will the King your Brother say If he doe finde you here Cleo. I will Lesander flye from his anger now That I may haue more power hereafter To doe thee seruice what will you doe Lysander It is no matter what becomes of me So that you be safe from the Kings anger Enter King Iacomo Attendants Gerard bound Guard Iaco. Sir set the house round lest he should scape At some backe dore King Be that thy charge take halfe the Guard I le search The house my selfe Where is this bloody Traytor Lys. Sir heare 's a bloody-handed though not a bloody Minded man that doth not yet deserue the title Of a Traitor I know it 's me you looke for King Bloudy villaine it 's thou indeed Lay hands on him Lys. Keepe off and heare me speake first And then I will deliuer vp my sword King What wouldst thou say Lys. I see poore Gerard bound whom I Compel'd to conceale me Kin. How couldst thou compell him Lys. Royall Sir with patience hear me When I by the assistance of Fortune not my valour Yet I did nothing basely had kild that noble Duke I was my selfe sore wounded so that I could not Flye out of your territories and well I knew Into what house so ere I came though they At first might pitty me not knowing What I had done yet when they once should know That I had kild the Duke they then I knew Would streight discouer me rather to gaine reward Or else to saue themselues from future danger Which to preuent I thought my safest course was For to compell Gerard whom well I knew Liu'd farre remote from company to sweare Not to discouer I was in his house Or else I threatned straight to kill him Hoping that rather then he would forsweare Himselfe he would conceale me wherein I was No whit deceiu'd Ger. If please your Maiestie He came into my house before I was aware With his sword drawne and setting of it To my brest threatning if I would not sweare For to conceale him to kill me instantly I not knowing what he had done Swore all that he would haue me Cleo. A God transformd into a humane shape Could doe or say no more then he hath done King But when thou knew'st that he had Kild the Duke how durst thou then Conceale him Lys. I then began to fright him with strange Examples of the cruell punishments that periur'd Men had felt and aw'd his conscience that way King So thou dost mine Lysander For I haue made a vow after that I had got thee Once within my power the Sun shall not Twice set til I had with a sacrifice of thy heart bloud Appeas'd my Kinsmans Ghost I dare not Be forsworne away with him to prison And Gerard Exeunt Lys. Ger. and Guard Cleo. It is then no time for to conceale my selfe O cruell Brother you haue in that rash oath Murdered all vertue that Mans fraile nature Is capable to receiue King I am amaz'd Tell me deare Sister what make you here I hope you know not of this villany Cleo. O doe not call a demi-god a villaine Though Fortune made his valiant arme The instrument to rob you of a worthy Kinsman King Sister you speake with passion as if You lou'd him Cleo. Yes Brother I doe loue him With all my heart I loue him which I will Manifest more then in words If you be cruell King Sister as you respect my fauour And your owne faire Name blemish not so Your royall blood by louing of a murderous Ingratefull villaine Cleo. O that you were no Brother to me Nor my King that I might satisfie mine Anger by a braue reuenge By louing of a murderous ingratefull villaine Cleo. O that you were no Brother to me Nor my King that I might satisfie mine anger By a braue reuenge by my life I would haue shed His heart bloud with my Iauelin that should Haue spoke this but your selfe but as it is I le let you see your error you might as well Call him a murderer that being assaulted By a barbarous thiefe kil'd him that would Haue rob'd him for so Lysander did and Whereas you call him ingrate there you doe Erre the Duke being his debtor and so Indeed is all the world for he hath left them Such a Story in his actions that hee that can But read and imitate them to the life Shall in another iuster age be made a God And worshipt for his vertues King Sister did you but see how ill These praises doe become you for you indeed Are drunke with affection you would leaue Them me I know when you recouer by the helpe Of reason you 'l hate your selfe and wish that all Y 'aue spoke or done this day were but a dreame Cleo. O neuer neuer poore Clarinda What will become of thee when thou shalt heare This killing Newes Exeunt Enter Clarinda and the Duke Duk. It grieues my heart that I haue brought thee wrong Clar. Sir must we lie here in the wood
affirme That Lysander is sonne vnto the Count Utrante Lys. It was nature in me that made me so much Loue the Count Utrante you blessing Sir Clarin. It do's not grieue mee that you are My Brother Lys. And for my part I cannot adde To my owne happinesse if I might haue my wishes Now that you are my Sister for I did euer loue you As a Sister rather then as a Mistris Duke Diuine Clarinda I cannot claime your promise till a moneth be past There is some part of it to come but I hope You will not strictly stand vpon the time Clar. My Lord I should too much wrong my selfe though I did not Loue you in deferring of so great a blessing But the large testimony that you haue giuen Both of your worth and affection to me Haue turn'd that great affection in an instant That I bare Lysander as you could wish it Vpon you nay to say truth I euer lou'd you Though not so well as hee and held your worth As great Duke Deare Clarinda giue me not a surfet Lys. I feare the King will here consent whisper Duke But good Sir What made you desire me to beg your pardon Or what made you conceale your selfe so long Her My Lord I le tell you Your Lordship may remember for it is not Fiue yeares since that this my Friend the Count Utrante and my selfe were both suspected For poysoning of your child because we were His profest Enemies especially my selfe Which made me flye though I were innocent For it was knowne to many that the villaine Kild him for 's owne particular reuenge Yet my wicked Brother there perswaded the fellow At his death to say that we had set him on And got another rascall to witnesse with him That it was true my friend not hauing so great Enemies did stay to iustifie himselfe And for his paines was laid in prison and kept there For his lands till you got him releast And yet he was neuer brought vnto his tryall I ere I left this Country did leaue this Cabinet With my sonne or rather yours and withall The charge of looking in it when he should Be married After many a weary step abroad I came home to my Countrey and in disguise Haue liu'd here in the Forrest and saw my friends Full often although they knew not mee And hauing this occasion of doing your Lordship Seruice I thought it would be a sure meanes To get my pardon especially when things Were growne vnto the extreamest poynt Of danger I knew a timely remedy would be Most welcome then of all and that made me Conceale my selfe so long Lys. Cleo. We are resolu'd King My Lord I freely pardon you for I belieue It was indeed a lye inuented by your wicked Brother whom I doe giue you power to punish As you thinke good Her My Lord I then desire He may be kept a prisoner all his life For should he haue his liberty I know He would doe mischiefe that we should all Repent of Iaco. Brother thou art wise Thou shouldst haue beene the first that should Haue felt mine anger King Away with him Duk. I dare not speake for thee thou art so great A Villaine Exe. Guard with Iacomo King Come let vs set forwards to the Temple And pray the Gods to shower a blessing Upon this Couple What meanes my Sister Lysan and Cleon set swords ta their brests Cleo. Thus Sir Lysander and my selfe haue made a solemne Contract and with our bloods wee 'l seale it Either to goe thus to the Temple to be married Or to the graue King How Sister Cleo. What is it Sir in your opinion makes Lysander vnworthy of me King His blood compard with yours is base Cleo. But Sir his mind 's heroicke And who will compare the seruant with the Master The Body is no more vnto the Minde King What would you marry with a Subiect Cleo. Who would not Marry with a Subiect that is a King of Vertues Rather then with a King that 's gouern'd By his Vices Duke Sir you know the greatnesse of her Spirit If you will haue her to liue you must Consent Cleo. Brother you stand to vs Instead of destinie for you haue in your power Our threed of Life Say will you spin vs out A happy threed that we may liue to serue you Or will you cut it short Duke O be not cruell to your only Sister What 's all the out ward glory if you rob The mind of that which it delights in I know that your intention is to make Her happy doe not mistake the way Her mind is not taken with the glorious title Of a King for if it had shee might haue made Her choyce since all the neigbouring Kings Admire her No Sir shee aymes at that Which made men Kings at first Wisdome And Valour and should she search the world Shee cannot finde a man where they Doe meete so fully as in braue Lysander O Sir then be not cruell thinking to be Carefull of your Sister King Shee 's cruell to her selfe And rather let her perish by her rash hand Then so dishonour mee by marrying with A Subiect Cleo. Farewell then Cruell Brother Lysander let us part To meete agen for euer I le goe first Because my Brother shall not thinke of sauing me When you are dead Lys. No Madame Let me shew you the way and when I feele The paine I le tell you if it be too great For you to suffer King Hold take him Sister And be happy in him I loue thee more Then euer because I see thy minde is onely Fixt on true Worth without additions I learn'd of Count Orsinio to bring things To the extreamest poynt so to encrease The ioy it had beene a sinne to part Those Bodies whose very Soules seeme to bee Ioynd together Cleo. Brother may I perish When I forget this benefit or cease to pay To you my Lord my thankes for pleading so Lysanders Cause and mine Kin. Great Loue this day hath shewne his mighty power Without the helpe of Fortune In an houre He hath relieu'd from death and from despaire Foure of his truest Subiects and made faire This day that was o're-clouded let vs praise His power that in in a minute so can raise From misery to an excesse of Ioy And in an instant that content destroy He hath to vs beene iust this day as well as kinde Rewarding vertuous Loue let none then call him blinde Exeunt omnes THE EPILOGVE OVr Author feares there are some rebel-Rebell-hearts Whose dulnesse doth oppose Loues piercing darts These will bee apt to say the Plot was dull The Language rude and that 't was onely full Of grosse Absurdities for such as these Hee cares not now nor ere will strive to please For if your selues as Masters and Loues Friends Be pleasd with this sad Play hee hath his ends FINIS