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A16685 The two Lancashire lovers: or the excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea Expressing the faithfull constancy and mutuall fidelity of two loyall lovers. Stored with no lesse variety of discourse to delight the generous, then of serious advice to instruct the amorous. By Musæus Palatinus. Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1640 (1640) STC 3590; ESTC S106311 114,474 288

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brest she receiv'd his Complaints and with what constancy shee reteyned them shall appeare hereafter by those impressive effects which were wrought in her and derived from her by them CHAP. IX The intercursive Letters passing betwixt Philocles and Doriclea and how shee begunne to impart by penne what she had before conceited in thought and how she desired nothing so much as the accomplishment of their Love so privacy might give leave GOod newes when they come unexpected are ever with the best welcome entertained This our Love-perplexed Philocles well understood when after so many cold sweats and distemper'd passions which the height and heat of his unfained love had brought him to he begun now at last to perceive that a storme may beget a Calme and that the frowne of a Mistris may arise from the brow without least privity or intention of the heart Which pleasant and unexpected overture not to trifle out time nor delude the conceipt of our amorous Reader who no doubt longs to heare of so faire a Conclusion to such unpromising premises happened thus Philocles who had never all his time before entred into such a league of familiarity or acquaintance with love and now fully resolved to bid adieu to all such dis-passionate treaties as make fooles of the wisest men after a melancholy turne or two in a solitary walke which since the first presentment of his love to Doriclea at retired hours he usually frequented entring his Chamber and casting his eye aside hee might finde a paper close by his deske wherein were these words contained Doricleas first Letter to Philocles Sir THe very last time I saw you me thought you wore your band more like a Scholler then a compleate Lover which imply'd that you were lov'd and knew not Now I would not that you made too large a construction of this I am not she that will tell you she loves you and if perhaps I did you would not believe me For I have given you no cause as yet to conceit so Nay reflect upon your person and profession and if you be any good Sophister you cannot chuse but conclude from such apparent premises that it is impossible I should love you And yet I would be loath to be accounted such a foole as to speake all that I thinke Trust me Sir I was once resolv'd never to love but if I did never to love you now what have you done that could alter me Must I believe you because you told me you did love mee Be all your pro●ests Maxims that I should hold them for authenticke And yet Schollers have ever beene accounted simple were it not a sinne then not to believe you That experienced Sage could stile you Foxes in the Schoole but Sheepe in the world A●d shall I hold you a dissembler No I am perswaded you speake as you thinke but what is all this to me or wherein may this beget hope in you seeing you must not have all you love Well God forgive you I will not dissemble whatsoever you do Let me heare you once againe treate of love and you shall see how I will sleight you If your discourse like me trust me I will not be angry howsoever it shall not so much offend me as to make me accuse you to any such wherewith I formerly threatned you To conclude though Love be seldome grounded on Reason returne me but reason why I should love and why I should make you the object of that love and as I live Philocles shall finde me a loyall constant Doriclea Never did hopelesse Prisoner receive more content from the glad report of an unexpected reprive after the heavy sentence of death pronounced then revived Philocles did in the perusall of this Letter He now recollects his dispersed and dispacarled spirits and bethinks with himselfe what were best to bee done upon so faire an opportunity offered Hee resolves therefore to prevent jealous eyes to addresse his minde to her in writing to this effect Philocles answer to Doricleas first Letter Mistris HOw much those lines sweetned with your character have transportedme my indearedst thoughts cannot impart unto you To give you a reason why you should love mee I can give you no other but that my heart tels me I deserve you that humanity injoynet you to love me seeing I hold my life an easie sacrifice to injoy you Be it your goodnesse to believe mee I will sooner surcease to live then from expressing those loyall arguments of love which your vertues deserve and which I with no lesse constancy shall observe I could never yet dictate either by tongue or penne what I first conceiv'd not in heart I told you that your selfe was my booty the portion I expected your vertuous beauty and if you pleased but to crowne my hopes with your consent our mutuall choice which should never admit change might make us both equally happy To tell you that either my Fortunes or descent did deserve you were to labour and that fruitlesly to delude you But let me become an Abject in the eyes of fame an Object of contempt to the world if my faithfull devotion observance supply not that deficience For my descent as I will not boast of it yet whensoever your parents after passion digested shall examine it they will finde it neither so ignoble as to despise it nor so meanely strengthened as to reject it But what are these compared to the purity of that affection which combines hearts and hands And with a sacred cement so knits and contracts mindes As those who were before divided by meanes of this holy league became so united as nothing so much as their presence could content them then which nothing before did more distaste them were my fortunes never so poor yet seeing my fancy appeares so pure account him worthy to deserve you who will hold himselfe unworthy of that life which shall not be imployed to serve you These are all the reasons of Love which you can expect from Your loyall PHILOCLES Thus became Love a present and pregnant Secretary This object of fancy made the taske easy Letters know not how to blush which cause them commit to paper what a bashfull tongue could not so well deliver Besides this diverted all occasion of jealousie in a meare-looking family Which they before all others most doubted fearing to be prevented now when their loves begunne to be ripened and setled which would so perplexe the Sceane as this Comicke introduction might casually close with a fearefull Conclusion Albeit so free from the least suspition of any light or ungrounded affection which Doriclea might any way harbour were her Parents as many times they would give their daughter liberty to ride abroad and visit her friends In all which freedomes she expressed such modesty as Envy could nothatch the least occasion of jealousie from so compos'd a behaviour Yet a greater desire shee reteyn'd to stay at home since her affection begunne to be setled on Philocles
discovered to her how infinitely she stood bound to her Mistresse for her love For discreet Doriclea perceiving the passionate affection of Mellida and desiring nothing more then to bring her in a way of enjoying of what she was so eagerly pursuing resolved of a course that might expedite this designe and this was to expresse all showes of affection to Mardanes as if she intended nothing more then to reteine him her constant servant whom she had formerly rejected and to redeeme that neglect with such arguments of love that the world might take notice that he and none but he was the man whom she affected Which relation so ready is fame to disperse her selfe upon every occasion no sooner vented it selfe abroad then her Parents supposing her love to be now declining from Philocles infinitely rejoyced Nor was insnared Mardanes lesse transported hoping e're long to enjoy what his desires had so long pursued But with this was jealous Mellida no lesse afflicted imagining that no hopes could accompany her suit where her Mistresse affection had taken place Thus in this Comedy of Errors were all things confusedly carried and by as doubtfull an issue attended Mardanes loves Doriclea and he is loved by M●llida and Mellida thinks Mardanes lov'd by Doriclea when all her taske is how she may espouse Mard●nes unto Mellida Againe Doriclea's Parents think that their Daughter h 'as relinquisht Philocles and solely fixt her affection on Mardanes whereas the show of love she pretends to Mardanes is only to prepare a way for her enjoyment of Philocles But this little contents distressed Mellida she collects by what she sees the aime of what she most feares Her poore simple heart is so farre from dissembling as she verily thinkes these Love-signes and tokens of her Mistresses cannot but proceed from the heart and what hope then left for her to enjoy her Sweet-heart The medit●tion of these drove her into such extreames as in the most disconsolate manner that ever accompanied perplexed Lover she discovered her discontent with as much privacie as the retirednesse of the place could afford that the Aire might be only witnesse of her griefe while she became her own relater Unhappy Mellida hadst thou none to make choice of but one who doth despise thee None to impart thy thoughts to but one who will deceive thee Alas thy fortunes must not aspire to such happinesse as to enjoy the imbraces of Mardanes One of higher state prevents thy suit He and thy selfe have now got one Mistresse Poore rejected Mellida What Sanctuary maist thou retire to Or what affectionate friend maist thou impart thy minde to It was not done like a loving Mistresse to promise her poore Maide assistance and to betray her trust where she reposed most confidence She might have disswaded thee from thy choice by acquainting thee how she meant to enjoy him her selfe and so discouraged thy hopes at the first rather then thus delude thee at the last I should have quickly desisted though the losse of my love had shortned the line of my life had I but knowne how she stood affected But under so faire a semblance to shroud a dissembling count'nance and make a shew of affection when it is guilded with treason should I freely remit it Loves Soveraig●e would not so easily pardon it ' Las what a poore conquest h'as Doriclea got in her competition with Mellida who had never attempted what she now affecteth had not Doriclea first rejected whom she now esteemeth The ground of Mellida's loving was Doriclea's leaving And can she now have the heart to love whom she did sometimes leave because what she did so scornefully leave Mellida begins now faithfully to love Did her distaste beget my love and must my love now beget her distaste Well this do'es meanely requite me if she would remember what fidelity she h'as found in me There was no night so dark no task so hard which with a free bosome I entertain'd not so she might enjoy what she had not Philocles then was the only man in her eye and I her Agent which she wrought by Proper parts were the Adamants of her affection and these she found in none so well to life portrayed as in her Philocles Mardanes was then a rough-hewen Swaine whose presence she so much hated as she estranged her selfe from that place which he frequented And must he be now entertained because he is by poore Mellida affected Well I am glad that the love of her Maide h 'as chang'd her minde and advanc'd him to the choice of a Mistresse Let my losse be his gaine my deprivall of what I desire most the enjoyment of her whom he expected least The ruine of a poor Maide is all that she can have which cannot redound much to her honour seeing she on whom she so much relyed and to whom her secret'st counsels were imparted became the only instrument to undoe her Doriclea having over-heard some of these distemper'd passions of love-sick Mellida could containe her selfe no longer but interrupting her in this manner resolved by a contrary cure to allay the extremity of this distemper How now Mellida h 'as love so distracted you or too much liberty of enjoying your own desires so much entranced you as to become thus forgetfull of what you are whom you serve or whose affections you so highly deserve Must my endevours addressed for your good be so interpreted My desire of your advancement so recompensed Is your conceipt so meane of me that these expressions of my love and familiar respect to Mardanes proceeds meerely from my own affection without relation to your selfe Or that I did purposely leave him with a resolution that whensoever you made choice of him I would love him Trust me Mellida this distemper'd fancie tastes of a frenzie These humours will make your constant'st friends your profest foes Shake off this jealousie lest it become thy mortall enemy I am the same I have professed nor will I faile in ought I have professed so thy ill-grounded suspicion divert not my aime which effect is it produce blame thy selfe I know well there is no way for thee to attaine thy desires but by this meanes He must first take knowledge of their love who love him not before ever thou canst enjoy him who loves thee not Doriclea must take upon her the person of Mellida and Mellida be taken for Doriclea before ever Mardan●● make his Bride of Mellida What I intend I will not yet discover only let me advise thee to restraine 〈◊〉 indiscreet humour perswading thy selfe that Mardanes had never received a gracefull count'nance from Doriclea but in hope of advancing Mellida And that my better thoughts are so farre from domineering in thy ruine which were a poore conquest indeed as it shall be my principall ai●e to prevent it so thy indiscretion crosse not my designe Let it suffice thee that though it concerne thee most thou maist be seene in it least So present I am in others affaires
tell you how much he loves you who first read that Lesson to you But were there transparent Lights in his Bosome you might easily discerne and consequently affirme that there were something in him who deserved your affection Deserved my affection answered Doriclea Surely I doubt not but my Fathers care has provided a better Jointure then a Schoolehouse for his Daughter Trust me Sir if this be your Guerdon which you expect for your care and serious instruction I am very likely for my part to prove unthankfull still your motion falling so farre short of all hope of promotion Nay I must tell you Sir that you have so deceived my opinion as where before I bore your person all respect as to a serious and industrious Master your uncivile presumption for a better title I cannot bestow of it shall henceforth teach me to dispense with that respect and if you seasonably desist not make my Father acquainted with your boldnesse In such scorn I hold your Motion as I can finde no passion strong enough to encounter with your indiscreet affection With which words as one seemingly above all measure irreconcileably incensed she departed leaving her disconsolate Philocles to converse with the Aire or like a melancholy Scholer to enter parley with his own sullen Saturnine thoughts But so strangely became he divided from himself as the very Organs of his Tongue had lost the faculties of speech his eyes as if affrighted with some Meteor stood staring without distinguishing the Object they fixt upon All was out of order with this amorous Scholer till at last taking a little breath he vented his dis-passionate griefs in this manner Is it so unhappie Philocles Must thy true affectionate care of her honour receive so harsh an answer Will she shew no lesse height of hate then thou reteines heat in thy love And whence the ground of her disdaine Thou taught'st her the Rule to love but shee never means to practise that Lesson Thou hast that Cloud of a Scholer hanging over thee Philocles which darkens the height of love They must be accommodated in all parts that shall merit her love Camillus she could not brook though young and rich because he was a Foole. Mardanes shee could not endure though wise and rich because he was too old And Philocles she will discard though neither too old nor altogether a Foole because he is not rich Well Doriclea my desire shall ever be that thou maist prosper and enjoy in any complete Gallant whom thou shalt affect more then thou canst in the society of a Scholer Yet me thinks that name should not be of such contempt that the very tender of my affection should beget thy discontent It is a strange requitall to render hatred for love c●vill respects deserve freer courtesies My hopes are not yet so desperate nor my studies hitherto so unfortunate that they should expose me to such neglect Why then should shee bestow on my affectionate devotion no better title then Vncivill presumption seeing privacie freed me from the one and my humilitie from the other But all this sufficeth her not her inraged passion mounts yet higher above the banks She has denounced on thee a sentence if thou de●●st not from thy suit Her Father must be made acquainted and consequently thy future hopes derived from his favour expired And herein have you charm'd me Doriclea I shall surcease to expresse what my thoughts shall ever reteifie Nay I will turne dissembler with mine own heart and learne to decline from what I love most You shall have no cause hereafter to tax me of boldnesse in the company of those you better love I shall hold my distance Rejoice when you are pleased in the presentment of a deserving Su●ter and heartily wish your mindes may close in one harmonious Consort together And if this will not expiate my offence I will go further to regaine my peace An Academick life shall receive me which may in time restore to me that liberty which since this my occasionall reside in the Countrey becomes unhappily estranged from me This said he retired bearing the clearest countenance that so troubled a minde could bring forth resolving never to renew his Suit but if he could not weare out those impressions of love which had writ such deepe Characters in his heart to remove the occasion by dividing himselfe from the Object of his affection and exchanging a Countrey love with an Academicall life CHAP. VII The discourse Doriclea used next day at Table being encouraged by her Parents indulgence alledging by way of Argument that she wondred how Julia Augustus his Daughter could detract so much from her Princely descent as to entertaine least thought of loving Ovid and how a Schoolemaster durst attempt the Sollicitancy of an Emperours Daughter PErplexed Philocles could not conceive more passion in Doriclea's disesteeme then Doriclea apprehended motives of content from the affection Philocles had profest Yet to cloath fancy with policy both of these must stand at equall distance and expresse not so much as the least beamling of their true zeale in presence For Philocles he durst not being already charm'd with her thre●ts and for Doriclea she would not to try what temper hee was made of A dangerous hazard I nust confesse it is to t●ifle thus with love and by playing with the flame to endanger the fndging of their wings but so well composed was Doriclea so vertuously loyall her affection and that winged with such continent desres as they ever impaled themselves within tle lists of modesty Yea she would not stick sometimes to give liberty to the quicknesse of her conceit by making choice of some discourse purposely to amate Philocles and shadowingly pretend a discovery of his late proffer'd and professed fancy As it chanced one day when her Parents and her selfe were at Table together where through a native tender indulgence which they had ever shown to their Daughter she had liberty to expresse her conceit upon any Subject By means of this liberty which she alwaies used with much modesty she took occasion to enter into a discourse by way of argument touching the familiarity which appeared betwixt Augustus his Daughter and the Poet Ovid wherein she proceeded in this manner Amongst all other occasionall Subjects wherein my small Reading has informed me there is nothing that occurres unto me more strangely then that boldnesse which I finde in that ingenious Ovid with the Emperour Augustus his Daughter How a Poet whō even that wisest of Philosophers Plato himselfe had long since banished his Common-wealth and whose height of fancy some of our ancient Sages have esteemed a meere phrensie holding Poetry to be the Devils wine and a Poeticall Dimension such a distraction as it infatuated the understanding and deluded the conceipt with deceiving shadowes of opinion How he I say durst attempt an assay of such importance by imparting his love where he ought so much of duty or conceipt himselfe worthy the
so apparently confirmed Imagine then incensed Euryclea who prized nothing more then her Daughters honour nor distasted ought more then those imputations which censure might justly cast upon her taking up her Daughter in this manner What Girle is your modest seeming come to this H 'as our care our too much care of your preferment made you forgetfull of your honour Have you either so meane an opinion of your selfe or so weak a conceipt of our love as to suffer your desires to mount no higher then to be the affectionate Mistresse of a Schoolemaster H 'as your breeding begot in you a neglect of what you are or a contempt of that duty which you owe Be your actions so dark as they must have the night to shelter them Must your Fathers Family receive a blemish by your infamy Is this the hope we treasured in you the comfort we expected from you Little did either your Father or I imagine what you meant by that quaint discourse you occasionally vented at the Table in talking of that immodest love betwixt a wanton Poet and Augustus Daughter It seemes you delivered that Argument only to try us whether we stood affected to such a profession on which you had pitcht your wilde affection Simple Girle conceive remorse in time do not undoe your Fortunes there is none yet that can such is my too indulgent hope in you justly traduce you unlesse the eyes of this Family Redeeme their opinion be more tender of your reputation There is no portion proportionably comparable to the gage of honour which perish'd you are lost for ever No treasure so precious as a continent soule nothing more to be lov'd and nothing harder to be redeem'd being once lost It will grieve mee to heare your selfe griev'd with the relation of an ill report You may bee confident I shall take small pleasure in the discovery of this nightwork Well Girle those relenting teares promise amendment how soone is a Mothers anger appeased I shall be ready to salve all so I finde a desire in you to amend all I will not make your Father your too passionate Father acquainted with it neither will I shew in publique any displeasing countnance towards your too presumptuous Philocles All shall be carried with that equall and faire temper as you shall have cause to say that never indulgent Mother did more ●ender her Daughters honour nor could use more connivence where she found the least hope of repentance Retire then with all privacy into your Chamber I shall charme your Maide that shee discover nothing Only let this be a warning unto you henceforth never to expose your honour so freely as to give occasion to the family to speak lightly of you For as honest repute is the highest prize so it merits of it selfe such approved praise as were your actions never so private the eye of piety would survey them and crowne them Neither can any device finde such a shroud or shelter for vice as the piercing eye of fame will not discover it and display the Actors when they least dreame of it Be then what you have so long professed vertuous you cannot improve the Family from whence you came better nor conferre on your maiden yeares more true honour This if you observe it will give us cause to blesse you and second the continuance of our care in providing a Match for you that may equall your birth and fortunes yea and to close all in one confirme the opinion of your own fame by leaving to your posterity a president of your surviving goodnesse With these words seeing her Daughter lodged in her Chamber she departed leaving poore disappointed Doricl●a to summe up her discontents and to ask her Pillow counsell in cases of such extremity what were best to be done Whom now you may imagine turning and tossing in her bed without taking any rest desiring rather to be deprived of what re●resheth and nourisheth Nature most then to be rest of so sweet an opportunity of enjoying his presence whom she prized best For though she sought her Parents minds to please Her highest thoughts were fixt on Philocles But the day must now supply the night with our Doriclea by contenting her selfe with the sight of him in the presence of her Parents whom she in private conference so much desired to enjoy Their distance must admit no conference all their language now must be delivered by the eye readie no doubt to expresse by a look how much their united hearts stood ingaged to love Those Hesperian Daughters never kept their golden fruit with more vigilancy then restrained Doriclea was by her Mothers jealousie So as though her unfeined love devised many plots to possesse her of that which she so much desired yet by her Mothers intelligence was she ever prevented Howbeit she ever bore faire with Philocles never so much as discovering any discontent towards his person nor at any time reproving him for his presumption in aspiring so high as the procurement of her Daughter● affection Albeit one day taking him aside she told him that she conceived it to be a far better course for him to returne to his former Academick life and that he lost but his time in the Countr●y especially seeing for the present they had no imployments for him that might any way improve him nor answer those hopes he expected nor parts deserved yet if occasion should afterwards fall forth that it lay in their way to advance him hee should not faile in obtaining the best meanes that their assistance or furtherance could possibly procure him But little wrought these with Philocles he preferred one Mistresse before nine Muses His highest of humane Philosophy rested in the affection and contemplation of her on whom he had fixed his fancy Neverthelesse he expressed himselfe thankfull for so unwelcome a tender pretending ever that he expected daily to receive notice when some place might fall and then he would neglect no more time but addresse his course that way which hee hop'd e're long would offer it selfe in such ample manner and measure as might highly conduce to the improvement both of his credit and profit Meane time hee hoped his demeanure should not be such as might make any place where he so journed for the time weary of him And that he would choose rather to undergo the poorest life then be confined to that place where his carriage might not merit love But little did these reasons satisfie jealous Euryclea who laboured to prevent the worst by dividing Philocles from her presence whom she tender'd best To whom we must now returne and see what extreames she is brought to who in this her languishing plight intimates her griefes and in a secret repose to give more vent to passion imparts her discontents in this private pensive relation CHAP. XI The Passions of Doriclea and how shee conversed with her owne thoughts in the effecting of her love inveying against such ungrounded fancies who measur● affection by strength
of allyance portion or any other respect then the pure effects of love GRiefes never come unseconded love-surpriz'd Philocles could never lament more the inequality of his fortunes which made him unworthy the embraces of his endeared Mistresse in the opinion of her Parents then this division from him whom she so entirely lov'd troubled the dis-passionate minde of Doriclea Her unsociable disposition now discover'd her affection Dark-shady Launes agreed best with her humour where in some private Spinet conversing with her own thoughts she used to discourse of the effects of her love in this manner How far art thou divided from thy selfe Doriclea Are all passages now stopt up of partaking his society to whom I have ingag'd my heart Can Children esteeme this for tender love which deprives them their sight whom they only love Alas do they hold it a matter of such indifferency to dispense with fancy Admit I have made choice of him for my dearest Lover whom my Parents provided for my Schoolemaster must this deserve such strict censure as to divide me from the presence of my Tutor This were to make a Truant of a Scholer Must none marry but with their equals None rich match with poore fortunes What will become then of poore vertue She may live a single life and never partake in the society of love Silken vice be it never so deformed must be honoured she cannot want preferment nor choice of Suiters nor variety of Admirers because wealth h 'as advanc'd her above the rank of inferiours Our Wooers now adayes must be rich or our Parents will entertaine them with a frowne Meane time what discontent attends such hopelesse marriages where fortunes make up the match while their affections never meet Do●es Loves essence consist in outward substance Was it this that made Leander crosse Hellespont and intombe his dying hopes in the waves Was it this that moved love-seazed Orpheus to encounter all hazards for his captiv'd Eurydice Was it this which expos'd long-divorced Ithacus to all adventures for his constant Penelope Was it this which ingaged trusty Telamon to such perils for his Hesione O no! It was true love which drew them to those extreames And yet did these rarely ground their affections upon equality of descents or fortunes Their choice was better planted and therefore continued longer For alas what will honour do to a discontented heart She that is so matched receives small joy from the Title of a Lady when this naked style h 'as bestow'd her on One she cannot fancy Ungrounded are these affections and so weakly to be weighed as I shall ever choose to inveigh against them who hold it sufficient glory to enjoy precedency meane time discontent becomes their Chamberlaine seeing neither style nor estate can reconcile an enforced love to a loathed bed O consider you this reverend Parents who enjoyne your Children to live where they cannot love This it is beleeve it which makes modest mindes too often transgresse by conforting with unlawfull loves and mixing with those whom sensuall affection h 'as made choice of in exchange Enforced loves beget straying eyes They finde nothing at home worth affecting which makes them with Dinah to go abroad and with too prepared a boldnesse to impaune their honour O retract then your too severe commands who enjoyne your Children such Tasks as affection cannot beare nor freedome of minde embrace without a resolved distaste It is better seasonably to forgoe what we cannot like then seemingly to approve what we cannot effect and then repent too late For my resolves I hope they shall never close in any other period then this That it shall be my constant scorne to measure affection by strength of allyance which to divided hearts can afford small as●istance or portion which without a love-inducing proportion begets the enjoyer nought but affliction nor any other respect be it never so gracious or specious to the eye but that only which conveyes pure and effectuall love to the heart Never let Parents think that any other affection can prosper seeing it is not grounded on that foundation which tenders the minde true solace and contentment Albeit such who make their choice by the eye receive only direction by sense and such a love neither deserves approvement nor to offer it selfe to others for a president But where reason and affection meet there such a sweet union and communion of mindes close in the enjoyment of one the other as nothing can dissolve that individuall tye save only the discharge of that debt we owe to Nature Yea but will provident Parents say there is more required in solemnizing a marriage then only bare love It is true yet where love is truly grounded it will ever finde a state competent to the minde or a minde competent to the state It is impure love that proves poore Affection cannot want a very little sufficeth where love reigneth Whereas greatest meanes prove meane fortunes where affectionate mindes are wanting to mannage those fortunes O let mee then enjoy my choice and it is not in the world that shall make me desire to change Rich am I above comparison enjoying the freedome of my affection Miserably poore above relation being deprived of loves fruition Either then give me liberty to live where I love and to become seaz'd where I have ingag'd mine heart or let me bee restrain'd for ever rather then so espous'd where I needs must hate O my dearest Parents reflect upon your owne condition when your unriper yeares gave first motives to your glowing thoughts of affection Did you only value meanes Was portion the on-only lure Could nothing work so strongly on fancy as fortune or outward ability Yes yes more purely were your undefiled loves grounded and more successively graced then with the refuse of Earthy Oare to be only guilded Look then down upon us we are of the same mould if our temper were impu●er we should lesse deserve the priviledge of your favour Since we resemble you in our desires second what we desire and accompt of us as you shall value the estimate of our deserts Howsoever Doriclea be it thy assay to reteine the good opinion thou hast purchas'd from thy Philocles his constancie h 'as deserv'd thee his demeriting parts every way equall with those fortunes thy friends may conferre on thee Meane time endure the aversenesse of thy Parents with patience so may the effect crowne thy hope and minister thee seasonable reliefe when all visible meanes denie helpe Thus conversed Doriclea with her own thoughts thus with much privacie discovered she her owne passions Resolved to endure whatsoever fate or fortune might inflict rather then forgoe the choice of her Philocles whom shee before all others did affect But how much shee became deprived of all meanes to expresse the love shee professed and which remained so constantly fixed as nothing but death could divide it the Chapter ensuing will declare where you shall finde nothing so constant an attendant to
thy private devotions to remember my care Thou ●aist thou hast now set up thy rest and in this thou hast done right Wordly love and Heavenly contemplation suit ill together Thou could'st not here enjoy whom thou lovedst with our consent thou didst well then to relinquish her love the purchase whereof might beget thy ensuing discontent How happy had many bin if they had been so prevented for so had they never tasted those miseries which they so unfortunately incurred As Androgeus was thus privately discoursing of Philocles late profession which he conceived to be so sincere as all occasion of further renuall of his Daughters love and his was wholly removed Euryclea came to him to whom he read the Letter which he had received from Philocles Wherein they equally joyed while Euryclea related to her Husband the free entertainment which their Daughter upon her direction had given to Mardanes and how she feared not if they gave approvement to it but that would be very shortly a Match And though said she there be a disparity in their yeares that will beget our Daughter more esteeme And a good life with an Husband exceeds all youthfull ●ove And yet I must tell you Husband said E●ryclea if his harsh disposition should either ●●get in him a jealousie or any other unbeseeming quality I should chuse rather to go to her Buriall then her Bridall For poore Girle her good condition would brook so ill that surly humour as it would discourage her for ever And I have heard his disposition was none of the best and what were it then to enjoy all his estate and want the comfort of a contented life Our care h 'as neither been so weak nor Gods providence so small as that the Portion we intend to conferre on her may not procure her such a Match as may suit with her desires both for competency of estate and equality of yeares And for my part Husband said she I never knew any Match made up for wealth only that ever begot comfort to the party And you your selfe know Husband that when at first I preferred you in my choice the very least thing that wrought upon my affection was your wealth and yet have we had ever enough so much the more in regard we thought love in those dayes to be enough How is it Euryclea said Androgeus that you ●lead so much in defence of poverty and would not admit of Phil●cles who was none of those who had superfluity One must make a vertu● of necessi●y replyed Euryclea I know Philocles to be poore enough and to love Doriclea enough But our Daughter was not to ground her love on every poore Lover for that might have mad● her a poore Liver but so to plant her fancie as neither the undeservingnesse of the ma● might beget in her a neglect of duty nor a coldnesse of affection by meanes of poverty To divert then the current of her love I made choice of one for her who had sufficient whereon to live That by comparing the want of a Scholler with the wealth of a wordly improver she might the sooner di●cerne her errour and betwixt these two 〈◊〉 out one whom she might both approve and love and expresse himselfe worthy her choice by his faire and affable temper Yea said Androgeus but it was dangerous to give opportunity to fancie which it seemes you have done to Mardanes already Alas good Old Man answered Euryclea there is small doubt but his yeares have so tempered him as in affaires of love his moderate desires rather aim● at a Consort then a Play-fellow one to cheere and comfort him then with light dalliance to solace him And could you then endure one in the prime of her youth whose posterity should be the comfort of your age to close in such unequall imbraces and by living where the does not love make her grieve that ever she did live No Androge●s no replyed Euryclea my desires are that she may live where just grounds of discontent may never give her occasion to grieve And this I think she very hardly will finde in Mardanes for as 〈◊〉 richest treasure closed in a Chest affords 〈◊〉 small comfort to the Owner when to his ●wn he becomes a Prisoner so all outward substance be it heaped up in never so much ●bundance can scarcely minister the least portion of content to a minde ingaged to all hea●inesse But our Girle shewes no such thing for if she dissemble not and I verily think her condition will not admit it since my direction she h'as profest more love to Marda●●s then any other that ever suited her excepting Philocles Nay she will not stick sometimes to say that her unmannaged youth ●ands in need of such a Tutor and that since Philocles absence and reliction reverend age was the most taking Object to her affection If it be so said Androgeus the Girle shall have her minde but I am perswaded when fresh youth comes in the presence of age though she pretend r●verence to age she will ●incline rather to imbrace youth Thus discoursed her Parents of their Daughters love but were farre from diving into her heart to search out for whom she reserved her constant love But love she must for tender is their care to bestow her where both person and fortune may give her content But all is not Gold that glisters nor all winners that are Wooers For though she have an enforced smile for Mardanes she reteines an heart full of care for the safety of her Philocles CHAP. XXVI Doriclea fals or seemingly f●ls into a Fever each day seemes to increase her distemper Eschites an experienc'd Physician is sent for to apply his best art in a case of such extremity but he an intimate friend to Philocles makes show as if he despair'd of her recovery And that no Malady arising from fancy could without enjoyment of the Object loved receive remedy WHo knowes not how to dissemble he knowes not how to live But if that Art 〈◊〉 receive approvement Love and no other Obj●ct should be the instrument This 〈…〉 who now 〈◊〉 or seemingly fals into a Fever Long is it now since Philocles absence but longer to her conceipt then any other having not as yet heard from him since his departure from her From the benefit then of fresh aire which could not chuse but infinitely cheere her she retires making her selfe a stranger to those Groves and Gardens wherein she walked and betakes her selfe to her Bed where she privately expostulates with fancie recalling to minde wherein soever she had suffered A violent Fever within some few dayes after strongly seazed on her which whether it was seeming or so indeed I will not here dispute but each day to the great griefe of her Parents seemed to increase her dist●mper Sleepe was a stranger to her eyes meat distastefull to her palat and loathing to her stomack A great desire she had to be private pretending that much talk distemper'd her braine and
consummate those Rites which incomparably transport him And meet him she will but not as a Bride but a Maide to his Bride for they have chang'd their habits to make the Plot passe for currant that the Mistresse in this mysterious disguise might passe for her Maide the Maide for her Mistresse For howsoever Doriclea was sometimes resolved to recommend the whole carriage of this Plot to Solinus who had exprest many faithfull offices betwixt her selfe and her dearest Philocles yet being jealous how Mellida would demeane her selfe in the presence of her Mardanes she desired to become an Agent in the project which no question was better mannaged by her presence then it had beene without her assistance Love-aged Mardanes omits no time nor neglects no meane but provides a Man to accomplish that Rite which so equally complyes with both their desires Who as they enter'd the Elme-grove neighbouring to Solinus Cell they might see two Gentlewomen masked with one ushering them of grave and reverend aspect Whom upon their approach Mardanes saluted but no conference was admitted lest the Plot might be discovered Howsoever great desire had poore-●namour'd Mellida to bestow a more familiar curtsie on her ancient Bridegroome but he must not as yet be admitted that honour for her Mask without discovery could entertaine no lip-labour To this private Solemnity they go wherein Solinus supplyed the place of a Father to Mellida who was with such observance attended by Doriclea as no Maid could be more officious The Rite thus solemnized and Mardanes seazed of what as he conceived he most affected and Mellida of what she before all the World preferred as the Bridegroome and Bride were lovingly going hand in hand together Mardanes might perceive this Inscription newly indorsed on the rinde of an aged Elme as they were to go forth at the West end of the Grove Love is a witty thing and can devise A thousand tricks to blinde a thousand eyes He loves and weds but weds not where he loves She loves and weds and weds whom she approves Many before this time have oft assaid The Maid forth ' Mistresse M●● for the Maid If you would know the issue of their love Inquire of Cupids Mask in Venus Grove A Match well made she poore and he is rich But wed't she 's rich he poor gramercy Witch This was ingraven the very morning before by Solinus the perusall whereof did not a little trouble Mardanes But no sooner was his Mellida unmask'd then he needed no Oedipus to expound this Riddle Then but too late he findes himselfe deluded but never too late said Doriclea to be contented vert●e must be made of a necessity and a poore vertuous Maid may well deserve your fancy Not altogether so poore replyed Solinus for if she be poore what will become of Mardanes who h'as infeoffed her in all his estate and invested her in all the meanes hee h'as in the world Nay said Mellida he h'as indowed me with the personall estate of himselfe which I preferre before all the world And would you have more answered Doriclea Trust me Mardanes you shall finde more true love in the Maid then ever you could have found in her Mistresse The one could give you an hand but no heart whereas the other gives you both hand and heart The one was ingaged the other free and to your love devoted The one might live with you but never love you the other can both love you and live with you Never then in my opinion did any Witch a better part then in bestowing an old fortune on a young heart A spirit that can dispose it and not scatter it as your care was to provide and gather it The Bridegroome stood as mute as a Fish all this time till at last the Brazen-head spoke saying What must be must be But he vowed i● ever it were his fortune againe to match he would never buy a Pig in a poak nor wed a Wench in a Mask But those that were there thought he might save that labour for by course of Nature he had married his executor After they had accompanied them home broke the Bride-cake and brought the unweldy Bridegroome to his bed wishing the Bride good rest being all she could possibly expect and advising her to take a good life of that she had to keep an hank of that she held and to supply the want of youth with the wealth of age they departed thence while Doriclea with many thankes commended Solinus to his Cell neare which her dearest Philocles with his constant Euphilus purposely retired to bring her home who upon relation of these unexpected newes to her Parents and Family rejoyced highly Within some few Moneths after an heavie leave and hearty blessing these two married Couples returned into their Countrey where they were received with great joy by the Gentry who admired much the relation of their amity and whose constancy to this day reteines testimonies of their living memory To close then our History whose ground-colour is truth and consequently deserves to be entertained with more trust as vertue playes her Master-prize in every noble enterprize so by her Princely presence and timely attendance these lived together lovingly loved neighbourly and rejoyced mutually which happy Period is wished to all faithfull Lovers by the Compiler of this History 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 FINIS CUrteous Reader let it be an argument of thy Candor to do the Author so much favour to correct these Errors escaped in some Copies Page 128 line 8. for firce reade fierce p. 139 1. 5. for faith r. fate ib. 1. 6. for fate r. faith p. ib. 1 28. for extasied r. extased Doricleas expostulation touching Camillus Mardanes Passion upon his Repu●●e Doricleas Resolution Philocles Speech to Doriclea Philocles Passion Philocles relation of the unhappinesse of his condition The Herm●●● Speech to Doricle● In Mapalia circa oras Penellicollis sito tetorrimae illius regionis venifices convenorunt ubi quò iturse quid perpetraturae statuerunt The Hermits Speech to Doriclea The Hermits discourse of the purity of Love ☞ 〈◊〉 Speech to her Father Our p●re Vowes of love are Sign'd above 〈◊〉 Answer to his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 speech to her ●other a To prepare a smoother passage to her love-pretended 〈◊〉 She deluded 〈…〉 with a count●●seit S●gne c Ch●y● in Hom. 6. in 2. ●p ad Cor. Eschites Speech to Doriclea De●iclea discovers her griefe to Eschues 〈◊〉 opinion of 〈◊〉 Eschites Speech to Androgeus V●l●ria in a disguise seconded by a counter●eited Letter from Alban●● presents his Servic● to Euphilus ☞ a Properly styled Pla●ti●●● Elysian Grove or Erycina's Pa phian La●●●
our two Lovers and farre more vertuous their aimes Reason became no captive unto sense Neither did the conceipt of a Nuptiall night so much transport them as to deprive their apprehension of the end for which honourable rites were first ordained This Philocles sufficiently expressed when at such time as after Doricleas returne home having no good opportunity to impart his thoughts more freely to her he commended these lines to paper which he privately conveyed into her pocket Philocles third Letter to Doriclea DEare One what I sometimes professed shall be ever in my loyall love to you faithfully expressed What though opportunity for the present barre us from conference our eyes shall witnesse that unfeined love that is betwixt us And in approvement of it subscribe under these few lines but these words I will be ever your faithfull Consort And you shall perceive ere long that a faire opportunity shall give freedome of enjoyment of our loves Where we way freely and vertuously enjoy one the other and with continuall comforts partake the benefit of our lawfull loves to Gods honour Meane time write these words under this my dearest choice so shall my constant love pronounce me yours without change The Match is made with joynt consent Onely subscribe I am content Where nought but Death shall e're divide Your dearest consort from his Bride Nor need you doubt but Doriclea upon perusall of these lines was as ready to s●bscribe as hee to propose So loyall were their chaste loves so constantly united their minds Yet were they no such Novices in the Schoole of Love nor so uncapable of those effects which pure love might bring forth as not to aspire to some higher degree then yet they had attain'd Yea even vertuous Doriclea who never heard any light discourse without a modest blush nor had given harbour to a wandring thought without a seasonable reproofe desired nothing more then the accomplishment of their love so privacy might give leave For that tender filiall zeale which shee bore to her Parents made her resolves more doubtfull and time more protractive then her desires were she her owne Guardian could freely give way to Howsoever to free her faithfull Philocles of all feare and to confirme him in that which he did most desire with as much convenient speed as the opportunity of that time would allot with a prepared hand and an affectionate heart shee subscribed to whatsoever his vertuous requests had propounded CHAP. X. What Plots Doriclea devised to partake in private Meetings and Treaties with her Philocles and how by the jealousie of Euryclea her Mother she was prevented SHort restraints seeme long where hearts are divided from those Objects which they love Though at times of repast and some other houres of the day Doriclea might enjoy the presence of her Philocles yet through the intercourse of her sundry Suiters who now like golden showers came daily falling distilling into our Danaës Lap they were barred that freedome of discourse their bequeathed hearts so much affected Nor could it doe lesse then perplexe the troubled thoughts of Philocles to see his Doriclea so daily courted ample promises of high preferment with other titles of honour dangerous baits to catch a Woman proffered so as if she were not all the constanter howsoever she had largely protested he was verily perswaded her Mai●en Castle could not long hold out E●ery kisse was a killing to him and by that judge how often he might be killed every day He many times thought of that Poeticall Proverbe L●●s are Loves-portels to sly Wooers known Which once surpriz'd the Fort is quickly wonne Yet patient Philocles he must say nothing whatsoever hee think His eyes must partake in the sight of their wooing dalliance glad he may do so to prevent the worst And sometimes these silken Suiters will vouchsafe him that honour to supply a place in their amorous pastimes as in making Gooselings in the fire or drawing of gloves or such like harmelesse toyes to passe the night away Nay sometimes they imploy'd him further in returning a message to Doriclea a task which suited best with his liking but no doubt would loose much of his spirit in carrying For to be a second Porter of Bellerophons Letters could not sort with his disposition who had casten his lot and found one equally closing with him ●n affection But all these servile imployments as he conceived were imposed him purposely to humble him Albeit such trials needed little being one of such temper as his thoughts were farre above an inferiour Spheare For as hee beheld nothing in this Theatre of Earth worthy affecting but his Doriclea so hee conceipted so well of his choice as he rested confident such an excellent piece could not finde a brest to entertaine a change And his opinion was truly grounded for howsoever his Doriclea might seeme out of a desire to give her Parents content to converse with these jolly Wooers and to leave them in suspense lest an absolute rejection of them might procure their distaste wee have ever made it a constant Maxim Where the eye is there the minde is which might well appeare by the behaviour of this constant Maid who though she seemed amorously to converse with these had her eye ever fixed on her Philocles But all this was not sufficient to her unlesse she might enjoy the presence of her Dearest from whom to be divided even in private treaties or parliance was no small affliction Suppose her then contriving sundry plots to partake in what she did so infinitely desire Love is ingenious in devising but many times not so prosperous in succeeding Private meetings purposely to relate their affections with meanes of preventing of what her Parents for ought that she knew might be intending was her aime further she aspired not for so pure and undistained were her thoughts as they hated to mixe themselves with any irregular desire Now to bring to passe what she sought many evenings would she pretend some one businesse or other to stay below behinde her Mother but so light was her occasion as her Mother perceived that it made her more jealous of her excuses Seeing then these would not do she made use of a Trap-doore within her Chamber intending to come downe by it and so enjoy the benefit of time But none of these plots would hold for Euryclea who by some private intelligence or what other ill office I know not receiving notice of her Daughters practise one night when Doriclea suspecting no harme was to come downe by the Trap-doore as she had formerly done was received below by her Mother instead of her Lover Which how it perplexed this unfortunate Doriclea exceeds the art of any Pen to expresse being not only deprived of that beneficiall opportunity with an evening treaty to crowne their fancy but ingaged to a just censure or opinion of jealousie Which her Mother had good cause to conceive seeing what private advertisements had informed she found
eye on she verily thinks it presents the feature of Mard●nes and in that lovely manner as her very heart leapes for joy with the conceipt of enjoying so accomplish'd a Lover Poore accomplishment For what part had Mardanes in him that might deservingly beget love or merit the acceptance of a Mistresse But s● so miserably had Spurcina's inchantment● wrought upon her bewitched fancy as N●cissus for all his lovely proportion seemed ●vulgar Object no a contemptible Subject being compared to her Mardanes perso● Which in a passionate expression to her self● being jealous that none should over-heare h● she discovered in this manner What in love Mellida Nay I know no● it is a thing I was never hitherto acquain●● with and if now too soone I know 〈◊〉 well what to think on 't but if Mard●● be not a proper handsome man I am 〈◊〉 deceived I remember well he made som● times love to my Mistresse and I wond● much she should so neglect him being 〈◊〉 compleat a Gentleman as all Europe in 〈◊〉 conceipt cannot compare with him 〈◊〉 what is all this to thee Mellida Canst th●● either think so well of thy selfe or so men●ly of him as to imagine that he will fall 〈◊〉 from the Mistresse to the Maide a fa●● must confesse too common or step from 〈◊〉 Canopie Curtaine to a Trucklebed No Mellida content thy selfe with brown●● bread such a dainty dish is reserved fo● choiser tooth And yet me thinks if a goo● conceipt of my selfe do not mad me I fin● something in me that may deserve his lo●● and merit the title of a Wife If Marriag● were only to be made by equality of blood or fortunes many good faces would be enforc'd to bestow their beauties on poore Husbands yea many a well-natur'd Girle might wed this yeare and beg the next I have read in my time how Iove fell in love with his Milke-maide l● Apollo with Daphne Neptune with Hesione Theseus with Ariadne Perseus with Andromeda Alcides with Omphale and is there any such disparity betwixt Mardanes and Mellida Well as I meane not to be too confident neither is there cause that I should utterly despaire Good fortune h 'as before this fallen into many Wenches laps unexpected and why may not the like befall me None of these bore more true love to their Suiters then I do to my Mardanes And oh that I might call him mine For I feare much in becomming lesse than mine I shall become lesse then mine own And just as she spake these words came in Doriclea at whose presence a fresh vermillion dye bestow'd a new complexion on Mellida Which her Mistresse perceiving having had experience of the very like p●ssion in her selfe demanded the cause And she though at first seeming dainty framing many apron-excuses but so far from purpose as she had farre better said nothing begun at last to disclose her passion to her Mistresse acquainting her how she was infinitely in love with Mardanes Whereat Doriclea could not ch●se at f●st but smile asking her what she could see in him that should move her to fall in love with him See in him answered Mellida well Mistresse quoth she you made a strange choice when for Mardanes you took Philo●les in exchange Why pray thee Wench said Doriclea doest thou hold him for so proper a man I trow I do answered Mellida and upon condition I might enjoy him and purchase his favour were he the poorest Beggar alive I would not change my state with the greatest Emperour Sufficiently could not Doriclea admire this strange humour in her Maide and the more in regard she never found her formerly affected to love any but of all others Mardanes from whose affection she had sometimes disswaded h●r selfe when he was a Suiter to her And a purpose she had to have chid her for her too much forwardnesse but perceiving pearled teares trickling downe her cheeks she quickly altered what she intended She found them both drawing one yoake to allay then her discontent she became her Physitian who in her own respect was no lesse a Patient Nay grieve not woman quoth Dori●lea for the matter Since thou art now f●edg'd in birdlime thou must seek meanes how to unwinde thy selfe Thou hast beene ready in my greatest extreames to afford me thy best advice and to ●ngage thy selfe to perill for my sake so as I cannot chuse but reflect on thee if at any time I look upon my ●elfe Two things then I must advise thee to or never expect successe in this amorous enterprise Silence and Patience Do not discover thy affection to any restraine thy looks when thou art in his companie Next this be sure thou shew no impatience if at any time crossed in thy expectance Thou seest how many sharpe encounters I have grapled with and little nearer a conquest then I was at first yet must I not suffer my hopes to be so extinguished No task can be long where hope pretends a purchase of love Look up then Wench cheerefully let not the subtilest Artist draw from thy look the least blush of love or line of fancie Wing thy desires with hope that hope may crown thy expectance And proceed in a temperate pursuit since thou canst not dispense with thy choice in which assay I faithfully promise thee my best assistance This could not chuse but highly cheer loveinveigled Mellida● to finde her Mistresse her directresse by having her for her adviser who formerly was advised by her But so strongly did those amorous Spels work upon her as these rayes of comfort shone not long upon her Impatient was her unbounded affection of delay which drove her into passion above measure as by this sorrowfull 〈◊〉 whose choisest melody is lachryma you may perceive hereafter CHAP. XVII Mellida's passionate love PAssions of the minde are not wholly suppressed when they seeme restrained Of all which none work with more contrariety then those which arise from a troubled fancie Love runs with too strong a current too firce a torrent to be staid at an instant This poore love-inthralled Mellid● felt too well experienc'd in her when that which so lately seemed to cheere her most doth now most afflict her nay even that which so seemingly afforded her the soveraign'st cure now becomes the only producer of her care Such strange effects had these Spels of hatefull Spurcina brought forth as all was struck out of order though at the first appearance nothing but promised all successe to the undertaker But miserable were those distractions which her inchantments bred through the whole family but principally on Mellida who now overcome with a deepe jealousie imagined that whatsoever Doriclea her Mistresse had professed were expressions meerely dissembled And that her reall love towards Mardanes was such as she would prove her Corrivall rather than Assistant by interceding for her selfe in this amorous imployment Which groundlesse suspicion of hers received life from that which if her deluded thoughts had not misguided her might have
in thy suit might work strange effects He is rich who is thy Corrivall and Women must love to live aswell as live to love Thy impoverish'd quality is a mighty eye-sore to fancy Wealth is a good salve for age and though she cannot affect him as he is she may hug him for what he h'as Marriages go not altogether by joyning of hearts but hands His store will so highly improve her state as it will enforce fancy and raise her to what thy fortunes may not aspire the title of a Lady And yet me thinkes all this should little moye the constant and loyall brest of Doriclea Heavens cannot chuse but frowne on breach of faith which is ever attended by an heavie fate Yea but admit she be compelled what meanes may she finde to resist it Parents will is a command and as she h'as ever borne the modesty of a Maide so h'as she reteined the duty of a Daughter and obedience of a childe Parents command then might far prevaile with her seeing obedience was ever so much preferred by her as all feares had been before this time prevented had not this parentall sacrifice restrain'd her Well be it so Patience shall be my Crowne my prayers for her successe No griefe shall so much surprize me as the desire of her happinesse shall delight me Meane time I will suspend my judgement and expect better then I heare but if the issue second this report I hope soone after that an everlasting retire from Earth shall cure my care Thus passed Philocles the lingring night estranged from nothing more then the thought of rest At last perceiving Aurora's dishevell'd tresses dispersing her golden beames through every corner of his restlesse roome he leaps out of bed and having made himselfe ready and performed those morning vowes which his devotion had enjoyned him He sets Pen to Paper and like a poeticall Lover in an amorous manner addresseth his last nights supposed vision to his ●oriclea making a dreame of love by shadowing those jealous feares for the losse of his love in a Dreame Philocles supposed Dreame of Doriclea WHat sacred Spels my throbbing heart surprize Sweet dew of sleepe hath quite forsook mine eyes Some startling dreams I have which more appall My Soul● then if I had no sleepe at all Sometime I dreaming see and sigh to see A Sable-sullen cloude hang over me And menacing a storme thou full of f●ares This to prevent resolves to pearled teares But more thou weep'st the more provok't thouart The fight whereof wounds my relenting hart Now do I see my Danä in a tower Tempted untainted with a golden shower Now my faire Semele feeding loves-flame In her pure brest consumed with the same Which visions were but shadows of thine Or meere conceptions of Prometheus shrine Which once enlivened by an heav'nly fire Might to a numerous Family aspire Sometimes me thought Isickles sought to sip Ambrosean Nectar from thy roseat lip And this I check't and did incensed seeme Telling Old-age frost would not suit with greene Which just reproofe me thought thou entertain'd With a sweet smile the gole at which I aim'd Whence over-joy'd I cull'd thee where thou stood But like Ixion I embrac'd a cloud My sacred Genius succour me and keepe My waking thoughts frō such an ominous sleep Yet in these Dreams more comfort did I take Fed with conceit then when I did awake For dreaming I enjoy'd thee but that blisse By waking vanish'd while I breath'd out this The Dorian straine was once th' best melodie Had I Doriclea now 't were so with me But since t' imbrace thee dreaming still I seeme O that my life were a continued Dreame But this dreaming veine did not hold long with him he resolves to acquaint her in an other straine and tell her truly that he was waking when he wrote it And the Character of this Letter must expresse the benefit of his freedome signifying unto her how his late restraint was now changed into liberty which priviledge he had rather for ever lose then be deprived of the continuance of her fancy To expedite this affectionate designe he directs his Letter by the conduct of a faithfull Messenger though to his apparent danger acquainting Doriclea with his delivery and assigning her a place whereto she might safely repaire if she could possibly make escape Delay he holds dangerous he accompts opportunity the sweetest companion to fancy desiring nothing more then that she would continue what she h'as professed confirme what she h'as vowed consummate what both divine decree and their own united hearts have sealed closing his Letter with an amorous ●assion after this manner Infranchis'd Philocles to restrained Doriclea DEare signe this with your hands else in a word I saile aye me for Ireland with my Lord Where sayles are righes Seas teares while th' friendly winde Shall bring you word I left mine heart behinde But if you shall me for your Consort take I●le march through ranks of Furies for your sake Returne me answer then as may become you Pistols nor Poniards shall not keep me frō you This was a strong Resolution which 〈◊〉 windes up with as loving a Subscription This Tearme from travell am I staid To make my Consort of a Maid Confirme then Deare-one Heav'ns decree And make exchange of hearts with me Which done this Posie shall he thine Which is and must be ever mine To live and have no heart were strange Yet have I none but by exchange Thus writ passionate Philocles which came shortly after to the hand of his Mistresse who how joyfully she received the report of his liberty but how passionately those imaginary grounds of his jealousie shall appeare in the progresse of our Story CHAP. XIX Doriclea by the advice and assistance of Mellida gets from her Keepers and in her flight by night loseth her way but comming by chance to the Hermits house where she took that night her repose as she had formerly beene directed by him she received much comfort from him being conducted to the place which Philocles advised her to WHen Doriclea had perused this Letter directed to her by her dearest Philocles it is not easie to expresse what infinite joy she conceived in the delightfull perusall of those lines which signified unto her the happy occasion of his liberty yet could she not chuse but bite the lip when she read those dreaming fancies of his shadowing forth his jealousie The comfort the conceived in the former was made bitter by relation of the latter which enforced from her this just ground of complaint which she breathed forth in this manner How is it Philocles that the Heavens should thus look on thee in freeing thee from restraint and thou unthankfull for so great a benefit thus to abuse the priviledge of thy liberty During thy restraint for ought that ever I heard thou harbour'd not the least conceipt of jealousie and now when thou enjoyest the freedome of ayre and stands dis●ingaged from a
remained knowne too much to the world to affect it nor so little to my selfe but that my in firmities humble me in it Many too many heaven knowes there be who professe this regular course which I have entertained but their profession is but how to delude the world by bleering the eyes of men with a pretended sanctity and under this vaile cunningly shroud their base hypocrisie And One of these have mine aged eyes seene in these later times A profest Gallant in his prime and one who delighted in nothing more then a phantastick dresse sufficiently conceipted of his own parts yet strip him naked he was neither good Morall sound Christian nor Philsopher Yet did this dainty youth when fortune begun to frowne on him and vanity for want of maintenance to leave him pronounce his divorce from the world In a Rock he imm●res himselfe Herbes and Rootes must be his Viands cold Spring water his Wines the Woods his Walkes Beasts his Consorts and Birds his Quiristers None must serve him but an old decrepit Woman whom Nature had so disabled as sh● could 〈…〉 Thus discoursed the Hermit no● were his two hearers lesse delighted with this relation of his E●emiticall condition but the night ●unning now far on after a little repast they betook themselves to their repose resolving next morning to conclude of some course to consummate their love the very conceipt where of made the lingring night seeme long Thus had Loves Cement clos'd their fancies so As two hearts lodg'd in one and one in two And like two lines that in one Centre meet Though different in motion took one s●at CHAP. XXI They take the advice of Solinus that faithfull Hermit what course were best to take in a case of such extremity he adviseth them privately to solemnize that Rite which their long affection had confirmed in heart SCarcely had Phoebus mounted his Easterne Charriot or displayed his golden locks to the blushing Morne till these restlesse Lovers desiring nothing more then lawfully to en●oy the fruits of their long-continued loves repaired to Solinus that faithfull Hermit and their constant Assistant to receive his advice what course were best to take and securest to pursue in a case of such extremity the prevention whereof might frustrate their hopes ●nd with a sullen Cloud darken their fancy The Hermit they found walking in a private Garden fixing his thoughts on higher contemplations then worldly love Who upon their comming to him and hearing them so desirous of his advice imparted his minde to them in cropping a sprig of Tyme This I do now said he may serve you for an usefull Embleme Time must be taken while Time is This herbe smels now sweet and redolent But should it wither and lose her strength and vigour it would soone lose her beauty too which consists in savour There hath been ever more advantage in dispatch then delay Since then your hearts are so nearly linked as nothing can divide them To prevent loose love which goodnesse hates and embrace chaste love on which vertue smiles As likewise to secure your affections from surprize which no doubt Doriclea your Parents will by all means labour to assay my advice is that with all privacy whereto this very place gives opportunity you solemnize that sacred Rite to do fancy right which your long affection to which my daily Orisons shall wish all successe hath already confirmed in heart For let me speak freely to you both fancy becomes a frenzie when it is not restrained by grace And love too long delayed may become polluted and so lose that unstained purity which it formerly reteined Private familiarity accompanied by opportunity become dangerous Inlets to youthfull fancie 〈◊〉 I have knowne in my time many a loyall Lover deprived of their hopes by 〈…〉 Web and protracting 〈◊〉 too long Had too provident Virginius accepted of Ioili●● hi● Virginia had never incurred that unjust sentence of Appius Clau●● It may be after a little time when your Parents Doriol●a shall see no means to remedy it they will admit of it Meane time you 〈◊〉 prepare your selves to suffer whatsoever the weight of a Fathers displeasure can lay on you Small hope is there to reconcile you till time the best canceller of injuries attone you Nor should I have inclined to ingage my selfe in any such advice as in this private manner to solemnize your Nuptiall Rites without their consent but that an inconvenience is to be preferred before a mischiefe Having in this sort delivered his opinion and by his advice made way for the happy enjoyment of their affection hee made show as if he would returne back to his Cell saying Now deare Daughter you need no more the conduct or counsell of your poor Hermit Nor you my Sonne the unnecessary presence of an Old Man who can afford you no helpe should you be pursu'd by hate nor supply your want should you need reliefe Privately then with your leaves will I retire to my Cell where though I be divided from you my poore devotions shall remember you But neither of these true Lovers cou●● endure to heare of his departure from the● desiring him that they might partake his fatherly blessing and enjoy his presence in 〈◊〉 solemnization of those Rites which they intended the next day to consummate according to his advice For alas said Philocle your grave and discreet counsell may be stod us highly both before and after For us tws we know only how to love but how to provide for our safety in a case of necessity o● wits would be to seek and our braines too shallow to contrive I cannot be ignorant how many pursuing eyes and revenging desires I have hunting after me For D●ricle●s Parents cannot be more incensed against 〈◊〉 then those Wardens from whom I escaped ar● enraged towards me No Watch nor Wa●● must be unlaid to seaze on me no device un●●sai'd to surprize me And whom have I to 〈◊〉 to but to the armes of Love a weak though willing defence to preserve my life And wh●● more said Solinus can an aged Hermit do for you whose staffe is his only strength and whose prayers the richest presents he can offer for your redresse And what better Armour answered Doriclea in the time of danger Besides your advice may usefully import us in directing how and in what manner we may bestow us to prevent perill which as my dearest Philocles truly affirmes is every where inclosing us I know my Fathers passion to be hot but his nature to be good Our retire for a time may not only for the present secure us but by the power of interceding friends reconcile us Which for the instant were impossible to effect or by the most perswasive wayes to allay their discontent seeing my Parents hasty nature will for the present admit no Moderator The good old Man was perswaded by these reasons to stay one night longer with them which he indeed the rather desired to do wishing some
willed her Maid to keepe the Curtaines ever closely drawne saying that nothing weakned her eyes more then light Mellida who knew best next to her own breast what most disquieted her when she was at any time sure that none could over-heare them whether it were to cheere her or to impart her own griefs unto her would use in this manner to converse with her Good Mistresse rouse up your spirits do you think lying in Bed will serve the turne But if you will not be so much a friend to your selfe I pray you befriend your selfe for my sake Alas all this time while you lye sobbing and fighing here my Suit to Mardanes growes cold And I must tell you a secret too Mistresse but none must know of it for if they should it might be a great blemish to my credit Truth is as truth ever goes farthest that since you fell into this distemper I became mine own Solliciter but I made bold still with your name And in very deed this you may think to be an immodest part but I am sure it came from a loving heart I sought in my Letter directed in your name to know the time when he would make me his own Fye Girle answered Doriclea thou hast spoiled all proffer'd love had never yet good savour And in the meane time thou hast brought me upon the stage in a dainty fashion by making Mardanes believe that I am liberall enough of my reputation But pray thee Wench what answer receivedst thou Nay Mistresse said Mellida you shall know all but I pray you impute it to my too much love if my love h 'as wronged your name But the harshest answer did I receive from him that ever poore Wench received from any one loving so dearly as I did And with that opening her bosome she pull'd forth a Paper which she reached to her Mistresse containing this Answer DOriclea after this manner to importune me suits not with Maiden-modesty I shall close in an equall-line sorting with our joynt desires when I shall see mine own time and may meet best both with your occasion and mine owne Meane time trust me this importunity ●ather duls then sharpens fancy So re●●s he who will ever rete●ne a true estimate of your honour Dericlea could not chuse but smile though her heart were ill at ease to heare this insulting humour of deluded Mardanes but at first ●he knew not well whether to be angry at her Maids forwardnesse or to pitty her weaknesse so as raising her selfe a little in her ●ed she used these words unto her Surely Mellida thou caust not possibly be so simple as thou makest thee Thou hast now made a 〈◊〉 hand of it to make thy own Sweet-heart beleeve that without his love I cannot live Thou hast brought mine honour unto the Stake and I must in hope to get thee an Husband be thought nay be rumour'd that I beg one Nay it is very likely that he will now out of his Pesantly condition flight my affection because too freely offered or conceipt strangely of my modesty with much easinesse cashiere me and what then will become of thee All wayes then are stopped all meanes prevented when I my selfe who sought by pretending love to him to match thee to him shall be so contemned by him as he shall hold me unworthy of him Alas Mistresse answered Mellida pardon my kinde heart that could hold no longer then it could Had I lov'd lesse my modesty had been more But truly Mistresse I am so troubled with phantasies sleeping and waking that if I have him not I shall not be long mine own woman Yet rather Mistresse then you receive any dishonour by my indiscreet love I shall write in your name how my mind is altered and that I never bore him so much love as now I beare him hate I care not I will do it rather then displease you though it should break my heart Doriclea pitied much ●he Girles humour willing her by no meanes to discover the lea● token or semblance towards Mardanes o● displeasure And that so soone as she should be able to leave her Bed she would spare n● labour nor profession of favour to purchase her desires But she held it fit to use some small intermissions to make him sharper for such Haggards said she are soone cloyed they must then see their Game seldome and by rare and easie flights become sharpned Hawks full gorg'd will stoope to no Lure nor seaze on no Prey No more will thy ancient Sweet-heart if he finde thee too playable to his Call Nothing cheered Mellida so much as to heare her Mistresse so well appeased resolving to be only directed by her what issue soever should befall of her love But as they were thus diseoursing the Parents of Doriclea came into the Chamber bringing with them one Es●●●●es an Artist of knowne experience approved judgement and in his Profession of such honest imployment as his chiefest 〈◊〉 was his Patients cure scorning nothing more then to spin out time or to practise Plobotomy upon his Patients 〈◊〉 or to magnifie his Cures with Moun●●bank Bils Such an one was this judicious Physitian whō they brought to their Daughter as to his Profession he was an honour and to his Countrey under God a soveraigne succour Him therefore they besought to apply his best receipts and to exercise the height of ●is Art in a case of such extremity as they ●●ould be ready to grati●ie his care her cure with an ample expression of their love But promises of rewards were the lowest of his ●otives his greatest gaine was in his accompt to do good And because delay might prejudice his cure drawing neare to her Bed-side and taking her gently by the wrest of her 〈◊〉 felt her pulse which though for want of naturall rest discovered some distemper yet ●ould not he gather either by Pulse Urine or any Symptome that she could be seased on by any violent Fever Imagining then and his imagination hit right that there was some other private distemper which wrought extreamely on her and purposing to search out the quality of her disease if either Art or industry could effect it he requests her Parents absence with the rest that were in the roome pretending that he was to try an experiment wherein the privacy of his Art would not so fitly comply with their presence And now the Room being voyded Eschites taking herby the hand said thus unto her Mistresse if I have any judgement as my long experience should teach me some you may be a Physitian to your selfe if you please Nay it is in your own hand to kill or cure I do not know your meaning answered Doriclea but surely Sir you have no such strange conceipt of me as to think my selfe so much my own foe as not to cure my selfe if I could I have not Mistresse said he but my skill failes me if you may not do much if you would I pray you let me ask you one
and passionate voice in this sort O Euryclea how well have we deserved to suffer this affliction in neglecting Philocles and his honest affection Admit his fortunes were poore his conversation was vertuous his life blamelesse and his love to our Daughter loyall and religious Were we to contemne him because Fortune had not so freely imparted her selfe to him Was love only to be weighed by meanes without respect to those inward endowments which conferre the best beauty on man What comfort might wee have reaped in seeing them live in constancy of love and composing their mindes to their state to bestow the residue of their dayes in content A● must not be neglected whom Fortune h 'as not favoured It is blinde love that is directed by such a deity And too tyrann●●● are those Parents to their Children who labour to enforce their affection It may be said Euryclea that her distemper for all this opinion of her Doctors r●ceives ground from some other griefe For I verily think Doriclea could not so dissemble with us as to pretend love to Mardanes and reteine such a constant remembrance of Philocles Let us call forth then if you please her Maid Mellida who knowes her minde best and we shall perceive by her whether her fancy continue towards Philocles or no. Mellida who sorrowed no lesse for her Mistresse sicknesse then any for her distemper wholly declined her hopes from enjoying her Mard●nes acquainted them how those little short sleepes she had were full of distractions and how ever and anon she called upon Philocles Which so confirmed them as they presently gathered that his absence had begot this distemper in their languishing Daughter which highly aggravated their sorrow Gladly would they recall him so they might regaine him but they finde no hope of reliefe to their weak Daughter seeing the meanes of her cure the sole cordiall of her care was reported to have enter'd a Regular Order No hope then remain'd for her recovery being so deprived of the Object of her fancy While they were thus discoursing and descanting of their griefe one below called for Mellida which was a Messenger indeed from Mardanes with a Letter directed to Doriclea the issue of whose motion her Parents desired much to partake So a● presently upon Mellida's going in to her Mistresse to deliver this Letter they went in after her but with that privacy as upon the delivery and perusall of the Letter Doriclea knew not they were there The Contents of this amorous Scroule were these DOriclea you may expect that these lines should have been prevented by ●y personall attendance and trust me so they had could I have dispensed with one occasion which requires present dispatch Let not the least conceipt of disloyalty pre-possesse you I will sooner perchance then your own opinion can assure you se● you to consummate our joyes which by how much the longer delayed in our fruition will be more sweetned Alas good Man said Doriclea how he troubles his braines to no purpose As if his personall presence could do me any good or procure me ease No no unlesse he were transformed into Philocles and then the enjoyment of his feature would do me an infinite pleasure Surely said Mellida I could with with all my heart that we had them both in their own proper shapes I know who would be the more pretious pearle in my eye Well replyed Doriclea God send thee much good of him when thou shalt have him And if I recover my health whereof as yet I finde small hope I should make little doubt but by a device I have to possesse thee of him I pray God you may have your health restored you soon said Mellida for I am sure you cannot suffer more in your Fever then I my selfe do till I be made happy by the free enjoyment of Mardanes favour This discourse seemed strange to Doriclea's Parents for they little knew what their Daughter intended by that device howsoever they now perceived that the love she pretended to Mardanes was not reall but dissembling and that Philocles was the Man who was only interessed in her heart and that without him she despaired of health Which could not chuse but strangely perplexe her affectionate Parents who now so they might become confident of their Daughters recovery would easily incline to Philocles fancy But they were out of all hope to procure her health by this meanes seeing retired Philocles was now to his Countrey a stranger and had enter'd a strict religious Order which assured them that he had now disclaimed the title of a Lover CHAP. XXVIII Eschites undertakes upon promise of their acceptance to use his best endeavour for calling Philocles homeward and that he is resolved how Philocles time of Probation will bee quickly relinquish'd when he shall beare least hope of enjoying his Doriclea's affection WEakned daily became constant Doriclea by meanes of this her languishing distemper For now her stomack by feeding on those fancies which her loyall love to Philocles usually suggested was so sated as other nourishment she could admit none unlesse such Julips or Cordials as required no strong digestion so well became Nature sustained with the very conceipt of affection Nor is this much to be admired for if that Maide of P●i●tiers could abstaine so many yeares from all sustenance and be surprized by no such fancy what may we imagine of Doriclea whose digestive parts were so well satisfied with the thoughts only of her dearest Philocles as no repast could comparably delight or refresh decayed Nature so much as the very conceipt or apprehension of his affectionate feature Her Parents desirous to try all meanes to allay her griefe and to banish the memory of her transplanted friend from her distemper'd minde sent for such neighbouring Maides as formerly kept her company to come to her and to invent one sport or other to passe away the lingring night or to tell Tales to solace her troubled braine which for want of sleepe was much distemper'd And many pleasant pastimes would these Countrey Girles finde out purposely to cheere her While one amongst the rest drawing ●eare the Bed-side and taking Doriclea by the hand Good Lord Mistresse said she what a stirre you make with this love I am sure for my part I am troubled with a thing as like love as can be and whether it be downeright love or no I know not but every night there appeares to my fancy a dainty proper young Man but of what Countrey I know not and to my knowledge waking I never yet saw him But trust me Mistresse I wondrously love him and if he be no Hob-Thr●sh nor no Robin● Goodfellow I could finde with all my heart to sip up a Silly-bub with him in my Fathers Broome-pasture For I shall on my conscience never love any one halfe so well And yet I know not whether I shall love him when I am waking so well as when I am sleeping nor do I know whether I should know
are meere shadowes to loyall fancy They cannot strike that heart which is truly struck with love And I appeale to thee Doricl●a if mine be not truly wounded Be my ●eturne then for thy safety and I shall hold my desir●s crowned in perishing for thee This said in a private disguise he addresseth himselfe for his returne to the end he might with lesse suspicion repaire to his firme friend Eschites and upon further conference with him be satisfied whether the Coast were cleare or no. And in short time might he make his returne seeing whatsoever he pretended his distance was not great by meanes of his retire For as yet he had not crost the Seas nor taken any other Order then the constant profe●●ion of a Lover who had made Doriclea his Saint to whom he was so devoted as wheresoever he sojourned his engaged hear● could not be divided from that object where●●t was so inseparably united But the wayes of love when they promise most smoothnesse are ever encounter'd with sundry difficulties This our Philocles felt who in his returne walking one evening on the Sea-shore to refresh his spirits with the aire of the Sea was had in suspicion by some Seafaring-men for a Spy and restrain'd that night by command with a purpose next morning to bring him before a Justice who had given direction upon notice thereof that he should be safely guarded and early next morne he would take examination of him and upon what occasion he took such serious survey of that Coast and Vessels within the Roade Philocles as it fortuned having been formerly acquainted with this Gentleman who should examine him for they had been Cöacademicks and fearing much lest these delayes might either be interpreted in him a coldnesse of fancy or towards his approved Eschites an opinionate jealousie to hasten his departure thence he prepared his way to this Justice in these lines Sir L Awes which should be lines of life to direct to support and steere the course of an injuried Supplicant are for most part become Spiderwebs to e●wreathe and enwarp the smaller to give more liberty to a powerfull Offender See the misery of time But to recall my selfe this is not the errour of time but of man Where a direct eye becomes squinted by respect or bleared by receipt or quite put out by a prej●dicate conceipt Dangerous aymes are these to a well-governed State Where Religion shapes it selfe to Policy and candid pretences cloze with impiety As you are Man observe that Golden-meane which returnes the best Character of Man The fairest path that conducts man to immortality is ever on this Theatre of Earth to remember his mortality And the nearest resemblance that Man can have to his Maker is to mixe Justice with Mercy and to reduce them to ●n equall temper by exhibiting them to all in a proportionable ●easure ●ilies among Thornes are Beauteous Objects Be you the same in this World of Weeds So shall your name flourish and have a report behinde you better meriting praise then emi●ency of state or preceden●y of place These Paper Presents are but weak reflexions of stronger affections yet being the best Sacrifice of a friend and no Spy unlesse it be in the scrutiny of his own heart they deserve the higher place in your esteeme Meane time expresse your sel●e what your Countrey expects from you the State requires of you and for which all good men will love you which shall be the most assid●ate and affectionate wish of him who remaines the constant honourer of your vertues Philocles This Letter infinitely pleased the Gentleman but when he found it subscribed to by Philocles the Character pleased him so much the better In a word so farre was he from entertaining him as a Spy as he familiarly embraced him in the armes of a friend His Guarders were soone discharged desiring nothing more then to heare the relation of his fortunes Which done after his earnest invitation to stay longer with him he accommodated him with whatsoever might necessarily befit him with a friendly dismission wished him all happy successe in his love-assay The next evening he privately came to his constant friend Eschites his house with whom he freely conversed being satisfied by him that all things were very like to second his expectation and how nothing was more desired then his speedy and happy arrivall Yet he told him withall that he held it fitting that he should not presently approach the presence of his Mistresse least she who was not as yet wholly recovered by being overjoyed by his presence might make relapse into her sicknesse which to prevent he intended to prepare her by degrees to the end his unexpected comming to her might through an immoderate passion of joy lesse occasion her distemper Meane time while this approved Artist was preparing way for his securer accesse to his Mistresse he neglects not that office which amity enjoynes him to performe to his Friend For having heard where his faithfull friend Euphilus lodged whom he so intimately loved and that for his cause he was there arrived he could not chuse but expresse those loyall devotions which his love so much deserved and what his travaile for his sake had so well confirmed It is not easie to relate what incredible joy and comfort the one conceived in the others presence wherewith Philo●les seemed so intranced as in the end not able to containe himselfe any longer but out of the affluence of his joy he burst forth in this manner Deare Euphilus I now perceive well that the influence of those Divine Powers whose eyes are ever fixed on us knowes best how to attemper our greatest discomforts with rayes of solace Long it is not since we were divided yet during that small distance of time never did poore mortall encounter with more extreames nor taste lesse of hope nor partake lesse in helpe Injoyned I was to live where I did most loathe and to be estranged from that place where I did most love Divided I was not only from my fancy but restrained of my liberty Those whom I honoured most for her deare sake whom I loved best publish'd themselves my profest foes desiring nothing more then to have me in pursuit yea and if the Lawes would extend so farre to bring me within the compasse of my life to recompence the constancy of my love Yet behold how by the Divine Clemency this storme is cleared these menacing Clouds dispelled these foggy vapours dispersed poore Philocles released his captivity to liberty reduced what he least expected now freely offered and that humane comforts might come linked as my former discomforts came not singled behold a double blessing invirons me The presence of a firme Friend with the fruition of a faire Mistresse Euphilus no lesse rejoyced in the enjoyment of his Philocles to whom after he had related the occasion of his repaire to those parts and mutually solaced themselves in the repetition of their former pleasures and studies A Messenger