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A04596 Christs vvatch-vvord Being the parable of the virgins, expounded and applyed to these times of security. Or an exhortation of our Saviours to us, that we may watch and prepare our selues for the unknowne times of death and judgement. Johnston, Thomas, Chaplain to the Bishop of Dromore. 1630 (1630) STC 14715; ESTC S107830 129,458 212

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better the Scripture hath laid lessons in our way which we stand in neede of by seeking of which wee may finde somewhat for our eternall comfort The duties required of man and wife may be learned by the actions of God his Church the love of the man to the wife is taught by the love of Christ to his Church Ephes 5.22 23 c. when he gave his life rather than it should be lost how tenderly they should shew themselves in all their actions is taught by Christs nourishing and cherishing the Church And on the other part the subjection and reverence the woman ought to have towards her husband is taught by the subjection of the Church unto Christ who onely hath an eye to him and desireth to be governed according to his direction It is an heavenly patterne so to governe our selves as we have Christ for an example and on the other part we wrong our selves in mariage when we bereave our selves of this heavenly comfort for this is onely the way to make our mariage comfortable and heavenly often to call to remembrance the union of Christ to his Church and especially to our soules and according as we are dealt with and behave our selves in the spirituall mariage so to frame our lives and actions in the duties of mariage according to the same example I dare boldly promise in the name of God Gal. 6.16 that he who sanctifieth his mariage in walking after this rule peace shall be on him in this life and mercy shall be his portion in the life to come in being admitted to that society of mariage with Christ in heaven which hee so much loved and imitated whilest hee remained upon earth If I should take a survey of many maried persons and enquire if they learne and practise any thing according to the rule of Christ and his Church I should finde them of another spirit that where Christ appointeth their life according to the rule of heaven they live in imitation of hell as if they were bound together to be tormenters one to another The unquiet lives of many doe shew that Satan hath gotten power to curse them and when all things else doe pleasure both they finde want of nothing but love and quietnesse Is the God of peace and love dwelling with such a couple No sure it is the enemy of peace Or can we exhort them to love their neighbour and be tender-hearted to him when they hate and torment their owne flesh Love is a marke of Christs scholler and it is certaine that he must be taught and led by Satans overruling hand that beginneth hatred so neere home as to be enemie unto their heart which God hath appointed to lye in his owne bosome No fault but it can pretend just ground and married couples can pretend reason too But will a man be angry if the one hand cut the other seeing they are both alike his owne and should hee be angry though faults happen among them must he fall at variance for every fault What should become of him if the Lord should for every fault shew his wrath against him Or if there were cause given should hee then be angry and shew hatred This is not the example of our Saviour who loved every member of his Church and gave his life for them even when they were enemies and did what they could to offend him If the fault be in the wives carriage St. Paul counsells Col. 3.19 yet to love them and be not bitter unto them alwayes remembring the example of Christ who laboured to cleanse his Church and to make it without spot or blame Eph 5 26 27. If the fault bee in the men and they be untoward Saint Peter counselleth the women 1 Pet. 3.1 that by all meanes they subject themselves to their husbands that though they were infidels yet they might be wonne by the conversation of their wives There is no place for contention betweene man and wife all should be love and if the maried would take care to behave themselves like Christians in their houses towards themselves wee should not see or heare them so often in the streets behaving themselves like Turkes towards others nor suffer Satan to goe betweene them and the blessing of their mariage ☞ Of the joyes of heaven it is said They that were ready went in with him to the Mariage THE mariage entertainment is now to be spoken of whereof all the prepared Virgins shal in the glorious day of Christs comming be made partakers True it is that Gods servants after death shall be followers of Christ into the glory of heaven and there are in blisse glory and joy which is not possible to be conceaved But in this Parable I must direct my speech unto that felicity which we are to have both in body soule after the day of judgement because the text tendeth that way and Christ in it respecteth the question that was propounded unto him concerning his comming Math. 24.3 and now applyeth and in this Parable concludeth the doctrine of his comming with an exhortation to watching Notwithstanding whatsoever can be said of the glory both of body and soule miseries there Math. 6.20 so saith the Scripture that in heaven neither the moth nor canker corrupteth neither theeues dig through nor steale Revel 21.4 and God shall wype all teares from their eyes there shall be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither any more paine for the sorrowes of this world shall be gone In manner of excellency when wee see any thing good comfortable profitable or honourable for us we straight conclude a greater excellency of all such things to be desired are in heaven the onely seate of felicitie Quotiescunque saith Hierom. te vana seculi delectabit ambitio Ad Eustoch quotiescunque in seculo videris aliquid gloriosum ad paradisum mente transgredere Whensoever the vaine desires of this world doth delight thee whensoever thou seest any thing in the world glorious then let thy minde mount up to Paradise and in this kinde excellent things are spoken of heavenly Ierusalem Psal 87.3 The thing that all men account best and sweetest is life therefore the Scripture hath promised us a life in heaven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for excellency whereof it may be justly sayd to us Cic. in som Scip. Vestra verò quae dicitur vita mors est that our life is but a death Nothing more comfortable to them that liue then assurance of long life from whence we conclude that in heaven which hath fulnes of all comfort we shall haue eternall life The most profitable life that we can desire is to have all things that can make us happie of which we finding some things in this life for our comfort and refreshment wee conclude that in heaven are all things that need to make us perfectly blessed the greatest honour this world hath is to be head of one
and as we feare not him when we are to commit sinne so he will not favour us when we are to be punished at a day houre when we looked least for his comming 4. The Christian watchman must have good hands he must be couragious valiant 4 Good hands to fight as well as to watch without this valour he cannot be a watchman who must needs be a souldier Quid praescire juvat Sir Th Moore Epigram quae patiere tamen what boots to know the evills we needs must suffer All the servants of Christ must be valorous to resist sin Satan fight against thē so long as they live Gaine and glory are most powerfull to increase valour against sin Cic. Tusc quest lib. 1. Omnes incenduntur ad studia gloriâ Let us therefore set before us the high price of our calling and the voice of Christ saying To him that overcommeth will I give to sit upon a throne 2 Tim 2 5. and seeing no man is crowned except he fight as he ought let us search out sin in all the corners of soule and body and prosecute it with the terrour of the Almighty and fight against it with the word and command of God 5. Not troubled with worldly cares 2 Tim 2 4. The second part of our ability to watch consists in preparation which must 1. be of the soule that the mind be not troubled with the love care of this world No man saith St. Paul that warreth intangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life because he would please him that hath chosen him to be a souldier much lesse he who is continually imployed both to watch and fight So Christ exhorts us in our watching and preparing for his coming Take heed to your selves Luke 21 34. lest at any time your hearts be oppressed with the cares of this life and lest that day come upon you at unawares He that hath his heart fixed on the cares of this life can have no heart to watch for another life neglecting this life which he loveth so well For though the world obtained cannot fil the heart nor content the desire of man yet the love desire care of it being not obtained doth so take up and fill the heart that he is in continuall heavines cannot think upon any thing but how to satisfie his desire Yea the love of the world is contrary to Christian watchfulnesse for it inlargeth our heart unto all lust and hath the object only fit to make us increase more and more in sinne St. Iohn by the same reason exhorts us to sequester our mindes from it 1 Iohn 2 15 Love not the world neither the things in the world for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and pride of life Therefore wee must conclude a separation betweene our mindes and the transitory things of this world and make them a ladder upon which we may mount up to heaven Euseb Emiss de Ascen Dom. Ser. 1. sublimabunt nos si fuerint infra nos if they be under us not cared for they will mount us up to heaven and not burden us or make us heavie in mind or carelesse of the danger of sin sodainnes of death of which we are incontinual danger 2. Our bodies must be prepared for watching 6. No glutton nor drunkard with needful nourishment Old men because their strength failes them must as Iacob did get a staffe to rest on but in our nature there is such a weaknes that the youngest grow faint weak wither away as if they were blasted with old age if they be not supported with the staffe of bread An army of Sauls 1 Sam 14 31. that in pursuit of the enemy fasted one day was exceeding faint Ionathan though young and strong yet his eyes waxed dimme as if he had beene old Therefore they must be continually enabled by the use of the creatures by which the senses may be kept sound the spirits in continuall vigour But in this necessity there is an ensuing danger for nothing is more dangerous to a watchman than too much of meat drink because it makes him heavie sleepy that he can not watch Luke 21. So Christ exhorts us Take heed lest at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes because they are the causers of sleepinesse send up such abundance of fumes vapours to the brain which cooling doe so possesse the place and first instrument of feeling that the senses for the time are without any sense or feeling And they that use either gluttony or drunkennes become dull heavie senseles careles of their estate or honesty Of al men this becomes not him who would watch war against sin A man that cannot rule his appetite is as a Citty that hath no wall Prov. 25 28. because even the actions of them are the wrath of God punishment of former sinne abominable sins in themselves and a way made for the Divell to enter possesse the soule make them ready for any wickednesse that can be devised This is the way to betray Christianity and to fight against all grace and good motions and finally to laugh at the terrors of it make men go dancing through the causes of their mourning and with laughter to act the tragedy of their owne destruction 7 Furnished with armour 3. A watchman must have outward preparation We are safest when wee are fully appointed and armed it is dangerous to be a naked sentinell whose life is most aimed at St. Paul nameth the furniture to be a good and sincere conscience Eph. 6 14. a love to the Gospell assured faith in the mercifull promises of God knowledge understanding of Gods word perseverance in prayers supplications without this preparation it is in vaine to thinke that we can be able to resist in the evil day or to prevent any never so well known danger Being thus prepared and furnished to stand against sin Satan 8 Faithfull and diligent to watch for our Lords cōming there only remaines that the watchman be faithfull and diligent to foresee all dangers to give a true speedy notice of them In all the former conditions hypocrisie hath place in most men but in this hypocrisie is the direct enemie of our salvation the meanes by which multitudes are conveyed to hell who make shew to be in continual guard against all manner of wickednes to be as ever standing and knocking at the gate of heaven only to be so accounted of men but in their secret actions they labour to goe to hell without any knowledge or noyse of the world And seeing the heart of man is deceitfull above all things it stands every man upon it to search and examine his heart whether in his intents hee labour either to please the world or to puffe up himselfe with a conceit of sincere life or whether his eye be truly set upon the Lord the prise of glory This is onely the meanes to draw us from deceiving our selves and to prevent us that wee labour not in vaine To conclude all let us remember that death is certaine we must pleade no immunity the time of it is uncertaine we must not pleade security it comes hastily we must therefore be hasty in preparation this life is for preparation we must not plead inconveniency and warning is given us of all these things therefore no place remaines for ignorance Beloved you hear your charge you know your perill now choose if you will heare the counsell of Christ and his Apostles all giving the same voice of prevention the labour is theirs the profit is yours the glory whatsoever you doe appertaineth to God whose mercie is magnified in your salvation and whose justice is exalted by your destruction Draw neere therfore unto the Lord proclaime enmity to sinne if you cannot avoid all sin yet stand to the hatred of all frame your life as you desire eternally to be and your workes according as you would have them appeare and be rewarded in judgement expect that death shal ever knock at your dores remember that though we be unreadie yet death is ever ready the grave never out of season nor hell destruction ever satisfied It is long since eternall glorie was prepared for you hasten thither let your hearts be there remember the glorie of Christ and what it were to be made like unto him Call unto God to end your miseries to remove you to glorie and to be partakers with his Saints of the blessed presence of God and of our Redeemer and of the God of peace and love Now to him that is able to keepe you that you fall not Iude verse 24 25. and to present you faultlesse before the presence of his glory with joy Even to God only wise our Saviour be glory and majesty and dominion power both now and ever Amen FINIS
are trod under feete Secondly to shew the great and fearefull things that are then to be done thus a Trumpet sounded before the Law was given and in the Revelation the great alterations of the Church and judgements upon the enemies thereof Revel 8 6 7.8 from the time of Christ unto the last day are foretolde by the blowing of Trumpets which notwithstanding was never heard by them who felt the fearefull events Thirdly to shew that the cry is for the assembling of his people Ioel 2.15 Psal 81.3 not an uncertaine sound but a certaine that all may prepare and appeare 1 Cor. 14.8 Hence wee understand the diverse effects of this Cry The effects of it When the destroying Angell came downe to Aegypt in the night Exod. 12.30 the terrour of God caused them to make an outcry over all the land How many voyces of Lamentations shall be heard at once when the generall Cry shall be Hills and mountaines fall upon us Rev. 6.16 and hide us from the presence of him that sitteth upon the throne for the great day of his wrath is come who can stand They that were never moved with the words of Christ now tremble at his voice and their hard hearts shall make unseasonable lamentation But with the servants of God it is not so for as the same voice of Christ before his suffering which made his enemies fall as dead to the ground yet incouraged Peter and others of his Disciples Iohn 18 6. so this voice of Christ at the great day though it shall be the most terrible that ever wicked men heard yet it shall be the most joyfull that ever Gods true servants heard Iohn 3 29. for he that is the friend of the Bridegroome must needes rejoyce greatly because hee heareth his voice for thereby their bodies shall receive life and immortality Psal 91.1.5 As in their life time they betooke themselves unto the shadow of the Almighty and therefore when wicked men affraid with the terrours of the night made an Aegyptian outcry Psal 118 15. his servants finde that the voice of joy gladnes is in the dwelling of the righteous because prosperity is within their gates Quanta crit electis laetitia in adventu Domini quem comparat adventui Sponsi Muscul in Mat. 25 1 Looke Ier. 33.10.11 no evill can come unto them nor any plague neere unto their dwelling Much more shall they be glad at the voice of Christ in that day for which their soules and bodies have waited long in hope to heare Would you know if the voice of Christ shall be joyfull to you in that day or not The Prophet Esay from the Lords mouth tells us Esay 66.2 They who tremble at Christs voice now shall reioyce hereafter that if we tremble at his words in this life he will looke upon us and we shall rejoyce to heare his voice in the fearefull day calling us the blessed children of his Father if with humility and feare we draw neare to heare what the Lord saith now in his word we shall not appeare in judgement to be censured but commended And this is most certaine that seeing all the creatures tremble at the Lords voice we must either doe so in this life when God commands us or in the life to come when he condemnes us Beholde the Bridegroome commeth Here is the first part of the Proclamation being a notice given of the Bridegroomes coming If these that were prepared for a mariage solemnity heard a warning given without certaine notice for what purpose how could they understand that it concerned them So if in the great day the voice of the Lord shewed not the particular person that came it could not be the trumpet of the Almighty but his voice shall declare that the Bridegroome commeth because the power of God shall goe along with it the diligence of the Angels shall second the sound of it in gathering his Saints unto the great assembly The Scriptures say that Christ shall come for although he filleth all places being God infinite and incomprehensible yet because of his humane nature he shall shew a locall descent The glory of Christs person is now hid and set his throne in the ayre But for his divine nature it filleth the world and of it I say Bern. Ser. 3. Advent as Bernard said of Christs incarnation that he was in the world and the world was made by him but the world knew him not Non ergo veniet qui aberat sed apparebit qui latebat He shall not therefore come as one that was absent but appeare as one that was hidden before and shew the glory of his Majesty shining in his humane nature the glory of both which is now hidden from our eyes for the clouds spheares of heaven have taken him out of our sight and according to the Psalme Psal 18 11. Compare 1 Tim. 6.16 with Act. 22 11. Hee hath made darkenesse his pavilion and secret place which though it be in it selfe a light inaccessible yet it darkeneth our sight Thus our Lord as a Bridegroome is entred into his chamber and there he stayes untill the day come and then shall he come out of his chamber as a mighty man and shew himselfe before all mankinde and as nothing is hid from the heate of the naturall Sunne so no man shall be able to hide himselfe when the Sunne of Righteousnesse shall declare his glory and power for every eye shall see him yea even they that pierced him through Revel 1 7. and all kindreds of the earth shall waile before him This doctrine is of great antiquity for when the olde world by their impieties began to be the first presidents of this last vengeance of God Henoch terrified them with this doctrine Beholde the Lord commeth with thousands of his Saints Iude verse 14. to be revenged on them but their gracelesse hearts tooke no notice of it so while we have the same Proclamation giving us warning so long before hand who are moved to prepare and attend But as often as we reade or heare these words Behold the Lord commeth or the Bridegroome commeth so often is this voice either in characters or sounds sent from heauen to our eyes and eares to give us warning of this last meeting When Moses forewarned Israel of their ensuing calamities Deut. 4 26. and the cause of them he called heaven and earth to be witnesse that he had given them warning and left it registred to be read to all posterity so if they perished their owne neglect should be the cause of it so in the day of judgement the Lord shall call heaven and earth before him to judge his people Psal 50 4. and to prove how often we have heard the Proclamation though we forget and be carelesse yet the Sunne and Moone that give us light Psal 89 37. are faithfull witnesses in heaven and
things which were decayed But that all of us may be the surer in faith of the Resurrection we have neede of the aforesayd two helpes and to pray the Lord to grant them unto us as St. Paule doth joyntly for both to the Ephesians Ephes 1 19 20. That the Lord would open the eyes of our understanding that we might know what is the exceeding greatnesse of his power in them that beleeve according to the working of his mighty power which hee wrought in Christ when hee raised him from the dead The Lord hath sufficiently assured us of the Resurrection All must rise when by such experiences he sheweth how easily he may doe it now therefore though wicked men would abandon all thoughts of it yet it is in vaine for all must rise both wise and foolish and present themselves before the Lord. Whereby it appeareth that whether men beleeve it or not yet they shall rise but when the Lord would have his servants to beleeve it it is to this end that they might know and be assured of the meanes whereby their bodies come to immortalitie and glory and only to them the Resurrection is a benefit and therefore Christ calleth it Luke 14 14. the Resurrection of the just unto the wicked it is a punishment and it were good for them they should never be raysed as it had been for Iudas if he had never been borne Our bodyes shall be immortall All therefore rise but there shal be great difference betweene the wise and foolish First the godly shall be immortall for this mortall shall put on immortality 1 Cor. 15 53. the body shall not bee bound to a necessity of dying as now it is nor shall it be possible that death should have power over it Adam indeed before his fall was not of necessitie subject to death yet was he mortall because he might dye but in the Resurrection we shall be free both of the power and possibility of the grave 2 Cor. 5 4. and mortality shall be swallowed up of life and by this immortalitie we shall be made capable of everlasting felicitie Secondly 2 Glorious their bodyes shall be glorious and shining for Christ shall change our vile bodies Philip. 3 21. and make them like his glorious body the body which is now sowne in dishonour it riseth againe in glory 1 Cor. 15.43 and such glory saith the Prophet as the starres of heaven appeare clothed withall Dan. 12 13. Math 13.43 or as Christ saith so bright as the Sunne by which comparisons the Scripture would raise up our understandings as by degrees to conceive in some part how great this glory shall be Some examples and shadowes hath the Lord showen us of it when Moses came downe from the mount Exod. 34.29.30 his face was so bright that the Israelites could not behold him Christ promised to his Disciples to give them a view of it within sixe dayes after The words there be some here which shall not tast of death untill c. are much mistaken by many for Christ meaneth not the Preaching of the Gospell though that also was true but that he would comfort them against the Crosse and confirme them concerning his glorious comming and finally shew them what glory they shall be in who beare the Crosse and follow him by one shew and sight of his transfiguration as Theophylact observeth upon Mathew and for truth of all we may marke in all the three Gospells the doctrine of the Crosse this promise and the transfiguration follow other see before and after Math 1● 28 Marc. 9.1 Luc. 9 27. he was transfigured upon the Mount and his face was like the Sunne and his cloathes white as the light Likewise by Art wee have a view of glorie and brightnesse which our sight is not able without hurt to endure the clearest glasses are made of ashes and of the drosse of the earth and wreak of the sea yet if one of them being broad stand before the Sunne it is so bright and glorious that it seemeth to match the Sunne it selfe that we are not able to behold it 2 Cor 3 18. Quae nos sola cogitatione s●paramus etiam re ipsa ab effectore secerni possunt ad interitum inimicorum in aeternum lucem ab extremo calore ignis separabit ut coelestibus illam lucem communicet Basil in Hexamer Orat. 6. what then shall our glorie be when we shall behold the glory of the Lord with open face and be changed into the same image from glory to glory and though we shall be as light and shining yet not according as the fire is being of power to burne for wee see that precious stones give light and yet are without heate and the Lord whose voice divideth the flames of fire Psal 29.7 shall unto his servants give brightnesse without the great heate of fire and unto his enemies the burning and consuming without the brightnesse and light of the fire This then doth shew their glory 3. Spirituall 1 Cor 15 44. Thirdly our bodies shal be spirituall They are sowne naturall bodies they rise againe spirituall there shall be no change of the substance but the body shall shew it selfe in the actions with such agility and quicknesse for which it may justly be called spirituall In this life our bodies are naturall for as in other creatures so in them natura est principium motus nature maketh them because of their weight to bend downeward but in the resurrection they shall be spirituall for the soule or spirit shall cause the body to move as it will and as our Saviour before his death walked miraculously upon the water and after his resurrection shewed this spirituall motion by his sodaine appearings and departings Wisd 3.7 so shall the Saints runne through any space as the sparkles among the stubble and they shall shew it by their first action after the resurrection 1 Thes 4 17. for they shall mount up and meete the Lord in the ayre Lastly our bodies shall be free from suffering for they shall not bee subject to hunger thirst griefe sicknesse or the like and the delights which the senses shall have shall not be hurtfull but helpfull unto them And though wee gather these things out of Gods word concerning our bodies in the resurrection yet all that wee conceive or speake of them must come short for as it is written 1 Cor. 2.9 Neither hath eye seene nor eare heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man what God hath prepared for them that loue him On the other part Qualities of wicked mens bodies the Lord will make wicked men immortall that they may be capable of eternall misery for if once they could die againe then were their bodily misery at an end but as for the rest of the aforesaid qualities they shall have their contraryes insteed of a glorious brightnes they shall even be deprived
or moe Kingdomes from which we conclude that heavē the true place of glory hath kingdomes for us and such that for glory so far surpasse the glory of an earthly kingdome We may know what is not there rather then what is there What things are not in heaven This world is full of miseries and sorrowes sure there is none in heaven it is a place of rest A necessity of supplying our naturall wants is upon us in this life we are grieved with the miseries and necessities of others but most of all for the sinnes of our selves and others Non arant non seminant non molunt non coquunt opera enim sunt ista necessitatis ibi necessitas non est c. August in Psal 148 6 pra ceptum posuit et non praeteribit and the inconveniences that follow them but in heaven it is not so for they till no ground they sowe not they neither grinde nor boyle for meate these are onely works of necessitie but in heaven there is no necessitie They break no bread to the hungry they cloathe not the naked they take not the stranger in they visite not the sicke they make no peace they burie not the dead these are the workes of mercy but in heaven there is no misery on which mercy should be showen There is no oppression stealing or uncleannesse these are the workes of iniquity and darknesse Nuptiae sunt auxilium vitae mortalis impletio cius quod defecit ibi autem nihil deficit quid ergo opus implente Throph in Luc. 20.35 Math. 22 30. which have no place in heaven This life is cut off by death which soone would bring mankind to an end if remedy were not provided to supply that which decayeth but in heaven there shall nothing bee lost none can die so that they need no supplying therefore in the Resurrection or in heaven they neither marrie wiues nor wiues are bestowed in Mariage but all are as the Angels of God What things are in heaven 1 Cor. 2.9 Now if we desire to know what is in heaven the Apostle tells us that Neither hath eye seene nor eare heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man what good things God hath prepared for them that love him that is neither can his senses feele nor his understanding comprehend the joyes and contenment that they are able to give If entertainment of mens devising be able to over-joy us in conceit and to translate our spirits from midst of worldly sorrowes as if we had obtained some happinesse indeed What happinesse is it to be partaker of the everlasting table of the inexpressible harmony of Angels and glorified soules singing praises to God We count it the greatest honour that can be given to a subject to sit at his Soveraignes table What honour shall it be to have fellowship with God and our blessed Saviour 1 Kings 10.8 The Queene of Sheba pronounced Salomons servants happy that might alwayes be hearing the words of wisedome What happines shall it be to stand alwayes in the presence of One greater than Salomon Luke 21.36 even our Lord Iesus Christ In whom dwelleth all the treasures of wisdome bodily Col. 2.3 If God saith Augustine doth give unto wicked men the common benefits of heaven and earth August in Psal 85. in Hebraeo 86 5 T is Domine misericors health children riches plenteousnesse what doth he keepe for his faithfull servants Even not earth but heaven and that I speake not too basely when I say heaven even he that made heaven keepeth himselfe for us Si enim ea quae ad exiguum tempus durant ciusmodi sunt cuiusmodi erunt illa quae nulla tempora delebunt c. Basil in Hexa mer. Orat. 6. the heaven is glorious but more glorious is hee that made it If these things are such which endure for a little time what shall those things be which no time can bring to an end And if such be the beauty of things that are seene how glorious is the Citty of God When Peter saw a sight of Christs glory and of Moses and Eliah Matth 17 4. and desired to continue there without desire of any sight of this world after what contentment hath hee now to see Christ and other blessed Spirits in glory Christ saith Matth 5 6. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousnesse which an holy man applyeth thus O quàm faelicem facit ipsa plena refectio Episcopus Lincoln cujus sola esuries facit beatum O how happy doth the full refreshment make us of that whereof the onely hungring maketh us blessed David saith O Lord how amiable are thy Tabernacles Psal 84.1 2. My soule longeth yea and fainteth for the Courts of the Lord my heart and flesh rejoyce in the living God If his desire was so sweete how sweete is the enjoying if he rejoyced onely seeing in a glasse what joy hath he in seeing face to face if the Courts of Gods house gave such delight what is the house it selfe able to give These are but generall as all that can be said concerning the joyes of heaven but every soule shall wholly possesse the pleasures and joyes of heaven neither is it hindrance to one what is bestowed on another Gods mercy is infinite Greg. Mor. l. 4. Et tanta vis amoris in illa pace nos sociat ut quod in se quisquis non acceperit hoc se accepisse in alio exultet And so great power of love maketh our fellowship in that everlasting peace that whatsoever every one hath not received in himselfe hee rejoyceth because he hath received it in another Difference of earthly and heavenly ioy In all earthly joy we have sorrow intermixed that we may the rather labour for this sweetnesse which deceives us not When we have all the joy we can conceive by worldly pleasure it never satisfieth us untill it cloy with boysterous abundance and cause us to surfet and then it satisfieth least of all and yet our desires are not satisfied when we have obtained more than we were capable of therefore all that the world can give cannot bring the soule to contentment or set it beyond the region of wishes and wants or free it from the tyranny of feare or desire This is onely to be expected of the joyes of heaven Lib. 1. de doct Christ for betweene them saith Augustine and temporall things this is one difference that a temporall thing is more loved before it be obtained but is contemned when we have got it aeternum autem ardentiùs diligitur adeptum quàm desideratum that which is eternall is more loved being obtained than it was when it was desired We cannot conceive joy without feare of distaste to ensue but in heaven we shall be so filled with the sweetnesse and delight of God and the glory wee shall receive Greg. that we shal be