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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01401 The historie of Trebizond in foure bookes / by Tho. Gainsforde ... Gainsford, Thomas, d. 1624? 1616 (1616) STC 11521.3; ESTC S102833 164,784 364

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against the law of all nations and am now 〈◊〉 because my hopes are abortiue and am now without all excuse For I was an Actor in Kaluckis tragedie and must con-continue an agent in Mengrelius miserie These broken speeches had not their passage in stillnesse for Sabina her quondam Nurse pressed with dutie and care ouer-watched and ouer-heard her distemprature and for feare shee might haue burdened her tender heart with to ●…ore conceit discouered her self a●…d thus presumed to try whether counsell and comfort had made a league together Leauing most peerlesse and long I hope to continue most peerelesse Princesse to agrauate your griefe either with as much griefe or more teares I hope my former vnd●… Zeale shall ●…fie that the imparting of your sorrow hath deuided the same wherfore I thought it part of my dutie to studie for redresse which the God●… I hope haue consented vnto in this manner Let a iorney bee made to Delphos There will the Oracle either disanull the vnmercifull co●…ts as ouer ruling by deuine reuolution or ratifie the crueltie as a distributiue iustice in reuenging abus●… wickednes in after ages by the one must Kalucki remit the composition as vnreasonable by the other Mengrelius maintaine it as prodigious This was so well liked of Arcabella that present ioy chased away the enemies to health griefe and dispaire making way to cheerefulnes with whose helpe beautie appeared in more liuely colours and so shee hasted to the Emperour whom finding at leisure or causing other affayres to tarry her leisure after some debating of the matter she confirmed to her opinion yet for a while she was vnanswered by his musing on the successe resembling a man ready to taste of an inchanted Cuppe whose propertie by shedding or sauing the drinke warrenteth a chaste or dissolute wife and reasoning thus what do I now attempt If she be found constant it is no lesse than I expect If incontinent it is that I would not know without doubt I will therefore make no such triall but in this point Mengrelius kept not correspondencie For though he impugned the iourney by many arguments yet at the last he promised Arcabella to go in person and sealing the couenant with an amorous kisse dismissed her to entertaine a greater delight and applyed himselfe to the conuenient dispatch of the Progresse Stay a while my Egerius quoth the Duke and let vs be resolued what aduenture hath enforced this hurliburly in the Cittie With that they might heare the Alarum-bell of the Hauen ring out and a Messenger discouered King Zalbys approch whom a strange accident had drawne downe into the nether Comagena the dispatch whereof and neerenesse to the place where the Duke his Nephew was reziant gaue libertie to a motion of kindnesse to put it selfe it practise and thus occasioned his accesse to Fortona IN the setled time of King Zalby●… gouernment the neither Comagena was famous for the Riuer Gozaxs playing the wanton betwixt the Pallaces of the Lords Cusanach and Soltimos which as you see a Messenger bring glad tydings to one and so returne to another ran through a pleasant valley to Cusanach and backe againe to Soltimos proportioning both the sides of a Peninsule with a current of 15. Leagues For first it went forward with iollitie to the East and then as if it had beene proud of some good Newes with a stately compasse least too short turning might hinder his good speed whirled backe againe to the West and by often recourses at last acquainted the inhabitants with the birth of two sonnes two sons famous to the world for Natures first life famous in the world for liues strange loue famous from the world for loues vnmatchable continuance which made death stomach the 〈◊〉 For as the worke finished in them both shewed but one person in both though parted in motion so the mindes of both grew with their bodies to a Sunpathy and resembled sweet musicke made by the well tuning the strings onely their names accorded to this difference that Cusanach taught Xantippus the dutie of a sonne and Soltimos shewed Encelidon the affection of a father and surely how euer greatnesse breedeth many times contempt the secret enemy of conuersation and absolute hinderer of former amitie yet heere did the fathers liue without grudging and the sonnes proportion their affections accordingly as not debarred by the distance of their dwellings from counter-changeable meetings and inseperable familiaritie in eating lying liuing and louing together keeping time in their actions as if they had determined to conclude some woonder of friendship in the world and indeed appeared like Twinne-brothers of one mother both in habite fashion demeanour and what circumstances soeuer may make any thing like another yea it grew to that rare and admirable effect that when Xautippus had with strange conflicts resisted his passion least the loue of Eucasta beautious Eucasta and in being beloued of Xantippus fortunate Eucasta should deuide the loue of his friend he yet continued the same Xantippus and would not permit Encelidon to depart from Xantippus nor could indeede Encelidon digest any thing but what liked Xantippus AT last Fortune despighted to behold such a mirrour of immutability bribed the sonne of Venus as the Poets vse to sing to sow the seedes of Diuision which how euer they rooted were sprinkled in Encelidons heart and began to spring forward as sweetned with the graces of Eucasta which like the translucent beames of so me fayre Planet shewed tokens of admiration rather then knowledge so that Encelidon could not but loue Eucasta Eucasta could not but like Encelidon because hee was like Xantippus and Xantippus loued Eucasta the better for liking Encelidon till the controuersie grew betwixt a passion ouerruling Reason and true Friendship ouermastring Idle humors But when Encelidon perceiued no way of comfort but by beeing a traytor to Zantippus friendship preuayled and hee chose rather to die then to be found dissoyall so that after many circumstances of discontentment hee would haue killed himselfe had not the working of his spirit compelled the tongue to intreat Death not to be too too cruell by which occasion with the fortune of ouerlooking his de●…neanor Xantippus was made acquainted with the errour of Encelidon and Encelidons distraction exposed both feare and trouble yet the admirable innated loue expelled the combersome enemies of his quiet Ielosie and Mistrust and by way of kindnesse hee expostulated with Encelidon the cause of his griefe distemperature and now desperate attempt But as you see a guiltie man disconsolare with the iudgement of Conscience and Law concluding his finall end so stood Encelidon hauing nothing to answere but amazing lookes and a deiected countenance wherein Xantippus might read the mischiefe pretended and by his abashed vnwillingnesse to reueale found and at last compelled him so to confesse the first discouerie to be true Encelidon had no sooner cursed the day of his Birth Fortune Loue Heauen Earth and Hell that thus had
a greeting Heere Trezoboro dismounted and with obedient demeanor prostrated himselfe to Mengrelius who could not but like a father make his ioy the more appeare like a Prince reioice with his subiects for such a recouery So he tooke him in his Armes with teares and conducted him to Arcabella Ballutasa with gladnesse but they seemed transported to a nother world with his sight and seasure and as when the Sunne at his going downe is taken into heauen from the sight of the earth so was the Prince conueyed from the rest betweene them into a new glory and sence reioycing delight which continued in firme strength without so much as any mans whispering the least mistrust of alteration vntill the cause of their now goodnesse effected the troubles ensuing by reason Kalucki made acquainted with this discouery layed claime to the Empire and came in person to plead his right but we must take a progresse into another Kingdome before he be ready to come hither HOwsoeuer Historiographers haue written of many strange Customes tending to inciuilitie amongst the Tartarians in regard of the many strange Nations within so spacious a Country yet haue they all concluded that no people are of better obseruance toward their Emperour nor Emperour so imperious ouer his Subiectes by reason whereof diuers Warres and Stratagems hath made them beleeue the Crowne was held in the hand of Victorie to be bestowed on the preuayler But amongst others the most famous chaunced betweene Barka and Allau both Noble valiant beloued and at one time nominated Emperours yet by no meanes consenting to Deuision or Competition Now because in such Conuulsions there is no medium betweene an Emperour and Traytor either striued as well to liue as to reigne so that the dissention continued with great difficultie and extremitie betweene them at such time as Kallucki dispossessed in Trebizond came with his complices into this Country and politickly considering his estate made offer of seruice in nature of a mercinarie Souldier vnto Barka who superstitiously imputed his comming as sent from Heauen to his assistance and therfore without curiosity quartered him by himselfe sent a Treasurer with other officers to attend him but it was not long ere he made Tryall of his vertue in some slender Skirmishes which with admiration of discipline and valiant execution he performed Then he sent him to surprise a place entrenched whether Allau had drawne his cheifest strength and by the same both kept the passages and him selfe from danger this seemed a matter of difficultie yet with diuers pioners and by lodging neere they were able to make a Mine a thinge as yet vnknowne amongst them out of which in the dead of the night they issued on the enemie and committing a notable slaughter leueled the place with the ground and so returned in Triumph Lastly he put him in trust with Managing the maine Battaile for Allau would tryfle no longer but appointed a day of Tryall wherin his Fortune and vallure ioyned in Leauge For in that encounter he slew the strong reputed Allau discomfited his forces and setled Barka in a quiet possession of greatnesse as himselfe in a strange commendation of goodnesse because the people apprehending him the meanes whereby their troubles ceased and peace flowrished performed intercession to the Gods for his prosperitie and made proferre of themselues to support him in any enterprise of his owne This was soone perceiued by Mullumalla cheife Empres for their coustomes allowed many wiues and more Concubines yet was the Law of adulterie seuerely punished amongst them who long since found her selfe surprised with his loue and hunted after euery oportunitie to discouer her affection which hauing receiued impression from the report of so many who seemed to dote on his worth was after strengthned with her one opinion iudgment from his presence vertues grew to a kind of vehemencie and that hindred by many reasons and further incombrances encreased to impatience because she thought there was yet meanes to do her selfe good he being a stranger would to be glad to be the fauorit of an Empres But as she went forward in this path of incontinency successe not alwayes respectious to vertuous proceedinges attended without her owne seeking and preiudice as arising from the I●…rors iniustice vpon this occation No sooner had the vertue of Kalucki shewed her excellencie and the people more and more had him in estimation whereby the new established Barka was to determine something for his recompence and aduancement but a certaine ielowsie of his insinuating into the fauor of the kingdome and misconstruing his royall birth and right to Trebizond which all sortes began already to pittie and so to fauor slacked his loue toward him weakned the strength of his willingnesse to aduance him nor leaft his conceite so but a further peeuishnesse whispered that he sought to rob him of his subiects hearts now when strange humours were entertained strange distempratures followed in so much that he one while resolued quite to dismisse him as hauing no further occation to imploy him but that he thought was too inhumaine and his Subiectes would neuer condiscend vnlesse it were to recouer his Empire Another-while hee studied to proportion him some remote corner to inhabit in but heere hee mistrusted it would be reputed a disgrace as proceeding from a wearisomnesse of his Company and then the opportunitie to thinke it a disgrace might cause him to reuenge it as if it were a disgrace indeed Anon hee imagined to send him further vnder colour of an honourable atchieuement against India but suspecting the increase of his Renowne in successe he hapned by the way on another doubt a reuolt by the same Armie committed to his charge Thus did the vncertaintie of the best course inhibit the certaintie of any course till at last the very feare of Alteration encreased euery Conceit to preuent the feare and when no meanes of contentment without his absence appeared hee depended on this by some course or other to make him away as for his Followers the head beeing cut off the rest of the members would quickly perish Yet lay hee awhile in waite to intrappe him in some haynous mulct or other but fayling hee concluded by secret callenture or other diuelish imposture to finish his tragedy This was neither hid with so close a veyle but Kalucki perceiued the Emperours incongruent behauiour toward him nor debated with such trust but Mullumalla foresaw the mischiefe which shee not much repined against because shee had so good a ground to worke vpon and so might raise her ambition faitsfie her loue and suffulciate her glory yea though the life of the Emperor payed for it and although her owne spirit would questionlesse haue ripened conceit to satisfie her desires for what cannot nay what will not a woman a Prince and in loue effect yet Fortune added winges to her intiention and now helped to rowle the stone which at
the greatnesse of her state in that place where once shee had liued in meane degree But as hee was marching a Brother of the Queenes vnder colour of Embasie from Artabanus and crauing priuat conference stabd him to the heart with a poysoned Knife Now was Damafloris sole Queene and with her cunning and authoritie handled her businesse so well that by aduancing of some bestowing of Offices on others placing reconsiled Friends least farre off they might prooue dangerous Enemies neerest her seate and forbearing a time the vsuall impositions of the Kingdome her former errour was forgotten and they were contented to admit of her Sonne Ascrasapes for King who by this time was able to conceiue of matters of gouernment and seeing the miseries which the Warres had in a manner deuasted all the Kingdome with pollitickly matched with Mitrea the Daughter of Tautaxes slaine by his Vnckle hoping by vniting both the Families togeather to leaue no scruple nor doubt for his succession In his time many troubles were appeased but what he purposed the strength of his state was his owne ouerthrow like a man determining to spit poyson out of his mouth but doing it against the winde it flyeth backe againe in his face and inuenome●… as ill Which came to passe by hauing a Sonne this Astiages now reigning whom his Mother Mitrea brought vp very carefully as looking on him with reuengefull and ambitious eyes to maintaine her owne greatnesse and by his meanes to bring to good end what shee had long since deuised First then the remembrance of her Father helped forward her hate against Damafloris and that ended not without effects and they procured Ascrasapes to depose her from her regencie by suggesting a conference happening betweene the Mother and Sonne wherein shee dared to tell him hee must respect her as principall cause of his Honour and that hee was tyed in a kind of duty toward her for aduancing him in this sort Little needed the Spurre to a forward Horse little needed Mitrea to vrge this against her because hee tooke it in ill part and the Sonne of such a woman had malice enough in store which according to the Queenes owne desire made his Will stand for a Law against both his Mother and her partakers The second attempt was against the King himselfe for finding her heart to stomacke shee was matched with a Bastard for whose sake her Father was slaine and her selfe more in pollecie then honour and loue thus confirmed shee cared not what troubles were procured or mischiefe might settle her minde so that after many circumstances Ascrasapes died not without suspition of poyson and shee in her Pha●…tons flourish was sole Queene of the East But the Noble men of Persia casting vp the account of these strange distractions of the Common-wealth thought by taking away the cause to remooue the effects and by quite abolishing the race of Ormisdates especially the ofspring of Damafloris and some what fearing the violent humour of the Queene Mitrea determine for another King and looking toward Artabanus of Medea as well for his owne worth as his Grandmothers sake and Fathers losse who though he perished not in the Fieldes of Persia yet by his beeing heere his troubles in Media were occasioned nominated him to the place and sent accordingly to bid him prouide for all their goods Yet by the good behauiour of Mitrea was this iudgement reuersed and Astiages her Sonne appearing with some towardlinesse made them repeale the former Edict as it were pittying his youth and that hee deserued no such punishment but indeed the desire of satisfaction toward the noble house of Tautaxes bound in their duty and obedience with stricter obseruation So they all submitted to Astiages and misfortune weary of tartying long in Persia passed into Media as you haue heard in which time the Kingdome of Astiages recouered some part of her former glory vntill Artabanus tooke vpon him the burden of being wronged and so lay in waite for reuenge which hee went about but was frustrated by his forces defeature vnder the leading of Adelphus and so shot another shaft of all peace working goodnesse bythe sending of Mul●…asses but how he sped the Prince Sacromirus beere can-best tell For as I suppoose the beautie of Roxana daughter to Astiages had then drawne him into Persia Indeed said Sacromirus indeed sayd the Duke by your Princely leaues we will be sparing of this delight For pleasure vsed with extremytie looseth her sweetnesse and best propertie therfore let vs first diue and remember the Ladyes as well loue exercise as discourses and yet the hearing of other mens matters doth little touch their owne prayses so that day passed with the varietie of Courtly pastimes and the next with the flying of Hawkes the third with hunting and the fourth made the time seeme very long had not the company entreated Sacromirus to finish Anzitemus story who thus began AFter Aistages was in in a manner restarined by the wisdome of his Councell he yet most ingenerously scorned to be so courbed of his will and enraged put in execution a terrible reuenge imprisoning Mulcasses against the Law of Armes and surprising Adelphus against the Law of honestie within the time of truce gathering his Armie togeather and one night came vpon him vnprouided he yet vsed the aduantage of his Trenches and some streight passages he had fortunately Barrocaded But alasse this rather sharpned then rebated their courage So by reason of ouernumber and home assisted they quickly made a breach into the Campe and Triumphed with a notable slaughter Adelpbus dangerously wounded and hardly escaping to be the messenger of more harder tidinges When Artabanus saw him selfe thus subiect to the mallice of fortune and that he resembled a man who once stumbling neuer left reeling till he came to the ground or one whom shrewd Turnes as it were in sequence followed after one another his modest anger could not refraine from inuection and pashionat complainning against his Fortune But when Anzitemus stomached the dishonor because his Councell consorted not with successe and that he saw a further procrastination of his businesse little needed Arttabanus to trouble conceite how to winde vp the Wheeles of this engine For he importuned the iorney in person and opposed against the difficulties obiected Wherupon the Magi and Haruspices were commaunded to attend who by their sacrifices deuined the greatest and happyest euent and Anzitemus with a well prouided and sufficient Armie passed through all the borders of Persia possessing the strongest holds and after in three encounters preuayled against Astiages enforcing his retreate to the strong Towne of Susiania where the place almost impregnable made him lye a while houering like a skilfull Faulken that with aduantage he might sease on his prey By this time had report added much to his glory and that made the comparison betweene his true vertue and Astiages ill disposition stand him in great stead For when vntoward remembrance had layed