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A37291 A paraphrase and commentary upon the epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans by William Day ... Day, William, ca. 1605-1684. 1666 (1666) Wing D473; ESTC R6047 560,180 444

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which God gave to the Jew but not to the Gentile and thou art circumcised with that cirrumcision which God appointed as a sign of that Covenant which God made with Abraham whereas the Gentile is uncircumcised and ignorant of the Law of God But though thou judgest thus with respect of persons to thy self yet we are sure that the judgement of God is according to truth and without respect of persons against them which do such things be they Jewes o● be they Gentiles 3. And thinkest thou this O man that judgest them which do such things and doest the same that thou shalt escape the judgement of God 3 But tell me in good earnest O thou Jew doest thou that condemnest them which do such things and doest thy self the same doest thou I say think this that thou shalt escape the judgement of God 4. Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance 4. Or presuming that God is well pleased with thee because he doth not execute some signal judgement upon thee but is good and patient and long-suffering towards thee doest thou despise him and fearest him not because of this his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering towards thee not knowing that the end of Gods goodness is to lead thee to repentance 5. But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of God 5. But thou through the Blindness and hardness and impenitency of heart which thou contractest to thy self by these means thou I say doest augment the weight of those punishments and encreasest the number of those torments which shall be poured out upon thee by reason of thy sins in the day of Gods wrath when he shall execute his righteous judgements in the sight of all the world 6. Who will render to every man according to his deeds 6. Who will then render to every man a reward according to his deeds 7. To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honour and immortality eternal life 7. To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek according to the Gospel for glory and honour and immortality eternal life 8. But unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath 8. But unto them which obey not the Gospel which is the word of truth but are contentious against it and against the Ministers thereof and obey lies indignation and wrath 9 Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evill of the Jew first and also of the Gentile 9. Yea tribulation and anguish shall fall upon the soul of every man that doth evill if he repenteth not of the Jew first and then of the Gentile 10. But glory honour and peace to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile 10. But glory honour and peace shall be to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and then to the Gentile 11. For there is no respect of persons with God 11. I say to the Jew first and then to the Gentile including the Jew as well as the Gentile in the punishment which I speak of for there is no respect of persons with God 12. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law 12. For as for the Gentiles who have not received the written law they as many of them as have sinned shall be condemned Though not by that law because they received it not and as for the Jewes who have received the written law as many of them as have sinned under that law shall be judged by that law 16. In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel 16. In the day wherein God shall judge even the secrets of men by Jesus Christ whom he hath appointed to be judge both of the quick and dead according to the Gospel which I have preached 13. For not the hearers of the law are just before God but the doers of the law shall be justified 13. I say as for the Jewes who have received the written law they as many of them as have sinned under that law shall be judged by that law for if we think of obtaining justification by the law not the hearers of the law and the Learned in the law are justified before God but the doers of the law that is to say they which do and have done the works of the law so exactly as the law requires and have never broke the least title thereof at any time they and they onely shall be justified by the law in Gods sight 14. For when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves 14. But because I said of the Gentiles who have not received the written law that as many of them as have sinned shall be condemned though not by that law because they received it not I would not have any think that the Gentiles were quite without law for then indeed they could never sin and never be condemned for sin for sin is the breach of a law But though they had not a written law that is a law visibly written in Tables of Stone as the Jews had yet are they not without a law For when the Gentiles which have not the law that written law which was written in Tables of Stone and given by Moses do by the light and instinct of Nature the things which are contained in the written law of Moses these though they have not that law yet they are as a law unto them selves 15. Which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another 15. For they shew that that which the Law of Moses enjoyneth is written though invisibly in their hearts when as they make publique Laws and give private Precepts conform thereunto c. And their conscience also beareth witness to this that is to say their thoughts which accuse or else excuse them by course excuse them when they do well and accuse them when they do ill which they could never do if they had not a Rule that is a Law to judge them by a Law which tells what is good and ought to be done and what is evil and to be eschued 17. Behold thou art called a Jew and restest in the Law and makest thy boast of God 17. But whereas thou thinkest O Jew that thou shalt escape the judgment of God because thou art a Jew and because thou hast deep knowledge in the Law of God c. I tell thee that thou art so far from escaping the judgment of God
be done thereby By the Law understand the Law of Mosos and that not the Ceremonial but the Morall Law by him given He saith that the Gentiles did such things as are contained in the Law not because they performed or kept the Law which the Jews broke or that they did fully answer that knowledge which they had of the truth but because they did many things which the Law prescribed for in making publick Laws and in giving private precepts they did praescribe and give in precepts honest things and forbid things dishonest even as the Law of Moses it self did These having not the Law i. e These though they have not the written Law of Moses given them in Tables of stone or outward writings as the Jews had Are a Law unto themselves That is Are as a Law or instead of a written Law unto themselves The Particle As is here as often it is elsewhere to be understood Therefore they are as a Law unto themselves because they can by the light of Nature which is in them tell themselves what is honest and what dishonest and what is to be done and what to be left undone V. 15. Which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts This relative Pronoun which includeth here and intimateth the cause as also it did chap. 1.25 q. d. For they shew Supple by doing by nature the things contained in the Law that the work of the Law is written in their heart And therefore they are as a Law unto themselves They shew the work of the Law to be written in their hearts because they do those things which are contained in the Law verse 14 The work of the Law By the work of the Law some understand the Law it self which is the Work to wit the Work of that great Law-maker the Lord of Heaven and Earth and as for the manner of speech the Law is called the Work of the Law as Circumcision is called the sign of Circumcision Rom. 4.3 Others take the Work of the Law for the effect of the Law to wit the written Law of Moses that is for the knowledge of good and evil for one effect of the Law is to shew what is good and to be followed what is evil and to be shunned q. d. For what the written Law doth work in the Jews to wit the knowledge of good and evill that do they shew written in their hearts which is an argument that They are a Law unto themselves Written in their hearts He opposeth the writing in their hearts to the writing in Tables of Stone after which manner the Law was written which was given by Moses Their conscience also bearing witness q. d. They not onely by shewing the works of the Law written in their hearts testifying that they are a Law unto themselves but their Conscience also testifying the same thing to wit That they are as a Law unto themselves This therefore is another argument to prove That the Gentiles are a Law unto themselves The Conscience is an operative Quality or Faculty or Action as some will of the mind which applieth our deeds to the Principles or Rules or Law of right Actions and thereby sheweth what is done as it ought to be and what is not done as it should be done Or it is a Practique Syllogisme as some call it which by the light of nature or of Grace judgeth and concludeth what is honest what dishonest what is commanded what forbiden what shall be rewarded what punished In this Syllogisme the Major Proposition is either from the light of Nature or from the Scriptures As for example he which sheds mans blood by man shall his blood be shed Gen. 9.6 This is the Major Proposition which the Conscience takes notice of In the Minor Proposition the Conscience of the Murderer assumeth saying thou hast shed mans blood Then doth the Conscience conclude a-against her own Master Therefore must thy blood be shed by man The Conscience therefore in whom soever it is hath knowledge of the Principles or Rules or Law of Actions and in the Gentiles which have no written Law given them from God as the Jews had she hath this knowledge from what is imprinted by Nature in their hearts Therefore well might the Apostle say that their Conscience testifieth that they are a Law unto themselves And their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another q. d. That is their thoughts in the mean time that they are working or doing any thing either accusing or excusing them respectively that is as they do either evil or good For if they do evil their thoughts will accuse them if they do good their thoughts will excuse them though men accuse them This I take to be the sence of this place as it is here rendered where Tò in the mean time signifies the mean time that they are working and One another is as much as them respectively For I understand this not of the thoughts but of the Men in whom these thoughts are But if you take it as though their thoughts accused or else excused one another So that the Accusers and Excusers were thoughts and the Accused or Excused were thoughts understand it not so as that the thoughts did this Reciprocally That is as if the same thoughts did accuse the same thoughts which accused them c. But so as that when evil thoughts arose in a man other thoughts arose in him and did accuse those evil thoughts of sin and evil and when those thoughts arose in a man which might seem evil and were not so other thoughts arose and did Apologize for and defend these thoughts For the word in the Original is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which doth not alwayes signifie a Reciprocation as will appear by Ephes 5.21 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Being subject one to another in the fear of God where the Apostle would have Subjects to be subject to their Princes Servants to their Masters Children to their Parents but not Princes again to their Subjects Masters to their Servants nor Parents to their Children And according to this interpretation and exposition To in the mean while must either be redundant or signifie while they are Practically busied in examining what they have done Yet this place is most commonly rendered by other Interpreters thus though the sence be in a manner still the same and their thoughts by turns accusing or else excusing them The sence whereof is this q. d. That is their thoughts by turns either accusing them as when they do ill or excusing them as when they do well Note that the Conjunction And is put here as a Note of Declaration and is as much to say as That is for the thoughts accusing or the thoughts excusing are as two Species or Parts of the Conscience and declare what the Apostle meant by Conscience The thoughts of men cannot accuse men except they have a Rule or Law to judge their actions by from which Rule or
concerning the enemies of David and those which were estranged from him which is the Literal sence And another concerning all such as were Aliens from Spiritual Israel to wit the faithful and were as it were enemies unto them or concerning such as were strangers from Christ and were not with him and therefore against him as it is said Mat. 12.30 which is the Mystical sence Now the Apostle producing these Testimonies according to the Mystical sence of the words to prove that all which have not received Christ both Jews and Gentiles are under sin And he may effectually prove by them that all both Jews and Gen●iles which are Aliens from Christ and strangers to his people are under sin because they are all really intended and spoke of here in the Mystical sence For as the Israelites according to the flesh were a People which God had chosen to himself Deut. 14.2 So were they a Type of the faithful in Christ Jesus whom God hath taken to be to himself as Children by Adoption and as God had made choice of David to be his King and his annointed so did he ordain that David should be an eminent Type of Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords And as the Israelites according to the flesh were a Type of the faithful in Jesus Christ so were their enemies a Type of those which were enemies of the faith or of the faithful and of such as were not in communion with them and as David was a Type of Christ so were the enemies of David and those which were estranged in affection from him a Type of the enemies of Christ and those which were strangers from him So that the Holy Ghost when he doth describe the Manners of those which were the enemies of Israel and of David and strangers from them and either of them in the Historical or Literal sence he describes the Manners of them also which are enemies o● the faithful and of Christ and strangers from them or either of them in the Mystical sence Note here that from these and such like Allegations as these are which Saint Paul often useth in his Epistles it doth appear that the Jews did allow of such Mystical sences of the Scriptures as these are although they did err in the Persons or Application and neither acknowledged that Jesus was the Christ nor applied such passages of the Scriptures as these are to themselves Ver. 13. Their throat is an open Sepulchre with their tongues they have used deceit the poyson of Aspes is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood These are other Testimonies of Scripture brought to prove that all both Jews and Gentiles are under sin and whereas the former Testimony proved for the most part that they did not do those things which they ought to have done So these Testimonies prove that they did do those things which they ought not to have done But note here that whereas the Ap●stle doth reckon up here in these Testimonies which he brings many sins we must not understand him so as that his meaning were that all these sins which here he reckoneth up were actually in every man whether Iew or Gentile but that some of them were in some others in others yet so as some sin or other was in every one and every one had gone aside and become filthy q. d. The throat of some of them is an open Sepulchre others have used deceit with their tongues and the poison of Aspes is under their lips The mouth of others is full of cursing and bitterness the feet of others is swift to shed blood c. Neither must we understand the Apostle so as if his meaning were that these which he here reckoneth up were the only sins which were in these men but that there were other sins also in them and that if any of these were not in some few of them which yet we can scarcely say yet there were others in them as bad as these or if not as bad yet such as were enough to expose them to Gods wrath and to damn them Their throat is an open Sepulchre with their tongues they have used deceit Those words are taken out of the fifth Psalm verse 9. and are agreable to the Septuagint whereas according to the Hebrew the words run thu● Their throat is an open Sepulchre they flatter with their tongue Where note that the Apostle useth to follow the Septuagint where it little or nothing varies from the Hebrew Their throat is an open Sepulchre That is their throat is As an open Sepulchre for as out of an Open Sepulchre in which a dead body hath been long buried when it is opened there cometh out filthy loathsome stinks and smels So out of their mouth or throat do proceed foul filthy words Note that the note of similtude As is often left to be understood after the Hebrew manner and so it is here This sence will these words bear and yet they will yield another sence too and that 's this q. d. Their throat is as an open Sepulchre because as a Sepulchre is opened that it might receive the dead body to consume it or destroy it so are their throats opened that they may destroy them whom they speak against with their wicked words And this sence is most agreable to the sence of the Place For the fifth Psalm was penned by David either when he fled from the face of Saul or when he was fain to fly because of Absalom at which times respectively there were not wanting those which advised both Saul and Absalom to cut off Davids life if they could The Prophet Jeremy saith of the Babylonians that their Quiver is an open Sepulchre Jerem. 5.16 And therefore doth he say that their Quiver is an open Sepulchre because as a Sepulchre opens its mouth that it may receive and so consume the dead So their Quiver was opened that it might by the Arrows drawn from thence destroy the living And thus is the Throat said to be an open Sepulchre because the words proceeding from them are destroying words words brought forth to take away a mans life With their tongue they have used deceit i. e. They speak deceitfully and guilefully with their tongues for their words are fair but their heart is foul they speak fair with their mouth but bear mischief in their heart and would entrap the Innocent to destroy him The Hebrew translated word for word is They flatter with their tongue but being they flattered for this end that they might entrap with their tongue They as the Septuagint renders it have used deceit Thus did many deal with David to engratiate themselves with Saul and with Absalom They did speak him fair and flatter with him that they might know his secrets and then reveal them to Saul and Absalom that they might take him and so kill him The Poyson of Asps is under their lips They which hurt others with
their speech are said to have poyson under or in their lips Of such Saint James saith That their tongue is full of deadly poison James 3.8 The poyson of Asps an Aspe is a little Creature frequent in Africa whose poyson is very venemous Aristotle in his Historiae Animalium lib. 8.29 Saith that the venome of this Serpent is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is incureable Is under their Lips He may say under their Lips to signifie that it was not to be seen or perceived And signifie by that again that these were men of flattering tongues but of most bloody hearts or thoughts But others take under their lips barely for In their lips These words are taken out of Psal 140.4 Which Psalm was wrote by David against Doeg and the Ziphites who did malitiously accuse him and speak all evil against him to Saul and by these words the Prophet sheweth how these his enemies dealt with him but being the enemies of David who was a Type of Christ prefigured the enemies of Christ that is such as believed not in Christ The words may be applied to them also in the Mystical Sence Ver. 14. Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness This is taken from Psal 10 7. and cited according to the Septuagint whereas according to the Hebrew Text it is thus his mouth is full of cursing and deceit Where it seemeth as it is observed by many That the Septuagint did read Vmireroth amaritudinibus i. e. and bitternesses for Vmirmoth fraudibus i. e. and deceits yet as these latter words are not much unlike no more is the Sence For wicked men are wont to speak all manner of evil against the Godly with all bitterness but yet falsly and therefore deceitfully For it is false which they speak though they would have men believe that it is true so deceiving them See Matthew Chap. 5. ver 11.44 By this also doth David describe the nature of his enemies as he did before but by describing them he describes such also as should be enemies to Christ that is to the Faith He saith here whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness Whereas the Order of his speech requireth that he should have said their mouth c. But it is not unusuall to confound Subjunctive Articles or Pronouns with Praepositives An example whereof we may have in that great Master of Rhetorick Cicero Philip 1. Eas leges quas ipse vobis inspectantibus recitavit pronunciavit tulit quibus latis gloriabatur iisque legibus Rempublicam contineri putabat de Provinciis de Judiciis eas inquam Caesaris leges nos qui defendimus acta Caesaris evertendas putabimus Where iis and quibus are mixt together Again in the tenth Psalm 7. verse as it is read according to the Septuagint whom St. Paul followeth It is not a Praepositive but a Subjunctive Article and the Apostle useth for the most part when he citeth any Testimony to cite it as it lieth in the Text out of which he takes it and not to regard the Syntax where he useth it Ver. 15. Their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their wayes and the way of peace they have not known These Testimonies are taken out of Isaiah Chap. 59. v 7 8. but not according to the strict words yet according to the Sence as they which take view of the place may easily perceive And they are spoken there of the Jewes of that time But those Jews were Types of these Jews which lived in Pauls time for Jews of one time are Types of Jews of another time See notes Chap. 2. ver 24 And therefore well may Saint Paul apply what was said of the Jews of that time to the Jews of his time Adde to this that the Jews of which the Prophet Isaiah speaketh were such as were at that time in Captivity under the Babylonians Now the captivity of the Jews under the Babylonians was a Type of the captivity of Man under sin and the Devil while therefore the Prophet Isaiah describeth the manners of those Jews which were in captivity under the Babylonians in the Literal or Historical sence He describeth with all the manners of the Jews yea and of the Gentiles too which were captive under sin and the Devil in the mystical sence Their feet are swift to shed blood i e. They are bloody minded ready upon all occasions to runne and shed innocent blood Note that the feet are put here by a Synecdoche for the whole man and therefore the feet because we post from place to place with them when we have any thing to do Ver. 16. Destruction and misery are in their ways i. e. Which way soever they go they bring misery and destruction upon men like a common plague Destruction and misery are to be understood here not as suffered by these men but as wrought by them and that without any respect of Persons at all Ver. 17 And the way of peace have they not known i. e. They have not known how to live quietly and friendly with men Or they have not walked in peaceable ways but are strangers to them as if they knew them not Note that ways and paths are often put for the actions of Men by a Metaphor Some observe here that the Hebrew say of him that doth not care for or regard a thing that he doth not so much as know it as Jerem. 4 22. Ver. 18. There is no fear of God before their eyes i e. They do not consider with the eyes of their mind that God is present to see and behold their doings even that God which they ought to stand in fear of as being a severe punisher of all wickedness Men use to be curbed bridled in that they run not headlong into sin by the fear of God the just Judge Where therefore this fear is not men even rush into all manner of wickedness as an Horse into the Battle This Testimony is taken out of Psalm 36 1. And these words David who was a Type of Christ speaks of his Enemies who were Types of the enemies of Christ that is of the unfaithful as will appear by vers 11 12. of that Psalm So that they may be well applied by the Apostle as they are to all unbelievers which are enemies of Christ and his Servants as spoken of them in the Mystical sence Ver. 19. Now we know that whatsoever the Law saith it saith to them which are under the Law The Apostle prevents an Objection here For whereas the Apostle had alledged many Testimonies out of the Old Testament to prove that Jews and Gentiles are both under sin The Jew might object and say But what do these Testimonies which thou hast alledged concern us These Testimonies concern not us Jews neither are they spoken of us but they concern only the Gentiles and are spoken only of them To this the Apostle answereth Now we know that whatsoever the Law that is the writings
the Sea wherein they were wont to drown those which were accounted Malefactours and were persons condemned to die Others by height understand heaven by depth hell And by those again such as were in heaven and in hell q. d. Nor can heaven nor hell that is nor can any in heaven or in hell if they should set themselves against us be able to separate us c. Nor any other Creature i. e. Nor any other thing whatsoever From the Love of God i. e. From the love which God sheweth us Which is in Christ Jesus i. e. Which love he sheweth to or towards us for Christ Jesus our Lords sake The Preposition In is taken here after the Hebrew manner for For the sake of For the Hebrews take this Preposition In for almost any Preposition whatsoever CHAP. IX 1. I Say the truth in Christ I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy Ghost 1. I have hitherto plainly and undeniably shewed that Justification is not by works but by faith And I have declared the rich blessings and mercies which God bestoweth on them which are Justified by faith wherefore I say the truth in the sight of Christ my conscience also bearing me witness before the holy Ghost who knows my heart and will require it of me If I say false 2. That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart 2. That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart 3. For I could wish that my self were accursed from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh 3. For my brethren the Jews who are my kinsmen according to the flesh for I could wish if yet I might lawfully wish it that I were accursed and everlastingly separated from Christ for them 4 Who are Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the service of God and the promises 4. Who are so great priviledges and prerogatives have they above all people the children of Israel which was the friend of God by true lineal descent of blood and to whom pertaineth the Adoption by which they are made Sons of God And the glory which appertaineth to them which are Gods people and the Morall Law which was given by Moses in Tables of Stone And the Judicial Law which was given them for the maintainance of Civil Society among themselves and the Ceremonial Law which taught them the manner of Gods service and worship and all the promises contained in the books of the Old Testament 5. Whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen 5. Whose are the Fathers those Ancient Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob and of whom Christ was born as he was Man even Christ who is Lord over all and God as well as Man yea God blessed for evemore Amen 6. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect For they are not all Israel which are of Israel 6. But here before I can finish my sentence and speak out my mind which I will do Chap. 10. ver 1 2 3. I must prevent an Objection which here ariseth For whereas my Brethren the Jews know that I exclude them all from Justification which seek not after it by faith They will be ready to tell me that whereas I said that the promises appertain to them I make the promises of God of none effect except I grant them to be justified for among the promises of God there is a promise made to the Israelites which they say they are that he will cleanse them from all their iniquity and pardon all their sins Jer. 31. ver 31 34. Jer. 33.4 Micah 7.18 But for an answer to this though I say that the promises appertain to them and do acknowledge such a promise as they make mention of yet let no man think that I have so spoken as that it may be gathered from my words that the promise of God is of none effect because I will not grant them to be justified for though that prom●se of God be made to all Israel and so to them upon condition yet if we speak of that promise absolutely All they which are descended from Israel by lineal succession of blood are not that Israel or those sons of Israel to whom that promise of Righteousness or Justification doth absolutely belong 7. Neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called 7. For neither are they which are of Abraham upon that meer account that they are descended from Abraham by carnal Generation to be accounted that seed and those children of Abraham to whom the Spiritual promise of justification doth absolutely belong For the seed or children of Abraham to whom the promise of the Land of Canaan did appertain were not that seed or those children of Abraham which were in the loins of Ishmael which yet came our of the loins of Abraham but that seed or those chidren of Abraham which were in the loines of Isaac according to that which was said to Abraham by the Angel Gen. 21.12 But in Isaac shall thy seed be to wit that seed of thine which shall inherit the Land of Canaan which I have promised to thee and to thy children 8. That is they which are the children of the flesh these are no● the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed 8. That is according to the Mystical meaning of the words for not the literal but the Mystical sence is that which makes for my purpose and that for which I alledge these words they which are the children of Abraham according to the flesh which children were typified in Ishmael these are not the children of Abraham to which God promised that spiritual gift of justification which was typified by the Land of Canaan But those spiritual children which God promised to Abraham in a Mystical sence Genes 17.5 When he said I have made thee a Fa●her of many Nations that is the faithful or they which are of faith whether they be Jews or whether they be Gentiles by birth and which were typified by Isaac they and they only are to be accounted that seed of Abraham to which the promise of justification doth absolutely belong 9 For this is the word of promise At this time will I come and Sara shall have a son 9. I say which were typified by Isaac for I●aac was a son of promise that is Isaac was born to Abraham by vertue of Gods promise whereby he said by his Angel to him at this time the next year will I come unto thee And then Sara thy wife shall have a son whom thou shalt call Isaac Gen. 18.10 And because Isaac was a son of promise or because he was born of Abraham's body by vertue of Gods promise made to Abraham his Father He was a type of that spiritual seed to
words do not depend upon the words immediately going before but are together with all which is between this and the ninth verse to be read as I said as it were with a parenthesis These words from this place to the ninth verse mutatis mutandis are taken out of Deut. 30.12 c. and here used by an accomodation The Apostle hath shewed before as Cap. 4.14 c. That Justification could not be obtained by the Law Now least any one should say the same of faith he removes here from faith those things which might make it seem impossible to obtain Justification by faith And first because he said that Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth least any might think from thence that Christs bodily prescence were necessary he shews in this and the following verse That for Christ to be bodily present is not necessary at all to this And because though his bodily presence is not necessary yet his word is requisite and some might say that it was no easie matter to come to the knowledge of that his word nor was it an easie matter to find out where that his word was to be had He sheweth ver 8. that his word is not far off but nigh at hand and easie to be obtained by anyone Say not in thy heart i. e. Say not in thy mind or cast not about in thy thoughts saying The heart is put here for the mind or the thoughts after the Hebrew manner Who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above i. e. Who shall ascend into Heaven for us for this end that he might bring down Christ from above as though it were necessary that Christ should be bodily present for thee to obta●n the righteousness which is of faith or that thou canst not know how to obtain that righteousness except he should be bodily present with thee to shew thee Ver. 7. Or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ again from the dead Or who will descend into Hell to bring Christ again from the dead for this end as though it were necessary that Christ should be bodily present for thee to obtain the righteousness which is of Faith or that thou canst not know how to obtain that righteousness except he were bodily present with thee to shew thee By what the Apostle hath said here he shews that it is not needful that Christ should be bodily present with us that we may believe and be saved by the righteousness which is of faith Being that Christ hath left the Earth in h●s body he must needs be their in Heaven above or among the dead beneath therefore the Apostle saith Say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring down Christ from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead And nameth no more places Into the deep By the deep understand here the place of the dead For so that which followeth Viz. To bring up Christ again from the dead bids us to interpret it In this Interpretation which I have given of those two verses I point both the end of the seventh and eighth verses with an Interrogatory q. d. Say not in thine heart who shall descend unto Heaven to wit to bring down Christ from above Or who shall descend into the deep to wit to bring Christ again from the dead and for the so pointing of it I have Deut 30.12 for my direction And the Syriack and Ethiopique translations for my warrant Ver. 8. But what saith it That is but what saith the righteousness which is of faith that is but what saith the Preacher of that righteousness which is of faith Metonymia The word is nigh thee c. The Apostle prevents an objection here for a Jew may say whatsoever the righteousness of faith saith the w●rd which it saith may be far enough from me and I may never come to hear it or know it or if I do I must spend much labour and travail to find it out this objection I say the Apostle prevents when he saith the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth c. Note that in these words the Apostle alludes to that place of Deut. 30.14 and useth it here by an accommodation as I said before The Word i. e. The word which the Preacher of the Righteousness which is of faith saith Even in thy mouth and in thy heart i. e. The word is so nigh thee as that thou talkest of it with thy mouth and meditatest upon it in thy heart and bearest it in thy memory for thou canst not forget it This seems to be a proverbial kind of speech The Heart is taken here for the mind or memory c. That is the word of Faith which we preach That is the word which the Preacher of the Righteousness which is of Faith preacheth which we which are the Apostles of Christ preach viz c. Note that faith is taken here for the Righteousness of faith and that again for the Preacher of Righteousness of Faith by a Metonymy Ver. 9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus i. e. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Supple to be such as the Father hath set him out to be or such as the Gospel doth describe him to be Some interpret the words thus If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus to be the Lord. Jesus is called the Lord because he hath purchased us For he hath purchased us with the price of his blood Note here that it is not absolutely necessary to salvation to confess the Lord Jesus at all times with the mouth but only then when the case requireth it but it is absolutely necessary to confess the Lord Jesus with the mouth in the preparation of the heart that is it is absolutely necessary to be always ready in heart to confess the Lord Jesus with the mouth when the case shall require it and that is when the glory of God would suffer by us if we should not do it I take therefore to confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus here to be to be ready in heart to confess the Lord Jesus with the mouth Note here that to confess the Lord Jesus with the mouth or to be ready in heart so to confess him is the fruit and effect of Faith Therefore here is an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when he saith That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath rais-him from the dead For the naturall order of the words should have been this If thou shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead and confess the Lord Jesus with thy mouth thou shalt be saved Saving or justifying faith is a faith which as I said Cap. 1. ver 17. comes up