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A14032 An exposition vpon the canonicall Epistle of Saint Iames with the tables, analysis, and resolution, both of the whole epistle, and euerie chapter thereof: with the particular resolution of euerie singular place. Diuided into 28. lectures or sermons, made by Richard Turnbull, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christie Colledge in Oxford· now preacher and minister of the word of God and the holy Sacraments, in the citie of London. Turnbull, Richard, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 24339; ESTC S118931 472,056 683

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his will but by voluntarie offering of himselfe because his time was then come and standing in the iudgement hall examined and apposed concerning his doctrine by the high priest whom he willed to aske such as had heard him speake and preach for which answere hee was smitten of a seruant of the high priests though in minde he put vp the iniurie and in bodie was now at their pleasures yet in speach and worde hee withstoode the iniurie when hee saide to his smiter If I haue spoken euill beare witnesse of euill If well why smitest thou me Saint Paul beeing smitten on the face at the vniust commaundement of the Acts 23. high priest Ananias resisted in wordes that iniurie aud vniust fact and sayde the Lorde shall strike thee thou painted wall fittest thou here to iudge me according to the law and commaundest thou me contrarie to the law to be smitten Saint Augustine writing to Marcellinus diligently Epistol S. Mercel weighing the precept of Christ and of Paul and carefully comparing their examples with their doctrine witnesseth that the precepts of our Sauiour and the Apostle ought rather to be referred to the pacience and quietnesse of our hearts in the bearing of iniuries then to our outward actions and behauiour affirming that in these cases outwardly wee ought to haue greater care of our oppressours profite then of their willes and pleasures concluding that by the precept of not resisting euill in holy Scripture contained wee are prepared in minde and heart euermore to more and more iniuries but outwardly that it is lawfull either to doe or to say that which may most profite the oppressour and best keepe him from doing further iniurie As Christ and Paul his Apostle in minde and heart prepared to death it selfe yet outwardly did and spoke that which might best represse and restraine the aduersarie VVherehence it followeth when by bearing and suffering of men we make them woorse rather then by our pacience winne and gaine them then is it our dutie in minde to prepare our selues still to beare but in our outwarde action speach and behauiour to do that which may moste profite the oppressour and withholde the enemie from further iniurie and in this wise also is it permitted the Saintes of GOD to make resistaunce not repugnant to this or anie like place of holy Scripture 3 Finally there are times and seasons when by repelling force by force it is lawfull to resist also When Christians are so narrowly besteed and so straitly beset with their enemies as that they cannot haue the ayde of ciuill powers and lawfull magistrates of the common wealth but must either resist by force or bee in daunger of the losse of their liues and goods without all recouerie or recompence in such a case to resist I holde it lawfull altogether so that it bee done in a moderate defence of our selues without priuate malice or desire of shedding of blood If a man in a house be beset with wicked persons so that he can not haue aide of ciuill power for the present instant neither hath hope of recouering the damage which he may sustaine either of goodes or of life to resist with all strength power and courage and to fight for our goodes liues and bodily safegarde is not forbidden If in the high way we bee inwrapped in daunger where no Magistrates are to succour wee are as extraordinarie Magistrates to our selues to withstande force by force violence by violence might by might VVhich properly is not violence or iniurie but lawfull defence which nature it selfe hath imprinted and impressed in the hearts of men Thereof the heathen Oratour Tullie speaketh it is For Mil● sayeth hee a lawe not written but borne with vs which wee haue not receyued learned nor read but drawen and sucked from Nature her selfe vnto which wee are not taught but made not infourmed but inured that if our life fall into snares force ot dartes of our enemies or robbers wee should seeke all honest meanes of preseruing our safegard and health And our blessed Sauiour Christ permitted his Disciples Luke 22. to carrie and weare swoordes about them for their owne defence when they coulde not haue the lawfull ayde of princes and Magistrates So that albeit hee reprooued Peter for smiting with the swoorde and cutting off the eare of Malchus for that then the magistrate and ciuill officer was at hande and shoulde haue defended his innocencie yet at other times and when they went abroade he permitted them to weare weapons Hereunto the customes of Countreyes and Nations yeelde which permit it as lawfull in iourneyes and trauailes and the like opportunities to weare and carrie weapons for their honest defence about them And by these meanes is it not forbidden the iust men to resist the wicked Nowe as in some cases it is lawfull to make priuate resistance to priuate men howsoeuer blockish Anabaptists chatte chirpe or chatter to the contrarie so may it be demaunded whether it may stand with a righteous and iust mans dutie to make publike resistance by warre and publike reuengement I answere that these places doe not forbidde lawful warres Which to bee a thing lawfull in the Saintes of God it may manie wayes appeare euidently the olde and the newe Testament confirmeth it the examples of renowmed men highly euen therefore commended approue it Saint Augustine wryteth that the Manichies for this Contra Faust Manich. lib. 22. cap. 73. cause found fault with Moises because he was a man of warre and such a prince as armed the people of God agaynst manie Nations and slue mightie princes and shed much bloud The like fault the Anabaptists finde nowe with Christians whose opinions as they are not soundly grounded vpon the worde of God nor the examples of the Saints so neither is there any substanciall Why warres are lawfull reasō to approue thē but manifoldly may they be refuted 1 And first of all it may appeare that some warres be lawfull in that Almightie God himselfe teacheth Dent. 20. what in warres by his people ought to be obserued as first to offer them conditions of peace and other things in the lawe expressed Moises promiseth the people that the Lord should be their captaine to destroy the nations and Deut. 31. by warres subdue them to the people The Lorde armed the people in sundrie cases and commaunded them Deut. 13. with the sworde and by force of warres to subdue the idolaters of the lande For which cause hee also willed Num. 10. Moises to prepare him Trumpettes and other warlike instruments for the people The Lorde God spoke in an other place to Moises and willed him to auenge the iniuries Num. 31. Exod. 17. done by the Madianites against his people and against the Amalakites in another place in like manner whome the Lorde by dint of the sworde of Israel mightily destroyed By God was Iosua set a worke in all Iosua 1. c. his warres
heare not only but do also therefore he admonisheth them to be doers of the worde not hearers onely To do the worde is double 1 To doe it absolutely and perfectly so that both the heart consent and the outward A double doing of the worde life answere fully to the law of God in perfect measure To which doing God in the lawe did promise life for in the law it is said I haue giuen thee lawes statutes and ordinaunces which if thou doe thou shalt liue in Leuit. 18. them Our Sauiour in the Gospel thereunto respecting telleth the foolish lawyer who by doing would obtaine Luke 10. life that if hee would loue God with all his heart with all his soule with all his strength with all his thought Rom. 2. and his neighbour as himselfe hee should liue The Apostle shewing the Iewes which so much boasted of doing the lawe that they must perfecty fulfill the lawe if thereby they would looke to be saued saieth That not the hearers thereof but the doers of the lawe shall be iustified before God This perfect fulfilling and doing all that the law requireth is that doing which the law and Gospell mencioneth and requireth in them which by their workes hope to attaine life This no man can possibly performe for what man euer could loue God with a perfect heart with all his soule with his whole affection strength and power What man euer loued his neighbour as himselfe VVhere is he and who is he that continueth in all things that ●eue 17. are written in the law to do them VVhere is that either man or woman that neither in thought word nor worke hath broken the commaundements of God this is the obedience this is the fulfilling this is the doing which the lawe requireth which no man perfourmeth Saint Peter the Apostle therefore calleth it a yoke intollerable which neither they neither their fathers could Acts 15. beare And Saint Paul a little before to the Antiochians Acts 13. in Pisidia protesteth that by the law wee could not be saued from our sinnes because we could not perfourme it which was so weakned through the infirmitie of the flesh that it could not possibly deliuer man from sinne from death Which defect is not by nature of the law but thorowe the naturall impotency and weaknes of man which cannot doe that in perfect measure which the lawe with great exactnes requireth Saint Augustine therfore in his booke of the Spirit and letter saith very well and wisely De spiritu lit c. 19. The law is not therefore not accomplished for any fault in the law but by the fault of the wisdome of the fleshe Which fault is to be shewed and made manifest by the lawe but to be healed through grace The holy men of God therefore seeing themselues to come short of the doing of the word and lawe in this matter and manner of doing haue in the humilitie of their mindes accounted themselues as sinners and therefore haue confessed their iniquities and transgressions their sinnes and vnrighteousnes before the Lord as the Patriarches as Job Dauid Daniel the Apostles and all the Saints of God as it appeareth Seeing thē that no man is able thus to do the word there must some other kind of doing the word be by Saint Iames here required Therefore there is a doing of the word and law vnder the Gospell when Christ for vs and our saluation fulfilleth the law in perfect measure therfore Rom. 10. is called the fulfilling of the law to all that beleeue and therewith also geueth vnto his Saints as members of his body the holy Ghost the spirite of sanctification that thereby they after some measure may truely doe his will earnestly cleaue vnto his word faithfully beleeue his promises vnfeinedly loue him for his goodnes and feare him with reuerence for his mighty power And finally loue their neighbour though in great infirmitie great imperfection great weaknes This our doing of the word and fulfilling the law of God almighty God accepteth and taketh in good part for his sonnes sake who hath in all points and parts perfectly fulfilled the lawe for all those that beleeue And this our doing of Gods worde is not thereby to attaine to righteousnes with God which thing before we haue receiued by faith in Christ only but partly to testifie that by Christ we are made righteous before God and partly to shew our obedience to God therfore whose workmanship we are prepared vnto good workes that we should walke therein Such then as knowing themselues to be iustified by Ephes 2. faith in Christ before God to testifie their righteousnesse to men and their obedience to God endeuour to expresse in their deedes the hope they haue in Christ and labour in their whole life to walke worthy the calling whereunto they are called that in their conuersation they may beautifie their profession and God may in all things through them be glorified in Iesus Christ are said to be doers of Ephes 4. the word and these are the doers whom the Apostle here mentioneth Be ye doers of the worde not hearers onely And hereunto serue so many exhortations in holy Scripture whereby we are stirred and pricked forward to the practise of good workes and studie of vertue whereof the Epistles of the Apostles are full and the whole bodie as it were of the holy Scripture therewith replenished This godly endeuour according to the measure we haue receiued this studie and practise of good workes vertue prescribed this performance of obedience offered to God must shine in the Saints which as necessarie in al professorus of gods word is ioyned with the hearing therof Our Sauiour Christ ioyning the hearing and doing of Mat. 7. the word together saith That he that heareth the word doeth it is like to a wise man which buildeth his house on a rocke And shewing whom he accounteth for his brethren and his mother he saith That they are his brethern Luke 8. and mother not which heare onely but which heare and doe the will of God And to the woman which said vnto Mat. 12. Luke 11. him Happie is the wombe that bare thee and the pappes which gaue thee suck he replieth Yea rather happie are they which heare the word of God and doe it Finally when he had washed his Disciples feet mouing them to the imitation and following of his owne example in conclusion of the exhortation he shutteth vp the Iohn 13. matter in this wise If you know these things happie are you if you doe them To heare or know then the will of God and not to doe his word preuayleth nothing This knew the holy Prophets who therefore ioyned practise of the will with the hearing of the word and lawe of God as in Deut. 4. v. 1. 5. c. v. 1. Ierem. 11. 6. This the holy Angell Reuel 1. in the Reuelation weighing and pronouncing them
12. ● Cor. 12. one seuerally according to the purpose and pleasure of God In this wise if you do fulfil the royal law saith Iames you do well but if you accept persons you sinne and are become transgressours of the law for that law commandeth to loue all and disdaine none If men therefore regard the persons of men they sinne and transgresse the lawe of God And this is the first argument why wee should not haue the faith of Christ in respect of persons and the things therein contained the example of them which so doe the euils in which men in so doing commit and the conclusion Let vs beseech almightie God for his sonnes sake to remooue all partialitie of Iudgement farre from vs that neither for fauour nor for feare we honour the prophane men of the worlde to the disdaine of the brethren but that we hauing speciall care of holinesse and righteousnesse of faith and religion in our esteeming and iudging of men may so nourish and foster loue in our hearts that thereby God may be glorified who is our onely Lord and God to bee blessed for euermore Amen Iames Chap. 2. verses 10. 11. 12. 13. Sermon 11. 10 For whosoeuer shall keepe the whole lawe and yet faileth in one point he is guiltie of all 11 For he that said thou shalt not commit adulterie said also thou shalt not kill Now though thou committest none adulterie yet if thou killest thou art a transgressour of the law 12 So speake ye and so doe as they that shal be iudged by the law of libertie 13 For there shall be condemnation mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercie and mercie reioyceth agaynst condemnation THe second reason and argument why men preferring the rich to the poore with contempt do sin offend is drawne from the nature of the law of God flowing and following out of the former conclusion it is this They greatly offend the law of god who honor some ambiciously disdain other cōtemptuously this they do which honor the rich which are vile prophane wicked disdain those poor which are honest vertuous godly therfore such as respect the persons of mē esteeming faith and religion according to the outwarde appearaunce sinne and doe against the lawe of God Of which law euerie part member branch and point is so vnited and knit togither as that if we keepe all the rest and yet faile in any one as that we obserue all other partes of the lawe yet regard the outward appearance of men and so haue the faith of Iesus Christ in respect of persons we are guiltie of the whole and so transgresse the law of God Which reason in these verses is contained In the which wordes and verses containing the second argument why respecters of mens persons do sinne three things are to be noted namely 1 The proposition he that keepeth the whole law yet faileth in one point is guiltie of the whole ver 10. 2 The confirmation of the proposition he that said thou shalt not cōmit adulterie said also thou shalt not kil c. 3 The cōclusion in which are to be noted 2. things 1 The conclusion it selfe v. 12. 2 The reason of the conclusion v. 13 1 Of these three the first is the proposition the state of the matter the setting downe of the thing which is in handling and it is this Whosoeuer keepeth the whole lawe yet offendeth or fayleth in one poynt thereof hee is guiltie of all Therefore that man which keepeth all the rest of the lawe and yet respecteth the personne of the prophaine riche man and coptemneth the poore godly religious and honest is guiltie of all the whole lawe Men cutting off from the lawe what seemeth them good and keeping not the whole lawe indifferently transgresse the law and offend against it Such are they which being by Gods law charged indifferently to loue all men and count thē their neighbours and in token of loue honour some with contempt of others as men reuerencing the wealthy though they be wicked and disdaining the poore Saintes and brethren These men therefore are guiltie of the whole lawe But how is this true Surely in as much as the law is so vnited and knitte together in euery part as that who soeuer offendeth in one iote is guiltie of all in the sight of God How is he guiltie of the whole lawe that faileth but in one point or part thereof Two waies 1 Who so obserueth all the whole law yet by respecting the persons of mē offendeth against loue he is guiltie of the whole law For loue is the fulfilling of the law Who so offendeth against that which conteineth all the rest and is the accōplishment of the whole is guiltie of the whole Now the Scripture teacheth that loue is the fulfilling of the lawe Rom. 13. For this Thou shalt not committe adulterie thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steale thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour or if there bee any other law it is briefly conteined in this Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Our Sauiour Christ teacheth the saucie and malapert Lawier which asked him a question not to learne of him but to tempt him That on those two precepts of loue thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with al Mar. 22. thine heart with all thy soule with all thy minde and thy neighbour as thy selfe the whole law and the Prophetes dependeth Albeit then one obserue all other parts of the law yet offend against the law of loue wherein the whole law is cōprised he is become guiltie of all sinning against that which conteineth all which is loue 2 A man obseruing the whole law yet offending against one point or parte thereof is guiltie of the whole because no man can perfectly keepe any part of the lawe as it should be kept which keepeth not the whole therefore in failing in one iote of the law men faile as it were in all and are guiltie of all For all the parts and precepts of the law are so knitte and vnited together in an inseperable coniunction as that who so keepeth any one perfectly keepeth all who so offendeth against any one offendeth against all and is guiltie of all And is not this agreeable to Moses doctrine who holdeth all men vnder a bitter curse which obserue not Deut. 27. all the whole lawe of God denouncing that curse against euery particular offence which is denounced against the breach of the whole lawe and holding them vnder the same condemnation that offended against any iote of the lawe whereunto they are subiect which are guiltie of many transgressions To shew that men are counted guiltie before God of the whole law which are found faulrie in any part thereof Wherefore denouncing a curse against many particular sinnes he concludeth his terrible curse with these words Cursed is euery one that perseuereth not in all the words of this law to doe them Wherefore how so
sheepe among wolues and for his sake and the Gospels to be brought before Iudges scourged in Sinagogues expelled and excommunicated their assemblies and euery where euill entreated and spitefullie handled by his owne example exhorteth he thē to beare all these things and willeth them with inuincible courage Iohn 16. and patience to take vp their crosse and follow him And elswhere forewarning them of their oppressions therin he willeth them to be of good cheare and beare their afflictions with patience In the world saith he you shall haue trouble but bee of good cheare I haue ouercome the world The holy Apostle Saint Paul to like purpose perswadeth Rom. 12. men not to faint in heart not to cast downe their heads as discomfited but in the midst of their afflictions and miseries to reioyce Reioyce in hope be patient in tribulation continue in prayer Which condition inseperably ioyned with the profession of the faith ought not to seeme strange vnto the Saints neither to moue them Which S. Paul considering councelleth them to stand fast 1. Thes 3. in the faith and not to be moued with these afflictions because they were thereunto appointed of God The proposition therefore of this place is that the Saints of God must arme themselues against all manner afflictions and therein reioyce exceedingly Come there life or come there death come prosperitie or come miserable aduersitie come there sicknes or come there health come there wealth or come there woe come there persecution or come there pestilence come there sworde or come there famine come there captiuitie or come there any other miserie we must be prepared and armed thereunto and hold fast the proposition of the Apostle Brethren count it exceeding ioy when you shall fall into diuers temptations In this proposition many thinges may bee obserued worthy our consideration 1 That the Saints must coūt it great ioy when they fall into temptations and do suffer afflictions in the world Wherin the ioyes of Gods saints and the ioyes of the wicked are distinguished The wicked reioyce some in one vaine thing of this world some in an other accounting sicknes pouertie imprisonment ignominie miserie persecution famine nakednes sword death and such like afflictions as euils wherefore they shunne them by all meanes they abhorre thē as infallible tokens of the heauie wrath of God his iust hatred against them which suffer them as appeared by the sentence of Eliphas Iob. 4. against holy Iob who condemned him for wicked because he was afflicted and by the censure of the wicked who Isai 53. iudged Christ as reiected of God because he was plagued and smitten by him And the Iewes in like maner so iudged of them vpon whom the tower of Silo fell and whose Luke 13 bloud Pilate mingled with their sacrifice slaying them when they were offering esteeming them for wicked because of their punishment Finally by the sentence of the Barbarians in Melita who seeing a Viper springing out of the fire to rest vpon the hand of the Apostle S. Paul Acts 28. accounted him for a murtherer and a wicked person But so doe not the Saints for they know that these afflictions by the blessing and grace of God tende to their furtherance and saluation in Iesus Christ Wherefore they therein reioyce exceedingly and preferre this ioy before all worldly ioy whatsoeuer Insomuch as in the midst of their miserie and in their tortures torments they haue triumphed as the holy Apostles being afflicted beaten and smitten for the testimonie of Gods trueth departed and went out of the councell reioysing of whom S. Chrysostome Act● 5. saith The Apostles were scourged they reioyced they were bound and imprisoned and they thanked they Homil. pop Antioch 54. Rom. 5. were stoned and they preached The blessed Apostle Paul of himselfe and the rest beareth the like recorde that in their troubles they reioiced We reioyce saith he in trouble knowing that trouble bringeth forth pacience pacience experience experience hope hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroade in our hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs. The holy and blessed martyrs haue in like maner counted it exceeding ioy when they fel into temptations wherin they being by the will of God aboue the strength and course of nature haue triumphed whereas then the wicked shunne these as simply euill the saintes embrace them as testimonies of loue whereas the wicked in their miseries frette fume and fome at mouth for rage and anger stampe stare murmure and mutter against God yea and blaspheme him in extreeme desperation as Saint Reuel 16. c ver 11. 21. John in his Reuelation auoucheth the Saints reioice with ioy vnspeakable and glorious as in wholsome documents of their life corrections of their infirmities prouocations to praier inuitements to GOD repressors of naturall corruption encreasers of zeale and meanes whereby they are made conformable to the image of the sonne of Rom. 8. God Whereas the wicked herein faint and fall into dispaire and reioice in other thinges onely the Saints and holy men of God make affliction the greatest matter of their mirth and to suffer for Christ and his Gospel their soundest ioy remembring the proposition of the Apostle here set downe Brethren count it exceeding ioy when you fall into sundrie temptations Let worldlings then reioyce in their riches and glorie in their wealth let them reioyce in their pleasures and delight themselues in ambition and honour let them make their bankets bellie cheare and riotousnesse their ioy let them counte for their greatest happinesse and felicitie worldly securitie and vacation from all trouble yet this is the ioy the mirth the delight the pleasure the felicitie and happinesse of the the Saints wrongfully to suffer affliction and this they count vpon earth their exceeding ioy and therin they haue their reioycing Let the wicked in their miseries Exod. 7. grow from worse to worse as Pharao by his afflictions waxed worser and more impacient let them vse violent 1. King 31. hands vpon themselues as Saul in daunger of the vncircumcised Philistines fell vpon his owne sword and perished and many other at the losse of their riches the spoile of their goodes the departure of their friends and other afflictions murmured against God yet the Saintes holde vp their heads relie vpon God humbling thēselues before him vnder the crosse and count it exceeding ioy when they fall into manifold temptations 2 The worde Fall into is not without signification whereby the Saints of God are taught that they may neither procure neither hastē their owne crosse nor deserue at the hands of the worlde thus to be afflicted The Papists which in manie places and at sundrie times lay heauie crosses vppon themselues as beating their owne flesh scourging their owne bodies wearying and wasting themselues with long tedious and troublesome pilgrimages fall not by the will of God hereinto but
large discourse sheweth that by patience we are commended and presented to God that anger is repressed the tongue refrayned the minde gouerned and man thereby on euery side perfect True then is the Apostles saying auouching that patience maketh vs perfect and entire lacking nothing But now that the Apostle here saith that by pacience we are made perfect we may note that perfection is double One perfection there is of the substance of thinges as he that beleeueth constantly vpon Christ without wauering is perfect in faith for hee hath the perfection of the substance of faith Who so holdeth the doctrine of Christ as the infallible word of trueth and therunto cleaueth immoueably as to the anchor of the soule both sure and stedfast hee hath the word of God perfectly concerning the substance Who so constantly continueth in the Heb. 6. profession of his religion that neither with blast of vayne perswasion neither with storme of cruel persecution he be remoued is perfect Thus men in this world may be perfect in vertues when they haue the true substance of the vertues for which they are commended There is another perfection which is of degrees which is such as cannot be encreased in any degree as to haue such faith as that we need not to pray Lord increase Luke 17. our faith to haue such knowledge as wee neede not with Dauid desire further to be enstructed in the wayes of the Psal 25. 119. 86. Lord to haue such patience as that cannot be augmented such perfection as in nothing canbe encreased thus no man is perfect in this infirmitie and weaknes of nature by patience we grow to perfection of the substance of sundrie vertues but not to perfection in degrees but to such a measure as of men in this life may be attayned whereunto the name of perfection is geuen Thus both men in holy Scripture and things are sometimes called perfect as Iob Zacharie and Elizabeth and others yet not absolutely but either in comparison of the wicked and vngodly then whom the Saints are more holy and in comparison perfect either because the Saintes excell in the greater part of their life in excellent vertues as S. Augustine auoucheth and another father to like purpose Men 2. De meritis remis c. 2. are called perfect not that there is no imperfection in thē but because they are commended with a great heape of vertues Or finally because that measure whereunto wee grow and those vertues whereunto we aspire and clime are reputed in the Saints for perfect by the imputation of the perfection of Iesus Christ whereby all the vertues of the Saints are accepted with God Seeing then by patience vnder the manifold afflictions of this life we increase in vertue and growe to be entire perfect and as lacking nothing shall we not thereby be moued to holde fast the exhortation and proposition of the Apostle Brethren count it exceeding ioy whē you fall into diuers temptations knowing that your triall of faith bringeth foorth patience and let patience haue her perfect worke that you may be perfect and entire lacke nothing And these are the three reasons wherefore wee ought to count it exceeding ioy when we fall into diuers temptations These things thus set down the Saints might haue obiected 3. A preoccupation against his doctrin It were good thus to do we deny not but it is not so soon done as easilie spokē as thogh we were able of our selues thus in our afflictions to moderate our selues that whensoeuer we be afflicted to accoūt it exceeding ioy This obiection the Apostle answereth I know this is not a qualitie in the power and strength of nature but it is a speciall grace and gift of God in our affliction to comfort our selues that we be not cast downe nor faint hearted but rather be glad and reioyce Therefore it is to be asked of him which onely geueth this heauenly wisdome In which place there may two things be obserued 1. The obiectiō which might haue been made 2. Then the answere thereunto 1 The obiection is Wee cannot of our selues thus beare the crosse we haue no such strength in nature there is nothing more vnpleasant or vnsauourie to the flesh then is the crosse We know that in vs that is in our flesh Rom. 7. dwelleth no good thing of our selues as of our selues wee cannot so much as thinke a good thought How vnequall 2. Cor. 13. are we then to the bearing of so heauie a burthen Wee must needes sinke vnder the crosse wherefore in vaine O holy and blessed apostle in vain assuredly is this doctrine preached vnto vs. 2 The answere hereunto is this I know that this is a hard doctrine to the flesh I confesse wee are vnable of our selues to performe it this is the speciall grace gifte of God to account our afflictions exceeding ioy vnto vs. Therefore is it not to be hoped for in our selues but from him to be praied for wherfore if any man lack wisdome let him aske it of God which geueth to all men liberally and reproacheth none and it shal be geuen him but let him aske it in faith and wauer not In which answer foure things are to be considered 1 What this wisdome is It is the doctrine of the crosse here specified namely to endure patiently whatsoeuer God layeth vpon vs and to know that God in singular loue correcteth all those with the rodde of affliction whom he purposeth to make heires of his eternall glory This to knowe is wisdome farre greater then the wisdome of men This wisdome standeth in two things 1. In knowledge that we wisely vnderstand the causes for which we are thus afflicted of God as that partly for the punishmēt of our sinnes as the princely Prophet recordeth For iniquitie Psal hast thou chastened man partly for the more manifestation and plainer triall of our faith as Abraham Iob Israel the seruant and people of God partly for the aduauncement of Gods greater glory that thereby in the deliuerance of men from their calamities hee might be more glorified Finally that hereby wee being touched 1. Cor. 11. might repent lest that wee perish with the worlde Hereof to haue true vnderstanding and knowledge is a great point of wisdome euen of this wisdome whereof the Apostle speaketh As the wisdome how to beare the crosse consisteth in knowledge and vnderstanding of the ends wherefore it is inflicted and laide vpon vs so also it consisteth in an inward feeling and iudgement when in our heartes soules and consciences we haue sense and feeling of the comfort of the spirite which in afflictions of this life and in the crosse wherunto we are subiect vpholdeth and supporteth vs and with assured hope of safe deliuerāce in due season vnderproppeth vs This point of wisdome to feele inwardly the comfort of the spirite was in holy Iob who therefore in the Iob. 19. midst of all his miseries and in the
and liberalitie of our God that he doth not lade man onely but all liuing creatures with his goodnes Psal 104. who daily waite vpon him that he may giue them meate in due season God giueth it them and they gather it he openeth his hands and they are filled with goodnesse saith the holie Prophet Such is his goodnesse toward all flesh as that he giueth food to the beasts meate to the yong rauens which call vpon him Shall he carie a continuall Psal 147. and prouident care ouer all his creatures and shall he not heare the supplications of men whom hee hath made a little lower then the angels to crowne them with Psal 8. glorie and worship aboue other creatures Shal he heare the beasts of the field and the birdes of the aire when they crie to him for sustenance and shall hee not heare men who vnder the crosse call vpon him for wisdome to beare it to his glorie Shall he giue liberally to all men and shall he not giue vs wisdome when we pray therefore vnto his heauenly maiestie he is liberall towardes all and whie should we any of vs all doubt of his goodnesse wherfore if God giue liberally vnto all men there is great cause that wee should conceiue hope of obteining this wisedome at the hands of God who is so liberall to all men 3 Thirdly we haue hope to obteine this wisedome at the handes of God from the goodnesse of his nature he giueth his gifts liberally to all men and hee vpbraideth none neither casteth any man in the teeth either with his benefites so plentifully powred vppon vs or with our beggerlinesse and miserable want whereunto we are subiect therefore is there great hope of obtaining the wisedome we pray for Men when they haue done any good turne to any if they be neuer so little offended they cast men in the teeth with the benefites they haue done them and vpbraid them with the good turne they haue shewed wherfore men are loath to make request to such for any thing neither can they bee perswaded they shall obtaine when they meete with such dispositions and natures But such a one is not God for he giueth to all men liberally and vpbraideth none but such as are more vngratefull and forgetful of his benefites then bruite beasts themselues Seeing God then is bountifull of nature and giueth to all men liberally and without vpbraiding enuie malignitie bestoweth his blessings vpon vs then is there great hope of obtaining this wisedome at his mercifull hands whereof the Apostle here assureth vs If any man lack wisdome let him aske it of God who giueth to euery man liberally and vpbraideth no man and it shall be giuen him 4 But how shall we aske this wisdome hovv shall we pray for the gift of pacience that wee may obtaine it in the last and fourth place the Apostle teacheth vs if we aske it in faith and wauer not Faith therefore in all the praiers of Gods Saints is necessarie neither is there anie thing which more hindereth the graunts of God towards man then when they doubt or wauer in their praiers distrusting either the power of god as not able or his goodnesse as not willing to heare vs in the daies of our necessities which distrustfulnesse and wauering is no small euill in the sight of God neither is it a light matter to doubt of obtaining that thou desirest wherby thy double heart and wauering minde is descried who in asking pretendest hope in wuering a distrustest either the power or promptnesse or readinesse of God to giue thee the desire of thy heart and to doubt either of his power or promptnesse readinesse of minde is great impietie disloialtie and vngodlinesse Saint Augustine therefore writing to Vitalis most christianly remooueth all doubfulnesse and wauering Epist 107. from our praiers to which purpose he saith God forbid be it far frō vs that what we desire God to do for vs with our mouthes and voices we should denie him to be able to do in our hearts cogitations Men not fully perswaded of the power readinesse of God to heare them and graunt the things they pray for turne many reasons and dispute for and against in themselues whether it were good or no to aske such and such things at the hands of God by which meanes their minds being distracted into diuers opinions and caried thereby hither and thither obtaine not those things they thus doubtfully desire but rather thereby teach God to denie them Wherefore Seneca in his Tragedies saith truly he that asketh fearefully In Hippolito and doubtfully teacheth him to denie of whom hee asketh and men doubting they shall not obtaine make God vnwilling to heare them Saint Hierome to like purpose Sup. 7. Mat. saith If he that asketh obtaineth and he that seeketh findeth and he that knocketh hath the doore opened vnto him then is it apparant that he hath not asked sought knocked as he should to whom is not giuen who findeth not to whom it is not opened when he knocketh and why because of vnbeleefe doubtfulnesse and wauering the greatest enemie to the efficacie of our praiers The Apostle therefore in the obtaining of this heauenly wisdome to beare the crosse of Christ as is conuenient best serueth for his glorie remoouing all doubtfull wauering from the Saints vvilleth that they aske this wisdome in assured hope and vnfeined faith that it might be obtained wherefore he saith If any man want vvisedome let him aske it of God vvho giueth to euerie man liberally and vpbraideth none and it shall bee giuen him but let him aske it in faith and wauer not By faith our praiers are strengthned and made effectuall vvith God wherein approching to God by praier we are heard The princely Prophet teacheth vs that God is neare to such as call vpon him yet onely such as call Psal 14. vpon him faithfully Our blessed Sauiour in the holie Gospell assureth vs of obteining what we aske beleeuing Marke 11. and not doubting to obtaine it The holy Apostle and seruant of Christ S. John protesteth that whatsoeuer we aske 1. Iohn 5. of God according to his wil he would giue vs when do we aske according to the wil of God rather then when in assurance of faith and in vndoubted hope of obteining we drawe neere to the throne of his grace and mercie by praier Wherefore as when men perswade themselues of the goodnes and liberalitie of men and nothing doubt but they shall obtaine they are then caried hastily to make suite vnto them So when we are perswaded to obtaine we then soonest pray vnto God And as we must be thus persvvaded of men if wee looke to obtaine so must we persvvade our selues of God that he is both able and willing to graunt our praiers if vve looke to obtaine anie thing at the handes of the Lord vvhereof the Apostle to persvvade vs vvilleth that if vve will
Aristotle the Philosopher and heathen sending Calisthenes the Philosopher to Alexander the great king of Macedonia Aristotle oftentimes admonished and commaunded him to speake more rarely and most pleasantly to the King because he carried life and death in his tongue The which the wiseman foreseeing saith He that keepeth his mouth Pro. 21. and his tongue keepeth his soule from trouble And in another place comparing a man whose tongue is vnbrideled to a City vnwalled affirmeth As a citie lying open Pro. 25. and vncompassed with walles euen so is a man that cannot refraine his tongue Which when holy Dauid rightly weyed and aduisedly Psal 141. considered he praieth the Lord to set a watch before his mouth and to keep the dore of his lippes And the sonne of Sirach to the like purpose crieth out Who shall Ecclus. 22. set a watch before my mouth and a seale of wisdome before my lips that I fall not sodenly by them and that my tongue destroy me not Thus men thinking themselues to haue an absolute libertie to prate and prattle what they lust without hurt or danger by their saucie pratling and brabling by the euill of their tongues they greatly endanger themselues and so deceiue their owne hearts Neither that onely but by much talke they thinke to attain to the opinion of wisdome with men who onely speaking would be thought to haue all knowledge but hereby they shewe their greater follie and so deceiue their owne hearts The wise man shewing that it is great follie not to bridle and moderate the tongue saith That the voice of a foole is in the multitude of words and elswhere to like Eccles. 5. purpose A wise man concealeth knowledge but the harts of fooles publish foolishnes The same writeth that wise Pro. 12. men vse fewe words then it followeth that such as vse many words are fooles Wherefore when by much talking Pro. 17. we thinke to obteine opinion of wisdome then most of all we descrie our owne follie and thereby we deceiue our own hearts and therefore we ought to refraine our tongues Finally we thinke our tongues to be geuen vs to prattle at our owne pleasures but they are geuen as instruments to set foorth the mightie and manifolde power of God his miracles and wonderous works which he doth towards the children of men abusing then our toungs at our own pleasure we deceue our own harts Seeing therefore by not moderating our tongues we thus deceiue our selues and our owne hearts we ought with all carefulnes to bridle moderate our tongues by the word of trueth As not moderating our tongues we deceiue our own hearts so we descrie our hypoctisie we corrupt and defile our religiō and make it vaine before God therfore ought we to moderate and refraine our tongues whose speach is not good their religion cannot be acceptable Wherefore vnlesse we refraine our tongues our religion is frustrate and in vaine Now the euils and faults of our tongues frō which they not refrained deceiue our heartes and make our religion vaine are sundrie 1 Vaine talke idle friuolous seruing to no profit to no purpose prating and pratling where there is no neede Mat. 12. for which we shall geue account to God as Christ witnesseth protesting that we shall geue accounts vnto GOD Ephes 5. for euery vaine and idle word proceeding from vs. Saint Paul exhorteth the Saints to put from them all vaine and foolish talke as a thing not becomming them From this euill if we refrain not our tongues our religion is in vain For if any man among you seem religious and refraineth not from this this mans religion is in vaine 2 Another euil to be restrained in men is when we talk of god of his word of his law religion not desirous to reforme our liues according vnto his cōmandements This is a great euil and point of halting hypocrifie wherby our religion is frustrate and in vaine For to talke of Gods word and not to walke in his will profiteth or preuayleth nothing to religion therefore almighty GOD shewing their religion to be but in vaine which talked of him in their mouthes but folowed him not in their harts crieth out This people draweth neare vnto me with their lips but their hearts are farre from me worshipping me in vaine teaching doctrines precepts of men Dauid in Gods person telling the hypocrites that their talking of his couenants was in vaine in as much as Psal 50. they would not be reformed in their conuersations saith What hast thou to doe to declare my ordinances and to take my couenants in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to be reformed and castest my words behind thee Our blessed Sauiour intimateth and witnesseth vnto men that to Mat. 7. call vpon him in their wordes maketh them but hypocrites and sheweth their religion to be vaine when they doe not that which he commaundeth therefore he saith that not euery one that saith vnto him Lord Lord shall therefore enter into his kingdome but such as did the will of his father Finally Saint Paul accounting their religion as 1. Tit. vaine which talke of God in their mouthes but obey him not in their deedes condemneth them as hypocrites who say they know God in word but deny him in deedes being abhominable disobedient and to euery good worke reprobate From this vanitie and foolish prating if wee refraine not our tongues though we seeme neuer so religious yet deceaue wee our selues and our religion is in vaine And yet this is our religion in these daies consisting in lip-labour and talking of God and his commandements but not liuing according as in his lawes he chargeth vs and therefore are we not better then very hypocrites For if any man among vs seem religious refraineth not his tongue from this vanity also surely this mans religion is in vaine 3 As from these euils our tongues must be refrayned so from rash iudgement of our brethren when vpon surmised suspitions we condemne them for this also maketh Mat. 9. our religion vaine Therefore our Sauiour to remoue it farre from the Saints his Church forewarneth them not to iudge least they be iudged not to condēne least they be condemned To whom the Apostle agreeth Iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come who 1. Cor. 4. shall lighten things that are in darkenes and make the counsels of the heart manifest In which kinde they sinne which by euentes iudge and condemne their brethren accounting them for most wicked vppon whom the hand of the Lords chastisement lighteth The wicked iudged Christ condemned of God Isai 53. Wisd 3 5. chap. Job 4. Psal 41. 8. because he was chastened of the Father The vngodly condemned the Saints for despised because they were subiect to affliction in the world The frends of Job iudged Iob wicked because hee was so many waies plagued of God The people condemned the Galileans those
euer men obserue many parts of the lawe yet if they obserue not the whole they are guiltie of the whole and vnder the curse and malediction which to the general breach of the law is threatened Doth not our Sauiour teach that vnlesse we obserue his whole doctrine when we professe him and are baptized in his name that it preuaileth little to obserue some Mat. 28. when he bindeth all his seruants to the obedience of all that which he commaunded the Disciples Would not almightie God geue vs so much to vnderstand when in his lawe hee bindeth vs so often to the obseruation of the whole Which thing to intimate vnto vs the Apostle affirmeth that whosoeuer obserueth the whole law yet faileth in any point is guiltie of all A man therefore keeping all the whole lawe beside that one thing wherin he offendeth is guiltie of the whole and that no lesse in respect of the breach of the law it selfe before God then if he had offended in many points thereof albeit he more greeuously no doubt offendeth that offendeth in more precepts Wherefore as when a Prince enioyneth his Subiects the obseruing of all his lawes and ordinances which he geueth them if any one obserue all the rest saue onely one wherein he offendeth the same is a breaker of the kings commaundement and hath transgressed the law of his Prince and is subiect to the penaltie which is threatened the transgression of the whole lawe Euen so God enioyning vs sundrie precepts willing vs to obserue them all If any man obserue nine of the commaundementes yet offende in the tenth hee is a transgressor of the lawe and is guiltie of the whole law Whereunto full and perfect obedience is enioyned Thus they which obserue all the rest of the law and yet offend in any one point are held as transgressours of the whole lawe whereof they are guiltie for the law is as wel broaken in one as in many offences though not so greeuouslie in one as in many And as a iudge hauing twelue malefactors deseruing like sentence to be punished in like manner all whom the law requireth to be executed if he hang eleuen and let the twelfe escape for fauour he is an vniust a wicked and corrupt iudge in that action euen as if he saued foure sixe or more euen so when men offend in one point of the lawe though they obserue all the rest they are guiltie of the whole in as much as in one as well as in many it is broaken Whereof the Apostle Saint Iames admonishing such as wil be counted iust and obseruers of the lawe and yet haue the faith of our Sauiour Iesus Christ in respect of persons protesteth vnto them that if they keepe all the rest of the law of God yet in this one thing which is against loue they fall away from duetie they are guiltie of all If he that keepeth the whole law beside that one thing wherein he offendeth and in that one offending be guiltie of the whole law then it may seeme that it is all one to offend in one and in many precepts of the lawe that it is like sinne to transgresse in any one tittle or iote and in the whole lawe equall sinne to breake one and all the precepts and commandements of the law of God and so all sinnes may seeme alike and equall as the Stoicall Philosophers were of opinion Hereunto be it answered that the Apostle saith not he that keepeth the whole law and offendeth in one point thereof is guiltie of the whole in like manner or alike as if he had offended in the whole and euery point thereof but he is guiltie of the whole Guiltie he is of the whole who offendeth in one but not so guiltie nor so greeuously offending as if he offended in euery point of the lawe So that the Stoicall equalitie of sinnes that all sinnes are like may not herence be gathered nor auouched Which opinion of those blockish not Philosophers in deede but meere fooles rather is hissed out of the Schoole of Christ And as it may not herence be gathered so may it diuersly be confuted 1 All sinnes not to be equall it appeareth manifestly if that we looke into the causes the beginnings and the affections from whence sinnes rise in men These cōsidered one sinne shal be seene greater or lesse then another For who seeth not that sinnes proceeding of malicious wickednes are greater then such as be committed of infirmitie weaknes ignorance This the holy Prophet Dauid that man of God knew who looking into the causes Psal 59. of sinnes reputeth the sinne of maliciousnes much greater then other sinnes therefore he praieth to GOD 1. Joh. 5. not to forgeue such Saint Iohn measuring sinnes by their causes beginnings and affections accounting that sinne which is from wilfulnes whereby wee sinne vnto death farre beyonde all comparison the worst willeth that the Saints should pray for such brethren as sinne but not vnto death As for such as sinne vnto death by vniuersally and wilfully falling away from the knowē trueth he would no prayers to be made for them Our Sauiour Mat. 11. Mat. 12. Christ iudging and estimating sinnes from their causes promiseth mercie fauour grace and pardon to such as ignorantly receaued him not if at length they would come vnto him but such as maliciouslie resisted the trueth wilfully fought against the gospell obstinately opposed them selues against the holy Ghost who offered them grace they refused and so blasphemed the spirite of Christ hee protesteth should neuer be forgeuen Saint Jude distinguishing of sinnes whereof some are done of infirmitie Iude 22. 23 and simple ignorance some of stubbernes and peeuishnes measuring them by their causes willed that such as sinne in the former kinde should be pittied but such as sinne in the second should seuerely be corrected and chastened Saint Paul in two most worthie places to the Hebrewes Heb. 6. 10 disputing of Apostasie and sliding away from the knowen trueth which commeth of a malicious obstinacie and wilfulnes of mind measuring that sinne from the cause the maliciousnes and wilfulnes of their hearts denieth all pardon thereunto as to a sinne irremissible and which cannot be pardoned as other sinnes are Saint Paul writing of himselfe and his owne sinnes in afflicting 1. Tim. 1. and persecuting the Church of Christ measuring sinnes according to their causes reputeth sinnes done of ignorance lesse then sinnes of wilfulnes Wherefore he offending ignorantly obtained mercie whereas the Scribes and Pharisies and other Iewes opposing themselues to the Gospell were subiect to the eternall iudgement of God In another place pronounceth he the greater iudgement to them which wilfully and impenitently despised the lōg Rom. 2. sufferance and patience of God Finally Saint Iames this our Apostle in this his Epistle Iames 4. esteeming sinnes from the affections and fountaines from whence they come iudging that sinne which is of knowledge greater
discomfited Thus the saints and church of Christ for Peters deliuerance drewe neare Acts 16. vnto god by praier Thus Paul Silas drew neare to god when at their praier ihe very foundations of the earth shooke and trembled Thus the praiers of gods Saints shake heauen and earth and make away for vs wherby we draw neare vnto God Thus flie we to God in our needes thus drawe we neare vnto him thus are we ioined vnto god to whom we draw neare by praier which leadeth vs to the presence of god and of Christ 4 Neither do men draw neare to god by praier only Sophon 3. 2. Zacha. 1. but also by repentance which is a returning again to god vvhom through the sinnes and iniquities of our liues we had left and forsaken Thereof thus saith the Lord by his prophet turne againe vnto me and I will turne vnto you saith the lord of hosts In another of his Prophets the lord speaketh in like maner of drawing nere to god by repentance O Israel if thou returne returne vnto me saith the Iere. 4. lord Thus did Dauid draw nere to the lord when after his horrible sinnes he repented was reconciled vnto god 2. King 12. Psal 51. Thus Manasses the king falling away from god by shamefull idolatrie and wilfull obstinacie by his repentaunce in prison returned and drewe neare to God Marie Magdalen running away from god by loose life drewe neare vnto him by repentaunce VVhen the prodigall childe by his doting follie had forsaken his father yet by confession Luke 15. and earnest repentaunce hee drewe neare vnto him So when wee our selues by the transgression of our liues sequester and separate our selues from god by our vnfeined repentaunce and sorrowe of our hearts vve returne and dravve neare vnto him This thing is greatly neglected of vs men and vomen chuse rather to run and raunge further further from god by levvdnes loosnes of their liues then by sorow of hart remorse of conscience repētance for their sins to returne dravv nere vnto him surely this is a most necessary approching dravving nere vnto god then which there is nothing more expedient in the vvhole life of man For seeing the iust man falleth Prou. 24. seuen times a day frō god euery man so long as he liueth by his iniquitie he seperated himselfe frō the Lord dayly neither is there any bord left for vs to swim out by but this of repentance wherby we grow in fauour a fresh and drawe neare vnto God then must repentaunce needs be a necessary thing in the life of man for which cause it is so often and so highly commended vnto vs. 5. Men are said more ouer to drawe neare to God when they seeke to his holy arke when they runne to his Leuit. 24. 13. 14. Num. 9. 8. Nu. 15. 33. 27. v. 15. ● Kings 14 word to aske counsell As Moses oftentimes in matters which were hard and difficult or whereof he had not manifest cōmission from God drew neare to God by asking counsell from him When Saul was to follow the Philistians the priest willed that they might draw neare vnto God whereby was meant the asking of counsell at the mouth of God and of his word Thus such as in matters wherof they are ignorant seeke counsell from the mouth and word of God in his preachers and prophets drawe neare vnto God 6. By reposing all trust and confidence in God and cleauing constantly vnto him wherof Psal 73. 28. 7. Of none of all these the Apostle here seemeth to speak properly but of an other drawing neare which is by puritie sincerenes of life wherof chiefly in this place he speaketh which he commendeth vnto vs in these words cleanse your hands your sinners and purge your harts you double minded Which I take not for a new precept but with Bede others as the meane māner of performing ● Bede that which here now is enioyned that we drawe neare to God in puritie and sinceritie of life which consisteth in the cleansing of our hands and purging of our hearts before the Lord. Let vs then cōsider the place 1. In calling them sinners Sinners he meaneth not them which are subiect by naturall infirmitie to the committing of sinne as all men are so long as they rest remaine vpon the face of the earth but hereby he noteth their hainous and hornble iniquities 1. Tim. 1. 9 whereunto they were giuen 2. By wauering or double minded he noteth the shamefull hipocrisie which vvas crept in euen into their liues vvhich made some shewe of religion and had a pretence of godlines such as in outward shevv seemed deuout religious righteous holy but in their harts vvere full of vngodlinesse and impietie thus they seeme outvvardly one invvardly another in vvorde one in vvorke another one in talke another in truth therfore are they called double minded Like Ianus whom some take for Iapheth one of the sonnes of Noe others for Saturne whom the Heathen paint double faced These the prophet Dauid often sharply reproueth for that Psa 12. ●1 55. c. they speake with a double heart hauing one thing prōpt in their mouthes another couered in their minds a sinne euill and odious before God and man Therfore if we will draw neare to God our double harts must be purged that we may be such indeed as we pretende to be in shew least we heare with our great shame blush you not at it that when as in shew you beare the person of noble Agamemnon in deed you play the parte of cruell and deformed Thersites in being one in shew and another in deed If this holy Apostle did so earnestly call vpon them for reformatiō of their liues which were double minded what shall wee do to such as are triple quadruple three minded foure minded yea of hundreth minds what voice shall we sounde what speach shall we vtter what mouth shall we open against such Who with the Camelion can turne themselues into all shapes who are now hote now colde in religion now professours now Romanish Catholikes now thus now otherwise minded and affected to bleare the eyes of the simple is it not high time that we call out a lowde to them to be cleansed and with open mouth crie to them to be purged 3. The wordes bearing this signification the matter followeth that men in puritie sinceritie of their liues draw neare vnto God which cōsisteth in two things 1. In cleansing of their hands 2. In purging of their hartes before God Cleansing of the handes noteth the redresse and reformation What meaneth the cleansing of hands of all the outward life of man the correcting of all his actions and deedes of all which though it bee not yet of most of them the hande is the instrument wherefore the outward workes of men are vsually called the works of mens hands because most of them haue the
al pride and vanitie the adulterer beareth vp head as if he were right honest the couetous persons vsurers oppressours extortioners deceauers lyers and the rest of that rabble marche on bare-faced without all remorse and spende their daies in prodigalitie and care not Wherefore if there be any consolation in Christ Iesus if there be any feare or dread of endles death or loue to long and euerlasting life if we haue any care of saluation or any feare of vtter condemnation if we haue any desire to the continuance of the Gospell amongst vs or any zeale to Gods eternall glorie if wee delight in sweete and pleasant peace or take pleasure in the prosperitie of our Countrey then let vs in the feare of GOD sorowe and weepe before our destruction come vpon vs let vs turne our wanton mirth into mourning and our ioye into heauines that by our true and heartie repentance and vnfeyned mortification before God wee may turne away the indignation and wrath which wee haue most iustely from him deserued 2 As our humbling our selues before God standeth in thus afflicting of our selues by repentance so also doeth it in our casting downe of our selues before God wherein there are two things to be noted 1 The precept 2 The reason Touching the thing thus saith Saint Iames Caste downe your selues before the Lorde Like vnto which councell is that of Saint Peter Humble and prostrate 1 Petr. 5. your selues vnder the mighty hand of God that he may exalt this casting downe of our selues whereby wee acknowledge our owne vnworthines and testifie and beare witnes of our sinnes before his diuine maiestie confesse from our hearts that we haue deserued al plagues al miseries all calamities all punishments and thereby craue pardon and forgeueues that we may escape that whereof our consciences are afraid is and hath been a signe of our humbling of our selues of true repentance in the saints of God When holy Dauid saw the wrath of God kindled against him for his adulterie and his sore indignation beginning to burne in the punishment of the child then besought 2. Kings 12. he the Lord then went he in and fasted and lay all night vpon the earth and so cast downe himselfe before God In like manner when Absolon had slaine Ammon his brother Dauid the king feeling the wrath of God vpon his house as was threatned by Nathan rent his garments 2. Kings 13 Luke 18. 13 Mat. 8. 8 lay on the groūd in most humble and lamentable maner casting down and prostrating himselfe before God Therunto Saint Iames in this place exhorteth and willeth vs to humble our selues by casting downe prostrating our selues before the Lord. Thus must we abate our proud spirites cast down our loftie and lordly lookes couer our faces for the shame of our sinnes against God committed Whereunto the Apostle respecteth in this exhortation Cast downe you selues before God thus to do how holy a sacrifice how acceptable an offering how pleasant a duetie is it to the Lord To the perfourmance wherof the rather to moue vs The reason the Apostle setteth downe a reason full of comfort Caste downe your selues saith the Apostle before God and he 1. Pet. 5. will lift you vp The same reason Saint Peter vseth Humble your selues therefore vnder the mightie hand of god that he may exalt you in due time That men therefore should not thinke their labour lost when they prostrate and cast downe themselues in true humilitie before God neither their humilitie to be destitute of reward the Apostle reasoneth from the effect Cast down your selues God will lift you vp The proud then shall not alwaies be aloft neither shall the humble alwaies be cast downe but the daies will come when both the proude which exalt themselues shal be brought lowe and the humble which cast downe themselues shal be exalted The Lord exalteth those which in true humilitie of their hearts cast down themselues before him This preached Ezech. 17 God by Ezechiel where promising to pull down the proud enemies of the Church which exalted themselues against it and to exalt and lift vp the Church which was lowe cast down and contemned both in the sight of the world by maliciousnes of the wicked and in the sight of their owne eyes through humilite saith All the trees of the field shall know that is all the world shall know that I haue brought downe the high trees and exalted the low tree that I haue dried vp the greene tree and made the drie tree to flourish God exalteth those that are caste downe and humbled Herunto holy Iob subscribeth God setteth vp on hie Iob. 5 them that be lowe that the sorowful● may be exalted to Iob. 22 saluation In another place intreating of the deliuerance of the Saints which humble themselues vnder the mightie hand of God and cast downe themselues before his his throne of glorie when the proud and wicked shall be destroyed round about them he faith When others are cast downe then shalt thou say I am lift vp for God will saue the humble person And Salomon to like purpose auoucheth that the Pro. 29 pride of a man should bring him lowe but the humble in spirite should enioy glorie The sonne of Sirach witnesseth Ecclus. 10 to like effect that God casteth downe the thrones of the proud Princes and setteth vp the meeke in their places Which thing our blessed Sauiour preached to the Luke 14. people whom when as ghestes they shoulde be bidden to any feast hee exhorteth that they should not take the highest but the lowestroomes because such as humbled themselues shoulde be exalted In the parable of the Pharisie and Publicane wherof Luke 18. the one lifted vp himselfe in pride and therefore was contemned of God the other cast downe himselfe was exalted hee concludeth and knitteth vp the matter with this heauenly diuine and most godly sentence Hee that exalteth himselfe shall bee brought lowe and hee that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted Finally disswading his Apostles from vaine desire of honour exhorteth them to serue one another in humilitie and true loue because Mat. 23. they who exalt themselues are brought lowe of God and they which humble themselues are by him exalted Seeing then our casting downe before God is rewarded with exaltation and lifting vp by him we thereby ought to be moued to cast downe our selues before him Falling abasement as the Grecians say is the companion of pride and the loftie minde goeth before Prou. 16. 18. ver 12. Prou. 15. destruction saith Salomon so the casting downe of ourselues goeth before our exaltation and glorie Salomon therefore a little before saith to this purpose the feare of the Lord is the instruction of vvisedome and before honour goeth humilitie So then the high vvay and right path to be exalted of God is to humble and cast dovvne our selues before him vvherefore if our casting
of pride by the Apostle principally intended and spoken agaynst in this part of Scripture This mischiefe hath beene in all times and men there haue bene alwayes who through the pride of their hearts woulde haue brought the whole worlde to liue at their pleasure and to come to their call and lure in the which their conceiued imagination if any resisted withstoode and refused they censured they iudged they spoke euill of and condemned them Were there not thinke you in the time of the prophets men puffed vp with this pride of spirite who condemned arrogantly censured foolishly slaundered wrongfully the holy Prophets and people of God for that they would not liue after their pleasures Did not the proude Mat. 9. 12. 15. c. Scribes Pharisies Priests and Princes of the people condemne and speake euill of Christ and his Disciples because they woulde not bee in all things conformable vnto them Did not the wicked in the dayes of Saint Peter speake euill of the Saintes and the elect seruants of God because they woulde not liue according to 1. Peter 4. their line and rule and run on with them the same race of riot Are their heartes otherwise affected and not rather swelled and blowen vp with like pride who chalenge to themselues wisedome zeale godlinesse aboue their brethren and both in the common wealth and in the church of Christ would haue all things done said and ordered at their pleasure and speake euill of all men that doe not there after Are there not many of our owne coates and callings the Ministers of Christ Iesus who because they can not haue all men to bee as themselues are and thinges in the Church at their pleasures ordered and all things done as they woulde haue them speake euill of them which excell in authoritie Priuily refourme and talke with the Parishioners agaynst their Pastours Not subiect to the lawe of their imagination VVich vncharitablie vnchristianly vnbrotherly nay Iudasly betray their brethren and bring by their libels spredde abroade the good names of such their fellowe Ministers as neuer haue beene detected of anie notorious crime into question and by their slaunderous and malicious speaches haue greatly diminished their credites empeached their estimation wherein before they haue beene and bring them into contempt with men Is not this the mischiefe of pride which maketh them to condemne and speake euill of euerie thing and person whosoeuer pleaseth not them and is not according to their mindes VVherefore let mee exhort all such in the feare of God to examine their owne affections to enter into the closet of their owne thoughts to cast downe their presumptuous and peremptorie iudgements to leaue the stealing away of the hearts of the people from their ordinarie Pastours by mislyking of their lawfull and tollerable doings and let me in the bowels of Iesus Christ beseech them and by the mercies of God entreate them that when things are not to their mindes yea if there be blemishes spottes and wrinckles in the face of the Church as there shal be to the ende that with pacience they woulde beare them as becommeth Saintes with prayer they would seeke to redresse them that they speake not euill against such as in opinions varie from them that they powre not out the poyson venome and rancour of their hearts by condemning their brethren that they teare not in sunder the vnseamed coate of Iesus Christ by their bitter contending vvith backbiting and discrediting of their fellowe labourers and worke fellowes in the Lordes haruest but that they take singular heede and haue speciall care to abandon and abolish this mischiefe of pride and to holde fast this exhortation of the Apostle Speake not euil one of another brethren Reasons of the precept 1 And this euill hee disswadeth by foure reasons 1 From the violating of Gods lawe which is broken and violated of vs when in the pride of our minde we condemne and speake euill of our brethren thereof Saint James speaketh in this wise hee that speaketh euill of his brother or condemneth his brother speaketh euill of the lawe and condemneth the law Thus when we speake euill of our brethren and condemne them because they walke not after our willes neither liue according to our pleasures we are not onely iniurious to our brethren but we are iniurious to the law of God wherof we speake euill and which wee condemne in speaking euill and condemning our brethren to speake euill of the law and to condemne it is a great sinne and great euil Therefore must wee not speake euill or condemne our brethren because thereby the lawe is euill spoken of and condemned by vs. How doth the law sustaine iniurie in thus iniurying How speake we euil of the lawe when we speake euil of the brethren of our brethren howe is it violated howe is it euill spoken of and condemned when our brethren are euill spoken of and condemned by vs Gods lawe teacheth vs not to condemne not to speake euil of the brethren When notwithstanding this lawe we doe and will speake euill and condemne our brethren then wee speake euill of the lawe and condemne it in effect because wee will not bee brideled thereby when wee will not bee restrayned from proude and arrogant condemning nor withhelde from speaking euill of our brethren by this lawe of God When we violate and breake this lawe and doe contrarie therevnto our deedes speake euen as it were of the lawe that it is not worthie that it is not good inough to bee the bridle and rule of our life VVhen this law saith thou shalt not slaunder or speake euill of thy neighbour Leuit. 19. Matth. 7. when this lawe sayeth Iudge not least you be iudged condemne not least you be condemned and yet we will speake euill of our brethren and condemne them do we not say as it were by deedes which in this matter speake for vs that this lawe shal not teach vs it shal not bridle our tongues we will not thereby bee restrained Thus in effect we speake euill of the lawe and condemne it as vnsufficient vnperfect vnworthie to teach vs thus in our actions and by our deedes we speake euill of the law and condemne it as not wise inough as not good inough as not circumspect inough thus wee finde fault with the law as if it did not wel in forbidding vs to speake euill one of another and thus in the actions and practise of our liues we speake euill of the lawe and condemne it when wee speake euill of our brethren and condemne them which thing the law forbiddeth Wherein it fareth with the lawe of God as it often fareth vvith the positiue lavves of Princes For when positiue and ciuill lavves and statutes are made by Princes in their common vvealthes for the gouernment and ordering of the manners of men and men infringe breake and violate them neither vvill resour me their manners according to the prescript thereof doe not they
are subiect whensoeuer the times be what manner so euer the meanes be what kinde so euer we suffer in For which cause the exhortations in the holy and sacred worde of God thereunto apperteyning are sundrie and manifolde Which to passe ouer and as it were onely to geue a taste thereof by the way What saith Saint Paul touching Rom. 1● this matter Doeth not he exhort the Saintes to reioyce in hope to be patient in tribulation to continue in praier Who elswhere setting downe the steppes and degrees wherein the Saintes must treade if they wil walk worthie the calling whereunto they are called requireth Ephes 4. 1. Pet. 4. 12. Iames 1. 2. Reuel 2. 10. Heb. 10. 35. 36. as the third steppe to Christian conuersation long suffering or patience wherefore he saith I therefore as a prisoner in the Lord exhort you that you walke worthie the calling whereunto you are called How With al humblenesse of minde and meekenesse with patience or long suffering supporting one another through loue endeuouring to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace The holy and blessed Apostle Saint Peter describing 2. Pet. 1. vnto the Saintes that golden chaine of all excellent vertues wherewith he would haue all the elect of God to be adorned and beautified as the most incomparable ornament of their life maketh patience the fifth linke therof whereunto in this wise he perswadeth therfore giue all diligence thereunto Ioyne moreouer vertue with faith and with vertue knowledge with knowledge temperance with temperance patience with patience godlines with godlines brotherly kindnes with brotherly kindnes loue For if these things be in you and abound they will make you not to be idle nor vnfruitefull in the acknowledging of our Lorde and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ These and infinite other the like places wee haue generally mouing vs to this excellent and commendable vertue patience Particularly the Apostle in this place exhorteth to patience which is in bearing and suffering the iniuries and cruell oppressions of prophane rich men by whose tyrannie and cruell dealing they were marueylouslie afflicted which they ought with all patience to beare looking and wayting for the comming of the Lorde Iesus Christ to auenge their causes and quarrelles against the wicked Our holy and blessed Sauiour Christ in particular exhorteth vnto patience which in the bearing of violence Mat. 5. and iniuries of men consisteth Resist not euill saith our sauiour Christ but if one smite thee on the one cheeke offer vnto him the other and if he sue thee at the lawe to take away thy coate from thee let him haue thy cloake also if he constraine thee to goe with him a mile go two Whereby our Sauiour exhorteth the Saintes to prepare themselues alwaies against iniuries and with all patience and quietnes of their mindes to beare the oppressions of men which wrongfully should be offered Hereunto this Apostle hauing respect willeth and exhorteth the Saints to beare the iniuries and cruell oppressions of the wicked with patience and with all godly quietnes to wayte for the comming of Iesus Christ Be ye therefore patient saith the Apostle Saint James vntill the comming of the Lord. Wherein we are taught that seeing we must stay our selues and settle our hearts and with patience runne the race of afflictions vntill the comming of Christ therfore both the reward of their patience and other vertues of the Saints and also the punishment of their aduersaries and oppressours are reserued till the day of Christ till his comming in glorious maiestie to iudge the quick and the dead and to geue sentence against all men Wherefore albeit the Saintes of God haue some small and little feeling of their future ioyes and glorie to come as in the meditating vpon heauenly thinges in the setled peace and quietnes of our consciences with God Col. 3. Rom. 5. and the like and the wicked also euen in this life sometime feele and tast of their extreame calamities to come Isay 57. Isay 66. by the disquietnes of their consciences the continuall anguish of their soules the great vexation of their minds and the comfortlesse sorrowe of their hearts which they often suffer Yet neither the Saints shall haue the consummation of their ioyes neither the wicked the full measure of their punishments before the day of iudgement and comming of Iesus Christ Wherefore S. Iames here exhorteth the Saints to waite for both these til the comming of the Lord. The consideration hereof is comfortable and the knowledge therof most profitable to the Saints wherfore we may note this in particular a little And first for the glorie of the Saints and their deliuerance it is in perfect measure to be looked for only at the appearing of Iesus Christ in glorious maiestie Our Sauiour Iesus Christ to that purpose foretelling his Apostles of his comming to iudgement and the signes which Luke 21. Mat. 24. 31. should forerunne it exhorteth them against that day to lifte vp their heads to be of good cheare and to be comforted because their redemption approached then onely promising them full deliuerance from miseries and perfect redemption of soule and body Saint Paul affirmeth to the Romanes that in this life they should be subiect to Rom. 8 manifold afflictions and troubles euen as the Lord Iesus Christ was and that here there is no ende of affliction to be looked for but we must waite for that til the comming of Christ which with sighing and sorrowing he witnessed they waited for euen the deliuerance and redemption of their bodies This glorious redemption onlie is perfected at the comming of the Lord. Paul writing to the church Coloss 3. of Colossa auoucheth that our life is hid with Christ and that when Christ which is our life shall appeare then shal we also appeare with him in glorie What is the glorie of the Saints Is it not to be conformable to the image of Rom. 8. the sonne and to be made like vnto him But wee come not to that perfect conformitie and likenes with Christ in this mortall life but in the life to come therefore the Col. 3. 1. Iohn 3. glory of the saints in the day of iudgement in perfect measure onely is reuealed Saint Iohn therefore saith now are wee the sonnes of God but yet it is not made manifest what we shal be we knowe that when he shall appeare we shal be like vn to him for we shall see him as he is Thus the glorie of Gods Saintes in perfect beutie shall not appeare before Iesus Christ be reueiled againe from heauen The holy Apostle and electe vessell of Christ Saint Paul looked for his glorious 2. Tim. 4. 1. Pet. 1. 5. 6. 7. 1. Pet. 4. 13. 1. Pet. 5. 4. crowne only in the day of Christ his appearing therfore saith he I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue ended my race I haue kepte the faith from
length of daies from seede time to haruest shall not christians looking for immortall fruite of their patience settle their hearts so that neither multitude of troubles nor waight of miseries nor grieuousnes of oppressions nor number of iniuries shal be able to dawnte and disquiet them be yee therefore patient and settle your hearts saith the Apostle And in the manifold afflictions of this life the harts Mēs minds settled in affections minds of Gods Saints are sundrie waies settled 1. Our hearts are settled in our afflictions by the sweete promises we haue from God of our deliuerance who hath promised to deliuer the righteous out of troubles and such a● put their trust in him Dauid thereof saith Many are Psal 34. the troubles of the righteous but the Lorde deliuereth out of all In another place to like purpose the saluation Psal 37. of the righteous is of the Lorde hee shal be their strength in time of trouble Therefore almighty GOD Psal 5● saith to his people call vpon me in the day of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee The Prophete exhorting men to settle themselues to rest Psal 36. 91. 15. and relie vpon God in their miseries yea in all thinges giueth this counsell from the promise of God commit thy cause or thy way vnto the Lord and trust in him and he shall bring it to passe He will bring foorth thy righteousnesse as the light and thy iudgements as the noone day Thus hath God promised to defend our cause to restore vs to our right and in our miseries to deliuer vs therfore ought we therby to settle our mindes God saith 1. Cor. 10. Paul is faithful which wil not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength but wil giue the issue with the tētatiō that we may bear it And S. Peter The Lord knoweth how 2. Pet. 2. to deliuer the godly out of tentation Seeing then wee haue such sweete promises of deliueraunce out of troubles therefore therein ought we to be patient and to settle our mindes vpon these promises that the Lorde will deliuer vs in due time from all afflictions and finallie washe away all teares from our eyes as the Scripture teacheth 2. As by the promises of our deliuerance our hearts or settled through patience in our oppression so also ought they to be settled in the experience we haue of the power of God in the deliuerance of the righteous If we looke to others or our selues we shall finde experience triall of this truth whereby our heartes ought in all our miseries to be settled Hath not God deliuered Moses and Exod. 14. Israell his people from the armie of Pharao when the red sea was before them hard sharpe rockes on both sides the enemie at their heeles following so that their state was daungerous What did not God deliuer Dauid from 1. King 18 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. sundry attempts of Saul who sought by many waies his vtter confusion for which cause he so often praiseth God for his deliuerance as the booke of Psalmes therewith is replenished and full Was not Hezechiah the godly king deliuered Psal 18. 23. 27. 86. 144. 4. Kings 19 mightily by God from the powre and armie of Sennacherib into whose iawes God put his bitte bridle and ledde him away into his owne countrie by a rumour of inuision that vvas brought him and by the destruction of his armie by the Angell of God Did he not deliuer the Israelites out of the hands of the Philistines other their enemies which often and long time had them in subiection as the booke of Iudges of Samuell recordeth When the Aramites had besieged Samaria therfore Iudges 1. Samu. 4. Kings 7. the people Prince and countrie in great distresse by famine and perill by reason of the enemie was it not deliuered miraculously by God who caused the Aramites to heare a noyse of horses and charrets vvherewith they terrified fledde and lefte their prouision behind them Was not Iehosaphat by him deliuered both in the battle 3. Kings 22 in Ramoth Gilead and also from the Moabites Amorites and Amalachites which ioyned battle against him hath he not deliuered infinite other his holy Saints from 2. Chron. 22 their oppressions afflictions and troubles they haue suffered if wee seeke experience in our selues vvhich of See Psalm 61. v. 4. 63. v. 7. 91. 4. vs is it vvhom at one time or another God hath not deliuered eyther from peril by lande or by sea at home or abroade eyther from oppression and iniuries of open enemies or daungers of counterfaite friendes either from griefe of minde of sickenesse of bodie eyther from spoyle of goods or perill of life by the wicked Seeing therefore we haue this triall and experience of Gods helpe in our oppressions shall we not therein be patient and settle our hearts 3. Neither thus onely are our hearts settled in our miseries but also when we cast our eies vpō the crowne of glory which we shall receaue the glorious hope whereof we shal be pertakers if we endure with patience we should settle and quiet our mindes in our miseries Thus Paul exhorting the Romanes to settle their hearts and in their Rom. 8. afflictions which by the example of Christ they should suffer comforting them telleth them that the sufferings of this their mortall and temporall life are not to be compared to the glory which should be reuealed to the sonnes of God And in like manner to the Church of Corinth the 2. Cor. 4. momentanie afflictions which are for a season cause vnto vs a far more excellent eternall waight of glory while we look not to things which are seen but to things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporal but the things which are not seene are eternall Our Sauiour Heb. 12. Christ settled his hart vpō the hope he had of the glorious crowne wherof he should be partaker By whose example S. Paul exhorteth vs also to endure with patience the afflictiōs of this life run with setled minds the race which is set before vs looking vnto Iesus the authour and finisher of the faith Who for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse and dispised the shame and is set at the right hand of the throne of God This crowne is giuen the Saints after their miseries here be ended and they are made partakers of the promises after the troubles of this life are finished whereunto hauing an earnest regard and casting their eyes continually thereby their hearts and mindes are settled so that these miseries and afflictiōs are mightily borne of them vnder the burden whereof they are not greatly disquieted As in the Apostles the holy martyrs and many other of the chosen Sonnes of God is apparent 4. Finally our hearts in afflictions are settled when we record and recount often the
pacience to beare it send deliuerance to be rid out of it make a way 1. Cor. 10. and giue an issue to escape whatsoeuer might be daungerous vnto vs. Naturall and carnally minded men in whose hearts the spirit of God resteth not being afflicted distrust despaire frette fume mutter and murmure against God Num. 11. 1 16. as the Israelites in the wildernesse did as Moises recordeth In their calamities they relent not they amend not they reforme not themselues they call not vpon God in their hearts they runne not by prayer to the throne of Heb. 4 grace there to find mercie in the time of neede but they blaspheme God as the wicked did in the Reuelation vpon whom when the Angels had powred out the viols of Reuel 16. v. 9. 11. 21. Gods wrath then blasphemed they the God of heauen for their paines and sores they sustained but repented not of the workes which they wickedly had committed The vngodly being perplexed afflicted and tormented curse banne stampe stare flie to valawfull remedies wise men witches sorcerers cunning women enchaunters and such like for riddance therehence and for deliuerance they runne to the wine tanern●s flie to strong drinke hunt after lewde companie seeke and search for such meanes for their solace and comfort they send for instruments of musicke they seeke for melodious harmonies they delight in harpe lute and viole therehence desiring in their afflictions to be recreated refreshed and reuiued but the Saints of God as else where so out of this present place learne a better profession to seeke for a more sound and safe remedie euen by prayer to haue recourse to him who deliuereth our soules from death our eies from tears Psalm 56. Psal and our feete from sliding Thus are we taught by the spirit of God in the Apostle when for our afflictions we bee heauy in hart troubled in mind sad in spirit to flie to god by praier Is any among you afflicted let him pray Which is the thing almightie God taught his saints willing them in their troubles to call vppon him from Psal 50. whom they shall haue deliuerance Call vppon me in the day of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Our blessed Sauiour Christ ordained this Matt. 7. as the onely meane in all our lackes and wantes wherefore to his he sayeth aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you It behooueth vs therefore according to this admonition of the Apostle according to the commaundement of God and the precept of his onely sonne our Sauiour Christ in our afflictions to solicite him with vncessant prayer who knoweth howe to deliuer his out of temptations to reserue the wicked to the day of iudgement 2. Pet. 2. to be punished To him in our necessities and miseries must we haue recourse whose eies are ouer the righteous his eares open vnto their praiers and so deliuereth them out of all their troubles Psal 43. Wherefore whensoeuer any of the saints be afflicted whensoeuer they be tried with any temptations when they feele any perill or daunger immenent and at hand whensoeuer they are pressed with any misfortune and cast downe by any aduersitie their onely remedie must bee praier and thereby to drawe neare vnto God of whom they must earnestly desire pacience in trouble constancie in affliction strength in miserie comfort in destresse deliuerance in calamitie riddance out of tribulation as shall seeme best to his diuine maiestie Thus did the renowmed patriarkes thus did the godly princes thus did the holy prophets thus did the blessed apostles thus did the constant martyrs thus did all the holy men of God thus must all the Saints of God in their affliction doe that they may practise the precept of the Apostle Is any among you afflicted let him pray As here we are exhorted in affliction to pray so doe afflictions mightily stirre vppe the Saintes of God to pray so that they which oftentimes greatly forget God in their flourishing wealth in their abounding prosperitie in their plentifull condition in their continued health in their affliction aduersitie and miserie flie to him by praier and seeke him with their whole hearts VVhich is not the least profite redounding vnto the Saintes by affliction For men in prosperitie often forgetfull of GOD colde in zeale slacke in prayer negligent in duetie their loynes weakened and pressed with a heauie weight and burthen of troubles and passing through the fire and water of affliction runne speedily by prayer to God for succour as the Scriptures of God and examples of the Saintes teach vs. VVhen the Prophete had denounced calamitie and miserie agaynst Isai 17. Damascus and Ephraim and tolde the people what affliction shoulde befall them shewing the effect and worke which afflictions cause in the Saintes especially euen to force vs to God and make vs by prayer to humble our selues vnto him sayeth At that day shall a man looke to his maker and his eies shall bee to the holy one of Israel In another place answerable and correspondent is Isai 26. the saying of the same Prophete hereunto Lord sayeth the Prophete in trouble haue they visited thee they powred out their prayers when thy chastisement was vppon them Dauid himselfe a man according to the Psal 120. minde of GOD at other times not vnmindfull of God yet when hee was afflicted by his enemies was more effectually stirred vp to prayer therefore hee sayeth of himselfe when I was in trouble I called vppon God Psal 81. and hee heard me And rehearsing the storie of Israel who in their welfare were rebellious and forgetfull but by aduersitie were drawen vnto God through prayer affirmeth that when God punished them and any wise afflicted them then they returned vnto him by prayer And the bookes of Iosua Iudges and the first of Samuel especially shewe howe effectually their calamities and Iosua Iudges 1. Samuel c. afflictions moued them by prayer to haue recourse to God insomuch as it appeareth when by their prosperitie they were puffed vp yet when they were eyther smitten with the sworde of their enemies or pinched with penurie and want or distressed with famine or persecuted by grieuous pestilence from God or any wise by him afflicted then they by prayer returned vnto the Lorde And this experience in our owne selues aboundantly teacheth vs who in our afflictions if euer haue our recourse by prayer vnto God This is therefore in all afflictions the best remedy to flie vnto God by praier which hath place both in aduersitie and in prosperitie both in mourning and in mirth both in sorovve and in ioye whereof the Apostle in this place assureth vs is any amōg you afflicted let him pray And to teach vs that prayer is profitable also in ioye therefore Saint Iames addeth is any among you merie Let him sing As in our afflictions we must not