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A77022 The churches glory, or, The becoming ornament being a seasonable word, tending to the provoking, encouraging, and perfecting of holiness in believers ... : whereunto is added, A glasse for the unconverted ... as also, several articles of faith briefly laid down for the further establishment and confirming of the faithful / by Josias Bonham, sen. of Byfield in Northamptonshire. Bonham, Josias. 1674 (1674) Wing B3592; ESTC R42680 146,195 373

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agreeth those words of St. Paul Col. 3.10 The new Man is renewed in Knowledge after the Image of him that Created him in Righteousness and true Holiness Eph. 4.24 Whence note also by the way that in and through a true Knowledge of God in Christ are the Mortifications of the Old Man of Sin and the qualifications of Grace wrought in a Soul O what 's the Reason that there is so little Renewedness in the qualifications and Conversations of many people in our days and so much abusing of the Sacred Name of God by Swearing and Cursing and many prophane speeches as also the abuse of the Creatures by Drunkenness and the like excess Also the many vain carnal loose licentious practices acted and observed with delight therein Is it not the want of this Knowledge of God in Christ Is not Ignorance the Mother of such Prophaneness and Impieties and what 's the Reason that God's dear Children are many times hated and reproached reviled and villified Yea saith Christ the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think they do God Service Christ gives us this Reason All these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me Joh. 16.3 O consider all ye that content your selves in an Estate of Ignorance and solace your selves in Carnal and Worldly Vanities and are careless and negligent in applying and improving the means of Knowledge to the end you might glorifie God and thereby be enabled to answer the end of God in your Creation his end in giving his Son to die for your Redemption and his spiritual Word Counsel and Advice therein for your Sanctification that thereby in a good improvement of the same you might be made meet to glorifie his Name and to enjoy his glory O consider the loss and damage that you hereby sustain by slighting or carelesly neglecting such precious means granted forth unto such gracious ends for a little Carnal Vanity Consider how you will answer it in the day of account when for all these things God shall bring thee to Judgment O! how do many Parents in this case not only prejudice their own Souls but also the Souls of their Children and those within their jurisdiction whereas it is the requirement of God that Parents should lay up the words of God in their hearts and teach them to their Children that they might know the Lord and set their hope in God they not only neglect this great concernment but also by their own viscious lives evil example rather teach them the Vices of Swearing Cursing Drunkenness and much Prophaneness to God's dishonour and their own ruine both of Body and Soul not considering that God will require it of them and bring them to Judgment for the same O how many Parents although not so vicious and prophane yet are so earnest in their pursuit after this worldly interest to gain for themselves and enrich their Children with great Portions of this earthly Treasure as wholly to give up themselves thereunto not minding those Treasures that are Divine and of a more greater concernment to the gaining an interest in Christ either for their selves or Children by instructing of them thereunto until death seise upon them and summon them to the Grave and then perhaps send for a Minister to pray for them the which I do not condemn because I know God is merciful yet I know that God is also just and will bring Souls to Judgment and then whither God will accept this last Sacrifice for the whole I shall leave to the only wise God to determine But know and consider that it is the undoubted Will and Requirement of God that Parents should Treasure up the word of God in their hearts by Consideration Meditation and Application believingly and diligently endeavour to plant the same word of God in the hearts of their Children as they come to be capable of the teachings of it to the end that they might know the Lord and reverence his Holy Name observe his Will and place their hope in him To this purpose see and consider Deut. 6.6 7 8. Deut. 11.18 19 20. Deut. 4.9 10. Psal 78.5 6 7. to these Testimonies of the Will of God do those words of the Apostle Paul bear witness Eph. 6.4 Solomon saith by Humility and the Fear of the Lord are Riches and Honour and Life Would we have our Children truly Rich and Honourable and live Everlastingly so then lay up the Word of Grace in our own hearts treasure it up there Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom Col. 3.16 Secondly Let your diligent endeavours be to answer God's Will in making forth the same unto your Children to their Edification to the planting of that Immortal Seed of the Word in their hearts that they may set their hope in God and fear before him and humbly walk with him in the way of his Commandements Train up a Child in the way that he should go and when he is Old he will not depart from it Pro. 22.6 Objection If God hath Elected me or my Children unto Salvation he will one time or other bring us to an Estate of Salvation But if God hath not Elected us thereto all my labour in that kind will be to little purpose for if there be a particular Election of persons as there seemeth to be then what I do in that case is but needless or to strive against the stream Answer That there is an Election is certain and that God hath placed this Election in his Son Christ is as certain see Eph. 1.4 and that persons do partake of and witness this Election in themselves as they imbrace Christ believingly and conform to him in holy Sanctity is also true See 1 Thes 1.3 4. 2 Thes 2.13 And therefore so much the rather should you give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure by a growth and increase of Grace unto an attainment of the qualifications of grace wrought in you according to the qualifications of Jesus Christ and as the Apostle teacheth Giving all diligence saith he add to your Faith Vertue and to Vertue Knowledge and to Knowledge Temperance and to Temperance Patience and to Patience Godliness and to Godliness Brotherly-kindness and to Brotherly-kindness Charity 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7. And as there is an Election in Christ unto Salvation through believing in Christ and conforming to him in the way of Holiness attainable through a careful applying and improving the means thereunto appointed so also is there a Reprobation determined and decreed of God from Eternity unto those persons that in love to their Lusts and carnal and worldly Vanities do obstinately persist in opposing or carlesly neglecting do slight the means afforded so as not to imbrace it in the love thereof and carefully improve it to the glory of the Lord that like as they reject God's Counsel and his Love and Mercy in the same to satisfie their Lusts in worldly and sinful Vanities so
quickning to act in holy Duties assuring and confirming the Soul in the Favour of the Father and the Son unto eternal Life according to that Promise of God held forth by Ezekiel 11.19 20. I will give them one heart and I will put a new Spirit within them and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will give them a heart of flesh whence note by the way that the Spirit is here said to be a new Spirit not because it is any new erected thing in it self for it was of old from eternity but first because by its powerful influences and operations it doth take up its residence in that Creature that was formerly destitute thereof and so it is new to the Creature And secondly because it doth erect a new Work in the Creature so as to alter and change the Inclinations and Dispositions of the Heart by destroying the Carnality Earthliness and Rebelliousness thereof towards the things of God which is signified by the stony Heart and making it tender and pliable to yield a cheerful conformity to the Will of God which is signified by the Heart of Flesh This great Promise as to the end of it is further expressed in these words That they may walk in my Statutes and keep mine Ordinances and do them and they shall be my People and I will be their God To the same effect are the Words of the Apostle Paul Rom. 8.11 12 13. If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you He that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Therefore Brethren we are Debtors not to the Flesh to live after the Flesh for if ye live after the Flesh ye shall dye But if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live Hereby saith John We know that we dwell in him 1 John 4.13 and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit The Apostle Paul giving Instructions to Timothy concerning the qualifications of Church-Officers maketh this application to Timothy These things Write I unto thee that thou mayest know how to behave thy self in the house of God which is the Church of the living God the Pillar and ground of the Truth 1 Tim. 3.15 So that first Gods people are called the house of God as they have the in-dwelings of God by his Spirit in its Influences Operations and Laws residing in their hearts Secondly They are called the Church of God as they are a company or Congregation of people imbodied together by the Ligaments and Nerves of Gods word and walk together in the observation of all his Laws and Ordinances according to his Will Thirdly such a people or Congregation are called the Pillar and ground of the truth as they perform the office of a Pillar in upholding and propagating truths interest before the men of the world by doctrine and practice answerable thereunto as the Apostle to the Ephesians teacheth To the intent saith he that now unto the Principalities and Powers in Heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God Eph. 3.10 So that Gods people within the Evangelical Covenant of Grace believing on Christ and conforming to Christ in his holy Laws Orders and Ordinances according to the Gospel-dispensation and improving the same to the obtaining Victory or overcoming of their own Corruptions and inordinate affections to self and the World in its Vanities and live to God in holy Sanctity by the indwellings of God by his Spirit in the heart Such a people are by the Spirits demonstration called the House of God the Church of God and the Temple of God 1 Cor. 3.16 17. And such as overcome Christ makes Pillars in the same Rev. 3.12 In which Temple God doth dwell by his Spirit as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 6.19 20. What know you not that your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your Body and in your Spirit which is Gods chap. 3. ver 16 17. Know you not saith the Apostle that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you if any man defile the Temple of God him will God destroy for the Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are The Temple which Solomon built was called the Lords house upon four Considerations First He made choyce of that house above all other for an house of Sacrifice 2 Chron. 7.12 verse 16. Secondly He Sanctifieth that house to himself for that purpose Thirdly He placed there his name that his eyes verse 16. and his heart might be there perpetually Fourthly He promised such acceptation of the Worship there performed according to that dispensation that his eyes should be open and his ears attentive to the Prayers there made ver 15. and for a clear Testimony thereof he filled the house with his glory ver 2. In all these Considerations Gods faithful people may be accounted his house For first God hath chosen them and builds them up a Spiritual House 1 Pet. 2.5 A habitation for God through the Spirit Eph. 2.22 to the use of spiritual Service and the offering up the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving to his name Secondly He sanctifieth them and fitteth them thereunto 1 Cor. 6.11 Eph. 5.26 Thirdly His eyes and his heart are upon them beholding with delight their Sacrifices and Services performed in Faith and Love Fourthly He so accepts of their worship performed in Spirit and Truth that his ears are open to their Prayers and for their consolation and assurance he fills them with Joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1.8 Whence note by the way that when a peoples Sacrifice of Prayer and Praise and other obedience doth arise from an in-dwelling of the Spirit of Faith and Sanctifying grace and is offered upon the Altar Jesus Christ in the golden Censer of his merits this doubtless is highly accepted of God in what place soever it be performed according to the words of Christ Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the mid'st of them Math. 18.20 The Conclusion drawn from these considerations is this That although God doth dwell in Heaven by his divine Essence and all-glorious presence and so Heaven may properly be called his house and dwelling-place yet God dwelleth also spiritually in and among his people who may be called his house or dwelling-place where he doth Record his Name and where he doth give his Blessings of Grace and Mercy as the Apostles in their Epistles to the Churches do declare and the Author to the Hebrews doth testifie in these words But Christ as a Son over his own House whose House are we if we hold fast the Confidence and the Rejoycing of the hope firm unto the end Thus
active in the things of God which concern its own salvation and the Edification Comfort 1 Thes 5.9 10 11. and Assurance of others and that not upon the account of merit or desert on the Creatures part but to glorifie God that hath freely given forth both means and merit in his Son whom God the Father hath ordained supream Head King and Governour to his Church and People that men might honour the Son by obedience to his Laws as they honour the Father Joh. 5.22 23. unto which obedience through Faith in the merits of Christ God the Father hath annexed the promise of Salvation of his own free Love and rich Mercy Heb. 5 9. so that Salvation is on God's part an act of Mercy on Christ's part an act of Merit on man's part it is undeserved in his best obedience for It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth Mercy Rom. 9.16 A second Use which the afore-mentioned considerations may direct us unto The second Vse is of Admiration is a use of Admiration It may raise up our Souls to behold with Admiration God's great Love All the Works of God are to be Admired of his Saints Especially his g●ace in Christ to effect holiness in his people and happiness thereupon and rich Mercy manifested in all his proceedings in and by Jesus Christ towards man a sinful and undeserving Creature who by sin had dishonoured God defaced his Image of Righteousness and true Holiness wherein he was at first Created and deprived himself of the Paradice of God and made himself an object of his displeasure according to due desert Now that God should look upon the Creature in its lost condition and corrupted state from which he was no way able to recover himself with such an eye of pity and bowels of compassion as to lay help upon one that is mighty even Jesus Christ his only Son both God and Man to take satisfaction in him that sinned not for the world of Sinners And by his grace to accept those unto the adoption of Sons that by Faith receive Jesus Christ as in the Gospel he is tendred Joh. 1.12 and to repair the decayes of Nature and to restore that Image of holiness which by sin was defaced to pardon the sin of Sinners and to impute Righteousness unto them without the deeds of the Law to behold the Creature in the Righteousness of his Son and to bestow upon him Heavenly felicity and eternal life is admirable Mercy and he is to be admired in all them that believe it 2 Thes 1.10 They may say with the Psalmist What is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him Psal 8.4 And with the Apostle O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments and his ways past finding out For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counseller or who hath first given to him and it shall be recompenced unto him again for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever Amen Rom. 11.33 34 35 36. Thirdly Is it so The third Vse is of Examination Self Examination of our hearts and ways is a Christians duty and of great concernment that holiness ever becometh the people of God and to be found adorned therewith is matter of great concernment it may then put us upon a third Use by way of Examination to move us to examine our own hearts and wayes how far we have attained to the Ornament of holiness which so becometh the people of God And in the prosecution of this Duty two things are to be considered First Our hearts or inward man Secondly Our wayes or outward walkings We may know our holiness by our Heavenliness Hath the Lord through the illuminations of his Spirit and the operations thereof manifested to thy Soul the great sufferings of Christ to procure the pardon of thy sins together with the priviledges of Adoption Justification and Salvation hath he shewed thee the dignity of Christ in respect of his Offices King Priest and Prophet hath he sealed the benefits and priviledges thereof to thy Soul with the signet of his Love through the demonstrations of his holy Spirit to thy great Consolation in the enjoyments thereof so that thy mind and affections are thereby raised up from Earthly and Carnal objects and seated on God with so earnest a desire and delight in him that thou canst truly say with the Psalmest Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none opon Earth that I desire besides thee Psal 73.25 Thy Testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever for they are the rejoycing of my heart Psal 119.111 When thou canst experience by a supernatural work of grace that thy affections are so fixed on the Lord that thou canst sincerely love him for his own sake and in love to him bear an affectionate esteem to and delight in his Testimonies Statutes Ordinances and Commands so as to make them thy choyce Psal 119.30 or chosen Subjects of thy meditations and rule of observations when thou canst experience thy will by grace made free to stand in the will of God so as in love to him submit and wait upon him in all his dispensations serve worship and obey him in all his institutions When thou canst experience thy desires drawn forth towards him with holy longings thirstings and pantings after more enjoyments of him and supplications to him for further strength and power of grace to assist thee support and uphold thee against those corruptions and temptations that attend thee lest thou shouldest thereby be overcome to sin against God to the dishonour of his Name the grief of his Spirits and stain the profession of his Truth When thou canst experience this end in thy desires and supplications for his assisting grace as aforesaid The Saints end in their desires and supplications to God for grace A right end Crowns the action not only that thou mightest not dishonour God by sin but also that thou mightest honour him by such motions and actions as may answer his will in his commands to the experiencing of self-ends self-righteousness self-merits and carnal delights and the vain pleasures of this world in a dying or dead condition in thee and thee dead to them so as not to have any motion or action thereunto approved by thee when thou canst experience such a Love to the Lord as that for his sake thou canst perform Offices of Love towards all men as opportunity serveth thee Gal. 6.10 and that as they are his Workmanship by Creation but especially to his Saints as they bare his Image by Regeneration for every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him 1 Joh. 5.1 So when thou canst experience such a supernatural work of grace in thee every
stand in their Unregenerate state demonstrated by these four Reasons First They bare her Name Secondly They bare her nature Thirdly By their subjection to her Law Fourthly by their Conjunction with the world and self-renouncing God and his Covenant as not having any true love or desire thereunto and that by the influence of Corruption whereby they are brought forth into that Estate The Inference drawn from the words thus considered is briefly thus That Corruption hath brought forth a separation of the Creatures affections from God and joyned them in a Conjunction with Self and the World in which Estate the Creatures affections are very insatiable and greedy after Self and the Worlds interest by which conjunction God is dishonoured and every faculty and member of soul and body enslaved in such servil motions and actions as may promote the said interest in order to the satisfying of these greedy Worms until by their continual instigations of Give Give they have drained out of the poor soul all its spiritual blood or life of God and power of Godliness to its eternal ruine except a supernatural means be timely applyed and effectually improved for the reducing the said affections unto their first Estate Now for proof of this inference here asserted I think there needeth no further Testimony then what is contained in the explication of the words especially if Doctor Woful experience his evidence may be heard and credited by you yet for order-sake and lest I should be thought wanting in the case of evidence I would produce some further evidences that will give in their Testimonies to the separation and conjunction aforesaid as first Those many Testimonies of God in Scripture whereby God calls to the Sons of men to return unto him O Israel return to the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thy Iniquity Hos 14.1 Secondly Gods Expostulation with man about his Apostacy thus saith the Lord What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me and have walked after Vanity Jer. 2.5 See Ezek. 18.23 32. Thirdly Those many Exhortations the Lord hath laid before us in his word Set your affections on things that are above not on things on Earth Col. 3.2 Love not the World if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2.15 Yea the Lord calls for self-denyal and crucifying of the world to mortifie every member of the body of sin and to set our love and delight in him and that with all our hearts and soul and strength all which do imply and hold forth their evidences in witness of the aforesaid Conjunction Fourthly I would add one Testimony more among many that might be produced and that is the multiplication of that Succession or natural Generation that is conceived and brought forth by vertue of the aforesaid Conjunction of those Horse-leach Daughters corrupt affections in affinity with Self and the World as the off-springs thereof And for brevity sake I shall only name some few of this off-spring and leave the rest to Doctor Woful's experience his evidence to evince one part of the generation conceiv'd and brought forth by the said Conjunction is Pride Envy Mallice Hypocrisie Infidelity and Sloth in God's Service and Voluptuousness These as a part of that Brood and Generation of the Horseleach and her Daughters in affinity with Self and the World are by their influence conceived and nourished up in the heart of Unregenerate man where the said conjunction hath dominion These do evidently demonstrate themselves to be of that race by their natural qualities and language insatiable greedy Worms alaways crying Give Give as for Pride that is an insatiable greedy Worm of an aspiring nature insatiable and greedy after self-honour and the worlds applause It looks high and lofty as if it was one by whose influence that generation was steered by which Agur speaketh of Prov. 30.13 There is a generation saith Agur O how lofty are their Eyes and their eye-lids are lifted up Agur here seemeth as not able to express the Latitude of the aspiring nature of Pride and those whose course is steered thereby but stands in admiration at it as if by the influence of Pride those Creatures in whose heart it is predominant were carryed up into that airy Region with that Prince spoken of Ephes 2.2 as Retainers to his Court. But into the third Heavens where Christ sitteth at the Right Hand of God they have no inspection for saith the Spirit of God by the Prophet David The Wicked through the Pride of his Countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts Psal 10.4 Whence Note that Pride by its influence doth work the thoughts of God and his ways out of the minds of those in whose hearts it is predominant Yea This Brat bred and nourished in the heart of Unregenerate man by those Horseleach Daughters Unsanctified love and Carnal desire through their affinity with Self and the World doth not only plunder a soul of its thoughts of God but also of the qualifications of Humility Penitency Charity and all the peaceable habits of true Humanity as considered in its first estate Yea like a greedy heart-Worm it devours and eateth up the very bowels of tender Pitty and Compassion and Commiseration and yet like one of Pharoahs lean Kine is never the better This Brat is still crying Give Give always moving the Creature to satisfie its greedy Appetite in order whereunto the Creature must improve its Time and Opportunities Pains Labours and Meditations Considerations Moneys Lands Livings Lordships yea all must be improved and dedicated to the satisfying of this Brat in beautifying the Face powdering the Hair new fashions in Apparel sumptious Buildings delicious Fair places of Honour and worldly Preferments and honourable Greetings and to be called Rabbi Rabbi Mean while God and the power of Godliness and the souls happiness is little considered Yea where Pride is predominant in the heart and unsanctified love and carnal desire joyning therewith produceth very sad and dangerous effects to the Creature for it maketh Angels to become Devils and Men to become Slaves to their Lusts Enemies to God Persecutors of the Godly and themselves Subjects of Perdition The Wicked in his Pride doth Persecute the Poor Psal 10.2 It seems this greedy heart-Worm of the Horseleach brood is a great mover to and stirrer up of Contention so saith Solomon Only by Pride cometh Contention Prov. 13.10 Another greedy heart-Worm of the Horseleach-race and her Daughters is called Envy this is a bloody Brat as greedy after blood as the Horseleach and her Daughters by whose influence it is in mans heart conceived This Envy seems to be of a nature cruel and blood-thirsty of Countenance fierce and grim yea this Brat looks as if it would devour all the interest of God and Godliness with the Profession and Professors thereof Those persons whose course is steered by the influence of Envy through
blood to justifie us his precious word to direct us his precious promises to comfort us and many precious calls for to invite us with precious arguments to perswade us and precious cords of love in all to draw poor Sinners to himself and now a precious door of hope is opened to us but so it will not always be thy present time is a precious time the present means of the Gospel is a precious means given for precious ends as to reduce poor Sinners to their primitive state in Righteousness and true Holiness in true peace and happiness with God in glory in order thereunto we in time shall find that time 's best spended that 's spent in that kind Then let not this thy precious time be spent I' th Horseleach-Daughters their Broods content But by improvement of the precious means Endeavour thou thy heart of them to cleanse By often drinking of those livings springs That flows from him who is the King of Kings 'T is water of life with love compounded sure 'T will heal thy wounds and thy distempers cure But thy work is great thy time is but small Time's best improved in time of Gods call FOR When our time is over and opportunities cease We may lye in sorrow hopeless of release See then that ye walk circumspectly not as Fools but as Wise redeeming the time because the days are evil Motive the Nineth A nineth Motive to move us to improve the said means against the aforesaid distempers may be the consideration of that loss we shall sustain unto our selves if our hearts be not cured of the said distempers as the loss of our Union and Communion with God the Father and Christ and the Spirit and the Holy Angels and Saints in the Kingdom of glory with all the felicities thereof to all Eternity O what a sad loss will it be unto us how shall we befool our selves for yealding our selves and services unto the supremacy of these Task-masters these insatiable greedy worms always crying give give When we shall see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all those that have been faithful to Christs supremacy accepted into the Kingdom and we our selves thrust out with that dreadful Sentence Go ye Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels where the Worm never dyeth and the fire is never quenched O sad Estate with sorrows intollerable and miseries endless Motive the Tenth or a Use of encouragement To go oft to the aforesaid springs and by an act of Faith improve the means thereof to the destroying of these lusts of Corruption out of our hearts is the consideration that they are not only our Enemies but they are also Gods Enemies as much as in them lyeth opposing him in the effecting of his eternal purpose and determined Counsel in bringing man to glorifie his name and to enjoy his glory and they are Antichristian against Christ and his supremacy and against the holy Spirit in its work of Illumination and Sanctification And therefore God gives special commands unto us to improve the Means and Counsel that he affords us in order to the destruction of them all and not to suffer one of them to live in our hearts unsubdued Therefore God in giving to us both Means and Counsel thereunto doth call upon us for to mortifie your inordinate affections crucifie the world deny self put off the old man with his deeds cleanse your selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God circumcising the fore-skin of your hearts the Lord lays many special injunctions upon us wherefore we may not let one live for they are Gods Enemies The Amalakites being Enemies to God God giveth command to King Saul utterly to destroy them old and young sparing none But Saul in sparing Agag the King lost both Gods favour and his Kingdom for his disobedience therein God hath given us the Commands and Testimonies of his Mind and Will that we should destroy these Amalakitish Lusts his Enemies and subdue them out of our hearts and not to let one of them to live and he hath given us means thereunto And may he not nay will he not deal as severely with us if we willingly spare any although never so dear unto us the dangerous consequence thereof considered David by suffering one Lust to live in his heart to Vriahs Wife it brought him to the guilt of Murder and Adultery to the great dishonour of God and the wounding of his soul with the sence of sin and Gods displeasure for the same to the loss of his strength of assurance and weakening his evidences of Salvation the which caused him to drink many a bitter cup of affliction with many a deep sigh and sob and sad complaint with tears and fears of being cut off in the want of his assurance which made him cry out in the bitterness of his soul in the sence of his loss O spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence and be no more Psal 39.13 One Dalilah having gained the heart of strong Sampson through her continual crying Give Give did soon surprise him and bring down his strength so as not to be able to resist his Enemies So one Lust suffered alive in the heart through its continual crying give give may soon surprise us and weaken our strength of faith and hope and comfortable evidences and assurances in Gods favour so as we may become weak as another man as not to be able to resist the assaults of many other Lusts in the temptations thereof Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own Lusts and enticed Jam. 1.14 Motive the Eleaventh Or A Use of encouragement to move us to a diligent use and improvement of the said means to the cleansing of our hearts of these greedy worms may be the consideration of that choyce and requirement that God hath made of the heart God requireth the heart as a Treasury to himself to be for himself as his Treasury or Store-house to lay in the Divine Treasures of his holy word his graces and gifts of grace and divine qualifications for his own pleasure and delight and for to enable his Creature to bring forth fruits to the praise and glory of his name and to edifie and comfort others as faith the Lord These words which I Command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt teach them thy Children and talk of them in thy house Deut. 6.6 And saith the Lord Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your hearts and in your souls c. Deut. 11.18 The heart is a Treasury for Gods Love Rom. 5.5 and for the peace of God Col. 3.15 and for the spirit of Christ Gal. 4.6 Yea all the Laws of God and graces and gifts of grace comprehended in the new Evangelical Covenant in Christ God the Father hath chosen the heart to wright them in and as his Treasury to place them there Jer. 31.33
And shall we suffer Gods Treasury to be defiled and polluted with these filthy worms seeing God hath put a price in our hands for a remedy seeing he hath opened a fountain of living springs of water of life for sin and for uncleanness Zach. 13.1 And seeing he hath commanded us to improve the same for cleansing O Jerusalem wash thine heart from wickedness that thou mayest be saved how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee Jer. 4.14 Wilt thou not be made clean when shall it once be Jer. 13.27 Motive the Twelfth Or A Use of encouragement to encourage us to a right and serious improvement of the aforesaid means to the breach of that affinity between our affections and self and the world and the subduing of those Lusts conceived in the heart thereby may be the consideration that they are the principal Enemies to true Reformation in Church and State The which Reformation hath been the subject of discourse in the mouths of many and in the prayers and desires of some for many years But until the Creatures affections be disunited from self and the world and really united to Christ and his Supremacy so that the honour of Christ and the promoting of his interest in his truth and people become in us the principle and only end and aime in all endeavours and self and the world denyed and cast aside We are unlikely to see either the birth or growth of that truly called Reformation in Church and State for self and the world retained in affinity with love and desire will assuredly hinder the work they are Enemies thereunto Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God Whosoever will be a Friend of the World is an Enemy of God Jam. 4.4 And as Saint John saith Love not the world nor the things in the world If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2.15 In Ezras time when they were upon the work of Reformation in Church and State it is said of Ezra that he had Prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord and to do it Ezra 7.10 And they the better to compleat their Reformation fell to reforming the strange Marriages as a great evil and the more to be lamented because the Princes and Rulers were chief in that Trespass Thence came in Idolatry and many abominations of the Heathen and until this was Reformed all was but to little purpose therefore in this work they put away both Wives and all Born of them So also except this unlawful conjunction of affinity between our affections and self and the world be broken and self and the world put away and all born of them there is like to be no true Reformation compleated because self-ends and worldly interests will assuredly hinder the work But if one hearts were but truly reformed and with Ezras Prepared to seek the Law of the Lord and to do it the principle part of the work in the furtherance of Reformation in Church and State would be accomplished Wherefore as it is written Set your affections on things above and not on things on the Earth Col. 3.3 Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh unto you cleanse your hands ye Sinners and purifie your hearts ye double-minded Jam. 5.8 Motive the Thirteenth Or A Use of encouragement to a careful and diligent Use of the means prescribed may be the consideration of that pollution and defilement that this disease aforesaid will bring upon our most Religious performances If we will be Religious except this affinity be broken i. e. self and the world put away and all those Lusts by their influence in the heart conceived and the heart prepared and set for God only all Religious exercises must be dedicated unto self and the world If one in this affinity go to hear the Word yea if he Pray or Preach or perform any Religious exercise it will bring in self-Righteousness self-Justification or self-Pride in knowledg and gifts or for the praise of men yea all must be done to be seen of men and for worldly applause profit honour and advancement as our Saviour saith of the Scribes and Pharisees All their works they do to be seen of men and love the uppermost seats and to be called Rabbi and for a pretence make long Prayers Wherefore our Saviour compareth them to such as make clean the out-side and leave the inside filthy and to painted Supulchres beautiful outwardly in shew of Religious observations yet the heart full of pollution with these greedy worms to the devouring the Poor they devoured Widdows Houses as Christ seems to charge them And what is the Reason of this surely self and the world were retained in affinity with love and desire and therefore self-ends and worldly interests becomes the wheel of motion in all the actions of the unsanctified heart and is not this the cause and ground of that sad complaint that the Lord by the Prophet taketh up against the Priests and Prophets and Judges of Israel of old Thus saith the Lord concerning the Prophets that make my people erre that bite with the Teeth and cry peace and he that putteth not into their mouths they even prepare war against him therefore Night shall be unto you Micah 3.5 The Heads thereof judge for reward and the Priests thereof Teach for hire and the Prophets thereof Divine for money yet will they lean upon the Lord and say is not the Lord among us ver 11. And what is the reason of all this surely the Horse-leach and her Daughters corrupt affections in affinity with self and the world do Monopolise all persons all places of dignity and honour all gifts all knowledge and all religious offices and performances unto themselves Where this affinity is retained as to have its lively residence in the heart all must be monopolised to self and worldly interests But I would present to consideration that more excellent way laid down by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians which is the way of Charity without which all is nothing in the Lords esteem as saith the Apostle Though I speak with the tongues of Men and of Angels and have not Charity I am but as sounding Brass and a tinkling Cymbal And though I have the gift of Prophesie and understand all mysteries and all knowledge yea and all faith so that I could remove Mountains and have no Charity I am nothing and though I give all my goods to feed the Poor and my body to be burned and have not Charity it profits me nothing Whence Note that our highest actions will not reach to Gods approvance except Charity be a compound in the same Yea so excellent is the nature and vertue of Charity and of esteem with God that the meanest actions of it be but the gift of a cup of cold water where there is no better if compounded with Charity it hath the promise of reward so highly is Charity in
to suffer affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season for he had respect to the Recompence of reward and what 's the reason of this Surely he drank of the Brook in the way and therefore he lift up his head Psal 110.7 above all the treasures and pleasures of this world Esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Aegypt Yea Heb. 11.25 26. such is the Virtue and Efficacy of these living spings Gods free grace in Christ that it both cures the heart of the raigning power of sin and furnisheth it with courage and boldness in the ways of God against all reproaches and persecutions for the sake of Christ As we read of many that underwent Mockings and Scourgings Bonds and Imprisonments some ston'd some sawn asunder and some slain with the sword some wandring about in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins being destitute afflicted tormented of whom the world was not worthy and these not accepting of deliverance i. e. upon their Adversaries terms And what was the reason that they thus slighted self and the world to follow the Lord in his ways to the loss of all their outward enjoyments Surely they drank of the brook in the way the streams of Gods free grace in the promised Messiah were the waters of life whereunto they had recourse upon all occasions and by a supernatural hand of faith applyed the same unto the heart in the cup of serious meditation and by the vertue of the said streams they received such spiritual nourishment comfort support and assurance of better and more satisfying enjoyments the which drew up their affections to the Lord so as to renounce self and the world with all the fading vanities thereof as saith the Apostle Paul Whether we are besides our selves it is to God or whether we be sober it is for your cause for the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if Christ died for all then were all dead and he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that dyed for them 2 Cor. 5.13 14 15. Thus divine love with the excellent benefits thereof hath a constraining opperation in it to convert a soul from self and the world unto God and to the glorifying of his name with qualifications of grace wrought in the heart through the souls participation of the powerful influences and refreshing streams thereof For as the true sight and sence of our own Corruptions and our vileness thereby and our just deserts for the same laid to heart by a divine hand is sufficient for the converting of our proud hearts and haughty spirits into humiliation so also the true sight and sensible experience of the glory of the Lord in the dispensations of his free grace in Christ and the glory that it leads unto being laid to heart by due consideration and serious meditation through the operation and power of the divine spirit of the Lord is a sufficient means for to change the property and alter the dispositions of the heart from what it was by corrupted nature and to qualifie it with the qualifications of the Divine Nature into the same Image or likeness unto Jesus Christ in his natural properties inclinations and qualifications of grace as evidences of future glory As saith the Apostle We all beholding as in a Glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 An Exhortation to a Unity with Christ in qual fication and self-denyal after Christs example as an emblem of true Christianity If there be therefore any Consolation in Christ if any comfort of Love if any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies Fulfil ye my joy saith the Apostle that ye be like-minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Phil. 2.1 2 3. so forward Thus have we the Counsel and Example of Christ with the experimental testimonies of the faithful in former ages recommending unto us upon Scripture Record Gods free grace in Christ as a soveraign remedy to cure our souls of this disease of Corruption that Horseleach and all those greedy worms bred in the heart by the influence thereof which lye as obstructive Rubbish in our way to Holy and Heavenly attainments suitable to our Head Jesus Christ Wherefore we having such excellent means afforded us and being compassed about with such a cloud of Witnesses giving testimony to us of the excellent vertue and powerful efficacy thereof let us carefully and with all diligence improve the said means to the laying aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily be set us and let us run with perseverance unto the divine springs and streams of the waters of life flowing unto us in and through Jesus Christ from the Fountain of the Eternal Love of his Father and manifested by his Spirit in the word of truth the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Salvation looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him denyed himself contemned the world endured the Cross and despised the shame to do his Fathers Will in opening the springs of the waters of life unto us and is set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high there to appear in the presence of God as an Interceder for us as we by faith unite to him and participate of his fulness Thus have we before us a discovery of a most sad and dangerous disease of the Heart-worms the Horseleach and her Daughters in conjunction with self and the world and a brood of ungodly Lusts conceived in the heart of unregenerate man by the influence thereof as insatiable as the Grave the barren Womb the Earth and the Fire which never saith it is enough the which disease is not only dangerous but also very general thousands are sick thereof and thousands are dead thereby whilst they live as being unsensible of the disease or danger thereof and thousands of thousands have perished by the same we are also informed of a way how we may try our hearts whether this disease be prevalent in us or no and also what means is like to be most effectual against the same with some motives for encouragements to a careful improvement of the said means As First God the Fathers free invitation of Sinners unto his Son in whom the springs of the water of life is placed to be communicated to those that by faith imbrace him Secondly Christs invitation of Sinners to come unto him and partake of his fulness as he is a full Fountain set open for Sinners a Fountain fed with all the springs of God Thirdly Christs freeness to impart of his fulness to poor Sinners enslaved the which freeness
is evidenced six fold Fourthly The Spirit and the Brides invitation to and commendation of the freeness of these waters of Life in Christ Fifthly The excellent operation of these living springs to the clarifying of the heart from corruption and to qualifie the heart with grace Sixthly The sad slavery and bondage of souls enslaved to the Horseleach and her Brood Seaventhly The woful misery that this slavery to our selves will bring upon us if the means be not improved for a remedy Eighthly The little time we have for our improvement the which once over our opportunities cease Ninethly The greatness of our loss if we obtain not a cure while the time and season serveth Tenthly They are Gods Enemies as much as in them lyeth opposing God and Christ and the Spirit in their effecting of mans salvation in the way of Gods determinations and for appointments from Eternity Eleaventhly The consideration of Gods requirement and choyce that God hath made of the heart to be as a Treasury for himself to place his word his spirit his gifts graces his laws and statutes there according to his Covenant Twelfthly They are the grand Enemies to true Reformation in Church and State and therefore are not to be suffered to live in the heart Thirteenth They will Monopolize all thy Religious actions of Piety and Charity to themselves all must be done for self-ends and worldly interests Fourteenth The Recommendations and Testimonies of the faithful which from their own experiences commend unto us the excellent use and efficacy of these streams of free grace in Christ as a soveraign remedy to our distempers as an encouragement to us Fifteenth and lastly One Use of comfort to the faithful improver of the aforesaid means to the aforesaid ends and unto that soul that is truly sensible of its disease its slavery and danger thereby and world with longing desires be relieved released and delivered from the bondage of sin and condemnation due for the same Behold O behold your priviledges your help your remedy you have a a God free of his dispensations of grace to you in Christ a full Fountain set open with the waters of Life to cure all your distempers by sin 't is to cleanse the heart of sin and of uncleanness a Rock that cannot be drawn dry a River with streams seasoned and sweetened with Divine Love Christ Jesus full of grace truth for the refreshing comforting and satisfying of every soul that in the sence of its own deficiency cometh to Christ believingly in real desire of remedy where you may drink and refresh your selves and welcome you have Christ ready to entertain you with friendly entertainment Eat O friends drink yea drink abundantly O Beloved Cant. 5.1 The more souls come to Christ the more free is Christ unto them the more joyfully doth he entertain them the more his delight is in them and the more he communicates of his fulness to them your presence with him and partaking of his fulness is his joy your absence from him and refusal of his benefits is his sorrow He wept over Jerusalem upon their refusal of him in the day of his free Communications The springs are open the Fountains full the streams run clear and pure and free for cure for all your wounds though ne're so sore here may you find support and comfort in the worst of times and greatest troubles as saith the Psalmist Although the Earth be removed and though the Mountains be carryed into the midst of the Sea we will not fear Psal 46.2 And why There is a River the streams whereof shall make glad the City of God verse 4. and agreeable here unto are those words of the Prophet Isaiah ver 23. The Glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad Rivers with streams God will be yours and Christ and Grace and Glory and what enjoyments is communicable in them shall be for your Consolation and Salvation Wherefore as ye tender the glory of God the honour of Christ and your participation of the benefits and priviledges in Christ the life of holiness and the health of your souls in Heavens attainments use all diligence at the said Well-springs for to compleat a cure to your diseased hearts and to obtain your freedom from the servitude of carnal Lusts the Enemies to our Reformation and Salvation Certain Articles included and drawn from the foregogoing Discourse as the Judgment of the Authour in brief First THere is one God Creator of all things whose being is of himself Glorious in Essence Almighty in Power Infinite in Wisdom Wonderful in Providence Perfect in Purity Rich in his Mercies Great in loving Kindness Faithful in his Covenants Free in his dispensation o● Grace Tender of Compassion Long-suffering in Patience Abounding in Goodness and Truth Righteous in his Laws Just in his Judgments Jealous of his Truths a Hater of Sin a Revenger of Iniquity upon the Impenitent incomprehensible in himself yet comprehending all things within his All-seeing Eye his Understanding Knowledge and Almighty Power having Dominion over all things to order all things and dispose of all according to the good pleasure of his divine will unto whom all Worship Service and Obedience is due and is to be performed in his own way by the Sons of men and what he is in himself his Being and Attributes he is Incorruptible Immortal Eternally so God blessed for ever the hope the help the support the consolation and salvation of all that put their trust in him to whom be Glory Honour and Praise everlastingly Amen Secondly The glorious God hath made forth himself unto the Sons of men by three denominations or distinction of names as Father Son and Holy Spirit The Father is of himself not made created nor begotten The Son is of the Father Begotten not made as he is God yet made of a Woman as he is Man Gal. 4.4 The perfection of both Natures centred in him that he was perfect God and perfect Man The holy Spirit is neither made created nor begotten but is equally one from Eternity in the God-head with the Father and the Son proceeding from both mans heart to invade to repair the great loss the power of sin therein made Thirdly The Father from Eternity before the world was did determine decree and purpose in himself in time to Create man to be to the glory of his Name to enjoy him in a glorious state and thereunto did fore-appoint or predestinate him Fourthly The Father fore-seeing the Fall of Man by sin and Mans Captivity under Satans dominion thereby and Mans corrupt and miserable state under the same and Mans inability to recover himself there-from that the determined Counsel decree purpose and predestination or fore-appointment of the Father might stand sure and yet he be just He also determines a free Redemption for Man-kind by his Son and electeth or chuseth his Heirs of Glory in his Son under justification of Life and Glory through believing in his Son
do carelesly slight the means of grace and live in the neglect thereof and those that obstinately oppose the dignity of Christ in his Laws and Government and subjects in the same and those that wilfully resist the motions and operations of the spirit of grace and work of sanctification until death without Repentance are doubtless of that number that God from Eternity hath through their corruptions ordained or predestinated unto eternal Condemnation Thirtyeth The Office of Magistracy is an Ordinance of God Rom. 13. wherein God doth impower and appoint him to be an Executioner of his civil Laws of justice to the terrour of all vicious prophane and wicked persons that will not be bridled and kept within the bounds of civility Titus 3.1 by the power of Gods word nor light of nature and also to countenance maintain and protect all civil persons within his jurisdiction in their just rights and priviledges And also not only to observe Christs institutions and order of government and worship without adding too or diminishing from the truth as it is in Jesus with respect to the dignity of Christ as the only Law-giver sole Head and Governour of his Church but also to promote and propagate the interest of Christ and his People in the true worship and order of Gospel-government as a nursing Father to countenance preserve and protect by his power those that endeavour to walk peaceable in the same And herein he is the Minister of God to thee for good Rom. 13.4 5. But if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the Minister of God a Revenger to execute Wrath upon him that doth evil Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for Wrath but also for Conscience-sake And hence the Apostle exhorteth that prayers and supplications be made for all men for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may lead a peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour But if the Magistrate contrarily lay injunctions and impositions upon the Conscience of his Subjects in the point of divine worship which the Voyce of Christ in the Gospel doth not own either in matter or manner of performance so that it become inconsistent to the dignity of Christ and the peace of a tender Conscience then may a soul lawfully with the Apostles Christians of old chuse rather to suffer the penalty then to obey actively the command say with Peter and John whether it be right to obey God or man judge ye Act. 4.19 Thirty-one Comprehending many Christs visible appearance in his Kingly power The said Lord Jesus Christ shall once more appear personally in his Kingly power glory Mat. 16.27 Luk. 21.27 Mat. 24.30 2 Pet. 3.10 11. wherein the Father hath exalted him the which power he shall then put in execution The general desolution to the dissolving of this world all the Principalities and Powers thereof The Resurrection The Communion of Saints in Immortality attend Christ on the Throne with the Angels unto which power the graves shall be subject Joh. 5.28 29. 1 Thes 4.16 17. Jud. 14. Mat. 24.31 1 Thes 4.14 to deliver up their dead according to his will the Saints in the first place with those his Saints then alive all of them will he gather into one Assembly or Body in Communion with himself in their Immortal state 1 Cor. 15.53 Mat. 19.28 1 Cor. 6.2 3. Joh. 5.27 Mat. 25.31 32 41 46. Rom. 2.8 9. Rev. 20.13 14. Rev. 21.8 2 Tim. 4.8 1 Pet. 5.4 1 Cor. 15.24 who with the Holy Angels The seat of Justice shall accompany him on the Throne of Majesty and Seat of Justice beholding giving their assent and consent unto the just proceedings of Christ the Righteous Judg in the execution of his Justice The Condemnation of the Ungodly against all the ungodly both Men and Angels who shall then be cast into eternal flames of the fiery Indignation and Wrath of the Almighty as a just reward of their ungodly deeds But his Saints The Saints Crown of Righteousness shall be in the white Robes of his own Innocency and Crown of Righteousness present and deliver up unto the Father The Kingdom of Saints presented to the Father and accepted to glory as the effects of the Fathers Election in the Son and as the fruits of the faithful labours of the Son unto the Fathers great and gracious acceptation of them unto his Kingdom in the state of glory from Eternity The Saints triumph in glory purposed appointed and promised unto them through faith and sanctification there to dwell as Kings triumphing in glory over all their Enemies The Saints sacrifice in their glorified state fears sufferings and sorrows and as Priests offering up their sacrifices and songs of deliverance unto him that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb eternally A Letter to my Beloved Children Josias Bonham Thomas John Samuel and Elizabeth Bonham Beloved Children ALthough in the last end of my Book reminded yet in much respect are you upon my heart retained in the tender bowels of true Fatherly affection wishing unto you not only the blessing of me your Father after the flesh but more especially the blessing of him who is the Father of spirits unto your establishment in his grace mercy peace and unity in the truth as it is in Jesus unto all perseverance through the knowledge of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Where as the influence of Gods word upon my heart written Deut. 6.5 6 7. chap. 11.18 19. and Eph. 6.4 hath heretofore drawn me forth to consult with the mind of God in his Testimonies Commands and Promises contained in holy Scripture for my better ability to perform my duty in answer to such a divine requirement and having in a measure improved my attainments thereunto in my House and Family among you for your edification that you may set your hope in God And having found the Blessing of God in some good measure attending the same to your growth in civility and piety unto my greater comfort to the praise of God be it spoken and to the encouragement of others in such concernments Now considering that most of you are gone from me and that Mortality 〈◊〉 approaching near unto me and considering the danger of these latter days by the abounding of Iniquity both in errours of Opinions and vicious practices Therefore to the end you might be preserved from the evils of the times and the principles that have been communicated to you be preserved in you to an increase and growth in holy and Heavenly attainments I would bequeath unto you as the best Legacy that I can bestow upon you even this little Book containing some few gleanings which through grace I have gathered out of the Vintage of God and for your sakes in part