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A68393 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.; Book of common order. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Instruction et confession de foy. English. 1556 (1556) STC 16561; ESTC S109631 153,918 420

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hinderaunce of Gods honour ¶ The childe In one kinde of othe he teacheth vs a generall rule to wete that we ought not sweare at all that is to saye that we maye not cal God to wytnes vnlesse it be done with al humblenes of minde hauing a reuerente feare towardes hys maiestye before oure eyes to the entent to glorifie hys name for euen as it is holye and of most worthy pryce so it behoueth vs to take diligent hede wyth what reuerence we shoulde name God that we doe not in suche sorte name hym or call hym to witnes that either we may seeme to passe lyghtelye of hym oure selues either whereby other maye take occasiō to haue him in small reuerence ¶ The minister How shal a man vse his name with suche due reuerence ¶ The childe If we doe neyther thynke nor speake of God nor of his workes but with all reuerence and honor ¶ The minister What foloweth this commaundemēte ¶ The childe He addeth vnto it a threatnynge that he wyll coumpt hym that vseth his name irreuerenlye as a wycked malefactoure ¶ The minister Seyng that God pronounceth threatiningly in other places in a generalite that he will punishe al transgressoures what vehemencye is there besides in these wordes ¶ The childe He doth expressy declare hereby in howe greate estymacion he hath the honour of hys holy name forsomuche as he sayeth precysely by euidente woordes that he can not abyde that any man doe vse it vnreuerently to the intent we migth with so much the more careful dilygence haue it in honor ¶ The minister Sonday 26 Let vs goe to the fourth commaundemente ¶ The childe REmembre to kepe holye the sabboth daye syxe dayes shalt thou laboure The .iiii. commaundement do any neadfull worke thou hast to do but the seuenth day is the reste of the lorde thy God thou shalte do no worke that daye neyther thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter neither thy seruante nor thy handmayde no not thyne oxe or asse neither the straunger that is withe in thy gates for in syxe dayes God made heauē and earth and all that is in them but the seuenth daye he rested wherfore he hathe blessed the day of reste and hath dedicate it peculiarly to hymselfe ¶ The minister Geueth God in commaundemente that men shall trauaile sixe dayes euery weeke and so reste the seuenth ¶ The childe No he doth not precisely commaunde it but rather he doth geue menne leaue to trauaile aboute theyr commen busines for the tyme of syxe dayes and so maketh a restraint onely of the seuēth in the which he forbiddeth to laboure ¶ The minister Are we then bounde by Gods commaundement to refrayne one daye in the weeke from al maner of labour ¶ The childe This commaundemente hath a certayne speciall consideration in it for as touchynge the obseruation of bodely reste it belongeth to that parte of the olde law which is called ceremonial the which ceremonies were vtterly abolished at the comming of Christ ¶ The minister Sayest thou then that this commaundemente belongeth peculyerly vnto the Iewes that God did geue it onely for the time of the olde testament ¶ The childe Yea verely as touchyng the ceremonie therof and the outwarde bodely reste to be obserued therin ¶ The minister Why then is there any other thyng conteyned in it besydes the ceremonie ¶ The childe Yea truely for there be three consyderacions for the whych this commādement was geuen ¶ The minister What are they ¶ The childe The first is Thre consideracions for the whiche the sabboth day was ordained that it myght be a figure to represente our spiritual rest The seconde for a comely order to be vsed in the church or congregation And thirdely for the refreshyng of seruantes that they myghte haue some reliefe of theyr trauaile ¶ The minister What is that thou callest spiritual rest ¶ The childe That we cease to doe the workes of oure owne lustes wyl that the lorde may bring forth the woorkes of hys spirite in oure heartes ¶ The minister How may we do this ¶ The childe By mortifying our flesche and subduing the inordinate affections of our nature to the end that Gods spirite onely maye beare rule in vs. ¶ The minister Are we bound to this rest but one daye in the weeke ¶ The childe The spirituall Sabboth is cōtynuall It is our bounden duetye to continue in this rest alwayes so that when we haue once begon to entre in to it we muste goe on forwarde whiles oure lyfe lasteth ¶ The minister Howe happeneth it then that there is but one daye appointed to represent figure vnto vs a thinge that dureth our whole lyfe ¶ The childe It is not necessarye that the figure or shaddowe of a thyng doe resēble throughly in all pointes the thinge it is ordeined to represente it is to be thought suffyciente if they agre be lyke in sonne pointes ¶ The minister And wherfore was the seuenth daye appointed rather then any other ¶ The childe The numbre of seuen The nomber of seuen doth sygnifie ād importe a certayne perfection in the holye scripture wherfore the seuenth daye was moste meete to sette out vnto vs a thing that should stil continue moreouer it putteth vs in remembraunce that our spirituall rest or quietnes is not full nor perfecte whyles we lyue in this world neyther shall it be absolutely broughte to perfection vntyll we departe thys lyfe ¶ The minister Sonday 27 What is mente by that which our lord alleageth here saying that it behoueth vs to reste for so muche as he hath done the same ¶ The childe When God had created al his woorkes in syxe dayes he dedicated or appointed the seuenth to the vewe and beholding of his workmanship And to the intent we might be the more easely induced to the consideration there of he bringeth foorth his owne exaumple for that there is nothinge of so muche worthines to be desyred as to become lyke vnto him ¶ The minister Must we than daily haue consideration and remembraunce of goddes woorkes or is it inough to haue minde of them one day in the weeke ¶ The childe Verely our bound duety is to haue bothe daylye hourely a reuerent consideracion of hys merueillous woorkes We are bownde to praise God continuallie in his woorkes but for that we are through frailtie so negligent forgetful there is one certain daye peculiarelye appointed to renew from time to time the remembraūce of this our duety and that is the politique ordre which I spake of ¶ The childe What maner of ordre ought the people to obserue in that day ¶ The childe As touchinge pollitique or dre for dayes They are bounde that daye to come together and to geue diligente eare to the woorde of God to make theyr prayers vnto God and finallye to make open profession of their faith and religion ¶ The minister What meanest thou by saying
that it was partly ordeined for the recreation and ease of seruauntes ¶ The childe To thintente that they whiche be vnder the authoritye and power of others myght be released somewhat and lyghtened of theyr paynful laboures the whiche thyng also serueth to the furtheraunce of the common wealth for somuch as euery man hath iust cause to be the readyer willynglye to trauayle the other sixe days when they consider that they may take their rest in the seuenth ¶ The minister Goe to then let vs nowe also see how this commaundement belongeth vnto vs. ¶ The childe As touching the ceremony ther of Col. 2. The ceremoniall Sabbot● ys ended we haue nothing to do with it for the vse of al ceremonyes ceassed at the cumming of Christe who was the ende and substaunce of them ¶ The minister How so ¶ The childe For our old man vnto whome the ceremonies belonged is now crucifyed by the vertue of his death Rom. 6. through the merite of his resurrection we rise agayn into a newnes of lyfe ¶ The minister What is there than in this comaundement that concerneth vs ¶ The childe We are bounde to obserue the politique ordre appoynted in the churche for the hearyng of Goddes woorde for cumming together to make common prayers and for the ryghte vse of the sacramentes ¶ The minister And dothe the fygure profytt vs no more ¶ The childe Yes veryly for it leadethe vs to the trewth of that thing wherof the sabboth day is a figure which is that we being made the true mēbers of Christe ought to leaue of from doing the woorkes of our owne will to commit our selues wholy vnto his tuicion gouernance ¶ The minister Sonday 28 Lette vs come now to the seconde table ¶ The childe HOnor thy father thy mother ¶ The minister The 5 cōmaundement What doest thou meane by this woord Honour ¶ The childe what honor is due to our superiours The meaning is that children are of duetye bounde to vse humble obedience and lowlynes towardes their father and mother bearynge a reuerente minde towardes them ready to assyst and ayde thē and willyng to doe after theyr commaundementes according to their dutie ¶ The minister Proceade farther in thys commaundement ¶ The childe God ioyneth also a promes to this commaundement sayng that thou maist leade a prosperous lyfe many yeares in the lande whiche the lord thy God hath geuen thee ¶ The minister What is the meanyng of this promes ¶ The childe That God will indue them with a long lyfe here in thys worlde whiche haue theyr father and mother in due reuerence ¶ The minister How cummeth it to passe that god promiseth man to prolong hys life here in thys world as if it were a speciall benefite since this life present is so ful of al kynd of misery ¶ The childe Though our lyfe here in thys world be neuer so full of wretchednes yet not with standing a long life A longe life is a blessing of God vnto the faithfull for somuche as god doth shew furth his fatherly affection towardes his in that they knowe they are vnder hys protection and defence ¶ The minister May a man gather of the contrary parte that he who liueth not manye yeares is accursed of God ¶ The childe No but rather it cummeth to passe manye tymes that oure lord taketh them soneste of all out of thys world shortenyng theyr lyfe whome he loueth most dearely ¶ The minister Since he doeth thus It semeth that he keepeth not alwayes promesse ¶ The childe Benefites of this worlde are promysed with cōdicion Yes verelye for what promes soeuer god maketh vs touching the benefites of this world we ought to take it with this condicion so farfurth as it shal be expedient for the health of our soule For it were a meanes to haue the promes of god in smal reputacyon if the eyes of oure mynd wer not directed further then to cōsidre onely the state of thys present lyfe ¶ The minister And what is to be sayd of them that be disobedient vnto father and mother ¶ The childe The ponyshement of childrē whyche disobey their parents God will not onely punish them with euerlasting payne in the day of iudgement but he wil execute also punishmente on theyr bodyes here in thys worlde eyther by shortnynge their life eyther by procuring them a shameful death either at the least a life most miserable ¶ The minister Doeth not God speake expresly and namely of the lande of Canaan in thys promesse ¶ The childe Yes verely as touching the children of Israel vnto whom the commaundement was first geuen but since it hath pleased god to receyue vs also into the noumbre of hys people Psal 14 Psal 88. Psal 3. we must take it in a more general significatyon so that in somuche as the whole earthe is the lordes we ought to acknowledge that what countreye soeuer we do inhabite god hathe geuen vnto vs the same for a dwellinge place ¶ The minister Is there nothyng elles to be vnderstande in this commaundement ¶ The childe Yes for notwithstandyng no mencion is made in it expresly but of the father and mother yet we must vnderstand in them al magistrates rulers superiours for so muche as there is one maner of consideracion of theym all ¶ The minister What is that ¶ The childe AS God hath geuē vnto them all theyr authoritie and preeminence and because there is no prerogatiue of superioritye neither of father nor mother neyther of prynce or ruler magistrate or maister neyther anye other offyce or tytle of preemynence Rom. 13. but suche as God hath ordeyned therfore they require al by one maner of reason theyr due obedience ¶ The minister Sonday 29 Goe nowe to the sixt commaundement ¶ The childe The .6 commaundement THou shalt do no murther ¶ The minister Is there nothyng forbydden here but open murther ¶ The childe Yes verelye for consideryng that it is god who geueth thys in commaundemēt the which hath chiefe regarde vnto oure heartes he doth not only geue vs a law to restrayne our outward dedes but principally to brydle the affections of oure mynde ¶ The minister Thy meanynge is then that there is a certayne kinde of murther lying prieuelye in the heart the whiche is forbydden here of God ¶ The childe It is euen so and that is a malicious hatred or rancour and a desyer to doe hurt vnto our neyghbour ¶ The minister Is it inough then if we beare no hatred nor malice towardes any man ¶ The childe No for in that that god forbyddeth hatred it is to be vnderstand also that he requireth of vs to loue all men that vnfeynedly from the bottome of the hearte procuryng by all meanes theyr welth ¶ The minister Rehearse the seuenthe commaundement ¶ The childe THou shalt not commit adultery The .7 Cōmādement ¶ The minister What is the summe and
effect of thys commaundement ¶ The childe All whoredome is declared to be accursed of God Al whordome is accursed therfore it behoueth vs to refrayne from it if so be we feare to prouoke hys wrath agaynst vs. ¶ The minister Is there no other thyng conteyned in this commaundemente ¶ The childe We muste al wayes haue an eye and a regarde to the lawmaker The minde of the lawe maker is to be considered who in so muche as he is God from whome nothing lyeth hid he stayeth not himselfe in the consideracion of the outwarde woorke goyng no farther but he requyrethe also that the heart be cleane from al corruptiō and luste ¶ The minister Shewe me then what is the full and perfecte meanyng of thys commaundemente ¶ The childe 1. Cor. 3. Forsomuche as oure bodies soules are the temples where Gods holy spirite resteth 2. Cor. 6. this commaundemente requireth of vs to kepe thē in all honeste purenes in suche sorte that it is not ynough for vs if we be chast as touchīg the carnall act but we must also be withoute all vnclenly lustes or desyres without all inordinate fansyes fynally we are inhibyted all woordes and gestures which sounde or allure to vnclenlynes so that there muste be no parte in vs defyled or vnchaste ¶ The minister Sonday 30 Go on to the eyght commaundemente ¶ The childe The .6 commaundement THow shalt not steale ¶ The minister Doth this commaundemente forbydde only suche robberies as be punished by cōmune lawes either doth it reache any farther to any other kynde of stealyng ¶ The childe Thys commaundemente reacheth vnto al naughty vnlawful Of theft or disceauable occupacyons and forbiddeth all disalowable or discommendable wayes and meanes wherby we plucke vnto vs any parte of oure neyghbours substance whether it be by violence by fraude or by any other meanes that God hath not alowed by hys worde ¶ The minister Is it ynough if a manne refraine from the dede doynge eyther is it forbydden also to mynde or purpose any suche thynge ¶ The childe We must al waies haue a consyderacion that God was the maker of this law Of inward thefte who forsomuch as he is a spirite hath not onely regard to robberies that be committed in dede but he considereth aswell our secret enterprises oure deuyses and purposes and the desyres of our mynde to come by riches throughe oure neyghboures losse ¶ The minister What behoueth it vs then to doe ¶ The childe We are bounde to do our endeuoure that euery man maye haue his due and ryghte ¶ The minister What is the nynth commaundemente ¶ The childe The ninth cōmaundemete THow shalt beare no false wytnes agaynste thy neyghboure ¶ The minister Doth god forbyd in this commaundement open periurye before a iudge onely eyther are we charged to make noe lye to the dysprofyte of oure neyghbours ¶ The childe A generall doctrine towchīg other In namynge one kynde of lying he forbiddeth vtterly to make any leasyng meanynge that we maye not speake any thynge to the reproche of our neyghboure falselye and that we maye in no wyse backbyte hym or make lyes of hym whereby he myghte sustayne losse in hys goodes or be hyndered in hys good name ¶ The minister Wherfore doth he speake expresly of open periuryes rather then of any other kind of lies ¶ The childe To the intente that we might the more earnestly deteste and abhorre After customable staūderyng liing ther foloweth shor ely in the necke of it open periurie al backbiting and lying signyfying vnto vs withal that whosoeuer doth accustome himself to speake slāderously of his neyghbour or to make any lie to his neighbors hinderàunce priuely he wyll not be ashamed shortely after to forsweare hymselfe openly ¶ The minister Be slanderous and lying wordes forbidden here alone either be we also restrained from al euyl thynkinge ¶ The childe As wel the one as the other by the reason which we haue already aleged That that is ill to be doen before men yt yl to be thoughe before God for that that is euyll in the doyng before men is as euil to be willed or thought before God ¶ The minister Rehearse then in fewe wordes the very sence and meanynge of it ¶ The childe We are taught by thys commaundement not to be ready to iudge euyll or to speake any wordes that sounde to the reproche and infamy of others but muche rather to haue a good opynyon of oure neyghbours ād to speake wordes to theyr prayse and to the mayntenaunce of theyr good fame and honeste estymacion so farre foorth as the trueth wyll beare vs. ¶ The minister Sonday 31 Let vs come now to the laste commaundemente ¶ The childe The .x. commaundemente Thou shalte not desyre thy neyghbours house thou shalt not desyre thy neighbours wife nor his seruaunt nor his mayde nor hys oxe nor asse neyther any thīg that is thy neyghbours ¶ The minister Seing the whole lawe is spiritual and requyreth purenes of the hart as thou hast said and forsomuche as euery one of the other afore sayde commaundementes were ordeined aswell to correcte and amende the naughtye rebellyous affections of the hearte as to rule gouerne the outwarde doinges of men it appereth that this commaundement is superfluous and that there was inough sayde before ¶ The childe In the aboue rehersed commaundementes God forbyddeth all wyllynge or consentynge to do euil minding therby to brydell and suppresse all rooted affections or deliberate purposes of naughtines but here in this he vtterlye inhybiteth all euyll thoughtes lyght mocions sodaine affections yea thoughe we neuer fully purpose them neyther endeuoure oure selues or consente wyllyngly to doe them ¶ The minister Sayest thou then that the leaste mocion or temptacion that can entre into the thought of a faythfull man is sinne though he vtterly refuse it striue against it and wyll not by any meanes consente vnto it ¶ The childe Yea verely for this is certayne that al wanton thoughtes and mocions of euyll Euery euyll mocion is a synne doe proceade and sprynge oute of the orygynall synne which contynueth styll in vs by nature wherof I conclude that lustes or mocions whiche doe kendle or styrre vp mans heart to do amysse though he neuer purpose or consente to dooe the thyng be neuerthelesse directly agaynste this commaundemente ¶ The minister This is then bryefely thy sayinge that euen as lustes or desyres of euyll whiche haue so farre preuayled that the wyll is consentynge fully agreed vpon the same are reproued as synne in the former commaundementes euen so by this commaundement God requireth of vs suche an vpryghte clearenes of cōscyence that there maye not so muche as one euyll mocion or desyre once enter into oure heartes the whiche myght enclyne or prouoke vs to doe amysse ¶ The childe Ye haue sayde all ¶ The minister Maye we not nowe make a briefe some and
gatheringe of the whole lawe ¶ The childe The somme ād effect of the whole lawe Matt. 22. Yes verely the whole lawe is comprehended in these ii poyntes the one is that we loue God with all our hearte with all our mynde and with oure whole myghte The other is that we loue our neighboure as our selfe ¶ The minister What is included in the loue of God ¶ The childe It requireth of vs this duetye that we loue hym as oure God that we acknowledge and take hym for oure soueraine lorde master sauiour father so that hereby our duetye is to feare hym to honoure hym to put oure whole trust in him to obeye him and loue hym ¶ The minister What doest thou meane by these woordes with all oure hearte all oure mynde and oure whole strength ¶ The childe It is no more to say but that we must loue God with suche a zeale and feruente affection that there maye be in vs no desyre no will no thought no endeuour no maner of inclynacion contrarye vnto this loue ¶ The minister What is the meaning of the seconde point ¶ The childe We are taught therby that as we be naturally inclyned to loue our selues and as this affection is moste vehemente doth passe al the rest euen so our loue towardes our neighbours oughte in suche sorte to beare rule in our hartes that it shoulde rule and guyde vs altogether and shoulde be a lyne and rule therby to order all oure thoughtes and deedes ¶ The minister And whome meanest thou whan thou sayest oure neyghbours ¶ The childe I doe not onely sygnyfye by the word our kindred frendes and suche other as be of oure familier acquaintance but such also as be straungers vnto vs and more then that oure verye enemyes ¶ The minister In what bande or alliance are we in with them ¶ The childe There is a knot of frendshyp the which God hymselfe hath fastened which cannot be loosed by any mans malyce or wickednes ¶ The minister Then thou wylte saye yf any man beare any malycious hatred vnto vs that euyll affection cometh of himselfe and yet in the meāe time by the very ordre whych God himselfe hathe appoynted he ceasseth not to continue stil our neighboure and we are bounde euen so to take hym ¶ The childe Yea verely ¶ The minister Seing the law requireth such a perfect vpright maner of seruing God is not euery christen man bound to frame hys lyfe and conuersacyon after the same ¶ The childe Yes truely but we haue in vs so much weakenes No mā can fulfill the lawe that there is no man whiche fully doth perfourme all that the lawe requireth ¶ The minister Why doth God therefore require of vs suche an exquisite perfection as we be not hable to reache vnto ¶ The childe God requireth nothyng of vs but that whiche we are bound to do and our own consciences witnes that we are charged with already And agayn if we bend our selues and geue diligence to frame our lyues to this rule set furth in the law than albeit we be farre from being able to attayne vnto the perfection therof yet the lorde wil not lay to our charge that defaut or lacke of dooyng the same as our duetie requireth ¶ The minister Speakest thou generally of al men either elles meanest thou the faythful onely ¶ The childe I speake not of such as beleue not for no man is able to begyn to frame hymselfe to doe the leaste poyncte that the lawe requireth vntyll he be regenerate and fashyoned agayne throughe the spirite of God Moreouer if it were possiblé to fynde out anye manne who were able to perfourme some part of that Deu. 27 Gal. 3. that the law demaundeth it should not be enough to dyscharge hym before god for the lorde pronounceth openly thys sentence that whosoeuer doth not throughly accomplishe euerye poynte conteyned in the lawe is accursed ¶ The minister Sonday 33 Hereof we must needes gather that the law hath two distinct offices accordyng as there be two sortes of menne ¶ The childe Rom. 3. To what vse the lawe serueth touching the vnfeythful 2. Cor. 3. What elles for as touchynge them that beleue not it serueth to no other purpose but to reproue condemne them and to take from them al maner occasion to excuse themselues before god thys is that part of the office of the law which S. Paule speaketh of namyng it the instrumente of death and damnaciō but as touchyng the faythfull it serueth to an other vse ¶ The minister What profite doeth the lawe bring to the faythful ¶ The childe To what vse the lawe serue the as touchin the feithfull Fyrst the lawe maketh it knowen vnto them that they cannot be iustified by their woorkes so by humbling them through the knowledge of their miserable state it doth stirre them to search their health saluaciō in our sauiour Christ Secondarily wheras it requireth more then is possible for any man to do it warneth them to pray vnto God that he wil vouchsafe to geue them suffyciente strength that they may at least haue a ready willing minde to obey hys will and therby they haue also occasion to knowledge their daylye fautes and so to thynke lowely of them selues Thyrdelye it serueth them in steade of a bridle to represse theyr carnal affections and to holde them faste in the feare of God ¶ The minister We may then finally conclude as touching thys matter that albeit for the time of this transitory lyfe we neuer attaine to be able to render perfect obedience vnto the law yet it is not to be thought a vayne thyng and to no purpose that it requireth of vs suche a precyse and exquisite perfection for thereby it setteth vp a marke vnto vs to the ēd that we euery one according to the grace wherwith God hath endued vs might continually with so muche more feruente affection walke towardes it and study dayly more and more to come vnto it ¶ The childe Ye haue vttered the thing euen as I ment it ¶ The minister Haue we not a perfect rule of all rigthtuousnes set out in the law ¶ The childe Yes verelye so that God demaundeth no other thynge of vs Obedience to the law is gods onely seruice and the sacrifice that he requireth of vs. 1. Sam. 15. Ierem. 7. then to frame and ordre al our doinges by it and contrary wise God disaloweth and refuseth whatsoeuer man taketh in hand to doe besydes For obedience is the onelye sacrifice and seruice which he requireth ¶ The minister To what purpose then doth al those monicions declarations exhortations commaundementes serue whiche the Prophetes make the apostles ¶ The childe The doctrine of the prophetes Apostles be nothing els but exposicions of the selfe same law more at large the ende of which doctrine is so farre of from the leadyng of vs from the obedience due vnto God that
shall come at lengthe to full perfectyon the whiche thynge shal be at the day of iudgement what tyme God alone shal be magnifyed and all creatures shall appeare lowe being subiecte vnto hys maiestye 1. Cor. 15. yea when he shall be euydentlye seene to be all in all thynges ¶ The minister Sonday 40 In what sence prayest thou that Goddes wyll maye be doone ¶ The childe I desyre that al creatures may be readye and willyng to obey hym in suche sorte The third request towching the accōplishement of gods wil that what soeuer is done may be plesant to hym ¶ The minister Doest thou meane then that nothyng maye be done contrarye vnto hys wil and appoyntemente ¶ The childe Oure request is not only that he wil bring al thinges to passe as he hath appoynted by hys vnsearcheable counsell and prouydence but that it may please hym also to beate downe all rebellion that euerye man maye with a cherefull courage applye hymselfe to hys will onelye ¶ The minister In so doyng doe we not renounce and vtterly refuse our owne willes ¶ The childe Yes forsooth and we pray not onelye that it maye please him to ouerturne make voide and bryng to naught suche desyres as be in vs repugnyng vnto hys pleasure Regeneracion but that he wyll also in suche sort fashion oure myndes a newe and so frame the affections or lustes of our heartes that the worke of our owne wyll beyng set a parte his spirite may worke suche a will in vs as may be in all poyntes agreable vnto hym ¶ The minister Wherfore puttest thou vnto it In earth as it is in heauen ¶ The childe Because the Angels which be hys heauenly creatures study nothyng How gods wil is done in heauen but quietly to please hym without anye mocion or thought to the contrary we desyre that the lyke may be done in the earthe and that al men may be framed vnto a lyke willyng obedience ¶ The minister peti ∣ tion The fourth Come now to the second part what doest thou meane by the dayly bread which thou askest ¶ The childe That word conteineth al thinges whereof we haue neede in this present life what is ment by our daily breade not onely as touchīng meate drīke clothes but all maner of thynges that god knoweth to be expedient for vs in thys worlde wherby we maye haue the fruicion of hys benefites in quietnes ¶ The minister Why beggest thou of god thy daylye nouryshement since he hath geuen a charge vnto al men to gette theyr liuing with the labour of theyr handes ¶ The childe Albeit we are commaunded to trauaile and doe our endeuor yet the trueth is so that al our labour diligence and prouisiō that we can make is not able to procure vs a liuynge but the onely blessynge of God vpon our handes and trauayle whych prospereth the thinges we goe aboute in hys name moreouer thys is to be consydered that it is not meate or drynke that nourysheth vs notwithstandyng we be commaunded to make prouision for those thinges but the power of god mayntayneth our lyfe Deu. 8. and we vse them onelye as instrumentes ¶ The minister Why callest thou it our bread since we desyre that it maye be geuen vs ¶ The childe That cummeth of the onelye bountifulnes of God whose pleasure it was to name it oures albeit it is nothynge at al due vnto vs and agayn by thys woorde we are put in remembraunce not to desyre the bread that an other man hath trauailed for but to wyshe that ōly whiche we shal come by by honest lawful meanes agreeable to gods ordinaunce ¶ The minister Why saiest thou this daye calling it our dayly breade ¶ The childe wherefore we cal it daylie bread Those wordes do geue vs monicion to be contented and not to wyshe more then suffyseth for our necessitie ¶ The minister Seeyng thys is a common prayer belongyng indifferently to all men howe is it that the ryche who haue prouided aboundaunce of goodes for a longe tyme maye make thys petycyon for one daye ¶ The childe All men both ryche and poore muste vnderstande that what goodes soeuer they haue they can nothyng profyt them but so far forth as it pleaseth God to geue thē the vse thereof ād the enioyinge of them so that whan we haue plentye yet we haue nothyng onles he of hys goodnes geue vs also the fruicion and vse of the same ¶ The minister Sonday The 42. What is conteyned in the fyfth requeste ¶ The childe peti ∣ tion The .5 That it wyll please God to forgeue vs our trespasses ¶ The minister Is there any man lyuyng so iuste that nedeth not to make this requeste ¶ The childe No surely for our Lorde Iesus prescrybed thys forme of prayer to hys Apostels for the behofe of hys whole churche so then whosoeuer woulde exempte or priuilege hymselfe from the sayinge of this praier in so doing he refuseth to be of the company and felowship of Christes flocke in very dede the scripture doth playnly testifie that the moste perfecte manne that is Iob. 9. if he woulde allege one poynte to iustifye himselfe thereby before God shoulde be founde fautye in a thousande it is mete therfore that euery man haue a recourse cōtinuallye vnto the wel of Gods mercy ¶ The minister After what sort thinkest thou that our synnes be pardoned vs ¶ The childe In what sort our synnes are forgeuen Euen as the very wordes of Christe doe sounde for somuch as our sinnes be as debtes by whiche we are holden fast bond vnder the daunger of euerlasting damnacion we make supplycacyon vnto GOD that he wyll of hys mere goodnesse pardon them ¶ The minister Thou meaneste then that we obteyne forgeuenes of our synnes by the free mercye of God onely ¶ The childe It is euen so for we can by no meanes make amendes for the leste faute that we haue commytted if God dyd not vse his bountifull lyberalytie towardes vs by for geuynge them frely euery one ¶ The minister What profyte commeth to vs by that that we are pardoned of our sinnes ¶ The childe Besydes that that we are delyuered therby from the paynes of hell we become as acceptable vnto God as if we were innocent and without al spot of vnryghteousnesse and also our consciences be surely perswaded that he beareth a tender fatherlye affection towardes vs whereby we attayne to euerlastynge healthe and felycytye ¶ The minister When thou makest thy praier that he wyl pardon vs our offences euen as we pardon them which trespasse agaynst vs doest thou meane hereby that we meryte or deserue to haue oure synnes forgeuen in that that we forgeue other men theyr fautes ¶ The childe No verely for by that meanes we shoulde not haue pardon of oure synnes Oure sinnes be pardoned freely freelye and for naught neither should the remyssyon of them be suffycientlye grounded vpon
we seeke for thys hys woorde ¶ The childe It is conteyned in the holye scripture ¶ The minister How must we vse thys woorde to haue thys profit by it ¶ The childe We must receyue it beyng perfitly perswaded therof in oure conscience as of an vndoubted trueth sent down from heauē submittyng our selues vnto it with due obedience louing it hartely with a feruent ād vnfeyned affectiō hauing it so imprinted in our hartes that we may folowe it and conforme our liues wholy vnto it ¶ The minister Doe all these thynges lye in our power ¶ The childe No verely not one of theym all but God woorketh them in oure heartes in thys wise by hys holy spirite ¶ The minister Is it not required of our part that we take payne doe oure diligence both to heare and to reade thys doctrine whiche is set furth vnto vs ¶ The childe Yes forsoth firste it is requisite we must geue diligente labour to learne gods word that euerve man priuatly in his own house geue himselfe to the studye of this word but principally euery man is bound to haunt duely al such sermons as be made in the congregation of Christ for the better vnderstandyng of this his doctrine ¶ The minister Thinkest thou then that it is not inough that euerye manne dooe geue diligence to reade gods worde in his owne house onlesse they come also together to heare it preached openly ¶ The childe I thynke so at the least waye if God of his goodnes doe prouyde suche meanes that we may heare it ¶ The minister What is the reason ¶ The childe Ephe. 4. Because oure sauior hath set established thys ordre in hys church not to the ende that .ii. or three onely shoulde obserue it but as a generall ordre for all men he hath like wise declared that this is the onely way to build hys church to preserue the same let vs therfore euery one be content to haue recourse to this rule not become wyser then our maister ¶ The minister Pastours or ministers in the church are necessary Is it then a thing necessary to haue pastoures and ministers in the congregaciō ¶ The childe Yea very necessary at theyr mouthes men are bound to receyue the woorde of the Lorde with all humble obedience so that whosoeuer doeth set light of thē Matt. 10. Luk. 10. and regard not to heare theyr sayinges they contemne also Iesus Christe and deuyde themselues from the felowship of hys flocke ¶ The minister Is it sufficiente that we haue bene once instructed by theyr meanes either elles must we heare their doctrine continually ¶ The childe It is nothyng if a man begyn well vnlesse he continue styll in the same for we must keepe vs in Christes schole and continue stil his scholers vnto the end and for that cause he hath ordayned Ministers in the churche to teache vs continually in hys name ¶ The minister Sonday 46 Is there no other meane besides hys word by whiche God sheweth hymselfe vnto vs ¶ The childe God hath ordeined and coupled the sacramentes with the preachyng of hys woorde ¶ The minister What thing is a sacramente ¶ The childe A sacramente is an outwarde token of gods fauor Of sacramētes which by a visible signe dothe represent vnto vs spirituall thīgs to the ēd that gods promises myght take the more deepe roote in oure heartes and that we myghte so muche the more surely geue credite vnto them ¶ The minister What is this possyble that a visible and a material sygne should haue such vertue to certifye oure conscience ¶ The childe No not of it selfe but God hath ordained it forsuch an end ¶ The minister Since it is the proper office of Goddes holy spirite to seale imprinte the promises of God in our heartes how can thou attribute or geue this propertie vnto the sacramentes ¶ The childe There is a great difference betwene the one and the other for goddes spirite is he alone who in very deede is hable to touche and moue our heartes to illuminate our mindes and to assure oure consciences in suche sorte that all these ought to be accounted and reputed hys only workes so that the whole prayse and glory hereof ought to be geuē vnto hym onelye yet this notwithstandyng it hath pleased our Lorde to vse hys sacramentes as certaine meane aydes or instrumētes therof according as it seemed good vnto hym without diminisshinge in the meane tyme any poynt of the vertue and woorking of his spirite ¶ The minister Thou meaneste then that the efficacy or vertue of the sacramentes doth not consyst in the outwarde elemente or visible signe but so farre furth as it pleaseth God to moue the conscience therwithall by the working of hys spirite ¶ The childe I meane euen so according as it is gods pleasure to woorke by meanes by him ordeined without any derogacion therby to his gloryous power ¶ The minister What moued God to institute such instrumentes or meanes ¶ The childe He ordeyned them to helpe and counforte oure weake nature The sacramētes were ordained to helpe our infirmitie for if we were wholye of a spiritual nature as the angelles are then we were apt to consider both God hys manifolde graces or benefites after a spiritual maner also but forsomuch as we are clogged withe earthely bodyes it was needefull for vs that God did institute sensible sygnes to represente vnto vs spirituall and heauenly thynges for otherwyse we coulde not so wel comprehende them Moreouer it is necessarye for vs that al our senses be exercised in his holy promises that we might be the better stablyshed in the same ¶ The minister Since God hath ordeined his sacramentes for our necessitie it were a point of arrogancye and presumpcion to thinke that they myghte be as well left of as vsed ¶ The childe Ye saye trueth so that whosoeuer doth willingly forbeare the vse of them estemyng them as thynges more then nedeth The sacramentes are necessarye of no importance he dishonoreth Iesus Christ he refuseth his gracious benefites and doeth willingly quenche hys holy spirite ¶ The childe But what sure certitude of gods grace be the sacramentes hable to geue seing bothe the godlye and wicked doe receiue them ¶ The minister Albeit the infideles wicked doe make the grace which is offered presented vnto them by the sacramentes voyde and to stand them in none effect yet it foloweth not that theyr office and property is such for al that ¶ The childe How is it then and when is it that the sacramentes doe produce or bryng furth theyr operacion and effect ¶ The childe When a man receyueth them in faith whan the sacramentes take theyr effect leaning onely vnto our sauior Christ his merites seking nothing els but him in thē ¶ The minister What meanest thou by saying that we may seke nothyng els but Christ in them ¶ The childe
in presentinge your selues before idolls but either stand in the trueth and so rather 21 Luk. 12. a. Act. 5. c. obey God then man or els followe gods callinge who hath so mercifully prouyded for you mouinge the hartes of all godlie rulers and magistrates to pitie your state and do you good so that at Emden Wesell Franckford ād in this Citie he hath appointed godlye Churches whereī you may learne to feare him repent your synnes amende your lyues and recouer agayne his fauour and mercie And becawse there is no way more ready or sure to come to him then by framynge our selues altogether to his blessed 22 1. Sam. 15. e. Mat. 7. e. Ioh 9. f. wyll reueiled vnto vs in his worde we to whome thogh God hath geuen more libertie yet no lesse lamentinge your bondage then reioysinge in our owne deliuerance frome that Babylonicall slauery and Antichristian yooke haue earnestly endeuored emongste other thinges which might bringe vs to the woorthy 23 Iohn 5. g. Luk. 1. g. 2. Pet. 1. c. consideration of gods woorde to frame our lyues and refourme our state of religion in suche sort that neither doute of the certeintie therof shuld make vs feare nor yet mans iudgement discourage vs and cause vs shrincke from this entreprise moste acceptable to God comfortable to his churche and necessarely apparteyning to euery christian mās duetie We therfore not as the greatest clearkes of all but as the lest able of many do presēt vnto you which desire the increase of gods glorie and the pure simplicitie of his woorde a forme and order of a reformed churche lymited within the compasse of gods woorde which our sauiour hathe left vnto vs as onely 24 Gal. 1. a. 3. c. 2. Tim. 3. d. Reue. 22. d. sufficient to gouuerne all our actions bye so that what so euer is added to this worde by mans deuice seme it neuer so good holy or beautifull yet before our God whiche is ielous and can not admitt any cōpanyō or counseller it is euell wicked and 25 Luk. 16. d. abominable For he that is the 26 1. Cor. 1. d. Ioh. 1. a. 14. a. Hebr. 1. a. wisdome of the father the brightenes of his glorie the true light the woorde of lyf yea trueth and lyf it self cā he gyue vnto his churche for the which he payed the raunson of his bloode that which shulde not be a sufficient assurance for the same can the woorde of trueth deceyue vs the way of life misguyde vs the worde of saluation damne vs God kepe vs from suche blasphemies and so direct our hartes with his holy spirit that we may not onely content our selues with his wisdome but so reioyse in the same that we may abhorre all thinges which are contrarye The which considerations dere bretherne when we waighed with reuerēt feare ād hūblenes ād also knowīg that negligence in reforming that religion which was begone in Englande was not the leaste cause of gods rodds light vpon vs hauīg now obteyned by the mercifull prouidence of our heauēly father a free churche for all our nation in this moste wourthy Citie of Geneua we presented to the iudgement of the famous man Iohn Caluin and others learned in these parties the order which we mynded to vse in our churche who approuing it as sufficient for a christian congregation we put the same in execution nothing douting but all godly men shall be muche edified therbye and as for the Papistes or macilious men and vngodly we haue not laboured to satisfie them becawse we knewe no souueraigne medecine for their cankered sore except it may please God by our prayers to be mercifull to thē ād call thē home if They be not allready forsaken But yet for as muche as there are sūme which through contynuance in their euell ●ather deliting in custome then knowlage can not suffer that men shuld once open their mouthes against certeyne olde and receyued ceremonies we thoght good in this place some what to touche that scrupulositie For as ceremonies grounded vpon Gods woorde and approuued in the newe Testament are commendable as the circumstance therof doth support so those that man hath inuented thogh he had neuer so good occasion thervnto if they be once abused import a necessitie hinder gods woorde or be drawen into a superstition without respect oght to be abolished For if 17 4. kyng 18. a. Ezechias was cōmended by the holy ghoste for breaking in pieces the brasen serpent which Moses had erected by gods commandement and now had continued aboue 800. yeres which thing of it self was not euell but rather put men in remembrance of gods benefit yet becawse it begā to minister occasion to the people to cōmitt idolatrie was not to be borne withall how muche more oght we to take heed that through our occasion men committ not idolatrie with their owne imaginations and phantasies It was not with out great cause commanded by almyghtye god that the 28 Deu. 12. a. d. 13 c. d. 4. kyngs 18. a places and other appertinances which had serued to Idolatrie shuld be vtterly consumed lest babes and children through occasion remembring the same shuld falle into like inconuenience And thinke you that we oght to be wiser and not rather take heede that those things which the papistes and other idolaters haue inuented or els obserue as inuented by mā may not enter in to Christes churche as well to th ende that the weake may not be 29 1. Cor. 8. c. 10 rom 14. c. confirmed in their error as that we may altogether 30 2 Cor. 6. d. Esa 52. c seperate our selues from that idolatrous Babylon and temple of Belial wherwith Christ hath no concorde nor agrement Ther was no one ceremonie more auncient nor yet of better autorite then the wasshing of the Disciples feet which was obserued alonge time in the church and institute by 31 Ioh. 13. a. Christ him selfe yet when some wer persuaded that it was a portion of the lordes supꝑ ād others thoght it serued in steade of Baptisme the godly churches in S. 32 Epist. 119. ad Ian. August tyme thoght it better to leaue that which was ordeyned for a good vse thē by reteyning the same cōfirme an error or suꝑstition The Corinthiās for the relief of the poore and to increase brotherly amytie together dyd institute 33 1. Cori. 11. d a feast immediatly 34 Chrisost in 11. cap. 1. Cor Tertul. lib. ad vxorem after the lordes supꝑ but how sharply S. Paul did reprehēde the same cōdemnīg in comparaison that mē shuld adde any thing to the lordes institution it appeareth by that he saith I haue receyued of the lorde that whiche I gaue you We reade also that Ezechias and his nepheu Iosias 35 2. Chro 30. a 4. king 23. e 2. Chro. 30. a restored the vse of the passeouer which had bene a very lōg tyme discōtynewed but in the ministration
thy worde nowe sowen emongest vs may take suche depe roote that neither the burninge heate of persecution cause it to wither nether the thorny cares of this lyfe do choke it but that as seede sowen in good grownde it may bringe forth thirtie sixtie ād an hundreth folde as thy heauenly wisdome hathe appointed And becawse we haue nede continuallie to craue many thinges at thy handes we humbly beseche thee ò heauēly father to graunt vs thy holy 4 luk 11. b. rom 8. c. Iam. 5. d. 1. Ioh. 5. c. rom 12. c. wisdome 9. c. spirite to directe our peticions that they may procede frome suche a feruēt mynde as may be agreable to thy moste blessed wyll And seinge that our infirmitie is hable to do nothinge without thy helpe 5 2. Cor. 3. a. Io. 15. a. phil 2. b. and that thou arte not ignorant with how many and greate 6 psa 40. c. 1. pet 1. a. temptations we poore wretches are on euery side inclosed and compassed let thy strenghe ò lord susteyne our weaknes that we beinge defended with the force of thy grace may be sauely preserued against all assaultes of Satan who goeth abowte cōtinually like a 7 2. Peter 5. b. roaringe lyō sekinge to deuoure vs. 8 luk 17. a. Encrease our faith ò mercifull father that we do not swarue at any tyme frome thy heauēly worde but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull kepinge of all thy commaundementes that no 9 Psal 95. b. Hebr. 3.4 c. hardnes of harte no hypocrisie no 10 1. Ioh. 2. c. concupiscence of the eys nor intysementes of the worlde do drawe vs away frome thy obedience And seinge we lyue nowe in these moste 11 1. Tim. 4. a. 2. peter 3. a. 2. Tim. 3. a. Iude a. b. c. d. perillous tymes let thy fatherly prouidēce defende vs against the violence of all our enemies which do euery where pursue vs but chiefely againste the wicked rage and furious vproares of that Romyshe idoll ennemie 12 2. Thes 2. a. 1. Ioh. 2. c. reue 13. d. 17. d to thy Christe Fordermore forasmoche as by thy holy Apostle we be taught to make our 13 1. Tim. 2. a. prayers and supplications for all men we praye not onely for our selues here present but beseche the also to reduce all suche as be yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnes and error to the pure vnderstandinge and knowlage of thy heauenly trueth that we all with one 14 Rom. 15. b. 1. Cor. 1. b. Ephe. 4. a. consent and vnitie of myndes may wourshippe thee our onely God and sauiour And that all Pastors shepherds and ministers to whome thou hast committed the 15 Ioh. 21. d. Matt. 28. d. 1. Cor. 9. c. Mark 16. d. dispensation of thy holy woord and 16 1. Peter 5. a. charge of thy chosen people may bothe in their lyfe and doctrine be fownde faithfull settinge onely before their eyes thy glorie and that by theim all poore shepe which wander and go astray may be gathered ād broght home to thy foulde Moreouer becawse the 17 prouer 21 a. hartes of rulers are in thy hands we beseche thee to direct and gouerne the hartes of all kinges Princes and Magistrates to whome thou haste cōmitted the 18 Rom. 11. b. Ioh. 19. b. sworde especially ò lord accordinge to our bondendutie we beseche thee to mainteyne ād increase the honorable estate of this Citie For the prosperous estate of Geneus into whose defense we are receyued the Magistrates the counsell and all the whole bodye of this commō weale Let thy fatherlye fauor so preserue theym and thy holy spirite so gouerne their hartes that they may in suche sorte execute their office that thy religion may be purely mainteyned 19 1. Tim. 1. a. lam 1. d. māners refourmed ād synne ponished accordinge to the precise rule of thy holy woord And for that we be all 20 1. Cor 12. d. rom 12.2 mēbres of the mysticall body of Christ Iesu we make our requestes vnto the ò heauenly father for all suche as are 21 Iam 5. c. afflicted with any kinde of crosse or tribulation as warre plague famine sikenes pouertie imprisonement persecution banishemēt or any other kinde of thy roddes whether it be 22 2. Cor. 1. b. Heb. 13. a. calamitie of bodie or vexation of mynde that it wold please thee to gyue them pacience and constancie tyll thou send them full deliuerance of all their troubles And as we be bownde to loue and 23 Exo. 20. b. honor our parentes kinsfolkes friendes and contrye so we moste humbly beseche thee For England to shewe thy pitie vpon our miserable contrie of England which once through thy mercie was called to libertie and now for their and our synnes is broght vnto moste vile slauery and Babylonicall bondage Roote owte from thence ò lord all raueninge 24 Matt. 7. c. act 20. f. wolues which to fyll their 25 Ezech. 34. a. Rom. 16. c. philip 3. d. bellies destroie thy flocke And shewe thy great mercies vpon those our bretherne which are persecuted cast in 26 Heb. 13. d. Rom. 8. g. psal 43. d. prison and dayly condemned to deathe for the testimonie of thy trueth And thogh they be vtterly destitute of all 27 Ioh. 16. f. mans ayde yet let thy swete comfort neuer departe frome them but so inflame their hartes with thy holy spirite that thei may boldely and chearefully abide suche 28 1. peter 1. b. tryall as thy 29 Act. 2. d. Matt. 10. d. luk 21. d godly wisdome shall appoint So that at lenght aswell by their 40 Rom. 14. b deathe as by their life the kingdome of thy sonne Iesus Christ may increase and shyne through all the worlde In whose name we make our humble peticions vnto thee as he hath taught vs. Our father Which arte in heauen etc. ALMIGHTIE and euer lyuinge God vouchsaue we beseche thee to grant vs perfite contynuance in thy liuely faith 1 luk 17. b. augmentinge the same in vs dayly tyll we growe to the full measure of our 2 Ephes 4. a. perfection in Christ wherof we make our confession sayinge I beleue in God c. Then the people singe a Psalme which ended the minister pronounceth one of these blessinges and so the congregation departeth THE lord blesse you and saue you Nom. 6. d the lord make his face shyne vpon you and be mercifull vnto you the lord turne his countenance towardes you and graunt you his peace THE grace of our lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 13. d. the loue of God and communion of the holie ghoste be with you all so be it IT shall not be necessarie for the minister dayly to repete all these thinges before mentioned but beginnynge with some maner of confession to procede to the sermon which ended he either vseth the prayer for all
lordship haue Their ymage and their royall porte shall fade and quite decaye when as from house to pitt they passe with wo and weale a waye verse 15 15 But god will surely preserue me from death endles paine Because he will of his good grace Selab my soule receyue agayne verse 16 16 If any man waxe wonders riche feare not I say therfore Althogh the glory of his house increaseth more and more Iob. 27. 1. Tim. 6. 17 For whē he dieth of al these thinges nothing shal he receiue His glory wil not folow him his pompe wil take her leaue verse 18 18 Yet in thys lyfe he taketh hymselfe the happiest vnder sunne and others likewise flatter hym sayng all is well done verse 19 19 And presuppose he lyue as longe as did his fathers olde yet moste he nedes at length gyue place and be broght to deathes folde verse 20 20 Thus man to hounor god hath called yet dothe he not consider but like brute beastes so doth he lyue which turne to duste and powder Miserere mei Deus Psal LI. ¶ when Dauid was rebuked by the Prophete Nathan for his great offences he dyd not only acknowlage the same to god with protestation of his naturall corruption and iniquitie but also left a memoriall therof to his posteritie Therfore first he desireth god to forgiue his synnes and renewe in him his holy spirite with promesse that he will not be vnmyndfull of those great graces finally fearinge lest god wolde ponishe the whole churche for his faute he requireth that he wolde rather increase his graces towards the same O Lorde consider my distresse and now with speed some pitie take my synnes deface my fautes redresse good lorde for thy great mercies sake Washe me ó lorde and make me cleane from this iniuste and synnefull acte and purifie yet once againe my hainous crime and bloodie facte verse 3 3 Remorce and sorrowe do constrayne me to acknowlege myne excesse My synne alas dothe still remayne before my face withowte relesse verse 4 4 For thee alone I haue offended comittyng euell in thy sight Rom. 3. and if I were therfore condemned yet were thy iudgement iust and right verse 5 5 It is to manifest alas that first I was conceyud in synne yea of my mother so borne was and yet vile wretche remaine therin verse 6 6 But notwithstanding thou doest loue the inwarde trueth of a pure hart therfore thy wisedome from aboue Nu. 19. Iea. 14. Isa 1. thou haste reueld me to conuert verse 7 7 If thou with hissope purge this blot I shal be cleaner then the glasse and if thou washe away my spot the snowe in whitenes shall I passe verse 8 8 Therfore o lorde suche ioy me send that inwardelie I may fynde grace and that my strength may now amend which thou haste swagd for my trespas verse 9 9 Turne backe thy face and frowning ire for I haue felt ynough thy hand and purge my synnes I thee desire which do in nomber passe the sand verse 10 10 Make new my harte within my brest and frame it to thy holy will thy constant spirit in me let rest which may these ragyng enmys kill verse 11 11 Cast me not owte lorde frō thy face but spedelie my torments ende take not from me thy spirite grace which may from daungers me defend verse 12 12 Restore me to those ioyes agayne which I was wonte in thee to fynde and let me thy free spirite retayne which vnto thee may styre my mynde verse 13 13 Thus when I shall thy mercies knowe I shall instructe others therin and men that are likewise broght lowe by myne ensample shall flee synne verse 14 14 O god that of my health art lorde forgyue me thus my bloodie vice my harte and tongue shall then accorde to synge thy mercies and iustice verse 15 15 Touche thou my lippes my tōg vntie ò lorde which art the onlie kaye and then my mouthe shall testifie thy wōdrous woorkes and prayse alway verse 16 16 And as for owteward sacrifice I wolde haue offred many one but thou estemes theym of no prise and therin pleasure takest thou none verse 17 17 The heauie hart the mynde opprest ò lorde thou neuer doest reiecte and to speake truthe it is the best and of all sacrifice theffecte verse 18 18 Lorde vnto Zion tourne thy face powre owte thy mercies on thy hill and on Hierusalem thy grace builde vp the walles and loue it still verse 19 19 Thow shalt accept then our offrynges of peace and rightuousnes I saye yea calues and many other thynges vpon thyne aulter will we laye Quid gloriaris Psal LII I. H. ¶ Dauid describeth the arrogant tyrannie of his aduersarie Doeg Sauls chief shepherde who by false surmises caused Achimelech with the rest of the pryestes to be slayne Dauid prophecieth his distruction and encourageth the faithfull to put their confidence in god whose iudgements are moste sharpe against his aduersaries And finally he rendreth thanks to god for his deliuerance In this psal is liuely set fourth the kyngdome of Antichriste VVhy doest thou tyrant boast abroad thy wicked workes to prayse dost thou not know ther is a god whose mercies last alwayes why doth thy mynd yet styll deuyse such wicked wiles to warpe thy tonge vntrue in forginge lyes is lyke a rasour sharpe verse 3 3 On mischiefe why settst thou thy minde and wilt not walke vpright Thou hast more lust false tales to fynd Selah than bring the trueth to light verse 4 4 Thou dost delite in fraude and guile In mischief blood and wrong Thy lippes haue learnde the flatteryng style O false disceitful tong verse 5 5 Therfore shal God for euer confound And pluck thee from the place Thy seede roote out from of the ground Selah And so shal thee deface verse 6 6 The iust when they beholde thy falle with feare wil prayse the lord And in reproche of thee withal “ hebr shall laugh or mocke Crye out with one accord verse 7 7 Behold the man which would not take The lord for his defence But of his goodes hys god did make And trust his corrupt sense verse 8 8 But I an Olyue freshe and greene Shal spryng and sprede abrod For why my trust al tymes hath bene Vpon the liuyng God verse 9 9 For this therfore will I geue prayse To thee with heart and voyce I wil set furth thy name alwayes Wherin thy sayntes reioyce Deus Deus meus Psal LXIII Th. St. ¶ Dauid after he had bene in great daunger by Saul in the desert of Ziph made this psalme wherin he giueth thankes to god for his wonderfull delyuerannce in whose mercies he trusted euen in the myddes of his myseries propheciynge the destruccion of godes ennymies and contrariwise happynes to all theym that trust in the lorde 1. Sam. 23. O God my God I watche betyme to come to thee in haste for why my soule and
he is a buckler and defence verse 12 12 The lorde hath vs in mynde and will vs blesse eichone the house I meane of Israel and the tribe of Aaron The litle ones ād cast awaies of the worlde be as neare to god as the great princes and mā of estate verse 13 13 And blesse will he all them that feare the lorde in deed as well the weake as them of strength which seeke to him at neede verse 14 14 With graces manifolde the lorde will all you blesse as wel your seede as you your selues with plentie and increase verse 15 15 For ye are deare to him that Lord is ouer all which made bothe heauen and the earth and things bothe great and smale verse 16 16 The heauens are the lords as his own dwellinge place but vnto men the earth he giueth ther on to runne their race verse 17 17 Surely they that are dead shall neuer praise the lord seinge god had elected this people to be glorified in if they had perished his glorie shu●de haue bene diminisshed Nor suche as in the graue are layd shall ther vnto accorde verse 18 18 But we that do here lyue shall thancke the Lord always with hart and mouthe singe thanks will we like wise all you him prayse Ad Dominum Psal CXX Th. Ster ¶ The praier of Dauid beīg now banished emōg the barbarous people of Arabia by the false reportes of enuious flaterers And therfore he lamēteth his longe abode amongs those infidells who were geuen to all kinde of wickednes and contention IN trouble and in thrall vnto the lord I call and he doth me comfort deli er me I say from lyers lyppes alway and tonge of false report verse 4 4 What vantage or what thinge getest thou thus for to stinge thou false and flattering lier verse 5 5 Thy tongue doth hurt I wene no lesse then arrowes kene Of whote consumyng fyre verse 6 6 Alas to longe Islake He meaneth the shepherds tentes of Arabia which we re blacke with wether Can. 1. with in these tentes so blake which kedars are by name By whome the folke elect And al of Isaackes sect Are put to open shame verse 7 7 With them that peace did hate I came a peace to make And set a quyet lyfe verse 8 8 But when my woorde was tolde Causeles I was controld By them that would haue stryfe Ad te leuaui Psal CXXIII Th. St. ¶ A prayer of the faithfull which are afflicted by the wicked worldelinges and contemners of God O Lord that heauen doest possesse I lyft myne eyes to thee euen as the seruant lyfteth his his maisters hādes to see As handmaides watch their mistres hādes some grace for to atchyeue so we behold the lord our god tyll he do vs forgeue verse 4 4 Lorde graunte vs thy compassion and mercy in thy sight For we be fylled and ouercome with hatred and despyght verse 5 5 Our myndes be stuffed with great rebuke the ryche and worldly wyse Doe make of vs their mocking stocke the proude doe vs despyse Beati omnes Psal CXXVIII Th. St. ¶ He describeth the prosperous estate of thē that be maryed in the feare of god ioyning with all the promese of gods blessings to all them that liue in this honorable estate accordinge to his commandements BLessed art thou that fea╌rest god and walkest in his waye for of thy labour thou shalte eate happie art thou I say Like fruitfull vines on the house sydes so doth thy wife springe out thy children stāde lyke olyue plātes thy table rounde about verse 4 4 Thus art thou blest that fearest God and he shal let thee see The promised Ierusalem and his felicitie verse 5 5 Thou shalt thy childrens children see to thy great ioyes increase and likewise grace on Israel prosperitie and peace Deprofund is clamaui Psal CXXX ¶ An effectuous prayer of him that for his synnes had susteyned great afflictions and not withstandinge he fully trusteth and assureth him selfe to obtayne mercye and forgiuenes of his synnes and at length delyuerance from all euells LOrde to thee I make my mone when daungers me oppresse I call I sygh playne ād grone trustinge to finde relesse Heare now ò Lorde my requeste for it is full due tyme and let thin eares aye be preste vnto this prayer myne verse 3 3 O lorde my God if thou waye our synnes and them peruse No man is iuste in gods sight who shall then escape and saye I can my selfe excuse verse 4 4 But lorde thou art mercifull and tournest to vs thy grace that we with hartes moste carefull shulde feare before thy face verse 5 5 In god I put my whole truste my soule waiteth on his will for his promes is moste iuste and I hope therin still verse 6 6 My soule to god hath regarde wisshinge for him all waye more then they that watche and warde to see the dawninge daye verse 7 7 Let Israel then boldelye in the lorde put hys truste he is that god of mercie that his delyuer muste verse 8 8 For he it is that muste saue Israel from hys synne and all suche as surelie haue their confidence in him Ecce quàm bonum Psal CXXXIII ¶ This psalme conteyneth the commendation of godly ād brotherly amytie which for the excellencie therof is compared to the moste precious oyle wher with the priestes only and instruments of the tabernacle were annoynted Exod. 30. O How happie a thinge it is and ioyfull for to see bretherne together fast to holde the bande of amitie It calleth to mynde that swete perfume and that costelye oyntemēt * which on the sa crifi cers head by gods precept was spent verse 3 3 It wette not Aarons heade alone but drencht his bearde throughout and finally it dyd renne doune his riche atyre about verse 4 4 And as the lower grounde doth drincke the dewe of Hermon hill and Zion with his siluer dropes the fields with fruite doth fill Euenso the lorde doth powre on them his blessings manyfolde These two laste verses ar songe at this marke * whose heartes and myndes without all gile this knot do kepe and holde Super flumina Babylonis Psal CXXXVII ¶ The people of god in their banishement seinge gods true religion decaye lyued in great anguishe ād sorrowe of hearte the which grief the Chaldeans did so litell pitie that they rather increased the same daily with tauntes reproches and blasphemies against god wherfore the Israelites desire god first to ponishe the Edomites who prouoked the Babylonians against them and moued by the sprite of god prophecie the destruction of Babylon wher they were handeled so tyrannouslye VVhen as we sate in Babylon the riuers round about and in remembrance of Sion the teares for grief braste out we hangd our harpes and instruments the willowe trees vppon for in that place men for their vse had planted many one God suffieth sometymes the wicked to vexe and torment
wayes this resurrection of Christe doeth profite vs ¶ The childe Thre maner of ways the firste The benefyte and vertue of Christes death standeth in .iii pointes that we haue fully obtained to be ryghteous therby Secondly that his risinge frō death is asure gage and certaine assuraunce unto vs that we shall ōce ryse agayne into a lyfe without ende and moste glorious Thyrdely Rom. 4.6 1. Cor. 15. that if we be in dede truely partakers of his resurrection we ryse nowe in this present worlde in to a new kynde of lyfe addicted wholy to serue God and to leade an holye conuersation agreable to his wil and pleasure ¶ The minister Sonday 12 Let vs goe forwarde to the reste ¶ The childe He ascended vp into heauen ¶ The minister Wente Christ vp into heauen in suche sort that he was no lōger abydinge in the yearth ¶ The childe Yea Christ ascended into heauē for whan he had performed whollye all thynges that were enioyned him by the commandement of his father and had accōplished all that was necessarie for our health it was not nedefulle that he shoulde remayne any longer in the worlde ¶ The minister What profyte haue wee by hys ascension ¶ The childe The Profytte of Christes ascension stādyth in two pointes We receyue double profyte thereby for since that our sauyoure Christe is entred into heauen in our name euen inlyke maner as he came downe from thēce for oure sakes onely he hath thereby made an open entrye into the same place for vs geuynge us withal an assured knowledge that the gate of heauen is nowe wyde open to receiue vs whych was before faste shutte through our synnes The seconde profite is that he sytteth there presente alwais in the syght of God the father to make intercessyon for us Rom. 6. Hebr. 7. and to be our aduocate to make answere for vs. ¶ The minister But is oure sauioure Christ so gone out of the worlde that he is no more here with vs ¶ The childe Matt. 28. No dowteles for he hymselfe sayeth the contrarye that is that he wyl be here presente with vs vnto the worldes ende ¶ The minister Is it meant of his bodely presence that he maketh promise so to cōtynue with vs ¶ The childe No verelye Luke 24. Actes 1. for it is a nother matter to speake of hys body which was lyfte vp out of this worlde into heauen and to speake of hys godlye power whiche is spred abrode throughout the whole worlde ¶ The minister Declare the meanīg of this sentēce He sytteth on the ryghte hand of God the Father ¶ The childe The vnderstandyng of that is Matt. 28. to signifye that he hath receyued into his handes the gouernance of heauen and yearth whereby he is kynge and ruler ouer al thynges ¶ The minister What signifieth this worde ryghthande and the fyttyng on the ryghthande whereof mention is here made ¶ The childe It is a similitude or a maner of speache borowed of earthly Princes To sit on the right hande of God whiche are wonte to place on their right side suche as they substitute nexte vnder them to see to the execution of lawes and to supplye their roume and offyce in their steade ¶ The minister Then thou meanest nothing els therby Ephe. 1. but that whiche S. Paule speaketh to the Ephesians that he was constitute and appointed head of the Churche set in authoritie aboue all powers Philip. 2. and that he hath receiued a name or dignitie passynge all other ¶ The childe My meanynge is none other ¶ The minister Goe forwarde to the residue ¶ The childe Sonday 13 From thence he wil come to iudge the quycke ād the dead that is to saye he will come doune from heauē and shewe himselfe visibly once agayne in iudgement euen in that shape Actes 1. wherin he was seen to ascend ¶ The minister Seynge the iudgemente of God shal be in the ende of the worlde how maye that be whych thou saiest some shal be a lyue and other some shal be dead namely since also it is a thing most certainly oppointed vnto all men Hebr. 9. to dye once ¶ The childe S. Paule maketh answer to this questiō himselfe saying that they which at that time shal be lefte on liue 1. Cor. 15. 1. Thes 4. shal be sodainly chāged in a momēt of time to the end that their corruptible nature maye be altered and that they may receiue a newe body whiche shal be no more subiect to corruption ¶ The minister Thy meaninge is then that this alteratiō or change shal be vnto them in steade of a death in somuche as it shal do a way abolyshe their former nature and make them ryse againe in a newe more glorious state ¶ The childe It is euen so ¶ The minister Doe we receyue any comfort by this that our sauiour Christ will come once to iudge the worlde ¶ The childe Yea verely and that a synguler great comforte for we are taught certeynly that hys commyng at that tyme shal be onely for our saluation ¶ The minister Wel then there is no cause why we shoulde be afrayde of the day of iudgement or wherfore we shoulde lothe the cummyng thereof ¶ The childe No truely Christe shal both Iudge vs and aunswer for vs. forsomuch as we shall appeare before no other iudge but him who is our aduocate and hath taken vpon hym to defende our cawse ¶ The minister Sonday 14 Let vs nowe come to the third parte ¶ The childe That part cōcerneth our fayth confidence in the holy goste The third parte of the crede ¶ The minister And to what purpose doth it serue vs ¶ The childe It doth vs to vnderstād that euen as God hath first redemed vs Of the holy gost and his giftes geuen euerlasting health vnto vs in Iesu Christ euē so it pleased hym to make vs partakers of these his graces ād benefites through his holy spirite ¶ The minister How so ¶ The childe In lyke maner as the bloud of Christe is the onelye thyng that pourgeth oure soules 1. Peter 1. euē so the holy ghost must sprinkle ād moysten our cōsciences with the same to make them pure and cleane ¶ The minister Yet this needeth a more euident declaration ¶ The childe It is no more to saye but that the holye spirite of God dwellyng in our heartes doth make vs feele the vertue and goodnes of our Lord Iesus Rom. 5. for it is he that doth open the eyes of our hearte to beholde gods benefites towardes vs he doeth seale and imprint his aboundante graces in our soules and this spirite doeth also regenerate vs and make vs new creatures in such sort Ephe. 1. that by his meanes we receiue to our most cōfort al those giftes and benefites which be offered vnto vs so plentifully in Christ our sauiour ¶ The minister Sonday 15
Shall not the wycked be aswell partakers of thys resurrection as the faythfull ¶ The childe Yes verely but they shal be in condycion or state farre vnlyke for the one that is to wete the faythfull Ihon. 5. Matt. 25. shall ryse agayne to euerlastynge ioye and felycitye the other to euerlasting death and damnacion ¶ The minister Wherfore then is there not aswell mencion made of hell and death euerlastynge as of heauen and lyfe that endureth for euer ¶ The childe Bycause the Crede is a bryefe summe of oure faith conteinynge in as fewe woordes as can be that that belongeth peculyerly to comfort the consciences of Goddes faythfull therfore Gods benefytes whiche he freely bestoweth vpon hys people be rehersed alonely without any mencyon of the wycked who are cleane shute oute of hys kyngdome ¶ The minister Sonday 18 Since we haue the very foundacion grounde wher vpon our fayth is builded we maye wel gather hereof that this is the very ryghte fayth ¶ The childe what a thynge liuely faith is Yea verely that is to saye it is a sure perswasion and a stedfaste knowledge of Gods tender loue to wardes vs accordynge as he hath playnlye vttered in his ghospell that he wylbe both a father and a sauyoure vnto vs through the meanes of oure Lorde Iesu Christe ¶ The minister Is this fayth a thyng standynge in oure power eyther is it a free gyfte that God geueth at hys pleasure ¶ The childe The scrypture teacheth vs that it is a speciall gyft of the holy gost and very experience doeth also confirme the same ¶ The minister And why so ¶ The childe For the feblenes of oure wyttes is suche that we can by no meanes attayne vnto the vnderstandynge of Gods wysedome and the secretes of his spirite the which thynges be opened and made knowen vnto vs by faythe and oure heartes are naturally inclyned to a certayne distruste or at lest avaine trust either in oure selues The holy gost doth lyghten our mindes or in other creatures but what tyme Gods spirite hath lyghtened our heartes and made vs able to vnderstāde Gods wyll the whiche thyng we can not attaine other wise thā doth he arme vs also with a stedfaste cōfydence in hys goodnes sealinge as it were and impryntyng the promises of euerlastynge healthe in our heartes ¶ The minister What profyte commeth to vs through this faith whan we haue it ¶ The childe It doeth iustifie vs before God This faith maketh vs sure of our righteousnes and maketh vs enherytours of euerlastynge lyfe ¶ The minister Why thē is not a man iustyfyed through good workes if he lyue holylye and in the obedience of Goddes wyll ¶ The childe If any manne were to be founde so perfecte as to leade his life vprightly before God suche a one myghte worthelye be called a ryghteous manne but forsomuche as we euerye one maye iustlie counte our selues wretched sinners in the syght of God we are of necessytye dryuen to seeke elles where for a worthynes to make answere for vs to Gods iudgemente ¶ The minister Sonday 19 But be all our workes so disproued that they can meryte nothyng at all for vs before God ¶ The childe Fyrst al suche workes as we do of our selues by the inclination of our owne nature Al mans woorkes be damnable vntill they be regenerate through godes sprite are vtterly corrupte Wherof it foloweth necessarily that they can not please god but rather do prouoke hys wrath and he condemneth them euery one ¶ The minister Thys is then thy sayinge that vnto the tyme that God hath of his fauourable goodnes receyued vs to mercy we can doe no maner of thynge but synne Mat. 7 euen as an euell tree can brynge forth no fruite but that that is euyll ¶ The childe It is euen so for although oure woorkes make a fayre shewe outwardely to mannes syghte yet withoute doubte they are wycked in Goddes syght forsomuch as the heart is naughte and vngracious vnto the whyche God chiefly hath respecte ¶ The minister Hereby then thou doest conclude that it lyeth not in oure power to preuente God with our merytes and so to prouoke him to loue vs but muche rather contrarywyse we therby do styrre him to be more and more angry against vs. ¶ The childe Yea surelye and therfore I saye that without any maner consyderacion of oure owne workes he doth accept and receyue vs into hys fauoure of hys mere lyberall goodnes bountyful mercy Titus 3 through the merites of our sauiour Christ accountyng hys righteousnes to be ours and for hys sake so forgettynge oure fautes that he wyl lay them no more to oure charge ¶ The minister What meanest thou then that a man is iustyfied by his fayth ¶ The childe Iustification or righteousnes is attributed vnto faythe for somuche as through beleuing that is receiuynge with an assurance of the heart the promyses of the ghospell we enter into possessyon of thys ryghteousnes ¶ The minister Thys is bryfely thy meanynge that euen as God doth presente and offre thys ryghteousnes freelye vnto vs in hys gospell euen so the onely meane or way to receiue that excellente gyfte of GOD is faythe ¶ The childe Yea forsoth ¶ The minister Sonday 20 wel then after that god hath once receyued vs into hys fauour be not the workes which we doe through his grace of fayth and by the vertue or his spirite acceprable vnto him ¶ The childe The good workes whiche procede onely of faythe Yeas verely because he doth of his free goodnes so accepte them and take them and not bycause theyr worthines doth deserue so to be estemed ¶ The minister How is it that they be not worthy of themselues to be accepted since they be workes procedynge of the holy ghost ¶ The childe Forsomuch as we cary alway some infirmitie of the fleshe about vs which wyl haue a stroke and a doing in al our workes wherby they are defyled ¶ The minister By what meanes then are they made acceptable vnto God ¶ The childe By the meanes of faith The way to do good workes to goddes plesure for through fayth a man is well assured in his conscience that God wyll not looke narowly vpon hys workes nor trie them by the sharpe rygoure of hys iustyce but that he wyl rather hyde the vnperfytnes the vncleane spottes that be in them with the vndefyled purenes of our sauiour Christ and so accoumpt them as perfecte ¶ The minister May we saye then that a Christian manne is iustifyed by his workes after that God hath called hym or that he doeth meryte through them Gods fauour to the procurement of lyfe euerlastyng ¶ The childe Psal 143. No verely but contrarywyse it is sayd that no manne lyuing shal be iustified in Gods syght and therefore it is oure dutie to praie that he do not enter into iudgemente with vs or cal vs to a coumpte ¶ The minister
euerlastinge ¶ The minister What do the bread and wyne represent in the lordes Supper ¶ The childe This that as our bodies are norished therwith so our sowles are susteyned and norished with the vertue of Christs body ād bloode not that they are inclosed in the breade and wyne but we muste seeke Christ in heauen in the glorie of God his father ¶ The minister By what meanes may we attayne vnto hym there ¶ The childe By faith which gods spirite worketh in our hartes assuringe vs of Gods promisses made to vs in his holy ghospell Th end A FOVRME OF prayers to be vsed in priuat houses euery morninge and euenynge Morninge prayer ALMIGHTIE God and most mercifull father we do not 1 Daniel 9. c. present our selues here before thy Maiestie trusting in our owne merites or worthynes but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers and 2 Ioh. 16. c graunt our requestes which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ our lord who hath also commaunded vs to assemble our selues together in his 3 Matt. 18. c. name with ful assurance that he wyll not onely be emongst vs but also be our 4 1. Tim. 2. b. mediator ād aduocate towards thy Maiestie that we may 5 1. Ioh. 3. d. obteyne all thinges which shall seme expedient to thy blessed wyll for our necessities Therfore we beseche thee most mercifull father to tourne thy louynge contenance towardes vs and 6 Psal 32. a. impute not vnto vs our manyfold synnes and offences wherby we iustely deserue thy wrath and sharpe punishement but rather receyue vs to thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake acceptinge his death and passion as a iuste 7 1. Ioh. 2. a. recompence for all our offences in whome onely thow art pleased and throgh whome thow canst not be offended with vs. And seinge that of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this night graunt ò heauenly father that we may spēd and bestowe this day wholy in thy seruice so that all our 8 Col. 3. c. thoghtes wordes ād deedes may redounde to the glorie of thy name ād good ensample to all men who seinge our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly father And forasmoche as of thy mere beneuolēce and loue thow haste not onely created vs to thyme owne 9 Gen. 1. d. similitude and lykenes but also haste chosen vs to be heyres with thy dere sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdome which thow preparedst for vs before the beginnynge of world we beseche thee to 10 Luk. 17. a. encrease our faith and knowlage and to lighten our hartes with thy holy spirite that we may in the meane tyme lyue in golyd cōuersation and integritie of lyfe knowinge that 11 Gal. 5. d. idolaters adulterers couetous men contentious persons dronkardes glotons and suche lyke shall not inherite the kingdome of God And becawse thou haste commaūded vs to pray one for on other we do not onely make request ò lord for our selues and theym that thow hast already called to the trew vnderstandinge of thy heauenly wyll but for all people and 12 Act 10. e 1. Tim. 2. a nations of the world who as they knowe by thy wonderfull workes that thow arte God ouer all so they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to beleue in thee their onely sauiour and redemer But forasmoche as they can not 13 Rom. 10. d beleue except they heare nor can not heare but by preaching and none can preache except they be sent therfore ò lord rayse vp faithfull distributers of thy mysteries who settinge a parte all worldely respectes may bothe in theyr lyfe and doctrine onely seke thy glorie Contrarely confownd 14 Rom. 16. c Satan Antechrist with all hyrelinges and papistes whome thow hast already cast of into a reprobate sense that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errors disquiet thy lytle flocke And becawse ò lord we be fallen into the latter days and 15 2. Tim. 3. a daungerous tymes wherin ignorance hath gott the vpper hand and Satan with his ministers seeke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy gospell we beseche thee to mayntayne thy cawse against those 16 Matt. 7. c raueninge wolues and strengthen all thy seruantes whome they kepe in pryson and bondage Let not thy longe sufferinge be an occasion either to encrease theyr tyrannye or to discorage thy childrene nether yet let our synnes and wickednes be a hinderance to thy mercies but with spede ò lord consider these great miseries and chieflye the afflictions of our Contrie which once florished through thy mercies and nowe for contempt of thy worde is 17 Amos 8. Matth. 11. c plaged accordinge to thy iudgement Alas lord mayst thow not be intreated shall we thus be left in dispayre shall all the world laugh at our shame for 18 Psal 77. b. euer truthe it is lord that we were more then sufficiently warned of this thy vengeance to come both by thy worde ād exemples of others For thy people Israell many tymes by their 19 Exo. 32. a synnes prouoked thyne anger and thow ponishedest theym by thy iuste iudgement yet thogh theyr synnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned frome their iniquitie thow receyuedst theym to 20 Esa 37. a mercie we therfore most wretched synners bewayle our manyfolde synnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickednes and vngodly behauyor towardes thee and wheras we can not of our 21 Rom. 7. d 2. Cor. 3. Luk. 17. c selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly beseche thee for Iesus Christ sake to shewe thy mercies vpon vs and restore vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these our requestes and all other thinges necessarie for vs and thy whole churche accordinge to thy promes in Iesus Christe our lorde In whose name we beseche the as he hath taught vs saing Our father c. A prayer to be sayd before meales ALL thinges depende vpon thy prouidence o lord to receyue at thy handes due sustenance in tyme conuenient Psal 104. Thou geuest to theym and they gather it thow openest thy hand and they are satisfyede with all good thinges O heauenly father which arte the fountayne and full treasure of all goodnes we beseche thee to shewe thy mercies vpon vs thy children and 1 1. Tim. 4. b. sanctifie these giftes which we receyue of thy mercifull liberalitie grauntinge vs grace to vse theym 2 Tit. 2. c soberlie and purely accordinge to thy blessed will so that hereby we may ackonwledge the to be the author ād gyuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remembre cōtinually to seeke the 3 Ioh. 6. c. d spirituall foode of thy woorde wherewith our soules may be norished euerlastingly through our sauiour Christ who is the trewe 4 Ihon. 6. c breade of lyfe which came downe