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A66445 The blovdy tenent, of persecution, for cause of conscience, discussed, in a conference betweene trvth and peace vvho, in all tender affection, present to the high court of Parliament, as the result of their discourse, these, amongst other passages, of highest consideration. Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683.; Cotton, John, 1584-1652. 1644 (1644) Wing W2758; ESTC R2405 232,471 275

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Christians are to be exhorted not compelled But this hundreth not that Christians sinning against light of Faith and Conscience may justly be censured by the Church with Excommunication and by the Civill Sword also in case they shall corrupt others to the perdition of their Soules As for the Testimony of the Popish Book we weigh it not as knowing whatsoever they speake for Toleration of Religion where themselves are under Hatches when they come to sit at Sterne they judge and practise quite contrary as both their Writings and Iudiciall proceedings have testified to the World these many yeares To shut up this Argument from Testimonie of Writers It is well known Augustine retracted this Opinion of yours which in his younger times he had held but in after riper age reversed and refuted as appeareth in the second Book of his Retractations chap. 5. and in his Epistles 48. 50. And in his 1. Book against Parmenianus cap. 7. he sheweth that if the Donatists were punished with death they were justly punished And in his 11 Tractate upon Iohn They murther saith he Soules and themselves are afflicted in Body They put men to everlasting death and yet they complaine when themselves are put to suffer temporall death Optatus in his 3. book justifieth Macharius who had put some Hereticks to death that he had done no more herein then what Moses Phincas and Elias had done before him Bernard in his 66 Sermon in Cantica Out of doubt saith he it is better that they should be restrained by the Sword of Him who beareth not the Sword in vaine then that they should be suffred to draw many others into their Errour For he is the Minister of God for Wrath to every evill doer Calvins judgement is well knowne who procured the death of Michael Servetus for pertinacie in Heresie and defended his fact by a Book written of that Argument Beza also wrote a Booke de Haereticis Morte plectendis that Hereticks are to be punished with Death Aretius likewise tooke the like course about the Death of Valentinus Gentilis and justified the Magistrates proceeding against him in an History written of that Argument Finally you come to answer some maine Objections as you call them which yet are but one and that one objecteth nothing against what we hold It is say you no prejudice to the Common-wealth if Libertie of Conscience were suffred to such as feare God indeed which you prove by the examples of the Patriarchs and others But we readily grant you Libertie of Conscience is to be granted to men that feare God indeed as knowing they will not persist in Heresie or turbulent Schisme when they are convinced in Conscience of the sinfulnesse thereof But the Question is Whether an Heretick after once or twice Admonition and so after conviction or any other scandalous and heynous offender may be tolerated either in the Church without Excommunication or in the Common-wealth without such punishment as may preserve others from dangerous and damnable infection Thus much I thought needfull to be spoken for avoyding the Grounds of your Errour I forbeare adding Reasons to justifie the Truth because you may finde that done to your hand in a Treatise sent to some of the Brethren late of Salem who doubted as you doe The Lord Jesus lead you by a Spirit of Truth into all Truth through Jesus Christ. A REPLY to the aforesaid ANSWER of Mr. Cotton In a CONFERENCE betweene TRVTH and PEACE CHAP. I. Truth IN what darke corner of the World sweet Peace are we two met How hath this present evill World banished Me from all the Coasts Quarters of it and how hath the Righteous God in judgement taken Thee from the Earth Rev. 6. 4. Peace 'T is lamentably true blessed Truth the foundations of the World have long been out of course the Gates of Earth and Hell have conspired together to intercept our joyfull meeting and our holy kisses With what a wearied tyred Wing have I flowne over Nations Kingdomes Cities Townes to finde out precious Truth Truth The like enquiries in my flights and travells have I made for Peace and still am told she hath left the Earth and fled to Heaven Peace Deare Truth What is the Earth but a dungeon of darknesse where Truth is not Truth And what 's the Peace thereof but a fleeting dreame thine Ape and Counterfeit Peace O where 's the Promise of the God of Heaven that Righteousnes and Peace shall kisse each other Truth Patience sweet Peace these Heavens and Earth are growing Old and shall be changed like a Garment Psal. 102. They shall melt away and be burnt up with all the Works that are therein and the most high Eternall Creatour shall gloriously create New Heavens and New Earth wherein dwells Righteousnesse 2 Pet. 3. Our kisses then shall have their endlesse date of pure and sweetest ioyes till then both Thou and I must hope and wait and beare the furie of the Dragons wrath whose monstrous Lies and Furies shall with himselfe be cast into the lake of Fire the second death Revel 20. Peace Most precious Truth thou knowest we are both pursued and laid for Mine heart is full of sighes mine eyes with teares Where can I better vent my full oppressed bosome then into thine whose faithfull lips may for these few houres revive my drooping wandring spirits and here begin to wipe Teares from mine eyes and the eyes of my dearest Children Truth Sweet daughter of the God of Peace begin powre out thy sorrowes vent thy complaints how joyfull am I to improve these precious Minutes to revive our Hearts both thine and mine and the hearts of all that love the Truth and Peace Zach. 8. Peace Deare Truth I know thy birth thy nature thy delight They that know thee will prize thee farre above themselves and lives and sell themselves to buy thee Well spake that famous Elizabeth to her famous Attorney Sir Edward Coke Mr. Attourney goe on as thou hast begun and still plead not pro Domina Regina but pro Domina Veritate Truth 'T is true my Crowne is high my Scepter 's strong to breake down strongest holds to throw down highest Crownes of all that plead though but in thought against me Some few there are but oh how few are valiant for the Truth and dare to plead my Cause as my Witnesses in sack-cloth Revel 11. While all mens Tongues are bent like Bowes to shoot out lying words against Me Peace O how could I spend eternall dayes and endlesse dates at thy holy feet in listning to the precious Oracles of thy mouth All the Words of thy mouth are Truth and there is no iniquity in them Thy lips drop as the hony-combe But oh since we must part anon let us as thou saidst improve our Minutes and according as thou promisedst revive me with thy words which are sweeter then the honey and the honey-combe CHAP. II. DEare Truth I have two sad Complaints First The most sober
THE BLOVDY TENENT of PERSECUTION for cause of CONSCIENCE discussed in A Conference betweene TRVTH and PEACE VVHO In all tender Affection present to the High Court of Parliament as the Result of their Discourse these amongst other Passages of highest consideration Printed in the Year 1644. FIrst That the blood of so many hundred thousand souls of Protestants and Papists spilt in the War● of present and former Ages for their respective Consciences is not required nor accepted by Iesus Christ the Prince of Peace Secondly Pregnant Scriptures and Arguments are throughout the Worke proposed against the Doctrine of Persecution for for cause of Conscience Thirdly Satisfactorie Answers are given to Scriptures and objections produced by Mr. Calvin Beza Mr. Cotton and the Ministers of the New English Churches and others former and later tending to prove the Doctrine of Persecution for cause of Conscience Fourthly The Doctrine of Persecution for cause of Conscience is proved guilty of all the blood of the Soules crying for vengeance under the Altar Fifthly All Civill States with their Officers of justice in their respective constitutions and administrations are proved essentially Civill and therefore not Iudges Governours or Defendours of the Spirituall or Christian state and Worship Sixtly It is the will and command of God that since the comming of his Sonne the Lord Iesus a permission of the most Paganish Iewish Turkish or Antichristian consciences and worships bee granted to all men in all Nations and Countries and they are onely to bee fought against with that Sword which is only in Soule matters able to conquer to wit the Sword of Gods Spirit the Word of God Seventhly The state of the Land of Israel the Kings and people thereof in Peace War is proved figurative and ceremoniall and no patterne nor president for any Kingdom or civill state in the world to follow Eightly God requireth not an uniformity of Religion to be inacted and inforced in any civill state which inforced uniformity sooner or later is the greatest occasion of civill Warre ravishing of conscience persecution of Christ Iesus in his servants and of the hypocrisie and destruction of millions of souls Ninthly In holding an inforced uniformity of Religion in a civill state we must necessarily disclaime our desires and hopes of the Iewes conversion to Christ. Tenthly An inforced uniformity of Religion throughout a Nation or civill state confounds the Civill and Religious denies the principles of Chr●stianity and civility and that Iesus Christ is come in the Flesh. Eleventhly The permission of other consciences and worships then a state professeth only can according to God procure a firme and lasting peace good assurance being taken according to the wisdome of the civill state for uniformity of civill obedience from all sorts Twelfthly lastly true civility and Christianity may both flourish in a State or Kingdome notwithstanding the permission of divers and contrary consciences either of Iew or Gentile TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE both Houses of the High Court of PARLIAMENT Right Honourable and Renowned Patriots NExt to the saving of your own soules in the lamentable shipwrack of Mankind your taske as Christians is to save the Soules but as Magistrates the Bodies and Goods of others Many excellent Discourses have been presented to your Fathers hands and Yours in former and present Parliaments I shall be humbly bold to say that in what concernes your duties as Magistrates towards others a more necessary and seasonable debate was never yet presented Two things your Honours here may please to view in this Controversie of Persecution for cause of Conscience beyond what 's extant First the whole Body of this Controversie form'd pitch'd in true Battalia Secondly although in respect of my selfe it be impar congressus yet in the power of that God who is Maximus in Mini●is Your Honours shall see the Controversie is discussed with men as able as most eminent for abilitie and pietie Mr. Co●ton and the New English Ministers When the Prophets in Scripture have given their Coats of Armes and Escutch●ons to Great Men Your Honours know the Babylonian Monarch hath the Lyon the Persian the Beare the Grecian the Leopard the Romane a compound of the former 3. most strange and dreadfull Dan. 7. Their oppressing plundring ravishing murthering not only of the bodies but the soules of Men are large explaining commentaries of such similitudes Your Honours have been famous to the end of the World for your unparallel'd wisdome courage justice mercie in the vindicating your Civill Lawes Liberties c. Yet let it not be grievous to your Honours thoughts to ponder a little why all the Prayers and Teares and Fastings in this Nation have not pierc'd the Heavens and quench'd these Flames which yet who knowes how far they 'll spread and when they 'll out Your Honours have broke the jawes of the Oppressour and taken the prey out of their Teeth Iob. 29. For which Act I believe it hath pleased the most High God to set a Guard not only of Trained men but of mighty Angels to secure your sitting and the Citie I feare we are not pardoned though reprieved O that there may be a lengthning of Londons tranquilitie of the Parliaments safetie by mercy to the poore Dan. 4. Right Honourable Soule yokes Soule oppressions plundrings ravishings c. are of a crimson and deepest dye and I believe the chiefe of Englands sins unstopping the Viols of Englands present sorrowes This glasse presents your Honours with Arguments from Religion Reason Experience all proving that the greatest yoakes yet lying upon English necks the peoples and Your own are of a spirituall and soule nature All former Parliaments have changed these yoakes according to their consciences Popish or Protestant 'T is now your Honours turne at helme and as your task so I hope your res●lution not to change for that is but to turne the wheele which another Parliament and the very next may turne againe but to ●ase the Subjects and Your selves from a yoake as was once spoke in a case not unlike Act 15. which neither You nor your Fathers were ever able to beare Most Noble Senatours Your Fathers whose seats You fill are mouldred and mouldring their braines their tongu●s c. to ashes in the pit of rottenesse They and You must shortly together with two worlds of men appeare at the great Barre It shall then be no griefe of heart that you have now attended to the cries of Soules thousands oppressed millions ravished by the Acts and Statutes concerning Soules not yet repealed Of Bodies impoverished imprisoned c. for their soules beliefe yea slaughtered on heapes for Religions controversies in the Warres of present and former Ages Notwithstanding the successe of later times wherein sundry opinions have been hatched about the subject of Religion a man may clearly discerne with his eye and as it were touch with his finger that according to the verity of holy Scriptures c. mens consciences ought in no sort
and purgings Are not all the Nations of the Earth alike cleane unto God or rather alike uncleane untill it pleaseth the Father of mercies to call some out to the Knowledge and Grace of his Sonne making them to see their filthinesse and strangenesse from the Commonweale of Israel and to wash in the bloud of the Lambe of God This taking away the difference between Nation and Nation Country and Country is most fully and admirably declared in that great vision of all sorts of living creatures presented unto Peter Acts 10. whereby it pleased the Lord to informe Peter of the abolishing of the difference between Iew and Gentile in any holy or unholy cleane or uncleane respect Fifthly not only to speake of all but to select one or two more This people of Israel in that Nationall State were a type of all the Children of God in all ages under the profession of the Gospel who are therefore called the Children of Abraham and the Israel of God Gal. 3. Gal. 6. A Kingly Priesthood and holy Nation 1 Pet. 2. 9 in a cleare and manifest Antitype to the former Israel Exod. 19. 6. Hence Christians now are figuratively in this respect called Iewes Rev. 3. where lies a cleare distinction of the true and false Christian under the consideration of the true and false Iew Behold I will make them of the Synagogue of Sathan that say they are Jewes and are not but doe lie Rev. 3. But such a typicall respect we finde not now upon any People Nation or Country of the whole World But out of all Nations Tongues and Languages is God pleased to call some and redeem them to Himselfe Rev. 5. 9. And hath made no difference betweene the Iewes and Gentiles Greekes and Scithians Gal. 3. who by Regeneration or second birth become the Israel of God Gal. 6. the Temple of God 1 Cor. 3. and the true Ierusalem Heb. 12. Lastly all this whole Nation or people as they were of one typicall seed of Abraham sealed with a shamefull painfull Ordinance of cutting off the fore-skin which differenced them from all the World beside So also were they bound to such and such solemnities of figurative worships Amongst many others I shall end this passage concerning the people with a famous observation out of Numb 9. 1 3. viz. All that whole Nation was bound to celebrate and keepe the Feast of the Passeover in his season or else they were to be Put to death But doth God require a whole Nation Country or Kingdome now thus to celebrate the spirituall Passeover the Supper and Feast of the Lambe Christ Iesus at such a time once a yeare and that whosoever shall not so doe shall bee put to death What horrible prophanations what grosse hypocrisies yea what wonderfull desolations sooner or later must needs follow upon such a course T is true the people of Israel brought into covenant with God in Abraham and so successively borne in Covenant with God might in that state of a Nationall Church solemnly covenant and sweare that whosoever would not seeke Iehovah the God of Israel should be put to death 2 Chron. 15. whether small or great whether man or woman But may whole Nations or Kingdomes now according to any one title exprest by Christ Iesus to that purpose follow that patterne of Israel and put to death all both men and women great and small that according to the rules of the Gospel are not borne againe penitent humble heavenly patient c. What a world of hypocrisie from hence is practised by thousands that for feare will stoope to give that God their bodies in a forme whom yet in truth their hearts affect not Yea also what a world of prophanation of the holy Name and holy Ordinances of the Lord in prostituting the holy things of God like the Vessels of the Sanctuary Dan. 5. to prophane impenitent and unregenerate persons Lastly what slaughters both of men and women must this necessarily bring into the world by the Insurrections and Civill Warres about Religion and Conscience Yea what slaughters of the innocent and faithfull witnesses of Christ Jesus who choose to bee slaine all the day long for Christ his sake and to fight for their Lord and Master Christ onely with spirituall and Christian weapons CHAP. CXIV Peace IT seemes deare Truth a mighty Gulfe betweene that people and Nation and the Nations of the world then extant and ever since Truth As sure as the blessed substance to all those shadowes Christ Iesus is come so unmatchable and never to bee paralleld by any Nationall State was that Israel in the Figure or Shadow And yet the Israel of God now the Regenerate or Newborne the circumcised in Heart by Repentance and Mortification who willingly submit unto the Lord Iesus as their onely King and Head may fitly parallell and answer that Israel in the type without such danger of hypocrisie of such horrible prophanations and of firing the Civill State in such bloody combustions as all Ages have brought forth upon this compelling a whole Nation or Kingdome to be the antitype of Israel Peace Were this Light entertained some hopes would shine forth for my returne and restauration Truth I have yet to adde a third consideration concerning the Kings and Governours of that Land and people They were to be unlesse in their captivities of their Brethren members of the true Church of God as appeares in the History of Moses the Elders of Israel and the Iudges and Kings of Israel afterward But first who can deny but that there may be now many lawfull Governours Magistrates and Kings in the Nations of the World where is no true Church of Iesus Christ Secondly we know the many excellent gifts wherewith it hath pleased God to furnish many inabling them for publike service to their Countries both in Peace and War as all Ages and Experience testifies on whose soules hee hath not yet pleased to shine in the face of Iesus Christ which Gifts and Talents must all lye buried in the Earth unlesse such persons may lawfully be called and chosen to and improved in publike service notwithstanding their different or contrary Conscience and Worship Thirdly if none but true Christians members of Christ Iesus might be Civill Magistrates and publikely intrusted with civill affaires then none but members of Churches Christians should be Husbands of Wives Fathers of Children Masters of Servants But against this doctrine the whole creation the whole World may justly rise up in armes as not onely contrary to true Piety but common Humanity it selfe For if a Commonweale bee lawfull amongst men that have not heard of God nor Christ certainly their Officers Ministers and Governours must be lawfull also Fourthly it is notoriously knowne to be the dangerous doctrine profest by some Papists that Princes degenerating from their Religion and turning Heretickes are to be deposed and their Subjects actually discharged from their