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A22472 The neuu couenant, or, A treatise of the sacraments whereby the last testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, through the shedding of his pure and precious blood, is ratified and applyed vnto the conscience of euery true beleeuer : diuided into three bookes [brace] 1. Of the sacraments in generall, 2. Of baptisme, 3. Of the Lords Supper : verie necessarie and profitable for these times, wherein we may behold the [brace] truth it selfe plainly prooued, doctrine of the reformed churches clearely maintained, errors of the Church of Rome soundly conuinced, right maner of the receiuing of the[m] comfortably declared, and sundry doubts and difficult questions decided / by William Attersoll ... Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1614 (1614) STC 889.5; STC 896_INCORRECT; ESTC S120393 495,931 616

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Father the word of institution is made effectuall by the holy Spirit the bread and wine are signes and seales representing the body and blood of Christ the outward actions of euery receiuer do note out the inward actions and spirituall workes of the faithfull Thus then the agreement answereth aptly and the proportion falleth fully betweene the parts c The agreemēt between the outward and inward parts As the Minister by the words of institution offereth vnto the Communicants the bread and wine to feed thereupon corporally and bodily so God the Father by the Spirit offereth and giueth the body and blood of Christ to the faithfull receiuers to feed vpon them spiritually Hence it is that the outward actions of the Ministers and the outward actions of the receiuers are said to be signes of the second kinde and therefore may fitly bee called parts of the Supper Now then let vs remember the sensible and externall actions of the Minister that thereby we may consider the spirituall and inward actions of God the Father And first of all the taking of the bread and wine into his hands and the consecrating or blessing of them by repeating the promise by prayers and thanksgiuings doth seale vp these holy actions of God the Father by which he from all eternity euen before the foundation of the world did separate elect ordaine chuse and call his Sonne to performe the office of a Mediator betweene God and man and when the fulnesse of time came did send him into the world to performe that office whereunto he was appointed This wee see proued vnto vs in many places as Iohn 6. Labour not for the meate which perisheth but for the meate that endureth vnto euerlasting life which the Sonne of man shall giue vnto you for him d Ioh. 6 27. hath God the Father sealed that is hath installed him into his office to reconcile men vnto God and to bring them to euerlasting life And Gal. 1. Iesus gaue himselfe that he might deliuer vs from this present euill world e Gal. 1 4. according to the will of God euen our Father So that whatsoeuer Christ did he did it by the will and appointment of his Father According to the testimony of the Apostle Heb. 5. Christ tooke not to himselfe this honor to be made the High Priest f Heb. 5 5. but he that said vnto him Thou art my Sonne this day I begat thee gaue it him And as the Father ordained him to that office so in time he sent him as the Euangelist witnesseth g Luke 4 18. The Spirit of the Lord is vpon me because he hath annointed me that I should preach the Gospell to the poore binde vp the broken hearted preach liberty to the captiues c. So likewise 1 Ioh. 4. Heerein is that loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and h Ioh. 4 10. sent his Sonne to bee a reconciliation for our sins And Gal. 4. When the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman and made vnder the law that he might redeeme them that are vnder the law Thus we see the inward actions of God the Father answering to the outward actions of the Ministers who being rightly called of God do worke with him and are the dispensers of his secrets Vse 1 Now let vs come to the vses of this part First of all this sealing and sending of his Sonne serueth to confirme and assure vs of our saluation in Christ For seeing God hath annointed and appointed him into this office our faith cannot faile our confidence cannot fal our hope cannot make ashamed i Rom. 5 5. seeing the loue of God is thus shed abroad in our harts through the Holy-Ghost k Rom. 8 16. who beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God by whom wee l Eph. 4 30. are sealed vnto the day of redemption Vse 2 Againe let vs seeke saluation no where else then in him alone whom God the Father hath sealed and set apart to that end For euen as the body is nourished by no other meats and drinkes then by such as m Deut. 8 3. Mat. 14 4. God hath appointed to this purpose n Ezek. 14 13 Leuit. 25 26 as a staffe to sustaine vs so is the soule fed by no other meanes then God hath before ordained The cause of our saluation is in the loue of God toward vs which is notably represented by the taking and blessing of the outward elements He might haue left vs to our selues to worke out our owne destruction but his mercy is greater then his iustice Thirdly by these outward actions of the Minister we Vse 3 must seeke confirmation strength of our faith being assured that God the Father tooke his Sonne and appointed him to these ends We must not wander and gaze about and thinke we haue nothing to do but when we take and receiue the bread and the cuppe into our hands we must in euery sacramentall rite consider the things signified and ponder in our hearts the fitnesse and agreement betweene them both So then as we behold with our bodily eyes the Minister representing the person of the Father taking blessing and separating the bread and wine to that bodily vse so surely and certainely wee must learne that God the Father hath ordained and sent his onely begotten Son o Mat. 17 5. and 3 17. in whom he is well pleased to be the Mediator for the pardon of our sins Hence we see the infinite loue of God toward vs and let vs labour to comprehend p Eph. 3 18.19 the length bredth height and depth thereof that spared not his own Sonne q Rom. 32. but gaue him for vs all vnto the death hence we see that exceeding compassion of the Son that loued his enemies more then himselfe and accounted not his owne life precious to himselfe hence we see the gracious and glorious worke of our redemption wherein the mercy and iustice of God r Psal 85 10. meete together and kisse each other teaching vs to take sweet delight and comfort in the meditation thereof day and night with all thanksgiuing hence wee haue assurance of saluation and consolation in all troubles and tentations hence we see the greatnes of our owne sinnes that could not be pardoned but by the death of the Son of god and therefore we must hate them with an vnfained hatred as our greatest most dangerous and deadly enemies and lastly hence we see that if God the Father thus loued vs we ought earnestly to loue him againe and to serue him in all duties of holinesse and true righteousnesse neither ought we to loue him onely but for him all our brethren as the Apostle reasoneth 1 Ioh. 4 11. Brethren if God so loued vs wee ought to loue one another Thus we haue shewed how the taking of the bread by the Minister signifieth the
Fathers appointing of his Son the Ministers blessing the Fathers separating and setting apart his Sonne to his office the Ministers deliuering of the bread the Fathers giuing of his Sonne If then wee draw neere to the Lords table with faith reuerence and repentance nothing can be more sure and certaine to vs then the taking and receiuing of Christ for when we receiue the bread from the Minister wee withall receiue the body of Christ offered by the hand of God the Father so that as we are assured of the one we need not doubt of the other Vse 4 Lastly the breaking of the bread pouring out of the wine and deliuering of them both into the hands of the Communicants seale vp these actions of God his chastising of his Sonne and breaking him with sorrowes vpon the Crosse for our redemption offering him vnto all euen vnto hypocrites and giuing him truely to the faithfull with all the benefits of his passion Indeed the Minister giueth the outward signes to all receiuers but God giueth and applyeth onely to the faithfull the shedding of Christs blood for the daily increase of their faith and repentance But heere it may be obiected Obiection that not a bone of him was broken t Exod. 12 45 as it was figured by the Passeouer and performed at his passion the verifying and accomplishment whereof we reade Iohn 19 36. I answere Answere there is a double breaking of Christ one corporall whereof the places before doe speake the other figuratiue whereby is vnderstood u Esa 53 4.5 hee was tormented and euen torne with paines as Esa 53. He was wounded for our transgressions and broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed Lo what is meant by the breaking of the bread his soule was tormented his spirit was crushed his hands and feet were pierced he sweat drops of Water and blood and cryed out aloud vpon the Crosse My Ma● 27 46. God my God why hast thou forsaken me Wherefore let these rites be rightly marked and obserued of vs for our comfort and consolation Let vs when wee see the bread broken and wine poured out meditate on the passion of Christ how he was wounded and torne for our transgressions Although not a bone of his body was broken in pieces yet hee was broken with afflictions bruised with sorrowes and tormented with bitter anguish of his soule by whose stripes we are healed by whose condemnation we are iustified by whose agonies we are comforted by whose death we are quickened Whosoeuer resteth in the outward workes done before his eyes neuer attaineth to the substance of the Sacrament Thus much of the first inward part CHAP. IX Of the second inward part of the Lords Supper THe second inward part is the a The second inward part of the Lords Supper is the holy Spirit holy Spirit who assureth vs of the truth of Gods promise As we haue in the word of truth the forgiuenes of sins increase of faith groweth in sanctification a great measure of dying to sin and a greater care to liue in newnes of life promised vnto vs so doth the Spirit worke these things b Rom. 8 15. Gal. 3 2 5. in the hearts of all the faithfull This appeareth in many places Rom. 8. Ye haue receiued the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the same Spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God To one is giuen by the Spirit the word of wisedome to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit to another is giuen faith by the same Spirit all these things worketh one and the selfe same Spirit distributing to euery man seuerally as he will So then as we are weake in faith and slow to beleeue so wee haue the Spirit giuen vnto vs to helpe our infirmities and to open our hearts to receiue the promises For the Lord Iesus raigning continually in his Church and performing the office of a Prophet doth make the words of his Ministers liuely by his Spirit in our hearts and causeth them to be of perpetuall force and efficacy assuring vs of his promises made vnto vs and vniting the signe with the thing signified This truth being cleared the vses offer themselues Vse 1 to be c●nsidered And first of all inasmuch as the Spirite worketh these things in the hearts of all the faithfulll from hence we gather that such as neuer finde any change or renewing of the minde or reformation of life after the receiuing of the Sacraments may iustly suspect themselues whether euer they had faith or not and whether euer they repented or not and therefore ought to vse the meanes to come by faith and repentance For the worke of the Spirite accompanieth the outward worke in the elect of God as also we see in the hearing of faith preached he must open the heart that is closed vp before wee can receiue with meekenesse c Iam. 1 21. the word of that is grafted in vs which is able to saue our soules Indeed euery person present may heare the words of institution may see the wine poured out may eat of that bread and drinke of that cup as they may also heare the sound of the voice that commeth vnto them but the whole force effect and power resteth onely in the Spirit of God sealing vp the truth and substance of those things in the hearts of all the Children of God Vse 2 Againe seeing these things are done and performed by the working of the Spirit they are confuted and conuinced that thinke they cannot be made partakers of the body and blood of Christ and be vnited to his flesh vnlesse his body be shut vp vnder the accidents of bread and shewes of wine and so his flesh be giuen vnto vs carnally that we may eate him with our mouths and conuey him into our stomackes But we see heere the Holy-Ghost is the bond of this vnion he worketh in vs faith which pierceth the heauens and layeth hold on Christ It is said of Abraham the Father of the faithfull that d Ioh. 8 56. he reioyced to see the day of Christ he saw it and was glad For as we cannot see him with our bodily eyes nor heare him with our bodily eares nor touch him with our bodily hands no more can wee taste or eate him with our bodily mouths By the hand of faith we reach and apply him by the mouth of faith we receiue and eate him Let vs beleeue in Christ and we e Aug. tract in Iohn 26. 27. haue eaten Christ let vs not prepare our teeth and our belly but a liuely faith working by loue Wherefore albeit the humane nature of Christ goe not out of the highest heauens yet we that liue vpon the earth are partakers of his bodye contained in the heauens and his flesh and blood are communicated to vs as truely and effectually as if he were there
so that God onely is able to bestow grace and he alone can appoint true signes of grace For as he onely hath authority to seale the charter pardon in whose iurisdiction it is to grant it so likewise God giueth the pledges and tokens of his grace which sheadeth the graces of the Spirite into our hearts Wherefore the reuerent Sacraments of the Church none can institute by his authority but onely God and hence it is that the signes haue the names of the thinges signified None but Christ himselfe could say of the bread This is my body none but hee could say of the cup This cup is the new Testament in my bloud none but hee breathing on his Apostles could say Receiue the Holy Ghost none but hee could make the water in Baptisme to be the lauer of regeneration Let vs see what good and profitable vses arise from this Vse 1 doctrine First if the Sacraments bee the ordinances of God then they depend not on the worthinesse or vnworthinesse fitnesse or vnfitnesse vices or vertues of the Minister but all their efficacy and force hangeth on the holy institution of Christ Iesus The Ministers impiety wickednesse maketh not a nullity of the Sacrament neyther hindereth the fruite of the worthy receiuer no more then the piety and godlinesse of a faithfull Minister can profite an vnworthy receiuer Indeede the Church must indeuour that they bee cleane which beare the Vessels of the Lord Esay 52 11. and that the Ministers thereof may bee holye and vnblameable according to the Apostles r 1 Tim. 3 2. rule but we must not measure the profit of the receiuer by the person of the Minister If a theefe do steale a sack of corne we see if he sow it it groweth vp and bringeth foorth increase because the fault resteth not in the seede which is good but in the sower which is euill so doth the Sacrament profite the faithfull howsoeuer hee bee vnfaithfull that doth administer it Wee see if the seede-man haue foule filthy and vncleane hands that soweth yet if the seede be cleane sweete and faire it prospereth so the holy things of God ſ Euill Mininisters may deliuer the good things of God cannot be defiled by the corrupt and sinfull life of the Minister while he deliuereth nothing of his owne but dispenseth the ordinances of God Thus we see that whether the Minister be good or euill godly or vngodly an heretick or a Catholike holy or prophane the effect is all one the worthines of the Sacrament dependeth not on man but proceedeth from God and therfore all such as contemne the Sacraments of God for the sacriledge of man shal beare their condemnation whosoeuer they are The two sons of Ely Hophni and Phinehas were t 1 Sam. 1 22.23 exceeding sinners against the Lord yet because the people of Israel abhorred the sacrifices of God and trode his worship vnder their feete the wrath of the Lord was kindled against the whole land and hee denounced u 1 Sam. 6 11. sore iudgements against thē So then the offence of the Priests was no defence of the people but as the Priests gaue the offence the people tooke it so God boūd thē together in the same iudgement So we must know God will not beare the contempt of his ordinances vnder any pretence whatsoeuer of the Ministers wickednes vnworthines if his hand be corrupt let thy heart be vncorrupt though his sins be his own yet the Sacram. be Gods he may minister cōfort to thee tho he bring none to himselfe as the workmē that builded the Arke prepared a means to saue other but were drowned thēselues or as the bels tho they moue not themselues yet serue to bring others to the exercises of religion or as the Scribes that pointed the way to the wise-men but themselues vouchsafed not to step out of doores to enquire after Christ The eares of corne do carry the corne with the chaffe to be purged and cleansed in the barne though the chaffe be vnprofitable yet it profiteth the corne as the Lanthorne holdeth the candle to giue light vnto others that are the passengers As gold is gold of whomsoeuer it is giuen and receiued so the Sacrament is truely a Sacrament whether it bee giuen of a good or euil Minister so is it with the word of God This appeareth by the words of Christ our sauiour Math. 23. The Scribes and Pharisies sit in Moses seate a Mat. 23 2 3 all therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe but after their workes do not for they say and do not Albeit then the Scripture condemneth such as giue offences yet such as take offence are not thereby iustified let vs magnifie the ordinances of God and then we may expect a blessing at his hands This is that which the b 1 Cor. 3 6 7 Apostle teacheth I haue planted Apollos watered but God gaue the increase So then neyther is he that planteth any thing neither he that watreth but God that giueth the increase Wherefore the people of God notwithstanding the wickednesse and vnworthines of the Ministers may safely and with a good conscience vse their ministry both hearing the word frō their mouths and receiuing the Sacraments at their hands and both of them are effectuall and auaileable vnto saluation neither do they defile themselues by their corruption The Donatists in former times the Anabaptists in our daies teach that such scandalous Ministers as giue offence can profite vs nothing at al nor further our saluation nor doe vs any good that being defiled themselues by their sins they defile also the Sacraments Heereunto they bring the saying in the law of Moses Whatsoeuer the vncleane person toucheth shall be vncleane the soule that toucheth it shal be vncleane vntill euen Likewise they alleadge the wordes of Haggai the Prophet If a man beare holy flesh in the skirt of his garmant with his skirt do touch bread or pottage or wine or oyle or any meat shall it be holy The Priests answered and said No. Then said Haggai If one that is vncleane by a dead body touch any of these shall it be vncleane The Priests answered It shall be vncleane So is this people and so is this Nation before me saith the Lord and so is euery worke of their hands and that which they offer there is vncleane Therefore whensoeuer the Ministers are polluted with vices they do pollute prophane whatsoeuer they handle I answere these words are corrupted depraued by these heretikes The Prophet saith not by way of application so doe you pollute the Sacram. and sacrifices of the people but the drift of the place is to shew vnto vs that our works are polluted and abhominable in the sight of almighty God and vtterly reiected of him except they proceed from the fountaine of a pure heart faith vnfained so that albeit they be in their nature neuer so good
a Sacrament is now we are to consider in it two thinges first his parts then his vses for in handling these two points wee shall see what is the nature of a Sacrament The parts of a Sacrament are of two sortes some outward open sensible earthly visible and signifying some are inward hidden spirituall heauenly inuisible and signified For the nature of a Sacrament is partly earthly and partly heauenly If wee had beene wholy a spirite without body hee would giue vs his guifts spiritually without a bodye but seeing wee are soule and bodye he giueth vs his Sacraments that so wee may apprehend spirituall guifts by sensible thinges The outward part is one thing and the inward part is another thing the outward is applyed to the bodye the inward is applyed to the soule and conscience This diuision and distinction of parts a Rom. 2 28.29 appeareth plainely in sundry places of holy Scripture as Rom. 2. Hee is not a Iew which is one outward ne●ther is that circumc●sion which is outward in the flesh but he is a Iew which is one within and the circumcision is of the heart in the Spirite not in the letter where wee see hee maketh circumcision to stand of two parts part in the flesh and part in the heart partly in the spirite and partly in the letter Heereunto commeth b Col. 2 11. that saying Ye are circumcised with circumcision made without hands so that there is a circumcision without and there is another within by the vertue of Christ The same we may say of Baptisme there is a baptizing of the body and there is a baptizing of the soule the body is washed with water the soule is clensed by the precious bloud of our sauiour Christ which is the hidden and mysticall part of the Sacrament This appeareth by many examples recorded in Scripture Simon the sorcerer though he were baptized with water yet his heart was not right in the sight of God he remained c Acts 8 13 21 23. in the gall of bitternesse and in the bond of iniquity so that albeit hee were baptized yet he was not regenerated The Israelites were partakers of the d 1. Cor. 10 1 2 3 4 5. outward signes not of the inuisible grace They were all baptized vnto Moyses in that cloud and in that sea they did all eate the same spirituall meate they all dranke the same spirituall drinke yet with many of them God was not pleased The like may be saide of Iudas one of the twelue he did eate the Pascall lambe as wel as the rest of the Apostles but he did not eate Christ who is the lambe vndefiled and without spot as the other did This is that also which Iohn the e Mat. 3 11. Baptist teacheth Indeed I baptize you with water to amendment of life but hee that commeth after mee is mightier then I whose shooes I am not worthy to beare hee shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire where as the Baptist maketh two baptizers himselfe and Christ so hee distinguisheth their actions his owne to wash with water and the action of Christ to wash with the Holye Ghost Neither neede wee to seeke farre for reason to perswade any to beleeue this truth that the nature of a sacrament is neither wholy outward or wholy inward but taketh part of both seeing nothing can bee a signe of it selfe but a signe is a signe of another thing and seeing they are mysteries they haue an hidden meaning and spirituall vnderstanding If the water in Baptisme had not grace annexed vnto it it could not be a mystery We see the signe we see not the grace which is inuisible Now let vs come to the vses These parts though distinguished really one from another Vse 1 that the outward parts cannot bee the inward the earthly cannot be the heauenly the seale can not bee the thing sealed the token cannot bee the thing betokened nor contrariwise for this were to alter nature and mingle heauen and earth together yot in respect of the proportion betweene the signe and the thing signified and of the coniunction of them to the faithfull which receiue both the one and the other one part is affirmed of the other For wee must vnderstand that the Scripture in regard of this vnion speaketh of the Sacraments two waies to wit properly and figuratiuely Properly when that which belongeth to the signe is giuen to the signe and when the thing signified is giuen and applyed to the thing it selfe and thus each part hath his owne as Circumcision is called i Gen. 17 11. the signe of the Couenant And the blood of the Lambe is called k Exod. 12 13 a signe these are plaine and proper speeches and without figure Againe when it saith l Lu. 21 19 20. My body which is giuen for you my bloud m 1 Cor. 5 7. which is shedde for many for remission of sinnes we must vnderstand the wordes literally as they lye Figuratiuely when the signe is giuen to the thing signified and called by the name of it as Christ is called n 1 Cor. 5 7. the Passeouer the o Ioh. 1 29. Lambe of God his flesh is also saide to bee meate indeede and his blood drinke indeede the holy Spirite is called p Eze. 36 25. water or else the name of the thing signified is giuen to the signe as bread is called the q Mat. 26 28. body of Christ the cup is called the new Testament These speaches must bee taken figuratiuely and vnderstood by a change of name according to the intention and meaning of the Holy-Ghost so that we must beware that we doe not take or mistake the signe for the thing nor the thing for the signe seeing the parts are distinguished in nature though ioyned in the person Againe albeit by Gods ordinance these parts bee so vnited that by taking of the signe the faithfull are made partakers of the thing signified no lesse truely then the outward signes are receiued of our bodily senses yet wee must conceiue and consider that these outward inward parts remaine distinct and vnconfounded and therefore we must take heed we take not one for another we must not ascribe too much to the outward parts and so take them for the inward which hath beene the occasion of sundry errors from time to time Some attribute too little to the out-ward signe and some ascribe too much both waies the Sacrament is abused and the parts are misapplyed Hence sprang as a ranke weede in the Lords corne the doctrine of transubstantiation or carnall turning of the substance of bread into the bodye whereby the signe is swallowed vp the outward substance with them quite abolished for their fained Christ hath consumed the outward signe as the rich deuoureth and eateth the poore Thus the signe is consumed and too little regarded Others on the other side cleaue too much to the outward signe and rest
hearer so is it in the Sacraments they haue their efficacy and operation howsoeuer the heart of the Minister be disposed And as Isaac intended not to blesse Iacob but Esau m Gen. 27 1 4 33. yet it hindered not the purpose and determination of God so the corrupt intent the wandering imagination and rouing conceite of the Minister cannot hinder the blessing of God in the Sacraments being his owne ordinances For the force of the Sacrament dependeth no more vpon the intention of the giuer then it doth vpon the intention of the receiuer Againe if the right receiuing of the Sacrament depend vpon the intent of the Minister what assurance can any man haue that he hath euer receiued or shall euer receiue a Sacrament What perswasion can we haue in our hearts that wee were euer baptized What knowledge that we were euer partakers of the body and blood of Christ in the Supper of the Lord Doth not this leaue vs vncertaine and vnsetled without comfort without fruite without benefit by comming to the Sacraments and setteth the poore distressed consciences of men vpon the rack Alas wee cannot know the heart n 1 Cor. 2 11. and vnderstand the intents thereof For what man knoweth the things of a man saue the spirite of man which is within him Furthermore were not this hard dealing and extreame cruelty in God to hang the saluation of men vpon the pleasure of the Minister wherby our faith and saluation shall alwaies be doubtful and should it not be vniust in God to make the euill of the Minister to hurt the receiuer Besides shal it rest in the power of the Priest if this be a power whē the people of God are * Mat. 18. gathered together in the name of Christ and long earnestly to bee satisfied with his grace to send them away empty and so to frustrate their assembly because his heart is straying and his wits a wool-gathering And if his intention be a matter of so great importance what priuiledge hath the receiuer that cometh with faith aboue him that commeth without feeling Or what shall become of their owne doctrine Ex opere operato Ex opere operantis that the Sacrament profiteth and is auaileable being barely done performed if it depend vpon the working and operation of the Sacrificer To draw to an end of this question o Bellar. lib. 1. de sacra c. 28. our aduersaries themselues confesse that the Church cannot iudge of things that are inward whereupon wee frame this reason If the Church cannot iudge of things inward then it cannot iudge of the intent of the Minister but they confesse it cannot iudge of inward things therefore not of the intent of the Minister consequently althogh they be present at the action they remaine doubtfull of consecration Wherefore Bellarmine foreseeing the inconuenience and absurdity of this vnreasonable vncomfortable assertion confesseth that if one of their Masse-Priests in his ministration p Bellar. lib. 1. de sacra ca. 27. intend to doe as the Church of Geneua doth it sufficeth to make a Sacrament effectuall and of force This is the confession of a knowne and sworne enemy Wherby we see that howsoeuer they say we haue no Ministers no ordination no consecratiō no Church that our Sacraments are no better then the feasts of Ceres and Bacchus and lay many false accusations to our charge that the Supper of the Lord with vs is no Sacrament but a bare signe without grace without effect without vertue yet they are constrained to confesse and yeeld thus farre that if a Masse-munger purpose to do as the reformed Churches do his doing is effectuall and the Sacrament is good The effect of this point is this that if we desire to be comforted assured of Gods fauour whē we come to his Supper we must not hang the profit of his ordinances vpon the weak vnstable foundation of Popish intentions And if there were no other point in controuersie betweene the Church of Rome and vs then this which now we haue in hand it were sufficient to make vs abhorre and abiure the Popish religion in which they that liue cannot assure thēselues whether euer they were baptized or receiued the Lords Supper or were married or absolued of their sinnes whether they haue any Sacraments any Priests or any Popes forasmuch as all these hang vpon the slender thred of the Priests intention The Apostle saith Rom. 14.23 Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne But they cannot directly proue or know whether the Priest going about his businesse intended to baptize thē or to deliuer the Eucharist vnto them or to marry them because they know not his heart and therefore in their adoration and worshipping of the Sacrament they may be Idolators and cannot secure themselues from feare of committing Idolatry For if the substance of bread wine remaine in their nature it followeth by necessarie consequence that they fal downe to a piece of bread and commit greeuous Idolatry in the grossest kinde whereof the Gentiles would be ashamed The like might bee saide of their Sacrament of Orders It is not to be proued or knowne that hee which ordered the Pope had an intention to giue him Orders They say it is an high point of faith to beleeue that the Bishop of Rome is the successor of Peter the Vicar of Christ and the head of the Church yet if the Priest that baptized the Pope had no intention to baptize him then is he no member of the Church much lesse the head of it and if he that ordained him had no intention to ordaine him then is he no Priest much lesse the high Priest and therefore they must rest altogether doubtfull and vncertaine whether Clement or Paul or any other sitting in the Popes Chaire and sea of Rome be true Pope and thereupon cannot assure themselues whether the Decretals which passe vnder the name of Popes were indeed their Decretals whose names they carry Popish shifts to iustifie the Priests intention True it is notwithstanding the grossenesse of this assertion they haue inuented sundry shifts to couer their owne shame and nakednesse but they are as figge-leaues which are easily pulled away Among the rest two are most principall which do not suffice to heale the wound but serue rather to make it wider First of all when they are vrged and pressed that the Priests purpose and intention maketh the people alwaies in doubt and leaueth them in a maze and mammering what they doe so that they oftentimes adore an vnconsecrated Host and call that God which is no God but a bare bit of bread Pope Adrian wil haue the Host adored with condition with a secret reseruation to himselfe I adore thee if thou be Christ. And therefore Thomas of Salisbury forbiddeth a man precisely to beleeue that it is the body of the Lord. Thus though they fall downe with great deuotion at the eleuation of their God
the Minister the outward signes are giuen by the hands of the Minister whether he be good or euill but the truth and substance of the Sacraments is giuen by God the Father Whosoeuer confoundeth these parts and workes robbeth God of his glory depriueth himselfe of the grace of Christ offered and maketh flesh his arme Wherefore as the workes of God and of the Minister are distinct so must these parts remaine distinguished howsoeuer to the faithfull they are not separated and sundred as in the publishing and preaching of the Gospel the Minister speaketh vnto the outward man and the sound therof entreth into the eare g Act. 16 14. but it is God that openeth the heart and speaketh to the conscience of the faithfull hearer Secondly it serueth to strengthen our faith and helpe Vse 2 our weakenesse when we come to the Sacrament So often as we see the Ministers of God appointed by him deliuering the signes and setting them apart to their ends for which they were ordained we must behold with the eie of faith God the Father offering his Sonne to those that can receiue him For if we come aright we may assure our owne hearts that what the Minister doth outwardly the same the Father performeth inwardly then which there cannot be a greater comfort Let vs therefore behold with our eyes the Sacramentall rites let vs heare the promises that God maketh vnto vs God the Father will verifie them who hath h Iohn 6 32. sealed vp his Sonne vnto vs. My Father giueth you that bread from Heauen Hee will as surely giue Christ as the Minister deliuereth the bread wine Albeit the Sacraments should be ministred by some hypocrite and wicked man yet they haue as much force and as great efficacy as if they were ministred by faithful and godly men The vertue of the Sacraments hangeth vpon the Minister no more then the goodnesse of seede dependeth vpon the sower which if it light in good ground wil bring forth plentifull fruit albeit it be sowne of an vngodly and vnskilfull man Thirdly consider heere the difference betweene a Sacrament and a Sacrifice For wee learne from Vse 3 hence that God the Father in the Sacraments doth giue his owne Sonne to the true receiuers True it is a Sacrament and a Sacrifice haue some affinity and agreement the one with the other They haue this in common that both were instituted of God and haue him for the author of them In both of them there are outward actions which haue inward significations for the killing of beasts shewed plainely what our condition is both that we are guilty of death and could not be deliuered but by an offering for sinne and that Christ Iesus is the true oblation to be offered to God vpon the Altar of the Crosse for our sinnes Neuerthelesse they differ also in diuers respects as first in the end The end of a Sacrament is not to offer it vp to God but that it bee offered to vs and receiued of vs. The Minister offereth the signe God the Father offereth the thing signified wee receiue the outward element at the hand of the Minister wee receiue the inward grace at the hand of God But the nature of a Sacrifice is that we giue it or offer it vp to God according to his owne ordinance whereupon also it is called an offering or oblation True it is also that some of the Sacraments of the old Testament vnder the law were after a sorte externall Sacrifices as the Paschall Lambe howbeit it is not so in the Sacraments of the Church of Christ because the perfect Sacrifice of Christ once onely offered hath abolished and abrogated all outward Sacrifices Againe they differ the one from the other in the outward forme and manner of doing Leuit. 16 5. For the Sacrifices were burned in part or in whole with fire to note out the purity of Christs Sacrifice and the eternall Spirite Heb. 9 14. by which he was offered to God whereas they were properly called by name of Sacraments which were eaten or applyed to the bodye and therefore altar was appointed for the Sacrifices but a Table for the Sacraments that were eaten CHAP. X. Of the second inward part of a Sacrament HItherto of the first inward part a The second part of a Sacrament is the holy Spirite the second inward part of a Sacrament is the holy Spirite as Math. 3. Hee shall baptize you b Mat. 3 11. with the Holy-Ghost and fire So in Christs Baptisme when he was baptized prayed the c Luke 3 22. Holy-Ghost descended in a visible shape like a Doue vpon him And Paul saith d 1 Cor. 12.13 By one Spirite we are all baptized into one body whether we be Iews or Graecians whether we be bond or free and haue been all made to drinke into one Spirite And the Apostle layeth downe the circumcision of the heart by the Spirite Rom. 2 29. Hee is a Iew which is one within and the circumcision is of the heart in the Spirite So the same Apostle Titus 3 5 6. According to the mercy of God he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy-Ghost which he shed on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Nothing can bee fruitefull and profitable without his gracious worke in vs he worketh and setleth the worde of promise in our hearts and therefore we must necessarily hold the blessed Spirit to be an inward part of the Sacrament making it and all other ordinances of God auaileable Vse 1 Now let vs proceed to the vses of this point being the second inward part And first of all is the Spirite of God the sealer vp of the promises after that we beleeue according to the doctrine of the Apostle After that ye beleeued f Ephes 1 13. ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise Then as often as we heare the promise vttered by the Minister it confirmeth vs that the Father by his Spirit worketh the same in our hearts The water in baptisme cannot by any force and vertue inherent in it wash our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God as it hath power to wash away the filth and corruption of our bodies The bread and wine in the Lords Supper haue no inherent strength to nourish the soule to eternal life as they haue to strengthen the body they are instruments of the Holy Ghost who worketh by them to the great comfort of the faithfull Grace is not contained and shut vp in them as water in a vessell or as a medicine in a boxe the Spirite helpeth our infirmities sealing vp to our consciences the fruite of the word that is heard and of the Sacramentall signes that are seene But because this doctrine is contradicted by the defenders of the Popish faith it shall not be amisse briefly to propound their chiefest obiections whereby they would proue that the outward signes in
the Sacraments haue force and power to saue and iustify sinners howsoeuer the persons be disposed that partake them then to frame short answeres to euery one of them For what needed this inward part of the Sacraments to wit the working of the holy Ghost if the outward washing were effectuall to saue and to sanctifie the soules of all them that are baptized Grace is not tied to the Sacraments And if these graces were so tyed to the Sacraments that al which vse them should be iustified by them we make thē more effectuall then the word of God it selfe is forasmuch as all that heare the worde are not saued by it nor transformed into the obedience of it nor receiue life from it nor are regenerated by it Iohn the Baptist who was the first Minister of that Sacrament confesseth that hee could doe no more then wash the body it lay not in his power to giue grace and to baptize with the Holy Ghost Besides wee see all in our daies are brought to be baptised but all these are not by it regenerated Acts 8 13. as in the Apostles times Simon himselfe was baptised yet he remained an hypocrite and was destitute of true faith that ioyneth vs to Christ But because we haue handled this point before let vs come to such obiections as the aduersaries haue made and mustered together Bellar. de Sacra lib. 2 cap. 4. which are taken partly from types and figures and partly from places of Scripture wrested from their true and naturall meaning Touching the types borrowed some from the olde and some from the new Testament albeit it were sufficient to make this generall answere that similitudes parables and comparisons do not proue yet least we should seeme thereby to turne our backs and yeeld to the enemy I will not sticke to propound them in particular and vouchsafe to yeeld vnto them a particular solution Obiection 1 The first type is drawne from the history of the creation Gen. 1. The Spirite moued vpon the waters to make them fruitefull As then the water receiued a certaine liuely force from the Spirit to bring forth the creatures so doth baptisme to make vs new men receiue strength from the Spirite Thus doth Bellarmine reason I answere Answere this maketh directly against himselfe and therefore he layeth about him like a blinde man who instead of his enemy striketh himselfe For heereby it appeareth that the Sacraments do not giue grace ex opere operato that is by the force and vertue of the worke done and that words vttered haue no power but by the Holy Ghost For as the Spirit gaue force to the waters wherby the creatures were fostered and formed which were not of themselues auailable to giue life being as it were dead and without any vigor euen so the Spirit maketh the water in baptisme serue to signifie and seale vp our regeneration and not the bare and outward element The bodye of man without the soule is dead and without life so the water without the Spirite cannot conferre grace It is the Spirite that quickneth without it the water is as common water Obiection 2 Another obiection is from the history of the flood Genesis 7 17. and the drowning of the Egyptians in the redde sea Exodus 14. and the passing of the Israelites through the Riuer Iordan to the land of promise Ioshua 4. where it appeareth that the waters themselues saued his people I answere Answere If the waters in the flood had a proper power to saue and preserue why did they not saue all the world aliue Why were any of the creatures at all drowned Againe this robbeth God of his honour and glory to whom onely it is due and giueth it to the element to which it is not due For if Noah had beleeued that the waters could of themselues haue saued him he should haue set vp an altar as a monument to the waters and not builded one to God the Lorde Genesis eight verse 20. But the Scripture ascribeth all to the mercy and clemency of God toward that remnant and remainder of mankinde because hee had seene Noah righteous and religious in that generation before him Genesis 7 verse 1. Therefore it is said hee found grace in the sight of the Lord Genesis 6 verse 18. That the Lorde stablished his couenant with him Genesis 6 verse 18. That the Lorde had him enter with all his houshold into the Arke Genesis 7. verse 1. That the Lorde shut him in the Arke when he was entred Genesis 7 verse 16. That the Lord remembred him while he was in the Arke Genesis 8. verse 1. And after the ceasing and decreasing of the waters brought him out of the Arke Genesis 8 verse 16. So that whereas the waters had of their owne nature ouerwhelmed them euen the proud waters had gone ouer their soule to haue drowned them God in mercy saued them that they might ascribe the praise of their preseruation to the Lord of Hoasts not to the power of the waters And if the Israelites had beene deliuered at the red sea and in passing ouer Iordan by the strength of the waters they would haue erected a trophee to them not haue sung a song vnto God Another type is taken from Circumcision Genesis 17. Obiection 3 whereof Paul speaketh Colosians 2. Yee are circumcised with circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the sinnes of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him in baptisme and Baptisme then is like vnto circumcision but circumcision that is outward did truely and effectually cut off the flesh and was not onely a testimony of cutting it away I answere Answere the Apostle reproueth such as would ioyne the ceremonies of the lawe with the Gospell of Christ whereas now we haue no need of them at all hauing the truth with vs of those shaddowes And touching circumcision there is no need to haue it brought in vse into the Church forasmuch as we are inwardly circumcised by the power of Christ So that there was a twofold circumcision as there is also a two-fold Baptisme the one outward in the body the other inward in the heart the one administred by the hand of the Minister the other finished by the grace of the Spirite Besides if the outward cutting off the foreskinne of the flesh were alwaies effectual to cut away the corruption of the soul how is it that they teach that the Sacraments and Sacrifices of the olde Testament were so farre from giuing grace Rhem. on Heb. 10. remission and iustification that they were but shaddowes obscurely representing the graces of the new Testament How can they reconcile themselues when they make this difference betweene the old new Sacraments that the old did onely signifie the new containe and conferre grace and sanctification Thirdly if the outward cutting off the flesh did by the worke done giue grace and that the signe were not to be separated from the thing
signified how commeth it to passe that Ismael being circumcised as well as Isaack and Esau circumcised as well as Iacob yet one beeing borne after the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the Spirite Genesis 21. Galathians 4.29 the other was not beloued of God neyther had grace giuen vnto him as the Scripture saith Rom 9 13. Iacob haue I loued but Esau haue I hated Lastly the outward circumcision that is in the flesh may bee out of the Church and receiued of them that are no members of the Church as it was of the Idumeans Ismaelites Samaritans and such as were strangers from the couenant as also the Turkes and Sarazins receiue it in our daies So is it with baptisme it doth not bring vs iustification by the outward worke done but sometimes it may go before the signe and sometimes follow after The like might be said touching Manna giuen vnto the Israelites Exod. 16. and the water of separation Num. 19. We may ioyne all these together because the force of them is alike and therefore the answere to the one is an answere to the other The next type is touching the cleansing of Naaman the Obiection 4 Syrian by washing seauen times in Iordan 2. Kings 5. as then those waters did truely heale him so the water in baptisme doth heale the soule and iustifie the sinner I answere Answere this is to draw from a wrong supposition a false conclusion forasmuch as euen those waters had no such inherent power or secret vertue but onely for the present by a miraculous dispensation of God they cleansed him of his leprosie neyther had they of themselues any other hidden vertue included in them then the Riuers that wer in Damascus 2 Kings 5 12. And therefore Naaman being cleansed did not magnifie the strength of that water aboue all other Riuers in other regions but the great mercy of God toward him and promised he would worship no other God but the God of Israel The next type is from the poole of Bethesda Iohn 5. Obiection 5 which healed all manner of diseases at the mouing of the waters and the waters in Siloam wherewith the blinde man is commanded to wash Iohn 9. I answere Answere the Scripture is plaine that an Angell went downe at a certain season into the poole troubled the water without which moouing and stirring of it no cure was wrought at any time Againe if this power had beene naturall and inseparably tyed vnto it then the water would haue cured and healed all the whole multitude of impotent persons of blinde of h●lt and of withered that should step into it contrary to the expresse words of the text Whosoeuer did first after the troubling of the water step into it Iohn 5 4. was made whole of whatsoeuer disease he had So that the poore impotent man which had an infirmity 38. yeares needed not to haue complained that no man when the water was troubled would put him into the poole but while hee was comming another stepped downe before him And touching the blinde man he was not healed and helped eyther by the spittle or the clay or the waters or by the force of all them together which had of thēselues serued and sufficed rather to haue hindred the sight then to haue opened the eyes it was the miraculous worke of Christs own hand who worketh sometimes aboue means and sometimes contrary to meanes Thus much touching the obiections arising from sundry types and allusions which hee hath heaped vp and hudled out of the olde and new Testament Now touching the obiections drawne from expresse Obiection 1 places we will briefly runne them ouer forasmuch as many of them conclude not for them but against them First of all Iohn Baptist saith I baptize you with water but hee that commeth after mee shall baptize with the Holy-Ghost Math. 3. I answere Answere Iohn sheweth in these words that he was onely the Minister of the outward signe and could worke nothing in the hearts of men whereas Christ whō he pointed out and of whom he spake would bestow the Spirite vpon them and those things which belong vnto their saluation Euen as the Apostle speaking of his ministry doth notably in other words expound this saying of Iohn 1 Cor. 3. I haue planted Apollos hath watered but God giueth the increase so that neither he that planteth nor he that watereth is any thing but God that giueth the increase That which Paul vttereth touching the preaching of the word and Iohn of the Sacrament of Baptisme we may fitly transferre and aptly apply to the Supper of tho Lorde wherein the Minister doth distribute the bread and deliuer the cup of the Lord but the Lord himselfe doth feed those that beleeue in him with his body blood which is meate indeed and drinke indeed The next testimony is taken out of Marke 16 16. Hee Obiection 2 that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued Heere the force of sauing is ascribed to baptisme not to faith now it cannot saue but by iustifying and washing away the filthinesse of our sinnes I answere Answere in the Apostles dayes men of yeares and not infants onely were baptized in regard whereof profession of faith and confession of sins did go before Math. 3 6. They were baptized confessing their sinnes Againe Christ our Sauiour teacheth that saluation dependeth on faith Iohn 5 24. He that beleeueth is passed from death to life he neuer said Whosoeuer receiueth the outward baptisme is passed from death to life It is faith that ioyneth vs to God and not the washing of the body with water Lastly if grace were tyed to the outward signe hee would haue said He that is not baptized shal be damned whereas Christ saith onely Hee that beleeueth not shall bee damned Neuerthelesse faith and baptisme are both ioyned together that euery one should submit himselfe to the ordinance of God and know that to the guift of faith he must annexe the vse of the Sacraments The third testimony is borrowed from the conference Obiection 3 of Christ with Nicodemus Iohn 3. Except a man bee borne againe of water and the Holy Ghost hee cannot enter into the kingdome of God I answere Answere It is not necessary to vnderstand this place litterally of the water in baptisme but of the grace of Christ which cleanseth the soule as water doth the body which in other places is called The water of life Iohn 4 11. and 7.38 where speaking of the water of life the Euangelist addeth This hee spake of the Spirite which they that beleeued in him should receiue Againe water is ioyned with the Spirit in this place as fire is ioyned with the Spirite in another place Math. 3 11. He shal baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire but there is no necessity nor so much as probability there to vnderstand fire properly why then should we take water properly in this place and wherefore in places that are like should wee seeke a meaning
that is vnlike Lastly these words cannot enforce any thing to proue that there is any inherent force in the outward element seeing the Spirite is ioyned with it which addeth power and giueth efficacy to the water as it doth also to the worde in all the sauing hearers of it for as the word is a bare sound without the Spirite so baptisme cannot saue without the Spirite Obiection 4 The last testimony and witnesse is produced out of the Acts of the Apostles Chap. 2.38 where Peter exhorteth the Iewes that were at his preaching pricked in their hearts to beleeue in Christ Iesus whom they had betrayed and crucified saying Repent and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Christ for the remission of sinnes and chap. 22 16. where Ananias perswadeth Paul to bee baptized and to wash away his sinnes calling on the name of the Lord. In both which places forgiuenesse of sinnes is ascribed to baptisme and therefore it giueth and conferreth grace I answere Answere It is the beleeuing in the name of Christ that washeth away sinnes and purgeth our consciences from dead workes forasmuch as he maketh the outward worke auaileable by the inward grace of the spirite Againe hee ioyneth inuocation of the name of God with the outward signe which hath the promise of saluation annexed vnto it as the Apostle testifieth Rom. 10 13. Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall bee saued Thus we haue seene the principall pillars of the Romish error beaten and battered in pieces euery reason that caryeth any colour laid euen with the ground so that we are wholy to ascribe to the Spirite of God the lauer of regeneration and the answere of a good consciēce toward God Againe is the Spirite of God an inward part of the Sacraments Then wee must learne and remember that we can neuer heare the word or receiue the Sacraments with fruite and comfort without the speciall assistance and inward operation of the Spirite of God Therefore the Prophet ioyneth the Spirite and word together Esay 59. I will make this my couenant with thee saith the Lord g Esay 59.21 my Spirite that is vpon thee and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed from henceforth and for euer A man indeede hath power to heare the word and to receiue the Sacraments his will is free in these outwarde workes but hee hath no power or strength to doe them with profite and comfort except it be giuen him from aboue Though we heare neuer so much though wee communicate neuer so often the Spirit must open our hearts as he opened the heart of Lydia So 1 Iohn 2. That annointing h 1 Ioh. 2 27. which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teach you but as that same annointing teacheth you of all things and it is true and is not lying Likewise Acts 10. Peter preached the Gospell to Cornelius and his houshold and while he yet spake to them The i Acts 10 44. Holy-Ghost fell on them all which heard the worde So also the Apostles being sent out with their commission and commanded to preach the Gospell to euery k Mar. 16 20. creature it is noted that they went forth and preached euery where and the Lorde wrought with them and confirmed the worde with signes that followed And Iohn 14. The l Iohn 14 26. Comforter which is the Holy-Ghost whom the Father will send in my name hee shall teach you al things bring al things to your remembrance which I haue told you Pharaoh often heard Moses Aaron but he harkened not but hardned his heart because there was no inward touching or teaching of the Spirite The Israelites had heard seene the wonderful things of God yet they profited not in faith in repentance in regeneration and the reason is rendred Deuter. 29. Yee haue seene all m Deut. 29 2.3 4. that the Lord did before your eyes in the Lande of Egypt vnto Pharaoh and vnto all his seruants and vnto all his Land the great tentations which thine eyes haue seene those great myracles and wonders y●● the Lord hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and care to heare vnto this day When wee come to heare the word which is a word of power of life and of saluation when wee come to receiue the Sacraments which are signes of Gods graces and seales of his promises we see many returne as ignorant peruerse corrupt froward rebellious hard-harted and disobedient as they came to these ordinances of God and whence commeth this how falleth it out and what may bee the reason heereof Surely it is not in him that n Luke 13 24. Rom. 9 16. willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy who giueth eyes to see eares to heare heart to vnderstand to whom hee thinketh good in his heauenly pleasure Wherefore our dutye is seeing the natural man perceiueth not the things that are of the Spirite of God to pray vnto him to giue vs wisedome to see our corruptions blindnesse ignorance and hardnesse of heart Vse 3 Thirdly doth the Spirit worke in vs by the word Are the word and Spirite ioyned together and doth he teach vs by meanes of the word and Sacraments then we must not separate the Spirite from the worde and Sacraments as the Anabaptists do o Against anabaptists depending on reuelations which depend vpon reuelations and inward inspirations vpon priuate motions and diuine illuminations without the word They will not be taught by the word they wil not be strengthened by the Sacraments but take away the vse of both following their owne foolish fansies and diuelish dreames They boast of the Spirite of God and are led by the spirit of the Diuell We must for our direction and practise learne that as to rest vpon the Spirite without the worde is phantasticall and heriticall and the mother of al errors so the worde and Sacraments without the Spirite are no better then a dead carkasse without life an empty sound without substance a naked shew without truth an empty casket without the treasure and therefore we must knit them together and assure our selues that the Spirite speaketh euidently in the Scriptures the Spirite worketh effectually by the Sacraments and the Spirite helpeth our infirmities to profite by them both CHAP. XI Of the third inward part of a Sacrament THus much wee haue spoken touching the holy Spirite being the second inward part the third inward part a Christ is the 3. inward part of a Sacrament is Iesus Christ crucified the very subiect and substance of all Sacraments He was represented by circumcision and the Paschal Lambe by Manna and the water that flowed out of the Rocke and hee is represented in baptisme and in
Although many among them no doubt were elected and all of them professed the Gospell of the kingdome yet God visited their want of preparation and reuerence with diuers diseases and great mortality n Leuit. 26 14 25 21. Deut. 28 15 16 20 21. according to the threatning annexed to the lawe If ye will not obey me nor do all these commandements if yee shall despise mine ordinances or your soule abhorre my lawes then will I do this vnto you I will appoint ouer you fearefulnes a consumption and the burning ague to consume the eyes and to make the heart heauy And if ye walke stubbornely against me and will not obey mee I will then bring seauen times mee plagues vpon you according to your sinnes Wherefore whē we haue receiued grace to beleeue and haue tasted the first fruites of the Spirit to the comfort of our soules we must not be puffed vp in our knowledge we must not grow secure but stir vp the guifts of God in vs when they begin to waxe faint Let vs seeke to preuent his iudgements before they come which wee may do by iudging our selues by making inquiry into our owne waies and by searching the reines of our hearts with purpose to condemne all ignorance error security and vngodlinesse and as it were to take punishment of our selues then this would follow thereupon wee should not be iudged and punished of the Lord. This then is the remedy to auoide the sinne of vnworthy receiuing A man thus visited with sicknesse weaknesse and diuers kinds of diseases and smitten with the stroke of Gods owne hand cannot possibly be restored by any creature in heauen or earth and yet behold the Lord hath not left vs without meanes to remooue them and take them away to wit by taking away the cause that wee may remoue the effects The cause of these puninshments is taken away by iudging our selues Now a man in iudging of himselfe o What we are to do in iudging our selues must performe foure things First he must examine himselfe of his sinnes Secondly hee must confesse them himselfe to be guilty as the poore prisoner that standeth at the barre No denying of the fact no defending of the fault no hiding of the offence no iustifying of our person can procure our pardon the way to haue forgiuenesse is to acknowledge our owne wickednesse Thirdly he must condemne himselfe and giue sentence against himself without partiality Fourthly he must pleade pardon for the remission of his sinnes and neuer rest vntill he giue him peace of conscience restore him to the ioy of his saluation CHAP. XIII Of the first vse of a Sacrament HItherto of the parts of a Sacrament both outward and inward now we come to the vses thereof For vnlesse we know the vse vnderstand the end why they were ordained it shall not profite vs to know the parts Euery thing must be referred to his right vses and proper ends so must the Sacraments be The ends are especially a Three chief vses of the sacraments these three First to strengthen faith Secondly to seale the couenant betweene God and vs. Thirdly to be a badge of our profession Touching the first ende the Sacraments serue for the better confirmation of our faith as appeareth 1. Pet. 3. where the Apostle hauing set downe the drowning of the world and the preseruing of Noah by the Arke he saith our baptisme b 1 Pet. 3 21. directly answereth that type which is a taking to witnesse of a good conscience and sauing vs by the resurrection of Christ So then by faith confirmed in Baptisme we haue an infallible assurance in the death of Christ of our saluation Many indeede come to the Sacraments are present at baptisme are partakers of the Lords Supper that feele no strength of faith no increase of Gods graces no spirituall growth in the body of Christ so that they worke not saluation in them but further their condemnation For the Sacraments as we haue shewed giue not grace but more firmely surely and comfortably confirme faith they apply and seale vp Christ crucified The Sacraments cannot giue faith to the faithlesse neyther were they instituted to the end men should beleeue but because they doe beleeue as meat was not giuen that men should learne to eate but that they eating might be nourished Faith indeed receiueth them c August de ciuit dei lib. 25. cap. 25. and then they serue to nourish it And they confirme not faith by any inherent power included in them but the holye Spirite applyeth Christ to vs and frameth this comfortable conclusion in our hearts All such as are conuerted and doe rightly vse the Sacraments shall receiue Christ all his sauing graces But I am conuerted and doe rightly vse the Sacraments Therefore I shall receiue Christ and his graces Thus doth the Comforter comfort all those that come rightly and religiously to the Lords Table Now if wee would enquire and search after the reasons of this first end we should finde that one cause why they confirme faith is because God is true in his promises he confirmeth and maketh good that which is gone out of his mouth All the d 2 Cor. 1 20. promises of God in Christ Iesus are yea and are in him Amen vnto the glory of God through vs. For as Princes seales confirme their charters assure their grants and make certaine their pardons so do Gods Sacraments witnesse to our hearts and consciences that his words and promises are true and are established to continue for euer For as he declareth his mercies by his word so hee sealeth and assureth them by his Sacraments Againe this appeareth by the example of Abraham who first beleeued the promise and it was imputed to him for righteousnesse being yet vncircumcised and afterward receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnes of faith as the Apostle e Rom. 4 9 10 11. teacheth We say that faith was imputed vnto Abraham for righteousnesse How was it then imputed when he was circumcised or vncircumcised Not when hee was circumcised but when he was vncircumcised c. Where he sheweth that Abraham was iustified in vncircumcision but yet was afterward circumcised that the guift of righteousnes might be confirmed in him The f Acts 8 36. Eunuch likewise beleeued before he receiued baptisme therfore it sealed vp the increase of his faith of Gods graces And Acts 2. They that gladly receiued the words of Peter g Acts 2.41 10 44 47 48. and 22 16. were baptized And as Peter preached to Cornelius and others of the Gentiles The Holy Ghost fell on them all which heard the word and he said Can any forbid water that these should not be baptized which haue receiued the Holy Ghost as well as we So he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Wherefore when the Minister washeth with water it representeth our burial with
receiue as the doctrine of Christ and agreeable to the Prophets and Apostles as appeareth 2 Cor. 7. where Paul setteth downe the effects or fruites of true repentance This is our doctrine and the doctrine of the Church of God touching repentance let vs consider a little the popish penance and what they teach touching it and we shall see plainely that heauen and earth light and darknesse are not more opposite then their deuices and inuentions are to the truth For they haue forged a new Sacrament which they cal Penance What popish penance is when a man is contrite for all his sinnes and maketh a full and sufficient reckoning vp rehearsall of them all in the eare of the Priest of whom he is enioyned to make satisfaction after he is absolued of them So that this new coyned Sacrament consisteth of these foure counterfeit parts The parts of popish penance the contrition of the heart the confession of the mouth the satisfaction of the worke and the absolution of the Priest Thus they abuse the name of a Sacrament when they apply it to these things as we shall see afterward Againe they require all these things as necessary to saluation in all that are of yeares of discretion whereby they lay snares for mens soules and set them vpon the racke requiring an impossibility at their hands forasmuch as no man can haue perfect sorrow nor number vp all his sinnes nor yet make satisfaction for them and therefore this Penance is not a boord to escape shipwracke neyther physicke for the soule but the high way to desperation Lastly they make the performance of all these things meritorious and teach that remission of sinnes is obtained by them which tendeth to the reproach and dishonour of Christ Let vs speake somewhat of these in order Touching the first point to wit Contrition we grant that godly sorrow of heart for sinne is necessary to repentance as also to haue a true feeling of sinne and an hatred and detestation of it howbeit it is no part the repentance but onely the right and ready way that leadeth to it because the more sinne doth presse vs and afflict vs the more we learne to flye to the mercy of God in his Sonne Christ But they teach that this Contrition ought to be perfect and that the greatnesse of the griefe must be answerable and equiualent to the greeuousnesse of the sinne they make it a necessary meane and cause of iustification and apart of satisfaction for our sinnes that we deserue by it remission of them and therefore their doctrine is diuelish and blasphemous translating vnto mortall and sinfull men that which is proper to Christ the Son of God The next point is Confession Such as the Scripture alloweth and approueth we admit and acknowledge as first publike confession of the whole Church acknowledging thēselues before the cōgregation to be grieuous sinners in the sight of God consenting to the Minister that conceiueth the prayer and crauing pardon of our heauenly Father in the name of Christ our Sauiour This is practised continually of al the faithfull met together they begin the exercises of religion with this publike humiliation Nehe. 9 3. Nehe. 9 3. For wheresoeuer two or three are gathered together in his name where he is in the midst of them there is alwayes confession of sinne forasmuch as there is nothing can with-hold good things from vs but our owne vnworthinesse Secondly there is a priuate confession when a man poureth out his hart before God alone and desireth forgiuenesse of his sins This did Dauid Psal 32 5 and ●1 1.2 Luke 18. this did the Publican practise and so doth euery beleeuing soule almost at all times For we do all of vs finde continuall occasions to poure out our meditations before him to keepe vs from sinne to hold vs vp in tentations and to weaken the power of sin daily in vs. Thirdly there is another confession when such as are banished from the Church and excluded from the Sacraments and excommunicated out of the society of the faithfull do openly acknowledge their offences and desire to be reconciled to the Church which they haue notoriously offended as we see in the example of the incestuous Corinthian 2 Cor. 2.6 2 Cor. 2 6. who humbled himselfe before God asked forgiuenes of the Church Fourthly there is a kinde of confession of such as haue offended their brethren not that which wee mentioned before belonging to ecclesiasticall discipline but a priuate acknowledgement of the iniuries and wrongs done vnto them and a crauing of forgiuenes at their hands which duty the offenders are bound to performe and the offended are bound to grant according to the rule of charity Mat. 5 24 and 6 14. and 18.15 For we are all charged to reconcile our selues vnto our brethren and to forgiue as we desire to be forgiuen Lastly there is a lawfull and lawdable kind of confession pertaining to such as are troubled in conscience for sinne and desire to finde comfort and to be at peace with God These are to make confession of that particular sinne which lyeth heauy vpon their heart eyther to the Minister if he haue the tongue of the learned and bee able to minister a word of comfort in season Iam. 5.16 or to some other faithfull and godly brother that their spirits may be raised vp refreshed by their prayers All there sorts of confession we know to be good and therefore receiue but what are they to the auricular confession secretly whispered in the eare of an ignorant and sottish Priest wherein men are enioyned to confesse all particularly at the least all their mortall sins Rhem. annot vpon Iohn 20. whether they be committed in minde heart will and cogitation onely or else in word and worke with all the necessary circumstances and differences of the same This they will have done once a yeare in the holy time of Lent before the Lords Supper bee receiued at Easter This is a meere inuention of carnal men not an institution of God forasmuch as Christ neyther by commandment neyther by example ordained any such auricular Confession or particular enumeration of all our sinnes of which we shal speake further in the third booke where we intreat of the preparation required of such as come to the Table of the Lord. The third point is satisfaction and it is true that the iustice of God must be satisfied forasmuch as hee can neuer forget to be iust but it is folly and madnes blockishnesse and sencelesnesse nay high presumption and blasphemy for flesh and blood to thinke that they can make recompence to God for their sins and fully satisfie his iustice For who is able to beare the burthen of his wrath Psal 90.11 For who can pay a price sufficient for his sinnes or who dare offer to the righteous God the rags and patches of his owne workes to merite thereby his fauour What is the
we are fed to eternall life Secondly this teacheth that all rebaptizing is vnlawfull as we see by the examples of the apostles q Act. 2 42 and 19 1 5. who baptized not the beleeuers and members of the Church the second time For Acts 2. it is noted that such as beleeued the Gospell continued in the apostles doctrine in fellowship in breaking of bread prayer but not in baptizing againe or being baptized againe and chap 19 4.5 the disciples which were baptized and had not receiued the gifts of the Holy-Ghost Paul instructed further in the doctrine of Christ and doth not rebaptise them but layeth his hands vpon them and they receiue the visible gifts of the Holy-Ghost The reason is plaine against rebaptization because it signifieth and sealeth vp our once beeing borne againe our once setting and setling into the body of Christ r Ezek. 16 8. Hos 2 19 20. and our spirituall marriage once with him who is the spirituall husband of his Church Whereby we see that such as haue been baptized ſ Such as haue beene baptized by heretickes are not to be rebaptised by heretickes or other wicked Ministers are not to be rebaptized It came in place of circumcision but none were twice circumcised therefore none to be twice baptized Againe it is a Sacrament that representeth our spirituall incorporation into the Church but it is sufficient once to be ingrafted and consequently sufficient to haue it once administred This error of rebaptizing arose vpon a corrupt vnderstanding and interpretation of the place Acts 19. When they heard it t Acts 19 5. they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus The difficulty of this place is taken away if wee consider they be the words of Paul continuing his speech of Iohns baptisme not of Luke declaring what Paul did But of this place we shall haue better and fitter occasion to speake further in the chapter following where it is at large expoūded Furthermore if baptisme be administred once for euer it sheweth that he which commeth to Christ once truely and indeed shall neuer be cast away u Iohn 13 1. Rom. 11 29. whom Christ Iesus loueth once he loueth for euer because his graces and guifes are without repentance What shall separate vs from Christ when we are by his working adioyned vnto him Wherfore this outward washing being not often repeated but once onely vsed doth effectually feale vp our once ioyning vnto God who hath made an euerlasting couenant with vs he shall neuer turne away from vs to do vs good we shall be his people and he will be our God for euer Indeed if we could cleane fall away from the grace of God wee should haue another regeneration and another baptizing to bee the seale therof but because we are built vpon the brazen pillar of Gods election the gates of hell shall not preuaile against vs for this foundation remaineth sure a 2. Tim. 2 19.20 and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his This b Psal 51 10.11 appeareth in Dauid Psal 51. He desireth to haue a cleane heart he prayeth that the holy Spirit be not taken from him thereby declaring that the Spirit was within him and that he had a sensible feeling thereof howsoeuer the flesh for a season had gotten the vpper-hand Heere then is a great comfort sealed to all Christians in all tentations against al the terrors and feares of conscience wherewith they are ready to be swallowed vp and ouerwhelmed This must strengthen and stay vs vp that although we may fall greeuously yet we shall not fall finally from the estate of grace He that is once a sound and liuely member of Christ can neuer be wholy cut off True it is sinne may lessen our coniunction and weaken our communion with Christ but if we be truely in him the band shall neuer be dissolued c 1 Ioh. 2 19. we shall neuer be wholy seuered and fall from him as 1. Ioh. 2. They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they should haue continued with vs but this commeth to passe that it might appeare that they are not all of vs. Now if any man by falling into sinne were totally separated from Christ for a time surely in his recouery and rising from sinne hee were to be baptized the second time for baptisme is the Sacrament of initiation and ingrafting into Christ and an vniuersall falling would require a new ingrafting But it were most absurd to say wee should be as often baptized as we fal into sinne and therefore howsoeuer Sathan may buffet molest tempt and wound vs greeuously yet hee can neuer ouer-maister vs wholy and ouercome vs finally d 1 Ioh. 3 9. as the Apostle declareth 1 Ioh. 3. Whosoeuer is borne of God committeth not sinne for his seed remaineth in h●m neither can he sinne because hee is borne of God This assurance of our standing for euer in the couenant is the roote of all courage and comfort in trials and tentations it helpeth vs to fight manfully against sinne it preserueth vs from security it nourisheth vs in good workes it increaseth in vs a care to please God and lastly it confuteth the popish fancy of the forged Sacrament of Penance whereby they say a Christian being cleane fallen from grace is restored finding no comfort in his baptisme whereas the true beleeuer neuer falleth finally from faith neither needeth an outward seale to assure his pertaining to Gods fauour and loue Indeed euery Christian that is fallen through infirmitie must rise vp repent vnfainedly and shew forth the fruites thereof yet the force and strength of his baptisme is not lost the fruite and comfort thereof remaineth for euer and is extended as wel to the time to come as to the time that is past So many therefore as affirme that the faithfull in their fals haue remedy in Penance but no comfort by their baptisme do set vp themselues magnifying their owne dreames deuises aboue the holy ordinances of God The 4. part of the former description of baptisme is the forme of baptizing into the name of the Father of the Son of the Holy-Ghost e The vse of the fourth part of the description of Baptisme This teacheth that whosoeuer is baptized hath made a solemn promise to confesse professe the christian religion to be the seruant of Christ to fight his battels vnder his bāner against all the enemies of his faith saluation against sin against Satan against the world he hath vowed to renounce the workes of the flesh to serue the true God So often then as we are present at the administration thereof wee must consider the couenant into which we are entred which we made in the presence of men and Angels which we are bound to keep for euer Wherefore let vs learne daily to dye vnto sin follow a new life by the grace of sanctification
as Christ sometimes did to that slothfull person c Luk. 19 12. Thou euill seruant out of thine owne mouth will I iudge thee These make three sorts of baptisme of water of blood of the Spirit whereby they confesse that the want of baptizing with water is not damnable in al seeing that want may be supplyed either with shedding of their blood for testimony of the truth or by spiritual regeneration ingrafting into the body of Christ To conclude do we desire the custome and practise of the Church It is well knowne that in Thessalia d Socra lib. 5. cap. 22. Bellar. de sacra bap cap. 26. the Sacrament of baptisme was celebrated but once in the yeare namely at Easter In other places thrice in the yeare and sometimes not vntill the houre of their death when they were going the way of all flesh Constantine the great was the first christian Emperor that reformed the Church yet he was not baptized till e Tripart hist lib. 3 c●p 12. the time of his death And Valentinianus a christian Emperor died without baptisme yet doth Ambrose giue him his due commendation f Orat. de obit Valent●n and doubted nothing of his saluation Shal we do these good men these worthy Emperors these godly Christians this wrong as to thinke they were damned who were the chiefe pillars and protectors of the true Christian and Catholike religion Or if the Churches aboue mentioned had holden this hard opinion that the want of baptisme was a signe of reprobation would they haue deferred it in the houre of death whereby sometimes they were preuented or administred it at certaine times onely of the yeare True it is that custome is not to be followed neither the negligēce of those Bishops to be allowed but it teacheth thus much that in deferring baptisme they differed in iudgement from the now-Church of Rome and concurred in opinion with the reformed Churches for which causes their practise is alledged The reasons vsed to maintain the absolute necessity of this Sacrament to saluation are weak not worth the answering First they obiect g Gen. 17 14. Obiection Answere the threatning annexed to circumcision The vncircumcised male shal be cut off frō his people To this I answere first God commandeth infants to be circumcised the eight day before which time they were forbidden to circumcise Wherfore infants that dy before the 8. day were not bound and obliged by this law And seeing there h Rom. 5 13. can be no transgression where there is no law they are not damnd because they are vncircumcised seeing God called many out of this life before they were capable of this Sacrament Againe the commination and threatning is not to bee vnderstood generally of all but of such as are growne vp not of children but of men as appeareth by the reason For he hath broke my couenant This cannot be applyed to infants i Caietan in cap. 7. Genes who albeit they haue not actuall faith yet cannot be said to contemne grace to refuse the couenant to reiect the promises or to lye in infidelity and hardnesse of heart Wherefore it belongeth vnto those onely that being growne vp and come to yeares shall approue the negligence of their parents and will not suffer themselues to be circumcised Therefore the childe of Moses whose circumcision was through negligence deferred was not punished but the fault was imputed vnto Mose● himselfe Exod. 4 24. Now as to Peter saying Thou shalt k ●●hn 13 8. neuer wash my feet Christ answered If I wash thee not thou hast no part in me so to the Israelite that should haue saide I will neuer be circumcised this threatning might fitly be applyed If thou wilt not be circumcised thou hast no part in God no portion in his blessing no assurance of his promises in this life or of his kingdome in the life to come Lastly to be cut off from the people doth not signifie to be condemned for euen the negligence and contempt of the Sacrament is pardonable where repentance followeth as we see of such as came vnreuerently and vnworthily to the Lords Supper among the Corinthians l 1 Cor. 11 30 31. who were punished with diseases and death it selfe yet the soule no doubt was saued in the day of the Lord. Sometime therefore that phrase of speaking signifieth temporall iudgements of God on men their families m Psal 55 24. for their wickednes Sometimes it signifieth the Magistrates iustice inflicted on malefactors n Deut. 13 59 who beareth not the sword in vaine which is expounded afterward Thou shalt surely kill him Sometimes it signifieth to be cut off from the bosome of the Church o Exod. 12 15 19. which is done by the high and dreadfull censure of excommunication Whosoeuer eateth leauened bread from the first day vntill the seauenth day that person shall be cut off from Israell the interpretation of which words is added verse 19. That person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israell So the Apostle speaketh 1 Cor. 5. Hee which hath done this thing should be p 1 Cor. 5 2.13 put from among you that is from your company fellowship as verse 13. Put away from among your selues that wicked man Thus wee are to vnderstand the threatning in this place that such as contemne circumcision eyther themselues or allow the same contempt and negligence of others shall no longer bee reckoned and reputed among the people of God but be separated from them and to be as an heathen and a publican Againe q Ioh. 3 5. they obiect Iohn 3. Obiection 2 Vnlesse a man be borne of water and the Spirite hee cannot enter into the kingdome of God therefore say they it is necessary to saluation to be baptized This is the reason of r Bellar. lib 1 de bapt ca. 4. Bellarmine and ſ Hosij confess cap. 35. Answere of others I answere first it is not necessary in this place by water to vnderstand materiall water but the grace of Christ purging and cleansing as water doth which interpretation may be gathered by conference of a like place Math. 3.11 He shall baptise t Ioh 3 11. with the Holy-Ghost and with fire that is by the Spirite of God which is as it were fire lightening our hearts with the knowledge of God inflaming them with his loue and purging them from euill affections So when wee are saide to be borne againe by water and the Spirite he meaneth by the Spirite shewing forth in vs the force power and property of water as if he should say we are borne of water which is the Spirite u Ioh. 7 38 39 4.21 as Ioh. 7 38 39. Againe if it were ment of water in baptisme it must be vnderstood according to a like a Ioh. 6 53. sentence Ioh. 6. Vnlesse you eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his bloud yee shall not
Thirdly the peculiar actions and externall rites of eating and drinking do not agree to babes sucklings Thus likewise in the olde Testament circumcision was ordained for infants but the Passeouer for such as were of that age that they might enquire of their parents touching the substance and signification thereof Exod. 12 26. Exod. 12 26. Thirdly they obiect f Mar. 16 16. Mat. 28 19. that it is said Teach and baptize Obiect 3 and againe He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued whereupon they conclude that such as beleeue not are not to be baptized inasmuch as Christ before baptisme commandeth teaching and afterward ioyneth baptizing with beleeuing But infants are not capable of doctrine neither do they actually beleeue therefore they are not to be baptized Againe g Act. 2 38. if repentance bee necessarily ioyned as Act. 2. Amend your liues and be baptized then infants must be separated and secluded who cannot repent But repentance is necessarily required therefore infants are to be barred from the Sacrament of baptisme Answere I answere first those sentences are not generall to all but belong only to men of sufficient yeares and discretion to discerne betweene good and euill By this fraud of extending stretching and falsely applying generall sentences of Scripture a man might reare and raise many monstrous conclusions If a man would goe about to proue that children are not to be nourished and fed with corporall food because the Apostle would haue none to eate h 1 Thes 3 10 but such as labour were he not worthy to be spitted at or hissed out of the schooles because he carrieth that indifferently to all ages which is limited and restrained to a certaine age So must we not racke and rent asunder the i Luk. 13 3 5. Rom. 10 17. Mar. 16 16. Heb 11 6. generall sentences of Scripture Except ye repent ye shall all perish faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God hee that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued These belong onely to men of discretion and are not to be applyed to Infants whom they do not concerne Againe Christ in those words instructeth his Apostles what order they should obserue in the cōuersion of the Gentiles first they must instruct thē in faith then baptize them being instructed and lastly guide them in true obedience being baptized when he addeth k Mat. 28 20. Teaching them to obserue whatsoeuer I haue commanded you Besides if they strictly vrge and stifly stand vpon the words as they litterally lye in order why may wee not first baptize them before we teach them because it is said baptizing them in the name of the Trinity and teaching them to obserue what I command But he intreateth in this place of such as are growne vp which must first haue knowledge in the Gospell faith in Christ and repentance from dead workes before they be baptized but infants are baptized by reason of the promise made to their parents Moreouer we might oppose vnto these the example of circumcision which we know and they are not ignorant was giuen to infants who could not yet beleeue so that such as barre them from baptisme because they are not capable of faith and repentance might in like manner exclude the infants of the Israelites from circumcision Baptisme is the Sacrament of repentance and faith though neither of these be in infancy yet they are baptized to the repentance and faith to come which albeit they be not actually formed in them yet by the fruites afterward they shall appeare to be in them Lastly if baptisme should be giuen onely to those that truely beleeue it should likewise be denied to such as are of vnderstanding for wee are not able to pronounce of these that they do truely beleeue and certainly apprehend the promises of the Gospell Wherefore if infants are not to be baptized because they haue not faith and want repentance neither are they of sufficient age to be baptized of whom it cannot be directly and vndoubtedly saide they do beleeue S mon the sorcerer mentioned l Act. 8 13 20. in the Acts of the Apostles was baptized and yet remained an hipocrite If they say profession of faith is sufficient to make members of ●he visible Church I answere our Sauiour speaketh not of a bare profession of faith when hee saith He that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued for then all that professe faith should receiue m 1 Pet. 1 9. The reward of their faith which is the saluation of their soules Againe profession of faith is for such as are capable of it which agreeth not to the age of infants as they cannot deny the faith before men which they haue not acknowledged no more can they confesse the truth of doctrine which they neuer learned Now to be borne in the Church and in the couenant is to infants in place and stead of an actuall confession and reall profession Such as are growne vp must beleeue with the heart n Rom. 10 10 and confesse with the mouth the Gospel of saluation it is sufficient for others to be the children of such as haue confessed the faith Fourthly they obiect in this manner Obiection 4 baptisme is giuen for remission of sinnes but infants haue not sinned they therefore cannot be baptized I answere Answere infants commit not actuall sin yet are guilty of originall sin they want inherent righteousnes they haue a pronenesse to al euil their whole nature is corrupted being in the seed of Adam Albeit therfore infants haue not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression in their owne persons yet they haue sinned in him and in his loynes in whom all are dead This the holy man o Iob. 14 4. teacheth Iob. 14. Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse There is not one Likewise the Prophet p Psal 51 5. Rom. 5 14 19 Dauid confesseth this truth Psal 51. Behold I was borne in iniquity and in sinne my mother conceiued me So the apostle Paul Rom. 5. Death raigned from Adam to Moyses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the manner of the transgression of Adam which was the figure of him that was to come for as by one mans disobed●ence many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Wherefore such as hold infants without all guilt of sin neuer knew the greatnesse of Adams fall of Gods iustice of mans misery and of Christs endlesse mercy Lastly Obiection 5 they obiect that Christ himselfe was not baptized vntill 30. yeares of age I answere Answere no more did he preach before he was thirty yet hence it followeth not that none ought to enter that calling before that age True it is he that desireth that worthy office must bee no new plant 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 no younger Scholler none lately come to the profession gathered immediately from heathenish religion to the fellowship of
earth If this inward maister and teacher be wanting the Sacraments g The Sacraments profit not without the Spirit can work no more in our mindes then if the bright Sun should shine to the blinde eyes or a loud voice sound in deafe eares or fruitefull corne fall into the barren wildernes or a shower of raine fall vpon the hard stones Wherefore least the word of saluation should sound in our eares in vaine and Sacraments ioyned to the word should bee present before our eyes in vaine the Spirit worketh in vs whensoeuer we come vnto them aright he mollifieth the hardnesse of our hearts he frameth vs to new obedience and assureth vs that God offereth to vs his owne Sonne for our iustification and saluation For euen as the seede that falleth into a barren soile dyeth and rotteth yet if it be sowne in fruitfull ground wel tilled and manured it bringeth forth good increase with gaine and aduantage so likewise the word and the Sacraments if they hit vpon an hard necke and fall into a barren heart become vnprofitable and vnfruitefull but if the effectuall worke of the Spirite accompanieth the hearing of the one and receiuing of the other they are profitable auaileable and comfortable Thus much of the second part CHAP. X. Of the third inward part of baptisme THe third inward part of baptisme a The third inward part of baptisme is Christ Iesus is Christ represented and signified by the water For as the Apostle teacheth b Heb. 10 4. That the blood of buls and calues cannot take away sin so the water in baptisme cannot wash away sinnes It toucheth the body washeth it cleanseth and purgeth it but it can proceed no further Nay al the water in the riuers and in the Sea cannot scowre and make clean the conscience it is another water euen the Spirit that must do it Hence it is Ier. 2 22 that the Lord saith by his Prophet Ieremy chap. 2. Though thou wash thee with nitre and take thee much sope yet thine iniquity is marked before me saith the Lord. To this purpose speaketh Iob Iob. 9 30.31 chap. 9. If I wash my selfe with snow-water and make my hands neuer so cleane yet shalt thou plunge me in the Ditch and mine owne clothes shall abhorre me It is not therefore the outward water but the inward water that auaileth vs. For this c Act. 2 38. 10 ●8 19 5 cause the beleeuers are said to bee baptized in the name of Christ as Act. 2 38. Be baptized euery one of you in the name of Christ So chap. 19 5. They were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus Not meaning heereby the forme and manner of baptizing but the fruit foundation and end of baptisme Likewise d 1 Pet. 3 21. the Apostle sheweth the same 1. Pet. 3 21. Baptisme answering to the figure of the Arke saueth vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ There is no force in outward baptisme to saue the whole vertue and force floweth from the streame of Christs blood as the true materiall cause thereof wherein the power of inward baptisme doth consist The truth beeing euident that the pouring out of the blood of CHRIST is one of the inward partes of Baptisme let vs see the vses Vse 1 The vse of this part teacheth diuers points First that the outward washing with water is not the washing away of sins for thē whosoeuer were dipped in it should receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes repentance from dead workes and sanctification of the Spirit whether he beleeued or not e Acts 8.22 which is otherwise as we see Acts 8 22. Also they should not and could not be Christians and eternally saued which are not outwardly washed but departing this life without baptisme they should perish in the next world without redresse or redemptiō and so our condition were worse then the Iewes their condition in times past and the grace of God more restrained vnder the Gospell then it was vnder the law Moses offering more mercy then Christ himselfe So then the washing with water serueth to ratifie the shedding of Christs blood for the remission of our sinnes and the imputation of his righteousnesse to our iustification f 1 Ioh. 1 7. as 1. Ioh. 1 7. The blood of Iesus Christ his Sonne doth cleanse vs from all sinne So Reuel 1 5. He hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood and made vs Kings and Priestes vnto God euen his Father And Col. 1 14. the apostle saith In him we haue redemption by h●s blood that is forgiuenesse of sinnes Againe when we see with our bodily eyes the water Vse 2 poured vpon the body of the baptized wee must behold and consider with the eyes of faith the blotting out of all our sinnes as well originall as actuall as well after baptisme as before baptisme by the precious blood of Christ that we may assure our selues it is no idle action For we must not behold the Sacramentall rites as certaine dumbe gestures or stage-like shewes without substance and signification but we must make them serue to further our faith and edification or else we do horribly abuse them to the great dishonour of God and to the fearefull destruction of our owne soules Lastly it teacheth vs not to be led by the outward senses Vse 3 to measure the truth or to iudge of the substance of baptisme by the outward signe and visible parts but to haue our faith fixed on Christ crucified on the Crosse and signified in baptisme The Infidell seeing children solemnly baptized in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy-Ghost will rashly and ignorantly coniecture nothing to be there but naked rites and bare water but the faithfull and true Christian doth behold the washing of the soule and cleansing of the heart by the dearest blood of Christ So in the Lords Supper to the vnbeleeuer appeareth nothing but Bread and Wine because we see with our eies wee receiue with our hands wee taste with our mouth no more but the beleeuer knoweth that together with these signes God the Father offereth the body and blood of his Sonne to be spiritually receiued and digested Euen as he that is vnlettered and vnlearned if he looke g Esa 29 11 12. vpon the face of a booke beholdeth onely blacke colours and spots vpon the Paper seeth certaine figures and characters of Letters differing each from other but cannot reade the writing or comprehend the meaning but he that hath learned his Letters and is able to reade them reapeth great profite and instruction thereby So is it in the Sacraments He that resteth in the outward signe deceiueth himselfe but hee that respecteth the thing signified receiueth the profit and aduantage The Crosse of Christ and preaching of the Gospel h 1 Cor. 1 23.24 are a stumbling blocke to the Iewes and foolishnesse to the Graecians For the Infidell hearing that Christ was crucified
seed to remember the ordinance of God that baptisme is the seale of his couenant and lastly to make them diligent in nurtering and instructing them in true religion that so their children may learne betimes to become the children of God For what can more inslame vs and set an edge vpon vs to bestow paines and labour in the teaching and training of them vp in the feare of God and the knowledge of his waies then to consider that God loueth them and vs and sheweth himselfe the God both of them and of vs. Lastly this comfort reacheth to the infants themselues that are baptized Comfort to infants baptized when they shall marke that they are solemnly set into Christ and receiued into the bosome of the Church For they haue this lauer of regeneration as it were a pawne of Gods loue alwaies lying by them and committed vnto their trust to apply it in time of need to the assurance of their iustification and sanctification to the strengthning and confirmation of them in all tentations against terrors and feares of conscience Ionathan Sauls son tooke comfort from hence and an occasion to rest and trust in God and to assure himselfe of his helpe when hee spake to his armor bearer Come let vs go ouer vnto the garrison of these vncircumcised 1 Sam. 14 6. it may be that the Lord wil work for vs for there is no restraint to the Lord to saue by many or by few The like we see in Dauid whē he was to encounter with Goliah and to deliuer the host of Israel from that blasphemous enemy Thy seruant slew the Lyon and the Beare that tooke a Lamb out of the flocke 1 Sam. 17.26 now this vncircumcised Phil●stim shall be as one of them seeing he hath defied the armie of the liuing God Wher we see how they cōfort themselus in that which they went about because themselues were circumcised bare a sign of the couenant in their flesh because they had to do with those that were vncircumcised Thus ought our baptism wherby we haue put on Christ as a garment to be as a shield and buckler to defend vs in the houre of tentation and as armour of proofe against the assaults and fiery darts of the Diuell assuring our selues that our engrafting into his body is not an idle ceremony but serueth to make vs strong in the Lord and in the power of his might who will bee neere vnto vs and stand round about vs in the day of trouble Thus much touching the fourth and last inward part of Baptisme CHAP. XII Of the first vse of baptisme HItherto we haue handled the parts of baptisme both outward and inward now let vs proceed to the vses the last point to be obserued in this Sacrament The vses of baptisme are in number a Three vses of baptisme three first to shew our planting ingrafting and incorporating into the body of Christ Secondly to seale vp the remission and forgiuenesse of all our sinnes Thirdly to teach vs to dye vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnesse and true sanctification These ends b Rom. 6 3 4.5 6. appeare euidently by the words of the Apostle Rom. 6. Know ye not that all we which haue beene baptized into IESVS CHRIST haue beene baptized into his death We are buried then with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp frō the dead to the glory of the Father so we also should walke in newnesse of life For if wee bee planted with him to the similitude of his death euen so shall wee be to the similitude of his resurrection knowing this that our olde Man is crucified with him that the body of sinne m●ght be destroyed that henceforth we should not serue sinne In this place the Apostle seteth before vs the former ends of baptisme expresly Touching the first vse c The first vse o● baptism is to shew our ingrafting into Christ he sheweth that by it is signified and sealed our vniting setting d 1 Cor 12 13. and inserting into the body of Christ to remaine in him for euer as branches in the vine as 1. Cor. 12. By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body whether we be bonde or free where he teacheth that by baptisme we become one body with Christ And Gal. 3. All ye that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ This coniunction with Christ is not bodily or naturall it is not by bands in the flesh it is not by neerenes of blood for such wee see may be separated as the father from the sonne the husband from the wife the brother from the sister but this is wholy mysticall and spirituall aboue reason and aboue sence because it is wrought not by naturall wayes as by ioynts sinewes arteries ligaments and such like but by spirituall meanes to wit by the power of the Spirit and by vertue of faith he sendeth downe his Spirit wee send vp our faith First he must send downe his Spirit because all goodnes is of him Indeed we loue him but it is because he loued vs first giuing vs e Rom. 8 15. the Spirit of adoption to cry Abba father Indeed we come vnto Christ to be eased and refreshed as he commandeth but it is because f Ioh. 6 44. the father draweth vs. Indeed we perseuer in faith and loue but this is because he perseuereth in louing of vs. Indeed we repent and turne vnto God but this is because hee g Ezek. 36 26 27. taketh away our stonie heart and giueth vnto vs an heart of flesh Secondly as he putteth his Spirit within vs so our faith mounteth vp to the heauens and apprehendeth Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father And thus his Spirit descending our faith ascending and both of them ioyning the members to the head the branches to the vine vs to Christ being once ingrafted h Ioh. 15 5 6. we are neuer separated as Ioh. 15. He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth foorth much fruite for without me ye can doe nothing If a man abide not in me he is cast foorth as a branch and withereth and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they burne No man can be partaker of Christs benefits to saluation which is i We are ioyned to Christ in spirituall mariage not made one with him As a woman cannot be partaker of the riches and honour of some great man haue interest in his person except she be ioyned to him in marriage that they become one body and one flesh and as the members cannot draw life from the head except they bee ioyned with it so there is no partaking of Christ except there be an vnion and communion with him k Ioh. 6 53. as himselfe teacheth vs Ioh. 6. Ver●ly verily I say vnto you except yee eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood yee haue
a The third vs● o● ba●ti●●●●●to t●● vs our d●●●g to sin and ●●si●● to ●●wn i●e of life our naturall corruption by the power of Christs death and buriall and to raise vs againe to sanctification of our nature and newnes of life by his resurrection Hence it is that sin hath his deaths wound and is st●icken to the heart so that it cannot liue and raigne in the children of God Hence it is that baptisme is often b Luk. 3 3. called the Sacrament of repentance as Luke 3. Iohn came into all the parts and coasts about Iordan preaching the Baptisme of repentance for the rem ss●on of sinnes So likewise Marke 1 4. Iohn did baptize in the Wildernes and preach the baptisme of amendment of life And the apostle affirmeth as much Col. 2 12 13. declaring that one end of baptisme is the death and buriall of the old man by the almighty power of God This also was taught in those c 1 Pet. 3 20.21 liuely types answering our baptisme to wit the flood that drownd the old world while Noah and his family were preserued in the Arke Also the red sea in which Pharaoh and his hoast perished but the people of God were deliuered For as God destroyed in the waters and as it were buried in the flood the old world but saued a remnant of grace so doth God through Christ mortifie the old man raise againe the new man and seale them both in our baptisme Likewise as God deliuered his people out of the hands of Pharaoh and opened them a way through the red sea and drowned their enemies that they saw them no more aliue so by baptisme hee assureth our deliuerance from the thraldome and bondage of sinne which bringeth greater slauery captiuity then any slaue is in vnder his earthly maister and the destruction of the flesh that it shall not hurt or condemne vs. Wee are all d Psal 51 7. Rom. 5 12. borne in sinnes and trespasses wee haue need of repentance and regeneration We see then what vse we are to make of our baptisme euen labour to attaine to the efficacy and fruite of it that it may not be a bare and barren signe Moses and the Prophets earnestly exhort the people of Israel to shew foorth the force and effect of their circumcision e Deut. 10 16. and 30 6. to cut away the fore-skin of their hearts and harden their necks no more as we see Deut. 10 16. The Lord did set his delight in thy fathers to loue them and did chuse their seed after them euen you aboue all people Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your hearts and harden your necks no more and in another place The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart and the h●art of thy seed that thou maiest loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou maiest liue So the Prophet f Ier. 4 4. Ieremy saith Breake vp your fallow ground and sowe not among thornes be circumcised to the Lord and take away the fore-skins of your hearts ye men of Iudah and inhab tants of Ierusalem least my wrath come foorth like fire and burne but none can quench it because of the wickednes of your inuent●ons Circumcision was the thing wherein they boasted aboue all things it was their glory whereof they bragged to be a crcumcised people peculiar to God Now the Prophets recall and reclaime them from trusting in outward signes and lying words g Ier. 7 8. that shall not profit and stirre them vp to consider the power and effect thereof not to rest in cutting off a thin peece of skin but to cut off quite and cleane their lusts and corruptions which rebell against the Spirit This the Apostle teacheth h Rom. 2 28.29 euidently Rom. 2. Hee is not a Iew which is one outward neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Iew which is one within and the c●rcumcision is of the heart in the Spirit not in the Letter whose praise is not of men but of God The outward Letter is of no moment with God it must be the circumcision of the hart otherwise the circumcising of the flesh is nothing So if we would haue God to take vs for his people and heritage i We must a●● be baptized in heart we must be all baptized in our hearts and our soules What will some say baptized in soule and in heart What is that Or how can this bee Can the water wash the soule Surely the water cast vpon our bodies is nothi●g if we haue not the truth of it As then the apostle Paul maketh a difference betweene inward circumcision of the spirit and outward circumcision of the letter insomuch that if they would haue the true circumcision indeed they must haue that which is within so is there a great difference between the baptisme of the spirit and of the letter betweene that of the soule and the other of the body betweene that which is outward and that which is inward Whosoeuer would haue the true baptisme indeed he must be clensed within repent of his wickednesse mortifie his imaginations deny himselfe renounce his affections and offer vp his soule and body in sacrifice to God that he may renew and regenerate vs otherwise it is a certaine thing we were neuer indeed and in truth baptized For as the Iewes were charged to bee vncircumcised though the fore-skin of the flesh were cut off and so they were circumcised in body so wee may in like manner bee charged to be vnbaptized albeit we haue bin outwardly washed with water The Iewes chosen aboue all Nations to be the people of God were oftentimes condemned of forgery and falshood for breaking the couenant of God not answering to the truth thereof k Esay 2 4. and 57 3. and were vpbraided with the vncircumcisednesse of their hearts that they were worse then the heathen themselues a bastard brood witches children and vnworthy to be accounted Abrahams seed to the end they should bragge no more of their circumcision as Act. 7. Acts 7 51. Stephen a faithfull witnesse of God obiecteth against them Ye stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hearts and eares yee haue alwayes re●●sted the Holy-Ghost as your fathers did so do you they slew the Prophets which shewed before of the comming of that iust of whom ye are now the betrayers murtherers where we see he discouereth their hypocrisie setteth their sins before their faces telling thē that as their fathers rebelled against God so the children followed their fathers footsteps Do not th●se things concerne vs Though we haue not circumcision in action and practise belong they not to vs now a dayes Yes euen to vs. For we shall be condemned for our vnclensed and vnsanctified hearts not answering to the truth of our baptisme For so much we profit by baptisme as we profite in mortification If then we be once
2 Tim. 4 ● Col. 3 16. and he would haue it dwell plentifully in all that are hearers that they might be richly furnished with the knowledge of it And the more we know it the more we will respect it and reuerence it and the deeper we search into it the farther we shall be from the contempt of it and the more we shall learne to magnifie it and the author of it So it is in the Sacraments if once we know the vertue and value of them we shall esteeme them according to the dignity and worthinesse of them True it is indeed that ouer-common vse of temporall things breedeth contempt because the neerer we come vnto them the more familiar we are with them and they with vs the more we see the imperfections of them and the lesse we see in them to admire them but the neerer we come to spiritual things the more we behold the excellency and glory and goodnes of them Euen as it is in things that are visible before our eyes the neerer we are vnto them the greater they seeme but the farther they be distant the lesse they do appeare so the more we are conuersant with heauenly things and haue them continually before vs the greater respect we will haue of them and the more excellent they will seeme vnto vs whereas the farther they are remoued from vs and we from them the lesse we will account of them and they will seeme very small to our sight Would wee then be in loue with the word and Sacraments and haue a reuerent account of them Let vs come oftentimes vnto them and neuer thinke our estate and condition better then whē we are partaking of the one or the other Neither let vs feare by our often drawing neere vnto them to run into the open contempt of them for whether we do consider the honour of the place where we meet or the reuerence of the person before whom we appeare or the worthinesse of the mysteries whereof we partake or the danger of the iudgements which we incurre by our carelesnesse and negligence all these are able to preserue vs from a society and loathing of the Sacraments and are sufficient to bring vs to haue a good stomacke to them as the hungry man hath to his meat and thirsty man to his drinke The sixt obiection Thus much we haue to say against those cauillers now we come to another sort that pretend they haue a great desire to come to the Lords Table they say they are so farre from loathing it that they earnestly long after it howbeit their often infirmities and manifold imperfections do discourage them Their measure of faith and grace is so little that they are afraid of comming vnworthily and therefore they thinke it better to stay vntill they may be better prepared Answere If these things proceed from an inward feeling of their wants and weakenesses these men are not to be sleighted as the former but wee must put too our shoulders to helpe them beare their burden and hold out our hands to raise them vp that are fallen and to stay vppe such as are ready to fall This is true loue and a right compassion to take pitty of the soules of our brethren It is saide of Christ Mathew 12 20. Mat. 12 20. A bruised reede shall hee not breake and smoaking flaxe shall hee not quench till hee send forth iudgement vnto victory Thus ought it to be with vs we must by all good means nourish good things in those that are weake in grace and not altogether destitute of grace as we must warne them that are vnruly so we must comfort the feeble minded support the weake 1 Thes 5 14. and be patient toward all men To this end and purpose I would haue them obserue these foure conclusions First that the feeling of the want of grace with griefe for that want is grace For such as are altogether grace-les and faith-les do not finde at any time any defect of grace and faith in themselues The step to true spirituall riches is to feele our owne pouerty Mat. 5 3. and such Christ pronounceth to be blessed Then are we righteous before God Hier. lib. 1 cen● Pelag. when we acknowledge our selues to be vnrighteous The beginning of perfection is to know our selues to be vnperfect August ad simplici If we be grieued inwardly because we cannot pray we do thereby pray indeed forasmuch as our sighes and sobs the grones and gripings of the perplexed heart haue the force and effect of prayer it selfe and therefore the Apostle saith The Spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray as we ought Rom. 8 26. but the Spirit it selfe maketh intercession for vs w●th gronings which cānot be v●tered The second point is diducted out of the former which is that no man must please himselfe in his owne wants and nourish the weaknes that is in himselfe For albeit ●od condemneth no man for his wants neither withholdeth his graces from him for his imperfections yet he must not make much of thē nor delight in them nor thinke himselfe the better for them but rather with might and maine striue against them and craue a supply of them Mat. 11 ●5 God reuealeth the knowledge of the Gospel to the simple howbeit no man should please himselfe in his simplicity he maketh known the mysteries of his kingdome to Babes howbeit no man must reioyce in his owne infirmities nor purpose with himselfe to continue in them The third meditation must be this that it is a dangerous tentation of Sathan against our soules when he councelleth and perswadeth any man to with-draw himselfe from the Communion for want of grace if hee haue any in sincerity albeit it be the least measure albeit it be but as a graine of mustard-seede The Lord regardeth the truth of grace more then he doth the measure of it and if there be in vs a ready and willing minde 2 Cor. 8 12. he accepteth vs according to that which we haue not according to that which we haue not This Supper of Christ was iustituted for the weake not for the strong for the poore not for the rich for the hungry not for the full for the sicke not for the whole forasmuch as the Sacrament is as phisicke to cure him as balme to refresh him as a salue to heale him as wine to cheare him as bread to strengthen him and as a staffe to stay him Shall any reasonable man then reason so vnreasonably and absurdly that he will not eate because he is hungry that he will not drinke because he is thirsty that he will admit no plaister because he is wounded that he will not take phisicke because he is sicke and diseased that he will not stay himselfe with his staffe because he is ready to fall If we all see this to be a foolish consequence what vanity or rather impiety is it to yeeld
before the word of the Lord what wisedome can there be in vs or how can we be assured to please God Thus we haue run ouer and answered the foolish and friuolous obiections that carnall minded men alledge in defence of their negligent comming to the Communion of the body and blood of Christ Christ himselfe is ready to entertaine vs as his friends to inuite vs as his guests to command vs as his seruants to come to his Table let vs then make conscience of this duty and not bring this curse vpon our selues to exclude our selues from his Sacrament and from his presence Excommunication is the greatest and highest censure of the Church which as a sharpe sword cutteth off offenders from the Church casteth them out from the communion of the faith-ful and putteth out from among them but these careles persons that regard not to be present at the partaking of this Supper do banish themselues from the Citty and excommunicate themselues from the Church of God They doe willingly and wilfully cast out themselues and cut themselues off from the society of his people To conclude this point let all such slothfull and sluggish persons take heed they do not exclude themselues from this comfortable Sacrament vnder what pretence soeuer it be least they bee in the number of those that draw backe vnto perdition of whō the Lord pronounceth My soule shall haue no pleasure in him These things being thus rightly waighed and considered let vs make conscience of this duty and come chearefully and comfortably to this Table No man commeth vnto it but he departeth better away if he come as he ought to do He is filled with good things if he haue an hand to receiue them No man shall repent of comming vnto it if he repent of his sins before he come And when we come often yet we should be sorry that we come not more often It is Christs commandement let vs obey it it is his will let vs do it it is his counsell let vs follow it and his commandement his will his counsel is not cumbersome or burdensome vnto vs. If he should require at our hands something that were hard or heauy to flesh and blood ought we not with chearefulnes to vnder-goe it seeing he hath made vs and not we our selues seeing he hath redeemed vs and not we our selues and seeing he hath sanctified vs and not we our selues so that all that is in vs is the Lords Howbeit that which he willeth vs to do is not hard but easie it is not a burden grieuous to be borne to resort often to his Supper but light and pleasing to them that are spiritually minded It was well said of Naamans seruants to their Maister when he turned away in a rage from the Prophet My father if the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldst thou not haue done it How much rather then when hee saith to thee Wash and be cleane 2. King 5 12. 2 Kings 5 12. So if Christ our Lord and Maister should command vs to do greater things then these and such as were costly to vs ought we not to do them How much more then when he saith vnto vs Mat. 11. Mat 11 30. My yoke is easie my burden is light and my commandements are not greeuous 1 Iohn 5.3 1 Ioh. 5 3. How much more when he saith Eate O my friends drinke and make you merry O my beloued Cant. 5 1 Cant. 5 1. Surely he will do very little for a man who being solemnly bidden and friendly inuited to a feast by his neighbour wil not go to his Table but scornfully refuse and churlishly reiect both the feast and him that called him We cannot thinke he wil do any great thing for vs neither can we make any great account of his fauor and friendship that will not come to supper vnto vs being kindly and curteously intreated In like manner what can we assure our hearts that we will do for Christ that wil not feast with Christ It is well said of Cyprian How will that man drinke the cup of Martyrdome for Christ that will not drinke the cup of saluation with Christ How will he suffer death for him that will not reioyce with him nor eate and drinke in his presence Remember therefore that the partaking of this Sacrament is to our great benefit he that eateth of this bread shall not hunger againe he that drinketh of his blood shall neuer thirst againe Remember that he which findeth good by any thing that he doth needeth no great inuiting much lesse compelling and enforcing He needeth no law to inforce him the loue of it will sufficiently allure him It is enough to compell such as feele no benefit by it and haue no regard of it But such as loue his last Supper and haue felt the benefit of it and haue tasted the sweetnesse of this feast need no compelling nor deuising of excuses to iustifie their absence Remember that God will not alwayes beare with our contempt nor put vp the wrong that is offered vnto him He is indeed very patient and a God of much long suffering he is content to warne vs oftentimes and to with-hold his hand from punishing of vs but if we abuse his patience we prouoke him to plague vs with diuers iudgements If he send out his messengers and we refuse to come at the first call he may forbeare vs or at the second cal he may peraduenture bear it at our hands in hope of repentance but if we harden our hearts and stop our eares when he calleth he hath passed sentence vpon vs already we shall not eate of his Supper For when this feast is kept in his Church Christ himselfe commeth among them and surueyeth his guests he looketh for vs to meete vs at his Table if he see our places often empty be sure he will misse vs and aske for vs and not alwayes suffer it euen as Saul did beare with Dauids absence the first day of the feast and spake not any thing 1 Sam. 20 ●● 27. but when his roome was empty the second day he held his peace no longer and Ionathans excuse serued not God may beare with our dulnesse and negligence for a while but if we be absent from day to day and can alledge no iust excuse for our absence we may be well assured he will not take it at our hands For as a fearefull iudgement hangeth ouer his head that commeth vnprepared and eateth vnworthily so is he guilty of iudgement that refuseth to come at all It is not enough to say we come not vnworthily for as wel negligence in not comming is a sinne as want of reuerence in our comming We cannot be excused by pleading for our selues I thanke God I am not as many others I come not vnfitted and vnprepared to the Lords Table I presse not in among his guests I do not come ignorantly and vnworthily without knowledge without faith without
haue carried the burden of the building and those labourers that haue borne the heat of the day who albeit they haue written much of the Sacraments and themselues liued where they receiued eyther standing or sitting yet neuer wrote against kneeling nor condemned those Churches that practised it knowing very well that we are no more bound to follow them then they are to follow vs. Indeed they haue all of them abhorred kneeling to the bread but none of them haue abhorred kneeling at the receiuing of the bread and therefore let them that haue beene so earnest heeretofore for sitting at the Communion and to reason for the practise a●● in the maintenance of it lay their hand vpon their mou and not so eagerly pursue that cause but be content to submit themselues to the order of the Church and let them learne to giue thanks to God the Father that we haue the Supper of the Lord so sincerely administred among vs and that they may so reuerently receiue it which in so pure and holy a manner is not either deliuered or taken in some other Churches where notwithstanding they ought to Communicate that liue in them So long as wee may take the bread and drinke of the cuppe of the Lord with hearing the word preached with prayers and praises offered to God let vs not striue and contend in indifferent things as we haue proued this to be which are to be ordered by the higher powers but yeeld obedience to the truth and be content to ioyne with our brethren as in the action of the Supper so in the gesture of the body that so with ioy of heart and comfort of Spirit with one minde with one mouth we may glorify our Father which is in heauen And if the best reformed Churches bee onely the competent Iudges in this case Pag. 50. to whose iudgement we are to conforme our selues as themselues confesse the question will soone be at an end forasmuch as there is no Church vnder heauen that we know nor learned writer before our times that I can vnderstand by the relation and obseruation of others to haue simply condēned the gesture of kneeling at the Sacrament as vnlawfull I deny not but some haue held this ceremony needlesse vnprofitable in expedient and fit to be abolished but not impious vnlawfull Idolatrous in it selfe It is well said of Beza Beza epist 2. in his second Epistle that albeit the Sacraments be instituted by Christ and that by mans authority nothing ought to bee added to them or detracted from them yet not euery declining from the institution is to be accounted a corruption so that the intent and purpose of the Author of them be obserued When the Lord Iesus did ordaine his last supper it is most likely that the disciples receiued the bread and the cup not at the hands of Christ but one of another forasmuch as he tooke the cup and gaue thanks and said Take this and diuide it among your selues Luke 22 17. and that all of them did drinke of one and the same cup what then Shall wee say that those Churches offended or that the commandement of Christ is transgressed or that the institution is violated where one doth not deliuer the Sacrament to another but all receiue it at the hand of the Minister where they drinke also not of one but of diuers cups No in no wise because the taking of the Elements is necessarily required but the manner is not precisely appointed and prescribed And heereby also we see farther that we are not seruilely bound to cleaue to the example of Christ in the administration and participation of the Supper albeit on the other side we haue no purpose to oppose our selues any way against him but inasmuch as he hath left it free we haue made choice of that we thinke fit Thus I haue finished the point which I intended to bring backe our deceiued brethren and sisters to a willing submission to the orders of our Church in this behalfe I haue of purpose abstained from speaking of many other points which I might haue touched and peraduenture had beene fit to be obserued least I should exasperate any way those that are contrary minded and thereby driue them farther from that whereunto I goe about to perswade them and so wound those whom I desire to win For I am so farre from going about to kindle the coales of contention and mouing them any way to anger or bringing them to trouble whom I minde to gaine to the truth that if I haue let fall any thing from my pen that they which are contrary to me in opinion and to our Church in practise might take to be spoken to their disgrace or vttered in contempt of their persons I do heere freely condemne it my selfe before it come into other mens hands to be read of them I seeke for verity I striue not for victory In the matters of God we should be farre from bitternesse and especially in things of this nature we ought to be patient toward al men In all controuersies I account it an heauenly direction worthy to bee followed set downe by the Apostle Eph. 4. Eph. 4 31 32. Let all bitternesse and wrath and anger and clamour and euill speaking be put away from you and be ye kinde one to another tender hearted forgiuing one another euen as God for Christs sake hath forgiuen you And to conclude I say with the same Apostle in another place Gal. 6. Gal 6 16. As many as walke according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and vpon the Israel of God Thus much of the duties and rites to be practised of the Communicants as likewise touching the rest of the outward parts of the Lords Supper CHAP. VII Of the words of Consecration in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ALthough we haue spoken before sufficiently of consecration a Booke 1. ca. 8. what it is and how it is wrought to satisfie all such as are sober minded and simple louers of the truth yet because special points are heere to be obserued and that the aduersaries turne the true consecration into a certaine magical incantation to worke a miraculous or rather a monstrous transubstantiation it shall not be amisse to assume handle this point againe that therby the truth of God may be cleered the ignorant instructed the aduersaries satisfied and consequently their mouths stopped Consecration is a change or conuerting of the outward elements into another vse by obseruing the whole institution of Christ which giueth it his effect We confesse a turning and changing not of one substance into another not by abolishing of natures not by close pronouncing of certaine words but in the vse and in respect of vs c The vse of the elements is c●anged the substance is not changed and in regard of the promise of God The water which flowed out of the rocke in the wildernesse signified the same to the Fathers
present with vs. If any say How can this be Obiection Can that which is absent from vs be present with vs Can heauen be in earth or earth be in heauen Heereunto I may most iustly answere Answere although this be a great mystery and maruellous in our eyes yet we must confesse and consider that the Holy-Ghost is the author of this vnion and as it were the Conduit-pipe of this coniunction who by his diuine power ioyneth together things that are seuered in place begetteth faith in vs which is the instrument hand f 1 Ioh. 17 20. whereby we receiue and apply Christ with all his guifts vnto our selues as Ioh. 17. Father I pray thee for such as beleeue in mee that they may be one as thou O Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in vs. Heereunto commeth the saying of Paul Ephe. 3. Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith Likewise Acts 13. By him euery one that beleeueth is iustified that is absolued and discharged And Iohn 3. So many as beleeue in him shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Thus we see our fellowship with Christ is from the Spirit and by our faith The Spirit is the principall worker faith is the meanes and the instrument Neither must this coniunction seeme vnto vs impossible through the great distance and distinction of place For there are diuers manners of presences that which is present to the sight is not present to the hand Molin de Eucharist cap. 2. and that which is present to the eare is not present to the eye that which is present to the body is not present to the soule and things present to the soule are oftentimes absent from the body Things are said to bee present with vs according as they cause themselues to bee perceiued of our senses or of our soules Whereby it appeareth very plainely after what fashion Christ may be said to be presēt with vs in his Supper to wit according as he communicateth himselfe vnto vs which is to our spirits not to our bodies and therefore his presence is spirituall and not corporall And the Apostle telleth vs Romanes 8. Rom. 8 9 11. that the Spirit of Christ dwelleth in vs which teacheth vs how we are vnited to Christ namely by the bond of one and the same Spirit dwelling both in him and in vs. Thus is the coniunction wrought betweene him and vs so that there is another presence which is true and in deed besides that which is bodily This is that which we reade in the Apostle Iohn 1 Ioh 4 13. Heereby know we that wee dwell in him and hee in vs because he hath giuen vs of his Spirite And Paul saith Romanes 8. Rom. 8 9. Hee that hath not the Spirite of Christ hee is none of his For as by one and the same soule all the members of the body are knit and coupled with the head and so doe liue in like manner all the faithfull albeit they remaine vpon the earth and their head be in the heauens are really vnited with him through one and the same Spirit and being vnited do liue thereby Ioh. 6 63. The like wee may say of faith whereby Christ dwelleth in our hearts Ephesians 3 17. Eph. 3 17. And our Sauiour teacheth that by beleeuing in him we eate his flesh and drinke his blood Iohn 6 35. Ioh. 6 35. If then any aske how we may obtaine and hold fast Christ Iesus seeing hee is absent from vs Or how wee may put forth our hands to take him sitting at the right hand of his Father in heauen I answere with Austine August tract 50 in Iohan. fide mitte et tenuisti Send forth thy faith and thou holdest him fast Thus Christ being absent from vs is present with vs for except he were present with vs he could not be possessed of vs nor communicated by vs. These are the two hands giuen vnto vs which the soule hath to wit the Spirit and faith The hands of the body lay hold on bodily things the hands of the soule lay hold on spirituall things There is a presence also to the sight We see the Sun daily with our eyes which though it be scituate in the heauens separated frō vs in place cōmunicateth his effect power to vs that dwel on the earth neither doe we maruell thereat and yet is the Sunne but a creature subiect vnto vs and distributed to all the people vnder the whole heauen to serue their vse Shall not Christ then the Sonne of righteousnes make vs truely partakers of his flesh by the vnsearchable power of his Spirit and the supernaturall guift of a liuely faith who can as easily ioyne together things farre off as those that are nigh Are not the faithfull seuered in place and scattered through the world ioyned as neerely together as the mēbers are h 1 Ioh. 1 3. to become one body whereof Christ is the head As the Apostle teacheth That which we haue seene and heard declare wee vnto you that ye may also haue fellowship with vs and that our fellowship also may be with the Father and with his Sonne Iesus Christ We see this likewise liuely laid out before vs in the estate of marriage though the husband and wife be sundred for a time and separated one farre from another yet the band of matrimony doth so ioyne and vnite them that the wife is one flesh with her husband albeit he be a thousand miles distant from her so is it betweene Christ and the faithfull he loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it and they are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones which coupling and combining together with Christ is wrought as we haue shewed by the Spirit principally by faith instrumentally by both most effectually Wee neede not therefore any carnall bodily presence of Christ to ioyne vs to him seeing it is truely and certainely performed by these meanes whereby we grow to a perfect man in him For as the Sunne is more comfortable to the world by his refreshing beames and sweete influence being absent then if his naturall body and compasse lay vpon the earth so the flesh of Christ being in the glory of his Father much more comforteth and refresheth our soules and bodies by his heauenly grace and spirituall influence then if he were present fleshly before our eyes And as the Sunne not discending from heauen nor leauing his place is notwithstanding present with vs in our Chambers in our houses in our hands and in our bosomes so Christ being in the highest heauens not comming downe nor forsaking his glorious habitation yet i Mat. 28 20. neuerthelesse is present with vs in our congregations in our hearts in our prayers in our meditations and in the Sacraments But of this we shall haue occasion to speake more in the chapter following and wee haue already spoken some-what of it in the
name And 1 Cor. 10. The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the Communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we breake is it not the Communion of the bodye of Christ Wherefore when we do faithfully and worthily take the bread and the cup into our hands we must consider that withall we take and receiue Iesus Christ himselfe offered vnto vs. When we eate the bread and drinke of the cup and so apply them to our bodily vses we must consider that we apply Christ Iesus to our selues euen to our soules particularly that he is meate indeed and that he is drink indeed vnto vs if we bring with vs the hand of faith For faith is like c Faith is like the mouth of a vessell the mouth of a vessell if you poure liquor vpon it all the day long vnlesse the mouth of the vessell be open to receiue it the water is spilt on the ground and the vessell remaineth empty so may a man come to the Lords Table euery month receiuing the bread and wine that represent whole Christ yet except he bring with him faith which is the mouth of the soule he receiueth not Christ vnto a spirituall life to be his righteousnesse and sanctification And this is the reason why we receiue a little portion and a smal quantity as well of bread as wine d Concil Nicen. ex Biblie vatican because the end of our eating and drinking serueth for the sanctification of the Spirit not for the filling of the body Now let vs see what vses are offered to our consideration Vse 1 in the meditation of this truth First seeing onely the faithfull are partakers of the things signified in this Sacrament we see all do not receiue alike there is a difference to bee made among receiuers But as they which snatch after the leaues of the tree and let go the fruite want the profite of their labours so is it among many men in this world who take the signe of Christ but let go Christ Now as Moses intreating of things e Leuit. 11 4. cleane and vncleane noteth out foure sorts of beasts some onely chew the cud and some onely diuide the hoofe some neither chew the cud nor diuide the hoofe some both chew the cud and diuide the hoofe or as in the dayes of the Gospell some were circumcised in heart not in flesh as f Gal 2 ● Titus some were circumcised in the flesh not in the heart as Esau Iudas and many others some were circumcised neither in flesh nor in the Spirit g Eph 2 ●● as the Gentiles and some were circumcised both in the flesh and in the Spirit h Act. 16 ● as Timothy so there is a difference among receiuers i Foure 〈◊〉 o● receiuers some receiue Christ only spiritually not sacramētally some onely sacramentally not spiritually some neyther receiue him spiritually nor sacramentally and some receiue him both spiritually and sacramentally Of these we wil speake briefly and in order as they haue beene propounded The spirituall eating is by faith whereby we are made one with Christ and partakers of his benefits without the Sacraments k Ioh. 6 5● whereof Christ speaketh Hee that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him Thus to eate him is to beleeue in him and therefore hee vseth these words l Ioh. 6 2● ●3 35. as being of one force to beleeue in him and to eate him to drinke him and to come vnto him This is the worke of God that ye beleeue in him whom be hath sent I am that bread of life he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst Againe m Ioh. 6 ●● 40. Christ attributeth the same fruite effect to them that beleeue in him that he doth to them which eate his body and drinke his blood therefore by eating and drinking he meaneth nothing but beleeuing He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternall life And in the 40. verse of the same Chapter hee saith This is the will of my Father that euery one that beleeueth in the Sonne should haue eternall life and I will raise him vp at the last day Heereby we may see that Christ attributeth the same to beleeuing which in the other place he did to eating and drinking so that the meaning of Christ is that to beleeue in him is to eate him And thus many receiue Christ eating and drinking his body and blood that neuer came to the Sacraments Heere peraduenture some will obiect Obiection If this doctrine be true then are the Sacraments needlesse For if we may eate Christ by saith spiritually without any vse or comming to the Lords Supper to what end serueth the Supper Answere It seemeth by this to bee made void and superfluous God forbid for the Sacraments are the holy ordinances of Christ by his blessing appointed for our helpe and benefit so that the most perfect Christians of the strongest faith haue need to seeke the strength of faith against weakenesse and wauering in the promises of God Notwithstanding we must confesse to the glory of God and the great comfort of many persons that the faithfull soule may and doth often feed vpon Christ to saluation beside the vse of the Sacrament For the spirituall grace is not of necessity tyed to the outward signes as if without them God cannot or doth not sometimes bestow the same We see in the Acts of the Apostles n Act. 10 2 44 Cornelius and his company was sealed with the Spirit of God before the receiuing of the outward Sacrament Abraham beleeued the promise being strong in faith o Rom. 4 18.10 18. vnder hope beleeued aboue hope before circumcision was giuen vnto him Thus also the beleeuing theefe vpon the Crosse though he did neuer receiue the Sacrament of Christ yet he did eat the body and drinke the blood of Christ to eternall life so that he beleeued in him p Luk. 23 10 and was the same day with him in Paradise He was not crucified for the professiō of Christ but was condemned for the merit of his transgression neither did he suffer because he beleeued q Lamb s●nt lib. ● dist ca. 1. but hee beleeued while he suffered He was not baptized he receiued not the Lords Supper yet his r Rom. 10 ●0 faith saued him spiritually eating the true food of euerlasting life as Rom. 10. With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation for the Scripture saith whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed According to that in the Prophet The iust shall liue ſ Hab. 2 4. by faith And Ioh. 11. I am the resurrection and the life he that beleeueth in me though he were dead yet he shall liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me t Ioh 11 25 26. shall neuer dye This ministreth great
for nourishment food fellowship protection and gouernment from him so being made one with Christ we are indued with his heauenly guifts and blessings This must be our comfort in all dangers and tentations in all tryals and assaults to consider that we are one with Christ we are not onely deare vnto him but neerely ioyned with him as members to the head as the wife to the husband and as the branches to the vine and therefore can neuer be separated from him in life or death We haue in him a communion of goods so that as he hath taken vpon him our sinnes and the punishments of them so he hath againe communicated to vs his righteousnesse and life and we may through his free guift challenge as our owne whatsoeuer is his We see in the corporall marriage so long as one is rich the other cannot be poore The Lord is our shepheard Psal 23 1. what then can we want Christ Iesus is rich to all that cal vpon him he is become all things vnto vs the light by which we see the life by which we liue the way wherein we must walke the doore by which we must enter the garment which we must put on the food whereby we must be nourished and strengthened Of our selues we are void of all good things We liue in darknes and in the shaddow of death we are borne dead in sinnes and trespasses we wander wide out of the way we haue no entrance into Gods kingdome the shame of our nakednesse appeareth to the loathing of our persons But through CHRIST IESVS both these defects are taken away and all the merits of his passion are made ours through this vnion which we haue in him sealed vp vnto vs in this Sacrament Vse 2 Secondly this straight vniting of the faithfull to Christ sheweth plainly that the vngodly haue no part nor fellowship in him and with his graces though they be ioyned to a communion of the same nature and haue many common guifts of knowledge and vnderstanding yet Christ neuer dwelleth in them with his sauing graces and with his spirit of sanctification he possesseth not their hearts he worketh not in them a particular perswasion of their reconciliation to God neither an hungring desire aboue all things to be at vnity and peace with him neither a distast and dislike of sinne neither the comfortable Spirit of grace and prayer all which are in some measure in all the faithfull Wherefore although they may be clothed with the flesh of Christ they cannot be said to be couered with the grace of Christ although they be like vnto him in regard of this naturall body yet they are not indued with his heauenly Spirit they haue many priuiledges through him but they want such as accompany saluation and seale vp our redemption Vse 3 Lastly haue we a communion with Christ then wee may be assured by this holy Supper that there is also betweene him and vs a communion in all estates and he is touched with a compassion of all our infirmites In all our troubles he is troubled in our afflictions he is afflicted in our persecutions he is persecuted and he that toucheth vs toucheth the apple of his eye In the naturall body if at any time the foot be trodden vpon the head complaineth Why hurt you me and in the mysticall body if Saul make hauock of the Church at Damascus the head in heauen cryeth out by and by Acts 9 4. Saul Saul why persecutest thou me This putteth vs in minde of two things one concerning Christ the other concerning our selues First is there such an vnion betweene vs Are we so neerely knit together as the husband and the wife Similites expressing the vn●ō between Christ and vs. as the head and the members as the foundation of the house the rest of the building as the Vine and the branches as the nourishment the thing nourished Let vs learne heereby how Christ is affected toward vs he suffereth with vs when we suffer 1 Cor. 12.16 and accounteth our chastisements as his owne euen as when one member suffereth all the members suffer with it This is a notable comfort vnto vs in all sorrowes to consider that hee is very compassionate and pittifull toward vs he hath a feeling of our miseries and his soule is after a sort greeued for them Secondly as this sheweth how he is affected toward vs so it teacheth how we should be affected toward him If we be feeling members of his body there is nothing done against him or committed to the preiudice of his glory but we should bee greeued more then if it were done vnto our selues Psal 139 21. The Prophet did hate them that hated the Lord and was greeued with those that rose vp against him Riuers of waters did runne downe his eyes Psal 119 136. because men kept not his law But alasse where is this feeling to be found on our parts When the Lord is spitefully abused and wounded euen as it were vnto the heart who is wounded with him or accounteth himselfe euilly intreated We are as sencelesse men and haue not a teare to shed on his behalfe which argueth against vs and prooueth to our faces that the spirituall life is very weake in vs if there be any life at all CHAP. XIIII Of the third vse of the Lords Supper THe third vse of the Lords Supper is a spirituall communion and growth with our a The 〈◊〉 Supper is the band of charity brethren to be one body with them flowing from the Communion which we haue with Christ For as the vnion betweene brethren and sisters of the same blood and of the same flesh springeth from the neere coniunction they haue from father and mother as from a fountaine and as the vnity and concord among seruants of the same society ariseth by me●nes of the same Maister so the faithfull that haue communion with Christ haue likewise communion one with another This Paul testifieth euidently writing to the Corinthians b ●o● 1● ●7 We that are many are one bread and one body because we all are partakers of one bread This is to be vnderstood of that communion and fellowship which the members haue one with another who receiue food and nourishment from the same Table thereby professing themselues to be of the selfe same family houshold Besides by the vniting together of many graines is made one bread of many clusters of grapes one wine is pressed out so out of many members groweth vp one body of the Church which is the body of Christ This maketh much to the reconciling renuing and maintaining of friendship that we are all partakers of one bread made of many cornes and drinke of the same cup of wine made of many clusters c 1 Cor. 12 13 as the Apostle setteth downe 1 Cor. 12 We are all made to drinke into one Spirit Wherefore we are not onely to looke to our vnion with Christ but
the law of God which must bee the glasse of our u Iam. 1 23 liues to behold our offences and the very ground-work of this examinatiō Againe are we charged to try out our waies and examine Vse 2 our selues Then wee learne from hence to acknowledge a difference between Baptisme and the Lords supper For Baptisme is due to the whole Church and euery member thereof whether olde or young to all Infants who are the children of faithful parents that haue giuen their names to Christ and are entred into the profession of the Gospell And howsoeuer confession of faith fruites of repentance are required of the elder sorte as wee haue shewed yet touching infāts it is sufficient if they be born in the church of such as are members of the church But the Supper of the Lord belongeth onely to such as are able to examine themselues to try their owne hearts and to remember his death which things cannot agree with children As we see in the passe-ouer not all the children of the faithfull were admitted thereunto but onely such as could enquire and require a reason thereof b Exod 12 2● and did desire to be instructed of their parents and such as had learned to make the law a frontlet before their eyes and a signe vpon their hands that so the doctrine of God might not depart out of their mouths Besides if we consider the outward workes in both the Sacraments aright c This ouerthroweth the opin●on of Innocentius Augustine Musculus others who teach it to be fit and needfull that children be admitted to the Supper Innocent 1. Epist ad patr Concil Mile Aug epist 107 ad Vitalem Muscul loc Cōmu●titul de Euch●r we shall plainely see the truth of this diuersity For in Baptisme the action of the Minister is to wash the body with water which requireth not discretion in him that is to be baptized forasmuch as we can clense and wash the things that are without reason without vnderstāding without sense and without life But in the Sacra of the Supper a reuerent giuing an attentiue hearing a certaine vnderstanding of that which is spoken a wise receiuing and eating a careful considering of whom to take what to take is required in the outward worke how much greater iudgment is required to know that God the father giueth the body blood of his Son to be receiued by faith Thus thē this examinatiō maketh a distinctiō between both the Sacraments of the new testament sheweth that it is not necessary to the saluation of infants that they come to the Lords table Thirdly seeing no man must presume to come thether without a serious examination of himselfe d Sixe sorts of persons barred from the Lord supper it debarreth Vse 3 from the Lords Supper sixe sorts of persons to wit the vnbaptized children idiots ignorant persons prophane persons and all sorts of Infidels First of all such as are not yet entred into the church by baptisme whatsoeuer their knoledge and faith is cannot claime any priuiledge or right to this Sacrament Secondly if there be a necessity of searching and trying our selues it excludeth all Infants and children in age who vnderstand not what the holy Spirit speaketh in this Sacrament what God the Father offereth what the Son performeth what faith receiueth they know not what it is to eate Christ spiritually and to be nourished by him effectually Thirdly all foolish furious and mad-men being such idiots as that they want the vse of naturall gifts of reason wit discretion and iudgement the defect wherof whatsoeuer they are in age and yeares maketh them as children in gifts not being able to examine themselues are to be separated Fourthly howsoeuer many haue yeares of discretion and the common vse of naturall gifts of vnderstāding yet if they neither haue the knowledge of God nor the knowledge of themselues nor the knowledge of the doctrine of the Sacraments and other fundamentall points of religion they are not to be admitted but refused Fiftly if they haue al these things and want neither baptisme nor ripenesse of age nor yeares of discretion nor vse of reason nor knowledge of the doctrine which is according to godlines yet if they remaine prophane vngodly vnrepentant stubborne malicious reuenging open contemners of God of godlinesse and of his word Idolaters adulterers blasphemers drunkards and such in whom appeareth no amendment of life these and such like are not interessed in this Sacrament Lastly it excludeth shutteth out all such as are without God in the world al Atheists Infidels Turks Iewes and Hereticks all such as haue not yeelded themselues to the Church of God haue not made profession of their faith and such as are worthily excommunicated from the Church by the power of the keyes which are no better thē heathen Publicans Where by we see that all not yet baptized infants children that want years al furious foolish persons that want the vse of reason al blind ignorant persons that want the knowledge of God and of themselues all vnrepentant persons that bring not with them faith and repentance all Infidels and vnbeleeuers with others that are out of the bosome of the Church are to be kept backe from this Supper being such as either cannot or will not submit themselues to this holy and necessary duty of examination thereby hauing no right or title to come to his table For such as haue not the Church to be their mother cannot be nourished with this meate of the Church to wit the Supper of the Lord. Among all these that are thus excluded we do not name the hypocrite because his wickednes is in his heart and kept secret to himselfe and therefore the Church can take no notice of him but leaueth him to God who searcheth the heart and trieth the raines Fourthly if all persons are to prepare themselues to this Vse 4 Sacrament then none are willingly and wilfully to abstain and refraine from comming vnto it For as such sinne grieuously who present themselues vnworthily to this blessed Communion so doe they greatly offend on the other side that of set purpose absent themselues from this spirituall banket prouided for them God is dishonored both these waies as well by receiuing vnreuerently as by abstaining carelesly from this Sacrament For he lyeth vnder an heauie e Ier 48 10. curse deseruedly that doth any of the Lords workes negligently Euen as the patient which being sick maketh no account of the diet which the Physition hath prescribed is no lesse blame woorthy then hee that abuseth it disorderly inasmuch as both sorts do it oftentimes to their danger and destruction so is hee no lesse faulty that maketh no reckoning of the receite which the chiefe Physition of our Soules the Lord Iesus hath appoynted then hee that misuseth and misapplieth the same because both doe it with great perill and hazard to themselues We know that such as
consider and confesse that we haue not loued and feared God we haue not beleeued depended vpon him in all estates as we ought but haue oftentimes feared and loued the creatures aboue him we haue preferred a filthy pleasure before him wee haue doubted of his promises through vnbeleefe and relyed vpon an arme of flesh and blood We haue beene carelesse Command 2 in the worship of God we haue not prayed vnto him with stedfast assurance to be heard we haue not serued him in spirit and in truth as he requireth of vs but hypocrisie hath crept into our best actions and meditations we haue more laboured after the outward shewes and appearances of religion then to expresse the power of godlinesse and haue more esteemed to seeme to others to be true Christians then to be such indeed We haue not reuerenced the Command 3 eternall Maiesty of God as is meet to doe who is infinite inuisibe vnchangeable we haue not blessed and praised his name with thanksgiuing for all things and at all times as well for aduersity as prosperity We haue not heard read and meditated in his word with such affection reuerence and zeale as is requisite when occasion hath beene offered to speak of the works of Gods prouidence we haue not acknowledged in them the greatnes of his wisedome power and goodnes as we ought nay rather the glorious and dreadfull name of God which ought to be more deare vnto vs then our owne liues hath beene blasphemed dishonoured and abused by vs. Touching the Sabboth wee Command 4 must consider and confesse how we haue prophaned it we haue beene more carefull to follow our worldly workes affaires then to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse hauing had more care of the body then of the soule we haue sent out our seruants to dispatch our businesse on that day and haue not suffered them to attend on the businesse of the Lord for the saluation of their soules and our selues haue neglected the ministry of the word of God haue defiled his sanctuary and haue polluted that holy day with feasting playing sporting drinking idlenesse and other vanities Wee haue not yeelded reuerence to superiors for conscience sake nor beene affrayed to offend them as God hath commaunded we haue not alwaies spoken Command 5 of them and their gouernment as we should wee haue not had such a reuerence opinion and perswasion of our Pastors and teachers as wee ought which haue the charge of our soules and labour among vs in the Lord. Againe we haue not beene carefull to teach and instruct such as are vnder vs as our Children Seruants and whole family as wee are bound praying with them in our houses exhorting them in all wisedome conferring with them in all gentlenesse and furthering them in all the waies of godlinesse Touching the sixt Commaundement we haue not loued Command 6 our Neighbours as our selues procuring their good as our owne wee haue broken out thorough debate contention chyding reuyling brawling quarrelling and reuenging we haue not reioyced at the good and prosperity of our bretheren but when GODS eye haih beene good towards them in blessing them we haue repined and grudged at it Wee haue not possessed the vesselles of or bodies in holinesse and honour as the Temples of the Holye-Ghost knowing we are bought with a price we haue not tamed and brought into subiection this flesh as we should to make it in all respectes subiecte and obedient vnto the spirite wee haue not made a couenat with our eies with Command 7 our eares with our tongues to turne them from all vncleane sights wanton wordes and filthy communication but haue suffered them to wander after vnlawfull lust and concupisence neither haue wee vsed such sobriety abstinence and temperancie as hath beene fit to keepe vnder our affections but riotousnesse excesse in apparrell surfetting sloathfulnesse idlenes pride and fulnesse of breade which were the sinnes of Sodome Ezekiel 16. are vsed in many places as for drunkennes it hath taken away the heartes and euen washed away the braines of many Wee must confesse that our dealinges with our neighbours in Command 8 buying selling bargaining and contracting haue not bin with such vprightnesse soundnesse iustice sinceritie and truth as God requireth we haue bene giuen to oppression couetousnesse and hard dealing one towards another and not considered that godlinesse is great gain if a man be contented with that he hath that if we haue food and rayment we must bee content and can carry nothing with vs out of this world we haue not at all times beene giuen to mercie and compassion towards the poore for the maintenance of them and their families especially in times of famine derth pestilence sickenesse and other mortalities and necessities Command 9 Wee must acknowledge that we haue not Loued the truth in the inward parts neither maintained the credit and good name of men as wee ought but haue beene addicte to lying enuying backe-byting flattering or defaming one of another and to heare others with comfort and delighte to do the like we haue not beene couragious and constant to confesse and defend the truth against the enemies thereof but haue beene ashamed to set our selues against lies errors and slanders we haue kindled the coales of contention by false furmises carrying of tales and publishing of infirmities vnto the great damage hurt and hinderance of our brethren Command x. Lastly we must remember to shut vppe this confession that our whole Nature is vile and wretched the heart of man is deceitfull aboue all things and past finding out wee are sinful as an euil tree which can bring forth nothing but euill fruite our thoughts are vaine and corrupt our first motions and imaginations are euil against the law of God that saith k Exod 10 17 Thou shalt not lust requiring a pure heart towards our neighbors holy cogitations of the spirit and a continuall conflict against euil affections and lusts of the flesh Thus must euery one of vs araigne and endite our selues Thus wee must accuse our selues and condemne our owne workes Thus wee must search our owne wayes confessing that if l Iohn 3 20 our owne hearts accuse vs God is greater then our hearts and knoweth all thinges Then let vs appeale to the throne of grace let vs desire saluation in Christ for his mercies sake let vs cast all our comfort vpon him couering our faces through shame of our sinnes that are past humbling our selues through griefe of them that are present and working out our saluation with a feare of that which may come heereafter If thus we iudge our selues God will acquite vs if thus we condemne our selues God will iustify vs if wee accuse our selues he will discharge vs if we be displeased with our selues for our sinnes God wil bee well pleased with vs and cloath vs with the righteousnesse of Christ But if wee stand vpon our owne righteousnesse and worthinesse if we say we haue