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A18641 A Christian discourse vpon certaine poynts of religion Presented vnto the most high & puissant Lorde, the Prince of Conde. Translated out of French into English by Iohn Brooke of Ashe next Sandwich. 1578. Brooke, John, d. 1582. 1578 (1578) STC 5158; ESTC S118872 166,874 382

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the things which are necessaries vnto him Insomuch that the mother by coniectures and presumtions hath regard to geue vnto him that which is agreeable and profitable Beehold the cause wherefore that good Philosoper Plato said that hée of whom the father or mother or their kinsfolkes do lay vp in the house as a treasure hee ought to beeleeue that hee cannot haue one suche Image not more precious in his house if hee honoure them as hee ought To that pourpose the same author reciteth the example of Oedippus who being despised of his own children wished vnto thē the affliction that happened vnto thē as wée doe reade in the holy scripture of Cham one of the sonnes of Noe at the ende hée concludeth that there is not a thing that we ought so much to honoure as the fathers and mothers in their olde age who when they are honoured GOD is well pleased thereby for otherwise God will not heare our prayers and this purtracture and Image of the father is a great deale more admirable then so manie other Images For the liuely Images when they are honoured of vs they doe praie for vs and doe beare vnto vs dayly fauour when they are despised they doe altogether the contrarie but those which haue no life do nothing of all the same For conclusion the sayd Philosopher Plato sayth that hée which doth gouerne himselfe wel towards his father and mother and towardes his graundfathers hée hath with him an Image verie fitte for to winne the loue and amitie of the LORDE Honoure then thy father from thy whole heart and forgette not the sorrowefull trauaile that thy mother had with this Remember that thou wast borne thorowe them and howe canst thou recompence them the thinges that they haue done for thée Here one may demaunde this question that is whether we must obey in all and thorowe all the commaundement of the father the which was thought to haue béene proposed by Aulus Gellius an heathen author and neuerthelesse a learned man and verie auncient The saide authour aunswered that the thinges are either honest wicked or indifferent And concludeth in the ende that to things honest indifferent we must obey him but to thinges that are wicked wee must not obey him calllng the meane things and indifferent the ordinarie actions of this common life which are suche as we do gouerne our selues that is to say to go to the warre to labour and tille the earth to be a Magistrate to defend causes and to marrie Furthermore this learned man doth teach vs that in the places and common charges the deutie and right that the children owe vnto their fathers ought to cease for a certeine time for the childe or sonne beeing in degree of a Magistrate sitting in the iudgment seat before whom there must bée no accaption of personnes And it is often times greatly to be feared that through to great familiaritie there woulde growe a contemning or despising of the dignitie in that cause I say the father ought to acknowledge the sonne as him which is Gods minister In other places and priuate houses the sonne ought to giue all honour and obedience vnto the father Let vs then conclude with an other christian and verie auncient author that wée must honour our father so that he seperate not vs frō the heauenly father we ought to acknowledge this carnall alliance as long as our carnall father shall acknowledge his creator Otherwise we héere the voice of Dauyd which sayth hearken O daughter consider and incline thine eare forget thine owne people and thy fathers house So shall the king haue pleasure in thy beautie for hée is thy LORD and thou shalt worship him The same author hath written in the first of his Epistles that if the necessitie doth so require that the loue of parentes is against the same of GOD and that both of them cannot be kept of him that he must incurre the blame of his parentes for to kéepe pietie and godlinesse towardes god Beholde the warre the which Iesus Christ hath opened of the father to the sonne and of the sonne against the father at his comming saying Thincke not that I am come to sende peace into the earth I came not to send peace but the swoorde for I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against hir mother and the daughter in lawe against hir mother in lawe And a mans foes shall bée they of his owne housholde he that loueth his father or mother more then mée is not méete for mée Furthermore I will saye with the Philosopher Plato that such is the duetie of the childe towardes the father that he ought to thincke that all that which belongeth to him belongeth properly to the father I meane the goodes of the bodie the externall goodes and those of the spirite forasmuch as of them the sonne may comfort the father If our father haue néede of our counsell for to aide him in some thing truely we ought not to forsake him I doe except aboue all the LORD vnto whom all things apperteine Plutarch doth amplifie that duetie towardes our fathers and mothers as followeth The brute beastes a little while after they haue brought foorth their young ones are out of all care and are verie well but the nourishing and bringing vp of man is ful of all trauaile the aduauncement of him verie slowe and to acquire and get vertue that is a thing of long continuaunce And often times the fathers before that their children do come to perfection do die Euen as Ariston did neuer sée Plato to professe philosophie Also the victories of Tuchitidus Sophocles were neuer knowen vnto their fathers and mothers And verie well hath Valerius said that nature is the mister is of pietie who without any minister aide of voice without the vse of letters of hir own proper force and strengthe hath shed out into the heartes of children the loue that they ought to beare to their fathers Wherfore thē doth learning profit in this matter saith this good author he aunswereth that it doth profit not for to make their spirites better but more easie to bée taught and instructed In the same booke the same author doth propunde vnto vs the example of a vertuous and good woman Who of longe time nourished hir father béeing prisoner altogether aged and lame of hir owne milke Furthermore the seueritiē and crueltie of the olde lawe against the obstinate and rebellious children doth sufficiently declare what ought to bee the obedience of the children towardes their parentes Witnesse of this shall Moses bée who sayeth in this manner When a man shall haue a wicked and rebellious childe which will not obey nor hearken vnto the voyce of his father or mother and they shall chastise and correct him and he will not obey them then the father and mother shall take him and bring
because they haue not sought after the which was lost but churlishly cruelly haue they ruled ouer thē And al you which are strong ought to beare the frailnes of the weake him that is weake in the faith take vnto you but not to enter into doutfull disputacions of controuersies againe if any man be falne by occasion into any faulte yée which are spirituall helpe to amende him in the spirite of méekenes considering thy selfe least thou be also tempted Beare ye one an others burthen so fulfill the law of Christ Which if any man obeye not the lawe of Christ send vs word of him by a letter and haue no company with him that he may be ashamed Yet count him not as an enemie but warne him as a brother desiring no other thing then the helth of euery man Euen as Sainct Paul did deliuer the man who committed fornication with his fathers wife vnto Sathan for the destruction of the fleshe that the spirite maye be saued in the daye of the Lorde Iesus In lyke maner Hymmenaeus and Alexander that they do learne no more to blaspheme For I aduise you or let you knowe that he which conuerted the sinner from going astraye out of his way shall saue a soule from death and shall hyde the multitude of sinnes To no purpose some menne héere doe alleadge that Iesus Christ and the Apostles haue not alwaies vsed suche modestie and gentlenesse As when Iesus Christ said wo be vnto thée Chorasin wo be vnto thée Bethsaida For if the miracles which were shewed in you had bene done in Tyre and Sydon They had repen●ed long agone in sackcloth and asshes Such are the words of S. Iohn towardes the Scribes and Pharises crying against ●hem O generation of vipers who hath taught you to flée from the vengeance to come Bringe foorth therefore the fruites belonging to repentaunce Euen so said S. Paule writing to the Galathians O foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you that ye should not beléeue the truth To whō Iesus Christ was described before your eies among you crucified Now we will aunswere briefly that whē Iesus Christ or his Disciples or Apostles do rebuke chide and exhort by any seueritie or rigorousnesse of wordes That is not that they do not teach in all gentlenesse of spirite and of doctrine applying themselues to the simpli●itie rudenesse or malice of the hearers Wherin is to much manifested the impudencie of those who without any discretion doe laye the heauie burthens and which are not able to be borne vpon mens shoulders and regard not that the Lorde hath regard or respect to him which is of an humble spirite and a broken a contrite heart And that he dwelleth hie aboue and in the sanctuarie and with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite that hée may heale a troubled minde and a contrite heart these are they which doe let passe the commaundement of God by their ordinaunces and consider not that the commaundements of God are easie and gentle for the righteousnesse which cōmeth of faith speaketh on this wise Say not in thy heart who shall ascende into heauen that is nothing els then to fetch Christ downe Either who shall descende into the déepe that is nothing els but to fetch vp Christ from death But what saith the scripture the worde is nigh thée euen in thy mouth and in thine heart This worde is the worde of faith which we preach For if thou shalt knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the Lord and shalt beléeue with thine heart that GOD raised him vp from death thou shalt be safe Wherefore let vs lift vp our heartes with our handes vnto the Lord that is in heauen and confesse boldly that we haue bene rebelles and let vs séeke him and let vs retourne vnto ●he Lorde and he will not cast vs awaye ●or euer which if he doe giue vnto vs anguish then he will haue compassion of vs according to his great goodnesse for he doth ●ot punish and afflict willingly the sonnes ●f men Let vs not be ashamed to entreat ●im in fastings praiers sackloth ashes ●ea in the open assemblie of the Sainctes to confesse that vnto him belongeth iustice and to vs vtter confusion inasmuch as we haue sinned against him Finally let ●s walke worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called in all humilitie of minde and meaknesse and long suffering forbearing one an other through loue So be it 1. Thessa. 5. c. ¶ We beseech you that ye knowe them which laboure amonge you and haue the ouersight of you in the Lorde and giue you exhortation that ye haue them the more in loue for their workes sake A prayer O Lorde God most mightie and heauēly father thou I say which desirest not the death of a sinner But wilt haue all men saued and come vnto the knowledge of the truth Giue vs grace in the middest of these troubles and enimies that we despise not the meanes which thou hast ordeined for vs to obtaine eternall life but that we emploie and endeuoure our selues with such feare trembling to our saluation that when we shall be iudged wée may acknowledge that we bée taught by thée that we be not iudged with the world and that willingly we may receaue the correction of the ministers dispensers of thy lawe confessing both with heart mouth that power is giuen vnto them to edification and not to destruction to ouerthrowe all such presumption as exalteth it self against thée to subdue all misdéedes to the obedience of thy sonne Christ so the by that means doing althings without murmuring and reasoning our obedience may appeare to all men and that we may be faultlesse and pure and the sonnes of GOD without rebuke in the middest of a croked and peruerse nation And finally that we may be fellowheairs with our Lorde Iesus Christ which through his obedience hath bene exalted aboue the heauens vnto whom be glorie for euer and euer So be it ¶ A BRIEFE ADVERTISment vpon the commaundement to loue god Cap. 16. Deuterono 6. b. ¶ Heare Israel the Lord thy God is Lòrd onely and thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule and with all thy might THe Lorde saide in Sainct Iohn he that hath my commaundements and kéepeth them the same is he that loueth mée and he that loueth mée shall be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shewe mine owne selfe to him manifestly If a man loue me he will kéepe my sayings and my father will loue him we will come vnto him and will dwell with him Where Iesus Christ doth testifie vnto vs that the loue which we do owe vnto the lord consisteth in the obseruing of his preceptes and commaundents And herein is to be noted the some obey the cōmaundemēts of the lord as seruaunts
to take his alliaunce or promise in vaine In like manner what temeritie and rashnesse it is to take the childrens breade and to cast it to dogges to declare the holy thinges vnto brute beastes and to giue the pearles vnto swyne Forasmuch as wysdome shall not enter into a frowarde soule nor dwell in the body that is subdued vnto sinne For the holy Ghost abhorreth fayned nourture and withdraweth himselfe from the thoughts that are without vnderstanding and where wickednesse hath the vpper hand hée flyeth from thence I do say the same to the ende that euery one haue a regarde to apply the holy scripture to his proper vse for all Scripture giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to teach to improue and to instruct in ryghtuousnesse Also that we through patience and comfort of the scripture might haue hope may apply it to the in which it is dedicated without prophaning it or wresting it to any wicked purpose or vnlawefull thinges For as hée that hath dimme eyes can not well easely behold looke vpon the sunne so he which is wicked and corrupt in his soule can not rightly consider and knowe the meruailes conteined in the holy scripture And euen as we ought not to put into a vessell that is mustie or infected any precious licor so we ought not to giue vnto a malycious and frowarde heart one so riche and precious talent For the Lorde hath regarde of him which is afflicted and of a lowly spirite and which standeth in awe of his words the holy spirit is he which doth open the senses for to vnerstand the scripturs To conclude the scripture came neuer by the wil of man but by the holy men of God being moued by the holy Ghost did speake it To that end doth Iob write I say saith he that it becommeth olde men to speake and the aged to teach wisdome euery man no doubt hath a minde but it is the inspiration of the almightie that giueth vnderstanding wherefore we doe conclude here that thrée thynges are greatly necessarie vnto those which wyll cause that precious talent and inestymable treasure of the holy Scripture to profit First of all to watche dayly vnto praiers and supplycations to the end that the Lord do open their vnderstanding for to comprehend the secretes of hys Lawe As Dauid doth say Teach me O Lorde the way of thy statutes and I shall kéepe it vnto the ende O giue mée vnderstanding and I shall kéepe thy law yea I shall kéepe it with my whole harte Open myne eyes that I may consider the meruelles of thy Lawe Euen so I say doth Solomon his sonne witnesse that he hath desired and vnderstanding was giuen him hée called and the spirite of wisdome came into hym That is the cause wherefore saynct Paule doeth exhorte so often hys to pray for hym that vtteraunce might be giuen vnto him that hee might open his mouth boldly to vtter the secretes of the Gospell And also doth admonyshe and warne the Thessalonians to pray for him that the word of god may haue frée passage and to gloryfie the Lorde And saynct Hierome sayth that the reading ought to succéede and followe prayer and prayer vnto the reading Besides that I doe desire a pleasant hearte gratious and gentle I do vnderstande and meane him which doth humble himselfe vnder the law of the lord for to beléeue and obey willingly his commandements and ordinaunces For Iesus Christ doeth protest before God his Father that he hath hid these thinges from the wise prudent and hath opened them vnto Babes And the Lorde did by his Prophete checke the Scribes Doctors of the lawe that they may not vaunt themselues that they are wyse in the Lawe and that the lawe of the Lorde is with them that it is in vayne that there are Scribes and that the wyse shall be confounded and that they shall be afrayde and taken as it is written that God hath giuen vnto them a sléeping spirit and eyes that they should not sée and eares that they shoulde not heare euen vnto thys present day And sainct Paule speaking of the Philosophers sayth that they hauing knowen God did not gloryfie him as God neyther were thankefull but waxed full of vanities in their owne imaginations and their foolish hartes were blinded To cōclude as saith Lactantius Firmianus Although we estéeme the Philosophers to be wyse yet truely they haue erred in their owne knowledge here there as in a déepe sea For they haue regarded neyther the way nor the leader all their doctrine is without a head bicause that they doe not knowe God which is the heade of all veritie and doctrine Finally I do desire a long studie and meditation of the holy letters vnto the which Iesus Christ doth sende vs saying Search the Scriptures for in them ye thinke yee haue eternall lyfe And Sainct Paul doth admonishe Timothe to giue attendaunce to reading to exhortacion to doctryne So was Moses learned in al manner wisdome of the Egyptians was mightie in déedes in wordes And sainct Paul was brought vp at the féete of Gamaliel informed diligently in the Law of the fathers And Timothe did know the holy Scriptures of a childe And truely we do not make any difficulte that the studie and dayly laboure is not necessary to the knowledge of holy letters as it is required of other disciplines chiefly to the true ministers of god Forasmuch as Sainct Paul doth desire that they would embrace the true worde of doctrine that they maye be able to exhorte with holesome learninge and to improue them that say against it To conclude the holy Apostle doth witnesse that strong meats belongeth to them that are perfect which thorough custome haue their wits exercysed to iudge both good euil Furthermore Sainct Peter doth aduertise vs that there are many thinges harde to be vnderstanded in the Epistles of S. Paul. For that same cause the Ebrwes did not accustome to all age all kynde of doctrine fearing that the dull and folyshe people woulde be offended with the hardnesse of the same Insomuch that the things which do containe a simple plaine hystorie were proposed and set forth vnto the common people the secrets vnto those the which with their age do bring a iudgement more whole and sound Wherfore as sainct Ambrose doth witnes he which will aduaunce himselfe in the scriptures that he do take that which is necessarie for him he which doth desire things more easie common that he do refreshe his spirite in the valle as the litle ones he that doth feare the floud that he do drinke of the Riuer he which doth feare the déepe water that he doe swim by the shore side Wherin we are taught that the holy Scripture doth apply and giue it selfe vnto al
veritie of the christian doctrin as it is said that there must be euen heresies among vs that they whiche are perfect among vs might be knowen By that meanes we will not here denie but that alwayes ther hath ben some smal contention in the doctrine as it appeared that for the same cause was the counsell of the Apostles assembled together To conclude the scripture doth declare the difference whiche was offered betwene Peter and Paul Apostles And the Christian histories doe make mention of some little controuersies concerning the doing of the religion betwéene Peter Alexandrinus and Myletus Epiphanius and Chrisostome Hierome Augustine but we do exhort the Christians not to abuse the giftes of GOD through vaine glorie or contention for to be séene and estéemed the one aboue the other On the other side to humble them selues vnder the wisedome of him which hath saide that he hath not determined with himselfe to knowe any other thing saue Iesus Christe and him crucified And in an other place of the same Epistle he saith be assured that the kindome of God is not in words but in the power of the spirit Nowe the remedie helpe in such differences as Cyprian saith is to haue recourse to the beginning of Iesus Christ and of his gospel to the tradition of the Apostles To the end that from thence may rise and come foorth the reason of our doing whereof the order hath taken his beginning For inasmuch as Iesus Christ ought to be heard aboue all we ought not to consider that which some haue done before vs But that which Iesus Christ hath done obserued which is before all Insomuch that we must cast all the counsailes opinions definitions of men vnto the holy scriptures and in the to depose put downe all hautinesse arrogancie and enuious contencion and where it shal happen that the holy scripture hath nothing concluded determined In that case they ought to follow the manner and fashion of the most auncient Churches with whom the Apostles haue bene conuersant To conclude when the tradition of the apostles do faile they must beléeue the tradition of the churches which haue bene ruled and gouerned be the disciples and successours of the Apostles or those which haue had charge of them beholde how they ought to resolue the doubtes cōtrouersies which are in the Churches rather then by vaine disputations and vnprofitable contentions which do serue to none other end but to engender strifes And it maketh me afraide howe that in these latter dayes for the ignoraunce and calamitie of the time they haue thought to declare and expounde the darke places of the scripture and the debates moued in the Churche by questions of naturall Philosophie rather then by the scripture rightly vnderstanded and applied vnto his true sense Also Sainct Paule doeth admonishe and warne vs to beware least any man come and spoile vs through Philosophie and deceitfull vanitie through the traditions of men according to the ordinaunces of the worlde not after Christ Also sithens the Apostles Tertulian an auncient authour hath called the Philosophers the patriarkes of heriticks Also Saint Hierome hath confessed that the opinions of heritickes are founde amonge the subtilties of Aristotle and of Crisippus I will content my selfe at this time with the witnesse of a certeine Philosopher whereof mention is made in the counsaile of Nyce who being wonne and brought to the christian religion yea without any kinde of disputation by a poore simple and foolish man as the texte saith and being asked how the same was happened vnto him forasmuch as before the most learned men of the counsaile could not vāquish ouercome him by disputations and naturall philosophie aunswered that as long as they did speake against him by subtiltie of reasones he knewe verie well to aunswere to the arguments of his aduersaries by the same meanes But when the vertue was manifested vnto him by the mouth of him which hath pronounced it the words could not resist vertue nor man coulde speake against God. The same doth learne vs first of all to submitte our selues vnto the auncient church and best reformed as it is saide in Sainct Iohn my shepe heare my voice Secondly not to do any thing through enuie contention or vaine glorie but to beare with a patient minde one an other in all méekenesse and humilitie Thirdly not to presume so much that they would applie and referre the christian doctrine or rule the doing of our religion to mannes philosophie but to bring it againe to the true beginning and originall of the Scripture and to the traduction of Iesus Christe and of his successours Finally to beléeue that although that the slaunders and herisies doe come and happen vnto the church as well for the aduauncement of Gods glorie as for to proue and trie the true faithful christians yet truely he which is the causer thereof shall beare the condemnation Wherfore inasmuch as the scripture doth teach vs that the multitude of them that beléeued in the primatiue church were of one heart and of one soule that from thence we haue taken the beginning of our religion and doctrine going about and endeuouringe our selues as much as in vs is possible and according to the portion and measure of the giftes and graces which we haue receiued of the Lorde to make our selues agréeable confirmable to that auncient church insomuch that we being all of one minde may liue in peace and loue in the which we are called and the God of loue and peace shal be with vs Amen GALATH. 5. c. If we doe bite and deuoure one another let vs take heed least we be consumed one off another A prayer O Lord which art not the God of confusion but of peace yea whiche hast taught vs by thy welbeloued sonne that euerie kingdome deuided within it selfe shal be desolate Giue vs grace that we all being vnited by one loue and vnitie of doctrine our enimies may knowe that not onely we are the true disciples of thy sonne But that they may witnesse by workes that the church to the which thou hast incorporated vs by one faith one baptisme one God and father of all that beléeue is the true christian church and the piller and staye of the trueth to the end that we all being ioyned together in loue in all riches of the certitude of vnderstanding may increase in thy knowledge and be ioyned altogether as liuely stones for to be made an holy temple Offering vnto thée a sacrifice of praise that is the fruit of our lippes confessing his name Through our Lord Iesus Christe to whom be glory for euer Amen THAT IT IS THE DVETIE of a chrstian prince to watch take good heede that the estate of the religion doe abide cōtinue vndefiled impoluted as well in the true seruing of God as
one smal fault fearing to lose their prebendes dignities and prerogatiues and in the meane time doe make it no conscience to bée founde dailie with conspiracies and threatnings for to put an whole realme in a pray for to shed as water the innocent blood O time O manners the prince doth vnderstande it the Senate doth sée it And yet neuerthelesse such good Lords do liue what sayde I liue yea doe sitte in counsell which if they are so curious to marke the dooinges of their fathers for to serue them in their owne dooinges They will remember verie well the saying of Sainct Ambrose béeing printed and set in their Canons that is to say that the true munitions of Gods ministers are wéepings teares Insomuch that thys good author doth crye so often that béeing forced and constrayned he may sigh and wéepe otherwise he cannot resist In such sort that he did not determine to take for his weapons against the iniuries of the men of Gotia but his wéepings and his teares I wyll not héere referre the dooing of Moses Hely and Iehu vnto our time and of an especiall and perticuler acte to make a generall rule among the christian princes for to arme and moue them vnto some kynde of cruelnesse against so many false priests I doe accorde with them that they doe kéepe the zeale of them and leaue the déede such as it is So that according to the example of Iesus Christ king of kinges and Lorde of Lordes they doe cast out of the christian Church so many marchaunts and hyred priestes and doe not suffer that of Gods house they doe make it a market or a denne of théeues For euen as Ely was grieuously punished for hiding and coueringe the sinnes of his children Also it is to bee feared that the lyke doe not chaunce and happen vnto those which are establyshed by the LORDE for to mainteine and keepe the estate of the religion and in the meane time doe suffer freely and vnpunished the sinnes of the pastors and teachers of the people and it is to be feared but that the Lord will send in the ende that which is spoken of in Ezechiell that is to say calamitie vpon calamitie crie vpon crie that the lawe of the priest doe not perish and the counsaile of the elders As the same Lorde did menace and threaten his people in an other place of the Prophet saying that hée wyll forbid the heauen to giue them any dew and the earth to giue them increase And will call for a drouth vppon the earth both vpon the land and vppon the mountaines vppon euery thing that the ground bringeth vpon men and vpon cattel yea and vpon al handie labour Bicause saith he that his house lyeth so wast that euery man runneth to his owne house The Lord shewing and declaring the fault and ingratitude of those which for to vnderstand the affaires and dooings of this worlde doe negligentlie passe their duetie in that which apperteineth vnto the affaires of the religion They cannot abide that any thing should bee attempted either in déede or worde against their personnes or goodes And they do not thinke it straunge to crucifie Iesus Christ for to saue a théefe and a seditious Barrabas or for to cut off the head of Iohn Baptist for to gratifie and please the desire of others Haue not haue not then O ye christian princes regarde to the brightnesse and magnificence of the Romish Church And beléeue not lightlie all lying spirites But proue the spirites whether they are of God or not for many false prophetes are gone out into the world and way not the dooing of the religion to the opinion of the common people But to the word of God according to the which the Lord would bée serued and honoured and not according to the mindes of men Forasmuch thē as such professors of the truth do goe in shéepes clothing and inwardlie are rauening wolues Also doe shew outwardly in their temples some appearaunce of religion as of late the Aegyptians did yet in the meane time vnder coloure of deuotion doe worshippe the creatures and workes of their handes And forasmuch as the Lord hy his prophet doth call you Noursses of his church chase driue away from his shéepefolde so many vnprofitable and hired shéepheardes And in their place send workemen approued workemen that néede not to be ashamed which doe deuide the word of truth iustly Cause that those which doe professe to teach doe put from them foolish and vnlearned questions that they doe nothing in declining to one side To conclude that they doe not giue heede to ieerish fables and genealogies nor to the commaundements of men for to turne them from the truth but that they doe handle the woorde purely as by God before God by Christ not through enuie contention or discorde But purely as those which are constituted for the defence of the gospell In that dooing as saith Sainct Paule of the true ministers of the church you shall saue your selues and those that doe here the word Amen 2. Paralip 29. a. Ezechias caused the Leuites and priestes to come and assembled thē together into the East streete And sayd vnto them here me ye Leuites purifie your selues halow the house of the Lord God of your fathers and bring out the filthinesse out of the holy place A Prayer O Lord in whom are the riches and honours and which reignest ouer all in whose hande are power and strength and greatnesse empire vnto all things which prouest the heartes and hast pleasure in plainnesse disposest the thoughts of the hearts of the people Giue thy iudgments and thy iustice vnto the king whom thou hast established ouer vs to the ende that he may iustly commaunde thy people to kéepe thy lawe Prepare so our heartes that wée liuing vnder his obedience in all sanctitie and righteousnesse may worship thée also with one will in spirite and trueth not dooing that that séemeth good in our owne eyes but that which is agreable vnto thee and that which thou commaundest vs To the ende that by that meanes all the world may know that the same that thou hast of late forespoken or prophesied of thy church be verified in vs that is to say the kings shal be the nursing fathers of thy people queenes shal be their noursing mothers for to norish and féede them of spirituall meat of which thy welbeloued sonne said that his meat was to doe the will of him the sent him our Lord Iesus Christ To whom be glory for euer ¶ THAT IT IS THE RENOWNE of a Christian prince to be beloued of his Subiectes Cap. 9. Siraac in his Ecclesiast 6. c. ¶ A faithfull friende is a strong defence FOrasmuch then as euerie kingdome deuided within it selfe shall bée desolate And euery house deuided within it selfe shall fall one vpon an other And experience doth teach
not In so dooing we shall bée afrayde to condempne vnto death so lightly him for whō Iesu Christ fréely hath shed his bloud In such sort that we leauing all disordinate desire of vengeaunce and carnall affection as spirituall men may discerne and discusse spirituall thinges Amen Apocalip 6. b. ¶ I sawe vnder the alter the soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimonie which they had And they cryed with a loude voyce saying how long tariest thou Lord holy and trewe to iudge and to auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth A Prayer O Lord and father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which art meruailous in puissaunce and infinite in mercy Extende thy clemencie and fatherly goodnesse vppon those Who of an vndiscréete zeale and following the traditions of their fathers doe bandon thēselues against thy sonne Christ ▪ and doe shed daylie the bloude of thy seruauntes Regarde their threateninges and giue vnto those which do adore and feare thée to declare thy word with al boldnesse breake the force strength of thine enimies by the sword of thy mouthe that they acknowleging thy maiesty may be wise as serpēts innocent as doues To conclude that euery one may call vpon thée and magnifie thee in the middest of the nations séeing the chaunging of thy right hande And as thou hast foreshewed by thy Prophet that at the birth of thy welbeloued sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ the people shall breake their swoordes and speares to make sithes sickles and sawes herof that one people lift not vp weapon against an other But that thou wilt giue vnto them a newe heart and a newe spirite and that thou wilt take that stonie heart out of their bodies for to cause them to walke in thy commaundements to kéepe thy lawes Giue vnto vs grace in this meane libertie of religion and exercise of the same That the wicked béeing slaine with the breath of thy mouth the Wolfe may dwel with the Lambe and the Leopard shall lie downe by the Goate the Lyon and other cattell may keepe companie together so that a little childe may driue them foorth I doe meane that no man do any hurt vnto thy holy mountaine But that the earth be filled with thy knowledge as if the waters of the sea did couer all thinges Finally that we may all walke in the lyght of our LORD Iesus Christ to whom be glorie for euer Amen ¶ A BRIEFE DEMONSTRAtion vnto those which of a set purpose do turne themselues from the knowne veritie without any force and compulsion Hebrewes 10. e. Cap ▪ 2 ¶ If we sinne willingly after that we haue receiued the knowledge of the trueth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes FOrasmuch then as the lawe of the Lorde hath bene published with thunderinges and lighteninges and that the same Lorde did sometime manifest and shewe him selfe vnto the people in figure and shewe of a burning bush As also it appeareth that the holy Ghost descending vpon the Apostles there came a sound from heauen as it had bene the comming of a mightie winde Truely we cannot be ignoraunt what the troubles are to the manifestation of the lawe bicause of those which doe speake against the true religion as it is written that Iesus Christ shall be the fall and resurrection of many in Israel and a signe which shal be spoken against Also that the lawe doth ingender in vs trouble vnder consideration of the paine appointed for the transgressors of the same Forasmuch as it is an heauie thing that a mans owne conscience beareth record of his wickednesse and condemneth him Insomuch that there is no meanes to appease such differences but in the peace of him who hath reconciled all thinges vnto GOD his father and to set at peace by the bloud of his crosse both things in heauen and thinges in earth Euen as in the olde lawe there was no better remedy for the biting and stinging of the Serpent then by the beholding and looking vpon the brasen serpent lifted vp in the wildernesse According as Iesus Christ sayth in saint Iohn that as Moses lifted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man bée lifted vp That none that beléeueth in him perish but haue eternall life And nothwithstanding that there was as wel in the law of Moses as in the christian lawe great troubles and contradictions yet truely there is great difference of the one and of the other For the one doth set before vs threatnings the other doth declare vnto vs peace the one doth represent a Moses terrible and fearefull the other doth represent vnto vs in persō a gentle and gracious Iesus Christ The one doth rebuke our faultes transgressions the other doth bring vnto vs our grace and satisfaction Finally the one doth condempne vs of eternall death the other doth iustifie vs before God in the death of his onely welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ And euen as in the lawe that is written Moses is iustly condemned for that hée fayled towardes GOD at the waters of striefe And the children of Israel are rebuked bicause they murmured against the same Lord desiring the pleasures of the countrey of Aegipt Euen so in the lawe euangelicall Iesus Christ will not hold for vngiltie those which for common afflictions doe d●strust of his grace puissance and goodnesse For he hath said whosoeuer shall knowledge me before men him will I knowledge also before my father which is 〈◊〉 heauen But whosoeuer shall denie me before men him wil I also denie before my fathe● which is in heauē That is the cause wherfore he requireth of vs that our lamps may b● alwaies burning burning I say of tha● heauenly fire whereof our Lord speaket● in this manner I am come to sende fire on earth and what is my desire but that it were all ready kindled and he would that we should not be betweene both or luke ▪ warme but that we should be hotte or colde and that we should cast our sorowes and afflictions vpon the loue of him which hath borne our paine and taketh away our infirmitie and hath bene wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednesse For in all those thinges we are more then vanquishers bicause that he hath first loued vs. Furthermore inasmuch as the same Lord doth admonish vs that he will be with vs alwaies euen vntill the ende of the worlde Truely in what kinde of affliction so euer it bée wee ought alwaies to assure our selues in that woorde and not to bee lyke vnto that disciple of Iesus Christ our Sauioure the whiche did feare the windes and outragiousnesse of the weather in the presence of him which hath the power not onelie to commaunde both the sea and the lande but by one breath of his mouth can at one moment bringe to naught and destroye all the
creatures of the worlde yea in whose name euery knee shall boowe both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth On the other side let vs followe rather king Iehosophat who beeing assieged in the Citie of Hierusalem and destitute of all mannes helpe dyd crye vnto the LORD saying O our GOD forasmuch as there is not in vs any might for to resist and withstande this greate companie that commeth against vs neither knowe we what to doe But our eis will be vnto thee The which that good Quéene Iudith di● knowe very well to practise who séeing hi● enimies at the gates and the Citie béeing forced on euery side To be short the inha●bitaunts of the same altogether amased and discomforted with feare with a manly and couragious heart did leane stay hir selfe vpon the strength of him which béeing infinite in puissance cannot be tied and bound in his mercy and goodnesse Wherefore i● the Lorde doe giue vs the grace that wé● shall die for the name of his welbeloued sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ let vs meditate with our selues that we doe not giue vnto him but that which doth apperteyne ▪ and belong vnto him forasmuch as he loued vs first and gaue himselfe to die for vs that is to say when we were all solde vnder sinne he hath fréely pardoned and redéemed vs by the blood of his welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Secondly let vs confesse boldly that although that we do render vnto the Lorde life for life death for death yet truely that we doe not render vnto him the egalitie of that that he hath giuen vnto vs Forasmuch then as our sinnes were infinite so the redéeming of the same was inestimable and therefore there was no creature either ter●estiall or celestiall which can appease the ●●nger of that heuenly father but hée which was GOD and man that is to saye the ●onne of God. Finally let vs well consider what the Lord ●oth propounde vnto vs when he doth giue vs the grace that we should not onely be●éeue in his welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ But also we should die for him In this that for a frayle and transitorie life he will giue vs a life eternall and per●urable As he hath promised that whosoeuer shall lose his life for his sake the same shall saue it This is then a very straunge thing amonge the Christians to feare death in a quarell so iust and resonable And to thinke that he which doth giue the heauenly goods will depriue vs of temporall and necessarie goodes for mans life It is I say yet more greater wrong done vnto the Lorde to forsake him for to saue their goodes to feare to die for him which humbled himselfe euen into théese lowe places for to redéeme vs from sinne hell and eternal death And notwithstanding all that which is sayde although that in our death we doe offer vnto him that which is not ours yet truely hee doth accepte the smallnesse of our power and wil when we do leane vnto him by faith vpon the merite of his welbeloued sonne He I say which hath protested before the maiestie of the father hath cried with a loude voyce Behold I come in the beginning of the booke it is written of me that I should fulfill thy will O my God and in the dayes of his flesh hauing offered vp with great cries and teares prayers supplications vnto him which was able to haue saued him from his death and being heard hath bene the author of eternall life vnto those that obey him Wo be vnto those then which do blame the Lord against their owne conscience and doe blaspheme his maiestie by othes and vnlawfull witnesses for to perswade the people that they are not the disciples of Iesus Christe As Peter did denyinge his master in the presence of a maide those are they which do repulse the gyftes and graces of the holy spiryte without any force vyolence or feare hauing tasted of the good words of GOD and of the power of the world to come doe cal agayne in their owne filthinesse and villanie Insomuch that it happened vnto them according to the true prouerbe The dogge is turned to his vomite againe and the sowe that was washed to hir wallowing in the mire For if those children of the Hebrewes that is to say Sydrach Misach Abednago had rather to bée cast into the hot burning ouē then to do homage or adore the Idole of king Nabuchodonosor If I saye that chast Susanna hath not so much feared to fall into the handes of men then to sinne before the maiestie of god To be short if those Machabeans haue not spared their ●iues for to mainteine the honour of God yea against all the force and strength of the tyrauntes Shall we be so vngratefull for certeine priuate commodities to abandon him which hath ben made for vs wisdome also righteousnesse sanctifying and redemption I doe say yet more if the Panims haue valiantly fought for to increase the honoure of their Princes not seekinge thereby but a vaine glorie and worldly recompence shal the christians make it difficulte and a harde matter to giue their goodes dignities and prerogatiues for the name of him whiche hath endowed them with all heauenly benedictions hath also gotten for them by his bloud an euerlasting kingdome in heauen The Lord doth complaine sometime of his people for that they hauing forsaken him and digged them pittes yea vile and broken pittes that holde no water And in an other place also he rebuketh them of their ingratitude saying The oxe knoweth his Lord and the asse his masters stall but Israel which was his people knoweth nothing and hath no vnderstanding And shall the same LORD at this day holde his peace of so many apostates which of a set purpose doe tourne themselues from the knowen trueth against their owne conscience Forasmuch then as the holy Scripture doth tell vs that in death an euerlasting life in the ignomie and slaunder of men a glorie before the maiestie of GOD in the losse of our goodes of of such treasures which the eie hath not séene nor the eare hath heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man To conclude for a despising of our fauourable parentes and friendes a glorie before the maiestie of God and a blessed reioising in the companie of Angels and heauenly spirites Let vs then willingly embrace this crosse that we may get an immortall life let vs reioyce after the example of the Apostles when the Lord doth giue vs that honoure to suffer rebuke for his name Likewise let vs receiue ioyfully the rauishment of our goodes knowledging with our selues that we haue a better reward in heauen which is permanent and endureth for euer Finally let vs not at all desire the absence of our parentes and friendes forasmuch as that true shéephearde
shal be saued as thou hast afterwardes confirmed it by thine Apostle that he that striueth for a mastrie shall not be crowned except he striue as he ought to do Giue vs grace that we all continuing in one spirit and striuing altogether in one minde through the faith of the gospell we may not be troubled by our aduersaries and that we be not as children wauering caried about with euery winde of doctrine But let vs folow the truth in loue in all things grow vp into him which is the head that is to say Christ Giue vs such constancie strength in the midst of those troubles of our enemies that we faint not in any thing so that with ioy we may end our course the charge which we haue receiued of thée for to testifie the gospel of thy grace Embrace so our harts our soules in thine heauenly loue through thy holy spirite especially that for al afflictions or threatnings we nothing varie frō thy lawe either to the right hād nor to the left that we hauing rightly accomplished the course of this presēt life And the time of our departing aprochīg euery one of vs may say with thine apostle I haue fought a good fight haue fulfilled my course haue kept the faith From heneforth is laid vp for me a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord that is a righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day not to me onely but vnto all them also that loue his comming For all which thinges Lord we pray thée in the fauoure of him who for to accomplish and fulfill thy will humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ To whom be glorie for euer So be it ¶ A BRIEFE ADVERTISMENT for to shew that we must simplie obey the voyce of the Lord without further inquiring of the cōmaundement to beleeue that euē as he is iust in al his works he is as puissāt for to fulfil in vs his wil. Cap. 14. e 1. Samuel 15. ● ¶ To obeie is better then offering and to giue heede is better then the fatte of Rammes For rebelliousnesse is as the sinne of witchcraft and stoubournnesse is wickednesse and idolatrie IT is written in the booke of Iesus Siraach that many are excellent of great renowne but vnto the wise are the secretes reuealed For great power belongeth onely vnto God and he is honoured of the lowely Séeke not out the things that are aboue thy capacitie and search not the ground of such things as are too mightie for thée But looke what God hath commaunded thée thincke vpon that alwaie and be not curious in many of his works For thou hast not to doe to sée with thine eyes the things that are secrete where the sonne of Syrach doth exhort vs to execute willingly and with a frée will the commaundement of the Lorde without enquiring any further what is the cause of his commaundemen● bicause that the seruaunt that knoweth his maisters will and prepareth not himselfe neither doth according to his will shal be beaten with many stripes And truely as a certeine christian authour hath verie well said the Lord hath left the effect of many things of which he hath hid from vs the causes Insomuch that we séeing with our eye the fulfilling of them yet for all that we know not to what end the Lorde hath ordeined them and in the meane time he would be obeyed The which is taught vs by an exāple in the booke of Samuel where the Lorde commaunded Saul to destroy wholy all the Amalechites both man woman infant suckling and oxen shepe camels and asses But Saul spared a liue of the shéepe and of the oxen and fat things and the lambes and al that was good for to haue sacrificed it vnto the Lorde Then the Lord saide it repenteth me that I haue made Saul king because he hath not perfourmed my commaundementes In which place is shewed that to obey is better then offering The like example is witten in the booke of the kings where the Prophet which did contrarie vnto that that the Lord said vnto him that is to say that he shoulde not eate breade nor drinke water nor to turne againe by the same way he went and he doing contrarie was torne in péeces and deuoured of a Lyon. In all this we ought not to take any excuse vpon the difficultnesse and hardnes of the commaundement or smalnesse or weakenesse of our strengthes For he which maketh the commaundement doth giue vnto vs also the meane to execute it Let vs remember that Moses being called of God for to deliuer the children of Israel excused him selfe saying Oh my Lord I am not eloquent no not in times past namely since thou hast spoken vnto thy seruaunt But let vs marke what the Lord vnto him Who hath made mannes mouth or who hath made the dum or the deafe the seing or the blinde haue not I the Lord Go therfore I wil be in thy mouth teach thée what thou shalt say Euen so Ieremie being chosen of the Lorde to bée a Prophete vnto the people of Hierusalem excused himself saying Oh lord God I am vnméet for I am yet but young and the Lord said vnto him say not so I am to young For thou shalt goe to all that I shal send thée vnto and whatsoeuer I commaund thée that shalt thou speake And although that the commaundement of the Lord doth séeme to be sometime according to mans sight either to hard or contrarie vnto that that they do ordinarily Yet hée ordeineth all to a good end and for iust occasions As we do sée that it séemed to mans iudgement that the children of Israel should haue bene vanquished or taken by Pharao king of Aegipt hauing the red sea against them as a fort ineuitable for to stop them of their way It séemed also that they going to the promised lande vnder the conducting and leading of Iosua should neuer haue entred the floud of Iordain letting them But the LORD which hath commaundement vpon all his creatures deuided the waters and the children of Israel went in through the middest of the sea vpon the drie ground And the water was a wall vnto them both on their right hand and on their left hand As much chaunced of the floud Iordain for the waters which came downe from aboue did stoppe and stoode vpon a heape a great way off And the waters that were on the side of the salt sea vanished and dried vp the people went rightouer against Iericho Furthermore the Lord séemeth sometime to commaund thinges altogether against the order of nature and good manners as when he cōmaunded Abraham to sacrifice his onely sonne Isaac for to proue his obedience Also he commaunded the Prophet Oseas to take an harlot to his wife Also he commaunded an
he was not dicomforted but blessed the name of GOD which gaue him grace to suffer for him Let vs leaue off then al such excuses when it is a question to obey the commaundement of the LORD for when the will is readie the powre is lacking Forasmuch as wée doe staye all in the strength of him which hath loued vs bicause that he which is in vs is greater then he that is in the worlde Let vs haue for example that liitle Dauyd who going to fight with that great Goliah measured not his strengthes but the power of him in whose name hée did fight Let vs remember that the Apostles hauing expresse cōmaundement of the Lord to go into a towne that lieth ouer against thē to the ende to vnlose an Asse and hir colte did not consider the difficultnes of the cōmaundement but staying themselues vpon the authoritie of him which commaunded them did execute incontinently their charge When Iesus Christ did send his Apostles thorow out the whole worlde for to preach declare his gospell they regarded not the daungers that might haue happened vnto them by the way the force and puissaunce of the enemies of the crosse of Christe Furthermore they excused not themselues of their ignoraunce but fortefying themselus in this word I wil giue vnto thée a mouth and wisedome to the which your enemies cannot resist did execute incontinently the commaundement of the Lorde Let vs then take example of those whom Iesus Christ hath sometime called for to followe him whereof the one excused himselfe saying suffer me first to burye my father the other sayde suffer me firste to bidde them farewell which are at home at my house Vnto whome the LORD aunswered no man that putteth his hande to the ploughe and loketh backe is apte to the kingdome of god Wherefore when the LORDE doth commaunde vs any thinge or when he doth call vs let vs doe as that good Samuel did who as often times as hée was called of the Lord as often times aunswered I am here for thou diddest call me Or as sainct Paule who sodeinly at the voice of the LORD aunswered What wilt thou haue me doe To conclude let vs kepe simplie that which is commaunded vs for to doe without putting too or taking from the word Dooing not that which seemeth good in our eies but that which God hath ordeined For the Lord doth protest by his Angell vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of the prophesie of this booke that if any man shall adde vnto these thinges GOD shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke And if any man shall minish of the words of the booke of this prophesie God shall take awaie his part out of the booke of life and out of the holy Citie and from those thinges which are written in this booke Deuteronomium 30. c. The commaundement which I commaund thee this day is not separated from thee neither farre off It is not in heauen that thou needest to say who shall go vp for vs to heauen and fet it vs that we may heare it and doe it Romaines 10. b. The word is nigh thee euen in thy mouth and in thine heart This is that worde of faith which we preach A Prayer O Lorde which hast made fast for euer and euer all thy commaundements in all truth and equitie and which puttest in man both the will and the desire to fulfill them Teach vs the way of thy statutes and shed and poure into our hearts thy loue through thy holy spirite by the which thou doest helpe our infirmities that we distrusting in our strengthes and despising the assaultes of the flesh the world and the diuel we may stay altogether vpon the loue of him which was once offered vp for vs for to accomplish thy will. And hast made vs more then vanquishers through the victorie which doth surmount the worlde that is to say our faith thy welbeloued sonne our LORD Iesus Christ vnto whom bée glorie for euer Amen ¶ A BRIEFE DEMONSTRATION vnto those which doe make profession of the true christian Religion and neuerthelesse doe refuse the ecclesiastical discipline wherein is described somewhat the vse fruite thereoff Cap. 15. Psalme 32. d. ¶ I will knowledge my sinne vnto thee and mine vnrighteousnesse haue I not hid And I saide I will confesse my sinnes vnto the Lord and so thou forgauest the wickednesse of my sinne 2. Timothe 4. a. ¶ Preach the worde be feruent in season and out of season improue rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine 2. Corinth d. ¶ So write I nowe beeing absent to them which in times past haue sinned and to all others that if 〈◊〉 come againe I will not spare THe Prophet Ioel did complaine of his people calling them to repentaunce saying Tourne you vnto the Lord with al your hearts with fasting wéeping and mourning rent your heartes and not your clothes and tourne vnto the LORD your God for he is gracious and mercifull long suffering and of greate compassion and readie to pardon wickednesse Then no doubt he also shall tourne and forgiue and after his chastening he shall let your encrease remaine for meate and drincke offerings vnto the Lorde your God blowe out with the trumpet in Sion proclaime a fasting call the congregation and gather the people together warne the congregation gather the elders bring the children sucklings together Let the bridegrome goe foorth of his chamber and the bride out of hir closet Let the priestes serue the Lord betwixt the porch and the aulter wéeping and saying bée fauorable O Lord be fauorable vnto thy people let not thine heritage be brought to such confusion least the heathen be Lords thereof Wherefore should they say amonge the heathen Where is now their God Nowe goe to sayth the Lorde we will talke together It is not so though your sinnes be as redde as scarlet shall they not be whiter then snowe And though they were like purple shal they not be like white woll The Lorde standeth waiting that he may haue mercy vppon you and lifteth himselfe vp that he may receiue you to grace Be conuerted and tourne you cleane from all your wickednesse so shall there no sinne doe you harme Cast away from you al your vngodlinesse that ye haue done make you newe heartes and a newe spirite Wherefore will yee die O ye house of Israel séeing I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dyeth saith the Lorde God. Tourne you then and ye shall liue Forasmuch then as the voice of the Lorde is commune to all as that of his sonne Iesus Christ hath bene commune who hath sayd Come vnto me all yée that are wearie and laden and I will ease you Take my yoke on you and learne of me that I am méeke and lowly in heart and that God is not parciall But in all people he that feareth him
exhortinge them that no man defraude and oppresse his brother in any matter Wherfore if wée bée double hearted as sayth Sainct Iames let vs cleanse our hearts Forasmuch I saye as GOD is righteous let vs loue him with an entire and perfect heart that our heart may blesse the LORD and all that is within vs may praise his holy name and forget not all his benefites Let vs poure out our hearts like water before the Lorde and let vs lifte vp our handes vnto him and hee will beholde vs with pittie in the fauoure of his welbeloued sonne our LORD Iesus Christ vnto whom bée glorie for euer and euer So bée it Ecclesiastes 12. d. 13. ¶ Feare God and keepe his commaundementes for that toucheth all men 1. Iohn 2. d. ¶ The world passeth awaie and the lustes thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth euer A Prayer O Lord which hast taught vs by the mouth of Salomon the sonne of Dauyd that loue is mightie as the death and gelousie as the hell hir coales are of fire and a verie flame of the LORD So embrace our heartes in thine heauenly loue chiefly by thy holy spirite that wée knowing that thou hast loued vs first hauing sent thy sonne to make agréement for our sinnes that so of our part we may loue thée againe and shewe by our conuersation that we loue thée not in worde neither in tongue onely but in déede in trueth Honouring thée as our celestiall and heauenly father and fearing thée as our souereigne LORD all the dayes of our life In such sorte that neither death neither life neither Angels nor principialities neither powers neither thinges prese●● neither thinges to come neither heigth neither depth neither any other creature shall be able to departe vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christe Iesus our LORD To the ende that when thou shalt appeare we may be bolde and not ashamed before thée at thy comming nor by the maiestie of him who béeing in the worlde loued his vnto the ende our Lord Iesus Christ vnto whom be glorie for euer So bée it ¶ A CHRISTIAN ADVERtisment vpon the commaundement to loue a mans neighbour Cap. 17. Deuterono 15. b. ¶ The land shall neuer be without poore wherefore I commaunde thee saying open thine hande vnto thy brother that is needie and poore in the lande Prouerbes 3. b. ¶ Honour the Lord with thy substaunce and with the firstlings of al thine encrease so shall thy barnes be filled with plenteousnesse and thy presses shall flowe ouer with sweete wine Iob 1. c. ¶ When the poore desireth any thing at me haue I denied it them haue I caused the widdow to stand waiting for me in vayne haue I eaten my portion alone that the fatherlesse hath had no parte with me For mercy grew vp with me fro my youth and compassion fro my mothers wombe haue I seene any man perish through nakednesse and want of clothing or any poore man for lacke of raiment whose ●ides thancked me not bicause he was warmed with the woll of my sheepe did I euer lift vp my hande to hurt the fatherlesse yea in the gate where I sawe my selfe to be in authoritie then let mine arme fall from my sholder and mine armeholes be broken from the ioyntes Iob. 29. c. ¶ I haue deliuered the poore when hee cryed and the fatherlesse that wanted helpe He that should haue bene lost gaue me a good worde and the widdowes heart praised me And why I put vppon me righteousnesse which couered me as a garment and equitie was my crowne I was an eye vnto the blinde and a foote to the lame I was a father vnto the poore and when I knewe not their cause I sought it out diligently I brake the chayers of the vnrighteous and pluckt the spoile out of their teeth ¶ An exhortation to loue towardes ones neighbour THE Apostle Sainct Paul ●peaking of the excellencie of loue sayth Though I speake with the tongues of men and Angels and haue not loue I am euen as lounding braue or as a tinckling cymball And though I coulde prophecie and vnderstand all secretes and all knowledge yea if I had all faith so that I coulde moue mountaines out of their places and yet had not loue I were nothing And though I bestowe all my goodes to to feede the poore and though I giue my bodie that I be burned and yet haue not loue it profiteth me nothing Loue lustereth long is courteous loue enuieth not loue doth not boast it selfe swelleth not disdaineth nothing as vnbeseeming seeketh not hir owne things is not prouoked to anger thincketh not euill reioyceth not in iniquitie but reioyceth in the trueth suffereth all thinges beléeueth al things hopeth al thinges endureth all thinges Loue doth neuer fall away though that all prophecyings shall be abolished And in the end of the said chapter he concludeth now abideth faith hope loue euen these three but the chiefest of these is loue And forasmuch then as the life is more worth thē meate the bodie more of value then raiment And also that Iesus Christe doth commaunde vs to séeke first the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnesse thereoff notwithout cause if wee mainteine that loue consisteth chiefly to helpe our neighbour in that whiche is necessarie for him for his life Insomuch that if the Lorde hath giuen vnto vs any talent I meane any grace perfection or vertue we ought not to hide it in the earth as vnprofitable seruaunts but ought to bestowe it to the profite of euerie man For the manifestation is giuen to euery one for to profit to the ende that as euerie man hath receiued the gifte so admister the same one to another as good ministers of the manifold graces of god And euen as in geuing some little part of our goods we do multiplie that which the Lord hath giuen vnto vs also in administring the spirituall things to our neighbour we augment in vs the fruites of pietie Iustice These are the wordes of Sainct Paul when he tolde the Corinthians that he that findeth séede to the sower will minister likewise breade for foode and multiplie their séede and increase the fruites of their beneuolence that on all partes they may be made ritch in all singlenesse And as we be not maisters nor owners of our goods Inasmuch as we enioy and possesse them of the hande of the LORDE so we are not but ministers of the giftes of the holy Spirite whiche worketh in vs all things Euen so saith Sainct Paul writing to the Corinthians Let a man so thinke of vs as of the ministers of Christe and disposers of the secretes of GOD. This declareth vnto vs what was gods prouidence in the dispensation bestowing of his giftes who woulde not that they shoulde abounde altogether in one man alone to the end that by them helping one an other euery one may