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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10966 A treatise vpon sundry matters contained in the Thiry nine Articles of religion, which are professed in the Church of England long since written and published by Thomas Rogers. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. Faith, doctrine and religion professed in England. 1639 (1639) STC 21233; ESTC S1674 207,708 274

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cont Catabap lib. 1. All men be elected unto life everlasting There is no hell nor future and eternall misery at all but onely either in mans opinion as hold the Atheists c Nash●n Chr. his teares p. 58 or in the heart and conscience of man in this life as the Familists maintaine d Ramose is and Allens confess No certaine company be foredestined unto eternall condemnation None more then others be predestinate unto salvation which was an error of Henry Bolseck e Calvin epist munistr Basil f l. 105. In like sort wee condemne such as either curiously enquire who and how many shall be saved or damned or give the sentence of reprobation upon any man whosoever as doe the Papists upon Calvine Beza and Verone when they call them reprobates f Test Rhem. ar Rom. 11.23 5. Proposition Of the meere will and purpose of God some men in Christ Iesus are elected and not others unto salvation The proofe from Gods Word IN the Scripture we reade of mans predestination the cause efficient to be the everlasting purpose of God a That the pupose of God might remaine according to election Rom 9.11 Who doth predestinate us c. according to the good pleasure of his will Eph. 1.5 Not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace 2 Tim. 1.9 the cause formall God his infinite mercy and goodnesse b I will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy Exod. 33.19 Rom. 9.15 He hath chosen us in Christ c and hath predestinate us through Christ unto himselfe Eph. 1.4 5. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things c. but with the pretious bloud of Christ as of a lambe undefiled and without spot which was ordained before the foundation of the world but was declared in the last times for your sakes 1 Tim. 1.18 19 20. the cause materiall the blood of Christ c the cause finall or end why both God the Father hath loved and Christ for his elect hath suffered is the glory of God d Who doth predestinate us c. to the praise of the glory of his grace Eph. 16. The Lord hath made all things for his own sake yea even the wicked for the day of evill Prov. 16.4 and the salvation of man e Rom. 8.29 Those whom he knew before he did also predestinate to be made like to the image of his Son that he might be the first borne among many brethren Hath not the potter power of the clay to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour and another to dishonour Rom. 9.21 And this doe all the Churches militant and reformed with a sweet consen● testifie and acknowledge Adversaries unto this truth Hereby is discovered the impiety of those men which think that 1. Man doth make himselfe eligible for the kingdome of heaven by his owne good workes and merits so teach the Papists The kingdome of heaven say they is prepared for them that are worthy of it and deserve it by their well doing a Test Rhem. an Matth. 20.23 Licet electis gloria ex aeterna Dei praedestinatione dimanet non tamen provenit nisi ex corum operibus c. Sine nebis non glorificamur 1. Although from Gods eternall predestination glory floweth to the elect yet for all that it springeth not but from their owne workes c. Without our selves we are not glorified b Stella in Luc. c. 10. fol. 35. 2. God beheld in every man whether hee would use his grace well and beleeve the Gospell or no and as hee saw a man affected so did he predestinate chuse or refuse him 3. Besides his will there was some other cause in God why he chose one and cast off another man but this cause is hidden from us 4. Men by nature be elected and saved an error of the Basilidians and Valentinians c Clem. strom lib 2.4 5. It is in mans power to be elected the error of Theophylact d Theoph in Matth. 22. and of Bolseck e Calvin epis m●● i st Helv. fol. 104. 6. God is partiall and unjust for chusing some and refusing others calling many and electing but few 6. Proposition They who are elected unto salvation if they come unto yeeres of discretion are called both outwardly by the Word and inwardly by the Spirit of God The proofe from Gods Word THough true it be the Lord knoweth all and every of his elect yet hath he revealed unto us certaine notes and tokens whereby we may see and certainly know whether we be of that number or not For such as be ordained unto everlasting life if they live long in this world they one time or other bee called unto the knowledge of salvation by the preaching of Gods Word they obey that calling through the operation of the holy Ghost working within them they feele in their soule the same spirit bearing witnesse vnto their spirits how they are the children of God and finally they walke religiously in all good workes These things are most euident and cleare in the holy Scripture where is set downe both the calling of the predestinate a Whom he predestinate them also hee called Rom. 8.30 God separated me from my mothers wombe and called me by his grace Gal. 1.15 He hath called you to his Kingdome glory 1 Thess 2.12 He hath saved vs called vs with an holy calling 2 Tim. 1.9 They that are on his side called chosen and faithfull Reu. 17.14 and their obedience to the Word being called b Your obedience is come abroad amōg all Rom. 16.19 in Christ also ye trusted after ye heard the Word of truth Ephe. 1.13 Iesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates 2 Cor. 13.5 Ye receiued the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the same Spirit bearing witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God Rom. 8.15 16. After this manner pray ye Our Father c. Matt. 6.9 And because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts which cryeth Abba Father Gal 4.6 He hath chosen vs in him and their adoption by the Spirit to be the children of God c c. that we should be holy without blame befo●e him in loue Eph. 1.4 we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them Eph. 2.10 and last of all their holinesse of life and vertuous conuersation d For the grace of God c. hath appeared teacheth vs that we should deny all vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that we should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world Tit. 2.11 16. All Churches reformed consent hereunto Errors and aduersaries unto this truth Sundry aduersaries hath this truth and First the Papists who teach that none are to thinke or perswade themselues that they are of the number of the Predestinate vnto
desired his Majesty to take them out a new Lesson as did the 71 Brethren of Suffolke are not to be liked Neither can we extoll the goodnesse of our God sufficiently toward our King and us all for inspiring his royall heart with holy wisedome to discerne these unstayed and troublesome spirits and inabling his Highnesse with power and graces from above to decree orders and directions for the generall benefit and peace of the whole Church neither suffered he his eyes to sleepe nor his eye-lids to slumber nor the temples of his head to take any rest till he had set them downe afore all other though never so important and weightie affaires of the Crowne and Kingdome King James patronizeth the Doctrine and Religion countenanced by Queene Elizabeth 26 My selfe have read and thousand thousands with an hundred thousand of his Subjects besides have either read or heard of Proclamations after Proclamations to the number of sixe or seven at the least of bookes and open speeches of his Majesty uttered in the Parliament House and all of them made vulgar within a yeare and little more after his happy ingresse into this kingdome and taking the administration of this most famous nourishing Empire upon himself whereby the doctrine in this Land allowed publikely graced and imbraced of all sorts at his entrance into the Realme hath bin not onely acknowledged to be agreeable to Gods Word sincere and the very same which both his Highnesse and the whole Church and kingdome of Scotland yea and the Primitiue Church professed but also by his authoritie Regall and paramont as one of the maine pillers supporting his Estate ratified to continue and all hope either of allowing or tolerating in this kingdome of any other doctrine religion or faction whatsoeuer opposite or any way thwarting the Faith and confession of the Church of England in most plaine pithy and peremptory words and speeches cut off The yeere 92. was not more famous for the Vniformity of doctrin in religion then concluded then the yeere 1604. Domii incarnati An. 1604. is memorable and will be for seconding the same neither got the Clergie in those dayes more credit in composing the Articles of our Vnitie in Faith then did the last Conuocation whereat your Grace then Bishop of London was present and President in ratifying the Acts and Articles of their Antecessors neither was Q Elizabeth more honoured in establishing them at the first then is our K. Iames renowned and more and more will be for approouing vnder the great Seale of England the late and last Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticall 27. Subscription the third time vrged Whereby no person shall hereafter bee receiued into the ministery nor neither by Institution or Collation admitted to any Ecclesiasticall liuing nor suffered to Preach to Catechize or to be Lecturer or Reader of Diuinitie in either Vniuersitie or any Cathedrall or Collegiat Church Citie or Market towne Parish Church Chappell or in any other place in this Realme except c. and except he shall first subscribe to these three Articles c. Whereof the third is that he alloweth the booke of Articles of Religion c. Nor any licenced to Preach Reade Lecture or Catechize comming to reside in any Diocesse shall be permitted there to Preach Reade Lecture Catechize or minister the Sacraments or to execute any other Ecclesiasticall function by what authoritie soeuer he be thereunto admitted vnlesse he first consent and subscribe to the three Articles Neither shall any man teach either in publike schoole or in private house except he shall first prescribe to the first and the third Articles simply c. Neither shall any man be admitted a Chancellor Commissary or Officiall to exercise any Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction except c. and shall subscribe to the Articles of Religion agreed upon in the Convocation in the yeare 1562. c. And likewise all Chancellours Commissaries Registers and all other that doe now possesse or execute any places of Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction or service shall before Christmas next in the presence of the Archbishop or Bishop or in open Court under whom or where they execute their offices take the same Oathes and subscribe as before he said or upon refusall so to doe shall be suspended from the execution of their Offices untill they shall take the said Oaths and subscribe as aforesaid 28. In which Constitutions the wisedome of his Highnesse sheweth it selfe to be excellent who indeed as exceeding necessary both for the retaine of peace in the Church and preventing of new doctrine curious speculations and offences which otherwise daily would spring up and intolerably encrease calleth for Subscription in testimony of mens cordiall consent unto the received doctrine of our Church but exacteth not their Oathes as some doe much lesse Oathes Vowes and Subscription too but onely in a particular respect and that of a very few in publike office as our neighbours have done Againe he requireth Subscription but not of civill Magistrates not of the Commons as else where some doe not of every man yea of women aswell as of men as did the persecuted Church at Franckeford in Queene Maries daies not of Noble Gentlemen and Courtiers as in Scotland was Enacted in our Kings minoritie but only of Ecclesiasticall Ministers Teachers and spirituall Officers or of those which would be such Of the Subscription called for and so doe the reformed Churches in France and Germany at this very day Last of all his Majestie calleth for Subscription unto Articles of Religion but they are not either Articles of his own lately deuised or the old newly turkened but the very Articles agreed vpon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Prouinces and the whole Clergie in the Conuocation holden at London and that in the yeere of our Lord God 1562. a Cant. 2.127 and vnto none other euen the same Articles for number thirtie nine b Ibid. no moe no fewer and for words sillables and letters the very same vnaugmented vndiminished vnaltered 29. And being the same the whole world is to know that the Church of England is not in religion changed The Church of England settled and constant in her Religion or variable like the Moon nor affecteth noueltie or new lessons but holdeth stedfastly conscionably that truth which by the Martyrs and other Ministers in this last age of the world hath bin restored vnto this kingdome and is grounded vpon Gods written Word the onely foundation of our Faith And being the same all men again may see that we are still at Vnitie both among our selues at home and with the neighbour Churches abroad in all matters of chiefest importance and fundamentall points of religion though our aduersaries the Papists would faine beate the contrary into the common peoples heads And being the same there is now as also from the first restauration of the Gospell among vs there hath beene an Vniformitie likewise of doctrine by authoritie
to obey or disobey the Gospell of truth preached g Ibid. annot marg p. 408. The Catholike popish religion teacheth free-will 3. Proposition h Hills quart 13. reas Man may performe and doe good workes when he is prevented by the grace of Christ and renued by the holy Ghost The proofe from Gods Word IN a man prevented by the grace of Christ and regenerate by the holy Spirit both the understanding is enlightned so that he knoweth the secrets and will of God and the mind is altogether changed the body enabled to doe good works To this purpose the Scriptures are plentifull I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts a Jer. 31.33 No man knoweth the Father but the Son and he to whom the Sonne will reveale him b Matth. 11.27 Luke 10.22 Blessed art thou Simon the Sonne of Ionas for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in heaven c Matth. 16.17 No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisedome and to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit and to another faith by the same spirit and to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit and to another the operations of great works and to another prophecie and to another the discerning of spirits and to another diversities of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues c e 1 Cor. 12.8 God purifieth mans heart f Acts 15.9 worketh in us both the will and the deed g Phil. 2.13 the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought c h Rom. 8.26 Such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God i 1 Cor. 6.11 Vnto you it is given for Christ that not onely yee should beleeve in him but also suffer for his sake k Phil. 1.2 And this doe the Churches of God beleeve and confesse l Confes Hol. 2. c. 9. Aug. ar 18 Bohem. c. 4. Saxon. ar 4. 11. Article Of the Justification of Man We are accounted righteous before God onely for 1 the merit of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ 2 by faith and 3 not for our owne works or deservings Wherefore that wee are justified by faith onely is most wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort c. The Propositions 1. Onely for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Christ are we accounted righteous before God 2. Onely by Faith are we accounted righteous before God 3. Not for our owne workes or deservings are we accounted righteous before God 14. Proposition Onely for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Christ we are accounted righteous before God The proofe from Gods Word BY Christ his bloud onely we are cleansed He is the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world a Joh. 1.29 We are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus b Rom. 3.24 Wee are bought with a price c 1 Cor. 6.19 even with the precious bloud of Christ the Lambe undefiled and without spot d 1 Pet. 1.19 which cleanseth us from all sinne e 1 Joh. 1.7 By his onely righteousnesse we are justified By the obedience of One many be made righteous f Rom. 5.19 Christ is the end of the Law for righteousnesse unto every one that beleeveth g Ibid. 10.4 He of God is made unto us wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption h 1 Cor. 1 30. and we are made the righteousnesse of God in him i 2 Cor. 5.21 And therefore from heaven we looke for the Saviour even the Lord Iesus Christ k Phil. 3.21 And this is the faith and confession of all Churches reformed l Confes 2. c. 15 Bohe. c. 6 Gal. ar 12. Belg. ar 22. August ar 4. Wittemb ar 5. Suevica c. 3. Errors and adversaries unto this truth This truth is neither beleeved nor acknowledged Of the Atheists who are neither perswaded of the life to come nor understand the mysteries of mans salvation through the merits of Christ Nor of the Pharises and their followers who think that by civill externall righteousnes we are justified before God m Matth. 5.20 Nor of Matthew Hamant who held that man is justified by Gods meree mercie without respect unto the merits of Christ n Holinsh Chro. f. 1299. Nor of Galeotus Martius which was of opinion that all nations and persons whosoever living according to the rules of nature should be saved and inherit everlasting happinesse p Jovius cleg doci vir p 57. Nor of the Turkes who thinke that so many as either goe on pilgrimage unto Mecha or doe kisse the sepulchre of Mahomet are justified before God and thereby doe obtaine remission of their sinnes d Lonic Tur. ●ist Com. 1. l. 2 par 2 c 14.15.18 Nor of the Family of Love who teach by the shedding of Christ his blood is meant the spreading of the Spirit in our hearts e Display in Allens confes Nor of the Papists whose doctrine is that 1. Though Christ hath suffered for all men in generall yet not onely each man must suffer for his owne part in particular f T●●t Rhem. ●n Rom. 8.17 but also that the works of one man may satisfie for another g Ibid. an Col. 1.24 2. They teach next that sinnes veniall are done away and purged by prayer Almes-deeds by the worthy receiving of the blessed Sacrament of the Altar by taking of holy water knocking upon the brest with holy meditation the Bishops blessing and such like h Vaux catech c. 4. by holy water and such ceremonies i Test Rhem. an Joh. 13.10 sacred ceremonies k Test Rhem. an marg p 258 as Confiteor tundo conspergor conteror oro Signor edo dono per haec venalia pono that is I am confest unto the Priest I knock mine heart and brest with fist With holy water I am besprent And with contrition all yrent I pray to God and heavenly host I crosse my forehead at every post I eate my Saviour in the bread I deale my dole when I am dead And doing so I know I may My veniall sinnes soone put away And sinnes mortall not by the merits of Christ onely but many wayes besides are clensed think the said Papists as by the merits of dead Saints namely of St. Mary the Virgin Threnosa compassio dulcissimae Dei Matris Per ducat nos adgandium summi Dei Patris The pittifull compassion of Gods best pleasing mother Bring us to the joyes of God the soveraigne Father l Horae B. Virg. S. Mar. secundum usum Sarum And of Thomas Becket Tu per Thomae sanguinem