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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10958 The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same expressed in 39 articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend bishops, and clergie of this kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604: the said articles analised into propositions, and the propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant confessions of all the neighbour churches, Christianlie reformed: the aduersaries also of note, and name, which from the apostles daies, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of them in particular, heereby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. English creede. 1607 (1607) STC 21228; ESTC S116041 208,079 284

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3.5 h Rom. 5.6 c. i Act. 3 4. k M●tth 27.24 Ioh. ●9 4.6 l ●o●f●ss Helv. 1. ar 11. 2. c. 11. B●hem c. 4. 7 Gal. ar 14. Belg. ar 18. Matth. 12.10 Luke 13.14 Ioh. 5.16 b Matth. 21.23 c Luke 23.2 d Matth. 5.17 e Luke 23.5 f Jren. lib. i. c. 29. g Theodoret. h Holinsh. chro fol. 1299. i Leon. Vairus de Fas● lib. 2. c. 11. cir a finem a prooued pag. 53. b prooued pag. 54. c prooued pag. 39 40. d prooued pag. 50. e Eccles. 7.22 f Gal. 5.17 g 1. Tim. 1.15 h Iames 3.2 i 1. Ioh. 1.8 k Matth. 6.12 l Confess Aug. ar 20. Sax. ar 3. a Concil Trid. sess 5. decr de pec Orig. b Test. Rhem. an Col. 1.24 c Test. Rhem. an Mark 3.33 d Stapl. an●●d euang in Mat. 12.50 p. 118. e Sicut Adae Deo non parcuti omnis creatura rebellis extitit sic B. Francisco omnia praecepta Dei implenti creatura omnis famulata est omnia Deus subiecit sub p●dibus eius Alcar Fran. lib. 1. f Hier. in prol Dial. contra Pelag. g Cypr. l. 4. ep 2. h August l. 2. cont Petil. c. 14 i Concil Meli. cap. 8. k Display H. 6. b l Ans. to the Fam. libert L. 3 m Display H. 6. b. n Jren. l. 1. c. 9. o Epiphan p Iren. lib. 1. cap. 24. a Luk. 12.40 b 1. Ioh. 5.6 c Matth. 13.31 Mark 3.39 Luke 22.10 d Confess Bohe. c 4. e Confess Sax. ar 10. f Conf●ss Helv. 2. c. 8. h Concil Mil●vit i D. Hieron advers In●i● k Epiphan l Sp●c per●grin quaest d●c 1. c. 3. q. 5. Position Ingo stad de Purgat m Epiphan a Ioh. 5.14 b Ioh. 8.11 c Eph 4.21 22. d Coloss. 3 8. e Heb. 3.12 f 1. Tim. 1.19 2. Tim. 4.3 2. Tim. 2.22 g 1. Pet. 2.10 and 58. 2. Pet 3.17 h 2. Sam. 11 4. i 1. king 11.3 k Math. l Reuel 2. m Luk. 22.55 n Act. 2.23 c. 3.13 4.10 c. o Matth. 26 56. p Confess Hel● 2. c. 7. Bohem. c. 5.8 Saxon. ar 10 11. VVittem ar 32. S●e●ic● ar 15. a Magd. eccles hist. c●n 12. c. 5. b Eus. l. 5. c. 43. c Magd. eccles hist. cent 4. c. 5. d VVilkinson against the F. of Loue ar 14. e Calv. contra Libert fol. 217. f Tapp p. 189. g Concil ●rid sess 6. can 29. h Vis ad apicē venire perfectionis Vita cum moribus attende B. Francisci a Matth. 11.28 i. Tim. 2.4 b Luke 15.7 c Luke 19.41 42. c. d Iam. 5.20 e 2. Pet. 3.9 f 1. Ioh. 1.9 g Reu. 2.5.16 h Luk. 15.20 i Matth. 18.26 c. k Gal. 6.1 l 2. Cor. 2.5 6 7. m Philem. v. 12. n Confess Helv. 2. c. 14. Bohem. c. 5. August ar 11. Saxon. ar 3. VVittem ar 12. a D. Hieron adv Marc. b Cypr. epist. 4. ad Antonian c Bulling contr Anab. l. 2. c. 13. d Calv. Institut e Giffords repl f Magd. eccles hist. cen 4. c. 5. g H. N. spirit land c. 33. § 3. c. 34. § 11. c. 37. § 8. and Proverbs c. 5. § 15. and Crying voice § 6. h Gen. 4. i Act. 1. k Hist. Fr. Spir. l Luther on Gal. 3. ● m Giffords repl to Barr. and Green p. 17. a Matth. 20.23 b Ibid. 22.14 c Ibid. 24.2 d Luk. 12.32 e Ibid. 17.34 f Ioh. 6.37 g Act. 13.48 h Rom. 8.29 i 2. Cor. 2.15 16 k Eph. 1.3 4 5. l Math. 25.34.41 Iude 6. m Gen. 4.4 n Rom. 9 7. c o Mal. 1.2 3. Rom. 9.13 p Gen. 40.20 q Luk. 23.39 40 43. r Matth. 24.40 41. a 1. Cor. 15.12 b Clem. strom lib. 4. c Iren. d Iren. e Aug. contra Faust. l. 4. c. 16. f Epiphan g H.N. Instr. ar 5. § 24. Prophecie of the spir c. 16. § 7. a Matth. 25.34 b Eph. 1.4 c 2. Tim. 1.9 d Confess 2. c. 10.11 e ar 1. f ar 10. a Ioh. 6.37 b Ioh. 10.28 29. c Matth. 16.18 d Rom. 8.30 e Rom. 11.29 f 1. Ioh. 3.19 a Bredvvels detect p. 85. a Luke 10.20 b Ioh. 10.14 c 2. Tim. 2.10 d Confess Helv. 2. cap. 10. Basil. ar 1. Gal. ar 12. Belg. ar 16. a VVolf Musculus in epist. ad Philip. praef b Bulling cont Catabap lib. 1. c Nash in Chr. his teares p. 58. d Ramseis and Allens confess e Calvin epist. ministr Basil. fol. 105. f Test. Rhem. an Rom. 11.23 a That the purpose of God might remaine according to election Rom. 9.11 Who doth predestinate vs c. according to the good pleasure of his will Eph. 1.5 Not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace 2. Tim. 1.9 b I will shew mercie to whome I will shew mercie Exod. 33.19 Rom. 9.15 c Hee hath chosen vs in Christ c. and hath predestinate vs through Christ vnto himselfe Eph. 1.4 5. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things c. but with the pretious blood of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled ●nd without spot which was ordained before the foundation of the world but was de●lared in the last times for your sakes 1. Tim. 1.18 19 20. d Who doth predestinate vs c. to the praise of the glorie of his grace Eph. 1.6 The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked for the day of euill Prou. 16.4 e Rom. 8.29 Those whome he knew before he did also predestinate to be made like to the image of his Sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren Hath not the potter power of the ●lay to make of the same lumpe one vessell to hon●ur and another vnto dishonour Rom. 9.21 a Test. Rhem. an Mat. 20.23 b Stella in Luc. c. 10. fol. 35. c Clem. strom lib. 2.4 d Theoph. in Matth. 22. e Calvin epist. minist Helvet fol. 104. a Whome he predestinate them also hee called Rom. 8.30 God separated me from my mothers wombe and called me by his grace Gal. 1.15 He hath called you to his kingdome and glorie 1. Thess. 2.12 He hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling 2. Timoth. 1.9 They that are on his side called chosen and faithfull Reu. 17.14 b Your obedience is come abroad among all Rom. 16.19 in Christ ●ho ye trusted after ye heard the word of truth Eph. 1.13 Iesus Christ is in you except ye 〈◊〉 reprobates 2. Cor. 13.5 c Ye receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we ●rie A●●a ●a●her The s●me Spirit bearing witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God 〈◊〉 8.15 16. After this manner pray ye Our Father c. M●tth 6 9. And ●ecause ye are s●nnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his Sonne into your hearts which crieth Ab●● Father ●al 4.6 d He hath chosen vs in him c. that we should be holy ●nd without
of these is like that of the false Apostles which came from Iudea vnto Antioch and taught the Brethren that vnlesse they were Circumcised after the manner of Moses they could not be saued Whome the Apostles Paul and Barnabas first and afterwards Peter Iames and the rest at Ierusalem both zealously did resist and in their first Synod or conuocation powerfully suppresse The latter as bad as that hath bin the mother of many hereticall assertions and horrible conclusions I haue read and many there be aliue which will iustifie it how it was preached in a Mercate towne in Oxfordshire that to doe any seruile worke or businesse on the Lords day is as great a sinne as to kill a man or to committe adultery It was preached in Sommersetshire that to throw a bowle on the Sabboth day is as great a sinne as to kill a man It was preached in Norfolke that to make a Feast or wedding dinner on the Lords day is as great a sinne as for a Father to take a knife and cutte his childes throate It was preached in Suffolke I can name the man and I was present when hee was conuented before his ordinary for preaching the same that to ring moe Bels then one vpon the Lords day to call the people vnto Church is as great a sinne as to commit murder When these things I read and heard mine heart was strucken with an horror and so is it still when I doe but thinke of them and calling into minde the Sabboth doctrine at London printed for I. Porter and T. Man an 95 which I had read afore wherein very many things are to this effect I presently smelt both whose disciples all those preachers are and that the said doctrine had taken deepe impression in mens hearts and was dispersed while our watchmen were otherwise busied if not asleepe ouer the whole kingdome 23. It is a comfort vnto my soule and will be till my dying houre that I haue beene the man and the meanes that these Sabbatarian errors and impieties are brought into light and knowledge of the State whereby whatsoeuer else sure I am this good hath ensued namely that the said bookes of the Sabbath comprehending the aboue mentioned and many moe such fearefull and haereticall assertions haue beene both called in and forbidden any more to be printed and made common Your Graces predecessor Archb. Whitegift by his letters and Officers at Synods and visitations an 99. did the one and Sir Iohn Popham L. chiefe Iustice of England at Burie S. Edmonds in Suff. an 1600. did the other And both these most reuerend sage and honorable Personages by their censures haue declared if men will take admonition that this Sabbath doctrine of the Brethren agreeth neither with the doctrine of our Church nor with the lawes and orders of this kingdome disturbeth the peace both of the Common-weale and Church and tendeth vnto Schisme in the one and Sedition in the other and therefore neither to be backt nor bolsterd by any good Subiect whether hee bee Church or Common-weale man 24. Thus haue errors and noisome doctrines like boiles and Botches euer and anone risen vp to the ouerthrowe of our Churches health and salfety if it might be but yet such hath beene the Phisicke of our discipline as what by launcing purging and other good meanes vsed the Bodie still hath beene vpholden and preserued from time to time And well may errors like grosse humors and tumors continue among vs as neuer Church was or will be quite without them while it is militant heere vpon earth yet are they not of the substance at all of our Religion or any part of our Churches doctrine no more then ill humors which bee in are of the Bodie or dregs in a Vessell of wine bee any part either of the Vessell or Wine which remaneth as at the first most sound and vncorrupted and so continued euen vntill the dying day of that most illustrious religious Princesse Queene Elizabeth The verie Brethren themselues doe write that In regard of the common grounds of Religion and of the Ministerie We are all one We are all of one Faith one Baptisme one Bodie one spirit haue all one Father one Lord and be all of one Heart against all wickednes superstition idolatrie haeresie and we seeke with one Christian desire the aduancement of the pure Religion worshippe and honor of God We are Ministers of the word by one order we administer prayers and Sacraments by one forme we preach one Faith and substance of doctrine And wee praise God heartily that the true Faith by which we may be saued and the true Doctrine of the Sacraments and the pure Worshipe of God is truly taught and that by publike authoritie and retained in the booke of Articles Hitherto the said Brethren And this was their verdict of our Churches doctrine in the last yeare saue one of Q. Elizabeths raigne then which nothing was euer more truely said or written And this Vnitie and puritie of doctrine shee left with vs when shee departed this world 25. Nowe After Elizabeth raigned Noble Iames. Who found this our Church as all the world knoweth in respect of the groundes of true Religion at Vnitie and that Vnitie in Veritie and that Veritie confirmed by publike and regall approbation These ecclesiasticall ministers therefore though a thousand for number who at his Maiesties first comming into this kingdome either cōplained vnto his Highnes of I know not what errors imperfections in our Church euē in points of doctrine as if shee erred in matters of Faith or desired that an Vniformity of doctrine might be prescribed as if the same had not alreadie bin done to his hands or as weary belike of the old by Queene Elizabeth countenaunced and continued desired his Maiestie to take them out a newe Lesson as did the the 71. Brethren of Suffolk are not to be liked Neither can we extoll the goodnes of our God sufficiently toward our King and vs all for inspiring his royall heart with holy wisedome to discerne these vnstaied and troublesome spirits and in abling his Highnes with power and graces from aboue to decree orders and directions for the generall benefit and peace of the whole Church neither suffered hee his eies to sleepe nor his eie-lids to slumber nor the temples of his head to take any rest till he had set them downe afore all other though neuer so important and waightie affaires of the Crowne and Kingdome 26. My selfe haue read and thousand thousands with an hundred thousand of his Subiects besides haue either read or heard of Proclamations after Proclamations to the number of sixe or seauen at the least of bookes and open speeches of his Maiestie vttered in the Parliament house and all of them made vulgar within a yeare and little more after his happie ingresse into this kingdome taking the administration of this most famous flourishing Empire vpon himself
veniall sinnes 10. Article Of Freewill 1 The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turne and prepare h●mselfe by his owne naturall strength and good workes 2 to faith and calling vpon God wherefore we haue no power to doe good workes pleasant and acceptable to God 3 without the grace of God preuenting vs that we may haue a good will and working with vs when we haue that good will The Propositions 1. Man of his owne strength many doe outward and euil workes before he is regenerate 2. Man cannot doe any worke that good is and godly being not yet regenerate 3. Man may performe and doe good workes when he is preuented by the grace of Christ and renued by the holy Ghost 1. Proposition Man of his owne strength may doe outward and euill workes before he is regenerate The proofe from Gods word WEe denie not that man not yet regenerate hath free will to doe the workes of nature for the preseruation of the body and bodily estate which thing had and haue the bruite beastes and prophane Gentiles as it is also well observed in our neighbour churches Besides man hath free will to performe the workes of Satan both in thinking willing and doing that which euill is For the imaginations of the thoughts of mans heart are onely euill continually euill euen from his youth A truth confessed by our brethren d. Errors adversaries vnto this truth A false perswasion is it therefore that man hath no power to moue either his body so much as vnto outward things as Laur. Valla dreamed or his minde vnto sinne as the Manichies maintained affirming how man is not voluntarily brought but necessarily driuen vnto sinne 2. Proposition Man cannot doe any worke that good is and godly beeing not as yet regenerate The profe from Gods word The wisedome of the flesh is enimitie against God for it is not subiect to the Law of God neither indeede can be They that are in the flesh cannot please God The naturnll man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnes vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned No man can saie that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is from God Without mee ye can doe nothing saith our Sauiour Christ Which is the confession of the godly reformed The adversaries vnto this truth Adversaries vnto this truth are all such as hold that naturally there is Free will in vs and that vnto the best things So thought the Pharisies the Sadduceis the Pelagians and the Donatists and the same affirme the Anabaptists and Papists For say the Papists Man by the force power of nature may loue God aboue all things Man hath free will to performe euen spirituall and heauenly things Men beleeue not but of their owne free will It is in a mans free will to beleeue or not to beleeue to obey or disobey the Gospell of truth preached The Catholike popish religion teacheth freewill 3. Proposition Man may performe and doe good workes when hee is preuented by the grace of Christ and renued by the holy Ghost The proofe from Gods word In a man preuented by the grace of Christ and regenerate by the holy Spirit both the vnderstanding is enlightened so that he knoweth the secrets and will of God and the minde and the minde is altogether changed and bodie enabled to doe good workes To this purpose the Sriptures are plentifull I will put my lawe in their inward parts and write it in their hearts No man knoweth the Father but the Son and he to whome the Sonne will reuiele him Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and blood hath not revelled it vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost To one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedome and to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit and to another faith by the same spirit and to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit and to another the operations of great workes and to another prophecie and to another the discerning of spirits and to another diuersities of tongues and to an other the interpretation of tongues c. God he purifieth mans hearts worketh in vs both the will and the deed the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as wee ought c Such were some of you but yee are washed but yee are sanctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God Vnto you it is giuen for Christ that not onely yee should beleeue in him but also suffer for his sake And this doe the Churches of God beleeue and confesse 11. Article Of the iustification of man VVe are accounted righteous before God only for 1 the merit of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ 2 by faith and 3 not for our owne workes or deseruings VVherefore that we are iustified by Faith onely is a most wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort c. The propositions 1. Onely for the merit our Lord and Sauiour Christ are we accounted righteous before God 2. Onely by Faith are we accounted righteous before God 3. Not for our owne workes or deseruings are we accounted righteous before God 1. Proposition Onely for the merit of our Lord and Sauiour Christ we are accounted righteous before God The proofe from the word of God BY Christ his blood onely wee are cleansed Hee is the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world Wee are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus Wee are bought with a price euen with the pretious blood of Christ the lambe vndefiled and without spot which cleanseth vs from all sinne By his onely righteousnes wee are iustified By the obedience of one many be made righteous Christ is the ende of the Lawe for righteousnesse vnto euery one that beleeueth He of God is made vnto vs wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption and wee are made the righteousnes of God in him And therefore from heauen we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ And this is the faith and Confession of all Churches reformed Errors Adversaries to this truth This truth is neither beleeued nor acknowledged Of the Atheists who are neither perswaded of the life to come nor vnderstand the mysteries of mans saluation through the merits of Christ. Nor of the Pharise is and their followers who thinke that by ciuill and externall righteousnes we are iustified before God Nor of Matthewe Hamant