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A07163 The sycke mans salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully, in the tyme of sickenes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die. Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon. 1561. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1757; ESTC S114654 179,042 552

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sorowe wyl he turne to ioy as he sayth in the Gospell verely verely I saye vnto you ye shal wepe lament but contrariwise the worlde shall reioyse Ye shall sorowe but your sorow shall be turned into ioye A woman when she traueleth hath sorow because her houre is come but assone as she is deliuered of y e childe she remembreth no more y e anguishe for ioy that a mā is born into the world And ye now therefore haue sorow but I wil see you againe and your heartes shal reioyse and your ioye shall no man take away from you In this your heauy cōflict God semeth to haue withdrawn the glorious beames of his fatherly grace frō you but he will straightways lighten his godly countenaūce vpon you and worke suche ioyes in your heart through his holy spirit as heretofore you felt neuer the lyke And this your ioy shall neuer be taken from you Therefore whatsoeuer sathan that old canckred ennemy of mankinde goeth about to perswade you beleue hym not but resiste him with strong faith euer remembring that he is both a lier and a murtherer You are a member of that congregation whiche is built vpon the rocke Christe againste whome the gates of hell shall not preuayle You are a lyuing stone of the blessed building and spiritual house wherof Christ is the head corner stone though y e windes blow the shours of raine descend and the cruell tempestes ●eate on the house yet it falleth not for it is grounded not vpon y e and but vpon the rocke Sathan ●n this temtation hath desired to sifte you as it were wheate but Christ hath praied for you y t your faith failed not You are one of the shepe whiche God the father hath geuen to his sonne Christe therfore can you not peryshe neyther shall any creature plucke you out of his hande but he shall geue you euerlasting life Epa. Now per●ceiue I most gētle neighbor Philemon that to be true whiche I haue many tymes heard the godly preachers rehearse in their most comfortable Sermons Phile. What is that I pray you Epaph. That one faythfull Preacher which is able with the swete promises of the holy scriptures to cōfort the weake and desperate conscience is better then ten thousande mumbling Massemongers whiche promise with their Massinge mountaines of golde but perfourme molhilles of glasse I haue also many times heard it saide that though the companye of a learned man be good and profitable at all times yet chiefly in the tyme of syckenesse and whan the weake creature is ready to depart from this wicked worlde for asmuche as than Sathan is most busy and without ceasing laboureth to disquiet the conscience of ●he sickman that by this meanes he may driue him to desperation and finally to damnation Phile. What meane you by that Epa. I thanke God moste hartelye that suche a learned man as you are haue nowe vouchedsafe to visite me in this my sickenesse Phil. No learned man but a louer of learninge and suche one as hathe a good will well to doe and enuieth no man that can doe better Epa. In the tyme of this your godlye communication had with me the Lord my God be thancked for it I felt the heauines trouble and disquietnes of my conscience by little and little to goe away and certaine swete mocions of true inward ioye to arise in my heart ▪ so y t nowe Sathan with his wicked temtations semeth to haue taken his flight and the holy ghost● with his most godly and comfortable inspirations to haue entred into my breast Wheras before m● thought I was in hell nowe m● thinck I am in heauen so great● quietnes rest ioy and confort do I finde in my conscience Sainc● Paule wysheth not in vain to th● Philippiās this tranquilitie and quietnes of conscience saying th● peace of God which passeth al vnderstanding kepe your hearts and mindes in Christ Iesu. Again t● the Collossians The peace of god mought rule in your heartes t● the whiche peace ye are called in one body For no man knoweth what a precious Iewell and heauenly treasure this peace of con●cience is but suche as fele it Ne●her can any man feele it a ryght except he hath felt afore the grief ●ain and disquietnesse of conscience I may now right wel say w t ●he Psalmograph O howe great and plentifull is thy goodnesse which thou hast laide vp for them ●hat feare thee and that thou hast ●repared for them that put theyr ●rust in thee O what great trou●les and aduersities haste thou ●hewed me And yet thou diddest ●urne refresh me yea brough●est me from the depe of the earth ●gaine Thou hast broughte me ●o great honour and cōforted me ●n euery syde Therfore wyll I ●raise thee and thy faithfulnes O God Phi. Here see you that fulfilled in your selfe whiche you ha●● full oft red in the holy Scriptur● The Lorde killeth and make● aliue bryngeth downe to hell an● fetcheth vp againe Great are t●● troubles of the righteous but t●● Lord deliuereth them out of the● all Chr. The holy man Toby 〈◊〉 his praier vnto God saieth Wh●●soeuer loueth thee serueth thee ● right is sure of this that if his li● be tempted and proued it stāde●● in the trying if he endure in pa●●cience he shal haue a reward an● be highly crowned and if he be i● trouble that God no doubt sha● delyuer hym and if his lyfe be i● chastning that he shall haue le●● to come vnto thy mercy For tho● hast no pleasure in our damnat●●on And why After a storme tho● makest the weather fair and stil● after weping and heauines tho● geuest great ioy Thi name O go● of Israell be praysed for euer Ep. Amē Chr. The Psalmograph also saith They that sowe in tears shall reape in ioye He that nowe goeth on his way weping and bereth forth good seede shall doubtles come againe with ioy bring his sheues with him Epa. If the Lord him selfe had not bene of my side when Satan rose vp against me he had swalowed me vp quik But praysed be the Lorde whiche hath not geuen me ouer for a pray vnto his teeth My soule is escaped euen as a byrde oute of the snare of the fouler the snare is broken and I am deliuered My helpe standeth in the name of the Lorde whiche hath made heauen and earth But neighboure Philemon it is good in the tyme of calme to prouide for tempest We are taughte of Iob that a mans ●ife in this worlde is a warfare or knighthode and that we therfore ought to watche praye tha● we fail not into temptation The scripture declareth that after Sa●than had tempted Christ was confounded by the worde of God● the deuil departed from Christ for a season Wherof we may learne ▪ that he returned afterward vnto Christ and tempted him I feare
submit their willes to his godlye wyll and pleasure Epa. O Lorde thy will be done and not mine I confesse O heauenly father that my manifold wickednesses and vnnumerable sinnes haue not only deserued this sickenesse which is thy most gentle fatherly and louing correction but also very hell and the bitter paines thereof if thou shouldest handle me according to my desertes I haue sinned I haue synned O lord God against thy holy lawes and I haue broken thy blessed commaundementes moste greuously offending thy glorious maiestie Whatsoeuer I suffer I worthely suffer ah wretch that I am My sinne I confesse and with an humble heart and broken spirit I fle vnto the throne of thy fauorable mercy most humbly besechinge thee for Iesus Christes sake to forgeue me all my synnes which I haue cōmitted against thy deuine maiestie frō the houre of my birth vnto this presēt time and to receiue me into the holy felowship of those thy blessed and chosen people whome before the beginning of y e worlde thou diddest appoint heires of thi heauēly kingdom in Christ Iesu our lord that they might for euer and euer raigne with thee in glory Ah lord geue me grace to bear this crosse both paciently thankfully Suffer me not once to murmur grudge or spurne against thy holye wil but with a pacient thankefull heart to waite on thy blessed pleasure being alway content to beare whatsoeuer burdē thou laiest on my shoulders with this perswasiō and assured faith that whatsoeuer I suffer is vnto the glory of thy name and vnto the health of my soule O Lord thy will be done and not mine Amen Amen Neighbours I am very sicke and my paine encreaseth more more Phi. The Lords wil be done in you neighbour Epaphroditus Feare not no although present death were at hand For whether you liue or die ye are the Lordes God hath sealed you vp in Christes bloud vnto euerlasting lyfe Your name doubt ye not is written in the booke of life Ye are of y e nombre of those whome God before the foundations of the world were layd hath chosen in Christe to be his sonnes and heires ye are the dearly beloued sonne of God Ye are enheritours of Gods glorious kingdom God for your earnest faithes sake in the bloude of Christ hath forgeuen you al your sinnes that euer ye committed against him from the daye of your birthe vnto this houre He hath cast away all your iniquities ●ehind his backe so that he wyl neuer remember them any more Ye are counted among thē whose vnrighteousnesses are forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered vnto whome the Lorde imputeth no sinne God loueth you God careth for you God is on your syde who then can endomage or hurte you Who can lay any thyng vnto your charge It is God that iustifieth you who then can condemne you ye nede not fear ether sathan or sinne or any other thinge that should trouble your conscience For there is no damnation to thē that are in Christ Iesu whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For the lawe of the spirite of life thorow Iesus Christ hath made you fre frō the lawe of sinne and death For what y e lawe could not do inasmuch as it was weke because of the flesh that performed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of sinfull fleshe by sinne damned synne in the fleshe that the ryghtedusnes of the lawe myght be fulfilled in vs whiche walke not after the flesh but after the spirite Epa. I thāke you neighbor Philemon for your gostly and comfortable instructions For I am wel comforted with these your wordes and I faithfully beleue that God the father for his promise sake made vnto all faithfull penitēt sinners in Christes bloud hath so frely and wholy forgeuen me all my sinnes that he will neuer remember them more nor lay them vnto my charge but so loue me and tender my saluation as though I had neuer offended his fatherly goodnesse And in this faith I submit my self my body and soule all that I haue vnto his godly wil to do with me in al things whatsoeuer his good plesure shallbe For liue we die we we ar the Lords And lord I most humbly besech thee call to remēbrance thy tender mercies thy louing kindnesses whiche haue bene euer of olde Oh remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but accordyng vnto thy mercy thinke y ● vpon me O lord for thy goodnes Turne the vnto me haue mercy vpon me for I am desolate in misery The sorowes of my hart ar enlarged O bring thou me out of my troubles Loke vpon mine aduersitie and misery and forgeue me al my sinne O kepe my soule and deliliuer me let me not be confounded for I haue put my truste in the. Phi. I much reioyce to see in you these workes of faithfull repentance This humbling of your self before y e maiestie of God this lamenting of your sinnes this faithfull and hartie calling on the Lordes name for remission of sins in Christes bloud for the tranquilitie peace quietnes and reast of conscience for the fauour grace of God for gods wil to be done in you is without doubt a sure seale vnto your conscience that God loueth fauoureth and tendereth you yea and that muche more thē any natural father maketh of his sonne Who so serueth God saith the wise man after his pleasure shalbe accepted and his praier rea●cheth vnto the cloudes The praier of him that humbleth him self goeth thorowe the cloudes till she come nie She wil not be comforted nor go her way vntill the hyghest God haue respect vnto her The Lord is nie vnto them y t are of a contrite heart saith the Psalmograph will saue suche as be of an humble spirite The sinfull Publican thus hūbling him self obtained the fauor of God remission of sinnes went home more righteous than the proud Pharisey So likewise the Centurion cōfessing his vnworthines for the receiuing of Christ into his house obtained health for his sicke seruāt Likewise the Leper with diuers other humbling them selues before Christe obtained their hartes desire For God saith Dauid hath respect vnto the prayer of the humble suche as be destitute despiseth not their desire but heareth ●heir mournings y t he may deliuer ●hem and saue them Euseb. Now neighbour how do you I pray you bee strong in God reioyce in his sauing health Epa. O neighboure Eusebius my body is weake my heare is faint my wits are feble my memory almost faileth me no part of me is fre from sicknes and paine But Lord I beseche thee strengthē thou me endue me w t power from aboue that as y e spirit is ready so likewyse the flesh which is euer weake vnready may be obediēt to thy godly wyl frely consent to the working of
as the wyse man saythe In all thy workes remember the latter ende and thou shalt neuer sinne I desire muche to visit my neighboure Epaphroditus occording to his hartye request and to comfort him in these his paines to instruct him how he ought both paciently thankfully beare this crosse of sicknes which God hath laid on him but I wishe greatly to haue the company of mine olde familiars and approued frends Eusebius Theophile and Christopher I sente my sonne Theodore and Rachell my Doughter for them I muche maruell of their long tariaunce But beholde where they come Neighbors and frendes welcom Euse We reioyce to se you in helth thanking you most hartely for the louing kindnes which heretofore many times you haue shewed vnto vs. But wherfore I pray you haue you sent for vs. Phile. Haue ye not heard howe our neighbour Epaphroditus is greuously vexed with sicknes Theophi●punc Is ou● neighbor Epaphroditus sicke Phi. He is sick and that very sore Christo ▪ Sory am I to heare this Philemon We are in the Lordes hande as the claye in the potters to doo with vs what so euer his good pleasure is Therfore let vs not beare heueli this work of God in our neighbor least we seme to striue against his godly will seeing we vse dayly to pray Thy wil be don in earthe as it is in heauē hauing also an example of our sauior Christ whiche praid vnto his heauenly father on this manner Not as I will but as thou wilt o father Euse. How long hath oure neighboure Epaphroditus bene sick Phi. Not yet two daies The. I mucch maruel of this his soden sicknes Philemon It is no maruell at all seing sicknes foloweth health and deathe life as the shadow accompanieth the body Ye know neighbors how charitable a deede it is to visite the sicke and to comforte the diseased It is one of those works whiche being don in the faithe of Christe shall be rewarded at the last day in the face of the whole worlde with then heritance of the heauenly kingdom as ye may see in the gospel of blessed Mathew I was sicke and ye visited me saithe oure Sauioure Christe The wise man also saith Let not them that wepe be withoute comforte but mourne with suche as mourne Let it not greue thee to viset the sicke for that shall make the to be beloued Christop This saying differeth not muche from the saying of S. Paule Reioyce with them that reioyce and wepe with them that wepe Be of like affection one to another Phile Let vs therfore go and visit our sicke neighboure Epaphroditus and comforte him with the heauenly consolacion of the holy scriptures that he may beare this his sicknes bothe the more paciētly and thankfully For to this end did I send for you that we should go together vnto him and to confort him Theo. We were to much vnkinde and vnworthy the name of a Christian yea of a man yf we shuld disdayne to accompany you goyng aboute so godly a matter Phile. Well then let vs go For as the preacher saith It is better to go into an house of mourning thē into an house of banketinge for there all menne be admonished of their latter end and the liuing cōsidereth what afterward shall becom of them I pray the Lord our God that we may find him at our comming in his whole mind and perfect memory Eusebi I beseche the Lorde our God also that his paines be not so outragious that when we come he haue no minde to heare what shalbe saide vnto him so shall our labour be loste Christop Gods will be don in all thinges Phile. We will do oure duty let God wurke his pleasure Now are we at the house I wyll be so bold neighboures as to leade you the way Theoph. I pray you go sir we will folow you Epa. the sicke man Oh cursed be the day wherin I was borne vnhappy be the day wherin my mother brought me forthe Cursed be the man that broughte my father the tydinges to make him glad saying Thou hast gotten a sonne Let it happen vnto that man as to the Cities which the Lord turned vp side downe Let him heare crying in the morning and at none daye lamentable howling Why sluest thou not me as soone as I came oute of my mothers wombe O that my mother had ben my graue her selfe that the birth might not haue come out but remained styll in her Wherfore came I forth out of my mothers wombe to haue experience of laboure and sorow Ah how sicke am I my strengthe is gone my sight faileth me my tounge flottereth in my mouthe my handes tremble and shake for paine I can not hold vp my head for weakenes If I attempte either to stand or to goo my legges fall downe vnder me No parte of my body doth her right office my memory is paste My sences fayle me What so euer I tast is vnplesant vnto me What other thynge am I thē a dead corps brething For my skin vpon me is tourned to blacke and my bones are dried vp with heate Yea miserably am I tormented and altogether wery of my lyfe What can be plesant vnto me but present deathe Ah wo worth the time that euer I was borne O y t som hill might fall downe and ouerwhelme me that I might shortly be rid out of this pain Philemon O Lord God good neighbores these be wordes proceding rather from a desperat harte then from a pacient minde But why do I cease to go in The father of mercies and God of all consolacion be presente with vs. Theo. Amē Phile. Peace be vnto this house and to so many as loue the Lord Iesus vnfainedly Epa. O mother alas that euer thou did dest beare me Alas why died I not in the birthe Why did I not perish assone as I came out of my mothers wombe Philem. Neighboure Epaphroditus God geue you a pacient hart a quyet contented minde According to youre request I am com vnto you with certaine of my neighbours being very desirous to see you and notwithstandinge not a little sory to beholde you in this case not that you are visited of God with sicknes but that you so impacientlye take thys louing visitatiō of god whiche chaunceth vnto you not for your hurt and destruction but for your commodity and saluatyon Epaphro Welcome welcome neighbors all Oh how sicke am I Oh that the end of my life wer at hande It greueth my soule to liue All ioy is gone with me This sicknes hathe vtterly marred me Phi. Say not so neighbor Epaphroditus yea rather think that this youre sicknes is the louing visitacion of God and bringeth although to the body wekenes and trouble yet to the soule valeaunce and consolation Epa. Gods louing visitation Philem. Yea neighbor Gods louing visitation For so ar we taught by the worde of God God himself
an exceading and an eternall waight of glory vnto vs while we loke not on y e things which are sene but on the things whiche are not sene For y e things whiche are seene are temporall but thinges whiche are not seene are eternall Theo. Our elder br●●ther Christ which neuer commi● sinne in whom no guile nor de●ceat was found entred not into glory but by the crosse as thapostle saith We se that Iesus for the suffring of his death was crowned with glory and honor Therfore may not we loke to possesse the enheritance of the heauenly kingdom by liuing all in pleasure health ioy and worldly felicitie but rather by suffring the crosse y t is laid vpon vs at gods appoyntment both paciently and thankefullie For the disciple is not aboue the master nor the seruant aboue his Lord. It is inough for the disciple y t he be as his master is and that the seruaunt be as his Lord. Whosoeuer beareth not his crosse and commeth after me saith our sauiour Christe he can not be my disciple Chri. In the reuelacion of blessed Iohn we rede that they whiche were araied with longe white garmentes and are continually in the presence of the seat of God and serue him day night in his temple came out of greate tribulation Philem. It is truthe For suche are moste mete for the kingdom of God nether can the voluptuous worldlinges be partakers of the heauenly enheritāce whiche in this worlde taste of no crosse but liue in all pleasure after the desires of the fleshe It is not possible that a man may liue here pleasauntly with the worlde and afterward reigne gloriously with Christe for the frendshippe of the world is enmitie with God Whosoeuer wil be a frend of the world is made the enemy of God For what felowship hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes Or what cōpany hath light w t darcknes Or what cōcord hath Christ with Beliall Either what part hath he y t beleueth with an infidel worldly ioy eternall felicity can not agre together Therfore whosoeuer is fre frō the crosse in this world he hath no part in the kingdom of Christ of God So that you neighbor Epaphroditus haue a great occasion to thancke the Lorde our God that it hath pleased him to remēber you with this his louinge visitation and through this sickenesse to declare his good fatherly wyll towarde you For by laying this crosse vpon you he proueth you whether you be constant in your faith and profession or not and whether you will pacientlie and thanckefullie b●are this his worcking in you whiche is vnto your euerlasting saluation or not And after this maner doth God handle all suche as he receiueth vnto glory as the wyseman saith What soeuer hapneth vnto thee receiue it suffer in heauiues and be pacient in thy trouble For like as gold siluer are tried in the fire euen so are acceptable men in the fornace of aduersitie Again he saith the ouen proueth the potters vessel so doth temptation of trouble trie righteous men Liste wyse said Raphael the Archaungell vnto Toby Because thou wast accepted and beloued of God it was necessary y t temptacion shuld try thee And as Moses saide vnto the children of Israel the lord your God proueth you to wete whether ye loue the Lord your God withall your hart and with al your soule S. Peter also saith ye are nowe for a season in heauines thorow manifold temtacions that y e triall of your fath being muche more precious than gold that perisheth yet is tried by fire might be founde vnto the prayse glory and honoure at the appearing of Iesus Christ. Epah This comforteth well my weake mind to here of you out of y e word of God neighbor Philemon that this sicknesse which I now suffer is the louing visitation of God and a token of Gods good wyll toward me again that the faithfull and frends of God are in this world subiect to the Crosse more than the vnfaithfull and enemies of God Phile. I am hartely glad to hear you so say And doubt you not but that this your gentle God and louyng father wyll turne this your sorowe vnto your great comfort For he is a faithful God whiche will not suffer you to bee tempted aboue your strength but shall in the mids of the temtation make a way that ye may be hable to beare it as the Psalmographe sayth His wrath endureth but the twinkling of an eie and in his pleasure is life Heauines may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning Thou O Lord hast tourned my heauines in to ioy thou hast put of my sackcloth and girded me with gladnes Againe he saieth Thou O God hast proued vs thou also hast tried vs like as siluer is tried Thou broughtest vs into the snare and laidst trouble vpō our loynes thou suffredst mē to ride ouer our heads We went thorowe fire and water and thou broughtest vs out into a welthy place Item O what great troubles aduersities hast thou shewed me and yet didst thou turne refresh me yea and broghtest me from the depe of the earth Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde Therfore will I praise thee thy faithfulnes O God Also in another place he saith they that sowe in teares shal repe in ioy He that now goeth on his way weping bereth foorth good sede shal doutles come againe with ioy bryng his sheues with him Thauncient father Toby in his prayer vnto God saith after a storme O Lord thou makest the weather faire still after weping and heauinesse thou geuest great ioy Thy name O God of Israel be praised for euer Epa. Amen Amen good Lord I trust thou wilt doe so with me Phile. Doubt ye not neighboure but if ye call on the name of the Lord ye shall finde great comfort For as that princelike Prophet sayth The righteous cry and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of al their troubles The Lord is nie vnto thē that are of a contrite heart and will saue suche as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of y ● righteous but the lord deliuereth thē out of al he kepeth all their bones so that not one of them is broken Euseb. These are cōfortable sentēces neighbor Epaphrodotus Epa. Confortable in dede Phi. And no les true then cōfortable as diuers histories of the holie scriptures do euidently declare Epa. I pray you reherse some of them for my comfort Phi. I will do it gladly As I may let passe the auncient Patriarkes What a crosse laid God vpō Iosephes shoulders in Egipt yea and that for no fault that he had committed but only to proue and try his faith loue obedience pacience thankfulnes perseuerance He suffred Ioseph being a godlie and chast yong man
t their faith and constancy might be proued tried vnto the example of other yet I fynd in my selfe such imperfection yea such aboundaunce of ●in that it may iustly be thought that this sicknesse whiche is laid vpon me commeth from suche a God as is angry with me for my ●innefull life and therefore is his heauy hand thus laide vpon me What thinke ye good neighbors Philemon Brother Epaphroditus this humbling of your self in the sight of the Lord our God is a certain argument and sure token of your euerlasting saluatiō For he that exalteth him self shall be made lowe but he that humbleth hym selfe shall be exalted God is an enemy to y e proude but he is a frende to the humble and lowly Truth it is that in y e sight of God no man is pure and cleare from sinne Who is hable to saie My heart is cleane and I am fre● from sinne In many thinges we all offend If we saye we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. All hau● sinned and wāt the glory of God We all are vnprofitable seruaūts Euery man is a lier We were be●gotten in sinne conceiued in sinn● and borne in sinne Our heart 〈◊〉 leude and vnsearchable All our righteousnes are as cloth pollu●ted with menstrue Al haue swarued and gone out of the way they are altogether become vnprofitable there is not one that doeth good no not one The moste perfect among vs all may well say w t the sinnefull Publicane O God be mercifull to me a synner We may worthely pray as our sauiour Christ taught vs forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse againste vs God found no truth in his seruaunts and in his angels ther was folly How much more in them y t dwell in the houses of clay and whose foundations are but dust The stars are vncleane in the sight of God How much more then man that is but corruption and the sonne of man whiche is but a worme And albeit Ioseph Dauid Iob and Toby be set forth in ●he holy scriptures with greate commendations yet may we not thincke that they wanted theyr faultes For no man that is borne of a woman is clene before God although he be but one day olde How oft doth Dauid cōfesse hym selfe a sinner How oft doth he fle vnto God and pray for the remission of his sinnes Howe oft doth he cast away his own righteousnes with strong faith lay hand on Gods mercy Among many other are not these his wordes Haue mercy on me O God according to thy great mercy And according to the multitude of thy mercies do away myne offences Wash me thorowly from my wickednes and cleanse me from my sin For I knowledge my faultes and my sinne is euer before me Against thee only haue I synned and done euyll in thy sight c. Also in another place Oh remem●ber not the sinnes and offenses of my youth but according vnto thy mercy thincke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnesse For thy names sake O Lord be merciful vnto my synne For it is great Loke vpon mine aduersitie misery forgeue me all my sinnes Againe Out of the depe haue I called vnto the Lorde Lord hear my voyce Oh let thyne eare consyder well the voyce of my complaint If thou Lorde wilt be extreme to marcke what is done amysse oh Lorde who may abyde it But ther is mercy with thee c Item Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt O Lorde for no man liuing shall be iustified in thy syght Thus see you howe holy Dauid whome the scripture commendeth so greatlye bosteth not his owne righteousnesse but humbleth him selfe in the syghte of God and wholy betaketh hym vnto Gods mercy Nowe hear what Iob whom the scripture so greatly commendeth saith of him self If I wil iustifie my self mine own mouth shall condemne me If I will put forth my selfe for a perfect man he shall proue me a wicked doer Again If I washe my self with snow water make mine hands neuer so cleane at the well yet shalt thou dip me in the mire and mine owne clothes shal defile me And as concerning the godly mā Toby how litle he trusted in his owne innocency and righteousnes these his words do manifestly declare O Lord saith he be mindfull of me and take no vengeaūce of my sinnes nether remember my misdedes nor y e misdedes of mine elders for we haue not bene obedient to thy cōmaundements c. And as Dauid Iob and Toby humbled them selues in the sight of God so lykewyse doth the whole company of al the faithful that the glory of our saluation may be Gods alone as he saith by the Prophet Thi destruction O Israell commeth of thy self but thy saluation commeth only of me Therfore though ye fele synne to be in you as who is without it yet despair not nether be dismaide but with strong faith make haste vnto the glorious throne of Gods great mercy lament your sorowfull case craue fauor and remission of sinnes in Christes name of Gods most hie maiestie and without doubt you shall haue your hartes desire For the Lorde is gracious and merci●ul ▪ long suffring of great good●es The Lord is louing vnto euery man and his mercy is ouer all his workes O truste in the Lord for with the Lorde there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israell from all his sinnes Epap Oh my hart Ah what a greuous paine did I fele nowe euen at my very heart God be mercifull vnto me Euseb. Be on a good comfort neighbour I pray you God shal worke all thinges for the best Ye may se what frail vessels we are and how litle a pain doth greatly trouble vs. Epa. Ye say truth But to you neighbor Philemō once again Me thincke if God shuld punish me in this world for my sinne so shuld it be a token rather of his anger then of his fauour towarde me Phi. Nay not so neighbor I● is rather an euident token of his singular loue hartie good wil to●ward you which louingly correcteth you in this world that ye ma● repent knowledge your fault a●mend your life call for mercy and so liue worthy your profession again that through this temporall paine ye may be fre from euerlasting plagues neuer come into that lake that burneth with fire and brimstone This witnesseth s. Paul saying Whyle we are punished we ar corrected of the lord that we should not w t this world be condempned Whan God suffereth the wicked in this world to florish like a bay tree and licenciously to sinne without any punishement as he suffred the ritche glotton of whome ye reade in the Gospell of blessed Luke it is an euident argument that suche one is reserued vnto the paines
sayeth ●od so loued the worlde that he ●aue his only begottē sonne that ●hosoeuer beleueth on him shuld ●ot perishe but haue euerlastinge ●●fe For God sent not his sonne in 〈◊〉 the world to cōdemne y e world ●ut that the worlde through hym ●ight be saued Epap Godly and ●omfortable sentences God geue 〈◊〉 grace neuer to forget them ●hristo Amen Epa. You brother ●hilemon haue rehearsed two notable and comfortable histories out of the old testament which declare that God punishing sinners for their disobedience doeth notwithstāding afterward whē they repent and turne forgeue thē and receiue them againe into his fauoure Rehearse vnto me also I pray you one or two histories out of the new testament concerning that matter Phi. I wil do it very gladly Ye remember the history of the prodigal sonne writtē in the Gospel of blessed Luke Ep. What is that I pray you Phil. Blessed Luke telleth that a certaine man had two sonnes and the yonger of them said vnto his father father geue me the porcion of the goods that to me belongeth And he deuided vnto them his substaunce Hitherto haue ye heard of the fathers liberalitie toward his sōne It foloweth and not long after ●hen the yōger son had gathered 〈◊〉 y t he had together he tooke his ●●urney into a far coūtrey ▪ there ●e wasted his goods with riotous ●●uing Here se we the wickednes ●f the son Now behold y e plage of God And whē he had spēt al ther ●rose a great dearth in al y t lande ●nd he began to lack and went ●ame to a citezen of the same coun●ry he sent him to his farme to ●epe swine And he wold haue fil●●d his belly with the cods that 〈◊〉 swine did eat no man gaue ●nto him Thus see ye into howe ●reat misery he is fallen for the ●ifusing of his goods Beholde ●ow again his repentant sorow●●ll hart Thē he came to him self 〈◊〉 said how many hired seruantes 〈◊〉 my fathers haue bread inough ●●d I perishe with honger I ●ill arise and go to my Father ●nd will say vnto him Father I haue sinned against heauen before thee and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruants And he arose and cam to his father Now marke also the pitiful compassion and tender mercy of the father toward his sonne But whē he was yet a great way of his father saw him and had compassion ran and fell on his neck kissed him ▪ And the sonne sayde vnto hym● father I haue sinned against heuen thy in sight am no more worthy to be called thy son Bu● the father said to his seruauntes bring forth the best garment an● put it on hym and put a ring o● his hand and shoes on his feete And bring hither that fat calf ● kill it and let vs eate be mery for this my sonne was dead i● aliue againe he was lost and i● found And thei begō to be mer● ●n this history do ye se y e exceding ●reat mercy of God toward peni●●nt sinners moste liuely painted 〈◊〉 set forth So sone as this wast●●l sonne repented him of his rio●ous liuing had a mynde to re●urne home vnto his father and 〈◊〉 humble him self before him and 〈◊〉 desire mercie and forgeuenesse ●f his sinnes oh how gladly and ●ow ioyful did his father louing●● embrace him swetely kisse him ●●●endly salute him hartely enter●ain him so derely receiue him ●●to his fauour as though he had ●euer offended Epa. O the great ●nd infinite mercies of God Phi. ●ere see ye that to be true whiche ●od him self saith by the prophet ●hou disobedient Israel tourn a●ain saith the Lorde I will not ●t my wrath fall vpon you For I ●n merciful saith the Lorde I ●il not alway bear displeasure against thee c. O ye disobedient children turn again saying lo we are thine for thou art the lorde our God and so shal I heale your back turnings By an other Prophet he also saieth as truly as I liue saith the Lord God I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked but much rather y t the wicked turn from his way and liue Turn you turn you from your vngodli●waies O ye af the house of Israe● oh wherfore will ye die The wickednes of y e wicked shal not hurt hym whensoeuer he conuerteth from his vngodlines Again by y e aforsaid Prophet he saith repen● and turn you from al your iniquities your iniquities shall work● you no displeasure Cast away fr● you all your wickednesses wher● in ye haue offended and make yo● a new hart and a new spirit An● wherfore will ye die O ye hous● ●f Israel For I wil not y t any mā●huld die sayth the Lord. Return ●herfore liue Ep. Are these wor●es spokē as wel to vs as to y e peo●le of Israel Phi. Yee to vs. Of a ●ruth saith blessed Peter I per●eiue y t ther is no respect of persōs 〈◊〉 God but in al people he y t fea●eth him worketh righteousnes ●s accepted w t him Is he y e God of ●he Iewes only Is he not also y e God of the gētils yea euen of the ●entiles also saith blessed Paule For it is God only which iustifi●th the circumcision y t is of faith ●ncircumcision thorowe faith ●or he is not a Iewe whiche is a ●ew outward nether is it circū●●siō which is outward in y e flesh ●ut he is a Iew which is hid w t ●● and the circūcision of the heart 〈◊〉 true circumcision which consi●eth in the spirite and not in the ●●ter whose prayse is not of mē but of God There is no differēce betwene the Iew and the gentill For one is Lorde of all whiche is riche vnto all that call vpon him For who so euer doth call on the name of the Lorde shall be safe Therefore what so euer thinges were written aforetime they wer● written for our learning that we thorow pacience and the comfor● of y e scriptures might haue hope The. Ye gentils saith s. Paul we● in times past without Christ be●ing aliauntes from the Common●●wealth of Israel and straunger● frō the testaments of the promes hauing no hope and being with●out God in this world But now by the meanes of Christ Iesu 〈◊〉 which somtime were a far of 〈◊〉 made nie by the bloud of Christ● For he is our peace whiche hat● made of both one and hath brok● downe the wall that was a sta● betwene vs and hath also put away through his fleshe the cause of hatred euen the lawe of commaundementes conteined in the law written for to make of twain one newe man in him selfe so making peace to reconcile both vnto God in one body through the crosse and slue hatred therby and came and preached peace to you which were a
Be mercifull after thy power If thou hast mutch geue plēteously if thou hast litle doe thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle For so gatherest thou thy selfe a good reward in the day of necessitie For merci deliuereth from all sinne from death and suffreth not the soule to come in darknes A great comfort is mercy before y e hie God vnto all them that shew it In the time of thy youth take hede thou defilest not thy selfe with whoredom but bring an honest chaste body vnto the blessed state of honorable wedlocke And when the ripenes of thy age doth require y e to marry take hede whome thou chosest to be thy yokefellow Follow not the corrupt manners of y e wicked worldlings which in chosing their wiues haue their principall respect vnto the worthines of the stocke vnto the welthines of the frendes vnto riches beauty and suche other worldly vanities Consider thou rather y e godlines than the worthines of the maides parentes the honest and vertuous bringing vp of her her chaste and sober behauoure her Christen and godly manners her modestie grauitie sobrietie and womanlines her faith obediēce humilitie silence quietnes honestie howsewiuelines and such other fruites of Gods spirite Let her be no Papist nor Anabaptist nor Epicure but one of the houshold of faith and such one as feareth the Lorde God vnfaynedly With suche one couple thy selfe in the feare of God and knowe her to be the gift of God as Salomō saieth house and richesse may a man haue by the heritage of his elders but a discrete wyfe is the gift of the Lorde Therfor when thou art once ioyned with her in y e holy order of Matrimonie seeke after no strange fleshe beware of whoredome entangle thy selfe with no other womans loue but be glad with y e wife of thy youth Let her brestes alway satisfie thee hold thee euer content with her loue And if God send thee childrē thanke him for them and study to bring them vp in the feare nourtour doctrine of the Lorde that they may learn to know God euē from the very cradels Order thy houshold godly and honestly Cherish thy seruauntes geue them their couenauntes remembring y t thou also hast a maister Lorde in heauen Loue thy neighbours dwell quietly among them Lend vnto thē gladly whatsoeuer they nede if thou hast it Oppresse not thy tenaunts Raise not thy rents Take no incomes nor synes Be content with the olde and accustomed paimentes Bringe vp no newe customes Maintaine the lawfull liberties of y e town wherin thou dwellest Be no vnprofitable mēber of the common wealth Diffame no man but speake well of al men Hurt no man but to the vttermost of thy power be beneficiall to all men Let neuer pride haue rule in thy mind nor in thy word for in pride begā al destruction Who so euer worketh anye thyng for thee immediatly geue him his hire and loke that thy hired seruauntes wages remaine not by the ouernight Loke that thou do neuer vnto an other man the thing that thou wouldest not another man should do vnto thee Eat thy bread with the hongry poore and couer the naked with thy clothes Aske euer counsell at the wyse Be alwaye thanckefull vnto God and beseche hym that he will order thy wayes and that whatsoeuer thou deuisest or takest in hande it may remayne in hym My sonne do these thynges and God shal blesse thee and prosper all thy doinges WHat shall I say vnto you my little Daughters I pray God blesse you ▪ and make you ioyfull mothers of many Children Serue God Obey your mother Be diligent to please her Geue eare to her wholesome admonitions and folowe them Do nothing without her counsell and aduisement Whan your age shal require to be maried followe the counsel of your mother and other of your faithful frēds which wish you to doe well in choising your husbandes Take hede ye be not corrupted with the giftes of noughty packes nor deceiued w t the flattring tongues of wicked vnthrifty persones For many in these our daies seeke not the woman but the womans substance Couple your selues with suche as feare God loue his worde and be of honest report And when ye be once maried reuerence your husbands know thē to be your heads gouernours appointed of God obey them submitte your selues vnto them Suffer not your loue to depart frō your husbands neither know any mā besides them but kepe the bed vndefiled y t your Matrimony may be honorable pure in the sight of God of his holy cōgregatiō And if God blesseth you with children loke y t you bring them vp in the glory of God in his fear and doctrin Engraffe in their yong brests euen frō their tender age vertue godlines and good māners loke wel vnto your houshold and be an example vnto your maides of godlines and honestie Be no gadders abroad nor haunters of Tauernes but kepe your houses continually except some earnest and lawfull busines prouoke you to go forth Be no bablers nor vain talkers but for the most part vse silence For silēce is an ornamēt and precious Iewell vnto a godly womā Aparell your selues in comely aray with shame fastnes and discrete behauioure not with broyded hear ether gold or pearles or costly garmēts but as it becommeth women y t profes godlines thorow good workes Let the hid man whiche is in the heart be without all corruption so that y e spirit be at rest and quiet which spirit before God is a thing much set by For after this maner in the olde tyme did the holye wemen whiche trusted in God tier them selues and were obedient to their husbandes euen as Sara obeyed Abrahā and called him Lord whose daughters ye are so long as ye do wel If you obserue these fewe lessons which I your sicke father haue now geuen vnto you doubt ye not but ye shall right well prosper and liue a ioyfull quiet life on earth Yea God shalbe your father and defendor Wel stande a side a little whyle Gods blessing be with you Come hither ye my seruauntes SIrs ye see in me what shal be the end of all fleshe euen a departure from this world For we are but strangers pilgrimes on the earth as our fathers were before vs. We haue no continuing citie here but we seke one to come The ordinaunce of God is that all men shall once die There lyueth no man that shall not die A man in his time is but grasse and flourisheth as a floure of the field Our life is euen a vapour that apeareth for a little time and then ●anisheth away On this condi●ion came we into the world that we shuld leaue it again We haue ●een sure of death euer sence we were conceiued in our Mothers wombe These thinges do
heare you gladly Epa. I vnfainedly beleue with my harte and frely confesse with my mouthe that the holy ghost is one and equal God in glory maiestie power and might with the father and the sonne proceading from the father and the son after an vnknowne and vnexpresseable maner This spirite of God and God him selfe is he by whom God the father through his sonne Christe and in Christ worketh and quickneth all thinges All the benefites and graces which God the father bestoweth vppon vs for Christes sake this holy ghost bringeth thē vnto vs and maketh vs new vessels to receyue them which otherwise euen of nature are so fleshly minded that we perceiue nothing at all of those thinges which pertayne vnto the spirite of God neyther are we able to thinke a good thoughte of our selues For this godly spirite worketh in vs newe motions and new affectes and geueth vs grace both to will and to doo good He is a teacher of al the faithfull and leadeth them into al truth He is a confortour of weake and sorowfull mindes He kepeth the true christians vnmoneable in one faith and openeth their senses to vnderstand y e misteries of God aright He doth clothe them with his giftes and geueth to euery one a seueral gift euen as he wyll He is the ruler of the Christen congregation He is the anoyntment wherwith all the faithful are anoynted and thereof are called the annoynted of the Lord. He is geuen vnto the faithfull to be the earnest of their enheritaunce for the recouering of the purchased possession vnto y e praise of his glory He with his godlie breath quickeneth maketh aliue and conserueth all thinges He of carnall maketh vs spirituall of worldly godly of wicked blessed of the bond slaues of Sathan the dearly beloued sonnes of God of sinnefull sinckes his owne moste pleasaunt and holy temple of cruell meke of proud humble of malicious charitable of contentious quiet of couetous liberal of hard harted meke spirited of froward gentle of stubburne obedient of dissolute temperat and sober of false true of folish wyse of idle godly occupied of vnchast pure and cleane of the haters of God the frendes of God of the louers of pleasures the louers of godlines to ende he maketh vs of earthy heauenlye Whatsoeuer goodnes we haue he is the alone author worker and geuer of the same Therfore I beleue and confesse that this holy spirite is one and equal God with God the father and God the sonne proceading from them bothe with lyke maiesty glorie might and power I beleue that this holy gost is my comforter and that he prayeth for me renueth me dwelleth in me and hathe sealed me vp vnto euerlastyng glorye Now haue ye hard my faith and my beilefe in the father and in the sonne and in the holy ghost which .iii. I beleue and confesse to be one God whose seat the heauen is and whose fotestole is the earth He is an euerlastyng and almighty God whiche alone is to be honoured serued in spirit and truthe For he alone can helpe vs forasmuche as he is almighty will helpe vs because he his mercifull true and faithful yea and that not for our rightousnes but for his names sake To this one true liuing euerlastyng immortal inuisible alone wise God king of kinges and Lorde of Lordes be all honoure and glory worlds without end Thi. Amen Epa. Thou art worthy O Lord to receyue glory and honour and power for thou haste created all things and for thy wils sake they are and were created Blessing glory and wisdome and thankes and honor and might be vnto our God for euermore Chr. So be it Epa. Simply and plainely haue I here before you all rehearsed my faithe and belief in God and in the thre parsons of the Godhead as I haue here tofore learned it of gods moste holy worde I confesse that many thinges mo mighte be spoken of the wonderfull misteries of this most blessed and holy Trinitie but they farre exceade my vnderstanding and therefore I dare not meddle with them For it is written he that is a searcher of the Maiestie of God shall be oppressed of the glorye thereof Againe Seke not oute the thinges that are aboue thy capacitie and serche not the ground of suche thinges as ar to mighty for thee but loke what God hath cōmaunded thee think vpon that alway and be not curious in many of his workes For it is not neadeful for thee to se w t thine eies the thinges that are secreat The. The holy Apostle also counselleth vs to be modest sober and that we be not curious to searche after the knowledge of things which passe our capacitie Eu. The holy psalmograph semeth to haue followed this coūcel wel whiche saieth on this manner of him selfe Lord I am not hie minded I haue no proud lokes I doe not exercise my self in great matters which are to hie for me But I refrain my soule kepe it lowe like as a child that is weaned frō his mother yea my soule is euen as a wened childe O Israel trust in the Lorde from this time forth for euermore Phil. Neighbour Epaphroditus there remain yet behind mo articles of the Christen faith Haue you forgotten them Epap No good brother Philemō God forbid I should forget them For in them next vnto God lieth now my chief consolation comfort Should I being in this case forget the holye congregation of God whiche is the company and felowship of the sainctes chosen people of God of whome Christ y e Lord is the head ruler and gouernour Should I in this my sickenes forget the hie and singulare benefites of God whiche of his own fre mercy and mere goodnes he liberally geueth to al faithfull penitent sinners namely remission of sinnes the Resurrection of the body and lyfe euerlasting God forbid God forbid For the remembraunce of these thynges comforteth me greatlye I wyll therfore although my winde beginneth to waxe shorte and it is painefull vnto me muche for to speake declare my faithe concerning these Articles Eusebi God strengthen you Chri. Amen Epa. As I vnfainedly beleue with my heart and freely confesse with my mouth that there is but one God in whome alone I put al my confidence truste and hope of saluation and at whose hand only I loke for all good thinges pertayning either vnto the bodye or vnto the soule so lykewyse I bothe beleue and confesse that there is but one holy vniuersal churche or congregation of the faithefull all be it they be despersed and scattered abrode thorow out the world in diuers and sondry places which are gathered knit together through the operation of the holy ghost in the vnitie of the spirite and ioyned together in one faith as members of one bodye whereof Iesus Christe is the
Christe and vs. If that firy serpent the deuill hath striken and wounded vs let vs loke vpon Christ with stronge faith and we shal surely for Gods promise sake be made whole as Christe him selfe testifieth saying As Moyses lyfted vp the serpent in the wildernes so must the son of man be lyfted vp that all that beleue on hym should not peryshe but haue euerlasting life For god sent not his sonne into the worlde to condemne the worlde but that the world shold be saued through him If Sathan therfore hath either wounded you already or els goeth about so to do feare not repare vnto Christ loke on him with the eies of your faithe so shall you be fre from his venomus chause For as you are nowe tempted so were al godly men but they ouercame y e tēpter through strōg faith in Christ. Therfore saith s. Peter Be ye sober and watche for your aduersary the deuill goeth about like a roring Lion seing whome he may deuoure whome resist ye strong in faith Saint Iohn also saith this is the victory which ouercommeth the worlde euen our faith Not only all godly faithfull men were tempted but also our sauiour Christ. And this is a great comfort for vs. For in that it fortuned him selfe to be tempted he is hable to succour them also that are tempted Christ being tempted ouercame his temptations to get vs the victory ouer the tempter His triumphe is our victory and his victory is our triumphe Whatsoeuer he did got in his humanitie he did and got it not for him self but for vs. And God is faithfull saith the apostle whiche will not suffer you to be tempted aboue your strength but wil in the mids of the temptation make away that ye may be able t● beare it Beleue therfore in Christ you are without al danger Epa. I beleue O Lord help thou min● vnbeliefe O Lorde encrease my faith Phi. Fear you not but God both will doth hear your prayers for y e Lorde is nie vnto all thē that cal on him in truth Epa. You made mention also of praier saying that y t is also a mean to resist● Sathan Phi. I reioyse greatly I geue God moste harty thankes y t in this your sicknes your memory cōtinueth stil stedfast perfect Epa. I praise God for it Phi. That prayer is a necessary remedy for the auoyding of Sathans temptations the holy scriptures teache manifestly in diuers places Our sauior Christ saith watch pray that ye fal not into temptation Againe This kind of deuils is not cast out but by prayer fasting To represse y t temtatiōs of Satā all godly men euen frō the beginning fled vnto faithfull praier as a mighty sure defence againste sathan and al his crafty assaultes And God hath commaunded vs to pray whensoeuer we are troubled and doeth also promise vs y t he wyll both heare and helpe vs. Call on me sayeth he in the tyme of thy trouble and I wyl delyuer thee and thou shalt honoure me The Lorde is nie vnto them that are of a troubled heart he wyll help thē that be broken in spirite Ep. Now good neighbors pray for me Ph. Uery gladly Let vs knele down together and pray Chr. Lo here are we Phi. O heauenly and moste mercifull father we moste humbly besech thee for thy sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord haue pitie vpon this thy creature and succoure him in these horrible assaultes and temptations of the de●uill Deliuer his soule in these extreame necessities from all the internall army Sende him downe strength from aboue that he may be able to resiste his ennemy and to stande stedfaste in the tyme of this his temptation Be thou his strong rocke castell shield tower and defense that he in this greate trouble being preserued from the tyranny of his ennemies ▪ through thy godly grace assistence helpe may continue in the true and christen faith vnto his liues end and afterward be receiued into thy heuenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord. Euse. Amen Epa. Now will I pore wratched sinner offer my prayers also vnto the Lord my God in Iesus Christes name trusting and beleuing vndoubtedly that he gratiously wyl heare me and defend me against mine enemies Phi. These are the words of Christ What things so euer ye desyre whan ye praye beleue that ye receiue them and ye shall haue them Epaph. Out of the depth do I cry vnto thee O Lord O Lord hear my praier Saue me O God for the waters of trouble are come in euen vnto my soule I stick fast in the depe myre where no groūd is I am come into depe waters so that the ●loudes run ouer me Take me out of the myre that I sinck not Oh let me be deliuered from them that hate me out of the depe waters Let not the water floud drown me nether let the depe swalowe me vp let not the pit shut her mouthe vpon me Heare me O Lord for thy louing kindnes is cōfortable turne me vnto thee according vnto the multitude of thy mercies hyde not thy face from thy seruaunt fo● I am in trouble O hast thee and hear me Draw nie vnto my soul and saue it oh deliuer me because of mine ennemies For y t knowest my reprofe my shame and my dishonoure Mine aduersaries are ful in thy sight So shal I beyng deliuered from these great miseries through thy gratious benefit prayse and magnifie the name of thee my Lord God for euer and euer Chr. So be it Epa. Neighbor Philemon Phi. Here sir. Epa. As I remember you told me that besides faythe and prayer the word of God also is a goodly help and a strong fortresse against the cruell assanites of the Deuill Phile. It is truthe For so are we taught in the holy scripture Our sauioure Christ when the time of his Passion began to drawnie knowing that his Disciples shoulde for his ●ake be greuously tempted bothe of the deuill the world the flesh commaunded thē to bie a sworde This was no materiall but spirituall sword as S. Paul declareth vnto y e Ephesiās saying aboue all thinges take to you the shield of faith wherwith ye may quenche all the firy dartes of the wycked And take the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which ●s the word of God And praye alwayes with all manner of prayer supplication in the spirit With ●he worde of God Christ droue away Sathan and resisted all his wicked temptacions For it is the power of God to saue so many as beleue In the word of God plēteous present remedies are founde against Satan and al his subtile suggestions Therfore said y e psalmograph I haue hyd thy spea●hes O Lord in my heart that I might not sin against thee Now are ye
also least that Sathā will shortly returne vnto me and assaile m● with newe temptations Phi. In●dede the propertie of Sathan is● whan he can not get his purpose one waye to attempt some other meanes But whereof are ye afraid Epa. Christ saith in the Gospel If thou wilte enter into lyfe● kepe the commaundementes Again do this and thou shalt lyue He speaketh of fulfilling the lawe And s. Paule saieth Not the hearers but the doers of the law sha● be iustified before God Moses also pronounceth thē cursed whiche abideth not in all thynges that ar written in the lawe What if Sathan should lay the lawe againste me and proue euidently that I haue not fulfilled the law of God and therfore I can not enter into eternall life but must neades be dampned Phi. The holy scriptur of God consisteth of two partes of the lawe and of the Gospell If sathan obiect y e lawe against you laye you againste him straighte-waies the Gospell For the lawe was geuen by Moses but y e Gospell that is grace fauour remission of sinnes truthe faithfulnes and euerlasting life came by Iesus Christe The lawe maketh afrayd but the Gospel comforteth The law troubleth but the Gospel quieteth The law vttreth sin but the Gospell pardoneth and forgeueth sinne The lawe declareth the fearse wrathe of God againste synners but the Gospel● preacheth the great and exceding mercies of God toward peniten● synners The law woundeth bu● the gospel healeth The lawe maketh sicke but the gospell maketh whole and stronge The law driueth to desperation but the gospel ministreth consolation comfort The lawe killeth but the gospel quikneth The lawe throweth downe to hel but y e gospel lifteth vp to heauen Therfore if Sathā be busy and lay the lawe agains● you and that vnto you death● and dampnation aunswere him with the Gospell which bringeth lyfe and euerlasting saluation For the law was not geuen vs o● God to iustifie and saue vs but to be a doctrine vnto vs what w● should either do or leaue vndone and to be a scholemaister to leade vs vnto Christe that of hym we might obtaine that whiche by no meanes may be gotten of y e lawe I meane the grace fauoure and mercy of God remission and forgeuenes of sinnes the quietnes of conscience a newe life the gift of the holy ghost and euerlasting life Flie you therefore from the heauy burden of the lawe whiche depresseth and wayeth downe the conscience and take on you the swete and comfortable yoke of the gospel and so shall you finde reast vnto your soul. For the yoke therof is easy and the burden light After this manner euen from the beginning haue all the godly in the conflicte of conscience fledde from the doctrine of the lawe vnto the mercifull promises of the Gospel as blessed Peter testifieth saying Now why tempt ye God to put on the disciples neckes the yoke whiche neither our fathers nor we were able to bear But we beleue that through the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shal be saued as they were Our sauioure Christ said vnto the Iewes hath not Moses geuen you a law and yet none of you kepeth the lawe The doctrine of the law is such a burden that the holiest that euer liued Christ alone except was neuer hable to bear it No maruell for the lawe is spirituall but we are carnall Who among vs all is able to say my heart is cleane and I am free from sinne The holy scripture pronounceth vs all sinners and oure owne consciences beare witnes of y e same And how commeth it to passe but only that we do not obserue the lawe of the Lord our God but rather ar trāsgressours breakers of that same in so much y t if our sauiour Christ had not come in the fleshe fulfilled the law for vs ▪ euen to the vttermoste so pacified the fathers wrath we had bene dampned for euer and euer But Christ is come and hath fulfilled the lawe with suche perfection as the law requireth euen at the full and his fulfilling is our fulfilling Whosoeuer beleueth this taketh Christ to be his wisdome rightuousnes sanctifying and redemption he cannot pearyshe but haue euerlasting life Epa. I pray you declare vnto me some comfortable sentenses out of the holy scripture that my conscience may be ascertained of Christes fulfillyng of the lawe for me Phile. Christ saieth in the Gospell Thinke not that I am come to destroy the law or y e Prophetes no. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill All we are destroyers and breakers of the law but Christ is a perfect fulfiller of the same not for him selfe but for vs and his fulfilling is our fulfilling The holy Apostle in his epistle to the Romaines sayeth There is no damnation to them whiche are in Christ Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For the lawe of the spirit of life through Iesus Christ hath made me fre from the law of sinne and death For what the law could not do inasmuch as it was weake because of the fleshe that parformed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of synnefull fleshe and by synne damned synne in the fleshe that the righteousnes of the lawe might be fulfilled in vs whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite Here see you that where as none of vs was able to fulfyll the lawe Christ the sonne of God hath fulfilled it for vs and by this meanes deliuered vs frō the lawe of sinne and deathe Againe in the same Epistle Christe is the perfect fulfilling of y e lawe to iustifie all that beleue So many therefore as beleue are iustified and for them Christe hath fulfilled the lawe to the vttermoste To the Galathians he also saieth Christ hath deliuered vs from the cursse of the lawe in as much as he was made accursed for our sake For it is writen Cursed is euery one that hangeth on a tree c. It Christ by his death and passion hath deliuered vs from the cursse of the law how than can the lawe condemne vs Item in the same Epistle when the time was full come God sent his sonne made of a woman and made bonde vnto the lawe to redeme them which were bond vnto the law that we through election might receiue thinheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes If Christ became mā and was made bond vnto the lawe to redeme and deliuer vs from the lawe what power than hath the lawe ouer vs that it may condēpn vs If we be through y e fre choyse of God admitted to be the sonnes of God thē are we no more slaues vnto the law nor any more bound to the subiection thereof that it may cast vs away as wicked trāsgressours and heirs of eternal dānation For it is fulfilled for vs in
Christ. To the Ephesians he writeth on this manner Christe is oure peace whiche hath made of both one he speaketh of y e Iewes and Gentiles and hath broken downe the wal that was a stoppe betwene vs and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred euen the law of commaūdementes contained in the lawe writtē c. Here haue we the cause why god was angry with vs. Uerely because we fulfilled not the law Now is Christ come hath put away the cause of this anger and hatred that is to saye he hath fulfilled the law for vs and recōciled vs vnto God so that nowe the father for his sake hateth vs no more but loueth vs is no more angry but wel pleased with vs accepteth his fulfilling of the law as our own fulfulling Also to the Collossians Christ saith he hathe put out the hand wryting y t was against vs contained in the lawe written and that hath he taken out of the waye and hath fastned it to his crosse and hathe spoyled rule and power and hath made a shew of them opēly and hath triumphed ouer them in his owne person If Christ hanging on the Crosse hath by the vertue of his passion death put out the hande wryghting that was against vs contained in the lawe than is our bond made frustrate and voyde we set at libertie forasmuche as Christe by his bloude hathe bothe paid our debt vnto God y e father and also subdued and brought vnder fote al our ennemies The authour of the Epistle to y e Hebrues hath these wordes The cōmaundement that went afore is disanulled because of weakenes and vnprofitablenesse For the lawe brought nothynge to perfection but was an introduction to a better hope by the whiche we drawenie vnto God Here ar we taught also that forasmuche as by y e lawe no man can be made perfect for who amōg vs fulfilleth the law we haue our perfection in Christ● ●y whome for our sake the law is fulfilled and remission of synnes and euerlasting lyfe is frely geuē vnto vs. This is the hope profit and libertie whiche so many as beleue receiue in Christ. Let therfore the terrours and cursse of the lawe neuer trouble you though Sathan do neuer so muche lay it vnto your charge but remember what the Apostle saieth ye are no more vnder the lawe but vnder grace Againe Now are we deliuered from the law and dead vnto it whereunto we were in bondage that we shoulde serue in a newe conuersation of the spirit and not in old conuersation of the letter For if righteousnesse commeth by the law then died Christ in vaine But we know saieth the Apostle that a man is not iustified by the dedes of the lawe but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And we haue beleued on Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christe and not by the deedes of the lawe because by the deedes of the law no flesh sha● be iustified Againe as manye o● you as are iustified by the lawe a● fallē from grace We loke for and hope in the spirite to bee iustifed thorow faith For in Christ Iesu● neither is circumcision any thing worth nether yet vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue ▪ Comfort your selfe neighbour E●●paphroditus against the assaults of Sathan with these swete sayinges of the holy scripture and s● shal nether the feare nor the curss● of the lawe hurt you Epa. God b● thanked I trust I am nowe we● enarmed against Sathan for this matter But what if he laye my sinfull life vnto my charge and so burden my conscience with that that I know not what to do but am like to fall vnto desperation What shal I aunwere How shal I escape For I confesse vnto you that I haue bene all my lyfe time a very greuous sinner and haue greatly offēded the Lord my God Phi. Discomfort not your selfe but take a good heart vnto you You are in this behalfe in none other case then all the sainctes and faithfull people of God haue bene before you are at this daye For all haue sinned and want the glory of God All haue gone astraye lyke lost shepe We are vnprofitable seruauntes All our righteousnesses are as a clothe defiled with menstrue If we saye we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. But if we confesse our sinnes God is faithfull and righteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from al vnrighteousnes Epa. What 〈◊〉 I do than that synne may be 〈◊〉 clog vnto my conscience Phile. Let it repēt you that euer you of●fended so louing a father and s● gentle a Lord. Be hartely sory fo● your misdoings Lament and in●wardly bewail your wretchednes●ses which so wickedly haue trans●gressed brokē the holy cōmaun●dements of the Lord. For this ha●ty and vnfained repentaunce is a goodly preparatiue to saluation ▪ and without it none can be ●aued Therfore Iohn Baptist Christ his Apostles begā their preaching of repentaunce For whosoeuer is not brought into the knowledge of hym selfe he shall neuer haue delyghte to come vnto Christe ▪ For suche as thynke them selues whole haue no pleasure in a phisition but they that are sycke Epaphr And will God accept this my repentaunce Phi. Hear what God saith by the Prophet Whom shall I regard Euen hym that is pore and of a lowly troubled spirit standeth in awe of my wordes The Psalmograph also saith A sacrifice vnto god is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise Again the Lord is nie vnto them that are of a troubled heart and he will saue them that are of a broken spirite Epa. O Lord take away from me that stony heart whiche can not repent and geue me that fleshly heart which gladlye and willingly lamenteth her synnes and miseries and vnfainedly delyghteth in a newe lyfe But what is repētance ynough Phi. As you ernestly and from the very heart do repent you of your former sinnefull lyfe so likewyse hūble your self in y e sight of God and confesse your selfe vnto him a moste wicked miserable sinner Crie in your heart with Dauid say haue mercy vpon me O God after thy great goodnes Accor●dinge vnto the multitude of thy mercies do away myne offences Wash me thorowly from my wic●kednes clense me from my syn For I knowledge my fautes and my sin is euer before me Against thee only haue I sinned and don● euill in thy sight O turn thy fac● from my sinnes and put oute al● my mysdedes Make me a clean● heart O God and renue a righ● spirite within me Cast me not a●way from thy presence and tak● not thy holy spirite from me Cry● with that lost sonne and say O fa●ther I haue sinned against heauē and before thee and am no
more worthy to be called thy sonne ▪ Cry with the Publicane and say O God be merciful to me a sinner Cry with the Leper and saye O Lord if thou wilt thou art hable to make me cleane Cry with the blinde man and saye O Iesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercye on me Cry with the woman of Canane and say● haue mercy on me O Lord thou●●ne of Dauid My doughter is greuously vexed of y e deuil Cry with the Centurion say I am not worthy that thou shouldest entre vnder my rofe but speke the word only and my sōne shalbe heled But vnto this your harty repentaunce humble confessiō of your sinnes you must put mighty strong faith beleuing y t God y e father for his promise sake made vnto all penitent sinners in Christes bloud wil frely merci●ully forgeue you all your sins be ●hey neuer so manye or greuous for without this faith all y t euer you do is nothing worth as thapostle saith Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Cain repented and confessed his fault saying my sin is greater then I may deserue to be forgeuen But because he wanted faith he fell into desperation was dampned Iudas repented confessed his sinne saying I haue synned betraying the innocent bloud yea he also made satisfaction suche as it was but not with●standinge because he added no● faith vnto his repentaunce con●fession and satisfaction all was in vaine Peter his fellowe disciple● sinned also greuously but becaus● he earnestlye repented and als● faithfully beleued to haue remis●sion of his sinnes by the precious bloud of his maister whome he ● fore had both denied forsworne he was forgeuen and receiued i● to fauour againe For by faith ar● we made of the children of wrath the sonnes of God By faith are we maried vnto Christ. By faith are our hartes purified By faith sathan is ouercome By faith the world is vanquished By faith we are preserued from dampnation By faith we are iustified made righteous By faith the wrath of God is asswaged By faith we worke the will of God By faith our praiers are heard and our requestes graunted By faithe we please God By faith we be made the children of light By faith we are borne a new of God By faith we are made the temples of the holy ghost By faith we vnderstand the misteries of God By faith we preuaile againste the gates of hell By faith we are made the heyres of God and fellow heyres with our Lord and sauiour Christ Iesu of euerlasting glory Faith as S. Austen saith ▪ is the beginning of mans saluation Without faithe no man can reache or come vnto the nomber of the sonnes of God Withoute faith al the labour of man is frustrate and voyde Faith saieth S ▪ Ambrose is y e rote of all vertues ▪ and whatsoeuer thou buyldest o● this foundation that alone profiteth vnto the reward of thy work● frute and vertue Fayth saith he ▪ is ritcher then all treasures strōger then all corporall power and more healthfull then all Phisitions Therfore loke that you hau● this true faythe in you and tha● you cleue both toth and nayle as they vse to say to the merciful and comfortable promises of god So may you be sure to haue remission and forgeuenes of your synnes Epa. I beleue O Lord helpe tho● my vnbelief O Lord encrease my saith O heauenly father my God and my Lorde I with an assured perswasion of thy goodnesse toward me most humbly besech the for Iesus Christes sake mercifully to behold me a moste miserable sinner and clearly to forgeue all those sinnes wickdnesses which I wretched creature haue committed against thee my Lord God from the houre of my byrth vnto this present tyme. Forgeue me all my sins for thy names sake they ●e bothe many and great Oh remember not the sinnes and offen●es of my yougth but accordynge vnto thy mercy thynke vpon me O Lorde for thy goodnes Oh remember not mine old sinnes but ●aue mercy on me yea and that ●●ghtsone for I am come to great ●iserie Helpe me O God of my ●●luation for y e glory of thy name O deliuer me and be merciful vnto my sinnes for thy names sake So shall I geue thee thankes for euer magnifie thy blessed name worldes without end EU. Amen ▪ Phi. Doubt not neighbour Epaphroditus but that god hath graciouslye heard this your humble sute also graunted your request ▪ He hath forgeuē you al your sins He will neuer laye them to your● charge He hath cast them away● behynd his back so that he wil n●●uer remember them more as h● saith by y e Prophet I will forgeue their misdedes and wil neuer remember their synnes any more ▪ Againe If the vngodly wil tur● away from all his sinnes that h● hath done and kepe all my com●maundementes and do the thin● that is equall and right doubtle● he shall lyue and not die As for 〈◊〉 his sinnes that he did before th● shall not be thought vpon but in his righteousnes y t he hath doone he shal liue For haue I any pleasure in the death of a sinner saith y e Lord God and not rather that he conuert and liue Item Repent turne you from al your wickednesses so shal ther no sinne do you harme Cast away frō you al your vngodlines that ye haue doone Make you new harts and a new spirit Wherfore will ye die O ye house of Israel seing I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dieth sayeth the Lorde God Turn you then and ye shal liue Therfore feare not good brother but cōtinue faithfull repentant vnto thend ye shall surely be saued Epa. Sinne is an heauy burden very displeasāt vnto the lord our God and maketh sinners to ●le frō the face of God forasmuche as they know that God hateth sin and al thē that do commit it Phi. I confesse synne to bee an heauy burden and displeasant vnto God yet as heauy as it is Christ hath taken it on hym and born it away as the Prophet saieth he hath taken on him oure infirmities and borne oure sycknesses This witnesseth S. Peter sayinge Christ hym selfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we beyng delyuered from synne should liue vnto righteousnes And where as ye say that synne maketh sinners to flie from the face of God I answere It driueth in dede the obstinat and desperate sinners from God but not the penitent whiche repent in faith and turne vnfaynedly vnto the Lorde theyr God being perswaded that he is a father of mercies and God of al consolation and that he for Christes sake wyll forgeue them Doe they whiche fele them selfe sick and diseased flie and run away from the phisition They rather make hast vnto
the Phisition being nothing afraid of him because they ar sick diseased but rather somuche the more doo they desire to come vnto him to shew him their woundes and to disclose their diseases that they may be made whole Now is Christ a phisitiō all we through sinne are diseased shal we therfore runne away from Christ and not rather make hast vnto him what Phisition is so ready to heale the body as Christe our Phisition is to heale the soule Who euer came vnto him with a faithfull and penitent heart and was refused Who euer sought remedy at his hand and was not holpen Who euer opened vnto hym his disea●es and was not cured he calleth all without exception be they neuer so diseased and loden with th● burden of sinne vnto him and pro●miseth that he will ease them of their burdens make thē whole is it to be thought that he wyl● refuse sinners when they come vn●to him Come vnto me sayth he al ye that labour and are loden I wil refreshe you Take my yoke vpon you and ye shall find rest for your soules For I came not to ca● y e righteous but sinners vnto repentance The sonne of man came to seke and to saue that was lost How frequented he the cōpany of synners when he was in this world that to this end only tha● he might call them through his godly sermons vnto repentance vnto the fauour of God and vnto the felowship of the sainctes in so muche that he was called a frend of open sinners and whores How defended he alway the humble penitēt sinners against the proud and stifnecked Pharises and Iusticiaries When Zache being a sinner the Prince of the Publicans sought to see Christ how louingly did Christ speake vnto him and frendly came into his house eat dranck with him Whē Mary Magdalē being a greuous sinner came vnto Christe he refused not her company but talked most gently with her cōforted her receiued her into his fauour quieted her cōsciēce healed her diseases gaue her euerlasting life Whan the poore Publicane whiche had both ofte and greuously offended the Lord his God came into the temple to pray and in his praiers hūbled him self before the maiestie of God and cōfessed him self a sinner was he not ioyfully receiued into the fauour of God and pronounced more righteous euen by the mouth of Christ then y e proude ▪ Pharesy for all his glistring workes How ioyfully was that vnthrifty prodigal wastfull sonne receiued home again What frēdship founde that theif whiche was crucified with Christe at the hand of Christ when he saide Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome Did not Christ straightways aunswere him and say This day shalt thou bee with me in Paradise And yet was he both a thief a seditious persone and a murtherer Christe refuseth none although neuer so greuous a synner if we come vnto hym Turn ye vnto me and I wil turn vnto you saith the Lord of hostes Thou disobedient Israel Turne again saith the Lord and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you I am mercifull saith the Lord and I wil not alway bear displeasur against thee but this I will y e thou know thy great blasphemy namely that thou hast vnfaithfully forsaken the Lord thy God and hast made thi self partaker of straunge Gods vnder all greene trees but hast had no wil to hear my voyce saieth the Lorde O ye disobedient chyldren turne againe saieth the Lord and I will be maried with you c. O ye disobedient childrē turne agayne saying Lo we are thyne for thou art the Lorde our God and so shal I heal your back turninges Who wyll not boldely come vnto so mercifull a Lord most louing father seing he so gētely calleth all men vnto hym be they neuer so greuous synners promiseth that he wyll not refuse them but louingly receiue them neuer lay their offences vnto their charge but to forget them and cast them behinde his backe that he wyll neuer ether remember th● or loke vpon them more Theo. The Lord is merciful gentle and louing pacient long suffring o● muche kindnes and ready at all tymes to forgeue yea euen wha● he is at the poynt to punyshe Th● Lord is louing vnto euery man his mercy is ouer all his workes ▪ The lord is good and gracious of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon him The Lord is ful of tender compassion and great mer●cy long sufferyng and of muche goodnes He wil not alway be chi●ding neither kepeth he his anger for euer He dealeth not with vs after our synnes neither rewardeth he vs accordyng to our wickednesses For loke how hie y e heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also toward them that feare him Loke howe wide also the East is from y e west so far hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth y t we are but dust With the Lorde there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israel frō al his sinnes Phi. The great kindnes dere hearty loue of God toward vs appeareth not only in this y t he both willingly and gladly admitteth and receiueth synners whensoeuer they repent and tourne vnto hym but ●n that he also most diligently seketh them vp fetcheth them home again and geueth them grace to repent and turne that they maye ●e saued This thinge is verye ●yuelye described and set forthe in ●he parables of the straid shepe of the lost groat and of the wounded man Herein is loue saith S ▪ Iohn not that we loued God bu● that he loued vs sent his sonn● to be the agrement for our sinnes Saint Paule saieth God settet● out his loue toward vs seing tha● while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. Much more thē now● we that are iustified by his blud● shalbe saued from wrath throug● him For if when we were enne●mies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much● more seing we are reconciled we shalbe preserued by his life Epa. I beleue y t God is a mercifull father for Christes sake to all them tha● do truly repente beleue and con●uert vnto him but is it not to be● feared that my repentaunce and conuersion is to late Phi. Be on good comfort neighbor Epaphroditus there is no repentaūce and conuersion to late in this worlde ▪ so that it be true proceadeth frō a contrite heart humble spirite For at whatsoeuer hour a sinner dooth mourne and lamente for his sinnes God promyseth that he will so forgeue him his iniquities that he will neuer remember thē more And
of man ● the thinges whiche God hath prepared for them that loue hym My heart is nowe so enflamed with y e desire of those heauenly and blessed treasures which you haue named to me out of the infallible true word of God y t I most entirely wysh to be losoned frō this life to enioy these ioyfull pleasures Oh who wold not be glad to chāge lead for siluer copper for golde transitory mortall and corruptible thinges for certain immortall vncorruptible thinges earth for heauen sinne for godlines darkenes for light fear for securitie trauel for quietnes sicknes for helth death for life the cōpany of men for y e cōpany of the most hie God his heauenly Aungels and blessed spirites the vile pleasures of this worlde for the inestimable ioyes of the glorious kingdom of God Oh like as the heart desireth the waterbrokes so longeth my soule after the O God My soule is a thurst for God yea euen for the liuing God Oh when shal I come to appere before y e presence of my God O God thou art my god early wil I seke thee My soule thursteth for thee my flesh also longeth after thee in a barren and dry lād where no water is Thus haue I loked for thee in thy holy place y t I might beholde thy power and glory For thy louing kindnes is better then life it selfe my lippes shal praise thee As long as I ●●ue wil I magnifie thee on this manner and lift vp my handes in thy name Euse. We reioyse good brother Epaphroditus and geue god most harty thankes that he hath by his holy Spirite wroughte so good and glad will in you to die and to leue this wretched worlde Epa. I moste hartely wyshe to bee losed from this life and to be with Christ. It greueth my soule lōger to liue in this mortall body And now O Lord dele with me according to thy will and commaunde my spirit to be receiued in peace For more expedient were it for me to die then to liue Chri. Sir how do you fele your selfe Epa. In my body weaker and weaker but I trust in my soule stronger stronger I pray you lay me vp hier in my bed For I begin to waxe very faint and my wynde decreaseth waxeth shorter I thanke you it is wel Neighbours I am troblesome vnto you but I trust I shal not be so long The. It is vnto vs great ioy and comfort to be with you being so godly mynded For in you as in a cleare mirrour we beholde our selues and see what shall become of vs hereafter Of you as of a liuely scholemaister do we learne howe we shall behaue our selues when God layeth the crosse on vs. And we most humblī besech God to geue vs the like pacience and thankfulnes Epa. The spirite is willing but the fleshe is weake For in asmuch as I fele in my self present tokens of death am not certain how long y e ▪ Lorde will suffer me to liue or to enioy y e vse of speche I thinke it conuenient to pray again vnto the lorde my God and to commend my sinful soul into his merciful handes Phi. Godly forsoth Ep● Lord vouchsafe I most humbly beseche the to hear me sinfull creature Chri. The Lorde is nye vnto all them that call on hym yea that call on him in truthe Epa. O Lorde Iesu Christ whiche art the only health of all men liuing and the euerlasting life of them which die in thy faith I wretched sinner geue and submit my self wholy to thy moste blessed wil. And I being sure that the thing can not perishe whiche is committed vnto thy mercye most humbly besech thee o Lord to geue me grace that I maye nowe willingly leaue this frayle and wicked flesh in hope of the resurrection whiche in better wyse shall restore it to me again I beseche thee O most mercifull Iesu Christe y t thou wilt by thy grace make stronge my soule against all temtations that thou wilt couer and defende me with the buckler of thy mercy against al thassaults of the deuill I see knowledge that there is in my selfe no helpe of lyfe and saluation but all my confidence hope and trust is in thy moste mercifull goodnes I haue no merites nor good workes whiche I may alledge before thee Of sinnes and euill workes alas I se a great heape but thorow thy mercy I trust to be in the nomber of them to whome thou wilt not impute their sinnes but take and accept me for righteous and iuste and to bee the enheritoure of euerlasting glory ▪ Tho● O moste mercifull Lorde wast borne for my sake Thou diddes● suffer both hunger and thirste for my sake Thou diddest preach and teach thou diddest pray faste fo● my sake Thou diddest all good workes and deedes for my sake Thou suffredst most greuous pai●nes and tormentes for my sake And finally thou gauest thy most precious body to die and thy most blessed bloud to be shed on y e crosse for my sake Now most mercifull sauiour let all these thinges profit me whiche thou frely hast geuen me whiche hast geuen thy selfe for me Let thy bloud clēse and wash away the spottes and foulnes of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hide couer my vnrighteousnes Let the merits of thy passion and bloud bee the satisfaction for my sinnes Geue me Lorde thy grace that my faith and perswasion in thy bloud wauer not in me but euer be firme and constant that the hope of thy mercy and life euerlasting neuer decay in me that charitie waxe not colde in me finally that the weakenes of my fleshe be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me also O moste merciful sauiour that whē death hath shut vp the eies of my body yet that the eies of my soule may stil behold and loke vpō thee and that when death hath takē away the vse of my tongue speche yet that my heart may cry say vnto thee O Lorde into thy handes I geue and commit my soule Lord Iesu take my spirit The. Amen Eu. Sir how is it with you now Epa. Euen as with a ship whiche is tost with the waues of the sea I trust shortly to come vnto the heauen and then shall I be quiet and without all daunger I pray you pray for me Phi. Most gladly Let vs knele down neighbors and beseche the Lord our God for his tender mercies to preserue this our sicke brother from the assaultes of Sathan to kepe him constant and stedfast in his faithe vnto his liues ende that he maye geue vp a good a faithfull soule into the mercifull handes of God Geue me hither the flower of godly Prayers that I in the name of vs al may rede that prayer which is to be said for them that lie at y e point of death The. Here is it Philemon O Moste louing Sauiour gentle redemer whiche