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A04472 An expositio[n] vpon the two epistles of the apostle S. Paul to the Thessalonians by the reuerend Father Iohn Ievvel ... ; vvhereunto is adioined a very necessarie table of the principal matters contained in this exposition. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Garbrand, John, 1542-1589. 1584 (1584) STC 14604; ESTC S1254 203,148 439

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Thou shalt crie for succour and finde no man to helpe thée In these and these places hath manie a good mans childe béene cast away Oh take héede my sonne thou art the staffe and the comfort of mine age If aught come to thée otherwise than wel I shall soone after ende my dai●… in sorrow If a father be thus carefull that his child shoulde escape worldlie dangers hée must be more carefull of spirituall daungers in which whosoeuer is lost is lost for euer Therfore thus wil he saie to him Oh my sonne vnderstande what GOD hath doone for thy sake Take héede to thy selfe the worlde is al ouer ●…rewed with snares The dinel ran●… and séeketh whome he may deuour Giue ●…round to him but resist him and he wil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thée Be strong in saith The name of the Lorde is a strong Tower of defence-Call vppon him in the daie of thy trouble and he wil deliuer thee Hée wil giue thée of his spirite Take hée●… my sonne and be not deceiued let 〈◊〉 wilfulnesse cast thée away If sinners entire thée be not a companion of them in wickednesse Fashion not thy selfe to the likene●… of this worlde for the worlde passeth awaie and the lust thereof He that loueth this worlde the loue of God is not in him Be not like vnto them that perish Thou wast conceiued and borne in sinne thou arte by nature the childe of wrath But God made thée méete to be partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light and hath deliuered thée from the power of darkenesse and hath translated thée into the kingdome of his deare son Receiue not this grace in vaine Cast a●…aie the workes of darkenesse and put on the armor of light Be renewed in thy heart and in thy spirite that it maie appeare I haue béene careful for thée Thus a good father séeketh to traine vp his sonne and to nurturs him Besides these fathers must also be carefull for their children to giue them correction and chastisenient God knoweth the mould of mans heart Hée séeth our inward partes He hath said it in the beginning The imagination of mans heart is euill from his youth Hée did sée that al the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were onelie euill continually Beholde mans nature and consider it euen from our first birth Howe full of affections howe waiward in the young childe which lieth in the cradle His bodie is but smal but hée hath a greatheart and is altogether enrlined to euill And the more hée wareth in reason by yeares the more hée groweth prowde froward wilful vnrulie and disobedient If this sparckle be suffered to encrease it will rage ouer and burne downe the whole house Wée are not borne good but by education wée are changed and become good Therefore the wise man saieth Foolishnesse is bound in the heart of a childe but the ●…odde of correction shall driue it awaie from him And againe The rodde and correction gu●…e wisedome but a childe set at libertie ma●… his mother ashamed And in the same Chapter Correct thy sonne and hee wil giue thee rest and wil giue pleasures vnto thy soule Hée that spareth the rodde hateth the childe 〈◊〉 If thou bring vp thy sonne delicately hee shall make thee afraid and if thou plaie with him hee shall bring thee to heauinesse Bow downe his necke whiles hee is young and beate him on the ●…tes while hee is a child least he wax stubborne be disobedient vnto thee and bring sorrowe to ●…hine heart saieth Salo●… 〈◊〉 Who hath not heard the storie of E●… and of his sonnes It is worthie to be re●…mbred for euer Hee had shrewd children they feared not GOD but brake his commaundements and offended the people Their father heard of their doings but tooke no care for it hée suffered them and let them alone so long that God grewe displeased thereat and called vnto Samuel and saide Beholde I will do a thing in Ifrael wherof whosoeuer shall heare his two eares shall tingle In that daie I will raise vp against Elie al things which I haue spoken concerning his house when I beginne I wil also make an end And I haue told him that I wil iudge his house for euer for the iniquitie which hee knoweth bicause his sonnes ranne into a slander and hee staied them not And it came to passe shortly after The Arke of God was taken by the Philistines and the two sonnes of Ely Hophni and Phinees died And Ely also when he heard the report thereof fell from his seate backeward and his necke was broken Such shame and confusion came vpon him This was the hand and iudgement of God in sparing his children he cast awaie his children and himselfe altogither But Iob dealt farre otherwise with his children his eie was vppon them and hée tooke care least they shoulde offende God He sanctified them and offered burnt offerings for them daily For Iob thought it maie be that my sonnes haue sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts Therefore hée praied for them My sonnes saieth he are yong and tender and lacke discretion The wages wherein they walke are slipperie they maie soone be dec●…iued and runne into danger O Lorde be thou their guide be vnto them a tower of defence let thy holie spirit goe before them to direct them in al their waies So mindful was he of his children Infancie is the first part of our life and as it were the foundation thereof Where a vertuous and godlie childhood goeth before there a godlie and vertuous age followeth after Contrariwise when the fathers are not carefull to teach their children to knowe God and to know themselues when they doe not bréede them vppe in vertue nor reprooue them when they doe amisse they become corrupt in their vnderstanding and abhominable in their doings voide of al knowledge and grace and of reuerence or féeling of nature V. 13. For this cause also thanke we God without ceasing that when you receiued of vs the worde of the preaching of God yee receiued it not as the worde of men but as it is in deede the worde of God which also worketh in you that beleeue As the Ministers duetie is to teach the word of God and diuide it aright without deceit or guile so ought the people to receiue it with reuerence and to giue obedience vnto it But herein haue wée not power of our selues our readinesse commeth of God vn lesse it please God to worke within vs and to remooue the vaile and to mollifie our hearts whatsoeuer wée heare it mooueth vs not it helpeth not our vnbeliefe it bringeth vs not to the obedience of Christ. If an earthly Prince speake or send message vnto vs we giue al shewe of reuerence and heare him with al diligence This word is not of flesh and bloud it procéedeth not from Kings or Emperours or from parliament or from councels of men but from GOD the father and from
might be saned in the middest of burning fire yet y e thrée seruauntes of God walked in the fire safelie and came safe foorth againe We knowe sayth the Apostle that all thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God The Apostles reioyced in their persecution that they were counted woorthie to suffer rebuke for Christes sake And Paule speaking of this perfection in the godly sayeth We reioyce vnder the hope of the glorie of God And not so onlie but also we reioyce in tribulations Who hath not heard of the patience of Iob his heardes of Cattel were driuen away his houses consumed with fire his children slaine his body stricken with a scurfe or manginesse his wife loathed him and his friendes for sooke him What did Iob in all these miseries what thought hée or what spake he let his patience in suffering his wordes of thankesgiuing teach vs howe to beare aduersitie The Lorde sayeth he hath giuen and the Lorde hath taken it blessed bee the name of the Lorde Againe Though he slay me yet wil I trust in him Who is able to expresse the manly comfort of his heart which said I wil trust in him though he kill me He is my God I am his creature His wil be doone I wil alwayes giue him thankes and praise his holie name By these we are learned to giue thanks in pouertie in afflictions in miserie and in al things though they are heauy and greeuous vnto vs. What are we then that are neither thankful for riches nor for health nor for our pleasures nor in the aboundance of al things yea which abuse the good giftes of GOD to dishonour God who hath giuen them vnto vs the earth is the Lords and al that therein is the world they that dwel therin He openeth his hand and filleth al thinges liuing with his good blessing Let vs looke vp into the heauens there is God the Father of lightes from whom euerie good and perfect gift commeth there is our redeemer Iesus Christ in whom are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge-When we turne in our beddes when we sée our fare and the furniture of our ●…able when we sée our seruants and children about vs when we sée our money and houses and lands let vs thinke with our selues how many good men faithful seruants of God lack the same and haue not receiued these blessinges in such measure as we In al these thinges God speaketh to vs and sayth I haue giuen them thée thou hast them at my handes vse them well and be not vnthankful If I would stande herein and declare what rauses we haue to giue thankes vnto God I shoulde neuer make an ende There is no beast on the grounde no fish in the Sea no bird in the ayre no starre in the heauens no leafe of the trée no corne of the field no sande on the shoare no droppe of water no sparckle of fire but GOD hath created them all for the sonnes of men So much are wée bound alwayes to giue thankes to God and to say as the Prophet O Lorde our Lorde howe excellent is thy name in all the worlde Let vs confesse before the Lorde his louing kindnesse and his woonderful workes before the sonnes of men But who is able to render thankes sufficient to God for that he giueth vs y e knowledge of his Gospel and maketh vs know the secrets of his wil this is a great blessing and farre aboue al the other comforts of this life They that haue not this are in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death To be short euen in death we haue to praise God we must say I thanke thée O God for thou hast deliuered him frō the bodyof this death thou hast translated him vnto thy selfe that so he may remaine with thée in thy glorie Thus whither soeuer ye turne what state or part of life or death soeuer ye cōsider whether it be trouble or peace things present or things to come heauē or earth life or death you shall alwaies finde causes to be thankefull V. 19. Quench not the spirite Hée meaneth by the spirite the giftes and graces of the spirite The spirite of God is the spirit of wisedome and the spirite of truth No man sayeth S. Paule can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost Againe The spirite helpeth our infirmities and againe The same spirite beareth witnesse with our spirite that we are the children of God It is he that leadeth vs into all trueth that openeth our hearts to vnderstanding and guideth our féete into the waie of peace O saith he despise not the wisedome of the spirite refuse not his help but seek it that you may be strengthened comforte your selues in his testimony of your adoption quench not the light he hath kindled in your hearts disdaine not his leading abuse not his mercy abuse not the time of your visitation let not so great mercie of God be bestowed on you in vaine fulfil not your own willes abstaine from fleshly lusts walke in the spirite desire the best gifts and let euerie man as he hath receiued the gift so minister the same to another as good disposers of the manifold grace of God V. 20 Despise not prophecying Prophecie is the preaching and expounding of the word of God and he is called a Prophet and doth prophecie that openeth vnto vs the wil of God This is not meant of fond and vain and lying prophecies as were those of Merline and such like which tell you tales of lions and beares and goates of the sunne of the moone and manie strange deuises Such prophecies must be despised they are workes of darkenesse and forged by the Diuell to make vproares and to beguile the people But despise not prophecying That is despise not to heare the word of GOD turns not awaie thine eare from vnderstanding God giueth power to his word that it may worke according to his good pleasure It will let thée sée the weakenesse of thine errour and settle thée in the waie wherein thou shouldest walke If it had béene dangerous for the people to heare the preaching of the Gospell hée would not haue sent his Apostles into all the worlde If Lidia shoulde not haue liked to heare Paule prophecie howe might she haue knowne GOD If those great numbers which heard Peter and were connerted had despised prophecying and woulde not haue heard him open the G●…pell vnto them they had neuer considered the great mercie of GOD nor sought to be instructed in their saluation Faith commeth by hearing This hath béene the meanes by which Christ hath giuen knowledge to Kings Princes and al nations It hath pleased God saith Saint Paul by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue Despise not then to come to the Church of God to praie in the congregation of the faithful to heare the Scriptures of God read and erpounded it is
people mislike and doubt the word of God and imbrace his follies This is a myracle These be the workes of Antichrist which hée shal bring to passe This shall hée worke in al deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse He shal come with al kindes and shiftes of deceite He shal come with shewe of praying with vizarde of fasting with companies of Monkes Fryers Chanons and al kinde and colour of holinesse He shal séeke to preuaile by threatning and by flattering by fayre meanes and by foule hee shal excommunicate and release from excommunication hée shal promise forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting He shal make boast of the Fathers and auncient doctours hée shal make boast of the vniuersal consent he shall boast of general councels he shal boast of Christes Apostles and of the Gospel of Christ and of the worde of GOD. So shal he falsely and deceitefully worke himselfe credite and beguile the worlde in abusing the holy name of God No kinde of deceitefolnesse or suttletie but he shal vse it So shal he make the people séeke vpon him and kings and emperours to fal downe before him and to say who is like vnto the beast who is so wise so learned so holie so wealthie so mightie and so catholike without him no man is to be rekoned holie or learned Without him no man may traffique buie nor sel. Without him no man may reade publiquely in Uniuersities no man may preach to the people no man may be accounted a Christian no man may hope to bee saued without him without his leaue and liking Such wonders such myracles shal he worke so shal he conquere and subdue the worlde Nowe who bee they which shal bee deceyued in whom shal he preuaile Among them that perish because they receiued not the loue of the trueth that they might be saued They shal be deceiued by him Which perish whose hearts are not marked with the spirite of God whose names are not written in the booke of life in whome the God of this world hath blinded the mindes that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shoulde not shine vnto them they shal followe him and shal be the children of damnation and shal haue their rewarde with him Be he learned or vnlearned bée he King or subiect albeit he be holie albeit hee be catholicke Antichrist shal come vnto him in al deceitefulnesse of vnrighteousnesse because hée hath not receiued the loue of the trueth that hée might bee saued Here marke he doeth not saye Because they receiued not the trueth but he sayth because they receiued not the loue of the trueth Manie in our dayes can speake thus I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth for it is the sauour of life vnto life They can say There is giuen none other name vnder heauen whereby wee must bee saued neither is there saluation in anie other than by Iesus Christ whome we haue learned by the Gospel manie wil confesse there was neuer more nor better teaching since the time of the Apostles They séeme to receiue the trueth But they are like the horse and mule in whome is no vnderstanding They receiue it because the Prince receyueth it and because the politique lawes of countries establishe it They are carried awaye with the swaie of the worlde They heare it with their cares Nay I woulde GOD they woulde lende their eares to the hearing of it but with their heartes they doe not heare They haue no feeling of the worde of GOD and of the trueth They wetghe it not they loue it not They consider not what it is nor from whome it is sent They knowe not that it is the water of life and the breade which is sent from heauen They haue no tast no sauour nor pleasure in it Therefore it shall bée taken from them and giuen to a Nation which shall bring foorth the fruites thereof They shal be cast into vtter darknesse and the last state of them is worse than the first It had beene better for them not to haue knowen the waye of righteousnesse than after they haue knowen it to turne from the holie commaundement giuen vnto them It shoulde not be ●…harged vppon them for their damnation for our Sauiour sayeth If I had not come and spoken vnto them they shoulde not haue had sinne but nowe haue they no cloake for their sinne They finde no swéetenesse in the worde of GOD they are not conuerted by it that they may bee saued they haue no pleasure in the wayes of the Lorde they haue no comforte to knowe his will These bee the bondslaues of Sathan these be they vppon whome shall come the abhomination of desolation these be they against whom Sathan and Antichrist shal preuaile because they haue not receiued the loue of the trueth They haue not receiued it into their heartes that they might be saued They had no heartes to féele it they had no eyes to see it V. 11 And therefore God shal sende them strong delusion that they shoulde beleeue lyes 12. That al they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse The spirite of God is the spirite of trueth and giueth light into our heartes and maketh vs beholde that blessed hope and reioyce in the knowledge of his will Therefore the Prophete Dauid maketh prayer O God renue a right spirite within me and take not thy holy spirite from mee And againe O Lorde my GOD lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in death And againe hee sayeth With thee is the wel of life and in thy light shall we see light Without this spirite we are but fleshe and bloud euen voide of sense and vnderstanding The natural man perceiueth not the thinges of the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him No man knoweth the thinges of GOD but the spirite of God And those thinges which God hath prepared for them that loue him he hath reuealed vnto vs by his spirite Christ sayth No man commeth to me except the father drawe him Vnlesse a man be borne from aboue vnlesse God print and seale his heart with his finger hee shall not be able to see the kingdome of God Nowe if we haue the worde of God before our eyes and regarde it not nor be thankeful for it nor set price by it God in his iustice wil withdrawe it from vs. Then shal we delight in darkenesse and haue pleasure in errour our latter ende shall be more dreadful than was our first beginning This is it which Paule saith God shal sende them strong delusion That is his holy spirite the spirite of trueth shall depart from their heartes and the power of Satan shal dwel with them and wholy possesse them This is the iust iudgement of GOD. And this is the condemnation that light is come into the worlde and men loued darkenesse rather than
Wil and power to doe wel is of God 202 226 239 Wil likened to the wife 226 Wisedome of man no rule in religion 211 358 Wise men not alwayes best enclined 358 Worde of God nowe taught is the same which the Apostle did teach 72 195 FINIS The first Epistle of S. Paule to the Thessalonians CHAP. I. PAVLE and SYLVANVS and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in GOD the father and in the Lord Iesus Christ Grace be with you and peace from GOD our father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. THe Apostle Paule preached the Gospell of our Sauiour Iesus Christ vnto the Thessalonians as hée did also in other places from Ierusalem rounde about to Illyricum But his trauaile had not like successe in al places For in Damascus the gouernor of the people vnder King Aretas laide watch in the citie of the Damascenes and woulde haue caught him At Lystra they stoned Paul and drew him out of the citie supposing he had béene dead At Philippi he and Sylas were drawne into the market place vnto the magistrates and accused that they troubled their Citie they were beaten with roddes and cast into prison The Corinthians receiued the doctrine of the gospel and made much of the professors thereof But they fel soone from their good beginning They walked like men in enuying in strife in diuisions Some called themselues after Paul some after Apollo some after Cephas and some after Ghrist They stirred contention about meates they abused the Lordes supper and they were doubtfull of the resurrection of the dead In like maner the Church of God which was gathered at Rome grew proude and high minded boasted themselues ouer the Iewes The Galathians forsooke the good waie of the gospel whereunto they were called and wherin they did walke They gaue eare to false prophets Therefore the Apostle telleth them I am in feare of you least I haue bestowed on you my labour in vaine But the Thessalonians after they had heard the glad tydings of the Gospell they receiued it gréedily and laid it vp close and safe in their harts Albeit the Iews withstood them and beted them fore albeit false brethren vsed diuers secret meanes to drawe them from the loue of the truth yet they kept still their stedfastnesse and could not be driuen from their faith neither by crueltie of persecution nor by subtiltie of craftie persuasion Paul being at Athens a place far distant from thence sendeth Timothie to knowe in what case they stoode So carefull was he for that house which he had built for the fire which he had kindled for the graffes which he had planted and for the children which he begot among them When Timothie made report of their constancie that they continued stedfast in those things which they had learned he writeth this Epistle to commend them and to exhort them to abide stedfast in their faith that they become not like the foolish Israelites which longed after the flesh pottes of Aegypt and were vnmindfull of their deliuerance from bondage vnder Pharao that they returne not like filthy dogges to their vomite and like vncleane swine to their puddles of-mire that they looke not backe againe after they haue put their hāds to the Lords plough and so make themselues vnworthie the kingdome of God He giueth many lessons and instructions to godlinesse that they would walke worthie of God and bring foorth the fruits of the gospell There were among them that liued idlely and did trouble the church without a cause whom he reprooueth willing them to be quiet and to meddle with their owne matters and works with their handes Others mourned ouer the dead without measure euen as if they had no hope whom he instructeth in the resurrection and comforteth with the spéech of the blessed comming of our Lord when we which liue shall be caught vp to méete him and so we shall euer be with the Lord. Others reasoned fondly of the later daie when it should be when the sonne of God shoulde appeare and when the worlde should haue an ende as if man might reach to the knowledge hereof But them also he reprooueth and warneth that they take care rather to watch and looke for the Lordes comming that they may be founde readie hauing their loines girded and their lampes burning Manie are desirous to sée the countenance of Saint Paule to sée his sword or the reliques of his bloud which was shed at his death or of his vpper garment or of his coate or of the haire of his head and for purpose to sée such things manie take painefull pilgrimage to farre places where they are dereiued Howe much better maie they be satisfied by reading the storie of his life set do●…ne in the Scriptures In these his Epistles written to the Churches of God he is to be séene in more excellent shewe than when he was yet in bodie For here is to be séene his heart filled with the holie Ghost and the care which he had for all Saints howe he did trauell in birth of them againe that Christ might be formed in them and howe he did wish himselfe separate from Christ for their sake The matter of this Epistle is plaine and treateth not of déepe and profound mysteries The maner of vtterance which the Apostle vseth is open and cuident So that the whole Epistle is ful of swéete and wholsome doctrine wherein the simplest may find great comfort Paul and Syluanus and Timotheus These two were companions vnto Paul in his iournets and in the work of his ministerie Whom here he ioineth in his letter to the congregation at Thessalonica to witnesse their consent and agréement with him that they al with one mouth and with one hand and heart set foorth the glorious Gospell of our Sauiour Christ. And that therefore they also which are called to the felowshippe of the Gospel should be like minded being one bodie and one spirite in Christ Iesus and the children of one father in whome there is no dissention but al peace and consent and vnitie Vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the father and in the Lorde Iesus Christ. There are sundrie sorts of Churches There is a Church of the wicked wherof the Prophet saith I haue hated the assemblie of the euil and haue not companied with the wicked Two hundred and fiftie Captaines men of renowme and famous in the congregation ioined themselues to Korah Dathan and Abiram But Moses said vnto Korah thou and al thy companie are gathered togither against the Lord. The builders of the great tower of Babel were manie in number and consented to that they had imagined to do thereby to get them a name but the Lord did confound their language and scattered them vpon the face of the earth The Scribes and Pharisées and high Priests held a c●…uncel and conferred among themselues But against the Lord and against his Christ. Iohn is
fondly or peeuishly saith Erasmus It would be ouer long to declare vnto you the foolish or rather blasphemous applying of the Scriptures to approoue their gestures at masse the soueraintie and chieftie that they chalenge One of their Bishops in y e late counsel as Trent saide of Paulus 3. then Pope Papa lux venit in mundum the Pope which is the light is come into the world Which are the words of the Euangelist declaring the Godhead of Christ. By these few it may appeare how vniustly they charge vs with corrupting the word of God And howe truely this fault is to be laid 〈◊〉 to them which either abridge the sense of the Scripture or reach it further than it yéeldeth or vtterlie refuse to stande to the authoritie thereof and in no case can like that the people of God shoulde reade the Scriptures and haue adiudged them heretiques and consumed their bodies in the fire which haue defended in spéech and sought to maintaine the doctrine of truth set down in y e holy scriptures The Apostle saith He was allowed of God They that enter into the ministerie must be allowed not of men onelie but of God Therefore whosoeuer taketh that charge ouer the people must looke narrowly into himselfe sée whether his calling be of God If be haue not a testimony that God hath called him inwardly al other outward calling is to smal purpose God is a righteous iudge He will saie to the conscience and to the heart of such a one friend how camest thou in hither without thy wedding garment Who brought thée in Giue an account of thy stewardship thine account is great And because some are this date to be admitted into this office let vs praie vnto God for them that god wil alow them that he wil giue them hearts to conceiue and tongues to speak the trueth of God that they maie be the seruants of Christ and disposers of the mysteries of God that they maie be the salt of the earth and the light of the world that they maie laie out the Lords money to his aduantage and so it maie be said vnto them Thou hast beene faithfull in little I will make thee ruler ouer much enter into thy maisters ioie V. 5 Neither yet did we vse flattring words as you know nor coloured couetousnesse God is record 6 Neither sought we praise of men neither of you nor of others The seruant and messenger of God must so speake as God speaketh God speaketh déeply and to the heart He launceth the spirit and woundeth the inward parts He biddeth Esaie them the people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sinnes God himselfe saith I visite the sinne of the fathers vpon their children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me Againe he saith If yee shall despise my ordinances either if your soule abhorre my lawes so that yee will not doe al my commandements I wil set my face against you and you shal fall before your enimies and they that hate you shal raigne ouer you But vnto those that repent them of their sins and turne 〈◊〉 to him God saith Turne vnto me ye shal be ●…aued Againe Thou disobedient Israel returne saith the Lord and I wil not let my wrath fall vpon you So must the minister of God he must ●…hew foorth the mercie of God not hide his iudgements He hath the Lords busines in band he maie not do it negligently A flatterer maketh it his greatest care to please men hée séeketh their fauor he feareth to displease and dareth not speake that that will be euill taken When he séeth a theefe he runneth with him is partaker with the adulterers he soweth pillowes vnder the armes of sinners Whosoeuer saith nay his nay is readie if any saie yea he is ready to say yea he chāgeth often as y e weatherecock he dareth not striue against y e stream his hart is at the wil of others he séeketh some gaine he séeketh his owne glorie and not the glorie of God They which are such are called in the Scriptures hirelings dumbe dogs that cannot barhe They denie God betraie his truth and deceiue the people They locke ●…ppe the truth in lies Of such the spirit of god saith Woe vnto them that haue a double heart and to the wicked lippes And A double minded man is inconstant in al his waies And He that is not with me is against me And He that gathereth not with me scattereth And How long halt yee betweene two opinions if the Lorde be God follow him but if Baal be hee then goe after him And againe What communion hath light with darknesse and what concord hath Christ with Belial Cursed is he which ●…attereth the people and is vnfaithfull in the Lordes worke Nothing is so requisite in the steward of God as that he be found faithful and that he speake those things whereunto the Lord hath sent him boldly That they kéepe not backe the message giuen them of God nor feare to doe their errand for anie malice of men Who is it saith Saint Peter that wil harme you if you follow that which is good notwithstanding Blessed are yee if yee suffer for righteousnesse sake yea feare not their feare neither be troubled If the Apostle speake this comfort to all Christians which haue a care to serue God and thereby erhorteth them to stedfastnes and to sanctifie the Lord in their bearts and to ●…e readie to giue an account of their faith and of the hope that is in them howe much more ought ●…reachers and they which are appointed to the ministerie lay aside al feare and flatterie of men Woe vnto them that goe downe into Aegypt for help The Aergyptians are men and not God and their horses flesh and not spirite and when the Lorde shall stretch out his hand the helper shal fal and hee that is holpen shal fail and they shal altogether faile Christ ●…leth his di●…iples they are salt and they are light Salt must néedes be sharpe to a rotten wound Light must néeds be painful to a 〈◊〉 A good Ph●…ution must néeds trouble and disguiet his sicke patient before hée can heale his disease and a good surgion must néeds trouble and rip vp ●…tered woundes We are Sur ●…eous we are ●…tions The worde of God is committed vnto vs that by vs it mi●… be applied to season the earth and that the light ther of shonl●… shine foorth in al the wor●… Cr●…put aloud lift vp ●…hy voice as a trumpet If the trumpet giue an vncertaine sound who wa●… prepare himselfe to the battel When God had called ●…eremie to the office of a Prophet said Thou shalt go to al that I shall send thee and whatsoeuer I commaund thee shalt thou speake he said further Feare not their faces least I destroy thee before them For beholde this daie I haue made
we loue our neighbour as our selfe if we patiently abide iniuries and séeke to doe good vnto them that grieue and oppresse vs. I saie vnto you saith Christ loue your enimies blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you and pray for them that hurt you and persecute you That you may be the children of your father that is in heauen for he maketh his sunne to arise vpon the euill and the good and sendeth raine on the iust and vniust V. 16. Reioice euermore The ioie of the wicked shall haue an ende They reioice in their goods in their wisedome in their peace and worldly safetie and in the multitude of their children or discent of their petidegrée This ioie is transitorie it fadeth and abideth not The worlde passeth saith Saint Iohn and the lust thereof They reioice in their wickednesse the Lute and the Harpe Tabret and Pype and wine are in their feastes but they regard not the woorke of the Lorde They eat vp the people as it were bread they doe whatsoeuer they can deuise against the seruantes of God but the later ende of their ioye shalbe heauinesse as it is saide Woe be vnto you that laugh nowe for you shall weepe and lament But the ioy of the righteous is euerlasting Their heart shal reioice and no man shal take their ioy from them They comfort in this that their names are written in the booke of life They knowe the Lorde is at hand therefore they are carefull for nothing but reioyce alwayes in the Lord. S. Peter therefore saith You are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to bee shewed in the last time wherein yee reioyce though nowe for a season if neede require ye are in heauinesse through manifolde temptations Againe Ye reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious receiuing the ende of your faith euen the saluation of your soules This is the happinesse the ioye and the comfort that the godlie haue and shall continue with them V. 17. Pray continually It is the part of a good Christian and a wise man to know himselfe and to knowe the nature of this fleshe which wée beare about with vs which fighteth alwaies so mightily against the spirite to knowe the waiwardenesse and ●…rokendnesse of our hearte and the weakenesse and vanity of our minde Many are so farre from this that they thinke all their abilitie is of themselues I haue sayeth he iudgement I haue the light of reason I haue sense I haue vnderstanding and counsel and the ordering of mine owne waie Thus say they that neyther knowe GOD nor themselues But we must humble our selues vnder the mighty hande of God acknowledge that we are nothing We must confesse with S. Paul I knowe that in me that is to say in my flesh dwelleth no good And againe It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie Our sauiour sayth That which is borne of the fleshe is flesh and that that is borne of the spirite is spirite And God saith The imaginatiō of mans hart is euil from his youth He hath made vs and not we our selues he knoweth vs and not wee our sel●…s This is his saying and his iudgement of vs. This we finde true For our will is frowarde and our vnderstanding blinde Therefore sayth the prophet O Lord I know that the way of man is not in him selfe neither is it in man to walke and direct his steppes And Salomon The steppes of man are ruled by the Lorde how can a man then vnderstand his owne way And the prophet Ieremie Behold as the claie is in the potters hande so are you in my hand O Israel I mould you and forme you to my glorie When the Apostle putteth the Corinthians in minde of that good successe which God gaue vnto his ministery among them he saith Such trust haue we through Christ to GOD not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God Christ sheweth this to his disciples I am the vine you are the braunches he that abideth in me and I in him bringeth foorth much fruite for without me ye can doe nothing To the Colossians sayth Paul It is God which worketh in you both the wil and the deede euen of his good pleasure It is God that disposeth our goings turneth our harts as séemeth best to him He is able to make of the stones in the stréetes children vnto Abraham he is able to take away our stony heart and to giue vs a heart of flesh The consideration hereof leadeth vs to séeke helpe and comfort by prayer at the hande of God And then because we stande in continual néede of Gods helpe either to giue vs something that is good or to deliuer vs from that is euil the Apostle biddeth vs pray continually The eares of the Lord are open to the praiers of the righteous Therefore Christ sayth Aske and it shall be giuen you Seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you God will giue you your hearts desire Let vs therefore goe boldly to the throne of grace that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Dauid prayed vnto God Open thou mine eyes lighten my darkenesse direct my feete into the way of peace encline my heart O Lorde vnto thy testimonies stablish O God that which thou hast wrought in vs take not thy holie spirite from vs be thou our helper in troubles O forsake vs not vtterly He founde no way to attaine vnto knowledge of the will of God vnlesse God would open his vnderstanding endue him with his spirite Faith is the gift of God or else was the Apostles prayer in vaine Increase our Faith Our Sauiour teacheth vs to pray in this maner Halowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done because without the grace and mercie of God we can doe nothing to the setting foorth of his glory V. 18. In all thinges giue thankes for this is the will of God in Christ Iesus towarde you These thrée are the badges or cognisance of a christian souldier to reioyce in the mercie of God to be feruent in prayer and to giue thankes to God in all thinges The heathens which haue no part in the kingdome of Christ are thankefull for their life and libertie and wealth and glorie and worldly prosperitie But Christians ought to be thankful in persecution in thraldome in aduersitie in shame in miserie and in death it selfe Who would thinke that a Lyon which by nature is fierce and cruel should yéelde foorth Hony yet Sampson found Honie in the bodie of a Lyon Who would thinke it likely that a man should bée preserued in the bellie of a fish Ionas was swallowed vp of a Whale and yet not hurt Who would thinke that a man
beléeue the word of God Faith knoweth no falshood it beholdeth the truth onely and not al truth but the truth of God It is not setled vpon vanities nor vpon errors Unlesse it be truth by the word of God whatsoeuer thou holdest in opinion is not to be called faith The Turke is setled in errors he perswadeth himselfe hee is rightly setled he calleth his opinions Faith and beléese Yet this is not faith because it is not the faith of truth it hath not the worde of GOD to assure it Therefore when men wil say beléeue our Masses beléeue our sacrifices beléeue our transubstantiations and our real presences beléeue vs what soeuer we say beléeue that we can not erre beléeue that you are in a good beléefe if you say you beléeue as the Church beléeueth though you knowe not how or what y e Church beléeueth They abuse and mocke the people of God There is no truth in this doctrine It neuer past out of the mouth of God God ordeined not Masses nor that the priest should offer sacrifice for the quicke and dead Therefore it is no matter of faith it is folly and vanity it is vngodlinesse it is errour it hath no substance He that receiueth such doctrine maketh much of a shadowe he can not hold it Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God The worde of God is trueth The Gospel is the worde of God and the power of God to saue them that beléeue The beliefe of the Gospel is laide vp in our heartes by the spirite of God He bringeth vs to the knowledge of the trueth This spirite beareth witnesse vnto our spirite that we are the sonnes of God This spirite teacheth vs to withdrawe our mindes from worldly cares to cal our doings to a reckoning to thinke of the dreadful day of iudgement to repent for our former sinnes and to serue GOD in holinesse and righteousnesse This spirite sheweth vs the mercy of God helpeth vs to pray and prayeth for vs is our comforter helpeth our in●…irmities and maketh vs knowe the things that are giuen vs of GOD. This did Dauid sée when he praied Create a cleane heart in mee oh God and renue a right spirit within mee My heart is sinfull my heart is foule renue it with thy spirite thy spirite in right he shall make my heart cleane Againe take not thy holie spirit from me I am thy seruant and the sonne of thy handmaiden turne thy far●… awaie from my sinnes be●…lde me and receiue me in thy mercie Restore me to the light of thy countenance Open thou my lippes and my mouth shal shew foorth thy praise stablish me with thy frée spirit This strength we gather in God by his spirite This comforteth vs in al temptations and ●…areth witnesse with our spirit that we be the children of God that God hath chosen vs and doth loue vs and hath prepared vs to saluation that wée are the ●…eires of his glorie that God will kéepe vs as the apple of his eiè that de wil defend vs and we shall not perish V. 15. Therefore brethren stand fast and keepe al the instructions which yee haue beene taught either by word or by our epistle God hath set you in a race Let no man hinder you let no man kéepe you from the goale Stand past and kéepe that doctrine which you haue 〈◊〉 I was present with you I taught you by 〈◊〉 of mouth when I was away from you I taught you by letters I am carefull for you I beare you in my heart and loue you 〈◊〉 Christ Jesus Hée hath giuen me charge euer you hee will require you at my handes I haue clensed and garnished your hearts by the word of trueth take héede take héede the wicked spirit come not and bring sea●… spirites worse than himselfe and enter in and ●…el with you and the end of you be worse than the beginning Remember Lots wife shée went not foorth straight into the maie appointed her but looked backe behind hir and she became a pillar of salt and so continueth vntill this daie A terrible example to those which haue set their hand to the plough and looke backe againe and haue made themselues vnworthie the kingdome of heauen God will forsake such and make their hearts hard as a stone You are the ●…ome of the Lordes fielde God hath blessed you growe then and be fruitfull vntill the haruest that you may be gathered into the Lordes barne You are the light of God which God himselfe hath kindled let no p●…ffe of wind put you out You are the house of God God hath built you vppon a rocke let no violence nor tempestuous-weather beate you downe I haue spoken to you I haue written to you I haue shewed you the whole counsaile of God The word which I spake to you is the verie worde of God I testitie before the Lord and call God to witnesse vnto my soule that it is the truth of God and not anie deuise of man You did beléeue it you receiued it not as the word of men but as it is indeede the word of God Become not now vnfaithful although you spie many infirmities in your teachers although you sée them fal into offences and ware couetous and giue euil example in their life and conuersation Although you sée the faith of manie shalten and that they haue put away from them a good conscience and turne backe from the loue of the gospell which they once séemed to professe and so are gone out from among you yet stande you vpright Hold fast y e doctrine which you haue receiued and continue in the things which you haue learned and be perswaded that they are able to make you wise vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus Christ saith woe be to the worlde because of offences whosoeuer shal offend one of these litle ones which beléeue in mée it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke and that hée were drowned in the deapth of the sea And againe hee saith Blessed is he which is not offended in me Therefore worke your own saluation in trembling and in feare Blessed is he that abideth with Christ in temptations and continueth faithfull vnto the end V. 16. Nowe the same Iesus Christ our Lorde and our God euen the father which hath loued vs and hath giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace 17 Comfort your hearts and stablish you in euerie worde and good worke After his exhortation that they would stand fast and continue faithfull vnto the ende hée turneth himselfe to God and praieth him to looke vppon them mercifully downe from heauen and to fulfill the worke begunne and to increase and multiplie his grace in them So ought al Preachers and seruantes of God to doe in their sermons For alas what are we what is our worde what is our labour without the assistance of God We are onelie the voice of a crier
commanded to write vnto the Angel of the church of the Smyrnians These things saith hee which is first and last which was dead and is aliue I knowe the blasphemie of them which saie they are Iews and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan They reuile you and speake al maner of euill against you for my names sake They charge you with teaching false doctrine and saie you haue departed from the Church that they are the séede of Abraham the children of promise the true worshippers of God and which walke in the steppes of their forefathers But their boast heereof is vaine It profiteth them nothing that Abraham was their father that the couenant was made with them that they were circumcised that a lawe was giuen vnto them Let them not trust in their fathers let them not trust in lying words and saie the temple of the Lorde the temple of the Lord this is the temple of the Lorde If they were Abrahams children they woulde doe the workes of Abraham If God were their father then would they loue Christ his sonne and séeke to set foorth his glorie If they were of the shéepefolde of God they woulde heare his voice They are of their father the Diuel and the lusts of their father they wil doe They are in name the seruants of Christ but serue Antichrist they call themselues Iewes but are the Synagogue of Satan For saith the Apostle he is not a Iew which is one outward neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but hee is a Iew which is one within and the circumcision is of the heart in the spirite not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God Of those which are such Leo saith Ecclesiae nomine armamini contra Ecclesiam dimicatis Yee arme your selues with the name of the Church and yet ye fight against the Church And Chrysostome saith The name onely of Christ doth not make a Christian but he must also haue the trueth of Christ for there are manie which walke in the name of Christ but fewe which walke in his truth It is therefore manifest as Lyra saith That the Church is not among men by reason of anie Ecclesiasticall or secular authoritie or dignitie because manie princes and high priests and others of the inferiour sorte haue forsaken the faith Though they pretend shew of holines though they drawe to themselues credite by long continuance though their numbers be great and they consent togither yet if they haue forsaken the faith if they holde not the truth of Christ if they fight against and persecute the Church if their circumcision be not the circumcision of the heart and in the spirit if they heare not the voice of y e shéepheard if they loue not Christ Iesus the sonne of God and set not foorth his glorie if they séeke to stop the course of the gospell if they séeke to get name among men if they resist Moses and Aaron they haue onelie a painted visard and carrie onelie an emptie name of the Church they call themselues so and are not But the Church of God is in God the father and in the Lorde Iesus Christ it is the companie of the faithful whom God hath gathered togither in Christ by his worde and by the holy ghost to honour him as he himselfe hath appointed This Church heareth the voice of the shephearde It wil not followe a stranger but flyeth from him for it knoweth not the voyce of straungers Of this Church Saint Iherome sayth Ecclesia Christi in toto orbe ecclesias possidens spiritus vnitate coniuncta est habet vrbes legis prophetarum euangelij Apostolorum Non est egressa de finibus suis ●…d est de Scripturis The Church of Christ which containeth the churches through al the world is ioyned togither in the vnitie of the spirite and hath the cities of the Law of the Prophets of the gospel and of the Apostles This church goeth not forth or beyonde hir boundes that is the holy Scriptures It is the piller of the truth the bodie the fulnesse and the spouse of Christ it is the vine the house the citie and the kingdome of God They which dwel in it are no more straungers and forreiners but Citizens with the Saints and of the hoshould of God and are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christ himselfe being the heade corner stone in whome all the building coupled togither groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lord. This Church Christ loued and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the worde that hee might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrincle or any such thing but that it should bee holy and without blame Such a Church was the Church of God at Thessalonica such a Church are they who so euer in any place of the worlde feare the Lord and cal vppon his name Their names are written in the booke of life they haue receiued the spirite of adoption by which they trie Abba Father they growe from grace to grace and abounde more and more in knowledge and in iudgement they cast away the workes of darkenesse and put on the armour of light they are made absolute and perfect vnto al good works they are euermore cōforted in the mercies of God both by the holy scriptures wherein God declareth his gracious goodnesse towardes them and by the sacramentes which are left vnto the Church to be witnesses assured pledges for performance of the promise of Gods good will and fauour towardes them Grace be with you and peace c. God giue you the forgiuenesse of your sins and the peace and comfort of your conscience God let al his bl●…ssings fal vpon you that you may sée the riches the treasures of his mercy that you may be filled with al fulnesse in the spirite that you may beholde the glorie of the kingdome of God and those thinges may bie reuealed vnto you by his spirit which he hath prepared for them that loue him Without this grace you can doe nothing you can neyther féele the burthen of your sinnes nor séeke to be eased of thē nor perceiue when they are forgiuen you cannot rent your heart and set apart from you the vanities and lustes of the flesh which doeth euermore fight against the soule you cannot discerne the worde of God and by it enter the way to euerlasting life you cannot abhorre that which is euil and cleau●… vnto that which is good without the grace of God you cannot continue stedfast constant in faith and in hope of the mercies of God through our sauiour Iesus Christ. 2 We giue thankes to God alwaies for you al making mention of you in our prayers 3 Without ceasing remembring your effectual faith and diligent loue and the patience of your hope in our
and a new spirite wil I put within you I will put my spirite within you and will cause you to walke in my statutes and you shall keepe my iudgements and doe them And by the Prophet leremie I wil put my lawe in their inward parts and write it in their hearts Therefore Dauid maketh his praier Teach me O Lord giue me vnderstanding and I will keepe thy law The words of the Preacher enter in at the ●…are The spirite of God conueyeth them into the heart Augustine saith Auditur euangelium Auditur credunt quidam non credunt qui credunt intus a patre audiunt discunt qui non credunt foris audiunt intus non audiunt neque discunt Hoc est ill●… dat●…r vt credant illis non datur The Gospesis declared Some there are which beleeue some there are which beleeue not They which beleeue heare it inwardly by the father and so learne it They which beleeue not heare it onlie with their outward sense and not with inward feeling and therefore learne it not As much to saie to them it is giuen to beleeue to the other it is not giuen In the Actes of the Apostles Lydia a woman of the Citie of the Thiatirians heard the preaching of the Apostle Paul But it is saide Whose heart the Lord oponed that shee attended vnto the things that Paul spake The people which said vnto Peter and the other Apostles Men and brethren what shall we do did heare al the wordes of Peter but they had another teacher that gaue force vnto the worde and made it fruitefull in them and therefore it is said They were pricked in their hearts This also appeared in the Disciples which walked towards Emaus they heard Christ open the Scriptures vnto them they reasoned with him yet vntill their eles were opened they knew him not His worde crept into their eares but it was the spirite of God which wrought within them which inflamed their hearts and made them to knowe him Thus God blesseth his word and maketh it yéeld fruit in such measure as his wisedome hath appointed His blessing appeareth greater when many are conuerted yet is his word al one and the power thereof no whit shorter when it is vtterly refused or receiued but of few Surely saith God as the raine commeth downe and the snow from heauen and returneth not thither but watereth the earth maketh it-fruitfull that it maie giue seede to the sower and bread to him that eateth so shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth It shal not returne vnto me voide but it shall accomplish that which I wil and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it It is the word of the liuing God which is blessed for euer And blessed is that hart which can receiue it which GOD instructeth and to which he giueth knowledge of his worde which doth so learne it that he is assured of the truth thereof and nothing doubteth but it is indéede the worde of life which saieth thereof this is the waie in which if I walke I shall certainely go forward to the Citie of my GOD this is the truth if I hearken vnto it I shall neuer be dereiued Whosoeuer findeth himselfe indued with this grace he doth as plainely and evidently iudge of the wordes of God and trie out the trueth thereof from the deuises and doctrines of men as a man of cléere eie sight is ahle to iudge of colours and to knowe one col●…ur from an other Yea in this is the knowledge of that more certain because colour doth fade and alter and manie times one colour thereby waxeth like an other but the truth of GOD doth neuer alter it continueth one throughal ages it is the word of euerlasting life Heauen and earth shall perish but one title thereof shall not be lost The truth of God shall be established for euer The humble shall heare it and be glad As ye knowe after what maner wee were among you for your sakes You knowe howe I behaued my selfe after what maner I haue liued among you You knowe my first comming and entrie vnto you You knowe what doctrine I haue taught and what hath béene my conuersation of life I neuer deceiued any nor offered wrong vnto the simplest I sought not you nor yours but those things which are Iesus I haue liued by the labor of my hands in watchings in hunger in colde and nakednesse God hath ordained that they which teach the gospel should liue by the gospel Who séedeth a ●…lacke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke But I haue not vsed this libertie For I haue a great care least by anie meanes I should offend you Yet would I neuer flatter anie in that thing they had done amisse I neuer spared to rebuke ill If I should feare or séeke to please men I were not the seruant of Christ. I séeke not mine owne glorie but the glorie of him that sent me who also hath made me a minister of his gospel I haue forsaken al things my goods and life my flesh and my bodie and am daily in perils compassed daily by persecution séedeath death daily before mine eies for the loue I be are to you and for the care I haue of the Church You are the Lords shéepe I am your shaepeheard you are the house of God I am your builder you are Gods orchard I am your ouerséer and workeman I shall giue an att●…mpt for your soules You know how ●…ly I haue loued you in th●… Lord. Your griese hath béene my griese your ioie hath béene my ioie I haue praied for you daie and night and haue giuen thanks to God for you and reio●…ced in your behalfe What is more deare to a man than life yet haue I desired to yeeld vp my life that you might liue I haue béene readie to suffer death if thereby I might doe you good These things you cannot but remember your conscience beareth mée witnesse that I haue thus liued among you for your sake V. 6. And ye become followers of vs and of the Lord and receiued the word in much affliction with ioie of the holie ghost He commendeth the godlie for the practise of that which they haue learned and séene in him in that they haue receiued the gospel and framed their liues accordingly and haue continued stedfast in the same in the middes of persecution Herein he doth not onlie laie out himselfe and the other Apostles for an example but telleth them that this waie is also ●…roden out by our Lorde himselfe Who as he is the waie and the light that lightneth euerie man which commeth into the worloe so did he heare his crosse and did laie downe his life for his shéepe Therefore he saide to his Disciples The disciple is not aboue his Maister nor the seruant aboue his Lorde It is enough for the Disciple to be as his Maister is and the seruant as his
When Paule disputed and exhorted the Iewes and the Graecians at Corinthus and found little fruite of his labour and that there were few or none that liked his doctrine and manie enimies which resisted and blasphemed it hée purposed to depart and goe awaie from them Then the Lorde saide vnto Paul in the night by a vision Feare not but speake and holde not thy peace for I am with thee and no man shall laie handes on thee to hurt thee for I haue much people in this citie They shall heare thée if not now yet they shall heare thée at some other time They shall beare thy sayings in minde I will be with thée I will open their hearts and make them obedient to the Gospell and they shall be turned vnto me Thou shalt sée the fruite of thy labour and that thy comming vnto them hath not béene in vaine Verse 2. But euen after that we had suffered before and were shamefully intreated at Philippi as ye know we were bolde in our God to speake vnto you the Gospell of God with much striuing The story of these his persecutions is written in the 16. of the Acts. He was stript naked and scourged with rods and cast into prison and put in hazarde of life Yet notwithstanding he were thus euill entreated at Philippi when he came to Thessalonica he was nothing discouraged but procéeded more boldly than before and went into the Synagogue of the Iewes and disputed thrée Sabbaoth daies and taught them that Christ is that Messias euen the sonne of God But that wée maie the better conceiue howe mightily GOD worketh and what great strength he giueth to weake creatures when he appointeth them to set foorth his glorie let vs beholde this boldnesse of the Apostle in speaking the Gospell vnto them To whome did he speake To the Iewes the enimies of the crosse of Christ. Where Not in hucker mucker and in corners but openly in their synagog for he feared no mā What time those he Thē when al the Iewes were assembled togither How often 3. sabboth daies togither In what citie In Thessalonica y e greatest and most famous Citie of all that Countrey How was hée entreated There arose great trouble contention They resisted him spake against him and sought to destroy him For what cause what had he deserued what had he taught the gospel of God and of Christ of the kingdome and of the life to come the gospell in which God offereth his grace and reconciliation and comfort and peace and saluation Who woulde thinke such ioifull tidings shoulde not be welcome what eie would not willingly open it selfe to behold the brightnes of the sunne what eare will refuse to heare God speake but it hath alwaies bin so There haue euer bene some that haue loued darknes rather than light The worlde shall neuer be without some Annas or Caiaphas or Iudas or Pilate The children of the Diuel shal alwaies set themselues against the children of God The cause of tumults and troubles procéedeth not from the Gospell The Gospell of Christ is the Gospell of peace But the enemies of the Gospel are stirrers of ●…quietnes and inflamers of war Abel was simple Caine spitefull Iacob smooth Esau rough and hairie Dauid gentle Saul cruel Ioseph innocent his brethren wicked and fell vpon him The Apostles humble in heart and peacemakers the Pharises bloudthirstie and sought to put them to death The like examples are before vs this daie The whole worlde is in an vproare and great troubles and afflictions are in al places No man is able to declare the misery thereof Let no man therefore slaunder or forsake the Gospel It hath bene so from the beginning and from time to time Such troubles confusion and miserie are wrought not by the gospel or them that receiue the gospel but by those which resist it they practise all meanes and turne all things vpside downe rather than it should take place The wicked are angrie there with they gna●…h their téeth and consume awaye This is the cause for which the children shall rise against their parentes and shal cause them to die Cain murthered Abel because God had respect vnto Abel and to his offring Esau could not abide Iacob because Isaac had giuen him his blessing The brethren of Ioseph sought to make him away because God had a fauour vnto him Saul was wrothfull against Dauid because God gaue him great gifts of courage and strength and wisdome The Aegyptians loathed the childrē of Israel because they were Gods people The Galathians resisted Paul because he preached the trueth Therefore saith S. Paul we labor and are rebuked because we trust in the liuing God which is the sauiour of al men Speciallie of those which beleue Likewise saith our sauior They shall excommunicate you yea the time shal come that whosoeuer killeth you wil think he doth God seruice And these things wil they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nor me Euen so standeth it with the Church of God this day There is nothing new that is vnder the sunne Whatsoeuer is done nowe hath béene done afore Who wil lift vp his eyes and looke to the dooinges of men shal sée Cain rise vp against Abel Esau against Iacob the cruel brethren against Ioseph Saul against Dauid Pharao against Moses the Aegyptians against the people of God the High Priests and the Pharisees against Christ and al that wil be his disciples they change peace into warre they turne iudgement into gal and the fruit of righteousnesse into wormewood they resist the truth of God to establish deuises and doctrines of men But blessed be God they shal not preuaile Hee giueth vs peace He hath made vs turne our swords into mattocks He hath taught vs altogether with one mouth and one heart to praise him euen the father of our Lorde Jesus Christ. His truth is mightie and shal preuaile V. 3. For our exhortation was not by deceit nor vncleannesse nor by guile 4. But as we were allowed of God that the Gospel should be committed vnto vs so wee speake not as they that please men but God which tryeth our hearts God sayth he hath chosen me from my mothers wombe and set me apart to the office of an Apostle He hath appointed me to carrie his name before the Gentiles Therefore as he hath giuen mée charge to preach the Gospel and to bring the people vnto him from the power of Satan so I speake truely faithfully sincerely not as the words of men but as the wordes of God I haue vsed no deceit nor taught you to folow traditions of men in ●…de of the commaundements of God In like sort saith he to the Corinthians I haue receiued of the Lorde that which I also haue declared vnto you And againe We are ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you thorough vs. For this cause he sayth vnto them Seing that we haue this ministery
thee a defenced citie and an iron piller and walles of brasse against the whole land Thou shalt not bend thou shalt not yéeld Thou shalt be a consuming fire they shal be stubble before thée Likewise saith God to Abraham Feare not Abraham I am thy buckler and thine exceeding great reward When Mo●…es sought to refose the message th●…ught himselfe ouer simple to goe vnto Pharao God answered Certainely I wil be with thee ●…nd after he saith I haue made thee Phara●… God he shal tremble and quake at thy voice So saith Christ What I tell you in darkenesse that speake you in light and what yee he 〈◊〉 the care that preach yee on the houses And ●…are ye not them which kill the bodie but are not able to kill the soule but rather fear●… him which is able to destroy both soule and bodie in hell The consideration hereof euer mooued the Prophets and Apostles to warrant their sayings with authoritie from God and to set apart al feare when they spake in his name When Ahab reprooued Elias Art thou hee that troubleth Israel He answered I haue not ●…ubled Israel but thou thy fathers house in that yee haue forsaken the commandements of the Lorde and thou hast followed Baalim The Prophet Esaie is bolde with the Princes of Iuda and Ierusalem and saith Heare the word of the Lorde O Prince of Sodome hearken vnto the law of our God O people of Gomorrha Iohn the Baptist nothing feared to tell Herod a mightie Prince It is not lawfull for thee to haue her to wife If Balaac woulde giue mee his house ful of filuer and golde saieth Balaam I cannot passe the commandement of the Lord to do good or bad of mine owne minde What the Lord shall commaund that same will I speake Moses was bid to tell Pharao The Lord God of the Hebrewes hath sent me vnto thee Christ calleth Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebedeus Boanerges which is the sonnes of thunder bicause they shoulde not flatter but raise tempest and lighten and thunder in the eares and hearts of their hearers Saint Paul saith I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth It is the worde of God and shall endure for euer He hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare to flatter but the spirite of might and of power to speake roughly and couragiously where occasion so requireth And therefore saith If I would please men I were not the seruaunt of Christ. But I preach Gods doctrine and not the doctrine of men I séeke to please God and not men The Pharises sought to please men and to deceiue the people They taught them to walk in the waies of their forefathers to beléetie as they beléeued to doe as they had done They flattered them and saide you are the Church of God you are Gods people you are the sonnes of Abraham you can not erre you can not be deceiued They that in this sorte flatter the people and deceiue them they serue not Iesus Christ but their bellie and through flatterie and faire spéech seduce the hearts of the simple Nor coloured couetousnesse The Scribes the Pbarises deuoured vp widowes houses vnder pretense of their long praiers they praied and made mony of their praiers they gaue almes and made monie of their almes giuing they fasted and made monie of their fasting This did the Scribes the Pharises their doings continue stil they be dead their name is takē away but their prosessiō abideth As they made gains of their praiers alms fasting so do some now make great gaines war rich vnder pretence of holines They haue brought in a professiō of wilful chastity forbiddē mariage in some whole estate of men No doubt ●…astitie is a holy thing But they haue giuen licence for money to such as would to forsake their vowe of chastity They haue forbidden to eate certaine meates vppon certaine dayes God left meates as frée to the choise of euery man as he left his sunne to shine fréely to the vse of al men And they make frée libertie for money to eate what euerie man liketh They make money of Purgatorie money of pardons and money of their Masses They make money of Peter and of Paule of the Apostles and Martyrs and of Christ himselfe These are they of whom Saint Peter speaketh Through couetousnesse shal they with fained wordes make marchaundise of you One sayth of them Curia Romana non captat ouem sine lana The court of Rome careth not for that sheepe that hath no fleece I wil not lay foorth at large how they do●… al thinges for couetousnes I haue no pleasure in speaking it God graunt vs so to deliuer the gospel aright that we vse not the trueth of God for a cloake of couetousnesse Neither sought wee praise of men neither of you nor of others This is an other hinderaunce of the course of the Gospel when the ministers thereof loue the praise of men more than the praise of God Howe can ye beleeue sayth Christ which receiue honour one of an other and seeke not the honour that commeth of God alone how farre the Apostle was from this ambition it appeared For he was reuiled and euil spoken of and counted the filth and outcast of the world V. 7. When we might haue beene chargeable as the Apostles of Christ but we were gentle among you euen as a nourse cherisheth her childrem 8. Thus being affectioned to you our good wil was to haue dealt vnto you not the Gospel of God onelie but also our owne soules because ye were deare vnto vs. 9. For ye remember brethren our labour and trauaile for wee laboured day and night because wee woulde not be chargeable vnto any of you and preached vnto you the Gospel of God 10. You are witnesses and GOD howe holilie and iustlie and vnblameablie wee behaued our selues among you that beleeue I might haue required meate and drinke other thinges necessarie at your hands For who féedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruite thereof who goeth a warfare at any time of his owne cost who mousleth the mouth of the ore that treadeth out corne we plant the vineyarde of the Lorde of hoastes Wee féede Christes flocke We goe to warfare and stande in the watch defence of your safetie We are the poore oxen that treade out the corne which wil féede you to saluation We are your seruaunts we labour to doe you good we are ordained to minister in the Church of God It were great reason wee should reape your carnall thinges which haue sowen to you spiritual thinges The workeman is woorthie his wages Yet taught I the Gospel fréely and without rewarde and was readie to giue my bloud my life and my soule out of my bodie for
a pullie and binde great weights of leade at their héeles to rent them and teare their bodies asunder Some they haue tied vnto great péeces of timber and haue put fire at the soales of their féete They haue opened their mouthes and made them drawe in Lawne into their bodie A thing most cruel and yet which they haue practised the maner whereof hath béene thus reported They laie it so farre in the mouth that a mans breath easily draweth it into his bodie and so it is conueighed into the stomacke When it is wel setled then commeth the tormentour and taketh the Lawne by the other ende and rasheth it sodainelie with such a force as it séemeth he doth plucke out the verie heart and entrailes such a rare strange kinde of crueltie as is not practised vpon most notorious rebels and traitors As for death 40 or 50 at one time haue béene heaped together and burnt in one fire They haue set vpon the seruauntes of God and compassed the Church where they haue assembled togither to pray vnto God and murthered them in their innocencie whiles they lifted vp pure handes vnto God The French king by the counfaile of such as hate the Gospel of Christ sent his cruel souldiers and murthered his subiects at Valois He ouerthrew their houses burnt their Towne destroyed man woman and childe spoyled their corne and turned their trées vpside downe He wasted defaced vnpeopled it not for that they were théeues or rehels but because they beléeued in the name of Christ. Consider how many are murthered in Flaunders and in the kingdome of Fraunce They are not so farre from vs as Iudea from Thessalonica They ioyne next vnto vs. God is blessed in his saints and holy in al his workes no crueltie is able to quench his truth There is no counsel which shal preuaile against the Lord. He giueth increase and placeth children in fréede of their fathers The more are slaine by the enemies the more spring up by the working of his spirite The more are hewne downe the more multiplie We may not be strangers in this case It beboueth vs to consider the afflictions of our brethren They belong vnto vs We must pray to God for them that he wil put an ende to their misenies otherwise wee haue not the spirite of God we beare no loue nor care for his bause Of your countrey men This was the greatest and beauiest part of their troubles For what a heartes griefe is it to the father if his sonne rise vp against him or to the sonne to sée his father readie to betray him and to seeke his bloud Where this is done he will say O father I am thy sonne alas what haue I done to haue thy displeasure death is bitter but thy displeasure is more bitter than death It were a cruel thing that any man should kil an other what is it then if thou shouldest kil thine own child yet if thou be so bent take my life and spare my conscience spare my soule that I may deliuer it vp into his handes that hath giuen it me I would be obedient vnto thée thou art my father but I may not disobey God He is the father of fathers He hath saide He that loueth father or mother more than me he is not worthy of me It is a miserable case when persecution groweth so hot y ● the child is driuen to forsake his father or the father his child yet so doth the world blind many Satan so possesseth their harts y ● he turneth their loue into hatred and shutteth their senses and thoaketh and dammeth vp the springes of nature They become so blind and so unsensible that they neither féele their owne fleshe nor know their owne bloud They thinke in so doing they doe God good seruice They are enemies to the truth They are y e enemies of the crosse of Christ their end is destruction And forbid vs to preach vnto the gentiles that they might bee saued This is the ende whereunto the Gospel is giuen that the people should be saued S. Paule sayth God wil that al men shal bee saued and come to the knowledge of the truth Therefore our Saniour appointed his Apostles to this office of preaching his word saying Go and preach the gospel vnto al nations Goe vnto the lost sheepe of Israel He sayth It is not the wil of my father that one of these little ones should perish Whosoeuer beleeueth and shal bee baptised shal be saued S. Iames exhorteth the faithful Receiue with meekenesse the worde that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules By it we heare the swéete voyce of our Sauiour Come vnto mee all ye that trauaile and be heauily loaden and I wil refrosh you By it we heare the merciful calling of God Turne vnto mee and ye shal be saued By it we are warned to depart from the companie of such as are enemies to the truth and to haue no fellowshippe with the vnfruitful workes of darkenesse Saue your selues sayth S. Peter from this frowarde generation By it we are taught to beléeue that Jesus Christ is the sonne of GOD that ●…is name is Jesus because he shal saue his people from their sinnes and that there is not salnation in any other besides him For faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God This is therefore the dutie of the preacher to preach vnto the people that so they may be saued that they may knowe the wayes of GOD that they may repent them of their sinnes and be renewed vnto godlinesse Who would thinke there were any that would hinder the course of the Gospel●… or forbid to preach it unto the people The Apo●…e here layeth that fault to the Jewes That they forbid him to preach to the Gentiles The same fault Christ founde in the Scribes and Pharises Woe be to you interpreters of the lawe for ye haue taken away the keye of knowledge ye entred not in your selues and them that came in ye forbad S●… there haue béene alwaies and such there are now O say they why should y ● people know these thinges what should they meddle with the scriptures let them do their businesse and apply their occupations It is not reason not fit that euery one should be learned When they thinke they know somewhat they become proud and denise heresies and maintaine them as if God had not left them to enstruct the people or as if the holy scriptures and not the malice at S●…tan were the cause of heresies But God hath said Gather the people together men 〈◊〉 women and children and thy stranger that is within thy gates that they may heare and that they may learne and feare the Lord your God and keepe and obserue all the words of this law The Prophet Dauid thought it méete y e people shold know the scriptures therefore said Blessed is that man whose delight is in the law of
doe it in such dutie as becommeth a son A subiect maie attempt law with his prince and yet loue and reuerence his prince as becommeth Who v●… seth the law otherwise doth abuse it All strife and contention must be sa●… aside Loue may ancide wrong loue may require right loue may stand ●…rth and seeke defence before Judge Loue is patient and gentle it enuieth not it doth not boa●… it selfe it is not puffed up it disdaineth not it seeketh not her awne things it is not ●…ked to anger it thinketh not e●…ill it rei●…ceth not in iniquitie but it reioiceth in the truth It ●…uffereth all things it beleeueth all 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 all things it mdureth all things Such is the nature of loue such it is where●… it is inben it seeketh right wh●… it defendeth it selfe against chalenge of doing wrong V. 10. Yea and that thing verily you do vnto all the brethren which are throughout all Macedonia but we beseech you brethren that you encrease more and more You loue the brethren not onlie ●…ose that are with you and whome you knowe but al whatsoeuer they be and in what place soeuer though ye knowe them not Some loue none but such as are of their sort and deuotion and sect and felowship If any be of an other minde than they are of they can not loue them This loue is not of God it is carnal and procéedeth but from the flesh Whosoeuer caryeth the name of Christ is our brother wée must loue him for Christes sake Christian loue doth loue those that are enemies and doe not loue vs it blesseth them that speake ill of vs and praieth for them that persecute vs. Oh that these ●…rdes of Paul might truely bée spoken of vs As touching brotherly loue wee neede not write vnto you Oh that God would touch our heartes with his holy spirite that we were all so knit togither loued 〈◊〉 another as he hath commaunded vs. Then should we féele y e peace that passeth all vnderstanding then would it appeare how ioyful a thing it were for brethren to dwell togither in vnitie then should we taste of the comfort of the sonnes of God And alas what is our life or what is our profession without loue what is the sunne without light what is the fire without heate Though I speake with the tongues of men and of Angels sayth the Apostle haue not loue I am as sounding brasse or as a tinckling Cimball And though I had the gift of prophecie and knewe al secrets and al knowledge yea if I had al faith so that I coulde remoue mountaines and had not loue I were nothing That you ebcrease more and more Men of this worlde séeke to encrease in their wealth and riches They neuer thinke their store so great but it may abide to haue more layde to it Wicked men stande not at a stay they cease not to do it they hea●…e sinne vpon sinne and drawe iniquitie with cordes of vanitie and sinne with Cart roapes vntil they come to the heigth and extremitie of wickednesse Doe you increase in euerie thing that is good The kingdome of God is not in worde but in power A childe that stayeth at one stature and neuer groweth bigger is a monster The grounde that ●…th not and is not fruiteful is tur●…ed The trée that is barren and proueth not is cut downe This must al knowe men and women and babes and infantes They must all walke on stil in the way of godlinesse and encrease and goe forwarde therein Vnlesse we goe for●…e we slippe backe If we ware wearie to do the worke of God God wil forsake vs. 〈◊〉 V. 11. And that ye studie to be quiet and to meddle with your owne businesse and to worke with your owne handes as wee commaunded you 12 That yee may behaue your selues honestlie towardes them that are without and that nothing be lacking vnto you Let no man among you bée a busie bodie in other mens matters Be not caues droppers and harkening what is sayde or doone in your neighbours house Wide eares and long tongues dwel together They that loue to heare al that may bée tolde them doe also loue to blab out al they heare Studie to be quiet and meddle with your owne businesse The Church of God is as the bodie of man In a mans bodie euerie part hath his seueral office the arme the legge the hande and foote doe that whereto they are appointed and doing the same they liue together in peace But if the arme would take in hande to doe that is the dutie of the legge or the foote that is the part of the hand it woulde bréede great disorder in the whole bodie So if euery man in the Church of God séeke to do that to them belongeth the Church shal florish and be in quiet But when euerie man wil he busie and take vpon him to looke into other when euerie priuate man wil gouerne and the subiect take in hand to rule the Prince all must néedes come to wracke and decaie Busie bodies euer finde fault with their brethren and neighbours with the State the Clergie the Common wealth the Church the Gouernement and with the Prince They are an vnquiet kinde of men euer looking for that they may mislike and neuer contented From these men come priuie whisperings slaunder backbyting mutinies conspiracies treasons deposing of Princes and vtter decay of common wealthes These are the fruites of curiositie And to worke with your owne handes God hath ordayned that all sorts of men should labour and eate their breade in the sweate of their browes And héere the Apostle doth not onely charge them to worke but that they worke with-their owne handes Thou that hast handes and settest them not to worke thou that abusest the grace of God by thy idlenesse shalt giue an account thereof What filleth your prisons what dubbeth and enricheth your ga●…wes but idlenesse when your children come to these places and sée they must li●…e no longer whereof complaine they but of idlenesse then they curse the time and their Father and Mother that brought them vp in idlenesse Though Kings and Princes and counsaylours and preachers and magistrates digge not and plough not nor do any handy worke yet they breake not therefore the commaundement of God they breake not this rule of the Apostle The heade walketh not as the ●…éete nor trauaileth as the hands yet is it not idle There is no labour comparable to the labour of a Prince Daie and night sléeping and waking he is ful of cares ful of paincs The noble man and magistrate if he regarde his countrie bée careful for the lawes ayde the poore redresse tyranny comfort the weake punish the wicked is not idle The Minister if he applie his booke bée diligent in prayer exhort and teach publikely and priuatelie is not idle These labours are greater than al the labours of the bodie V. 13. I would not brethren haue you ignoraunt
concerning them which are asleepe that yee sorrowe not euen as other which haue no hope 14 For if wee beleeue that Iesus is dead and is risen euen so them that sleepe with Iesus wil God bring with him Herein standeth the comfort of Christian religion Were it not for the hope of the seconde life the godly in this worlde were in worse case than the dumbe and brute beastes When Christ appointed his Disciples to goe and preach hée sayde I sende you as sheepe in the middest of wolues They will scourge you you shall bée hated of al men As the Gospel encreased in any place these words were fulfilled The godly were put to death for the name of Christ. The father did sée his sonne staine before his face and the sonne his father cruelly tormented Hence grewe great mourning heauinesse Oh saide they he was a reuerende sage father oh he was a wise young man learned zealous and a great stay in the Church Why would God take him before his time there is not nowe any one left whom we may beholde or heare or followe We are left comfortlesse and without hope After this sort it is likely the Thessalonians mourned when they behelde the persecution of the Church of God among them Herein they grewe towardes mistrust and to be like the heathen which had no hope Saint Paule thought good to refourme this errour And because this abuse grewe of ignorance for that they knewe not the happie estate of such which die in the Lorde hée sayeth I would not haue you ignoraunt what is become of them and what GOD hath doone for them He hath tryed them as golde and hath made them woorthie for himselfe Therefore you ought rather to reioyce there is no cause at al of mourning When Christ sawe his disciples heauie and sad because of his departure hée sayde If yee loued mee yee woulde verily reioyce because I sayde I goe to the father for my father is greater than I. I shal sit at the right hande of my father in glorie then shal euerie knée bowe vnto mée and enerie tongue shal confesse my greatnesse Therefore if ye loued me you would reioyce in my behalfe It is ignoraunce that maketh you heauie because you knowe not whither I goe When Ioseph was solde into Egypt good father Iacob thought he was dead and therefore mourned day and night Nothing could comfort him Alas sayeth he that I haue liued to sée this day O Ioseph my sonne my sonne Ioseph oh that I might giue my life to redéeme thée Nowe shal my hoarie head goe downe to the graue in heauinesse But when he hearde that Ioseph liued and did sée him with his eyes when he did sée that he was a Prince next in place to the King and had al the Countrey at commaundement then hée knewe he had mourned without a cause Then his heart leapt within him his eyes gusht out with water he wept for ioy Ignoraunce as we sée made him heauie knowledge of the truth as it was reioyced his halt and made him glad There is great errour and darkenesse and ignoraunce in mans life Wee reioyce when wee haue cause to mourne and mourne manie times when wee haue cause to reioyce Therefore he sayeth I would not haue you ignorant Be not deceiued God hath giuen you eyes to sée the right ways God hath giuen you eares to heare counsel and a heart to knowe reason and to vnderstande and iudge God hath giuen you the Scriptures and by them the knowledge of his wil. He hath giuen you a face to looke vp to heauen and the spirit of life hath he poured into you that you should not by anie meanes be deceiued That ye sorrowe not as other that haue no hope He doth not forbidde natural affection Our parentes and our children are deare vn to vs. They are our fleshe and bloude and the chiefe and principal partes of our bodie Anie part of our bodie can not be cut off but wée shal féele it The father if he féele not the death of his sonne or the sonne if he féele not the death of his Father and haue not a déepe féeling of it he is vnnaturall Dauid mourned for Ionathan The whole lande mourned for Iosias Paul sayth God haue mercie vppon Epaphroditus he was sicke verie néere vnto death and not on him onely but on me also least I shoulde haue sorrowe vpon sorrowe If God had taken Epaphroditus out of life no doubt Paul would haue sorrowed What néede more examples Christ mourned for Lazarus and shed teares for him Then saide the Iewes behold he loued him Wée are not therefore forbidden to mourne ouer the dead but to mourne in such sorte as the heathen did we are forbidden They as they did neither beléeue in God nor in Christ so had they no hope of y e life to come When a father saw his sonne dead he thought he had beene dead for euer He became heauie changed his garment delighted in no companie forsooke his meate famished him selfe rent his bodie cursed his fortune cried out of his Gods Oh my deare sonne saith he how beautifull how learned and wise and vertuous wast thou why shouldst thou die so vntimely why haue I offered sacrifice and done seruice to my Gods they haue made me a good recompence I wil trust them no more I wil no more call vpon them Thus they fel into dispaire and spake blasphemies Therefore saith Paul you may mourne as did the holie men of GOD but in such sorte as the vnfaithfull sorrowe for their dead you maie not mourne You are the sonnes of the holie fathers fashion not your selues therefore like to the heathens do not as they did neither in feastes nor in marriages nor in your attire nor in your mourning nor in your pastimes But behaue your selues as becommeth the children of the most highest But why may not Christians mourne and continue in heauinesse because it is no newe thing for a man to die because he goeth the waie of al flesh Againe they that departe this life are not dead they are not gone for euer as the heathen imagined They are laid down to take rest quietly for a time The deth of a godlie man is nothing else but a sléepe So saith our sauiour of Lazarus Our friend Lazarus sleepeth howbeit Iesus spake of his death So it is saide of Steuen And they stoned Steuen who called on God and saide Lord Iesus receiue my spirite And hee kneeled downe and cried with a loud voice Lord laie not this sinne to their charge and when he had thus spoken he slept Whosoeuer dieth in the peace of conscience he may saie I will lie downe and take my rest Thus doeth the man of God repose himselfe For Christ is vnto him both in life and in death aduantage He saith with the Apostle Whether we liue wee liue vnto the Lord or whether wee die we die vnto the Lord whether wee liue
the blessing of God offered vnto thée Where there is no prophecie the people perisheth He that despiseth it shall be despised of the Lord he shal be cast into darkenesse because he would not delight in the light V. 21 Trie al things and keepe that which is good Trie al things God hath giuen you the spirite of discretion and of iudgement Be wise and knowe what is that good and acceptable will of God He not deceiued with wordes of mans wisedome Let not the basenesse or simplicitie of anie cause you to refuse the message which he bringeth and carrie not your selues to liking of al that whatsoeuer shall be told you of such as beare great shew and countenance This was it that deceiued the people of GOD they gaue eare to false teachers which lead them to worshippe the workes of their owne hands Therefore they saide vnto the stone thou art our father thou hast deliuered vs they sell downe before it worshipped it beléeued in it they slewe the Prophets of God and stoned to death such as were sent vnto them The Scribes and Pharises séemed so grane and wise that the people thought nothing good but what they allowed They were altogether appliable to beléeue to do to speake and to thinke whatsoeuer the Pharises willed them Christ saith vnto them Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues S. Iohn therefore saith Dearely beloued beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirites whether they are of God for manie false prophets are gone out into the world And further directeth vs howe we should trie them hereby shal ye know the spirit of God euerie spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God Againe hereby may you trie them Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God Hee that continueth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the father and the sonne If there come anie vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not to house neither bid him God speede Hereby S. Paul required the Galathians to trie betwéene him and the false Apostles If anie man preach vnto you otherwise than that yee haue receiued let him bee accursed For now do I preach mans doctrine or Gods the Saduces erred touching the resurrection because they searched not the scriptures God teacheth vs by the prophet Esay to make triall of teachers and doctrines When they shall saie vnto you enquire of them that haue a spirite of diuination and at the soothsaiers which whisper and murmur shoulde not a people enquire at their God from the liuing to the dead to the law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is bicause there is no light in them Paule putteth Timothie in mind wherefore he left him at Ephesus to commaund some that they teach none other doctrine And to warne both the teachers and the hearers that they giue no heede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse which breede questions rather than godlie edifying which is by faith Thus are the people of God called to trie the truth to iudge betwéene good and il betwéene light and darknesse God hath made them the promise of his spirit and hath left vnto them his word They of Berea when they heard the preaching of Paule searched the scriptures dailie whether those things were so as he taught them and manie of them beléeued So do you giue héed to instruction and yet receiue not al things without proofe and trial that they are not contrarie to the wholesome doctrine of the word of God Keepe that which is good When you haue tried and found out the truth be constant and setled in it A wauering minded man is vnstable in al his waies Follow the truth and be not carried about with euerie wind of doctrine The diuel wil come in the name of God and change himselfe into an Angel of light Let him not take the loue of the trueth from you let him not remooue you from faith and a good conscience returne not like swine vnto your mire God hath purged your hearts and made them cleane Except they be preserued and kept occupied the vncleane spirite wil returne and enter in and dwell in you so the last state of you shall be worse than the first We haue great cause to harken diligently to the Apostle to keepe that is good We see this daie great confusion in al places Sathan woulde faine entangle vs againe with the errour of the wicked and séeketh to drawe vs from our stedfastnesse Now is the time wherin God maketh some triall of his seruauntes now iniquitie séeketh to haue the vpper hand They seduce the people saie here is Christ there is Christ here is the Church there is the Church God giue vs his holie spirite to guide vs in iudgement that we maie discerne the truth from falshoode and knowe the blessed and gratious will of GOD that wee maie walke in his waies and serue him in reuerence and feare al the daies of our life In this worlde as there is a Iacob so is there an Esau as there are manie that loue Christ with an vnfained hart so are there manie that serue Antichrist and as there be many true professors of the trueth of God so are there manie despisers of the same This wée maie sée here at home within this realme We maie sée it and mourne and lament for it in our hearts Their practises are opened they haue broken out into open rebellion to the breach of the peace both of GOD and man They saie with their lippes GOD saue Quéene Elizabeth yet they holde vppe their sword against her Alas what hath she deserued at their handes she hath alwaies dealt mercifully without crueltie without shedding of bloud God preserue her that she maie long raigne ouer vs and bring al her enimies to confusion What pretence make they for this their doing that hereby they séeke to haue religion refourmed Thankes be to GOD religion is refourmed farre better than our fathers knewe it these many hundred yeares If those which liued before vs might haue séene and heard as we sée heare they would haue reioiced and thought themselues happie But they would haue the Masse What find they or sée they in it wherfore they should so desire it Trie things saith Paul Therefore examine and trie the masse What do we learne by it what doctrine what godlinesse in life what comforte for saluation It is a dumb and deadly seruice The people are forced to be at it it is the verie kay of their religion the people are bound to be present at masse yet they neither receiue anie thing nor eate nor heare nor vnderstand anie thing You are wise you haue reason you are the children of GOD be you iudges herein and iudge vprightly for it is Gods cause Will they call this the Lordes supper Is this
S. Paul neither to eate flesh nor to drinke wine nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth or is offended or is made weake Againe he saith Now when ye sin so against the brethren wound their weake consciences ye offende against Christ. Wherefore if meate offende my brother I wil eate no flesh while the worlde standeth least I shoulde offende my brother He that hath once made a shipwracke standeth watchful euer after not onely to escape that rocke or sande whereat he had lost before but al other the like rockes and sandes whatsoeuer Therefore Abstaine from al appearaunce of euil be not like the wicked of this worlde You are the salt of the earth You should not be parteners of their corruption but pouder and season them You are the light of the worlde you may not be parteners of their darkenesse but lighten and guide them Dissemble not Serue God in the simplicitie of your heart and in the sight of al the world Let it be written in your forehead what you think in your heart Why should anie man be ashamed of Gods trueth V. 23. Now the very God of peace sanctifie you throughout and I pray God that your whole spirite and soule and bodie may bee kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. Our God is the God of peace He giueth peace and quiet to his Church He doth mussel the Lion amaze the tyrant make blunt the sworde and quench the fire prepared against his seruantes He giueth his sonnes peace and quietnesse among themselues He abhorreth discorde and malice betwéene brethren God is loue sayth Saint Iohn And he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him He that loueth not his brother abideth in death God hath made vs al members of one bodie There is no respect of persons with him no difference of learned and vnlearned wise or foolish rich or poore His wil is that wee al shoulde be as one of one minde and that we should al thinke one thing speake one thing that we should be one folde vnder one shepheard and with one month glorifie the father of our Lorde Jesus Christ. For this peace Christ prayed sanctifie them through thy trueth Blesse them take away al ●…itternesse and swelling from among them Make them Citizens of thy heauenly Hierusalem that they may liue in peace and loue one an other and delite one in other That they al may be one as thou ô father art one in me and I in thee God is the God and giuer of peace Whence then commeth diuision dissention of mindes What is the cause that the whole worlde is so shaken with sectes and troubles Al are not the children of peace Christ himselfe y e lambe of God in whose mouth there was no guile came into his owne and his owne receiued him not Cain is alwayes against Abel Esau wil neuer loue Iacob The darkenesse and the light can neuer agrée This is the cause of al vnquietnesse and trouble These thinges sayth Christ to his Disciples haue I spoken vnto you that in mee yee might haue peace in the worlde you shal haue affliction The wicked shal not onely hate but betraie and cause them to die which prosesse the name of Christ. Whosoeuer killeth you will thinke he doth God seruice And these thinges will they doe vnto you because yee haue not knowen the Father nor mee The setting foorth of the Gospel of Christ is that which the worlde can not abide It reuealeth things that were hidden it discloseth the couetousnesse of those who kept the people in ignoraunce to make gaine and marchaundise of their soules it ouerthroweth mightie buildinges and holdes of Merites of pardons of Masses of Purgatorie which by the policie and wisedome and power of this worlde were exalted against God This is the onelie cause of al this strife and trouble We haue néede of peace of the peace of conscience within our selues of peace from the rage and furie of the world and of peace and loue among those that are of Gods honsholde Let vs séeke peace at the handes of God and he wil stablish vs in the peace of his gospel and so giue vs the rest and peace of our soules Sanctifie you throughout The God of peace blesse you kéep you vnoer the shadow of his wings that your whole spirit and soule and bodie maie be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. Here marke that the Apostle diuideth man into thrée partes The spirite the soule and the bodie So that hée séemeth to make the spirit one thing and the soule an other Howe is it then that we diuide man into two parts the soule and the bodie and saie that he doth stand but of two parts There is no difference the matter is al one For Paul diuideth the soule into two parts The first is reason and vnderstanding which he calleth the Spirit The other is will affection which he calleth the Soule For as God hath giuen vs reason to sée what is good so hath he giuen vs wil to séeke after that which is good Reason hath eies Wil is blinde and cannot sée the waie Therefore wil must be ledde and guided by Reason Reason must go before Wil must follow after Therfore Reason is compared to the husband and Wil to the wife If Wil take in hand to rule Reason it is no lesse disorder than if the wife will aduenture or take vppon her to rule her husband Therefore in this place Reason which is the principal part of our soule is called the Spirit and Will which is the other part is called the Soule So the spirit is not a seuerall substance but the soule and the spirit are one soule euen as the bodie and the fleshe are one bodie Thus therefore Paule praieth for the Church the God of peace sanctifie you throughout that your spirit your reason and vnderstanding your soule your will and affection your bodie and your flesh may altogither be pure and holie that they may be found innocent and vpright in the daie of the Lord. V. 24. Faithful is hee which calleth you which wil also doe it Hée hath begunne a good worke in you he will finish it He will leade you from vertue to vertue from strength to strength from glorie to glorie Hée hath called you hée wil also kéepe you faithful vntill the daie of the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. You are Christs shéep No man shal take you out of his bands He hath not lost one of al them whome his father had giuen him He knoweth his shéepe None shalbe confounded that put their trust in him There is no condemnation to them that be in Christ Iesus He is faithfull he will performe this vnto you not for your merites but for his owne name and for his mercie sake Bicause he is faithfull he wil not despise the worke of his owne handes V. 25. Brethren praie for
called you I coulde speake such thinges wherewith you woulde be better pleased but your case is such it requireth rather fr●… and planie and ●…arpe reprehension whereby you may be brought to consider and amend your errours than faire and smoothed spéech which might hould you stil in your follie Séeke therefore the kingdome of GOD and the glorie thereof and seeke not your selues Weigh trueth and fals●…de in an indifferent ballaunce so sh●…l the heauier weight of the one soone bewray the lightnesse of the other What thing in the worlde so Massie and so weightie as is the trueth Harden not your heartes as did your Fathers in the Wildernesse It is no sinne to yéelde vnto GOD it is no shame to lay a part al affection and to chaunge your minde to the denial of al vngodlinesse and imbracing of true holinesse The wise man sayth There is a shame that bringeth sinne and a shame that bringeth worshippe and fauour In this sort it is likely the Apostle would haue spoken if néede had so required But nowe seeing them forcibly assaulted and that yet they striued with such good courage against the perswasions of the wicked he commendeth their stedfastnesse and exhorteth them by these wordes not to yéelde vnto their persecutours nor to goe from their faith in Christ Iesus Neither by spirite that is by reuelation of the spirite The spirite of God wrought mightily and bestowed sundrie and great giftes vppon men Christ sayde to his Disciples When they deliuer you vp take yee no thought howe or what ye shal speake for it shal bee giuen you in that same houre what yee shall speake For it is not ye that speake but the spirite of your father which speaketh in you And againe saith he I wil pray the father and he shal giue you an other comforter that hee may bide with you for euer The spirite of trueth whome the worlde can not receiue because the worlde feeth him not neither knoweth him but yee knowe him for he dwelleth with you and shal bee in you The holie Ghost shal be with you to assist you to teach you al thinges to direct your counsels to leade you into al trueth and to preserue you from al errour Nowe as the spirite of God was among the faithful and distributed to euerie man seueral giftes as it séemed best to profit withal so did the spirite of Satan waite vpon the wicked and possessed their hearts and bodies and caused them to imagine and to doe those thinges which were vnséemely He vsed them as instrumentes to disquiet the Church of God and to cast into it the séede of error of vntrueth and dissention Of such spirites Saint Iohn giueth warning saying beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirites whether they are of God for many false Prophets are gone into the worlde At what time Achab would not beléeue the aunswere which the Prophet Micheas made him there came foorth a spirite and stoode before the Lorde and sayde I wil go out and be a false spirite in the mouth of al his prophetes This spirite euer walketh vp and downe séeking whome hee may deuour and blindeth the mindes of many that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ may not shine vnto them Take héere that you be not deceiued by any such which shal séeke to abuse you by pretence of reuelation Though they shal take vpon them to tel you of the day or houre of the comming of our Lord beloeue them not for the false spirite is in the mouth of such prophetes Nor by worde or if anie shal report and goe about to perswade you that I haue so spoken or taught in the congregations or will boldely countenaunce out suche matter and tell you saring I was present I hearde his wordes and remember them this was the doctrine which Paule preached refuse him that is such a one for hee bringeth not the trueth vnto you but deceiueth you with lying and vaine fables Nor by letter as it were from vs. Againe it may bee they which lie in waite to destroye you for their better way wil counterfaite letters and sende them vnto you in my name This is a token in them that they bée past shame bee not you carried away by anie such pretence from that which wee haue preached vnto you Wée haue not taught you that the day of Christ is at hande Oh then be not so soone remooued away vnto an other Gospel by them which trouble you and intende to peruert the Gospel of Christ. Manie such s●…eightes and false deuises haue béene vsed by deceiuing spirites to blind the eyes of the simple There haue béene some which haue ●…etie abroade their owne fantasies vnder the names of Adam the first man that GOD created vppon the face of the earth and of Cain and Seth. Others haue called their owne dreames the Gospel of Thomas and of Bartholemewe and of Barnabee and of the Apostles of Christ. Saint August sayth of the Manichees Manichaeilegunt seripturas Apocryphas nescto à quibus sutoribus fabularum sub nomi●…e Apostolorum Scrip●…as The Manichees ●…ead secret hidden Scriptures written I know not by what coblers of fables vnder the name of the Apostles Such writings were neuer written by them whose name they brare but were wickedly and falsely counterfaited vnder their names by sundrie heretiques This is that whereof our sauiour gaue vs warning Take heede that no man deceiue you for many shal come in my name saying I am Christ and shal deceiue many Againe he sayeth If any shal say vnto you l●…e here is Christ or there belecue it not for there shal arise false Christes and false Prophetes Into what shape can not he transforme himselfe in whose name wil not hée crastilie sette foorth his errours which dareth falfelie sette him selfe in the place of the ●…onne of GOD This hath euermore béene the practise of that olde Serpent to chaunge himselfe into the likenesse of an Angel of light and vnder the credite of holie men to deceiue the worlde with vnholy and vnwholesome thinges Since the time that the Church of God hath departed from hir first faith and would no longer be guided by the voyce of the Gospel what and howe great forgeries haue there béene wrought What Epistles and Canons and decretals haue béene deuised to maintaine seueral partes of false religion and published vnder the name of Clemens Cletus Anacletus and of others whereof these holie fathers neuer thought Thus haue they cioked themselues vnder the couert of the Apostles of the fathers of the primitiue church and haue thought to winne credite in the worlde by false shewe of antiquitie It is certaine that the sonne of man shal come with his holie Angels and shal rewarde euerie man according to that he hath doone in this life Then will he giue sentence against the wicked and wil place the faithful at his right hande In that day the heauens shal passe
they exhort teach and reproue and correct and instruct the people in righteousnesse Antichrist sitteth not in the Church after this sort He teacheth not nor exhorteth the people He maketh that no part of his office How sitteth he then What shal he say what shal he doe The Apostle telleth vs He exalteth himselfe against al that is called God or that is worshipped He shal be honoured with the honour that is due vnto God He shal shine and glitter in gold and precious stones Hee shal be carried vppon the shoulders of men and waited vpon by kings and princes and great estates So shal he bée contrarie to Christ. Christ was humble and lowly The prophet in his owne person speaketh of him I am a worme and not a man a shame of men and the contempt of the people And the Apostle sayth He humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Beholde his parentes his birth his cradle beholde his life his disciples his doctrine and his death Al were witnesses vnto his humilitie He sayth of himselfe The sonne of man hath not whereon to rest his heade And to his Disciples he sayeth The kings of the Gentiles raigne ouer them and they that beare rule ouer them are called gracious Lordes but you shall not be so And againe Learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart and yee shall finde rest vnto your soules Nowe on the other parte take viewe of Antichrist Beholde his birth his place his thaire his estate his doctrine his disciples and al his life You shall sée nothing but pomp and glorie Gregorie calleth him the King of pride He is proude in life proude in do●…trine proud in worde and proud in déedes Hée is like vnto Lucifer and setteth himselfe before his brethren and ouer nations and kingdomes Hée maketh euerie knée to how downe to him and worship him hée maketh Kings to bring him water to carie his traine to holde his cup to beare his dish to leade his bridle and to holde his stirrup hée claimeth power ouer heauen and earth hée saieth hée is Lorde ouer all the worlde the Lorde of Lordes and the King of Kings that his authoritie reacheth vp into heauen and down into hell that hée can commaund the Angels of GOD that hée condemneth whom hée will condemne that he maketh Saints at his pleasure that whatsoeuer he blesseth is blessed and that it is cursed whatsoeuer he curseth Hée selleth merites the forgiuenesse of sinnes the sacrifice for the quicke and the dead Hée maketh marchandize of the soules of men Hée laieth his filthie handes vppon the Lordes annointed Hée remooueth kings and deposeth the states and Princes of the world This is Antichrist This is his power Thus shal he worke and make himselfe manifest So shall he sit in the temple of God The people shall woonder at him and shall haue him in reuerence They shall say who is like vnto the beast Who is so wise so mightie so godlie so vertuous so holie so like vnto God so intolerable and monstrous shal be his pride It were much for hym to sitte in the seate and to occupie the roome of an earthly King or Emperour But he shall take vppon him the authoritie and the name of GOD the name of the liuing Lorde the name of GOD which hath made heauen and earth euen the name of GOD the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. And in this pride hée shall excéede al others that haue béene wicked The Pharises and the Scribes were wicked yet none of them did sit in the temple of God shewing himselfe that hée was God Arius Nestorius Montanus Valentinus were wicked heretiques yet they neuer ●…ooke vppon them the name of God What shoulde I saie of this blasphemie or in whom may wée find the like Mahomet was a Turke and a false Prophet and a deceiuer of the people yet he tooks not vppon him the name of God This point and reach of vngodlinesse belongeth onelie to Antichrist He shall sit in the place of God in iudgements he shall shewe himselfe out of that place as if he were God Irenaeus saieth Quum sit servus tamen ●…dor ari vult●…ut deus Whereas hee is but a ser●…ant hee will be worshipped as if hee were God But some will saie Antichrist shall be mortall as other men borne of a mortall father and mother hée shall knowe that he shal die and that he is but dust and shal returne againe into dust that hée can not make himselfe no that he can not make the least and ●…ilest of al creatures Howe then will he proclaime himselfe to be an immortall God How wil he cal himselfe God that made heauen and earth or God which had no beginning nor shall haue anie ende no this is not the meaning of these wordes Hée shall not so thinke of himselfe nor so saie I will tell you after what sorte hee shall sitte in the Temple of GOD and howe the worlde shall receiue him and reuerence him as GOD. Hée shall take to himselfe that supreme authoritie and prerogatiue which appertaineth onelie to GOD by nature Although hee be but a man yet in office he will be accounted as GOD. He shall compare his lawes with the lawes of GOD. He shall say his worde is the worde of GOD. Whatsoeuer he saieth he shall saie it is the voice of the spirite of God of the same authoritie that is gospell of Christ no man maie breake it no man may touch the credite thereof if ani●… man with stande it hée must thinke he doth sacrilege committeth blasphemie and sinneth against the holie Ghost Againe he shal breake the lawes of God to vphold his owne and shal pul downe GOD to set vp himselfe Such shall be the power and auctoritie of Antichrist so shall he possesse the consciences of the people so shall hée sitte as an Idoll in their hearts so shall he stande in the place of God and shew-himselfe that he is GOD. The people shall receiue his doctrine and beléeue his worde They shall sall downe before him and worship him They shall saie Who is like vnto the beast What creature is so beautifull as he They shall honour him as God But what is hée which hath suffered himselfe to be so called Who is hée which hath béene called by the name of GOD Of all the creatures which haue professed the faith of Christ of al the Kings or Bishops or Priests or laie people that euer were in the Church of GOD who euer required to be called by the holie name of GOD Or who euer liked well of them which so called him Who hath béene so wicked Who hath euer so much forgotten himselfe In what place hath he dwelt Or what hath hée béene Here mée thinketh I sée the secrete motions of your heart You looke that I shoulde name the Bishoppe of Rome that it is hée which hath suffered himselfe to be
passe The man of sinne is reuealed What a kingdome made he of purgatorie he shut out thence whom he listed and released such as were there at his pleasure He claimed power ouer the quick dead he sold the yeres the dai●…s and the monethes by rounde reckoning a hundred fiue hundred and a thousand and thousand thousands yeares of pardon Of which follie his owne Canonistes were ashamed One of them saith Nā quod dicitur Petro tibi dab●… claues c. Touching that Christ sayde vnto Peter Vnto thee wil I wiue the keies c. We must vnderstande this authority with a corne of salt other ●…ise it may be vnsauerie Therefore certaine of the Popes pardons that promise twentie thousand yeres are foolish and superstitious This was not giuen for nothing but solde for money Who had ought to giue had spéedy dispatch but poore soules that had nothing or no friendes to pay for them should lie still This was a wealthie kingdome But nowe where is purgatorie who regardeth it Who careth for it children scorne it in their stréets and knowe it is a ●…able Howe commeth this so to passe the wicked or lawelesse man is reuealed He was able to rule the whole world with a becke His word stood as the worde of God no Prince nor Emperour durst withstand it It was thought impossible that hee should ●…rre But nowe the worlde séeth his wo●… deceiueable and vaine he erreth and hath liued in great errour Now fewe men wil beléeue him no Prince wil trust his word howsoeuer they whose eyes God hath not yet opened to sée the truth trust him in religion in worldly matters they wil not trust him How commeth this so to passe the man of sinne is reuealed What shall I saie more behold round about the worlde all places and euen Rome it selfe The poore massing Priest standeth a colde and can get no hire the Popes Palles lie a rotting his Bulles goe a begging his wares stand vpon his hand no wise man will buy them Why howe commeth this so to passe The man of sinne is reuealed all his deceit and treacherie is reuealed The Pope stirreth and striueth at this day al that he can He excommunicateth and curseth he sendeth out his bulles he bloweth vp seditions he bréeoeth treasons he raiseth subiects against their Princes he setteth Princes vpon their subiects he imprisoneth and murdereth the Saints of God he shaketh and enflameth the whole world in his quarrels But al in vaine Why so howe commeth this to passe there is no counsaile no wisedome no fire no sworde that shall preuaile against the Lorde The man of sinne and his errours are reuealed Men sée and know and detest the blindnesse wherein they were lead the people forsake him ouer and ouer the world Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirite of his mouth and shall abolish with the brightnesse of his comming 9 Euen him whose comming is by the effectual working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders 10 And in al deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perish because that they receiued not the word of the trueth that they may be saued By the order of the Apostles wordes I shoulde nowe speake of the ouerthrow of Antichrist how and by what power he shall be confounded But because the two verses next following speake yet of the state of Antichrist by whose meanes he shal come and of what countenaunce he shall be and with whome he shall preuaile it shal be good we consider these things first and then shew how ●…e shall be destroyed When Christ came into the worlde hée came in the name of his father to saue the lost shéepe of the house of Israel and to gather the flocke that was scattered Antichrist shall come in the name of the Diuel to scatter and disperse and consume the stocke of Gods shéepe His comming shall be by the effectuall working of Sathan And what or who is Sathan he hath béene a murderer from the beginning through his enuie came death into the worlde hee is the Prince of this world the Prince of darkenesse the father of lies the spirite of pride which hath saide I will ascend aboue the height of the cloudes and I will be like the most high He shal worke and inflame the heart of Antichrist and fil it with his spirite and wickednesse and shall make him the man of sinne and the sonne of perdition full of vanitie and of pride and of vngodlinesse that he maie mocke the world and blind the hearts of the people His comming shall be by the working of Sathan yet he shall make shew as if he came in the name of Christ. He shall come with fatherly lóokes with holie countenance and shal set himselfe in the holy place but his whole indeuour shalbe to deface the kingdom of Christ which he shall practise to doe not by the leading of anie Angel or Archangel or by the power of God but by the effectuall working of Satan He shall alleage the Doctours and Fathers he shall alleage Peter and Paul the holy Apostles of Christ he shall alleage Christ and God himself as though his doings were warranted by them he shall saie I am the buttresse and pillar of the Church my word is the word of God he shal set vp masses and sacrifices of his owne he shall take awaie the word of God he shal teach the people to giue diuine honour to a weake creature But S. Paul in this place discloseth him and his doings and laieth them open to the eies of the faithfull He worketh not the worke of an Euangelist as did Peter or other the Apostles he taketh not power and au●…oritie either of God or of Christ but his comming is by the operation of Satan Therefore hee foresheweth Antichrist shal commaund to abstaine from meates He shall saie touch not taste not He shal also forbid to marrie He shal saie marriage is vnholie and vnlawful not conuenient nor méete for holie profession Who would not thinke it a holie thing to abstaine from meats and to chastise the bodie who would not think it a holie thing to abstaine from mariage and to thinke of those things which belong to God séeing holinesse and deuotion are a pleasaunt sacrifice to God but yet it is not al so Some shall speake lies through hipocrisie forbidding to marrie and commaunding to abstaine from meates They shal depart from the faith and giue heede to the spirites of errour and doctrines of Diuels He saith it is the Diuels gospel They are canons and rules of Antichrist Satan shal instruct him Satan shall bee the author and sounder of that religion With al power and signes and lying wonders and in al deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse He shal néede to be of great power and force that shall incounter with God Therefore the Apostle saith he shal come with myracles and deuises of Satan Christ forefold that false Christs shall rise and false Prophets
light They forsake the light and delight in darkenesse and this is their condemnation They wil not vnderstande nor séeke after God that they may be reformed The Prophet saith Because he loued cursing it shal come vnto him and because he loued not blessing so shal it be farre from him God will strike them with blindenesse They shal be as●…onied They shal fall into rebuke and the snares of the Diuell They shal be drowned in perdition and destruction So great shal be the power of errour Men shal not onely be deceiued but shal be de●…iued mightilie and stronglie They shal desire to be deceiued and shal beare a deadly hatred against him who so euer shal séeke to reforme them They shal harden their heartes against God and his holy worde they shal stop their eares and not hearken to his counsell they shal not open their eyes to beholde the destruction which is to come vpon them So great and so mightie shal be the delusion So deadly shal be the cloud and blindnesse of their hearts They shal bee giuen ouer into a repr●…bate minde They shal be filthie and increase in filthinesse Such shall be the power of Satan such shall be the power of errour and deceitfulnesse They shall despise the glorions Gospell of Christ therefore GOD shall forsake them and giue them ouer to followe Antichrist God hath this daie sent the light and comfort of his holie word into the worlde Manie godlie men haue desired to sée that we sée and to heare that we do heare Blessed be the name of the Lorde which hath in mercie visited vs. We beséeth him to blesse the worke that hée hath begunne Saint Paul saith The grace of God that bringeth saluation to al men hath appeared And to the Colossians he saieth The Gospel is come vnto you euen as it is vnto all the worlde And againe Haue they not heard no doubt their sounde went through all the earth and their wordes into the endes of the worlde The poore receiue the glad tidings of the gosped GOD hath visited and redéemed his people But yet the Apostle saieth They haue not al beleeued our Gospel For Esa●…as saieth Lord who shall beleeue our reporte And againe saieth the Prophet Esay I'haue spred out my handes al the daie vnto a rebellious people which walked in a waie that was not good Wisedome crieth in the stréetes 〈◊〉 I haue called and ye refused I haue stretched Prou●… out mine hande and none woulde regarde Such is the power of Satan so shall hée stoppe their eares that they shall not vnderstande what is spoken in the name of the Lord. Paul is a true Prophet and foretold long before that which we maie nowe beholde with our eies In the latter times some shall giue heede vnto spirites of errour They shall be as men without sense or féeling they shall forsake the truth and betake themselues to followe lies and fables Euen they shall doe this which shall sitte in the Church of God who shall professe and carrie the name of Christ. Christ ministred his last supper in both kindes Saint Paul telleth the Corinthians As often as yee shall eate this bread and drinke this cup yee shall shew the Lords death till hee come That this institution of Christ should be kept in the Church vntil the ende of the worlde The Apostles receiued this order the holie fathers and martires vsed it But nowe manie euen too too manie wil not so haue it nor so vse it They will not followe the example of the Fathers nor of Martires nor of the Apostles nor kéepe the ordinance of Christ so strong a delusion hath bewitched them The people of God were taught to praie in the vulgare tongue that their heartes might giue consent and their mouth saie Amen This order did Peter and Paul and Iohn and Iames and the godlie fathers kéepe There is not one of them that tooke order for the contrarie but nowe there are some risen vp which in spite of Christ and his Apostles saie praiers shall be made in a strange tongue either Latine or Gréeke The people shall not vnderstand what they heare They shall not knowe what it is which they themselues saie their hearts cannot giue consent thereto their mouths cannot saie Amen The example of the Apostles the commaundement of Christ the comforte of the people the confusion of the Church nothing mooueth them so great and mighty is the power of error The people worshippe a creature in stéede of the creator who is GOD ouer all blessed for euer They sée they doe amisse yet continue in it and finde no faulte They sée wherein their Fathers were deceiued yet they sa●… they coulde not be deceiued They sée manie and fowle abuses yet séeke not to redresse them For they saie wée will walke in the waies of our forefathers wée will belieue as they beléeued howsoeuer they belieued Wée will doe as they did whatsoeuer they did they will not heare the worde of the Lord. Thus shall they delight in darkenesse and loath the light they wil be deceiued and will not sée the trueth So mightie and so terrible is the power of errour They be learned in Philosophie and in the tongues they be learned in the lawes they be learned in Phisicke learned in the Doctours and learned in stories They are skilfull to buie and sell to purchase land to enrich themselues and to prouide for their children They haue knowledge in al things else But themselues and the trueth of God and the way to saluation they haue not knowne A théese when he is taken blusheth A harlot is ashamed of her filthinesse and a drunkard of his beastlinesse But they that are such haue hardned their faces they cannot blush Whatsoeuer they haue saide or doone either openly or in secret by hipocrisie or crueltie by rauin or treacherie in offering pardons to sale in deceiuing the people of God in accusing the righteous and condemning the innocent they cannot repent they knowe no shame So great is the power of errour Christ saith vnto them The Publicanes and the harlots shall go before you into the kingdome of God They consider that they haue done amisse but you are wilfull in your blindenesse Oh the depth of the wisedome and knowledge of God Who is wise and considereth this They striue against the manifest truth they striue against their owne conscience they striue against the spirite of God This is that sinne which shall neuer be forgiuen neither in this worlde nor in the world to come Therefore saith Paul that al they might be damned which beleeued not the truth Al shal be damned which beléeued not Then let no man saie I will follow the example of my fathers I wil doe as the greater part doth So manie and so manie for so manie yeares in so manie places haue bin on this side The iudgement of God standeth not in the multitude but in the truth Whosoeuer
in the wildernesse wée call vppon the people to prepare the waie of the Lorde and to make his paths straight wée giue warning that the Lord is euen at hand He that teacheth is nothing hée that planteth is nothing he that watereth is nothing our tongue is nothing our word is nothing our wit is nothing Peter is nothing Paul is nothing It is God which openeth the hearts of the people and maketh them tremble at his words It is God which giueth the increase and maketh his worde to be of force The Prophet saith The Lord gaue the worde great was the companie of Preachers It is the worke of GOD both to make his worde mightie and to make the people to receiue it and yéelde vnto it Hée giueth vs hearts to féele the comfort of his word and to yéeld our obedience in doing as the worde requireth For he is the father of lights from whom al giftes are powred downe vppon vs. Wée are the children of Adam wée are flesh and bloud and nothing but vile claie and ashes Our eies are dimme our senses dul and our hearts heauie Christ telleth vs truely Without me ye can do nothing neither heare the word nor beléeue it I marke your presence that you are manie gathered together this daie in this place Euerie man séemeth to stand with bent countenance and earnest lookes and desirous to learne And albeit I which speake am but a worme vnworthie to créepe vppon the earth yet the word which we haue heard is the word of God the word of comfort and the word of life But God knoweth in al this companie how manie haue eares to heare In the Acts of the Apostles when God opened their harts they vnderstoode the Scriptures Before they heard and knew not what they heard Paule preached Lydia a woman which solde purple heard him the Lord opened her heart that shée hearkned vnto Paul Then she vnderstoode his words and beléeued This comfort is of God who hath loued vs and hath giuen vs euerlasting consolation he wil giue you vnderstanding hearts and will stablish you in euerie word and good worke CHAP. 3. FVrthermore brethren praie for vs that the word of the Lord maie haue free passage and be glorified euen as it is with you PRaie for me that I may be a faithfull seruante doing the will of GOD from my heart that he will open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospell and to declare the riches and glorie of his kingdome For of my selfe I am nothing I haue not the key of Dauid I cannot giue light vnto the wor●…e and am not able to open the hearts of the people That the word of God may haue free passage he saieth not praie for vs that my word may haue passage or that my name may be spoken of and glorified or that the people may beholde my doings and talke of me For we preach not our selues but Christ Iesus the Lorde and our selues your seruants for Christes sake I am but an vnprofitable seruant I am the poore Ore that treadeth out the wheate I am a poore crier to proclaime the will of the Lorde Praie you that the worde of the Lorde may haue frée passage that the Gospell of Christ may be glorified that the hearts of the people may be readie and gréedie to receiue it that the kingdome of Heauen suffer violence and the violent take it by force that the worde may so possesse the heartes of the people as fire hath passage through stubble that it may shine as the sunne beames ouer al the worlde that it may be knowne from Cast to Weast and from North to South In this forte pray that the worde may haue a glorious entraunce into you and also among other Héerein shall appeare the loue you haue to the Saintes and the zeale you beare to the house of God when you wish others to be partakers of his blessednesse with you when you séeke not your owne glorie but the building of the Church of Christ when you praie that GOD will be mercifull vnto other●… as vnto you that a light may be giuen to them which sitte in darkenesse and in the shadow of death that they may knowe the time of their visitation Such a praier made Dauid God be merciful vnto vs and blesse vs and cause his fare to shine among vs that they may knowe thy waie vpon earth thy sauing health among al nations Let the people praise thée oh God let al the people praise thée Thus did Hieremie praie Turne thou vs vnto thee oh Lord and we shall be turned Giue vs a new heart and a new spirit encline our hearts vnto thy testimonies that wée may knowe and feare thy name So did Christ teach vs to praie Halowed be thy name among the infidels which knowe thée not let thy name be had in reuerence among al people Thy kingdome come thy will be done There is no other God but onelie thou let al the earth come and worship thée Euen so must we also pray that the word of God may haue frée passage and his name be glorified in al places V. 2. And that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and il men for al men haue not faith 3. But the Lorde is faithfull which will stablishe you and keepe you from all euill 4. And wee are perswaded of you thorowe the Lorde that yee both doe and will doe the thinges which wee commaunde you 5. And the Lorde guide your heartes to the loue of GOD and the wayting for of Christ. From vnreasonable and euil men Which conspire against the Lorde and his annointed which blaspheme that good name that is called vpon vs. Such were Iannes and Iambres which resisted Moses in the time of the lawe Such were they in the time of the Prophets which saide The worde that thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lorde wee wil not heare it of thee But we wil doe whatsoeuer thing goeth out of our owne mouth as to burne incense to the Queene of Heauen as we haue done both we and our fathers our Kings and our Princes Such were in the time of the Gospel the Scribes and the Pharises Which made the commaundement of God of no authoritie by their tradition Which turned darknesse into light and light into darkenesse Such was Alexander the copper smith Such were others The whole Scriptures are ful of such They were false prophets false Apostics false brethren They cauled di●…sion in the church They went out to preach in the name of Christ but inwardly they were rauening woolues Such were in the dayes of our fathers and such there are in our dayes such Iannes and Iambres such idol worshippers such srorners of Gods word such scribes and Pharises such Alexanders such false prophets false Apostles and false brethren we haue more than a good many in our dayes They pretend the Gospel no man more In company of protestants
hande is mightie his worke shal stande his word is forcible his hey is the key of Dauid it openeth and no man shutteth it shutteth and no man openeth God is departed from thy heart his spirite wil not dwel in a filthie soule there is no agréement betwéene God and Belial Thy soule is voyde of grace and of the feare of God What becommeth of thee in this case Whither doest thou goe into what miserie doest thou fal into the gulfe of death into the seate of pestilence and the power of Sathan and the snares of the Diuel into a reprobate minde Thy heart followeth him thy soule serueth him He is the father of al the children of disobedience and his children followe him Thou art filthie and increasest in filthinesse the feare of God is not before thée thou doest not acknowledge thy sinne because of the blindnesse of thy heart Wreake not thy selfe vppon thy neighbour that accused thée nor vppon the Iudge that pronounced sentence against thée The sentence is none of his this is not his worke he hath not iudged thée The hande of God is stretched foorth to thy punishment it is thine owne life and wickednesse which forceth indgement vppon thée The Iudge sitteth in the place of GOD in the seate of iustice hée can not blesse that GOD hath cursed hee must néedes doe right and eq●…ie Hee séeth the abhomination of thy life 〈◊〉 séeth the filthinesse which thou hast done in the house of God and therefore saieth In nomine Dei c. in the name of the liuing God and of Iesus Christ before whome I stande and before whome al flesh shall appeare by the authoritie of his word and by the power of the holie ghost I diuide thée from the felowshippe of the Gospell and declare that thou arte no more a member of the bodie of Christ thy name is put out of the booke of life thou hast no parte in the life to come thou arte not in Christ and Christ is departed from thée I deliuer thée to Sathan the Prince of darknesse Thy rewarde shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone Thou shalt sterue and wither and not abide The grace of GOD is taken out of thy heart The face of the Lorde is vppon al them that doe euill they shall not taste of his mercie As for the Iudge and Minister which giueth sentence against thée hée mourneth and lamenteth for thée When he striketh thée hée striketh himselfe We are al one flesh and one bloud and al together make one bodie and are one an others members Therefore when he doth excommunicate thée from the brethren he cutteth off an arme from his owne bodie Ieremie dealt roughly with the people that offended God and threatned them that the enimie should come vpon them the sworde shoulde deuoure them and they shoulde be vtterly destroied yet he wished that he had a streame of teares that his hart might haue wherwith to mourne for their transgressions Dauid praieth that God will stretch foorth his hand vpō the wicked Scatter them abroad by thy power and put them downe oh Lorde our shield Againe Let them be chaffe before the winde and let the Angel of the Lord scatter them And againe Let their table be a snare before them and their prosperitie their ruine Againe Let his praier be turned into sinne Aide him not heare him not when hée calleth vnto thée Yet he saith I saw the transgressours and was grieued because they kepte not thy word I pined away and consumed to death the griefe was so deadly vnto my soule Christ cried out woe vppon Corazin and Bethsaida vppon the Scribes and Pharises yet when he came nigh to Ierusalem he wept ouer it saying Oh if thou haddest euen nowe at the least in this thy daie known those things which belong vnto thy peace but nowe are they hidde from thee Thine enimies shall make thee euen with the grounde they shall not leaue in thee a stone vpon a stone because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation Euen such a sorrowe also had Saint Paule for those that offended God Who is weake and I am not weake who is offended and I burne not My bodie is shaken my heart is wounded for them such a care haue I for the church of God It is reported of Iohn the Euangelist that hée commended a yongman to the education of a certaine Bishop nigh to Ephesus and when he heard that he was fledde and followed the companie of such as were dissolute riotous and giuen ouer to al manner lew●…sse hée was carefull for him and sought him out And came to the place where he and ill companie were When the yongman knew him he was astonied and ●…ed awaie from him But the olde man followed him and cried Oh my child turne againe turne vnto me I am thy father I haue begotten thée in Christ Iesus I come not to hurt thée there is yet hope of saluation I will make answere vnto Christ for thée Fall to the ground holde vp thy hands aske mercie of God he is mercifull and will receiue thée At these wordes the yongman cast downe his weapons and trembled and wept bitterly and was conuerted When Dauid heard of the destruction of that wicked wight Absalon he wrong his hands and wept saying O my sonne Absalon my sonne my sonne Absalon woulde God I had died for thee oh Absolon my sonne my sonne Such a care such a loue and zeale hath a godlie minister ouer his people if he be a true pastor which hath taken his calling from God and hath due consideration of his charge He wéepeth for the sinnes of the people as did Ieremie he gusheth out into teares and consumeth awaie as Dauid bicause of the vngodlie he is wounded at heart and trembleth as Paul to sée them perish He séeketh for them calleth after them that they maie returne to him as did Iohn the Cuangelist and is willing to die for their sake if so be he might redéeme them as Dauid was for Absalon The people are his children he is their father Albeit they be wicked and filthie yet he presenteth himselfe before God for them and poureth foorth his praiers and saith sanctifie them oh Lorde sanctifie them with thy trueth thy word is truth Let their hearts sée the wrath to come and thy heauie displeasure which they haue deserued and hangeth ouer their heads They are thine saue them and let not satan preuaile against them Turne them oh Lorde and they shall be turned Giue them a newe heart and renew a cleane spirite in them that they may feare thée al the dayes of their life Turne away the captiuitie of their soules Bring them to the fellowshippe of the Gospel make them liuely stones méete for thy building builde vp the walles of Hierusalem So careful is a good minister for the people of his charge be they neuer so vngodly Yea the more they lack
Lorde Iesus Christ in the sight of God euen our Father 4 Knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God 5 For our Gospel was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assuraunce as ye know after what maner we were among you for your sakes We giue thankes c. Paule teacheth what is the office of a good minister He must euer carrie in remēbrance y e estate of the congregation ouer which the Lord hath placed him He must giue thankes to God in their behalfe and pray for them that God will blesse that which he hath begunne and con●…rme them vnto the end that they may be blamelesse in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will behold them from aboue and blesse his inheritaunce and guide the shéepe of his pasture Your effectual faith Faith is not idle it worketh and is forcible it breaketh out like fire it is alwayes fruitefull through loue Faith without workes is no faith it is dead and bringeeh death And diligent loue Loue is paineful and ful of trainaile it thinketh not euil it seeketh not hir owne things it is bountiful This loue had the Thessalonians to the saints of God which suffered affliction in all places for the Gospels sake Many were spoyled of their goods cast out of their houses and banished from their countrey Euen as at this day for the like cause manie of our brethren the good seruantes of God are driuen into banishment cast into prisons put to the sworde or consumed in fire in those places where the God of this worlde hath so blinded their eyes that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should not shine vnto them It is high time in such cases for charitie to shew hir self She can not dissemble nor despise the teares of hir brother It sheweth foorth as the morning light it taketh from hir selfe to relieue them which are in neede It dealeth bread to the hungrie and bringeth the poore that wander vnto hir house and couereth the naked and hideth not hir face from hir owne flesh Vnto them that haue this loue the Lorde giueth his blessing Blessed is hee that considereth the poore and needy the Lord shal deliuer him in the time of trouble And Christ saith Blessed are the merciful for they shal finde mercie And the patience of your hope How many are the troubles which the children of God suffer in this life let vs beholde the times which were before vs. Abel was innocent and iust yet was he slaine by the hands of his brother and without a cause The Prophet Dauid saieth of the Prophetes and holy men of God and the same words saith the Apostle of the Church of Christ vnder the Gospel For thy sake are we killed al the day long we are counted as sheepe for the slaughter Ieremie sayeth Thy worde is vnto them as a reproch and againe For thy sake I haue suffred rebuke What vilanies were wrought against our sauiour Christ They reproched him in spéeches brought false accusations and false witnesse against him and killed the innocent in whose mouth there was found no guile Whē S. Paul appealed to the witnesse of Timothie who did fully know his doctrine maner of liuing purpose faith long suffering loue and patience and that he knewe also the persecutions and afflictions which came vnto him and which he suffered at Antiochia Iconiū and at Lystra after he had thus remēbred his persecutions his owne innocencie he saith Al that wil liue godly in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution What then hath the godly to leane vnto but hope the prophet Dauid therfore said Though I should walke through the vallie of the shadowe of death I wil feare no euil for thou art with mee Therefore saide Iob though hee flaie me yet wil I trust in him For he that putteth his trust in the Lorde shal neuer be confounded In this hope spake S. Paule Christ is to me both in life death aduantage Againe Whether we liue or die we are the Lords And againe God forbid that I shoule reioyce but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ. And to y e Romans he saith There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus This is the foundation of faith euen a strong rocke which shal continue for euer Neither tribulatiō nor anguish nor persecutiō nor famine nor any danger can remoue the faithful from his hope But the wicked and vnstable fal from their hope and their fal is miserable They haue hard the worde of God that teacheth vnto saluation but did not regard it they haue forgotten the workes of the Lorde and receiued his grace in vaine For when they haue heard the worde the Diue●… commeth taketh away the word out of their heartes least they should beléeue and be saued And the end of these men is worse than the beginning It was not so with the Thessalonians They receiued the worde of God willingly and it was fruitful in them so that thereby they increased in faith in loue and in hope Their faith the Apostle calleth forcible or ●…ffectual their loue diligent painful their hope mightie through patience whereby they ouercome al maner of dangers reioyceth on their behalfe because he found so great successe of his trauaile in the Gospel amongst them Knowing that you are elect of God You were blind y e children of wrath without vnderstanding without God without hope But God hath had mercy vpō you hath giuē you grace to know your calling Herein it appeareth y t you are the chosen of God and of the flocke of Christ. My sheepe saith he heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me and I giue vnto them eternal life and they shal neuer perish neither shal anie plucke them out of mine hande For our Gospel was not vnto you in worde only but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assuraunce That you haue yéelded obedience vnto the worde and that my ministerie hath béene effectual amongst you it commeth not of any power in your selues or in me it is the worke of God He hath blessed my ministery he hath blessed your hearts It is the gift of God least any man shoulde boast thereof Hereof he speaketh to the Corinthians Who is Paule then and who is Apollos but the ministers by whome yee beleeued and as the Lorde gaue to euerie man I haue planted Apollos watered but God gaue the increase It is he which hath the key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth Without him we can do nothing He guideth vs and al our coūsailes and leadeth vs into al trueth No man can come vnto mee sayth Christ except the father which hath sent me drawe him And by y e Prophet Ezechiel God saith I wil giue you a new heart