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A11462 Sermons made by the most reuerende Father in God, Edwin, Archbishop of Yorke, primate of England and metropolitane Sandys, Edwin, 1516?-1588. 1585 (1585) STC 21713; ESTC S116708 357,744 396

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in their blinde zeale crucified their Lord Christ. They haue a zeale saith the Apostle but not according to knowledge If they had knowne the Lord of glorie they would neuer haue crucified him This blinde zeale causeth poore deceiued soules to thinke themselues zealously affected towardes Christ when they are stubbornely set for Antichrist Zeale without knowledge is not zeale but stomacke It is not true zeale but rather a brainsick giddinesse which causeth many to forsake their naturall home and to wander to Ierusalem there to woorship God as if they thought with Benadab king of Syria that God were the God of the hils and not of the valleies It is another thing to be eager and another thing to be zealous They deceiue themselues which thinke they doe the dutie of seruants zealously bent in their masters cause when they are sharpe without all sober and staied consideration reproouing them openly whom they ought priuately to admonish rashly condemning them whom they ought charitably to iudge as brethren 34 We must bee zealous in Gods cause For Angels themselues without zeale are nothing But our zeale must be as I saide with iudgement Ye are not ignorant what heroicall zeale there was in Moses in Elias in Iehu in Phinees in Matt●●thias in Christ. This zeale this loue this true holinesse and heartie feare of God is abated in the best vtterly banished out of most men Where nowe in what corner of this earth shall we finde a man in zeale comparable vnto Dauid whom when the woord of God was contemned and his ministers despised the griefe the of had like to haue wasted away My zeale saith he hath euen melted me because mine enemies haue forgotten thy words What a crosse what atorment was the sinne of Sodom to the heart of iust Lot The small remorse which we haue for sinne sheweth our zeale is not verie great Let vs pray therefore to God as to increase our faith so to kindle true zeale in vs that wee may as Phinees with the sword of the holie ghost the wo●d of God run through cut asunder and destroie all the filth and vncleannesse which lieth lurking in our hearts that wee cut off all our lewde affections our carnall lusts our lasciuious thoughts that wee may so mortifie the members of the bodie and rectifie the affections of the mind that with a chast life in bodie and soule we may glorifie our God Let vs pray for the zeale that was in Christ Iesus that wee may with the sharpe whippe of vnfained repentance driue out of our bodies which are the temples of Gods holie spirit all buying and selling all couetousnesse vsurie enuie lying deceite that wee giue not our bodies and soules to any such prophane vse but to be kept vncorrupt and pure as beseemeth the temples of his holie spirit that we may offer vp vnto God in the midst of these temples the sacrifice of an humble and of a contrite heart the sacrifice of righteousnesse the sacrifice of praise Let vs beseech him I say to inflame our hearts with true zeale that earnestly seeking our owne saluation and the safetie of others we may be zealous as the blessed Apostle was with the zeale of God euen holy and zealous before the Lord. 35 For as our zeale must bee coupled with iudgement and knowledge so with truth and synceritie God will not bee serued with fained holinesse and with counterfaite religion with outward shewes and with the lippes but with the heart In our praiers we must powre out our hearts before him in repentance our hearts must be rent asunder in our almes we must keepe a single heart when the word is preached we must open our hearts to receiue it whatsoeuer we doe in his seruice we must doe it heartily as to the Lord. For all our seruing of him is in vaine nay it is damnable if we seeke onely which way we may appeare holie and righteous vnto men Such as we would seeme to be we must bee in deede such we must appeare in truth before that Lorde who seeth our verie hearts and examineth our in most reines Let vs euer remember that God looketh vpon vs with open eyes he beholdeth in greatest darkenesse hee seeth the vnsearchable heart and thought of man no secret can be kept secret from him This would bridle in vs all inward wicked cogitations all outward wicked workes if we could well and as we should consider it For if we be ashamed and afraid to offend in the sight of man who hath onely power ouer our mortall bodie how much more should we be ouercome with shame and feare to sinne in the sight of that eternall God who hath power ouer bodie and soule to cast them both into eternall fire 36 Thus we are to serue our redeemer we are ransomed and bought to serue not for a day but for al our daies we are redeemed for euer to serue him for euer He that runneth is not crowned til he haue ended his race and then beginneth his glorie Iudas and Demas began to serue the Lorde but they were soone wearie their seruice was vnrewarded because it was vncontinued Onely he that continueth to the end shall be saued which saluation of our soules and bodies the Lord of his infinite mercies grant that wee may aspire vnto him in this life and attaine vnto him in the life to come through the merits of Iesus Christ to whom with the father and the holie ghost c. The eleuenth Sermon A Sermon made at Yorke ROM 13. 8 Owe nothing to any man but this to loue one another for he that loueth another hath fulfilled the Lawe 9 For this thou shalt not commit adulterie thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steale thou shalt not beare false witnesse thou shalt not couet and if there be any other commandement it is brieflie comprehended in this saying euen in this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe 10 Loue doth not euill to his neighbour therefore is loue the fulfilling of the Lawe 11 And that considering the season that it is nowe time that we should arise from sleepe for nowe is our saluation neerer than when we beleeued it 12 The night is past and the daie is at hand let vs therfore cast away the works of darkenesse and let vs put on the armour of light 13 So that we walke honestly as in the day OVR Apostle in the former part of this Chapter hath diligently set downe as well the office and authoritie of a magistrate as also what dutie and obedience the subiects doe owe vnto him Hee was occasioned hereunto for that the Iewes the elect nation of God who therefore claimed to be a free people could not abide so to subiect thēselues as to liue obediently vnder forrein Princes The Gentiles which nowe were become Christians thought it not agreeable to their holie profession to yeelde obedience vnto wicked magistrates
talke of the holie scriptures of God But when the heate of the sunne burst out when persecution fire followed the professors of it O Lord howe many haue shrunke yea and vtterly fallen from it Howe many persecuters nowe which then were professors Not one amongst fourtie hath taried the beame and blase of his burning and trying sunne O Lord God woonderfull is thy mercie yet their estate is pitifull These our times deare brethren haue maruelously tried what ground we bee what roote Gods word hath taken in vs. Much grauelly ground doth now appeare which before was thought to be sound and battle So it is the timeliest fruite often commeth to least proofe The freshest Gospeller in appearance in experience is found not to be the soundest and the greatest talkers oftentimes the idlest workers and such as haue bragged most when it came to be tried i● the field haue first fled Such are Gods iudgements who seeth farre otherwise than man can see and through a fawning face espieth a traitors heart Howe vainely therefore a great sort haue receiued and gloried in this Gospel we nowe perceiue and with mornefull hearts doe rue it The Lord forgiue them and strengthen vs with his grace vnto the ende Heere wee learne that persecution followeth this seede of God Christ testifieth that he came to send the sword amongst vs and not peace signifying that the Gospel would procure many enemies and much persecution Wherefore my sonne saith the wise man in the booke of Ecclesiasticus when thou commest to the seruice of GOD stand in iustice and feare and make readie thy soule to trial Happie is that ground which beeing tried is found good and fruitefull 11 The third sort are compared to ground ouergrowne with thornes For as thornes choke the seede which is sowne amongst them so that it cannot bring foorth that fruite which it ought to doe so the cares of the world and the pleasures of this life which bee as thornes to wound as brambles and briers to entangle the mindes and consciences of men destroie that spirituall seede which in a heart well prepared and purged from these weedes would growe vp vnto euerlasting life In this number wee may recken those base-minded worldlings mentioned in the parable who being inuited came not because their fermes their oxen and their wiues withheld them The inordinate care that some haue for their children and familie howe to finde them food and raiment more than sufficient the desire that others haue to keepe their worldly substance their possessions and riches and also to encrease the same and get to liue in wealth themselues and to leaue their children riche the pleasure that some other haue to liue in honour and to be in office finely to feede and to goe gorgeously to followe their lusts and the transitorie pleasures of this vaine world hath ouergrowne yea vtterly choked in a great sort of men a great deale of good seede Many there be whom the cares the riches and the pleasures of this sinful world haue so bewitched and drawne into so corrupt a sense that euen like the Gadarenes or Gergesites rather than loose one of their pigges tbey will bid adieu to the Gospel of Christ and beseeche the Lord of saluation to depart out of their costs Most true therfore it is which S. Paul noteth in them whose hearts are possest with carefulnesse of this worlds good They that will be riche fall into temptation and snares and into many foolish and noysome lusts which drowne men in perdition and destruction Riches are the nurces of all vaine delights and fleshely pleasures This caused our Sauiour so heauily to threaten Woe be to the wealthie Let vs therefore learne by this warning of our sauiour when the Gospel of Chiist is preached to take heede that neither it be deuoured by birds nor trodden downe with feete nor withered with heate nor choked with thornes and so made vnprofitable but rather beeing receiued kept and cherished in the ground of our heartes it may growe and encrease so aboundantlie that when the Lord shall see it readie for the sickle and send his Angels to cut it downe it may fill the reapers hands and make riche the barnes of him that looketh for fruite of it 12 Nowe as the graces of God purchased for vs by Christ are offered vnto vs by the woord so are they also most liuely and effectually by the Sacraments Christ hath instituted and left in his Church for our comfort and the confirmation of our faith two sacraments or seales Baptisme and the Lordes supper In Baptisme the outward washing of the flesh declareth the inward purging and cleansing of the spirite In the Eucharist or supper of the Lord our corporall tasting of the visible elements bread and wine sheweth the heauenly nourishing of our soules vnto life by the mysticall participation of the glorious bodie bloud of Christ. For in as much as he saith of one of these sacred elements This is my bodie which is giuen for you and of the other This my bloud hee giueth vs plainely to vnderstand that all the graces which may flowe from the bodie and bloud of Christ Iesus are in a mysterie heere not represented onely but presented vnto vs. So then although we see nothing feele and tast nothing but bread and wine neuerthelesse let vs not doubt at al but that he spiritually performeth that which he doth declare promise by his visible and outward signes that is to say that in this sacrament there is offered vnto the Church that verie true and heauenly bread which feedeth and nourisheth vs vnto life eternall that sacred bloud which will cleanse vs from sinne make vs pure in the day of triall Againe in that he saith Take eate drinke ye all of this he euidently declareth that his bodie and bloud are by this sacrament assured to be no lesse ours than his he being incorporate into vs and as it were made one with vs. That he became man it was for our sake for our behoofe and benefite he suffered for vs he rose againe for vs he ascended into heauen and finally for vs he will come againe in iudgement And thus hath he made himselfe all ours ours his passions ours his merits ours his victorie ours his glorie and therefore hee giueth himselfe and all his in this sacrament wholly vnto vs. The reason and course whereof is this In his word he hath promised and certified vs of remission of sins in his death of righteousnesse in his merites of life in his resurrection and in his ascension of heauenly and euerlasting glorie This promise we take holde on by faith which is the instrument of our saluation But because our faith is weake and staggering through the frailtie of our mortall flesh he hath giuen vs this visible sacrament as a seale and sure pledge of his irreuocable promise for the more assurance confirmation of our feeble faith
23 By this inbred corruption our vnderstanding is so darkened that naturally we cannot perceiue the things which are of God no we count them foolishnesse our will is in such thraldome and slauerie vnto sinne that it cannot like of any thing spirituall and heauenly but is wholly caried vnto fleshly desires 24 If therefore we perceiue the things that are of God and doe like of them if our hearts be enclined to doe his will because this cannot come of our selues our nature bending a cleane contrarie way we acknowledge most willingly and vnfeinedly The good we doe is his it is not ours our beginning to doe and our continuance in dooing well proceedeth onely and wholly from him If any man receiue the grace of God offered it is because God hath framed his heart thereto If any man come when God calleth it is because his grace which calleth draweth If being brought vnto Christ we continue in him we haue no other reason to yeeld of our dooing but onely this he hath linked vs and fastened vs vnto himselfe We neither rise when we are fallen nor stand when we are risen by our owne strength When we are in distresse we are of our selues so far from abilitie to helpe our selues that we are not able to craue helpe of him vnlesse his spirite wrest out Abba Father from vs. We cannot mone our owne case vnlesse he doe grone and sigh for vs we are not able to name Iesus vnlesse by the speciall grace of his spirite our mouthes be opened no we cannot of our selues so much as think of naming him if to thinke of naming him be a good thought 25 When against our naturall inclination to euill his spirite which worketh all in all hath so preuailed that wee now beginne to hate the workes of the flesh hauing an earnest desire to abounde in loue ioie peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meekenesse temperaunce and all other fruites of the spirite yet by reason of the strength of that bodie of sinne which euer fighteth against the spirite our inward man is so weakened that we cannot do the things which we would and the things which we do euen the best of them are so farre beneath that perfection which the Lawe of God requireth that if he should rigorously examine them in iustice no fleshe could euer be accounted righteous in his sight The loathsomest things that can be imagined the cloathes that be most vncleane are not so foule as our very righteousnes is vnrighteous Wherupon we conclude that whatsoeuer wee receiue by way of reward at Gods hand either in this life or in the life to come wee receiue it as a thing freely giuen by him without any merite or desert of ours we doe not say in our hearts The Lord hath giuen vs these good things to possesse for our righteousnesse For seeing it is he which giueth both to will and to doe he crowneth in deede his owne worke when he rewardeth ours and he neuer rewardeth any worke of his owne wherein there is not somwhat of ours which he pardoneth 26 Thus being naked and vtterly destitute in our selues we seeke all things in Christ Iesus Him onely we acknowledge to be our wisedome our iustification our sanctification our redemption our priest our sacrifice our king our head our mediator our phisition our waie our trueth our life In our selues we finde nothing but pouertie and weakenesse praise and honour and glorie wee giue to him The onely marke we ayme at is to set vp his throne to aduaunce his kingdome to make it knowne that in him the Father hath layde vp all the treasures of heauen to the ende that vnto him the thirstie may repaire for water the hungrie for bread the naked for cloathes and wee all for all things needeful to the safetie of our soules and bodies 27 This is not the scope which the Church of Rome proposeth They direct all things to an other end How can ye beleeue saith Christ to the Iewes which receiue honour one of an other and seeke not that honour which commeth of God alone And howe can the faith of the Church of Rome be sound sith they hold such doctrines as tend wholly to their owne glorie their owne gaine and not to the praise and honour of God 28 That they seeke not his glorie but their owne it may appeare vnto any man which throughly considereth of their doctrine First they will not acknowledge that pouertie and nakednesse those filthie garments of corruption and sinne wherein Adam hath wrapped his posteritie But in the pride of their hearts they dissemble it diminish it and make light of it For although they denie not but that mans nature is corrupted yet marke how they paire and lessen this corruption The Prophet Dauid doeth terme it wickednesse and sinne but they make it onely an inclination vnto sinning The Lorde himselfe doeth witnesse that by it all the imaginations of the thoughts of mans heart are only euill they restraine it to the inferior part of the soule and make it onely a mother of some grosser desires The blessed Apostle prayed groned and wept against it as a thing which made him altogeher wearie of his life But after Baptisme they make no more account of those inward rebellious motions against the spirite than they doe of the beating of a mans pulse 29 And as they hide that weakenesse which indeede they haue so they boast of that strength which is not in them For being subiect vnto miserable bondage vnder sinne by reason of that corruption which hath spred it selfe ouer all flesh they bragge notwithstanding of the freedome of their wil as if sinne had not vtterly bereaued vs thereof but stil it were in vs to frame and fashion our owne hearts vnto good things For proofe whereof their maner is to make long discourses teaching that Gods foreknowledge doth not take away free will that men are not violently drawen to good or euill Which things we easily and willingly graunt neither doe we teache or euer did that the freedome of our wil is taken away by the eternall decree of his vnsearchable purpose but this we say and all that haue the trueth doe say the same that the will of man being free vnto naturall and ciuill actions hath of it selfe no freedome to desire things heauenly and spirituall not because the eternall purpose of God but because the corruption of our nature hath addicted vs only vnto euill We doe not teache or euer did that any man is the seruaunt either of sinne or of righteousnesie by constraint For whether we obey the one vnto death and condemnation or vnto life and saluation the other our obedience is alwayes voluntarie it is not wrested from vs against our wils But the question being how we are made willing vnto that which is good this is the difference betweene our aunswere and theirs We say onely by the grace of God
the safetie thereof for in the peace thereof your peace doeth stand In this sort God is to be feared in this sort of all sorts he is to be serued and by this meane the common wealth is to bee maintained and preserued If we linked together in the feare of God and in true concord and amitie among our selues put to our helping handes euerie one duetifully in his calling to the supporting of this state and defending thereof doubtlesse no enemie no forren power can hurt vs no Bull of Basan shall preuaile against vs but wee and our common wealth in despite of all both corporal and spiritual enemies shall be strengthened and stablished for euer So true is it that kingdome which is grounded vpon good wil standeth fast and sure for euer 36 But as the naturall bodie without sinewes can not growe waxe strong or continue no more can a ciuil bodie without his sinewes The sinewes of the common wealth are the treasures Tributes therefore and subsidies are due to the Prince Giue vnto Caesar those things that are Caesars tribute vnto whom tribute belongeth It is not giuen to the Prince but to the common wealth it is in trueth bestowed vpon our selues The prince in respect of priuate vse neither needeth neither requireth our money It is the common wealth whereunto we owe not our goods onely but our liues also it requireth this at our handes for our owne safetie The prince will be but a steward hereof seasonably to lay it out for publike vse Good common wealthsmen haue not spared to giue their very liues for their countrie as Themistocles Curtius Codrus and others And who can so litle regard the common wealth as by pinching at a peece of monie to pinche it He that seeth his house ruinous and for sparing will not repaire it if it fall vpon his head let him fall himselfe Moses found his subiects maruellous readie in this behalfe when a voluntarie contribution was required towardes the building of the tabernacle they brought in so much that he was forced to crie Sufficit Nowe ynough Cyrus was a gentle and a good prince and he had thankefull subiects their voluntarie gift at one subsidie surmounted all the long heaped treasure of riche Craesus The Princes treasure is wasted in our defence our duetie is to repaire it againe for our safetie This duetie God and our common wealth require at our handes Let vs paie franklie this debt so shall we worke our owne safetie strengthen the common wealth and serue God and our countrie in trueth 37 And thus we learne that if the ministers earnestly praie for and faithfully teache the prince and the people if the prince and the people syncerely feare and serue God feare him as an omnipotent Lord and iust Iudge and withall loue him as a most louing father serue him in cleansing and feeding his Church cleansing it from false doctrine Idolatrie superstition and symonie feeding it with the word by causing it eueriewhere to be preached which will be by prouiding maintenance for the preachers thereof and compelling all subiects to heare Gods word and receiue his sacraments Further if the Prince carefully consider of the common wealth to represse the euil encourage and strengthen the good and ouerlooke the whole and doe choose wise religious louers of the trueth and haters of couetousnesse vnder him to gouerne it If in this great and stately counsell of the kingdome banishing priuate affections it syncerely be sought by Lawe to set foorth and preferre true religion and withall to bridle the desperate tongues of gainesayers If by strength of good Lawes they represse monstrous apparell and excessiue dyet deceitful bargaining vsurie adulterie vnlawfully stolen contracts and so prouide for the poore that Christ in his members may be relieued If the officers of the common wealth keepe good Lawes themselues and faithfully without foolish pitie which is crueltie see them executed vpon others If the people like good subiectes feare God honour the Prince liue peaceably and seeke the safetie of their countrie Lastly if we all linked together in loue liberally relieue the common wealth and frankly supplie the want therof for our owne safetie then doubtlesse the Lord wil blesse and preserue our Prince and vs and stablish this kingdome in peace and prosperitie to flourish and to continue But if we be cold and negligent in Gods cause if we be vnthankefull and disobedient to our good Samuel to our gratious Soueraigne then let vs looke for that which God threateneth here by his prophet Both you and your king shall perish God graunt in his mercie that assisted with his grace we may syncerely seeke and serue him to his great glorie and our great safetie in this life and eternal saluation in the world to come To that immortall onely wise and most gratious God c. A Sermon preached in Yorke at the celebration of the day of the Queenes entraunce into her Raigne CANTIC 2. 15 Take vs the litle foxes which destroy the vines for our vine hath flourished SVch solemne assemblies in so sacred a place to giue God thankes for great benefites receiued are no rare things among Gods people but are confirmed by sundrie examples in the scriptures Nehemias after that the house of God was reedified assembled the people caused the Lawe of the Lord to be openly read gaue thankes vnto the Lord for their deliuerance from Babylon and for restitution of religion and with great reioising and feasting kept that day holie vnto the Lord. When by the meanes of Queene Hester the Iewes had gotten rest and giuen a great ouerthrow to their enemies she likewise with the aduise of hir godly vncle Mardocheus commanded the people to keepe that day the fourteenth of the moneth Adar holie vnto the Lord yerely to feast and giue thanks for Gods great mercies and their maruellous deliuerance When God had deliuered his people Israel from the tyrannie of Triphon by the meanes of Simon the high priest a gouernour and prince of the Iewes Simon ordained that the same day of their deliueraunce should yerely bee kept holie vnto the Lorde with gladnesse feasting and thankesgiuing The feasts of Passeouer Pentecost Tabernacles and such other were commaunded to be kept holie in remembraunce of great benefites receiued at the Lords hands The people of Israel with thankefull hearts remembring what a great benefite they had receiued when hee chose and annointed Dauid to be their king gathered together in a solemne assemblie to celebrate that happie daie and to giue God thankes sang with ioyfull acclamation vnto the Lord This is the daie which the Lord hath made let vs reioice and be glad in it 2 Greater cause to assemble together and to giue God thankes for blessings and benefites receiued had neuer nation or people than we presently haue For as this day now twentie yeres fully finished the Lorde in his mercie
to the idle and Idol pastor to the dumme dogge to the vnpreaching minister For the bloud of all these that perish for lacke of taking through his negligence shall be required at his hands 31 The second net is godlie conuersation good example of life This net holdeth hard Examples are a great deale stronger than words and the voice doeth not so fully instruct as the life Therefore Peter saith Be a platforme for the flocke to followe He that liueth otherwise than he speaketh teacheth God to punish him saith S. Chrysostome Paul termeth such teachers as are fertile in speeche and barren in life tinckling cimbals They send foorth a sound and inwardly are hollowe Christ did what hee taught His innocencie and patience chaunged the hearts of the verie souldiers that put him to death And as the godlie example of a good life draweth many to Christ so an euill life giueth great offence The bad demeanor of Helies sonnes caused men to loath the offering of the Lorde And you saith Iacob to his two sonnes Simeon and Leui haue made me to bee abhorred among the inhabitants of the Land Let vs therefore haue our conuersation honest among these men that as now they speake euil of vs as euil doers so hereafter they may by our good workes which they shall see glorifie God in the day of visitation 32 The third net to take these foxes in is discipline Where the former nets faile this will take hold it helde that incestuous Corinthian whom no other way could haue taken Hereby Ambrose brought the Emperor Theodosius himselfe to vnfained humilitie and heartie repentance Doeth it not appertaine vnto pastorall diligence saith S. Augustine with feare yea if they resist with feeling of stripes to recall to the fold of the Lord those sheepe when wee finde them which haue not beene violently caried away but by faire and soft vsage being seduced haue gone astray and began to be held in possession of straungers Those wilfull cubbes which neither by teaching nor by example will be reformed must feele the smart of the rod. We haue saith Paul in a readinesse punishment against all disobedience Such as will not come to feede with Christ willingly must bee compelled against their wils Constraine them to come in Thus the minister should take these litle foxes and winne them vnto the Lord with the net of Gods word of good example and of discipline Now if they cannot be so recalled that themselues perish not they are to be cut off or tyed vp that they destroie not others 33 The magistrate therefore must also set traps to catch these foxes withall The chiefe trap the magistrate hath is the Lawe Artaxerxes writeth his letter vnto Esdras whom hee sent to Ierusalem to see the people gouerned and requireth him hoth to place Magistrates and Iudges ouer the people and to see that they might liue according to the Lawes of God and the king adding thereunto a sharpe commination against transgressors Whosoeuer will not doe the Lawe of thy God and the kings Lawe let him haue iudgement without delay whether it be vnto death or to banishment or to confiscation of goods or to imprisonment The kindes of punishment here set downe are foure Death Exile Confiscation Incarceration These lawfull meanes are wisely to be vsed of Christian Magistrates as traps to take these litle foxes 34 The first is death It is the Lords commaundement Let the false Prophet die Let the adulterer and the adulteresse be put to death Let the blasphemer be stoned Moses obserued this in destroying Idolaters and hanging vp them that committed whoredome The Magistrate beareth not the sword in vaine Asa the good king of Iuda gaue commaundement that if any would not seeke the Lord God of Israel he should die from the least to the greatest from the man to the woman Thus zealous Magistrates haue indeuoured to take rebellious foxes 35 Exile is also a punishment fit for foxes Zerubabel and Ieshua together with the rest of the fathers of Israel agreed not to suffer the enemies of their religion those wilie foxes to ioyne with them but banished them out of their companie It is not for vs and you to builde a house to our God The Emperor Theodosius likewise being mooued thereunto by that zealous Bishop Amphilochius draue all the Arrians out of his dominion These foxes must be remooued the further the better And it were wel with Christs Church if they were all as farre as Rome hence from whence many of them came who now wander and raunge amongst vs. God spared not to expel Angels out of heauen men out of paradise And when Absolon had put off the duetifull minde of a naturall sonne then Dauid laying aside the tender affection of a louing father banished him his countrie 36 The third trappe to take withall is confiscation of goods which way is the easiest and not the woorst For the most men loue Mammon better than God their riches more than their religion When the riche man heard that hee and his wealth must part he went away very sorowfull If he from Christ it is to bee hoped these wil from Antichrist There can bee no sharper punishment to a worldlie minded man than to be taken in this trap God therefore commaunded the Egyptians to be spoiled than which there could be no plague more grieuous vnto them being so greedily set vpon their gaine When the Philistims would keepe the Iewes in good order and disable them to rebell they tooke their weapons and instruments of warre from them It is no euill or vnlawfull policie to weaken these enemies which are readie to vse the strength of their wealth to the ouerthrow of the Church if occasion did serue Touche them by the purse It is the most easie and readie way whereby to take and tame these foxes 37 The last way set downe by wise Artaxerxes is Incarceration When Ioseph had cast his brethren in prison then they remembred their fault and repented then they thought Wee suffer these things deseruedly for the hardnesse of our heartes against our brother Manasses was neuer reclaimed vntil he was inclosed in prison He was miserable in his kingdome and blessed in his captiuitie Thus it is the duetie aswel of the Magistrate as the Minister to obey the commaundement of the almightie and by all meanes to preuent wicked enterprises to roote out euill and to seeke the safetie of Gods vineyard his beloued Church Which God graunt them once effectually to doe for their owne discharge and benefite of the people so deerely redeemed by the bloud of Christ. To whom c. A Sermon preached in the same place and vpon the same occasion with the former 1. TIM 2. 1 I exhort therefore before all things that requests supplications intercessions and giuings of thankes be made for all men 2 For Kings and for all that
Prophet teacheth the selfesame in few words Let the wicked forsake his waies and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lord S. Paul meaneth the same thing when he speaketh of denying vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and liuing soberly righteously and godlily in this present worlde But our Sauiour Christ shutteth vp the whole in one word Repent 18 The order of our repentance set downe by the blessed Apostle is this First of all we must remooue euill from vs. Cleanse your hands purge your hearts wash and scowre both bodie and soule make you selues cleane both from outward and inward sinnes For it is not sufficient to abstaine from euill in our externall actions but we must also chase from our hearts euil cogitations The proude Pharisee seemed to haue a pure life but he had a polluted heart If the fountaine and spring bee not pure and sweete the riuers that issue from it must needes be vnsauourie From the heart there proceede euill cogitations murthers adulteries fornications false witnessings reuilings These are the fruites of an impure heart and these are the workes of vncleane fingers The hand is but the seruaunt to execute that which the heart hath deuised It was follie in Pilate to wash his hands in token of his puritie when his heart had consented to shed the bloud of that Innocent 19 The hand hath sundrie significations in the scriptures Sometime it is taken for counsell as Is not the hande of Ioab with thee in all these things And againe They met together to doe whatsoeuer thy hand and thy counsell had before decreed to be doone Euill hands are the breeders of al mischieuous practises but such counsel is commonly woorst to the giuer Dauid praied to God to confound the traiterous counsell of Achitophel who conspired against his master and king And it came to passe that his fingers did knit a roape about his own traiterous throate to strangle himselfe withall It is written of Dauid that he fed his people in the singlenes of his heart and led them foorth in the discretion of his handes The swoord of gouernement is an edged toole it requireth the hand of wise counsell discreetely to weeld it Roboam being guided by the vnwise hands of those lustie young Counsellers who aduised him to oppresse his people with heauy burthens to bring them into bondage and to giue them short and sharpe answeres wrought in the people discontented minds alienated their hearts from their Prince which in the ende was the tearing of his kingdome into peeces Of twelue parts he lost tenne and better 20 The word Hand is also taken for crueltie and oppression because the hand is the instrument to worke these things Your hands saith the Prophet are full of bloud Such hands had Herod And such haue they not onely which kil but which hate malice and slaunder their brethren For hee which hateth his brother is a manslaier 21 Finally because the hand worketh most of al the members of the bodie in the necessarie actions of mans life therefore all pollutions in our outward deedes are conteined in the name of vncleane hands 22 The slanderer and libeller hath bloudie hands his tongue cutteth like a sharpe rasor his penne writeth in bloud For he killeth whom he defameth 23 The oppresser with his bloudie fingers pulleth the skinne off the peoples backes Aemilius being placed by Tyberius Caesar ouer Egypt oppressed the Egyptians with great vnwoonted exactions The Emperor hearing of it was wroth and wrote vnto him That he would haue his sheepe to be shorne but not flaied Such oppressers of the people greatly wrong the Prince who beeing faultlesse yet is forced to beare the burthen of that blame Such gleaners of other mens goods and pillers and purloiners although they ioine house to house yet the foundation of them being laide in bloud that building shall not continue That which commeth ill shal goe woorse away They loose as much in their consciences as they gaine in their cofers 24 Rewards likewise doe not onely blinde the eies and peruert the woords but they also defile the handes of the wise and righteous 25 All such as enter into the Church of GOD by corrupt meanes defile their hands and destroie their soules That saith S. Ambrose which the man gaue when he was ordeined Bishop was but gold and that which he lost was his soule 26 The vsurer doth so mire his fingers in monie that with his fowle filthie fists he can neuer take hold vpon the tabernacle of God 27 It were infinite to goe through all particulars We defile our hands whensoeuer our actions are corrupted infected and polluted with sinne seeme they vnto vs neuer so perfect holie and good Things highly esteemed before men are found to be as vanitie before God Our verie righteousnesse in his sight is polluted Yea many times euen when we doe good then we doe ill In our praier by coldnesse in our almes deedes by vaineglorie wee defile the hands which we lift vp vnto God and put foorth vnto men These fowle hands our Apostle biddeth vs wash Mundate manus vestras O peccatores 28 And as we must wash our fowle hands so must we purge our infected hearts The heart of man is not searched by man Who knoweth it Onely God is the searcher of hearts The hypocrite seemeth holie in the face of the world but his inward man is poisoned with sinne Of men hee is commended and reuerenced but his false impure heart the Lord doth abhorre Thy heart must bee purged before thy hands can be washed to any purpose For as all impuritie riseth from the heart and so pulluteth the hands so must first thy heart be purified and that will make all cleane If thine eye bee right all thy bodie will be cleare saith our Sauiour The stomacke well confirmed all the bodie will be in good estate But our hearts are impure neither can any man say My heart is cleane The Pharisee saide that he was righteous but he looked onely vpon his hands and did not see into his prowde and malitious heart The penitent Publicane wisely knocked vpon his heart for there laie the disease Euerie sinne breedeth in the heart from thence it hath his originall and euerie heart is possessed with sundrie sinnes and hath neede carefully to be purged 29 Pride polluteth mans heart This venome poisoned the heart of the great Angell of God of Adam the most perfect man of God of Nabuchodonozar the great and mightie Emperor of Ozias the king Their hearts were lifted vp and therefore GOD threwe them downe Pride is the first and greatest sinne and therefore with chiefest care to bee shunned This hidden poison cannot bee smothered it will burst foorth into the outward parts It will appeare in thy countenance in thy pace and in thy apparel Monstrous attire
it more than ordinarie or vsuall blessings As the blessings of that man are by God accursed so where he curseth there the Lord blesseth and to the eternall reproofe of that our enemies vniust and vncharitable execration he hath in these our daies opened his bountifull hand farre wider than in former times when those Antichristian blessings came posting yerely from Rome and embraced our Lande so kindely that they sucked the sappe of wealth both from braunche and roote The Land of Canaan was a pleasaunt and a fruitefull Land flowing with milke and abounding with honie truely it was barren and almost beggerly in respect of our aboundance and store God may iustly say to vs What could I haue doone more vnto my vineyard which I haue not doone vnto it He hath miraculously giuen and continued with vs that grand blessing of his glorious Gospell he hath wonderfully preserued our Soueraigne his seruant he hath kept her safe as Moses and Dauid from Pharao from Dathan and from Amalek from Goliah from Saul from Absolon from the hands of her open enemies and treasons of her deceitfull friends he hath not onely giuen her a circumspect heart to foresee and to preuent and I trust to cut off all intended destruction but also hath more than miraculously abated the pride and confounded the manifold counsels of her and our enemies and contrarie to all expectation kept vs in peace and safetie GOD make vs thankefull and giue vs hearts syncerely bent to seeke him which so mercifully by his benefites and graces hath sought vs. How great is thy goodnesse O Lord which thou hast laide vp in store for them that feare thee For this shall euerie one that is godlie make his praier vnto thee in a time when thou maist be found and call vpon thee while thou art neere 9 If this way will not serue to bring vs vnto God another must be assayed if we wil not be led by faire meanes we shall be drawne by fowle God hath blessings for them which are of a pliable minde but for the froward rods Them he first threateneth as hauing no delight or pleasure to punish hee punisheth as one vnwilling to destroie Gods corrections is for our reformation but if it will not reforme vs for our confusion This selfe loue of ours this senselesse securitie this contempt of Gods woord this want of godlie zeale these contriuings of treason and conspiracie are tokens that God hath bent his dreadfull bowe and is preparing to make his arrowes drunke with our bloud If hee spared neither Israelites nor Angels doubtlesse neither will he spare vs except vnfeinedly we seeke him and seeke him nowe 10 For now is the acceptable time now is grace offered the Lord now stretcheth out his handes of mercie this is the daie wherein the Lorde may be found of them that seeke him But some stop their eares at this and will not heare they are too wise to be enchaunted with these times If ye tell them of seeking the Lord their answere is Who is the Lord They say plainely in their foolish hearts There is no God But the iust God will one day shew himselfe to their confusion Others haue their excuses of worldly hinderaunces and lets Fermes or Oxen or Wiues haue tied them by the legge when they should goe and seeke the Lord. Others haue a minde not vtterly vnwilling to seeke after him but they would faine staie a while seeke him hereafter Youth they say must haue his swinge let olde age waxe holie Such nouices there were of whom Chrysostome writeth that they would not be baptised vntill they were in their death beddes least baptisme should be as a bridle to hold them in They were desirous to haue their foorth in their carnall desires and at the end of their daies by baptisme to wash away all at once But God shall mocke such craft and they who wil not come when he calleth when they call shal not be heard Beware of these delaies Let vs not differre and put off till to morowe but while it is called to day euen whilest this acceptable day is let vs seeke the Lorde that wee may finde him Nowe he is readie to meete vs by the way and louingly to embrace vs with the armes of his eternall mercie 11 The second thing to be cōsidered is how we may seeke the Lord in seking him be sure to find him I wil omit to shew how vainly the Gentiles in their Idols the Iewes in their ceremonies traditions the Papists in their superstitions do seeke the Lord. They seeke him and finde him not because they seeke him where he is not not where he is as themselues haue imagined and not as he hath prescribed The first entrance into the waie where God will be found is faith Fide tangitur Christus fide videtur saith S. Ambrose By faith Christ is handled by faith he is seene By faith he is found All our trauell in seeking without faith is but a fruitlesse wearying of our deceiued soules For he that commeth vnto God must beleeue 12 And the way to beleeue is hearing for by hearing commeth faith The word is that starre which guideth and directeth vs vnto Christ. Search the Scriptures For to this end they are written That ye might beleeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that beleeuing ye might haue eternall life They were written to be red and therefore S. Paul chargeth Timothie straitlie Giue attendance to reading They were written to bee red not of him onely but of vs also in what condition or estate soeuer God hath placed vs. Princes are not exempted more than others no they aboue others are especially charged to trauell heerein What charge can be deuised more effectuall than that which is giuen vnto Iosua Let not this booke of the Lawe depart out of thy mouth but meditate thou therein day and night that thou maist obserue and doe according to all that is written therein for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous and then shalt thou haue good successe Good reason it is that as Kings doe raigne and hold their power by him so his will reuealed in his word should be the rule and direction of their gouernement If they thinke to establish their thrones better by their owne wise and politike deuises they are greatly deceiued There is no policie no wisedome like the wisedome of GOD. The common wealths which Aristotle and Plato haue framed in their Bookes otherwise full of wisdome yet compared with diuine policies with that citie for whose sake and benefite the Lord doth watch what are they but fancies of foolish men As for Machiauels inuentions they are but the dreames of a brainesicke person founded vpon the craft of man and not vpon godlie wisedome which onely hath good effect Godlie Princes haue no neede to seeke for counsell at these mens hands the mouth of the Lord
Lord hath chosen to him selfe a godlie man the Lorde will heare when I call vnto him The consideration hereof if we way it as we should may giue vs courage and strength against that man of bloud which at this day doth so cruelly persecute the professours of the Gospell and so proudly take vpon him to depose Christian princes and to place hypocrites in their roomes at his pleasure Let him also know that the Lorde hath chosen to himselfe godlie men the Lord will heare when they call vpon him he that toucheth them toucheth euen the apple of the Lordes owne eye Let him tremble that lifteth but a finger against them 10 Contremiscite Be afraide to set your selues against God and your prince to attempt such an ouerthrow to the common state cease from conspiracie leaue your treacherous deuises bee not deceiued you cannot preuaile you doe but worke your owne confusion call your selues to a reckoning betimes haue some quiet and sober consideration of your doinges when you are in your beddes free from all trouble then common with your owne heartes waigh the cause that you take in hand I am your prince God hath placed me ouer you ye are my subiectes God hath so placed you you shoulde loue me and not seeke my shame and subuersion ye owe me obedience not rebellion honor and not treason What occasion haue I giuen you thus to set your selues against me I haue dealt righteouslie and graciouslie with you I haue bene mercifull not cruell ouer you I haue sought your safetie more than mine owne But whom woulde ye haue to raigne ouer you A false worshipper an hypocrite a murderer of his owne brother an incestuous fornicatour one that will flatter you and deceiue you sweare and not performe Consider these things waigh what wickednesse you haue taken in hande and be quiet be still Cease from rebellion and obey peaceably the prince whom God hath placed ouer you So long as ye continew in the hardnesse of your heartes though you offer him all the beastes vpon a thousande hilles it is all in vaine Repent and offer vp the sacrifices of righteousnesse The Israelites when they had sinned were wont to offer sacrifice to pacifie God as appeareth in the law But for the most part this was done without feeling of their sin without true repentance formallie and for fashion sake onely But outward seruice without inwarde remorse and repentaunce for sinne God doth abhorre The rebell Absolon offered sacrifice in Hebron but in vaine because his heart was full of treason Antichrist renueth his oblations euerie day but to what purpose so long as he mindeth murther stirreth rebellion and maliciouslie persecuteth the spouse of Christ Sacrifice the sacrifices of righteousnes offer God repentance for your former faults and put your trust in the Lorde Thus wee see by what occasion the Prophet vttereth these wordes which I haue chosen to speake of at this time 11 To offer vp sacrifices it hath hen vsual in all ages amongst all people kinreds and nations of the earth But I will onelie speake of such as the people of God haue offered vp Before the law Abell Abraham Iacob Iob and othets in the time of the law Aaron with the Leuites presented offerings before the Lord. In the time of the Gospell the Apostles had and at this daie also Christians haue their sacrifices which being faithfully offered are graciouslie accepted in the sight of God 12 Sacrificing is a voluntarie action whereby wee worshippe God offring him somewhat in token that we acknowledge him to be the Lorde and our selues his seruauntes Ye are made saith S. Peter an holie priesthood to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. God therefore doth require this dutie at our handes It was commaunded in the law the Prophet Dauid calleth for it and S. Peter teacheth that euen now it is also due vnto God from men 13 Let vs now consider who are priestes to offer vp these sacrifices For there cā be no sacrifice without a priest as there can bee no priest where there is no sacrifice In the scriptures I finde a threefold priesthood allowed of God a Leuiticall priesthoode such as that of Aaron and his sonnes a royall priesthoode figured in Melchisedeck and verified in Christ a spirituall priesthood belonging generallie to all christians The Leuiticall priesthoode continued vnto Christ then ceased For being a figure of the truth which was to come the truth being come it coulde no longer continue Neither is there in the roiall priesthoode of Melchisedeck anie other that hath succeded but onely Christ. He is a priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedeck a king a priest a God a mā perfectinnocēt vndefiled vnspotted seuered from sinners yet numbred punished plagued with the wicked humbled to the depth and exalted farre aboue the highest heauens without beginning without ende without father as man without mother as God The thirde priesthood is that which is common to all Christians For he hath made vs kings and priestes vnto God his father Where the popish priesthoode taketh footing in what grounde the foundation thereof is layde I cannot finde in the Scriptures Antichrist is the authour of that priesthoode to him they sacrifice him they serue 14 What sacrifices Aaron did offer vp and what sacrifice Christ hath presented to his father we all knowe It followeth now to bee considered what kinde of sacrifice we must offer Aaron offered sacrifice which coulde not in it selfe bee accepted of God nor take awaie the sinnes of them for whom it was offered For whether they bee offeringes of thankes giuing they were not of that value that God should take delight and pleasure in them or sinne offeringes it is impossible that the bloud of bulles and goates shoulde take awaie sinne impossible But the priest according to the orer of Melchisedeck hath offred the sacrifice of his owne flesh acceptable euen for the worthinesse of it and by the vertue which is in it forcible and more then sufficient to wash awaie all sinne This he did willingly He made himselfe an offering for sinne Hee did it perfectly without offring hee consecrated for euer them that are sanctified Where full remission of sinne is there needeth no further sacrifice for sinne and the holie ghost beareth vs recorde that wee haue full remission of all our sinnes Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more Wee are healed with his stripes where there is no sore there needes no salue Not that wee haue no sinne but acknowledging that wee haue it it is as if we had it not because hee is faithful to forgiue it iust to cleanse vs from it The bloud of Iesus clenseth vs from all sinne The bloude of Iesus once shed the offring of the bodie of Iesus Christ once So that there remaineth no other sacrific to be dailie offered but the sacrifice of righteousnesse which wee
wee are not consumed because his compassions faile not but are renewed euerie morning great is his faithfulnesse Being mindfull therefore of these his mercies let vs as thankfull seruauntes offer vnto this our mercifull God this sacrifice of righteousnesse neuer ceasing to magnifie and praise his name O Lorde we acknowledge this to be thy worke without any merite or deserte of ours Wee blesse thee wee praise thee we thanke thee for it accept O Lorde this our seruice and sacrifice in thy great mercie 22 The seconde part of this our sacrifice of praise is to poure out requestes and supplications Let vs herein with humble and penitent heartes with sure trust that God will heare vs out of heauen craue at his mercifull handes the deliueraunce of his annointed our Soueraigne Ladie out of all distresse from the rebellion of Absolon from the counsell of Achitophell from the rage and furie of all that conspire to do hir harme Thou knowest O Lorde that shee hath not deserued this treacherie at their handes being most milde and mercifull doing good vnto all hurting none Therefore O Lorde according to thy mercifull woont as thou hast done hitherto so deliuer protect and defend hir still finish that which thou hast most graciouslie begune bridle O Lorde hir enemies and ours let them knowe their madnes open their eies and cause them plainely to see that they cannot preuaile against thy chosen seruaunt that they cannot cast downe or bring into ignominy hir whom thou hast set vp and placed in honour Giue grace O Lorde if it bee thy good pleasure that they may enter into themselues examine their own heartes see their sinne repent them of their wickednesse abstaine from farther proceeding that thou in thie mercy maiest shew them grace and fauour in the ende And graunt O Lorde that we which professe thy holie name may still offer vnto thee the sacrifice which thou requirest euen the sacrifice of righteousnesse that the minister of thy worde may sincerely and diligently preach thy Gospell that being a good example to the flocke and leading a godlie an vpright life he maie bring thee the offrings of many soules vnto the stretching out of thy glorious kingdome amongst men Grant that princes Magistrats whom thou hast set in authority may without feare or fauor offer also this sacrifice in vpright deciding of controuersed causes and seuere punishing of malefactours Finallie giue this grace O Lorde wee beseech thee to thy whole flocke for wee are thy flocke the sheepe of thy pasture that wee all may offer vnto thee our goodes our bodyes and our soules for they are thyne Graunte that we maie liberallie bestowe our goodes to the needefull reliefe of thy poore Sainctes that wee may mortefie our bodyes and cheerefullie offer them if neede so require to anye kynde of tormente for thie sake that in soule wee maye offer thee the sacrifice of true repentance for our sinnes of hartie thankes for thy great grace of earnest sute for continuance of thy mercie and fauour towardes vs. We humblie beseech thee O father for the merites of thy deere sonne vpon whom as vpon our aultar we offer vp all our sacrifice bowe downe thy mercifull eare to our petitions extend thy mercies to thy litle flocke preserue our gracious Queene and so direct the heartes of all which beare authority vnder hir that by their good gouernment wee may leade a peaceable and a quiet life in all godlynesse and honestie To thee O mercifull father with thy Sonne Christ Iesus our onely redeemer and that blessed spirit our sweete comforter three persons one God be all honour and praise both now and euer The two and twentieth Sermon A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse at his remouing to Yorke 1. COR. 13. 11 For the rest brethren fare yee well be perfect be of good comforte be of one minde liue in peace And the God of loue peace shalbe with you AFTER that our Apostle S. Paul as a faithfull teacher a wise stewarde a louing father a vigilant watchman a diligent labourer a seuere punisher of all sinne had with a good conscience painefully trauailed a long time with the famous citie of Corinth omitting no part of Apostolicall dutie opening vnto them all the mysteries of Christ the whole counsell of God all the secretes of his truth at the length by the goodwill and calling of God being else where appointed to preach the Gospell hee forgetteth them not in the time of his absence but as by word afore so stil by writing endeuoureth to leade them on Wherfore being now to make an ende both of speaking and writing vnto them hee most louinglie taketh his leaue and with his farewel giueth them this sweete exhortation Be per●it be of good comfort be of one minde liue in peace and the God of loue and peace shall be with you 2 My present case is not much vnlike although I my selfe bee most vnlike for happie were hee that might followe so blessed a guide though it were with far vnequall paces The citie is like the people are like my departure from you is like but the performing of my office amongest you I must confesse hath ben much vnlike And good cause why for God alike hath not bestowed his gracious giftes Yet my conscience beareth me record I haue endeuored to treade in the same steps And in doctrine which is the chiefest point I dare affirme euen the same which the holy Apostle doth I haue deliuered no other vnto you then that which I haue receiued of the Lord yea safely in the sight of the most high God I may saie with him you haue receiued of vs not the word of men but as it was in deede the worde of God In distribution whereof neither haue I vsed flatterie as you know neither coloured couetousnesse the Lorde will testifie neither haue I sought mine owne praise my heart is witnesse And this testimonie of conscience that I haue dealt sincerely in the house of God as touching doctrine hath bene my great reliefe and comfort in all the stormy troubles which by the mighty assistance of almighty God I haue waded throwe Concerning diligence in the execution of mine office although I haue had a ready will yet my weake body being not answerable to my desire as all flesh herein is faultie so for my part I must pleade guiltie One debt and duety with S. Paule I protest I haue truelie paide you for with a tender affection I haue loued you The nurce was neuer more willing to giue the breast vnto hir childe then I haue beene that you shoulde sucke not onely milke but also bloude from mee if it might stande you in steede or serue to your safetie God hee knoweth that with this loue I haue loued you In vsing correction I haue sought reformation and not reuenge to punish hath bene a punishment to my selfe I neuer did it but with great griefe I haue alwaies
laboured rather by perswasion to reclaime transgressors then by correction with which kinde of dealing because stubborne mindes will not be bowed my softnesse I graunt hath rather deserued reproofe then praise My life and conuersation amongest you I leaue wholy to your secret iudgementes I cannot not saie for who can that my heart is cleare If in manie thinges we offende all how can any man saie hee is no sinner except hee saie also that God is a lier Howbeit this the God of my righteousnesse knoweth that wittingly and willingly I haue wronged no man if I haue reddam quadruplum I will render foure times so much good If any haue wronged mee I hartelie forgiue and will forget it for euer While I liue I will acknowledge that I haue receiued more good liking fauour and friendship at your handes then I coulde either looke for or deserue God no doubt hath his people hee hath many a deere childe in this citie But nowe that by his prouidence not by my procurement I am called from hence to serue elswhere in the church of Christ I will with S. Paule take my leaue of you and that the more willingly as well because it is Gods good will and appointment as also for that I trust the chaunge shall bee good and profitable vnto you My hope is that the Lord hath prouided one of choice to bee placed ouer you a man to vndertake this great charge so well inabled for strength courage grauitie wisedome skill in gouernement knowledge as in manie other thinges so especiallie in the heauenlie mysteries of God that I doubt not but my departure shall turne verie much to your aduauntage Amongest whom sith a great parte of my life is nowe spent and a fewe euill daies doe remaine otherwhere to bee bestowed I must vse the wordes of the blessed Apostle For that which remaineth my brethren fare ye well my deere and faithfull flocke farewell my crowne and my ioy farewell againe with griefe I speake it farewell I must in bodie goe from you yet in heart and good will I shall euer bee with you you shall euer bee most deere vnto me and I shall not cease God forbid I shoulde to powre out my prayers before the almightie in your behalfe that the greate sheepeherd of the sheepe of the Lorde Iesus Christ may take charge of you and by his holie spirite direct and gouerne you in all your waies In like sorte I most hartelie craue at your handes that yee bee not vnmindefull to praie also for mee tha● I may walke worthely in my calling and fulfill the ministerie which I haue receiued that God may open vnto mee the doore of vtteraunce to speake the misteries of Christ as becommeth mee to speake that I maie in faith and boldnesse do his message that hee maie deliuer mee from the disobedient and that my seruice maie bee accepted of the Saintes that the worde of the Lorde may haue his free passage and that I may finishe the residue of my course in the Gospell of Christ to the glorie of God and profit of the Church 3 And nowe brethren for my last and longe farewell I can vse no fitter wordes of exhortation then these are Bee perfect haue consolation bee of one minde liue in peace and the God of charitie and peace shall bee with you Two speciall thinges there are comprised in these wordes an exhortation and a promise Wee are exhorted to bee perfect to bee of good comfort to liue in vnitie and peace and wee are promised that so doing the God of loue and peace shall remaine with vs. The first parte of the exhortation is as it were the roote a●d fountayne of the seconde and the seconde likewise of the laste For perfection breedeth comforte and comforte causeth peace But let vs particularlie consider of euerie braunch of the exhortation Bee perfect 4 Integritie or perfection is of two sortes the one is deuine the other humaine That which pertaineth vnto God is absolute that which is of men is not without defect In God there is full and absolute perfection Your heauenlie father is perfect sayth our Sauiour So perfect that there is not so much as anie shadow of imperfection at all in him Hee is light perfect light there is no darkenesse in him Hee is the fountaine from whence all perfection floweth euerie perfect gift is from aboue Hee which planted the eare shall not hee heare hee that formed the eye shal not hee see He that teacheth man knowledge shall not hee vnderstande sayth the Prophet Shall I cause to bring foorth and shall I bee barren sayth the Lorde Hee cannot but be perfect in himselfe which is the cause of all perfection in others 5 And as he is perfect so all thinges are perfect which are his His law is perfect and maketh them perfect which fulfill it O that my waies were directed according to thy statutes then should I not be confounded saith the Prophet His commaundements are holy iust good Scimus quia bona est lex the goodnes and perfection of it is apparant cleare and manifest wee knowe the lawe is good But S. Paule seemeth to charge the lawe with imperfection The lawe saith hee brought nothing vnto perfection It is true that the lawe in it selfe is perfect able to saue and make perfit all such as are able perfitlie to obserue it For what saith the lawe Do this and thou shalt liue Yet no man liueth by the lawe why so Because the lawe in vnperfit God forbid The cause then why being perfit it bringeth nothing to perfection is the weakenesse and infirmitie of our flesh Wherefore that which was impossible to the lawe in as much as it was weake because of the fleshe God sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh that the righteousnes of the lawe might be fulfilled Although no man therefore be brought to perfection by the law yet the law remaineth perfit euen as he is perfit which gaue the lawe 6 Euerie worke of the mightie God is perfit When he had made heauen and earth sea and lande fishe foule man beast and whatsoeuer is contained within the compasse of the whole world hauing finished all he behelde the works of his owne handes and saw they were all exceeding good If there bee this perfection in the workes of God then whatsoeuer hee doe in heauen or in earth seeme it vnto vs neuer so much out of order yea although it bee euen against all reason in our eyes yet must wee alwaies set our handes vnto this It is of God therefore perfit For woe bee to him that saith to his father what hast thou begotten or to his mother what hast thou brought forth Shall the claie saie to the workeman what makest thou dust and ashes to the creator of heauen and earth it is not good and perfit which
As verily as he doth liue it is not the goodnesse of their religion but the strength of their faction and the wilinesse of flesh by which they stand 39 Wherefore briefly to conclude this matter and in fewe words to knit vp that which remaineth I haue as you see set before you life and death truth and error wholesome foode and noysome poison If ye tender the safetie of your owne soules be not as children readie to take whatsoeuer is offered you learne to iudge betweene good and euill lay not out monie for that which is no bread spend not your labour in that which cannot satisfie come to the waters whereunto God calleth you 40 The maner of comming is set downe by the Prophet in many words the summe of all is this Wee must not giue eare vnto lying spirits Heare not the wordes of the Prophets that prophecie vnto you and teache you vanitie they speake the vision of their owne heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord turne away your eares from such and hearken vnto me saith the Lorde Hearken diligently carefully attentiuely The word of life is of power and strength to saue your soules But if ye be as vessels that leake and runne out how should the doctrine of saluation profite you This food refusing all other we are exhorted both to take and to eate If sinners heretikes enemies of the truth say Come with vs shunne them turne away your feete from their pathes offer not you their offerings of bloud present not your selues in their temples tast not things sacrificed vnto their Idols Eate that which is good Labour not for the meate which perisheth much lesse for that whereby men perish but labour for the meate that endureth to euerlasting life which meate the sonne of man shall giue you For him hath God the father sealed He is the bread of life his flesh is meate indeede and his bloud is drinke in deede his word is the power of God vnto saluation his sacraments are seales of righteousnesse by faith in him are all the treasures of peace ioie rest comfort no eye hath seene no eare hath heard no heart hath conceiued the things which are hidden and laide vp in him Whereupon if we feede in such sort that our soules take ioie pleasure and delight in fatnesse then the fruite which hereby we shall reape is this 41 Your soule saith God shall liue and I wil make an euerlasting couenaunt with you euen the sure mercies of Dauid What Shall they then which hearken vnto him and put their trust in his mercie deliuer their liues for euer from the hand of the graue Shal they liue and not see death There is a first and a second death the one onely seuereth the soule from the bodie for a time the other tormenteth first the soule seuered and afterward both bodie and soule for euer The second death shal not touche them of whom the Prophet here speaketh But of the first Iob hath saide Death is the house appointed for all the liuing Wherefore God doeth not promise to prolong the daies of his children continually heere on earth but his promise is that their soules shal liue For touching outward things we cannot certainely iudge the hatred or loue of God by them In these externall euents The same condition is to the iust and to the wicked to the good and pure and to them that are polluted to him that sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not As is the good so is the sinner he that sweareth as he that feareth an oath Howe dieth the wise man Euen as the foole saith the Preacher Nay one is wicked and liueth in ease and prosperitie another feareth God and dieth in the bitternesse of his soule they sleepe both in the dust together the wormes couer them both alike This onely is the difference The wicked is kept to the day of destruction and shall bee brought foorth to the day of wrath But the iust shall liue by faith his soule shall liue The foundation from whence this life floweth is that couenaunt which was made with Dauid I wil set vp thy seede after thee which shall proceede out of the bodie and I will stablish his kingdome hee shal build an house for my name and I wil stablish the throne of his kingdome for euer Now as Dauid so the children of Dauid after him fulfilled their daies and fel asleepe the throne of Dauid was not established in them for euer But of Christ the Angel of the Lorde hath saide The Lord shall giue vnto him the throne of his father Dauid and he shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome shall be no ende Wherefore in Christ this couenaunt with Dauid is fulfilled The mercies which were promised vnto Dauid are the benefites and as the Apostle termeth them the holie things which we receiue by Christ Iesus This couenant is euerlasting If saith God by the Prophet Ieremie you can breake my couenaunt of the day and my couenaunt of the night that there should not be day and night in their season then may my couenaunt be broken with Dauid As the couenaunt made with Dauid is euerlasting so the mercies therein contained are sure Of the sure mercies of Dauid thus he speaketh in the booke of Psalmes Mine hande shall be established with him and mine arme shal strengthen him the enemie shall not oppresse him neither shall the wicked doe him hurt but I will destroy his foes before his face and plague them that hate him my mercie will I keepe for him for euermore and my couenaunt shall stand fast with him The couenaunt made with Dauid is made with vs his mercies are our mercies if so be we performe that which here is required at our hands If we hearken diligently vnto him that cryeth Come to the waters if we cleaue fast vnto his trueth if we embrace his promises with ioie eating that which is good shunning and loathing that which is euil surely his hande shall be established with vs as with Dauid his arme shall bee our strength the enemie shal not oppresse vs neither shal the wicked doe vs harme but God shall destroy all our enemies before vs and plague them that hate vs his mercies he shal keepe towards vs for euer his couenaunt shall stand fast with vs our soules shal liue he shal make an euerlasting couenaunt with vs euen the sure mercies of Dauid Which mercies the God of all mercie graunt vs vnto whom with the Sonne by whose blood they are purchased together with that glorious Spirite which hath sealed in our heartes ful assurance that they cannot faile be honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen A Sermon made before the Parliament at Westminster 1. SAMVEL 12. 23 Be this sinne against the Lord farre from me that I should cease to pray for you But I will shewe you the good and the right waie 24
common wealth What stirs diuersities of religion hath raised in nations kingdoms the histories are so many so plaine and our times in such sort haue told you that with further proofe I need not trouble your eares One God one king one faith one profession is fit for one monarchie common wealth Diuision weakneth Concord strēgtheneth The storie of Scilurus the Scythian is knowen who vpon his death bed taught his lxxx sons the force of vnitie by the strength of sticks weake by themselues when they are tyed in a bundle Let conformitie and vnitie in religion be prouided for and it shal be as a wall of defence vnto this Realme 26 And as these things are especially to be regarded as our principal care must be for the highest matters synceritie and vnitie in religion so we may not neglect or passe ouer smaller things which neede redresse For as diseases and sores in the basest and vilest parts of the body doe grieue and may endaunger the chiefest vnlesse they bee cured betimes so the least abuses by sufferance may worke the greatest harme Gorgeous apparel and sumptuous dyet with such like matters may seeme small things but they are the causes of no small euils They eate vp England and are therefore to bee repressed by straite Lawes It is a part of true seruice done vnto God to see euen vnto these things 27 Wee may seeme to cast our eyes very lowe when wee looke into the dealings of euerie officer vnder the Prince Yet euerie one must be seene vnto They waxe sodainely rich by the spoile of the Prince Reforme it by Lawe that all may walke in trueth If merchaunts with other artificers and meaner trades doe inriche themselues by impouerishing others through deceitfull shifts the common wealth suffereth dammage by their vneuen dealings If we wil haue God serued in trueth wee must by Lawe reforme them 28 That biting worme of vsurie that deuouring wolfe hath consumed many many it hath pulled vpon their knees and brought to beggerie many such as might haue liued in great wealth and in honour not a fewe This canker hath corrupted all England It is become the chiefe chaffer and merchaundise of England We shall doe God and our countrie true seruice by taking away this euill Represse it by Lawe else the heauie hand of God hangeth ouer vs and wil strike vs. 29 That vile sinne of adulterie in Gods common wealth punished with death so ouerfloweth the bankes of all chastitie that if by sharpe Lawes it be not speedily cut off God from heauen with fire will consume it Preuent Gods wrath bridle this outrage so shal you serue the Lord in truth 30 There is nothing more hurtfull to the common wealth than these corner contracts without consent of parents contrary to the woorde of God the Lawe of nature the Lawe ciuil and all right and reason The inconueniences that followe are not sufferable Euaristus a Bishop of Rome saith It is not wedlocke but whoredome when the consent of parents is wanting God cannot bee better serued than if by Lawe yee restraine this vnlawfull contracting The children of this inconuenient mariage may scarsely bee termed lawfull The deuill that hath euer hated wedlocke and loueth whoredome was the first author of this great disorder God graunt you vnderstanding heartes and willing mindes faithfully and in trueth to trauell to represse and take away these euils 31 And as euill is to be controlled by Lawe so that which is good is also by Lawe to be procured God hath made vs many wayes riche For what wee haue freely at his hands we haue it But he himselfe is become very poore in so much that for want of reliefe he is forced to begge and for want of lodging and meate hee lieth and dieth in our streetes This great ingratitude God cannot but reuenge Oh what shame is this to a Christian common wealth in a reformed countrie Obstinate Iewes would neuer shew themselues so vnthankful Their auncient Lawe forbidding beggars is euen to this day most straitly kept amongest them Lawes in this behalfe haue beene prouided but as they wanted perfection so haue they in manner in no point or any where had execution Serue God in trueth prouide that Christ craue not Such as wil not feede him here he wil neuer feede in his kingdome Thus haue I point by point let you see disorders and wants in the common wealth Ye haue authoritie by Lawe to reforme them Consider duetifully of it and serue God truely as ye ought alwayes remembring the saying of the Prophet Esay Woe be to them that make wicked Lawes 32 When good Lawes are made they must be put in execution Lawe is the life of the common wealth and execution the life of the Lawe And better not to make Lawes than not to execute Lawes when they are once made This is the dutie of the publike ministers of the common wealth They must first keepe Lawes themselues then see that others in like sort may obserue them If the officers and ministers of the common wealth contemne lawes doubtlesse the people wil neuer reuerence them if they breake them the people wil neuer keep them Which Solon wisely considering wisely aunswered being demaunded what was chiefe safetie for a common wealth If the Citizens obey the Magistrate and the Magistrate the Lawes You that are appointed to this purpose and put in trust therewith lay aside dread and meede fauour and friendship gift and gaine and with simplicitie of heart punish the transgressor of the Lawe according to the Law Make not Anacharsis webbe of the Lawe Let not the hornet escape and the litle flie bee caught Fewe Lawes well made and well kept would serue the turne This is Gods seruice the execution thereof he hath set ouer to your hands Serue him in trueth and singlenesse of heart Cursed is he that negligently doeth the worke of the Lorde 33 Thus much hath beene spoken concerning higher powers and of their duetie in the seruice of God Samuel speaketh not to them alone to the people it is spoken as well as to the prince Feare and serue ye the Lorde in trueth Feare God embrace the Gospel leade your liues in holinesse and righteousnesse according to the word of trueth The Lorde is a strong defence to them that feare him They that feare him want nothing 34 Giue vnto the Lordes annointed due reuerence and honour Let euerie soule be subiect not by constraint but for conscience sake Imitate those worthie Israelites who were so willingly obedient to Iosua that they cryed with one voice Whosoeuer shall rebell against thy commaundement and will not obey thy woordes in all that thou commaundest him let him die Grudge not repine not at higher powers say not in your hearts Let vs breake their bands and cast away their chaines from vs. 35 Seeke the peace of the common wealth and
remembring vs when wee litle hoped and lesse deserued deliuered vs from the state of miserable seruitude and gaue vs our gratious Soueraigne his owne elect Elizabeth by his grace our prince and gouernour the restorer of our religion and libertie Lorde shewe vs the light of thy fauourable countenance multiplie these good daies graunt vs many of these happie yeres O Lord I praie thee saue nowe O Lord I pray thee now giue prosperitie Lord preserue whō thou hast giuen giue her O Lord good successe and prosperitie Eusebius the Bishop of Cesarea thought himselfe much honoured that he was appointed to celebrate with a Sermon the Inauguration of Constantinus the Emperour Euen so I take it for my great good happe that it falleth to my lot at this present to put you in remembraunce of the great happinesse which hath befallen vs as on this day that we may reioice and be thankefull for it 3 And for the better performance hereof as the publike minister of the Church I bring vnto you the voice of the Church a part of the most excellent song of Solomon Which at the first sight although it may seeme a strange peece of scripture and skantly fit for this time yet when it shall be throughly considered of it wil appeare very pertinent to our time and purpose For herein is contained a doctrine touching the mercies of God towards vs the malitious frowardnesse of his and our enemies and our duetie towards him concerning them Our vineyard hath flourished behold the meere grace and fauour of God towardes his Church Litle foxes deuoure it behold the ingratitude of the people resisting the grace of God and abusing his mercie Take vs these litle foxes behold the commaundement of God and the duetie of his seruaunts Of these three things in order as they lie my purpose is by Gods assistance to speake 4 The Church of God by a metaphor is many times in the scriptures termed a vineyard neither can there bee a better resemblance in any thing and that in diuerse respects But because it were more curious than profitable particularly to follow the comparison I wil onely remember vnto you the chiefe parts The vineyard that shall fructifie must fall into the hands of a skilful and laboursome husbandman who first must weede it stone it and prepare it then he must in season and with cunning plant a good vine that will beare a pleasaunt grape in it water vnderprop and prune it and lastly compasse it about with a ditche a strong wall or a sure hedge for defence Such a vineyard must needes bring foorth good fruite God of his goodnesse hath prouided for this vineyard his church of England all these helpes aboundantly he hath beautified it and furnished it most plentifully with rare and woonderfull blessings 5 He hath giuen it a skilfull ouerseer one indued with al gifts and qualities fit for gouernement An vnwise King destroyeth his people but where they that be in authoritie are men of vnderstanding there the Citie prospereth Be wise therefore O ye Kings be learned ye Iudges of the earth saith the Prophet It pleased the Lord greatlie that Solomon asked rather wisedome than riches knowledge than honour Giue vnto thy seruaunt O Lord an vnderstanding heart to iudge thy people that I may discerne betweene good and bad If learning and wisedome be so necessarily required in a gouernor how great is the goodnesse of almightie God to vs ward which hath so plentifully bestowed this gift of knowledge and wisdome vpon our Soueraigne not farre inferior to Mithridates for diuersitie of languages but farre surmounting al former English princes in learning knowledge and vnderstanding which rare and excellent gift dwelleth not in her royall brest alone but is beautified and accompanyed with sundrie other most singuler graces She is the verie patronesse of true religion rightly termed The defender of the Faith one that before all other things seeketh the kingdome of God If the threatenings of men could haue terrified her or their allurements entised her or any craftie perswasions haue preuailed she had reuolted long ere this so fiercely by great Potentates her constancie hath beene assaulted But God hath strengthened his royall handmaide the feare of God hath put to flight the feare of men her religious heart is accepted of the Lord and glorious it is also in the eyes of the worlde A Prince so zealous for Gods house so firmely setled in his trueth that she hath constantly determined and oftentimes vowed rather to suffer all torments than one iot to relent in matter of religion She is not fraudulent and treacherous but dealeth iustly and truely in woord and deede with all men promiseth and performeth Herein her Maiestie passeth all princes and therefore in credite she is farre before others And her great desire is that all men placed in authoritie vnder her should deale truely iudge rightly and giue to euery man his owne according to iustice matching alwaies with iustice mercie which two are so linked and coupled together that they may not be seuered Iustice without mercie is too sharpe and rigorous and mercie without iustice is not mercie but follie That no Prince of this Realme inclining so much to mercie did euer lesse hinder the course of Iustice than her Highnesse hath doone such as are placed in Iudiciall roumes must needes confesse So truely it may be saide The scepter of thy kingdome is a righteous scepter thou louest iustice and hatest sinne Of nature a prince most mercifull in iudgement vpright and iust A prince voide of all corruption an hater of bribes free in bestowing in taking close handed one that hath learned and doeth practise our Sauiours lesson It is a more blessed thing to giue than to receiue A right Samuel that cannot bee charged with indirect dealing A prince milde as Moses iust as Samuel peacefull as Solomon zealous as Dauid Neither speake I this in flatterie which thing be farre from me but in an vpright conscience not of gesse but of knowledge not seeking my selfe but the glorie of God that being put in minde of your happinesse yee may praise God for his mercie and glorifie him in his gratious gifts Thus hath God blessed this vineyard his Church with a learned wise religious iust vncorrupt milde mercifull peacefull and zealous Prince to gouerne it A great blessing the Lord continue it and make vs thankefull for it 6 This skilfull manurer of the vineyard must first ridde the ground purge the Church The barnefloore must be cleansed before the haruest be brought in Ieremie commaundeth the thornes first to be rooted out and then the seede to bee cast into the ground Moses gaue charge to cast out all leauen before the people might celebrate the passeouer Iosua willed the Cananites to be expelled ere he would establish his common wealth of Israel Iacob would not sacrifice vnto God till he had purged his house of Idols The like
refuse to heare it reade it followe it if the seede of God doe not fructifie in our hearts if the peace wee haue with God bring not foorth pietie if our ciuill peace bring foorth no better fruite than beastly securitie if plentie worke nothing in vs but pride if with Adam in our presumption wee disobey the Lorde if with Sodome when we are ful our care be onely to satisfie our lust if we neglect the poore and deride the iust if with Israel we lust after flesh and despise Angels foode if we hunger after poperie and thirst not after the water of life if wee fall away from God and fall downe to creatures if wee runne a whoring and defile the flesh and prophane the temple of God if we tempt God being wearie of our profession hauing wauering mindes and backesliding hearts if we despise gouernement and speake euil of them that be in authoritie if wee mutter and murmure against the principalitie of Moses and Aaron if wee loath the present state and seeke after alterations then shall all these godlie blessings of God turne into cursings the message of life shall be vnto vs a fauour of death the words of the sonne of God spoken vnto vs for our saluation shall beare witnesse against vs and condemne vs our vineyard shall be laide wast wee shall be made a byword and a woonder to the world and for a iust reward of this our wickednesse our former benefites shall but adde a greater waight vnto our woe But this be farre from vs and from our children for euermore Wherefore to returne and to conclude this part when we shall behold the great mercies of God so plentifully powred vpon vs howe hee hath regarded his vineyard blessed and inriched this his Church with so great gifts and so maruellous treasures you see how truely we may say Vinea nostra floruit Our vine hath flourished This is the goodnes of God towards vs. 13 Let vs nowe cast our eyes another way and see how men haue dealt with the Lords vineyard Great hath beene the fauor of God towards it and great also hath beene the malice of Satan and the ingratitude of man in labouring by all meanes to lay it wast These enemies of the vineyard are termed foxes vnder which name be comprised all heretikes all Schismatikes all hypocrites Atheists Epicures Conspirators Persecutors with all the rable of the wicked They are termed litle foxes either for that they are more rash more wilfull and more hurtfull to the vineyard than the olde foxes because they shunne no peril or else they are so called in contempt For although they seeme mightie strong and fierce yet when God shal arme himselfe against them then they wil appeare sillie weake cubbes not able to kicke against the pricke There is no wilinesse no force no power no counsell against our God If Christ say It is I all his enemies doe stagger and fall flat to the ground The litle cubbes perhaps are animated by reason of their wilinesse and because they know they are many in number It is true The children of this worlde are wise in their generation subtile they are as serpents But God confoundeth the counsels of all craftie Achitophels and taketh foxes in the snares they set for others The number is great and as the maner is of euil weedes it groweth apace they are tenne for one But one Dauid is worth not onely tenne but tenne thousand Philistines because he commeth in the name of the Lord. He that fighteth vnder Christs banner and is protected vnder the shadowe of the wings of the almightie he is safe be he in neuer so great perils Gedeon with three hundred crying The sworde of the Lorde and Gedeon slewe and put to flight an infinite number the huge armie of the Madianites It is all one with God to ouercome with fewe or many So the enemies then of God the enemies of the Church they are but sillie weake cubbes be they neuer so wilie neuer so many 14 But the enemies of Gods vineyard are therefore chiefly called foxes because they are of like condition vnto foxes whom they singularly resemble in foure peculiar properties The foxe is rauenous greedie on his pray And these cubbes enemies to the crosse of Christ haue vnder pretense of long praier deuoured widowes houses spared no estate or conditon of men beguiled Princes of their possessions gotten to themselues the riches and wealth of the whole worlde with false merchaundise selling that for bread which is no bread making their gaine of masses merites pardons and such like stuffe Vnsatiable dogges they are euer barking and neuer satisfied The olde gray foxe is become the Lord of the whole earth the king of kings his Cardinals Abbots and Bishops great Princes and Lordes of whole Countries the litle foxes as Monkes Fryers Massing priests what with singing and what with begging haue raked no small heapes together 15 Foxes doe feede on bloud in desire whereof they kil more than they can deuoure Christ calleth Herod Foxe partly for his sauage and cruel murthering of Infants What thousands of the children and lambes of God these Herodians these Romanists these rauening wolues and bloudie foxes haue deuoured looke into the histories of all times you shall woonder at it and abhorre them Doubtlesse the righteous bloud which they haue shed vpon the earth shall come vpon them the bloud of the Saintes whom they haue cruelly butchered crieth vnto the Lord against them for reuenge and the Lord wil heare it Whomsoeuer thou shalt see take delight in the bloud of persecution he is a Foxe 16 As they liuely resemble foxes in greedinesse and crueltie so in wilinesse also they are like vnto them craftie they are subtile as false as a foxe The foxe will not woorry neere his bele but raungeth farre abroade least he be espied So these subtile deceiuers goe farre off they compasse sea and land to make a proselite of their owne profession they shut themselues vp in their beles in the day time they dare not abide the light but seeke lurking holes and corners disguising themselues in strange apparell least their woonted attire should bewray them wilie foxes deepe dissemblers double hearted double tongued double faced speaking them full faire whom they hate full deadly promising and not performing shifting off and seeking time nowe humble as sheepe but when time serueth as fierce as Lyons By subtile slightes and breache of faith they brought Iohn Hus to the Councel at Constance and there cruelly murthered him they promised him a Safe-conduct to come and to goe but those holie Fathers agreed vpon a newe point of religion that Promise is not to be kept with heretikes and so cruelly and treacherously consumed with fire the Saint of God These faithbreakers be no more to be trusted than foxes 17 The last propertie that I note in the foxe is that hee casteth an euil sauour I will not
and their prayer tooke away the force of the fire The scriptures are full of examples of all sorts Kings Prophets Apostles faithfull Christians haue called vpon the Lord in the time of their troubles hee hath heard them graunted their requests and deliuered them from their distresses Wherefore before all things the Apostle heere exhorteth vs vnto praier 10 But for whom First generally for all men then specially for kings and them that are placed in authoritie It seemeth some were of opinion that praiers should be made onely for the faithfull for the brethren for Christians and not for Infidels Paul to meete with this vncharitable error saith Let supplications be made for all men S Iohn in his Canonicall Epistle seemeth to make exception against this generall doctrine There is a sinne vnto death I say not that thou shouldest praie for it This is that sinne which Christ calleth sinne against the holy Ghost which neuer shall be remitted and therefore is not to be praied for But because it is hard for vs to discerne who sinne vnto eternall death Christian charitie wil that we hope wel of all and obserue the generall rule to praie for all There were secrets reuealed to the Apostles of Christ which are hidden from vs they had the gift of prophecying and discerning of spirits to foresee and knowe which gifts these times haue not Paul rapt into the third heauen learned secrets not to be reuealed hee knewe that Himenaeus and Alexander were reprobates We may not so iudge of others Who art thou that iudgest an other mans seruaunt In outward shewe after the iudgement of man Paul being a violent persecuter of Christ sinned vnto death yet was hee the elect vessell and glorious instrument of God Christ is the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world he wil haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth We must therefore haue a charitable meaning towards all and pray for all as he hath died for all Praie euen for your enemies for them that persecute and slander you Blesse them that curse you Wish well to them that doe ill to you For God suffereth his raine to fall and his light to shine both vpon good and bad Abraham praied for Abimeleck Moses for Idolaters Samuel for Saul Stephen for them that stoned him and Christ for them that cruelly put him to shamefull death Let vs imitate these holie paternes 11 As we should praie for all men so chiefely for kings and such as are in authoritie because they chiefly neede it In Pauls time the kings and rulers of the people were Ethnickes tyrants enemies to Christ and cruel persecuters of the Gospel wherevpon some thought it not conuenient for the Church to pray for them who sought to destroie it S. Paul abateth this opinion teaching them that they should chiefly praie for such as for men in greatest daunger and most needing the helpe of their praier Praie for him that praieth not for himselfe The prophet Ieremie requireth the Israelites to praie for the cruel persecutor of Gods people Nabuchadnetzar For God in his mercie giueth good princes and in his ire he giueth wantons as Esay saith and hypocrites as Iob writeth Both euill and good are the ordinaunce of God We must praie for ill princes because the kings heart is in Gods hand that he may turne their mindes and staie their persecutions of euil make them good and of strangers from the common wealth of his Saints make them pillers and staies vnto the Church For good princes we ought heartily to praise the Lord for them especially to pray as the prophet did for Salomon Giue thy iudgements to the King O God and thy righteousnesse to the Kings Sonne For it is the singular gift of God not onely to set vp rightfull gouernement in the world but also to cherishe and preserue the same Euen they whom he hath furnished with the spirite of righteousnesse and of iudgement are vnable furtherfoorth to execute their charge than they be specially directed by the hande of God and assisted from heauen with all helpes necessary for their calling If the Christians did praie for the wealth and prosperitie of those princes which bent all their force and power against the kingdome of Christ surely for such as are defenders of the faith and zealous patrones of Gods people wee ought daily and hourely to powre out supplications that God would grant them a long life a safe gouernementt a sure dwelling valiant souldiers faithfull counsellers a good people a quiet world and whatsoeuer the hearts of men or kings doe desire And let all such as wil not say Amen to those praiers assure themselues that they are neither duetifull Christians nor faithfull subiects but disloyall contemners of Gods ordinance and rebellious despisers of his commaundement who spake by the mouth of his Apostle saying Praie for Kings and all such as be in authoritie 12 If any Church any people any nation in the world haue cause to praise the Lord for their prince this Lande hath more than any in respect of the wonderfull blessings wherewith God by the ministerie of his handmaide hath enriched vs far beyond all that we are possibly able to conceiue Israell was well apaide with the good gouernement of Debora Iudith and Hester But they thought themselues twise happie when God gaue them Moses Samuel Dauid Salomon Iehosaphat Ezechias Iosias to gouerne them England liked well and tooke it for no small blessing of God when Henrie the first H. the second Edward the first Edward the third Edward the fourth H. the fift H. the sixt H. the seuenth H. the eight Edward the sixt bare rule ouer it But did God euer blesse the throne of any man as hee hath doone the royall seate of his annointed at this day Hath the like euer beene heard of in any nation to that which in ours is seene Our Debora hath mightily repressed the rebel Iaben our Iudith hath beheaded Holophernes the sworne enemie of Christianitie our Hester hath hanged vp that Haman which sought to bring both vs and our children into miserable seruitude And if we may compare with the ancients of Israel Moses was not more milde nor Samuel more iust nor Dauid more faithful nor Salomon more peacefull nor Iehosaphat more readie to assist his neighbours nor Ezechias more carefull for Gods cause nor Iozias more zealous to restore syncere religion If yee make the comparison betweene her owne predecessors neither was Henrie the first better learned nor Henrie the second more easie to forgiue and put vp iniuries nor Ed. the first more chast nor Ed. the third more loath to accept of forrein dominion being offred nor Ed. the fourth more iust in yeelding all men their owne nor H. the fift more happie nor H. the sixt more holie nor H. the seuenth more prudent nor H. the eight more valiant in quelling the Pope nor
instituted by Christ to be receiued of Christians By the one which is Baptisme we are receiued and incorporated into the Church of Christ by the other which is the Eucharist or Lords supper wee are nourished and fed vnto life euerlasting These are pledges and assurances of remission of sinnes and saluation purchased by the death of Christ. These are Gods seales added vnto his most certaine promises for the confirmation of our weake faith weake by reason of the infirmitie of our fleshe For if we were spirituall saith Chrysostome wee should not neede these corporall signes We being now prepared and purposed to be partakers of this holie mysterie the sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ it standeth vs vpon to haue that due consideration which the waight of a matter so neerely concerning our saluation doeth require to the end that we may to our comfort and profite receiue the same Deepely to enter into this matter the shortnesse of this time wil not permit yet somewhat I will say and giue you a tast of things needefull 21 In this sacrament there are two things a visible signe and an inuisible grace there is a visible sacramentall signe of breade and wine and there is the thing and matter signified namely the bodie and bloud of Christ there is an earthly matter and an heauenly matter The outward sacramentall signe is common to all as well the bad as the good Iudas receiued the Lords bread but not that bread which is the Lord to the faithfull receiuer The spirituall part that which feedeth the soule onely the faithful doe receiue For he cannot be partaker of the bodie of Christ which is no member of Christs bodie This foode offred vs at the Lords table is to feede our soules withall it is meate for the minde and not for the bellie Our soules being spiritual can neither receiue nor digest that which is corporall they feede only vpon spirituall foode It is the spirituall eating that giueth life The flesh saith Christ doeth nothing profite We must lift vp our selues from these externall and earthly signes and like Eagles flie vp and sore aloft there to feede on Christ which sitteth on the right hande of his father whom the heauens shall keepe vntill the latter day From thence and from no other Altar shall he come in his natural bodie to iudge both quicke and dead His naturall bodie is locall for else it were not a naturall bodie his bodie is there therefore not here for a naturall bodie doth not occupie sundrie places at once Here we haue a sacrament a signe a memoriall a commemoration a representation a figure effectuall of the bodie and bloud of Christ. These termes the auncient Fathers Ireneus Tertullian S. Augustine S. Ierome S. Chrysostome doe vse Seeing then that Christ in his naturall bodie is absent from hence seeing he is risen and is not here seeing hee hath left the worlde and is gone to his father howe shall I saith S. Augustine laie holde on him which is absent how shall I put my hand into heauen Send vp thy faith and thou hast taken hold Why preparest thou thy teeth Beleeue and thou hast eaten Thy teeth shall not doe him violence neither thy stomacke conteine his glorious bodie Thy faith must reache vp into heauen By faith he is seene by faith he is touched by faith he is digested Spiritually by faith wee feede vpon Christ when wee stedfastly beleeue that his bodie was broken and his bloud shed for vs vpon the crosse by which sacrifice offered once for all as sufficient for all our sinnes were freely remitted blotted out and washed away This is our heauenly bread our spirituall foode This doth strengthen our soules and cheere our hearts Sweeter it is vnto vs than honie when we are certified by this outward sacrament of the inward grace giuen vnto vs thorough his death when in him we are assured of remission of sins and eternall life Better foode than this thy soule can neuer feede vpon This is the bread of euerlasting life They which truely eate it shall liue by it 32 Thus I haue briefly simply and plainely vnfolded vnto you the meaning of this most holy mysterie Time wil not suffer me to let you see the absurdities of the popish vnsauourie opinions in this matter neither to confute their vaine allegations and false collections abusing the scriptures dreaming euermore with the grosse Capernaites of a carnall and a fleshly eating Beholde the one part of this sacrament consecrated is termed bread the other a cup by the Apostle himselfe Because what they were according to the substance of their natures before consecration the same they remaine after saith Bertram The like hath Theodoret Those mysticall tokens after they be sanctified doe not leaue their proper nature for they abide in their former substance figure and shape This sacrament was deliuered to the Corinthians in both kindes As Christ saith so saith Paul Bibite ex hoc omnes Drinke ye all of this That the whole sacrament should be receiued of the people and no mutilation permitted the auncient writers are most cleare as Ambrose Ierom Chrysostom Gelasius Cyprian c. This sacrament is to be receiued in remembrance of Christ crucified As oft as yee shall eate this bread and drinke of this cup ye shewe the Lords death vntill his comming 23 In what maner we ought to prepare our selues thereunto Paul teacheth saying Let a man prooue himselfe and so eate of that bread and drinke of that cuppe This condemneth Anabaptists which thinking themselues to be without sin communicate with none but such as they thinke like to themselues Euerie man shal beare his owne burthen It behooueth therefore euerie man to trie him selfe and not other men Trie whether ye be in the faith or no. Faith hath his fruites It worketh repentaunce it causeth sorowe for sinnes committed feare of sinning againe and hope of pardon It breedeth loue towards God and loue towardes our brethren If incredulitie if impenitencie if hatred and malice haue possessed thine heart then abstaine from the Lords table least with Iudas thou receiue the Lords bread against the Lord the foode of saluation to thy condemnation But if thou beleeue repent thee of thy sinne purpose to liue a charitable and godlie life if thou be cloathed with the sweete garment of the sonne of God then sit thee downe at the table of the Lorde and at the feast of the lambe For this is his feast this is doone onely in remembraunce of him this is the blessed Eucharist a sacrament of praise and thankesgiuing as for al other godly benefites so particularly and principally for the death and passion of Iesus Christ Gods onelie sonne and our onelie Sauiour 24 These dueties being thus performed vnto God wee must also endeuour to liue and leade an honest life Peace is a great meane to procure pietie and pietie should breede honestie in vs. The one
not so wel to deale with prophane things in this place the word of God beeing so plentifull and of great power to mooue the hearts of such as beleeue In the scriptures of God Counsellers haue examples laide before them of both sorts as well such as haue referred all their counsels to their owne priuate gaine as also such as haue faithfully employed their trauels to the benefite of others Achitophel beeing a man of a traiterous heart gaue trecherous aduise tending to the kings confusion But Chusa the Archite directed faithfully his counsell to the safetie of his Lord and Master the King Let him be followed who is most to be commended and was best rewarded This lesson must be deliuered vnto them also which haue charge to deliuer it vnto others For woe be to those pastors that feede themselues and not their flocke Paul had care of all Churches Christ preferred the safetie of his flocke before his owne soule hee gaue his pretious life for his beloued sheepe To bee short this must teache euerie member to trauell for the benefite of the whole bodie that the glorie of God may be sought of all Which that all may seeke syncerely and heartily God the Father graunt for his Sonne our Sauiours sake to whom c. The sixth Sermon A Sermon preached before the Queene PSALME 86. 11 Teache me thy way O Lord and I will walke in thy trueth I Will not meddle with the argument of this Psalme nor make any generall discourse of the whole this one verse shall suffice being plentifull and riche in matter most fit for these our times and not vnfit for this most honourable audience they are the words of a most woorthie prince pertinent to all princes and conuenient for all Christians This short sentence consisteth partly of a petition and partly of a promise For first he praieth to be taught of God secondly hee promiseth to walke in his trueth In the former part are these things chiefly to be considered first a request to be taught Teach me secondly to be taught of God Teache me O Lord thirdly what he would be taught Teache me thy waies 2 The king in praying to be taught confesseth his ignorance and if the great prophet of God pleade ignoraunce who is hee that dare boast of knowledge If S. Paul after so long studie and after so many heauenly reuelations did confesse We knowe in part then the best learned of all may learne Yea when a man hath doone his best he must then begin againe as if all which hath beene doone alreadie were in comparison of perfection nothing It is too much arrogancie in that proude man who thinketh himselfe to haue all knowledge hid in the chest of his bosome and all trueth cheined to his tongue so that hee can neither deceiue nor be deceiued No man hath attained to the knowledge of any thing which will not confesse with Socrates This one thing I knowe that I knowe nothing Brethren saith the Apostle I would not haue you ignoraunt Ignorance is the mother not of deuotion but of superstition not of trueth but of error and sinne If wee desire therefore rather to walke in light than to dwell in blindenesse we must learne of this princely prophet to become scholers in Gods schoole we must with Salomon prefer knowledge and wisedome before riches honour and long life 3 God hath appointed good meanes to leade men to knowledge hee hath caused the scriptures to bee written for our learning Without the knowledge whereof neither can kings beare rule neither subiects obey and liue in order as they should Wherefore Iosua was commaunded not to laie aside the volume of the Law at any time night nor day The prophet Dauid made it his continuall studie The wisest gouernours of Israel would not enterprise any matter of weight til they had turned the leaues of this booke thence to take aduice for their better direction This most pretious iewel is to be preferred before all treasure If thou be hungrie it is meate to satisfie thee if thou be thirstie it is drinke to refresh thee if thou be sicke it is a present remedie if thou bee weake it is a staffe to leane vnto if thine enemie assault thee it is a swoord to fight withall if thou be in darkenesse it is a lanterne to guide thy feete if thou be doubtfull of the way it is a bright shining starre to direct thee if thou be in displeasure with God it is the message of reconciliation if thou studie to saue thy soule receiue the word ingrafted for that is able to doe it It is the word of life Whoso loueth saluation will loue this woord loue to reade it loue to heare it and such as wil neither reade nor heare it Christ saith plainely they are not of God For the spouse gladly heareth the voice of the bridegroome and my sheepe heare my voice saith the prince of pastors 4 But the world seemeth to be glutted with the word there be many stomackes that cannot digest it and many that loath it I stand in feare that God in his iustice wil giue vs instead of plentie of this bread a famine and for wholesome foode meate that shal rot betweene our teeth There is not that desire in vs to knowe the wisedome of Christ which was in the Queene of Saba to heare the wisedome of Salomon There were of the Iewes no small numbers that heard Christ three daies together in the wildernesse and that fasting but he hath fed vs so full that wee care not for him The seruaunts of Salomon were thought happy that they might stand daily to heare his wisedome Happie it were both for the seruants of Salomon for Salomon too if but euerie Sabaoth they would heare him which is farre both greater and wiser than Salomon There is no want except it be of willingnes onely for both we haue leisure ynough to heare and there are store of them whom God hath verie well enabled to speake No time can be better spent nothing more necessarie for a Christian Court What more princelike than to honour the prince of all princes with that seruice wherein he is so highly delighted The bellie is daily and daintily fed O suffer not the soule to want that foode which abideth for euer They are not blessed that feede and pamper the flesh they are that heare the word and keepe it This word attentiuely and carefully heard would conuert our soules correct our liues soften our hearts inflame our mindes with the loue of God it would roote out vice and ingraft vertue banish vaine and cherish good desires in vs it would lay our sins before our faces humble our proude and hawtie lookes bring vs vnto true and heartie repentaunce throwe vs downe with godlie sorowe and raise vs vp againe with heauenly comfort in the merites and mercies of Christ Iesus it would perfectly perfect vs vnto
Bernard is the mother of toyes he might haue saide of vices and the stepdame of vertues Amasis king of Egypt made prouision by Lawe against idlenesse once a yere calling euerie man to a reckoning what he had gotten and what he had spent In this reckoning was neither the gaine of carding dicing vsurie briberie cousinage nor extortion allowed Let euerie man walke in that vocation wherewith God hath called him God hath called no man with these vocations Yet dare I not say neither will I that for anie man at any time in any sort to recreate himselfe with cardes or dise is sinne I am not of that opinion Yet it falleth out too often that these exercises are occasions of much sinne And when they are so it were no doubt much better to bee altogether idle than so ill occupied Wee must not plaie but walke 11 And least in walking wee should wander out of the waie the Prophet now teacheth vs wherein we should walke In trueth We must beware of crooked bywalkes the waie of the Lorde is the straite path of trueth Therefore the Prophet maketh this promise I will walke in thy trueth Truth comprehendeth both soundnesse of doctrine and integritie of life Salomon declareth that Dauid walked after this sort My father walked in trueth and iustice before thee In trueth of doctrine and in iustice of life He faithfully performed his promise vnto the Lord. 12 S. Paul complaineth grieuously of some walkers Many there are saith he that walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping They are enemies of the crosse of Christ. The crosse of Christ is taken here for the passion of Christ which suffered on the crosse Whoso offereth vp Christ againe once offered and sacrificed for our sinnes he is an enemie to the crosse of Christ. To seeke remission of sinnes redemption iustification satisfaction or saluation elsewhere than in Christ crucified is to bee an enemie to the crosse of Christ and to walke not in the high way of trueth but in the bypathes of wicked men 13 S. Paul noteth other bywalkers which walk according to the flesh In this byway walked the Sodomites the Beniamites yea and Dauid sometimes himselfe This was the bypath of the riche glutton which fed daintily day by day whose God was his bellie he serued no other Lord. In this byway walke all wantons flatterers lyers enuious persons stirrers of strife makers of diuision sectaries and such like The ende also of this way is perdition 14 Ezechiel complaineth of walkers which walke after couetousnesse This path is haunted of all sortes of men priests prophets themselues and prophets children yea kings haue beene subiect to this fault They are most miserable which take this way They enioie no quietnesse they tire out themselues with foolish cares they entangle their hearts with noysome lusts they grieue the spirit their toile and vexation hath neither ende nor measure The prophet therefore beggeth at the handes of God Encline mine heart to thy testimonies and not to couetousnesse 15 Ieremie complaineth of walkers in the hardnesse of their hearts They haue hearts trampled on with the feete of men and made as hard as a beaten waie They are become as obstinate against the word and message of God as euer was Pharao There is planted a preiudice in them from which they cannot goe back No enchauntment bee it neuer so wise can haue any force vpon them their eares are so cunningly and so closely stopped 16 Dauid complaineth of such walkers as are led by the counsell of the wicked as Eue by the serpent Absolon by Achitophel Saul by Doeg Roboam by a traine of lewde companions rash heads The waie of all these vngodlie ones shall perish 17 There is also another kinde of inordinate walkers complained of by the Apostle which worke not at all but vnder pretense of zeale and religion forsake all labour and occupie their heads wholy with searching and sifting other mens dooings their tongues onely with barking against such as God hath placed in authoritie their eares with nothing but listening after straunge and newe reports These are spreaders of brutes brochers of newes informers of men how the world shall wagge They are still beating and forging out newe plots of common wealths and vndermining the olde They are one of the woorst kinds of men that liue The vnbridled malapertnesse of such men the prophet Dauid seemeth to touch when he saith The tongue of them walketh throughout the earth They make no difference of any person high or lowe they stay no where Dauid though a king Paul though an Apostle Christ though the sonne of the liuing God escaped not the reach of these venimous creatures Such walking tongues would be tyed short If men cannot bridle them yet of this wee are sure that Slaundering and lying lippes the Lord will destroie 18 Ieremie complaineth also of certaine walkers whom he termeth rebellious traitors walking craftily flattering them whom they purpose to vndermine These bee cunning courtlike men whose countenance wil neuer bewraie that which lieth secretly hid within their hearts Of this crue was Siba who pretended great good to his master Mephiboseth but spying a time begged his whole inheritance of the king And Herod that foxe which made a shewe of religious worshipping him whom his meaning was cruelly to destroie And Ioab which fraudulētly bare Abner in hand that he came to talke with him as a friend but getting opportunitie stabd him to the heart And the sonnes of Iacob who vnder pretense of friendship mariage and ioining in religion with the Sichemites caused them to be circumcised and when they were sore fell vpon them and murthered them without compassion or pitie Let no man defraude or circumuent for the Lord is the auenger of all such things But as S. Paul faith What should I say more Time would be too short if I should remember vnto you all the bywaies wherein the wicked doe walke 19 The prophet Dauid seemeth to bee much grieued at the great swarmes of bad walkers in his daies The wicked saith hee doe walke on euerie side And he yeeldeth the reason Because they are exalted When bad men are placed in great roumes when the base are exalted and lifted vp into places of authoritie then the bounds of wickednesse are inlarged and sinne going on without controlement gathereth strength Christ therefore requireth carefull choise of ministers in his church his desire is to haue them faithfull and wise Paul would place none but such as were well testified to be blamelesse in life and apt to teach with wholesome doctrine The admitters of ministers are too lauish in our daies they haue litle regard or care whom they take S. Pauls lesson Lay not hands on any man rashly is forgotten The preferrers vnto liuings are no lesse faultie they choose of the
hath the greatest skil the prince because he hath the highest roume the people because they are most in number If the pastor goe before the sheepe will be the readier to followe after if the fountaines bee sweete the riuers that flowe from them will not be sowre if there be darkenesse in the hils there will bee more in the valleies if those that should giue light vnto others be turned into darkenesse how great shall the darkenesse of others be Examples haue a meruelous force to leade men The whole world is led as they haue others especially their superiors for examples And therefore you that be chiefest in authoritie should by reason be foremost in the waie of trueth Walke in what way you wil you are sure to haue followers Iosias walked in the straite waie to heauen and the people followed Ieroboam in the broade waie and the people were caried after in heapes If you liue in securitie carelesse for Gods matters carelesse for the causes of the common wealth carefull to feede vpon pleasures and fancies carefull to passe ouer your owne times in ease and quietnesse the people will easily take after your your townes and cities will soone be made like to that secure and carelesse citie of Lais. If ye will haue the people of the Land watchfull you your selues must not slumber If you make light of the word of God the people will learne by your example to despise it if you embrace the truth they also wil loue it You my Lords you whom God hath placed before you must goe before for Gods loue striue no longer take your places and goe on that the people of God being guided by you as by lights may follow after in the way of trueth It is a monstrous thing to see the basest liues in the highest roumes Your conuersation must be a glasse for others to looke into Others shall aunswere for their owne faults but you for your owne faults and for others who through your example are faultie To conclude let vs all so walke as becommeth the children of the light let it suffice that in times past wee haue walked according to the vanitie of the Gentiles let vs now returne vnto the Lord let vs cast away impietie and worldly concupiscence and liue a sober a righteous and a godlie life let vs with true repentance craue pardon and mercie at the handes of God and hereafter walke humbly before him not for a day or for a moneth or a Lent season but continually all the daies of our pilgrimage vpon earth He onely shall be saued that continueth walking in trueth to the ende God for his mercie sake let fall plentifully the drops and dewe of his heauenly grace vpon the hil of Hermon and the mountaines of Sion to the fruitefull watering of the whole Land of Israel Teach vs O Lorde euen our princes our prophets and our people thy waies direct all our goings that we may walke for euer in thy trueth This that wee may doe all and euerie of vs in our seuerall callings God the father graunt for his Sonne Christs sake to whom c. The seuenth Sermon A Sermon preached before the Queene IAC 4. 8 Drawe neere to God and he will drawe neere to you Cleanse your hands ye sinners and purge your hearts ye double minded 9 Suffer affliction and be sorie Weepe Let your laughter be turned into mourning and your iote into heauinesse 10 Cast downe your selues before the Lord and he will lift you vp GOD requireth in his houshold steward the minister of his blessed word fidelitie and discretion fidelitie to deliuer to Gods familie such meat without mingling as he hath receiued at his Lords hands discretion to giue it fitly in due season by respecting the time place auditorie like circumstances Al men are not of one kind of constitution Some are able to receiue and digest strong meate high mysteries deepe secrets of God Others must be fed with milke simple and plaine lessons yet auaileable to their saluation These differences are in the foode it selfe The maner of diuiding it standeth in doctrine and exhortation Doctrine is for the ignoraunt to instruct them exhortation for the learned to monishe and strengthen them both may most profitably be ioined together Paul hauing to doe with the ignorant Gentiles learned in profane arts but barbarous in true religion is ful of doctrine Iames dealing with the learned Iewes traueileth more in exhortation Our times are learned times God hath blessed our daies with vnderstanding Wee are inriched by him in all speeche and in all knowledge But we knowe and doe not and that deserueth stripes Miserable is it to be ignorant of Christ not to knowe the path which leadeth to heauen Yet better it were not to knowe the way of truth than not to walke in it being knowne I will therefore followe the wisedome of S. Iames and with his owne woordes exhort you Drawe neere to God and he will drawe neere to you c. In which woords first hee exhorteth vs to drawe neere vnto God secondly he sheweth vs the meanes how we may so doe lastly hee telleth what commoditie we shall reape thereby 2 He exhorteth sinners double hearted men to draw neere vnto God Sinners are such as be notable open offenders who make all the world witnesses of their wickednesse Marie Magdalene is called a sinner because she was knowne to be a great offender Behold a woman that was in the Citie a sinner The Sodomites and the Amalechites are likewise termed sinners for the excessiuenesse of their sinne because their sinnes were notorious and manifest Double hearted men are hypocrites resembling painted sepulchers beautifull without and within full of rottennesse such as say and doe not pretending holinesse for aduantage and working mischiefe in their hearts 3 This exhortation is generall it reacheth to all for wee are al offenders euen against the maiestie of almighty God although not all in the same degree All haue sinned and do need the glorie of God Euerie mans waies are corrupt The imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth What man liuing can say My heart is pure Betweene an open sinner and an hypocrite there is a difference in their sight which take them as they seeme there is no difference before God who beholdeth them as they are As God wil not heare the praier of the open obstinate sinner so doeth hee powre his grieuous curse vpon all hypocrites and counterfeite Christians Woe be to you ye hypocrites 4 Dauid when hee committed that great follie was an open sinner and gaue great offence It was told him by Nathan Thou hast made the Lords enemies to blaspheme Mariage is honourable in the sight of all men but fornication and adulterie the Lord doth abhorre and the offenders therein the Lorde shall iudge This one sinne drowned the whole world it called fire out
sheepes coate and play the wolfe in his right kinde They would shewe their rauenous nature by their cruell deedes then would they fil their bellies with that after which they now thirst they would finde swift feete to shed the bloud of innocents From the mouth of the Lyon O Lord deliuer vs. This sort of people our Apostle calleth double hearted 12 Herode was a double hearted man who calling the wise men to him bad them goe and searche out Christ returne and bring him word that he also might goe and worship him He intended to kill whom he pretended to worship Iudas was like affected he kissed and betraied Cains minde was as double when he spake faire vnto his brother entised him into the fielde and there villanously murthered him Ioab dealt euen so with Amasa and Abner whom vnder pretense of friendship traiterously hee slewe Absolon inuited his brother Ammon to a feast and in the midst thereof sodainely bereaued him of his life 13 These double hearts died not with these men they liue stil in their posteritie With Herode all men pretend to woorship Christ but most part also with Herode in trueth in heart in life kill him and trample vnder their feete the pretious bloud of his Testament Whom wee professe in woord wee denie in deede whō in doctrine we follow him in life we forsake Thus in doublenesse with Iudas we flatter we dissemble we courtesie we kisse but the inward heart is full of malice and treason Faithful friendship hath taken his flight away There is no trueth in the earth We speake them full faire whom we hate full deadly Whom we kisse we can sell to death for a peece of monie Iudges can talke of iustice and for monie peruert iudgement For monie the vineyard of the Lorde is laide wast by them who professe themselues the keeepers of it By them for monie the flocke of Christ is scattered and left to the wolfe to bee deuoured For monie an Idoll is made a pastor Iudas selleth Magus buyeth a thiefe by a thiefe is placed Beware of these double harted men Cain is a murtherer speake he neuer so faire If Absolon feast thee yet feare least thou finde sowre sawce to thy sweete meate The bond of brotherhoode is not of strength sufficient to retaine these double hearts Take heede of Ioab howsoeuer hee fawne for hee carieth inwardly a bigge and hawtie minde It is death to him that any should be in credite or direct Dauid besides himselfe Hee must doe all alone His outward speech is faire but his inward thought is ful of hatred enuie and wrath 14 Such as the fountaine is such is the riuer that runneth from it A double heart maketh a double tongue They which thinke deceitfully speake deceitfully and flatter with their lippes The Disciples of the Pharisees and the Herodians as they had double hearts so had they double tongues Before Christs face they could say Master we knowe that thou art true and teachest the waie of God truely neither carest for any man nor respectest the person of men But behinde his backe they termed him a seducer a companion of Publicanes and sinners a wine bibber and most spitefully railed against the righteous Lord of glorie All flatterers are double tongued Whom they praise excessiuely being present of him their maner is being out of sight to speake most slanderously and vilely So vnlike they are to our Sauiour Christ who would not praise Iohn to Iohns Disciples but after their departure commended him to the people It is Saint Augustines iudgement that the hand of no persecuter is more grieuous than is the tongue of a flatterer 15 These sinners and double hearts our Apostle doeth here reprooue vsing withal and earnest exhortation vnto them to draw neere vnto God from whom they haue so farre straied All sinners are straiers for sinne maketh a diuision betweene God and man Your iniquities haue made a separation betweene me and you To sinne is to depart and fall away from God The more wee sinne the faster and farther we flie from him Iudas sinned deepely and deadly hauing sinned he could not abide the presence of that innocent whom he had betraied but went out and vnrecouerably fell away The prodigall childe being loosely giuen waxed wearie of his fathers vertuous house raunged abroade fell to follie fed on filthinesse and bathed himselfe in all loathsome sinne yet being touched with Gods hand he repented and drew neere What should I name this or that man which hath gone astray It is most true that the Prophet saith We haue all erred gone astray like sheepe Not one hath remained within the sheepefold Euerie one hath either skipt ouer the hurdles or crept through the hedge All haue sinned there is not one innocent He that saith hee is no sinner is a sinner because he is a lyer Our sinne therefore hath separated vs from God who hateth and abhorreth sinne Our doubtfull double hearts haue caried vs into many crooked dangerous waies Our Apostle doth call vs home againe as sheepe that haue strayed saying Drawe neere vnto God 16 But what is it in our owne wil and power to returne or doeth God commaund that which is impossible for vs to performe Trueth it is All our sufficiencie is of God Of our selues wee are not able to thinke a good thought It is God that giueth both to will and to performe Without me saith Christ you are able to doe nothing No doubt we haue power and free will to runne from God but to drawe neere vnto him is his grace and gift Ad malum sufficit sibi liberum arbitrium ad bonum non Freewill hath in it selfe abilitie ynough to euill but not to good Hee commaundeth vs therefore to doe that which of our selues we are not able to doe that seeing our want we may craue his grace and helpe which will inable vs to drawe neere vnto him This grace is not in vaine by it we are that we are when we be as we should be neere vnto him If he that commandeth vs do not reach vs his hand when we are bidden to drawe neere we goe farther off But let God giue that which he commaundeth and then commaund whatsoeuer hee will Conuert vs O Lord and we shall be conuerted If he conuert vs not we shal remaine as we are or rather proceede to woorse No man commeth vnto me saith Christ except the father drawe him The spirit grace of God of vntoward and vnwilling maketh forward and readie and so by the efficacie of the spirit being changed we which were farre off are drawne neere 17 The way to drawe neere vnto God our Apostle setteth downe at large Cleanse your handes purge your hearts bee afflicted mourne weepe let your laughter bee turned into sorowe and your tote into griefe Humble your selues in the sight of the Lorde Esay the
doeth shewe a monstrous minde A minsing tripping pace as the prophet doth note argueth a prowde and an vnstable heart A loftie countenance a stretched out necke and a wandering eye are the pictures of an hawtie and a wanton minde Vnchast lookes are tokens of vnchast thoughts 30 S. Paul hath made mention of three great and pestilent infections of the hart The first is banquetting and drunkennesse Beware your hearts bee not ouercharged with surfetting and drunkennesse Meate and drinke are ordained for man and not man for them wee should eate to liue and not liue to eate Nature is content with litle and by much the health is empaired A full bellie dulleth the senses and the more wine the lesse wit The iudgement of Plato is that he which filleth his bellie twise a day shall neuer prooue but a sot Too much drinke laide Noa naked and made him ridiculous to his owne sonne Drunkennesse is a fawning diuell a sweete poison a pleasaunt sinne which whosoeuer hath wanteth himselfe and whosoeuer committeth doeth not commit sinne but is altogether very sinne it selfe Let not your hearts therefore be oppressed and defiled with surfetting nor with drunkennesse 31 Another poison of the heart is chambering and wantonnesse The former breedeth the latter And Where fulnesse is there filth raigneth These are commonly linked together and where the one is neere the other is not farre off Ezechiel the prophet addeth an other cause of this vice and that is idlenesse A ful bellie and an idle bodie make an vnchast heart Dauid taking an afternoones vacation and walking idle in his gallerie fell shamefully away from his former puritie and dangerously from GOD. Idlenesse and riotousnesse are the fewell of vncleannesse which S. Ierome considering breaketh out into these words O infernall furie the matter whereof is gluttonie pride the flame the sparkes lewde words the smoke infamie the ashes impuritie the last ende hell miserie Our bodies are made vnto sanctification and not to fornication let vs vse them to that end to which they were created that wee may bring them to that ioiefull ende of eternall blessednesse 32 The third bane of the heart is emulation and contention Let nothing be doone through contention and vaineglorie Pride causeth emulation and of emulation commeth strife so that the cursed generation of vice is fruitfull Pride made the diuelish Angel enuie that his Lord and God should be aboue him it made Adam desire to be as full of knowledge as his creator Absolon to emulate his father and to thirst after his kingdome Caesar was so prowde that hee could not abide a superior Pompey could not beare an equall Corah Dathan and Abiram in the pride of their hearts sought to displace Moses and Aaron the chiefe magistrate and the chiefe minister They set downe a handsome platforme of equalitie and many of the multitude allowed of it as well pleased with a popular estate where the worst of them might be as good as the best But GOD brought their deuise and themselues to nought This emulation is euer contentious and contention bringeth dissipation A kingdome diuided will not endure Our God is the God of peace and not of contention In peace then wee shall haue safetie and be followers of our God Wee ought therefore to bee milde and quiet like sheepe and not contentious and biting like dogges Whilest one of you doth bite another take heede ye bee not deuoured one of another Therefore let euerie man bee content with his owne estate For God hath ordeined distinct estates and by his prouidence men are placed in them Pride surfetting and drunkennesse chambering and wantonnesse emulation and contention are infections of the heart and dangerously defile the same we must purge our hearts of them 33 Thus if we with a simple eie behold our hands and take a viewe of our soules we shall easilie espie fowle fingers and polluted hearts We are bid by our Apostle to wash the one and purge the other but this is not in the abilitie of sinnefull man it is the worke of our gratious God Christ is the onely Phisitian to heale this our disease Onely God remitteth and easeth vs of our sinne Therefore our defiled hands and depraued heartes can not otherwise be washed and made cleane but onely with the bloud of that immaculate Lambe For so the scripture witnesseth The bloud of Iesus Christ doth make vs cleane from all sinne If hee wash vs wee shall bee whiter than snowe Otherwise our filthie sinne will sticke to vs for euer And thus we see that euil must be taken away from al parts both inward and outward our hands must bee cleansed and our hearts purged This is the first part of our repentaunce 34 But this will neuer be doone vnlesse wee conceiue vnfeined and heartie sorowe for sinne Wherefore it followeth in the woords of the Apostle Be afflicted be sorie and weepe let your laughter be turned into mourning and your ioie into heauinesse It is heard saith the Apostle to the Corinthians and that for certaintie that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not once named among the Gentiles And ye are puffed vp and haue not rather sorowed They shewed as he thought litle token of antent to cleanse themselues who sawe such filth and laughed at it If wee haue purpose indeede to drawe neere vnto the Lorde our hearts must bee resolued into teares and our hands washt in the water of our eyes Haue wee sinned with Dauid Let vs crie Peccaui with as grieued an heart as Dauid did Haue we denied Christ with Peter not with our lips but in our liues Let vs then weepe for it with Peter bitterly Haue we in transgressing followed the wanton steps of Marie Magdalene Let vs followe her steps also in powring out teares plentifully for our offences Haue wee wandered and gone astray with the prodigall childe Let vs with him likewise turne into our selues and behold our defiled soules let vs with him returne home at the length with a contrite heart bursting out into that confession full of sorowe Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee A bruised and humbled heart O God thou wilt not despise Repent you therefore of your sinnes saith Peter that your sinnes may bee doone away Let your teares shewe that ye doe repent and let your liues declare that ye are conuerted When euils past are bewailed and things bewailed are not committed againe this saith Ambrose is to repent It is a vaine repentance which is by and by sullied againe by transgressing Teares auaile nothing if we fall afresh into our sinnes It is bootelesse to aske pardon for euill deedes and when we haue doone to doe them againe This is plaine The dogge to his vomite and the swine to his mire Let vs therefore wholy cast away all impietie and worldly concupiscence let vs change this
hath dealt as mercifully with vs as with them if we deale as vnkindely as they with him we which knowe what befell them for it cannot be ignorant what is likely to befall vs except we take the cup of saluation betimes and call vpon the name of the Lord while he is neere 17 And as his benefites doe require thankes so our owne estate doth need succour Our necessities therfore should make vs earnest suters vnto God that he would be our relieuer Our ship is in peril of tempest the ragings of the sea doe threaten it yet who crieth Help Lord What man is there that weepeth bitterly with Peter or nightly watereth his cowch with teares as Dauid Yet al haue sinned offended the Lord of glorie It is high time therefore to call vpon God that earnestly The superstitious praied without vnderstanding Wherein are we better if our praiers be without feeling The fountaine of praier is the feeling of the heart Powre out that before the Lord cal vpon him from thence crie from the depth and he shall answere Here I am thy readie helper in time of neede 18 But withall take this Let the wicked forsake his waies and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lord that is to say Repent Paul to Titus vseth the like description of repētance saying The grace of God teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlinesse worldly lusts and liue soberly and righteously and godlily in this present world Peter out of the Psalme in fewer words saith the same Decline from euill and doe good The Papists set repentance vpon three feete Confession Contrition and Satisfaction But two of them are of wood without life Their confession is to a priest whereas the scripture maketh God and not the priest our Confessor Confitemini Domino saieth the Psalmist Make confession to the Lord. Their satisfaction is but monie matter and God is satisfied not by gold but by bloud with vs he is pleased when our liues are amended Deus morum emendatione placatur qui peccare desinit iram Dei mortalem facit God is pacified by the mending of our maners and he that ceaseth from sin bringeth the wrath of God to an end saith Lactantius We must forsake therefore our owne waies our owne cogitations they are wicked vngodly There is nothing ours but imbecillitie and naughtinesse which with our selues we must vtterly renounce and forsake and flie to Gods mercie that in mercie he may accept vs. No doubt wee haue all wandered out of the waie all haue started aside euerie man hath wandered his owne fond and sinnefull way wee haue prouoked Gods wrath our ingratitude hath grieued him we haue wickedly profaned his sacred Gospell his word we haue contemned and abused vsing it as a cloake to couer our deepe hypocrisie Christ was neuer more professed neuer lesse obeied It is truly verified in our times which the Prophet Oseas complained of in his There is no trueth there is no mercifulnesse there is no knowledge of God in the Land cursing and lying and murther and theft and whoredome haue ouerflowed bloud hath touched bloud Ezechiel teacheth that the sinnes of Sodome that sinke of sinne were Idlenesse of fulnesse of bread pride and vnmercifulnesse towards the poore Are not these the sinnes of this Land of this Citie of this Court at this day Are not these bad waies our waies Halfe Englande liueth idly or woorse occupied we are fed to the full and who is not puffed vp with pride or who relieueth his neighbours want No man is contented with his owne estate but euerie one striueth to clime higher to sit aloft There is want of the true feare of God in all sorts estates and ages Yet we please our selues and walke on as if God either sawe not our sinne or else in his iustice could not punish it Are the eyes of the Lord shut vp or hath God forgotten to be iust Surely our sinnes will not suffer his plagues to stay long from vs. What plagues I dare not presume to prophecie For God hath kept that secrete to himselfe But I stande in feare that we are the men to whom Christ saith The kingdome of God shall be taken from Yov that wee are they whose sinnes will bring the scepter of this kingdome into the handes of an hypocrite If God in his iustice doe this woe worth vs most wretched men The losse of the Gospell is the losse of our soules and the losse of our Soueraigne the losse of our liues Truely when I fall into consideration of the wickednesse of this worlde that all sorts of men fall to sinning with greedinesse that there is skant one left as Elias complaineth that truly seeketh after God that in all conditions iniquitie doeth abound and charitie waxe colde that the zeale of God is vtterly dryed vp in the hearts of men that God is serued for fashions sake and not in trueth what should I thinke but that God hath gathered his lap ful of plagues and is readie to powre them downe vpon vs There is but one way to staie him for which he himselfe doth staie and waite Doe ye not knowe that the lenitie of God inuiteth you to repentance If we wil saue our Nineuie we must repent and turne to our God we must seeke him both prince and people 19 The benefite which commeth vnto those that seeke him is this He will haue mercie on them Although the house of Israel rebelled against the Lord as a froward woman rebelleth against her husband yet he ceased not to call vpon them still by the voice of his Prophets O ye disobedient children returne returne and I will heale your rebellions Surely it perteineth vnto God to say I haue pardoned I will not destroie He looketh vpon men and if one say I haue sinned and peruerted righteousnesse and it did not profite mee hee will deliuer his soule from going into the pit and his life shall see light Loe all these things will GOD worke twise or thrise with a man He desireth not our destruction but our conuersion be we neuer so great sinners For hee is verie readie to forgiue Aske pardon and thou shalt haue it Returne to the Lord vnfeinedly and he will mercifully accept thee 20 And if he be readie to forgiue vs let not vs bee loath to giue vnto him We neede not aske where he is or what he wanteth that we may giue vnto him He is neere at hand straying staruing in the streetes naked hungrie cold harborlesse sicke and diseased ruthfully moning and crying for reliefe Let the pitifull crie of our Christ mooue our hearts to mercie He that shutteth his eares at the crie of the poore shall crie himselfe and not be heard Let that mercilesse Moguntine terrifie men of hard and stonie hearts who was deuoured of rats the vilest vermin for his cruell heart voide of all
with his complices eatē vp of the earth Herode sodainely deuoured with lice The riche man after all his prouision sodainely smitten with death Lying Ananias sodainely fel downe dead Eglon the Moabite Abner the captaine sodainely murthered by the swoord of Aod and Ioab All histories all ages are full of like examples 24 The third danger is that in driuing off to the lest day we shall finde hard time then to turne vnto our God Sickenesse wil sore disquiet vs Satan wil extremely tempt vs Our friends with talking and crauing will molest vs the terror of our ouglie conscience will astonish vs so that hard it will be for vs then to bee rightly mindful of our end so in this extremitie to turn to God that hee in our extreme case may turne his mercie towardes vs. And as S. Augustine saith The remedies come too late when perill of death is neere Remember that which hee also saith elsewhere Hee that hath liued well cannot die ill and hee can hardlie die well that hath liued ill Hee saith hardly not vnpossibly but questionlesseverie hardly 25 Put thine houshold in an order for thou shalt die and not liue saith Esay to Ezechias Giue thy goods whilest they be thine for after death thou hast no interest in them Stand with your loines girded and your shoes on your feete and your staffe in your hande that you may bee readie Wee haue slept too long in sinne to our great danger Let vs now awake to our speedie deliueraunce It is sufficient for vs that we haue spent the time that is past of our life after the will of the Gentiles Let vs now imitate that woorthie souldier who after long warring vnder Adrian the Emperor returned home and liued as Christs souldier a most godlie life and after 7● yeeres died and caused to be written on his tombe Here lyeth Similis a man that was many yeres and liued but seuen Let vs these fewe yeres that we haue liue them to God For that onely is woorthie to be called a life which bringeth vs from a transitorie life to an eternall from a miserable to a most blessed and glorious Let the trumpe euer sound in our eares Rise you dead come vnto iudgement Let vs daily remember that we must die and so shall we contemne these things present and make hast to things to come Truly if we shal rightly consider the vanitie of the worlde the miserable estate of man that we are here but pilgrims and haue no permanent citie that whilest we liue in this rotten tabernacle wee are meere straungers and men from home that wee daily slide yea and fall into sinne that our righteous God hateth it and that the stipend therof is eternall death and withall propose before our eyes the celestiall kingdome the crowne of glorie the eternall felicites which the Lord hath prepared in heauen for such as loue his comming we wil not onely watchefully looke for but most greedily desire the same In our heart wee wil daily crie with S. Iohn Come quickely Lord Iesu wee wil bee like affected to S. Paul desiring to depart hence and to be with Christ we wil sigh and mourne as hee did O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me frō the bodie of this death We wil with Iob euen be wearie of our liues and crie with Elias It is ynough O Lord take my soule it wil be with vs as it was with al the blessed Patriarches and Prophets and Apostles and holie men now glorious Saints in heauen who continually beeing heere thirsted after God and now most blessedly haue enioied him we will vtterly contemne this earthly trash worldely vanities and transitorie things and desire and seeke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God we will whilest wee haue our beeing heere which is but a while humble our selues to walke with our God and although wee tread this earth yet our conuersation wil be in heauen from whence also we looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ who will change our vile bodie that it may bee fashioned like to his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe 26 Thus wee see that funerals are Christian auncient and commendable that the causes are sundry good godly yet neither our preaching nor praier neither any other ceremonie nor circumstance can profite the dead but are helping comforts to such as liue that onely in this life mercie remaineth for man and after this life onely iudgement As we now sowe so we shall then reape Here we are Christs souldiers to fight a good fight so wee may hope for the crowne of glorie Which thing Iob doeth wel declare vnto vs First telling vs that wee are in continuall warre wherein both the generals the captaines the trumpetors and common souldiers that is the prince the nobilitie the ministers and the people must take to them a good courage be faithful dutiful and manfull in fighting the battle of the Lorde euerie man keepe his standing and answere his office But we must all striue for Gods truth and not struggle against it not ambitiously contending for superioritie or malitiously howe to vndermine and wrong one another This is no lawfull combat no Christian warre this is not to fight a good fight But wee must wage warre against our common and our deadly enemies the diuell the world and the flesh The diuel is a roaring lyon a subtile serpent who hath ouercome the perfectest the strongest the wisest The world is all wrapped in wickednesse The flesh wrestleth against the spirite We must put on the armour of God resist the diuell and he will flie from vs crucifie the world chasten our flesh and bring it into subiection vnto the more noble part our spirit At length this our warrefare will come to an ende wee may looke for a change All the world is mutable and of all thinges in the world man most mutable We would change our condition our magistrates our ministers our religion all things But the change that Iob speaketh of we least remember wee litle thinke vpon the change of this mortall life Wee may assure our selues that we all shall die It is an act of Parliament that shall neuer be repealed it is the way of all flesh The daies of man are short and wretched short a spanne long wretched full of miseries All flesh is as grasse and as a flowre both do fade but the flowre sooner Cares wantonnesse ambition yea God in sundrie respects cutteth off both the good and the bad good flowers bad flowers but all as flowers The time of our change is vncertaine and often sodaine that our minde be not troubled that we alwaies be in readinesse Iobs example admonisheth vs of this I looke still when my changing shall come Let vs after his example
daily looke for our change Let vs expect the comming of Christ. Hee commeth in post the forewarnings are fulfilled Iniquitie aboundeth Christian charitie is frosen the Gospell is preached Then is the ende Let vs not slumber in securitie or driue off to returne vnto our God For it is hard for the buried in sinne to rise Man often is sodainely smitten that he hath no time to repent In his last daie he is disquieted by sickenesse by Satan yea by his friendes yea by his owne conscience Let vs liue in reuerent expectation of the Lord with our loines girt and with our lampes light and let the trumpet of iudgement euer sound in our eares it will wel stirre vp our hearts Let vs liue these fewe daies that remaine vnto the Lord whom we ought to haue serued all our daies And lastly recounting the vanitie of the worlde the miserable state of this life and the inestimable blessednesse of the life to come let vs with Iohn Paul Elias the blessed seruants and Saints of God looke for the appearance of the comming of Christ Iesus who will place vs vpon the right hand of his father and giue vs possession of our inheritance that we may haue the perfect fruition of all the treasures prepared for vs by our God in heauen To him euen the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost three persons and one God of eternall maiestie be all honour c. The tenth Sermon A Sermon preached at his first comming to Yorke Lvc. 1. 74 That being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies we may serue him without feare 75 In holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our life THE greater and better part of holie Scripture either setteth foorth Gods goodnesse towards vs or our duetie towards him In these fewe but most pithie woords of Zacharie both are comprehended The great benefite we receiue from God is our redemption in Christ. The dutie which wee owe to him againe is in holinesse and righteousnesse of life continually to serue him He toucheth our redemption in one word but in many words explicateth the dutie which we owe for it vnto our redeemer giuing vs hereby secretly to vnderstand that men are easilie taught to knowe but hardly brought to doe their masters wil. We are rich in al speech and vnderstanding but in deedes ful poore and barren We know much but litle doe we although amongst other things knowne this be one that He which knoweth his masters will and doth it not shall be beaten with many stripes and this another that Not euerie one that saith Lord Lord but he which doth the will of the father shall enter into the kingdome of heauen Wee are for all this such as those Pharisees were whom Christ reprooueth because they saide and did not Euen such we are become as Iude doth describe Wels without water Clowdes without raine Trees without fruite dead though not as yet pulled vp by the rootes Wee are hearers of the woord and yet skantly that but workers of the woord we are not God graunt that the woord wherein wee nowe glorie bee not one day to our shame that the Gospel of saluation beare not witnesse against vs and condemne vs that the words which Christ hath spoken vnto vs heape not iudgement vpon our heads that this be not our condemnation also that light beeing come into the worlde wee loue darkenesse more than light Surely if wee continue to professe in woords and denie in deedes to crucifie to our selues our Sauiour Christ afresh to feede vpon our vomit and to welter in the lothsome myre of our filthie sinne wee shall make our selues vnwoorthie of the kingdome of God wee cannot claime the benefite of Christs merits neither bee partakers of that glorious redemption which Zacharie heere remembreth vnto vs but the bloud of Christ shall be vpon our heads and wee shall perish in our sinne as being guiltie of our owne damnation Thy destruction O Israel is of thy selfe 2 Wherefore to auoide Gods perpetual indignation and our perpetuall confusion let vs followe the counsel of Zacharie who instructed by the spirit of wisedome teacheth vs First that wee are redeemed secondly that the ende of our redemption is that we may serue him that hath redeemed vs thirdly after what sort we should serue him Where he saith that wee are deliuered out of the hands of our enemies it argueth that we once were in their hands We are freed therefore we were bond And in this point we haue to consider First our bondage then the meane of our deliuerance and lastly the cause by which we were deliuered 3 Adam through his rebellion lost his freedome and became a bondman and all we through him and in him are bond conceiued and borne in sinne the children of wrath bond vnto Satan and seruaunts vnto wickednesse the deserued reward whereof is death euen double death this our present mortalitie and euerlasting damnation As by one man sinne entred into the world and by sinne death so death went ouer all men in asmuch as all men sinned With Adam we lost Gods first fauour and protection with him the gratious image of God was blotted out in vs also with him we were expelled out of paradise cast vpon the face of the cursed earth throwen into the hands of our cruell enemie whose liuerie wee did put on and vnder whose miserable thraldome wee liued In this fall from God we lost our immortalitie we lost our freewill wee lost our wisedome our vertue our light our glorie our ioie our heauen our God Our peruerse heart became prone to all euill and full of all sinnefulnesse we became vnwise in our iudgement disobedient to our God deceiued and deceiuing seruing lusts and deadly pleasures liuing in malitiousnesse and enuie hatefull and hating one another We were without hope and without God in this present world all blinded in ignorance and wrapped in all sinne For as we changed our master so changed we our mindes and maners also and for Christ we serued Antichrist we threwe away the loue of Gods eternall truth and according to the ignorance of our blinded hearts hungerly fed vpon all poisoned error and plunged our selues into all wickednesse This was our most miserable estate thus we were thus we are by nature This was the pitifull condition of all humane flesh 4 Let vs now see the meane of this our deliuerance from this deadly captiuitie Wee are ransomed out of the handes of our enemies pulled out of the iawes of Satan freed from the seruitude of Antichrist of ignorance and of sinne onely by the mediation of our redeemer Iesus Christ. He is the Lyon of the tribe of Iuda which alone hath trodden the winepresse alone hath fought the battell in fighting atchieued the victorie and by vanquishing brought our enemie Satan vnder our feete for euer On the crosse with his bloud hee
our sinne but no remedie against the sting therof so that it maketh vs feare and with trembling looke for the reward of sinne which is euerlasting death But the spirite of adoption by the preaching of the Gospel telleth vs that in Christ we haue remission of sinnes we are reconciled vnto God and adopted by him we are his chosen children and may boldly and ioyfully call him father And this certainetie of our saluation the spirit of God testifieth to our spirit whereby we put away all seruile feare of punishment beeing assured of Gods constant fauour and eternall loue towardes vs who neuer leaueth vnfinished that which he hath begun nor forsaketh him whom he hath chosen 15 Therefore daungerous and desperate is that doctrine of the Papists which doth teache vs euer to be doubtfull and in suspence of our saluation A lamentable discomfortable and miserable estate Here it is in one woord confounded For Zacharie saith we are redeemed to serue him without feare or doubtfulnesse For where doubt is there is feare and what greater feare than of a thing so fearefull Hee that will serue God must serue him in a quiet and ioiefull conscience with a sure and vndoubted confidence of mercie and saluation in Christ the Lord of mercy With thee is mercie saith the Prophet that thou maist be feared As if hee should say Thou art full of clemencie and compassion and therfore we serue thee with a reuerent and without a seruile feare being perswaded of thy great mercie 16 Feare is euer of the inferior to the superior It is not required in the prince to feare the subiect the master the seruaunt the father the childe or the husband the wife but contrarie in all God feareth not man his creature man ought to feare God who hath created him to feare him as a louing father and not as men doe feare a fierce tyrant 17 The true feare which is required of vs is euer ioined with loue The good childe feareth to offende his father for that loue and reuerence he beareth to him and not in respect or for feare of punishment The honest and well natured wife that truely loueth her husband for the same cause feareth and taketh great heede least in any thing she should offend him Euen with such feare ought we to serue our God who is our father our Christ who is our spouse Of this godlie feare the Prophet Dauid saith Serue the Lord in feare And againe Feare the Lorde all yee his Saints Of this Christ speaketh Feare him which can destroie both bodie and soule This feare great goodnesse and happinesse doe accompany It is the beginning of true wisedome For all wisedome without the feare of God is but earthly fleshly and diuelish They that haue it shall be satisfied with all good things There is no want to them that feare him It causeth men to decline from euill it banisheth sinne woorketh repentance in mans heart and happie are all they that feare the Lorde as they cursed which feare him not If the Angell had feared the Lord he had still kept his place and glorious estate and not beene made of an Angell a diuel cast out of heauen into hell If Adam had loued and feared God hee had not beene banished out of paradise and throwne vpon the face of this cursed earth If the feare of God had not of old wanted the whole world had not beene drowned If the citie of Sodoma had feared God they might haue remained in prosperitie vntill this day If Cain had feared God he had not so trecherously murthered his brother If Cham he had not so shamefully discouered his father If Laban he had not so deceitfully dealt with Iacob If Pharao he would haue let Israel depart when GOD commaunded If Israell had loued and truely feared God they would not haue loathed Manna despised magistrates followed fleshly lusts murthered the Prophets crucified Christ and persecuted his Apostles If the Corinthians had feared God they would not haue beene so contentious so proude so adulterous neither would they so vncharitably haue iudged their brethren in things indifferent they would not haue condemned mariage the institutiō of God neither in such sort prophaned the holy Sacramēts of Christ. The feare of God wold haue brought forth better fruit in all these and the want therof brought forth this bad fruit 18 If the feare of God dwelt in our hearts the Gospel so truly and plentifully preached among vs would no doubt bring forth far more fruite after so many monitions perswasions and entreaties we would leade a better life When there are amongst vs many that breede contention and make diuision that lend out their monie vpon vsurie that pollute their neighbours bed with adulterie that shut vp the bowels of mercie and compassion and suffer Christ to begge crie and starue in the streetes that neither regard the heauenly message of their saluation nor esteeme the messenger by whom it is brought that shewe no reuerence to the woord of God but manifestly hate loath and despise it is it not too cleare and manifest that we feare not the Lord 19 If the feare of God were in vs would wee deale with the seruaunts of God as wee nowe doe The dealing of Hanun the sonne of Nahash towards Dauids seruaunts was not more villanous than the dealings of the world are with the honorable Embassadors of the most high God at this day Dauid sent his seruauntes to the king of the children of Ammon to comfort him straight vpon the death of his father The malitious Ammonites misconstruing their intent whispered in the eare of their Lord Thinkest thou that Dauid doth honour thy father or that he hath sent comforters vnto thee Are they not rather sent as spies to searche the citie and so to ouerthrowe it He had no sooner heard the name of a spie but hands were laide vpon Dauids seruants they were sent away with their beards halfe shauen and their coates cut off in the vnseemeliest place to his owne euerlasting ignominie and shame which so despitefully vsed men sent vnto him of meere loue and heartie meaning For the good king had no other drift or purpose in his heart but this I will shewe kindenesse to Hanun as his father shewed kindnesse vnto me The true Dauid the most mightie Prince the king of all kings hath in fauour mercie and reconciled loue sent his embassadors his ministers vnto you to comfort you in your griefes and to bring you ioiefull tidings of a kingdome which it hath pleased his father to bestowe vpon you These messengers ought of right to be honourably receiued Entreate such with honour saith the Apostle Nay such messengers are woorthie of double honour But behold they are taken as if they were spies they are accounted as the offscourings refuse baggage of the world not as the embassadors of the great
Disciples kept themselues secretly together in a parlour at Ierusalem for feare of the Iewes and there serued God Such priuate congregations the Ecclesiasticall histories plentifully set foorth and commend In such tempests to serue our God in deserts in hils in dennes and holes of the earth wee must bee content But conuenticles or priuate meetings when the gospell of God being strengthened with the ciuill hand hath his free and safe passage is publikely and syncerely preached when al persecution and feare therof is wholy vanished haue beene euer suspitious and they are the nurces of all errors It is the propertie of froward sectaries whose inuentions cannot abide the light to make obscure conuenticles when the doctrine of truth is set at libertie The Donatists the Arrians the Anabaptists the Familie of loue with all others of the like sort fostered vp their errors in secret and darke corners But such as bee of the flocke of the great sheepeheard Christ ought to assemble themselues in one sheepefold Peruersitie neuer wants excuses neither is satisfied with any reason but no man can in right refuse to communicate with vs in our Church It is the sanctuarie of the Lord the house of God the arke of God wherein the treasures of heauen are laide open for our vse no other than such as God hath commanded The golden pot with Manna the flourishing rod of Aaron and the tables of Moses these are no bugges to fray away Gods children They haue nothing offered them but the heauenly foode whereupon the elect of GOD should feede euen that bread which Christ hath sanctified and broken vnto vs for our comfort 25 Such stray sheepe therefore as will not of their owne accord assemble themselues to serue the Lorde in the midst of this holie congregation may lawfully and in reason ought to be constrained thereunto For though religion cannot bee driuen into men by force yet men by force may be driuen to those ordinarie meanes whereby they are woont to be brought to the knowledge of the truth Parents cannot constraine their children to be learned But parents may constraine them to repaire thither where they may be taught Thus you see that God must be serued of vs in holinesse holinesse openly declared and professed not secretly kept and laide vp onely in our hearts and bosomes 26 It followeth in the words of Zacharie And in righteousnesse This righteousnesse hath chiefly respect to the second table and putteth vs in minde how we ought to vse our neighbour In dooing right vnto him we serue the Lord Iesus whose commaundement this is in righteousnesse One lesson well obserued were sufficient for this matter If we could loue our neighbours with that kindenesse which we doe our selues which is the precept of the Lawe we would not want in any part of righteous duetie towards men Render vnto euerie one that which is due this is righteousnesse 27 They which are in authoritie are called Iustices to the end that their name might put them in minde of that duetie which they owe to the common wealth If they doe not see that Lawes be put in practise and execution if in iudgement they doe not iustly punish transgressors and deale in deciding matters of controuersie betweene man and man with an euen hand if for feare they cruelly cast away the innocent for cowards beene euer cruell or for fauour spare the rich if they be men of corrupt minds patrones of euill men and of euill causes for their owne commoditie if they be not wise with Salomon if they feare not GOD with Moses if they loue not the truth as Dauid if they hate not couetousnesse as did Samuel surely they doe not serue God in righteousnesse and iustice because they are iniurious towardes their neighbours 28 The minister of Gods woord is also a seruaunt Wee are your seruaunts brethren for Christes sake whose embassage wee bring If we bee fraudulent or negligent in performing the parts of this duetie we are most vnrighteous 29 To serue in iustice is the duetie of euerie man The riche man is a seruaunt to the poore to releeue and comfort him as he is able For that is right and to that end God hath made him rich that he as a faithful steward might bestowe those riche blessings vpon the familie and houshold of God Iohn the Bishop of Constantinople who for his liberal releeuing of the needie was surnamed the Almner was woont to prouide daily meate for the poore and when it was made readie to come foorth and himselfe see it serued This seruice is of vs very slenderly and slackely doone Christs impotent miserable members are sent away not releeued To suffer him in his members so to begge who hath giuen thee all that thou hast is horrible ingratitude it is not the part of a Christianly afdicted heart of one that serueth his Lord in righteousnesse 30 The counseller at the Law is a seruant to his client whom he ought to serue in righteousnesse Take not excessiuely of the poore for that is not right and equall Of right you should euen without monie pleade his cause so God commaundeth who wil no doubt in that respect pay you your fees with a bountiful hand Take not of both parties for that is trechery and not iustice Thou takest not those fees but stealest them Neglect not thy clients cause if thou promise performe neither take vpon thee more than thou canst well answere If with words and subtile handling thou winnest an euil cause to another mans wrong thou art guiltie of that wrong if thou doest by negligence loose a good cause thou art guiltie of that losse and seruest not thy client nor thy God in righteousnesse 31 To conclude and knit vp all in a woord of what trade or vocation soeuer we be this we must knowe that hee onely serueth God in holinesse and righteousnesse who denying impietie and worldly concupiscence liueth soberly iustly and holily in this present world soberly as touching himselfe iustly towards his neighbour and holily as concerning God he that casteth off the olde Adam and putteth on Iesus Christ he that truely repenteth that leadeth a newe life who heareth the word and worketh it who knoweth the will of God and doth it 32 And this we must doe coramipso before him The seruice which we doe before him must bee zealous heartie and syncere We may not serue God with lukewarme seruice as the Laodiceans did For then God no doubt will vomit out vs as he threatened to doe them Vehement therefore and zealous must we bee for the house of God for the glorie of God and in Gods seruice 33 But euerie zeale God doth not accept or like of For as there is a zeale according to knowledge so there is a blinde headie zeale voide of true knowledge and therefore of true faith S. Paul in his blinde zeale persecuted the Church of God The Iewes
poore releeued that he hath bound himselfe by promise to make almes most gainefull to the giuer so that it is not in this as in other common expenses but whatsoeuer we laie out that we laie vp He that giueth to the poore lendeth to the Lorde a sure discharger of his debts to the vttermost For hee leaueth not a cup of colde water giuen in his name vnrewarded The occasions which we haue to shewe foorth this fruite of mercie are very many and great we haue the poore with vs and we haue them with vs in great numbers Are we not woorse than Iewes if we suffer our Christ at whose hands we haue receiued all our riches in his naked and hungrie members to beg his bread at our dores pitifully to die euen in the midst of our streetes for distresse for colde and hunger If our gospell bring foorth in steade of mercie this crueltie in stead of kindenesse this hardnesse of heart doubtlesse God will take his pretious gospell from vs and giue it to a people that will bring foorth better and sweeter fruite Nowe if the loue of God and mercie towards our brother can not pierce our flintie heartes yet let shame of the worlde compell vs and our owne commoditie induce vs well to consider of this lamentable case If that which is giuen were giuen in good order it would ease this common griefe By good order and wise prouision the impotent might be so releeued that they should not need to beg and such as are able might be forced in the sweate of their browes to eate their owne bread And if the matter were taken in hande by them by whom it should I doe not doubt but GOD would touche the hearts of many a man with tender mercie that they would both cheerefully and liberally contribute to this worke of mercie which God doth more esteeme than any other sacrifice nay he refuseth sacrifice and craueth this The Lorde loueth a cheerefull and a bountifull giuer and will plentifully reward him Let euerie good man set forward this worke it is the worke of the Lord the fruite of mercie good and gainfull not onely to others but also to our selues For behold howe the works of mercie doe returne backe againe vnto them from whom they proceed Iudge not and you your selues shall not bee iudged Forgiue and yee shall bee forgiuen your selues giue and it shall bee giuen vnto you 20 All which notwithstanding the bowels of compassion are in some men so maruellously dried and closed vp that they turne away their faces from all men that desire any thing at their hands though they aske it not of gift but of loane vnlesse they aske to buie the loane with vsurie The Iewes euen till this day will not lend vpon vsurie among themselues but lende freely to their brethren and without gaine Iudas himselfe that solde his master for monie was not more cruel harted I suppose than these men are who for monie deuoure their brethren Their hearts are yron hearts They haue no sparke of pitie or compassion left in them Let them not thinke but that one day their gaine shall be their exceeding losse If Chrysostome thought that one euill gotten groate laide vp amongest a chestful of monie would be as a canker to fret out and eate vp the rest what shall become then of so much gotten by so vnmerciful vngodlie meanes Where is loue where is mercie when lending of monie is become merchandise Inough hath beene saide in this place of this matter which if it be not amended be yee assured that the Lorde God in his iust wrath will plague you both in your selues and in your posteritie for it 21 Nowe that we haue seene what duetie we owe to men let vs see what God requireth to be performed vnto himselfe Hee hath shewed thee O man what is good Our dutie towards him is to humble our selues and to walke carefully with our God He that will walke with God must be of an humble heart It is the milde-hearted and not the proude-minded the Publican and not the Pharisee that walketh with him 22 To walke with him is to be syncerely and heartily carefull to set forward his cause to promote his gospell to defende his trueth to amplifie his kingdome to the vttermost of our powers Princes and they that iudge the earth whome God hath blessed with so high an honour especially should in feare and reuerence serue their God loue his woord and gospell earnestly cheerefully aduaunce maintaine and defend true religion They are able to doe most good and therefore most is required of them Bishops and ministers the dispensers of Gods blessed mysteries should carefully trauell in their Lords cause and glorie in season and out of season to preache the gospell euen so much as in vs lieth or else the Vae of God which hangeth ouer our heads shall be powred downe vpon vs. But the saying of S. Paul is verified in these our daies vpon al sorts of people All men seeke their owne The preferring of true religion the seeking of Gods glorie is the least part of mens care or thought It was otherwise with Moses who both loued Gods seruice with perfect loue hated superstition with perfect hatred Theodosius for want of this warmenesse zeale in Gods quarell suffered by his too much lenitie the Arrians who denied Christ to be God quietly to spreade abroad their heresies in his dominions without checke or controlling The good Bishop Amphilochius vpon this occasion repaired to the Emperor who had at that time with him his sonne and heire Arcadius The Bishop did his obeysance and dutie to the Emperor but saluted not his sonne wherewith the Emperor finding fault saide Why salute ye not our sonne who shall sit on our seate No Emperor for somuch as thou doest not care for the sonne of God but sufferest him to loose his honour and place neither shal thy sonne be regarded or sit on thy seate Here at his owne cause called into question hee waxed warme and foorthwith expelled the Arrians out of his dominions Many of them who are hoat in their owne matters are colde in Gods cause Yet our Prophet biddeth vs carefully to walke with our God and to bee earnest in seeking of his kingdome and glorie 23 Be carefull ouer your conuersation giue no cause of slander to them which are without or of offence to the litle ones Let not the gospell be discredited by your behauiours Be careful that the light of your life so shine before the worlde that therein your heauenly father may be glorified Yee ought to shine as lights Take heede that your light be not turned into darkenesse Be bright starres and not mistie cloudes If an Eclipse fall amongst you the rest of England will be darkened with it Ye are seene and marked of men and Angels The world hath many eies eares and tongues London Westminster the Innes of Court and Chancerie from
shall be as one that robbeth and hee that selleth as one that stealeth They bought and solde in the temple this Christ condemneth Yet beholde what a beautifull colour they had set vpon their wicked practises to make them seeme allowable before mē For of the iudgement of God they made no account It is written in the Law Thou shalt eate before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose to cause his name to dwell there the tithe of thy corne of thy wine and of thine oyle and the first borne of thy kine and of thy sheepe that thou maist learne to feare the Lord thy God alway And if the way bee too long for thee so that thou art not able to carie it because the place is farre from thee where the Lorde thy God shall choose to set his name when the Lord thy God shall blesse thee then shalt thou make it in monie and take the monie in thine hand and goe vnto the place which the Lorde thy God shall choose and thou shalt bestowe the monie for whatsoeuer thine heart desireth shalt eat it there before the Lord thy God and reioice both thou and thine housholde Vnder pretense of prouiding that according to this lawe men which dwelt farre off might alwaies at their comming to the temple haue sacrifices there and offerings in a readinesse to present before the Lord their couetous humor fed it selfe vpon the people without all feare of God without any reuerence at all of his sanctuarie May they not iustly be termed Theeues who pretending thus to serue the Lord in his sacrifices robbed and spoiled him in his Saintes No doubt Ierusalem had shee knowen the things which belonged to her peace would haue blest the houre wherein the Lorde of the house came to ease that holy place of so intollerable burthens to rid his temple of so noisome filth 9 Now because the roote from whence these abuses and corruptions grewe was the setled wickednesse wherewith the hearts both of the priests and people were possest therefore wee may without swaruing from the true intent of this historie take occasion heere to note some speciall pollutions of the mysticall Temple of GOD which is his Church and to shewe the great necessitie of remoouing them Wherein as the present occasion of our assemblie at this time requireth I will especially touche such as properly belong to that part of the Church which hath the spirituall regiment of the other This therefore is the principall matter which now we haue to obserue in the fact of our Lord and master Christ that if in visiting our temples wee finde them possessed with wicked pastors they are not there to bee suffered the rodde of seueritie must whippe them out Who bee good sheepeheardes and who be theeues it is soone discerned yee shall knowe them by their fruites 10 Vnto good pastors our Sauiour opposeth hirelings theeues and robbers shewing also the difference betweene the one and the other The good sheepeheard loueth his flocke intirely it grieueth him not to powre out his verie soule for their sakes he gathereth them as Lambes into his armes carieth them in his bosome and kindely intreateth them Contrarywise the hireling careth not for the sheepe he beareth a sterne and a stonie heart towards them And as their inward affections are farre different so their outward actions are much vnlike whether we looke vpon their entring into their function or their dealing after they are entred 11 The true sheepeheard goeth in by the dore to him the porter openeth He taketh not this honour vnto himselfe but expecteth a calling from God as Aaron did hee breaketh not in by violence but waiteth till the porter open vnto him till they giue him entrance to whom Christ hath giuen power and authoritie to ordeine But theeues and robbers clime vp another way they winde in themselues by vnlawful meanes with monie they purchase the roomes which they occupie in the Church of Christ. Thus did Menelaus get the priesthoode from Iason at the handes of the king by giuing three hundred talents of siluer more than the other albeit hee had nothing in himselfe woorthie of the high priesthood but bare the stomacke of a cruel tyrant and the wrath of a wilde beast Thus Leo the tenth Innocentius the eighth Siluester the third two Gregories the sixt and the twelfth yea the most part of the Bishops of Rome for many yeeres haue obteined their popedomes Thus doe their Cardinals Bishops and Prelates thus doe their clergie euen to this day And I would to God this were onely their fault A thing both condemned by the commendable Lawes decrees and constitutions of sundrie Councels and also by the blessed Apostle S. Peter so grieuously accursed in him whose heart was first therewith infected that in the whole bodie of the sacred Scripture a note of the like indignation conceiued against any other sinne as I am perswaded can scarcely be found For why If they which bought and solde but the beasts of the field and birds of the aire doues sheepe and oxen in the place which God had sanctified to himselfe were therefore termed by a name that declareth their dealings to haue beene as much abhorred in his sight as if they had spent all the daies of their life in theft robberie how can we think any bitternesse of speeche or sharpnesse of punishment too great for so extreme licētiousnes as theirs that make sale of the cure of soules that bargain for the gifts of the holie Ghost For so they are The making of Bishops the bestowing of benefices the presēting instituting and inducting of pastors the placing of teachers guides and ouerseers in the Church is and should be accounted the very work of the holie Ghost Attend saith S. Paul take heed to your selues and to the whole flocke wherein the holie Ghost hath placed you Bishops to rule the Church of God which hee hath purchased with his owne bloud Whosoeuer therfore be the man that presumeth to staine a thing so holie with the execrable filth of indirect dealing of buying selling couenanting bargaining either for monie or monie worth may it not as iustly bee saide to him as to Magus Thy monie perish with thee because thou thinkest that the gift of God may be obteined with monie Thou hast neither part nor fellowship in this buisinesse for thine heart is not right in the sight of GOD I counsel them with S. Peter that are in the gall of this bitternesse and in the bonds of this iniquitie betime to repent them of their wickednesse and to praie vnto God that if it bee possible the thoughts of their hearts may be forgiuen them 12 It is a true saying Vix bono peraguntur exitu quae malo sunt inchoata principio Thinges ill begun are not commonly well ended neither are their proceedings likely to be good whose beginnings are so greatly out of order They which enter
as haue dominion and rule ouer others Whereupon the princely Prophet doth exhort them Ye kings ye iudges of the earth serue the Lorde with feare as iudging them happie whose common-wealth is ruled by such as are professors and fauourers of true religion such as feare the Lord. Which is most true For happie was Israel while Dauid Iehosaphat Ezechias and Iosias ruled because they were religious men feared God But vnhappie when as Ieroboam Achab Amon and Manasses ruled because the feare of God was farre from their hearts they went a whooring after idols and made Israel to sin Howe much the greater care should Christian Princes haue to place none in authoritie but such as Cornelius men that are truly religious and feare God such as Constantius the woorthie christian Emperour retained in his Court when hee cast out them who forsooke Christ saying that they could not be faithful to their Prince who were vnfaithfull to God Neither onely princes but the people also to whom the election of magistrates appertaineth should haue the like care remembring the exhortation that Iethro made to Moses Prouide thou men fearing God 9 And Cornelius praied God continually Faith and feare of GOD doe breake out into his praises and calling vpon him by praier Praier is an acceptable seruice of GOD prescribed by himselfe and practised by his seruaunts to the glorie of his name Call saith he vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Of praier there are two sorts priuate and publike both which Cornelius vsed Publike with his familie which he brought vp in the feare of God priuate in secrete place hauing his appointed houres to praie When the Angel appeared he was in priuate praier at the ninth houre that is at three of the clocke in the afternoone Nowe as Cornelius vsed them both so by his example should euerie christian doe For touching publike praier the Disciples of Christ continued altogether with one accord in it When Peter was cast into prison the church made earnest praier vnto God for him Wee reade of the Pharisee and Publicane both that they went vp into the temple to praie Whereby we may learne that they who refuse to ioine themselues in publike place the church of God to praie with other men they are woorse than either Pharisees or Publicanes Cornelius made his house such a publike place for his whole familie therein to serue God For as hee feared God with his whole familie so is it to be thought that he serued God with his whole familie too Insomuch that there was a church in his house as in the house of Philemon A lesson for all them who haue families that they be religious and feare God indeede they should vse priuate praier in their houses and cause their families to frequent it So shall they make their houses to be churches And Christ will be in those assemblies according to his promise I will be in the midst of them As for priuate praier it is also fruitefull and effectuous For therein without suspition of Pharisaicall hypocrisie we powre out heart before God Anna in the temple so behaued her selfe in her priuate praier that Ely the high Priest esteemed her as drunke and sharpely reprooued her for it To whom she aunswered mildely I am not drunke but in my praier I doe powre out my heart before God Christ appointed himselfe certaine times of priuate praier as in the garden where hee praied in such earnest vehement sort that there dropped from him both water and bloud Dauid had his priuate night praiers wherein such was the earnestnesse of his affection that with his teares night by night he watered his couch It appeareth that Cornelius praied earnestly and heartily for his praier pierced into the heauens and was acceptable vnto the Lord. But God abhorreth praier that falleth out of the lippes and proceedeth not from the heart He detesteth the Pharisees who woorship him with their lippes but their heart is farre from him The Israelites powred out many teares when they praied in Babylon The verie Ethnikes would not dallie in their praier with their false gods It is written euen of the Heathenish Romans that when they honoured their idols with solemne praiers and procession the cryers saide to euerie one whom they met Hoc age Set thy mind on this thing wholly Be attentiue to this and to nothing else Praier is the lifting vp of the minde to God He requireth the heart But alas our praiers are for the most part onely for a fashion that men may behold vs. Furthermore the praier of Cornelius was continuall Praie ye continually without intermission We must pray stil and not waxe faint Which yet is not meant as though we shold cease from all other trauell and giue our selues onely to praier That is the error of the Euchites whose Disciples were the superstitious Monkes that made the house of God a denne of theeues by their hypocrisie But we are taught hereby to praie often for we haue alwaies occasion of praier giuen vs. Daniel praied thrise daily in his house with his windowes open towardes Ierusalem yea though the king forbad it For hee would not bee restrained from praying to his God Dauid testifieth that he praied vnto the Lord seuen times euerie day Satan ceaseth not to assault our faith Let not vs therefore cease to crie vnto God O Lorde increase our faith Our tottering boate is tossed in the stormie seas let vs lift vp our voice to Christ and say Saue vs we perish We are in danger of greedie roaring lions the world the diuell and the flesh Let vs pray O deliuer vs from the mouth of the lyon Let vs crie and the Lord will heare vs. Praier is an helpe vnto him that praieth a sacrifice to GOD a scourge to the diuels saith Austin And thus much of Cornelius his deuotion feare of God and continuall praier the points whereby is shewed howe he liued towards God 10 It followeth to be noted how he ordered his familie hee feared God with all his houshold He plaied not Nicodemus that came to Christ by night hee openlie professed his religion and faith yea and instructed his whole familie therein Neither did he feare to send for Peter to teache him the religion and faith of Christ. First the open profession of his religion is commendable The Romans had forbid by Lawe that any subiect shold professe or receiue peregrinam religionem a straunge religion They considered that it was dangerous to their state to suffer diuersitie of religion They seuerely punished the transgressors of this law Yet Cornelius had learned that it is better to obeie God than man that we must obeie princes vsque ad Aras as the prouerbe is so farre as we may without disobeying God Although the Iewish religion was hatefull to the Gentiles
told him that he should not take as polluted that which hee had made cleane All meates are sanctified by the word and praier So are the Gentils as cleane as the Iewes whose hearts God hath purified To forbid meates or mariage as vncleane seeing that the Lorde hath purified them by his woord is the doctrine of diuels For all things are cleane to them that be cleane and the beleeuing Gentile is accepted of God as wel as the beleeuing Iewe. While Peter mused at this vision Cornelius his messengers asked for him at the doore and God spake vnto him and saide Goe with them and doubt nothing for I haue sent them 26 Peter hauing the woord of God for his calling went cherefully forward on his iourney readie to preache to them to whom God did send him He alleaged not howe dangerous it was to preache the Gospel in Cesarea howe long and tedious a way thither howe odious to be conuersant with the Gentiles he indented not what reward he should haue hee asked not who should beare his costs he alleaged not his worne bodie his olde age he was voide of all such put-offs he knewe that Woe be vnto him if he preached not he remembred his lesson giuen to others Feed the flocke of God he forgat not Christs lesson giuen vnto him If thou loue me feede my sheepe he knewe that the minister of the word ought to preache in season and out of season And he tooke the thing in hand the more gladly hauing hope that he should winne vnto Christ by the word a Captaine a man of might and authoritie in getting of whom he should also get a great sort he should get an hundred souldiers who easily would be drawne to bee like affected with their Captaine he should win a great familie with the rest of Cornelius friends kinsemen and euen so it came to passe It is a great gain vnto the Church of Christ when as a man in authoritie is woon by the word Therefore S. Paul vsed all perswasion to drawe king Agrippa to be a Christian knowing what great aduantage would come thereby to Christs Church To winne a prince is to winne a multitude yea a nation The Church of Christ encreaseth and thriueth apace when Kings Queenes become nurces to it 27 Peter being come now to Cornelius and perceiuing how God had touched his heart with the rest of his companie and made them most readie and greedie of the word of God opened his mouth and saide Of a trueth I perceiue that God is no accepter of persons and so foorth Now Peter entereth into his sermon seeing so wide a doore opened vnto him so great an occasion offered so large and apt a field to sowe Gods seede in In which Sermon there is ynough for a Christian to learne all matter needful to saluation is comprised in it He that hath taken out this lesson needeth not to learne another And a great occasion of it as of other excellent sermons was in the people For the holie Ghost soweth seede plentifully where he findeth a good ground to cast it in and giueth great vtterance lightly to the minister when he giueth good will to the auditorie to heare If the field be barren the seede is spared least it should be spilt Hee will not haue his seede cast in an vnfruitefull ground Surely when the people are woorthie of the woord God will sende preachers with aboundance of it 28 Of a trueth I perceiue that God is no accepter of persons This is S. Peters entrance to his matter wherein he declareth that hee hath nowe learned that the Gospel of Christ the doctrine of saluation doth as well pertaine to the Gentiles as to the Iewes For although there was a partition-wall which diuided them now it is taken away The Gentiles were aliants from the common wealth of Israel strangers from the couenant of promise and had no hope and were without God in the world but now in Christ Iesu they which were farre off are made neere For he is our peace which made of both one and hath broken down the partition-wall to make of twaine one newe man in himselfe so making peace Through him both Iewe and Gentile hath an entrance vnto the father by one spirit And Peter hauing had this reuealed to him before in his vision doth now affirme to the Gentiles in the beginning of his speeche partly to winne fauourable hearing in that he enuied not their saluation as other Iewes did but carefully sought it partly to make them attentiue to heare those things which pertained to their saluation Of a truth I perceiue Peter confesseth his former ignorance touching the calling of the Gentiles and that he hath learned that which he knew not before A token of his great humilitie His successor the pope is led by an other spirite hee cannot abide to graunt ignorance or that he can erre all knowledge is shut vp in scrinio pectoris as they terme it in the hutch of his brest Paul would not arrogate all knowledge though he were taken vp into the third heauen and sawe mysteries not to be reuealed vnto men for he saith We knowe in part These Romish Rabbies will be no Disciples but masters They will aunswere him that shall take in hande to teache them Thou art borne wholly in sinnes and doest thou teache vs 29 But what hath Peter learned That God is no accepter of persons I regard not that which man doth regard saith God to Samuel For man regardeth that which is before his eyes but God regardeth the heart The person heere is taken for the outward apparance and qualities as you would say or circumstances of persons as circumcision vncircumcision man woman magistrate subiect Iewe Gentile English-man French-man master seruaunt riche poore faire euill fauoured a tall man a dwarfe a citizen a countrie man a wise man a foole a learned an vnlearned These such other things are here meant by the persons of men GOD is no accepter of these outward shewes he iudgeth not as man iudgeth There is neither Iewe nor Gretian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Iesus There is no respect of persons with God neither ought we to be caried away with externall shewes of magnifical pompe of glorious titles of great authority much learning nor in matter of religion to respect the messenger but the message Paul reprooueth the Corinthians for respecting of persons in matter of religion some would heare none but Paul some liked none but Apollos others followed after Peter would only be his disciples Is Christ diuided saith S. Paul The preacher is to be heard for the woords sake and not for his owne sake If Scribes and Pharisees teache out of the chaire of Moses if Iudas teache the Gospell of Christ they are to be heard To heare or not to
heare in respect of the person is to iustifie or condemne the woord for the person Respect not persons but reuerence the matter when thou hearest the minister preaching the truth thou hearest not him but the sonne of God the teacher of al truth Christ Iesus Plato was as honest a man and as good a philosopher as was Diogenes for all his pretense of simplicitie and contemning of the world Haue no respect to outward pretenses Iudge not according to the sight least in opinion you condemne the good and iustifie the euill In matter of saluation neither ought the childe to respect his parent nor the seruaunt his master nor the subiect his prince nor posteritie the predecessors for we may not hang vpon man but vpon God Cursed is hee that maketh flesh his arme We must herein onely giue eare and respect what the sonne of God shall say vnto vs who is the wisedome of his father whom our heauenly father hath commaunded vs to heare saying Heare you him 30 In euerie nation he that feareth him and woorketh righteousnesse is accepted of him God respecteth not the outward person but the inward man He regardeth not the shape but his owne image that is in man Hee is not partiall to the Iewe more than to the Gentile Riche and poore learned and vnlearned are all one in his sight He accepteth of such as feare him and worke righteousnesse Herein is comprised perfect religion our duetie towards God and our dutie towards man the former and the latter table to beleene in God and to doe right to our neighbour to loue God aboue all and to loue our neighbour as our selfe To feare God is in true holinesse to serue GOD to worke righteousnesse is not to hurt but to help our neighbour to doe to others as we would be doone vnto our selues Hee that will be a wise man in deede must learne to feare God The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord. All other wisedome wherein the feare of God wanteth is but earthly sensuall and diuelish Such as feare God shall be strengthened to stand against all assaults of Satan yea they shal continue and stand stedfast vnto the end euen to the last gasp Canst thou not away with want Wouldst thou haue plentie There is nothing wanting to them that feare him Canst thou not away with infamie Wouldest thou be praised The greatest praise that can come to any man is that he feareth God It is the glorie of the riche the noble and the poore Wouldest thou haue all vertues and the rewards of them Wouldest thou be free from sinnes and the punishments ensuing them Followe the example of Cornelius and feare God For they who feare God will honour and obey their parents they who feare God will diligently exercise themselues in praier they who feare God wil search their owne hearts see their offences and with the prodigall child be sorie for them confesse them and forsake them They who feare God will abstaine from sinne remembring that the Lord doth hate it and will punish it and knowing that their dooings cannot bee hid from him If the feare of God were planted in our hearts wee would learne after so many admonitions to leade a better life wee would practise such lessons as we haue beene so long in learning wee would not liue in such carelesse securitie as we doe the Gospel would take better effect in vs and bring foorth more plentifull fruite wee would at the length cast away impietie and worldely concupiscence and liue a sober iust and godlie life we would repent and forsake sinne least sinne procure Gods speedie wrath the ministers would be more diligent in feeding of the flocke the people more readie to heare the voice of the sheepeheard the magistrates more carefull ouer the common-wealth the subiectes more obedient to frame themselues to liue vnder Law the riche would not suffer the giuer of their riches to goe on begging the poore would endeuour to get spirituall treasures and to be riche in Christ finally we would not feede our bellies so daintily nor so vainly and superfluously cloath our bodies but vse temperance in diet and sobrietie in apparell hauing what to eate and wherewith to be cloathed we would bee content Verily to conclude such as feare God abstaine from euill and doe good and as our Apostle S. Peter saith they doe worke righteousnesse 31 Righteousnesse compriseth in it all such duetie as we doe owe vnto our neighbour Whatsoeuer is contained in the second table is comprehended in this word Righteousnesse But how can we worke righteousnesse who are as vncleane things and al our righteousnesse as a filthie clowte Of whom the prophet saieth There is not one that doth good no not one In deede we are not able to worke perfect righteousnesse For if wee could then Christ had died in vaine with whose perfect righteousnesse we must be cloathed by imputation that wee may bee accepted as righteous in Gods sight For God hath made him which knewe no sinne to be sinne for vs that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him But when we are iustified so by the perfect righteousnesse of Christ wee must endeuour to serue God in righteousnesse and bring foorth good fruites though they be vnperfect such as in this frailtie of the flesh we may And these are accepted of God for Christes sake their weakenesse and imperfection being pardoned in him Wherefore in this sort we must worke righteousnesse and follow sanctification Hitherto howe all estates must apply themselues to worke righteousnesse 32 Omitting therfore others whom generally this toucheth I will at this present remember children onely of a point of righteousnesse which they must worke in giuing due honour to their parents For there is a great fault in many at this day that wheras they are specially bound to their parents both by the linkes of nature and by the bonds of Gods word they burst those bondes asunder dispose of themselues in mariage as they list without consent of their parents A fault as most heinous in the sight of God and condemned by his law so condemned too by the law of nature the Lawe Ciuil the Lawe Canon and the opinion of the best writers For the Lawe of God doeth not onely charge children generally to obey their parents in all thinges but also particularly doth shewe by sundrie examples that children ought to be giuen by their parents in mariage and not to bee left to their owne fantasies And among the Ethnikes euen by the Lawe of nature as their Poets shew mariages for children were not made by themselues but by their parents It is written in the Lawe Ciuil If a sonne marie a wife against his fathers will the child that shall be borne of that mariage shall not be counted lawfull In the Canon Lawe it is saide Mariages are then
with his father and beeing in the forme of God he made himselfe of no reputation All to lift vs vp that were cast downe to hel and to rid vs from the bondage of Satan and his Angels to whom we were enthralled For that is imported by the peace mentioned in the woords that followe God preached by him He sent me to preache the Gospell to the poore saith Christ himselfe in Esay To preache the Gospel euen the Gospel of peace not to preache warre betweene GOD and man but to preach peace For the word of the Gospel is the word of reconciliation 37 And here by Christ example all messengers of God and ministers of his woord are taught by the way that before they meddle with dooing this office they must be lawfully sent thereto Such as denie their lawfull sending doe also denie their lawfull preaching For howe shall they preache vnlesse they be sent saith S. Paul The prophet complaineth of such runners as bee not sent I haue not sent these prophets saith the Lord yet they run Such are sent as are framed thereunto by the holie Ghost whom the holie Ghost hath furnished with gifts fit for that office which doe not vsurpe it but stay till they be lawfully called as was Aaron 38 Christ was not onely sent to preache peace but also to be our peace-maker for through him we haue peace with God and in him wee should seeke peace with men too as farre as lyeth in vs. For the Gospel is the word of peace not of contention tumult and rebellion as our aduersaries terme it of it owne nature it is the word of peace it commeth otherwhence that cōtention doth followe it for as soone as the Gospel beginneth to be preached Satan maketh a sturre and laboureth to suppresse it As soone as the wise men asked after Christ Herode was troubled As soone as Christ entred into Ierusalem to preache all the citie was mooued The truth hath many enemies The light is hated of euill doers the Gospel wil euer be persecuted And in this sense is that of Christ verified I came not to sende peace but the swoord Christ was sent to preache peace He preached peace and made peace betweene Iewes and Gentiles or rather betweene them both and the Lord. For hee is peace which hath made of both one and hath broken the stoppe of the partition-wall Other sheepe I haue saith Christ to the Iewes which are not of this folde Them must I bring also and they shall heare my voice and there shall be one sheepefold and one sheepeheard He preached peace amongst men and brought peace into the world At the time of his natiuitie as appeareth in histories there was peace amongst all nations and people throughout all the whole worlde to shewe vnto the world that the Lord of peace was come into the world Peace is the badge that God giueth to discerne his from others Loue is Christs Liuery-coate By this shall all men knowe that ye are my Disciples if ye loue one another He cannot bee at peace with God that is at warre with his neighbour He cannot haue concord with Christ that nourisheth discord with a Christian. God hath made vs one Let not the diuell sunder vs into many Pride is a peace-breaker humble and milde hearts are not contentious but labour to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace God hath giuen vs Christ the prince of peace he hath giuen vs the gospel the word of peace he hath giuen vs a peacefull Queene the Lord blesse her and common peace in our countrie let vs bee thankefull to the Lord for it and woe to him that shall breake it Be of one minde liue in peace and the Lord of loue and peace shall be with you He preached peace peace betweene God and man Sinne made diuision betweene God and vs as it is written in Esay Your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God So that Gods fauour descended not to vs neither could our praiers ascend vnto him But Christ hath remooued this wall of diuision he hath taken away this stoppage hee hath cancelled on the crosse this writing that was against vs hee hath made vs a free accesse vnto God By him we are reconciled vnto God the father Hee hath laide our sinnes vpon his owne shoulders hee hath borne the pese of his fathers heauie wrath and indignation he hath satisfied Gods iustice and pacified his anger and made a perfect peace betweene God and vs. Mans conscience can neuer rest nor be at peace vntil it be setled in the ful perswasion of remission of sinnes in the death and resurrection of Christ Iesus whereby God receiueth vs into his fauour and is at one with vs through him This is that ioiefull tidings of peace with God which Christ was sent to preache vnto the world This is that peace which passeth all vnderstanding He that with patience resteth in this peace doth suffer all things he reioiceth in the midst of troubles and afflictions he is not ouercome with the feare of mans malice but will cheerefully and boldly say with S. Paul If God be with vs who can be against vs And with the prophet I will lay me downe and sleepe in peace for thou Lord onely makest me dwell in safetie This is that peace which Christ preached and promised to leaue with his elect peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not as the world giueth giue I vnto you Let not your heart be troubled nor feare This peace is farre from the vngodlie there is no peace saith my God to the wicked They are euer restlesse the biting worme neuer ceaseth to gnawe and grate in their combred consciences 39 Christ preached peace when the Lord sent him Hee was not negligent in his office he aunswered his calling carefully He went about dooing good and healing all that were oppressed of the diuell He was not rechelesse in Gods matters He was no dumbe dogge no idle idol He crept not into a corner he hid not himselfe But he walked he went abroade he saide to his Disciples Goe ye Preacheye he gaue the example himselfe he lay not out of his Diocese he was resident vpon his charge and looked to euery part of it he made not his continual abode at Ierusalem nor at Iericho nor at Capernaum nor in any one citie towne or village but he went through all Iurie and Galilie Not to poll and pill to extort and wring out of the people what he could but it was to doe good and to heale such as were oppressed of the diuell to preache the woord and to worke miracles Hee preached throughout his whole charge For I came out saith he for that purpose Nor onely did he gladly teache such as came vnto him but he inuited also and prouoked al that were
wearie and loaden to come promising them that he would refresh their soules And heerein he did the office of a priest And againe hee healed all that Satan had afflicted and herein he did the office of a king He shall iudge the poore of the people saith the prophet he shall saue the children of the needie and shal subdue the oppressor He threwe out his enemie the oppressor Satan and deliuered his people out of that enemies hands An example for the magistrate to defend the innocent to deliuer the oppressed to punish the transgressor For the swoord is giuen him to this end An example for the minister to teache the word of God and confirme it with doing what good soeuer he may according to the talents that the Lord hath giuen him Finally an example for euerie faithfull Christian to shewe foorth his beleefe by his conuersation his faith by workes to make his vocation and calling sure thereby For God was with him Christ wrought his wonderfull workes by the power of God and not as the Scribes falsely charged him by the power of Beelzebub for God was with him He taught the word that he receiued of his father he cast out diuels by the finger of God He was no chopper or changer of the woord he vsed neither witchcraft sorcerie nor coniuring He wrought not by the diuel but by the power of God 40 The next part was that he died and rose again to procure vs this peace They slewe him hanging him on a tree God raised him vp the third day The death and resurrection of Christ is the onely meane of our reconciliation and peace with God For he died for our sinnes and rose for our iustification By his death and passion he hath cancelled and fastened vpon the crosse the hand-writing that was against vs. Hee hath pacified Gods wrath hee hath procured Gods fauour of enemies made vs friends of strangers citizens of the children of wrath the children of God and fellow-heires of his eternall kingdome 41 Before this crucified Christ that died and rose againe wee shal appeare to giue an account of our whole life of our thoghts our workes and words For as S Peter saith He is ordeined of God a iudge of the quicke and the dead At the latter day hee is appointed to be iudge of all flesh The father hath deliuered all iudgement vnto him And we shall all stand before his iudgement seate that euery one may receiue the things doone in his bodie according to that he hath doone whether it be good or euill This iudge is both iudge and witnesse I will come neere vnto you to iudgement and I will be a swift witnesse against the southsayers and against the adulterers and against false swearers and against those that wrongfully keepe back the hyrelings wages and vexe the widowe and the fatherlesse oppresse the stranger and feare not me saith the Lord of Hosts Nothing is hid from his eyes he seeth the secrets of all hearts he wil not be corrupted but giue vnto euerie one according to his woorkes Christ is iudge Wherefore we are taught to leaue reuenge vnto him Vengeaunce is mine I will repay saith the Lord. For priuate men to reuenge wrongs is to vsurp Christs office to take iudgement out of his handes whom God the father hath appointed iudge of the quicke and the dead You that bee afflicted and oppressed with miserie and wrong lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth neere You that oppresse and wrong your brethren repent and desire pardon least the sentence of Gods iustice ouertake you His iustice no man can abide For in his sight shall none that liueth be iustified Christ therefore is giuen as S. Peter teacheth to be our Iesus that is our Sauiour our Christ that is annointed a king a priest and prophet the Lord of all whom we ought to serue in holinesse and righteousnesse sent of God and made man he preached peace betweene God and man and betweene men among themselues he died to bee a sacrifice for vs he rose againe to iustifie vs hee is made our iudge and doeth iudge iustly 42 Nowe wee with PETER or rather with the holie Ghost with the Prophets and Apostles giue heerein to Christ that which is his owne And here is the controuersie betweene the aduersaries of the Gospel the papists and vs. We giue vnto Christ that which is his right they rob and take from him that which is his due We spoile our selues of all righteousnesse and seeke to be cloathed with his righteousnesse They cloath themselues with their owne righteousnesse not caring for that righteousnesse which is in him We hope to be saued by him our onely priest our sacrifice our mediator They haue shauen priests and vnbloudie sacrifices and infinite mediators both of Saints and Angels To be short we acknowledge Christ our whole Sauiour and all the glorie thereof we giue vnto God They will be saued by themselues their merits their pardons they impart the glorie of God vnto dead men to images to relikes to dumme creatures 43 The third and last part of S. Petets sermon was that wee are made partakers of peace by faith in Christ name To him all the prophets giue witnesse that through his name al that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sins Wherein three things are remembred vnto vs that remission of sinnes is free that we receiue it by faith and that this doctrine is witnessed by all the prophets 44 All flesh hath sinned and doth neede forgiuenesse God is the onely forgiuer of our sinnes Neither doth he forgiue them in respect of mans merits but of his mercie good will and free mercie The onely meanes that mooued God to bee mercifull freely to sinnefull man was that most acceptable sweete bloudie sacrifice which the innocent sonne of God offred vpon the crosse for our sinnes All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus He tooke our vnrighteousnesse vpon himselfe and cloathed vs with his iustice and He who knewe no sinne was made sinne for vs that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him In Christ and for Christ we receiue free remission of sins There is no other name giuen vs vnder heauen whereby we may be saued I am the way the truth and the life No man commeth to the father but by me saith Christ. No sinne forgiuen but thorough him and through him all sinnes are forgiuen freely 45 The meane whereby wee are made partakers of this free remission of sinnes in the death and resurrection of Christ is faith in Christ. For all saith Peter that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes through his name God doeth freely offer vnto vs remission of sinne and peace in Christ. The meane and
not trauell to tel you howe diuersly the name of grace is taken in the sacred scriptures but rather note vnto you in what sense the holie Ghost doth chiefly vse it in this place Grace is the fauour and mercie of God towards sinnefull men It is called grace because it is giuen gratis freely and vndeseruedly on our parts to whom it is giuen For vs it is purchased by the onely meane and meere merite of our Sauiour Christ and to vs it is both offered and exhibited by the voluntarie and vnprouoked operation of the spirite This grace in it selfe being large more than sufficient for all men the holy Ghost diuideth and bestoweth vpon eache breathing where and as he listeth according to the secrete pleasure of his will Thorough it we haue saluation whereas through sinne wee deserue death For out iniquitie was heinous in the sight of God first committed by Adam and since continued in vs but farre more exceeding was the mercie of our Lord who when we were his enemies sent foorth his sonne made of a woman and made vnder the Lawe that he might redeeme them which were vnder the Lawe and that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes No tongue can expresse neither any minde conceiue this gratiousnesse Yet let vs ponder it with such consideration as we are able Great therefore I say was the mercie of our creator who gaue his sonne and great the loue of our Sauiour who gaue euen himselfe for vs. Our thraldome was great that required a ransome of such value our guiltinesse much that could no otherwise be washed away but with the verie heart bloud of the innocent lambe of God Christ Iesus our Lord Yea inestimable and vneffable was the loue of our gratious Lord who to spare vs spared not himselfe He was content to become ignominious before men that we might be glorious with his father to be condemned that wee might be absolued to bee crowned with thornes to purchase vs a crowne of immortalitie to loose his life that we might gaine life to suffer death that we might escape it and to become as hated and accursed of God that we might find fauour and eternall grace with him In his death our sinne is pardoned by his bloud our filthinesse is washed away by his resurrection we are reconciled to his father and made at one with God Let vs not breake this so happie truce betwixt the Lord and vs let vs not through sinne condemne our selues againe nowe that we are iustified let vs not walke toward hell hee hauing made plaine and easie the path to heauen The image of God in vs defaced through Adam is repaired by Christ Let vs appeare therefore in this pure image before God that wee may be acceptable in his pure sight Through Christ we are called to be citizens with the Saints and Gods houshold-seruaunts let vs then put on the garments of trueth and innocencie that so it may appeare whose seruaunts we are by our Lords liuerie We are made the happie heires of his glorious kingdome and fellow heires with Iesus Christ wherefore let vs not seeke so possessions here that we loose a better inheritance aboue in heauen If wee doe it is in vaine that the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ hath beene so largely offered vnto vs and plentifully powred on vs. Yea his grace will encrease the wofulnesse of our destruction 7 Grace is offered and receiued by two especiall outwarde meanes the preaching of the Gospel and the holie administration of the blessed Sacraments These two are the instruments or rather the hands by the which the holie Ghost doth offer exhibite seale and deliuer the grace of God vnto vs. 8 And there bee two sorts of men to whom grace is offered by the word in vaine The one are they which wil not giue it so much as the hearing but doe vtterly contemne and vnkindely refuse that which the Lord doth so kindly and so gratiously offer to them The other they that heare it indeede reade it but consider it not receiue it but altogether without fruite and for fashions sake Of the former sort are all such as Pharao was who enioined Moses to come no more in his sight for hee would not heare him Such also were the Iewes to whom when Stephen preached they stopped their eares Such they of whom the Lorde complaineth by the Prophet saying I spake and they would not heare 9 Of the latter sort there be three kindes shadowed in the parable of the sower which went foorth to sowe his seede whereof some fell in the high way side some in stonie grauelly ground some also amongst thornes That which fell by the high waie side either the birds of the aire picked vp or men trod vpon with their feete Which our sauiour applieth vnto him that heareth the word of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not and by and by the diuell taketh it away least he should beleeue and so be saued For it fareth with the woord preached as with the seede sowen Some are so dissolute and rechelesse that they let it in at the one eare and out at the other The hearts of some be so be so hardened and parched because they want the watering of Gods spirit which doth only mollifie that his word can take no roote in them The diuell and his deceitful Angels doe so bewitch them and fil their harts with vain cogitations so abalienate their mindes and trouble their memorie that they cannot tell what is saide it is forgotten by that it is spoken Yea the diuell doth so throughly occupie the hearts of many other with superstitious opinions and fond perswasions or with such worldly desires such fleshly lusts such froward affections that the hearing of the blessed word is a wearisome worke vnto them euery houre spent that way is as tedious as a yere and thought to bee wholly lost Many likewise both heare the woord preached and reade the Scriptures as the Pharisees did heare them that they may seeme to fauour the Gospel and so vnder pretence of holinesse blinde the eyes of others and purloine commoditie to themselues Such come in amongst the children of God as did Satan of old yet God knowes them to be children of darknesse not of light yea and oftentimes he so shaketh them out of their painted rags that the whole world may espie their ouglie and deformed nakednesse Whilest by their hypocrisie they labour to deceiue others they deceiue yea and damne themselues To this sort of men therefore the word is offered but all in vaine Either they receiue it not or they receiue it to their owne destruction 10 The second sort are resembled to the stonie soile which receiueth the seede and it taketh roote for a time but when the heate of the sunne commeth it withereth away Many such there be which haue gladly heard the Gospel haue frequented sermons with appearance of great deuotion and could freshly
If a prince giue out his letters patent of a gift so long as the seale is not put to the gift is not fullie ratified and the partie to whom it is giuen thinketh not him selfe sufficientlie assured of it Gods gift without sealing is sure as hee himselfe is al one without changing yet to beare with our infirmitie and to make vs more secure of his promise to his writing woord he added these outward signes and seales to establish our faith and to certifie vs that his promise is most certain He giueth vs therfore these holie and visible signes of bread wine saith Take and eate this is my bodie and blood giuing vnto the signes the names which are proper to the things signified by them as we vse to doe euen in cōmon speach when the signe is a liuelie representation and image of the thing 13 Let vs therefore bee thankefull vnto our redeemer Christ for these his great benefites and so vnspeakeable and vndeserued mercies and let vs receiue this holie sacrament as a sure pledge that the vertue of his death and passion is imputed vnto vs for iustice euen as though we had suffered the same which hee did in our owne naturall bodies Let vs not be so peruerse as to drawe backe when Iesus Christ calleth vs so louingly to this royall feast but with good consideration of the woorthinesse of this gift present we our selues with a feruent zeale that we may come woorthily to this holy table Let eche man trie himselfe and so eate saith the Apostle Let vs enter into our selues therefore and examine the estate of our hearts and soules and consider in what case we stand If we be not of the sanctified houshold of God not Christs seruaunts and faithfull Disciples shall we dare presume to presse in being aliens and strangers to the Lords as most comfortable so also most dreadfull table No let no impenitent blasphemer of God no whoremonger or vile and vnrepented sinner presume to touch or tast this foode for such shall not feede vpon Christ and his merits but they receiue their owne damnation But such as wil woorthily feede at this blessed feast must earnestly and truly mourne for their sinnes past in a setled purpose and resolution neuer willingly to defile themselues againe And such as will be partakers of this bread that came from heauen Iesus Christ our one and onely Sauiour must also be as one bread or loafe and as one bodie ioined together in brotherly loue and all other offices of godlie and Christian charitie For if thou come to this banket without this vesture of loue it shall be saide vnto thee Friend howe camest thou hither not hauing on thy wedding garment A wofull speeche and an ende most miserable Let this suffice for the first point which is the blessed Apostles exhortation not to receiue the grace of God in vaine 14 Concerning the second member wherein wee are put in mind that this is the time to shewe our selues woorthie receiuers of grace he applieth to his purpose the words of the Prophet Esay who speaking vnto Christ as in the person of his father saith In an acceptable time haue I heard thee and in a day of saluation haue I helped thee The acceptable time is that whereof S. Paul speaketh When the fulnesse of time came God sent his sonne made of a woman It was indeede an acceptable time and full of grace wherein the sacrifice of Christ was so gratiously accepted and his praiers heard of God And it may well be called a day of saluation wherein his father gaue him a triumphant victorie ouer those so bitter torments of death An acceptable time was it a day of saluation not so much in respect of him who at all times was accepted as of vs who without him and his death had beene refused For in that day was your redemption wrought by our redeemer and sinners saued by his passion who had no sinne And as hee died and rose so he praied and was heard for vs. I pray for them I pray not for the world I pray for them whom thou hast giuen me saith our Sauiour Nowe the acceptable time and day of saluation which Esay spake of S. Paul doth very aptly and effectually applie to his present occasion Beholde nowe is the acceptable time beholde nowe is the day of saluation For the Fathers liued in hope of this acceptable day of grace and fauour to come but the verie time beginneth from the suffering of Christ Iesus and continueth euen to the worlds end And vnto euerie one of vs so much of this acceptable time is granted as we haue time granted here to liue Which being not long because our life is but as it were a span it may fitly be called a day or rather an houre of saluation This day therefore grace is offered vs of God Against whose maiestie forasmuch as all haue sinned and by sinne are depriued of his glorie wee must needes acknowledge that for the recouering of our losse wee stand all in present neede of his grace Nowe is the time wherein our soules doe groane to be releeued with grace and mercie For who can say My heart is sound I neede no Physitian What one man is there amongst vs all who hath loued God as he ought to doe or tendered his neighbours case as he would his owne We may dallie with our selues and thinke that we suffer not for our owne transgressions that we are not cause of that great plague calamitie which presently is come vpon our countrie Beloued do not deceiue your selues Our God is a righteous iudge who blesseth the innocent and heapeth punishment vpon the offending soule For truly if we searche our selues as we ought to doe with a single eye if we examine out thoughts take a reckoning of our words and peise our deedes and waies in an equall ballance aske our hearts and they wil tell vs enquire of our conscience it wil declare vnto vs that euerie one of vs hath wel deserued more than hath happened vnto any of vs Yea wee shall finde that all haue not suffered halfe so much as euerie one hath deserued Our first parents for tasting the fruit that was forbidden them were themselues cast out of their pleasaunt habitation and punished in all their posteritie to come for euer Haue wee being terrefied by the horror of their example withheld our hands and bridled our affections from euerie vnlawful and forbidden thing Corah Dathan and Abiram with their fauourites and confederates were swallowed vp of the earth for whispering against Moses and against Aaron Did we neuer once mutter against our good and lawfull magistrates against our iudges and against the Lordes ministers Dauid for numbring of his people procured such a plague that 70. thousand were consumed with it and are wee so vnspotted that we haue not in as heinous a matter as this offended God would
to be honoured of what qualitie soeuer they be in them selues The foode which they gaue to the people did miraculouslie growe by diminishing and by consuming increase So it was with the meale and oyle of that poore widow of Sarephta It was in sight too little to suffice one in vse it proued more than sufficient for manie So it is with all the graces giftes of God they grow in the handes of him that spendeth and in the cofers of him that saueth they wast Thus I haue brieflie gone ouer such thinges as I thought most conuenient for this time The Lord blesse the seede of his word sowne amongest vs and giue it a plentifull and a large in crease to his owne glorie and our comfort through the merite of Iesus Christ by the gracious operation of the holie Ghost to whom c. The eighteenth Sermon A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. LVKE 21. 25 Then there shall be signes in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Starres c. GOD bethinking him selfe and as it were musing vppon the benefites and blessinges which he had in great abūdaunce of mercie bestowed from time to time vppon the people of Israell breaketh out by his prophet into these wordes What might I doe for my vine which I haue not done The graces wherewith he enriched them were infinite their prerogatiues aboue all other people of the worlde were manifolde and for the preciousnesse and rarenesse of them most wonderful to them the adoption the glorie the couenaunte the Lawe the seruice of God the promises were impropriated of them were the fathers and of them as concerning the fleshe Christ came who is God ouer all blessed for euer They had the Arke the Temple and the Oracles with a promise that God woulde be their God and they shoulde be his euen Gods owne elected and beloued people if they walked in his wayes and wrought his will for euer But this vngracious and vnthankfull nation was vnworthy of such worthynesse they worshipped God with lippes and not with heart outwardly in shew but not inwardly in harty sincere truth according to the letter but not according to the spirit after their own conceipts but not agreeablie to his blessed will reuealed in his holie word Their crie was still The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lorde but through their prophanation they made the temple of the Lord a den of theeues They cried Lord Lord but they did not his wil on whom they cryed for sweete grapes they yelded soure for hartie and sincere seruice hypocriticall and painted shewes of religion their glorie was in the externall beautie of their materiall temple they wondred at the stones and goodlie buildinges at the gorgeous furniture and precious guiftes wherewith it was both outwardly and inwardly adorned and enriched 2 Wherupon our Sauiour to take away the cause of this vaine hope and foolish ioy tooke occasion thus to prophecie of that glorious temple Are these the thinges that you looke vpon The dayes will come wherein there shall not be left a stone vpon a stone which shall not be destroyed This prophesie was as euidently accomplished as it was made For thirtie eight yeares after that they had crucified Christ their promised Messias the Lorde of glorie God raysed vppe the seruauntes of his wrath Vespasian and Titus Emperours of Rome who beseeged conquered and rased their Ierusalem made hauocke of the people as of dogges murdered eleuen hundred thousande man woman and childe of that cursed nation Then was fulfilled the crie of those crucifiers His bloud be vppon our heades and vppon our children It hath bene and shall be for euer Yea the violence of the Romaines proceeded farther and pulled downe the Temple and layde flat with the grounde their onely glorie insomuch that according to the expresse wordes of our Sauiours prophecie they left not one stone vpon another The Iewes sundrie times hauing licence thereunto attempted to builde it vp againe but it woulde not be for what their hande builded in the day the hande of the Lord most miraculouslie hurled downe by night Most true it is that Christ sayth there is not one worde that commeth out of Gods mouth not one title or iot written in his word which shall not in his due and appointed time be accomplished 3 Hence we may take this instruction that God is not delighted in outward shewes in gorgeous pompes in beautifull buildinges in painted sepulchers It is the inward beautie of the kinges daughter and not the outwarde brauery of the harlot of Babylon wherewith God is pleased It is the contrite heart of the postrate Publican and not the proude ostentation of the Pharasie wherein he doth take delight God aloweth as well of Peter in his mantell as of Aaron in his miter All these external shewes are but as the beautie of a paynted wall not onely not acceptable but euen lothsome vnto God when the soule the minde the inward parte is polluted 4 The causes why this house this costlie building and temple of God was so miserablie destroyed Christ himselfe declareth saying Because thou hast not knowne the time of thy visitation There is a double visitation the one in mercie the other in iustice Our mercifull God first visited this people in great often mercy He deliuered them out of the handes of Pharao He gaue them good guides He deliuered vnto them his law written in tables of stone He caused heauen to giue them bread the hard rocke to yeelde thē drink He made them triumphe ouer their enimies possesse strang cities He brought them to a land that flowed with milk honie caused them to reape that which their fooes had sowne He gaue them Priests Prophets builded them both an Arke by Moses and a temple by the handes of Solomon wherein he woulde be worshipped All which notwithstanding this stif-necked people was obdurate and vnthankefull no benefittes coulde euer winne them They prouoked their gratious Lord vnto most fierce and most iust wrath After their deliueraunce they lusted to returne to the place from whence they were deliuered they muttered against Moses and despysed holy Aaron They loathed and misliked the verie foode of heauen euen the meate of Angels the written lawe of God they mightely transgressed his messages they contemned the Prophetes and Messengers they derided euill entreated murdered lastly to adde a crowne to all their former wickednesse their promised Messias their king Christ Iesus the Sonne of the liuing God they most spitefully cruelly and villanouslie crucified 5 This great vnthankfulnesse of theirs did greatly prouoke the iust Lord to displeasure as it were enforce him to visit them in iustice sharpely and with the rod of more then vsual correctiō Wherefore he plagued them with mortalitie in the wildernesse onely two entred the land of promise of all the number that came out of Aegypt he gaue them ouer
all The bonde of peace the lincke of loue that malitious enemie hath burst a sunder What shall I saye Surely all thinges doe shewe that the ende of all thinges is at hande 25 Nowe what effectes these signes before mentioned shall haue in mens heartes those woordes doe plainely declare which followe There shall bee vppon earth trouble among the nations with perplexitie By the nations sayeth Saint Augustine he meaneth those that shall stande on the left hande and not those that are of the seede of Abraham and shall bee blessed Those dogges goates hypocrites and counterfaite Christians which are without the folde of Christ hauing their owne conscience to accuse and beare witnesse against them that they haue despised the sonne of GOD euen him who shoulde haue beene their sauiour Christ Iesus that they haue reiected his Gospell resisted the trueth weltered in all vncleannesse and sinne like beastes shall at that day fall headlong into deepe desperation knowing that at the handes of that iust and seuere iudge they shall receiue the due rewarde of their frowardnesse and iniquitie These terrible signes shall smite such feare into their heartes and so woonderfully amase them that whatsoeuer they beholde they shall tremble at it whatsoeuer they heare it shall be in their eares as it were the roaring of the seas Mens mindes shall be troubled their faith shall wither and wast away as an vntimely plant they shall vtterly fall from GOD and all hope of saluation Yea the verie elect shall quake and tremble they shall be for the time voyde of counsell and as it were men at their wittes ende For if nowe their mindes be troubled to see the present confusion of thinges in the worlde to see kingdomes and nations in armour one against another to see so much monstrous crueltie shewed so much innocent blood powred vpon the ground to see the wicked so prosper and the godlie so trodden vnder foote like duste to see the matter of saluation euen the woord of God called into question so earnestlie and doubtfullie to be disputed of euen amonges the learned sorte with most hatefull and despitefull contention whereof there is like to the eye of man to bee no ende if this doe so much astonish mens mindes nowe that it maketh them doubtfull what to thinke or what to doe in what great perplexitie shall they bee in that day when false Christes and false prophetes not one nor two but many shall arise so forcible in perswasion that they might deceaue if it were possible euen the elect of God and when the powers of heauen shall be mooued When these thinges are doubtlesse mens hartes must needes faile them for extreame feare and for looking after those thinges which shall come vpon the world Our mercifull Lord comfort vs that we doe not faint and strenghen vs that we may stand in that day After all those signes in the sunne and the moone and the starres in the powers of heauen and in the heartes of men betokening Christes approch Then sayeth the Euangelist they shall see the sonne of man come 26 The manner of his comming is thus described Hee shall come in a cloude with power and great glorie It was tolde the Disciples before whose faces Christ was receaued vp into glorie This Iesus which is taken vppe from you into heauen shall so come as yee haue seene him goe Hee went in a cloude and shall come in a cloude His first comming into the worlde was contemptible but his seconde comming shall be glorious his first to be iudged of the worlde his seconde to iudge the worlde He shall be accompanied with the Angelles of heauen partly to sette foorth his princely honour and royall Maiestie for so it is written Let all his Angelles worshippe him and partly to be his ministers in thinges apperteyning to this iudgement for so we reade He shall sende his Angels with a great sounde of a trumpet they shal gather together his elect from the foure winds and from the one end of the heauen vnto the other S. Paul ioineth with these Angels flaming fire He shall shew himself frō heauen with his mighty Angels in flaming fire rendering vengeance vnto them that do not knowe God and which obey not the Gospel of our Lorde Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lorde and from the glorie of his power when hee shall come to be glorified in his sainctes and to be made marueilous in all them that beleeue This fire shall whereof the Apostle speaketh dissolue and melt away the heauens and the earth Which burning shall bee as it were the fining of goulde in the fornace not consuming but purging the substaunce of these creatures from the drosse of those alterable qualities whereunto they are nowe subiect So Bede speaketh of them Per imaginem transeunt per essentiam subsistunt praeterit figura huius mundi non substantia Their shape vadeth their substaunce remayneth the figure of this worlde doeth passe awaie but not the nature Wee looke for newe heauens and a newe earth sayeth Saint Peter These heauens shall passe away with a noyse these elementes shall melt with heate this earth with the workes that are there in shall be burnt vp Then shall God be glorified and appeare merueilous Let the mightie remember this which build their nestes aloft the rich which ioyne house to house whose garners sellars and pastures are full of graine wine and cattell whose chestes are stuft with money who wholie applie the worlde as they should liue euer vpon the earth All this geare will be consumed it is but matter for the flame Flee therefore flee from this worlde which will sodenlie melt away looke not backe towarde this pleasant Sodoma which the Lorde will shortlie set on fire For what doeth it profit a man to gaine the worlde which though it be enioied for a while yet at length must needes melt as waxe and to loose his soule which if it were not lost might liue in blisse for euer Loue not seeke not the things of this world looke vnto that by which wee may stande in the day when the Lorde shall shewe himselfe from heauen when he shall come to be glorified in his Saintes and to bee made merueilous in them that beleeue The wicked shall not be able to stande in that iudgement neyther sinners in righteous mens companie At the comming of this power at the presence of this great GOD at the sight of this Tribunall seate so full of glorie and of terrour the deriders of Christ the contemners of his worde the workers of iniquitie shall tremble and quake and desire through despaire that the mountaines may fall on them and couer them from his fearefull presence But the faithfull the elect shall lift vp their heades with ioye and be made partakers of exceeding glorie they shall sit vppon the twelue seates and iudge the twelue
Tribes of Israell Where the faith of the Apostles shall condemne the vnbeleeuing Iewes the pietie of the Centurion all vngodly magistrates preaching Paul all vnpreaching prelates Zacheus al vsurars and Lazarus al repining impatient and wicked beggers The bookes shall be layd wide open in the sight of all fleshe The booke of God and the booke of mans conscience the booke of his lawe and the booke of our life It shall be examined in the one what GOD hath commaunded in the other it shall be testified howe man hath obeyed in the one what workes of mercie hee hath required at our handes in the other what fruites of mercilesse affection the grounde of our stonie heartes hath yeelded And according to the euidence both of the one and of the other the eternall and irreuocable sentence shall passe from the mouth of God The periured the vsurer the adulterer the lyer the idolater shall be cast into the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone into that vtter darkenesse where shall be wayling weeping gnashing of teeth endlesse horror and euerlasting woe But the elect which haue liued a sober a iust and a godly life which haue loued the comming of Christ Iesus more than this worlde or their present liues they shall enter into the kingdome of their Lorde they shall be glorified with Christ and possesse with him that euerlasting enheritaunce hauing hearde that most ioyfull sentence Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the first foundations of the worlde 27 Heereuppon Saint Peter inferreth this conclusion seeing all these thinges must be dissolued what manner persons ought yee to be in holie conuersation and godlinesse looking for and hasting vnto the comming of the day of God And Saint Luke this threefolde exhortation Take heede to your selues watch pray continually Take heede of surfetting and dronkennesse least your heartes bee opprest least that day come vppon you at vnawares and vnlooked for least it happen to you as it happened to the fathers in the dayes of Noa they ate and dranke and sodenly the water ouerwhelmed them or as to the Sodomites they burned in lust and sodenly fire consumed them from heauen or as to the Israelites they fedde themselues greedilie surfeted and died with the meate in their mouthes Let their dreadfull endes make vs eschewe their sinnes Beware also of the cares of this life They be perillous thornes and pricke thy heart to death Iudas was carefull by any meanes to gather money and to what it brought him yee all knowe Ananias and Saphira caring howe to liue made no conscience to lye to the holie Ghost their destruction was most sodaine When the riche man was in the middest of his care howe to enlarge his barnes that verie night his soule was taken from him Beware therefore and take heede specially of these two things Let not your hearts be ouerwhelmed with excesse of meates and drinkes nor choaked with the cares of this present life 28 Besides this warinesse and heedetaking it is further required that we bee also watchfull For sith wee knowe not what time the Lorde will come expedient it is that wee shoulde bee in continuall expectation of him that wensoeuer hee come wee may bee readie with ioye to meete him Happie is he that watchfully looketh for the comming of Christ Iesus and hee miserable whom the Lorde shall ouertake vnlooked for S. Ierome did so liue in continuall watching and waiting for this daie of redemption that the sounde of that voyce was still in his eares Arise yee deade and come to iudgement I doe waite sayth Iob all the dayes of my warfare till my chaunge come The like wee reade of the Prophet Dauid whose watchfulnesse was such that the watchman standing vppon his warde being wearie of the discomfortablenesse of the night doth not so eye the rising of the morning as hee did the glorious appearing of the Lorde I haue wayted saith hee vpon the Lorde my soule hath wayted and I haue trusted in his worde My soule waiteth on the Lorde more than the morning watch watcheth for the morning How happy is their estate whom the Lorde in that day shall finde thus readie for him 29 But because we can of our selues neither rightly beware nor diligently watch without the speciall assistance of his spirite therefore as wee are exhorted to watch so are we likewise admonished to pray The Lorde of his infinite mercie graunt that being thus prepared to meete the Lorde in the day when he commeth to iudge the quicke and the deade we may be founde worthy to enter with him into that rest which hee by the shedding of his most precious bloude hath purchased for all the blessed of his father to whome c. A Sermon preached at Pauls crosse MATTH 8. 23 And when he was entred into the ship his disciples followed him 24 And beholde there arose a great tempest in the sea so that the ship was couered with waues but he was asleepe THIS short historie doth by way of a type or figure set forth the state of the Church putting vs in minde that the waie to the kingdom of God is rough that wee must enter into ioy through much sorrowe that here wee must be alwayes on the suffring side that the whole life of a Christian man vpō earth is a warfare that such as will be disciples of Christ must beare the crosse that as many as will bee in the same ship with him must prepare them selues vnto daungerous stormes The sea of this wicked worlde is troublesome the Church of God is beaten and tossed like a boate it is disfigured with sharpe and stormie weather Feeble is all flesh manifoulde are our infirmities faint is our faith and seeing our sinne with the remembraunce of the stipende due for the same wee are readie to sinke into the bottomlesse gulfe of desperation In this daungerous estate wee finde no helpe in our selues But beholde the disciples of Christ haue taught vs by their example where helpe is to be sought in the middest of these manifolde and great distresses And that is onely in Christ who is alwayes a present helper of them which seeke him in time of neede who hath ouercome and victoriously triumphed on the crosse against Satan sinne the worlde hell death and condemnation To him all power giueth place against him no force is able to stand vnto him all things are made subiect He is that Samson which by his owne death hath slaine his foes that Dauid which hath dasht out the braines of Goliah the grād enemy of Gods people that seede which hath brused the serpents head that almighty which rebuketh windes ceaseth stormes easeth the burthens of them that mourne washeth awaie iniquitie freelie forgiueth sinne heareth and deliuereth out of trouble If we crie with the disciples in our distresse Helpe Lord he will in mercie awake and heare vs through his mighty power
which are in the ship mount vp to heauen descēd to the deepe so that their soule melteth for trouble they are tossed to fro stagger like a drunken man al their vnderstanding is swallowed vp Wherfore the blustring winds the stormy seas were the sensible cause why the ship wherein Christ with his disciples sayled was sore tossed greatly dangered Now if we looke into the sea of the world we shall finde that all our griefe vexation cōmeth from those vnquiet motions which are raised by our spirituall and ghostly enemy who neuer resteth but tumbleth to and fro raising one tempestuous storme in the necke of an other What maruell then if the church be troubled or rather how can it be otherwise then troubled sore assalted seeing Satan hath so many waies to molest it vseth as many as he hath Sometimes he stirreth vp cruell bloudy persecution If that will not serue hee vseth such windes as are somwhat more calme but no whit lesse dangerous the windes of diuision and contention then which nothing doth sooner hazard the church of Christ. A kingdom being at vnity in it selfe though it be smal yet may be strong but diuided distracted into factiōs though it be mighty how should it stand This is a thing which I wish greatly that we did throughly consider Hetherto such is is the mercy of almighty God our enemies haue not preuayled against vs although they bee many and wee but fewe they strong and wee weake But if a few sillie weake ones be miserably diuided what may wee looke for but ineuitable ruine It is lamentable that the Gospell of peace should bring forth schisme This is both slaunderous vndoubtedly perilous to our profession Vnto them whom Satan hath abused as his instruments to worke this euill I may speake in a maner as the clearke of Ephesus did to the people when they were in an vprore without cause There is no idolatry no impiety maintained by the lawes and orders of this church If Demetrius the craftes men which are with him haue any thing cōcerning other maters there is authority we haue courts there are lawfull assemblies to heare to discusse to determine thē When they refuse the peaceable meanes wherby strife may be ended will followe no course but that which breedeth confusion raiseth tumultes may they not iustly be accused as clamorous troblers of the church of God for as much as there cā be no iust alowable reason aleaged of these their troublesom vnquiet dealings Shall we be followers of mē in contention that about friuolous vaine things leaue the walking after Christ in peace loue Now the God of patiēce cōsolatiō grant that at y e lēgth we may be like minded one toward another according to Christ Iesus that with one minde one mouth we may praise God euē y e father of our Lord Iesus Christ. 17 Thus the church as a ship is by outwarde persecution inward cōtentiō as it were by stormes tēpests troubled The stormes which trouble the particular members of the church are our own rebellious disordred desires which neuer suffer vs to enioy any long rest of minde Some are troubled with one vnquietnes som with another Some cānot rest for the cares of the world som swel with pride vaine glory some boile in rācor enuy malice some fry in lust some with anger The best are secretly disturbed with that frō which the holy Apostle crieth out Miserable mā who shall deliuer me Whē these things haue so shaken vs that our soules are therby brused thē doth Satā raise the greatest storme of all other He layth our sins before our eies perswadeth with vs as he did with Cain Iudas that our iniquity is greater thē can be pardoned our sores past cure our breaches such as are without hope of remedy With this blast puffe he ouerthroweth many the dearest children of God are most subiect hereunto It is therefore good to resist sin betimes least when the conscience is therewith ouerburdened if the Diuel cast our sin before vs together with the iudegment of God against sinne we make shipwrack of our faith 18 Now when these troubles are not quieted by such causes as haue power to appease thē thē are the causes although not properly but figuratiuely said to be aslepe So the Lord whē he seeth children to be afflicted or suffreth the wicked for a time to goe vnpunished till he deliuer the one and plague the other is to our seeming as if he slept And the grace of God in vs whereby wee withstand and resist that which fighteth against the spirit may be saide to wake as long as it worketh to sleepe then when it ceaseth working When we sleepe naturally our bodies are subiect to many daungers Holofernes being a sleepe the weake hand of Iudith was able to make him shorter by the head In corde christiano tranquillitas erit pax sed quamdiu vigilat fides nostra Si autem dormit fides nostra periclitamur In a christian heart there shall be both tranquillitie and peace but no longer then our faith is kept waking if that fall asleepe we are in daunger saith S. Augustine For this cause S. Paule cryeth out so loude in the eares of men Awake thou that sleepest And to Timothie Stirre vp the gift of God which is in thee but let it not sleepe 19 If the maister and gouernour of the ship who sitteth at the helme fal asleepe the ship cannot keepe hir right course vnguided but will fall vpon euerie sande rush vpon euerie rocke and so hazard whatsoeuer is in it The boate of Christ is set ouer vnto two gouernours the magistrate and the minister It is daungerous if either of them be not watchfull When such kings ruled Israell as liued securely tooke their case and cared not for the publike benefit such as Manasses and Ieroboam then was there great confusion in the Church and common wealth God was not serued idolatrie euerie where was committed It is a great fault in rulers and iudges of the earth when their eyes are not open to beholde the disorderly dealinges of the wicked nor their eares to receiue the complaintes of the poore the fatherlesse the widow and them which suffer wrong There was sometime a Sergeant that now resteth I hope in peace who when a poore man craued his aduise in a matter and offered him no mony aunswered I heare thee but I feele thee not This mans heart was awake vnto couetousnes but vnto iudgement and iustice asleepe 20 Ministers are termed by a speciall name of watchmen to shewe that they aboue all others shoulde beware of too much sleepe Sonne of man I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israell saith the Lorde to his Prophet Nowe if the people take a man from amongest them
and make him their watchman if whē he seeth the sword come vpon the lande he blow the trumpet and warne the people then he that heareth the sounde of the trumpet and wil not be warned if the sword come and take him awaie his bloud shalbe vpon his owne heade For he hearde the sounde of the trumpet woulde not be admonished therefore his bloud shall be vpon him as contrariwise he that receiueth warning shal saue his life But if the watchman see the sworde come blowe not the trumpet and the people be not warned if the sword come and take any man from amongest them he is taken away for his iniquitie but his bloud will I require at the watchmans hande Wherefore there coulde not a greater plague happen to the people of God then that whereof the Prophet Esaie maketh mentiō Their watchmen are all blinde they lie asleepe and delight in sleeping Whilest the husbandmen slept the euill man sowed his darnell and went his waie and was not seene Sleepie folke are the cause why the fielde of the Lord is ouergrowen with weedes his church infected with sinne and errour When the Pastour sleepeth the wolfe deuoureth sinne entereth and maketh hauock 21 But sith he that keepeth Israell will neither slumber nor sleepe it may be marueiled how that thing which he keepeth can be subiect to so many stormes tempestes which might be preuented if hee did not suffer him selfe or vs or them whom he hath set as watchmen ouer vs to fall asleepe Whereunto I aunswere by the same distinction which the spouse hir selfe doth make in the song of Salomon I sleepe but my heart waketh God suffreth vs that is to saie our outwarde man to be molested troubled vexed vpon our flesh he seemeth many times to shut his eyes although in truth the eyes of his fatherly prouidence bee alwayes open euen vpon that not permitting vs therein to bee tried and tempted aboue our strength But ouer our heartes wee knowe by manyfest experience and are sure to finde that he still keepeth a continuall watch The Lorde will keepe thee saith the Prophet from all euill he will keepe thy soule And although it be grieuous yet is it meete expedient yea good profitable for vs that our heartes our soules our spirits being so surely and safely kept God shoulde somtimes winke at the troubles of our flesh as if he saw them not 22 The disciples in their great feare and daunger went vnto Christ and wakened him with their cries Helpe we perish Doest thou see vs cast away and not consider it Of the like complaints of the people of God in the middest of their distresses we reade in sundry places especially of the Psalmes Vp why sleepest thou O Lord Awake be not farre of for euer Wherefore hidest thou thy face and forgettest our miserie and our affliction Our soule is beaten downe vnto the dust our bellie cleaueth vnto the grounde rise vp for our succour redeeme vs for thy mercies sake These grones and cries be not powred out in vaine Christ rebuketh the windes and seas his seruauntes haue their wish their requests are no sooner vttered then graunted If wee as good disciples of these disciples doe in our troubles flie vnto Christ for aide in his mercie he shall heare vs and deliuer vs by the strength of his mighty power He cannot suffer vs to be tryed aboue that which wee are able to beare Be our sute neuer so desperate he can helpe it For nothing is impossible with God Would you see some fit examples The Israelites groned vnto him in Aegypt he hearde them and deliuered them from the tyrannie of Pharao The yong men in the furnace called vpon him were preserued The crie of Daniell stopped the mouthes of Lions Paul and Sylas being in bondes praied and their chaines fell loose from them the doores opened and gaue them passage Although wee bee plunged neuer so low although the floudes run cleane ouer vs in so much that wee seeme to our selues as it were past helpe and recouerie yet wee are not past helpe so long as we are not past desire to be holpē The greatnes of our perill can bee no stop to our deliueraunce because the power of our deliuerer is infinite In deed we see that men are altogether amazed and in a manner bereft of wit and vnderstanding when they feele them selues daungerouslie tossed to and fro But do we not also see that when they cry vnto the Lord in their trouble hee bringeth them out of distresse hee turneth the storme to calme so that the waues thereof are still do we not see how they passe throught tribulations to the kingdom of heauen through stormie tempestes are brought to the hauen where they woulde be This the Lord doth that we might confesse his louing kindnes before him and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men To him therefore euen God the father God the sonne and God the holie Ghost be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. 1. PETER 4. 7 The end of al things is at hād Be ye therfore sober watching in praier 8 But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue amonge you for loue couereth the multitude of sinnes 9 Be ye harborous one towardes another without grudging 10 Let euerie man as he hath receiued the gift minister the same one to an other as good disposers of the manifolde graces of God THE Apostle S. Peter like a perfitte workman and a skilfull builder first layeth a sure foundation and then frameth and erecteth a good building thereupon The foundation is Christ. Another foundation no man can lay He is the rocke the foundation and wee as liuely stones must be framed thereupon hewed squared with the hammer squyre of Gods word that we may grow to bee a spirituall house an holye Priesthoode to offer vp vnto God through Iesus Christ spirituall and acceptable sacrifices of pietie prayer and thankes giuing Through Christ we are brought from darknes vnto light that from henceforth wee shoulde walke as the children of that light wherin he hath placed vs of a peruerse generation wee are through him made an holy people that we should be holy as he is that hath called vs wee are redeemed not by goulde and siluer but by the innocent bloude of the immaculate lambe to serue him that hath deliuered vs out of the handes of our enemies in holynesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life wee are called to bee the children of God citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem and to bee fellowe heyres with Christ of that his eternall kingdome that wee shoulde bee obedience and louing Children trustie and duetiefull citizens that we may bee not onely called but chosen accepted and admitted to inherite with Christ the first begotten of God What building we be whether goulde or stubble what life wee leade
Christ. S. Paul speaketh to the elect of God who doubtlesse will at length awake As for the reprobate they still shal sleepe on in their errours and sinnes vnto their eternall death and confusion But arise Ierusalem and be thou enlightned arise Ierusalem from death to life frō errour to truth from darkenesse to light from Antichrist to Christ who by his holy spirite will illuminate thee that thou mayst knowe God the father and him whom he hath sent Iesus Christ and that is the only way to euerlasting life Plinie reproouing our drowsinesse sayeth that sleepe doth steale away the halfe of our life But this sleepe wherof we speake stealeth away the whole life of the greatest part of men Dauid himselfe lay slumbering in the filthy sleepe of whoredome a whole yeare at the least and could not awake vntill Nathan blewe in his eare and stirred him But Dauids sleepe was but a nappe in comparison of such as are so hard and fast a sleepe that they will neuer stirre vntill fire out of heauen flee about their eares to waken them So were the Sodomites wakened and consumed Awake therefore and when ye are wakened then watch 13 Watch that ye be not deceiued by false prophetes who watch to deceiue you teach otherwise thā Christ hath taught The diuell is a subtill perswader of men he is a lying spirite in the mouth of his prophets his ministers workmen are craftie companions such as creepe into houses and leade away the simple as captiues with them A man of a watchfull eye shall knowe these wolues by two properties First they are rauenous cruel bloudy they will persecute and kill they will be as Caine not as Abell as Ismaell and not as Isaak as Esau not as Iacob as Pharao and not as Moses as Caiaphas and not as Peter The seconde note is that which Chrysostome mentioneth Who so in blasphemie yelleth and howleth with a foule and open mouth against the trueth he is a wolfe Such they were of whom the prophet speaketh in the psalme saying They set their mouth against heauen 14 All must watch that they be not themselues deceiued by these deceitfull wolues when they put on sheepes clothing But God giueth charge to such as be the pastors of his people to be watchfull also ouer others not only carefully to feede them as his flocke deerely redeemed in good wholsome pastures but also to driue chase away the wolues least Gods sheepe be deuoured by thē And this pastoral office doth not only pertain vnto priests prechers but also vnto princes tēporal gouerners whō God hath placed in authority to y t end y t they shold promote his glory For the which cause God calleth Cyrus the king his shephard Vigilate watch the wolfe to driue him away watch the flock to fede it 15 Let euerie one be watchfull ouer his life that his conuersation be according to his profession If we walke disorderly we shal not walke alone our example wil draw others after it their sins we shall answere for Lucifer fell not alone he drew cōpany from heauen with him Ieroboam being sinfull made Israell to sin And he is burnt in the hand with that marke of horror for a warning to al succeeding ages Ieroboā the son of Nebat that made Israel to sin Let vs beware that we play not Simeon Leui so make our father Iacob to be loathed of the Cananites We professe Christ true Christianitie Let vs not through our lewd life be a slander to our sauiour and a shame to his gospel Watch therefore But because as S. Paul sayth neither planting nor watering will helpe except God himself do giue encrease because our watching as the prophet witnesseth is in vaine neither can sobrietie and heedefulnes serue to keepe a citie except the Lorde himselfe doe keepe it let vs craue help at Gods mercifull hands let vs pray as wel as watch When S. Paul hath armed Gods souldier he biddeth him pray Man be he neuer so well appointed for defence neuer so stronge and perfit cannot stande without Gods strength He that looketh but a litle into the worlde shall espie iust cause to moue vs to prayer if anie men now if euer The greate diuell in these our later dayes is let loose Antichrist rageth and seeketh our confusion The wicked glistering world maruelously deceiueth bewitcheth The flesh raigneth and beareth swinge The spirite is faint sinne ouerfloweth Christ is comming in the cloudes to call vs vnto iudgement Therefore be ye sober watch pray Pray I say not in shewe but in deede not in appearance but from the heart not for fashion but in earnest Babble not in wordes like hypocrites but powre out thy heart before God as did Hanna And God graunt for his Christ our Iesus sake that in fayth and loue wee may lift vp pure hands sincere affections hartie grones vnto our Lorde that we may ouercome our many dreadfull enemies purchase pardon and glorifie God Let vs with Dauid with whom we haue sinned pray for mercy Let vs with the disciples of Christ with whom we haue wauered pray for the encrease of our faith because the ende of all thinges is nowe at hande 16 It followeth Haue feruent charity amongst your selues This cōcerneth our dutie towardes men as y ● other did towards God All our dutie towards our neighbour consisteth in loue He that loueth another hath fulfilled the lawe Iohn the beloued disciple of Christ was the preacher of loue it was euer in his mouth as it is in his writings in so much that lying vpon his death bed his disciples requesting to haue one lessō frō him before his departure he was able to deuise no one thing more needful to be spokē of then this which he had oftē said Loue one another my litle childrē Peter would haue our loue to be earnest hote Euery one loueth himself very vehemently but our loue towards others is very cold chill Our loue for the most part this way is in word in phraise but not in deede in truth This world is dubble harted dissēbling is made a trade to liue by There be many Labans but fewe Iacobs Many that salute say Aue but their next word is Apprehendite If Christ came nowe he were like to finde litle faith but lesse charity yet without charity al that we do is vaine yea it is very sin Let vs therfore loue as God hath loued vs he loued vs not slenderly when he tooke so bitter a death for vs. A God for his enemies See therfore that ye haue vehement sincere hearty loue among your selues not contenting your selues barely to haue it in shewe vnlesse yee shewe it by these effectes which Saint Peter in this place setteth down Vehement loue heere spoken of is described by these properties First it couereth y e multitude of
the holie ghost a trinitie in vnitie be rendered all thankes and all glorie giuen from this time forth and for euer more Amen The one and twentieth Sermon A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse at what time a maine treason was discouered PSALM 4. 5. Offer the sacrifices of righteousnesse THE occasion why the Princely prophet wrote this Psalme is the great distresse whereunto he was brought by the monstrous vnnaturall rebellion which his ambitious sonne Absalon raised against him This forced him to flie vnto God for aide and by earnest prayer to seeke help from heauen The summe and substance of the Psalme consisteth in these pointes First he crieth vnto God for deliueraunce from this wicked conspirasie Heare me when I call O God of my righteousnesse thou hast set me at libertie when I was in distresse haue mercie vpon me and hearken vnto my prayer Secondly he reprooueth the wicked enterprise of his foes and therewithall moueth them to repentance O ye sonnes of men howe long will ye turne my glorie into shame louing vanitie and seeking lies For be yee sure that the Lorde hath chosen to himselfe a godly man the Lorde will heare when I call vnto him tremble and sinne not examine your owne heart vpon your bed and be still offer the sacrifice of righteousnesse and trust in the Lorde Thirdlie as one assured of present helpe he turneth his talke againe vnto God and reioyceth in the sweete and comfortable feeling of his grace saying Many say who will shewe vs any good but Lorde lift vp the light of thy countenaunce vpon vs thou hast giuen me more ioy of heart than they haue had when their wheate and their wine did abounde I will lay me downe and also sleepe in peace for thou Lorde only makest me dwell in safetie 2 The prophet in calling vpon the name of God maketh mention of his owne innocencie Heare me when I call O God of my righteousnes Not that he thought himselfe so iust righteous that God could not charge him with any sin for so no mā can trie his cause and stand in iudgement with God which thing he also confesseth saying in an other place Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no fleshe liuing be iustified For one dutie scarce performed he is able to charge vs with a thousande omitted nay we cannot alleage him one for a thousande why then doth the prophet speake of innocencie Why doth he vse this phrase of speach Heare me O God of my righteousnesse Surelie he knewe that God is a mercifull defender of them whome the world doth vndeseruedlie hate and persecute And in respect of his enemies for anie cause which they had so to conspire and rebell against him he might iustlie and trulie euen in the sight of God protest him selfe to be innocent He was a mercifull and a iust prince neuer offering wrong to anie his rebellious sonne he had sundrie times spared but neuer offended he neuer greeued his wicked counseller Achitophel neither yeat the raging people which vnnaturallie opposed them selues against him In respect hereof he alleageth his righteousnesse and innocencie his hart being a witnesse vnto him that towardes them he had euer shewed him selfe milde and mercifull 3 The Prophet hauing thus professed his vprightnesse vrgeth and prouoketh God to take the defence of his cause now as at all times he had heretofore protected him Thou hast set me at libertie when I was in distresse Dauid passed through manie trobles but God deliuered him out of all He strenthened him against that huge and monstrous Philistine farre beyond the reason or expectation of man For if ye compare a younling with one of perfect age a simple shephard with a souldier exercised in feates of armes one of smale stature with a vast giant a naked manne with one most stronglie armed the combat could not choose but seeme in all pointes verie vnequall in so much that the Philistine plainlie contemned him But God fought for him gaue him the victorie Besides this he deliued him also from the fraud trechery of wicked Doeg from the treason of the men of Caila and Ziph which laboured to giue him into his enemies handes God deliuered him frō Achis king of Geth where he was in great danger How often by what miraculous meanes he saued him out of the hands of Saul y e histories do manifestly plainly shew Therfore he putteth God in remēbrāce of this his wonted mercy God is well pleased when his benefits are well remembred Vpon this experience of Gods former mercies he cōceiueth great confidence and sure hope that his protector woulde not leaue him now in the bryers that the God of whose mercie hee had so often tasted seeing that his cause was iust woulde not nowe leaue him as a praie to his enemies neither suffer them to trample ouer him 4 Thus wee see that the security of princes doth not rest vpon their power be they neuer so strongly garded but vpon their innocencie wee see from whence they ought in their troubles to looke for succour we see by what meanes they may assure themselues of helpe from heauen In the seconde parte of the Psalme the Prophet reporteth the rebellion of his foes and withall moueth them to repentaunce He reproueth them especially for two causes first for that they laboured to displace the prince whom God had set ouer them wherein the ignominie which they did vnto him was not so great as the iniurie which they offred vnto God 5 The contriuers thereof were not men of meene calling but of high place and great authoritie and therefore they are not called the sonnes of Adam but the sonnes of man filii viri noble personages Conspiracies are not wont to bee bred in the heades of the meenest sort which thing the Prophet noteth in the seconde Psalme The princes are assembled together in counsell against the Lorde and against his Christ. Marie the verie sister of Moses a woman of place and countenaunce deuised a plot to displace hir brother Moses spared hir because shee was his sister but God plagued hir because shee was a rebell and cast vppon hir a most foule disease Core Dathan and Abiram which conspired also against Moses were not the meenest men in their tribe Ieroboam a man of great might conspired against Salomon and openly rebelled against Roboam The kinges sonne Absolon the great wise counseller Achitophel rose vp against their lawfull Soueraigne armed the people against him If I shoulde enter into prophane histories and receite vnto you the authors and contriuers of ciuel seditions from time to time it woulde appeare that they were for the most part filij viri It is sometime otherwise For wee reade that simple men that men whose names are not spoken of without some speciall note of extreeme basenesse haue notwithstanding stirred vp daungerous tumultes But such are either set on by other
must all offer 15 At the handes of the minister it is required that hee feed the flocke committed vnto his charge this is righteousnesse in him it is his sacrifice God will haue no blinde no lame no vncleane thing to be offered therfore let as many as offer the sacrifice of righteousnes take heede to that they doe The wordes of the Lorde are pure wordes like siluer tried in a fornace of earth fined seuen times He therefore that speaketh let him speake as the wordes of God 16 Furthermore as it is reason that they which sacrifice at the altar shoulde liue of the altar euen so it is against all equitie and right that the labour of preaching the Gospell shoulde rest vpon any mans backand the maintenance due for the same be withheld and kept from him It hath beene tolde you often and some haue beene angrie to heare it so often tolde that the ministerie is too much pinched the liuing of the Church so fleesed that manie worthy ministers haue scarce nay they haue not wherewith tolerablie to sustaine themselues 17 To come from the minister to the magistrate when heynous crimes are detected and brought to light there is then a speciall sacrifice of righteousnesse required at his handes such a sacrifice as Ioas offered who following the good aduise of Iehoida the high priest his faithfull counsellour put Athalia which had murthered the kinges children and vsurped the kingdome to the sworde The Lorde sometime doth so deale with his people that they plainely see his wrath to be kindled and his heauie indignatiō impossible to be appeased til this sacrifice be offred him The Israelites were ouerthrowne in battle till Achan was stoned to death King Dauid founde no rest in his kingdome till Absolō Adonias had that which their rebellious practises did deserue God requireth as well the sacrifice of iustice as of mercie yea he sometimes accepteth iustice for a sacrifice and plagueth mercie as a grieuous sinne If Dauid had not spared his sonne for murther his sonne had not troubled him with rebellion For rebellion he woulde also in fatherly pity and compassion haue spared him this God coulde not suffer but tooke execution of iustice him selfe stretched out the arme of an oake and strangled the gallant in his owne haire Saul suffred Agag but he felt the wrath of the Lorde for it to the losse of his kingdome Quiparcit lupo mactat gregem hee that spareth a wolfe spilleth the bloude of the flocke saith Chrisostome God appointeth the magistrate to be a reuenger vnto wrath vpon him that committeth euil They which glorie to haue the sworde rustie in the sheath when they woulde drawe it out peraduenture shall not so well be able Let magistrates therefore from the highest to the lowest execute iustice without feare or fauour when neede requireth and so they shall offer vp the sacrifice of righteousnesse 18 As this sacrifice belongeth peculiarlie to them so there are others belonging although to them yet not to them alone but to all Christians Wee must all sacrifice vnto the Lorde with our goodes with our mindes and with our bodies For all these we haue receiued to serue him withall With our goodes the needie must be relieued the naked clothed the hungrie comforted and fed For this sacrifice S. Paul commendeth to the Philippiās I was euen filled after that I had receiued of Epaphroditus that which came from you an odoure that smelleth sweete a sacrifice acceptable pleasant vnto God The like he hath also to the Hebrewes To doe good and to distribute forget not for with such sacrifice God is pleased 19 To haue the sacrifice of the bodie offered S. Paul is verie earnest with the Romaines I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that yee giue vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice holie and acceptable vnto God Let not thine eye behold the thing which is euill and it is made a sacrifice let no vncleane word escape thy tongue and it is an offring let thine hande doe no harme and it is an oblation saith S. Chrysostome To the like effect Origen when thou subduest pride thou dost affer a calfe when wrath a ram when lust a goate a doue when a vaine and wandring cogitation But the most precious sacrifice of the bodie is when being mortified it is also offered to the crosse for the testimonie of Iesus Christ in whose cause the death of the Saints is deere in the sight of God If the Prophetes the Apostles the martyrs of all ages haue offred vp the glorious sacrifice of righteousnesse why should wee be acounted faithfull as they were vnlesse wee be willing to doe and to suffer as they did Wee haue a longe time had faire weather wisdome would that we should prouide for stormes Christs Church must be tried such is Gods woont A rough storme was rising but the Lord such are his mercies raised vp a winde which scattered the clowdes he hath in great fauour and tender loue deliuered vs from the Lions mouth Let vs therefore liue no longer in this our senslesse securitie but offer him sacrifice as of our bodies so likewise of our mindes repentance and praise 20 Our sinnes no doubt haue prouoked his wrath our ingratitude hath grieued him our iniquities haue kindled his indignation wee haue grieuouslye offended by despising his worde from the highest to the lowest The Magistrates are for the most part colde in Gods cause they are not eaten vp with the zeale of his house iustice iudgement they commonly omit wickedly peruert The guides and Pastours of the Church seeke themselues and not those things which belong to Iesus Christ. And the people not well guided nor ●euerely corrected are of all other farthest out of frame Now if the most high haue power ouer the kingdome of men to giue it to whom soeuer he will and to appoint ouer it most vile persons when pleaseth him and if because of our vnrighteous dealing he should as he hath done many a time and oft vnto nations farre greater and mightier then ours power vs as it were out of one vessell into an other translate the scepter of this kingdom from hand to hand in steede of a gracious and religious Lady cause an hypocrite to raigne ouer vs which the Lord neuer suffer these eyes to see what could we saie but God were iust in al his waies had brought that vpon vs which our sinnes haue deserued To appease his wrath and to staie these or the like plagues from breaking in and from ouerwhelming the land there is no other waie but speedily to offer vp the sacrifice of righteousnesse This is the sacrifice of righteousnesse euen a broken and a contrite heart 21 The other sacrifice of the minde is praise which consisteth in thankesgiuing and petition Let vs thanke our God for his manifolde mercies For it is the Lordes mercies that
thou doest 7 As God is perfit in himselfe in his worde and in all his workes so we are exhorted to fashion our selues according to that similitude and likenesse which is in him and to become perfit as our father in heauen is perfit There is a perfection which all beleeuers haue by imputation whereof although S. Paule doe not speake directly in this place yet because it is the roote of that perfection whereof he speaketh it is not besides the purpose for me to put you in minde of it Vnto euerie sonne of Adam it may iustlie be saide Thou wast perfit in thy waies from the day that thou wast created till iniquitie was founde in thee But our sanctification being once defiled and polluted with sinne he which liketh no vncleane or vnperfect thing if hee looke vppon vs as wee are in our selues cannot but loath vs. Wherefore except the perfection of righteousnes which is in Christ be imputed vnto vs and accounted as ours except in him we be made the righteousnes of God howe should we euer hope to appeare without spot and wrincle in the sight of God He therefore is perfect whose imperfections Christ with his perfection hath couered This is a secret which because the Iewes were not able to comprehende therefore they stumbled Israel sought perfection and found it not Wherefore Because they sought it by the workes of the law and not by faith they thought perfection by imputation to be a meere fancie Contrariwise the Gentils not following that perfection which is by the lawe attained vnto that which is by faith which S. Paule did so esteeme that although he were concerning the righteousnesse which is in the lawe vnreproueable yet he thought all the labour and trauell lost which hee had spent about attaining perfection that way and desired nothing more than to be found not hauing his owne perfection which was of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ. 8 But the perfection wherof S. Paul heere speaketh is nothing else but the finishing of that which the grace of Christ hath alreadie begun to worke in our hearts our growing and increasing in true godlinesse our proceeding and going forwarde from vertue to vertue from strength to strength till we come vnto that whereunto we striue Brethren sayeth the Apostle I count not my selfe as if I had attained it or were alreadie perfect But one thing I forget that which is behinde and endeuour my selfe vnto that which is before and followe harde towardes the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Let vs therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded let as many as haue attained the former perfection striue vnto this which is the latter 9 For this cause Apostles Prophetes Euangelistes pastors and teachers at the first were giuen vnto this all doctrine and exhortation doth tende that being builded together to be the habitation of God by the spirite wee might rise to a perfect man vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ and in all things growe vp into him which is the head in all thinges whether they be inwarde vertues or outwarde duties which God requireth at the handes of men Touching inwarde vertues although we haue knowledge and be established in the present trueth although our faith bee such that it be knowen and spoken of through out the worlde although we abound in godlinesse in brotherlie kindenesse and in all loue it is neuerthelesse a thing needefull as long as we are in this tabernacle that we be alwayes put in minde stirred vp and prouoked to endeuour that in these thinges we may abounde more and more and go forward in them to perfection 10 The worde of truth which is the Gospell was fruitfull among the Colossians from the very first day that they hearde and truely knewe the grace of God Yet S. Paule ceased not still to pray for them and to desire that they might be fulfilled with the knowledge of his will in all wisedome spirituall vnderstanding that they might encrease in the knowledge of God and so be perfect The Hebrues no dout were not vtterly ignorant in the highest mysteries of their saluation yet are they sharply reproued for their rawnesse and exhorted to proceede from the doctrine of the beginning of Christ and from the first principles of the word of God that at the length they might come to some perfection We must all confesse euen the best learned amongst vs all that as yet we are but beginning to learne we knowe but little our skill is of small and tender growth It behooueth vs therefore to pray continually with the prophet Lord teach vs thy statutes make vs to vnderstande the way of thy preceptes that we may profit in meditating of thy lawe leade vs on in our way by the gracious conduction of thy holy spirite so direct our course that we may run out the race into which we are entred not ceasing till thou hast brought vs into all truth fully instructed vs in thy righteousnesse made vs absolute and perfect vnto all good workes 11 Where there is backwardnesse in knowledge there must needes be also weakenes of faith if we growe in the one we are the nearer to perfection in the other Howe great care the blessed Apostle had that the faith of as many as did beleeue through his preaching might be perfited let that one speach of his to them of Thessalonica serue to shewe in steede of manie Bretheren wee had consolation in you in all our affliction and necessitie through your faith For nowe are we aliue if we stande stedfast in the Lorde What thankes can we recompence to God againe for you for all the ioy for which we reioyce for your sakes before God night and day praying exceedinglie that we might see your face and might accomplish that which is lacking in your faith If he were thus carefull for the faith of others shall we neglect to make perfect our owne When we heare that this is the victorie which ouercometh the world euen our faith that by faith all the firie dartes of Satan are expelled and driuen back that vnto beleeuers all thinges are possible that he which beleeueth commeth not into iudgment but hath passed from death to life are we not glad to say in our hartes Lord we beleeue If we be then considering that by how much our faith is more stedfast by so much we are the more certainlie assured of all these thinges let vs ioyne in request with the disciples of Christ and beg of him to increase faith in vs let vs crie euen with teares Lorde helpe our incredulitie 12 But how can you beleeue saith our sauiour that receaue glorie one of another and the glorie which is of God onelie ye seeke not How should we growe vnto fulnesse of faith which are so emptie and void of godlinesse The complaint