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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A94802 For those that meet to worship at the steeplehouse, called John Evangelist, in London, or, any other in that nature upon whom the Scriptures are fulfilled, in evil intreating the servants of the Lord Iesus, whom he sends to deliver his message amongst you. Or for any other that are condemned for sin, and have thirstings after righteousness ... R. T. (Rebecca Travers), 1609-1688. 1659 (1659) Wing T2059; ESTC R185428 25,680 64

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or do so have been hated of men as he Ioh. 7. 15 18. declard at Jerusalem and is fulfilled at London as well as in other places They shall bare you for my Name sake speak all manner of evil of you and they shall think they do God service So blind are all men who from the light are erred in which God dwells the Creator of all things who commanded light to ● Cor. 4. 6. shine out of darkness and hath shined into our hearts who by the light are subject to give us the knowledge of himself in the face of Jesus Christ and Tit. 2 11 being made a partaker of this Grace which is free and hath appeared to all ●ear my testimony as the truth is in Je●●s that if you obey it not you are out of the Covenant so out of the blessing and under the curse and know not the Word of God though it be near unto you all and many hath been thereby quickened to God and it is that which made all things and by it are all things upheld for in it is life Ioh. 1. 4 ● and the life is the true light of men and this is the true light which enlightens every man which comes into the world as it is written John bare testimony of it without your meanings declaring what he had seen felt and handled of Iohn 1 12 13 the Word of life that to as many as believed in him he gave power to become the sons of God not of blood nor of the will of man but of the will of God of which birth which onely must inherit the eternal Kingdom are all you ignorant who preach and pray and hear and act in your own wills though your profession be high as mine once was you are not yet come to the first principle of repentance from dead works which all that are in that have not been quickned by the eternal word which Word abides for ever and is Heb. 4. 12 quick and powerful as a two-edged sword dividing asunder and making manifest the secret thoughts and intentions of the heart and this is not ink and paper or words which the worst of men or the Devil may read or talk of but it is spirit life and power killing and making alive as a fire in the besome did and do the Prophets witness it as a Sword and a Hammer to ●er 23 29 cut off and break down all the uncircumcised of ears and heart This is it that Moses who was faithful called unto this was the Word of faith which Paul preached who was called of God and not of men and all so called bear the testimony to it as he did that none need to say Who shall ascend fetch Rom. 1● 6 7 8 Christ down Or descend and fetch him up for he is near thee in the heart and in the mouth and this is the Word which we preach saith Paul who was sent of God Now they that tell you the Letter without is the Word and the Gospel they preach another Gospel then the Apostles did O that you had ears to hear and hearts to understand the things that belong unto your Peace who have been and are professing godliness for many years and yet stand where you did in the customs in the fashions in the love of the present World and call the Scriptures your rule mind you Scripture-readers is it not written in the World God is not known and who loveth the World the love of God Iames 4 4 is not in him the love of the Worldis enmity to God and is it not the words of him that cannot lye The world loves its own and that his are are not of this world as he was not of Ioh. 15. 19 this vvorld therefore the vvorld hates them So professors of Scriptures see vvhat is vvritten in Scriptures What 's the true Religion Is it not thus vvritten To visit the fatherless and keep Iames 1. 27 unspotted from the vvorld are you this people vvho are in the vvays vvorships and fashions of the vvorld and excess of vanity and pride and fulness and vvhole families of your ovvn flesh and in your own ways ready to perish for want of food and rayment sure you are not they which visits the fatherless sure you are not the Israel in which there was no beggar nor you have not the Storehouse in which all the tythes were put to feed the Widows and the Fatherless and sure you are not in the narrow way in which few walk for the way that you walk many there is in and they walk at ease I feel what I speak who walked there many years and as concerning the Law written in stone blameless as any and had a zeal though not according to knowledge Rom. 7. 9 and when the Commandment came the new Covenant sin revived and I dyed 1 Cor. ● 1● and only by the power of the Cross which in the Wisdom of the World Gal 6 14● was and is esteemed foolishness do I live in the life that never shal have end and in this only do I rejoyce whereby I am crucified to the World and the World to me and this to the World is a mysterie who by Wisdom cannot know the things of God which are spiritually discerned and therefore are in vain imaginations of which God did and doth complain bringing out likennesses Con. 6. 5 ● of it as the Papists in Wood Stone or Gold others calling the Cross that which you cannot flye from not knowing the Cross which is daylie to be taken up but we who of him have learned who saith Take up your cross and follow Luke 9. 23 me know it to be the power of God unto salvation and by it hath the Devil been overcome and before it must all the powers of darkness flye and this is and hath been the defence of the righteous Seed in all generations and the Scriptures declare of it and shall bear a testimony for me and all the children of light against all you that have the words of the Scriptures and yet are found haters of the light which gave forth Scriptures and if ever that eye be opened in any of you that the god of this World hath blinded you shall confess that that wherein you have trusted shall witness against you and however your Teachers which are blind may lead the blind till both fall into the ditch yet is there a seed among you that the Lord will gather unto us and therefore doth his long suffering lead unto repentance but many shall be cut off in their iniquities Isa 65. 12 to whom he hath called and they would not hear and they shall cry and he will not hear but laugh at your calamitie when destruction shall come as a swift Whirlwind and with the Prov. 1 28 beasom of the Lord shall all the Workers of iniquity be swept away and his fierce Wrath
FOR ●●ose that meet to worship at the Steeplehouse called John Evangelist IN LONDON OR ●ny other in that nature upon whom ●●e Scriptures are fulfilled in evil intreat●●● by the servants of the Lord Iesus whom he lends to deliver his Message amongst you 〈◊〉 for any other that are condemned for sin and have thirstings after righteousness that from sin transgression they may be turned to the righteousness that is perfect and eternal without vvhich there is no sure salvation 〈◊〉 a Word of truth to rebuke the de●●●rer and him that pleads for him against the restoration of the Creation to ●he liberty of God 〈◊〉 your hearts condemn you God is greater and knoweth all things 1 Iohn 3. 20. Rebecca Travers LONDON Printed and are to be sold at the black spread Eagle near the west end of Pauls 1659. A Word of Reproof for those that meet at the Steeplehouse called John Evangelist in London O You foolish people and unwise How long will you love your folly How long will you resist our Maker Are you stronger then he ●●o is as truly striving with you as ever Gen. 6. 12. 〈◊〉 was with that generation in Noahs ●●yes who not receiving the warning the one Preacher of Righteousness 〈◊〉 overwhelmed in their wickedness 〈◊〉 having safety but they who were the Ark. And I and thousands yea 〈◊〉 thousands praises to the Lord who ●●come to the ends of the world do ●ow the world in which you live is 〈◊〉 unto destruction and are moved him that made the world to come into your meeting-places to declare unto you what must shortly come to pass and to shew you the blindness of your Teachers with their blasphemous 2 Tim 3. 6 7. 8. ●ph 2. 2. and idolatrous Doctrines whereby they deceive the simple lead captive silly women which are always learning but never come to the knowledge of the truth which makes free from the bonds of Death and Satan who hath captivated your minds and hath blinded the eye that gives the knowledge of God which rules in all you the children of disobedience being the god of the world a lyar and a murderer from the beginning and so as acted by him his fruits ye bring forth even in your most holy Assemblies Teacher and people as in your Steeplehouse called John Evangelists there the Teacher exhorted the people to read and study the Scripture for they were light and life speaking of the written Letter bringing a carnal comparison to maintain his idolatrous Doctrine saying A written piece of Paper to a sore would do no good but a little written Scripture to a wounded soul was of great force and tha● that was which quickened David and was a light 〈◊〉 a lanthorn unto his feet And I who ●as brought thither of the living God whom I serve in obedience to him and ●or the Seed's sake was moved to ask him a question when he had ended in moderarion and fear telling him it was not to disturb but for edification and not speaking any other words to my knowledge then these Doth the Scripture more plentifully declare of any one Isa 45. 16 thing then that for Idolatry God brings wrath and vengeance upon Nations Peoples Zech. 13 2 and Persons But he hasting away ●s hirelings use to do his people fell on me as so many devouring Wolfes railing tearing thrusting haling and pushing me down several times yet a hair of Ez●k 16. 38. my head they could not hurt but the murderer was strong and no hand to help the innocent nor tongue to plead for the harmless seen or heard in your Congregation though some were nea● related to me in the outward stood by said they thought I was a made woman in which I can rejoice being no other Acts 26. 24. Ioh. 15. 20 then what was done and said unto my Lord The servant is not greater then his Master and him I serve and he is my reward by whom David was quickned by whom Abraham Isaac and Jacob were saved before any of that was written vvhich you call the Scriptures the same quickning Word I witness who was once dead as well as you in Epb. 2. ● sins and trespasses but by the obedience of the spirit hath the soul been sanctified and I made a witness of the resurrection of Jesus and do as called of God thereto bear my testimony that he who was dead is alive and his Name Rev. 10. 9 13. is called the Word of God who hath been caught up to God and she that brought him forth hath been hid in Rev. 12 5 6. the Wilderness from the Dragon that hath made war with the remnant of her Rev. 17.1 15. Seed and the Beast hath prevailed and none hath been made able for ages to make war with him nor the Whore who sits in the Waters Mark the Waters are people nations and tougues on which the Beast that carries the Whore doth sit who hath made drunk with her fornications the Kings of the Earth and is drunk with the cup of abominations and the hour of her righteous judgement is come with her Rev 20. ● shall be tormented the beast the salfe prophet and all that love make a lye for evermore and blessed are they and they only that know these things which shall shortly come to pass but they that read Scriptures and have not heard the Word which gave forth the Iohn 5. 7. Scriptures to them the Scripture is as it was to them at Jerusalem that there crucified the Lord of life a parable and as it was said to them it may to you Search the Scriptures for in them you think to have eternal life and they tectifie of me but you will not come to me that you may have life saith Christ Jesus And so they who read the Scriptures killed him who gave them forth and came to fulfil the Scriptures even the holy One and the Just whom you now slay in the street of the great City spiritually called Rev. 11. ● Aegypt but the Witness shall arise whom you are yet making merry over and as a thief in the night shall he come upon you and then shall you know that this Visitation of mine though now despised shall be upon your heads the Lord shall be clear and a good savour am I unto him as well in them that perish as in them that are saved who am honoured of him whom I honour and know that in the doing of his Will there is great reward and though of you hated and scorned and despitefully used yet bear I the reproach and despise the shame following the Captain and Author of my salvation who was perfected Heb. 2. 10 11. 2 Tim. 2. 12. Matth. 10. 32. thtough the suffering and none shall reign with him but they that suffer with him nor will he confess any before his Father but they which confels him before men and all that have