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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A91118 A testimony of God, and his way, and worship against all the false wayes and worships of the vvorld. Also an answer to some of the false doctrines held forth, by a professed minister, in VVales; shewing the unsoundness of his former actions, and is found to be one, in the nature of the vvorld; which sometime he hath spoken against. With an answer to some queries; propounded by one, who is called an Anabaptist. / Given forth for no other end, but in love to the truth, as it is in Iesus: by Alex: Parker. Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689. 1656 (1656) Wing P383; Thomason E883_6; ESTC R207301 24,030 31

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powerfull operation in them by which word their hearts was purifyed and cleansed which word was within them as a fire to burn up and consume the works of the devill and as a hammar to break the hard heart and this word was not far of as the Apostle testifieth say not in thy heart who shall ascend up into Heaven to fetch Christ from above or go down into the deep to fetch him from below but the word is nigh thee in thy heart and in thy mouth and this is the word of faith that we preach Rom. 10.8 and this word was within them and wrought powerfully in them which they witnessed to be quick and powerfull sharper then a two edged sword and those who know not this living and powerfull word within them puts the letter for the word and calls that the word and when I spoke these words the said Powell said unto me Is not the Scriptures called the word of God And then I said unto him is it the word of God for it hath long been called so by ignorants that knows not God and his word and he affirmed and said it was and was put to prove it and he brought two places of Scriptures but neither place did say that the Scriptures was the word of God but declared of the word and then Powell said to his hearers we will leave them heare they deny the Scriptures to be the word of God and some of his hearers were very ready to receive it and cryed out they deny the Scripture whereupon I spoke to them and wished to be moderate and hear with patience and do not accuse falsly That because we cannot call the Scriptures by the name of Christ do we therefore deny the Scripture No far be it from us to deny it for if I should deny its testimony I should deny my own life and I said I own it to be a true declaration of that word that was in them that spoke it forth and it was the word of the Lord to them and in them that spoke it forth but for ungodly and unholy men to talk of their words and not live in their life are theeves that steales the word from their neighbour and some of the people said was it the word of the Lord to them and not to us And this they would not hear and then I instanced some Scriptures to them how that the word of the Lord came to the true Prophets and they spoke the word of the Lord as they had received it from the mouth of the Lord and after it was spoken forth the false Prophets stole the true Prophets words and they said thus saith the Lord when the Lord never spoke to them and so run when the Lord never sent them and therefore they did not profit the people at all And this further I say that as it was then even so it is now in these our dayes prond men and covetous men heady and high minded men and men that followes pleasures and are lovers thereof more then lovers of God and envyous men and men of strife and railers back-biters slanderers and false accusers and such like ungodly and unholy men have gotten the Scriptures the good words which the holy men of God spoke forth from the holy and pure word of God which was within them which was and is spiritual and invisible and endures for ever such ungodly men aforementioned have gotten the declaration and are talking of the fame of God but are strangers to the living life and power of God and they fay this saith the Lord or hearken to the word of the Lord as you shall find it written in such a chapter and such a verse and so use their tongues and say the Lord saith as the false Prophets did when the Lord never spake to them and so have gotten a form of godliness but want the life and power and leads silly men and women captive laden with sin and led away with divers lusts ever learning but never able to come to the true knowledge of God so I say that many may have the Scriptures which were given forth from them who knew the voyce and word of God and know not neither have heard the voyce of God nor his word but onely the sound or frame of it for the Iews who had the Scriptures Moses writings and the Prophets and could speake much of them and often heard them read and yet Christ tells them plainly they had neither heard his voyce at any time nor seen his shape for they had not the word of God abiding in them for whom the Father had sent they did not believe and there Christ himself calls them Scriptures which testify of him but he doth not call them the Word of God for if they had been the Word of God then the Iews had heard the word of God but Christ tells them they had not at any time heard the voyce of God neither was the word of God abiding in them as it is written Ioh. 5.37 38 39. c. And now a few words concerning the word of God from Scripture testimony which the Holy men of God spoke forth and so witnesses to the same eternall word which I bear testimony of which was in the beginning before all time by which the Heavens and the earth were made and are upheld by the word of his power as it is written Ioh. 1.1 2 3. Psal 33.6 Heb. 1.3 And the word of the Lord is spiritual and endures for ever it is as a fire and as a hammer that breaks the rocks in pieces The word of God is quick and powerful sharper then any two edged sword and pearces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joynts and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart 1 Pet. 1.23.25 Ier. 23.29 Hebr. 4.12 But the Scriptures or writings were nor in the beginning before all time but were since the beginning in time neither were the Heavens made by the Scriptures not are all things upheld by the Scripture neither do they endure for ever but they are visible and in times passed away but the word of the Lord which the Scriptures declare of is spirituall and shall endure for ever The Scriptures or writings are not as a fire but with fire may be burnt as Ieremiah his roll was burnt but the word of the Lord cannot be burnt for by the living word another Roll was written The Scriptures or writings are not as a hammar but with a hammar may be beaten to pieces neither is the Scriptures quick nor sharper then a two edged sword but they are dead and with a two edged sword may be cut to pieces behold your ignorance you carnall Professors whose understandings are so dark and your eyes so blind that you stumble at noon day and so cannot put a difference between the precious and the vile nor between the living word and the dead letter but sets the letter
of the world and such puts darknesse for light and light for darknesse and calls the ordinances and traditions of men the ordinances of Christ and so would make the word of God of none effect by their traditions for they are the Sons of God who are led and guided by the Spirit of God and such denyes the shadows who witnesse the substance for if ye be dead with Christ from the Rudiments of the world why as though living in the world are ye subject to ordinances God is a Spirit and his ordinances are spiritual in the Gospel Administration Qu. III. Whether or no they are not blessed that do observe to do all the Ordinances and the Commands of the Lord Christ therein conteyned yea or nay and if they are then whether are not they a cursed generation of men that do not observe to do them but to teach men to break them Answ They are blessed that do observe all the Commandments of the Lord Christ that they may have right unto the tree of life and may enter in through the gate into the City But to that in thy conscience do I speak art thou one that dost observe al the Commandments of the Lord Christ art thou brought to yea and nay in thy communication art thou brought to do to all men as thou would have them to do unto thee Doth not something in thy conscience testify against thee and let thee see the contrary If any one sue thee at the Law and take away the Coat let him have thy Cloak also dost thou obey this command or dost thou not rather go quite contrary instead of letting him have thy Cloak with thy Coat would not thou go to Law with him before hee should have thy Coat To that in thy conscience do I speak if one smite thee on one cheek dost thou turn the other or would not something in thee arise to smite again Search and examine and if upon search thou be found a transgressour then art not thou one of the cursed generation that dost not observe to do all the commands of the Lord Christ which those whom thou art smiting warring against through the operation of God working in them are able and brought to observe are of the blessed generation to whom all the promises of God are due Qu. IV. Whether there be any other Gospel then that which was declared and testified of unto the world by Christ and his Disciples which is left upon record unto us in this our generation in the Scriptures of Truth yea or nay And whether this that you declare be the same that Christ and his Apostles did declare unto the Saints in their generation both for matter and manner Answ There is no other Gospel but that which was declared and testified of by Christ and his Disciples and the same Gospel do we preach and no other which is a mistery not known to the world which cannot be contained in a book nor written in letters for that which is written by Matthew Mark Luke and Iohn is but a declaration and that may be bought and sold for money But the Gospel cannot be bought and sold for money for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that beleeves and those that witnessed the Gospel were freed from sin and had remission of their sins But many have the Scriptures but have not the power of God but are alive unto sin and here thou hast much manifested thy folly and weaknesse who would have the Gospel conteined in a book which all the books in the world cannot conteyn which Gospel and glad tydings is now witnessed by the Children of Light free pardon of sin by Jesus Christ who is come to take away sin Glory and honour and everlasting praises to his Holy and dreadfull name for ever Qu. V. Whether the Apostles of Christ which wrote the Epistles unto the Churches and the Saints in that generation had not as much of the light of Christ within them as any have now in this generation yea or nay And wherefore were the Epistles written or did the Apostles write needlesse things or thy did they not onely call upon them to mind the light which was within them Ans Concerning the Apostles and the Saints having as much of the light of Christ within them as any have now it little concernes thee or any one else I leave it to him from whence all light comes who is the same now as ever and changes not Jesus Christ the same yesterday to day and for ever and gives to every one light according as it pleaseth him which light the Prophets and Apostles and Holy men of God did witnesse in them from which they write and did not write needlesse things but exhorted to take heed to the light which was within them which was and is a mistery we have also a more sure word of Prophesie unto which ye do well to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place untill the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts The word is light and the word was within them nigh in their hearts the Law is light and the Law was within written in their hearts the spirit is light and it was within them to whom the Epistles were written and the Kingdom of Heaven is light and it was within though not comprehended in the earthly and dark wisedome of man and Christ Jesus is the light and this was the mistery which was hid from ages and generations which was within the Saints their hope of glory and thou and all the world that denies the light of Christ within and stumbles at the light are strangers to the Covenant of promise and art without God in the world in the sin and disobedience upon whom the wrath of God abides and thou cannot escape the judgements of God nor ever come from under the curse untill the light thou dost own to guid and lead thee in the way which is pure out of the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God Qu. VI. Whether such men who walk up according to the testimony of the Scriptures in the life and power of them according to the measure of light they have received and yet through the weaknesse of the flesh do commit some sin though not willfully whether you can pronounce such men children of the devil yea or nay Ans Those who walk up according to the Scriptures in the life and power according to the measure of light they have received are kept from the sin abiding in the light for he that abides in the light sins not he that sins hath not seen him neither knows him he that doth righteousnesse is of God and he that commit sin is of the devil as the Scripture declareth Qu. 7. Whether all men and women that have forsaken the rule of the Scriptures and have betaken themselves to walk by the light within them are made presently perfect