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A86328 The foundation of the font discovered to the view of all that desire to behold it. And, the baptizing of men and women when they believe (in rivers and fountains) proved to be a standing ordinance in the Church of Cchrist to the end of the world; by plain Scripture-proof. In answer to Mr. Cook's Font uncovered, for infant-baptism; and Mr. Baxter's Plain Scripture-proof for infants church-membership and baptism. With a word sometimes upon occasion to Mr. Hall's Font-guarded; which is more fully answered by Thomas Collyer. By Henry Haggar, a servant of Christ, and the congregations of his saints. Haggar, Henry. 1653 (1653) Wing H186; Thomason E711_1; ESTC R207114 109,478 143

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her treasure who beleeved and was baptized by Philip Act. 8.27.37 38. and what say you to Erastus the Chamberlaine of the City Rom. 16.2 3. and likewise of those Saints of Caesars houshold Philip. 4.22 And for an Oath did you never read in the New-Testament Heb. 6.16 that an oath for confirmation is an end of all strife And for War did you never read Luke 3.14 that the souldiers came to John and asked what they should do and he did not bid them lay down their arms but be content with their wages and do violence to no man And did you never read of Cornelius a Censurion of the Italian band Act. 10. and doth not the Apostle Peter put us in mind to subject Magistrates 1 Pet. 2.13 14 15. Likewise Paul to Tit. ch 3.1 and 1 Tim. 2.1.2 and Rom. 13. Is not the Scripture full of these things and yet do you call for Scripture Surely you read so many other books that you forget to read the Scripture For I well remember in your third position you say that some 8 years agoe you had read some hundreds more then most of them you call Godly Christians and thought yourself as wise as most of them and some thought you wiser you say but it seems you are not yet wise enough to lay aside those hundreds of books and give your self wholly to read and study the Scriptures which are able to make you wise to Salvation if you were you would be better acquainted with the matter contained in them And thus I proceed to your second position finding your first so frothy and full of superfluous words In your second you say that The great difficulty of a point is no proof that it is not truth and a thing is not therefore to be rejected as not of God because it is not easie to understand You affirm also that multitudes of silly ignorants do the same In all which I shall not oppose you But your next considerable is this you say If a subtill Pagan should come amongst the people and dispute that the Scripture is not the word of God and that Christ Jesus is not the Son of God he would silence them more then the Anabaptist con do Answ Here Mr. Baxter makes himself very suspicious and his words very unsavory in that he rather sideth with Pagans and Atheists that deny both God and Christ and the holy Scriptures then with those which are falsely called Anabaptists though we honestly own God and Christ and the Scriptures and desire to plead nothing else for our practise for which cause he crieth out against us in his 10. position calling us brute beasts and nothing but because we call to him for Scripture for to prove his practice and yet now he makes as if the Atheists and Pagans had more to say for themselves then we all which I leave to God and the impartial Reader to judge Again Mr. Bextar speaks a great swelling word of vanity saying he will hazard all the reputation of his understanding on it that there is ten times more to be said for free-wil then can be said against Infants baptism yea it is twenty times more difficult and yet you offer to dispute it with any man and must it therefore be true say you Answ 1. Sir as for the reputation of your understanding I will not say what I judge its worth 2. If you had said there is ten times more to be said for free-will then is to be said for Infants baptism you had hit it right Lastly whereas you say free-will is such a difficult point I am not of your judgement in that for I beleive its easie to them that will understand to know that no man in himself or of himself without God hath any free-will or power to think or do that which is good for In him we live move and have our being Act. 17.28 in and through God that gives all men life and breath and all things to the end they may seek him Act. 17.25 26 27. Even the wickedest and Hypocrites the worst of men have a will and power to do more good then they do and that 's one cause of their just condemnation Moreover its evident that wicked Balaam had a will and desire to dy the death of the righteous and that his latter end might be like unto theirs Numb 23.10 And Paul saith plainly To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I know not Rom. 7.18 by all which it is evident that free-will is not such a difficult point as you would make it but it s an easie matter with you to call Light darkness and darkness light Isa 5.20 But I leave this at present and proceed to your fourth position wherein you say That if never so clear evidence of truth be produced yet it will still be dark to them that are uncapable of discerning it for its Gods work to make people understand And then you instance in the Author to the Heb. cap. 5.11 12 13 14. who had many things to say to them concerning Melchisedec which were hard to be uttered because their ears were dull of hearing Answ We grant you all this I That though there be never so cleer truth for a thing yet it will still be dark to some But however let us see some cleer evidence of truth first and shew where it s written that babes must be baptized and then if we do not believe it be it upon us We know it is Gods work to perswade the heart but its mans work to declare the truth by which the heart is perswaded The Apostle often preacht very plainly that men should Repent and be baptized but there were many that heard them which rejected their words though very plain as they are still upon record but you bring us no Scripture for what you affirm about Infant-baptism but call us unreasonable men and bruit beasts for requiring Scripture of you for your practice and yet you would bear the world in hand in this your Position that you have proved cleer evidence of truth for it but we will not believe it but I say once more shew us but where it s written in the word of God which alone is able to make us wise to salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 16 17. and then if we will not nor cannot believe it our blood be upon our selves but till you shew us something written we have nothing to believe As for your saying we had need study the controversie at least seven yeers I answer What Rule have you for that Did the three thousand in Act. 2.41 42. study this controversie seven yeers or seven days either Consider it again and those men and women Act. 8.12 that believed Philips preaching and were baptized and the Eunuch in the latter part of the chapter and Lydia and the Goaler Act. 16. and Crispus the chief Ruler of the Synagogue with his houshold and many of the Corinthians who did not
that knoweth the hearts bare them witness giving them the Holy Ghost even as he did to us ver 9 and put no difference between them and us purifying their hearts by believing Now therefore saith the Apostle ver 10. why tempt ye God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples c. But now who were these disciples Answ v. 7. those that heard the word of the Gospel by the mouth of Peter and believed to whom God also gave the Holy Ghost and purified their hearts by faith as is plain ver 89. but little infants that can neither speak nor understand could not hear the word of God and believe by Peters preaching therefore they are not at all concerned in this place Another Argument that Mr. B. hath to prove infants disciples is in pag. 18 19. thus If infants are capable of being Gods servants then they are capable of being Christs disciples And he proves them servants from Levit. 25.41 42 where the Lord commandeth the children of Israel in the yeer of Jubilee to set free all their brethren with their little ones for they are my servants whence he concludes his Argument thus If God calls them servants why may not we call them disciples To which I answer Methinks its very strange he should take upon him to prove children disciples and when he cannot find such a word in all the Scriptures then he would turn us off with the word Servant and presume to call it Disciples and then say If God call them one thing why may not we call them another It seems Mr. Baxter will take leave in this thing to walk contrary to God and therefore I dare not trust him in another But I will shew him not onely in things but also in persons that we must not call them Disciples of Christ which God calleth Servants for in Jer. 25.9 chap. 27.6 chap. 43.10 in all these places God calleth Nebuehadrezer his Servant the King of Babylon an Enemy to the house of Israel whom the Lord made use of to destroy it and make it an astonishment and an hissing but yet I hope Mr. Baxter will not take leave to call him Christs Disciple if he doth I think his folly will be manifest to all men as it is now to me Another such Argument he hath page 21. where he reasons thus If Infants be capable of being Christs subjects then they are capable of being his Disciples A learned Argument and I will endeavour that all men may see the depth of it thus All the Children in this Nation are capable of being Subjects of this Common-wealth therefore they are capable of being University-Scholars This is the same with Mr. Baxters Argument but what truth is in either I leave to the wise to judge That Infants are capable of being subjects here or in any Kingdome upon earth Mr. Baxter affirms page 21. and therefore I need not prove it Thus having answered I proceed to his third Argument page 22. which is this If Christ would have some Children received as Disciples then they are Disciples but Christ would have some Children received as Disciples Therefore All the question saith he is of the Antecedent namely whether Christ would have some Infants received as Disciples or no the which he seems to prove by these Scriptures in his 22 page Luke 2.47 48. compared with Matth. 19.5 and Mar. 9.41 the which Scriptures I shall set downe at large to the view of all that they may see and consider whether they prove such things as he brings them for or not The Scriptures speak thus Luke 2.47 48. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers when they saw him they were amazed and his Mother said unto him Son why hast thou so dealt with us behold thy Father and I have sought thee sorrowing Mat. 19.5 And said For this cause shall a man leave his Father and Mother and cleave to his Wife and they twain shall be one flesh Mar. 9.41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drinke in my name because ye belong to me verily I say unto you he shall not lose his reward Now what the two first Scriptures are to the purpose I leave to all that can read and understand Eaglish to judge But it may be he will say the Printer hath done him wrong I answer Then I have done him none as all may see that read the place and consider the quotations page 22. and I looked also in his Errata but there is nothing spoken of it and truly I dare be no interpreter of his meaning without his words therefore it remaineth that I onely speak to that Mar. 9.41 and Luke 9.47 Which I find after were quoted in that page thus And Jesus pereeiving the thoughts of their hearts took a Child and set him by him and said Whosoever shall receive this Child in my name and whosoever shall give a cup of water to you to drinke in my name shall not lose their reward To which I answer First Let the Reader take notice that the word Disciple is not to be found in the Text therefore it cannot prove Infants Disciples for if we prove the resurrection and the eternall judgement we must bring a Scripture that speask of the word resurrection and eternall judgement and so did Christ to the Saddnees he saith That the dead shall rise is evident and his sayings we take for as good Scripture as any is in the Bible although Mr. Baxter saith we would not in his tenth position to the answer of which I refer you Secondly To that in Mark 9.41 it s evident he speaks to the twelve saying Whosoever shall give you a cup of water c. And that he spake of actuall believers is evident ver 42. in these words And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that beleive in me c. Now that little Infants that can neither speak nor understand are beleivers in Christ I utterly deny and let Mr. Baxter or any man prove it by Scripture if they can for Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10.17 therefore he speaks of such little ones as John writes to 1 John 2.12 which had known the Father Thirdly To that in Luke 9.48 Whosoever receiveth this Child in my name receiveth me c. I answer The Lord Christ himself answereth or rather cleareth this to purpose as you may read Mat. 18.1 2 3 4 5 6. at large Now that Matthew and Luke do speak of one and the same thing is clear by comparing Luke 9.46 which words are these Then there arose a reasoning among themselves which of them should be the greatest with Mat 18.1 which words are these At the same time came the Disciples unto Jesus saying Who is the greatest in the Kingdome of Heaven by this we see it is all one thing Now to the following words of Christ which are these And Jesus called a little Child unto him and set him in the midst of
stand reading other books seven yeers but hearing and believing were baptized Act. 18.8 You say further that men think they can understand plain Scripture if they hear it but they cannot and then you cry O that pride would let men know that they cannot understand the plainest Lecture of Geometry or Arithmetick that a man can read unto them and read the Grammer to a boy in the Primer and be understandeth not a word you say Answ Is it possible you would make men believe they cannot understand plain Scripture if they hear it but I pray try us with some first and see I confess we cannot understand this book of yours to be Plain Scripture-proof for Infants Church-membership and baptism because you have packt it so full of such whimsies as these Geometry Arithmetick Grammer c. But Sir we would have you to know that the word of God is of another nature for it giveth light to the blinde and understanding to the simple Psal 19.7 8. Yea it makes men wiser then their enemies and gives them more understanding then all their teachers yea more then the Antients Psal 119.98 99 100. All which I believe you will finde to be true before we have done You say Pos 4. When the cause is so difficult we must follow the most probable way So then it seems its very difficult for you to prove that Infants ought to be baptized by your own confession and indeed so I believe for that must needs be very difficult to prove that there is not one word of God in all the Bible for I cannot blame you for saying its difficult to prove But you say we must follow the most probable way come on then that we will Now whether is it most probable that that practice which is nowhere commanded nor written in Scripture should be of God or of Satan Judge ye Now that Infant-baptism is such a practise as is not written in Scripture both Mr. Hall and your self confess and therefore in your 10 Position you do abuse us and call us bruit-beasts for demanding a plain Scripture for it therefore it s not of God and it s most plain that if that which is written in the word of God be the way of God then that which is not written in it and yet practised as an ordinance of God must needs be of Satan In your 5 Position in short you tell people that if any have taken up this opinion and have not Read and studyed Mr. Cobbet and Mr. Church and other chief books and been able to confute them they have but discovered a seared Conscience which either dare venter on sin without fear or else do count error no sin To all which I answer How now Mr. Baxter Are you grown to this height what must not men obey what they finde written in the holy Scripture till they have asked Mr. Cobbet and Mr. Churches counsel I pray where learned you this divinity at Rome I thought all this time the holy Scriptures had been able to make us wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus but it seems they are not if you say true but we must be beholding to Mr. Cobbet and Mr. Church But I pray how did men before Mr Cobbet and Churches books were written and how do those now that cannot come by their books or never heard of them if it be as you say you may do well to send some men up and down the Country to sell them But I believe this is but one of your scare crows with which you use to affright silly souls that set their faith in your wisdom and not in the power of God but your folly is a making manifest and light and freedom is breaking forth to them which you have kept in darkness and bondage Now to your 6 Position wherein you say That you will discover a most frequent cause of mens falling into errors which you say is this All men in the beginning do receive many truths upon weak or false grounds and so hold them a while till they are beaten out of their old Arguments and then presently they suspect the cause it self and you are perswaded this is Mr. Tombs his own case Ans As for Mr. Tombs he is of age and able to answer for himself I question not and as for your saying that men receive Infant-baptism and other Truths upon weak grounds at first I answer I never knew any receive Infant-baptism upon any ground at all weak nor strong neither can they for they are not capable of what they do because they want understanding when they receive it therefore you may well say they are or may be quickly beaten off it again when they come to reason with themselves or others about it But you say Alas there is far better grounds which they are not aware of Answ That is it may be because you baptize them so soon if you would let them alone till they are men and women before you baptize them as you have example in Scripture they might receive baptism upon better grounds In your 7 Position you confess some Divines have reasoned very weakly for Infant-baptism and used unfit phrases and misapplyed Scriptures and to these some have wrote three or four books and easily answered and seem to triumph and yet the truth is not shaken but it may be all the best Arguments and Plain Scriptures have never been answered say you Answ I desire to answer the Plain Scriptures no way but by faith and obedience by believing and doing of them therefore if you know of any that speaks of Infants-baptism bring them forth and I will be silent The first I see but as for your best Arguments you talk of I look upon them but as so many cunning devised fables wherewith you lye in wait to deceive simple souls by speaking things you ought not for filthy lucre sake Tit. 1.14 You say Pos 8. one sound Argument is enough to prove any thing true Answ Then either the great number of yours in the book of plain Scripture are not sound or else you need not to have brought so many by your own grant But you say What if all the Texts were put by save one Were not that enough Answ Yes it s enough if you can shew us but one but I pray where is that one I cannot finde it in all your book but it seems you are afraid that all should be put by save one therefore you make this apologie but I suppose all will do you little good In your 9 Position you say The former and present customs of the holy Saints and Churches should be of great weight with humble Christians Answ If the present customs of Churches now be according to the Primitive pattern I grant it else not But I am sure the customs of the Churches in the Apostles days was to baptize men and women when they believed with all their hearts and gladly received the word Act. 2.41 c. 8.12 v.
testimonies of the Lord. Mark where we read first of the voice of one crying in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord and to make his paths straight Secondly that John baptized in that wilderness and whom he baptized is evident in the following words And he preacht the Baptism of Repentance for the Remission of sins and there went out unto him all the Land of Judea and they of Jerusalem and were all baptized of him in the River of Jordan confessing their sins c. Thus we see that all that were baptized of John of the Inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem were such as could and did confess their sins But little children that cannot speak cannot confess their sins therefore none such were baptized by John See also Matth. 3.5 6. Thus it being cleer by the Scriptures that John baptized men and women that could believe and confess their sins and not a word spoken of sucking children I shall now proceed to the works of the Apostles to whom Christ gave Commission as aforesaid and see what they practised Act. 2.40.41 we read that when they preached and exhorted the people with many words to save themselves from that untoward generation then they that gladly received his word were baptized and added to the Church c. But little babes of eight days weeks or months old cannot gladly receive the word of God because they understand it not therefore none such were baptized there Object But some will object from ver 39. that the Promise was to them and their children and therefore children may be baptized Answ I grant the Promise was to them vers 38 that if they did repent and be baptized in the name of Christ for the Remission of sins they should receive the gift of the Holy-Ghost and this is true also to their children if they did repent and obey the Gospel as aforesaid and so it is to us and to our children though never so far off upon the same condition of Faith Repentance and Baptism for it is to all that the Lord our God shall call but they must be called first observe that ver 39. And thus is the objection fully answered Again If ever the Apostle baptized children it must needs be now according to their Argument who say the Promise is to children and therefore But that they baptized no such children is evident because they that were baptized were such as could and did gladly receive the word and continued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and Prayer all which little babes that cannot speak words nor understand Reason cannot possibly do therefore none such baptized The next place is Act. 8.12 where we read that when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women in express terms but we never read a word of little children Again ver 36 37. we read that the Eunuch said to Philip See here is water what hinders me to be baptized and Philip said If thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest But such little babes as these baptize cannot believe with all their hearts therefore they may not be baptized neither do we yet in the least see that any such were baptized by the Apostles The next is Act. 10.46 47 48. in these words Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized that have received the Holy Ghost as well as we And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus By all which we see that no such babes were here baptized for all that were in this place baptized were such as had received the Holy Ghost as well as the Apostles and they heard them speak with tongues and magnifie God which children that cannot speak at all cannot possibly do all rational men will grant The next is Lydia and her houshould Act. 16.14 15. Now some say thus Who knows but she might have little children To which I answer if none know then all ought to be silent and not to believe and affirm things they know not for that is wickedness and folly but thus much we know 1 That Christ commanded them to baptize them which believed 2 Hitherto we have found them baptizing of none else 3 The Scripture speaks of no children she had nor yet of any husband and therefore silence gives no commands to obey nor no Promises to believe nor no examples to follow Again if she had an husband he was baptized for she and her houshoald were baptized Now if he had been baptized he would surely have born the name in the history rather then she being the head of the house Lastly we read ver 40. that when Paul and Silas came out of prison they entred into the house of Lydia and comforted the brethren and departed but little babes are not capable of such comfort therefore no such brethren in Lydia's house nor any ground at all to believe it from Scripture nor Reason The next is the Jaylor who was baptized with his houshould from whence some would draw the same Argument as from Lydia's and perswade us that there were children in his house but the Text is plain against it for it saith Act. 16.32 33 34. that they spake the word of the Lord to him and to all in his house and he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized he and all his straight ways and when he had brought them into his house he set meat before them and rejoyced believing in God with all his house Thus the Scripture in plain words as it saith the one that he and all his were baptized so also it saith he with all his house believed in God and therefore if Mr. Cook will evade the one by his learned Exposition in his 17 page he may as well evade the other and so conclude that none but he was baptized But consider the result of his labours when he hath laboured by all his wit and skill to pervert the Text yet he confesseth that the Syriack Translation reads it thus And he exulted and all the children of his house even all of them in the Faith of God I pray let all rational men consider what difference is between their all rejoycing and believing God and exulting even all of them in the Faith of God but that the man labours to darken the Counsel of God by these words words without knowledge As in Job 38.2 And thus the Lord taketh the wise in their own craftiness and the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain 1 Cor. 3.19.20 But one thing more I had like to have forgotten viz. his seeming sophistical answer to Act. 8.12 where the Text saith plainly that when they believed they were baptized both men and women To this he answereth in his 16 page that these words men and women are applyable to sexes
if you walk not in the same footsteps which they did then I can prove as well the Church of Rome was then a constituted Church according to the order of the Gospel Rom. 1.7 but I pray doth that make the Pope and his crew now to be a true Church If they be why do you separate from them But they are not neither are you though a true Church might be in England 1600 yeers agone and possibly may be found now Again you say that they and their children were then admitted into the Covenant and Church as Abraham and his family were by Circumcision To which I Answer It still remains for you to prove that they and their children were admitted into Church-fellowship I deny it prove it if you can or else you have done nothing As for Abraham and his family being circumcised I grant it because the Scriptures say so but you have no Scripture for Infants baptism if you have shew it if you can and as for that Covenant that Circumcision was a token of it s far different from the Covenant now under the Gospel as I shall shew by and by The next thing you speak of is a National Church which you seem to prove thus in that the Lord said Gen. 22.18 to Abraham that in his seed all Nations should be blessed Answ But he doth not say that All of All Nations shall be blessed nor yet that All of any Nation shall be blessed and I am perswaded that you think in your own Conscience that some in this Nation are not blessed for by your writings you pronounce us accursed and I suppose there are many that live in known sins as drunkenness whoredom wichcraft murder theft c. of your own Church and yet you dare not judge them blessed in Christ if you do why do you hang them up every Assizes and Sessions If they be members of Christ their bodies are Temples of the Holy Ghost and he that destroyeth the Temple of God him shall God destroy therefore if your Argument be true take heed what you do in such cases 2. You bring this Scripture Psal 22 27 28. which saith All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord and all kindreds of the Nations shall worship before him for the kingdom is the Lords and he is the Governour among the Nations Answ When that day shall come and that Prophecie be fulfilled we will grant you it is fulfilled but for present I think you will be our witnesses that all Nations do not serve him for the Turks and Moors and Indians with many other do not serve nor worship God neither do all in this Nation worship him as aforesaid but Peters words are true if you please Act. 10.34 35 viz. that in every Nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted for God is no respected of persons But there are many in this Nation which do not fear God and work righteousness therefore no National Church 3 You say Isa 49.23 that kings shall be nursing fathers and Queens shall be nursing mothers to the Church Answ That it shall be so I deny not but prove you that it is so if you can As for Englands King and Queen it is well known how they would have nursed the Church if they had but had their mindes or if you please to side with them and the Cavaliers party and own them for a Church yet are the other that oppose them contrary minded therefore you can have no National Church 4 You say Isa 52.15 that Christ shall sprinkle many Nations Answ It s granted but it doth not follow that he doth sprinkle whole Nations it is also true as the Apostle saith Heb. 10.22 that believers have their hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and their bodies washed with pure water but it doth not follow therefore that all men and such as are wicked and prophane have their hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience therefore no National Church And I much wonder that you Ministers of the Church of England who for the generality of you hold and preach that Christ did not dye for all men but onely for some few elect persons should yet preach up national Churches and impudently say all England are so far in Covenant as all their children ought to be baptized I confess you had all need to have seven yeers education at Cambridge or Oxford or else you could never make these things hang together but that the people would see your folly 5 You say from Matt. 28.19 Did not Christ command his Apostles to go into all Nations and preach and baptize Answ But do not you know that they never baptized whole Nations nor yet whole Cities but most men hated and abused them so as they were forced to shake the dust off their feet against them and we read but of seven Churches in all Asta which is one quarter of the world and they were so far from converting and baptizing whole Nations that we read but of four or five whole housholds in all the Scriptures that were baptized therefore not likely to baptize whole Nations but if they did any such thing we desire to see it Moreover we grant you if a whole Nation can be converted by the preaching of the word they ought to be baptized but you baptize little babes that know not what the word is contrary to the primitive practice Act. 8.12 6 You bring Rev. 11.15 which saith The kingdoms of this world are become our Lords and his Christs and he shall raign for ever Answ I told you already that I believe such times shall be but they are not yet if they were then we should no longer need to pray Thy kingdom come and in that day Satan shall not deceive the Nations See Rev. 20.3 but Sir I suppose these things are too hard for you to understand though you be a scholar for they are hid from the wise and prudent and revealed to babes See Luke 20.21 with 1 Cor. 2.8 9 10. 7 You say from Rev. 21.24 that the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of the New Jerusalem Answ That 's granted but that new Jerusalem is not yet here below for drunkards and wicked persons to walk by but Paul saith Gal. 4.26 that it s above and is free and is the mother of all the Saints 8 Lastly you say If a company of believers in one house have been called a Church domestical then a multitude of believers in a City or Nation may be called a National Church I answer That 's granted if they be all believers as you said at first but little babes are not believers therefore your Argument will not hold One thing more I have to answer to you in your sixth page which is this You say we affirm a negative namely that the baptism or sprinkling of Infants is not the baptism of Christ c. and here you follow us on to purpose and tell
us that we are such as the Apostle speaks of when he saith The end of the Commandment is Charity out of a pure heart a good Conscience and faith unfeigned from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling desiring to be teachers of the Law understanding not what they say nor whereof they affirm and here you think you hit us home Answ Sir I must confess now you have catched us out of our Element and in your own for we know you are scholars and have learned to contend about words to no profit which tends to the subverting of the hearers but be it as it will Seeing we erred in saying we affirm a Negative we will either confess our errour or else shew you a president which may justifie us in our practice Rom. 3.12 Paul saith There is none that doth good no not one here Paul affirmeth a Negative saying There is none for there is is an Affirmative therefore if you had been by him you might have taught him to have said I deny that any doth good no not one and then he had spoke as like a scholar as your self Again Isa 45.5 the Lord saith by the Prophet I am the Lord and there is no God besides me now Sir if you dare presume to be a teacher here it should have been thus I deny that any God is but my self And I pray shew us the word negative in the Scripture if you can Lastly to conclude Job 1.20 When they sent to John to know who he was the Scripture saith He denyed not I pray observe if he denyed not then he affirmed and what did he affirm Answ He said I am not the Christ here John affirmed a negative confessing and saying I am not c. now that I am is to affirm is evident for vers 23 he saith I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness c. And now let me shew poor souls the mystery of Mr. Cooks iniquity about the affirming a negative 1 The word negative is not to be found in all the Bible but hatched up in the schools and now is nursed by them and grown to such a stature that none must say they affirm a negative without great dishonour amongst them and yet to affirm is but to say a thing is so and to deny is also to say a thing is not so As if I should say or affirm when the Sun shines it is day and when it is down I should say or affirm it is night all honest men will understand me without prejudice Again that man that saith he will prove a Negative is among scholars much derided because they stand upon punctilioes but yet the thing may be honestly done thus If I say I will prove a man is not alive if I shew others that he is dead do not I prove he is not alive Again if I affirm or say a man is not in his house if I go and shew others his house and he is not in it do not I prove he is not in it and so prove a negative viz. that he is not there c. And now seeing you will make us offenders for a word may not we justly say that you are one of those the Apostle speaks of 1 Tim. 6.3.4 in these words If any teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Doctrine that is according to godliness he is proud and knoweth nothing doting about Questions and strife of words whereof cometh envies strifes railings evil surmisings perverse disputings of men of corrupt mindes destitute of the truth supposing gain to be godliness c. And now do not you doat about words viz. the affirmative and negative whereby you gender envie strife c. And do not you count gain godlinese viz. an hundred or two hundred a yeer for Preaching and Baptizing Infants and rather then you will part with it you do dispute perversly like a man of a corrupt minde destitute of the truth as it is in Jesus I beseech you in the fear of God consider it And know also that although we have affirmed a Negative yet you cannot justly apply that Scripture to us 1 Tim. l. 5 6 7. because we desire not to be teachers of the Law and therefore Mr. Baxter saith we are Antinomians and deny the Law But I answer Both you and he desire to be teachers of the Law witness your running to Moses to prove Baptism of Infants and Church membership from Circumcision and the Old Covenant that was faulty and therefore done away Heb. 8.7 and another to be established upon better promises vers 6. and in this I am sure you nor Mr. Baxter know not what you say nor whereof you affirm therefore take the Scripture wholly to your selves and consider it well And thus Mr. Cook I shall at present take leave of you for a time and apply my self to Mr. Baxter Sir in the first place to your Positions in the first of which p. 3 you say thus It hath pleased the holy Ghost to speak of some things in the Scriptures more fully and of others more sparingly and where God spake more sparingly the thing must needs be more difficult and yet truth still Answ But he never speaks of Infants Baptism in all the Scripture neither fully not sparingly therefore none of his Truth nor ever was But you instance in four particulars but that which is pertinent to the matter in hand is your fourth wherein you say The New Testament speaketh more sparingly of that which is more discovered in the Old and say you what need the same thing to be done twice except men should question the authority of the Old and if God should reveal his minde in one part of the Scripture what use should we make of the other Therefore say you how silent is the New Testament concerning a Christian Magistracie which made the Anabaptists of old deny it And say you further Where finde you a Christian in the New Testament that exercised the place of a King or Parliament-man or Justice of Peace or the like And so of an Oath before a Magistrate of war and of the Sabbath how sparing is the New Testament and why say you because it is said enough in the Old To all which I answer You have spoken many words to no purpose except it be to deceive the hearts of the simple for whereas you say That which is spoken on in the Old Testament need not be spoken of again I answer Infants baptism is nowhere spoken of neither in the Old nor New Testament therefore you ought not for shame to speak of it 2. As for your saying Where finde we a Christian Magistrate in the New Testament I answer Surely you have forgotten the Deputy that was turned to the faith by Paul Act. 13.12 Sergins Paulm by name Likewise the Eunuch a man of great authority under Candace Queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of
36 37 38. c. 10.47 c. 16.33 34. c. 18 8. therefore I pray let this custom be of weight to your self and do not baptize little babes that cannot believe nor understand what they do especially because you say there was weight in that Argument when Paul said We have no such custom nor the Churches of God Again you say that you can prove that Infants-baptism was used in the Church as high as to the Apostle as there be many sufficient histories extant inform us and that the deferring of baptism came in with the rest of Popery upon popish or heretical grounds Answ O Sir have I now found you out truly seeing I have I must not conceal your wickedness lest I become guilty with you of the blood of souls and therefore I do by this declare to all men that you are both a deceiver and a blasphemer the which charge I now come to prove I That you are a deceiver it is evident in that you have entituled your book Plain Scripture-proof for Infants Church-membership and baptism by which you perswade many hundred souls that there is plain Scripture indeed in the Bible for Infants-baptism when there is no such thing but your self confess in your 9 Position that your proof is from some histories extant which you judge sufficient O that poor ignorant souls would but see and consider your cunning craftiness wherewith you lye in wait to deceive them before it be too late 2 That you are a blasphemer is plain if the Scriptures may be heard to speak for you say deferring of baptism came in with the rest of Popery Answ But Sir do you not know that our glorious Lord Jesus Christ deferred his baptism till he was thirty yeers of age Luke 3.21 22 23. and yet he was the child of believing parents I think you dare not deny And now do you not see your wickedness in affirming that deferring of baptism came in with the rest of Popery or do you think wickedly that Christ brought in any part of popery take heed Again doth not the Commission of Christ defer baptism till believing Mark 16.15 16. saying He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and doth not Philip defer baptism upon the same account to the Eunuch Act. 8.36 37. when the Eunuch said to him See here is water what hinders me to be baptized Philip said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest shewing by these words plainly that if he did not believe it was to be deferred and that unbelief would hinder And thus is your folly made manifest though I fear you will not see it but however I leave it to the consideration of all rational men desiting that the Lord will give them wisdom to consider how you delude poor souls by this means perswading them that there is very plain Scripture for infants-baptism when at last you confess there is none but some histories which you judge sufficient and thus have you made proselytes and when they are made they are sevenfold more the children of Satan then they were before for before they were forced in their non-age to receive the mark of the beast spoken of Rev. 19.20 which was not received by a few despised people as you say the Anabaptists are but he caused all both free and bond rich and poor small and great to receive it yea and that none may buy or sell save he that had the mark c. See Rev. 13.16 17. and this is most properly applyed to you for there is never a small child in the Nation if it were but eight days old but you would look it should be Rantized and in that receive the mark on its forehead namely to be signed with the sign of the cross in token c. and this was so universal throughout England that if any did but stand up to oppose it they must neither buy nor sell amongst you but must be imprisoned banished or hanged So that all both rich and poor free and bond small and great were glad to be and suffer their children to be baptized or rather Rantized or else they could not be suffered to live for to buy and sell amongst you to get a livelihood And thus I have presented you a glass to look in that you may behold what manner of persons you are Again its impossible that you should apply these Scriptures to those you call Anabaptists because now they have their liberty to declare their minde freely they do not desire small and great to receive the mark of baptism which they practise but onely great ones which can understand what they do and give a resson thereof even as we read Act. 2.41 They that gladly received the word were baptized and added to them c. and Act. 8.12 when they believed Philips preaching they were baptized both men and women And Act. 11.8 Crispus the chief Ruler of the Synagogue believed in the Lord with all his house and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized And thus you may sue that the more we do look in the glass of the Gospel which is the perfect Law of liberty to them that fear God Jam. 2.12 the more we see our selves conformable to the image of Christ and walking according to the Primitive pattern and we are so far from compelling rich and poor that we would have neither rich nor poor to be baptized until they believe the truth of the Gospel and amend their lives and can give an account thereof to those that ask them a reason of the hope that is in them with meekness Again you say Position 10. Evident Consequences or Arguments drawn by Reason from Scripture are as true proof as the very express words of a Text and if we have the words without the meaning and reason we have no proof at all for the devil used the words of the Scripture to Christ To all which I answer As for your saying that Consequences or Arguments drawn from Scripture are as true proofs as Scripture this is but one of your untruths for most certain it is that what the Scripture saith we need not prove by Consequence for that would be but darkening the Counsel of God by words without knowledge as for example Gen. 1.1 In the beginning God created the heavens and earth now what need you prove this by Consequence again ver 3. God said Let there be light and there was light And what can any Consequence do in this case And again ver 7.8 And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters that were above the firmament and it was so And this I do believe without any Consequence and if you will deny it because it is plain Scripture without any Consequence you may if you please but your folly will be manifest as it is to me already When you say if we have the word without the meaning and reason we have no proof at all I answer
Paul Acts 24.1 2 3 4 5 6. with 13. But I have proved all what I have here wrote by good authority the which I suppose they will not nor dare not deny but if they do the books remain still to be seen and now seeing these things are so I shall desire the impartial Reader seriously and in the fear of God to consider whether this generation of men although some of them more transformed into Angels of light and Ministers of righteousness then others as the Scripture saith 2 Cor. 11.13 14 15. yet whether these be not those spoken of 2 Tim. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. in these words This know also that in the last daies perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to Parents unthankfull unholy without natural affection truce-breakers false accusers for they accuse us and are in fault themselves incontinent fierce dispisers of those that are good traytors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof and from such we are commanded to turn away for of this sort are they that creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knwledge of the truth and as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth Men of corrupt mindes reprobate concerning the faith but the Lord hath promised they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest to all men as theirs also was 2. Whether they be not like their forefathers of old that are spoken of Jer. 23.14 15 16 17. in these words I have seen also in the Prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing they commit adultery and walk in lyes they strengthen also the hands of evil doers that none return from their wickedness they are all of them unto me as Sodom and as the inhabitants of Gomorrha therefore saith the Lord of hosts concerning these Prophets that cause my people to err Behold I will feed them with wormwood and make then drink the water of Gall for from these Prophets is Prophaness gone forth into all the land therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts Hearken not unto the words of the Prophets that prophesie unto you they make you vaine they speak a vision of their own hearts and not out of the mouth of the Lord but they say still to them that despise me Ye shall have peace and to every one that walketh after the imaginations of his own heart No evil shall come upon you 3. Thirdly Whether they be not like those which the Lord speaks of by Ezekiel chap. 22.26 27 28. in these words Her priests have violated my law and prophaned mine holy things they put no difference between the clean and unclean and have hid their eyes from my Sabbaths and I am prophaned by them her princes in the midst of them are like wolves ravening the prey to shed blood and to destroy souls to get dishonest gaine And the cause of it was Her prophets had daubed them with untempered morter seeing vanities and divining lies saying Thus saith the Lord when the Lord hath not spoken And it is not unknown how some of them did daube up Charles the first deceased with his princes and nobles that followed him with their untempered morter till they made him such a King as Salomon speaks of Eccles 4.13 in these words Better is a poor and wise childe then an old and foolish King which will no more be admonished The same did another party of them by Charles the second though more strict and zealous but not according to knowledge and would have drowned this land in blood and then cryed out the Anabaptists are the cause of it had not the Lord in mercy discovered their plot and turned all their councels into foolishness insomuch that some of them were branded and putsued with Gods eminent Judgements which Master Baxter speaks of therefore let him remember Master Love and his party 4. Whether they be not like thos e that the prophet Micah speaks of Chap. 3.11 when he saith The priests teach for heir and the Prophets Divine for money and yet they will lean upon the Lord and say Is not the Lord amongst us and no evil shall come upon us 5. How like the men Paul speaks of Phil. 3.18.19 when he saith Many walk as I have told you often and now tell you weeping that they are enemies to the cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly whose glory is in their shame who minde earthly things 6. Consider how the words of the Apostle Peter are verified in these men 2 Pet. 2.9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. which are these The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise goverment presumptuous are they self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities whereas the Angels which are greater in power and might bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these as natural bruit-beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of things they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruptions and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they count it pleasure to ryot in the day time Spots they are and blemishes sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease to sin beguiling unstable souls an heart they have exercised with covetous practices Cursed Children which have for saken the right way and gone astray following the way of Balaam the son of Bozor who loved the wages of unrighteousness but was rebuked for his iniquity the dumbe Ass speaking with mans voice forbad the madness of that Prophet These are wells without water clouds that are carried with a tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever For when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escaped from them that live in error while they promise others liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption c. So that we may say with Jer. 5 30 31. A wonderful horrible thing is commited in the Land the Prophets prophesie falsly and the Priests bear rule by their means and my people love to have it so and what will ye do in the end thereof And now in all that I have written none can justly say that I have wronged or abused them at all for 1. I do but repeat what is recorded and that by the consent of those then in Authority of their words and actions and 2. I compared them with these forenamed Scriptures to the end that we might know and