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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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saye He ascended vp on hygh he led captiuitie captiue he gaue gyftes to men Fynally ye shall marke that our Sauiour Christe at hys departure from hys disciples whan he moūted vp to heauen comforted them by hys angels surely promysynge them that euen suche one as they sawe hym ascendyng now vp to heuē they shulde in the last daye se agayne at whych tyme vndoubtedly he shall rendre to euery man hys rewarde according to hys dedes They which haue done wyckedly and wolde not beleue shal be condemned into hell fyre where shal be wepynge and gnashynge of teth But they that haue beleued on Christ Iesu wyth worthy dedes haue expressed and declared theyr fayth to the worlde they shal inherite the kyngdom of heuen and shall entre into the ioye whych the father of heauen hath prepared for them To whome wyth the sonne and holy goost be glorye and laude in infinita secula Amen The Gospell on Ascension daye The xvi chapter of Marke Th argument ☞ Of the commission that Christe gaue to hys Apostles to preach hys gospell through out the hole worlde And howe Christe ascended vp to heauen AFter thys Iesus appeared agayne vnto the eleleuē as they sat at meat and cast in theyr teeth theyr vnbelefe and hardnes of harte because they beleued not them whych had sene that he was rysen agayne frō the deade And he sayd vnto them Go ye into all the worlde and preach the Gospell to al creatures he that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued He that beleueth not shal be damned And these tokens shall folow them that beleue In my name they shal cast out deuels they shal speake wyth new tonges they shall dryue awaye serpētes And yf they drynke any deadly thynge it shal not hurte them They shall laye theyr handes on the sycke and they shall recouer So then whan the Lorde had spoken vnto them he was receaued into heauē and is on the ryght hande of God And they wente forth and preached euery where the Lorde workynge wyth them and confirmynge the worde wyth myracles folowynge THe Christian mans lyfe in thys present Gospel good people is set before our eyes For fayth and charitie are here propouned vnto vs as in all the rest of the gospels Wherfore syth the Gospell bryngeth euer these two wyth it we ought also continually to preache and entreate of them For he sayeth who so beleueth and be baptised shal be saued which thynges we shall now in order peruse and consyder Fyrst of all Christ vpbraydeth in thys Gospell hys Apostles of theyr faynte beleue and hardenes of harte and consequently blameth them declaryng what they wanted and yet he reiecteth them not neyther is moued rygorously and hastely agaynst them but he gently blameth them none other wise than yf one of vs wolde saye to an other Incredulitie Arte thou not ashamed to do the thynge thou goest about speakynge after thys sorte to brynge hym to knowe hymselfe to make hym ashamed that he may leaue of his euel enterpryse or worke and yet we reiecte hym not nor hate hym nor yet plucke our loue from hym Neyther was it a lyghte matter why the Lorde rebuked hys disciples ☜ for surely infidelitie or lacke of beleue is of all synnes that can be named the greatest And he expresseth vnto them the maner of theyr mysbeleue whan he sayeth that theyr hartes were hardened and yet notwythstandynge he handleth them gently and myldely All these thynges were done to our comforte and consolation that we shulde not be discoraged though we be any thynge fautye in oure fayth as yf we doute stomble or fall but rather that we shuld quyckly ryse agayne establysh oure fayth and runne to God takynge trust affiaunce at hym and constantly also retainynge it namely syth he deleth wyth vs not accordynge to rygoure but can wynke at our falles infirmities And he that reputeth hym to be such shall also fynde hym such one I saye yf he can take hym for a mercyfull God he wyll suffer hymselfe to be founde such one he woll so declare hymselfe towardes hym Contrary wyse an euell conscience and an vnfaythfull harte doth not so he beareth no such affiaunce towardes God but flyeth from hym reputynge hym a sore rygorouse iudge and therfore also fynde hym such one The same we must also do wyth our neyghbours Yf we se any swarue frō the fayth he is not to be beloued in hys malyce but we ought to reproue and laye hys faute and shrynkynge before hys eyes but yet not after such sorte that we shulde hate hym or be agaynst hym or turne our frendshyp and loue from him Gal. vi For thus sayeth saynt Paule Brethren although a man be founde in any faute ☞ you that be spiritual redresse such a person wyth the spirite of mekenes But the moost holy father or god rather the bishop of Rome whych wol be called Pope hys byshops hys prestes hys monkes hys chanons hys freers and hys nonnes can not abyde whan that they be founde in any notable cryme to be reproued For what so euer euel do chaunce they pretende and allege for them that it come not through theyr faute but through the faute of theyr subiectes Euell ought to be punyshed Theyr subiectes and suche as be vnder theyr obedience shal be cruelly and roughlye handled Summa summarum any iniury and wyckednes ought to be punyshed but loue and veritie must be kept towardes euery man Neyther oughte we to suffer our mouth to be stopped For none of vs all shall so lyue as longe as we be in thys fleshe that we can be founde on euery parte blameles But I am fauty in thys thynge and an other in that Namelye sythe it is ryghte manifest to all men that euen thapostles themselues lacked that whych was chyfe and the hyghest poynt of al where as notwithstandynge they were the corner stones and the rockes of foundacion Yea and the best and the most excellent part of christendome No man yet thynketh that thapostles were vtterly and all together infideles For they beleued the thynges that were wrytten in the law and in the prophetes albeit they had not yet the full perfection of fayth Fayth was in them and it was not in them Fayth therfore is a thynge whych alwayes groweth bygger and bygger accordynge to the parable of the mustarde sede So the Apostles were not vtterly voyde and destitute of fayth for they had a parte of it For it is wyth fayth as it is wyth a man that is sycke and begynneth by lytle and lytle to crepe vp waxe stronge The lord than expresseth and declareth to hys apostles where in they beleued not and what they wanted whyche doubtles was that they perfytly beleued not his resurrection For albeit they beleued all the rest yet in thys behalfe they remayned infideles For happely they beleued also thys that God wolde be mercyfull vnto them but yet
silence the thing that he himself complayneth of wher be sayeth by his prophet Dauid Psa cxx I am a worme and not a man a laughing stocke or an obprobrie of men and the refuse of the people As many as behold me mocke me they shake their hedes at me What is thys but to cast Christ into trouble and heuynesse not only hym but also hys apostles and louyng frēdes whyche kept hym company And albeit Christe dothe specially in this place speake of the tyme of his owne crosse whych shulde be the occasion of weping and mournyng to his apostles yet hys mynde was hereby to shewe what state and fortune is to be loked for in thys world vnto all true christiās True christians no doubt can not but suffer in this world moch displeasures and persecution wheras the wicked persons and such as care neither for God nor deuell make good chere and lyue according to their hartes ease Prou. iij Hereunto agreeth Salomon in his prouerbes sayeng Cast not awaye the chastisement of the lord Lo ye se how Christ instructeth his apostles and armeth them with pacience to abyde and suffer thobprobriouse wordes scornes and persecutions of the wicked persons and Antichristes And that he willeth the apostles to do the same he commaūdeth and speaketh euen vnto vs so many as wolbe hys disciples and folowers Sorowe turned to heuynes Fourthly forasmoche as Christe hath tolde hys apostles of the sorowe and heuines of the persecutions that shuld happen vnto them for hys sake he nowe agayne doth comforte them declaringe vnto them what shall happen after such stormes of affliction Your heuines sayth he shal be chaunged into ioye as who shulde saye the worlde as sone as they shal haue kylled me woll thynke they haue won the spurres that they haue put me downe but it shall not be so for the thyrde daye after shall I ryse agayne from death maugre theyr heades I shall comforte you and in your heuynes pacifie you make you gladde And albeit after that tyme also ye must styll suffre moch wronge and reproche for my name and for the gospel sake yet your affliction crosse shall not laste longe but eternall ioye shall anone ensue folowe An exemple of thys thynge I wol ye take in a woman that traueleth with chylde The parable of the trauelynge woman A woman whā she traueleth ye know is in heuynes payn for her houre is at hande But assone as she hath brought forth into the worlde a chylde is delyuered she remembreth no more her payne and greife for the ioye she hath of the chylde that is borne into the worlde In semblable wise ye be nowe sadde and heuy for my departure but I shal come see you agayne and thā your hartes shal leape for ioye no man shal be hable with all the displeasure he can do you to take awaye this your ioye from you Assuredly my frendes thys similitude whych is here brought forth of Christ is excedingly comfortable For fyrst of all yt sheweth that persecution trouble and crosse must as surely folowe the confession of the gospell as it is sure that a trauelyng woman cannot brynge forth her chyld without sorow and grefe but in the meane season the Christen man thorough the word of God muste nedes afterwarde haue greate comforte and ioye Furthermore this trouble crosse affliction and persecution of the true christians shall not be continuall and euerlastinge but it shall endure but for a season And on the contrary parte the worlde shall ioye for a season But their ioye shal not longe laste as Christe himself in an other place witnesseth wher he sayth Luc. vi Wo be to you which laugh here for ye shal wepe and lamente Albeit in very dede the christian man shall not be cleane voyde of ioye in this worlde but what ioye is thys I woll sayeth Christ see you agayne and your hartes shal ioye and no man shal take your ioye from you Vndoubtedly the ioye that Christe here speaketh of is the gladnes and peace of conscience that the true christians shall haue in asmoche as they knowe that God shal be merciful vnto them throughe Christ and shal kepe and preserue them into euerlasting liefe whych was prepared for them before the worlde was made as Christ hymself witnesseth by the father of heuen To whome wyth the sonne and holye ghost be thankes .c. The Epistle on the .iiij. sonday after Ester daye The .i. chapter of Iames. Th argument ☞ Saynt Iames sheweth that Gods worde is an heuenly gyfte and howe it ought to be receyued MOst derely beloued brethren euery good gyft and euery perfect gyft is from aboue and cōmethe downe frome the father of lyghtes wythe whome is no variablenes neyther is he chaunged vnto darkenes Of his owne will begate he vs wyth the word of trouth that we shulde be the first frutes of his creatures Wherfore deare brethren let euery man be swyfte to heare slow to speake slow to wrath For the wrath of man worketh not that whych is ryghteous before God Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes and superfluitie of malyciousnes and receaue with mekenes the word that is grafted in you whych is hable to saue your soules The holy Apostle saynt Iames good christian brethren and systres in the epistle of this daye doth fyrste open and declare vnto vs the causes of gods worde frome whence it commeth and then he commendeth and setteth oute the authoritie of the same as a meane or instrument whereby throughe new birth or regeneration we be the chyldren of god and as saynt Iames here speaketh the firste frutes of gods creatures As towching the causes of gods worde ye shall vnderstande that the gospell or word of God is no humaine thinge it is the word neither of Emperour Kinge Prince Duke nor other temporall ruler neither is it any meritorious word whych cā chaūce vnto vs for our own deseruinges or merites neyther yet is it an vnpythy weake or vnperfect word whych eyther of it selfe is not stronge ynough or nedeth any other worde to the perfection and accomplyshement therof but it is a diuine or heuenly worde a good gyft of God and perfecte that is to saye whyche hath almyghty god for authour of yt whych god gyueth of his mere grace and fauour whych is stronge and full of efficacie and power according to saynt Paule whych sayth it is the power of god to the helth and sauetye of all such as beleue the same Rom i. It is perfecte forasmoche as it neither nedeth any other word neyther yet can it suffre any other to be matched with it Nowe al thys tendeth to this purpose and intent that saynt Iames woll cōmende and set forth vnto vs the authoritie of gods worde lest by errynge and strayeng out of the waye we myght happen to deceiue our selues thynkyng it ynough sufficient to heare the worde of god wyth out
any maner of regeneracion and newe lyefe For the worde is a farre greater thyng it is euen an heuenly diuine good and perfecte gyfte whych cōmeth from aboue euen from the father of lyghtnes wyth whome is no transmutation of lyght and of darkenes neither can he suffer that we shuld mengle our dreames and darknes with his lyghtsome worde I meane our owne inuētiōs our blindnes our careles maners our carnal lybertie our euel liefe so forth We be also here admonished and taught of the final vse of gods worde wherfore it serueth Yt serueth doubtles that by it we shulde be regenerate and be made the fyrste frutes of the creature of god whych cometh not of oure owne deseruynges but it is the worke of god the father whych doth renewe and regendre vs wythe the worde of trouth that we maye be the first frutes of hys creature Saynt Iames therfore in thys place wylleth vs to sette asyde and laye downe all securitie and slauthfulnes towardes the worde of god and that we shulde praye god that he woll vouchesaue to open disclose vnto vs the vnderstandynge of hys worde and that he wolle gyue vs also encrease in the same that we maye heare the worde wyth frute vnderstandynge it and beynge regenerate therby Nolite errare might be made the fyrst frutes of the creature of god Do not then erre my dere brethrē as thoughe it were inoughe only to heare the worde of god and not to vnderstande it wyth the harte not to catche holde of it by faythe not to worke well outwardlye Euery good and perfyte gyfte is from aboue that is to saye the worde of god is perfyte it nedeth none other worde to stey it to make it perfyte Yea thou cānest neither take it nor vnderstāde it perfytly onles it be gyuen the of god Yt is of it selfe moste perfyte and it is it also whych onlye can make vs perfyte Yt procedeth frome the father of lyghtes that is to wytte from god whych is the only cause of all lyght in such sorte that the thynge whych we se in vnderstandynge the worde is of god Yt is also the gyfte of god that hys worde dothe lyghten for the father is of hymselfe lyght Wyth whom is no variablenes nor chaunge into darkenes that is to saye he can not abyde nor suffer that the lyght darknes shuld be confounded or myngled togither For he is the father of lyght only and not of darkenes Neither can he suffer that we shulde glorye and bragge of his worde as of a gyfte and in the meane season do the workes of darkenes And by this the apostle saynt Iames doth moue vs from euyl workes by thexemple of god whyche is intransmutable and inconuertible that is to say he is not now light now darkenes And therfore ought not we to folow both lyght and darknes togither For wyllyngly be gatte he vs wyth the worde of his trouth that we shulde be the first frutes of his creature As though saynt Iames wold saye Bicause god hath regenerate vs by the word of trouth that we might be now his first frutes then seing we be his first frutes it becommeth vs not to folow the darkenes it becōmeth vs no more to leade oure lyefe in vyce and naughtines but it behoueth vs to be doers not only hearers of the word In that he sayth voluntarily or of his owne will Voluntarie he excludeth marite It is called the word of trouth aswel because of it selfe of the own nature it is true as bicause it maketh other true Secondly Ye shal diligently note and marke good people that thappostle Iames in the latter parte of this epistle doth sturre vs to newe liefe and to such workes as the worde of god and regeneration wold aske For it is euen due and annexed to newe byrth that a man shulde do good workes as also Paule testifieth sayenge Rom. vi What shall we then saye shall we abyde in synne that grace myght aboūd God forbyd We that be deade to synne howe shall we hereafter lyue in the same Eph● ij Also to the Ephesians he sayeth We be gods hādworke created in Christ to do good workes whyche god hathe prepared that we shulde walke in them Col. iij. And to the Colossians Wherfore if ye haue risen wythe Christe seke ye the thynges aboue regard heuenly thinges not erthly thinges wherfore deare brethren sayeth saynt Iames let euery man be swyfte to heare slowe to speake By whych wordes he forbyddeth chefely moch talkyng and pratlynge wherby in saynte Iames tyme many dyd bragge as they do at this daye of the gospell without chaunging of their former liefe and wythout lyuinge after the gospell Slow to speake Such persons sainte Iames wolde haue swyft to heare slow to speake tyl tyme they rightly vnderstande the worde and do dedes worthy for the same He willeth vs also to be slowe to wrath but he wol we shuld be meke and paciēt For the wrath of mā worketh not that whych is rightouse before god that is to saye Ire or wrath the effectes therof can not do the thynges whych be iust before god or whyche god requireth of vs. And saynt Iames calleth here the iustice of god not that where by we be iustifyed before God but that whych god requireth of vs beyng alredy iustified to the declaration of that iustice whyche iustifieth and whych is gotten by fayth Wherfore casting awaye all vnclenlynes and superfluitie of maliciousnes se ye receyue with mekenes the worde that is grafte implanted in you of god the father of heuē In mansuetudine Receyue it he sayth with mekenes that is to say with al modestie and reuerence not after a ryottouse and sediciouse sorte as thoughe ye wolde fyght for it nor agayne with an euel and struglyng mynde as many Papistes do but gladly thankfully and gently For it is the thinge whych is hable to saue youre soules whych thing also saynt Paule proueth wrytinge to the Romaynes where he teacheth that we be iustified by fayth by the ministery of gods worde Rom. x. Nowe therfore good people let vs accordinge to the meanyng of this epistle whych I haue brefly declared vnto youe imbrase this worde of trouthe that saynt Iames doth here speake of and so imbrace it that we may be coūted doers and not hearers only Thus doynge we shall declare our selues to be the chosen people of God and we shall inioy at last the kyngdom prepared for vs of almyghty God Who be lauded .c. The Gospell on the .iiij. sondaye after Ester the .xvj. chapter of Ihon. Th argument ☞ Christe promyseth to sende the holy gooste and of hys offyce Iesus sayd to hys disciples Nowe I go my waye to him that sent me and none of you asketh me whyther I go And because I haue sayd such thynges vnto you your hartes are ful of sorowe Neuerthelesse I tel you the
carnall and olde man and let vs be ledde wyth the spirite of god which is here called the spirite of trouth Whych spirite by the instrument of godes word as here is declared shall open and disclose vnto vs all trouth necessarye to oure saluation and soule helth Which thyng also the aūcient doctour Ihon Chrysostome witnesseth Chrysostome in cap. mat xxij homi xli sayeng What so euer is sought to the soule helth the same is al togither conteyned and accomplished in holy scripture He that is ignoraunt shal fynde there ynoughe to lerne He that is stubborne and a synner shall fynde there the skourgies of the iudgemente to come that he maye feare He that laboureth shall fynde there the gloryes and promises of lief euerlasting by chawyng wherof he may be more more kyndled to do good workes as becommeth a christian man to do Let vs praye then to god with pure hartes that he woll vouche saue to send vs this holy ghost this cōforter vnto our myndes which may open vnto vs al trouth To whome be glory and prayse immortally .c. The Epistle on the .v. sondaye after Ester The fyrste chapter of saynt Iames. Th argument ☞ Saynt Iames exhorteth christen men to declare their feyth wyth good workes And he sheweth what thyng true Religion or deuotion is MOst deare beloued brethren euery good gifte and euery perfyte gyfte is from aboue and cometh downe from the father of lyghtes wyth whō is no variablenes neither is he chaunged vnto darckenes Of hys owne wyll begat he vs wyth the worde of trouth that we shuld be the fyrste frutes of hys creatures Wherfore deare brethrē let euery man be swyft to heare slowe to speake slowe to wrath For the wrath of mā worketh not that whyche is ryghtouse before god Wherfore laye aparte all fylthynes and superfluitie of maliciousnes and receaue wythe mekenes the worde that is grasted in you whych is hable to saue your soules THe holy Apostle of God saynte Iames good christen people in the epistle of this day doth discerne the true hearers of gods worde from the false hearers And ye shal vnderstande that the true hearers of gods worde be they whiche take it with fayth who be the true hearers of gods worde mat xiij whiche vnderstande it in theyr harte whiche do garnishe it outwardely with suche workes as be prescribed and appoynted them to do and as the parable of Christe declareth whiche do heare the word of god and vnderstande it whiche also bryng forthe frute some an hundred folde some sixty folde some thyrty folde Psal i. And it is he according to the wordes of the prophete Dauid whiche is lyke a tre planted by the ryuer syde bearyng his frute in due tyme. But the false hearers of the worde be they the false hearers whiche heare it but they receiue it nat with fayth they vnderstande it nat in theyr harte neyther do they furnyshe and declare it to the worlde with good workes and as the parable of the sower sayeth they suffre the deuyll to take the worde out of theyr harte These be only temporall hearers and but for a season they be but starters they stycke nat by it They be also suche as when they haue perceyued taken the true word of god they choke it with the care of this world and with the disceitfulnes of ryches so make the worde vnfruteful for they receiue it nat with ful mynd but by snatches and myndyng other thynges euen as he whiche beholdeth his bodely face in a glasse and forthwith goeth hys waye and forgetteth by and by what maner thyng it was Estote factores verbi Be ye then doers of the worde that is to wete declare with good workes that ye truly vnderstande it and be nat hearers onely as who shulde say Ye that heare the worde of god with your eares and do boste and glory in the knowledge therof and neuertheles be occupyed and intangled in other maters ye do nothyng els but deceiue your selues whych thyng he declareth with a wonderful goodly and apte similitude ☜ For lyke as it nothinge helpeth a man to stāde before a glasse and to se hym selfe faire whan he goeth away forthwyth and forgetteth strayte hys beawtie So it helpeth a man nothynge at all to heare gods worde onles he receyue it in hys harte and take holde of it by fayth depely printyng in hys mynde the beautie therof and be delyted therin and fynally declare wyth good workes that he doth truly vnderstande it Furthermore he that standeth before a glasse maye well glorie and bragge of hys beautye for a tyme So he that heareth the worde may well reioyse and glorie of it But whan the glasse is taken away anone the beautie is out of the mynde So in tyme of necessitie and tribulation yf the true glasse of gods wyll that is to wyt the worde of God be taken awaye and not cōsydered anone the promyses and gospell that is to saye the glad tydynges concernynge our redemption is out of mynde the beautie of gods goodnes is forgotten and finally the wyll and pleasure of the Lorde is neglected But on the contrary parte who so loketh in the perfyte lawe of lybertie and continueth therin yf he be not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the worke the same shal be happy in hys dede As who shulde saye He that rightly heareth and vnder standeth the worde and doeth expresse the same with worthy workes in such wyse as he sheweth hymselfe to haue a firme sure vnderstandynge of the same whereby he may vaynquish and chase away death Satan and synne he shal be happye in hys dede or worke he shal be declared by hys dedes to be a iustified person and saued For dedes workes in christē men be testimonies and wytnesses of our iustifyeng fayth and that we do vnderstande ryghtly and truly gods worde Augus For as saynt Augustine affirmeth fayth ought to go before workes Yea he declareth playnly the workes wythout fayth can not be good and he allegeth for hys purpose that texte of saynte Paule Ro. iiij Omne quod non est ex fide peccatum est That is to saye what so euer is not of faythe the fame is synne Chrysostome de fide et Lege Herevnto also agreeth Chrysostome where he sayeth Fayth ought to shyne before workes and workes muste be the handmaydes or waytynge seruauntes and folowers of fayth True religion Secōde in thys epistle saynt Iames doth teach vs good people what the ryght and perfyte religion of a christian man or woman is Yf any man sayeth saynt Iames woll seme to be religiouse amonges you not refraynynge hys tonge but seducynge and deceyuynge hys owne harte thys mans religion is vayne ☞ Pure and vndefyled religion before God the father is thys to vysite the fatherlesse and wedowes in theyr aduersitie to kepe thy selfe vnspotted in the worlde Lo
for the redēpcion of mankynde Thys his preachynge he dyd also confirme wyth myracles For as the texte also declareth the vncleane spirites cryenge wyth loude voyce came out of many that were possessed of them And many takē wyth palfeis and many that halted were healed Now the people gaue great hede to the thynges whych Philip spake And assone as they gaue credence to Philips preachynge of the kyngdome of God and of the name of Iesu Christe they were baptised both mē and wemen Here ye se good people how the Samaritanes whych were Hethen persons yea and such persons as the Iues whyche were the peculiar and proper people of god toke for very contempte and vyle persons receyued the gospell of Christ forthwyth at the preachynge of saynt Philip and were by and by baptised Thus farforth are the Samaritanes brought Now the lection red in the church thys day goeth further and sayth that when the Apostles whyche were gathered togyther at Ierusalem herde say that the Samaritanes had receyued the worde of God they sent vnto thē Peter and Iohn whiche when they were come downe from the hyghe cytie of Ierusalem thyther vnto thē they prayed for them to thintent they myght receiue the holy ghoste For as yet the holy ghoste was not come on none of thē onlye they were baptized in the name of Christ Iesu Thā layde these two Apostles theyr handes vpon the Samaritans and anone they receyued the holy ghost This is the history redde in the church as thys daye But now my frendes what frute and profyte shal we beare away of this lesson What is here to be gathered Nothyng Yes truly for there is nothynge wrytten Ro. xv sayeth S. Paule but it is wryten for our learnynge that by pacience and confort of scriptures we shuld haue hope ☞ Fyrst therfore ye shall note howe glad the Apostles were to heare that these Samaritans were turned to the Gospell of Christe and they were not only glad but also carefull for them lest they myght happen to go backe agayne to theyr olde baguage and blyndnes And therfore in all hast they sent these two Apostles Peter and Iohn to confirme and strengthen theyr faith Here we be taught what the office of true good Apostles yea of all good Christen men is For we ought in lykewyse to be carefull for oure brethren that they maye be broughte to the perfeyte knowlege of gods worde And namely suche as call them selfes Apostolicall persons and Apostles fellowes successours as the byshoppes of Rome do oughte in this behalfe to folow thexēple of thapostles charite But they do cleane contrary they rather plucke mē from the Gospell then allure them vnto it Seconde ye shall note that before the resurrection of Christe when as yet the Iues and Gentyles were not ioyned togyther by all one fayth Math. x the Apostels were forbydden to entre into the cyties of the Samaritanes But after the resurrection whē they were bydden for the spredynge abrode of the gospell to go into all partes of the worlde then that former commaundemente whiche was but temporall and whyche dyd serue but for a tyme was taken awaye and cessed Thyrdly in this historye ye shall marke that the Samaritanes receyued forthwyth the holy ghoste assone as they beleued and were baptized For assuredly true and perfecte baptisme can not be without the holy ghost Furthermore it is not possible that fayth can be in that person where the holy spirite of God dothe not inhabite as many places aswell of scripture as of auncient fathers do wytnesse Yea S. Austin affirmeth playnly in his boke de presentia dei Austine that the holy ghost dothe dwell and inhabite in infauntes or childrē that be baptized Wherfore how muche more is he resident and abydynge in persons of age and discretion which haue fayth and be baptised So it is no doute but these Samaritanes at the preachyng of S. Philip receiued the holy ghost excepte perchaunce ye woll saye that S. Philippes preachynge had lesse vertue and efficaciem it then the preachynges of thother Apostles had whyche in no wyse is to be graunted Questiō But peraduenture ye woll meruayle then howe it is that it followeth in the historye red in the Churche this daye that after the Samaritanes had receyued the worde of God the holy Ghost as yet was not come on none of thē And therfore the Apostles euē for that purpose sent Peter and Iohan whiche prayed for them that they myght receyue the holy Ghoste My frendes what shal we say to this Dyd the Samaritanes receyue goddes worde dyd they beleue were they baptised and yet were they voyde of the holy ghost Howe cā this be Chryste hym selfe sayeth he that beleueth is baptysed shall be saued mar xvi But onles a man be renued with the holy ghost he can not be saued as the same Chryst also testifyeth in the thyrde Chapter of Iohn Wherfore it must nedes folowe that the Samaritaynes had receyued the holy ghost forasmuch as true baptisme can not be without the holy Ghost Howe than sayth S. Luke here that the holy ghost was not yet come on the Samarytanes To this doubte I answere in fewe wordes The solution that this texte in this place that the holy Ghost was not yet come vpon them is to be vnderstande not of the substaūce of the spirite or holy Ghoste ☞ but of those manifest and notable gyftes of the holy Ghost They had the holy Ghost to comforte them and to lede them to al trueth necessary to their saluacion but they had him not yet to do miracles and speake straunge tonges as in the primatyue Churche they had for the confirmacion of Christes doctrine Neyther is it at this day necessarye the Gospell being nowe stablyshed that men shuld haue suche wonderfull gyftes of the spirite Wherfore good chrysten people I exhorte you and in the name of Christ I requyre you that accordynge to the exemple of these Samaritanes here ye wol laye downe your supersticion and blyndnes of harte wherin ye haue wandered and wyth glad mindes receyue the worde of God accordynge to youre profession and promyse whych ye made at the fount stone and put on Christ renouncynge the worlde the flesh and the deuell wyth stedfast and earnest fayth And no doubt ye shal be endowed wyth the holy goost who in all your trouble and afflictions shall cōforte you and directe you in youre waye to heauenwarde where is our dwellynge place prepared wyth the father sonne and holy goost To whome be all glorye wythout ende Amen The gospell on the thyrde daye of Pentecost The .x. chapter of Ihon. Th argument ☞ Christ is the true shepeherde IEsus sayd vnto hys disciples Verely verely I say vnto you he that entreth not in by the dore into the shepefolde but clymmeth vp some other way the same is a thefe and a murtherer But he that entereth in by the dore is the shepherd of
in them Vndoubtedly thys answere teacheth vs two thynges Fyrst ☜ that the wyll of God ought not to be learned of the dead as Moses also forbyddeth in Deuteronomye sayenge Deut. xviij Let noman serch the trouth of the deade for God abhorreth it And surely not wythout cause for he that ensercheth the trouth of deade men sheweth hymselfe not contented wyth gods worde whych is a synne agaynst the seconde commaundement Also to serche the trouth of deade men is to put other meanes thā preachers by whome God wol haue hys word knowen and spred abrode Thys thynge doth the exemple of Saule teach vs i. Reg. xxviij whych after he was caste vp of the Lorde and vtterly wycked in his harte by the helpe of a wytche raysed vp the prophete Samuell from death that is to wyt a certayne person resemblynge Samuel in voyce and vysage Secondly thys answere of Abraham teacheth vs that besyde the worde wrytten none other is to be loked for or to be herde though an angell shulde come from heauen or a goost ryse frō death to lyfe Wherfore good christen brethren and systers I exhorte in the Lordes name you that be rych to make your selues frendes of your wicked Mammon Luc. xvi that is to saye of your worldly goodes that when ye dye they may receyue you into euerlastyng tabernacles lest ye be serued as thys ryche mā was And agayne I exhorte you that be poore to haue sure faith in the Lorde and pacience in your aduersitie and pouertie And doubt ye not but at your departure out of this transitory worlde accordynge to the example of this poore Lazarus ye shal be caryed by angels into the bosome of Abraham abrahās bosome that is to say into euerlastyng lyfe in whych after the exemple of the father Abraham who is the father of al beleuynge chyldren the godly be receyued as into the bosome of the heuēly father To whom wyth the sonne and holy goost be all honoure and glorye Amen The Epistle on the .ij. sondaye after trinitie The .i. epistle of Ihon the .iij. chapter Th argument ☞ Of the syngular loue of God towardes vs and howe we ought agayne to loue one another MAruayle not my brethren thoughe the worlde hate you We know that we are translated frō death vnto lyfe bycause we loue the brethren He that loueth not hys brother abydeth in death Who so euer hateth hys brother is a mansleer And ye knowe that no mansleer hath eternall lyfe abydynge in hym Hereby perceyue we loue bycause he gaue hys lyfe for vs and we ought to gyue our lyues for the brethren But who so hath thys worldes good and seeth hys brother haue nede shutteth vp hys compassion from hym how dwelleth the loue of God in hym My babes let vs not loue in worde neyther in tonge but in dede and in veritie FOr asmuch as deare brethren and systers euen from the begynnynge of the worlde it hath bene sene as the exemple of Abel wytnesseth that the godly haue suffred persecution trouble ☜ and vexation of the vngodly and wycked persons therfore the holy Apostle of God saynt Ihon doth here exhorte vs to pacience in persecution and in aduersitie and that we shulde not be false harted and discouraged bycause we se we be euell and vnworthely handeled intreated of the wycked worlde And it is not without cause that saynt Ihon moueth vs to pacience for of truth it is a ryght harde thynge a mā to stāde fast in trouble and not to despayre or at leste waye not to doubte of the trouth of gods word for al that he seeth so many euell and vnhappy chaunces vnto hym on euery syde And besydes that he exhorteth vs in thys place vnto pacience he also therwythall comforteth al that be vexed troubled for trouthes sake wyth the greate benefyte and profyte whyche they haue taken through gods worde that is to wyt that they be translated frō death to lyfe and be now made the beloued sonnes of God to whych commodities and profytes al the persecutions in the world be not able to be compared Maruayle not sayeth S. Ihon though the worlde hate you We knowe that we are translated frome death vnto lyfe bycause we loue our brethren O what an vnspeakable solace and comforte is this my frendes vnto vs to know that we now lyue vnto God warde albeit before the worlde we be daylye mortifyed and euen kylled none otherwise thā shepe that go to the slaughter And agayne on the contrary parte what a fearful horrible thynge is it that the wycked persons whych pursue the godly be dead to god warde We be than translated frō death to lyfe Wherfore Bycause sayeth Ihon we loue oure brethren Surely my frendes the louynge of our brethren is an open declaracion token to the worlde that we be the chyldren of God For he that sayeth he hath faythe and loue towardes God and yet loueth not hys neyghbour maketh a starke lye For a good tree must nedes brynge forth good frute He then that loueth not hys brother abydeth in death that is to saye Rom. vi he is not yet rysen from death to lyfe wyth Christ vnto a new lyfe Yea saynt Ihon goeth forther and sayeth Who so euer hateth hys brother is a manslayer The law is spirituall Surely my frendes the lawe is spirituall and requyreth also the inwarde affections as Ihon doth here testifye For not only he that kylleth by layeng on of handes and violence vpon hys brother is in daunger to the law of murther but also he that pursueth hys neyghbour wyth hatred So though that he be not a murtherer and māsleer in outward dede yet in harte he is But no mansleer hath eternal lyfe abydynge in hym For loke wyth what measure we meate to other Mat. vij wyth the same shall it be measured agayne to vs. Now in the doctrine and teachynge of charitie ye shal vnderstande that it is the maner of thapostles euer to brynge vs to the exemple of Christ whereby to frame our lyfe lest we shuld inuent and deuise of our owne heades newe formes fashions of louing our brethren S. Ihon therfore doth here preuente vs and setteth forth Christ for an exemple to be folowed of vs The loue of god toward vs whych loued vs hys brethren not after a lyght and base sorte but euen wyth the peryll of his owne lyfe He wol haue vs than in lyke wyse to loue our brethren not lyghtly but so vehemently that when nede requyreth we shulde not stycke to venture our goodes yea our lyfe also for theyr sauetie welth By thys we knowe charitie that is to saye the loue of Christ towardes vs and what our loue and charitie ought to be in asmuche as he gaue his soule or lyfe for vs O what excedynge and vehemente loue was thys of Christ And shall we then shewe our selues churlysh and vnkynde agayne
Finally forasmuch as Christ sayeth that the angels in heauen do ioye vpon such as repent we be here taught that repentaunce is a worke very acceptable and pleasynge to God Wherfore my frendes let vs not be lykened to these religiouse proude and presumptuouse Pharisees scribes whych murmured and grudged at the tēder harte and kyndnes of our Sauiour Christ which iustifyed themselues despysynge all other in comparison of them bycause of theyr owne tradicions and obseruaunces therfore thoughte they had no nede of Christ But let vs humbly and thankfully at the preachynge of Christes holy worde whyche it hathe pleased hym now in these last dayes to disclose and open agayne vnto vs to repente vs of oure wandrynge out of the ryght waye And thā doubtles the angels in heauen shall haue more ioye ouer vs thā ouer all those which were counted moost holy perfyte persons in the syght of the worlde Whych angels also at oure departure out of thys vale of mysery shal cary vp our soules into heuen where we shall haue the moost ful fruition of all ioye wyth Christe our Lorde To whome wyth the father and holy goost be all glorye Amen The Epistle on the .iiij. sondaye after trinitie The .viij. chapter to the Romaynes Th argument ☞ In thys epistle we be comforted to beare aduersitie well in worth seynge it is the waye to euerlastynge glorye BRethren I suppose that the afflictions of thys lyfe are not worthy of the glory whych shal be shewed vpon vs. For the feruent desyre of the creature abydeth lokynge whan the sonnes of god shall appeare bycause the creature is subdued to vanitie agaynst the wyll therof but for hys wyll whych hath subdued the same in hope For the same creature shal be deliuered from the bondage of corrupcion into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God For we know that euery creature groneth wyth vs also and trauayleth in payne euen vnto thys tyme. Not only it but we also which haue the fyrst frutes of the spirite mourne in our selues also and wayte for the adoption of the chyldrē of god euen the delyueraunce of our bodye THe holy Apostle saynt Paule welbeloued brethren and systers consyderyng the state of true christen men whych lyue godly in thys worlde to be full of aduersities and troubles whych be offred vnto them both by the worlde Psalm xxxiij the fleshe and the deuel and knowynge the weake power of frayle men to be farre vnable to stande stedfastly in them onles they be armed fensed with the armoure of gods worde exhorteth vs therfore in thys epistle by dyuerse reasons to pacience and sufferaūce and comforteth vs wyth the great ioye and glorye that shal be declared vnto vs in the worlde to come He affirmeth vnto vs that what so euer we can suffer in thys worlde is but shorte and transytory but the ioye that we shall receyue is durable and euerlastynge Howe great so euer the payne be of oure aduersitie that we suffer here I thynke it nothynge sayeth saynt Paule to the glorye that shall appeare vnto vs which is so great and infinite that it can not be comprehended of any mans vnderstandynge i. cor ij Esa lxiiij It farre passeth the eye of man to se thorowe it or the eare to heare the greatnes therof or the harte of man to vnderstande the glorye that God hath prepared for them that loue hym which are content after the exemple of hys welbeloued son Christ to suffer and to beare theyr crosse wyth good harte and wyll Let vs therfore behold not so much the grefe and despyte of persecution and despleasures of thys worlde as the bryghtnes and excellency of the glorye that we shal be in whyche although we se it not wyth our corporall eye yet wyth the eye of our fayth in the myrrour of goddes worde we se it much more clerly and shall more surely enioye it thā we se enioye those thynges whyche be vnder oure corporall syght Yf the greatnes of aduersitie feareth vs let vs call to mynde that whan we suffer innocently we suffer wyth Christ and Christ wyth vs. Yf we be of the body by true fayth than maye we be sure that the heade beareth parte wyth vs and helpeth vs in our aduersitie In hys power assistence we shall ouercome Of our selfe we be to weake but in hys power sayeth saynt Paule in whom is my cōforte phil iiij I can do all thynges Let noman thynke it impossible to beare paciently the losse of name of goodes of wyfe and chyldren to beare the great assaultes of the deuels temptacions for to ouercome the stronge vnruly affections of our corrupte nature and thervpon in cowardnes to gyue ouer and suffer our selues to be led vnder theyr captiuitie nay there is nothynge to harde to be performed of a christian man in whome the spirite of God is abydynge Ioh. xvi Take good hart sayeth our Sauiour and captaine Christ I haue ouercome the worlde and al these for you It is not impossible for you to resyst to haue the victory for fayth subdueth all thynges and hath the victory of al thynges that be agaynst you for al thynges be possible to fayth Mat. ix Thys is the comforte that a christian man maye haue to consyder that it is not hys aduersitie alone whyche he suffreth but Christ hys heade and captayne suffereth wyth hym As he sayd to Saul whā he persecuted the christian men Act. ix Saul Saul why doest thou persecute me It ought to be no straunge thynge to vs to suffer i. tess iij Heb. xij For saynt Paul sayeth that we be ordeyned for thys vse and purpose In chastisement doth god nurture his chyldren whome he loueth Yf our lyfe be in chastisement and aduersitie and we lyue in paciēce we may haue good hope that as we be made lyke to Christe in trouble and affliction so shall we be lyke to hym in glorye The waye to pleasure is by aduersitie to welth by infirmitie to glorye by rebuke and shame to ryches euerlastyng by transitory pouertie After none other sorte walked our sauiour Christ in thys worlde Math. ● It were vnmete the disciple to be aboue the mayster It were not mete the souldioure to be more delicatly handled than hys captayne Ro. viij Who can requyre of God to be spared frō hys crosse where god spared not hys owne deare and welbeloued sonne Christ He suffred al reproffes and afflictions suffered to the death of the crosse and yet deserued it not Phil. ij why than shuld not we that be synners content our selues to suffer whether God ordeyneth aduersitie to fall vpon vs for our synnes to thintent to purge vs of them or whether he wolde haue vs suffer for the tryall of oure faytht hat so by oure pacience we myght glorifye hys name and edify our neyghbour by our exemple Let vs blisse our selues in the name of the
the Gospell perteyneth to the conscience and therfore it teacheth not the chaunge of the temporall lyfe or state whyche ciuile ordinaunce alloweth Let vs then my frendes folowe the fayth of thys Apostle Peter and hys penitent harte confessynge our vnworthynes And then doubt we not but we shal be called to the greate feaste where we shall sytte at table wyth the hole company of heauen in the heauenly palace of God the father To whome wyth the sonne and holy goost be prayse and glorye AMEN The Epistle on the .vj. sondaye after Trinitie The .vi. chapter to the Romaynes Th argument ☞ Of the spirituall signification of oure baptisme BRethren knowe ye not that all we whych are baptised into Iesu Christ are baptysed to dye wyth hym We are buryed then wyth him by baptysme for to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shulde walke in a new lyfe For yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto hym euen so shall we be partakers of the resurrection knowynge thys that our olde man is crucifyed wyth hym also that the bodye of synne myghte vtterly be destroyed that henseforth we shulde not be seruaūtes vnto synne For he that is dead is iustifyed from synne Wherfore yf we be deade wyth Christ we beleue that we shall also lyue wyth hym knowynge that Christe beynge raysed from death dyeth nomore Death hath nomore power ouer hym For as touchynge that he dyed he dyed concernynge synne once And as touchynge that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewise consyder ye also that ye are dead as touchynge synne but are alyue vnto God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde AFter the holy Apostle saint Paule good christē people had declared to the Romaynes the profyte of these two great artycles of our fayth that is to saye christes death and his resurrection shewing them that Christ by hys moost precious death purchased the euerlastynge remission of our synne and by hys resurrection ascended vp to heauen to open the gates therof for vs and apeased the wrath of the father and made vs in fauoure agayne wyth hym that by this his dede we be iustified ☜ made goddes louynge chyldren and the ryghte enheritours of the kyngdome of heuen now in thys epistle he teacheth vs an other lesson to be cōsydered in Christes death and resurrection and setteth it before vs as an exēple to folow the maner therof in our owne selfe meanynge it shulde not auayle vs to beleue that Christe dyed and rose agayne from death excepte we woll conforme our lyfe to hys death and resurrection Do ye not knowe sayeth saynt Paule what further thynge is sygnifyed vnto you in Christes death or to what ende ye be baptysed Verely so many as be christened in the name of Christ Iesus and by baptisme be grafte in the nomber of hys seruauntes be therfore baptised that in a certayne similitude they shulde dye wyth hym Such a signification and fygure hath Christes death vnto vs that besyde that it is the pryce of our synnes it monysheth vs daylye to dye to synne dayly to mortifye and to slee the euell affections and motions of synne and concupiscence rysynge vp in our hartes agaynst the wyll of God And verely such a sygnification hath the ceremonye of our baptysme also vnto vs. The significacion of baptisme For whan we be plonged vnder the water and be lyfte vp agayne it meaneth nothinge els but that our synne is washed and slayne by Christ and we by hys grace lyft vp frome deth whych our synne deserued to euerlasting lyfe It sygnifyeth furthermore that we there promyse to dye to synne dayly to ryse vp agayne out of synne to a new lyfe the lyfe of ryghtuousnes And thys is the vertue fygure of baptysme whych yf we take not after thys purpose we do but deceyue oure selues wyth the outwarde token of the sacrament and lose the inwarde commoditie therof Wherfore my frendes consyder the spirituall meanynge of this holy sacrament let it put you in mynde that ye haue promysed there a perpetuall mortificacion and penaunce of your synne wherof it is a sygne Ye be ones baptysed and nede nomore to receyue the sacrament but yet the sygnification therof muste ye dayly fulfyll that is to dye to synne to ryse more and more to perfytnes of lyfe For we be not washed from our synne by the bloude of Christe shed for vs in hys death that we shulde retourne agayne therto but therfore be we clensed that from henseforth we shulde defoule our selfe nomore wyth synne And as Christ dyed and was buryed for vs so shuld we dye and be buryed wyth him that is to saye synne shuld dye in vs and be vtterly as buryed neuer to be sene agayne in our lyfe And as Christe was raysed vp from death by the glorious spirite of the father to lyfe agayne so shulde we dayly ryse vp from the frutes of synne to a new lyfe walke continually there in And as the power of goddes holy spirite raysed Christ vp agayne from death to lyfe whyche worke redounded to the greate glorye and prayse of God euen so by the power of the same spirite shall we be able to ryse frō death of synne to the newnes of vertuouse lyfe In whych our doynge we shall in some maner worke to the glorye of god when men shal se our well doynge and prayse the father of heauen for hys grace that he worketh in vs. Let then noman refuse to mortifye hys euell affections that he fealeth in hym That yf it be paynfull for hym to abstayne from synne let hym consyder that els he can not be the chylde of God For he is none of Christes that hath not hys spirite and by thys token is it knowen who is grafte in Christe and is in the state of saluation For it is not he whyche foloweth the lustes of hys fleshe but he whych walketh after the spirite Let vs consyder what saynt Paule sayeth here Yf we be lyke Christ in the similitude of hys death we shal be partakers wyth hym in the generall resurrection for yf the selfe same spirite ruleth in vs to fyghte agaynst synne whych raysed Christe from death to euerlastynge lyfe it shall also rayse vs from the corporall death of our body to lyfe agayne and that to lyfe euerlastynge And let vs knowe thys of suertye that as Christe hath not slayne synne and crucifyed it vpon the crosse that we shulde lyue in it and serue the desyre therof but that we shulde be deliuered frō the daunger of it euen so ought we to slee oure olde Adam that is to saye all euyll motions and lustes of synne whyche we inheryte by that we be Adams chyldren conceyued and borne in synne I saye we ought to subdue hym all oure lyfe tyme kepe hym vnder by the crosse of wylful penaunce and afflictiō so by lytle and lytle to abolysh and expell
hym take thy byl and sytte downe quycklye and wryte fyftye Than sayde he to an other howe moche oweste thou And he sayde an hundrede quarters of wheate He said vnto him Take thy byl and wryte foure score And the Lorde commended the vniuste stewarde because he had done wyselye For the chyldren of thys world are in their nacion wyser then the children of lyght And I saye vnto you make you frendes of the vnryghteouse mammon that when ye shall haue neade they may receyue you into euerlastynge habitacions GOod people bycause these wordes before rehersed are so spoken in parable and are so wrapped in wrinkels that yet they seme to haue a face of a thynge done in dede and lyke an historie I thinke it much profytable to tarye somwhat in them And though we maye fynde in our hartes to beleue all that is here spoken to be true yet I doubte whether we maye abyde that these wordes of Christe shulde perteyne to vs and admonysh vs of our duetye whych lyue after suche sorte as thoughe Christe whan he spake any thynge regarded not the tyme that came after hym neyther prouided for vs or any matters of ours as some of the philosophers thought which sayd that God walketh vp and downe in heauen thynketh neuer a deale of our doynges But erre not you so stycke not you to such imaginations For yf ye inwardly behold these wordes yf ye diligently rolle them in youre myndes after vnwynde them ye shal se our tyme much touched in these mysteries Ye shall perceyue that god The parables of christ perteine to vs. by thys exemple shaketh vs by the noses and pulleth vs by the eares Ye shall perceyue very playne that God setteth before oure eyes in thys similitude what we ought moost to flee and what we ought soonest to folowe For Luke sayeth the Lorde spake these wordes to hys disciples Wherfore let it be out of doubte that he spake them to vs whyche euen as we woll be counted Christes disciples so we be yf we be good stewardes and do our dutie He said these thynges partly to vs and he spake them partly of hymselfe For he is that ryche man whych not only had but hath and shall haue euermore I say not one but many sūdry stewardes euen to th ende of the worlde He is man seinge he is God and man He is ryche not only in mercy but in all kynde of rychesse For it is he that gyueth vs all thynges abundantly It is he of whose hande we receyued both our lyues and other thinges necessarye for the conseruacion therof What man hath any thynge I praye you but he hath receyued it of hys plentyfulnes To be shorte it is he that not only gyueth vnto vs in most ample wyse hys benediccion but also openeth hys hande and fylleth al beastes wyth hys blessynge Neyther can hys treasure be spente howe muche so euer he lashe out howe muche so euer we take of hym hys treasure taryeth styll euer taken neuer spente He is also the good man of the house The church and congregacion is hys housholde whych ought wyth al diligence to be fedde not only with bodily meates but also with his worde and hys sacramentes These be hys goodes moost precious the bestowynge and mynistracion herof he wolde byshops and curates shulde haue Whych thynge saynt Paule affirmeth sayeng Let mē esteme vs as the mynisters of Christ and stewardes of goddes mysteries ii co iiij But I praye you what is to be loked for in a stewarde Thys surely that he be founde faythfull and that he truely laye out the goodes of the lorde that he gyue meate in tyme gyue it I say and not sel it meate I say and not poyson Fynally let hym not slacke and differre the doynge of hys office but let hym do his dutie when tyme is and whē nede requyreth it Thys is also to be loked for that he be one whome God hath called and put in office and not one that commeth vncalled vnsent for not one that of hymselfe presumeth to take honoure vpō hym he must I say be a steward of office not a steward at lybertie What is to be loked for Surely yf all thys that I saye be requyred in a good minister it is much lyghter to wysh them all in euery one than to fynde one any where that hath them al. Who is a true faythfull steward He is true A faythfull stewarde he is faythfull that coyneth no new money but taketh it redy coyned of the good man of the house and neither chaungeth it nor clyppeth it after it is taken to hym to spende but spendeth euen the selfe same that he had of hys lorde and spendeth it as hys lordes commaundement is neyther to hys owne auaūtage vtterynge it nor as the leude seruaunt dyd mat xxv hydyng it in the grounde Now yf a faythful steward ought to do as I haue sayd I praye you ponder thys wel whether in christendome there haue bene hytherto faythfull stewardes or no I praye you was there not some that despisynge the money of the lorde as copre not curraunt eyther coyned new themselues or els vttered abrode newlye coyned of other some tyme eyther adulteratynge the worde of God or els mynglyng it as tauerners do ☜ which brewe and vtter the euell and good both in a potte sometyme in the stede of goddes worde blowynge out the dreames of men whyle they preached to the people the redemption that cōmeth by Christes death to serue only them that dyed before hys commyng that were in the tyme of the olde testament and that nowe redempcion and forgyuenes of synnes purchased by money and deuysed of men is of efficacy and not redēption purchased by Christ Be these the faythfull stewardes of goddes mysteries and not rather fals dissipatours of them whom god neuer put in office but rather the deuel sette them ouer a myserable familie ouer an house miserably ordered entreated Happy were Christēdome yf such preached seldome And yet it is a wonder to se these in theyr generacion to be moch more prudent and politike than the faythfull ministers are in theyr generacion whyle they go aboute more prudently to stablyshe mennes dreames than they do to holde vp gods cōmaundementes Thus it cometh to passe that workes lucratyue wylworkes mennes fansyes reygne christiane workes necessary workes frutefull woorkes be troden vnder foote Thus the euell is moch better set out by euel menne than is the good by good mē because the euell be more wyse than be the good in theyr generacion These be the false stewardes whō all good and faythfull men euery daye accuse vnto the rych mayster of the household not wythout great heuynesse that they wast hys goodes whom he also one daye woll call to hym and saye vnto them as he dyd to hys steward whan he sayd what is thys that I heare of the Here God partly wondereth at
be couetous of vayneglorye prouokyng one another nor hauinge enuye one at an other But yf any one amonges you be taken in any faulte or offence through frayltie of nature not by obstinate euelnes you sayeth Paule whyche be or ought to be spirituall teach hym helpe to amende hym in all mekenesse in al swetnes of spirite consyderynge in your selues that ye also may fal in to lyke temptacion As yf he shulde saye Do not bragge nor vaunt your selues in the fall of another body but rather consyder that euen the same or lyke erroure maye happen vnto you And therfore saynt Paul sayth in another place i. cor x. He that thynketh hymselfe to be standynge let hym take hede he fall not Se ye beare supporte one anothers burthen charge and so ye shall accomplysh the lawe of Iesu Christ ☞ Whosoeuer loueth hys neyghboure he hath fulfylled the lawe Ro xiij as wytnesseth the apostle in hys epistle to the Romaynes Abuse not then your selues in trustynge in your selues and thynkynge your selues to be any thynge For surely ye be nothynge ye can do nothynge ye are worth nothyng yf God put not his hande vnto you So then of your selues ye can worthely chalenge nothynge He that alloweth and praiseth hymselfe is not forthwith approued allowed but he is prayse worthy he is allowable whom god prayseth alloweth ij cor x. Wherfore let euery bodye loke on hymselfe and well consyder hymselfe and he shal haue none occasion to bragge and glorie wyth hymselfe ouer the frailtie and weaknes of other persons What so euer it be euery man shall beare hys owne fardell hys owne burthen Mat. xvi The sonne of man shall yelde vnto euery man accordynge to hys workes as he hymselfe testifyeth After saint Paule had thus greatly praysed and commended brotherly supportacion or bearyng one wyth another he nowe exhorteth christen men to be helpynge and releuynge to all the bodely necessities of them that do teach the fayth and the gospel of Iesu Christ He sayeth Do not erre abuse not your selues for god can neyther be mocked nor begyled For what thynge so euer a man soweth the same shal he also reape and gather agayne as who shulde saye All that whych a man doth or soweth in thys world he shall fynde it and reape it in the other world Two feldes whyther it be good or euell Certaynly my frendes there be two maner of feldes whych men do sowe there is the fylde of the flesh and the fylde of the spirite He that soweth in hys flesh that is to saye he that doth the workes of the fleshe whych be euell workes deuelysh workes vngodly workes shal of the flesh reape corruption and euerlastynge curse and damnation But he that soweth in the spirite shall of the spirite reape euerlastynge lyfe Wherfore in the meane tyme whyle we haue space to sowe let vs sowe in spirite let vs sow good sedes christen sedes charitable sedes let vs do well wythout fayntynge wythoute beynge wery not only to them whych do good vnto vs but vnto all and principally vnto the good and faythfull christen men And doubte we not but we shall gather in and reape in tyme conuenient good and full haruest in eternall lyfe to the glorie of the eternall father of heauen Vnto whome be thankes Amen The Gospel on the .xv. sonday after Trinitie The .vi. Chapter of Matheu Th argument ☞ Christe forbyddeth vs here to seke carefully for worldly thynges IEsus sayd vnto hys disciples No man can serue two maysters For eyther he shall hate the one and loue the other or els leane to the one and despyce the other ye can not serue God and Mammō Therfore I saye vnto you be not careful for your lyfe what ye shall eate or drynke nor yet for your bodye what raymēt ye shall put on Is not the lyfe more worth than meate and the body more of value than rayment Beholde the foules of the ayer for they sowe not neyther do they reape nor cary into the barnes and youre heauenly father fedeth them Are ye not much better than they Whyche of you by takynge careful thought can adde one cubyte vnto hys stature And why care ye for rayment Consyder the lylyes of the felde howe they growe They laboure not neyther do they spynne And yet I saye vnto you that euen Salomon in all hys royaltie was not arayed lyke one of these Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse of the felde whych though it stande to daye is to morow cast into the fornace shall he not muche more do the same for you O ye of lytle fayth Therfore take no thought sayenge what shall we eate or what shal we drinke or wherwith shal we be clothed after al these thynges do the gentyls seke For your heuenly father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thynges But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of God and the ryghtwysnes therof and al these thinges shal be ministred vnto you GOod people yf we were christen men and womē wyth hartes and wyth workes I say yf we dyd beleue sufficiently as we boast our selues to beleue in Iesu Christ and in hys blessed and pure word we shulde wythoute fayle not be so troubled nor dysmayd nor yet so pensyfe and so carefull whan we haue any mysfortune and necessitie Iesu Christ our sauiour doth cōmaunde vs that we shulde in no wyse take thought what we shuld eate or what we shuld drynke or wherwyth we shulde be clothed And that they be the carnall men the paynyms and infideles whych take thought for these thynges and not the true faythful christen men He sayeth and assureth vs in the Gospell of thys daye that God hys father and ours shall nourysh vs and arraye vs And for all thys as yf he were a lyer an abuser we do not beleue in hym nor in hys wordes Certes the infidelitie of the worlde is greate The worlde I saye is blynde whych thynketh to beleue so well and so fermely and yet beleueth neuer a deale We do great iniury vnto Iesu Christ in mystrustynge hym But it is to be noted for the vnderstandynge of thys text that our Lord forbyddeth christen mē to take thought but he doth not forbydde them to laboure but commaūdeth that euery body shulde laboure accordyng to the grace might that god hath giuē him In the sweate of thy vysage thou shalt eat thy breade sayeth he in the .iij. chapter of Genesis And for all the rest let hym cast all hys hope in god And as S. Peter sheweth vs in the .v. chapter of hys fyrst Epistle and the Prophete in the .liiij. psalme Cast thy care vpon the Lorde God and he shall nourysh the. And saynt Paule sayeth in the .iiij. chapter vnto the Philippians Be not carefull for any thynge but in all prayer and petition wyth thankesgyuynge let your prayers be knowen vnto God And saynt Peter in the v.
God they sayde in theyr hartes that he blasphemed in forgyuinge and pardonynge the synnes vnto the palsye man And it maye be that they had red that whych god had sayd in the .xliij. chapter of Esay It is I it is I my selfe that pardone the synnes bycause of me Then God dyd shewe hymselfe true God in rebukinge them of theyr euell thoughtes and seynge theyr hertes the whych apperteyneth vnto God onely of whome is sayd It is thou Lorde God whych sercheth the hartes and the raynes And yet more outwardly he shewed hymselfe For visibly and by hys only worde he healed the sycke mā dyd gyue him sodenly bodely strength and wythout beynge in any maner weake of hys syckenesse he commaunded hym to beare awaye hys bedde and to go vnto hys house shewyng that it was he of whom it is sayd He hath sayd and they were done Thys poore paralitique is the fygure of all synners the whych be vnable as of themselues to do any good they be borne in theyr beddes that is to saye in the fleshe of theyr concupiscences But whan they haue fayth vnto the worde of God whych apprehēdeth gods promyse wyth an ernest repentaunce of theyr former lyfe and a study of a newe lyfe they receyue full helth and where as before they were subiectes vnto theyr fleshe and fleshly desyres they be now maysters and holde them subiectes and fynally they go by the grace of God and the vertue of hys worde beynge conducted and fortifyed by the same in newnes of lyfe walkinge in the preceptes and ordinaūces of god they go I say vnto theyr house whych is the moost blessed and ioyful kyngdome of heauen And the people whā they saw thys myracle had feare and greate reuerence vnto God and espyenge hys great benefytes to mākinde gaue to hym glorie knowynge that the men coulde not do such workes whych be aboue nature yf God do it not by them and in thys doynge they glorified Iesu Christe whych is true God and true man and whych vndoubtedly is the iustice the glorie and perfection of all men whych not trustynge in themselues as dyd the proude pharisee whome the Gospell maketh mencion of but wyth sorowfull harte due penaunce accordynge to thexemple of the publicane lamentynge theyr synnes haue stedfast fayth and cōfidence in hym beynge in full mynde and a redynes not only to be hearers of the lawe and Gospell but also to be doers and workers of the same as Christe hath appoynted vs to do God graūt vs that grace To whome be all glorie imperie and peace in infinita seculorum secula Amen The Epistle on the .xx. sonday after Trinitie The. v. chapter to the Ephesians Th argument ☞ An exhortacion to vertuouse lyuynge BRethren take hede therfore howe ye walke circumspectly not as vnwyse but as wyse men auoydynge occasion bycause the dayes are euell Wherfore be ye not vnwyse but vnderstand what the wyll of the Lorde is and be not dronke wyth wyth wyne wherin is excesse but be fylled wyth the spirite speakynge vnto your selues in psalmes and in hymnes and spiritual songes syngynge and makynge melodie to the Lorde in your hartes gyuynge thankes alwayes for all thynges vnto God the father in the name of our lord Iesus Christ submyttynge your selues one to another in the feare of God MY good brethren and systers the wyse man sayeth in hys prouerbes that ther is a waye the whych semeth vnto mē to be strayght and good but it leadeth vnto eternall death Certes thys is the way of the worldly people whych lyue accordynge to the desyres of the fleshe not remēbrynge how they shall descēde in a minute of an houre vnto hell Therfore in our epistle whych thys day is redde in the church The apostle doth exhorte vs that we wol walke prudently and wysely as becommeth christē men in the meane tyme whyle we shal be in thys worlde vale of mysery not as the foolysh folke that shall perysh but as the wyse folke replenyshed with the true and heauenly sapience we be here exhorted to good workes followyng the steppes so nere as God shall gyue vs grace of oure Sauioure Iesu Christe sekynge by all meanes we possible can occasiō and oportunitie to do well as workes of fayth workes of mercy and pytie towardes our euen christen ☞ And in thus doynge vndoubtedly we shall redeme or bye agayne the tyme whych we haue yll bestowed And certainly we shuld be moued vnto this namely forbycause that the dayes be euel not in thēselues but for the synnes that be cōmytted in them For the deuell doth all he can to turne vs from the good waye whych be the cōmaundementes of God and the obseruation executyng of hys holy worde vnto the whych we must dyrecte our hole lyfe yf we wyll be saued and not perysh eternally Let vs not thā good people be as brute and vnreasonable beastes imprudent recheles vncircumspecte without vnderstandynge but let vs vnderstande what the good wyll of our Lorde Iesu Christe is the whyche wylleth that we shulde be saued all And for that cause he hath suffred death vnto the whyche we muste be confourmable in dyenge to our synnes lustes concupiscences to th ende that we be sober and chaste replynyshed wyth the holy goost the whyche shall cause vs to saye in our selues praysynges and spirituall songes vnto God and that wyth a pure and a clene harte and not alonly with outwarde voyces open deuotions the whych be often full of hypocrisye and pryde and for that cause displeasaunt vnto God And our Lorde sayeth in the Gospell of saynt Mathew Mat. xv where he speaketh of the pharisees which dyd all that they dyd ether by hypocrisie or by couetousnes Thys people sayeth he doth honoure me wyth theyr mouth but theyr herte is farre from me shewynge herby vnto vs that aboue all thynges he wold haue and requyre of vs the good desyre of the herte whych is true prayse and prayer And thus we shall yelde graces and louynge thankes alwayes vnto God for all thynges in our Lorde Iesu Christ aswell for aduesitie and tribulation as for prosperitie welth For we shall sauour of god in al goodnesse in such wyse that al thynges that it shal please hym to sende vs we shall beleue it to be ryght good ordeyned vnto hys glorie and honour and vnto the saluation of our soules And yet we ought to do all thys in the name of Iesu Christ that is for to saye that all the goodnes that we shall do we do knowlege that it is he whych doth it in vs and we ought to gyue hym the honoure and the glorie For it is in hym only that the father hath taken pleasure And also we shall suffre all thynges ioyously for the loue of hym whych hath suffred so much for vs. And in hys feare and charitie we must be subiectes the one to the other for he hymselfe that was mayster
meakenes and mercye The whyche it shall please thys greate kynge to graunte vs vnto whom we be all so greate detters the father of mercy by our Lorde Iesus Christe by whom he hathe done and doth mercy vnto all To whom be gyuen al honour glory and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Pystle on the .xxiij. Sonday after Trinyte sonday The thyrde chapiter to the Philippians Th argument ☞ Paule exhorteth vs to folowe him and such other holy men in lyuinge BRethrē be folowers together of me and loke on them whiche walke euen so as ye haue vs for an ensample For many walke of whom I haue tolde you often and now tell you wepynge that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ whose end is dānacion whose bely is their god and glory to theyr shame whych are worldly mynded But our cōuersacion is in heauen from whence we loke for the sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ which shall chaunge our vyle bodye that he may make it lyke vnto his glorious body according to the workyng wherby he is hable also to subdue all thinges vnto him selfe SAynt Paul my welbeloued frendes doth exhort vs in this epistle that we shuld be his folowers that is to saye that we shulde lyue lyke vnto him folowynge the worde of fayth and of grace whyche is the truthe of the gospell and that we shulde so folowe the fourme and rule which is giuen vnto vs and that we shuld take exemple of them which lyue according to the same For there be some other whyche be enemyes vnto the gospel and vnto the crosse that is to say of the tribulatiōs suffred by Iesu Christ louyng the glory of the worlde which is confusion makyng god of theyr bely and they be not to be followed but occcasion to vepe For our glory our lyfe and conuersacion is not in earthly thynges but in heauēly thynges from whence also we do abyde our Lorde Iesu Christe at his seconde commyng which shal forme our body of newe beyng now vyle abiect corruptible mortall into a body noble profytable incorruptible immortall And he shall fygure and chaunge it vnto the similytude of the clearnesse and glorye of hys body by the power that he hath for to make all thynges to obey at hys wyll ☜ Wherfore the apostle prayeth vs and it is good reason that we shuld so do that we do kepe ourselues stedfaste in the rule and cōuersation of the Gospell Paules glorye And thys he reputeth and taketh to be hys crowne and hys glorye yf that by hys exhortation and motion we do thus Yt is charitie that thus constreyneth the hartes of faythfull men for to desyre the saluation of euery bodye And thys charytie dyd not alonly extende vnto men but also vnto women of the which here he prayeth sōme of them that is to wit Euodia and Synticha that they shulde vnderstande none other thinge but only this forme and rule of the gospell And yet furthermore he prayeth an other whyche he calleth his dere beloued felowe that she wolde helpe all them whych had laboured wyth him and wyth Clement vnto the furtheraunce promotion of the gospell of whome sayth he the names be wrytten in the boke of liefe And what helpe doth he desyre that she shuld do vnto them but only to comforte and strengthe them in this purpose for to drawe alweyes the other aswell the virgins as the olde women vnto the fayth and vnto the doctrine of the gospel the whych is the only rule of lief that of eternal life Then my frēdes as wel men as womē let vs hold this only rule Let vs teache them that be not so perfite as we oure selues be Let vs take exemple of them whych be iuste stedfaste in fayth and ernest louers of the Gospell Let vs haue in abhomination the lyfe of the enemyes of the Gospell and of them that do not set by the paynes trauayles afflictions death passyon that our Lord hath suffred for to redeme vs and them and for to gyue vs the celestiall treasures And let vs wepe in our hartes for theyr myscheuous and abhominable lyfe prayeng vnto God that he wyll gyue them light and that they maye not trouble any by theyr euyll lyfe and wicked exemple Let our hartes be where oure treasure is whych is in heauen and not in the earth Let vs be stedfast and vnchaungeable in this fayth and purpose of the Gospel Let vs laboure as well men as women that all maye come vnto thys light vnto the only worde of God lyuynge Let vs cōforte them in thys that we all haue but one doctrine one God and one helper Let all our hope be there as was the hope of saynt Paule and of Clement of Euodia of Syntycha and of all the other faythfull and true christen people of the fyrste and primatyue churche And be we then well assured that oure names shal be wrytten with them in heuen euen in the boke of liefe vnto the glory of the father of heuē and our lorde Iesu Christe Amen The Gospel on the .xxiij. sonday after Trinitie The .xxij. Chapter of Matthewe Th argument ☞ Christe is demaunded whether it be lawfull to paye tribute to Cesar or not THe pharisees went and toke councel how they myght tangle hym in his wordes And they sente oute vnto hym their disciples with Herodes seruaūtes saiēg Master we know that thou art true and teachest the waye of god truly neyther careste thou for eny man for thou regardest not the outwarde apparaunce of men Tell vs therfore howe thinkest thou Is it lawful that tribute be gyuen vnto Cesar or not But Iesus perceyuing their wickednes sayde Why tempte ye me ye ypocrites shewe me the tribute money And they toke him a peny And he sayde vnto them whose is this ymage and superscription They sayde vnto him Cesars Then sayed he vnto them Geue therfore vnto Cesar the thinges which are Cesars and vnto god those thinges that are godes THe Gospell of this present sondaye good people putteth before vs the malice of the pharasies which did send their disciples wyth the Herodians S. Hierome which herodians after the mynd of saynte Hierom were the souldiours of Herod for the pharasies durst not go themselues for feare of the people wherfore they sent theyr disciples wyth these souldiours for to attrappe our Lorde and to fynde out some occasion for to delyuer hym to death And they came subtylly accordyng to the malyce of the worlde and of the fleshe flattering and sayeng maister This is the first simulation of hypocrites saythe Chrysostomus to praise them whome we go aboute to destroy and vndo Chrysostomus super Mat. And therfore they breake out into prayse sayeng Maister we knowe that thou arte rightfull a teller of trouth They call him maister to thintēt that beynge nowe honoured and praysed of them he myght open simplely the secretes of hys harte vnto them as desyrouse to