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A47164 The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of Holy Scriptures ... : more particulary directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. : with a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England, to repent, &c. : and two letters to the preachers in Boston, and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. / by George Keith. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1691 (1691) Wing K191; ESTC R21261 124,580 240

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us and working together with us This answer is but a meer presumption or Conjecture seeing they deny all inward Revelation and Inspiration of the Spirit which gave the Believers and Saints in former ages an infallible kowledge and assurance that they had the Spirit of God for the Spirit that they claim unto as they say doth only work in them effectively but not by way of object it is altogether an unknown mean or principle of operation it hath no proper light or evidence or demonstration of its own such as the Spirit that was in the Apostles is no infallible spirit that they have but fallible and therefore their Faith is fallible their Knowledge fallible their Hope fallible and every thing in them fallible dubious conjectural and uncertain and they only think that they have the Spirit of God and a spiritual knowledge of things and when asked they dare not say their thought hath any infallible assurance in it as all true assurance is Infallible yea some of them are so dark ignorant and blind that to me in my hearing have affirmed That the Apostle Paul was not infallibly sure that he had the Spirit of God bringing Paul's words 1 Cor. 7.40 I think also that I have the Spirit of God But according to his blind argument the holy Ghost is not infallibly sure for the same Greek word is applied to the holy Ghost Acts 15.28 It seemed good to the holy Ghost but this is blasphemous to think or affirm and I see not how they can clear their Doctrin of Blasphemy to say That they have the Spirit of God and yet to affirm That they have no Infallible Spirit The plain English of which is that the Spirit of God and God himself is fallible 6. But the great cause and reason why all true Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel should not only be truly godly and holy Men but also should be indued with some more than ordinary power of the holy Spirit and communications thereof not common to all Christians at least in degree though one spirit in all is That the Ministry of every true Minister of Christ is a Ministration of Grace of Spirit of Life and Power which doth emanate or flow forth from or through the Minister or Preacher as living Waters that emanate and flow from a living spring or fountain which reach and flow into the hearts and inward parts of the Hearers such as are sensible and whose hearts God is pleased to open to receive them and sometimes to the opening and making alive the dead souls and hearts of many hearers whereby not only many that are spiritually dead are made alive but the living are made more living and livingly refreshed and strengthened and though this can hardly or not at all be received by many yet thousands can witness it from living experience that they have felt streams of divine Life Power and Vertue to spring and flow forth from the Spirit of Christ in faithful Preachers into their souls and inward parts to their exceeding refreshing and strengthning in the inward Man and the Scriptures abundantly confirm it that so it was in the primitive times the Ministers of Christ were the Ministers of the Spirit and Power of God and the outward and audible Words that reached the outward Ears were only as a Conduit of Conveyance to convey and transmit that heavenly Virtue that flowed through them and therefore the Ministers of God are called in Scripture flames of Fire and their Words and Preaching have a divine and spiritual Fire and Heat in them that exceedingly warm and melt the cold and congealed Hearts of many Hearers and that Fire is a living Fire or Power of Life to quicken them And this was it that made the two Disciples going to Emaus say How did not our Hearts burn within us while he spoke to us by the way and opened the Scriptures unto us And when Christ preached to the People it is said he spoke with Authority that is Power and not as the Scribes and so did the Apostles as Paul declared That his Preaching was in Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power And Christ and the holy Spirit spake in him to the People when he preached and so did it in all the other Apostles and Ministers of Christ and the Hearers who had and knew Christ in their own hearts had a Proof sufficient that Christ spoke in Paul by what they felt of that spiritual Vertue and Power that did flow forth through him in his Ministry And according to this Peter exhorted That he who ministers should minister of the Power that God giveth as good Stewards of the manifold Grace of God So they ministred not only Words but Grace and Power and Life to the hearers And thus there is a communication of the Grace and Graces of God not only betwixt Ministers and Hearers but among all the Faithful who are as one living Body but many Members and every Member a living Member and ministring Life one to another as it is in the natural Body and this is that Communion of the Saints that the Scripture testifieth that they had together in the Spirit which did knit their Hearts together in Love unto all Riches of the full assurance of Understanding Col. 2.2 And with such living instruments that are spiritually made alive unto God doth God work to make their Ministry effectual and fruitful to convert and beget Souls unto God and when begotten to nourish and feed them with the sincere Milk of the Word which Milk is not the outward Words but the Life that is in the Words For as in the outward God doth not work with a dead Man to beget outward and natural Children but with the living so it is with Men spiritually living with whom God worketh to beget Sons and Daughters spiritually unto God where God only properly and principally is the Father and Men but Instruments with and by whom he worketh and in order to this spiritual begetting of Sons and Daughters unto God by the Ministry of faithful Preachers God giveth unto them a spiritual and divine Seed which they convey in their words into the Hearts and Souls of their Hearers according to 1 Cor. 9.10 He that ministreth Seed to the Sower And Isa 55.10 That it may give Seed to the Sower So that there is a divine and spiritual Seed in the Words and Preaching of a true Minister of Christ for the words are living Words and are not his but the words of Christ and of the holy Spirit that speaketh in him But he that speaketh Words as suppose Scripture-words and not by the Spirit of Christ speaking in him there is no divine Seed in the Words there is the form or body of the Words but there is no Soul or Life in them as he speaks them And these Men are like that Harlot which took hold of Josephs garment but himself she could not enjoy So many get the outward form of the words
great Love of God towards the believing Ephesians and Thessalonians for his chusing them and so for all other Believers of all other Churches and People that God had chosen them from the beginning and for this he said he laboured and endured all things even for the sake of the Elect that they might be saved 2 Tim. 2.10 And as it is the great work and end of all faithful Ministers to gather Gods elect every where scattered so of the Angels Mat. 24.31 and so also of Christ Jesus according to John 6.39 cap. 10.27 28 29. Isa 43.5 6 7 8. Rom. 11.7 And thus we find a great difference betwixt some that were invited to come to the Supper who when they refused were no more called but sentence passed against them that they should not taste of the Supper and others that were compelled to come in Luke 14.23 24. not by using any violent Compulsion but by infallible Perswasions and Motions of his Spirit of Love and Grace that shall infallibly prevail with them Nor doth this give to any Man the least occasion either to presume or despair as by saying Either I am elected or not if not elected I cannot be saved for that doth not follow and yet it is most true that either a Man shall be saved or he shall not being contradictory Propositions whereof the one is always true and the other not But this doth not infer that he who shall not be saved could not be saved And seeing no Man certainly knoweth that he shall not before he discover it by his final Impenitency therefore it is the wisdom of every Man to improve with all diligence that inward Grace and all outward means and helps afforded him the which if he do according to his ability he shall infallibly be saved And though it is most true that there is a certain number elected in Christ Jesus the elect Head and Foundation and corner Stone living and precious that is infallibly known unto God which make up a compleat intire and perfect Body yet seeing none knoweth that great Mystery who is in any danger to abuse it it is great folly for any Man to presume that he is safe or upon a bare supposition which can infer no positive conclusion to resolve to be in any respect negligent And he that by the Grace of God doth know both his calling and election that knowledge hath its proper tendency to make him the more diligent to abound in all due Obedience and Thankfulness which is the only way to retain the knowledge of it after it is once obtained And the said above-mentioned Dilemma is as idle and foolish as who would argue I shall live for a Month or Year to come or I shall not if I shall not I need take no care to save my life seeing I shall die If I shall I need take no care for without taking care I shall live for seeing both these parts of the Argument are but Hypothetical they can infer no positive Conclusion But as to a Mans Salvation the only safe and sure way of arguing is this If I use the Grace and Means that God hath given me I shall infallibly be saved and if I do not use them I have no ground to expect that I shall and therefore let me with all diligence that is possible make use of them But the Doctrin of absolute Reprobation that maketh Salvation or the effectual use of the means absolutely impossible to many thousands yea as they say to the greatest part of Mankind is a most woful and miserable Discouragement unto People 3. The Lord Jesus Christ by means of his Death hath procured unto all Men both Jews and Gentiles as the fruit and effect of his death an inward Principle of divine Grace Light Life and Power that is the free Gift of God unto them in the hearts of all Men together with subordinate and concurring outward Means and Helps more or less but sufficient unto all Men whereby they may be saved one time or another before the end of the World and the ordinary outward means of Salvation is the preaching of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ even Jesus of Nazareth that was crucified for our Sins and rose again for our Justification by qualified Men or failing of them by reading or hearing read the holy Scriptures by which after a sort the Prophets Apostles preach unto all men or failing of these outward means God supplying them by his inward Teachings and Revelations in mens hearts and some other secret ways and manners of his divine Providences Dealings and Dispensations unknown to most Men For the proof of the first part see Rom. 5.18 Therefore as by the offence of one Judgment came upon all Men to Condemnation even so by the Righteousness of one the free Gift is come upon all men unto Justification of Life the which Righteousness of one is the active and passive Obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ by which the free Gift is come upon all The which free Gift is called Grace and the Gift of Righteousness and is expressed in this Chapter by four sundry Greek Words in the Greek Text as Charis Charisma Dorea Dorema all very significant see further John 1.9 He was that true Light that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World And he is called The Light of Men John 1.4 and John 8.12 I am the Light of the World he that followeth me shall not walk in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life And Tit. 2.11 12. For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all Men teaching us to deny Vngodliness c. And Verse 13. Looking for that blessed Hope and the glorious appearing of that great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Ephes 3.6 That the Gentiles should be fellow Heirs and of the same Body and partakers of his Promise in Christ by the Gospel Col. 1.26 27. The Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and Generations but now is made manifest to his Saints to whom God would make known what is the Riches of the Glory of this Mystery in the Gentiles which is Christ in you the Hope of Glory And Rom. 10.8 The Word is nigh thee in thy Mouth and in thy Heart and that is the Word of Faith which we preach And verse 6 7. He understandeth it of Christ which Moses preached in the People of Israel Deut. 30.14 And because this great Mystery which was in the Gentiles was much hid in the time of the Law and in all Ages of the world until Christ came in the Flesh both in Jews and Gentiles as Paul called it The Mystery hid from Ages and Generations therefore the Psalmist Psal 67.2 prayeth saying That thy Way may be known upon Earth thy saving Health or thy Jesus Hebr in all Nations For he saw that it was in them but as it were hid and vailed according to the weakness and darkness of that Dispensation and therefore he prayed
but that only the true Saints and Children of God belong to the invisible Church And again tho such who have true Desires and true living Breathings raised in them after the Lord may be said as such to belong to him and be of his Sheep yet they are still but as scattered and driven from the true Fold and as wandering for most part upon the barren Mountains and the dry and desolate Hills seeking the living among the dead until they come to be gathered into the True and Living Way of God and of Christ so as to know and be acquainted with the Lord and his inward Leadings Rule and Government in them and to be able to distinguish his Voice and inward appearance in them from that of a stranger and to worship him in Spirit and in Truth and serve him in the newness of the Spirit and in pure Holy Fear and Love as Sons and Children in his House And this State ye are generally strangers unto and therefore tho some of you may be allowed in true Charity to be the Sheep of Christ yet ye are but scattered until ye are returned unto Christ the Shepherd and Bishop of your Souls and know him revealed in you to lead rule and guide you and feed you with the living Bread and give you the living Water to drink which he himself is inwardly revealed and that ye be turned away from all false Teachers and Shepherds which is the earnest breathing and cry of my Soul unto God for you G.K. Heads or Principles OF Christian DOCTRIN CHAP. I. Concerning the Holy Scriptures 1. THe Holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament being generally and worthily acknowledged by all Christians to be writ by Divine Inspiration without any mixture of Error are a sufficient outward Rule and Standard whereby to examin and try all Doctrins of men 2. They contain a full and intire Declaration of all Christian Doctrin and therefore whatever Doctrins or Principles of Christian Religion men presume to teach which they cannot prove and demonstrate from the Holy Scriptures they lay no obligation upon any to believe them 3. The Scriptures are only sufficiently and savingly believed and understood by the inward Illumination and Revelation of the Holy Spirit which is the same in kind to that which God gave to the Saints of Old 4. Although they contain a full and sufficient Declaration of all Christian Doctrin yet they do not contain the whole Mind Will and Counsel of God as some say they do Because there are many things wherein God doth reveal of his Counsel to his Children which are not in Scripture either expresly or consequentially altogether necessary to their Peace and Comfort as to instance in some particulars First It is a part of the counsel of God for a Christian to know his inward Calling and whether he be indeed one of God's called and chosen Ones whether in favour with God and justified and sanctified And though the Scripture doth give infallible Signs and Marks of such an estate yet no Scripture nor Scripture-consequence can infallibly assure any man that he hath these marks but it is the spirit of God that only can and doth give them this assurance Rom. 8.16 2 dly All true Preachers and Ministers of Christ ought to know the mind and will of God whether they be called of God to the Work of the Ministry which Call is an inward Call that is altogether necessary to their faithful discharge of so great a Work but this they cannot know simply by the Scripture 3 dly Every true Christian should know his inward Call to Pray or give Thanks or perform any Religious Duty or Service unto God as David said When thou said'st Seek my Face my Heart answered thy Face O Lord I will seek hide not thy Face from me Psal 27.8 Again 4 thly It is commonly granted that it is a Duty belonging to every Christian to enquire the Mind and Counsel of God in every weighty matter and concern of our Life as if we be visited with any great Affliction inward or outward to enquire with Job Shew me O Lord why thou contendest with me And as Rebecca when the Twins strugled in her Womb enquired at the Lord and said Why am I thus And the Lord answered her Also in the case of Marriage every true Christian man and woman ought to enquire and wait for God's counsel with whom to be joyned in Marriage that they may know indeed the Lord's joyning of them and that they marry in the Lord But this cannot be known by any Scripture or consequence from Scripture but the Spirit of the Lord must reveal it even the same that led Abraham's Servant to take a Wise to his Son Isaac And every Christian should know the will and counsel of God in his outward Vocation that it is of God and so abide therein as the Scripture saith Let every man abide in the Calling wherein he is called of God And as the Servants of God in days past in traveling and sojourning from place to place received the counsel of God so do these now that wait for it in uprightness of Heart as really as holy men did of old and as Philip received the Word of God which he could not find in the Scripture either expresly or consequentially when the Spirit said unto him Joyn thy self to this Chariot when he was sent to preach Christ to the Eunuch and as Peter was sent to Cornelius and Ananias to Saul and many other the like instances and as James declareth Men ought not to be rash or hasty to say to day or to morrow we will go into such a City c. for that ye ought to say If the Lord will James 4.13 15. Now how can a man know what the Lord willeth in such a case unless it be given him by the Spirit of the Lord inwardly to feel either a Command or Permission to do such a thing For whereas too many make the outward passages of Providence their rule as to say If Sickness or some outward Impediment hinder not they constitute that to be the Will of God And whereas many remove from one place to another and Divine Providence doth not hinder them and yet in that removal they have not had God's approbation and it hath not had a blessing to follow it but on the contrary for leaving their place they have been exposed to sad Temptations and have fallen under them And lastly there are many precious living Soliloquies and Intercourses betwixt the Lord and the Souls of his dear Children while he answers the returns of their Prayers in living Testimonies and words of his Holy Spirit which though they are agreeable to Scripture yet are not express Scripture words but are the real Words and Dictates of the Holy Ghost speaking Peace and Consolation to them beyond all utterance or demonstration of Speech and wonderfully quickning and strengthning them in the inward man as we find in the
the Spirit of God speaking in the Scriptures is the supream Judge of all Controversies of Religion although it is no Scripture phrase nor proper but figurative as when a man is said to speak in his Books or Writings yet in a figurative sense it might be allowed if they did not confine all the speaking of the spirit of God to his only and alone speaking in the Scriptures so as that the Spirit speaketh not at all as they would have it in the Souls and Hearts of Men as he used to do in the Prophets and Apostles And because they have a wrong sense of it and that it is not proper but figurative it is better not to use it And in the room of it I say the Spirit of God speaking in some measure in the Heart of every true Believer and Spiritual man opening and expounding the Scripture unto him in the due and diligent use of reading hearing and meditation of Scripture words or any other means of God's appointing for our Institution and especially in the frequent use of fervent and earnest Prayer praying earnestly with David who was richly indued with divine Revelation Open my Eyes that I may see the wonderful things of thy Law and most especially in our being found in the way of Righteousness and faithful Obedience to what is already revealed unto us for as we are found here we have good warrant to expect that where any doubt or Controversie in Doctrin or in the meaning of a place of Scripture doth arise that God's holy Spirit whom Christ hath promised to his Disciples to teach them all things and to lead them into all Truth will indeed judge and decide the matter in question in their Hearts by his secret Light and Teaching or Revelation And let it be noted that I say it is not the Spirit abstractly considered from the Scriptures or our due use of them or the duty that God requireth of us but it is the holy Spirit opening or expounding the Scriptures unto us in reading hearing meditation prayer waiting and obedience to what we already know that it is the Judge of all Controversie in matter of Doctrin 4. Next as to the Rule as the Scripture is the best and only external or outward Rule and Standard it is worthily preferred to all other outward Records and Testimonies yet because we both believe the Scriptures not simply for their own Testimony but for the inward Witness and Testimony of the Spirit and also because we can only understand the Scriptures but by the said inward Witness and Testimony of the holy Spirit therefore the inward Witness of the spirit or the spirit inwardly witnessing both to the truth and true sense of Scripture is the greatest and primary Rule as John plainly testified saying If we receive the Testimony of Men the Testimony or Witness of God is greater and he that believes hath the Witness in himself and hath set to his Seal that God is true And therefore Paul recommended his Doctrin to the Witness of the Spirit in the Hearts and Consciences of the Hearers and told the Thessalonians 1 Thess 1.5 that his Gospel came unto them not in word only but in Power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance And he told the Corinthians that their Faith was to stand in the Power of God and therefore not in the bare words that he preached for he did not preach himself nor his Words but Christ to be the Foundation of their Faith CHAP. IV. Concerning ministerial Gifts and Qualifications and the Call to the Ministry the nature and manner of true Preaching and Praying and Singing and the true Gospel-Maintenance to the Ministry 1. BEcause of the near and close connexion and dependance that the things mentioned in the Title of this Chapter have with the truth of what is delivered in the preceeding Chapters therefore I do see it meet to treat of them in this place The common Doctrin and Opinion of these who deny all new Revelation of the holy Spirit is that natural and acquired Parts of Letter-learning without divine inward Revelation or Inspiration is sufficient to qualifie a man to be a Minister of the Gospel and is necessary to his esse or being of a Minister and Grace or true Piety and Holiness is only accidental and doth but only contribute to his bene esse or making him the better By Letter-learning they do not only mean human Arts and Sciences and the knowledge of Greek Hebrew and Latin but especially a Letter-knowledge of the Scripture without any saving Grace or illumination of the Spirit as being essential to a Minister And indeed they say agreeable enough to their own Doctrin for if all new Revelation of the Spirit is ceased what is left behind to qualifie a Man to be a Minister but only natural and acquired parts of Letter-learning Nor can they with any Reason affirm according to their Doctrin that true Piety and Holiness is essential to a Minister otherwise no Man is a Minister without it and then it doth follow that no Man can infallibly be known whether he be a real Minister yea or nay for if divine inward Revelation be ceased then all infallible discerning of Mens Spirits and spiritual estates is ceased and no Man can know another infallibly whether he be a Saint or Hypocrite for they grant that a Hypocrite may have all the outwards of a true Christian as the Pharisees that made clean the outside but their inward was full of Rottenness and Uncleanness And if a Man cannot be known to be a true Minister according to their Doctrin the People are in a woful case as concerning that they call their Sacraments and especially that called the Supper which they say cannot be administred but by a true and real Minister and if any that is not a true Minister should presume to do any such thing as to Bless or Consecrate and set apart the Bread and Wine from common use it would be no Sacrament at all as some or most of them affirm 2. Now that divine Revelation and Inspiration is necessary to the Being or Essential Constitution of a Minister of Christ is evident from the Doctrin already delivered because it is necessary to the being or essential Constitution of every true Christian No man is or can be a true Christian without inward divine Revelation or Inspiration and therefore without the same no man can be a true Christian or Gospel-Minister for that which is absolutely necessary to constitute a true Christian or Believer is absolutely necessary to constitute a true Christian Minister otherwise it might be said a man may be a true Christian Minister and yet no true Christian But every true Minister of Christ as he ought to be a true Christian so he ought to be more than an ordinary Christian so as to exceed or excel them both in Spiritual Knowledge and other spiritual Gifts even as in natural teaching the Master or Teacher should
is this righteous Law but in their Hearts And this righteous Law cannot be any natural Faculty of fallen Man which they confess is wholly defiled and corrupted and unholy and unrighteous 3 dly they confess That it is sufficient to leave men unexcusable sect 1. cap. 1. And therefore it is also sufficient to make men excusable who are diligent to frame their Life according to it and to say the contrary is to contradict the very instinct of common Justice that God hath put into mens Hearts 4 thly the Scripture saith that some of the Gentiles their Thoughts did excuse them in well doing as it did accuse them in evil doing Rom. 2.15 5 thly The Apostle Paul doth plainly distinguish it from the Conscience Rom. 2.15 the true Translation being Their Conscience co-witnessing or bearing a joynt Witness with that righteous Law or Principle 6 thly He calleth it the Truth and that which may be known of God which God hath shewed unto them which gave them the Knowledge of God and shewed them the goodness of God that leadeth to Repentance and also gave them to know the Judgment of God and revealed the Wrath of God from Heaven against them And because that many of them who knew God did not glorifie him as God nor were thankful therefore God gave them over to a reprobate mind and therefore they were not Reprobates from the beginning far less from all Eternity as these men alledg And therefore any Light or Illumination that these Gentiles had in them or that any men have in them is a new Gift and Grace of God and gracious Visitation of God unto them as the Apostle calleth it Rom. 5.18 Moreover that God himself doth inwardly speak to men generally in their Hearts both in good men and bad and is their Teacher and doth warn them yea and fore-warn them of Evil and Wrath to come and doth reprove and convince them of Sin is the Testimony of the holy Scripture in many places see Psal 94.10 Psal 50.1 16 to 22. Amos 4.13 Micah 6.8 Prov. 8.1 2 3 4. Job 28.28 Chap. 24.13 and 21.14 And it is a place greatly worth noticing Luke 12.20 God said unto him Thou Fool this Night thy Soul shall be required of thee And where did God say thus to him but in his Heart And therefore it hath been the way of God and ever will be to speak to men in their Hearts to call them and warn and fore-warn them of evil and danger and to perswade and incline them to that which is good And they who deny this as they belye God and say It is not the Lord that speaketh and calleth to men in their Hearts so they do a great injury and wrong unto men who instead of turning them to God's Teachings in their Hearts turn them away from them and they do ill deserve so great Wages of the People so to turn away the Ears of the People from God's inward teachings in their Hearts and from the Word of his Grace which is able to save their Souls And to conclude although the dispensations of the divine Grace be various and may be variously distinguished into a more or less number yet God and Christ and the holy Spirit are one and the one Author of all these various Dispensations and who-ever is faithful unto God in any of them is accepted in Christ and for Christ's sake and not otherwise And though the last which is the pure and perfect Christian and Gospel Dispensation is far more excellent and far surpassing either that among the Gentiles who had not the outward Law or that among the Jews and People of Israel who had the outward Law and the Prophets yet every one of them had their Glory in their day and that inward divine Dispensation that is now among the Gentiles who have not Christ as yet outwardly preached unto them hath its Glory and great Service and Blessing to them who are faithful to God in it and such who continue faithful therein to the end shall never perish and though it be not purely and throughly Christian and Evangelical but rather more Legal yet it is also partly Christian and Evangelical and the pure Gospel Dispensation is hid within it as a Wheel within a Wheel or as the most holy place was hid within the outer Court and there to wit in that first Dispensation Christ as it were lieth as in swadling Cloathes and though the Jews do not know him as he is there yet such as the Wise men from the East do both know and honour him as the King of the Jews yea as King and Lord both of Heaven and Earth who is in all and through all and over all blessed forever Amen CHAP. VII Concerning Justification and the Nature of true Faith whether Assurance is of the Nature of it 1. WHen the Scripture saith God justifieth the Vngodly Rom. 4.5 It is not to be understood that he doth justifie them in their Ungodliness but from it as the like manner of Speech is used Acts 13.39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses For seeing according to the Law of God He that justifieth the Wicked is an Abomination to the Lord Prov. 17.15 God himself can do no such thing as to justifie a wicked or ungodly man in his Ungodliness 2. As it is only the true believer who hath Faith in Christ Jesus whom God justifieth so it is only he who is truly sanctified and regenerated or born again of the Spirit of God whom God doth justifie who are called the Seed of Israel Isa 45.25 In the Lord shall all the Seed of Israel be justified and shall glory For as a Rich Man when he dyeth by his Will or Testament leaveth his Goods or Riches not to Strangers but to his own Kindred as his Brethern or Children and to his Wife so our Lord Jesus Christ hath left by his Will and Testament when he dyed his Spiritual Goods to wit Remission of Sin Justification Adoption and Eternal Life only to his true spiritual Kindred to wit his Brethren who are born from Above and spiritually related unto him who are the true Children of God by spiritual Regeneration and renewing of the holy Ghost and who are his true Church and Body and of his Flesh and Bones according to Ephes 5.30 3. And therefore not only Faith but true inward Sanctification and a thorow inward renewing into the Image of God and Conformity of the whole man unto the Image of the Son of God is a Condition and Qualification necessarily required in order unto mens being perfectly justified in the sight of God and as no man is justified but who is sanctified so no man is any more or further justified than he is sanctified 4. According unto which God doth justifie men not only by Faith in Christ but by a real inward Righteousness or Holiness which he doth beget in
Psalms and in the Song of Solomon and other places of holy Scripture for by the living Word of God as they come freshly and newly or immediately from the mouth or spirit of God the Souls of God's Children are quickned and kept alive as Christ said The words that he did speak unto his Disciples were Spirit and Life and man liveth not by Bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God And David waited for the coming of the Word of God to quicken him to wit that God might speak unto him and he said I will hear what the Lord will speak for he will speak Peace to his Saints and to his People So here is God's Promise to all his Saints and People to speak Peace unto them and as he promised to his Israel in Hosea Chap. 14. I will allure or perswade her and bring her into the Wilderness or a solitary place and there I will speak comfortably unto her or as the Hebrew hath it I will speak to her Heart And this is an inward Speech And the Scripture Promises when God is pleased by his Spirit to apply them to the Souls of his Children is as real and proper an inward Voice and Speaking of God unto them as he spoke to the Prophets of old 5. And therefore the Scripture doth not contain either all the Word or Words of God as some say but many thousands of Words of God have been livingly spoke and utter'd by the Spirit of God to the inward Ears of his dear Children since the writing of the Scripture and daily are and will be to the end of the World And as it was said in the Apostles days the Word of the Lord grew and multiplied Acts 12.24 and 19 20. so ever since the Apostles and writing of the Scriptures the Word of God hath grown and multiplied and still shall and must to the end of the World and yet no new Doctrin or Gospel to be Preached but the same which the Prophets and Christ and the Apostles have already Preached 6. And as Christ and the Apostles expounded the Scriptures of the old Testament by divine Inspiration and Revelation of the same Spirit without propounding any new Doctrin or object of Faith unto People so why may it not be so now yea it is so that some at this day by the same Spirit do expound and open places of Scripture both of the old and new Testament and yet bring no new Doctrin And it is a far better way to have such Preachers and Expounders who open and expound the Scriptures by the Inspiration and Revelation of the Holy Spirit as the Apostles did than for men to presume to open and expound them without all new Revelation or Inspiration and who plainly confess They neither Preach nor Write by any Infallible Spirit And such mens Exposition who declare they have no infallible Spirit can neither be the word or words of God which are infallible but only the fallible word and words of man and human Imaginations 7. And as for the term Word the Greek of it being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I find it variously used and translated in the new Testament as first to signifie Christ Joh. 1.1 2dly to signifie Treatise Acts 1.1 3dly Communication Mat. 3.7 4thly Vtterance 1 Cor. 1.5 2 Cor. 8.7 Ephes 6.19 Col. 4.3 5thly Word of Talk or Discourse 1 Thes 1.5 6thly Reason 2 Pet. 3.15 Acts 18.14 7thly Preaching or Doctrin 1 Cor. 1.18 8thly Account or Business as to have to do Heb. 4.13 and 9thly the Hebrew word in the old Testament is translated Order Psal 110.4 10thly Matter Psal 45.1 11thly Speech Psal 19.2 and 12thly the same Greek word is used by Paul to signifie the empty and dead preaching of false Teachers 1 Cor. 4.19 And therefore whether the Scriptures may be called or are called the Word in Scripture rarely or improperly is not the proper state of the Question for it cannot be denyed and is not denyed but that rarely and improperly the word is used to signifie Scripture or Scripture Words either written or spoken and sometimes the words of evil men are rendred by the same Greek word in Scripture as Ephes 4.29 and 2 Tim. 2. ●7 But the true state of the Question is Wheth●r first the Scripture doth contain all the Word or Words of God And this I justly deny for the reasons already given and indeed as the Word and Words of God are compared in Scripture Deut. 32.2 to the Dew and Rain that falleth upon the dry ground to refresh it and make it fruitful and the drops of the Dew and Rain are so many that they cannot be numbred which God hath been pleased to speak to the Souls of his People and still doth so nor can the Words of God be numbred by Men and therefore they are of a greater extent than all these set down in Scripture which may be numbred and also they are compared in Scripture to Bread that is eaten as Jeremiah said cap. 15.16 Thy words were found and I did eat them and as none can number the small grains of flower that make up a Cake of Loaf of Bread so none can number the words of God Secondly Whether the Scriptures only as they are outwardly written or spoken by the mouths of natural Men or heard by the outward ears or conceived only by the bare natural thoughts and understanding be properly and without all figure the Word or Words of God I say nay for the words of God are spiritual and of an inward nature as God himself is for the words of God are first and properly spoke to the mind and spirit of man and the outward words whether spoke or writ are but the signs of them as all outward words are but the signs of the inward thoughts of the mind which are the words of the mind or heart of man within it self Thirdly VVhether he who only talketh Scripture words and hath not the true sense of them doth truly and properly speak the VVord of God And whether he that only heareth them from man and hath not received the true sense of them hath properly heard the VVord of God I say Nay for it is not the bare Letter without the sense that is the Word of God properly understood Nevertheless the Letter of the Scripture in a figurative sense may be called the VVord as the Map of England is called England Moses his Books are called Moses and Isaiah his Book is called his Vision and John his Book is called his Revelation CHAP. II. Concerning new divine Revelations and Inspirations 1. THe places of Scripture which they commonly bring against all new divine Revelations and Inspirations of the Spirit of God prove no such thing as will easily appear to any that are impartial and unbyassed in their understanding if they will but read and consider them which places are these following as they are alledged and quoted by them called
to hear others tell of him as one well said It is little to see Christ in a Book but to see him and hear him and feel his most lovely Embraces as his Children have witnessed that is very precious It is not the report or discourse of Bread however so true and large that can satisfie an hungry man or the report of good Drink that can satisfie a thirsty Man but to taste and eat of Bread that only satisfieth him that is hungry and to taste and drink of Water Beer Wine or any other refreshing Liquor only satisfieth the thirsty Man And so to eat of Christ and feed upon him who is the Soul 's proper food and nourishment doth and only can satisfie and content the hungry Soul as Christ said John 6.57 He that eateth me shall live by me And Christ is not only the Soul's Meat but its Drink also and therefore David said As the Hart panteth after the Water-Brook so panteth my Soul after thee O God my Soul thirsteth for God for the living God Psal 42.1 2. And surely this so near and inward enjoyment of God and Christ cannot be without an inward and intimate or immediate Revelation of him And if words fall short to give to men a sufficient and satisfactory knowledg of natural and outward things how much more then to give a sufficient and satisfactory knowledg of God and Chirst and Divine things as his Love his Life his Peace and that inward Comfort and Consolation that is in his presence For the Scripture saith 1 Cor. 2.9 10. Ear hath not heard nor Eye hath not seen nor hath the Heart of man conceived the good things that God hath prepared for them that love him and wait for him Where we see all words fall short to discover these things But God hath revealed them to us said Paul by his Spirit And this God did promise as a general priviledg to all his People of all Nations even to bring them to his holy Mountain and to destroy the face of the Covering spread over them and make unto them a Feast of fat things full of Marrow and of Wines upon the Lees well refined And what is this but the enjoyment of himself seen and tasted by them And do not all true Believers eat the same spiritual Bread and drink the same spiritual Drink the Rock that followed Israel of old which Rock was Christ And surely this is beyond all Words or Declaration and according to this the joy of God's People is called a Joy unspeakable even such as words cannot express and the Peace of God is said to pass Vnderstanding and the love of Christ that it passeth Knowledg because no Words either spoken or conceived by men can give the knowledg of these so great and divine and profound Mysteries but only the Spirit of God that searcheth the deep things of God can discover them Again we find by common experience that all outward teaching of men presuppose certain Principles of knowledg of natural things which they profess to teach which Principles are partly known without men's teaching by the outward sense of them and partly by inward Notions of Knowledg innate in the minds of men and therefore it were altogether in vain for a Master of Architecture or Navigation to teach a man these Arts who is altogether blind and senseless and stupid and hath not any inward clearness of his natural judgment and even so it is as to spiritural and divine things all outward teaching of them doth pre-suppose some Principles of Knowledg of these very things and some inward divine and spiritual Sense of them or at least some inward ground and capacity whereby that divine Sense may be excited in them And therefore when Paul Preached to the Athenians that professed themselves ignorant of God he Preached him Acts 17.16 27 28. near unto them yea so near as the Stock or Root of a Tree is unto the Bud or off-spring that groweth upon it and this he proved from some of their own Poets who said of men that they are God's off-spring and he told them plainly the way to seek him and find him was by feeling him so that he joyneth these three together to wit seeking feeling and finding for as a man in a dark Room or having his Eyes shut being perswaded that the thing he desireth to have is at hand or near to him doth grope and feel after it and by feeling doth within a little time find it even thus did Paul teach these ignorant Athenians how they might find God and how all men however so ignorant have a time or opportunity given them to find him God having determined the times before-appointed and bounds of Habitation wherein they may find him And so from this inward Ground or Principle of Knowledg in these Athenians which they had before Paul Preached unto them as a wise Master-Builder or Teacher he proceedeth to Preach Christ and the Resurrection and eternal Judgment unto them as a good Master or Teacher of natural Science beginneth with the first Principles of Knowledg not to teach them but presupposing them and only calling the minds of the Scholars to remember or take notice of them and then from these Principles he proceedeth to teach them the mysteries of the Science 5. But whereas many who deny all new Revelations of the Spirit yet grant the necessity of the inward Illumination of the Spirit of God To give the saving Knowledg and Vnderstanding of God and divine things as these who gave forth the Westminster Confession of Faith being an Assembly made up of Presbyterian and Independent Teachers met at VVestminster about forty Years ago see Cap. 1. Sect. ● Surely if these men had been rightly acquainted with the inward Illumination of the Spirit of God they would never have writ or given forth such Non-sense and Contradiction in the face of the World as to grant the necessity of inward Illumination and at the same time yea in the same Section or Paragraph and within a Line or two to deny all new Revelation for indeed inward Illumination is Revelation and inward Revelation is Illumination the thing is one though the Names be distinct as oft the same thing is expressed by variety of Names and the places of Scripture they bring to prove the necessity of the inward illumination of the Spirit do prove the inward Revelation of the Spirit both which are one as John 6.45 and 1 Cor. 2.9 10 11 12. It is written in the Prophets They shall all be taught of God every man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me And that other place in 1 Corinth 2.9 10 11 12. As it is written Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the Heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him But God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things even the deep things of God For
what man knoweth the things of a man save the Spirit of a man which is in him Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God Now we have received not the Spirit of the VVorld but the Spirit which is of God whereby we know the things that are freely given us of God There cannot be brought out of the whole Scripture more suitable places to prove the necessity of divine Revelation than these are the one plainly implying it the other plainly expressing it For to be taught of God to hear and learn of the Father as the Prophets and Apostles did what is it but to be taught by divine inward Revelation Or if they will say Nay then the Prophets and Apostles were not taught of God by the same Argument And whereas they bring Paul's words saying God hath revealed them to us to wit these deep things of God to prove the inward Illumination of the Spirit of God to all Saints as well as to Paul the same proveth divine Revelation as it is expresly so called by Paul in this very place for they must needs grant that the divine Illumination which Paul had was Revelation properly so called and what he had he holdeth it forth as common in kind to all Saints and Believers And as for the word Revelation as signifying an inward operation of the holy Spirit in the Heart and Understanding we find it to be a phrase more frequently used in Scripture than the word Illumination or Illuminated or Enlightned or to Enlighten yea I find the word Illuminated out once used in all the English Translation of the whole Bible but Revelation frequently is used in our English Translation and reveal revealed see Isa 40.5 and 53.1 and 56.1 Jer. 33.6 Mat. 11.27 25. Luke 10.21 22. Rom. 8.18 1 Cor. 2 10. Gal. Phil. 3.15 Ephes 1.17 Beside many other places So that it is very strange why these Faith-makers at Westminster should have such a grudge and prejudice at all new Revelation a Word so frequently used in Scripture and yet pretend so great kindness to new inward Illumination which is the same for it passeth their skill or any Man 's else to divide or separate the one from the other 6. But the great knack nicety or mystery of this distinction lieth in this that inward Illumination is only Revelation subjective or effective and in that sense some of that sort of Men say They own the necessity of inward Revelation and hold it to be all one with Illumination But they deny all inward objective Illumination or Revelation that is to say any inward Revelation of any inward object inwardly proposed to the Eye or Ear or other inward spiritual Sense and Faculty of the Soul the alone object of the Souls whole kowledge faith fruition enjoyment of God and communion with him being the Scriptures or God Christ and divine things not in themselves seen or enjoyed but as they are to be seen and known or revealed in the words of Scripture Hence they who use this distinction say the inward Light or Illumination of the Spirit being only effective or subjective but not objective i● medium incognitum assentiendi or principium incognitum cognoscendi that is to say an unknown Principle or mean of knowing and assenting which may be illustrated by this similitude that there is an inward vigour of Life and natural Spirits that are necessary to enable the outward Eye to see outward things and Objects but that inward vigor of natural Life and Spirits is not the object of the Eye nor seen by it or otherwise some may or do understand by subjective inward Revelation or Revelation on the part of the subject the Soul 's inward knowledge or perception as in the outward sight of things of this World there is the vision of the Eye or its sight and perception and the Object seen and perceived by the Eye Also in hearing there is the hearing or perception of the Ear and the thing heard be it Voice or sound of Man Beast or Bird or musical Instrument And thus according unto these Mens Doctrin the alone adequate formal Object of all faith knowledge fruition enjoyment sight and sense of the Souls of the most excellent Saints either now living or that have lived in all Ages past since the Apostles lived is the Scripture-words But this is all meerly begged and taken for granted without all proof and altogether contradictory to the experience of all the true Saints of God who have an inward sight knowledge and enjoyment of God far surpassing all Words or Writings And thus according to these Mens Doctrin all the knowledge or sight that the Saints have of God in this Life is but as one that seeth England in a Map but never saw the Land it self or as an hungry Man heareth and readeth good words of Meat but neither seeth nor tasteth it and as a Woman heareth of a Husband she is married unto or seeth his Picture on a Table or on Paper or readeth a Book that describeth his Beauty and Personage but is never admitted to see him or hear himself nor to touch handle or embrace him all which are sad tydings to Souls that love God and Christ but the best is they are utterly false and the experience of the Saints abundantly prove them to be false and such dark ignorant blind Doctrin proveth sufficiently what dark ignorant blind Men these have been or are who have published their own shame and folly to the face of the World and as blind and ignorant are these Teachers who have since received and published the same blind Doctrin But if the inward Light or Illumination be altogether an unknown Principle to him that hath it having no Evidence or Light or Demonstration of its own whereby to discover it how shall any Man be sure or know surely that he hath any inward divine Light or Illumination for no Scripture can tell him that he hath it or that he hath the Works of one that is divinely illuminated One would think the bear naming or mentioning such Doctrin is enough to refute it as to say God and Christ is and can only be known by words or report and hear-say whereas the Scripture saith Ear hath not heard nor Eye seen what these things are which God hath prepared for his Children And yet all Scripture words the Ear doth hear and the Eye doth see 7. But to come to the Conclusion of the matter it is to be noticed or considred that there is a Doctrinal and sensible knowledge of God or discursive and intuitive as for the doctrinal and discursive knowledge of God it is granted that it cannot be without words either of Scripture or some other words given by the same Spirit and also it is granted that Scripture words in God's ordinary way are necessary to give to Men the said doctrinal knowledge of God and Christ and many deep and mysterious things of the Christian Faith
and Religion but this doth not prove the ceasing of new divine Revelation but rather indeed establisheth it for the Prophets and Apostles who had divine Revelation were profited taught and edified by their Fellow-Prophets and Apostles and especially the latter Prophets were much helped by the Words and Writings of the fore-going Prophets as Daniel confessed he understood by Books to wit by Jeremiah his Prophecy the number of the years of the Captivity Dan. 9.2 And Christ opened the understanding of the Apostles to understand the Scriptures of the Old Testament what they did declare of him and Paul freely confesseth that the Scriptures of the Prophets were writ for his Learning as well as of other Men and yet he had great plenty of divine Revelation beyond what many of them had and David said he had more knowledge than his Teachers and yet no doubt profited by them and especially by the Prophet Samuel and others that lived with him and before him Next as to the sensible and intuitive knowledge of God it can be and oft is without all Words either outwardly heard or inwardly conceived I mean words consisting of Letters or Syllables such as are not the things but signs of things even as we have a sensible and intuitive knowledge of a Land by seeing it and eating the Fruit of it and drinking the good Wine or Milk of it tho' we are not hearing or reading of it nor thinking of any words that ever we read or heard of it And so often the Souls of God's people enjoy a sweet sight taste and repast of him in a deep inward quiet and stillness of mind having no words of any sort that can be expressed in Letters or Syllables so much as in their present thoughts or remembrance and this is the most excellent degree of Knowledge and as far excelleth and transcendeth the other sort as the sight taste and feeling of a thing doth the report or hear-say of it It is also acknowledged that oft it pleaseth God to joyn of his Life to Scripture words as Promises Prophecies or any others as we hear read or meditate on them and make them as Conduits Pipes or Cisterns or as Cups and Flaggons to convey the divine Influences of his Life and living Spirit of Life and love to our Souls but then they hinder not our Revelation to be real and true and proper Revelation as well objective as subjective for as in drinking of outward Wine in a Glass or Cup we not only see the Glass or Cup that revealeth the Wine but also the Wine it self and the Wine is the most desirable and pleasant and acceptable object of both our sight and taste and feeling so that we regard the Glass or Cup little or nothing for it self but for its use and service to us and if there be no Wine or other refreshing Liquor in the Cup we care not to use it it hath no taste unto us nor service but as the Wine is in it And thus it is with the living Soul that thirsts after the living God and to drink of his Spirit that quickens and refresheth the Soul when it seeth or perceiveth any divine Vertue or Life as God is pleased when how or by whom to joyn of the same to it in Scripture words either preached read or meditated it is very glad and most gladly maketh use of them and giveth God thanks for his great mercy but without Life be joyned unto them it is no more wisdom nor discretion to use them than for a Man to put an empty Flaggon or Cup to his Mouth to drink at it 8. But if they say There is no sensible or intuitive knowledge of God in this Life at least since the Apostles days as indeed it is most yea altogether most agreeable to their Doctrin who say All new Revelation of the Spirit is ceased then I say unto them they are miserable Comforters yea miserable and sad Gospellers to poor Sion they bring not glad but sad tydings they cannot say Behold O Sion thy King cometh unto thee they cannot say Taste and see that God is good they cannot say The Life was manifested and we have seen it and declare it unto you that ye may have fellowship with us they cannot declare the great kindness and love that Christ the Soul's Husband and Bridegroom hath to his Bride but rather their Doctrin preacheth him to be most unkind and unnatural never to let his Bride see him once all her Life here in this World nor yet once to hear himself or taste or touch or handle him or be embraced by him They preach altogether an absent Christ as some of them say Christ is not really and properly in his People or if present a Christ altogether either dumb or silent that being so near to the Soul as to be in it never speaketh one word in it and always hideth his Face and never giveth to the Soul one glance or shine of his Countenance But if they be ashamed of this Doctrin which yet is the very purport of it who deny all inward nèw Revelation and new Visitations of the Lord's love unto the Souls of his People then let them be ashamed to preach teach or write that there is no new Revelation of God and Christ nor no immediate or inward teaching no inward and immediate calling or sending to the Ministry and let them be ashamed to own themselves to be the Successors of the ancient Protestants who did acknowledge immediate Teaching and calling unto the Ministry and the Spirit of Prophecy and some of them had it as George Wishard and others whose Prophecies Fox in his Book of Martyrs hath recorded 9. And whereas these Faith-publishers at Westminster one while deny all new Revelation another while seem only to deny extraordinary Revelation as they term it cap. 18. section 3. is another piece of Non-sense or Contradiction for if all new Revelation be ceased as they expresly affirm cap. 1. sect 1. and 6. then there is neither ordinary nor extraordinary Revelation remaining according unto their Doctrin But the distinction of ordinary and extraordinary Revelation may in a true sense be well admitted by them who believe that divine inward Revelation is not ceased for among the Prophets Numb 12.6 7 8. Moses's Revelation far exceeded the Revelation of the other Prophets as is clear from Scripture and in that respect was extraordinary And we now plead for new divine Revelation we mean not extraordinary beyond what God was pleased to give to his Saints and Children in an ordinary and usual way from the beginning of the World more or less nor do we compare our Revelations with either the Prophets or Apostles by way of equality either in degree or in all the various manners and ways which they had then But we say in that one way and manner which was by God's inward appearance and speaking in their Hearts in the divine Seed and Birth we do plead for divine Revelation
exceed the Scholar for if Divine Inward Revelation and Inspiration together with other spiritual Gifts are the common priviledg of all true Christians in some degree more or less according to their several growth and capacity much more are they to be found in the true Ministers of Christ who are both to feed the Babes with Milk and the strong Men with Meat and to be Rom. 2.19 20. the guide of the Blind a Light of them which are in Darkness and Instructors of the Foolish and Teachers of Babes and also who can speak Wisdom among them that are perfect according to which Christ said to his Apostles Ye are the Light of the World and the Salt of the Earth 3. But more particularly it is apparent from the Scripture that there is a peculiar Ministerial Gift or Gifts that God giveth to all his true Ministers to fit or qualifie them for that great Work whereby to make them able Ministers of the New-Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit the which Gifts are the Purchase of Christ and the Fruits and Effects of his Death Resurrection and Ascension as is clear from Ephes 4.8 11 12. When he ascended on high he led Captivity captive and gave Gifts unto men and he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists Pastors and Teachers Where altho' it may be granted that some of these are extraordinary as namely Apostles and some ordinary yet all are given to the Church by Christ as the Fruit and Effect of his Purchase and that therefore all ordinary Ministers who are indeed true Ministers of Christ are indued with some measure of Spiritual Gifts in more or less according to the good pleasure of God And as concerning the spiritual peculiar gifts of the holy Spirit besides these that were common to all such as Faith Love Hope Knowledge Meekness Temperance Patience Brotherly-kindness Charity the Scripture doth expresly mention them in divers places 1 Cor. 12.8 To one is given by the Spirit the Word i. e. Speech or utterance of Wisdom to another the VVord of Knowledg that is some degree inferior to another Faith that is some peculiar degree of Faith for some peculiar Service besides the Faith common to all Believers and all these are ordinary and have still remained in the true Church but together with these in the Apostles days there were extraordinary Gifts which God may give or with-hold as he pleaseth as not being essential to a true Minister of Christ such were Gifts of Miracles Gifts of Healing Gifts of Tongues and the like And as concerning Prophecying it was either extraordinary or ordinary extraordinary was a fore-telling of particular things to come as was that of Agabus his fore-telling that Paul should be bound at Jerusalem ordinary was the ordinary and usual manner of Preaching by the Inspiration and motion of the holy Ghost in Doctrin Exhortation Correction c. Moreover concerning this diversity of spiritual Gifts Paul saith Rom. 12.6 Having then Gifts differing according to the Grace that is given to us whether Prophecy let us prophecy according to the proportion of Faith or Ministry let us wait on our Ministry or he that teacheth on teaching or he that exhorteth on exhortation And likewise Peter concerning these spiritual Gifts saith 1 Pet. 4.10 11. As every Man hath received the Gift even so minister the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold Grace of God If any Man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God If any Man minister let him do it as of the Ability or vertue which God giveth that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ And as touching spiritual Gifts that were not common to all Christians but peculiar to some Paul exhorted the believing Corinthians saying 1 Cor. 14.1 Desire spiritual Gifts but rather that ye may prophecy And he declareth what that prophecying was vers 3. He that prophesieth speaketh unto Men to Edification and Exhortation and Comfort And vers 5. Greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with Tongues except he interpret that the Church may receive edifying And concerning the great power and virtue of Prophecying he said further vers 24 25. If all Prophesie and there come in one that believeth not or unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all And thus are the secrets of his Heart made manifest and so falling upon the Person to wit that did Prophesie for so the Words may be better translated he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth 4. Now in the true Church and among the true Believers there was a spiritual discerning or judgment that they had whereby they did know who had these spiritual Gifts and who had them not who spoke and preached by the Spirit and who did pray and sing by the Spirit and who did not and who not only had the Words but the Power and who had only the Words and had not the Power and these were false Apostles and false Teachers and Hypocrites that had good Words which they did take or receive from other Men but had not that good Power and Spirit that was in the true Ministers of Christ and because they had not that good Power their Ministry and Words were dead dry and barren and such the Scripture compareth to Clouds without Rain and Wells or Cisterns without Water and of such Paul said he would know not the Speech of them which are puffed up but the Power 1 Cor. 4.19 The which spiritual discerning or judgment as it was in some measure given in common to all true Believers as the sense of Taste is given in common to Beasts Mankind whereby to relish things sweet or bitter and Meats and Drinks that have the true Nourishing Virtue in them so it was given in some greater measure to some than to others according to their growth experience and exercise or use of their spiritual senses even as both among Men and Beasts some do far excell others in the sagacity of the Taste of outward things and so in the Smell of things as Flowers Spices c. and according to this spiritual discerning and judgment Paul said to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 14 29. c. Let the Prophets speak two or three and let the other judge If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace for ye may all prophecy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted and the Spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets For God is not the Author of Confusion but of Peace as in all the Churches of the Saints So we see here was good Order where in one Meeting two or three might speak one after another or more if they had any motion of the Spirit so to do and in that case the first speaker was to give place to him But nothing of this is to be found among these Churches who deny
will have none of the Graces of Christ without himself and if the Graces did come unto him without Christ he would send them away the Gate or way they came And as for the other Scriptures they cite they prove indeed that the Lord Jesus Christ is but one and there is none else nor is any man or men or Angels equal to him which we most cordially believe but they say not in the least nor by any just consequence can it be gathered that the Saints do not partake substantially of God And to shew the great inequality betwixt Christ and the Saints not only in the measure and degree but in the manner or kind of partaking of the holy Spirit which is one Substance with God Christ the Son hath God and the holy Spirit without any middle or mediator betw●●t the Father and him but the Saints only have and enjoy the Father and the holy Spirit through Christ the Mediator and together with him and in him And this I hope will satisfie all sober and impartial Men to clear the Doctrin of the Quakers that it is according to Scripture 4. Next as concerning the Decrees of God these Faith-publishers say That God hath unchangeably ordained whatsoever comes to pass yet so as neither is God the Author of Sin nor is Violence offered to the will of the Creatures Whereby it plainly appeareth they hold that God hath ordained and decreed all manner of Sins and Blasphemies Adulteries Thefts Robberies Homicides Regicides c. which is abominable and blasphemous Doctrin with a witness They need not blame the Ranters seeing they are so fully one with them in Doctrin for that is one of the worst Doctrins that the Ranters have That God doth all and hath unchangeably ordained and decreed all things both good and bad for certainly whatever God hath ordained and decreed to come to pass he is the doer of it for he executeth that is bringeth to pass all his own Decrees as they confess in their large Catechism Ans to Quest 14. and that they say yet so as God is not the Author of Sin they say it indeed and so many of the worst sort of Ranters but how they clear their Doctrin of so unavoidable consequence they have not told the World nor ever can they sufficiently clear it And for the Scriptures they bring as especially Ephes 1.11 That God worketh all things after the counsel of his own Will here is nothing mentioned of the sins of Men and Devils It is plain both from Reason and Scripture that by all things must needs be understood all his own Works and not the Sins of Men and Devils which he is not the Author of as when we say every wise Man doth all things by Wisdom and wise Counsel none is so foolish as to put this gloss upon it that he doth all foolish things It is an approved Maxim and Rule Verba sunt intelligenda secundum subjectam materiam i. e. Words are to be understood according to the subject matter It is worthily granted and acknowledged that God worketh all good things all Virtue and Goodness is of him all good Thoughts Words and Works c. But all Sin is of the Devil and evil Men as John said Whosoever committeth Sin is of the Devil and the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life is all of the Devil and not of the Father And as Christ said The Devil when he speaketh a Lye he speaketh of his own It is also granted that when any commit Sin the power whereby they act is of God but when they Sin they abuse that Power and also whatever Sin cometh to pass is not without God's permission and that is not a bare permission but a most holy and wise ordering and bounding of it to his own Glory And as to Acts 2.23 a main place that Ranters and Presbyterian and Independent Teachers abuse and wrest as they do other Scriptures to their own Destruction if they repent not it giveth them no strength at all For it saith Him to wit Christ being delivered by the determinate Counsel and Fore-knowledg of God ye have taken c. So we see that he was delivered or exposed unto them by the determinate Counsel of God but that they did kill him by the determinate Counsel of God the Scripture saith not For to deliver is one thing and to slay is another Our worthy Friends that were put to Death at Boston in New-England they delivered up their Lives freely into the Hands of these Murtherers and so did many of the Martyrs not accepting deliverance and yet they did not kill themselves as these bloody Persecutors use to alledge And that it s said God hardneth whom he will His hardning is not the making their Hearts hard with infusing any evil Spirit into them but that he justly with-draws his good Spirit from them for great Sins formerly committed and so leaveth them to harden their own Hearts As it is said That Pharoah hardned his Heart And thus do many sober and judicious Protestants understand the Words 5. Again as concerning Election and Reprobation first as to the Election and Predestination of the Saints unto eternal Glory and Happiness whatever the Scripture saith of it or of any other Doctrin we do readily believe and acknowledge it as That God hath chosen the Saints in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the World that they should be holy and unblamable before him in Love Ephes 1.4 and Rom. 8.29 For whom he did fore-know he also did predestinate to be conform to the Image of his Son c. and whom he did predestinate them he called and whom he called them he justified And what Christ said to the Disciples Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and appointed you to bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain Joh. 15.16 and 1 John 4.10 Herein is Love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the Propitiation for our sins and vers 19. We love him because he first loved us A most sweet and comfortable Testimony as all the other But we no where find in all the Scripture that God hath Reprobated any part of Mankind before the foundation of the World nor is it said that Men hate God because he first hated them and because God hated them he made them on purpose to damn or destroy them and decreed and ordained them to sin that he might take occasion thereby to damn them No such thing at all is found in the holy Scriptures nor can be gathered from them by any just consequence for although it be allowed that Gods purpose and holy Will concerning them that finally perish is from before the foundation of the World for there is no new Will or Purpose in God the Thoughts and Counsels of his heart being from everlasting as himself is yet that Will of God regardeth and considereth them that
among the Jews of a two fold sort of Proselites one of the Covenant that received Circumcision and the Law another of the Gate that did not receive Circumcision yet this is but barely alledged without all proof But if he was a Proselite of the Gate it is certain at that time when the Angel was sent unto him he had no express Knowledge nor Faith of Christ crucified for that was the thing which Peter was sent to preach unto him by hearing of which he was to receive the holy Ghost and be saved for the Angel told him that Peter should speak Words to him by which he and all his House should be saved see Acts 11.14 Now altho' at that time when the Angel appeared unto him Cornelius had no Knowledge nor Faith of Christ crucified yet he was in a good estate and well were it for many called Christians that they were in as good estate as he then was in When the Angel appeared to him he told him that his Prayers and his Alms were come up for a memorial before God Acts 10.4 And it is said of him verse 2. He was a devout Man and one that feared God with all his House which gave much Alms to the People and prayed unto God alway And with respect to this Peter began his Preaching saying Acts 10.34 35. Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of Persons but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him Now who dare be so bold to say Cornelius at this time had no real and true beginning of Salvation or of saving Grace and Faith before Peter did preach Christ crucified raised again unto him For although Cornelius had not at that time Faith in Christ crucified yet he had without all question Faith in God and in the Word of God that was in his Heart and that Word was Christ in him though the Mystery of Christ was not fully revealed unto him at that time and in that state he was accepted of God yet not for his Works sake but for Christ And therefore Men may have a beginning of true Faith and of a true Work of Salvation begun in them when the Mystery of Christ crucified and raised again is not revealed unto them For that Mystery being so great as it is was not in that Day to wit before Christ came and suffered in the Flesh preached as one of the first and most necessary things to be first known and believed as without the Faith and Knowledge of which no Man could be in any degree blessed otherwise when Christ began to Preach he would have preached it as one of the first things and when he sent his Disciples to preach the Gospel before he suffered Death he would have given them an express Commission to preach it to all People how he was to be crucified and raised again the third day but the Mystery of it at that time they knew not and therefore could not preach it then Nor did he preach it himself when he began his Ministry nor for a considerable time afterward● until the time drew near that he was to suffer In all that excellent Sermon of his on the Mount not one Title or Word doth he mention of his Death and Resurrection expresly but he taught the Law and the Prophets and expounded the Spirituality of the Law in its extent far beyond the reach and conception which the People had of it at that time and withal dropped some Evangelical Precepts unto them and taught them the right way of Prayers Fasting and Alms and pronounced them blessed that hungred and thirsted after Righteousness and were poor in Spirit that were Merciful that were Meek and Peace-makers and that mourned c. and suffered for Righteousness sake And therefore it may be very safely concluded that the express Knowledge and Faith of Christ crucified is not of absolute and indispensible necessity especially where it hath not been preached nor revealed unto the beginning of a Man's Salvation although it is really of absolute and indispensible necessity unto the finishing and perfecting of it because as hath been already said our inward renewing unto God when perfected in us is a renewing us perfectly and not in part only into the Image of God and a part of that perfect Image is the perfect Knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ whom to know is Life Eternal and that perfect Knowledge requireth men to know him as he came in the Flesh and died and rose again which is that great Mystery of Godliness as Paul called it 1 Tim. 3.16 But if these Men who own that said Confession of Faith enquire whether all these honest Gentiles that lived in the world or do now live in the world who have not had Christ crucified outwardly preached unto them but were diligent to frame their Lives according to the Light that was in them died in a state of Salvation I say yea they did and this I may the rather say according to their own Doctrin For what if they had not the perfect Knowledge and Faith of Christ crucified when they lived Yet they might have it at their Death to wit in the passing through the Valley of the shadow of Death according to Psal 23.4 Even when they are not able to demonstrate unto the Living what is then revealed unto them And as it is in Job 33.22 23 24. When a Mans Soul draweth near unto the Grave and his Life to the Destroyers there may be a Messenger with him an Interpreter one of a Thousand to show unto Man his Vprightness then he is gracious unto him and saith Deliver him from going down to the Pit I have found a Ransom or Attonement see the Hebr. or Margin of the English Bible Or if I should say they receive this perfect Knowledge of Christ after Death it is according to your Doctrin who say The Souls of the Righteous generally or universally after Death note after Death being then made perfect in Holiness are received into the highest Heavens c. These are the express Words of your Catechism cap. 32. sect 1. But when and how or at what precise time these honest Gentiles who used their greatest diligence to frame their Lives according to the Light that is in them and yet have not had the Death and Resurrection of Christ outwardly preached unto them when they then lived in the World is not my present business to determine It doth suffice that I have demonstrated from Scripture that Men have been in a state of Salvation and acceptance with God who have not had the mystery of Christ his Death and Resurrection made known unto them and surely these Men continuing faithful to what they had received when they died could not perish For it is impossible that any Man who hath the Work of Salvation really begun in him though but as a Child in Knowledge that holdeth fast the beginning of his Confidence firm unto the end
can perish Heb. 3.14 8. And as concerning the diversity of the Dispensations of the divine Grace given unto Men in the several Ages and Places of the world according to the several States and Capacities of Men in the World the Scriptures testimony is very plain and clear which declareth both of the manifold Grace and manifold Wisdom of God 1 Pet. 4.10 Ephes 3. And Ephes 1.10 Paul mentioneth the Dispensation of the fulness of time as being the greatest wi●h respect to the fore-going Dispensations before that fulness of time came and they may be distinguished as Paul doth distinguish them very plainly into three to wit Diversity of Operations but one God and Diversity of Administrations but one Lord and Diversity of Gifts but one Spirit 1 Cor. 12.4 5 6. The operations belonging to the Law as inwardly dispensed the Administrations to the Prophets and to Christ's coming in the Flesh and to the Apostles their Preaching both before and after Christ was crucified and rose again and afterwards the Gifts to the holy Spirit as they were the effect and fruit of the Apostles Preaching and the end of it And according to the Scripture the first is that divine Dispensation proper to Men as Children in the Knowledge of God and in Virtue the second to that which is proper to Men as in Youth or middle Age the third as proper to Men of full or ripe Age. And each of these Dispensations may be said to have their proper and peculiar inward Baptism or spiritual Washing the first being the Baptism of the Father the second being the Baptism both of the Father and of the Son the third being the Baptism of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost which Christ commanded his Disciples to administer after he rose from the dead and gave the holy Ghost Matth. 28.19 which is not to be so understood as if the three to wit the Father the Son and the holy Ghost did not work together in all these three Dispensations for certainly they did but because in the first Dispensation God only was known as Creator and Father of all mankind in the second both the Father and the Son were known and in the third the Father the Son and the holy Ghost are known and the Mystery of the three and of the more abundant divine Grace that accompanieth this Knowledge largely opened and revealed And though I say the first belonged to the Law as inwardly dispensed yet that very Dispensation of the Law was not meerly Legal but had Grace and Mercy mixed with it For no Dispensation without the Grace and Mercy of God could have been in any respect serviceable unto Men therefore the Law both as outwardly and inwardly administred had always some measure of divine Grace mixed with it and therefore in the second Commandment the substance of all the Ten Commandments being commonly acknowledged to have been delivered by God himself to the Gentiles who had not the written Law God did reveal himself to be a gracious and merciful God visiting the Iniquities of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Generation but shewing Mercy to Thousands of them that love him and keep his Commandments And as I have already proved from the express Testimony of the holy Scripture by the Obedience of one to wit the Lord Jesus who dyed for all the free Gift and Grace of God is come upon all unto Justification of Life Rom. 5.18 And Christ himself is the Mystery hid in the Gentiles being that Word of Faith which Moses preached in the Jews and Paul in the Romans Chap. 10. 9. And since it is so that Christ is really that Light that doth lighten the Gentiles and is Light in them who have not heard him outwardly preached unto them it is no less than real Blasphemy though pardonable upon Repentance to say as the Presbyterian and Independent Teachers of both Old and New-England have said in their Confession of Faith That the Light in men which they call the Light of Nature that doth so far manifest the Goodness Wisdom and Power of God as to leave men inexcusable yet is not sufficient to give that Knowledge of God which is necessary unto Salvation as they expresly affirm cap. 1. sect 1. And cap. 10. sect 4. they say expresly Men not professing the Christian Religion to wit the Faith of Christ's Death and Resurrection cannot be saved be they never so diligent to frame their Lives according to the Light that is in them Which here again they call the Light of Nature And as for the expression the Light of Nature it may be safely enough owned in a true Scripture sense though not in the sense of them who do so call it For as Christ is called the Light of men in Scripture John 1.4 In him was Life and the Life was the Light of men so he may be very well called the Light of Nature to wit lightning the dark Nature of man and not only so but quickning and sanctifying Nature in all men who joyn thereunto and the Word of God in the Heart James calleth it Ton Emphuton Logon the innate Word i. e. put into the Nature of men which is able to save their Souls But the Presbyterian and Independent Teachers of Old and New-England by the Light of Nature mean only that it is some natural Faculty of man's Soul as to say his natural Understanding or his natural Mind Conscience And according to them there is no other Light or Principle of Knowledge or Virtue in man generally and universally nay not in any who profess not the Christian Religion though ever so diligent to frame their Lives according to the Light that is in them as they expresly affirm and yet in manifest Contradiction to their own Doctrin they have confessed That Persons elected are saved by Christ and regenerated through the Spirit who are uncapable of being outwardly called by the Word cap. 10. sect 3. 10. But that Light that is in men generally within their day of visitation is not any natural Faculty of man's Soul as to say his natural Understanding or Conscience is manifest 1 st because they do confess that Man by his fall is become dead in Sin and wholly defiled in all the Faculties and Parts of Soul and Body and indeed so he is and his Understanding is so darkned naturally that he is called Darkness and therefore he hath not any Light that is left in him as some call it the Reliques of Light left in him since the Fall for if he did fall wholly then no Light was left in him nor Virtue nor Goodness as they confess cap. 9. sect 3. that Man is altogether averse from good 2 dly they confess That all Sin is a Transgression of the righteous Law of God cap. 6. sect 6. And therefore the Gentiles who have not the Law outwardly delivered unto them seeing they are Sinners do transgress against the righteous Law of God now where
but to extenuate the Sin in the Believer and to aggravate it in the Unbeliever contrary to the Scriptures Testimony which doth aggravate any Sin that Men having once believed fall into more than in unbelievers as is clear from 2 Pet. 2.20 21. 2. And as for the Scriptures they bring in their said Confession to prove their false Doctrin let them be impartially examined and they will be found to prove no such thing some of them being expresly conditional as that in 2 Pet. 1.10 For if ye do these things ye shall never fall Here it is only promised conditionally but not absolutely that they shall not fall to wit if they give all diligence to add to their Faith Virtue c. Verse 5. And this serveth them not only from falling totally but from falling indefinitly or universally so as not at all to fall for he saith not Ye shall not fall totally But Ye shall not fall And there are many other Scriptures that though they do not expresly mention the Condition yet do Imply it and are to be expounded by other Scriptures that do express it 3. It is readily and willingly granted that there is a state in Holiness or Sanctification that may be attained and grown up into wherein men cannot fall away totally from a state of Grace but as they cannot fall away totally so they cannot commit any gross or great Sin which in the Scripture phrase is commonly called Sin to wit a hainous Sin or Crime which John calleth A Sin unto Death 1 John 5.16 17. And here he distinguisheth betwixt a Sin unto Death and a Sin that is not unto Death viz. that doth not totally slay the Soul's Life but woundeth it and killeth only in part as some small wandring or evagation of mind or giving way through slackning the Watch unto a vain Thought for some small time something of Anger or Passion upon some sudden occasion something of glorying in Sufferings or Services or Knowledge or in spiritual Attainments something of too forward and hasty Zeal and divers like sudden Motions that a gracious and godly Soul may be tryed and afflicted with that are as Thorns in the Flesh-and do wound and afflict the Soul but are not suffered to proceed so far as to carry it forth into any secret or open gross Crime either inwardly in the Heart or outwardly in Word or Deed. Hence both in the Old and New Testament we find divers kinds and degrees of Sin more or less heinous and these expressed by divers both Hebrew and Greek Words The more heinous are called Iniquities Vngodliness Impiety Vnrighteousness Perverseness Rebellion and others of an inferiour Nature are called Trespasses Debts Omissions Faults c. Now the least kind or degree of Sin doth weaken and wound yea kill in part the Soul 's spiritual Life as when in the natural Body some Member is mortally wounded and killed and yet the whole Person is not slain thereby but all gross Sins such as Fornication Adultery Murder Theft Robbery c. make havock waste and destroy the Soul's Life and kill the whole man whom notwithstanding God in his infinite mercy may and doth at times restore For we read of no Sin unpardonable but that of Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost and doing despite to the Spirit of Grace And such who are come to this noble degree and state of Sanctification are described Psal 119.2 3. Blessed are they that keep his Testimonies and that seek him with the whole Heart they also do no Iniquity they walk in his ways And such have their Calling and Election made sure unto them such are not meerly or barely Servants nor Sons of the Bond-woman but Sons of the Free-woman and throughly renewed and born of God who doth not commit Sin for his Seed remaineth in them 1 John 3.9 And he cannot sin because he is born of God For indeed to him that is born of God Sin is contrary to his new Nature as much as Holiness or Righteousness is contrary to the Devil's Nature or as one contrary thing can be to another as it is contrary to a Fish to live on dry Land or for a Sheep or Dove to live in the bottom of the Seas But whoever commit any gross thing as Fornication Murder Adultery Theft Robbery Perjury c. never arrived to this pure and perfect state of Sonship were but Servants and not purely and perfectly Sons and yet the state of the Servant is a true and good state in its place and as faithfully improved leadeth on infallibly to the state of pure and perfect Sonship and such who have attained to this pure and perfect state of Sonship can say with Paul Gal. 4.31 So then Brethren we are not Children of the Bond-woman but of the Free And with John 1 John 2.19 They to wit such who were not true Sons but at best only Servants went out from us but they were not of us c. To wit Sons and Children of the Free-woman or the Children of the New Covenant they were only of Hagar that signifieth the Law or first Covenant And to conclude the Righteousness and Holiness of the first Covenant may be totally fallen from such as was that of the Angels who fell and Adam the first man he fell totally and so may they who are not further advanced than to bear the Image of him the earthly Adam but the Righteousness and Holiness of the New Covenant such as they attain unto who are throughly born of God and are made Overcomers and Conquerors yea more than Conquerors as the Scripture phraseth it and are made conform to the Image of Christ the second Adam the Lord from Heaven heavenly cannot be fallen from or lost such having overcome are made Pillars in the House of God so as no more to go out Rev. 3.12 And to this state only do all these places of Scripture relate that hold forth and imply a sure and absolute stedfastness in Holiness and Righteousness But who are thus far advanced and who are not although infallible Signs and Marks of distinction may be given of these two so differing states God only infallibly knoweth and they to whom he doth reveal it For it is God that must make known by the inward Revelation of his holy Spirit who hath these marks otherwise men may presume to have them when they have them not And of these infallible Signs and Marks some of them are to love God with the whole Heart to love him purely and perfectly to love him for himself and to desire to enjoy him as he is a God of Holiness Purity and Righteousness more than for Gifts or Comforts or Rewards that are of an inferiour Nature to hate and fear Sin more than all punishment for Sin to have no inward inclination or desire to revenge Injuries but most willingly and heartily to forgive and bear them to love Enemies from the very inward ground and bottom of the Heart and always to render
just Man and perfect in his Generation and Noah walked with God Another place they cite Rom. 3.9 Answ This place is as impertinently alledged as the former for it is plain that Paul there describeth the condition of Men both Jews and Gentiles as they are generally under the Law and before they have Faith in Christ as is clear from Verse 19. Now we know that what things soever the Law saith it saith to them who are under the Law But no where can it be found in Scripture that there are none of these who are under Grace that are righteous Men and made free from Sin but the contrary is manifest which expresly testifieth of many righteous and perfect Men in their Generation both before and after Christ came in the Flesh who pleased God and were Men of good Hearts and good Lives and especially Enoch is recorded to have walked with God by Faith of whom nothing blame worthy is mentioned in any one particular And Christ speaking of good men saith A good Tree cannot bring forth evil Fruit and a good Man out of the good Treasure of his Heart bringeth forth good things But to apply these words Rom. 3.9 and the following words to the Saints generally as these Faith publishers do sutes more with Ranters than sober Christians see and well consider the words from Verse 10. to Verse 19. There is none Righteous no not one there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God they are gone out of the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that d●th good no not one Their Throat is an open Sepulchre with their Tongues they have used Deceit the poyson of Asps is under their Lips whose Mouth is full of Cursing and Bitterness their Feet are swift to shed Blood Destruction and Misery are in their ways and the way of Peace they have not known there is no Fear of God before their Eyes O ye Presbyterian and Independent Teachers of New-England and Old How are ye not ashamed to apply these words to all God's true Saints Yea to the best that ever lived in the best state and to bring them as a proof against the possibility of the Saints perfection in this Life For if these Words do hold forth the best condition of the Saints that ever they were in upon Earth ye may as well say all Men yea the worst of Men are Saints or the Saints are the worst of Men and there is no difference of Men at all but all are equally wicked equally ungodly unholy unrighteous which is indeed the plain and express Language of Ranters Libertines Atheists some of whom to the wounding and loathing of my Soul I have heard so affirm But we cannot grant unto you that any of God's Saints are in that state and condition described by Paul in that place Rom. 3. from verse 9. to verse 19 and 20. which Words he citeth out of some of the Psalms of David describing the state of Men as they are in the fallen state and before the new Birth and spiritual Regeneration in Christ But thus to confound these so differing states is to confound Heaven and Earth yea rather Heaven and Hell and to soppose a concord betwixt Light and Darkness God and Belial Christ and Antichrist But let it be known unto you we can allow none of God's true Saints to be such as are there described by Paul Rom. 3. from verse 9. to 19. But it doth too much sute and quadrate with many of your supposed New-England Saints who have most bitterly and falsly accused God's Servants called in scorn Quakers and most cruelly whipped imprisoned and robed many of them and hanged some of them It may be well enough said of them indeed Their Throat is an open Sepulchre with their Tongues they have used Deceit the poyson of Asps is under their Lips whose Mouth is full of Cursing and Bitterness their Feet are swift to shed Blood destruction and misery are in their ways c. Take this home to you and blame not me for the Application seeing ye make it your selves and judge it to be your own condition 5. And that the said Doctrin viz. The best of the Saints by the greatest Grace of God given in this Life cannot perfectly keep the Commandments of God but doth daily break them in Thought Word and Deed and cannot be free from Sin for term of Life but must sin so long as they live and are only set free from sinning after Death as they expresly word it in answer to Quest 89. larger Catechism is not only warranted by any place of Scripture but is most expresly contrary to Scripture in many places and is quite opposite to the very Nature of the New Covenant and Gospel Dispensation and highly injurious to the Lord Jesus Christ tending to make void and of none effect the very end of his coming and to frustrate his exceeding rich Grace and also it is most wofully injurious to Mens Souls not only discouraging Men to press after Perfection in Holiness and Freedom from Sin but tending to encourage them in sloath and neglect to live and die in their Sins and yet for all this be Saints and immediately go to Heaven although they both live and die in their Sins And first That the said Doctrin is expresly contrary to Scripture see Rom. 6.18 Being then made free from Sin ye became the Servants of Righteousness And Chap. 8.2 3 4 5. and Verse 9. and Chap. 6.6 7 8. John 8.32 33 34 35 36. Ephes 4.13 Coloss 1.28 Heb. 7.19 Next God did promise in the New Covenant That he would pour clean Water upon his People and they should be clean from all their Filthiness Ezek. 36.25 c. and he would write his Law in their Hearts Jer. 31.33 and put his Spirit in their inward parts and give them a Heart of Flesh and a new Heart and a new Spirit and put his Fear in their Hearts that they shall not depart from him And surely all this doth plainly hold forth a freedom from a total sinning and that daily in Thought Word and Deed. Thirdly The very end of Christ's coming was to save his People from their Sins and not in their Sins to put an end to Sin and to finish Transgression and bring in everlasting Righteousness Dan. 9.24 and to do or effect that which the Law could not do viz. to destroy Sin and him who hath the power of Death to wit the Devil that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8.4 And the Lord said unto Paul 2 Cor. 12.9 My Grace is sufficient for thee But if it cannot preserve any Soul one day or hour or moment from sinning actually in Thought Word and Deed it cannot be understood to be sufficient and Paul said Where Sin did abound Grace hath much more abounded and he was able through Christ that strengthened him to do
so a Church or Assembly of People only professing the true Religion but having nothing of the true Life and Spirit of Christ and whose outward and bodily Services and Works have no inward and spiritual Virtue and Life in them which is that Salt that maketh them savoury and doth recommend them unto God so that he savoureth a sweet savour in them cannot be truly and justly accounted a true Church of Christ For we no where find in Scripture any Society or company of People called the Church of Christ who had nothing but the Profession of the true Religion and although Hypocrites and meer Formalists did outwardly at times mingle or mix with sincere Christians and did assume the same outward Profession with them in former Ages as such were among the Churches of Corinth and Gulatia c. Yet these Hypocrites and meer Formalists who had only the Form but had nothing of the Power and Life of true Religion were no part of the true Church no more than Chaff or Tares that are mixed with Wheat are any part of the Wheat or Dross that is mixed with Silver is any part of the Silver or old Leaven that is mixed with the new Dough is any part of it And therefore it ought to be the work of all the true Members of the true Church to purge out the old Leaven and to be a separate People from all these that have only a Form and Profession of Religion but have nothing of the Power of it 3. The Church of Christ is called his Body frequently in Scripture and every Member thereof is called a Member of Christ and his Body is a living Body and every Member a living Member and that which maketh both the whole Body and every Member thereof living is Christ Jesus the Life living and indwelling in every Member and together with Christ both the Father and the holy Spirit do dwell in every Member of the true Church even as Christ promised it should be John 14.23 If a Man love me he will keep my Words and my Father will love him and We will come unto him and make our abode with him And this WE is the Father the Son and the holy Spirit who are three and one indwelling in every true Member of the Church of Christ and according to this Paul said to the believing Corinthians Know ye not that your Bodies are the Temples of the holy Ghost which dwelleth in you And the holy Ghost which dwelt in them together with the Father and the Son did work every good Work in them and move them in all holy and religious Services and Performances whether to Preach Pray or give Thanks or to meditate and wait upon the Lord in silence And they knew by the inward Teaching and Revelation of God's holy Spirit the proper and fit times when to speak and when to be silent when to preach and when to pray and when to begin and when to make an end they had no Hour-glass to measure out the Time unto them nor an outward Bell hanging in a Steeple to call them together but the Gospel-Bell did ring and sound in their Hearts and this gathered them together in a living way and manner and of this the outward Bells Ex. 28 34 35 that did hang at the High-Priest's Garment with the Pomegranats were Types And this is the living Word even Christ whose inward Voice and Call in the Soul and Heart giveth a joyful sound to that Ear which is opened to hear it and of such it is written Blessed are they that know the joyful sound they shall walk O Lord in the Light of thy Countenance Psal 89.15 4. Moreover the true Church and every Member thereof is said to be of Christ's Flesh and of his Bones and they two are one Flesh Ephes 5.30 31. And they are one Spirit 1 Cor. 6.17 For Christ he is both the Head and Life of the Church which is his Body from whom the whole Body fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every Joynt supplyeth according to the effectual working the Greek hath it Energia in the measure of every part maketh increase of the Body unto the edifying of it self in Love Ephes 4.16 And that which thus knitteth all the Members both unto Christ the Head and one unto another is the Spirit and the Unity of the Spirit is the Bond of Peace for by one Spirit they are all baptized into one Body and do all drink into one Spirit And this is the true gathering of a Church or Churches of Christ that is far beyond all Profession of true Religion or outward Signs or Ceremonies as that of water Baptism which Presbyterians and others use to Initiate or enter People into their Church or outward Covenants and Contracts or Bonds which these called Independents use to initiate or enter People into their Church all which outward things are but Mens Inventions as they are now used whereby to gather and make up Churches And all this is but Mans gathering and work made Things Likenesses and graven Images of heavenly things which the Lord hath forbidden saying Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likeness of any thing in Heaven above c. Exod. 20. For whatever Men make or set up whether it be Church Ordinance or Service without the Spirit and Power of God inwardly moving assisting teaching leading guiding and ordering them so to do is but Man's work a thing of Man's making and all such made Things made Faiths made Churches made Worships made Ordinances without the Spirit and Power of God inwardly revealed are to be abolished shaken and removed and the Voice of God will do it whose Voice of Old did shake Mount Sinai and the Lord hath said Yet once more I shake not the Earth only but the Heavens also And this Voice of the Lord uttered from Heaven hath both shaken abolished and removed many things of Mens making already and in the Lords due time will remove them all and every Plant that is not of the Father's planting he will pluck it up and throw it away And this is a warning unto you O ye Churches and People of New-England altho' Babylon like ye sit as a Queen or have at least so sate some few Years ago and did say in your Heart ye shall see no Widdowhood and have preached it as Doctrin that the sounding of God's Voice from Heaven is althogeter ceased in these days Let this be told unto you it hath not ceased to sound but still doth and shall and the sound of it shall not only shake but utterly remove undo and destroy all your Babylonish buildings And this the Lord will do not by Might nor Power viz. of man but by his own Spirit and the time hastneth and blessed shall he be who receiveth warning and hearkneth unto the counsel of the Lord he who hath Ears to hear let him hear 5. And the true Church is in God the Father and in
Motion in my Heart and his living Word that was and is as a Sword and a Fire did lie upon me to clear my self among you And seeing your Churches are no true Churches of Christ as I have sufficiently demonstrated in this Treatise their peace is no true peace and therefore must and will be broken and the sooner it be broken the better it will prove to many poor Souls among you in order to their being gathered unto the Lord. And whereas ye say in your Letter If he would have a publick Audience let him Print Ye see how I have complyed with your Proposal yet not in your will but in the will of the Lord who hath laid it upon me and hath assisted me in this undertaking to write this Treatise and direct it more particularly unto you and more generally to all the Presbyterian and Independent Teachers and People both in New-England or elsewhere to whose Hands by divine Providence it shall come And I require this reasonable demand of you that seeing ye have said Let him Print that after it is come unto you ye would seriously read it and if it please God by it as an Instrument to convince you through his eternal Spirit give God the Glory and confess to the Truth But if otherwise that still ye think ye have Truth on your side then appear in Print openly to defend your Cause not with Railing and Lies but solid Arguments if ye can produce them And if in some places I seem to have appeared sharp unto you or your Brethren in this undertaking I would have you to consider that on a due examination my Arguments and Reasons are full as sharp as my Charges or Conclusions and sharp Premisses can well allow to have sharp Conclusions And what Sharpness or Tartness or seeming Severity I have used true love and compassion to Souls as well as zeal to God's Glory hath constrained it Sweet Potions of Physick are not always the most safe The true Prophets of God were generally led and moved of God to reprove sharply the false Prophets of Old And Christ and the Apostles and other true Teachers did sharply reprove false Teachers in that day and there is the same cause now and the same Spirit of Truth and true Zeal now that moveth in God's true Servants in measure in this day The precious Souls of many Thousands lie at stake and therefore there ought to be plain dealing and no daubing with untempered Morter or sowing Pillows under Arm-holes I know the wrath of Man doth not work the Righteousness of God and I have laboured to keep free from that human Passion and whether I have kept clear and free of it I can and do freely submit to the Judgment of the spiritual Man who hath a spiritual discerning and is able to judge but to the carnal Man's Judgment I have no reason to submit And as I freely submit my Spirit to be tryed so the Doctrin to him that is able and above all I appeal to the holy Scripture as the best outward Test and Touch-stone and to the inward opening of the holy Spirit in all that are sensible of it without which ye cannot but err not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God Ye decline my coming privately to your Houses citing for your Warrant John 2. verse 10. but I had no such design however ye miserably misapply that place of Scripture as ye are wont to do many more For ye take it for granted that I bring another Doctrin than the Doctrin of Christ and the Apostles which I altogether deny Secondly what John did write was to a private Woman and therefore doth not quadrate to you who reckon your selves publick Men and Rulers as well as Teachers and Pastors in the Church and I do not find any command or practice in all the Scripture for you to decline a fair Dispute with Men suppose Hereticks or false Teachers unless ye have first dealt with them in order to convince them And even ye ought not to reject an Heretick till after the first and second Admonition according to Scripture but ye never as yet gave me your first And he who is an Heretick is self condemned which I bless God I am not and ye pretend not to that spiritual discerning whereby ye can know me to be such It is not always one nor divers Errors or Mistakes in Judgment that maketh Men worthy of that odious Name of Heretick The Apostle John and all the other Apostles had the infallible Spirit of Truth and that gave them a discerning infallibly to judge both Doctrins and Spirits but this ye neither have nor lay claim to And yet we find that the Apostles did not shun to discourse and debate with Men of ill Principles as occasion and season required And Christ also did unweariedly reason with Opposers of all sorts Jews Pharisees Sadducees c. And Paul disputed daily in the School of Cyrannus with them that opposed and with Epicureans and Libertines and others at Athens and went into the Jews Synagogues and reasoned with them and did not excuse themselves with your silly Evasion that these Men were false Teachers and therefore ought not to be disputed with The Scripture commandeth that in Meekness we should instruct them that oppose themselves if God peradventure may give them Repentance And though this is not the work of all private Christians who have not a publick Gift of teaching and are not called to that Work yet this is no defence unto you who pretend to be publick Teachers And if it be so that false Teachers are on no account to be received into Houses ye little consider how this Weapon may ere long be turned against your selves For my hope is that in due time many People both in Boston and New-England shall have their Eyes opened by the Spirit of the Lord which ye blaspheme to see your sort to be these false Teachers who bring not the Doctrin of Christ and the Apostles and the Houses ye Preach in not being your Houses but the Houses of the People they shall not any more receive you into them and this warrantably enough according to your own words But seeing ye are so unwilling that any called a Quaker should come into your Houses why should ye receive their Goods To wit their Kettles Pewter Houshold-stuff Corn and Cattel as some yea many of your Brethren have done and used them as your own though unjustly taken away from the true Owners because they would not give you Maintenance A rare and unparalled practice no where to be traced in all the Scripture nay not by false Prophets and Teachers in like manner as ye have done And when our honest Friends have expostulated with you Why ye crave Wages of them who do not hear you ye have oft told them The Door is open and have invited them to come yea and some have been fined for not coming to your Houses some call Churches but
we say they are not the only Rule nor being compared with the inward Rule of God's holy Spirit are they above it but inferior and under it and ought only to be used in Subordination to it And if the Scripture were the only Rule as our Adversaries say then all poor Heathens should have no Rule nor Law and consequently no Sin nor Judgment which is false And we deny not but the Scriptures are a means of our enlightning as God the Father of Lights is pleased to cause his Light to shine unto us in our Hearts in the serious and faithful hearing reading and meditating on the Scriptures c. but not otherwise even as the Air or Windows of a House are means of letting in the Sun 's light to us but if the Sun shine not neither the Air nor Window can give us light 2. That they denyed the Manhood of the Lord Jesus Christ and affirmed that as Man he is not in Heaven This is a notorious false Charge which they can never prove And in this Treatise in several places I have given a large Testimony to the Man Christ Jesus in Heaven and how he is the Object and Foundation of the Christians Faith as the Mystery of his coming in the Flesh Death and Sufferings c. is inwardly opened revealed and applyed by the holy Spirit in Men's Hearts 3. That they deny the Resurrection of the Dead This is also a most false charge which they can never prove But because we deny their Carnal Conceptions of the Resurrection and hold us to scripture-Scripture-words which is most safe therefore they have so belyed us And for the more satisfaction of the Reader I refer him to a little Book called The Principles of Truth published by some noted Men of the Quakers in which Book it is expresly affirmed That we to wit the Quakers believe that the same Body which is laid down shall be raised up at the Resurrection of the Dead as much as a natural Body can be the same with a spiritual Body on an earthly Body can be the same with a heavenly Body according to the Scriptures Testimony it is sown natural but raised spiritual and the Glory of the Heavenly is one and the Glory of the Earthly is another And this may satisfie any sober enquirer And Paul writing concerning the Resurrection of the Dead saith That is not first which is Spiritual but that which is Natural or Animal and afterwards that which is Spiritual 1 Cor. 15.46 and vers 49. As we have born the Image of the Earthly we shall also bear the Image of the Hevenly He that readeth let him understand 4. That an absolute Perfection in Holiness or Grace is attainable in this Life 5. That they placed their Justification upon their Patience and Sufferings for their Opinions and on their righteous Life both which are grosly false Charges and the contrary of which I have shewed in this Treatise at length in their proper places 6. They allowed not nor practised any civil Respect to Magistrates Parents c. This also is grosly false there are divers other ways sufficient whereby to shew both our Civil and Christian Respect to Magistrates and Parents c. without either doffing the Hat or cringing and that both in Words and Gestures There are only two other things which he chargeth that we grant to be true but deny them to be either damnable or corrupt Doctrin but affirm them to be truly Christian one is That all Men ought to attend to the Light within them to be the Rule of their Lives and Actions But if this be corrupt and damnable Doctrin he accuseth his own Brethren who in their Confession of Faith say That there are many Sins that Men commit against the Law or Light of Nature as they call it which are the more hainous And surely that is a Light within them and is e'en so far a Rule of Life containing as is commonly acknowledged the Substance of the ten Commandments see their answer to Quest 151. larger Catechism But we do not say That that general Illumination that is in all men many of whom have not the Scriptures is a Rule to oblige them to believe and receive these great Mysteries of Christianity declared in the Scriptures which they who have not the Scriptures have not revealed unto them The other is That we deny the use of Oaths But this is no corrupt but truly Christian Doctrin which saith Swear not at all Mat. 5.34 It is a marvelous thing that these Men have no other ways to oppugne the Quakers but by grose 〈…〉 Lies and false Calumnies and 〈◊〉 Abuses like unto the ways that ever the 〈◊〉 sort of the Adversaries of Truth have used against the true Witnesses of it It had been more Manly and seemingly Christian for Increase Mather and Nath. Morton or any others of their Sect or Society fairly to have stated the Quakers Principles and then to have gone and refuted them by the best or strongest Arguments they could find But this none of them have done nor did I ever see to this day any one Writer that did write against the Quakers that did fairly state their Principles but miserably belyed and abused them either by affirming things to be their Principles which were not or by so unfairly representing and wresting the Words of our honest Friends by their Addings and Diminishings that they could not at all acknowledge them as such All which is a manifest Evidence of the weakness badness of their Cause as well as of that evil Conscience that is in them when they use such unlawful ways and means to defend themselves or to oppugne others Read and well consider Ezekiel 9.3.4 1 Cor. 5.2
good for evil and blessing for cursing Now he that is in the state of a meer Servant or Son of the Bond-woman may endeavour to practice all these things in Word and Deed as outwardly and may have many inward wrestlings and endeavours inwardly to bring his Heart to the inward Conformity of this most holy and spiritual Law but until he be more inwardly changed and renewed and born again by a second inward Birth he cometh not up in Heart and Soul to this inward Purity but feels a secret defect within him of this so perfect Righteousness that is wholly Evangelical 4. Next as to that other Question mentioned in the Title of this Chapter viz. Whether it is true That no man by any Grace of God given him in this Life which includes all Grace given at present or to be given at any time hereafter in this Life can perfectly keep the Commandments of God but doth daily break them in Thought Word and Deed. The Faith publishers of Westminster and New-England do positively expresly affirm it in answer to Question 149. larger Catech. and Cap. 16. Sect. 5. they farther say That the best Works of the Saints which proceed from the Spirit of God as they are wrought by them are defiled The which Assertions have seemed so gross to divers of their Church-Members that they could not believe that their Catechism and Confession of faith said any such thing until I have got the Book and both read caused them to read the same in their said Catechism Confession with their own Eyes and then they were amazed and ashamed and indeed it is an astonishing Doctrin especially to say That the good Works of God's holy Spirit are defiled in or by the Saints It is such a Chimera or Contradiction as to say one and the same thing can have the perfect shape of a man in all his parts and Members without any defect or redundancy as to say a perfect Man and yet also have the shape of a Dog Ass or Hog at the same instant For they say As it is the Work of God it is perfect and as it is the work of Man it is imperfect and Sin and that totally For they do not mean that one part of the work is God's and that is perfect and another part is Man's and that is imperfect but that the whole work as it is God's is perfect and as it is Man's even the same whole work is defiled and imperfect yea Sin What greater piece of Nonsense and Contradiction can be imagined as who would say the Snow is perfectly white in one sense and yet black in another sense or the Fire is hot in one sense but cold in another And another as great an absurdity they have affirmed That these defiled and sinful works of the Saints God doth accept them looking upon them in his Son though in God's sight they are defiled and reproveable Is not this to represent God to speak with reverence as looking with a deceiveable Eye as one that looks upon an Object through a Green or Red Glass it seemeth Green or Red although it be not really so and is it not to make Christ a meer Cloak to Sin or blind to hide it from God's all-seeing Eye or if not to hide it yet for God to accept that for good and holy which is not really so and so to give a false judgment and to call evil good which God abhorreth And is not this Antimonian like who say God seeth no Sin in them though they Lye Swear falsly drink drunk steal whore c. yea Ranter like for they say God seeth no Sin in them because he looks upon them in Christ But surely in whomsoever Sin is God and Christ seeth it and cannot accept it and Christ himself judgeth and condemneth all Sin And as for their alledged Proofs from Scripture they are meerly wrested and abused as the impartial Reader may perceive with small Examination The first place they cite in their larger Catechism answ to Quest 149. is James 3.2 For in many things we offend all But to this I answer 1 st He doth not say in all things as these Faith-makers say That all the best Works of the Saints are defiled and they sin in them all 2 dly He doth not say We shall and must always offend and can do no otherwise by any Grace of God so long as we live 3 dly It is to be considered that the Apostle James writes this Epistle in general to the twelve Tribes who were not generally come to a state of Perfection and of such it may be said they offend in many things to wit such as are weak in Faith and though he use the first Person of the plural Number saying We this doth not prove that he doth understand himself more than when he saith Verse 9 Therewith to wit the Tongue curse we Men. For James to be sure was no such Man both to bless and curse with the same Tongue or Mouth for thus he expostulates with them My Brethren these things ought not so to be Doth a Fountain send forth at the same place sweet Water and bitter The next place they cite is John 15.5 For without me ye can do nothing This proveth indeed that no Man without the Grace of Christ can do any good but it proveth not that by the Grace of God he cannot do that which is good Surely Paul was not of these Mens Faith who said He was able through him that strengthned him viz. Christ to do all things The next place they cite is Ecclesiastes 7.20 There is no Man that doth good and sinneth not To this it is answered first The Translation doth as well bear it in the potential Mood and may not Sin the Hebrew Word being in the Future which is at times put for the potential Mood as Psal 22.17 the Word in the Hebrew is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Future Secondly It is readily granted that there is a time or state wherein Men generally do sin until a state of Perfection be attained which was not generally attained in the time of the Law or Old Testament for the Law made nothing perfect and it is said to be weak although no doubt there were some excellent and perfect Men in that time but they did not attain to that Perfection by the Law but by Faith in Christ Another place they cite is Gen. 6.5 And God saw that the Wickedness of Man was great in the Earth and that every Imagination of the Thoughts of his Heart was only evil continually Answer This is very impertinently here alledged for it speaketh only of that Generation of Men in the Old World that were so exceedingly degenerated that God was provoked to drown them with the deluge of Waters But this doth not prove that it is so with the Saints yea Noah is expresly excepted Verse 8. But Noah found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord. And vers 9. Noah was a