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A26579 Covnterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation : argvments that the best assemblies of the present church of England are true visible churches : that the preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ : Mr. Bernards book intituled The Separatists Schisme : Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his sermon preached at the crosse / examined and answered by Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1642 (1642) Wing A809; ESTC R19104 173,009 159

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their dutie Gods word teacheth u● t●at ●f a man walke in any one sinne though he doe not all he shal n●t liue but die the de●th Ezek. 18 11 13. W●en Gibeah was giuen ove● to the Sinne of Sodom if the Priests and prophets should haue preached against idolatrie swearing breaking of the Sabbath and such like evils and not against that particular filthynes which the people followed should they haue preached repentance truly When Israel followed Iereboams calues at Dan and Bethel if the ministers then had preached against Sodo●ie whordome drunkennes and the like and not cried out a●ainst that present idol worship but pleaded rather for it sh●uld they haue t●u●ht repenatnce truly Even thus it is with your best min●ster● they will th●●de● out in their pulpits against Popery and idol●try in ●e●er●ll a●ainst theft whordome pr●de coueteousnes and m●●y o●her i●q●●●ie● but the sinne which cleaueth so fast to the bones of ●o●r Church t●e heynous enormities in Gods worship amongst you these they meddle not with neither vpon payn of excommunicati●● draw the people to repentance for them as after I will further shew Perhaps now and then they will glance at the Bps. or some other corruptions but bring the people from vnder these iniquities they doe not nay they plead for them rather and cry o●t vpon vs which haue forsaken so grosse ab●minations Now there being no notice giuen by the ministers or taken by the people of the si●ns wherein they liue the other two parts of true re●entance doe also fail among you for farr you be from confessing your sins which though you offer the sacrifice of fools yet will you not know that you doe evill and most farr from amending them when with so high a hand you doe maintain them although the testimonie and s●ffrings of vs your dis●ised and persecuted brethren against them haue sounded in your eares now man●e a day Thus teach they not repentance aright As for faith it cannot be sound and true where it hath not ground o● the couenant and promise of God Gods couenant and ●romise of saluation you haue not without repentance as Christ sayd Except ye repent you shall all likewise p●rish for surely God will wound the hairie ●ate of him that walketh in his sinnes To preach faith therefore and a●ply iustification by faith to an vnrepentant people is to ●rofane that holy doctrine and turne the grace of God into licent●ousnes But to giue the seales of the righteousnes of faith baptisme and the Lords supper to the wicked blasphemers irreligious and to their seed it is a sinne of sin● for which your ministers shall giue an heauy account to Christ at his appearing as haue counted the ●recious blood of his testament an vnholi● thing and washed and fed therewith e●en doggs and swine as the scripture calleth such vngodly ●ersons And thus you haue not truly taught among you eyther rep●ntance from dead works or faith towards God which are the doctrine of the beginning of Christ and the very foundation as the Apostle saith I will now also compare the practise of the Apostles in the plac● which you cite with yours that the reader may see how your right eye is blinded to bring scripture so playn against your selues In Act. 2 37 c the manner of gathering and planting that church‘ is thus described There was first the word preached by the Apostles verse 14 c which being heard pricked the harts of the ●eople verse 37. there was repentance taught not for adultery theft worshiping of Idols o● the like whereof it may be that people was not knowen to be guilty but for their particular trespasse in refusing of Iesus Christ into whose name they must be baptised if they would be saued verse 38 then followed a playn separation from such as frowardly resisted the truth vers 40 and none were baptised or ioyned to the church but such as gladly receiued the word verse· 41. After this followed a cont●newing notwithstanding the imminent peril of trouble and persecution for the truth sake in the Apostles doctr●ne and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayer● verse 42 If you had walked in this primitiue churches steps you should before the constituting of your Church haue preached vnto the poor ignorant and idolatrous Papists which was the generall face of the land at Q Maries death repentance for their sinns in all their idolatries w●ll worships and superstitions subiection to Antichrist his prelacie priesthood and gouernment c. To such as had their harts pricked with your doctrine you should haue shewed the true way of the Gospel faith and holy walking therein You should haue taugh● them a separation from the profane and obstinate and haue gathered into the Church such onely as gladly receiued the word and with them you should haue walked in a holy communion and practise of Christs ordinances th●ugh Princes and Parl●aments tho●gh men and Angels should haue forbidden threatned you for it Thus had your church beē the daughter of th●t mother church in Ier●salem whereas now by neglecting this patterne and reteyning the Popish confuse multitude and a great part of their ministery and worship you haue imitated B●bylon ●e mother of fornications a●d ●re as vnlike Sion as you are like your selues The objection which you feared and therefore would prevent with answer is yet of more weight then will be eased by your syllogisme the a●sumption whereof I deny For the true constituting of a Church by the word perached call●ng men to a willing holy covenant with God sep●ratin● them from the wayes of Satan Antichrist his false idoatr●●s worship priesthood and government vniting them togither in the com●union of the true faith and bond of loue and peace which ar the controuersies between you and vs these poynts are cleerly set down in scriptures to the vnderstand●ng of the spirituall as the history of all the Bible and the pract●se of the Apostles and primitiue churhes already alleged doe plainely shew and I am sure you will not deny but they were spirituall Whereas you would ●roue they are not clearely set downe to the vnderstand of the spirituall because thowsands of ministers and people of the chur●h of Engl●nd are of contrary iudgment to vs first we haue many testimonies of your own min●sters for the things that we defend against you as in this and other books we haue manifested Secondly if we had no such testimony yet what doe you but make your selues iudges in your own cause that though we bring never so playn evidence against you from the word yet if you see it not or wil not see it must not be needful for saluation More vnsound and popish doctrine hath seldome been taught But I leaue vpō you the saying of Christ vnto the Pharisees If you ●ere blinde ye should not haue sinne but now ye say WE SEE therefore your sin remayneth Iohn 9 11. And whereas
your labours and blesse you for them as Moses blessed the builders of the tabernacle Exod. 39.43 Your first argument therefore is to weak to vphold your church or best assemblies and the assumption of your profyllogisme is denyed The 2 argument 2. THose Churches whose true members are onely espowsed to Christ a true visible Churches Ephe. 5.30.32 2. Cor. 11.2 But the true members of our best assemblies are espowsed onely to Christ. Therefore c. Proof of the assumption They are espowsed onely to Chrisi which are indued with true sauing faith Eph. 5 30.31.32 with Iohn 15.3 4.5.7 17 20.21 But the true members of our best assemblies are indued with a true sauing faith confessed by Mr. Iohnson in Iakob pag. 7· Look also in the confirmation of the 5. argument folowing here Therefore c. Answer HEre agayn you haue gott an other starting hole whiles you plead but for the true members of your best assemblies yet neither tel you vs which are your best assemblies nor who be the true members of them that how to follow or where to finde you we cannot tel As is the way of an eagle in the aire such is the way of an adultrous woman it is hid and cannot be known But I will see if I can discouer your falsehood though I cannot find your footing First I deny that the true members of your best assemblies are espowsed onely to Christ. for as the prophet sayd of Israel lift vp your eyes ūto the high placs behold wher you haue not plaied the harlot Now whils a church doth play the harlot Christ willeth vs to plead with her that she is not his wife ney●her is he her husband Idolatrie is spirituall whordome as the Prophets testifie Psa. 106 39. Ier. 3.9 Deut. 31.16 but the true members of your best assemblies commit idolatrie in their daylie worship according to their Romish leiturgy or book of commō prayer an idol of your own inuentiō How are they thē espowsed to Christ alone Yes they are say you because they ar indued with true sauing faith I answer Faith is in the hart as it is writen with the hart man beleeueth Rom. 10.10 The hart no man knoweth but God alone as agayn it is written thou Lord onely knowest the harts of all the children of men 1 King 8 39 So then I ask you how you know that your members haue true faith your answer must needs be vnlesse you w●ll make your selfe a God you know it not but by their words and works Wel thē let vs bring these to th' trial their confession and the●r practise leauing their faith to God that knowes it The conf●ssion of the●r faith is set downe in their service book the 12. articles of the Creed But this Creed the Papists also confesse and read in their church and if it will proue your people to haue true faith it will proue theirs to haue likewise you say no more for England then for Rome Agayn the Apostle sayth there are some which professe that they know God but in works doe deny him and are abominable and disobedient and to euery good work reprobate So then words are not yenough to proue true faith But we must come to the Apostle Iames his triall shew me thy fayth out of thy works for faith without works is dead Now the works of your people are apparant to be evil they standing in communion or confusion rather with the vnclean profane and wicked whereby al Gods holy things are defiled as it is written Num. 19.22 Hag. 2.14 submitting their soules to Antichristian prelates and priests and hearing their voyce contrari● to Iohn 10 5. worshiping God in vayn after their own invented seruice book which is a high transgression of the second commandement Exo 20 And these things are general and publick the particular and more priuate in●q●ities will not easily be numbred Whereas therefore you would perswade vs your church is espowsed onely to Christ although her fornicat●ons are so manifest between her brests because she sayth she beleeveth only in Christ it is with no more colour then as if Bilhah whē she was known to lie with Reuben should haue pleaded yet am I an honest woman and espowsed to Iaacob onely for my loue and harty affection is towards him alone But the wise man teacheth vs these be but the tricks of an adultrous woman she eateth and wipeth her mouth sayth I haue done no iniquity Pro 30 20. The scriptures which your selfe allege doe also make against your chvrch Eph 5 30. We are members of Christs body of his flesh and of his bones F●rst your church can shew no covenant that was made between Christ and her at any time the gathering and planting of your church having been by the Magistrates authority not by the word of Christ winning mens soules unto his faith separating them from the vnbeleevers and taking them to communion with himselfe Secondly in saying his body the Apostle excludeth al other bodies as more plainlie appeareth in the other scripture 2 Cor. 11.2 where he prepared the church as a pure virgin for Christ which cannot be whiles she defileth her self with others as doth your church with the abominations of the Papists compāying also in the bed of loue with the Prelates whom the better son of you haue confessed to be Antichristian and their infer●our priests who work vpon mens consciences by their jurisdiction ministery doctrines canons c. being as the bridegrooms of your church not the friends of the bridegroom which stand and heare and reioyce for the bridegrooms voyce for that Christ should speak and rule vnlesse it be according to their own canons they cannot endure The other places in Iohn 15. 17. will confirme also that the true members of your best assemblies are not espowsed onely to Christ For Christ sheweth that his Father is the husbandman who caleth and bringeth vnto and planteth in him the true vine all the branches that is the particular persons of the Church But the true members of your best assemblies are as yet the branches of that false Antichristian vine your confused church of England not separated from but liuing and growing in one stock body and communion with the idolatrous and profain So that you cannot say as did the Israel of God Thou hast brought a vine out of Aegypt thou hast cast out the heathens plāted it Christ sheweth that his branches were purged of the Father by the word spoken vnto thē your members ar not yet purged or clensed by the word of Christ from their idolatries and profane communion with the ympes of Satan The word of life the word of separatiō from the serpēt his seed hath not yet sounded in the eares or at least not sunk into the harts of your people Christ branches bring forth much fruit through their abiding in him being able without him to doe nothing your
them to be the uery shrines of idols and lyable to the Curse Thus are we come to an end with M Bernard passing by his impertinent discourses which in his rouing he ran into leauing him also for his unchristian reproches and iniurious calumniations to the mercy or iudgment of the Lord who behold commeth with ten thows●nds of his Saincts to giue iudgment against all men and to rebuke all the vngodly among them of all their wicked deeds which they haue wickedly committed and of all their cru●l speakings which wicked sinners haue spoke● against him THE MINISTERS POSITIONS SHAKEN THere is added to Mr Bernards book an other work intituled CERTAIN POSITIONS held and maynteined by some godly ministers of the gospel against those of the separation and namely against Barrow Greenwood The groundwork whereof is thus layd That the Church of England is a true Church of Christ and such a one as from which whosoeuer wittingly and continually separateth himselfe cutteth himselfe ●ff from Christ I will not stand vpon the consequences that may be made of this position whereby all that abhorr●ng the abominations in that church and so separating from it are quite cut off from Christ whatsoeuer truth they profe●●e and walke in or whats●euer other church they ioyne vnto but I will insist in a brie● answer to that which these Ministers bring to proue this their peremtory sentence and they be 4. reasons 1 For that they enioy and ioyne togither in the use of those outward meanes which God in his word hath ord●yned for the gathering of an inuisible Church that is preaching of the gospel and administration of the sacraments 2. For that their whole church maketh profession of the true faith 3. For that th●y hold and teach c. all truthes fundamental 4. For that all known churches in the world acknowledge that church for the●r sister and giue vnto her the right hand of fellowship These things haue been before handled in this treatise and the weakne●●e of them discouered yet because it may be thought new men will make new arguments and many heads together bring forth deep counsels let us weigh what these godly ministers haue here sayd For proof of the first poynt they doe allege that the meanes which they vse and enioy haue been effectuall to the vnfained conuersion of many as may appear both by the other fruites of faith that may be found amongst them and by the martyrdome which sundry haue endu●ed c yea euen we our selues are able to witnes with them that if there be any true faith and sanctification in us it was begun and bred in th●ir assemblies Secondly that if Mat. ●8 18.20 Eph. 4 11.12.14 be well examined it wil●e found that the meanes which Christ ordeyned for the gathering of an inuisible church are the very same which they enioy euen the preaching of the word and administration of the sacraments I answer All this that they say will not proue their Position namely that the church of England which consisteth of the whole nation diuided in to many dioceses and parishes vnder one or two Archbishops c. is a true church of Christ. For the Papists boast of all these things as colourable and as truely as these ministers Their priests haue conuerted many from Pagenisme Iudaisme and profanenes of life their church hath had many martyrs Luther and others that first left them had their faith begun in their assemblies c. and whatsoeuer Ministery is in England from the Archprelate to the halfe priest the Papists haue amongst them yea Engl. had it from them And it is to be admired that these godly ministers can allege nothing for their church but such old popish stales How vainely they assume these things vnto themselues hath been shewed befo●e fruits of faith appear no● in their confuse assemblies wh●re God is publ●ckly dishonoured by false worship his enemies profane wicked people fostered and ble●sed with his most holy things and Antichristian prelates and Canons obeyed Were it as they say that many haue been conuerted is that ●enough to make all the church We haue testimonies from their own mouthes that there be swarmes and thowsands of profane irreligeous atheists blasphemers and open wicked liuers Mr Gifford a champion of their own hath confessed and printed it that through want and absence of ● sincere ministery there is a flood of ignorance and darknesse ouerflowing the most part of the land the fear of God is banished from the greatest part the wonderfull heaps and piles of sinne which should be washed and clensed away by the word doe undoubtedly with one voyce cry alowd in the eares of the Lord for ve●geance vpon the whole realm c Shal now a few supposed conuerts mak● all this rowt a Christian church It is impiety and an ouerthrow of the Gospell Gen. 3.15 2 Cor. 6.14 18 Mat 15.13 Reu. 21..2 3.27 and 28.15 What meane these Ministers to boast so much of their martyrs whose blood cries against them in the eares of the Lord of hosts For did not their church kill them Let one of themselues speake in this case least we be thought partiall Who knoweth not sayth Mr Nichols how much blood of Gods Saincts was spilt in former ages and how many howses were guilty of blood And when did this land serio●sly and sincerely humble it selfe by ●pen repentance make reconciliation for the same Nay rather how many thowsands repined at the happy reign of her maiesty for the casting out of the idolatrous and superstitious worship of God and for the establishing of his holy nam● and the liberty in preaching of the G●spell This testimony is known to b● true the greater is their sinne that now plead for such a people to be a true Church of God Shall the Cainites be honoured for Abels martyrdom or the Iewes for crucifying Christ then also may the bloody gen●tion of Papists be canonized for Saincts and made members without r●pentance of a christian church And for these ministers let them heart and make vse of Christs words to their predecessors Woe unto you for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets and your fathers killed them Truly y● bear witnes and allow the deeds of your fathers for they killed them and y● build their sepulchres Fulfil ye also the measure of your Fathers It is a slight and simple kinde of reasoning to tel us if those scripture● Mat. 28. Eph. 4. be well examined it will be found that the meanes which Christ ordeyned for the gathering of an inuisible church ar the uery same which they inioy First what doting Friar will not say this much for his popish Synagogue Then why doe not these ministers bring the meanes they boast of to the examination by these scriptures is it yenough think they to the examination by these scriptures is it yenough thinke they to cite a text or two and then ran away The