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A12703 The high vvay to Heaven by the cleare light of the Gospell cleansed of a number of most dangerous stumbling stones thereinto throwen by Bellarmine and others In a treatise made vpon the 37. 38. and 39. verses of the 7. of Iohn: wherein is so handled the most sweete and comfortable doctrine of the true vnion and communication of Christ and his Church, and the contrarie is so confuted, as that not onely thereby also summarilie and briefly, and yet plainly all men may learne rightly to receiue the sacrament of Christs blessed bodie and blood, but also how to beleeue and to liue to saluation. And therefore entitled The highway to Heauen. By Thomas Sparke Doctor of Diuinitie. Sparke, Thomas, 1548-1616. 1597 (1597) STC 23021; ESTC S102434 161,682 384

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will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Iohn 1.12 13. And Christ hath most plainely said Iohn 3.5.6 Verely verely I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God that which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the Spirit is Spirit And yet more plainely to assure vs of the trueth of this point Paule in expresse words hath taught vs that faith is the fruite of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 Ordinarily the worde preached But yet we must not thinke though the Spirit can extraordinarily worke this faith without meanes immediately where when and in whom it listeth that yet notwithstanding ordinarily it doth it by the ministrie of the word and that preached For so Paule concludeth saying Rom. 10.17 Then faith is by hearing and hearing by the worde of God And therefore accordingly 1. Cor. 1.17 he writeth That seeing the world by wisedome knew not God in the wisedome of God it please him by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue those that beleeue And therefore also he notes it is an especial fruit and effect of Christes ascension Ephes 4.10.11 c. that he gaue and bestowed sundrie ministries there mentioned vpon his Church for the repairing of the Saintes for the worke of the ministrie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ Till we all meete togither in the vnitie of faith and the acknowledging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ that we henceforth be no more children wauering and caried away with euerie winde of doctrine by the deceit of men and craftinesse whereby they lay in waite to deceiue Saint Peter also agreable heereunto in his first Epistle Cap. 1.22.23 c. noteth that our souls are purified in obeying the truth thorow the spirit being borre again not of mortall seed but of immortal by the word of God which after there he saith endureth for euer and is that which is preached amongst them Whereupon therefore in the next chapter he exhorteth them to lay aside all malitiousnes all guile dissunulation enuie and euill speaking and as new borne babes to desire the sincere milke of the worde that they may grow vp thereby if it be so they had tasted how bountifull the Lord was Vers 1.2.3 Whereunto we had as much neede to list●n as euer they had For these are the daies wherein we liue wherin that prophecie of Christ is fulfilled Mat. 34. touching the danger that should be by false prophets and teachers able if it were possible to seduce the verie elect Verse 24. and wherein he may behold multitudes for lacke of foode and faithfull preachers and teachers as sheepe hauing no sheepheard dispersed and scattered and therefor in respect wherof he may also say Surely the haruest is great but the labourers are few And by the administration of Sacraments I woulde to God therefore we coulde and woulde euerie one of vs according to his counsell there Praie the Lord of the haruest to thrust out labourers into his haruest Matth. 9.3.6 c. Besides the bare preaching of the worde as it is well knowne and confessed of all for the better both breading and nourishing of this our faith as an outward good meanes for the spirite to worke that effect in vs by our most gratious and louing GOD knowing howe slowe to beleeue we woulde bee hath left and giuen vnto vs visible and palpable Sacramentes thereby as it were to seale and more particularly to apply vnto vs all the good promises of saluation in Christ Iesus as namelie nowe baptisme and the supper of the Lorde to vs of the newe Testament The first whereof offereth vnto vs and sealeth the deliuerie to the right receiuer thereof of his regeneration teaching him to looke for it at the handes of God the Father through God the Sonne by the mightie working of the holie Ghost onelie in that onelie he is baptized in water in their names And the other is a Sacrament of his continuall nourishment to eternall life in and by the broken bodie and bloodeshed of Christ Iesus And therefore as to be a man it is necessarie but once to be borne but yet after often to bee sedde so is it most necessarie for those that woulde euer growe to bee perfect men in Christ Iesus but once to bee baptized but often to receiue the other Sacrament And it must be remembred alwaies that both these offer and set before vs one and selfe same Christ the one that he may by his blood wash vs cleane from our sinnes and regenerate vs that we may beginne to lead a newe and a holy life the other that by his body broken and his bloode shed for vs he may be both meate and drinke and sufficient spirituall foode and nourishment vnto our hungrie and thirstie soules but then withall we may vnderstand that the same Christe to the same endes is offered still vnto vs when his Gospell is preached vnto vs onely this is the difference as I said before that the worde offers and sets him before vs in generall and these in particuler and speciall manner leade vs vnto him And whereas the word to breede or nourish faith in vs stricketh onely the sense of our hearing these duely ministred doe not onely the better to prouoke and strengthen the same mooue and strike that but also our sight smelling tast and feeling And therefore as it was noted by Paule He●●● 2. that the cause why the worde which the Iewes heard in the wildernesse profited them not because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it so is it most certaine that these shall not profit vs though outwardly we be partakers thereof neu●r so much if we haue not faith to pearse further than to the outward elementes and if it be a fault so to harden our heartes when the worde is but preached that we take not occasion thereby to beleeue it must needes be a farre greater fault if these added therunto we be still vnfaithfull And therefore as in respect of hearing of the word the Apostle said Heb. 3.5 So long as it is said to day harden not your heartes as in the prouocation for some when they heard prouoked him to anger so say I vnto you in respect of both much more To this ende neuer forget the examples of Simon Magus and of Iudas whereof though the one was baptized as we read he was Act. 8.18 and the other was with Christ at the institution of the other Sacrament as it appeareth Luke 22.21 yet as it appeares in both those chapters for that they neither of them had any sound or true faith they were neuer the better but the worse for that to their other sinnes they added in the receiuing of these the prophaning as much as lay in them of both thes If when the word is preached
presse withall hast vnto him for forgiuenesse of them And this we see most clearely in the examples of Zacheus and Marie Magdalen whereof the one as we reade in Luke 19. Ranne vp into a wild fig tree that he might satisfie himselfe with seeing Christ and no sooner hearde Christ say vnto him Come downe at once but he came downe hastelie and receiued him ioyfully vers 5. 6. And the other hearing of Christ to testifie her vnfained sorrowe for her sinnes and her loue to Christ for that she hoped by him to haue them forgiuen her as the same euangelist sheweth Cap. 7.37.38 pressed after Christ into a Pharifies house as he sat at meat bringing with her a boxe of oyntment to bestow vpon him whither when she came she stoode at his feete behinde him weeping and washt his feete with teares and wiped them with the heire of her heade and kissed his feete and annoynted them with oyle In all the storie of the new testament where haue we more heartie affection and earnest hunger and thirst after Christ shewed then in these two greate sinners when once the Lorde had made them to feele their sinnes and to be wearie of them Nay this I dare and doe boldlie affirme that if we peruse the whole booke of God thorow we shall neuer find that eyther God the Father or Christ his onely sonne euer comforted any before they were discomforted or healed anie eyther of bodily or spiritual disease before they sawe their disease felt it were weary of it and therefore sued for helpe and deliuerance For why should pearles be cast before swine or health be offered to those that finde not wante of it or meate and drink be set before those that neither hunger nor thirst Out of al question therefore we must thus first hunger and thirst before we can be of the number of those to whome Christ will offer himselfe eyther to be meate or drinke and vnlesse we feele our spirituall sicknesse of sinne and the danger thereof without him he will be no phisition of ours and vnlesse we haue good stomacks and appetites to and after the notable cheere that alreadie is prepared for vs in the marriage of the Kinges sonne wherof 〈◊〉 we reade Matth. 22.1 〈◊〉 it is but in vaine to haue bidders sent vnto vs to bidde vs come for let them doe what they can eyther we will not come at all or else we will make light of comming or come to the purpose This our most mercifull and wife God foreseeing as he hath in his sonne Christ Iesus prouided both meate indeede and drinke indeede for our hungrye and thirstie soules sufficientlie to feede vpon to eternall life without which he knoweth we can no more liue before him at all then we see by experience this life can long be maintained and continued without meate and drinke fit for it so hath he left vnto vs most notable and effectuall meanes to breede in vs the hunger and thirst that is meete to be had after this foode of the soule for he is not onely like a liberall housekeeper that when he hath prouided good cheere for his friends would haue them bring good stomackes with them that they might wel feed theron but also least his prouision shoulde be lost or ill bestowed vppon such as care little for it hee prouideth for all those that he will allowe for his guestes waies and meanes to procure them before they come hunger and thirst indeede after his dainties Waies and meanes to driue vs to Christ And these waies and meanes of his are these his lawe his iudgements threatned and his iudgements executed vpon others and especially on the person of our sauiour For by the lawe rightly vnderstoode commeth the knowledge of sinner Rom. 7. vers 7. yea thereby as most notablie the Apostle sheweth in that place the power and tyranny of sinne ouer vs is most plainely described in respect of which office of the law the law is said to be our schoolmaster vnto Christ Gal. 3.24 for whiles it maketh vs see our selues to be sinners and that great and dangerous sinners it causeth vs to despaire of heauen at all by our own merits yea it driueth vs eyther to make no other reckoning but to goe to hell whether by our sinnes we haue descrued to goe or else to seeke out of our selues quite by faith in Christ Iesus to be iustified and so to come to heauen by him But this it cannot doe vnlesse we muse and meditate thereon aright and vnlesse we vnderstand it aright for though it be set before vs of the Lord as a glasse to discouer and lay before vs on the one side what we owe vnto him had beene abie to pay him if we had continued in the state wherin he created vs of the other side to shewe vs that now by our ownfal we are become such bankrupts that whē we ow gold we are not able to pay copper yea where we owe him thousands we are not able to answere him one of a thousād yet vnles the lord open our eyes rightlie to vnderstand this his law it cannot nor wil not stande vs in this steed for as the best glasse beeing looked into without light directeth vs nothing but when by the light it is looked vpon it doth the office euen so is it in this case And therefore to this purpose we are to vnderstand with Dauid that the lawe of God is perfect and in that respect as gold is tried seauen times in the fire Psal 19.7 c. Wherefore we may be sure it stretcheth rightly vnderstoode to the condemnation of all sinne whatsoeuer and to the commendation of all vertue likewise whatsoeuer Insomuch as it contayneth an absolute and most perfect rule of righteousnesse and holinesse from which as oft as we decline eyther to the right hand or to the left in heart worde deede or countenance eyther in omitting thinges therein commaunded or in cōmitting things therin forbidden so oft it pronounceth vs to be transgressours thereof Whereupon consequentlie it must needes be true that if we iudge our owne selues but according to the lawe we shall finde it as impossible for vs to number our sinnes as eyther it is to number the starres of heauen or the sand of the sea shore the consideration wherof seeing that the promise of the lawe is onely this Doe this and liue Leuit. 18.13 and he that faileth in one poynt is guilty of al. Iam. 2.10 may first make vs see that heauen beeing the Lordes and therefore none being worthie but he to set the price thereof or couenant with man vpon what condition he shall haue it that it is set at a price and offered vpon condition of such perfection in workes as infinitely passeth our reach and therefore that way none but they that eyther vnderstande not the lawe or are so foolish that they thinke they can haue heauen at their owne price or that God will measure
what he can to keepe vs from this hunger and thirst proceeding from a deepe and due feeling of our sinnes and the grieuousnesse thereof that so eyther lothing this heauenly foode or not sufficiently finding our neede and want thereof through our owne fault we may be neuer the better for it And the meanes whereby he most preuaileth heerein be ignorance security and errour By ignorance hee preuaileth with all those be they Iewes Turkes Papistes or whatsoeuer whom by any cunning he can keepe in ignorance eyther of the lawe person or office of Christ of which sort wonderfull manie be By securitie he preuaileth not onely also with the former but likewise shamfully with the carnall gospellers beguiling their heartes being as yet indeed for all their faire outward shewe in words quite voyde of al true loue and delight either in the law or gospell through the deceitfulnes of sinne and by teaching of them to turne the grace of God into wantonnes and most lewdly to abuse the mercies of God in Christ by presuming therby to haue their sinnes forgiuen them when and howe they liste though they as longe as they list continue therein By errour also he preuaileth mightilie with verie many and nowe a daies wonderfully amongst the papistes For as though directly they had conspired with fathan to keepe men from euerhauing that hunger and thirst after Christ that I haue proued to be most necessary notwithstanding the great light that shineth in the world and discouereth and detecteth their dealing herin to be too too bad they haue set abroach and defend a number of opinions which can lead to no better or other end but toblunt and to dull the edge very greatly at the least of alsuch hungring and thirsting after Christ For to what other or better end serueth either their refusing to ioyne with vs or their teaching as they doe in the doctrines of original sinne and mans free will in things spirituall and good with vs they will not holde that originall sinne is such an vniuersall inbred and inborne corruption and priuitie in man where by not onely it is euident that Adams sin is imputed vnto him and that the guiltines thereof therefore is his withall the other bad fruites and consequentes thereof but also amongst all other this that naturally euen by the force and power thereof he is altogether in al the powers both of his body and soule corrupted and prone to all euill and backward to euery thing that is good but to the full constitution of the nature thereof they hold that it is inough to say it is either a want of originall righteousnesse which ought to be in vs or an habituall auersion from God which they hold to be but such as that therewith may and doth in some yet stand mans free will to good that it is so quite taken away and abolished in the baptisme of euery one that thenceforth there remaines not though concupiscence remaine still anie reliques thereof at all or cause why man should be grieued either at or with the feeling therof as at or with sin And such frewil is it which they hold man hath after his fall euen to and in that which is spirituall good as that man in his first conuersion to God hauing but the outward means thereof sufficiently offred vnto him that euen that grace is sufficient to conuert him if he would himselfe which they holde he might if he list and being once conuerted that is as they take it the outward meanes being once so fully and effectually proferred him as whereby he taketh occasion rightly to vse his frewill in accepting of grace so offered then they holde by the meanes of grace ther vpon bestowed vpon him which they count and call the habit of charitie he can will freely and worke any good thing Whereas wee as we haue often shewed enforced both by the scriptures fathers reason and all experience confesse and teach that by the fall of Adam our freewill to and in that which is good indeed is so lost as that what good meanes so euer at any time be outwardly presented vnto vs yet thereby we shall neuer be able to will well by any power left in vs nor euer shall indeede vnlesse GOD inwardlie by his spirite withall first create and frame in euerie one of vs a new heart and will to choose that which is good and then alwaies after assist strenthen and guide the same therein Who may not therefore euen hereby plainlie see that fathan mightily preuaileth by their doctrine to holde men backe from hungring and thirstinge after Christe as they shoulde For if originall sinne bring no deeper nor vniuersaller corruption with it then they teache it doth into the nature of man and may and is so quickely and vtterly abolished out of the same againe by baptisme and man hath in him selfe remaining such a free will to good that before his conuersion vpon the offering of the outward means thereof sufficiently he may be conuerted if he wil himselfe and that after he needs no daily or further supplie of the spirit to leade his wil alwaies therevnto but that which he receiued in his first conuersion to worke together with the natiue or hereditarie free will that was before in man then surely what is there left either by the cōsideration of our originall sinne or by the viewe of our lacke of free will to good an inseperable companion thereof to make vs to long and to thirst after Christ For by their doctrine if we bee but baptized we are quite rid and freede from the former and as for the latter we haue it naturallie so as yet it is not quite taken from vs by Adams fall but onely by our sinnes originall and actuall so settred and hindred that either vpon sufficient meanes but outwardly offered we may vse it againe euen to the accepting thereof to our conuersion or after but by vertue of grace receiued at once in our conuersion for euer then vse and shewe it free to the working out of our owne saluation After baptisme then you see they hold it needlesse for a man to trouble his conscience with originall sinne or any parte thereof and to deliuer the other out of captiuitie where into it is brought by sinne that so as some of them speake they may goe with the owne foote thereof and flie with the owne winges and feathers thereof which it had before though it coulde not vse them there is no more in effect to doe but to haue the outwarde meanes sufficientlie profered for that euen therevpon if man wil vse his free will as they say he may doe if he will all the rest touching the full freedome there of wil follow Their doctrine also of satisfying for our sinnes by our selues and others of the force and validitie of indulgences masses and such like thinges purchased for vs likewise either by our selues or others either whiles we are aliue or dead and
therwith the Spirit of God so to worke in your heartes that the eies of your soules be opened aright to see and knowe Christ and your hearts framed accordingly to beleeue in him vndoubtedly euen then according to Christs commaundement heere in my text you come vnto him and drinke him yea you eate his flesh and drinke his bloode to eternall life Wherefore deare brethren when you come but to heare I say vnto euerie one of you with the wise man Ecclesiastes 4.17 Take heede to thy foote when thou entrest into the house of God that so thou maist follow his counsel in that which followeth that is to be more neare to heare thā to offer the sacrifice of fooles And according to the aduise of Ieremy by the strong plow of repentance faith breake vp the fallow ground of your hearts when you come to heare that we sow not the good seede of the worde amongst thornes Cap. 4.4 For as you may most plainly learne by the parable Mat. 13.4 c. though the Lord send neuer so good seedsmē amongst you they sow the good seed neuer so faithfully yet if your hearts be either like the high way or like thornie or stony ground you shal neuer bring forth any good haruest to the Lord. For onely the good honest heart furnished with patiēce shall doe that as there we are taught and therefore labour to bring such hearts But alas when all comes to all most true it is that Christ saith none can come vnto him but whom the father draweth Io. 6.44 Paul may plant and Apollo water and yet all to no purpose vnlesse God giue the increase 1. Cor. 3.3 And yet I say for all this despise not prophecying if you woulde take out the former lesson quench not the spirit 1. Thes 5.19.20 For by the outwarde ministrie of men the Lord inwardlie by his spirite worketh in you a knowledge and loue of Christ and so draweth you vnto him And that hath Christ himselfe taught immediatly saying Ioh. 6.45 It is written in the Prophets they shall be all taught of God Euerie man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me Whereupon very well Augustine in his 26. tract vpon Iohn noteth saying videte quomodo trahit pater docendo delectat non necessitatem imponendo that is behold how the father draweth by teaching he delighteth not by imposing necessitie or enforcing And to the same purpose vpon the foresaide wordes hee moste sweetely obserueth that it being founde true in these earthly delightes that euerie one is drawne or caried with his delight that much rather Christ by teaching beeing manifested vnto vs by his Father will draw vs vnto him Yet most certaine it is that onely God it is that first openeth and enlightneth our mindes to see Christ by his ministrie set before vs and who then creates in vs a newe a will to delight in him and to imbrace him which the same Father acknowledgeth also saying that we will well he worketh of himselfe without vs and when we so will that we doe he worketh togither with vs De gratia libero arbitrto Cap. 17. And yet though all this be most true Of Sacramentes in generall are not the sacramentes and the vse and meditation thereof needlesse and superfluous vnto vs to this purpose For as the worde written in the canouical Scriptures is as the written will of our heauenly Father which we publish vnto you when we read them and by preaching open them vnto you so the Sacramentes are as the great and auten tike seales of the Lord annexed thereunto for the more and better assuring vs of the certainetie of those heauenly legaces that therein are bequeathed vs. Indeed God for his part is so stedfast constant and true in all his sayings that though onelie by bare speech he should reueale his will vnto vs it were our dueties most stedfastly to beleeueit But he that made vs knoweth what is in vs and by experience we finde how necessarie so euer it be for vs to beleeue the word of God that yet though we haue it as in the goodnesse of God towardes vs we haue both written and thus sealed and confirmed by his Sacraments that all this is little inough to make vs beleeue it as we should Wherefore seeing it hath pleased God to stoupe so lowe vnto vs thus to apply himself to our capacity let vs in the name of God praise him therfore and most thankfully take vse of all the meanes that he hath left vs to get vnto his sonne by And therefore giue me leaue heere to enlarge my selfe a little vnto you that there be nothing wanting in mee to shew you or to helpe you forward by the helpe of these Sacramentes that I speake of through the working of Gods spirite in your heartes withall more and more to come vnto Christ and to be vnited vnto him to your euerlasting saluation And the rather because I know as the right vnderstanding of the nature thereof may by Gods blessing mightilie helpe you or ward therein so eyther the ignorance thereof or an erroneous conceite of them may verie much hinder you in the same Sacraments I call them according to the ancient vse and phrase of the Church which name I take was at the first borrowed from an ancient fashion of making a solemne vow and couenant betwixt the Emperour and his souldiers whereby he was bound to them to goe in and out before them as an Emperour they bound themselves vnto him againe to be faithfull and obedient souldiers And therefore because in these sacred rites it was obserued that likewise there passeth a solemne couenant betwixt God and the worthie receiuers thereof it was thought that not vnfitly they might be called Sacraments And in verie deede whether we consider Baptisme or that other of the bodie and blood of Christ we shall easily finde that thereby this is done For in Baptisme the minister in the name of GOD offereth by baptising in water in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost vnto the partie baptized not onelie a figure representation of the washing away of his sinnes and of his regeneration in the bloode of Christ but also a visible and sensible seale thereof whereby God bindeth himselfe to doe all this for the partie if the let and stoppe thereof be not in himselfe and he likewise by receiuing this Sacrament maketh open profession that he will liue and beleeue accordingly And in the other when breade and wine called as they be are deliuered vnto the communicant in like maner then God offereth to feede that partie to eternall life with the bodie broken and blood shed of his son and he by taking of them makes open confession that he so beleeueth and therefore will so shew it in his life therafter and of this mutuall couenant the sacrament deliuered and receiued is a most certaine pledge and seale betwixt them
worthily kept backe and that all such alwayes after should a moneth after the rest eate the Passcouer and not before that in the mean time they might purifie themselues Likewise Leuit. 7.20 the Lord saith If any doe eate of the flesh of the Peace offerings that appertaine vnto the Lord hauing his vncleannes vpon him the same person shal be cut off from his people And therefore the godly priest Iehoiada had such a care that these lawes should be obscrued that to his commendation for euer it is recorded of him 2. Chro. 23.19 that he set Porters by the gates of the house of the Lord that none that was vncleane in any thing should enter in And when this is not done the Lord complaineth saying VVho is there among you that would shut the dores c. Mal. 10. Seing then here by it is euident that in the olde Testament God was thus carefull to haue none vnfit admitted to the Sacramentes thereof we may be well assured that he hath as greate care for the Sacraments of the new Our warrāt to admit childrē to the other is that they be borne and descended of such parentes as professe faith in Christ and therfore to whome and their seede God hath made Couenant to be their God and the other reasons before alleadged to that purpose incourage vs withall to the same but in that Saint Paule as we heard already woulde haue euery one before he eate of this bread and drinke of this cup in this Sacrament to trie examine and iudge himselfe we may plainely learne that none but such as haue discretion and knowledge so to doe and so doe indeede are fit to be admitted to this Most christianly therefore it is prouided that none shoulde presume heere in England to present himselfe to the Lordes table before notice thereof giuen to his minister that he may try whether he can answer his Catethisme or otherwise if he know him to be out of charitie or guiltie of any notorious crime he may put him off vntill he can answere it and vntill he haue satisfied the congregation by the testifying of his repentance and be reconciled vnto the partie whom he hath wronged And not without great and vrgent cause is Christostome so earnest as we may read he was in his 83. Homilie vpon Mathew to perswade the ministers of his time in no case willingly to admit any wicked person to this table willing them that if they durst not or coulde not keepe backe such to tell him for he would die rather then he woulde admit eyther Consull Duke or King for any feare that he knew to be vnfit I would to God therfore that generally all we of the Ministerie would take better care of this then hitherto too many of vs haue done Otherwise doubtlesse we shall not onely before the Lord be guiltie of the monstrous sinne of prophaning his holy misteries in prostituting of them to prophane and filthie persons but also both to the peril of our owne soules and our peoples we shall willingly or carelesly and negligently at the least let them runne apparantly to eate and drinke their owne damnation whose saluation we are bounde to tender and to further what we may as our owne And therefore that complainte of the Lordes vsed in the like case Mal. 1.6.7 will he take vp and vrge against vs saying vnto all such carelesse and negligent ministers O Priestes that despise my name and ye say wherein ye offer vncleane breade vpon mine aultar and ye say wherein haue we polluted thee In that yee say the table of the Lorde is not to be regarded Which after he prooues indeede and effect they did whatsoeuer their wordes were in that contrarie to the lawe they offered the blinde lame and sicke for sacrifice For into this verie fault we runne when we admit as too commonly we doe vnto the receiuing of this Sacrament any whome we before knowe not to be fit both for knowledge and life to receiue the same worthilie Howsoeuer welbeloued let the nature and vse of this Sacrament perswade you that be the people in no case to offer your selues vnto this Sacrament before you finde in your selues an heartie hunger and thirst after Christ Iesus therin offered vnto you as you haue heard and so true repentance for your sinnes past and then a liuely faith grounded vpon Gods promises in him and lastly both these testified vnto your owne soules and consciences by the true fruits of both dying euerie day more and more to sinne and liuing to righteousnesse to be without all hypocrisie and dissimulation For of these quarters and partes must the wedding garment be made which he must bring with him and haue vpon his backe that when the maister of this feast comes in to view his guestes would be approued of him Otherwise let him come neuer so readily with the other guestes heerewith apparrelled indeede and then handle the matter neuer so cunningly to cause all them to take him to be as worthy a guest as any of themselues yet when this suruey your comes that searches the hearts and reynes he shall quickly be confounded and not able to answere one word for his defence in cōming so irreuerently so shall heare that fearfull sentence which will he nill he he must vndergoe pronounced on him Take him and binde him hande and foote and let him haue his place in vtter darknesse where is weeping and gnashing of teeth Math. 22.12.13 O therefore deare brethren before we come bither let vs deuoutly religiously and reuerently consider who we are who it is that hath called vs whither we are called before whom we shall appeare and to what end that if not these single yet these ioyntly and together may moue vs to come in that worthy sort that is meete If we had but to intertaine our Landlord a man of worship or noble man we would haue a care to put on our best apparell to decke cur houses in the best manner and in any case to prouide that no fluttish corner be found therein where he should come to offend him or when we are in his presence that any irreuerent or vnseemely worde or deede should passe from vs how much more ought we to haue this care heere where by our comming we make a shew that we meane to intertaine and receiue in Christ Iesus himselfe our Lorde and Sauiour for euer to dwell in vs that all thinges within vs then be prepared accordingly Saint Paule hath tolde vs and we may trust him that we may not take the mēbers of Christ and make them the members of of an harlot● 1. Cor. 6.15 that we cannot drinke the cup of the Lord and the cup of Deuils be partakers of the table of the Lord and the table of De●i● 1. Cor. 10.20 and that as righteousnesse hath no fellowship with vnrighteousnesse or light with darknesse so Christ hath no concord with Beliall or the vnbeleeuer part with the beleeuer 2. Cor. 6.14.15
was ratified and so standeth by the shedding of that bloode to all beleeuers in him But indeed though they would seeme to be men that make wonderfull great conscience of the letter and wordes as though it were sacriledge to goe one iot from the sound thereof yet any man that lookes but with halfe an eye vpon either of their interpretations which they stand vpon to grounde their kinde of reall presence by shall soone perceiue that they are nothing the men they make shewe for For is it all one eyther to say together with this is my bodie and bloode or vnder the accidentes heereof is my bodie and blood and to say This is my bodie and bloode And yet thus when al is done Christes wordes must sounde or else neither will there or can there be either the Lutherans Consubstantiation or the popish Transubstantiation brought in therby to vphold their fond reall presence by Sure I am neyther any Dictionarie or Grammer in the worlde will allow them thus to expounde this worde Is. Were it not better for them with vs to retaine the word and also with vs so to expound it or vnderstand it as not onelie vsually alwaies it is in all other Sacramentall phrases but also commonly alwaies when it is placed betweene two thinges of so diuers natures as bread and wine and bodie and bloode be The rather yet to prouoke them so to doe let them but consider whether their newe found sense therof or this of ours vnderstanding it as placed for it signifieth representeth and sealeth vnto you my bodie broken and blood shed to be yours to eternall life stand better but with these wordes of Christ Doe this in remembrance of me Luke 22.19 1. Cor. 11.24 especially so taken as it is cleare Paule tooke them when thereof he inferreth 1. Cor. 11.26 as oft as ye shall eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shew the Lords death till he come For according to our doctrine by these words thus vnderstood Christ would teach vs that this Sacrament was instituted by him of purpose to keepe in our memories his death and passion and by the vse whereof wee might vntill his comming againe to iudgment professe and nourish our faith in his body then broken and blood shed for vs. Here is nothing sounding in the meane time towardes any corporall presence of his to the outward elements or mouthes of the receiuers whosoeuer but these words In remembrance of me and Till he come againe sounde plainly to the cotrarie For what need a thing to be done in remembrance of one bodily present or how can a thing with any good sence be said to be done but till one come that yet he being verily present in body is done We read Act. 1.11 that shortly after the institution of this Sacrament he visibly ascended into heauen the Apostles seing him so to doe with their eyes and there we read also that the Angels told them that even so likewise he shoulde come againe when he comes from thence reading also as we doe and haue alreadie noted once or twise that the heauens must containe him vntill the restitution of all things Act. 3.21 and that his comming from thence is plainely called his second cōming Heb. 9.28 how can we but thinke that Christ as well meant to forwarne vs of these fellowes that by their Consubstantiation or Transubstantiation say vnto vs lo heere is Christ with this piece of bread or vnder the accidents therof loe take him into thy verie mouth as of those that point vnto vs wrong Christes heere or there when he said if any should say vnto you speaking of such as should so doe after he had left the world was gone vnto his Father Loe heere is Christ or there is Christ beleeue him not And how is it possible that we should beleeue these places of Scripture to be true and hold stil them notwithstanding that Christ is really and in his full bodie present in euery communicants mouth May we thinke with Peter that the heauens doe and shall containe him still and that yet vpon this occasion he is alwaies thus heere And that beeing so how can it be that his comming from thence at the last daie shall be but his second comming or that it is true when he comes from thence he shall come visibly no such thing hauing euer beene seene heere I knowe they will say all these places are to be vnderstood of his visible body and that they speake of his inuisible bodie Yea but then we replie where euer learned they either in Scripture or in any ancient Father that euer he had any such inuisible bodie or howe can they euer make it sinke into any mans head that hath rightlie learned in the Scriptures to know Christes manhood that at one and selfe same time he shoulde haue a visible bodie and an inuisible yea one in the heauens to come inuisiblie againe when he pleaseth and yet the same both there and this heere also multiplied into so many inuisible bodies as there be receiuers mouthes If this be not with the olde rotten doting and long agoe condemned Marcion to make a meere phantasme of the bodie of Christ let any man iudge But once for all by this sworde of the Spirit to pierce this monstrous conceipt of theirs to the verie heart and so to leaue it for dead seeing they stande so much vpon the letter and wordes of the text I would haue them once againe to marke and remember that Saint Paule that saith therein That which he receiued of the Lord he deliuered hath vpon his credite told vs that the Lord speaking of the bread called it not simplie and nakedly his bodie but his bodie broken and they all agree in one that he called the other his blood shed If therefore they will sticke to the wordes of the text and yet haue a reall presence as they teach of his verie bodie and blood by vertue of the wordes thereof they see most plainely then it must be of his bodie broken and of his blood shed Vnlesse therefore nowe they can finde vs an inuisible bodie broken and blood inuisible shed of his for the mouth of euerie receiuer they neither say or doe any thing to the purpose according to the text But I hope they are not so farre gone but they know that it is now a thousand and fiue hundred yeares agoe and more since he had eyther his bodie broken or blood shed and that when they were so he died so that he dies no more as we reade Rom. 6.9 And therefore euen heereby the most simple may see that though they could shew that his bodie aliue or glorified could be inuisible infinite and so multipliable as their doctrine importes which yet they can neuer doe that yet all this were nothing to the reall presence of the bodie and blood of Christ in respect of that estate of his when the one was broken and the other shed for the
besides you see that the Lord hath alwaies taken a delight thus to speake of the spirite and giftes thereof that they shoulde receiue that would onelie seeke to come to the Father by him Wherefore seeing the ground of such metaphoricall speeches is alwaies the similitude and resemblance as once I haue said alreadie betwixt the metaphore and the thinges metaphorized The right vse and application of the promise let vs see and viewe what likelihoode there is betwixt riuers of waterof life flowing out of ones bellie and the giftes and graces of Gods spirite promised to them that thus come vnto Christ and beleeue in him Marke therefore amongest manie other properties that water hath it hath these soure that is first to wash and make cleane then to soften and mollifie and next to make fruitfull that which otherwise would be barren and lastly to quench and coole For as you knowe cloathes and other thinges a number are washed and made cleane thereby the earth that otherwise woulde be as Brasse and Iron vnder vs is softened and thereby it falling vpon it in due season and manner it is made fruitefull also and thereby likewise we see fire quenched and heate much cooled and abated Wherefore in that Christ promiseth his spirite vnto those that thus come vnto him and make him theirs by beleeuing in him vnder the name of waters thus much to beginne withall vnlesse we might thinke that he coulde not tell howe to speake aptly which but to imagine were absurd euen hereby we are taught that the spirite of God in such must and will be as water and therefore of power to wash and make them cleane of the soule errours and sinnes wherewith before they were defiled and so also of power to soften their stonie and harde heartes that the seede of the worde may sinke deepe inough therein and to make them bring forth fruite alwaies in due season and finally likewise it will shew it selfe of force to quench in them the fire of concupiscence and to abate the heate of all other sinne Let not any man therefore flatter himselfe and thinke he hath done what heere Christ commaunded vnlesse he can approoue it by the beeing and dwelling of the spirite in him in that sorte and measure that it may worthilie beare the name of water in all these respectes For Christ was and is of infinite power and wisedome and therefore we may be sure he hath made heere no other promise but that which he both can and will performe Neyther lacke of abilitie to be as good as his worde nor rashnesse or vnaduisednesse in passing of it at any time was euer found in him wherefore let vs not be behind in performing the commaundement and nothing is more certaine than that he will not be behinde with vs in performing of his promise If therefore we finde our hearts and liues still delighted with our old filthie errours and sinnes stonie and slinty that the worde can take no roote in or that cannot tremble at the judgementes of God barren of all goodnesse and burning still with lust and on heate with and after other sinnes then whatsoeuer we can prate or talke of Christ or faith in him as yet we are meere strangers from them both Without figure or Metaphor that you may see the plaine euidence thereof marke I beseech you but amongst infinite other places these most plame testimonies of Scripture concerning this point The fruite of the stirit it in al goodnes righteousnes and truth Ephes 5. Ver. 9. They that are in Christ and so partakers of his death and resurrection they must be and are therby and by the power of his spirit deade to sinne aliue to righteousnes Rom. 6. Ver. 3. c. Collos 2. Ver. 11. 12. They that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections lustes thereof Gal. 5. Ver. 24. And with such old thinges are passed away and all things are become newe and therefore they must be new creatures 2. Cor. 5. Ver. 17. For by him we are deliuered from the handes of our enemies to serue him in holines and righteousnes all the daies of our liues that before him and as in his sight without feare Luk. 1.74.75 And therefore we must not walke after the flesh but after the spirit Rom. 8.1 c. and so put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes and true holines being renewed in the spirit of our minde and casting off the conuersation that was in times Past the olde man Ephe. 4. Vers 22. c. yea we may not dare call him Father vnles we passe the time of our dwelling here in feare in being holy as he is holy 1. Pet. 1. Vers 16.17 and if we say we haue fellowship with him and walke in darknes Saint Iohn will plainely tell vs we lie and doe not the truth Epist 1. Chap. 1. Ver. 6. Whereby it is most euident whatsoeuer we haue beene before when once we are come to Christ and haue pur on him the case must be so quite changed and altered with vs that then though Paule may say of vs you were once such and such yet now he may haue cause to say as he saide in the like case of the Corinthians but yee are washed but yee are sanctified but yee are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God For Dauid can say hauing an eie to Christ then far off purge me with Hisop and I shall be cleane wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Psal 51. Vers 7. How then may we doe that dishonour vnto Christ being come as either to think that we are washed in his bloode and so iustified and yet remaine still foule filthie or hauing seemed to be clensed and escaped from the filthines of the world through the knowledge of our Lord Sauiour Iesus Christ to suffer our selues to be tangled and ouercome therewith againe If we should thus doe we doe him the greatest dishonour discredit that we can For what cleanly landresse would not take it to be a shame vnto hir to be said or thought to haue washt her clothes they remaining still as foule filthy as euer they were And most certaine it is if hauing put our hand to the plow we looke back againe we are by Christs owne sentence alreadie pronounced vpon vs not meete for the kindom of heauen Luk. 9.62 and if we be backsliders and reuolters Saint Peter hath told vs what we may trust to namely that then our latter end shal be worse than our beginning yea that we are no better than dogs turned to our vomit or than sowes after they are washt returning to the wallowing in the mire 2. Epist Cap. 3.20 And most seareful is that which we read Heb. 6.4 c. 10.26 c. touching apostataes reuolters from the faith for there such are told that it is impossible that they should be renewed
not vp and that because it floweth For as Christ hath taught vs by the parable of the Talents Matth. 25.4 c. in no case we may conceale or hide the Talentes that he bestowes vpon vs but vse them we must to his best aduantage for otherwise they shall bee quite taken from vs whereas if we laye them forth and vse them to the gaine of him that bestowed them they shall not onelie be increased but in the ende we shall haue a moste comfortable rewarde Pseudonicodemits then whatsoeuer the time and place bee where and when we liue wee may at no hande bee that is for feare of the Iewes or Pharisies we may not be such as dare with Nichodemus come stealinge to Christ by night onelie Iohn 3.1 For Christ moste plainelie hath tolde vs Mark 8.38 That whosoeuer he bee that will be ashamed of him and of his wordes amongest an adulterous and sinnefull generation he will be ashamed of him in the glorie of his Father As therfore we beleeue with the heart to righteousnesse so Saint Paule teacheth vs that we must confesse with our mouthes to saluation Rom. 10.10 For where true and liuelie faith is indeede there it wil make her owner to be at the same pointe that the Psalmist was whatsoeuer come of it when he saide I beleeued and therefore haue I spoken Psal 116.10 And likewise where true faith is as it worketh immediatelie with GOD in heauen for the iustification of her owner through Christ Iesus so streight also and so thenceforth it setteth the heart of her owner so on fire with loue both towardes God that in his Christ hath so tenderly loued him and towardes man for his sake that thence he is most carefull that such workes and wordes may flowe as both shall and may giue a liuelie testimonie thereof both to God man For all such haue with Saint Paule learned that by Christ they are redeemed from all iniquitie and purged to be a peculier people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes Tit. 2.14 Thus if these riuers of waters of life flow out of our bellies then and not else we may be sure we are come vnto Christ and haue drunke of him to eternall life Whiles then we teach thus as no otherwise wee doe doe we set open any gappe of libertie or licentiousnes to our hearers or are we in our doctrine any way enimies to good works as our aduersaries slander vs Nay doe we not as earnestly and vehemently as they can for their liues vrge men to doe them Indeede we dare not teach them when they haue done neuer so manie of them in any case to make any peece of a sauiour eyther of any thing they doe or suffer because as you haue heard we learned out of the Scriptures that that office so intirely and wholly is to be referred to Christ that it may not be imparted or communicated without antichristian robbing of him of that speciall honour that belongs vnto him to anie thing or person else But yet notwithstanding as now you heare we most plainely teach that none can haue any certaintie in himselfe without which our faith is but a fruiteles wauering conceite that as yet he is in Christ and shall be saued vndoubtedlie for his sake vntill the power of him dwelling in him truelie appeare by these fruites of the spirite that are heere for their puritie multiplicitie vtilitie and continuance called riuers of water of life flowing out of the bellies of such And therefore though we dare not with our aduersaries teach men nor encourage men to doe good workes either in part or in whole to earne deserue or merit heauen by which vnlesse we would say with them we say nothing to this purpose yet most cleare and euident it is that to that end we vse and vrge all the arguments that the Scriptures haue taught vs. For we beseech them by the mercies of God with Paule Rom. 12.1 to giue vp their bodies a liuing sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto God in seruing him according to his word and not according to the fashions of the world For that by these tender mercies of God towardes vs in Christ Iesus we that beleeue aright in him are deliuered out of the hands of all our enemies that we should serue him without feare all the daies of our life in holinesse and righteousnesse before him Luke 1.74.75 For in that this grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared it teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlines worldly lusts that we should liue soberly righteously godly in this present world Tit. 2.11.12 Yea hauing rightlie laid hold of this grace we say againe with the same Paule That we are Gods workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which he hath ordained that we shoulde walke in Ephes 2.10 Againe with Christ to this ende we say vnto all Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen Matth. 5.16 and loue one another as he hath loued vs for by this shall all men knowe that yee are his Disciples Iohn 13.34.36 And with Peter we exhorte all men to ioyne vertue to their faith to their vertue knowledge to their knowledge temperance to their temperance patience to their patience godlinesse and to that botherlie kindenesse and loue so to make their election sure 2. Peter 1.5 6. With Iames also we crie and call vpon euerie one that maketh confession of faith to shewe his faith by his workes which if hee doe not we as plainely tell him with the same Iames that his faith is deade in himselfe Iam. 2.17 c. For the faith that auaileth in Christ Iesus as Paul hath taught vs worketh by loue not that loue is in the forme of faith for how can one distinct vertue be the forme of an other but that it is the inseperable companion of a liuely and sound faith Neither are we negligent in often laying before our people Gods law and the true meaning thereof both to teach them what good workes are and to incite them to doe the same Wherein we dare be bould to say we goe beyond our aduersaries in leading men aright to good workes For we vrge and shewe the lawe of GOD to be so perfect and absolute a rule of good workes that it reacheth to the condemning of the first motions arising in our mindes to sinne though they be not at all yeelded vnto and liked of for that it calleth for the whole heart to be occupied onely in the things that please GOD and that all sinne is condemned therein and all vertue commended whereas our aduersaries the papistes holde the lawe to be so imperfect that it condemneth not these first motions to sinne and that there are a number of good workes and as meritorious that haue for their grounde but the traditions and commandements of men as manie that are expresly commaunded by the