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A08201 Abrahams faith: that is, The olde religion VVherein is taught, that the religion now publikely taught and defended by order in the Church of England, is the onely true Catholicke, auncient, and vnchangeable faith of Gods elect. And the pretensed religion of the Sea of Rome is a false, bastard, new, vpstart, hereticall and variable superstitious deuise of man. Published by Iosias Nicholls, an humble seruant and minister of the gospell in the Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18538; ESTC S113254 207,023 348

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he doth shew that all Israel in Abraham and Sarah their father and mother had vtterly perished with the rest of the world thorow this originall corruption had not God called them endewed them with faith and giuen them the couenant And as a childe new borne whose nauell is vncut and walloweth in his bloud and cast out in contempt hath no cleannesse in him nor power to prepare himselfe vnto cleannesse must needes haue all from the hand of them that take pittie on him So was Abraham void of all good knowledge and wil vnto godlinesse vntil God purified his heart by faith And as this was found in Abraham so he learned and beleeued the same obseruing the like in others whom God had not called as he had him for when a Gen. 12.10 cap. by famine hee was faine to go into Aegypt and afterward into Gerar his wife Sarah being a faire woman hee feared to acknowledge her to be his wife because he knew that the people being without grace and faith could not but encline to lust after her as the sequell did plainely declare and hee sheweth a reason b vers 11. Surely the feare of God is not in this place and they will slay mee for my wiues sake Where by the want of the feare of God putting the effect for the cause he vnderstandeth that they were voide of the grace of God of and in themselues so corrupt with this naturall deprauation that hee could not looke for any good but euill to come from them euen as Christ saith c Mat. 12.33 Either make the tree good and his fruit good or els make the tree euill and his fruit euill d Apolog. of England cap. 19. diuis 1 And this is also the faith of the Church of England for wee say That euerie person is borne in sin that no bodie is able truely to say his heart is cleane c. e Articles of religion Artic. 9. 10. Of free will originall sinne The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he can not turne and prepare himselfe by his owne naturall strength and good workes to faith and calling vpon God wherefore we haue no power to do good workes pleasant and acceptable to God without the grace of God by Christ preuenting vs that wee may haue a good will and working in vs when wee haue that good will and f Artic. 13. of workes before iustification works before the grace of Christ haue the nature of sinne Which is altogether agreeing in sence and meaning with that which is before shewed of the fathers time and of Abraham therefore let vs now heare Moses and the prophetes Moses saith g Deut. 9.5.6 O Israel thou enterest not to inherit their land for thy righteousnesse or for thy vpright heart for thou art a stiffe necked people And againe h Cap. Ye haue seene all that the Lord did before your eyes in the lande of Egipt vnto Pharaoh c. Yet the Lord hath not giuen your an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vntill this day Where it appeareth plainly that Moses taught them that without Gods gift they could not vnderstand nor obey but were rebelles against God and stiffe necked And the prophetes declare the verie same i Psal 51.5 Behold I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceyued mee k Prouerb 20.9 Who can say I haue made my heart cleane I am cleane from sinne By which is manifest that this originall corruption descending from Adam maketh the heart so corrupt that it can not prepare it selfe to any cleannes of righteousnes but of it selfe runneth headlong to all euill Therefore because that in this respect the heart in the faithfull is made as it were new the Lord saith by the Prophet a Ezech. 36.26 A new heart will I giue you a new spirit will I put within you Yet is the new testament more euident for it saith b Ioh. 3.3 Except a man be borne again he can not see the kingdome of God c Eph. 2.1.2 ye were in times past that is before our calling and regeneration dead in sinnes and trespasses c. walking in the lust of the flesh and fulfilling the will of the flesh of the minde d Tit. 3.3 and were by nature the children of wrath we were vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing the lustes and diuers pleasures liuing in maliciousnesse and enuie hatefull and hating one another Then which what can be more said the minde the will the affections wordes and deedes bee all ill euen as a deade man that hath no mouing but must be new borne before he can haue any sight is not such an one vniuersally corrupt voide of knowledge and free will vnto any godlinesse and vnable to doe workes pleasing vnto God yea and therefore the Apostle is bolde to say that it is e Philip. 2.13 God which worketh in vs the will and the deed of his good pleasure Then you see that the fathers Moses the prophets Christ his Apostles doe all agree in the same doctrine of the estate of man after his fall before his calling in Christ and that it is the same which we professe in England The fourth article entereth into the consideration how we are deliuered from this corrupt and damnable estate 4 There is one onely way of righteousnesse saluation which is by faith in Iesus Christ THis is verie apparant in the storie of Abraham when God saith that all the families of the earth should be blessed in his seed Where by blessed is vnderstood the deliuerance from the corruption and damnation which came by Adam This seede is Christ when hee saith all families or that sheweth that whosoeuer in the world shall bee saued must bee saued by Christ And there is no other seede or faith by which one man can be saued therfore he receiued the couenant as is before declared for Iewes and gentils that men might not looke for righteousnes or saluation in any other thing but only in by faith in Iesus Christ And so saith Moses as the blessed Apostle interpreteth it f Rom. 10.6 Deut. 30.11.12 The righteousnesse which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heauen that is to bring Christ from aboue or who shall descend into the deepe that is to bring Christ againe from the dead but what saith it The word is neere euē in thy mouth in thine heart this is the word of faith which we preach For if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt belieue in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saued Where thou seest by Moses docttrine that we must not seek righteousnes or saluation any where els but in the faith of Christ which the prophets expresse thus a Esai 28.16 Thus saith the Lord God Behold I
the light of his word to make all things manifest that it might be said of vs as by prerogatiue it was once spoken of Israel Psal 147.19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iacob his statutes his iudgements vnto Israel he hath not so dealt with euerie nation c. The entrance of her Maiesties raigne a most blessed day vnto England There was a day of darkenesse a day of great blacknes sorrow when the people of this land were made slaues vnder the thraldome of spirituall Aegipt and Babilon when they knew not aright the true and liuing God nor the power grace of our Lord Iesus Christ but were led after vaine things in whom there was no helpe and men by a iust plague of God were giuen ouer vnto their owne lustes and fancies yea euen vnto most abhominable idolatrie But the day of her Maiesties most royall coronation was a day of light and glorie a day of cleare and perfect ioy in that day did the sunne of righteousnes arise shined from on hie hee cast forth his bright and pleasant beames and enlightened all the land Then fell away the grosse misse of palpable foolishnesse and ignorance and the vaile of mans presumption was taken from our hartes Then humane deuises and the greeuous yoke of the apostaticall bondage in tradition voluntary seruice of men was taken from our necks Then were our hearts opened and the light of the knowledge of the glorie of God and his bright shining countenance in the face of Iesus Christ did shine into our soules It was a day that the verie Angels of heauen did reioyce and sing because of the sweet blessed tidings of great ioy vnto al the people of this land For the grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all men did then appeare and the beautifull feet of the messengers of peace which brought tidings of good thinges and said vnto euery elect soule Thy God raigneth had then a merrie and comfortable passage and safe trauell ouer all the land the embassadors of God brought vnto vs the wholsome word of reconciliation Then did the Lorde plant his vineyard and build his holy temple among vs and hee became our strong sanctuarie and visited vs with his rich mercie and saluation his blessings spirituall and corporall most plentiful flowed down from heauen vpon our land So that our enemies being Iudges it must needes be said God hath done great things for vs and hath giuen vs all things aboundantly to enioy In which time many nations round about vs in greeuous darknesse and bloudy miserie euen mourning dayly before our eyes might well haue counted themselues happie if they had part of our peace We haue lent and not borrowed wee haue giuen and not taken we haue beene a refuge for the poore and a place of succour for the persecuted our men and money haue beene a reliefe to the oppressed and deliueraunce to many in great daunger and distresse Our prince hath bin an hyding place from the wind as a refuge for the tempest as riuers of waters in a drie place and as the shadow of a rocke in a wearie land My pen is insufficient and I am vnworthie and vnable to rehearse the manifold and constant goodnesse and fauours of God vpon vs these many yeares O let vs loue the Lord and serue him let vs praise and glorifie him who hath beene so beneficiall and bountifull vnto vs. Hee hath deliuered our soules from death our eyes from teares and our feet from falling hee hath brought vs out of the horrible pitte and mierie clay and set our feet vpon the rocke and ordered our goings hath put in our mouthes a newe song of praise vnto our God many that haue seene this haue reuerenced the Lord and put their trust in our God All Englishmē are bound to loue the Queenes most excelent Maiestie And who can but loue the blessed and worthy instrument of our peace and ioy whose heart is not inflamed with her desire If wee were tenne thousand times more then wee are and euerie man had a thousand liues who would not willingly lay them downe at her feete in the cause of truth to shewe his thankfull mind vnto her Maiestie who hath constantly passed through many hazardes of her life for loue of Gods truth and care of his Church whose hart is not greatly moued to glorifie God who hath giuen vs so faithful constant a nurse louing mother so wōderfully defended and preserued her and by vnder her most happy gouernment hath made vs so many yeares together without feare the free possessors of most vnspeakable ioy in the participation of incomparable heauenly treasure and most flourishing earthly prosperitie We are to consider whether we haue rendred to the Lord according to his kindnes toward vs. But O my deare mother my good reuerend fathers and brethren haue wee rendred to the Lorde according to his kindnesse haue wee with reuerence receiued with thankfulnesse acknowledged and with care conscience vsed these mercies of our good and louing God and mercifull father in Iesus Christ O that I could boldly and faithfully so say that our siluer were not become drosse and our wine mixt with water And that the vine which God hath planted with good and pleasant plants did not in stead of grapes bring forth wild grapes and men did not neglect yea forsake the word of the Lord and follow the foolish imaginations of their owne heartes O that it might not be iustly said that the Lord hath a controuersie with this lande because there is no truth nor mercie nor knowledge of God in the land By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and whooring they breake out and bloud toucheth bloud And that men did not encourage one another in their wicked and vicious liuing saying come and let vs bring wine and wee will fill our selues with strong drinke and to morrow shall bee as this day and much more aboundant let vs eate and drinke for to morrow we shall die O that men would consider and that their hearts would smite them in remembring and forethinking what a fatherly watch word our tender and louing God hath giuen vs by many and sundry most mild and kindly tempered corrections and chastisementes at many times but especially within these eighteene yeares last past when hee beganne at his sanctuarie and lightly touched his holy remembrancers when he caused a great and cloudie mist to couer the verie heauens so that many bright starres were not seene to shine for a certaine season Then did the windes burst out shaking our houses ouer our heades as vnworthie to dwell vnder so good and plentifull grace our bodies and liues were assailed with grieuous pestilence dearth scarsitie and the threatning sword did aduance themselues against vs. Thousands haue gone forth and returned but by hundreds And now seeing all these things haue not made vs to turne to him that smiteth
Gen. 20.7 cap. 49 1. prophets did tel of things to come ordred the church in the families as they were g 2. Pet. 1.21 Gen. 15. 17. 21. c. guided by the spirite of God in prophesie or receiued commandement by vision or dreame from God Vnder the law there is the h This is taught in Exodus Numbers Leuiticus expounded in Deuteronomy all the prophets priesthood in the house of Aaron the Leuites vnder thē attend vpon the holy administration by diuers orders and ordināces keeping the people vnder the pure religion of faith loue Vnder the gospel there be also diuers i 1. Cor. c. Mat. 28.19 Ephes 4.11 Rom. 15.18.19 administrations giftes and works set in the church to rule and feede the flocke of Christ to make them obedient to the faith in worde and deed And the k Math. 13.17 cap. 11.11 2. Cor. 3. manifestation of the spirit is more excellent abundant in the latter times then in the former Now in these three times you may see touching these ceremonies and maner of gouernment great difference and that the word of God doth not esteeme of these outward thinges as of the substance of religion vnchangeable as he doth of the inward and spirituall namely faith and loue And first as touching the time before the law Christ teacheth that the Iewes could not be Abrahams children l Ioh. 8.39 because they did not the works of Abraham which workes are not in ceremonies and maner of gouernment for they were two curious in those things and therefore Christ saith in another place m Math. 9.13 Go and learne what this meaneth I will haue mercie and not sacrifice Thereby declaring the morall duties of loue to be substantiall in a religious profession not ceremonies as sacrifice washing tithinge c. And S. Paul on the other side saith thus a Rom. Abrahams faith was imputed to him for righteousnes before hee was circumcised and that after he receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnesse of the faith which he had when he was vncircumcised that he should bee the father of all them that beleeue Where hee sheweth that Abrahams religion whereby hee was iust before God was his faith and that was before hee was circumcised and without circumcision then his circumcision was onely a signe and a seale to strengthen his faith in sealing vp of his righteousnesse but not of the matter or substaunce of his righteousnesse Secondly that this was so deuided that the gentilles which were not circumcised might bee iustified through the same faith without the obseruing of the lawe and the Iewes though circumcised were not iustified except they walked in the steppes of Abrahams faith So that herein consisteth Abrahams religion euen in his faith and walking in the steppes thereof the ceremonies were onely ornamentes and outward helpes to the same After which manner the prophetes also do interprete the law For when the people preferred the ceremonies and maner of gouernment before the morall dueties and faith Esay saith vnto them b Esai 1.10 Heare the word of the Lord O princes of Sodom herken vnto the law of our God O people of Gomorrah What haue I to do with the multitude of your sacrifices saith the Lord c. Where he calleth thē frō the foolish and curious obseruation of ceremonies and maner of gouernment c vers 16. Repentance and the fruites thereof according to loue and of faith in the consent and obedience to Gods word and mercy d vers 19. And in another place he saith that e cap. 66.1.2 God esteemeth neither temple nor sacrifice but the humble and contrite heart who trembleth at his word Hereof Hieremie f Hier. 7.3.4 Amend your waies and your works I will let you dwell in this place trust not in lying wordes saying the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord c. For this cause the Psalmist sheweth that the end g Psal 78.5.7 why God gaue Israel his law that they should teach it there posteritie was this That they might set their hope on God and not forget the workes of God but keepe his commandements And the cause of all the plagues was not in regard of ceremonies or maner of gouernment for he saith h Psal 50.8 I wil not reproue thee for thy sacrifices but for their falling away from faith as it is written a Psal They forgat his workes waited not for his counsell but lusted with concupiscence c. and beleeued not his worde And therefore it is said in the Epistle to the Hebrewes b Heb. 3.2 The word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it So likewise in the whole tenor of the gospell what is the principall aime of the holy Ghost to make men religious are not these two namely faith and loue is not the summe of the gospel in these two c Marc. 1.15 Repent beleeue the gospell Did not Paul say that when he taught the Ephesians all the counsell of God that he taught them d Act. 20.20.21 Repentance towardes God faith in Iesus Christ and what is this els but that wee should leaue the wickednesse of our heartes and liues and walke in all dueties of loue to God and man and hold fast his holy couenant by a true liuely faith Therefore he saith els where that e Gal. 5.6 in Iesus Christ neither circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Where by circumcision he meaneth the ceremonies and maner of gouernment of the law as hee expoundeth it verse 3. and so contrarily vncircumcision signifieth the order and maner of the gentils Therefore these outward thinges are not the maine substance but onely faith and loue Hereof it is that the spirite of God commendeth the f Eph. 1.15 Coloss 1.4 1. Thes 1.3 churches for their faith and loue hope and patience and Saint Paul speaking of himselfe sheweth how hee became a religious Christian saying g 1. Tim. 2.13 Before I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an oppressor but I was receiued to mercie c. but the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and loue which is in Christ Iesus Whereby you see that a wicked life and vnbeliefe make a prophane and irreligious person but faith and loue a true and religious Christian And hereof followeth the difference betweene an hipocrite and a true Christian the one is altogether superstitious in outward thinges h Mat. 23.5 labouring by such obseruations to appeare righteous religious vnto men but within is full of hipocrisie and iniquitie the other hath i 1. Tim. 1.5 loue out of a pure heart and of a good conscience of faith vnfained And this is the cause that
kingdoms But as concerning the saluation or damnation of men they say thus g Pro. 16.4 God made all things or men for himselfe yea euen the wicked for the day of euil which words sheweth that the coūsel of God in making all things regarded this ende Gods glorie not only in those which are elected vnto saluation but euen in those which are reprobated vnto euil that is to damnation as in Malachie he also saith h Malach. 1. ver 2.3 Iacob haue I loued and Esau haue I hated which words are before cited by saint Paul for Gods eternal decree touching mans saluation and damnation But the new Testament is somewhat plainer where we are taught to confesse Gods eternall purpose before the creation how all things should be in these words i Reuel 4.11 Rom. 11.36 Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue glorie and honour and power for thou hast created all thinges and for thy will sake they are and haue been created And againe Of him and through him and for him are all things to him bee glorie for euer Amen But more particularly touching man it is said first for the elect k Eph. 1.4 He hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world c. And of the reprobate Christ is l 1. Pet. 2.8 a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence euen to them which stumble at the word vnto the which thing they were euen ordained Which is so plaine that all men may see euidently that the counsell and decree of God ruleth ouer all and in all things His holy name be blessed for euer Amen Therefore in this Article our English beliefe is the same which God teacheth Abraham by himselfe and Israel by Moses and the prophets and both Iewes and gentils by his Christ and his Apostles The third Article of the estate of man by the fall of Adam and before his calling 3 The heart of man before and without the grace of God is altogether corrupt by originall sinne descending from Adam so that in him there is no power to do any worke of godlines pleasing God THis Article doth shew the damnable estate of man before hee haue faith in Christ in three things 1. in the vniuersall corruption of his soule by originall sin which consisteth in the want of knowledge and freewill vnto godlinesse 2. That it commeth from Adam descending from father to sonne 3. And in that before grace all his workes are sinne in the sight of God Before the fall Adam being made a Gen. 1.26 Colos 3.10 Eph. 4.24 after Gods image in knowledge holinesse and righteousnes could not be corrupt in soule but as the preacher saith b Eccles 7.3 Gen. 1.31 God made man righteous And Moses saith God saw all that he had made loe it was verie good But after Adam c Cap. 3. had eaten of the forbidden fruite the tree of knowledge of good and euill then lost he this holy image and goodnes of soule as appeareth in that he could not abide the presence of God he was ashamed and hid himselfe and whē God called him to an account he posted the matter to his wife and in a sort charged God saying d Vers 12. The woman which thou gauest to be with me she gaue mee of the tree c. Which declareth how hee was vtterly voide of goodnes in that hee shewed no inclination to repentance or submission to God and this further appeareth in his sonnes Caine and Abell e Gen. 4. Heb. 11.4 the one being without faith alas altogether set on euil works could not please God with his sacrifice the other by faith shewing his new birth offered an acceptable sacrifice So that it is apparant that this corruptiō is exceeding great is hereditarie descending from Adam and so from father to sonne making euerie soule vnable to doe any godlines Wherefore when the world was multiplyed in people they became most shamefull in wickednes which God not able to abide therefore minding their destruction sheweth the ground to be this originall sinne namely f Gen. 6.5 cap. 8.21 All the imaginations of the thoughtes of his heart were onely euill continually And againe the imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth Where thou maist see that being in the heart and from the youth this corruption is naturall and originall comming from the parents and being onely euill and imaginations it sheweth the vniuersal corruption and then being continually this bewrayeth the emptinesse of knowledge free wil vnto God also that nothing can be done by a mā vnregenerate godly pleasing to the Lord. Now looke we vpon the storie of Abraham Noe was a iust man he his three sons had seen the great plague vpō all the world by the floud yet there posterity fell from God this was found in Abraham and his fathers house so that they were cleane fallen from God worshipped other Gods which in deede were no Gods which doubtlesse had not beene but by this originall corruption For what did they either by vnderstanding or will to prepare or dispose themselues to grace or what worke find wee they did to please God iust nothing But God called Abraham and in calling of him endewed him with faith and so he by faith obeyed pleased God as is interpreted by the holy ghost in the Epistle to the a Heb. 11.8 Hebrewes By faith Abraham when he was called obeyed God c. And if it were by faith it must needs be meerely the supernaturall gift of Gods spirit as the Apostle saith b 1. Cor. 12.8 To one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another is giuen faith by the same spirit Then surely before this gift of the spirite Abrahams heart was altogether corrupt which the prophet Ezechiel openeth more plainly who Ezec. c. speaking of the first founding of the church of Israel Iews in the persō calling of Abr. cōpares that time of their first ingrafting into the couenant to bee made Gods people vnto the time of a childe newly come into the world Namely that God saw their father Abraham in whom he adopted them to be his church and Sarah his wife their mother as a child whose nauel was not cut nor washed with water nor softened nor swadled with clouts whom no eye pittied but was cast out in contempt of his person then saith God to the whole generatiō of Israel as one man that began in Abraham When I passed by thee I saw thee polluted in thine owne bloud I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy bloud thou shalt liue And a little after I spread my skirt ouer thee and couered thy filthinesse yea I sware vnto thee entered into couenant with thee saith the Lord God and thou becamest mine c. In which wordes allegorically
will lay in Sion a stone a tried stone a precious corner stone a sure foundation He that beleeueth shall not make hast b Malack 4.2 Vnto you that feare my name shall the sonne of righteousnesse arise and health shall bee vnder his winges c. The gospell more plainely sheweth that where Christ is not knowen c Math. 4.16 the people sit in darkenesse and in the shadow of death and that hee d Luc. 1.78.79 is the day spring from on high giuing light to them that sitte in darkenesse and in the shadow of death e 2. Tim. 1.10 And that hee bringeth life and immortalitie to light by the gospell And that God is so farre from allowing that any man should bee able in any other meane to attaine vnto righteousnes or saluation thus he speaketh expressely that there is no f Act. 4.11 Saluation in any other for among men is giuen no name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Now what confesseth the Church of England in this regarde Namely that g Artic. 18. they are to bee had accursed abhorred that presume to say that euery man shall be saued by law or sect that he professeth c. For holy Scripture doth set out vnto vs onely the name of Iesus Christ whereby men must be saued So that heere you see the faith of Abraham Moses the prophets Apostles determine one way of mans restoring vnto righteousnes and saluation and the verie same is the faith of the church of England The fift article of Iesus Christ the onely author ef our saluation What we ought to know and beleeue of him 5. Iesus Christ in regarde of his person is perfect God and perfect man in one person and in regarde of his office mediator betweene God and man of the couenant of mercie IN this article we embrace two things First what Christ is in himselfe where wee vnderstand not that God alone or man alone is Christ but God and man is one Christ By God we vnderstand the onely and euerlasting begotten son of God the second person in the trinitie by man we vnderstande that hee came of the seed of Abraham and Dauid and a very naturall man borne of the virgin Marie hauing bodie and soule and all faculties and qualities of mind and bodie as we haue onely sin excepted and that the two natures in Christ are not confounded nor seperated but vnited distinct as the body soul of a man hauing their seueral natures properties make but one thing which is a mā So the godhead of Christ assuming the manhood chāgeth not it selfe nor the nature of man assumed but God man vnited in one person make one Iesus Christ and Sauior who by his incarnation and obedience suffering death resurrection assention sitting at the right hand of God and lastly by his iudgement hath and will saue all the elect of God declare make manifest the iust condemnation of the wicked reprobate And these are the works of his office of mediatorship which office of mediator we thus vnderstand that where all mankind being dead in sin there whole nature corrupted vnder the wrath of God and damnation of bodie and soule had in himselfe as is before declared nothing sound being vnable to doe any thing that could please God for his restoring vnto righteousnes and saluation Christ by the will of his father and of his free loue came into the world and became a man that where man had sinned by man might come deliuerance from sinne But because we men were wicked void of strēgth he was also God that he might be able perfectly to saue vs And so being God and man he was a fit mediator to make peace that where by sinnes we were enemies to God he being righteous suffering for vs payd the ransome for our sins and as God being the son of God was apt to reconcile vs vnto his father being beloued of his father his doing and suffering set vs free from the curse of the law the wrath of God and brought vs so far into Gods fauor that by him we are made righteous adopted children to his father and heires vnder hope of his euerlasting kingdom in al things in and through faith in him our harts being purified God is wel pleased with vs. In which office he is a priest and a king In his priestly office first as a prophet he bringeth vnto vs the oracles and word of God and secondly performing perfect obedience he offereth himselfe an immaculate lambe a pure and vndefiled sacrifice for our sins and continually maketh intercession for vs As he is King he hath all power in his hands he is Lord and head of his church and ruleth it by his word and spirit and sitteth and raigneth at the right hand of the glorie of God til all his enemies which are the enemies of his church be destroied and al things being restored hee will deliuer vp his kingdome into the hands of his father that God may be all in all This person and office of Christ being thus briefely but faithfully described See we now whether it be not that ancient faith which was taught Abraham First for the godhead of Christ a Gen. 18. he appeared vnto Abraham in the plaine of Mamre where one of the three angels is called Iehouah which is proper vnto God onely And againe b Cap. 22. when he offered vp his son Isaack an angel called to him from heauen saying Now I know thou fearest God seeing for my sake thou hast not spared thine onley sonne this must needs bee vnderstood of the son of God for the father is no where entituled by the name of an angel but the son is c Esai 63.9 els where called The angel of Gods presence and by special name d Dan. 10.21 Michael our prince which is by interpretation who like God which fitly declareth his godhead for so is it said in the Psalmes e Psal 89.8 O Lord God of hosts who is like vnto thee a mighty God and thy truth is about thee Secondly the manhood of Christ to bee assumed by Christ in the fulnes of times was taught Abraham when God preached the Gospel to him saying In thy seed which argueth the incarnation of the sonne of God that he should be made man of the seed of Abraham as it is expounded by the holie ghost saying f Heb. 2.16.17 He in no sort tooke the angels but he tooke the seede of Abraham Wherefore in all thinges it became him to be like his brethren c. that is to say seeing he came to saue man whom he would make his brethren by adoption it became him to take the seed of Abraham that he might be a verie true and naturall man his office is directly taught in that All the families of the earth by him should bee made blessed that is deliuered out of that cursed estate of original
slaine yea there is a sacrifice for the leaper the running issue for women newely deliuered of child and for touching any vncleane thing for vnwittingly speking or doing any euil which one perceiueth not all sins of ignorance had their sacrifice what doe all these mean but the sin of concupiscence imperfection in the regenerate And whē he saith thou f Exod. 20.17 Rom. 7.7 shalt not lust he declareth plainly that this concupiscence in the regenerate is sin as the holie Apostle doth expound it And as touching the want or vncleanes in good works there is an especial feast g Leuit. 16. of reconciliation to purge the holie sanctuary the tabernacle of the congregation to cleanse the alter to make atonement for the priest for al the people of the congregation that this shal be don once euery yere where in euerie soule shal humble himselfe what doth this argue but that the best things and workes of the best men are vncleane and haue neede to be cleansed by faith in Iesus Christes holie sacrifice But the prophets speake yet more plainely First the Psalmist saith a Psal 19.12 Who can vnderstand his faultes cleanse me from secrete faultes b Psal 119.5 O that my waies were directed to keepe thy statutes c Psal 141.4 Set a watch before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lips incline not my hart vnto euill c. These wordes shewe directly and expresly the sinfull concupiscence in man regenerate to cause sinne vnawares and secret and that the children of God saw their owne inhabilitie vnto good thinges and that no regenerate man could doe all Gods commandements especially at all times to which the preacher accordeth saying d Eccl. 7.22 Surely there is no man iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not and as touching the sinne of their good workes they teach the Church to confesse and say e Esai 69.6 Wee haue been all as an vncleane things and all our righteousnes as filthie cloutes vpon this the gospell speaking of the regenerate saith f Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to an other so that ye cannot doe the same thinges that yee woulde wherefore the regenerate man confesseth this and saith g Rom. 7.19 I doo not the good things which I would but the euill which I would not that doo I which sheweth expressely the imperfection of the regenerate and righteous man in this life that hee hath sinne in him and cannot but sinne yea in his best deeds For where such resistance is there must needes be weakenesse and sinne and therefore in this place h ver 7. concupiscence in the regenerate is directly called sinne And Saint i Iacob 3.2 Iames confesseth that in manie thinges wee sinne all And that wee may further see our imperfection in our best dooings this also doth the regenerate k 1. Cor. 4.4 acknowledge that although in some one thing he doo knowe nothing by him selfe as the Apostle in his ministerie yet he is not thereby iustified thereby teaching that a good man cannot see what escapes there be in his perfectest doings as God can therfore he wil not cleere himselfe no not in that wherin he cannot accuse himselfe for seeing as elsewhere he affirmeth l Rom. 7.21 When he would doo good euil is present with him it must needs follow that although the regenerate man do not in euerie action perceiue it yet this euill concupiscence which is alway present with him doth make his good deedes vnperfect and sinne that it cannot aunswere to the righteousnes of the law nor stand before Gods iudgment seate if he should iudge by mans deeds according to the law and not by his faith according to the gospel and therfore the spirit of God a 1. Ioh. 5.3.4 teacheth that the reason why Gods commandemēts are not greeuous to the beleeuer is our faith by which we haue victorie ouer the worlde Then may I boldly conclude that Abraham Moses the Prophets and Apostles felt and found this doctrin to be true that in the regenerate man there is sinful concupiscence which dwelling in our harts and resisting the spirit doth not onely make vs sin in many things but also stayneth our best deedes with greeuous spottes of corruption and imperfection in Gods sight so that only faith in Christ must be our b Ephe. 6.16 shield against the firie darts of the Diuel and c 1. Pet. 1.5 by faith onely doth God preserue vs through his power vnto eternal saluation And this is for certainty the doctrine which the church of England now holdeth For we publish to all the worlde that Although for Christ sake d Artic. 9. of original sin there is no condemnation to the regenerate and beleeuing yet concupiscence in it selfe is verie sin and that e Artic. 12. of good workes our good workes which are fruits of faith and follow after iustification cannot put away our sins and endure the seueritie of Gods iudgement And that f Artic. 15. Christ onely without sin Christ onely was without sin as a lambe without spot but we although we be baptised and borne againe in Christ yet we offend in many things g Apolog. cap. 19. diuis 1. The most righteous person is an vnprofitable seruant the law of God is perfect and requireth of vs perfect and ful obedience we are able by no meanes to fulfill that law in this worldly life Therefore it is clere that in this article also we consent and agree to the most ancient and catholike faith of the fathers law Prophets and Apostles of Christ The eight article of the right place and vse of good woorkes 8. Good workes are the fruits of the iustified Christians and do make knowen their true and liuely faith and where they are not their faith is dead THis article doth declare that although by faith onely we are iust in Gods sight made heires of saluation without any workes of our owne as causes adiuuant and concurrent and that the law cannot iustifie or saue any man yet in the true religion allowed of God good workes are not excluded altogether neither is the law so abolished as that it were not our dutie to liue godly and vprightly according to the law But according to the law of iustice they hauing no place in the matter and causing of saluation should yet haue their own proper right place and honour according to their dignity vse and vertue For if by the law and good workes wee all haue been iustified it had been their due place to haue ioined them in that article of iustification and to haue honored them with the glorie of merite and deseruing but because we men are so corrupt that in this life our good workes attaine not to the righteousnes which the law exacteth wee must graunt them a lower place euen so great
couenant of faith to be their God in the promise of Christ vpon this he requiring obedience in a godlie life doth insinuate that they which professe the faith that God is their God must declare their faith by obedience to his commaundements and therefore he saith in an other place e Deut. 6.11 Beware thou forget not the Lorde thy God not keeping his commandements c. which sheweth plainlie that where disobedience is there is no faith for how can he haue faith that forgetteth him in whom hee should beleeue Hereupon all their disobedience rebelling and prouoking of God in the wildernes is said to be this a Psal 78.22.32 Heb. 4.1 They beleeue not God And this doth Moises aime at when hee saith Thou hast set vp the Lord this day to be thy God and to walke in his waies and to keepe his ordinances c. whereby it appeareth that vnto faith in couenanting with GOD this is an inseperable consequent that if we embrase God by faith we ought to follow his commandements by our deeds and he that doth not this latter bewraieth that he hath not with a true hart and faith receiued the former Therefore the prophets which expound the law in the person of God say thus a Mat. 1.6 A sonne honoureth his father and a seruant his Master If then I bee a father where is my honour and if I be a master where is my feare c. Nowe we know that wee are sonnes no way but by faith Therefore this prophet intendeth that we are not ioined to the Lorde by faith either as his people children or seruants or that hee is our God father and Lorde except our deedes shew the vnfainednes of our faith in honor and feare Therefore saith an other prophet b Psal 116.10 I beleeued and therefore I spake making it a most assured thing that a liuely faith cannot bee secrete and idle but will shewe it selfe by the outwarde deedes and namely profession Therefore a iust and righteous man in the prophets is thus described a Psal 37.30 The mouth of the righteous will speake of wisedome and his tongue will talke of iudgement for the law of his God is in his heart c. Who is righteous but the beleeuer and how are we righteous but by faith this teacheth then that the beleeuer hauing the law of his God in his heart cannot but bring foorth good workes both in worde and in deed euen as the vnbeleeuer cannot bring forth any other but euill deeds therefore by the prophetes euill doers and beleeuers are made contraries as it is written b Verse 9. Euill doers shall be cut off but they which waite vpon the Lord shall inherite the lande And againe c Psal 32.10 Many sorrowes come to the wicked but he that trusteth in the Lord mercie shal compasse him But the Gospell doeth shewe this yet more brightly as namely where it is said d Gal. 5.6 In Iesus Christ neyther circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue that is to say faith doeth not onely take holde on Christ for righteousnes but also buddeth out before God and man the sweet blossoms of loue in the workes of pietie and honestie And therefore Christ challengeth them for no beleeuers in him which walke disobediently saying e Luk. 6.46 Why call ye mee master master and do not the things that I speake Whereupon the blessed Apostle is not afeard to say that he which is not a new man in holines righteousnesse but runneth greedily after his lusts in wickednesse hath not f Eph. 4.10.11 learned Christ as the truth is in Iesus And S. Iohn speaking of the hope of Gods children what they shal be at the ioyful appearance of Christ constantly affirmeth that i 1. Ioh. 3.3 euerie man who hath this hope purgeth himselfe euen as he is pure And againe k Vers 10. In this are the children of God knowen the children of the Deuil whosoeuer doth not righteousnes is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother So that as clearely as the sunne is seene to shine in the middest of the day it is most apparant both by Abraham Moses and the prophetes and also by Christ and his Apostles that our faith and doctrine taught in England touching workes is most sound and catholicke namely that works necessarily follow faith declare it to be a true and a liuely faith and he that liueth licentiously and wickedly hath not faith The ninth Article of the meanes of religion which is the word of God 9 The word of God is the onely perfect rule of religion teaching all things whatsoeuer is necessarie vnto saluation and the same is fully wholy and onely contained in the holy and canonicall scriptures of the old and new testament IN this Article it is first necessary to know distinctly what is this word of God For some men confound this with the second person in the trinitie because the sonne of God is called the word by the holy Euangelist a Ioh. 1.1 1. Ioh. 5.7 S. Iohn Where they are to know that we consider in God two things what hee is in himselfe and what outwardly he doth or commeth from him Now the worde which is the sonne of God which is the second person in the trinitie is alwaies in God verie God as we truely say The father the word or the sonne and the holy ghost are ouer the same God But the word of God which wee heere speake of is the knowledge and reuelation of Gods wil touching godlinesse therfore called Gods word because it commeth not nor can come by the will or vnderstanding of man or any creature but by God himselfe is deliuered to his saintes as it were spoken by Almightie God as wee see in our first parente b Gen. 3. Adam after his fall hee was deade in sinne he had no will wit nor vnderstanding touching saluation till God called him and taught him by his word and gaue him the promise of Christ saying The seed of the woman should breake the serpentes head For which cause it is called c Eph. 1.9 Colos 25.26 The mystery of Gods will Which God in diuers maners in diuers times hath reueiled to his church d Numb 12. c. 7.8 2. Pet. 1.21 In darke speeches by dreames and vision openly and plainly as vnto Moses and by inspiration of the holy Ghost Of which it is thus written e Heb. 1.1.2 At sundrie times in diuers manners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the prophetes in these last dayes he hath spoken to vs by his son And therfore these phrases in the prophets are plentifull The f Esai 1. Hier. 1. Lord hath said The word of the Lord came c. And many such like as all men know ●hich are acquainted with the holy scripture Now this being vnderstood we are to obserue
for if there were difference the Lord would haue mentioned it by some word or other The like teach the prophets of the sacrifice as in the psalmes it is said that the people make a g Psal 50.5 couenant with God by sacrifice Where thou maiest perceiue the solemne acknowledging and auowching of the couenant was by sacrifice as an outward signe testifying the agreement of both parties And so God chargeth the people in the time of Hieremie the prophet h Hier. 34.18 That they kept not the words of the couenant which they had made before him when they cut the calfe in twain passed betweene the parts thereof So then you see that the couenant the wordes of the couenant is one thing the sacrifice is an other euen a signe yet not a naked bare signe but also a seale ratifying the couenant And therfore i Exod. 24.8 Moses did sprinkle the bloud of the sacrifice on the people saying Behold the bloud of the couenant which the Lord hath made with you which vse or power so to be commeth of institution who ordained the sacrifice to that end But the operation effect to be onely of Gods spirit appeareth because that this people though couenanting by sacrifice are found far frō the couenāt as is plainly declared by the psalme place of Ieremy before alleadged which yet is further opened by k Cap. 36.27 Ezech. by whom God saith I wil put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and doe them And in this maner are the sacraments described in the new testament as namely where it is said a 1. Cor. 12.13 By one spirit are we al baptised into one body whether we be Iewes or Grecians whether bond or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit Where this phrase into one bodie into one spirit noteth the couenant of grace in Christ that as members of one bodie so are wee vnited in fellowship together with God through Christ by his spirite working faith in our hearts Baptized noteth the one sacrament and drinke noteth the other which is the Lords supper a part which is one signe set for the whole which are two signes bread and wine eating and drinking Now when he saith baptised into one bodie that sheweth the vse of baptisme is to be a seale to confirme the couenant vnto vs and not onely to bee a bare signe and this phrase drinke into one spirite doth argue the same thing of the Lords supper but making mention of the spirit he sheweth that the effect and operation is of the holy ghost So thē there be signs the thing signified and the power and operation of them both The signes water washing bread wine eating and drinking the thing signified the fellowship of the couenant which is in Christ The power is of this that God ordained this baptisme and supper of the Lord to bee signes of such importance as to seale and confirme vnto vs the couenant of grace but the operation is of the spirite of God which maketh vs really and in deede partakers of the things promised So that there is no difference in our sacraments from the sacramentes of the olde testament and that you may perceiue it is euen so examine with mee their institution First Baptisme is ordained by these wordes b Math. 28.19 Go teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy ghost And againe c Mark 16.15.16 Go yee into all the world and preach the gospell to euerie creature hee that shall beleeue and be baptised shal be saued Here first the couenant is published by teaching and preaching then the parties receiue the couenant by beliefe and lastly the same is confirmed by baptisme As in the practise may appeare Peter preacheth Christ the people are pricked in heart asking what shall we do and he teacheth them by these wordes d Act. Repent and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy ghost Where the word e Metanoésate Repent noteth out the chaunge of the mind not onely vnto amendment of life but also by turning vnto God by beliefe and therefore to declare the same sometime beliefe is ioyned with it as where it is said f Mark 1.15 Repent and beleeue the gospell so that hereby hee biddeth them so to repent and conuert as by faith they may receiue the couenant of grace in Christ and then adding that they should bee baptised in the name of Christ for remission of sinnes hee teacheth that baptisme should bee vnto them an assurance of that couenant which contayneth remission of sinnes which thing they should perceiue by the gift of the holy ghost accompanying the same Hereupon Philip g Act. 8.36.37 being demanded of baptisme by the Eunuch before hee baptized him required the acceptation of the couenant by these wordes If thou beleeuest thou mayest And least wee should thinke any power to bee in this sacrament otherwise then the institution maketh it to bee a signe and a seale of the couenant or that the worke wrought that is the verie outwarde signe being applyed by the minister when he washeth or dippeth the person baptized did effect the thing signified Saint Peter doth a 1. Pet. 3.21 expound it saying Baptisme doth saue vs. But howe Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience maketh request vnto God c. That is it is not the outward washing or worke of the ministrie but Gods spirit working in our hearts faith with a good conscience receiuing the couenant which saueth vs. And in this sorte also Christ b Luk. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.23 instituteth his supper the holy cōmuniō First taking bread after thanksgiuing breaking it he saith this is my bodie and then taking the cup he saith This cup is the new testament in my bloud Then secondly for a commandement to his Church he saith doe this in remembrance of me c. where ordaining a sacrament hee vseth such phrases and maner of speech as God did in the same kind in the old testament sometime calling the signe signifying by the name of the thing signified as when he saith This is my bodie And sometime again least we might thinke it made a further change then was of old in the sacraments he addeth Do this in remembrance of me by the latter making it a signe and holy memoriall of Christ and his couenant and by the former making it more then a bare signe euen a seale of assurance vnto the faithfull beleeuers with the same termes order as the sacraments were ordained and instituted in the olde testament as wee haue seene before in circumcision the passeouer and the sacrifices So then the signe the thing signified and
which some call Tritheitae or Triformiani Anno 370. which make the three persons in the trinitie three Gods like as wee account and know Robert Richard and Nicholas to be three men So the Papistes not in wordes but in deedes do the verie same for in their roode crosses and glasse windowes they engraue or paint the likenesse of God like the image of a man and the three persons like two seuerall men an old and a yong and like a doue And when they a Hore in laud. beat virg Mar. giue the virgine Marie power to make men gentle chaste and of a pure life they haue too much resemblance vnto the heretickes called Melchisedechiani who thought that Melchisedeck was the power of God And what odds in substance of matter is there betweene them and the Simonians who hold Simon Magus for a God or as it is in the Actes of the Apostles Act. 8. the great power of God For they b Test Rhem. annot in Luk. cap. 15.10 Math. 22.10 say that our harts and inward repentance be open to the Saintes and that they can heare our prayers and helpe vs be they neere or afarre of Which to doe doubtles is not of any creature but onely of God Now when they make saints patrons of people and countries What doe they els but as the Tetratheitae make many Gods As Mahomet the hereticke ordained that it should be death if any man disputed against his pestilent lawes So the Popes canons forbid any man to iudge or dispute of the decrees of their falsely called Apostolicall sea The Pelagians denie predestination altogether and the papists denie it in regard of the reprobate The heretickes Basilidiani tie predestination to workes foreseene and so do the papistes The Priscilianistes tie mens actions to the gouernment of the starres and the Maniches make two beginnings one good and another bad vnto which two heresies the papists seeme to leane indeed though not in word when they shut out Gods decree from ordaining his prouidence from administring and ordering any thing which he cōmandeth not that God regarded what mans free wil would chuse in such things For either they make mans wil a first cause or chance or the stars or that euil beginning And so by their assertion there will bee some thing of equall power with God as an other beginning first cause of euil things wherin God medleth not Touching free wil original sin Pelagius said that grace is giuen vnto men that they might the more easily fulfill by grace those things which they are cōmāded to do by their free wil so the papistes say that free will is but moued stirred vp by the grace of God worketh together with his grace The Pelagians say that a man without grace may doe all the commandementes of God and the Papistes say that it is a Test Rhem. in Math. 12. vers 11. in margin in mans owne freewill to bee a good tree or a badde The Pelagians say that the grace of God by which wee are deliuered is giuen vnto vs according to our merites so the Papistes say when the sinner doth that which is in him hee deserueth of congruitie to be iustified As touching the recouerie of man out of the damnable estate of sinne all heretickes had their seuerall heresie wherein they put their trust and despised all other and the true way of saluation which is by Christ So the church of Rome as compact of all heresies hath diuers new meanes of recouerie out of damnation and many religions as of friers monkes and Heremites The Turkish Mahomet had his Alcoran and the papistes haue their canons decrees and decretalles of the church vnder paine of damnation There were certaine hereticks called Messaliani Euchetae who attributed all the power of the saluation of their soules vnto praier supplications So haue you with the papistes certaine praiers Auemaries creedes and psalmes to be numbred vp for the soules both of quicke and dead And an other sort of heretickes called Heracleonitae are said to redeeme their fellowes and associates by oyle balme water and prayers So these Romistes haue holy water to fright spirits and as their a Set forth by Pius 5. ordo ad faciend ' aquā benedictam masse booke saith they exorcise or coniure the salt which is put into the water for the saluation of beleeuers and that it should be to all who take it health of soule bodie They haue also extreame vnction where with ointing praier they promise the very like vnto a man that is at the point of death which the Euchatae did The Simonians called Simon Christ the Sethians Seth. The Ophilae and Maniches the serpent Elcesaitae made two Christs and many more are to be found of like heresie So the papistes haue many mediators or Christes The virgine Marie the Apostles and I cannot tell how many Martirs and Saints to whom they flie as vnto mediators There were heretickes called Artotyritae so called of their offering For they offered vp bread and cheese So the papistes haue the host of bread which they cal the forme of bread which they offer vp for a sacrifice The heretickes called Ebionites Cathari Donatists Pelagians diuers others held iustification by workes and not by faith onely and so do the papists most earnestly Heretickes called Hierarchitae said that little children pertaine not to the kingdom of heauen because there is not in them any merite of the combate or striuing by which vices should be ouercome So the papistes hold that concupiscence is left for the combate to striue withall that their actions might bee the more meritorious and they pronounce damnable sentence vpon children vnbaptised The heretickes called Iouianistes as Saint Austen saith in his yonger daies did hold that a man could not sin hauing receiued the lauer of regeneration that is to say Baptisme So the papists say that after Baptisme concupiscence in the regenerate is no sinne and that there is nothing in him displeasing God The donatistes affirme of themselues that they liue a perfect righteous and angelicall life So the papistes say a regenerate man may do all Gods commandements and their religious men liue a seraphicall and angelicall life in their orders Concerning the worde of God a Euseb lib. 5. cap 13. there were heretickes called Appellitae which blamed the holy scriptures with verie painfull and earnest reprehension So doe the papistes call the scriptures a thing without life dumbe Iohn Sleid. coment lib. 23. Literi Clemētis de sinodo Trident. colligend and like a nose of waxe that may bee drawne euery way hauing no certaintie without the iudgement of the church The hereticks called Pepusiani made Christ author of their filthy reuelations So the papists make him author of their vnwritten verities And as the Tacians Maniches Mahomet equall their deuises traditions vnto the holy scriptures so do papists And as papists prefer
the Corinthians k 1. Cor. 10.1.2 c. are threatened with the feareful examples of the Israelites in their abode in the wildernesse that hauing the word of God and his holy sacramentes they walked not faithfully with God and therefore were punished So the Corinthians ought not to put their trust in their sacramentes and liue contrarie to faith and loue for thē they are like to be punished as the Israelits were So thē you see what is substātial perpetual what is changeable according to times 7 Howbeit here is to be vnderstood that those ceremonies outward things in the maner of gouernment are necessarie and in their times religiously to bee obserued though not so highly esteemed as the parts of the vnchangeable substance of religion but being the cōmandemēts of God by which he wold for the time be outwardly worshipped or els teach seal his couenant to his people that they might be steadie increase in faith loue that all things in the vse profession exercise of their faith might be done comely seemly orderly cōmendably according to his worde whosoeuer offended in any of these were subiect to punishment not onely that he which a Heb. 10.28 Deut. 19.17 dispised Moses law should die without mercy vnder two or three witnesses but b Heb. 2.2 also euery trāsgression disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward c Leuit. 10.1 As Nadab Abihu the sons of Aaron for offering strange fire that is such as God had not appointed were deuoured with fire which came frō the Lord. d 2. Sam. 6. Vzzah was smitten with sodain death for holding the Arke vnto which he had no office calling e 2. Cron. 26.19 And Vzziah king of Iudah was striken with a leprosie for vsurping the priests office Therfore in their times and during so long time as God appointed these ceremonies and maner of gouernment to be vsed in his church they were to be obserued with all care conscience because of the commandmēt of God only taking heed that no affiance should be put in thē aboue their proper vse but only make them helpes and ornamentes to the more substantiall pillars of faith loue And when the time was come that they should bee abolished then was the church free from such ordinances for they were as the holy Ghost f Heb. 9.9 saith figures for the time present vntil the time of reformation g Cap. 10.11 they were shadowes of good things to come not the very image or substāce of the things themselues Namely in as much as Christ by the oath of God became a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedeck to make perfect that which the Leuiticall priesthood could neuer accomplish the priesthood of Aaron al the law of Moses were changed and the seruant gaue place to him that was Lord of the house as is at large disputed in the h Cap. epistle to the Hebrewes Hereof it came to passe that all the sacrifices before the law circumcision which were of the fathers and all the ministerie of Moses gaue place at the comming of this great high priest the sonne of God the Lord head of the Church Iesus Christ And he i Dan. 9.27 confirmed the couenant and caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease he a Eph. 2.14.15 brake the stop of the partitiō wall abrogating through his flesh the law of cōmandemēts standing in ordināces that aswell gentils as Iewes might haue accesse vnto God by his spirit b Gal. he hath set vs at liberty frō the yoke of bondage which was by the low so that now c Ioh. 4.21 we are not tied to Hierusalē to worship the father but that we d 1. Tim. 2.8 may pray euery where lifting vp pure handes And e Act. 15.9 God putteth no difference betweene men for these ceremonies and maner of gouernment when their heartes are purified by faith yet is it not his diuine wisedome and goodnesse that we should be altogether without ceremonies gouernment For in stead of the priestes Leuites he hath f 1. Cor. 12.18 Eph. 4.11 set in his church Apostles Prophets Euangelists pastors and teachers to teach vs guide vs in the pure religiō of faith knowledge of the son of God for our further help we haue in stead of all sacrifices before and vnder the law the sweet preaching of Christ only sacrifice by which they were ended accōplished to assure our consciences that he is g Heb. 7.25 ca. 9.28 10.18 able perfectly to saue them that come to God by him and that by one sacrifice once made hee did so fully take away sin that there is now no more offering for sin And h 1. Cor. 5.7 cap. 11.23 in steade of the passeouer which was a figure of Christ to come wee haue the holy supper of the Lord to shew forth his death til he come again And i Colos 2.11 Tit. 3.5 Math. 28.19 for circumcision which signified the putting of the sinfull flesh by the bloude of Christ which was to come now Christ is come wee haue baptisme for the washing of the new birth renuing of the holy Ghost to enter vs into his holy church And generally we are taught by the gospell k 1. Cor. 14.26.33 to doe all things in the church vnto edification without confusiō And all those euangelicall ordinances l Ibi. ver 37. 1. Tim 6.13.14 are the commandements of God to be kept vnblameable vnchangeable vntill the comming of Christ CHAP. 2. How God hath gouerned his church in one religion in all ages which is declared before and after the fall of Adam 2. And by the dispensation of times since the promise of Christ first giuen to Adam which is in three sorts the fathers before the law the Iewes vnder the law the Gentils vnder the gospel 3. In all these three times was there a differēce in the outward face of gouernment but not in substance of religion 4. Which by Gods iudgements manifestation of his spirit hath bene alwaies maintained preserued 5. And this will be a witnes of our religion now professed in England against all Atheistes Papistes and other wicked men in the day of Christ Iesus NOw this foundation being layed because my purpose is to shew that God alwaies set foorth and allowed but one faith and religion I will in the next place briefly shew howe God hath administred his church from the beginning of the world namely in what order he hath gouerned his people a Psal 37.12 48.3 Hier 10.25 Whom hee chose to himselfe to know him and call vpon his name First we are to remember that the world hath bin in two estates and a third we looke for For before the fall of Adam when mans hart was vpright being made after