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A02846 The strong helper, offering to beare euery mans burthen. Or, A treatise, teaching in all troubles how to cast our burden vpon God but chiefly deliuering infallible grounds of comfort for quieting of troubled consciences. By Iohn Haivvard. Hayward, John, D.D. 1614 (1614) STC 12986; ESTC S103943 264,841 668

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we so thinke of it is one thing but faith to rest vpon Gods promises for the forgiuenes of sinne is another thing The first namely credulitie when men are light of beleefe is a sault and infirmitie of nature the second namely faith whereby all accusations are auoided all the fiery darts of the diuell are quenched is the vertue of the spirit and meerely the gift of God The Apostle Paul saith By grace yee are saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Yea the same Apostle makes it a worke of no lesse power of God to bring a sinfull man vnto this sauing faith then it was to raise Iesus from the dead as appeareth by his words written to the Ephesians where hee praieth for the opening the eies of their vnderstading that they might know what is the exceeding greatnes of his power to vs which beleeue according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead So that if any man be able to raise vp the dead quicken them if he lift then he is able to beleeue vnto saluation if hee lift and else not Surely faith vnto saluatiō is not in the power of man to take vnto himselfe at his pleasure when he lusteth But while I make faith not to bee in thine owne power I doe not thereby take from thee all possibility of obtaining it if it were wholly wanting For I haue shewed thee that it is the gift of God Hee that quickeneth the dead he it is that maketh sinners to beleeue and if thou wouldest beleeue and wile pray vnto him to giue thee a heart to beleeue God will heare thy prayer and grant thy desire and that without faile●… if thou pray vnto him in his Sonnes name who saith vnto vs Verily verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye aske the Father in my name hee will giue it you And while thou praiest thy faith will grow and while thou beleeuest thou shalt haue more heart to praier and these two within thee Faith and praier will afford mutuall help either to other and they will grow together and thou shalt become strong in faith and feruent in praier Augustine hath an apt saying to this purpose Vt oremus credamus vt ipsa non deficiat sides qua oramu●… oremus fides fundit orationem fu●…a oratio fidei impetrat firmitatem Let vs beleeue in God that wee may pray vnto him and let vs pray that the faith by which wee pray faile not faith powreth out praier vnto God and praier powred forth obtaineth strength of faith from God Pray therefore imboldened by the promise of the Lord Iesus And seeing the chiefest meanes whereby God worketh faith is his word euen the word of the Gospel which therefore the Apostle calleth the word of faith that is the word begetting faith the word in which and by which wee beleeue saying The word is neere thee euen in thy mouth and in thy heart this is the word of faith which wee preach Therefore giue thy selfe to the study of the word heare it reade it meditate in it there shalt thou finde the sweet promises of mercy there shalt thou find Iesus the Mediatour in whom all the promises of God are yea and amen there shalt thou finde assurance for thy soule to bring it to true rest For thy priuat reading and what thou shalt gaine thereby heare the saying of our blessed Sauiour Search the Scriptures for in them you thinke to haue eternal life and they are they which testifie of mee There shall we find the true knowledge of Iesus Christ and eternall life And for the diligent hearing of the word preached and for the fruit thou shalt reape thereby Paul doth sufficiently informe thee when hee s●…ith Faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God In which words he giues thee to vnderstand that that faith which is the condition that wee doe speake of if it were wanting is obtained by hearing the word of GOD as by that ordinarie meanes which God hath appoynted to bring the vnbeleeuing Gentiles thereby to the faith of Iesus Christ as somewhat more fully he shewed in the same place before saying How shall they that is the Gent●…les call on him in whom they haue not beleeued And how shall they beleeue in him of whome they haue not heard And how shall they heare without a Preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent Here is the ordinary ●…ay described by which God calleth the ignorant and vnbeleeuing Gentiles to faith and sa●…uation First hee putteth the word of reconciliation into the mouth of some chosen Messenger and sendeth him to preach without which sending he could not goe then by his preaching these ignorāt vnbelieuing come to heare the word of faith saltion without which preaching they could not heare Thirdly by that hearing he worketh in them knowledge faith in the Redeemer without which hearing they could neither know nor beleeue Then lastly by that faith are they imboldened to pray vnto God without which faith they could haue no courage nor comfort to pray And vnto their praiers growing from that faith is saluation giuen according to a saying of the Prophet Ioel which the Apostle alledgeth Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued So that thy diligence in hearing the word of God with gladnesse of heart will helpe thee to faith and by faith to forgiuenesse of sinnes which is saluation of soule And for thy meditating in the word of God and what benefit thereby thou shalt obtaine the Prophet Dauid teacheth thee in the first Psalme where he pronounceth him to be a blessed man that hath his delight in the Law of God and in his Law meditateth day and night Diligent moditating in the Law of God maketh a man to be blessed but blessednes comprehendeth the forgiuenesse of sinnes that followeth faith the same Prophet saying Blessed is he whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie In one word to shew thee fully how auaileable to the obtaining increase of faith the studie of the Gospel wil be the reading hearing and meditating thereon consider the saying of Saint Paul writing to the Romans I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth to the Iew first and also the Grecian for by it the righteousnes of God is reuealed from faith vnto faith as it is written the iust shall liue by faith It is the doctrine of faith for Iew and Gentile it breedeth nourisheth and increaseth faith bringing it forward by degrees vnto full ripenesse it iustifieth the beleeuer and saueth the iustified man and effecteth these things powerfully as the instrument of God for hee calleth it
those sinnes in which thou didst deny him are done away Yea thy sins are so farre from making him no Mediator no Reconciler that for thy sinnes he is thy Mediator and thy Reconciler The Euangelist Iohn saith If any man 〈◊〉 wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust and hee is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for 〈◊〉 sinnes onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Wee haue an aduocate with the Father to pleade our cause When If any man sinne And he is our reconciliation that brings vs againe into fauour and makes our peace For what For our sinnes And who is this Aduocate with God the father who is this reconciliation for our sinnes Iesus Christ the Iust. Where is now the deniall of thy workes that should make Iesus Christ to be no Mediator for thee that should make him deny thee before his Father in heauen Hee taketh away those sinnes Hee is thy reconciliation for those sinnes Repent of those thy sinnes and feare not to pray to God in the name of Iesus Thirdly he saith hee hath no promises where on to ground his praiers And without promise to pray vnto GOD were to make idle and vnstable praiers That is most true But who told him that Gods promises which are made to all belong not vnto him This point was handled before when he obiected that Gods promise for the forgiuenes of his sinnes belonged not to him that was no Israelite And it was then prooued that all Gods promises belong to the seed of the righteous the Apostle Peter saying The promise is made vnto you and to your children So that if it were a prooued trueth that thou thy selfe wert vnrighteous and in thine owne right thou couldest make no claime to any promise of God yet seeing thou art a child of the righteous a child of belee●…rs in the right of thy parents thy progenitors thou maiest make claime to the promises of God and vpon thy repentance and conuersion they shal be performed to thee And if this title contents thee not claime them in the right of Iesus Christ of whom the Apostle saith All the promises of God in him are yea and are in him Amen That is to euery one that commeth humbly and reuerently vnto GOD in the name of Iesus Christ seeking mercy and grace mercy and grace shal be granted according to the promises of God whose truth pertains to them that are in Christ Iesus and come vnto God by him But thou dost not now remember any of Gods promises neither didst thou heretofore take heed vnto them when thou ●…rdst them to lay them vp in the treasury of thy heart against the times of need Indeed this was thy fault which being now seene must heereafter be a●…ended Hence foorth hearken vnto them and when thou hearest lay hold vpon them and treasure them vp more carefully for hee is the happy man and blessed that heares the word of God and keepes it But though thou hast them not in the store-house of thine heart and canst not find them there yet there is an other store-house wherein they are laied vp and where thou maiest readily finde them and that is the booke of holy Scriptures Iacob in Canaan had his priuat store-house wherein prouision was laid vp for him and his familie and other men likewise had their priuate store-houses for their priuate prouision but when the yeares of famine came and prouision failed in mens priuat store-houses then the publique store-houses of Ioseph in Egypt were opened and al men fetched thence what they needed and especially Iacob and his family was from thence supplied Euen so for euery mans priuate comfort his owne heart is his store-house in which he that is wise wil treasure vp the promises of Gods mercie to saue the necessities of soule in times of fea●…e but if there come such yeares of famine such daies of distresse that the ●…ouision in the priuat store house of the ●…eart will not serue the turne send to the store-houses of the Scripture The Lord Iesus saith Search the Scriptures for in them you thinke to haue eternall life ●…d they are they that testifie of me There ●…lt thou finde the large promises of Gods mercie vpon which thou maiest with much comfort ground thy praiers all holie Scripture is written for our instruction and comfort and it should be thy sinne and vnthankfulnesse to God a●…d treason against thine owne soule to ●…eglect in this time of feare to search for these promises in the Scriptures And whereas thou saiest that Gods promises belong to them that loue him and keepe his commandements and to no other and thou hast not loued him ●…ou hast not kept his commandements learne to amend this errour of thine heart and of thy life Amend the error of thy heart and loue the Lord amend the error of thy life and keep the commandements of God so shall all this feare weare away and thou shalt with ●…uch strength of faith ground thy prayers vpon Gods promises Fourthly he saith he knowes not how to pray I beleeue it oft-times Gods deare children are so astonished with the burden of their trouble and euen with this burden of sinne affirighting their soule that they know not how to pray Hezekiah saith of his astonished soule in the time of his sicknesse Like a Crane or a Swallow so did I chatter I did mourns as a Doue mine eies were lift vp on high O Lord it hath oppressed mee comfort mee The sorrow of his heart did so oppresse his soule that though he remembred God and looked vp vnto him and had all his desires waiting vpon the hand of God yet he was not able to pray in any distinct manner like a wel aduised man his praying was all out of order it was more like the mourning of a Doue and more like the chattering of a Swallow then like the holy and orderly praiers of a wise and godly man And Saint Paul doth affirme it to be a more common thing and vsuall withall the seruants of God in times of affliction saying Wee know not what to pray as wee ought They know not what to aske nor in what order to aske And this being so common among Gods children shalt thou bee afraid to be a suitor vnto God 〈◊〉 thou knowest not how to pray shalt thou therefore be out of comfort if thou canst not pray distinctly and orderly yet lifting thine eles vp on high with Hezekiah charter like the Swallow mourne like the Doue Weepe with the Apostle Peter We read not in what words hee praied but wee read in what bitternesse of heart hee wept Let thy teares flow where thy words can finde no free passage Saint Barnard calleth the teares of sinners the wine of Angels And concerning the true vigour of praier Saint Augustine in one place saith it stands more in tearee then in words for instructing a certaine
destruction What could thy enimy desire to doe more vnto thee then thou dost vnto thy selfe What could iustice by the hand of the Magistrate in ●…nishing What could violence by the hand of the cruel in reuenging do more ●…nto thee then thou dost vnto thy selfe Could the Philistims haue done anie more to Saul then kill him to escape their violence he killed himself seeking no other remedy of the mischiefe then by throwing himself into the mischiefe could Dauid preuailing against Absolom haue done any more to Achitophel then to take away his life and to escape the stroke of Dauids iustice he tooke away his owne life himselfe preuenting the iudgemēt of another that he feared by pronouncing executing the same iudgement himselfe vpon himselfe If wee iudge of the affections by the actions of men and guesse what the heart desired by that which the hand hath done and there is no surer rule for the Lord Iesus saith By their fruits yee shall know them yea may we say that where hatred made the Philistims enemies to Saul and Iustice gaue power to Dauid in all seueritie to take away Achitophels life neither hatred in the Philistims nor iustice in Dauid could make them to be greater enemies and more dangerous then Saul and Achitophel were vnto themselues for they made haste to doe the euill vnto themselues that the others came more slowly to doe for though the Philistims made hast to kill Saul yet Saul made more hast to doe it then the Philistims could and whereas Dauid perhaps in his mildenes might haue bin intreaded to spare Achitophels life Achitophel like a cruell iudge hating himselfe made hast by speedy execution to preuent all pardon whom loueth hee that loueth not himselfe whose friend can he be that in this manner and measure is his owne merciles enemie Goe then and be more cruell then euer was murdering theefe oppressing tyrant bloudy Cain or Senacheribs vngracious impes goe and be more cruel then any cruel beast that though it be an enemie to the life of other creatures yet is a resolut defender of it owne life if thou striue for the name and shame of most cruel yea more cruel then man or beast I will ad also or then diuel for the diuels studie not to doe themselues hurt then goe and doe that violence that thou intendest against thy selfe but if thou be willing to let the cruellest of men the fiercest of beastes yea the diuels themselues to goe before thee in merciles crueltie then preserue 〈◊〉 owne life if thou or any for thee say thou doest it out of loue to thy selfe intending thereby to preuent future euils The vanitie of this speech shall be shewed when we come to the last reason whereupon thou groundest thy godles resolution There is not onely merciles crueltie in this sinne of selfe murder But there is also totall want of those two cardinal Christiā vertues that belong to the time of affliction namely of patience faith the Lord Iesus requirs no more in vs for our aduantage at that time then these two remembring faith before patience and saying Come vnto me all yee that are wearie and laden take my yoke on you and learne of me that am meeke and lowly in heart Hee requireth faith in the first words come vnto me He would haue vs come Non pede sed fide Not with our foote but with our faith And nonpassus sed precibus not with our shifting steppes but with our constant praiers His meaning is not that wee should set our feete within his courtes but rather that we should with hope present our desires before the throne of his grace for this is the work of faith to draw neere to Gods mercy seate And he requires patience in the next words Take my yoake on you Let there be no murmuring nor grudging against the yoake that God offreth to lay vpon your shoulders spurne not against it but take it meekely vpon you learn to submit your selfe vnto it And Saint Paul requires no more in time of troubles but these vertues of patience faith remembring patience before faith saying Let your patiente minde be knowen vnto allmen the Lord is at hand and saith in the next words be nothing carefull but in althings let your request bee shewed vnto God in praier and supplication with giuing of thankes He requireth patience in the first words plainely Let your patient mind be knowen vnto all men and he requireth faith in the next words describing faith by her effects and saying Bee nothing carefull but let your requestes in all things be shewed vnto God in praier Vnto these vertues of patience and faith continued and practised in the time of trouble when we are wearied with our long and laden with our heauie burdens both Iesus the Lord and Paul his minister doe promise and assure all deliuerance and case The Lord Iesus in these words I will refresh you and yee shall find rest vnto your soules And the Apostle Paul his minister in these words The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding shall preserue your hearts and mindes in Christ Iesus What canst thou require more in thy hottest conflictes then to be refreshed by Iesus Christ What canst thou desire in the greatest load of thy soule but to be eased of thy burden what canst thou wish and long for more then this in thy greatest vexation that the peace of God that passeth vnderstanding should preserue thy heart and mind in Iesus Christ and this is promised by Christ the trueth and by Paul the witnes of trueth to them that in their troubles doe suffer with patience pray in faith But thou in this thy desperate resolution hast lost all patience and cast away thy faith for if thou hadst patience thou wouldst not bee vnwilling to indure Gods visitation and to suffer his good pleasure and if thou hadst any faith in God thou wouldest trust to his helpe and with much comfort waite for the day of saluation Consider the qualitie of this sinne and thou shalt see that it doeth more spoile thee of thy helps and makes the more naked of all good couering if more may be then were our first parents spoiled and made naked by the fraud of the serpent in the Garden For patience and faith beeing the couering of the soule for such stormie times thou hast lost all this cloathing thou refusest to bee refreshed by Iesus Christ while thou refusest to hold the course wherein hee promiseth to refresh thee thou refusest to be eased by the help of his strong hand whilst thou refusest the course in which he promiseth ●…ase Thou ●…stest from thee that peace of God of inestimable price by which thy heart and mind should bee preserued in Iesus Christ while thou refusest the meanes by which that peace is to be obtained how ●…comely is it for the creature to be impatient at the worke of his Creator how disordered
honest calling when we haue serued out our time here we may stay no longer and till we haue serued out our time we must serue so long Thou wilt therefore be found to bee a fugitiue seruant from God if thou depart his seruic before thy time be full out And that belongeth to God and not to thee to set downe The Prophet Dauid saith of God in one of the Psalmes To the Lord God belong the issues of death To God it belongeth and not to man to set downe and determine who shall die when he shall die and by what meanes he shall die he vseth sometime the hand of the magistrate sometime the hand of the violent and so endeth one mans life as we thinke by counsell and worke of another man but neuer did he giue licence to any man to kill himselfe Hee hath forbidden murder by his commandement Thou shalt not kill He condemned it in C●…ine from the beginning of the world to whom hauing slaine Abel his brother he said What hast thou done the voice of thy brothers bloud cries vnto me from the ground Now therefore thou art cursed from the earth which hath opened her mouth to receiue thy brothers bloud from thine hand And after the floud when hee began againe to replenish the earth with inhabitantes he made a law against murder to restraine both man and beast from committing it saying Surely I will require your bloud wherein your liues are at the hand of euery beast will I require it and at the hand of man euen at the hands of a mans brother will I require the life of man Who so sheddeth mans bloud by man shall his bloud be shed for in the image of God hath hee made man So oftensiue vnto God it is for a man without warrant and authoritie to kill any because man was made in the image of God a creature of vnderstanding indued with excellent vertues of knowledge and righteousnes with resemblance in these vertues to God himselfe in the making of whom it pleased God to shew his excellent power his wisedome and his mercy No man no beast can destroy this creature and bee innocent before God It belongeth onely to him that gaue life to take it away where he takes it away who can giue it and where he●… hath giuen it who shall take it away So that the whole rule of life must remaine in the hands of the Lord of life who of himself saith I kill and giue life Except thou canst doe both attempt to doe neither First make a liuing man if thou canst and then kill him whom thou gauest life vnto thou shalt hurt no worke therein but the worke of thine owne hands But if thou canst not giue life presume not to take away life thou shalt therein violate the worke of another and if thou maist not kill any other thou maiest not kill thy selfe one God made thee and them and if thou shalt be guiltle of bloud in killing thy neighbour thou shalt be guiltie of bloud in killing thy selfe if thou maiest not touch the life of thy neighbour thou maiest not touch the life of thy selfe When Elias was weary of his life being persecuted by Iezabel hee said vnto God It is inough O Lord take my soule for I am no better then my fathers Hee desired to be out of this present euill world hee was wearie of the trauels and dangers of it did he therefore kill himselfe did he lay violent hands vpon his body let out his soule before his time No such thoughts were far from him he remembred that God had placed his soule in that earthly Tabernacle and he intreateth God to set his soule at libertie Hee held his hands howsoeuer his heart was affected So doe thou hold thy hands from any fact of violence and lift them vp with thy heart vnto God in heauen and desire him to take thy soule when hee thinkes good When the Apostle Paul was in a streight betwene two and wist not whether he should desire life to continue in the world or death to goe out of the world because his life should be profitable to the Church but his death gainefull to himselfe he expressed the inclining of his heart to death for his owne aduantage in these words Desiring to be loosed and to bee with Christ which is best of all His reward was in heauen he desired to obtaine it his redeemer was in heauen hee desired to be with him and because hee could not come to inioy his reward and to be with his redeemer except by death he should passe out of the world therefore he was willing to depart and to that end to be loosed and set at libertie from his flesh But did hee incline to set himselfe at libertie to loose the bands of his owne life by which his soule was tied and fast bound to the fellowship of his body no he desired to bee a patient not an agent to be a sufferer not a doer in this business his words are Desiring to be loosed Not desiring to loose my selfe This he longed and this he waited for and in time obtained it In these men behold and see how to craue and demeane thy selfe learne of Elias Paul learne of them that feare God learne not of Saul and Iudas learne not of wicked men mē that went astray intheir doings And tell mee if at any time thy life was so vile in thy sight and the pleasure and glory of God so deare vnto thee that thou wert content and desirous to giue thy life vnto God to put it in hazard for his name and for his trueths sake Where hast thou despised the threatning of tyrants where hast thou contemned the sword the fire the halter or any other death hast thou beene cast into the fierie furnace with Ananias Azarias and Misael rather then thou wouldest commit idolatrie and worship any God but the Lord Hast thou at any time with Daniel bin cast into the Lions den for a prey to their teeth rather then thou wouldest giue ouer and cease to pray vnto thy God Hast thou beene whipped with Peter and Iohn hast thou beene imprisoned with Paul and Silas hast thou been stoned with Steuen or hath thy necke beene vnder the stroke of the sword with Iames the brother of Iohn hast thou suffred rebuke or any losse of goods or any linnen for the name of Iesus thy Sauiour In these cases if thy life had beene vile in thy fight it had beene a commendable thing in thee to prefer the pleasure honor of God the trueth and glory of Iesus Christ before the safety of thy life for in this course thou seruest with thy life him that is the God of thy life thou yeeldest it vp being called for into the hands of him that gaue it And thou hast the examples of the Prophets of God and the Apostles of Iesus Christ to be thy patterne who were euer ready and
fall into misery is of infinite variety no man can number the seuerall miseries and troubles that sinne hath made our life subiect vnto yet they may be reduced to two generall heads for either they are iudgements vpon the inward man inward miseries and afflictions vpon the soule or else they are outward iudgements vpon the outward man in outward things that touch not the peace of the soule The inward iudgements and miseries which follow the fall into sin and wherinto for sinne man falleth are either the blinding of our vnderstanding and the hardening of our heart often inflicted as punishments of foregoing sinnes and such was the iudg●…ment of God vpon Pharao whose heart God hardened and such a iudgement and misery the Apostle Paul telleth vs the Gentiles fell into as a punishment of precedent sins when he saith Wherefore also God gaue them vp to their hearts lusts vnto vncleannesse to de●…ile their owne bodies betweene themselues And in many more words he recordeth that iudgement or they are those feares and terrours of heart that cast vs downe from hope that empty our soules of comfort fill them with feares and make vs as it were to stagger shrinke and fall in our faith of this kind is that iudgement that God threa●…neth by Moses in these words the Lord shall simite thee with madnesse and with blindnesse and astonishment of heart when a man is amased and confounded with his feares that hee knoweth not which way to turne him for comfort and helpe and deepe fallen into this miserie were they whom Esay speaketh of saying The sinnes in Sion are afraid a feare is come vpon the hipocrites who among vs shall dwell with the deuouring fire who among vs shall dwell with the euerlasting burnings They conceiued no otherwise of God then of a consuming fire and therefore feare possessed altogither their hearts hope vanished faith had no abiding there And all these inward miseries falling immediately vpon the soule and the facultie thereof tend chiefely to this to ouerthrow our faith by decay of it to ouerthrow vs for faith is the firme standing of our soule grounded vpon the assurance of Gods mercy Therefore doeth the Apostle vse this phrase Watch you stand fast in the faith quit you like men and be strong Because he that hath the stronger faith standeth the more strong and steadfast and hee that hath the weaker faith standeth more weakely and loose and thoug the faith of the Saints of God once giuen vnto them neuer totally decaieth for as the Lord Iesus saith hee praied for the continuance and confirmation of Peters faith to whom he said I haue praied for thee that thy faith faile not So he praied for all his chosen ones that beleeue in him when he said to his father I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in mee thorough their word Yet the faith of the Saintes suffereth sometimes an eclipse or deceasing at some other times an increasing whereby as in the increasing of their faith they stand fast and are full of comfort so in the deceasing of their faith their footing becommeth slipperie and they take many sore falles feele their hearts oppressed with feare as it was with Dauid when he cried out My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee and art so far from my health and from the words of my roaring And when he complained at another time saying Mine heart trembleth within mee and the terrors of death are fallen vpon mee feare and trembling are come upon mee and an horrible feare hath couered mee In this manner their faith at that time being in the wane the righteous oppressed with a weight of anguish and feare doe often fall through the shrinking of their faith and feele themselues sore bruised in their soules But yet such is the mercy of God that he doeth not suffer the righteous being fallen into these inward iudgements and miseries to fall for euer And if it be a blinded vnderstanding or a hardned heart that they are fallen into he raiseth them vp out from a blinded vnderstanding by sending the knowledge of the 〈◊〉 As the Lord Iesus sent Paul among the ignorant Gentiles with this commission I send thee to open their 〈◊〉 that they may turne from darkenes to light c. And he raiseth them vp from hardnes of heart by mollifying their hearts as hee promiseth by Ezekiel saying I will take away the ston●…e heart out of your body and I will giue you an heart of flesh And if they be fallen into any feare and terror of conscience he raiseth them vp by repairing their faith and by reuiuing their comfort To that end he bringeth to their remembrance the large promises of his grace the boundles measure of his mercy the riches of his free vnchangeable loue and then doeth hee make them remember that they haue a mediator that died for their sinnes and rose againe for their iustification and ascended into heauen to prepare a place for them and sitteth on the right hand of his father in highest fauour and greatest authoritie to make intercession for them continually vrging the vertue of his death and bloudshedding that hath taken away the sinne of the world who is the prince of peace that hath made their peace and is that beloued sonne in whom the father is well pleased making vs accepted in that his beloued To the same end doeth he spread the beames of his louing countenance and cause the light thereof to shine within their consciences sending downe the spirit of adoption into their hearts to beare witnes with their spirits that they are the sonnes of God so raking together the sparkes of their almost smothered faith from among the cold ashes of anguish and feare where it lay deepe couered giuing heate and life vnto it with the warming fire of his comfort so that they begin to lift vp their heads and to reioice their hearts and to shake of their their sorrow and feare and to glorie in God saying with the blessed virgin My soule magnifieth the Lord and my spirit reioiceth in God my Sauiour And with the Prophet Dauid Thou hast tnrned my mourning into ioy thou hast loosed my sacke and girded mee with gladnes And that God doeth thus not suffring the righteous to fall and languish in these inward miseries for euer besides the experience of Gods elect daily renewed with light and grace and daily refreshed with comfort and peace the scriptures also doe testifie it to be the gracious manner of Gods dealing with his chosen The Prophet saith of him Hee healeth those that are broken in heart and bindeth vp their soares These words can be referred to no other worke of God for the more sure and full performance whereof God sent his sonne into the world who came to call sinners vnto repentance and to seeke and saue them that
calmed hauing vented his griefe into the bosome of God and therfore from the beginning of the sixteenth verse he speketh in another temper partly professing his owne comfort and faith whereto euen the falshood of his enemies detestable before God gaue some strength and partly instructing others how in like assault of trouble they may grow vnto like comfort He professeth his owne recouered comfort in all these verses beginning with the sixteenth to the end of the Psalme my text excepted and he instructeth others in my text Those whom he instructeth are such as himselfe lately was namely men ouercharged with some heauy burthen The instruction that he giueth them is the same that he followed himselfe when he was burdened namely by faith and praier to turne the burden vpon the shoulders of God in these words Cast thy burden vpon the Lord. The successe that he promiseth them obseruing his instruction is the same that he found himselfe namely reliefe helpe and deliuerance from God in these words And he shal nourish thee he wil not suffer the righteous to fal for euer Some profitable obseruations may be drawen from the persons instructing and instructed and some from the instruction it selfe These things shall be handled in order CHAP. 2. THe person instructing declareth true charity seeking to further others in obtaining mercy as he before had been furthered himselfe according to a good rule of our blessed sauiour giuen in word to Peter but recorded in writing for all When thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren That is when thou hast found fauour with God teach others the way how so to seeke that they also may find the same and in all things impart vnto others the good that hath been imparted to thee He that escaped a danger in the way will he not giue warning to his neighbour that is to trauell the same way and he that hath recouered health by any good meanes will he not in his neighbours sicknesse acquaint him with the meanes for his recouery certainly an honest man will This rule should be kept in al things but especially in the best things when thou hast learned the truth seeke to recouer thy brother out of error when thou hast obtained grace to amend thy waies seeke to recouer thy brother out of the bands of sinne and when thou hast won true comfort of heart vnto thy selfe helpe to settle the peace of thy brothers conscience Andrew hauing found Iesus brought his brother Simon to him Philip hauing found him brought Nathaniell to him And the woman of Sichar hauing found the Messias called her neighbours saying Come see a man that hath told me all things that euer I did is not he the Christi When thou hast found God yea rather hast bin found of God in any mercy shewed vnto thee teach thy brother how to goe foorth to seek the Lord that he also may find him and be found of him For no man receiueth any blessing of God for his sole priuate vse but that he should communicate the same to others It is a good saying of Chrysostome It belongeth to him that receiueth to communicate his good to others and hee prooueth it by the members of the body that communicate their faculties to the whole body and turne priuate possession into publike vse and by the professors of arts and sciences that communicate their skill and worke vnto others And he doubteth not to affirme that whosoeuer refuseth to communicate the skill and blessing whatsoeuer that he possesseth to the benefit of others hurteth yea destroieth both himselfe and others Study therefore to make commō the mercy shewed to thee This doth Dauid hauing found comfort by turning his griefe vpon God he teacheth others to doe the like Thus much of the person instructing CHAP. 3. THE person instructed is deciphered by his condition intimated in the name of burden when he saith Cast thy burden namely the man that in his soule is ouercharged with griefes and cares and feares as with a heauy burden such as the Lord speaketh vnto in the Gospell saying Come vnto me all ye that are weary and laden and I will refresh you If a burden be heauy it ladeth if it lie long vpon vs i●… wearieth to men so laden and wearied the Lord Iesus offereth comfort And vnto the same men to preuent ouerlading and wearinesse as also to procure their ease that are ouerladen and wearied Dauid giueth this instruction Cast thy burthen vpon the Lord and he shall nourish thee c. Of men so burdened here are wee taught to haue compassion and to labor by counsell and all good meanes to procure their comfort and ease Thereto pertaines that precept of God Comfort yee comfort yee my people will your God say Speake comfortably to Ierusalem in the Hebrew it is speake to the heart of Ierusalem Which phrase S. Ierome thus interpreteth He that speaketh to him that mourneth and is vnto him a pleasing comforter he speaketh to his heart and crie vnto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned for she hath receiued of the Lords hand double for all her sinnes So that when God hath humbled his people by any crosse that for the correction of their sinnes he laid vpon them his compassion presently mooueth and he pittieth them as if they had borne twise more then they deserued and thenceforth he commandeth al men that regard his voice to comfort them with all good words and to assure them of his fauour Yea to speake vnto their heart that is all such words as may minister comfort to their hearts The Apostle Paul giueth a like charge vnto vs saying Comfort the feeble minded And most excellently in the Epistle to the Hebrews Remember them that are in bands as if yee were bound with them and them that are in affliction as if ye also were afflicted in the body We should esteem the afflictions of others as our own afflictions take vpon vs in compassion that which they sustaine in passion And both in our inward affection and outward diligence we should study and worke their releefe as we should study and worke our owne For we are all of the same kind condition and quality and nothing is befallen them that may not quickly fall vpon vs also we are should acknowledge our selues to be members of the same body whose property if they be neither dead nor diuided from the body is to feele the affliction of their fellow members and diligently to seeke their reliefe But especially finding God to be rich in mercy to vs and euen a father of consolation we should be mercifull as our heauenly father is mercifull and should study to comfort them whom the God of all consolation loueth It is the precious vse that God doth giue vs of good mens company in this life and it is the thing wherein good men doe prooue themselues to be such when they
euen the best regenerate man that feareth God and loueth righteousnesse that hath both his vnderstāding enlightned his will sanctified so that he wanteth neither knowledge zeale nor humility yet can neither doe the good that gladly he would nor leaue vndone the euill that his soule abhorreth This is no smal burden to the man that wold please God and doe his dutie that hee becomes his owne troubler against his owne will and crosseth himselfe by corruption in that wherein he taketh pleasure by sanctification This made Paul the Apostle to crie out in these words O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of death It was death to him that such corruption was so preualent in his fraile body And in another place he calleth the same law of sinne a pricke in the flesh the messenger of satan to buffet him because it was euer seruiceable to satan and armed his hand against the holy feruant of God so that whensoeuer the Apostle did set his heart to doe well the diuell did beat him with the weapons of his owne corruption This is no small burden to an honest minded man The second ranke of these spirituall burdens are accusing thoughts checkes and terrors of conscience the worme in thy bosome gnawing thine heart This burden often followeth the former as Zophar speaketh When wickednesse was sweet in his mouth he hid it vnder his tongue and fauoured it and would not forsake it but kept it close in his mouth then his meat in his bowels was turned the gal of aspes was in the middest of him That is at first sinne in the committing of it is sweet as ratsbane poison often is goeth downe merrily and is meate and drinke to the sinner and he can not bee wonne from it because it is his delight but at last the time commeth according to the saying of God in the Psalme I wil reprooue thee and set them that is thy sinnes in order before thee According to this saying God mustereth his sinnes together and presenteth a view of them before the soule of the sinner where the diuell as a great officer in that campe setteth them forth in their colours that al the contempt of God and of his commandements all their vnthankfulnesse and forgetfulnesse of their duty all the violence filthinesse fury and disorder that accompanied their sinnes appeareth fresh to the sinners vnderstanding and what wrathin heauen what shame on earth and fire in hell he hath made himselfe worthy of and must now looke for And this turneth the meat in his stomack into 〈◊〉 this is more deadly then the poison of aspes can be then feare increaseth nope decreaseth then the wicked are confounded and could wish ●…illes and mountaines to fall vpon them to couer them from the face of God and thinking to flie deserued destruction they oft times cast themselues into eternall destruction and with Saul Achit●…phel and Iudas kil themselues Yea the best seruants of God when it pleaseth him to lay this burden in any toller●…ble measure vpon them are exceedingly affrighted for a time Dauids words being pressed with this burden shew the heauy load of it There is nothing sound in my slesh because of thine anger neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne For mine iniquities are gone ouer my head and as a waighty burden they are too heauy for me His affliction was great when the griefe of his minde changed the health of his body and left no soundnes●…e either in flesh or bones And so was it with the Prophet and the only cause of this so great disease was the remembrance of his sinnes and the feare of Gods ange●… by those sinnes deserued Another time laden with this burden as he was before he complained of his load as he had done before saying Innumerable troubles haue compassed me my sinnes haue taken such hold vpon me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are more in number then the haires of my head therefore my heart hath failed me Needes must the assault of innumerable troubles follow the remembrance of innumerable sinnes and these troubles where they lay hold doe depresse the heart that the ouercharged waight cannot looke vp to the mercy feat of God Yea where faith wageth battaile against fear and keepeth the field well strengthened with many promises and in the end preuaileth restoring peace to the conscience yet there for a time vntil the houre and power of darknesse passe ouer terrors are great when the charge of sinne lieth vpon the soule See it in him that had the greatest assurance of all the sonnes of men when the glorious sonne of God our blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ for our redemption was to take vp and beare the burden of our sinnes it did put him to vnspeakable paine and was vpon his mighty shoulders a mighty burden Hence came that tripled praier O my father if it be possible let this cup passe from me neuertheles not as I wil but as thou wilt Thence came that agony that Saint Luke speaketh of that being in an open garden and kneeling on the bare ground about the middest of night in a cold season of the yeere he fell into a great sweat and his sweat was like drops of blood trickling downe to the ground Thence came that crie vpon the crosse which was not the singing of a Psalme but the true dittie of sorrow and of a depressed soule speaking as was before prophecied of him My God my God why hast thou forsaken me All these grew from the burden of our sinnes laid vpon him that he bearing our sinnes in his body vpon the tree we might be deliuered from sinne to liue in righteousnesse The burden therefore of sinne when accusing thoughts once presse and charge the conscience citing vs to appeare and answer before God for our offences is a most heauy burden the burden of the humble and broken hearted man these are the two rankes of spirituall burdens Now vnder these six rankes fower of secular burdens two of spirituall I suppose all those burdens may be comprehended which lie heauy vpon vs in this world and cause feare care and griefe vnto vs first care of the world secondly domesticall troubles thirdly troubles more remote fourthly the difficulties that follow the duties of our callings fiftly the sinfull lusts of our flesh fighting against our soules lastly accusing thoughts breeding terrors of conscience CHAP. V. YOu haue heard what the burden is now let vs consider what it is to cast this burden vpō the Lord. And hereof I will speake first generally without relation to any particular sort of these burdens and then particularly with relation to the particular sorts of burdens before named and in such order as they were named but first generally What it is to cast our burden vpon the Lord we may see by the words of Saint Peter repeating this
there be any wickednesse in my hand if I haue rewarded euill to him that had peace with me yea I haue deliuered him that vexed me without a cause then let mine enemy persecute my soule and take it If the burdened man be himselfe faultlesse and the euill heart of the euill doer be the onely fountaine of his euill deede as the Scriptures testifie and daily experience shewes it to be most true that there are such neighbours and such domestikes that of themselues without cause giuen are troublesome as froward wiues with whom it is as vnquiet dwelling as with a Dragon and euill husbands that haue neither wisdome nor honesty to respect the weaknesse of the womans sex and to intreat them with due mildnesse and children riotous and disobedient that will be ruled by no counsell nor order of parents and parents so vnnaturall and carelesse that they haue no regard of their children and seruants so slothful vnfaithfull and murmuring that they will neuer be good and masters so vnreasonable and cruel that their seruants liue vnder them a miserable life and neighbours and companions to whom it is a pastime to doe euill according to Salomons words As he that faineth himselfe mad casteth fire-brands arrowes and mortall things so dealeth a deceitfull man with his friend and saith am I not in sport Thus falleth it out many times that the quiet man giuing no occasion yet receiueth iniury to his great molestation In this case this very testimony of his heart that he is falultesse glueth much quiet to his soule and giueth much boldnesse of heart to him to commend his cause vnto God and to craue his helpe that is the patron of all innocency And it is a goodly rule of casting his burden vpon God in this case to beare patiently his burden till God intreated by humble praier send releefe And this rule is commended vnto vs by the Apostle Peter saying If when ye doe well yee suffer wrong and take it patiently this is acceptable to God He therefore that hopeth for ease must quietly beare in the meane time according to the pleasure of God The trouble may be a present iniury passing away with the deede not to be continued neuer to be iterated as the rayling of Shemei vpon Dauid to beare patiently that which impatience cannot helpe giueth hope of ease and recompence from the good hand of God as Dauid said of Shemeis cursing it may be the Lord will looke vpon mine affliction and doe mee good for his cursing this day Therfore to suffer it patiently not rendring euill for euill no●… rebuke for rebuke is to cast that burden vpon God If it be a wrong iterated or continued and prosecuted still patience with praier is to be vsed for by patience wee possesse our soules and by praier we obtaine helpe at the hands of God In this continuing and iterated trouble it may please God for thy triall thy exercise and thy good to continue it long or else in mercy to deliuer thee from it be times If he interpose his hand of deliuerance to make it of short continuance which is to be praied for then he will put an end to thy trouble either by changing the minde of thy troubler or by weakning and crossing his malice or else by remouing thy troubler from thee or thee from thy troubler wherein till his will be reuealed by his worke he is to be attended in patience and to be intreated by praier And because he may remoue the burden of thy domesticall troubles by reforming the troubler it is a maine point of the casting of thy burden vpon God to pray vnto him for the reforming of them And to put to thy hand to so good a worke By this rule if a man bee troubled with an vnquiet wife and would be eased by the good worke of God in reforming hir he must pray vnto God that he would be pleased to giue he●… a better heart And hee himselfe must in all louing manner teach her what is comely for her to doe as a woman as a wife as a mother as a mistresse as a neighbour wheresoeuer he hath found he●… to erre and by her errour to haue been the cause of his trouble So did Iob checke and reforme the errour of his wife when she prouoked him to curse God saying thou speakest like a foolish woman What shall we receiue good things at the hands of God and not receiue euill So on the other side if a woman be troubled with a bad and vnquiet husband and would be eased by the good worke of God in reforming her husband shee must pray vnto God that he will be pleased to giue her husband a better heart and she her selfe must in all dutifull manner helpe that change actempting it partly by gentle wordes in season spoken and partly by her owne louing and modest behauiour that is very forcible to reclaime euen a froward minde By words Abigail attempted to reforme the churlishnesse of Nabal her husband chusing a fit season to tell him of the danger thereof the next day after when he had slept away his drunkennes She obserued opportunitie so should all women doe Therefore doeth Bathsheba say of a vertuous woman Shee openeth her mouth in wisedome and the law of grace is in her tongue And such words of wisdome from the tongue of his wife an honest man shold not refuse to heare and vnto wise words spoken in season let her adioyne her milde and humble behauiour by which much good may be done vpon him as testifieth Saint Peter saying Likewise let the wiues be subiect to their husbands that euen they which obey not the word may without the word be won by the conuer sation of the wiues while they behold your pure conuersation which is with feare So ought the wife both both with milde words and good behauiour helpe the reformation of her husband These prescribed rules for the man to desire and helpe the reformation of his wife that is froward and for the woman to desire and helpe the reformation of her husband that is disordred when the one prooues the others burden by their errour giue no countenance vnto the disgracing complaints vnto the vnciuill taunts and checkes vnto the brawling words blowes and other euill vsage that passe now and then between man woman when one is offended with another surely God is not the author of such dealings neither do the married that vse such dealings cast the burden of their domesticall troubles vpon God os take ●…ny course to make burden lighter but they do increase it and make it heauier By the same rule parēts masters burdend with disobedient disordred children seruants and desirous to turn off their burdē vpon god are taught to pray to God for the reformation of their children seruants to put their own helping hand to the worke vsing their fatherly and
Lord to tell him of his fault that if hee be curable he may amend And because thou knowest not but that it may please God to ease thy burden of domesticall troubles making them of short continuance by reforming the troubler it is a speciall point of casting this burden vpon God to pray for the amendment of thy neighbour and to put thy helping hand thereto by gentle and neighbourly admonitions But this liberty of telling thy neighbour his fault giues no allowance of rayling and reproaching and publique disgracing of men by casting their infirmities and faults in their teeth A christian man must abhorre all such bitter courses remembring what the Apostle Peter saith Loue couereth a multitude of sinnes That is a right charitable man though hee seeke to reforme his neighbour by telling him of his sinne yet he will not disgrace or shame his neighbor by publishing his sinne It may please God to ease thee of the burden of thy domesticall trouble by weakening the power and crossing the malice and abating the pride of thy troubler that either hee shall not dare or shall not be able to proceede any further in thy vexation as he daunted the Pride of Laban when he pursued Iacob for hee meant euill to Iacob but by the way God came to Laban the Arnmite●… a dreame by night and said vnto him take heede that thou speake not t●… Iacob aught saue good And by this threatning of the Lord Labans stomake was taken down as hee confessed to Iacob the next day saying I am able to doe you euill but the God of your Father spake vnto mee yester night saying Take heed that thou speake not to Iacob aught saue good And GOD crossed the fury and violence of Saul when hee thought to haue slaine Dauid Saul intended to s●…ite Dauid to the w●…ll with the speare but he turned asi●… out of Sauls presence and he ●…ote the speare against the wall but Dauid si●…d and escaped c. In this case it is not lawful fo●… thee to pray vnto God for the death the sickenesse the impouerishing or any way the hurt of thine enemy leaue him to the iudgement of God and pray vnto God to forgiue him his wicked malice Yet is it lawfull for thee to pray vnto God that hee will be pleased to confound the deuices and to crosse the attempts and to scatter the prepared power of thine aduersaries So we reade that Dauid in the time of Absoloms treason when he vnderstood that Ahitophel that great politician tooke part with him he feared his counsell and first prayed vnto God saying O Lord I pray thee turne the councell of Ahitophel into foolishnesse And afterward sent his wise and faithful friend Hushai the A●…chite to bee an opposite vnto Ahitophel by whose meanes indeede Ahitophels counsell was reiected to the danger of Absolom and safetie of Dauid and many like prayers wee haue in the Psalmes In one place Vp Lord let not man preuaile In another place Let not them that are mine enemie vniustly reioyc ouer mee neither let them winke with the e●…e that hate mee without a cause And in another place Let not the wicked haue his desire O Lord performe not his wicked thought lest they be prowd Thus wee see that the Saints haue made their prayer vnto God against the malice power and cunning of their aduersaries that God would be pleased to abate their pride to asswage their malice to confound their deuices and delude their cunning that they might not preuaile to doe the mischiefe that they intended And so far it is lawfull for thee to pray for their disappointing And because sometime the seruants of God haue made request vnto him against the persons of their enemies praying for their destruction as Eli●… did against the messengers of the King of Israel saying If that I be a man of God let fire come downe from heauen and deuoure thee and thy fifty As Dauid in diuers places of the psalmes let them bee confounded and put to shame that seeke after my soule let them be turned backe and brought to confusion that imagine mine hurt And in another place set thou the wicked ouer him and let the aduersarie stand at his right hand when he shal bee iudged let him be condemned and let h●… praier be turned into sinne As Peter t●…e Apostle praied against Simon Magus thy mony perish with thee that is both thou and thy mony perish And Paul the Apostle against Alexander the Copper-smith saying Alexander the Copper-smith hath done me much euill the Lord reward him according to his workes Let none of vs thinke that for the procuring our ease and deliuerance from our neare troubles it is lawfull for vs to bend the force of our p●…aiers against the persons of our aduersaries and to desire their destruction or hurt For those whose examples are before remembred were the Prophets of God and Apostles of the Lord Iesus Christ who knew the reprobation of those against whom they praied and so rather pronounced the knowen iudgements of God then the priuate affections of their owne hearts and if they pronounced their owne affections they were affections conformed to the known iudgements of God not contending to guide moue Gods iudgements So doth S. Austin affirme of all such praiers saying those things which are spoken in the forme of wishing are things opened by a spirit of prophecying and when they say let that be done and let that be done it is no other then if they had said such and such a thing shall come vnto them No●… we haue no such knowledge of any mans reprobation he may prooue a sheep of Christ whom as yet by his fruits we find and therfore esteem a wolfe And we haue no such spirit of prophecy by which we can foretell what wrath from God shall fall vpon them And also our Sauiour hath giuen vnto vs this rule which we must follow Pray for them which hurt you and persecute you Therefore if God be pleased to ease vs of the burden of our troubles by weakning the power asswaging the pride and malice and by disappointing and scattering the purposes and counsel of out enemies we in seeking this grace at his hands may pray against their deuises but not a against their persons And therefore by this rule is no countenance giuen to the dire imprecations and bitter curses that many vncharitable men powre out against their troublers Perhaps it may please God to ease thee of this burden of domesticall troubles making them short either by remoouing thy troubler from thee or by remouing thee from thy troubler And this remoue all may be made either by death or by some other course And thereto some rules pertaine in the right obseruation whereof a wise man for his ease casteth his burden vpon God If the remoue be to be made by death this is a thing
of God and seeking to establish their owne righteousnes haue not submitted themselues to the righteousnes of God A single good intent without knowledge is the deuotion of fooles it hath no true comfort tied vnto it it saueth not from destruction it leadeth men blindefolde and sleeping into hell But when men haue learned out of the word of God what hee requireth and what is their duety vnto that knowledge ioyne a true desire to doe their duetie then vnfained desire is before God esteemed a perfect worke Therefore doth Saint Paul say That loue is the fulfilling of the Law And in another place The end of the Law is loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience and of faith vnfained The Law requireth no more but loue which will neuer be idle and that obtained the Law hath attained his true end in vs. And to him that thus loueth as much is due as vnto him that perfectly fulfilleth the commandement Thirdly to him that thus in heart desireth while he liueth here full perfect and absolute holinesse being grieued that the lusts of his flesh should stand vp in his way with such strength as they doe that which hee desireth shall in due time be granted with increase of grace in the meane while For when death comes in which hee pulleth off sinfull flesh he shal put off sin al corruption togither with the flesh and thenceforth hee shall offend his God no more nor be in any danger of offending him For the Apostle truely saith He that is dead is freed from sinne both from the act of sinne and from all lusting after sinne And when he shall receiue his bodie againe in the resurrection hee shall receiue it cleansed and purged from that corruption that was in it before For so doth Saint Paul testifie saying The body is sowne in corruption and is raised in incorruption By which incorruption he vnderstandeth not onely an estate of strength and health whereby it shall be freed from that decaying that it was subiect to before in regard whereof we haue relieued it with daily food to repaire the daily decaies and also freed from sicknesse and paine that it suffred here before in regard whereof wee take much physicke to ease the paine of it and to maintaine the health of it but he vnderstandeth rather by incorruption an estate of purenesse holinesse whereby it shall bee freed from sinning and offending God and shall stand and remaine for euer purged and cleansed from all sinfulnesse and in as perfect sanctitie as the blessed Angels of God And our true holinesse begunne heere shall be consummated and become perfect holinesse there These are matters of comfort to cheere his heart that is grieued with the burthen of his owne corruptions not suffering him to serue God as hee would his defaults displeasing him shall not bee laid to his charge His loue and true desire shall be accepted as if his life were without fault and hereafter in due time he shall be wholly freed from all corruptions And these comforts are some ease of his burthen that though his lusts be still as strong as they were yet his g●…iefe for them is not so much as it was But let vs see further how a man may cast this burthen vpon God to be eased of it and get masterie ouer his lusts For the casting of this burthen vpon God these are good rules and profitable seruing to procure case and whereby strength against the corruptions and lusts of the flesh is obtained First let him be diligent in the study of the word of God which Dauid calleth A lanterne vnto our feete and a light vnto our paths Because in the spirituall darkenesse which ouershadoweth our souls in this world so that of our selues wee cannot see nor finde out the paths of righteousnesse wherein wee should walke if wee take vnto vs the word of God it like a shining light will reueale vnto vs the old way which is the good way that we may goe forward in it It will teach vs what to doe and what to leaue vndone and will guide vs aright against the dangerous seducings of our owne euill lusts And great force it hath to keep vs in our way euen in those men in whom their lusts and corruptions are most strong As for example in yong men in whom there is more pride of wit and more stubbornnesse of wil then in men of other ages in them the word of God is powerfull to make them aduised and to humble them Dauid asketh this question Wherewith all shall a yong man redresse his wayes and hee giueth answer in the next words saying In taking heed there to according to Gods word Such an excellent help against the seducing lusts of the flesh is the word of God for the redressing of our waies So that if a man burdened with his corruptues desiring to obtain strength against them doe giue himselfe to study the word of God and do take heed vnto it though he were as prowd witted and as stubbornely wilfull as were those yong men the sonnes of Iacob that cōmitted the outrage at Shechem yet the word of God will bring downe his prowd wit reclaime the forward wils of the very dissolute gallants of the world And this doth Dauid being yet but a yong man out of experience in himself affirme saying By thy commandements thou hast made mee wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with me that is I am a continuall student in thy commandements I haue more vnderstanding then my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation that is my minde is alwayes vpon thy testimonies I vnderstand more then the ancient because I haue kept thy precepts that is age teacheth much by obseruation and experience but Gods word teacheth more So that while a man is carefull to study the Scriptures as Dauid was and maketh them his meditation hee shall soone become more wise then his teachers and more able to direct himselfe then the ancient that think themselues able to giue councell There shall not moue nor stir a corrupt lust in his heart attempting to draw him aside to sin but he being exercised in the study of Gods word shal presently be able with iudgement to checke that desire of his heart to oppose against it Gods owne will Secondly let him frequent the company of good men in whom hee seeth great power to subdue keepe vnder disordered lusts then is in himselfe and let him obserue imitate their behauiour this will helpe him much For if the word of God on the one side giue him a rule how to keepe vnder his raging lusts these men on the other side will be vnto him an example patterne shewing him how to doe it and a very simple workman when he hath not onely rules giuen him to direct his iudgment but a patterne also laid before him to direct his hand will very
easily with this double helpe learne to doe his worke in some reasonable good manner and vnto this helpe vnder God the Apostle Paul doeth send vs saying Brethren be followers of me and looke on them which walks so as you haue vs for an example A man merrily ignorant of his way if he follow carefully step for step a skilfull guide going before him will very safely come to the place that he desireth so shalt thou doe in the way of godlines if thou keepe company with the godly and marke their behauiour to doe thereafter Augustin hauing respect of Saint Paul saith in one place If thou faile in the precept be strengthned in the example that is if by looking onely to the precept thou canst not bring to passe to keepe it looke to the example of them that doe after it and their example shall much strengthen thee Men are very apt to be led by examples and are easily transformed into the manners of those whom they keepe company with neither will their fellowship hold long that doe not conforme themselues to the manners of their company Dauid in one place hath this saying With the godly thou wilt shew thy selfe godly with the vpright man thou will shew thy selfe vpright with the pure thou will shew thy selfe pure and with the froward thou will shew thy selfe froward The Prophet speaketh these words of God and we may safely speake them of men among the godly thou must shew thy selfe godly learning and practising their godly behauiour else they will haue small pleasure in thy company and among the wicked thou must doe as they doe else they will soone be weary of thee and sly thy fellowship The company therefore of the godly cannot but be a great helpe vnto thee vnder God to learne by them to subdue and keepe vnder thy vnruly lusts if thou conuerse with them and daily striuest to conforme thy selfe to their manners This is a good degree of casting this burden vpon God Thirdly let him shun all occasions that may a●…lure and prouoke him vnto these sinnes that by the corrupt lusts of his heart he findeth himselfe most subiect vnto For example if his infirmitie be pronenesse to anger wrath let him auoid the company of contentions and froward persons that are ap●… to prouoke let him not take knowledge of euery pet●…y wrong that is done vnto him nor harken vnto them that will tell him this or that tale what other men say of him lest suddenly he be distempered If his infirmitie be a pronenesse to drunkenes as th●…re are but too many that when they are at it can keepe no measure let him fly the company of pot companions let him shun the places and ●…bhorre the ceremonies of great drinking and let him not delight himselfe to behold the colour and sparkling of the Wine If his infirmitie be a pronenesse to adulterie and such vncleannes let him shun the haunt of Harlots and their houses all wanton company and let him not cast his eye vpon deceitful and bewitching beautie and so concerning all other sinnes that his heart lusteth after This rule the holy Ghost giues vs in many places Salomon saith Keepe thee from the wicked woman and from the slattery of the tongue of the strange woman desire not her beauty in thine heart neither let her take thee with her eye-lid Her cōpany her countenance and her wordes all these are inticing occasions and all these Salomon warneth him to shun that world not be betrayed by his owne frailty to commit whoredome In another place he saith Make no friendship with an angry man neither goe with the furious man least thou learne his waies and receiue destruction to thy soule Company and fellowship with the froward will draw thee whether thou wilt or no into many brawles and quarrels and otherwise also breedes danger vnto thee therefore to be shunned of him that feareth his owne euill nature too prone vnto anger Againe Looke not thou vpon the Wine when it is red when it sheweth his colour in the cup and goeth downe pleasantly in the end thereof it will bite like a Serpent and hurt like a Cockatrice The beautifull colour and pleasant mouing of the Wine in the cup are prouocations to drinking hee that would not be ouertaken with drunkennes knowing his owne appetite and weakenes must shun these prouocations Generally this is a veriy good rule for him that feareth the violence of his owne sinfull lustes to sly all occas●…ions alluring and prouoking vnto sinne●… he that would not be strangled with the hooke let him not play with the bait and lie nibling at it the Diuell and the world deceiue by such meanes he that is hurdened with th●… lustes of his flesh desireth case to his gu●…ed soule by casting his burden vpon God let him shun these occasio●…s dilig●…ntly he that would not be hu●…t with the Lyons clawes let him not come neare vnto his foote In the fourth place let him often think vpon the iudgements of God threatned against sinne and executed vpon sinners that yeeld and suffer themselues to be led away by their lusts the threatnings he shal finde euery where in Gods word and the executions he may see abroad in the world Let him also meditate vpon the mercies of God promised vnto vertue and performed vnto the vertuous that walke in the spirit and putting vpon them the Lord Iesus Christ doe take no care for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof the promises hee shall meete with euery where in Gods word and the performances he may see abroad in the world but especially in the church and among the godly whose company he was before aduised to frequent These things obserued 〈◊〉 breede in him the feare of Gods power and the loue of Gods mercy which two will be vnto him helps of great seruice against the lusts of his owne heart while on the on side the feare of God will make him walke in humility and on the other fide the loue of God will make him to serue God with gladnesse This is a very good way of casting this burden vpon God Fiftly and lastly but continually and feruently let him pray vnto God for his grace to be giuen continued and increased to him For as the flesh that is corruption ●…n vs lusteth against the spirit so the spirit that is the grace of God in vs lusteth against the flesh So Paul incumbred with the messenger of Satā bu●…eting him by which name he vnderstood the burden of his troublesome corruptions praied vnto God if it might bee to be freed from it For all power to preuaile against sinne and to get the mastery ouer corruptions is obtained by the gift of God and by the worke of his grace in vs. Therefore doth Dauid pray to God in this manner Teach mee o Lord the way of thy statutes and I will keepe it vnto the end giue mee
not out of any hatred that they did beare against such vile sinnes but onely for feare of the peoples speech and rather for want of meanes and opportunity to accomplish them then for want of any good will if time place and other things had been answerable And if thou finde that thine is such a generall and confused tentation as namely that thou diddest neuer rightly know nor loue nor feare God and that thine heart was alwaies or now is an euill an hypocritical heart thine estate is so much the more easie that in the dayes of thy security while thou diddest walke according to the course of this world and after the prince that ruleth in the ayre euen the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience God suffered not the Diuell to thrust thee into presumptuous sinnes after the manner of others and into grosse and desperate sinnes against all rules of honesty wherewith hee might now in this time of temptation torment thy conscience This affordeth much aduantage vnto thee that the diuell can finde no grosse particular sinne to vrge and presse thee withall Here let the afflicted man first consider that hitherto his case is no whit worse then the case of euery man that commeth into the world For Dauid doth tell vs that the best man euen he that prooueth afterwards a man after Gods owne heart yet out of his mothers wombe yea out of his fathers loines proceedeth a sinnefull creature with an euill heart empty of the loue of God and continueth so till God bestow some particular grace vpon him for the conuersion of him And he maketh himselfe an instance heereof speaking thus Behold I was borne in iniquity and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me He was from the wombe and loines a sinner taken in generall termes for a man in whom there was an euill heart not knowing not louing not fearing God And Saint Paul doth tell vs that the holiest man euen he that was from the beginning a chosen vessell to beare witnesse to the name of Iesus Christ before kings and nations yet in his originall estate and first yeares hee is the childe of wrath and dead in trespasses and sinnes as all other men till God in mercy looke vpon him and renew him And hee maketh himselfe among others an instance thereof while hee thus speaketh You hath be quickened that were dead in trespasses and sinnes wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this world and after the Prince that ruleth in the ayre euen the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom wee also had our conuersation in times past in the lusts of our flesh in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the minde and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others Paul was a bad as the Ephesians and the Ephesians as bad as all other men til God in mercy conuerted both him them And the Prophet Ieremy telleth vs that there is both generally and particularly in all men and in euery man a heart both wicked and hypocritical wicked to do that which is euill deceitfull and hypocriticall to dissemble in the doing of it and to make shews pretences and excuses that it might be thought not to doe euill And this wickednesse and hypocrisie ro be so deepe and cunning that it deceiueth not onely other men but euen the wicked man himselfe that flattereth and pleaseth himself with his owne pretences and perswadeth his owne soule that all is well and onely God is able to finde out his hypocrisie for thus hee saith The heart of man is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things who can know it I the Lord search the heart c. Other men cannot know it and search it out For the apostle saith What man knoweth the things of a man saue the spirit of a man which is in him A man●… owne heart may bee acquainted with his owne thoughts but another man cannot discerne them a man himselfe oft times is not able to discerne his owne wickednesse a vaine and false opinion misleading his blinded iudgement but God searcheth it out because as the Apostle saith There is not any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open to his cies with whom we haue to doe Such is the depth of the wickednesse of mans heart such is his deceitfull hypocrisie that no eye but the all-seeing eye of God no iudgement but his that neuer erreth can see the same And Salomon telleth vs that there is no man iust vpon the earth that doth good and sinneth not And knowing this to be generaly true he challengeth euery man that thinkes that he can say any thing to cleere eyther himselfe or any other saying Who can say I haue made my heart cleane I am cleane from my sinne So that this is the condition of all men till God in his mercy mould them anew by his grace till then they are altogether such as thou in thy troubled heart art charged to be men of an euill heart full of wickednesse and hypocrisie that neither know God nor loue God nor feare God Therefore when thou art charged with such a generall and confused tentation yeeld it to be true that thou art charged withall and stand not to make thy selfe better then thou art withall say vnto thy soule for that I haue no more cause to dispaire of Gods mercy then Dauid had that was such a one in his birth then Paul had that was such a one vntill the day of his conuersion then any other and all other of Gods elect and best beloued children that were euery way such conceiued in sinne borne in iniquitie children of wrath full of vnsearchable wickednesse and hypocrisie neither knowing nor liuing nor fearing God till he was pleased to looke vpon them in his fauour and to conuert them by creating a new heart and renewing a right spirit in them And now that mine eyes are opened by this affrighting of my soule to see my bad condition which I saw not before I will make hast vnto the Lord and will craue that grace at his hands that I now want neither can I nor will I vnderstand this worke of his in letting me see by this fearefull temptation my sinfull estate which in the daies of my peace I did not see to be any other then the fruit of his loue by making me to see my misery to stir vp my soule long drowned in former securitie to seeke with all earnestnes of ●…eale for his help When a sicke man feeleth paine in his flesh he doeth not faintly yeeld to death because he is sicke but from the feeling of his weakenes he taketh occasion to seeke out some learned Phisition craueth his help the more sicke he is the more he desireth and the more earnestly he sueth for his helpe spares no cost and putteth himselfe into
of some in hell shall be more tollerable then of some others but thereby they vnderstand rather those gripes of conscience that prouoke prayers supplications strong cryings and teares out of a heart beset and straightned with fierce accusations a conuinced conscience feared condemnatiō these assaults they say shall be more hard against the conscience of him that siuned against knowledge in a presuming manner then against the conscience of him that sinned of ignorance in a weaker manner that is yeelding rather out of his weaknes then daring out of his pride for it may be alledged for the ignorant man that if he had knowne such a thing to be euill in the sight of God he would not haue done it No such thing can be said for him that presumed against knowledge for such an one sheweth contempt of God and of his reuealed will which the ignorant man cannot be charged with all hee groneth only vnder the burden of humane errour and frailty but the other lieth vnder the burden of malice and presumption Therefore when our afflicted man pressed distinctly with some particular sinnes findeth that they were the sinnes of his ignorance let him not thinke himselfe thereby free for to be ignorant of that which is our duty required of God is of it selfe a great sinne and if his ignorance be affected ignorance as in them that refuse to be taught and contemne the meanes of knowledge when God doth offer them such ignorance differeth little or nothing from malice But let him pray vnto God in hope and let him plead before God his ignorance not as an excuse much lesse as a iustification of his fault but as a motiue by which the Lord is often led in his free mercy to forgiue sinnes And for the incouraging of his heart let him remember the examples of them to whom vpon their ●…epentance and conuersion to God mercy to the forgiuenesse of their sinnes of ignorance hath beene granted Peter in a sermon of his made vnto the multitude that came together to see the lame man whom he and Iohn had healed chargeth them with a grieuous sinne saying You denied the holy one and the iust and desired a muràerer to be giuen you and killed the Lord of life whom God raised from the dead where of we are witnesses This was a great sinne to kill the sonne of God and to make more reckoning of and to shew more fauour vnto a knowen murderer then to the Lord of life that came to saue them But this their fact he saith was of ignorance And now brethren I know that through ignorance you did it as did also your gouernors For though the lews were very maliciously bent against Iesus yet many of them knew him not to be the Lord of life and to be the holy one of God neither did they persecute him in that name Therefore doth Saint Peter sa●…e vnto them in the same Sermon Amend your liues and turne that your sinnes may be done away Heere is mercy offered and assured vnto them that amend their liues and turne to God namely this mercy that all their enormious sinnes and euen among the rest their sinne in refusing the Lord Christ and putting him to a shamefull death should be forgiuen and the rather because they did it ignorantly And memorable is the example of the blessed Apostle Paul His sinne was persecutiō against the name of Iesus Christ his proceeding in it was furious without all compassion raging both against men and women that called vpon that name and casting them into prison in all places where he could finde them and had power against them In such sort that hee became famous or to speake more truely infamous for his cruelty so that Ananias in Damascus could say to the Lord Iesus of him Lord I haue heard by many of this man how much euil he hath done to thy Saints in Ierusalem moreouer here hee hath authority of the high Priests to bind●… all that call vpon thy name And yet this man had his sinnes forgiuen and was receiued into fauour and had all the degrees of holy honour done vnto him that can be done vpon earth to any among the followers of the Lord Iesus For first he was called to the knowledge and faith of the Lord Iesus and was made a true beleeuer Secondly he had honour not only to belieue in him but also to suffer for his sake and was made a true confessour and marter Thirdly he was also an excellent instrument to draw other men to the knowledge and faith of Iesus and was made a teacher and an Apostle And all this was the more freely done to him because when hee was a persecurour hee finned of ignorance and knew no other but that it was lawfull and holy for him to doe so Heare what himselfe saith of that matter I thanke him that hath made mee strong that is Christ Iesus our Lord for he counted me faithfull and put me in his seruice when before I was a blasphemer and a persecutor an oppressor but I was receiued to mercie because I did it ignorantly through vnbeliefe Ignorance and vabeleese are not things pleasing ro God by their vertue and merit obtaining forgiuenes of all the sins growing out of them neither doth the Apostle remember his ignorance and vnbeleefe obtaining his pardon as out of worthinesse of them rather know them in themselues to be grieuous sins deseruing hell as fully as any notorious sinne that issueth from them but he that sinneth out of ignorance more easily findeth fauour then hee that sinneth against knowledge For the sinne of the ignorant man hath not in it like euidence of rebellion against the reuealed will of God as the sin of him that hath knowledge As the words of the Lord Iesus shew spoken to some of the Pharisies If ye were blind ye should not haue sinne that is if yee wanted knowledge and were blind in your vnderstanding your fault should not bee so great so notorious so blame-worthy as now it is by reason of your knowledge There is therefore though no merit of fauour yet much hope for him that can say truely in his heart vnto GOD Lord thou knowest that blindly and ignorantly I ranne into this sinne not knowing that it was against thy will and so odious in thy sight And this is for him that is distinctly charged with particular sinnes and findes that hee committed them out of ignorance a doore of hope in which these examples may incourage him to digge by prayer wherein if hee doe truely and with a right penitent heart humbly and earnestly trauell he casteth the burthen of his sinnes vpon God and shall finde case CHAP. XV. BVT say it was sinne against knowledge and thou hadst warning giuen thee many times to take heede of that same sinne and warning by the word of God so that thou couldest not but know that to doe so as thou didst was a
bluddie handes cruell hearts and cunning and deceitfull heades But such an one am I I haue wrought wickednes I haue done euill I haue through the foolishnes of mine heart committed much iniquitie I haue beene a lyar my handes are full of bloud I haue beene cruell deceitfull therefore I am depriued of Gods loue I shall not dwell in his kingdome not be able to stand before him in iudgement I am iustly hated of him and shall bee iustly destroied by him and hee must needes abhor me as a thing most vile Who can speake against these things grounded on such authoritie must not the seuere iustice of heauen condemne such sinnes as mine are must not the pure holines of heauen exclude such vile sinners as I am surely it may be called prodigall mercy if such sinnes as mine escape vnpunished and if such a sinner as I may euer be saued This obiection seemeth to consist of two parts inregard of iustice that cannot suffer sin to escape vnpunished in regard of holines that will admit no vncleane person to haue fellowship and cohabitation with it But they ioyne together in one to increase this poore mans feare yet let vs helpe him with our answere It is a comely thing to to thinke reuerently of the iustice and holines of heauen for certainely iustice will not suffer the least sinne to escape vnpunished neither will holines euer suffer any vncleane thing to enter into the kingdome of heauen Yet that cannot hence be concluded that thou gatherest namely that therefore mercy can find no free passage to forgiue thy sinnes and to bring thee to glory for the wisdome and power and loue of heauen which are able to worke wonders aboue the reach of mans vnderstanding will find yea haue found out a way to satisfie iustice by the punishing of sinne and to satisfie holines by the purging of sinne and yet to saue the sinner that committed that sinne Lift vp thine heart and eares and harken to that that shal be deliuered thou shalt find an helmet of the hope of saluation to couer and saue thy head withall The glorious Trinitie by an eternall decree ordained defore all time and effected in the fulnes of time sent downe the eternall word the second person called the sonne who being conceiued by the holy Ghost tooke flesh and was borne of the virgin Mary of the linage of Dauid and was made man true man the sonne of man the sonne of Adam of Abraham and of Dauid in all things like vnto vs yet without sinne and him the father gaue vnto vs to be our mediator and to be the Lord our righteousnes and to the satisfying of the iustice of heauen God laied vpon him our sinnes and he willingly submitted himselfe to the burden of our sinnes to the curse of the law to the death of the crosse and to the wrath of his father for those sinnes of ours Excellent to this purpose is the testimonie of Esaie speaking more like an Euangelist or an apostle then like a Prophet saying He was wounded for our transgressions hee was broken for our iniquities the chastisment of our 〈◊〉 was vpon him and with his stripes are we healed all we like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne wai●… and the Lord hath laied vpon him the iniquitie of vs all We are the men that haue sinned and gone astray from God stripes woundes and death were due to vs for sinnes God imputed to him our sinnes and he was contented to stand before God a sinner in our name The stripes the woundes the death that we deserued hee receiued sustained and indured for vs. Thus iustice is satisfied our sinnes being in him punished it were iniustice to punish the same sinnes againe in them that plead the suffringes of Iesus for them Thus are his stripes our cure his woundes our health and his death our life Vnto that saying of Esaie let vs ad another of the Apostle Saint Paul Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law when hee was made a curse for vs for it is written cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree that the blessing of Abraham might come vpon the gentiles through Iesus Christ. The law curseth euery one that abideth not in all that is written in that booke to doe it and we haue failed in all or in most and the sentence of the curse did lie vpon vs then it pleased the Lord Iesus Christ by yeelding himselfe to the cursed death of the crosse to take vpon him the curse that should haue fallen vpon vs. So was iustice executed according to that sentence of the law iustice so satisfied giueth waie to mercy for the curse being borne by Iesus Christ the blessing promised to Abraham is our inheritance Here the one halfe of thy feare is remoued because in the death of Iesus Christ iustice hath receiued satisfaction for thy sinnes if thou plead this satisfaction by what iustice art thou to be punished for thy sinnes The other halfe of thy feare is this that the holines of heauen will neuer suffer such an vncleane sinner as thou art to enter into the kingdome of God to remoue this feare vnderstand that the same Lord Iesus Christ that bare ou●… sinnes imputed to him and suffered for them to satisfie iustice doeth also inuest and cloth vs with his perfect righteousnes both originall and actuall impu●…ed to vs that all our vnrighteousnes and vncleanenes both originall and actuall being therewith hidden and couered from the view of God most holy wee might appeare cleane spotles in him to the satisfying of the holines of heauen Therefore is it that Paul saith speaking of Iesus God hath made him to be sinne for vs which knew no sinne that we should be made the righteousnes of God in him This place plainely sheweth that God made an exchang betweene Iesus Christ and vs. He knew no sinne that is he had no acquaintance nor fellowship with sinne in him was no sinne to deserue death That sinne abounded in vs and God laied it vpon Iesus and he died for it On the other side we had no righteousnes no righteousnes of God that is no such pure and perfect righteousnes as God requireth and as might commend vs vnto God to be admitted for it into heauen That righteousnes was in Iesus Christ who fulfilled all righteousnes keeping the law bearing perfect loue both to God man and performing all offices pertaining to that loue and that righteousnes of his doth God impute vnto vs making vs righteous in him Therefore is it that the Prophet Ieremie calleth him the Lord our righteousnes And this is the name whereby they shall call him the Lord our righteousnes Not our iustifier that pardoning our sin●… pronounceth vs righteous by holding vs excused which thing also verely he doeth for vs but our righteousnes because in him we are accepted and his righteousnes
make the hard stones softer then the clay and to worke our hearts as wax to take the impression of his Law he is able to make vs vessels of honour for holy acceptable seruices in his house and hee is able to make vs Abrahams seede and true Israelites You know the words of Iohn the Baptist spoken to the prowd Iewes that gloried so much in this that they were Abrahams seed and in Abrahams right were heires of the Couenant Hee spake thus vnto them Say not within your selues we haue Abraham to our Father for I say vnto you that God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham So that of him that is no Israelite that is no child that is no heire God is able to make an Israelite a child an heire Of Gods goodnesse toward them that were no Israelites and no people the Prophet Hosea speaketh in this manner I will haue mercie vpon her that was not pitied and I will say to them which were not my people Thou art my people and they shall say thou art my God If thou wert therefore of that company that is not pitied thou maiest yet find mercie at GODS hands and if thou wert of that company that is not Gods people thou mayest yet become one of his The feare therfore that thou fainest vnto thy selfe hath no ground Consider him whom thou hast to deale withall and hope in his mercie that is so liberall in his promises and is also most faithfull in the performance of his word Thou hast sinned and hee hath promised to forgiue thy sinnes Appeale vnto his promises he cannot faile to effect that which hee hath giuen his word for of which word of his himselfe saith thus It shall not returne vnto mee void but it shall accomplish that which I will it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it So that hauing sent forth that gracious word of promise to forgiue and forget thy sinnes it shall not returne to him void it shall not be found a false or faulty word but a word of truth and power Pray vnto God for the effect of it and it shall prooue prosperous to thy peace CHAP. XXI ALl that hath hitherto been said is not able to calme the storme that is raised in this poore sinners conscience but his restlesse mind stil replies arguing against himself in this manner If this leaue of asking and this promise of granting forgiuenes of sinnes be so free for euery one borne of beleeuing parents as you would make mee beleeue how commeth it then to passe that so many perish in their sinnes not onely of them who are borne and brought vp of and among vnbeleeuers that know not the true God but of them also that are descended of beleeuers and all their time broght vp in the bosome of the church that can say before the Iudge We haue eaten and drunke in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets Yea they proceeded further in the businesse of the church cā say to the Iudge Lord haue not we by thy name prophecied and by thy name cast out diuels and by thy name done many great works and yet vnto them the Lord wil answer make profession say ing I neuer knew you depart frō me ye that worke iniquitie The way that leadeth to death destruction is broad and easie and many walke in it and perish I am one among others that haue run in that way and I am yet in it But the way that leadeth to life and saluation is a narrow way and few do find it and I am one of them that cānot find it I am now out of it and indeed neuer had any pleasure to seeke it that I might walke in it And yet you make the promise of the forgiuenesse of sinnes to be very large and giuen to al within the church And why may not I notwithstanding so gracious large a promise misse of forgiuenes and fall into condemnation aswel as others yea before many thousands of others hauing deserued condemnation as worthily as any other and moreworthily then many other therefore I think that there is something required to the obtaining of forgiuenesse of sinnes and saluation that I yet know not and not knowing it it is very like I haue it not and not hauing it I remaine still vnder cōdemnation and must perish eternally And I feele it so in the feare of my soule for notwithstanding all that you haue spoken to put life and hope into my soule yet the burden of my sinnes and the feare of damnation is no lesse heauy vpon me then before you began to speake vnto me I confesse indeede that the things that haue beene spoken offer great comfort but I want a right hand to take it withall Help me therefore thorow and shew me what are the conditions vpon which God forgiueth sinnes that hearing them I may know whether I bee capable of that desired happines and if I be not presently that yet I may indeuour in time to be and so at the last obtaine it For though you haue not deliuered me from al my fear yet you haue wrought in mee a great desire to recouer and get out of it not without some hope that it may one day by the mercy of God bee happily effected to my saluation This obiection is tempered with some mildenes and while the storme is something laid hearken and I will teach thee what the conditions are so shalt thou know both why others perish in their sinnes notwithstanding this promise namely by neglecting these conditions and also how thou maiest obtaine forgiuenes of thy sinnes according to this promise by the obedient and carefull keeping of these conditions The conditions required at our hāds if we thinke to obtaine forgiuenesse of sinnes are in number three The first of these three concerneth our selues and our renouation It is called repentance a departure from sinne and a returne to God in holines and righteousnesse for it is meete for him that would haue his sinnes past to be forgiuen him to cease from sinne and hate the works of darknesse wherein he tooke pleasure before Which ought to be hated first in regard of God because they are displeasing to him that is most holy and hee that is most glorious is dishonoured by them Secondly they are to be hated in regard of our selues because they cast vs out of Gods loue into his iust hatred and robbing vs of true peace doe fill our hearts with feare and horrour And for thine owne part I hope thou findest that the workes of darkenesse are to be hated and hast a will also to hate and abhorre them seeing what wofull feare and danger they haue brought thee into And this repentance and turning to God will surely deliuer thee from thine old sinnes so that they shall neuer bee laied to thy charge It is a true saying of Saint Augustine
Non nocent peccata praeterita si non placent praesentia Sinnes past hurt vs not if sinnes present please vs not If wee take no pleasure in vnrighteousnesse from henceforth God will put away and abolish all our old offences And this saying of his is groūded vpon the Scripture which must be thy stay before all the sayings of men The Prophet thus speaketh If the wicked will returne from all his sinnes that he hath committed and keepe all my statutes and doe that which is lawfull and right he shall surely liue and shall not die all his transgressions that hee hath committed shall not be mentioned vnto him Yea vpon our repentance and ceasing from sinne where it had stained as deepe as Scarlet and like Crimson double died in a colour not easie to bee changed yet there will God clense the sinner and make him as white as snow as cleane as the fleece of wooll new washed and skowred Reade to this purpose the wordes of Esay in his first Chapter 16 17 and 18. verses it is a place of much comfort And when thou hearest repentance to be a condition of the obtaining of forgiuenes of sinnes be not discomforted in the conscience of thine owne weakenes and insufficience of keeping the law of God as if it should be impossible for thee to obtaine forgiuenes vpon this condition I know thou canst not but be vnapt for good workes now at the first hauing so long before accustomed thy selfe to a contrary course of vngodlinesse But attempt with resolution to reforme thy waies and studie withall thy heart to serue God according to his will in his word reuealed God esteemeth the will for the worke yea hee will worke in thee both to will and to doe of his owne good will for hee giueth repentance as well as remission of sinnes by Iesus Christ whom he hath appointed and inabled therevnto As Peter saith of him Him hath God lift vp with his right hand to be a prince and a sauiour to giue repentance to Israel and remission of sinnes And therefore as a good degree of casting thy burden vpon God pray vnto God to giue thee repentance for thy sinnes that thou maiest also obtaine forgiuenes And learne of Dauid to say vnto God Create in mee a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirit within me And craue it in hope for God hath liberally promised to giue it Thus he saith by the Prophet Then will I poure cleane water vpon you and you shall be cleansed yea from all your filthines and from all your idols will I cleanse you a new heart also will I giue you a new spirit wil I put within you I will take away the stonie heart out of your body and I will giue you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and do them What is it that belongeth vnto repentance either in the inward man for the renewing and humbling and sanctifying of the heart or in the outward man for the altering amending and reforming of the life that God in these words doth not promise to giue And what he promiseth that will hee truely giue if thou make suite vnto him as it is fit and necessarie for thee The second of the three conditions concerneth our brother and the mercifull vsing of him and it is a milde kind of charitie by which we must be willing to forgiue vnto our brother all the wrongs trespasses that hee hath done against vs seeking if we can to reforme him but not to shame him yeelding to doe all offices of mercy and loue vnto him in his necessitie not seeking to be reuenged and to render euill for euil rebuke for rebuke And this is agreeable to iustice and equitie that if thou wouldest receiue what thou wantest thou shouldest be willing to supply the want of others as thon art able and if thou wouldest finde mercy with God thou shouldest shew mercy to men for what measure we meate to others the same shall be meat to vs. Iames the Apostle saith There shall be iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy and mer●…y reioiceth against iudgement If thou wilt not remit vnto thy brother then looke for no remission at Gods hand but if thou charitably remit vnto thy brother then cheerefully promise thy soule remission at Gods hands Verie clearely to this purpose speaketh the Lord Iesus saying If you doe forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly father will also forgiue you but if you doe not forgiue men their trespasses no more will your father forgiue your trespasses This text is plaine and needeth no interpretation but forgiue it shall be forgiuen to you forgiue vnto men and you shall be forgiuen of God At the hearing of this condition there needeth no discomfort arise in thy conscience from feare of thy insufficiencie for all resteth in thy will It is no more but this be willing the work is done desire not to be reuenged and thou hast forgiuen him continue kindnesse vnto him as if no such wrong had beene done vnto thee and this condition is fulfilled And if thou thinke it will be hard vnto thee by reason of thy froward heart heare a few reasons that may moue thee to thinke that it is a matter of nothing considering what thou desirest to obtaine of God First it is not much that thou hast to forgiue thy brother small few are his wrongs done to thee but it is infinite that thou seekest forgiuenes of from God many and grieuous are thy wrongs done to him Secondly betweene thy brother and thee there is no such difference with aduantage of dignitie on thy selfe that thou shouldest disdaine in regard of thy excellencie to put vp wrong at thy brothers hand for thou as hee art no better then dust and ashes but infinite is the difference betweene God and thee with all aduantage of full excellencie on Gods side he being of infinite glorie and maiestie so that hee might iustly disdaine to put vp wrong at the hands of such a vile worme as thou art Thirdly thy brother is neither by subiection to thy authoritie nor by kindenesse receiued from thee so bound vnto thee that in his doings which thou interpretest for wrongs he can be challenged of any great rebellion and any grosse vnthankefulnes against thee but thou both by subiection to the authoritie of God and by daily blessings receiued from God art so bound vnto him that in thy sinnefull deedes done against his knowne commandements thou art euidently guiltie of high treason and rebellion and most wicked vnthakfulnes Euery of these reasons doe inforce vpon thy heart be it neuer so froward and swelling that it is a trif●…e and matter of noe worth for thee to forgiue the wrongs of thy brother done to thee if thou desire and expect that
all societies hee knitteth mens hearts together in loue and maketh them to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the band of peace It is he that hath promised in the Church of Christ and kingdome of the Messias the rod of the stocke of Ishai to do this The wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe and the leopard shall lie with the kidde and the calfe and the lion and the fat beast together and alittle childe shall leade them and the cowe and the beare shall feed their yoong ones shall lie together and the lion shall eate straw like the bullocke and the sucking child shall play vppon the hole of the aspe and the weaned child shall put his hand vppon the cockatrice hole By the wolfe the leopard the lion the beare the aspe the cockatrice he vnderstandeth men of prowd cruell minds apt to do al hurt bicause they are void of al loue by the lamb the kid the calfe the fat beast the cow the bullocke the sucking child the new weaned child he vnderstādeth men of an humble mild heart apt to do good vnwilling to doe hurt because they are full of loue by the harmelesse society of these so vnlike people he giueth vs to vnderstand that he wil take away from men their pride their fiercenesse their cruelty their vnmercifulnesse and in place thereof he will giue them humilitie mildenes loue and mercie This is a worke that hee doth and this hee will doe pray therfore vnto God who is loue it selfe and he wil giue thee a heart to loue thy brother Faith likewise is his gift and hee himselfe is a most faithfull God worthy to be trusted the God of truth that neither can nor will deceiue them that according to his couenant and promise of mercy doe trust in him The Apostle telleth vs that faith is his gift saying By grace are yee saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Euery good gift and euery perfect giuing commeth from him who is the Father of lights pray him therefore to giue a beleeuing heart vnto thee and hee will not faile thee So that if thou haue neither repentance charitie nor faith which are the conditions vppon which God giueth forgiuenesse of sins yet thou maiest haue them for GOD doth giue them pray then vnto God and thou shalt in due time obtain them For the want of this triple grace thou hast a triple commandement to call for grace with a triple promise to obtaine all grace The Lord Iesus saying Aske and it shall be giuen you seeke and ye shal finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you Then aske repentance and it shall be giuen thee seeke for charitie and a mercifull heart and thou shalt find it and knocke at the gate of heauen for faith and it shall be set wide open vnto thee Wherefore is it that God at this time doth make thee see thy want but because he would haue thee to call for his help CHAP. XXIII BVt still obiections arise in a trobled conscience and the poore burdened sinner complaineth that his estate must needs be desperate For saith he I feele a continuall swarme of euill thoughts in extreame disorder stirring in my heart Thoughts against the maiesty of the most glorious Trinitie thoughts against the veritie of the diuine and humane natures personally vnited in the Lord Iesus Christ thoughts against all the Articles of the Christian saith thoughts rebellious against authoritie and seditious against peace thought malicious against my neighbour and vnnaturall against my selfe thoughts vnchristian vnciuill inhumane thoughts monstrous and fearefull I tremble to thinke that I haue such thoughts And these must either spring and arise out of mine owne heart and then wo vnto so wicked heart It is like vnto the Inne vnto which the virgine Mary came with the Lord Iesus in her wombe there was no roome for her in the Inne all the Chambers were filled with other guests she was glad to creep into the stable and there shee brought forth her first begotten So if any come to bring Christ or any christian thoght into my heart there is no roome in the Inne all the corners of my heart are taken vp with other thoughts they must seeke a resting place else-where and not with mee Or if they spring not from mine owne heart then are they thrust into my heart by Satan who did thrust the thought of treason against his master into the heart of Iudas then surely the diuell hath alreadie possession of my heart and either hee sendeth these thoughts as new inhabitants to dwell there and to keepe possession of my heart to his vse as the king of Ashur sent new inhabitants into Samari●… to keepe the Citie and Countrie to his vse or else he sendeth them as so many hagges and furies what should I call them so may executioners with firebrandes to torment me and being so fully in his power it is too late to thinke of deliuerance Now the Lord of hosts help thee poore afflicted soule and case thee of this burden that presseth downe so heauily And for thy comfort vnderstand that if these thoughts arise out of thine owne heart as they are in thy heart and grow in the field in which they spring they are yet but as the first graffe of sinne and haue neither blade nor eare nor fruit to poison and kill withall if wee take not liking of them nor suffer our iudgement to be corrupted by them taking them for rules of truth and intertaining them as imbraced opinions nor suffer our will to be seduced by them interpreting them as rules and directions to leade vs into action Iames the Apostle hath an excellent saying to this purpose Euery man is tempted when hee is drawne away by his owne concupisence and is intised then when lust hath conceiued it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death By concupisence he vnderstandeth the first flattering thoughts the first euill motions that stir in our hearts that make the first proposition to our iudgement and will to trie whether they will take holde or no and howsoeuer the feeblest euill thought be sinfull in Gods sight who loueth trueth in our inward affections and it is an euidence of that sinfull nature that wee bring into the world with vs deserued vnto vs from our first parents through all the interceding generations and howsoeuer the same euill thought being sinfull deserueth in the iustice of God eternall death yet the Apostle Iames looking vnto rules of mercy and speaking according to those rules telleth vs that it is not dangerous vnto vs neither bringeth forth sinne vnto death except a man be inticed and drawne away by it For when the iudgement yeeldeth and is corrupted by it approuing as good that that is euill and approuing as true that that is false and when the will yeeldeth and is seduced by it intertaining the
whether he did speake them spiritually and inwardly to his vnderstanding hereof they speake nothing Onely Saint Luke saith that the diuell did shew vnto Iesus the glorie of the kingdomes of the earth In the twinkling of an eie Which sure was a spirituall manner of presenting and why may we not aswell thinke that he vsed a spirituall manner of speaking but howsoeuer it was the diuels worke in thrusting those vngodly thoughts into th●…e heart is like that diuels worke that offred those sinfull motions vnto the Lord Iesus The diuell sinned therein as a tempter that would haue drawne another to wickednesse but the Lord Iesus sinned not in them while hee gaue no place vnto them neither was drawne by them to doe euill but confuted them by the scriptures those suggestions were no hurt vnto him Euen so in those thoughts thrust into thine heart the diuell sinneth in them as a tempter that would draw thee to cōmit wickednes but thou sinnest not in them if thou giue no place vnto them and suffer not thy selfe to be drawne by them to doe euill but confutest them by the scriptures Surely those thoughts if thou carry thy selfe thus shall doe no hurt to thee Againe let me remember thee to call vpon God for the assistance of his grace against those euill thoughts And to take heede of idlenes and solitarines remembring Salomons Vae soli woe vnto him that is alone And here I will also aduise the sinner which is troubled with these swarmes of euill thoughts to confer with some godly and learned Phisition and to vse his counsell for there is oft in the assault of such thoughts some mixture of some distemper in the body which he that is wise in God desireth true rest vnto his soule will not yea must not be carelesse of And whereas in the frame of thy obiection thou saist that if those thoughts be the suggestions of Sathan in thine heart then the diuell hath alreadie possession of thy heart and thou art fully in his power it is too late to thinke of deliuering thee on t of his hand This is but a false phantasie the fruit of thine owne feare without any truth in it for the diuell hath often leaue to tempt when he hath no power to ouercome Thou heardst euen now how hee had leaue to tempt the Lord Iesus in the wildernesse but he had no power to ouercome him And thou knowest the historie of Iob. The diuell had leaue to tempt him and and that was limited leaue hee was not able to touch a sheepes taile of Iobs till God permitted him and hee could not passe a step further then God allowed him and whatsoeuer he did to Iob either in his possessions or in his owne bodie yet had he no power ouer his mind to make him to blaspheme God which was the d●…uels cheefest desire whereof he had accused Iob before And thou knowest what Iesus saith of the Apostles that the diuell made suite to winnow them as wheat but hee interposed his praier for them that their faith might not faile in the most hote and violent temptation So that the diuell hath no power at all either to trouble by tempting or to hurt whom he troubleth But as God in his holy wisdome giueth him leaue Malice and desire to hurt aboundeth in that enemy but power he must obtaine at Gods hands And in thy selfe thou maiest see it plain by the very maner of thy trouble that though he haue leaue by these thoughts to tempt thee yet thou art not wholly in his power for if hee had power to hurt thee with deedes hee would not trifle the time with thee to trouble thee with thoughts for the diuell euer goeth as farre as ●…is commission extendeth in doing hurt to the sonnes of men he●… hath no mercie and charitie to spare where he may do a mischiefe And if he had as ful possession of thee as euer hee had of any child of disobedience yet were it not therefore too late to thinke vppon and to seeke deliuerance out of his power For the Apostle saith that hee himselfe and the Ephesians to whom he writeth walked sometime according to the course of this world and after the prince that ruleth i●… the aire euen the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience He sometime preuailed in Paul and the Ephesians further then to molest them with vngodly thoughts for they walked in their deedes after his course and yet they were deliuered out of his power and made the faithful seruants and obedient sonnes of God Indeed the Deuil is a strong man armed that to his vttermost power keepeth those things that hee possesseth in peace But the Lord Iesus saith in the Gospel When a stronger then hee commeth vppon him and ouercommeth him hee taketh from him al his armour wherein hee trusted and diuideth his spoiles And this stronger then Satan is our Lord Iesus Christ wholeadeth euen captiuity captiue and by suffering death in his flesh hath destroyed death as the Prophet speaketh O death I will be thy death O graue I will bee thy destruction And him also that had power of death to hurt vs withall as the Apostle saith That hee might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the deuill And to what end hath he subdued this enemy but that hee might diuide his spoiles and set at liberty those whom he held captiue as it followeth in the same place That he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage Where wee see deliuerance granted to them that the deuill had possession of and held in peace as the spoils that he had taken And the same may be seene by an other saying of the Apostle writing to Timothy Instruct them with meekenesse that are contrarie minded proning if God at any time will giue them repentance that they may know the trueth and that they may come to amendment out of the snares of the deuill which are taken of him at his will Marke it and make vse of it those whom the deuill hath taken at his pleasure are not such men in his power and whom he hath ins●…ared with the cords of ignorance and of wickednesse in the blindnesse and stubbornenesse of their hearts those God deliuereth and setteth free bringing them to the knowledge of the truth and to amendment of life And doth it by the milde instruction of Timothie that is by the word of the Gospel vnder the free ministerie whereof thou liuest happily in the bosome of the Church The power of which word if thou hearken vnto it in ouerthrowing the power of Satan and diuiding his spoiles we may yet further see by that that is written in the Gospell The Lord Iesus sent forth seuenty Disciples to preach the Gospel sending them two and two together and after their ministerie was fulfilled the Seauentie returned
be made righteous by faith This Law that accurseth thee with such ●…igour and seuerity euen in that curse serueth as a Schoolemaister to instruct thee by driuing thee from all liking of thine owne waies to seeke thy iustification by Iesus Christ that died for thee As the tempest by Sea maketh men flie with all speed and skill to safe harbour and as a storme by land maketh men flie with all possible haste into the house Euen so the thundering of the Law denouncing curses against transgressors maketh them with all speed and skill to flie vnto Iesus Christ our Sauiour who onely is the sure harbour and house of rest and safetie to all poore and weather-beaten and distressed sinners To him truely and in the first place belong those words of the Prophet That man shall bee as an hiding place from the wind and as a refuge for the tempest as riuers of water in a dry place as the shadow of a great rocke in a weary land And as hunger and thirst kindle a desire of meat and drinke and as paine and sicknesse felt and knowne kindleth a desire of the counsell and helpe of the Physician so feare and anguish wrought in our hearts by the rigorous sentence of the Law accursing vs kindleth in vs a desire to slie vnto this man euen the man Iesus Christ our hiding place our refuge our fountaine of liuing waters our shadow that refresheth that in him we might find defence against the storme of curses that the Law powreth downe vpon vs. Be not therefore afraid of the Law but be aduised by it and confessing thy sinnes flie as the Law compels thee vnto Iesus Christ who as the Apostle Peter saith His owne selfe bare our sinnes in his bodie on the tree that we being deliuered from sin might liue in righteousnesse by whose stripes ye were healed Turne thee therefore from the ●…igorous face of the Law to the farre more cheerefull countenance of Iesus Christ and behold him hanging vpon the tree where he suffered for sinnes not for his owne for in him was no sin nor guile in his mouth but for thy sinnes imputed to him as the Prophet Esay teacheth vs saying All wee like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquitie of vs all Looke therefore from the Law that was giuen by Moses vnto Iesus Christ by whom grace and trueth are reuealed behold him sweating in the Garden till droppes of blood fell from him to the ground behold him scourged with whippes and crowned with thornes till the blood issued from all parts of his body behold him nailed to the tree there reuiled most disdainefully by the Priests and all the people heare him crying out vnder the weight of thy sinnes and of Gods displeasure indured for them My God my God why hast thou for saken me Behold him giuing vp the Ghost his life search whether it were departed from him or no with a speare Then O troubled sinner then did he sustaine the curse of the law when he was made a curse for vs as Saint Paul te●…cheth saying Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law when hee was made a curse for vs. For it is written cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Iesus Christ that wee might receiue the promise of the spirit through faith Dooth the law thunder out curses Iesus Christ stepped in betweene the law and vs and receiued the stroke of that curse vppon his owne head whereof he gaue all the world assurance when he humbled himselfe to the death of the crosse which manner of death was by a particular sentence of the law pronounced accursed and why should the law threaten againe the curse of God against thee which alreadie before it hath not onely pronounced but executed vpō another for thee Thou art discharged from the curse of the law in the curse that Christ sustained for thee yea thou art so fully discharged of the curse that in place there of thou art made heire of the blessing promised to Abraham for so are the Apostles wordes That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gētiles through Iesus Christ. Now this blessing of Abraham is the firme fauour of God to bee our God according to the couenant which hee made with Abraham and his seede after him in their generations for euer Which seed is not to be accounted by carnall birth but by spirituall faith without regard of line●…l discent in bloud for god is able of the stones that is of the heard stonie-harted Gentiles to raise vp children vnto Abraham For which cause it was said vnto him In thy seed shal all the nations of the earth be blessed By seed in this place he meaneth the Messias the redeemer that came of Abraham Isaack Iacob Iudah Dauid and in him all nations without respect of persons beleeuing in him as Abrahams heires walking in the steps of his faith shall become blessed by inheriting the couenant euen Gods fauour according to the couenant and thou among the rest Feare not therefore the sentence of the law but from the law turne thy face to Iesus Christ and the feared curse shall not fall vpon thee Reuerence the law as it teacheth a rule of life and feare it not as it pronounceth sentence of death God made his sonne vnder the law to redeeme them that were vnder the law And the same sonne of God is called by Saint Paul The end of the law for righteousnes vnto euery one that beleeueth If therefore being in the hands of the law thou wilt looke vnto Iesus Christ tho●… hast attained to the end of the law and so art no more vnder the lawe but vnder grace And remember what Iesus Christ hath said in the Gospell As Moses lifted vp the serpent in the wildernes s●… must the sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him might not perish but haue eternall life Looke vp therefore vnto that serpent lift vp vpon the tree of the crosse and the sting of death which is thy sinne and the strength of sinne which is the law shall neuer hurt thee Against all danger of death of sinne and of the law heare what the Apostle saith Thankes be vnto God which hath gi●…en vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ. CHAP. XXV ALL that is hitherto spoken cannot giue peace to this troubled minde but as one waue followeth another in the sea so one feare followeth another in his heart and new feares afford new obiections Now he pleadeth thus against himselfe I haue no reason to hope for mercy for I haue no heart to pray for mercy I want all things that pertaine to true praier First I haue no God to praie vnto that will lend any care to my praiers I find this saying of Gods recorded
by Esay When you shall stretch out your hands I will hide mine eies from you and though ye make many praiers I will not heare for your hands are full of bloud By bloud he meaneth soule and bloudie sinnes my hands are full of this bloud for my sins are many therefore if I should lift vp my hart with my hands vnto god in the heauens he will neither behold the stretching out of my hands nor heare the desires and grones of my heart Also I find this saying of the Prophet set down as a rule that shall stand Your iniquities haue seperated betweene you and your God and your sinnes haue hid his face from you that he will not heare Iniquitie seperateth between God and vs I am full of iniquitie therefore there is a wall of seperation shutting him out from mee and mee from him And sinne causeth him so to turne away his face that hee will not heare but I am guiltie of innumerable sinnes therefore God hath hid his face from me and ●…ee will not heare How then can I pray seeing I haue no God that will lend any eare to my praier Secondly I haue no mediator in whose name to pray and for whose sake I may hope to be heard when I pray For men and Angels whom some do make their mediators are no mediators the Apostle saith There is one God and one mediator betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus This saying excludeth all other mediators And the only mediator the man Iesus is no mediator for me for I haue denied him and he hath said Whosoeuer shall denie me before men him will I also denie before my father which is in heauen And I am sure that I haue denied him before men if not in words because these daies of peace haue giuen me no cause so to doe which I know I should haue done if da●…es of persecution had vrged me yet I haue denied him by my deedes The Apostle hath this saying of the men of his time which is most true in mee They professe they know God but by workes they denie him Hee may bee denied by vngodly workes but I am ful of vngodly workes therefore haue I denied him before men And hauing thus denied him hee must and will denie me before God So haue I no mediator Thirdly if I should offer to pray I must pray without any promise but so to doe were to pray idly for then only doe men pray according to the will of God and with comfort to be heard in their praiers when they ground their praiers vpon the promises of God But I neuer tooke heede to the promises of God and at this time I cannot call them to remembrance and if I could call them to remembrance I were neuer the better for God is not bound to performe his promises to any but to them alone that out of their loue to him striue to keepe his commandements For Moses thus speaketh of him Thou maiest know that the Lord thy God he is God the faithfull God which keepeth couenant and mercy vnto them that loue him and keep●… his commandements euen to a thousand generations If any loue not the Lord out of his loue to keepe the commandements of the Lord hee can make no claime to the couenant of God or to any promise of his neither is God bound in his truth and faithfulnesse to performe any promise to him but such a one am I that haue not loued the Lord nor out of loue studied to keepe the commandements of God but haue broken them all therefore I haue no promise to ground my praiers vpon and for that cause I cannot pray Fourthly I know not how to pray how to begin and how to make any proceeding and if at any time I incline my heart to pray I am disturbed I know not how and other thoughts draw away my minde While I thinke to aske forgiuenesse of sinnes my minde runneth out into a wilde remembrance of my sinnes with much pleasure to thinke vpon them While I thinke to pray for grace to assist mee against the power of sinne the lusts of my heart call backe my thoughts and I am deuising how I may compasse it to commit sinne and my will wholy inclineth that way While I thinke to pray for the inheritance of heauen my loue to this world carieth away my minde and I am studying how I may winne the pleasures and preferments thereof And euer my good desires that should lead my minde are crossed and put downe by my bad desires and I cannot raise vp or if I raise it I cannot hold vp my heart to God and holy things with any staiednes I know what is requisite vnto praier by the Apo●…les words Pray alwaies with all maner supplication in the spirit and watch there unto with all perseueranc●… If I pray it is with my lips I doe not make supplication in the spirit and to watch vnto praier that is diligently to attend with all the powers of my soule without either drowsinesse fainting or wandering of my thoughts is most farte from me And being so vnskilfull and so vnable to pray how can I pray to preuaile by my praiers And lastly which is my greatest mischiefe when I thinke to pray or when I doe pray or when I haue praied there is something within mee that giueth mee my answer assoone as I haue praied and sometime before I haue praied and I am farre from attending vpon God till hee doe giue mee answer as if I did not pray vnto God but rather vnto my self The Prophet Dauid saith Wait patiently vpon God and hope in him the meaning whereof I take to be this when we haue shewed our desire vnto God in praier and supplication that then we should hope in him to receiue a gracious answer and wait patiently for that answer till it please God to shew vs mercy in his appointed time I doe not so I haue neither hope nor patience to wait vpon his hand but mine owne heart maketh answer without God And that answer is alwaies a negatiue answer a flat deniall a plaine repulse So that I haue lesse hope and lesse comfort in and after my praier then before I praied and where others finde themselues much eased in heart after they haue by praier powred out their desires into the lap of God I am much more troubled esteeming euen my praier to be turned into sinne all these things together make me most vnable to pray This is a grieuous obiection but in framing this obiection the troubled sinner fareth like a blinde man in an vnknowen house who wandering without ●…guide goeth hee knoweth not whether and stumbleth often vpon the same threshold so doth he in seuerall branches of this obiection stumble at the same offences that haue beene answered and taken away before But let vs lend ●…and to bring him into the way First he a●…th he cannot pray because
he hath no God to pray vnto that will lend an eare of hearing to the praier hee makes because hee hath sinned against God And yet hee was taught before that leaue was giuen him yea that hee was commanded to pray vnto God euen for the forgiuenesse of those sinnes that made the separation betweene him and his God and also that God had promised to forgiue those sinnes yea all sinnes without exception And whereas he obiected against the commandement of praying for forgiuenesse that it pertained not vnto him that could not call God his father and against the promise of forgiuing that it pertained not vnto him that was no Israelite These things were answred and remoued and it was clearely proued vnto him that God was his father and therefore hee might and ought to pray for forgiuesse and that he was an Israelite of the seed of Abraham and of the houshold of faith and therefore God had promised vnto him forgiuenesse of sin And while these things stand good how can he say that he hath no God that will heare him because hee hath sinned against him Let him remember what Dauid saith vnto God in one of the Psalmes Against thee against thee onely haue I sinned and done euill in thy fight that thou maiest be iust when thou speakest and pure when thou iudgest Here is a true confession that he had sinned against God Doth hee therefore thinke that he hath no God to pray vnto that will lend him an eare of hearing What is that whole Psalme but a praier vnto this God In the first verse hee praieth thus Haue mercy vpon mee o God according to thy louing kindnesse according to the multitude of thy compassions put away mine iniquities In the second verse hee praieth thus Wash mee throughly from mine iniquity and clense me from my sinne In the seauenth verse hee praieth thus Purge me with Hisop and I shal be cleane rash mee and I shall be whiter then snow And so in many other parts of this Psalme So that it appeareth by Dauids practise that our sinners rule faileth pleading that hee hath no God to pray ●…nto that will lend an eare to heare his praier because hee hath sinned against ●…im for Dauid praied vnto that God ●…ot doubting of gracious hearing against whom he freely confessed that he ●…ad sinned and sinned grieuously And whereas in some places of scripture by our afflicted sinner remembred and in diuers other the holy Ghost telleth vs that God will not heare sinners and hideth his face from them they are to be vnderstood as spoken of impenitent sinners that take pleasure in sinne and continue in it refusing to turne from their sinne vnto God and yet presume that all shall be well and that God cannot deny their requests Like them spoken of by leremy the Prophet Will you ●…eale murder and commit adultery and s●…tare falsly and burne incense vnto Baal and walke after other Gods whom ye know 〈◊〉 and come and stand before mee in this house whereupon my name is called and say we are deliuered though we haue don●… all these abominations And like them spoken of by the Prophet Micha Heare this I pray you ye heads of the house of Iacob and Princes of the house of Israel they abhor iudgement and peruert allequity they build vp Sion with bloud and Ierusalem with iniquity the heads thereof iudge for rewards and the Priests therof ●…each for hier and the Prophets thereof prophecy for mony yet will they leane vpon the Lord and say is not the Lord among vs no euill can come vpon vs. Such men there are in the world that flatter themselues in their sinnes and when they heare the iudgements of God denounced against sinne yet for the pleasure they take in sinne and for the gaine they make of sinne they will continue in it and not leaue it and thinke with praiers and some other outward humiliations to blow away as a fether or some light thing the iudgements and wrath of God These are the men that haue no God because they depart away from God by their owne wickednesse these are the sinners whom God will not heare because they delight more in sin then they do in God But the humble the penitent the broken-hearted sinner to whom his sins are his burden a displeasing burden from which hee desireth to be deliuered as our sinner doth this day He that is grieued for his sins that hateth and abhorreth them and if ●…ee might once get cleere from his sins past intendeth no more to be acquainted with them and esteemeth them as his plague and his death Him the Lord most willingly and with delight hearkneth vnto The Prophet saith The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirit a contrite and a broken heart O God thou wilt not despise So that thou wert neuer so fit indeede to pray as now thou art with thy contrite and broken heart thy praiers now will be a sweet and pleasing sacrifice to him He is thy God and wil most readily heare thee Secondly hee saith hee hath no Mediator in whose name to pray and for whose sake hee may hope to bee heard And yet remembreth the words of Scripture that call Iesus the Mediator betweene God and man Those verie words prooue thou hast a Mediatour euen the same Iesus except thou wilt deny thy selfe to be a man for hee is Mediator betweene God and man and therefore mediator betweene God and thee if thou be a man So that to say thou hast no mediator in whose name to pray and for whose sake thy praier should be accepted is but an vnthankfull speech put into thy head without any good ground for Paul saith of Iesus that hee euer liueth to make intercession for vs. Yet our afflicted sinner thinketh he hath reason to say so because he hath denied Iesus before men And did not Saint Peter deny the Lord Iesus before men and yet hee after praied and was heard in the Mediators name because hee stoode not in his deniall but repented Yet thou hast not denyed him in words before men as Peter did That thou thinkest to bee no aduantage to thee and referrest it to the daies of peace not vrging thee rather then to the constancie of thine own heart thou louest to bee thine owne accuser and what thou hast not done in words thou thinkest that thou hast done in workes by them thou hast denied him while thou didst not liue like á Christian. But must it therefore follow that he is now ●…o Mediator for thee and will deny thee before his Father in heauen Knowest thou not what Iohn the Baptist faith of him Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world He himself when as an vnspotted Lamb he was sacrificed for thee tooke away and by the vertue of that sacrifice still taketh and euer taketh away thy sinne where is now that reall deniall of thine when
rich Widdow how to pray vnto God among other words hee h●…th this saying 〈◊〉 hoc negocium plus gemitibus 〈◊〉 sermonibus agitur plus fleti●…quam ●…fatu This businesse of praier for the most part is performed rather with gronings then with words with weeping then with speech Let God therfore heare thy sighes and grones let him see thy teares when thou canst not shew him thy desire in words water thy couch with teares as did the Prophet and God will gather vp and put euery drop into his bottell thus doing when thou thinkest that thou hast not praied thou hast praied most powerfully For as Saint Ier●…mi saith Oratio deum lenit lacr●…na cogit Praier gently moueth God teares forcibly compell him He is allured as it were and won with the words of praier to heare vs but with the teares of a contrite heart he is drawen and inforced to heare and helpe where otherwise hee would not And in this affliction growing vpon thy heart because thou knowest not how to pray heare a notable comfort that the Apostle giues thee saying The spirit helpeth our infirmities for wee know not how to pray as wee ought but the spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes that cannot be expressed Where thin●… owne strength and wisdome faileth in this seruice of praying vnto God there the wisdome and power of Gods spirit kindlet●… in thee strong desires and earnest longings after the mercy of God And the meaning of those desires and longings God perfectly vnderstandeth and needs not to bee informed by thy words So 〈◊〉 though thou canst not pray as thou ●…oghtest to doe yet that seruice goeth forward well while thou hartily desirest Gods fauour Of which desire in thee ●…ere needeth no other argument but ●…en the griefe of thine owne heart seeing in thy sin cause of Gods displeas●…re and that other thoughts come into thine heart when thou bendest thy selfe to pray maruaile not at it neither therefore be so farre discomforted that thou shouldest giue ouer praying but 〈◊〉 the more to pray and to watch thereunto in the attendance of thy thoughts and lift vp thine heart vnto God and keepe it with all thy care looking still to him These thoughts of thine heart partly arise from thine owne weaknesse and corruption that art more fit for any thing then to attend with set●…ed reuerence vpon God And partly they are mustered together and thrust ●…o vnseasonably into thine heart by the wicked enimy that would not haue thee pray because he knoweth that the mercy of God is most easily obtained by harty and constant praier therefore hee seekes to hinder thee in that businesse that thy mind being occupied about other cogitations thou might est let f●…ll to the ground the petitions that thou are offering vnto God but the more hee seeketh to trouble thee the more earnest be thou in praier remembring that saying of our blessed Sauiour giuen for a warning to his Discip●…es Wate●… and pray that yee enter not into temptation Lastly hee is offended and discouraged in his praying by an intruded answer that offereth it selfe presently after his praier and sometime before his praier be either ended or begun not suffering him to wait patiently vpon God and to hope in him and this intruded answer is alwaies vncomfortable It comes euer in the negatiue and ●…pulsiue forme whatsoeuer hee hath praied for or intendes to pray for it tels him he shall not haue he cannot haue hee i●… not worthy to haue hee must not looke to haue the iustice of God will neuer grant it vnto him Which answer is nothing else but if I may so speake the smoke of those fiery dartes of Sathan wherby he hath set the poore mans conscience in combustion bringing his sins ●…o remembrance setting before him the ●…ath of God kindled by those sinnes 〈◊〉 from hence extracting and drawing this heauy conclusion looke for no ●…rcy where thou hast deserued so ●…ch wrath It is no other then a very 〈◊〉 of his disease the fruit of his owne 〈◊〉 ouer hastily answering himselfe ●…ot ●…arying to receiue answer of God t●…s he must take especial heed off that for as much as hee maketh praier to God and not to himselfe he waite for his answer from God and receiue none from himselfe and if his heart will be foolish to suffer any such vncomfortable answer vnto him that hee reiect it and wait on the hand of heauen About this point the sonnes of men er●…e very dangerously and faile in extremities and few or ●…one can keepe the right meane to expect and receiue their answer from God While men liue carelesly in sinne and prouoke God euery day if they chance to offer any petition to heauen or by a●…y meanes be occasioned to thinke vpon answer of their hopes from heauen they euer boldly answer themselues with promise of all prosperity though in iustice it cannot be like vnto the man whom God complaineth of saying that Hearing the words of the curse blesseth himselfe in his heart saying I shall haue peace though I walk according to the stubbornnesse of mine owne heart God giues no such answer to such men It followeth in the same place The Lord will not be mercifull vnto him Blessings belong to them that feare God not to them that conte●…ne him He that inqul reth for Gods will reuealed in his word shall finde another answer belonging to the petitions and hopes of such men The threatnings of Gods iudgemēts are all denounced against them as in the fore-remembred place of Deuteronomy The wrath of the Lord and his lealousie shall smoke against that man and euery curse that is written in this booke shall light vpon him and the Lord shall put out his name from vnder heauen On the other side when men are humbled in the sight of their sins and haue great remorse in their hearts if they powre out any sighes and grones vnto God in their praier and by any meanes be occasioned to thinke vpon answer of their desires from heauen they euer fearefully answer themselues like those men spoken of by the Prophet Ezechil that say If our transgressions and our sins bee vpon 〈◊〉 and we are consumed because of them 〈◊〉 shall we then liue That is our sins deseruing death and those being now ●…id to our charge and the hand of God being heauy vpon vs for them there is no hope of life God giues no such answer to contrite hearts and to humbled spirits he doth not so reiect the deiected man He that inquireth for Gods will reuealed in his word shall finde another answer of comfort and health appointed for them the promises of mercy runne all vpon their side The Prophet Moses speaketh these words vnto the people When thou art in tribulation and all these things are come vpon thee at the length if thou returne to 〈◊〉 Lord thy God and bee obedient to his voice for the Lord thy
God is a mercifull God he will not forsake thee neither destroy thee nor forget the couenant of thy fathers which hee sware vnto them Vnto this I might ad many promises of like nature assuring health and comfor vnto humbled spirits that seek●… mercy at the hands of God with teares and sighe●… and grones their hearts refusing to take ioy and delight in any thing till they may recouer againe Gods fauour and once againe see the light of his countenance Dauid commendeth God by this gracious propertie of comforting such deiected creatures saying The Lord vpholdeth all that fall and lifteth vp all that are readie to fall And in another place He healeth those that are broken in heart and bindeth vp their sores Pray thou therefore vnto God in the name of Iesus Christ and pray with comfort of heart and when thou hast made request vnto God accept no answere but from God First hee answereth comfortably in his word to all such as thou art comming vnto him With that first answere appease thy troubled minde till God in his rich mercy by his deed of deliuerance giue thee a further answer Obserue these rules and if thou wert at this present in as bad taking as the Ephejians were at the first of whom Paul speaketh 〈◊〉 Ye●… were at that time without Christ 〈◊〉 were alines from the commonwealth of 〈◊〉 and were strangers from the coue●… of promise and had no hope and were 〈◊〉 God in the world Yet thou shalt ●…ortly become as they became afterward of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is said in the next ●…ords But now in Christ Iesus yee which 〈◊〉 were far●… of are made neare by the 〈◊〉 of Christ. And a little after Yee are no more strangers and foreners but Citizens with the saints and all the houshold of God and are built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christ himselfe being the cheefe corner stone Here i●… a change worthy to be obserued they which were without God without Christ without hope and strangers from the communion of Saints are made the sonnes of God the Disciples of Christ the heires of the promises and Citizens of heauen filled with all hope grounded vpon that foundation of trueth against which the gates of hell shall ne●…er preuaile Put away therefore all these offences the Lord is thy God his eare will harken vnto thee Iesus Christ is thy mediator pray in his name the promises of God in him are Yea and Amen thou shalt find them in the scriptures And when thou knowest not to pray powre out thy heart vnto God in sighe●… and teares and grones repell wandring thoughts when thou praiest and lift vp thy mind vnto God 〈◊〉 trust in him when thou hast praied waiting patiently for his answere These things doe with all cheerefulnes as thou art able and the God of peace shall send thee peace CHAP. XXVI YET is not the mind quiet nor indeed can be till God bring the temptation to an issue remoue his burden In the meane time though he cannot charge himselfe out of any reason yet hee ceaseth not to charge himselfe out of feare and saith that this condition is not doubtfull and questionable whether hee may obtaine mercy or no if it were no worse there were some hope but his condition is certainly euill miserable for saith he I am forsaken of God I am a lost child the very sonne of perdition and I am a reprobate a far more vile sinner then many reprobates and therefore you labour in vaine that offer comfort to me and that take so much paine to answere my obiections you may well deuise answers before me and other men but they are vnanswerable before the iudgement seate of God where I must appeare for my sinne Ah Lord God whereof thou knowest we be made thou vnderstandest that we are but dust wilt thou permit so weak creatures to be assaulted with so strong ●…tion yea Lord thou wilt to thy glory thou wilt that thy power may be made perfect through weaknes and that the sufficiencie of thy grace may be knowne by helping that thou maist be found worthy of that honorable name that the Apostle giues thee calling thee The father of mercies and God of all comfort Helpe therefore with thy mercy helpe with thy comfort instruct me to speake thereof and giue to this afflicted sin●…er the powerfull feeling thereof to whō now I turne my speech in thy name In this temptation I hope the deuill hath spit his last poison If this brunt may be indured and ouercome I hope peace wil grow speedily by the blessing of the God of peace And for answer vnto this obiection first I say That if these words had beene spoken by the Lord himselfe I would haue stood astonished at the hearing of so fearefull a sentence I would haue kept silence for reuerence of the speaker and without reply I would haue laied my hand vpon my mouth and haue glorified God in his iudgements I would haue said vnto him as Iob said Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay my hand vpon my mouth once haue I spoken but I will answer no more yea twise but I will proceed no further But I doe vnderstand from whence these words doe come from thence I take vnto me comfort of replying for I find them to arise out of that soile that breedeth errors and lies Therefore they are subiect to exception Thou thy selfe art in mine eares the immediate speaker and against thee and this speech of thine I haue iust exception First the thing whereof thou presumest to pronounce is a thing exempted from mans iudgement and whereof no man hath leaue to pronounce till God by some euident tokens doe manifest his owne purpose Three things there are saith one which are exempt from mans iudgement The first is the word of God what hee hath spoken that must stand man hath no power to iudge it otherwise then in humilitie to reuerence it The second thing is Gods eternal counsell which is onely knowne vnto himselfe And no m●…n can say it is thus or thus vntill God by his apparant worke do manifest it The third thing is the reprobation of particular men whereof no man is able to pronounce nor indeed ought to iudge either himselfe or any other to be of that number God saueth and condemneth whom he will not whom we assigne and nominate Oft times they are vile in the sight of God whom wee approue and honour and oft times they are honourable and precious in Gods eies whom we thinke meanly of Paul saith of him He hath mercie on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth It resteth wholy in the will of God and it is not as we fancie thinke or iudge Of euery particular man the same Apostle saith Hee standeth or falleth to his owne Master that is as God our Maister shall be
the night before Then Dauid seeing that this deuice would not helpe him resolued vpon a more wicked and cruell course and sends Vriah to the Campe and writes by him to Ioab the Generall that hee should place Uriah in the forefront of the battell and in the time of danger should with-draw all helpe from him and leaue him alone in the middest of the enemies that he might be smitten and die by their hands And this commandement was by Ioab fulfilled at the next assault made vpon the City Rabbah Vriah was there slaine Then was his wife a widdow and free from all men and Dauid takes her home to him and shee became his wife And thus he couered the shame of his first sinne with a second as bad if not much worse And what honest man that knoweth how he ought to keepe his vessell in holinesse and honour and not in the lust of concupiscence as the Gentiles doe which know not God can frame any reasonable excuse for his adultery And what sober man that hath learned to walke honestly as in the day time not in surfeting and drunkennesse can excuse his fact in making Uriah drunke and what charitable man that tendereth the life of his neighbour and knowes Gods ordinance that he that sheddeth mans bloud by man shall his bloud be shed can by any good words extenuate the sinne of his rraiterous murder It may be that wantons that riotous persons and bloudy-minded-mercilesse men will say it was brauely done but no man of continency of temperancy and of charity can excuse him Surely the sinne of Saul and Dauid compared together it appeareth to vs that Dauid sinned more vilely then Saul in the act of their disobedience howsoeuer for the heart yeelding to sin much may be said for Dauid that cannot be said for Saul Which difference of their hearts appeared presently when they were put in mind of their disobedience by the Prophets Samuel and Nathan For when Saul was challenged by these words of Samuel Wherefore hast thou not obe●…ed the voice of the Lord but hast turned to the pray and hast done wickedly in the sight of the Lord He denied the fact maintained his deniall with argument and lastly being inforced to confesse himselfe a transgressour yet hee did it faintly and neuer repented But assoone as Nathan had said vnto Dauid Wherefore hast thou despised the commandement of the Lord to doe euill in his sight thou hast killed Variah the Hittite with the sword hast taken his wife to be thy wife and hast slaine him with the sword of the childrē of Ammon He confessed it freely grew into displeasure with himselfe for it and heartily repented making his humble praier vnto God for forgiuenes thereupon penned the one fiftieth Psalme in testimonie of his repentance his heart was not so wicked as was the heart of Saul but in the outward face his sinne to the eies of the world was more vile then the sinne of Saul Shall Dauid therefore say I am a reprobate for I haue sinned more vilely then Saul that was a reprobate this were first to step too presumptuously into to the throne of Gods iudgement Secondly it were to be vnthankfull vnto God for that faithfull and most constant loue of his that euen with such sinnes was not extingushed Thirdly it were to be vnkind and iniurious to his owne soule denying vnto himselfe the hope comfort that he might and ought to seeke in the infinite mercy of God therefore though our afflicted sinner haue sinned more vilely then many reprobates it followeth not that hee himselfe must therefore be a reprobate and though they that be reprobates doe by their sinnes after committed deserue the damnation whereunto by the decree of reprobation they are appointed yet hee and others committing sinnes worthy of condemnation are not therefore to be iudged reprobates and his sinne though grieuous as he affirmeth it truely to be is no signe nor euidence of reprobation Secondly hee alledgeth the wrath of God now heauie vpon him for his sinne to be another euidence of his reprobation which likewise must not be granted For if this should bee a true rule that wheresoeuer Gods iust wrath falleth vpon men for their sins they vpon whom this wrath falleth should be reprobates then would these great absurdities follow First that all that suffer with Christ in this world should be reprobates For there is no calamitie that falleth vpon men in bearing whereof they become sufferers but it falleth vpon them for their sinnes And the calamitie so falling is a stroke of Gods wrath For the first thing that the calamities that make vs sufferers fall vpon vs for our sinnes the words of Ieremie are plain saying Wherfore is the liuing man sorrowfull man suffereth for his sin we suffer no calamitie but our sinnes deseruing more hath brought that vpon vs. And for the second thing that the same calamitie comming vpon vs for our sinnes is a stroke of the wrath of God that is of his holines abhorring sin of his iustice correcting for sin appears by the words of the Prophet Micha speaking thus of God Hee retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercy pleaseth him he will turne againe and haue compassion vpon vs he will subdue our iniquities and cast all their sinnes into the bottome of the sea That is for a while he punisheth in wrath the sinnes of his people and after some short affliction indured he forgiueth their sinnes and receiueth them againe into fauour In that saying of the Prophet the worke of God in laying calamitie vpon his seruants for their sinnes is called his wrath So that all the euils that fall vpon men which suffer with Christ in this world come vpon them for their sinnes and are the stroke of Gods wrath against sinne not to destroy but to correct therefore if it were a true rule which our afflicted sinner speaketh that where Gods wrath falleth vpon men for their sinnes that wrath should be an euidence of the reprobation of the person vpon which it is fallen then those men which suffer with Christ in this world should bee reprobates which is most absurd and vntrue for that suffering is rather an euidence of their election vnto saluation because it is written It is a true saying for if we be dead with Christ wee shall liue with him if we suffer wee shall also raigne with him But no reprobate shall reigne with Christ that is the blessed prefermēt of them onely that are the elect of God Secondly if all that beare the wrath of God for sinne were reprobates and that wrath an euidence of their reprobation then this absurditie would follow that God should neuer bee displeased with his elect whatsoeuer they doe should neuer lay any iudgement vpon them that might be interpreted to be an euidence of his wrath and iust displeasure against their sinnes Whereas the contrary is most
records belonging to the Church of God and to the people that ●…tend to haue any knowledge of God ho●… many hath he heard 〈◊〉 that did so and what were they in the first age of the world that lasted from the creation to the sloud sixteene hundred fifty and 〈◊〉 yeares we read of much wickednesse ●…ow Kain vnnaturally killed his brother Habel how Lamech transgressed Gods ordinance for mariage and gloried in ●…is owne cruelty saying to his wiues in his wicked pride I would stay a man in 〈◊〉 wound and a young man in mine heart We read of the carnal licenciousnesse of the men of the best line How the sonnes of God saw the daughters of men that they were faire and they looks them wiues of all that they liked Yea of the whole race of mankind we reade that the earth was corrupt before God for the earth was filled with cruelty then God looked vpon the earth and behold it was corrupt for al flesh had corrupted his way vpon the earth And their wickednesse was so vile in the sight of God that hee repented to hane made man vpon the earth and hee brought a floud vpon the earth where with he destroied euery creature in whose nostrels was the breath of life And in all this time it is not read that any grew vnto this height of wickednes to incroch so farre vpon the right of God and to be so vnnaturally sinfull as to kill him selfe In so many yeares the Deuill that was a murderer from the beginning could not preuaile so far among the most wicked as to perswade any to lay violent hands vpon himselfe This wickednesse was then vnknowen from the floud to the natiuity of our Lord Iesus Christ for the space of two thousand three hundred and eleuen yeares wee read of horrible wickednesse of warre among nati●…s of the tyranny of Nimrod of ●…e building of Babel of the vnclea●…esse of the Sodomites of the slaughter of the Sichemites of the tyranny of Pha●… of the sinne of the Cananites of the ●…bellion of Korah of the couetousnesse 〈◊〉 Balaam of the sornication of Zimri 〈◊〉 infinit vngodlinesse in euery age of 〈◊〉 in euery generation but of this ●…ind of vnnaturalnesse for men to lay ●…iolent hands vpon themselues we haue 〈◊〉 few examples Saul fell vpon his owne sword and killed himself because ●…e would not come aliue into the hands of the Philistims that preuailed against ●…im in battell and his Armour-bearer ●…couraged by his Lords example did ●…e like vnto himselfe And not many ●…eares after Ahitophel the great coun●…ller that followed Absolom vpon discontent left Absolom went home to his ●…ne house and hanged himselfe We ●…ad of a fourth whose name was Zimri ●…at being besieged in Tirzah and not able to defend himselfe and the place ●…ent into the Kings Palace and setting the house on fire burned himselfe and these are all that the Scripture recordeth guilty of this impiety for we are not to number Sampson among them whose purpose was not to kill himselfe but to execute the iudgement of God vpon the Philistins which was a worke of his calling in the faithfull and zealous performance whereof hee lost his life And I wittingly passe ouer the history of Razis that fell on his sword and slew himselfe that he might not come aliue into the hands of them whom 〈◊〉 sent to take him leauing the credit of that History to the authority of the writer Whom yet if wee adde to the former the number is not much increased by him So few they were in so many yeeres with whom the ancient murderer could 〈◊〉 to make them enemies of their owne 〈◊〉 And if we consider what manner persons they were with whom he did so far preuaile their wickednesse will se●…e to warne any man that hath any dram either of piety or wisdome or care of his owne credit not to put himselfe into the company and ranke of them Saul was a man enuious traiterous perfidious cruell and profane His enuy appeared in this that hee hated Dauid because the Lord prospered him and because the people lio●…oured him for that and for no other cause did hee seeke to take away his life His traiterous minde appeared in this that vnder pretences of loue sh●…wes of the greatest fauour hee sought to kill Dauid giuing his daughter Michol to Dauid to be his wife that she might be the traine to destroy him How persidious and false of faith he was appeared in this that often giuing his promse to Dauid to doe him no harme and giuing it into him aduisedly vpon sight and proofe of Dauids innocency and faith to him he yet euer brake it and vppon euery the least opportunity went out against him with his Army to take him His cruelty appeareth in this besides other proofes thereof that vpon the report of Doeg telling him that Ahimelech the Priest had asked counsel of the Lord for Dauid and had giuen him victuals and the sword of Goliah hee sent for Ahimelech and all the Priests of his fathers house euen fowre-score and fiue men and caused them all to be slaine and destroied also Nob the City of the Priests where Ahimelech dwelt ●…miting with the edge of the sword both man and woman both child and suckling both Oxe and Asse and sheepe with the edge of the sword in most barbarous and inhumane cruelty How profane hee was without due feare and reuerence of God the former act done vpon the Priests of the Lord without regard of the seruice whereunto they were separated to minister at the Altar of the Lord doth plainly show And his preuenting the time appointed of God in offering his Sacrifice when the people were scattered from him and Samuel was not come vnto him But chiefly his profanenesse appeared in consulting with the Witch at Endor As it is written of him Saul said vnto his seruants seeke mee a woman that hath a familiar spirit that I may goe to her and aske of her and his seruants said to him behold there is a woman at Endor that hath a familiar spirit then Saul changed himselfe and put on other raiment and he went and two men with him and they came to the woman by night and he said I pray thee coniure unto 〈◊〉 by the familiar spirit and bring me him vp whom I shall name vnto thee This is an ●…sallible argument of a most profane heart in times of trouble and danger to 〈◊〉 helpe of the Deuill to place hope in him to regard his word and answer These things ought to bee done vnto God onely his helpe onely should be sought in the time of danger in his mer●…y and truth onely wee ought to trust 〈◊〉 to giue credit to his word which shall stand for euer and from the God of truth to 〈◊〉 for counsell to the father of lies and from the Sauiour to flie for helpe to the destroyer
but thou hast beene able in body to stand vnder thy burden and to performe many good seruices in thy calling and he hath not smitten thee in thy children friends and goods with the rod of patient Iob but thy estate remaineth safe thy friends are cheerefull about thee such mercies of God haue accompained thy affliction and ministred comfort vnto thee in the time of it And in these things one part of that promise deliuered in Gods name by the Apostle hath beene performed vnto thee God will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you be able He himselfe that sent the temptation gaue thee strength to beare the temptation and vnto this day thou bearest it though not without griefe yet not without hope Why then shouldest not thou withall cheerefulnes hope and pray that God would performe vnto thee graciously the other part of that promise but will giue the issue with the temptation c Doth not the Apostle when he giues vs that promise in Gods name vse a preface to perswade our hearts to hope for it and pray for it commending God in whose name hee giues it by the title of faithfull saying God is faithfull that will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that yee be able Hope then in that faithfull God pray vnto that faithful God who hath already approued his faithfulnesse in performing vnto thee theone part of his promise and as he is true and faithful he will hauing freely bound himselfe performe his whole promise and giue an issue of thy temptation and thou shalt liue to ouercome it And heere I will acquaint thee with an holy rule which God obserueth in the temptations of his seruants which rule offereth hope of deliuerance from thy greeuous temptation before death The rule is found in Deuteronomie where Moses speaking to the people of Israel and remembring their wearie wandring through a roaring and terrible wildernesse and the many heauie accidents that in that wildernesse came vnto them saith that God led them that way to humble them and to prooue them that he might doe them good in the latter end Gods meaning was after a hard beginning to bring them to a comfortable end when they were first humbled and prooued And very meete it is that Gods seruants should bee humbled and it is right in God to prooue his servants whether they loue the Lord with all their heart and will indure with patience his good pleasure and whether they will cleaue vnto him in danger and put their trust in his mercies and this proofe is best made by crosses and troubles for this cause doth God send troubles to his seruāts whom he loueth but alwayes with a reseruation in his good purpose to do them good in the latter end Apply this vnto thy selfe It was fit that thou shouldest be humbled to acknowledge thy selfe before God to be dust and ashes and laden with iniquitie to humble thee in this sort God hath sent this crosse doe thou therefore humble thy selfe vnder the mightie hand of God that hee may exalt thee in due time It was fit that thou shouldest be prooued that thou mightest see thine owne strength to bee but rotten●…es and dust and that thou mightest shew thy loue thy patience thy faith in God that it might appeare whether God or thine owne case were dearer vnto thee and whether thou wilt glorifie him in aduersitie as thou ma●… kest shew to doe in dayes of peace and prosperitie and thus to prooue thee he hath sent this temptation therefore now shew thy selfe a man shew thy selfe a Christian shrinke not from God murmure not at his visitation suffer with patience and pray in faith and be constant vnto the end And hee that hath brought thee into this temptation as it were into a roaring wildernesse to humble thee and to prooue thee will surely doe thee good in the latter end Surely this rule offereth vnto thee comfortable assurance that before the end of thy dayes thou shalt see an end of thy temptation and such an end as shall bring thee more ioy then thy affliction doth now breed thee griefe But say that death do take thee away before thou hast ouercome this temptation and thou fearest it may doe so grounding thy feare vpon two reasons one is the possibilitie of it thou maiest die presently the other is the danger of it thou thinkest that then thou shalt die in infidelitie and without faith if this danger were not the possibilitie of dying and death it selfe whensoeuer comming could bee no iust ground of thy feare for the Patriarks and Prophets yea Christ himselfe the Sonne of God and his holy Apostles died and all the Saints of God die And it can not bee hurtfull to any that is so common to all except there be some speciall danger annexed to it that makes it hurtfull to one that is not hurtfull to an other This danger thou saiest is thine infidelitie And thine infidelitie and want of faith thou proouest by the qualitie of thy temptation which thou takest to be directly opposite to faith and the banisher of all faith If therefore it shall appeare that though thou die before thou hast ouercome this temptation to thy liking yet thou wātest not faith in Christ euen faith vnto saluation then there is no cause of feare Indeede this temptation argueth a roote of infidelity to remaine in thee for seeing the Lord Iesus hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the tree and in bearing them hath taken them away and hath washed and cleansed vs in his bloud and seeing God the father of our lord Iesus Christ receiuing satisfaction in the sacrifice of his Sonne hath by an irreuocable word promised to forgiue our sinnes and to remember our iniquities no more and these things both concerning the meritorious sacrifice of Christ and concerning the faithful promise of God are knowne and haue been made knowne vnto thee Surely this temptation of accusing thoughts would long since haue receiued an answere if there had not beene some roote of infidelitie remaining in thee to giue continuall nourishment vnto it But because there is some infidelitie in thee doth it therefore follow that there is no faith That is not so there may be both together either in his measure and degree Doth not Saint Paul tell vs that in himselfe at the same time there was one power which he calleth the Lawe of his minde leading him to God and to the loue of his lawe and an other power which hee calleth the lawe of his members leading him from God and leading him to sinne his words are I delight in the law of God concerning the innerman but I see another law in my members rebelling against the law of my mind and leading mee captiue vnto the lawe of sinne which is in my members Can anie things bee more opposite one to an other then these two lawes of the mind and of the members either striuing to draw
che●…e thy heart against this feare know that God sending his blessings send them not blindely as also when he taketh them away he doeth not take them away blindely but both in giuing and taking away hee appointeth who shall be filled and who shall remaine emptie by a prouidence reaching particularly to euer person both great and small Therefore doeth he challenge it to be his worke when any becommeth rich or remaineth poore when any is filled with his blessings or remaineth emptie and the saithfull doe so acknowledge it Hanna the mother of Samuel ●…aith of him The Lord maketh poore and maketh rich bringeth low and exalteth Yea God doeth challenge it to be the worke of his hand guided by iudgement and mercy for the good of his Saints and seruants that feeling their wants doe seeke their maintenance of him casting this their burden vpon him as they haue before beene taught The Prophet Esay testifieth so much plainely vnto vs hauing these words Thus saith the Lord God behold my seruants shall eate and you shal be hungry he speaketh to idolaters behold my seruants shall drinke and yee shall be thirstie behold my seruants shall reioice yee shall be ashamed So that if thou continue to serue God faithfully in thy place thou shalt bee nourished and hee will fill thy heart with foode and gladnes when wicked men shall want yea the Prophet Dauid knowing the care that God hath of his is bold to say In the daies of famine they shall haue inough Yea God will performe this the godly poore that depend vpon him whē he is rich wealthy that seem to haue the world at will to be Lords of plentie and aboundance shall want and suffer penurie as the blessed virgin Mary the mother of our Lord Iesus out of her obseruation testifieth in her holy song saying Hee hath filled the hungry with good things and sent away the rich emptie Consider these things and thou shalt see that hee that sendeth inough for all in generall will send also inough for thee in particular and he that sendeth it for thee will also conuey it to thee so conuey it that thou shalt receiue it and vse it and shalt be nourished with it and see his goodnesse and haue cause to praise him for thy portion when others of wealthier estate shall want or in their abundance shall not be kindely nourished their abundance prouing vnto them as the dainty Quailes proued to the lusting Israelites wherwith they were choked while they fed vpon them For a perfect conclusion of this discourse that God will nourish them that in their wants doe wait vpon his hand for their food and maintenance I will adde that diuine sermon of our Sauiour Christ in the Gospel of Saint Mathew I say vnto you be not carefull for your life what yee shall eat or what yee shall drinke nor for your bodies what you shall put on is not the life more worth then meat and the body then raiment His Argument is this God hath giuen vs our bodies more worth then clothes and he hath giuen vs our life more worth then meat and finding him bountifull in bestowing the greater things why should wee distrust his goodnesse in the smaller things Then follows in the same place Behold the fowles of heauen for they sow not neither reape nor carry into the barns yet your heauenly father feedeth them are yee not much better then they which of you by taking care is able to adde one cubit vnto his stature His arguments in these words are two the first is this God feedeth those creatures to whom hee hath giuen no skill at all to make prouision for themselues and they are also vile and of no price in his sight then why should we that are precious in his eies and to whom hee hath also giuen meanes and skill to make prouision and to lay vp for our vse why should wee distrust his goodnesse His second argument is this our distracting care can effect nothing therefore it is vaine for vs to take care and it is good and safe quietly to rest vpon him He addeth further in that speech And why care yee for raiment learne how the Lillies of the field doe grow they labour not neither spin yet I say vnto you that euen Salomon in all his glory was not araied like one of these wherefore if God so cloathe the grasse of the field which is to day and tom rrow is cast into the ouen shall hee not doe much more vnto you O yee of little faith For apparrell one part of our care his argument is as before for food God beautifully clotheth the grasse that hath not skill to prouide or fashion apparrell for it selfe and it is also vile in his sight then why should wee that are precious in his sight and haue both meanes and skill to prouide and fashion clothes for our backes why should wee distrust his prouidence Lastly he addeth Therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shal we drinke or wherewith shall we be clothed for after these things seeke the Gentiles for your heauenly father knoweth that yee haue neede of these things but seeke yee first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these things shall bee ministred vnto you His argum●…nts for foode and clothes together to perswade vs to rest vpon God are these it is ●…eathenish to take such care for these thing therefore it is vncomely for Christians to take such care Secondly the giuer of all things that careth for vs knowes our wants therefore wee neede not to afflict our selues with care for them Lastly the sure way of obtaining these things at the hands of God is not to take thought for them but in our calling to obey God in righteousnesse that hee may reigne in our hearts If we take care of this then God without our care will prouide vs of all necessaries Such is the Diuine sermon of our Sauiour Christ assuring vs that God will nourish vs. CHAP. XXXIIII WEE haue considered the first part of the promise in these words And he shal nourish thee which I call the poore mans promise that desireth nourishment and therewith res●…eth contented The second part of the promise followeth in these words He wil not suffer the righteous to fall for euer These words answer aptly to his fall from that height of honor wherein he lately stood in Israel And being by him deliuered to other cares it serueth them more generally to assure them of recouery from euery fall And therefore it may well be called the common promise giuen for the comfort of all men that are born downe by and fallen vnder the weight of any burden For the better vnderstanding of this promise let vs consider of the falls that Gods seruants doe vsually take which are many not onely in number their particular being reckoned but also in kind the
seuerall sorts being counted Salomon saith Aiust man falleth seauen times a day riseth againe not so often falling still in the same kind but diuersly falling in seuerall kinds and obtaining helpe to rise againe from euery fall and these many falles may be reduced vnto two generall heads for either a man falleth into sinne or hee falleth into some misery and trouble that sinne maketh our life to be subiect vnto And vnder these two names of sinne and misery we will speake of these falles and consider how true this promise is that GOD will not suffer the righteous to fall for euer The first of these falles is our falling into sinne For the commandements of God being as so many paths beaten out before our faces for vs to walke in he that keepeth them is as one that walketh vprightly with God and hee that transgresseth and breaketh them is as one that stumbleth in his way and falleth downe flat to his great danger Therefore doe we call Adams sinne the fall of Adam Therefore doe we call the lighter errours of the Saints their slidings and their grosser errours we call their falles And this name of fall is giuen to the sinne that we commit by the Prophet Hosea saying O Israel returne vnto the Lord thy God for tho●… hast fallen by thine iniquity This is a dangerous kinde of fall whereof it behoueth vs to take great heede Heli the Priest fell from the seat whereon he sate brake his necke Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab King of Israel fell thorow the Lattisewindow in his vpper chamber and brused his body whereof he died Yet is not such a fall as either of them haue taken any thing neere so dangerous as to fall into sinne This fall of sinne made the Angels fall out of Heauen and out of the fauour of God irrecouerably And it made our first parents fall out of Paradise and from that bl●…ssed estate of innocency and immortality wherin God created them And many of their posterity by salling into sinne doe fall from God and sinke downe into hell and there perish eternally It behoueth all men therefore to take heed of it as the Apostle aduiseth saying Let him that standeth take heede lest hee fall There is no man of so sure footing that can walke steedily in Gods commandements without sliding and falling for as Sant Iames saith In many things we sinne all And the more weake our footing is the more warily we had need looke vnto our waies that as much as is possible we may escape falles especially considering how dangerous it is in this kind to fall But ●…et such is the mercy of God that he will not suffer the righteous to fal for euer but in due time hee will raise vp them by repentance that are fallen by their sinnes To which end hee giueth vnto vs his word that teacheth vs the way whe●…ein we should goe and sendeth vnto vs his messengers with that word in their mouthes that they may be our guides to that end he prepareth our eares for the hearing and our hearts for the vnderstanding of that word that we may learne and profit thereby After this he humbleth our will and bringeth into order all our affections that our knowledge may not be idle for want of willing obedience And because neither knowledge nor willingnesse are able by reason of our weaknesse to effect any thing without him he also strengthneth vs and worketh in vs what hee would haue wrought by vs. As the Apostle speaketh It is God which worketh in you both the will and the deede out of his good pleasure Thus he proceedeth in his good worke to raise vp by true repentance them that were fallen by their sinnes And to assure vs there of that we may with comfort hope for the helpe of his grace when our weaknes hath made vs fall into sinne Hee hath giuen vs many gracious promises For thus hee saith in the Psalme I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way that thou shalt goe and I will guide thee with mine eie Thus hee promiseth in the Prophecy of Ieremy I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts And thus hee speaketh by the Prophet Ezekiel Then will I powre cleane water vpon you and you shall be cleane yea from all your filthinesse and from all your idols will I clense you a new heart also will I giue you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your body and I will giue you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shal keepe my iudgements and doe them These and many such gracious promises hath God giuen vnto vs to assure vs that when the righteous fall into sinne hee will raise them vp againe by repentance Hence haue issued the calling of the Gentiles and the conuersion of all vnbeleeuers that for many succeeding ages liued in ignorance and sinne and yet in the end obtayned mercy to returne to God by repentance Hence hath issued the regeneration and new birth of the Saints that being originally shut vp in vnbeleefe and naturally dead in trespasses and sinnes haue beene quickned by Gods grace and begotten againe by the word of truth to be the first fruits of his creatures and by his mercifull worke haue been brought out of darknesse vnto his glorious light to liue thenceforth not as children of darknesse and of the night but as children of the light and of the day Hence hath this issued euen that God will not suffer the righteous to fall for euer and from their daily slidings hee doth raise them that when they haue sinned as Adams children they may repent and amend as the children of God The Prophet saith in the Psalme The secret of the Lord is reuealed to them that feare him and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding Let the righteous therefore that either finde their owne ignorance in mischoosing their way or feele their owne weakenesse in walking in their way let them pray vnto God for grace that he will not suffer them to erre and fall for euer and let them say vnto God with the Prophet Teach mee thy way O God and leade me in a right path This is the first kinde of fall to fall into sinne and it is the worst because it draweth with it the second kinde of fall which is to fall into misery CHAP. XXXV THE second kinde of fall in which God will not suffer the righteous to fall for euer is an effect of the former produced by the iust iudgment of God namely a falling into misery This kinde of fall mankinde had neuer beene acquainted withall if they had not taken the first fall for if man had neuer sinned against God God would neuer haue suffered man to haue felt any misery This kind of