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heart_n apostle_n preach_v word_n 3,267 5 4.6936 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02749 A nevve comedy or enterlude, concernyng thre lawes of nature, Moises, and Christe, corrupted by the sodomytes, Pharysies, and papistes: compyled by Iohn Bale: and nowe newly imprynted.; Comedy concernynge thre lawes Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1562 (1562) STC 1288; ESTC S104458 30,927 80

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came loke from hym this cowle Then went he to hel the fryers dyd here hym howle I wyll therfore serue S Frances with hert and mynde With dayly memoryes that he maye be my frynde And than I care not for all the deuylles in hell That I haue tolde you is more true then the Gospell Infidesitas Then are ye more sure than monkes for your herytage For theyr landes are here but ye clayme heauen for aduauntage Pseudodoctrina Yet is it to them a very pleasaunt thynge Theyr Abbot at home tobe called lorde and kynge Infidesitas Naye monke and churle for here ●s no kynge but one If he be a kynge his mace is a mary bone And his crowne a cowtorde suche knaues as come frō the carte Must be called kynges for playenge a popysh par●● Pseudodoctrina It becometh not the the Romyshe pope so to lurche Consyderynge he is the hyghest of the churche Infidesitas If he be the hyghest than is he the ●●thercocke Pseudodoctrina Ah nowe I per●eyne thou art dysposed to mocke Of all holy Churche he is the pry●eypall heade Infidesitas Mary that is true he sendeth out bulles vnder lead And he hath two ●●yes the one to open hell The other spea●eth heuen thus do new here tyekes tell They reporte also that Dogges haue no deuocion To his holy lawes nor his olde instruction Pseudodoctrina Why shuld dogges hate him make that more euident Infidesitas They loue no p●se portege nor yet red herynges in lent Steckfysshe nor oysters but curse hym body and bone And wolde his red sprottes rotten fysshe were gone Tush I heare them I and that maketh me full sad Hypocrisis Eyther thou doest mocke or els thou art sure mad Infidelitas Theare the people complayue very moche of the. Pseudodoctrina What is theyr pratlinge I praye the hartely tell me Infidelitas They say thou teachest nothynge but lowsy tradictōs And lyes for lu●●e with damnable supersticions And thus they cōclude that the draffe of popysh prysies Is good ynough for Swyne by whome they do meane the Papystes Yea and they saye also the dyet of men is all To most byle carryen the dogges wyll soonest fall Pseudodoctrina Than do they compare the papistes vnto dogges Infidelitas Marye that do they and to suche swynys she hogges As in swyllandsosse are brought vp all theyr lyfe Suche are the Papistes they saye both man and wyfe They saye also that thou art a noughty knaue By prowlynge and ly●●ge ye fryers wolde all haue Thyne ordre they saye is spronge euen out of hell And al this knowledge they haue now of the Gospell Hypocrisis Why where is he nowe I beseche the hartely tell Infidelitas By the messe abrode I warrande ye maketh reuell I comoned with hym and he dyd vs despyse Agaynst hym therfore somwhat we must de uyse Pseudodoctrina Mary that must we or els it wyll be wronge He wyll sure dystroye vs ▪ yf we do suffre hym longe Nedes must we serue hym as we ones serued Christ. Infidelitas Why mad bray●ed whorsons how did ye handle Christ Pseudodoctrina As he preached here we folowed frō place to place To trap hym in snare and his doctryne to deface Than founde we the meanes to put hym so to death Leaste he agaynste vs shulde open any more breath And we set foure knyghtes to kept hym downe in his graue That he neuer more our lyuynge shulde depraue And thus must we serue the Gospell no remedye Els wyll he destroye our lyuynges perpetuallye B●tt●r one were lost than we shulde perysshe all As Cayphas ones sayde in Counsell pharisa●call Infidelitas By god well sayd whan ye haue hym in his graue Stāpe hym down tyl he shyte serue him lyke knau● Hypocrisis We must so ordre hym that he go no more at large Pseudodoctrina Foure knyghtes wyllwe hyre whom we shall streyghtlye charge To kepe hym downe harde the fyrste are ambycyous Prelates Then Coueytous lawyers that Goddes worde spyght fuliye hates Lordes without learnynge and iustyces vnryghtfull These wyll kepe hym downe rappe hym on the sc●ll Theyr Somners and theyr Scrybes I warrande ye shall stere With baylyurs and catchp●lles to holde hym downe euery where I trow Rug Corbet at Norwit●h wyll do theyr part With wharton of ●ongaye and for my sake put hym to smart Hypocrisis And I wyll rayse vp in the vnyuersyties The seuen slepers ther to aduaunce the popes decrees As Dorbell and Duns Durand Thomas of Aquyne The master of sentens with Bachon the great deuyue Hēricus de Gandauo and these shall read ad cletū Aristotle and Albert de secretis mulierum With the Cōmentaryes of Aui●en and Aueroyes And a Phebo Phebe whiche is very good for boyes Infidelitas Yea and let the pope as Gods owne Uicat here In his hand ▪ iii. cro●ses iii. crownes on his head ●ere His power betokenynge in heauen in earth in hell That he may comaūde all kynges subdue the gospell Pseudodoctrina His selfe maye do that he nede comaunde none other Is not he the heade of the holy churche out mother May not be make sayuts deuyls at his owne plesure Which hath in his hādes the ●eyes churches tresure So well as he made saynt Herman fyrst a saynt And twentye yeares after of Heresye hym attaynte Fyrste he sent hym to heauen by his canonyzacion And from thence to bell by auexcommunycation We reade of formosus that after he was deade One pope his fyngars another cut of his heade And threwe his Carkasse into the floude of Tyber With the head and fyngers as Platina doth remēber In token that he is iudge ouer quycke and dead And maye dampne and saue by his pardons vnder lead Syluester the seconde to the deuyl hymselfe ones gaue For that hyghe offyce that he might dampne and saue He offered also his stones to Sathan they saye For priestes chastytie and so went theyr maryage away Hypocrisis Here is one cōmynge enquyre what he entende Infidesitas Ha it is the Gospell from hym God vs defende Exit secreto Pseudodoctrina Shewe me brother myne who dyd the hyther sende Euangelium The father of heauen of his mere beuyu●lence I desyre therfore of free audyence Pseudodoctrina Ye mynde than to preache afore this companye Euangelium In the lawes of God wolde I instructe them gladly For none other waye there is vnto saluacion But the worde of God in euery generation That qayckeueth that saueth y t bryngeth vnto heuen As before his death Christ taught the Apostle aleuen Pseudodoctrina Preache here thou shalt not without the Aucthorytie Of pope or bys●hop or some of theyr affynytie Euangelium Goddes worde neuer taketh his auctorytie of man Pseudodoctrina Thou shalt not here preache do thou the best thou can Hypocrisis Goddes blessynge on your harte it is spoken euen lyke a man Ye knowethis daye syr we haue a full holy feast And must go processyon with the