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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02668 A Christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers What a ryght [and] lawfull othe is: whan, and before whom, it owght to be. Item. The maner of sayinge grace, or geuynge thankes vnto God. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed name. 1543 (1543) STC 1280; ESTC S122477 30,233 63

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Bagathan Lest treason in the chambre be sowne For if the court be ruled by Aman Poore Mardocheus is ouerthrowne but whā the trueth is thorowly knowne He shall be founde a faythfull iue And to his prince a subiecte true ¶ To Stewardes Spēd not your masters goodes ī vayne But be faythfull in youre offyce For though ye take therin some payne ye haue of Christ a swete promesse Kepe well your rekenynge more lesse Be faythfull euer in great and small And Christ wil you good stewardes cal ¶ To Treasures ye that haue treasure in your kepinge Committed to you for a season Be alwaye sure of your rekenynge As equyte wylleth and good reason Iesus Syrac taught this lesson To set a locke wher many handes be It is no shame ner dishonestie ¶ To Controllers Go thorow the court for Christes sake And where ye spye anye thing abused Do your offyce and some payne take That ydilnesse maye be refused Great mens howses are accused To be infecte with vnclennesse With pryde with oothes with excesse ¶ To Prestes Flatre not at al but preach gods worde Rebuke euery euell condicion Thynk on your dewtye to god the lorde And forget not his commissyon Hyde not the trueth for promocyon Be true apostles in worde and harte And playe not secretly Iudas parte All other offycers greate and small Whose whole dewtyes I do not knowe Doth gods worde ascyte and call Whether their estate be hye or lowe None in his callinge to be slowe But euery man in his busynesse To watch and worke with faythfulnesse And within the foresayde doctryne Is conteyned the whole dewtye How all subiectes shulde draw the lyne Of fayth of trueth and honestye And no man for to go awrye But euery one in his lyuynge To shew the frute of gods lernynge Wher anye vyce now is occupyed Within this world as ther is m●ch It shulde rightwell be amended If all rulers wolde rebuke such And if preachers the quyck wold touche Where men are now in synne so ryfe Thei shuld right gladly mēde their lyfe And if all other offycers Wyll do their best and be diligent Then shall they haue right good lyuers And folowers of gods commaundment Of good warnyng foloweth amendmēt Which I praye god vs graunt gyue That we with hym in heauē maye lyue Amen A necessarye doctryne of loue Examples of the holy fathers Contempners of these holy fathers Gen. 4. Gen. 9. 10. Osee. 4 What so loued that contempte What is an othe to what ende it serueth Psal. 13. Exo. 22. Heb. 6 iudges ar called goddes in scripture Gen. 21. A laufull othe Gen. 22. Magistrates may on lye requyre it Deut. 24. A iust comparyson 1. Reg. 4. 15. Luc. 22. Leuit. 19 For the comon welth onlye Deut. 6. Who sweareth a right Whan anothe is lawfull An othe of allegeaunce A dampnable othe Mar. 6. Luc. 13. Ad seuerū nuleu●anum A kynges worde ought to stande Psal. 2 Dauid brake his othe In sinonimis 11. 2 Filthye vowes ought to be brokē 2. Mach. 6 7. Act. 5. Leuit. 19 Prou. 30 This must be added if god wyl Rom. 1. August de sermone d●● in monte God holdeth necessyte excusyd Whā a iu●●ge may require all othe Iudges ought to be piteful Mat. v. No man may be his owne iudge Mat. 5. The error of the Anabaptistes The agrement of Christ and Moyses What a te●erous he is How periurare is taken in the .5 of Matth. Exo. 20. Leuit. 19. The Iues thought it no synne to sweare truly A Christen ought not to speake one thing thinke another They of the olde tyme were suffred to sweare in the truth Deut. 6 Exod. 23. Iosue 23 We maye not swear yf the matter be neuer so true Leuit. 19 Ierem. 5. Goddes worde hath but one true meaninge ●ur word ●nd harte ●ust be al●ne Basyle Hierome Ioh. 3 He that sweareth coueteth Exod. 20 Psal. 6 Psalm 38 He that sweareth dishonoureth God Psalm 9. Iob. 34. 36 1. Tim. 6. Rom. 14 Esaie 51. 1. Cor. 1. Ioh. 6 Psal. 13 Deute 28. We maye not sweare for our pastyme We maye not swear by the Deuyll Deut. 6. Exod. 23. Iosue 2. Sopho. 1. We ought to be no lōger babes The frutis of a right Christer Eccle. 23 Prouer. 10 Eccles. 23. Sap. 14. Deut. 5. Ero. 2. Eccl. 23. Zach. 5. Leuit. 24. Homi. 44 sup Math. An obiecc●●on Mat. 16. Luc. 12. The soule is better thā wares Iohn 5. 〈◊〉 17 2. Tim. 2. Apoc. 2. Chryso●● 〈◊〉 44. A greate danger to sweare De sermo●e domini●●n monte Chrysos● vbi prius Why Crist forbode swearing Gregorius in homil quadam The prestes Chrysost. ●●prius ● 2. sol●●oquiorū ●o sweare by 〈◊〉 Hiere 5. Deut. 32. Col. 1. Duut 6 Hiere 5. Idolatrye Nu. 30 Hieronimus sup●● Matth. Mat. 5 23. To sweare vpon the gospel boke Mat. 23. Mat. 15 Phil. 3. Hom. 44. ●up Math. Guishelnias tripo●tanus 1. Cor. 1● Heb. 4. Ioannes Ealisburi●ensis in po ●icra●ico All states ●elyghteth ●n blasphe ●nye Eccl. 27. Idem Ioānes de nugis curialium Fyne tonges Petrus Blesenss Bysshoppes Mat. 26. Mar. 14. Tearinge of garmentes The swearer was be headed Waldenus in quodam sermone the philosophers abhorred swearing Cicero in li. de Off. Tibullus li. 1. elegia 9. Quotidiana experiencia 1. Ioan. 4. Galat. 6. Goddes worde tryeth al thinges Ranulphꝰ Cestrēsis ī polycronica Abbas U●spergensis in cronicis Bagu●nus Platina Polidorus Gildas in excidio Britānie Actes ageynst customable swearers Hector boetius in hist●ria sco●orum A proclamacion ageynst swearinge Iacobus mayerus ī cronicis Flandrie Unicentius in speculo historiali Iosephus 4. li. ant ca. 6. In paralipomena rerum memo rabilium Many cytees hath bene destroyed for periurye Idē Augustinus Leuit. 24. The blasphemer was stoned 4. Reg. 19 4. Reg. 10. Mar. 6 Mar. 19. Exo. 20. Leuit. 19. Mar. 5. Rom. 8. Tit. 2. Ioan. 15. Plsa. 10. Ioan. 3. Ioan. 13. Iudith● 8 Deut. 5. Exo. 20. Eccl. 23. Mat. 6. Luc. 12 Derth wārre and pestilence Gen. 19. Num. 16. Plsa. 85. Iohel 2. Mat. 26. Mar. 14. Luc. 23. Mat. 27. Exo. 7. Psal. 〈◊〉 ●oā beets 〈◊〉 precepto 〈◊〉 p●ept 2 ●xpos 3. 〈◊〉 ● Reg. 3. Sap. 7 The worke of nature 〈◊〉 wonderfull 〈◊〉 Heb. 6. Apoc. 11. Gal. 4. Gen. 21. The f●ute of bastardes Gen. 9. The breakers of goddes e●mandeme● are acursed Heb. 6 2. Pet. 2. Iude. 1. ●phe 2 ●●ch 5. ●ere 44 ●●hel 3. Reg. 12. 〈◊〉 19 ●●an 12. ●ar 26 ●en 4. Reg. 13. 〈◊〉 1. 8. custome harde to ●●ake Iaco. 5. Ezec. 11. et 36. Act. 9. Ephe. 5. Rom. 16.