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A01624 The course of Christianitie: or, As touching the dayly reading and meditation of the holy Scriptures very requisite and necessary for all Christians of what estate or condition soeuer: tvvo bookes. Translated out of Latine into English, by Iohn Ludham vicar of Wethersfeld. 1579.; De sacrae Scripturae lectione as meditatione quotidiana. English Hyperius, Andreas, 1511-1564.; Ludham, John, d. 1613. 1579 (1579) STC 11755; ESTC S120317 159,740 250

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importance It is sayth he quicke or liuely and mighty in working and operation for it pierceth and entreth throughe euen to the diuiding of the soule and the spirite in as muche as it moueth the whole manne after an incredible manner againe it discerneth the thoughtes and intentes of the hearte in asmuche as it findeth faulte with and iudgeth a man and bringeth hym to the knowlege of hymselfe and of God and compelleth him to humble hymselfe to confesse that he is a sinner and to flye vnfaynedly to Gods mercy The other howe that from the worde we maye passe sodainely to GOD hymselfe vnto whome all thinges thoughe neuer so secreate are wyde open and bare Therefore by the former pointe we must be moued to thinke and perswade oure selues that in the worde of GOD yea euen when it is read onelye or hearde there is a certaine maiestie and excellencie by reason whereof it deserueth to be imbraced of vs with all reuerence and lowlynesse of hearte And by this later it commeth to passe that wée belieue that God is not farre absent from his worde but when and so long as it pleaseth him worketh mightily by it as by a fit instrument accomplisheth most wonderfull things Not that the word as it consisteth of bare letters and sillables as it is written read pronoūced or heard is in it selfe of so great efficacie no verily our meaning is not so to perswade but we hold for truth that whilest the authour of the same word written read pronounced or heard is considered and whilest the things signifyed therein are diligently examined the diuine power in the meane season after a certaine imperceyueable manner approcheth wherewyth estsoones the mindes of readers or hearers are so moued pierced inflamed and enlightned that repētāce faith and other such like vertues do folow in them For we vnderstand that euen the very same consideration is to be had of the outward worde that all men do confesse to be had of the outward elementes in the Sacraments of CHRISTES Church The water if it be considered in it selfe is of no great force neyther can it in very déed wash away the filthinesse of the soule but as sone as the worde is added to the element according as CHRIST gaue in commaundemente it becommeth a Sacrament Howe be it in this word of the Sacrament we haue not so muche to marke the sillables and sounde of the letters as we haue to obserue the dignitie of him that first instituted that holy action the things signified by it especially the inuocation and calling vpon of the three persons in one diuine essence or substance of the Deitie And then forsooth so great is the power of the water through the working of the worde that it toucheth indéed the body but it washeth also the heart I vse the worde of S. Augustine in his treatise 80. vppon Iohn not bicause the word is spoke but bicause it is beleued for whereas GOD is thus called vpō by faith there he doth not disdaine by his power to worke heauenlie spirituall effectes in the heartes of those that are baptised We say then that euen in like case when the minde is wholly set vpon the word which is read heard or vnderstoode and hath regard vnto God the Author of the worde and besides weigheth in a iuste ballaunce the things signified in it that then the diuine power doeth wonderfully shewe forth it selfe and repentance faith hatred of sinnes endeuoure of true holinesse of life are stirred vp and euen the whole man both in body and in soule is chaunged and renued Of whych diuine workemanshippe there are proofes sette foorthe in the Sacred Scriptures verye playne and apparant to all men For Ezra read in the booke of the Lawe Nehemia 8. in the open streete that was before the watergate frō morning vntil midday in the presence of men and women that gaue heede vnto it and the eares of all the people hearkned vnto the Booke of the Law It foloweth a little after And al the people when they heard the words of the lawe The Apostle Peter Actes 2. rehearseth the Scriptures to the Iews and interpreteth them as touching Christ which being heard so many as were present were pricked in hearte and said vnto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and brethren what shal we do And vnto the Rom 10. But what sayth it The worde is neare thee euen in thy mouth and in thine hart This is the word of Faith which we preach to wit if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus shalt beleeue in thine hearte that God raysed him vp from the dead thou shalte bee saued For with the hearte man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and wyth the mouth manne confesseth to saluation Againe in the same place Fayth commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of GOD. Moreouer Peter Act. 10. making a plaine declaration of the summe of Christian doctrine oute of the holy Scriptures in the house of Cornelius the Centurion To this CHRIST sayth he beare all the Prophets witnesse that throughe his name whosoeuer beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes While Peter yet spake these wordes the holy Ghoste fell on al them that hearde the worde Wée may therefore out of al question confirme this assertion namely that by the diligent and attentiue reading hearing and meditation of the worde of GOD a man is induced to the knowledge of GOD and of hymselfe to the detestation of his sinnes and to vnfayned repentaunce to Faith in Iesus Christe to the amendment of hys life and conuersation and to bée shorte receiueth the holy Ghoste and wyth hym most large and bountifull giftes That whyche wée knowe in tymes paste vsually befell to the readers or hearers of GODS word that the same also may happen nowe in these dayes wee flatly auouche wythout controlment For why if hée that beyng incensed with desire of profiting taketh in hand the holy Bookes do before al things craue the ayde of the holy Ghost thē next deuoutly reade or heare the word of GOD by which as by an instrument it pleaseth GOD to talke familiarly with vs after this also lifte vp his mind vnto GOD speaking by the Prophets or Apostles and duly discusse the things specified in thē there is no doubt but that God after his acustomed clemency putting to his hande will stirre vp purge teach and sanctifie the heart as well of the reader as the the hearer and graciously grante vnto him Repentance Faith the holy Ghost and other giftes and graces of hys spirite Furthermore to the intent that euery one furnished and affected in that sorte that we speake of maye in reading envre himselfe wisely and discretlye to note picke out and as by a certaine methode to distinguishe those things that may be profitable to all intentes and purposes and applyed to the attaynement of perfection and soule health we adde last of all that the very edge of
the eyes of their mind whereby they may iudge vprightly of al things Further it cānot be denied but that there be many things in the Scriptures of thēselues very plaine and easie to be vnderstoode Likewise there are dyuers and sundrye thynges here and there intermixed whyche who so hathe any iudgement at all doeth soone perceiue where vnto they tende Moreouer there is no man the carrieth not about with hym an expert maistresse of manye secrete and mysticall matters to witte hys owne proper conscience whych doeth ofte times priuily reproue finde faulte with and make ashamed those that pretende that they vnderstand not the holy Scriptures It is a very grieuous offence when thou once vnderstandest the truth to dissemble it to neglect not exercise or deny it and God is wonte to giue vppe those that so doe hauing firste as witnesseth the Apostle Rom. 1. blinded their harts into a reprobate sense Furthermore be shall best prouide for his owne safety that dothe not labour to flye ouermuch alofte but contenteth himselfe in places some what harde and difficulte to drawe forthe the simple and sounde meaning whych the words themselues do signifie wythout any couertures and whyche séeme not to be strange from the minde and purpose of the author To hunt after subtil and straunge interpretations to muse vppon allegories wythout cause why to crake continuallye of mysticall meanings is the property of men that consider not sufficiētly the snares and bayted hookes of the deuill Examples howe suche curiositie and vnaduisednesse hath bin punished God would haue in all ages to be séene Woulde to God we coulde oftetimes call to remembraunce howe greate a benefite it is to be wise to sobrietie He shal not a little be helpen to the collecting of proper sentences that will exactlye marke where the beginnings of sermons disputations and narrations and where the endings of the same bée again where the prefaces propositions confirmations confutations conclusions are distinguished in them Let hym obserue also the proper spéeches and phrases that are familiar in the Scriptures let hym searche diligētly throughout euery member as well the thynges that goe before as also the things that follow after to be short let hym duely examine the causes and circumstances of euery point If after all these things thus discussed there remaine some things yet still hidden it shall be expedient to repeate them oftener than once and the more intentiuely to consider of them Repetition commonlye causeth some things to be more cleare and lightsome and that whyche is harde to daye to morrowe or nexte daye becommeth plaine and easie One daye teacheth an other and one night certifieth an other If the daye as it is saide in the prouerbe taketh away the sicknesse oft he bodye then vndoubtedly taketh in awaye also ignoraunce whyche is a maladie of the minde It shall be verye profitable in lyke manner to conferre diligentlye the playne and agréeable places of the Scriptures wyth that place touching the meaning whereof the question is as Luke reporteth Act. 17. the Thessalonians did If thys conference be in vayne then there is no let but that thou maiste aske the aduice of some other wiser than thy selfe GOD wil bring to passe that when thou thinkest leaste of it thou shalte lighte vpō some Philip that may resolue thée of thy most intricate doubtes Act. 8. Hée that wanteth altogither the helpe of a teacher let hym looke ouer the Commentaries or Annotations of the choicest interpretres that hée can come by Laste of all if all thy labour in searching of some hidden mysteries proue voyde and of none effecte and that mannes industry as ye woulde saye be mocked and deceyued then doubt thou not that it commeth to passe for some benefite of thine that some thinges whyche thou soughtest verye desirously to knowe doe remaine still vnknowen vnto thée It is profitable that thou shouldest knowe by this meanes the infirmitie and ignorance as well of all mankinde as also of thy selfe Hereby also thou learnest how highly thou oughtest to estéeme the giftes of the holy Ghoste who enlightneth the myndes of the godly Thou vnderstandest agayne that the same gifts are giuē to euery man according to the measure of Faith. Further thou haste in admiration eayl● more and more the maiestie of the things comprehended in the sacred Scriptures And there are in verye deede some things in them whych ought of vs rather to be beleeued than perceiued like as also certaine pointes are onely touched by the way but not fully declared Neither truely is it to be doubted but that many before thée haue sticked and stammered at the selfe-same places Yea euen the diligentest of al other do oftetimes stumble and are deceyued Therefore the wante of knowledge of some certaine places doeth by no meanes giue thée occasion to caste awaye the holye Bookes but rather thou muste so muche the more diligentlye and constantlye goe forwarde to pervse them as thou arte sure and certaine that there wyll be alwayes a number of thynges whyche thou shalte neuer bée able to attayne vnto and that a Christian manne oughte all hys lyfe long to bée a Scholler of the holye Ghoste But to declare howe and by what meanes thou mayste reape a Spirituall profite by the thynges whyche thou readest and indifferently at the leaste vnderstandest althoughe a man myghte stand long vppon thys matter yet I will saye so muche in effecte as I truste for this present time shall be sufficient Firste all menne oughte to be perswaded of this that the effectualnesse of prayer poured from the hearte vnto GOD is very greate for whyche cause we haue a little before admonished that so ofte as we come to the readyng of the holye Bookes wée shoulde in anye case to beginne wythall vse some forme of prayer Secondly there lyeth hidden in the worde of GOD it selfe when it is read or hearde or when it is duely examined a certaine wonderfull power of the spirite where with the mindes of men are stricken and after an vnspeakable maner moued drawen Whiche thing doubtlesse we woulde by no meanes affyrme except it were found expressed in the sacred Scriptures and except further it were manifest that many good mē had at all tymes proued the selfe same thyng to be true Hearken I praye you what the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrewes Chap. 4. sayth The worde of GOD is liuely and mighty in operation and sharper than anye two edged sworde and entreth throughe euen to the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirite and of the ioyntes and the marow and is a discerner of the thoughtes and of the intents of the heart Neyther is there anye creature whyche is not manifest in his sight but al thyngs are naked and open to hys eyes wyth whome wee haue to do In whyche place there are two things of vs to be obserued The one that vnto the worde of GOD are ascribed life and other effectes of verye great
page 163. line 9. omit out page 166. line 1. for excused reade exercised page 167. line 23. for come reade came page 172. line 25. for all bookes reade al the bookes page 215. line 9. for stammered reade staggered page 218. line 22 for all the people vvhen reade all the people vvepte vvhen c. page 223. line 25. for all them reade and all of them page 177. line 22. for conuently reade conueniently FINIS To the most noble and renoumed Prince Lewis Duke of Bauier Countie Palatine of the Rhine c. his most gracious Lord Andrew Hyperius sendeth greeting THis is a common guise and practise among Christian Kings and Princes most noble Prince that in publishing and proclayming their Edictes and other monumentes of writing in theyr Coynes which by their Mintmen they cause to be coyned and now and then also in their buildings vpon statues or images curiously carued in theyr paynted tables againe on their clothes of estate on their gorgeous hangings of Tapistrie on their purple robes on their Couerlets of Arras and suche like precious ornamentes when they put to their name and function they discretely adde something whereby they professe themselues to haue obteyned THROVGH THE GRACE OF GOD all the honoures and dignities that are befalne them which custome commonly and euerye where receyued can neuer sufficiently be praysed and extolled for it putteth them in minde of most graue and weightie matters and such as ought alwayes worthily to be before their eyes First it teacheth them to confesse and acknowledge that kingdomes and common weales are at GODS disposition that they are most wisely gouerned by his prouidence and that one whyle forsooth they flourishe for the Godlies sake and another while are subuerted bycause of the wicked as testifye Iob Chap. 34. and Salomon Prouerb 28.29 and finally that wonderfull alterations far beyond all mens expectation witnessing Daniell Chap. 2. are brought to passe in them Secondly they are giuen to vnderstand that it is their partes and duties to ascribe all their honoures power and happinesse whatsoeuer be●ideth them on earth only and alone to GOD and to render thanks vnto him continually for the same in as much as of Dauid a most diligēt ponderer of GODS iudgemēts they may all learne that it is GOD alone and none other that giueth happie successe and safetie vnto Kings Psalm 144. with whome his sonne Salomon in all poynts agreing pronounceth that he only by the benefite of GOD was installed in the soueraigne state of his kingly dignitie 2. Chronic. 1. And in the same place where the same Salomon craueth wisedome to be giuen him GOD hymselfe maketh answere That he would not only giue him wisedome whiche is a thing very necessary to a happye gouernemēt but also that he would franckly and bountifully adorne him with riches power glory and magnificence Moreouer it is méete and conueniente that they acknowledge GOD to be a most mightye Emperoure and Monarch in whose power and dominion it is to punish with horrible paines or euen vtterly to destroy and that iustly all those that refuse to submitte themselues and to do his commandements And for this cause it is that the said kingly Prophet Dauid sang Be wise nowe therefore yee Kings be learned ye Iudges of the earthe serue the Lord in feare reioyce in him with trembling Kisse the sonne least he be angrie and yee perishe in the way if his wrath be kindled but euē a little To be short so many Kings and Princes as doe aduisedly consider that they BY THE GRACE OF GOD haue obteyned the highest degrée of honour should for many causes endeuoure themselues with all their power and inforcement to become as like vnto GOD as is possible imitating so farre forthe as they may his goodnesse iustice clemencie in al points It is most truly said of a certaine wise man That a Prince is the image of GOD that gouerneth all things Though euen this also ought not a little to moue them that in the holy Scriptures they are not seldome times called GODS Exod. 22. Psalme 82. Now héere vpon further it followeth that all Kings and Princes especially so manye as doe beare the worlde in hand that they knowe CHRIST by whome grace and truth is broughte downe to vs from Heauen and that they embrace and kisse hym from their hearts that I may vse the worde of Psalmist ought diligently with all dutifulnesse to perfourme and set forwarde all those things that tend to the aduancement of the glory of our true euerlasting GOD on earth who alone is the most mightie King of all Kings Lord of all Lords Apoc. 19. For héere vnto doth the diuine crier inuite all that are in authoritie Psal. 29. saying Giue vnto the Lord yee sonnes of the mightie giue vnto the Lorde glory and strength And surely if Kings and Princes would by any meanes go about to amplifie GODS glory they cānot do it any better way than if they cause as many people as maye be to be brought to the knowledge and sincere worshipping of GOD the Father of hys son IESVS CHRIST For why GOD accompteth this to be hys greatest prayse and glory whiche also he challengeth to himselfe alone and will neuer yéelde it to anye other that all men shoulde haue the knowledge of hys power goodnesse righteousnesse that they shoulde receyue hys commaundementes worshippe and call vppon hym wyth their whole heart and finallie from hym looke for all good things and euen euerlasting saluation As touching which thing Moses Prince of al Prophets Deut. 10. saith And now ô Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to feare the Lord thy God to walke in all his wayes and to loue him and to serue the Lorde thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule And Esay 43. God himselfe sayeth Euery one shall be called by my name for I haue created him for my glory Again in the same place This people haue I formed for my selfe they shall shewe foorth my prayse And Chap. 48. For mine owne sake for mine owne sake will I do it rather than my name shoulde be polluted neyther wyll I giue my glory to another By no small number of suche sentences GOD declareth that he then excelleth in sound perfite glory when as of good mē he is honoured praysed worshipped but to what end is it to make any lōger rehearsall Howbeit least anye man should doubte that the chiefe happinesse consisteth in the true knowledge seruice of GOD and that therby men atteine vnto that place where with the blessed Saincts they shall enioy euerlasting felicitie Let vs hearken vnto GOD himselfe Ieremy declaring in this sort Let not the wise man saith he glory in his wisdome nor the strong man glory in his strength neyther the rich man glory in his riches but let him that gloryeth glory in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me for I am the Lord which
hée without anye knowledge of good letters hadde both perfitely learned withoute Booke the holy Scriptures by hearing them redde I vse the wards of Sainct Augustine in the beginning of his worke of Christian Doctrine and also wisely vnderstoode them by pondering and considering of them but it were no wisedome for others that are vtterly voyde of the knowledge of the Scriptures so to speake The summe therefore of the matter is this that in Nature are séene onely certayne pictures and as a man would say counterfettes of things in Scripture the thing and truth it selfe and therefore that all opinions as touching Religion whiche are to be accompted firme and stable ought to be ratifyed by the warrante and defence of the holye Scriptures THIRDELY Séeing men are to be taught and enstructed all must néedes graunte that the written Booke of GODS WORDE is most fitte for oure vnderstanding and capacitie For truly to marke the things that happen in thys visible worlde to ensearche the causes thereof Further to examine what signification they haue as touching the power the righteousenesse and goodnesse of god Agayne what thyngs ought to bée followed and imbraced in vndertaking of duties of functions is a thing very difficulte and gyuen to verye fewe men but sith these and suche lyke things are appararantly discussed in the monumentes of wryters and that in a simple and knowen phrase of speaking it can not bée but that euen the rude and playne readers or hearers maye spéedily atteyne vnto them And for this cause verily it is why the custome is commonlye receyued that the rules of euerie Arte and discipline are of Authoures penned and written in certayne Bookes Yea and Sainct Hierome in hys Preface to the waylings of Ieremy is bolde to saye That the doctrine of Bookes shall no sooner ceasse and haue an ende than wee in a better state of lyfe shall bee wyth Chryste and become lyke vnto the Angels Wherefore if so bée wée wyll vprightlye weygh and consider these thrée causes truelie they maye worthylie moue vs to loue and embrace the Booke of holy Scripture before all other Bookes and euen wyth earnest desyre to be occupyed in it daye and nighte Admitte if you wyll that the Booke of the nature of things is wonderfull and in manye respectes hyghly to bée estéemed yet no man is ignorante of thys that among dyuers Bookes offered that especiallye is to bée preferred before the reste whyche wée sée to excell both in weyghtynesse of the contentes in the methode and playnenesse of teachyng and for manye causes to bée most expediente for vs Good Scholemaysters are accustomed to propounde and commende to theyr hearers suche Bookes as they suppose to bée moste profitable for them and hée that is a thriftie Scholer despiseth not the iudgemente of hys Mayster but prouideth them desirously exerciseth hymselfe in them and maketh greate accompte of them considering that vnlesse hée so doe it wyll come to passe that hée shall with shame bée thrust out of the Schole and shall haue hys name vtterlye razed oute of the register of the learned Tell mée therefore séeyng GOD oure Scholemayster both most wyse and also most desirous of oure profiting dothe commende vnto vs more than canne bée vttered in wordes the Booke of holy Scripture and wée oure selues maye iudge the same farre to surmounte all other Bookes shall not gréeuous punishmente worthely bée alotted vnto vs if wée neyther prouide nor endeauour to reade the holye and sacred Bible Wherefore to the ende I maye stirre vppe as wyth a watchworde and an alarum gyuen all the professors of Christian Religion to the diligente reading of thys Booke wherein are written the verye wordes of GOD I wyll assay to sette downe in order certayne reasons as they shall come to hande hauyng this especiallye in my prayers that so manye as is possible whylest they shall giue themselues to the reading and meditation of the holye Scriptures maye both become greater fauourers of sincere Religion and also better giuen in their liues and conuersation For I am fully persuaded of this and I couet to haue all men persuaded of the lyke that it can not be that anye man shoulde oftentimes and attentiuely reade or heare redde the holye Scripture but that he shall féele himselfe dayly to goe forwarde and to profyte somewhat in amendmente of lyfe and in the exercises of goolinesse For why it is not for nothing that GOD himselfe in the Prophete Esay Chap. 55. sayth Like as the rayne and the Snow cōmeth downe from Heauen and returneth not thither agayne but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring foorthe and budde that it may giue seede to the sower and bread vnto him that eateth euen so shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth it shall not returne vnto me voyd but it shall accomplish that which I will and it shal prosper in the thyng whereto I sende it And truely experience teacheth vs that the matter is euen so as the Prophete sayeth For as muche as wée alwayes sée for the moste parte that oute of the heartes of those that vse reuerentlye to reade or heare the worde of GOD wonderfull not onely floures but fruites also of Faith and loue doe procéede As therefore wée shewed at the beginning that all the sorte of vs ought to learne matters of Diuinitie and the will of GOD for that we are men created of GOD so for bycause it is euidente that all that knowledge is to bée gotten out of that Booke wherein the wordes or Sermons of GOD are described and conteyned it is worthilie required of manne to whome alone it is gyuen to vtter distinctlye wordes of signification to write the same wordes to reade the same being written to heare and vnderstand to learne any thing by words sentences againe to teache it is worthily required I say of man that he shoulde with all possible diligence be occupied and conuersant in the saide Booke For truly by the power of speaking and vnderstāding of wordes man excelleth all other creatures Whiche benefite it is requisite that we acknowlege to be so much the more notable by howe muche more wee are all moued by nature to griefe so ofte as we looke vpon anye that are endued with the shape of men yet voyde of the vse of communication and reason For we make accounte of them to be in no better case than bruite beastes than stockes stones or dumbe images Therefore GOD who hathe created all things by his word would haue man whom he made ruler ouer all creatures in conceiuing of godlinesse to be exercised with a moste noble gifte that is to saye speache or vtteraunce of wordes and he himselfe woulde teach and enstruct him by words For this cause GOD the father suche is the greate loue he beareth to man is recorded oftentimes to haue talked very louingly with his electe the Patriarches and Prophetes And GOD the sonne who hathe greate delighte to be conuersant with
of that commaundemente speaketh thus vnto all Christians We haue sayeth he a most sure worde of the Prophets to the which ye do well that ye take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place vntil the day dawne and the day Starre arise in your hearts And the holye Apostle Paule commaundeth exhorteth and leaueth nothing vnattempted whereby he might allure all men to loue and frequent the wrytings of the Prophetes and Apostles Colossi 3. Let the worde of Christe sayeth he dwel in you plentifully with all wisdome and teach and admonishe one another Last of all what things soeuer do offer themselues in the New Testament to the commendation of the holy Scripture or worde of GOD the same oughte to be taken of vs as preceptes and exhortations inuiting vs to the readyng of the sacred bookes Therefore it behoueth vs patientlye to heare GOD the Father speakyng in the olde Testamente CHRIST hys sonne Peter Paule and so manye as followe theyr steppes speakyng in the Newe and as for all false deceyuers and Sophysters perswading the contrarye lette them departe farre off and for euer from the fellowshippe and societye of the Godlye To followe the aduice of wyse and honeste councellours and according to theyr councels to searche and examyne the lawe of the Lorde that is to saye the holye Scriptures with suche diligence and deuotion as is requisite is a point of very great wisdome Prouerbs 2.4 Ieremie 9. But wyth what alacritie and chearefulnesse of minde all true Christians haue euen from the begynnyng obeyed the Apostles so greatelye vrgyng the studye of the holye Scriptures and wyth what great feruencie all haue endeauoured to reade the Diuine mysteries the Historye of the Apostles Actes do●th sufficientlye declare The noble menne of Berea among those that were it Thessalonica when they had receyued the word with all readinesse of minde searched the scriptures dayly coueting to trie whether the things whyche they heard of the Apostles were so or no. Act. 17.11 The example of the men of Berea admonisheth vs that it is not ynough for vs to heare Sermons cōtinually in publike assemblies but also verye necessarye duely to discusse examine priuately with our selues all the things whiche we haue hearde to the intente we may become the more sure and certaine of our religion This tryal and examination of doctrine is accomplished by comparing togither of diuerse places out of the holy Scriptures in which it behoueth vs so long time to be occupyed vntill we may plainely perceyue whether the things that are spoken of the teacher or of any other doe agrée with the places of Scripture or no. The Doctrine that men vse to put forth deserueth not to be accounted for sounde and Catholike excepte it be aunswearable to the rule and squire of the Prophetical and Apostolike writings And this manner of discerning in times paste was common to all hearers and besides there was receyued in euerye Churche well neare a certaine publike forme and patterne thereof For proofe whereof make the words of the Apostle 1 Corin. 14. where he saith As oft as yee come togither euery one of you hath a song hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a reuelation hath an interpretation let all things be done to edifying And a little after Let two or three of the Prophetes speake and let the residewe determyne Further if anye thing be reuealed to another that sitteth by let the firste holde hys peace For ye maye all seuerally prophecie that all may learne and all receyue comforte and the spirites of the Prophetes are subiect to the Prophetes And againe 1. Thessa. 4. he sayeth Quench not the Spirite despise not prophesiying Trye all things holde that which is good Some therefore doe priuately to theyr owne comforte and instruction determine of prophesies and discerne the true and natiue sense from the false and counterfayte othersome whiche especiallye doe excell others in iudgement and giftes of the spirite are required euen in publike meetings that they woulde louinglye declare theyr minde as touching the doctine put forth And vndoubtedly those only can readily and fruitefullye wyth commendation do any thing in this behalfe the haue exercised thēselues at home with cōtinual reading of the scriptures The Apostle moreouer in the same place to the Corin. addeth another cōmaundement as concerning the duety of husbands But if the women will learne any thing Let thē aske sayth he their husbandes at home To the wife therfore demanding a question it behoueth the husbande to make answere render a reason out of the Scriptures euen in like case as euery Prophet or preacher doth whē he is questioned with of manye in open publike place Neyther did the goodmā of the house in those days performe this duetie alonlye to his wife but also to all his householde of what age or condition soeuer they were especially when there was good hope the so many as should bée instructed in the word of GOD might be made modest sober vigilant much more faithful diligent in doing of their businesse afterward than they were before It is euident also that parentes did then nouzel and instructe euen their tender little ones in the principles of godlynesse Christian religion Continue thou saith the Apostle in the 3. Chap. of his 2. epist. to Timothy in the things which thou hast learned which are committed vnto thee knowing of whō thou hast learned thē that thou hast known the holy scriptures of a child And in the 1. Chap. of his 1. Epi. he putteth Timothy in remēbraunce that he had receiued examples of Faith and godlynesse of life of his mother Eunica and of his grandmother Lois Neither ought any man to maruayle when we saye that all the beléeuers in that age did bothe often and exactlye reade the holye Scriptures and also greatly profitte by readyng of them For as Peter in hys Sermon Actes 2. truelye interpreteth that whyche was long before spoken of the Prophete Ioel it behoued that the same Prophesie shoulde then be fulfilled and that the holy Ghoste being powred into the heartes of a greate number should by and by so instruct them as that they might loue and imbrace the holye Scriptures try and examine them and finally with wonderfull dexteritie expounde and declare the meaning of them whiche benefite was afterwarde made common to all the Godlye but chiefely to those that feruentlye faithfullye and wythout staggering craued true and perfitte Wisdome of GOD the father of lightes as the Apostle saint Iames saith For it behoueth the promise of of GOD to be firme immutable which is extant in the Prophetes and wonderfully commended of CHRIST They shall all sayth he be taught of GOD. And The godlye are annointed of the holy Ghost Esay 54 Iere. 31. Iohn 6.1 Ioan. 2. Hebr. 8. Wherefore Chrisostome vpon Genesis homelie 35 is bold to say That it cannot bee that he which with greate care and feruent desire
places it is not obscurely signified firste that the Bookes of holy Scripture were in times paste by Readers from an hyghe Pulpit with a cleare voice whyche all myghte heare and in the common tongue whyche all might vnderstande accustomed to be recited Secondlye that by name were rehearsed Moses the residue of the Prophets the Psalmes the Gospels the Actes of the Apostles the Apostolicall Epistles and that for the moste parte these bookes were read through from the beginning to the ende Lastly that this order was obserued that the reading wente alwaies before and then followed a more large declaration of the thinges that were read by some one that was excellent in the gifte of Prophecie In the meane time the godly Doctors and Teachers neuer ceassed to exhorte their godlye hearers that they woulde daylye also reade ouer the holy Scriptures at home at their owne houses that they woulde priuatelye call to minde the things that they hadde publikely heard and that by the example of those of Berea they would duly weigh and examine them by the ballaunce and touchstone of the Scriptures And of the peoples diligence profiting at that time in reading the holy Scriptures this is no doubtfull argument for that it was not néedfull for the Doctours themselues thoughe some men in these oure dayes doe very weywardly and importunately vrge it to expresse at all times the names of the Authours and Chapters of the holy bookes In as much as the people themselues so soone as they hadde hearde any place alleaged and broughte forth by and by vnderstood in what Author in what booke and in what parte of the booke the same was to be founde as they that were verye well exercised by reason of their daylye and domesticall reading Therefore the thinges that in so many ages and in euerie place were with singular care great commendation and with no lesse fruite accustomed to be done in sacred assemblies or méetings wherevnto all Christians of all estates and degrées whatsoeuer vsually came togither We may iudge also to be verye séeming and sitting for all the professours of Christianitie in these oure dayes neither can we suppose them to bée within the compasse of Christes flocke or folde that shall contemptuouslie refuse eyther to heare the holy Scriptures in the Churche or to reade them oftentymes at home by themselues Wherefore if thou dwellest in suche a place where as the Propheticall and Apostolique writings are not accustomed to bée recited in holy publike assemblies then forsooth is it most requisite and necessarie that thou shouldest prescribe vnto thy selfe a perpetuall and vnchangeable Lawe as touching the dayly reading of them at home at thy house But if thou dwellest where they are publikelie recited in a tong knowen vnto thée it is well and thou hast good cause to reioyce wyth thy selfe as one in farre more happie estate than infinite thousands of men whome a man may finde euery where in Cities Townes Villages and stréetes vtterly voyde and destitute of the knowledge of Heauenly and Spirituall thyngs but thou must prouide neuerthelesse with all possible diligence that thou mayest profite and goe forwarde in the wholesome doctrine of GODS worde not onely in the Lordes house or Temple but also in thine owne priuate house by all occasions and to the vttermost of thy power according to the holye admonitions of godly and learned Pastors For true Christianitie consisteth not in thys that a man doth oftentimes conueygh hymselfe bodilie from hys House to the Churche but in that a man both at home and in the Churche shoulde bende hys whole heart and mynde to the true vnderstanding of the mysteries of GODS holye worde But why doe we not alleadge some of the exhortations that the holy Fathers vsed to make to their hearers when they coueted to stirre them vp to the priuate reading of the sacred Scriptures forsooth I trust they wyll no lesse profite now a great number than it is certayn they profited in times past For they prouided their painefull workes both for vs and our whole posteritie And certes for m●ne owne part I confesse I coulde not deu●se either more pithy or profitable exhortations than th●irs are Origē therfore about the yeare of our Lord 230. being a Doctor of the famous schole and Church of Alexandria from when his voyce sounded into the whole world namely whilest out of his Auditory there came on euerye side innumerable wise gouernours of Churches whom also Mammea mother of Alexāder Seuerus the Emperor called vnto hir for a time to Antioch whilest hir desire was to be instructed of hym the same Origē I say expounding the booke of Leuiticus in his homilie 9. hath these words For those only doeth the high Priest aduocate propitiator Christ pray that are the Lords inheritaunce that wayte for him before the gates that depart not frō the tēple but giue thēselues to fasting and prayer Dost thou thinke that scarcely cōmest to the Church on holy and festiual dayes neyther giuest thy selfe to heare the word of God nor applyest thy diligēce to keepe his cōmaundements that the Lords inheritance can light vpon thee Neuerthelesse we wish that by the hearing of these things you would bend your selues not only in the Church to hearken to the worde of God but also in your own houses to be exercised and to meditate in the law of the Lord day night for Christ is euē there also and euery where present to all those that seeke after him For therfore is it commaunded in the law that wee should thinke vpon it when we go by the way when we sit in the house and when we ly in our bed and when we rise vp and this is in very deed truely to waite before the dores for the high Priest tarying within in the holye place and to become the Lords inheritaunce Againe in the self same homilie not much after he inueigheth sharply against those the when they heare the Scriptures red do not as they ought to do giue diligent héed vnto thē And at length hauing exhorted thē to bridle the flesh to stir vp the spirite he addeth immediatelye these wordes as touching the hearing reading of the word of GOD If thou cōmest often to the Church loke thou giue eare to the hearing of the holy scriptures see thou takest hold of the meaning of the heauenly cōmaundements For as the flesh is nourished with meat drinke euē so is the spirite strengthned with the liuely sense and working of the word of God which being made more strōg wil enforce the flesh to stoop vnto him to be obediēt to his laws The nourishments therfore of the spirite are the reading of the Scriptures cōtinual prayers teaching cōference of the word With these meats it is norished with these it is strēgthned with these it getteth the vpper hād Which things bycause ye do not loke ye cōplaine not of the infirmitie of your flesh The same
of the bones and to the innermost entrayles of the heart and euen leaueth behynde it certaine strings sticking fast of long tyme after in the minds of the readers whiche thyng to be true Sainct Augustine in his booke of Confessions and other holy mē do auouch that they haue tryed by experience And Iohn Chrysostome in his thirde Sermon of Lazarus presumeth to saye That men euen only by the outwarde viewe of the holy bookes are afrayde to commit sinne and that wheresoeuer the spirituall books are from thence is expelled the force of the Diuell and all things become there safe and sound But he that heareth not GOD in the Scriptures by a certaine priuye violence but yet with great absolute authoritie briefely ripping vp sinnes though neuer so secret and hidden how will he heare man when he accuseth controlleth or also by a certain graue kind of speaking condemneth them But if there be any person that neyther admitteth man to be his counseller nor yet hearkeneth vnto GOD continually speaking in the Scriptures that such a one from his hearte shoulde be a Christian no man I am sure but he that is ouer lightly carried away with wordes and willingly suffereth himselfe to be deceyued wil euer graunt or allow Therefore to the intente thou mayst declare that thou arte at the least vnfeynedly sory for that thou remaynest fast fettered in the bandes of sinne and that thou couetest to heare GOD louingly and with a fatherlye affection talking with thée admonishing thée and calling thée backe into the righte waye before thou be vtterly destroyed thou wilt if thou wise be invre thy selfe dayly to reade the holy Scriptures and in them as in a glasse beholde and learne more familiarly to knowe not so muche what GOD is as what thou thy self art But howe large a fielde shoulde be opened incase I mighte speake of consolations whereof in the holye Scripture are expressed innumerable and the same most certayne and sound For albeit Philosophye hathe nowe long since béene commended of hir retayners for many causes but especiallye for that she ministreth in aduersitie a present comforte yet are all Philosophicall reasons found to be very faint barren colde weak if they be compared with those whyche the holy Scriptures do afford Truly I haue oftetimes sorrowed with my self and complayned that as well Tullius Hortensius with which worke Saint Aug. confesseth himselfe to haue bin wonderfully stirred vp in his 3. booke and 4. Chap. of Confessions as also his booke of Comforte likewise the excellent and moste cleare Consolatory workes of other Philosophers beside are vtterly loste But my minde somewhat stayed with thys cogitation I againe confirmed interpreting that this thing came not to passed wythoute the prouidence of GOD namely to the intent that men when they sée themselues depriued of the necessarye ayde of suche writings mighte take occasion to flye more studiously to the holy bookes out of which onely and alone the remedy against euery heauy happe and all lamentable and dolefull euents is to be taken For to this ende especially is the Scripture before all other disciplines put foorth that it mighte supply in the families and assēblies of wretched creatures the moste néedefull and commendable office of comforting Whervpon to the Romaines 15. the Apostle affirmeth that whatsoeuer thinges are reuealed in the holy Scriptures are reuealed for oure learning to the intent that by the worthye examples of Patience and by the notable Sermons of comfort made euery where by the Prophetes Christe and Apostles wée might be encouraged and supported to the holding faste of oure hope in daungers and to the inuincible goyng forwarde in all godlinesse and vertue And who is he I beséeche you that will not iudge that a man ought rather to gyue credite and to staye hymselfe vppon the comfortable perswasions that are giuen from the holye Ghost that is from GOD himselfe and which by reason of the dignitie power and goodnesse of God must of necessitie by all meanes be effectuall and fruitefull than vpon those that are vttered and put forth of men whiche do themselues wauer and are oft-times deceyued neuer able to perfourme the things that they promise and to be shorte being taken for very tall men of their hands do commonly stande in néede to be comforted and encouraged by others If there be anye thyng sayth Hierome in the Preface of his Commentaries on the Epistle to the Ephesians that holdeth vp a wise man in this life and perswadeth him to abide paciently among the troubles and vexations of the world then is it euen this specially in my iudgement namely the meditation and knowledge of the Scriptures Whyche things séeing they are thus verily I am not afrayd to saye that like as God hathe so appoynted that no man whether he bée in noble or base condition should be vtterly voyde and frée from all dangers so also is it to bée determined that no man in what state or calling soeuer he bée can wante or bée withoute the reading hearing and vnderstanding of the Scriptures Let there come forth amongst vs some odde Christian and tell vs that he was neuer at anye time assayled with the dartes of temptations eyther inward or outwarde that he was neuer héeretofore plunged in anye troubles or perturbations or that he neuer néedeth to feare any héereafter let such a one I saye come forthe and he shall make vs beléeue that hée is one alone that wanteth no comforte and to whome we ought to graunte that hée maye liue and dye in the ignorance of the Scriptures But woulde to God that miserable and tenne tymes wretched men compassed aboute on euerie side with innumerable calamities could sufficiently consider partly their owne weakenesse farre vnfi●te to susteyne the burthen of so many miseries continuallye oppressing them partlye the most bountifull helps and comforts which they may receyue out of the holy Scriptures then out of all doubt shuld their s●ates be in farre better case than they be and we shoulde not sée so many dayly as we doe to cast themselues headlong into the déepe gulfe of desperation and with theyr endlesse shame and confusion to die not onely in thys worlde but also in the world to come But the tyme would fayle me if I shoulde procéede anye further to discourse of the necessitie vtilitie and efficacie of consolations to be gathered out of the Scriptures wherefore I thinke it requisite euen héere to make an ende Therefore O yée Christians all of what state or condition soeuer ye bée I hartily pray and beséeche you by the precious bloud of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST that yée woulde throughly perswade youre selues that the things whiche haue hitherto of me bin treated of do tende first to the sanctifying and celebrating of Gods name héere on earth and next to the stirring vp of euery one of you to the intente you maye become diligente in procuring the businesse of youre owne euerlasting saluation
so ofte as anye intreatie touchyng the Scriptures is there godlily and purely and sincerely practised and made Euery Church wherein are placed diligent and faithfull teachers is as a famous Vniuersitie and common Schoole for all men to come vnto And that is wonte to be taken for moste sounde and leaste suspected whiche is publikely and of those that haue the charge of teaching in the Churche committed vnto them giuen forth and exhibited But I holde beste to set downe héere that whiche Saint Chrisostome in hys homilie 21. vpon Iohn hath wisely pronounced as touching all thys matter If wee woulde sayth he diligently ransacke the Scriptures wee might thereby obtaine saluation if we woulde be throughly conuersant in them we should rightly be instructed both in learning and liuing And albeit a mā be crooked peruerse and vnmerciful albeit he hathe profited nothing aforetime yet now at least wise shal he profite and although hee doth not by and by perceiue it receiue some comforte For if so be a man sitteth in a shop where oyntments or perfumes be made he doth euen whither hee will or no taste of the sauor thereof then muche more he that frequenteth the Church For euen as of slouth groweth negligēce so of exercise cōmeth cherefulnesse Though thou be subiect to neuer so many sins though altogither vncleane yet refuse thou not to come to the Church For what if thou doest not the thinges that are taughte Thou shalte not lose altogither thy labour if thou vnderstandest but thy selfe to be miserable Thys feare wil not be vnprofitable nor this dreade out of season If thou sob and sigh from thy hearte bycause thou doest not that which thou hearest there is no doubt but that thou shalt one day beginne to do wel For it cannot bee that he that both heareth GOD and talketh wyth GOD should be without profite For by and by we are kept vnder We wash our handes when we take vp the booke Seest thou with what reuerence we are moued before we reade But if we adde diligence herevnto then will great profit come thereby For none but the reuerent soule washeth his handes And the wife if shee haue hir heade bare couereth it so soone as may bee giuing a token of hir inwarde reuerence but the man if his heade be couered will by and by discouer it Seest thou howe the outward fashion declareth the inward affection Furthermore he that is a diligent hearer of a diuine Sermō doth oft times grone in conscience doth oft times finde fault with his life and manners Let vs apply our selues therefore to the Scriptures my deere brethren and especially to the Gospels let vs oft times be in hande wyth them For the booke is no sooner opened but straighte wayes we shall meete with the name of CHRIST and when wee heare the order of his birth we shall remember Mary his mother which of Ioseph hir husband was founde to be with child by the holy GHOST Now hee that shall heare these things will immediately be inflamed with a wonderfull loue of virginitie he wil maruel at the childe he will despise earthly things Neyther is it to be thought a matter of small importaunce that a virgine was accompted worthy of the holy Ghoste and to be saluted by the message of an Angel. And these things briefly for a tast But if thou wilt diligētly serch through all things thou shalt incontinently contemne al worldly affayres and shalt reioyce with thy selfe If thou bee riche thou wilt passe nothing for riches when thou vnderstandest that a poore Carpenters wife in a vile cotage and condition became the mother of our Lorde If thou be poore thou needest not bee ashamed when thou hearest that the authour of the worlde refused not a most vile cabin Thus being perswaded thou shalt not be carried headlong to rauine and extortion thou shalte not bee carried to couetousnesse thou shalt not take thy neighbors good but rather thou shalt imbrace pouerty thou shalt despise riches thou shalt by this meanes put away al malice Againe when thou shalt see Iesus lying in a manger thou wilt cast away all care of decking thy sonne with gold or siluer of garnishing thy bedde thou wilt cast away I saye all couetousnesse thou shalt obtain many things which perticularly I can not now stād to declare but they shal know that will take a taste of thē Wherefore I exhorte that yee woulde giue attendance to reading that yee woulde gather the true meanings and write them in your heartes Which when the Iews regarded not they thought it ynough to carry the bokes in their hands but we let vs haue them not in our hāds but in our houses yea let vs as it behoueth vs imprinte them in our heartes For by this means the filthy drosse of this life being done away we shal obtaine the sweete blessings of the life to come Hitherto hée These words are indéede somewhat long but yet suche as are verye worthy to be obserued of all persons And in good soothe it is expedient that next after the Scriptures the godly admonitions also of the holy fathers amongst whō Chrysostome is notable shoulde be graciously hearde and highly estéemed of all men But it is time that I now make an end of speaking I most hartily therefore pray and beséech all persons euen in the bowels of oure Lorde and Sauioure IESVS CHRIST of whō wee professe and auaunt that we haue obtained the most honorable name of Christians that we woulde by all meanes possible indeuour oure selues to aunswere to so holy a name and calling And for bycause this thing can not be brought to passe but by the knowledge of GODS will and of the whole substaunce of Christian doctrine it is euident forsooth that the continuall reading and hearing of the Scriptures is verye muche requisite and necessarie for al Christians Take therefore I beséech you the aduertisementes of vs hytherto collected in suche wise as by the same we maye haue intelligence that you are in some sorte perswaded to buy the holy bookes to take them in your handes yearely once or oftner if it maye be to reade and pervse them It is an olde saying that there is no longing for that which is vnknowen and that knowledge hath no enimy but the ignoraunt But thus it is thou shalte no sooner beginne to reade the holye Scriptures but thou shalt beginne also to loue and imbrace them The wonderfull swéetenesse that is in reading thou shalte then first of all perceyue when thou art a little envred with it As for those counterfaite reasons wherewith in these our dayes the crafty Foxes and Aegiptian inchaunters goe about to withdrawe all sortes of men but especiallye the common sorte and youth of good calling from their holy and godly purpose stoppe thou thine eares against them and passe them ouer as deadly Mermaides songs Sathan the commō enimy of mankinde sléepeth not neyther taketh anye reste but from time to tyme