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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01279 A pistle to the Christen reader The revelation of Antichrist. Antithesis, wherin are compared to geder Christes actes and oure holye father the Popes. Frith, John, 1503-1533.; Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Ad librum eximii magistri nostri magistri Ambrosii Catharini defensoris Silvestri Prieratis acerrimi responsio.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560. 1529 (1529) STC 11394; ESTC S102643 102,239 210

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to thyne orders / and that is to preach the word of god / yf thow do not this / thow art not anoynted inwardly with the holy goste / but only vtwardly for a cloke But lord / how hath this most holy kīge prevailed that he hath clene suppressed the gospell And why shall I not curse this cursed abominatiō-The lord Iesus Christ destroye these idolles of the world / yower Popedoms and Cardinalshuppes / with all yower clokes faces / in to the depth of hell for ever Amen Now I thinke thow vnderstondist what it meaneth that this kinge is mightye in faces It foloweth And vnderstondinge rydles ¶ Soch a kinge / soch a lawe Danie viij Soch a lawe / soch people Soch people / soch maners / soch maners soche studies affectiōs Sillogismus But the kinge is a very cloke / face / idolle Therfore his lawe must nedes be a starke lye fātasye / as Petre did prophesye ij Petri. ij There shal be false teachers among you / which thorow covetuousnes with fained wordes shall make marchādise of yow ij Timoth. iij And in the fourth of the first pistell to Timothe which speake false thorow hypocrisye And how can he teach the trueth which is nothing him self but a cloke and lye / for he that is endewed with that opiniō that he will counte these f●ces substantiall thinges in erneste / he will not only speake lyes / but he shall not be able to sustayne nor abyde the trueth Is not this a notable / yee an abominable lye to teache ceremonyes for the faith of Christ / for the sprete / to ordē traditions and learninges of men Doth not the Pope with his lawes avaunce and bost him silf that he governeth fedeth the chirch of god doth he not commend as good deades those thinges which are done by fulfillinge his lawe doth he not persequute and condemne those that obey not him al thowgh they observe and kepe all the hole gospell O this weked and cursed abomination Here is the sainge of Paule fulfilled / which is an aduersarye and is exalted above all that is called god / ij Thessa ij or that is worshupped / so that he shal sit in the tēple of god and shew him silf as god Doth not he sitte in the temple of god which saith and professeth him self to be the master in the hole chirch what is the temple of god Is it stones ād wodde doth not Paule say The temple of God is holy which temple are ye j. Corint iij. ij Co. in vj. Nether in the time of paule was there any house which was called the temple of god as we now call thē What meaneth this sittinge / but raigninge teachinge / and iudginge Who sith the beginnīge of the chirche / durst presume to call him self the master of the hole chirch But only the Pope None of the holy men / none of the heretikes / durst ever let scape them soch an horrible voice of pride Paule bosted him selfe to be the master of the gentils in faith and trueth but not the master of the chirch / doth he not avaunce him selfe as he were god while that for the wordes of Christ he teacheth his awne / ād for the rightuousnes of the faith he stablissheth his awne rightuousnes May he naturally be exalted aboue god ij Thessa ij Nay truely / but above all that is called god saith the apostle / that is to say above the word of god preached / for he is called god when he is preached and beleved in how be it above this god the Pope a greate while hath bene exalted ād sitteth still / for in the faithfull hartes in the stede of preachinge ād belevinge god / he preacheth him silf and his awne constitutiōs / and so is preferred as the greke worde doth signify which the Apostle reherseth both above the honour and worshupe of god / and also above god which is worshupped As thowgh he shuld say in the harte of mā he shal be preferred above god / that is to say / his word shall more be feared then the worde of god / and they shall more obeye him and more worshup him / thē very god him silfe Doth this agre with any man but with the Pope In every place the word and precept of God is despised / But every man feareth the word of the Pope Trewlye there is no god nether in heven nor erthe whose word is reccaved with soch obedience as is the Popes word which thinge experience doth so clerly shewe and derlare vnto vs / that he which lacketh halfe his witte can not denye it Forthermore who did ever say that he came in the name of Christ / but only the Pope / for he only the first of all men doth boste him silf with intollerable blasphemye / The pope is the vicare of 〈◊〉 on erthe and pride to be the vicare of Christ and the vicare of god in the erth What signifieth the vicare of god But to sitt in goddes stede what is it to sitt in goddes stede But to shew him silf as thowgh hewere god Dowtest thow yet whether the prophesye of Paul be fulfilled sith these two are so like to be the vicar / of god / and to shew him silf as thowgh he were god Therfore Christ did well prophesy / that these Apostles of Antichrist shuld come in his name / for the other heretikes all thowgh they did coūterfet dissemble the trueth / yet they never pretendid to do it vnder the name of Christ / but that was only reserved to Antichrist Wherfore Christ in the xxiiij of Mathew not content to have prophesied that they shuld come in his name / did adde and expownd him silf Sainge that I am Christ / as thowgh he shuld say / They shall take myn awne name vpō them / Math xxiiij which is Christe And say that they be Christ And that they have obtayned / for of the Pope and Christ with their chatteringe they have made one / sainge that they are so annexed cōioyned to gedder / that Christ cā not be seperate frō the Pope nether the Pope frō him O what a furyous malicious blasphemye is this A weked wretched bawde / vsurare / theffe cruell tyrāne / is mingled ioyned with the lord Christ / is made one with him Come lord Iesu Christ ād perscribe some order / or els finishe and make an end of this horrible and blasphemous abomination Yet I pray you what doth this vicare of god settinge in the stede of god Doth he fulfill teach the cōmavndmentes of his prince Nay trewly / what doth he thē Only teach his awne constitutions / yet doth thē not him self How be it if he did teach the cōma●ndmentes of god / yet shuld not he be the vicare of god / for a vicare is there as the prince and hedde is absent
/ that day / so that they may deserve heven what thinge is this but a weked face Thimoth iii. of whom Paul prophesied in the .iiij. of the first pistell to Timoth. cōmaunding to abstayne frō meates / which god hath created Gala. iiij And in the .iiij to the Galathyās / ye observe the dayes / and mōthes / times / yeares I feare of you lest I have bestowed on you laboure in vayne The .ix. The. ix face face I coūte this mischevous multiplication encreasinge of these weked holy dayes / Holy dayes for now a dayes oure most holy father teachith men thorow idelnes to serve god / that is to say as he expoūdeth it him self By intermission and ceasing frō all bodly workes And yet all dayes of god are ordened fre both to laboure and cease frō labour indifferently Amonge these / festes / some are principale / some duble and so forthe / as the fest of corpus Christi / of the Visitatiō / Cōceptiō / of oure lady of the apostles / soch other / yf any presume to breke these / or els kepe thē with a grutchīge harte thowgh they be in deade but folish / vnprofitable / vaine preceptes they wyll geve sentes affirme boldly / that they sinne grevously / brīge their soules in to vtter destruction The tenth is the excellent The .x. face ●lowinge o● chast●es al thowgh it be fained kepinge of virginite chastite of the religions / which trewly semeth in the face a godly hevēly thinge But it is a develish of the which it is spoken in the .iiij. of the firste pistell to Timothe forbiddinge to marye ij Timot. iii where as againe oure most reuernde father / maketh that thinge necessarye that Christe wold have fre / wherof Daniel in the .xi. speketh he shal be desirous of women ●anie xj Here Daniel meanith that he shall refuse ād abstaine from mariage for a cloke of godlines / and not for love of chastite The xi face The .xj. is the worshuppinge of relickes / trewly this is a proper and most fruerfull cloke of avantage Relickes Out of this were indented innumerable pilgrimages / Pilgrimages with the which the folissh ād vnlerned people might lese their labour / mony / and time / nothinge in the meane ceason regardinge their house / wiff / and children / contrary to the commaundmēt of god / or els might do moch better dedes to theire neighbueres / which is the precepte As for the worshuppinge or visitinge of relickes is nothinge but even the very minde and affectiō of mē They wold make sanct Hierome / the beginner and author of this thinge / which writinge to vigilantius entēded nothinge but that men shuld not rebuke and despise relickes How be it they do so fare abyse his authorite / that they will have no mesure in worshuppinge them / they will have no worke prefared above this They will have none compared vn to it And it hath so prevailed / owe● that it is come to vowes which can not be dispensed with not of the Pope him silf excepte thou have a bagge of mony But what a folissh vowe is it that is thus made against the precepte of god This paynted and be wtifull face doth so fare deceave men that it is not cownted an offense to leve the charge of his wiffe and children / but rather a great merite O what a blindnes is this In this face I may numbre the sectes of brotherheddes which were invented by the singulare provision of sathan to destroy the noble and cheffe brotherhed of faith cherite / Brotherheddes for these also are confirmed and stablisshed / vnder the names of sanctes / and in the reverence and worshupe of relickes Of their ab●se it is spoken in a nother place / and nede it were to make a hole boke apon this monster The .xii. face The .xij. and laste for I will leve the residew to other mennes coniecturinge is the very confused clowde and opened gate of hell / which hath a mervelous and pleasant face to loke apō These be the vniversites in the which periury and the abose of the name of god are the enteringe in / Vniversitee afterward their conversation is most fre and at liberty vnto every mischeffe / yet vnder these sinnes ād perditions / there is promised science wisdom / with titles and degrees prescribed vnto them in stede of a rewarde And what performe they at the lengthe First the most cleneste quicke witted yonge mē of the christente here are defiled and defloured / cast in to the wide throte of hell / so that I iudge that this perdition was figured by the idolle Moloch / to whome men were wont to do sacrifice with their deariste ād best beloved sonnes and doughters After that the most christē wittes are occupied / yee blinded and oppressed with Aristotle and other gentiles ād mēnes learninge Aristotle And for the word of god / the traditions of the Pope are taught and handeled In so moch that vtterly to subverte and put downe the gospell Sathā cowld never have found a more sotle and craftye invention / nother yet of more power and value / then to bild vppe vniversites / where as vnder the title of christiane learninge is nothinge taught but that which is most repugnante and against the christen faithe / wherof we wold speake very many thinges if tyme and leysuer fauored vs ▪ And oute of these caves and dennes are they called to be governers and curattes of chirches / when they seme to chouse the best And treuly vnto me this last face and cloke doth appere most noysome of all / for this only hath the title and name of the worde and all the other have only the title of example and plainly is the scole of hid of that is to say of suttell disputations / of the which we will speake anone And the most hurte and damnage consistithe vnder the title of the worde / and for to teach other thinges in his stede and name / for sith the face of example is formed stablisshed apō the face of the worde it wold sone decay if the true word did purely raigne Besides that the face of exāples doth only deceave the maners / but the cloke face of the worde doth overturne destroy the faith And if the thorow the grace provitiō of god / the vniversites shuld receave his word / good lord / how sone shuld the Popes imperye with all his faces decay perissh / for this one cloke and face is the very vp holder / Bones / and hole power / of all this kingdonme of faces This visare and cloked face as I thinke was prophesed in the .ix. Aocalip ix of the Apocalipses whose wordes are worthy to be rehearsed / and some deall to be
iniquite / the they will scrape ād shape of / the quicke flesshe of the parte which did touch it / so that very madnes it self can not be more out of order and resone / I think at the length they will flee the tonge / the rouffe of the mouth the throte / and the bely because they touch the sacrament But to hurte thy neghbure / or prevelye to convay away any of his good / or not to helpe him in his nede / is in a maner nether counted for synne / nor yet regarded / But what nedeth me to reherse any of these abominations / sith the hole world is replenisshed with his iniquite What mōstruous abominatiōs doth not he with his adherentes bring to passe / which are not only superstitious / But also de●sye in the hed furious / and foles of extreme madnes Finally / thorow the authorite of the pope in a maner all the creatures of god and all the vse of them is made synne / for Christ wold that in none of these shuld be any synne nother yet iustice / the cause was paravēture be cause he onlye was holy How be it it was cōvenient for the most holye vicare of Christ / that he resistinge Christ shuld here multiplye and encreasse synnes ād iustices / and replenisshe the world corruptinge the christen libertye and suppressinge the faith with folisshe / fearfull / erromous and perisshinge cōsciences Behold now who is the man of synne and sonne of perditiō Nether yet have I enumbered the thicke swarme / and infinite hoste that depend on him / as cardinalles / bisshoppes / prestes / monkes / fryers / nunnes / decanes / subdecanes / and other shavelinges which bost thē silf fre frō the lawe For these thorow their shavinges / vesturs / houres / and behaveours / abound with as many synnes / as the duns mē with relatiōs / or thomistes with their realites / yet put they so manye of them in every thinge / as there are creatures in the world / and consideracions in them Good lord / All this wretched multitude of men is nothing but synne / for he is counted a very apostata and breker of his religion / which is not shaven / if he read not his prescribed houres / yf he be not clothed with a prestly colour / yf he were not a hode or a coule / yf he be not appareiled with purpull and silke / or els chaunge any of those thinges which are appointed him to do / who wold not iudge a religious man to be an apostata / if he went in a laye mānes aparell / or wold not be shaven in due time But for to playe the apostata departe from the faith is nothinge regarded / In trāsgressinge the hyghe decrees the popes awne dispensationis scant counted ynough / though it be redemed with never so moch monye all though for a litle try full he will remitte any offence to wardes god / yee and somtime offer the remission for nought So depe entereth the tyrannye of his lawe in to our wretched consciences Therfore Daniel doth verye well saye / that he shall corrupt mervelous thinges / for what is it that he leveth vncorrupte yee ād so he dothe corrupte them that they can not be repayred / for the consciences are so weaked and brought into bondage In so moch that I am in doute / if the pope wold abrogate all his lawes / whether that by those meanes this scrupulosite might he weded out of mennes hartes / so that their consciēces might be heled / so cruell and incurable is this plage of the people / which is sowen among them Yf I may vse Esaias wordes of this kinge Assure ●●e x. Here hast thow the fruete of these faces and rydles / which is the corruption / of the chirche / of the faith / of Christes libertie / of the sprete and trueth / and of all the goodnes which are geven vs of god / This is the true Antiochus in the .viij. of Daniel / which there was named to be a figure / of this kinges faces / Danie vij This is he which was exalted against the strength of heven / and did cast donne of the streght / and of the sterres / ād did trede them vnder his feate / prevailed vntill he cam vnto the prince of strength / and toke of him a great sacrifice that is to say faith And caste doune his holye place that is mēnes cōsciences he hade strēght gevē him against the greate sacrifice because of synne / the trueth in the erth shal be felled cast doune / And he shall prosper do Doth not the pope fulfill all these thinges avauncynge his faces ridles against the trueth faithe Marke well what sathan speaketh by their moutes / They saye that all thinges were not sette in a perfayte order of Christ but were lefte to the iudgement of the Chirch to be ordered / syth Christ ordened that there shuld be no synne but vnbeleffe and no iustice but faith As he sayeth in the xvj of Ioan. he shall rebuke the world of synne / because they beleve not in me / And agayne He that beleveth not shal be cōdemned / All thinges that are with out a man do not defile man but are clene fre / except we offend against them with an evill concupiscence which cometh from with in How be it the Pope defileth the hole world by these outward thinges / and is nothinge moved with the inward pollusiōs Be hold how playne Christes wordes are / and yet we will not se this his adversary and corrupter of the faithe Besides thes maners of synnes perditions / the pope hath ordened other trāsgressions first the false trust of soch workes / which is duble iniquite / for they which obey the pope in his preceptes / eschew soch thīges as the pope cōmawndeth / do thinke with hyghe presumptiō yee also are counted of other that they have done well des●roed hevē And this is the other pernicious instrumēt of corruptiō which rageth thorow the hole world / Be cause the with this trust cōfidēce the faith of Christ cā not cōsist / forthermore be cause they are so oppressed lade with the multitude of lawes / that they fulfill them only with the outward worke for their willes are clene cōtrary wold resist them / As we se by experiēce in the trobleous besines / of vigilles / masses / ād houres which both must be sayd ād songe / In the which they labour with soche weryenes / that now adayes no laboure is more tedyous Yet neverthelesse the heddes masters cruell exactores of these most hard workes compell vs to worke soch thinges with out ceassinge / which before god are nothīge but grevous synnes / all though before men they be good workes / and counted for the service of god / here are invēted thentismentes of the senses thorow