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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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should say that he had in vaine asked helpe at their hands Euen so much more wil God the great king of heauen and earth who is as able as the richest and as willing to giue as the frankest yea and hath as great care and that not without cause of his glorie as any man hath of his worldly worship renowme thinke scorne that any man should say there is no helpe for me in God I haue in vaine afflicted my soule humbled my selfe at his footestoole by Prayer cleansed my wayes in his sight repaired to the place of his presence and called vpon him there is nothing to be hoped for or gotten at his hands 29 Euen as the Smith striketh the yron while it is hote and fit to receiue any forme or impression So God although he could imprint his grace in the coldest hardest and flintiest disposition of the heart yet he rather doth it when as the affections of men are stirred vp and enflamed either by the ministerie of the word and publike Prayer during the which regeneration is ordinarily wrought in men or else by some priuate Christian exercise as reading the Scripture and serious meditation but especially by praying and singing Psalmes to God in the time of the which actions it pleaseth God sometimes to send his spirit into the hearts of his elect 30 Like as a medicine or playster cannot heale a wound if there be any yron sticking in the same So in like manner the Praier of a man profiteth him not as long as there is sorrow in his mind or hatred in his brest for if charitie want all things be void 31 Euen as a child when he feareth any euill or harme towards runneth to his father for helpe and succour So in like manner the children of God they runne to God by Prayer in all their daungers and distresses Gene. 16.11 21.17 32 As a louing Father in regard of his ignorant and somtimes negligent child doth giue him things vnasked but not to the rebellious Euen so God doth oftentimes bestow his graces and benefites vpon vs without Prayer 33 As parents rather take pleasure to heare their children stammer then to heare some other speake eloquently Euen so doth the Lord take pleasure in the Prayers of his Saints because in Christ hee taketh them for his children 34 As the knowledge of God ought not to be vnperfect or doubtfull So Prayer should not be faint or slacke without courage or quicknesse 35 Like as he that is in prison desireth euer to be deliuered whether hee be eating drinking or sleeping and as he that is sicke desireth alwayes to bee whole euen so dooth euerie Christian man pray continually yea euen when hee seemeth not to pray for Prayer consisteth not in much babling Math. 6.7 But in spirit and veritie Iohn 4.24 and in vehement desire of the heart towards God 36 As a Sonne being pinched with any griefe or want doth straight way runne to his Father for reliefe So doo the faithfull in the manifold miseries and crosses of this present life seeke for helpe at the hands of their heauenly father by Prayer Ephe. 5.1 37 As the exercising of the body doth not onely preserue it in the naturall vigour but also increaseth strength of it and keepeth it from sicknesse So by the daily vse of Prayer wee shall find that the Lord will increase in vs all spirituall graces farre aboue our owne expectation or the opinion of any other Ephe. 6.18 It is no Presumption to be assured of our saluation 1 LIke as if a king should make a promise vnto some one of his seruants whom he fauoreth and the same partie should aunswere againe I stand in doubt of your promise or I hardly beleeue the performance of your promise might not the King well thinke himselfe greatly dishonoured to haue it doubted whether he be a man of his word But if he should sweare for the Performance of his promise yet the partie would not credit him he would neuer put that vp or suffer such an iniurie Euen so after the same manner it must needes follow that seeing God hath bound himselfe both by promise and by oath that it is great presumption for vs not to beleeue him yea it is all one as to thinke that God may lie or that he may be forsworne which is horrible blasphemie Hebr. 6.17 18. 2 Like as it is al one if a man be cōdemned for treason to haue his pardon sent him being but one man alone or hauing a great sort moe cōdemned vnto death with him as if a general pardon be sent for them all Euen so it is betwixt God and vs we were all condemned he hath sent a general pardon to as many as beleeue his promise which he offereth and sendeth vnto all in generall as hee also offereth and sendeth vnto euerie one in particular saying that whosoeuer beleeueth and trusteth in Christ shall be saued God therefore hath told some men that is such as beleeue that they shall be saued and such as doubt of his promise and his oath that they shall be damned So that it is no presumption to be sure and certaine of our saluation Mar. 16. Iohn 3.16 17 18. 5.24 Act. 15.11 Pure mind AS the Sunne is not defiled by shining vpon a puddle or dunghill but doth rather drie vp and driue away the stinch Euen so a Pure and chast mind striueth against the vncleannesse of the world and ouercommeth it but is not defiled it selfe Proceeding in Religion LIke as the young child must not looke to bee fed alwayes with the Teate or pappe but as it groweth in yeares so to feede on stronger meate Euen so good Christians must not content themselues to haue learned the principles of Religion but they must labour also to Proceed and come to perfection by learning the substantiall and higher points of Religion and not to bee like truants alwayes sticking at one lesson Hebr. 5.13 14. 1. Pet. 2.1 2 3. Prayer must be made to God alone LIke as if a King would send out a Proclamation that all his subiects whensoeuer they had any suit or trouble should come to himselfe and let him vnderstand their case to the intent to winne his subiects fauour and to make knowne his good will towards them then that man might well bee counted foolish that knowing this would seeke and sue to some Noble man to get him to speake to the King for him and this King might iustly be offended and displeased at him for so doing Euen so it standeth betwixt God and vs who hath commaunded vs to call vpon him in the day of trouble so hee will deliuer vs and therefore those that make Saints their mediatours doo robbe him of his honour and glorie that is due vnto him c. Psal 50.15 Profession abused AS wee doo not condemne the Art of Physicke because some Physitions haue giuen poyson for Apothicarie drugges but those that abuse the Art Or as wee
person when hee is past all hope of health and vtterly dispayred that it is needfull for the skilfull Phisition not onely to finde and prepare the medicine but also dispose the sicke person so as hee will and may vse this medicine and that hee may vnderstand rightly how to vse and apply it So the sicknesse of the soule which is most precious aboue all things and in the which makinde is not onely ignorant but also enemies of their owne saluation then wee must vnderstand by our Sauiour Christ the Phisition of the soule what is the medicine and then after what manner it must bee vsed yea and in such wise that the same our Phisition Christ Iesus doo prepare and make vs apt and meete that wee both will and can vse these remedies which hee hath prepared and appoynted for vs or else it will be no profit nor stand vs in any stead Christ our second husband by faith LIke as if a woman bee discharged from her first Husband beeing dead and hath married an other man the first Husband hath no power ouer her Euen so wee now beeing espoused vnto Christ our second Husband by faith are freed vtterly from our first husband the Law and as the Apostle saith are no more vnder the Law but vnder grace that is vnder perpetual remission of sinnes committed not onely before our Iustification but as well also after and during all our life long Christ our spirituall foode AS verily as bread dooth serue for the nourishing and strēgth of the body wine for the cōfort thereof So and as certainly to the inward mā in Faith Christ is bread to the soule and wine to the mind we mystically made one in him and he in vs feede on him and he our spiritual foode The last Commaundement explaned 1 AS the Lord by the former Commaundements of the second Table doth vtterly condemne and forbid all wicked deedes words and counselles that be hurtfull to our neighbour and which go with deliberation and consent with all full purposes and conclusions to euill Euen so in the last Commaundement to the end that he might touch vs the nearer whereby wee might the better perceiue our owne imperfections and weakenesse hee most straightly chargeth that our hearts should be so pure and cleane that no euill thoughts motions desires concupiscences lusts delights inclinations or naturall infections of originall sinne should once creepe into our hearts Gene. 6.5 Math. 5.28 Rom. 6.12 7.7 Iam. 1.14 2 Like as if a woman were by vnlawfull act defiled it were not simple fornication but adultrie though the defiler knew not that she was married So we must iudge also of lust and concupiscence when one is coueted not as though she were married but as one vnmarried and free in respect of a married woman whosoeuer coueteth her coueteth his neighbours wife whether he do it wittingly or ignorantly as Pharaoh and Abimelech did Gene. 12.15 c. 20.2 3. c. 3 Like as that man is desperate of his saluation and prouoketh the anger of God towards him that saith If I shall bee culpable in the sight of God for the concupiscence of my heart as well as though I do commit the fact therefore I will adde vnto my lust and concupiscence the fact which it desireth that I may carrie away some pleasure of my sinne and not be damned for nothing So likewise it is the part of a faithfull Christian man to acknowledge and bewaile the sinne and vncleannesse of his heart to lament for it and to flie vnto the mercie of God by faith in Christ our Sauiour and to withstand with all his power the naughtie desires and motions of the heart that so hee may for Christ his sake be made partaker of the grace of God and true health and saluation 4 As in this Commaundement is forbidden all euill desires So also by the same is commaunded all good desires good affections good inclinations to godly things and the perfect obedience of our hearts vnto Gods will and to wish and desire that our neighbour may quietly possesse and enioy all that which God hath sent him be it more or lesse 5 As the Lord by the former Commaundements doth commaund that the rule of Charitie should gouerne our willes studies and workes So hee now commaundeth the conceptions of our minde to be directed to the same rule that there be none of them crooked and writhen that may prouoke our minde an other way 6 As he hath forbidden our minde to be bowed and ledde into wrath hatred fornication robberie and lying so he doth now forbid vs to be moued therevnto by any lust or desire 7 Like as a man purposing to destroy a tree yet dooth no more then loppe and shred off certaine boughes and twigges leauing the stumpe and roote behinde deceiueth himselfe Euen so likewise so long as lust and concupiscence doth liue in men they may well seeme in the eyes of men to be very great conuerts if of ignorant idiots they are become such as haue gotten some skil and knowledge or as if of dunkards ruffians adulterers and such like they become sober and modest and of good behauiour as this may be done before men and yet the heart nothing altered before God for there be many causes which may mooue men to seeme outwardly to be godly when the heart within is fraught and laden with loathsome lusts full of rotten corruptions which make them still altogether abhominable before God and thus they haue hereby gained nothing 8 As the Lord our God requireth account of euerie idle word Math. 12.36 So likewise requireth hee tribute and account of wicked lusts and thoughts arrayneth them maketh them hold vp their hand at the barre keepeth a court for them and setteth fines and amerciments vpon the heads of them Pope no Christian 1 LIke as Iudas bare the name of a Desciple and Apostle and called Christ maister when and at such time as he endeuoured altogither to spoile Christ both of his authoritie and life Euen so the Pope and all his confederates although they boast themselues to be Christians pretending the name of Christ yet they both robbe Christ of his authoritie and also men of their saluation Math. 26.49 2 As the Lords who made the last rebellion in the North charged the inferiour sort in the Queenes Maiesties name to put on Armor and to come into the field as though it had bene in defence of her Maiestie whereas their purpose was the destruction of her royall estate and the subuersion of her Kingdome that they themselues might haue reigned Euen so in like maner dealeth the Pope his affinitie concerning Christ his Kingdome Corrupters of Princes are most seuerely to be punished 1 LIke as they do most greeuously offend which do infect with poyson a common well or conduite where all men doo draw water So likewise they deserue worst of a Common-wealth which corrupt the minde of a Prince
scruple at all at great sinnes as the Papists do who will not sticke to blaspheme the name of God and yet make a conscience of sinnes as the breach of any the Popes decrees c. Math. 22.23 Hardnesse of heart 1 LIke as wee feele our sicknesse by contrarie life and health Euen so Harnesse of heart when it is felt argues quicknesse of grace and softnesse of heart but contrariwise when Hardnesse hath so possessed the heart that it is neuer felt this is daungerous in them who haue their consciences seared with an hotte yron who by reason of custome in sinne are past all feeling who likewise despise the meanes of softning their hearts Esay 65.17 Zach. 7.11 Ephe. 4.19 2 Like as if the clearenesse of the Sunne doo happen to shine vpon the eyes of him that is blind his eyes are not made clearer thereby but rather more dimmer Or if one doo shout or speake loude in the eares of him that is deafe his hearing is nothing thereby quickned but rather more dulled Euen so if any man shal propound and speake the truth to him whose heart is Hardened hee is not made the better any thing at all by it but afterwards conceiueth more Hatred against the truth 2. Cor. 2.16 Act. 19.9 Exod. 9.34 3 As it is daungerous to the state of his body whose veine beeing striken by the Physition sendeth foorth no bloud Euen so daungerous is his condition for his soule that hath his heart smitten by the word of God but sheweth no tokens of repentance 4 As in some kind of sicknesse a man may die languishing So likewise where Hardnesse of heart raignes wholly and finally a man may descend to the pit of hell tryumphing and reioycing 5 As we are carefull to flie the infection of the bodily plague So much more carefull should we bee to flie the common blindnesse of mind Hardnesse of heart which is the very plague of all plagues a thousand folde worse then all the plagues of Egypt 6 As there is nothing harder thē the Adamant stone especially that which is had in the Indians which in firmnes hardnesse value exceedeth the rest which yet is said to bee subdued and mollified with the warme bloud of a Goate So likewise the heart of man beeing Hardned through the continuance and Custome of sinne will not be mollified bridled nor tamed neither with the bloud of a Goate nor yet with the bloud of that immaculate Lambe Christ Iesus which gaue himselfe a sacrifice for vs vpon the Altar of the crosse there bestowed his bloud that he might mittegate and appease our wild minds and pricke to the quicke our hard and senselesse hearts and to open vnto vs the way to the attaining of eternall life and euerlasting saluation Esay 48.4 Iere. 5.3 7 As a stone preaseth to his centre So an Hard hearted man is preasing toward hell Exod. 15.5 Hatred 1 LIke as loue beareth good will euen to the dead and wisheth them aliue and would if it were possible stay them from death which are condemned to die Euen so Hatred seeketh to fley the liuing and deemeth them vnworthie of life which haue offended neuer so lightly 2 As the fire doth consume that substance whereby it is nourished Euen so Hatred consumeth the hart wherein it hath beene misled 3 As the Moath doth gnaw the garment where it is bred So Hatred gnaweth the heart wherein it was conceiued 4 As a Bee stingeth and pricking an other doth loose his sting and can neither make Honie nor liue but a smal time after So the heart pricking an other with the sting of Hatred dooth loose many sweete vertues and killeth it selfe Mans Heart naturally corrupt from the wombe 1 AS a Tree whose roote is rotten and infected with venimous sap bringeth foorth none but corrupt and naughtie fruite Euen so from mans Heart which is corrupt and naturally infected with the contagion of sinne can proceede nothing that is good For that which is born of the flesh is flesh Gene. 6.5 8.21 Psal 14.1.3 53.1 3. Rom. 3.10 c. Mark 7.18.21 22. 2 Like as a Wolfe cannot ingender but a yong Wolfe and a Serpent a young Serpent and euen as wee doo not leaue off or cease to hate a yong Woolfe although that he hath not yet eaten or woried any sheepe Or a yong Serpent notwithstanding that he hath not yet cast forth his venime but doo iudge him worthie of death because of the peruerse nature that is in them So ought we to esteem and thinke that God hath no lesse occasion to hate and condemne vs euen from our mothers bellie because of our peruersitie and naturall malice engendred with vs. And though the Lord should damne vs eternally hee should doo vs no wrong but onely that which our nature meriteth and deserueth For although that the young Infant hath not yet done any worke which wee may iudge to be euill and wicked sith that he hath not yet the vnderstanding discretion nor the power to doo it yet it followeth not therefore but that the peruersitie and malice which is naturall in man hath alreadie his roote in him as one part of his paternall inheritance the which cannot please God For although that it bringeth not foorth her fruites yet they doo remaine still there as in their roote which will bring them forth in his time As the venime is alreadie in a Serpent although that he bite not and so the nature of a Woolfe in a yong Woolfe how harmelesse soeuer he seemeth to be 3 As a Seale cannot bee Imprinted in an Adamant which by reason of the hardnesse thereof wil not yeelde Euen so the Heart of man is by nature so hard that it will not yeeld vntill it bee wounded and brused by the spirite of God by the preaching of the law Ezech. 11.19 Rom. 2.5 Psal 51.17 4 Like as when the Adamant is beaten to powder it will then receiue any print Euen so when the Lord shall bruse our Hearts and batter our affections and take the sence from them then they will no doubt receiue some impressions of Gods anger and vengeance 5 As Waxe melteth with the heate of the fire So the Heart of man fainteth with the greatnesse of troubles and vexations Psal 22.14 Our Hearts must be eleuated dayly to heauen 1 AS those that keepe Clockes vse euerie day once at the least to pull vp the plummets least their weight should draw them downe so farre that the course of the Clocke should be hindered So in like manner wee must set apart somtime of the day for the eleuating and raysing vp of our minds to heauen by meditation on Gods word and prayer least our Hearts should so far descend through the weight of the cares of this world that our course in godlinesse should be hindered and stopped 2 As the Marriner on the Sea doth cast out the best Iewels and most precious things if they ouer-loade his ship and put it in
then a great bunch or wound in the other parts of the body So a small offence is euident and seemeth great in a Prince or Preacher whose life the whole people doo behold Prayses by an other 1 AS the pleasant tickling or rubbing of other men doo more delight vs then our owne So it is more commendable to be Praysed by those who be neither of our kinne or familiaritie Prou. 27.2 2 As they must not bee tickled which of their owne nature are ouer much giuen to laughter So must they not bee Praysed who of themselues are prone to desire Prayse 3 As we are warned to take heede of a perillous place or else therein circumspectly to behaue our selues So ought wee either not at all to Prayse our selues or else to doo it moderatly Power or abilitie 1 AS Prophirius the Serpent hauing much poyson yet for want of teeth can an●oy none Euen so many do imagine mischiefe but for that they lacke Power or abilitie they doo no hurt 2 Like as the marriage of man and wife is of God but the abuse of wedlocke is not of God but of the diuell So likewise all Power is of God but the abuse of Power 〈◊〉 not of him Rom. 13.1 Proud and obstinate 1 AS certaine lightnings do melt both brasse and yron when as they leaue soft wax vnannoyed Euen so Gods might or the Kings power doo worthily suppresse and beate down the Proud and obstinate that the meeke and humble they most fauourably and graciously do vse 1. Pet. 5.5 6. Luk. 18.14 2 Like as Tempests when they arise and lightning quickly and with a trice hurleth downe and ouerturneth mountaines and the highest trees Euen so doth the Lord bring downe with a breake-necke fall the Proud hautie arrogant and insolent which set themselues against God and seeke the spoyle of those that bee quiet and godly Esa 2.12 13. Psal 29.5 c. Painefull labours AS the Rose a flower of all others most pleasant is gathered vpon rough briers or brambles So of diligent and Painefull labours commeth at the length pleasant profit and great gaine Parents 1 LIke as the Ape doth with embracings wel-neare kill her young whelpes So some Parents through immoderate loue and ouermuch chearishing doo vtterly spoyle and marre their children 2 Like as when the head is well and sound and also the stomacke pure from hurtfull humours the body is commonly well affected B● so where the head of any f●●ily or housholde is religious and sound in faith and feareth God it commonly goeth well with all the houshold for according to the common prouerbe As the old Cocke croweth the yong learneth Such a Father such a Sonne Like Mother like daughter 2. Sam. 13.28 29. Ezech. 16.44 Es●● 24.2 Peruerse maners a cause of good lawes AS the most sorest sicknesse doo cause the most effectuall medicines to bee made So through the occasion of Peruerse manners good and lawdable lawes bee ordained Popish Priests AS the Magicians Witches and Sorcerers knowing their doings to bee but meere guile and deceit yet will they with certaine prescribed ceremonies and dotings amaze the mindes of their inferiours So some Popish Semenarie Priests blinded in ignorance and all void of good learning and godlinesse goe about to entangle the rude and simple people with a sort of superstitious ceremonies thereby to make them more subiect vnto them Poetrie 1 AS in slaughter massecres or murther painted in a Table the cunning of the Painter is praysed but the fact it selfe is vtterly abhorred So in Poetrie wee follow elocution and the proper forme of words and sentences but the ill matter we doo worthily despise 2 As in those places where many hearbes meete for medicines doo spring there also groweth great plentie of hearbes vnwholesome and naught So in Poets and Poetrie are sundrie things worthie and good but therein some other things be very pe●stiferous poyson 3 As in our feeding wee seeke not onely pleasure but also health So is the like regard to bee had in reading of Poetrie and prophane writers Poyson A Wicked sentence mixt with things profitable and pleasant is like vnto Poyson put into meate Preaching little auaileth without Christs spirit AS the crowing of the Cocke was not sufficient to mooue Peter to tepentance vntill Christ in token of fauour towards him looked backe vppon him Euen so Ministers may Preach to the people but vnlesse Christ open and mollifie their hearts and worke by his spirit in them they cannot receiue profit by their hearing Luk. 22.60 61. Iohn 6.44 65. 1. Cor. 3.6 7. Act. 16.14 Iere. 31.33 32.40 Prayse or honour AS euerie manner of Crowne is not ordained nor fit for euerie Victor and hee that vanquisheth So some kind of Prayse or honour is not meete for all men Prayse AS they which giue vnwillingly seeme to haue but little themselues So they which Praise other men slenderly seeme desirous to be Praysed themselues Preaching 1 AS sentence was giuen by God that S. Paul should appeare at Rome and not perish with his companie in the Sea It now being vnpossible that he should perish or any of his companie notwithstanding he yet truely said that they could not bee saued vnlesse the Marriners did abide in the Ship Euen so it is impossible to take God his sheepe out of his hand is truely said neuerthelesse it is yet impossible for them to bee saued without Preaching continuance of feeding by the word of God for as that namely the continuance of the Mariners in the ship was the ordinary meanes to saue their liues to deliuer them from shipwracke So this namely continuance of Preaching Catechising and often feeding by the word is the ordinarie meanes to deliuer vs from spiritual destruction Act. 23.11 27.23 24 25. Act. 27.31 Iohn 10.29 2 Like as meate doth not nourish I meane the Preaching of the word of God the foode of the soule vnlesse it bee receiued and by faith wee receiue it it cannot cherish vs vnlesse it bee digested and by the heate of faith it is concocted it cannot profit vs vnlesse it bee kept in our hearts and by faith we retaine it it doth no good vnlesse wee haue life and the iust shall liue by faith So that it is most requisite that we labour by earnest prayer to attaine vnto faith whereby we may be perfectly nourished with this meate the Preaching of the word of God Haba 2.4 Rom. 1.17 3 Like as the prophane and wicked people haue wit enough to say that if a man bee fallen into a ditch or brooke he may crie long enough Lord helpe me Lord helpe me if he do not endeuour striue to come out by taking hold of such things as he may escape and clamber vp by And yet are they not so wise as to consider the meanes by which God in mercie doth reach foorth his mightie arme vnto them to draw them out of the puddle and mire of sinne and to saue them which
letter as hee had wont to doo and that were a great bondage and wearisomnesse to binde him vnto it still nay it were altogether rediculous and childish in him indeed So now though we be charged to rest vpon the Saboth yet when we are not ouercharged with those Iewish ceremonies which they being children had giuen thē as furtherances vnto them let vs not complaine before we haue cause neither murmure against God because we cannot be so licentious as we would seeing we be at such libertie as we be and as it pleaseth the Lord to bestow vpon vs and let vs bee so much the more carefull to rest by how much we haue but this one thing to attend vpon and are made free from many other which might hinder vs. Deut. 6.8 9. Gal. 4.3 10 As they preposterously labor to reform the church that haue no care to reforme themselues and vndiscreetly complaining of wants and disorders there do not practise better orders in their houses vpon themselues and theirs do hinder it and keep them backe Euen so they that labour for more meanes to sanctifie the Sabbath and are carelesse in practising those that they haue doo stay such good blessings as God might otherwise bestow vpon his Church this way Notorious Sinnes LIke as a man is much more to be blamed which goeth out of his way in the cleare Sunne at noone-tide then he which goeth by night with a candle Euen so such men deserue much more to be punished for committing of foule and notorious Sinnes now vnder the cleare light of the Gospel then in the time of the Lawe Sinne couered by Christs innocencie AS a garment or cloake do serue to couer our bodies Euen so the innocencie iustice holinesse of Christ Iesus doth serue to couer our Sins before the iudgement of God to the end that there appear no one spot of them in his sight Gal. 3.27 Sinner 1 LIke as God is much pleased with the praier of the iust Euen so much more he doth delight in the amendment of the Sinner for it doth little profit for the one to multiply his prayers if the other do not diminish his sinnes 2 As an earthly Father when his childe is sicke he will not cast him away but take pitie vpō him So much more our heauenly Father when a Sinner humbleth him selfe before him and lamenteth his sinnes wil shew his fatherly affection towards him that repenteth 3 As the night in the first dawning of the day in which though the darknesse remaine and be more in quantitie then the light yet when the Sun hath alreadie cast some beames of light in the aire then the breaking of the day appeareth Euen so the conuersion of a Sinner is not wrought all at one instant but in cōtinuance of time and by certaine measures and degrees So that he that is in the first degree of his conuersion when the holy Ghost by the meanes of the word inspires him with some spirituall motions and begins to regenerate and renue the inward powers of his soule Sinne. 1 LIke as that mans disease is most perillous which lyes sicke and feeles not his sicknesse nor cannot complaine of one part more then an other for then the disease hath equally troubled the whole bodie So likewise they which lie wallowing in sin so forgetting God and all goodnesse that they feele no remorse of conscience for their sinnes are desperate and almost past all recouerie 2 As vertue must be imbraced in heart in affection in countenance word and deed or else we are found breakers of the Lawe of God So likewise Sinne must be abstained from as wel in heart in affection in countenance and word and also in deed 3 Like as the dead body lies rotten and stinking in the graue fearefull and loathsome to looke on and grieuous to remember Euen so when we lie buried in Sinne wee stinke in the sight of God he cannot abide to looke on vs nor will remember vs. 4 And as when the body lyeth on sleepe in the bed which is an Image of our graue can neither see feele heare taste smell vnderstand nor yet mooue out of the place vntill it be awaked nor can take any pleasure at all in any one creature of God So we when we lie sleeping and wallowing in Sinne wee neither see the maiestie of God with the eyes of our faith nor feele his mercies offered vnto vs in and by his deare Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus nor yet can taste at all how sweete the Lord is our eares are stopped from hearing good counsell wee perceiue nothing at all of Gods goodnesse towards vs his word is not sauerie vnto vs neither yet be wee mooued or stirred vp to doo any one good worke of charitie Rom. 13.11 5 Like as Carrion dooth not onely smell euill it selfe but infects all that come neare it So likewise that man that is defiled with any notorious Sinne doth not onely defile all things that he takes in hand but all such as keepe him companie so that Sin hath greater force and strength to defile other things then goodnesse hath to make other things holy 1. Cor. 15.33 2. Timo. 2.16 17. Rom. 6.23 6 As a beast ouer-laden is readie to sinke vnder his burden except there bee present helpe at hand to ease him Euen so wee are in daunger to sincke into the pit of perdition by reason of our great and grieuous burden of Sinne except wee flie to Christ who onely and alone can vnburden vs and ease and refresh vs. Math. 11.28 7 Like as if wee doo suspect any vncleannesse in vs wherefore the Prince or any Noble man should loath or abhorre the sight of vs wee would take great paines to remoue put it away Euen so much more we ought with all diligence and speede that may bee to put away that vnclean Sinne and filthinesse that doth seperate and make diuision betwixt vs and God and that hideth his face from vs that he will not heare vs. Esay 59.2 Iere. 5.25 8 Like as if there were an Apostume about the stomack of a man or in his bowells it would be neuer a whit the worse for him if it were seene that it might be launced Euen so that man that thinketh himselfe to be whole and sound because he wil not see his sinne and disease he must needs be voyd of all wit and reason 9 Like as a man that hath a disease or soare in his bodie before hee can be cured of it hee must see it feele the paine of it and be in feare least it bring him into danger of death after this hee shall see himselfe to stand in need of phisicke and he longeth til he be with the Phisitian when he is once come to him hee desireth him of all loues to help him and to shew the best skil he can he wil not spare for any cost then hee yeelds himselfe into the Phisitians hands perswading himself that by Gods blessing
commeth into good thoughts then into good workes by degrees but many times they are nipped and smitten in the bud or in the blossome that is either in thoughts or words that they neuer come to workes The workes likewise of the Sonnes of God are at the first faire and fresh but yet hard and harsh and when they are come to any perfection they are either wind-shaken and deuoured by beastes or smitten with persecution then are they bought and sold and euerie man handleth them as they list In a word the fairest the pleasantest and the best of our workes must be pared and picked for daintie mouthes and queasie stomackes and in the end consumed of all and then are our labours come to their perfection whether they bee of the Church or Common-wealth and then do many of Gods children thinke themselues naked and dead and there is no cause why they should for their fruits whether they perish in the bud or in the blossome or in the ripening or howsoeuer they be handled yet they prooue that the sap of Gods spirit is in them the next spring of Gods grace will fetch all againe Psal 1.3 5 As men say of fruit this is but little but it is good here be not many of them but those that are of them are very daintie they are right of such and such a kind Euen so the adopted children of God may say My faith is but litle and weak my loue is not so much as I would it were my zeale is but little and my patience is but small but it is true faith and true loue and true zeale and true patience euen from the very heart roote without dissembling O Lord encrease it and strengthen it Luke 17. 5. Mark 9.24 6 As the adopted Sonnes of God are planted by the ministerie of the word and spirit Euen so they florish and abound in fruit by the same meanes as also by the Sacraments and prayer c. Psal 92.13 14. Rom. 1.17 7 Like as if a King Prince or Nobleman should make a poore begger borne his louing Sonne and heire by adoption hee were greatly bound to loue him and to bee thankfull vnto him for euer Euen so much more wee ought to loue the Sonne of God Christ Iesus that hath made vs Sonnes and heires to his Father by his death and redemption Saluation 1 AS an Helmet saueth the head of a Souldier in the day of battaile So Saluation which commeth from the Lord saueth and protecteth vs from the deadly wounds of our spirituall aduersaries Ephe. 6.17 2 As the Pismire prouideth foode in Summer time to liue by in Winter So in like maner we must labour to attaine and get Saluation with the meanes thereof in the Summer of prosperitie that so wee may liue spiritually in the Winter of aduersitie 2 As a supper is made when the day draweth to an end Euen so is full Saluation giuen to the godly about the end of the world 4 Like as the Infant cannot liue without a Nurse So neither can we haue Saluation without Christ The Spirits to be tried AS Marchants credite men so farre as their wealth and money will reach but yet trust not them that do not keepe their day and credite Euen so in the promises that deceiuers make vnto their fellowes wee must regarde what ground they haue for them and how they can bee performed Saluation to be preferred before either profit or pleasure 1 AS the eye is marueilous necessarie for the guiding of the whole body and a member that hardly may bee spared yet if there come daunger vnto the rest of the body by it wee must rather suffer the losse of it then the whole body should perish for it Euen so wee are to loose with contented minds our dearest friends or whatsoeuer commodities of this life though wee can as hardly spare them as our right eye if they hinder vs in the way of life and Saluation Math. 9.47 2 Like as when a mans foote is so soare that it cannot be healed and putteth the other parts of the body in danger to be infected by it is wont to be cut off for the preseruation of the rest Euen so when our friends or any earthly commoditie whatsoeuer shall become hurtfull to our soules and endaunger vs to loose life euerlasting we must then reiect them Math. 18.8 They whom God setteth on worke must needes Speake AS when the Lyon roareth whosoeuer is within his daunger cannot choose but bee afraid So when the Lord Speaketh what Prophet or preacher of his can hold his peace Iere. 47.2 Amo. 3.8 Securitie is the high way to destruction AS the Oxe when hee is driuen to the Butchers stall goeth willingly because his hope is that he shall bee driuen to some better Pasture and neuer feareth vntill the Axe bee readie to be laide vppon his head Or as a foole when he is led to the stockes goeth chearfully and neuer feareth vntill his feete bee fast snared therein So likewise many men goe securely forwards weltering in the broad way without remorse of conscience perswading thēselus that that is the perfect way because the greatest number do walke therin and neuer perceiue their owne folly vntill till they snared in the traps of destruction A Spirituall man discerneth all things AS a man of cleare eye-sight is able to iudge of colours and to know one colour from an other Euen so such as are indued with the grace of God doo as plainely and euidently iudge of Gods word trie out the truth thereof from the deuises and doctrines of men Scriptures 1 AS the Lawes must bee interpreted not according to the censure and iudgement of them to whome they were giuen but after the will and meaning of the Iudge and Lawgiuer which made them So the Scriptures must bee interpreted by the Scriptures and the word by the word and that which is spoken obscurely in one place by that which is declared and vttered more plainely in an other place 2 As the Carpenter knowes his Rule to be straight not by an other Rule applied vnto it but by it selfe for casting his eye vppon it hee presently discernes whether it bee straight or no So likewise wee knowe and are resolued that Scripture is Scripture euen by the Scripture it selfe though the Church say nothing so be it we haue the spirit of discerning when wee read heare or consider of the Scripture And yet the testimonie of the Church is not to be despised for though it breede not a perswasiton in vs of the certaintie of the Scripture yet it is a very good inducement thereto 3 Like as the Physitions in their bookes doo most diligently discribe euen such diseases as are most filthy not to the intent to praise commend them or els alow thē but to the end they may bee exactly knowne and the more perfectly cured So the holy Scripture in sundrie places doth most manifestly rehearse mischieuous deedes euen such as
6.26 27. 4 As the raine watereth the fieldes and maketh them fruitfull and causeth Corne to grow and giueth strength vnto the same and garnisheth and beautifieth all godly plants with aboundance of most pleasant fruites Euen so the VVord of God and doctrine of Christ bedeaweth and moysteneth the children of God and feedeth and nourisheth their soules to euerlasting life and causeth them to bring forth very excellent vertues and most rich and plentifull fruits and effectes of a true Christian faith Esa 55.10 Hebr. 6.8 Ezech. 34.26 5 As no man may entertaine and conserue the life which hee receiued by meanes of his soule by the foode and nourishment which an other dooth take nor by that which an other eateth and drinke●h but onely by that which hee himselfe doth take and by meates and drinkes which hee receiueth in his owne person So likewise is it of the nourishment of the faith of euerie man by the VVord of God for the entertainment and conseruation of the spirituall life Wisedome to be vsed in reprehending an other LIke as it is not enough for the Physition or Surgion to know the wound the maladie and soare disease and to tell the patient therof prescribing him the names of the simples that hee must take for the curing therof but they had need to prescribe him the manner of the compounding them and quantitie of each one which they would haue him to take with diuers other circumstances or else it is like that the receipt will doo more hurt then good Euen so is it in spying of beames or motes that is of faults and sinnes committed by other yet it is not enough to know the fault and tell the partie of it and what is good for it but in the administration of that which is good great Wisedome is to be shewed Math. 7.4 5. 18.15.16 c. 1. Timo. 5.20 Whoredome 1 LIke as a fire beeing kindled in a Citie if the winde blow vehemently stayeth not in the burning of one house or two but spreadeth farre and wide and draweth a great destruction with it So likewise Whoredome being once kindled stayeth not in one man but inuadeth and spreadeth ouer all parts of the Citie Prou. 6.27 c. Iob. 31.9 2. Sam. 12.19 16.22 Heb. 13.4 Mal. 3.5 2 As not onely hee that killeth with the hand but also hee that expresseth by token or word the malice of his heart is before God guiltie of murther So in like maner not onely hee which committeth vncleannesse in deed but he also that doth solicite a woman by signes words is taken to bee guiltie either of Adulterie or incest or of deflouring or of Whoredome although the worke it selfe follow not 3 Like as he is before God a plaine theefe that hath a purpose to steale though hee steale neuer a halfe-pennie because he is not stayed from it by will but either by feare of punishment or by some other meanes Euen so hee cannot be excused from Adulterie which in purpose and endeuour is inclined to the worke of Adulterie either in his eyes hands gesture of body and filthie communication Prou. 5.3 c. 1. Cor. 6.10 Deut. 23.17 18. Pphe 5.3 5. 1. Cor. 10.8 Reue. 21.8 1. Cor. 6.15 16 17. Will of God not curiously to be searched into LIke as a seruant must not enter into the searching of those things which bee most secret points of his Maisters will which doo not belong vnto his knowledge but rather must marke with all the diligence hee can to know what his will is towardes him and to imploy himselfe wholly thereunto Euen so it is not our parts to search the secrets of Gods Will which doo not belong vnto vs but rather to prooue and vnderstand what the Will of God is towards vs. Deut. 29.29 Iohn 6.39 40. 1. Timo. 2. 4. 1. Thess 4.3 Rom. 12.2 Math. 7.21 Weaknesse of iudgement 1 AS there is a certaine Weaknesse of the sight which causeth the patient to thinke that hee seeth strawes when hee seeth none So there is a certaine Weaknesse of iudgement which maketh men thinke they spie faultes when they doo not 2 As they which haue the Tenasme of body often goe about to auoide the filth of the body but cannot So many haue a Tenasme of soule who labour often to cast out their euill and cannot A Word spoken not recalled AS it is not easie to take againe the Bird that wee suffer to flie out of our hands So is it most vneasie to call againe a Word once pronounced and spoken Woman 1 LIke as the kicking of a Mule is oftentimes with wine letted So contrariwise the malapert sawcinesse of a Woman is with wine prouoked 2 Like as a man that is stung with Bees will thereupon forsake the Honnie Euen so such is a Wife that being offended with the manners of her Husband doth therefore forsake him 3 As none dooth feele and perceiue so well on what place the shoe dooth wring him as the wearer So none doth know so well the ouerthwartnesse of his Wife as he that is married vnto her 4 As the Bird of Egypt which when she is old purgeth al the filthie humors of her body with spices of Araby and sendeth forth of her mouth a woundrous sweete breath Euen so a Woman when shee is past bearing of children then should shee sauour and breath all heauenly things so that she neither doo nor say any thing that is not religious and godly and that may bee an example for the yonger Women to follow Tit. 2.3 4. 5 As a vessell the weaker it is the more it is to be fauored and spared if wee will haue it to continue Euen so a Woman because of her infirmities is much to bee borne withall 1. Pet. 3.7 6 As the perfect Gold which is of a pure substance sooner receiueth anye forme then the sturdie Steele which is a grosse and massie mettall So Womens effeminate minds are more subiect to suddaine affection and are sooner fettered with the snares of fancie then the hard hearts of men Warre AS the Temple of Diana at Ephesus beeing in twentie yeares by all the people of Asia and by so many Princes builded should in one night be fiered by the vile harlot Herostratus Euen so great Cities by Warre are easily ouerthrowne but not so soone to bee builded againe Esay 19.2 Chusing of a Wife LIke as he that will plant any thing well doth first consider the nature of the ground in the which he intendeth to plant Euen so much more hee that entendeth to marrie should haue respect to the condition of that woman out of whom he desireth to plant children the fruit of honestie and godlinesse Will of a regenerate man AS a man that hath one legge sound the other lame who in euerie step which he makes doth not wholly hault or wholly goe vpright but partly goe vpright and partly hault Or like a man in a boate on the water who goeth vpward because he
A TREASVRIE OR STORE-HOVSE of Similies Both pleasaunt delightfull and profitable for all estates of men in generall Newly collected into Heades and Common places By Robert Cawdray LONDON Printed by Tho. Creede dwelling in the Old Chaunge at the Signe of the Eagle and Childe neare Old Fish-streete 1600. TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVL and his singular benefactors Sir Iohn Harington Knight as also to the VVorshipfull Iames Harington Esquire his brother R. C. wisheth in this life the aboundant increase of all spirituall graces and in the world to come life euerlasting through Christ Iesus our alone Sauiour THis Booke Right Worshipfulls conteineth certain verie pleasant delightfull and profitable Similies that is when two things or moe then two are so compared resembled and conferred together that they in some one propertie seeme like Wherein not onely sundrie and very many most horrible and foule vices and daungerous sinnes of all sorts are so familiarly and so plainly laid open ripped vp and displayed in their kinds and so pointed at with the finger of God in his sacred and holy Scriptures to signifie his wrath and indignation belonging vnto them that such as are Christians in deed being seasoned and indued with the spirit of grace and hauing God before their eyes will bee verie feareful euen in loue that they beare to God to pollute and defile their hearts their minds their mouthes or hands with any such forbidden things as also many very notable vertues with their due commendations so liuely and truly expressed according to the plaine meaning of the word of God that the godly Reader being of a Christian inclination will be mightily inflamed with an earnest liking and a loue vnto them Ouer and besides it containeth the explayning and plaine opening of many grounds and principles of Christian Religion so manifestly decyphered out that euerie one euen the very simplest and ignorantest Reader may easily and plainely vnderstand the true and right meaning thereof as may bee for the increase of knowledge and godlinesse euen in all degrees of men and for their better vnderstanding therein For many times that thing which cannont bee perceiued or vnderstood of Readers of Bookes and hearers of Sermons by a simple precept may yet by a Similitude or plaine example bee attained vnto So that if any be desirous to compare a thing from the lesse to the greater Similitudes will helpe him greatly in this behalfe c. And that there is a necessarie and profitable vse of Similies we may easily gather for that the holy Ghost hath so often vsed them both in the old and new Testament as amongst many these few quotations doo shew 2. Sam. 12.1 2 3 4. 14.6 c. 23.4 Iudg. 9.8 c. Psal 103.12 123.2 Iob. 15.33 Prou. 27.8 9 10 21. Esay 5.7 24. 55.10 11. 61.10 11. Iere. 2.26 33.22 Math. 13.4 c. 18.23 c. Mark 4.29 c. Luk. 15.4 c. 17.7 c. Ioh. 3.14 15.1 c. Rom. 5.12 18 19. 6.4 7.2 c. 1. Cor. 12.12 14.11 12. 15.40 41 47. 2. Cor. 11.3 Gal. 4.1 Ephe. 5.25 So that this worke in my simple opinion for the choyse of the Argument rarietie of the matter profit of the circumstance deserueth to be aduisedly read attentiuely considered effectually ruminated and perfectly digested because that it will breede and increase in all degrees no small skill in knowledge wisedome and vertue For I know no estate of men for whome this Booke is not necessarie for Princes it is prettie for Preachers profitable for sage Counsellours it is singular meete for Magistrates lawdable for Lawyers a Iewell for Gentlemen a staffe to leane on for students good to further godlinesse and therefore apt and profitable for all men The Prophets of God were moued as their writings do manifestly prooue to fetch from plants hearbes and other naturall things many right apt and fine Similitudes and proper comparisons to adorne their Sermons garnish their speeches withall to make the same by such familiar meanes the easier to be conceiued and the readier to be belieued And although in euerie other kind of learning humaine discipline and Phylosophie there be many singular ornaments and peculiar garnishments effectually to delight the minde and to draw it by example and imitation to vertue and honestie yet for the true and perfect attaining and fuller bringing to passe of these things there bee none of greater nor yet of like force and efficacie to those that are vsed by the holy Prophets in their diuine writings and prophesies So that to him that is any whit reasonably seene either in the workes of nature or in heauenly contemplations it may easily appeare how that their writings and prophesies are not barren rude ignorant and vnartificiall but profitable fruitfull learned and eloquent For the holy Scripture being giuen by inspiration from God fully and sufficiently instructeth the minde and furnisheth the conscience and soule with most sweet foode wholsome nourishment Which thing the writings both of the Prophets in the old Testament and also of the Euangelists and Apostles in the new Testament do plentifully declare Now for that there be very fit Similitudes borrowed from many kindes and sundrie naturall things both in the olde and new Testament diligently noted and found out as well by ordinarie practise and course of life as also by obseruing of the nature effect and vertue of things I haue thought good at this time to take some paines and to bestow some labour in this Booke to set down the same with others vnto the view and consideration of the diligent and studious Reader Whereby he may see what a rich treasure of knowledge and wisedome there is laide vp in the holy Scriptures which affoordeth vnto the industrious and painfull Christian store enough of matter both pleasurable and profitable delightfull wholesome and comfortable Neither is it possible for a man to reape any the like benefit of plentiful knowledge and store of learning nor to taste such plentie of necessarie foode both for soule and conscience out of any workes written by Phylosophers Oratours or Poets as hee may out of the plentifull storehouse and aye lasting fountaine of Diuinitie and out of those Books which were indighted and penned by the holy Ghost and written by heauenly inspiration So that whosoeuer shall aduisedly consider and attentiuely discusse the deepe misteries profound knowledge laide vp in the Scriptures and therewithall also what surpassing wisedome lodged in their minds which left behinde them such diuine instructions and wholesome documents cannot choose but most plainely perceiue by how many degrees diuine learning and sacred studies doo incomperably surmount all prophane skill and humane knowledge and how farre things heauenly and eternall doo excell things earthly and transitorie That the holy Prophets were not onely most exactly seene in the peerelesse skill of Diuinitie but most exquisitely also furnished with the entire knowledge of all
of high or lowe degree in this world ought continually to haue his faith and hope surely built and grounded vppon Christ and to haue his heart and minde fast fixed and setled in him and to follwe him through thicke and thinne through fire and water through warres and peace through hunger and colde through friendes and foes through a thousand perilles and daungers through the surges and waues of enuie malice hatred euill speeches railing sentences contempt of the world flesh and diuell and euen in death it selfe bee it neuer so bitter cruell and tyranicall yet neuer to loose the sight and viewe of Christ neuer to giue ouer our faith hope and trust in him Can. 8.6 Psal 16.8 9. Heb. 12.2 38 As all Riuers of waters go into the Sea because they came out of it and so returne to the place whence they came So likewise euery good Christian ought to go and prease towards GOD with all his heart strength and power because hee came out from him and was created of him Hee ought therefore to looke vppon him with the eyes of a steadfast and constant faith grounded vpon his word Eccle. 1.7 39 Euen as in the midst of the Sphere is the Centre from which all lines beeing drawne doo tend towards their circumference So a good Christian man hath God for his circumference for whatsoeuer he thinketh speaketh or dooth it tendeth to Christ of whom hee is compassed round about Psal 32.10 91.4 c. 125.2 40 As some Infidels that know not Christ but are meere strangers vnto him do thinke it better to loose their liues then to violate their promises and oathes made to their enemies euen so much more Christians in such cases ought to be true and constant Ezech. 17.18 19. Iosu 9.14.18 41 Euen as mens hands were made that the one might helpe the other and the feete also because they be members of one the same body So is it the dutie of all Christians one to succour and to relieue an other in afflictions and troubles seeing the Church of God is a certaine body whereof wee are members 1. Cor. 12.26 27. Ephe. 5.30 42 As it should be against nature that one foote should hinder or smite an other So it is very vnreasonable and vngodly that one Christian should not comfort and relieue an other in their tribulations and wants Gal. 6.2 43 Like as if Hearbes watered do stil continue drie we iustly say they are dead So likewise we cannot aduow or assure our selues to be Christians watered with the spirit of Christ so long as in stead of bearing fruite by amendment of life we continue drie and withered 44 As he is not rightly called a rich man that can tell how and by what meanes a man may be exceeding rich but hee that hath riches of his owne and dooth possesse them So hee is not a good and right Christian man that can according to knowledge dispute and reason of vertue and godlinesse and can describe and define of the same but hee that is endued with vertue and possessed with true godlinesse and doth most willingly practise the same in the whole course of his life both with his friends and with his foes that man and such a woman is rightly called and is indeede a true Christian in whom the Lord hath great delight 1. Cor. 8.1 45 As burning candles doo giue light vntil they be consumed So likewise godly Christians must bee occupied in doing of good so long as they shal liue Gal. 6.9.10 46 As vnto the vngodly man said God why doest thou Preach my Lawes and takest my couenant in thy mouth whereas thou hatest to me reformed and haste cast my words behinde thee So we may be wel assured that it is not inough for Christians to haue the Gospell in their mouthes but they must expresse the truth thereof in their liues for is not inough to haue the name of a Christian but to be found a Christian indeed 47 As nature helped not Abrahams owne children but because they lacked Abrahams workes they are called Diuels sonnes So likewise the bare and naked name of a Christian without vertue is a bare title without veritie and profiteth not any at all 48 As the Paschall Lambe was eaten with sowre hearbs and vnleauened bread So the faithful Christian ought to repent him of his euill life past and to giue himselfe to puritie of life Exod. 12.8 49 Euen as a man that passeth through a strong floud or streame on foote least he stumble and fall downe setteth his eye steadily vpon the firme Land which he mindeth to attaine vnto and marketh not the swift course of the water and so goeth ouer safely and is nothing dismayed So likewise a sound and good Christian passing the raging waues of present troubles turneth away his sight his thought and all apprehension that he might otherwise haue of the miserie of them and lifting vp his eyes to heauen beholdeth there with a spirituall regard the inestinable treasures of the heauenly inheritance which hee striueth vnto and by this meanes easily surmounteth all horrour and feare of torments and griefes which commonly make alterations in mens heads and casteth them headlong into desperation 50 Euen as euery beast that is striken with lightning turneth his face toward the lightning So likewise if Christians will haue regard to God when he pleaseth them he will compel them also to haue an eye to him when hee strikes them Psal 78.34.5 51 Like as the deawy drops after great heate doth cherish the grasse Euen so good Christians do bring forth workes of mercie pittie comfort and refreshing to the people amongst whom they do liue and are conuersant Mica 5.7 Common-wealth 1 AS they which do learne Musicke at the first doo leese breake and marre sundrie Instruments as Gitterns and Lutes So the Common-wealth susteineth great detriment and losse wherein Magistrates rude and vnskilful do rule 2 As it is a thing most hard and daungerous to roote vp olde trees and to plant them of new So without great tumult and vprore you cannot alter the olde custome and vsage of the Common-wealth 3 As water mingled with wine maketh it more moderate So olde men ioyned with young men in the administration of the Common-wealth is most necessarie 4 Euen as a body without a soule is dead because it vseth not the sinewes ioynts nor members So that Common-wealth or that Citie may well and truly be said to be dead where good Lawes godly Statutes and holy Ordinances are not vsed and put in practise which are the sure binding bands of mans societie and the principall parts of a Common-wealth Common people AS they which frequent and haunt the schoole of defence do liue striue contend and fight one with an other So of the Common-people one loueth the other spoileth each other Carelesse men who forbeare to do well because others will not do so 1 LIke as if an Housholder hauing many seruants and much worke
the corrupted wounds of a sicke body and to take away or to feare with an hot Iron the rotten flesh in cutting or searing hath no pittie of the weake man to the end that in curing his sore and healing his wound by cutting and searing he may shew him pittie Euen so our most wise God that celestiall Physition and heauenly Surgeon smiteth and afflicteth vs that hee may heale vs cutteth and seareth vs that he may cure vs. Heb. 12.6.7 Deut. 32.39 Amo. 3.2 Psa 89.31.32 Good Christians are much grieued when God is dishonored AS a water pot or a Viall full of liquor if suddenly it be ouerthrowne doth shed and scatter the liquor So a deuout and godly Christian abounding with teares being mooued and troubled with sorrow because of the iniuries dishonour wrongs and blasphemies committed against the Lord doth presently powre out great aboundance and as it were mightie streames of salt and bitter teares Luke 19.41 Psal 119.136 Math. 26.75 Disobedient Children EVen as a long and a prosperous life is promised vnto obedient sonnes So on the other side all disobedient vnthankfull and obstinate Children are assured of the punishment of infamie ioyned with diuers and great o● lamities and torments Exod. 20.12 1. Sam. 2.22 1. King 1.25 c. Deut. 21.18 c. Pro. 20.20 Ephe. 6.2 The end of our Calling LIke as if her Maiestie to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call foorth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to Iust and turney in her presence for her honor they wold no doubt straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Euen so much more ought we that are Christians to performe this dutie to our God and Prince who hath called vs out by name to fight for his honour to be a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew forth his vertues and to be zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice he hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and therefore we must endeuour to doo valiantly and to doo our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly king and prince Tit. 2.13.14 Psal 130.4 1. Pet. 2.9 Cantic 8.6 The Churches variable estate vpon earth LIke as the day and night doo one follow another So likewise in the administration of the Church here vpon earth Christ suffereth a continuall intercourse betweene peace and persecution Christ is to be serued and pleased before our selues or others AS the maister of those seruants that are borne in his house or whome hee purchaseth doo pretend that they doo him wrong when they spend any time either to their owne particular profite or in the seruice of others So may Iesus Christ much more iustly complaine of vs that are his two-fold seruants namely by birth and by purchase if wee imploy euen neuer so little of our liues to serue and please our selues the world or the diuell our enemies 1. Cor. 6.19 Math. 16.24 Luk. 9.23 Rom. 12.2 It is spirituall Adultrie to forsake Christ and loue the world EVen as a woman may rightly be called an Adulteresse that giueth her body to other men and setteth her loue on an other So they which flie from Christ and forsake him being their spirituall husband by setting their loue on this world or any thing therein doo commit adulterie against Christ Iam. 4.4 Ephe. 5.30 1. Cor. 6.17 Christ is sent of the Father AS fire sendeth forth both heate and light but neither heate nor light sendeth fire so the father sendeth both Christ and the all knowing comforter and hee is vnsent Christ and the holy Ghost are of the Father AS both the light the heate are of the fire So Christ and the holy Ghost both are of the Father the one begotten the other proceeding and the Father onely is of himselfe and of no other Christ is to be loued for sauing of vs. 1 LIke as if thou fallest into a deepe ryuer being in apparant daunger of drowning if any man should cast the a rope or himselfe leape into the water to saue thy life thou canst not sufficiently confesse and acknowledge thy selfe his debter to doo him pleasure and seruice all the daies of thy life So likewise wee were not onely in daunger of falling into hell but were alreadie fallen euen from our infancie and dayly through our sinnes fell deeper and deeper Yet Christ cast vs not in a rope to pull vs vp and saue vs but threw himselfe into our sea of woe into our hell to be short into horrible death wherein wee were drowned to plucke vs foorth and therefore with great zeale and affection we are bound to say Lord wee are bound to loue honour serue please and obey thee in all that we may with our whole hearts all the dayes of our life 2 Like as if thou werst vpon a Scaffold ready to be beheaded for thy drunkennesse or adulterie and thereupon shouldest haue a pardon and so thy life saued vpon condition that thou shouldest fall no more thereinto thou wouldest no doubt willingly and heartily promise yea with thy hand subscribe and with thy tongue sweare that thou wouldest neuer more commit adulterie or drunkennesse but that thou wouldest abhorre all Tauernes Ale-houses and drunkerds all whores and bawdes and so amend thy life Now seeing Iesus Christ hath saued thee not from an apparant daunger of death but euen from death it selfe and not from the death of the body but from euerlasting death who requireth of thee to amende thy life which thou art bound so to doo yea thou oughtest cheerefully and earnestly promise and faithfully vowe to reforme and amend and to shun all occasions that might procure thee to displease and offend him Counsell EVen as out of an Apothecaries shoppe where verie wholesome medicines precious oyntments and most pleasant perfumes are solde sometimes commeth most ranke and deadly poyson So very often from men greatly experienced and deepely learned do come very pestilent pernitious and treacherous Counsels The right knowledge of Christ crucified 1 AS Elizeus when hee would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vppon his hands and his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him Euen so if thou wouldest bee reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the Crosse of Christ and applie thy hands to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinful heart to his bleeding hart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue plunge thy selfe wholly both body and soule into the woundes and bloud of Christ 2. King 4.34 2 As the dead Souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his body Euen so shalt
thou by a spirituall touching of Christ dead buried be quickned to euerlasting life 2. King 13.21 Our Conformitie with Christ by a certaine kind of imitation 1. AS Christ in the garden and vpon the Crosse by prayer made with strong cries and teares presented and resigned himselfe vp to be a sacrifice of propitiation to the iustice of his Father for mans sinne So must wee also in prayer present and resigne our selues our soules our bodies our vnderstanding will memorie affections and all we haue to the seruice of God in the generall calling of a Christian and in the particular callings in which he hath placed vs. Psal 40.7.8 2 As Christ bare his owne Crosse to the place of execution So must we as good Disciples of Christ denie our selues take vp all the Crosses and afflictions that the hand of God shal lay vpon vs if it be euery day and follow him Iohn 19.17 Math. 10.38 3 As our Sauiour Christ when hee apprehended the wrath of God and the very pangs of hell were vpon him wholly stayed himselfe vpon the aide helpe protection good pleasure of his Father euen to the last So must wee by a true liuely faith depend on Gods mercy in Christ as it were with both our hāds in peace in trouble in life in the very pang of death and we must not in any wise let our hold go no though we should feele our selues discend to hell Children not to be cloathed with ouer costly apparel AS the soft Flax soone catcheth hold on the fire So likewise youthfull nature will soone bee inflamed with Costly apparell and with new fashions which is a great fault in parents as lamentable experience too much teacheth this day Esay 14.12 Zeph. ● 8 Christ will take Compassion on vs. 1 AS the Apple of the eye is so tender that it may not be touched but with great griefe So likewise the coniunction betweene Christ vs is such that he feeleth our afflictions and thereof taketh great compassion Zach. 2.8 2 As Alexander the Monarch of the world whensoeuer he came to any Citie to besiege it he wold at the first shew forth display his white flag or banner in tokē of mercy if they would yeeld but if they would not then he would set forth and display his red flags and banners in token of wrath and bloud So in like maner at the first our Sauiour Christ wil shew mercy vnto vs hoping that we wil turne repent but if we wil not then he wil bring dreadful iudgements vpon vs. Cardes and Dice 1 AS by lots the souldiers parted the garments of Iesus Christ So may we wel say that these games of Cards and Dice is the meanes to part betweene the world and the diuel many of those who professing reformed Religion are addicted therunto Mat. 27.35 Pro. 16.33 Eph. 5.16 2 As the pleasure of gaine and the sorrow for losse in play are mighty passions to moue the harts of men So also a number of braules quarrels and controuersies doo arise of Carding and Dicing as swearing cursing and blaspheming of God c. Exod. 20.7 Math. 12.36 1. Cor. 10.31 3 As they that whet their kniues vpon a chalke stone do not sharpen them but rather make them more dul blūt Euen so such as vse Dicing and Carding do not quicken their wits but rather dull them Christ is the foode of a Christian soule AS euery man is carnally fed and nourished in his body by meate and drinke Euen so is euery good Christian man fed and nourished in his soule by the fleshe and bloud of our Sauiour Christ Care of the saluation of others AS when one of our friends is ill at ease or sicke in his body we will not sticke to ride and runne to procure any meanes whereby to restore his bodily health Euen so much more ought we to be more carefull of the saluation of the soules of our brethren by how much more the the soule is of greater price then the body Christ crucified healeth vs. AS skilfull and cunning Physitions are wont sometimes when a sick man is sore vexed with a numnesse of his whole body to cut a vaine of his head that the letting of bloud may heale the body of that disease and sicknesse Euen so Christ is our head and wee are his members A vaine of our head is cut that our whole body may be healed Christ suffered that mankind might bee redeemed Col. 1.18 Gal. 4.4 Originall Corruption is the roote of all sinne AS the cause of trees and plants of their rootes stockes stems and boughes is in the seede So the cause of our transgressions foule sinnes and most daungerous iniquities is our owne Corruption wherewith wee are moued and inclined to all euill and the ignorance and not knowing of our selues wherewith we are greatly hindred in the knowledge of our God and doo also most sharpely censure those things in others which wee doe loue and cherish in our selues Our Conuersation is carefully to be looked vnto AS it behoueth him that walketh vpon cordes strained and fastned on high diligently to looke to his footing that he may not totter or decline this way or that way Euen so it standeth vs vpon to bee warie and carefully to looke about vs and to take good heede where we set our feete that is our affections and the delights of our hearts least we fall downe headlong into the bottomlesse gulph of Gods displeasure For if wee will fixe our affections and bend our wils with a deliberate consent to doo the thing that is euil vniust and vngodly making no conscience of any thing that we doo bee it neuer so opposite and contrarie to the will of God it cannot be but falling from the state of grace wee shall fall most suddenly and shamefully into the infernall pit of hell death and damnation 2 As a wheele although it turne about on the ground yet the greatest part of it is alwaies from the earth and but little of it toucheth the ground So although our body be on earth yet the Conuersation of the soule which is the greater part of vs must be in heauen Christ is possessor of heauen for vs. 1 AS if vpon the confiscation of an inheritance comming to many brethren when the Prince afterward maketh a release the eldest brother taketh the possession for assurance that himselfe and his brethren are restored to their goods and the same is an assurance to the coheires with the eldest that in the person of their eldest brother themselues are put in possession of the inheritance common to them all Euen so Iesus Christ hath taken possession of heauen not onely for himselfe but also for vs his coheires Rom. 8.17 2 As the high Priest entring into the holy Sanctuarie vpon his shoulders and brest carried the twelue names of the twelue Tribes of Israel So Iesus Christ entered not alone into heauen but we also with him Ephe. 2.5 Companie changeth
nature AS the Camelion is sometimes blacke and sometimes greene sometimes pale and sometimes blew for he euer taketh his colour of the thing which he seeth to be next vnto him and doth shew and represent the colour of what thing is set before him So men of all degrees are wont very much to imitate the nature disposition and manners of those whose Counsell they follow whose familiaritie they vse Psal 101.1.2 c. Christes care of his members though absent EVen as the Eagle hauing her yong ones shut vp in the nest although shee flieth exceeding high and pearseth the loftie ayre yet shee withdraweth not her eyes from her yong ones but still beholdeth them and they also crying after their manner with their streatched our neckes doo looke after her Euen so the Lord Iesus ascending into heauen did behold his Disciples and they also hungring and thirsting after him did fasten their eyes vpon him and did not loose the sight of him vntill he pearsed and broke open the heauens and entred into the presence of his Father And although they were diuided from him in body yet in heart and mind they followed him still Act. Crosses are the badge of a Christian EVen as it is a thing very commendable and woorthie praise that a Souldier doo euer beare about him the signes and badges of his Captaine that it may appeare to whom hee belongeth So is it no little honour to a true Christian man to passe through many daungers and to be experienced in many troubles and to endure many afflictions for his Captaine Christs sake for sorrowes vexations and trbulations are the armor and badges of Christ Gal. 6.17 Christ fisheth for men AS the Diuel that wicked and craftie fisher with his great large long and broad Nets taketh and draweth vp great multitudes and infinite numbers of soules The Diuels baite which voluntarily giue themselues vnto him and doo suffer him most easily to take them by and with with his baites which are voluptuousnesse the foule pleasures and rotten delights of the flesh worldly wealth at will the vaine glorie of the world innumerable riches of all sorts power authoritie vanitie an insatiable desire to beare rule and a thousand such others the seely poore fishes being deceiued by these baites do neuer feele the hooke vntill it stick so fast in their iawes that there is no scaping but the diuell maketh a full account of them as of his owne Euen so contrariwise Christ doth fish for men that hee may draw them out of the bitter waters of the daungerous sea and that he may giue vnto them the water of grace who seeketh to saue their soules and to bring them to euerlasting happinesse and celestiall immortalitie who yet flie from him and would not come neare him he fisheth with a sharpe and bitter baite Christs baite very vnpleasant to the corrupted nature and appetite of a naturall man to wit with much fasting praying often with watchings honest labours in a mans calling contempt of the world spirituall pouertie bitter teares deepe sighes and greeuous grones for sinnes committed against the Lord with humilitie and lowlinesse of heart with kindnesse peace patience righteousnesse and such other things all which although to those which are enclined with a right and true loue of God they are pleasant and welcome yet neuerthelesse to the will and desire of a meere naturall man that is a friend of flesh and bloud they are hard and doo seeme very bitter to his corrupted taste Men which can keepe no Counsell are very daungerous 1 AS the Sea called the dead Sea which is a Lake in Iudea called Asphaltits whereof Aristotle Plinie Iustine and diuers others do make mention wherein is neither fish nor any liuing creature found in it wherevpon it hath the name Dead and in it nothing is couered neither doth any thing that is in it sinke to the bottome thereof but all things do swim and are in sight and do continue in the top of the water Euen so such are they that will keepe no Counsell nor secrets whatsoeuer but will reueale and bewray all things that they know whether they be good or bad 2 Euen as Hypanis a Riuer in Scythia which hath a maruellous sweetenesse vntill a litle bitter spring which Herodotus calleth Exampeus be mingled with it and then it is corrupted with a wonderfull bitternesse Euen so those men which are like torne vessels that will hold no water and so full of chinkes that they neither can nor will keepe any secrets or Counsell are very bitter and intollerable men and do much harm in euery place where they come neither can any Counsell or secret be committed vnto such without great daunger to the Common-wealth wherein they dwell and especially to all those that repose any trust in them Such men seeme they neuer so wise learned and full of Counsell are not to come neare godly Princes neither to be made acquainted with matters of state and the affaires of the Common-wealthes least they do great hurt both with giuing counsell themselues and also by discouering such waightie secrets as shall in trust be committed vnto them Iob. 22.18 Psal 1.1 Christ is lesse beholden to the most part of the world then Caesar was to the Romanes AS Marcus Antonius with an Oration that he made vpon the death of Caesar is said to haue greatly delighted the people of Rome and that hee moued very many of them to shead great store of bitter teares when hee put them in remembrance of the great benefites which they had from time to time receiued of Caesar and withall did shew them Caesars garments wherein his enemies Cassius and Brutus had slaine him all full of bloud whereat they were so mightily mooued that they expulsed the homicides and murtherers out of the Citie so that they durst not if they would liue any longer come neare it And yet in these dayes of ours though the Preacher neuer so good an heauenly Orator come with the Oracles of God himselfe in his mouth and shew most plainely what Christ the Redeemer of the world hath done for man and prooue that man hath receiued vnspeakeable and innumerable benefites by and through Christ and declare what bitter teares water and bloud did trickle downe his cheekes and what deepe and deadly sighes with many fearefull and greeuous grones did rise from his heart before he came to the Crosse and though hee rip vp his passion stitch by stitch as the holy Booke and diuine Word shall direct and leade him and though particularly he shewe how and where he was wounded that hee was beaten spit vpon crowned with thornes nayled hand and foote to the Crosse scorned and mocked of the Iewes though he shew most liuely that the wicked and cruel Iewes embrued their hands in his blood gaue him vineger and gall to drinke yea and although the Preacher declare and proue that besides the death and passion of his
then Christ Iesus who with the death of his own heart gaue life to our bodies and soules If the world doo but a little smile vpon vs and giue vs but an alluring looke and a faire word wee will by and by follow it and bestow vpon it all our attendance If the diuell himselfe can make vs belieue that wee shall either haue profite or pleasure by dooing his will our hearts minds wils al are readier for him then for Iesus Christ O matchlesse yea monstrous madnesse they that seeke our destruction can sooner with a pleasant looke then Christ with the giuing of his life for vs haue vs at commandement Christ would haue vs to mortifie our earthly members as fornication vncleannesse inordinate affections euill concupisence and couetousnesse which is Idolatrie But alas we nourish pamper and cherish all these The Lord would haue our conuersation in heauen but we are altogether carnally and earthly minded The Lord would haue our feete to stand within the gates of Ierusalem but we loue rather to bee trampling the streetes of Egypt Babylon and Sodom The holy Ghost would haue vs to fight a good fight to finish our course after the will of God and to keepe the faith not onely in words but also in life and deedes Indeed wee are apt and ready to fight and striue for worldly promotion honour dignitie reuenues and riches but for heauen and heauenly things we will neuer striue take no paines nor once trouble our selues wee will haue it with ease and all manner of pleasures or else not at all farwell it The courses we take here in this life are very bad and the end vnlesse we repent is like to be worst of all And whiles we haue no care to keepe good consciences it is vnpossible for vs to keepe faith If Christ and Sathan should stand before vs the one pointing vs to heauen and eternall felicitie but the way to it full of troubles griefes and sorrowes the other pointing to hell but the way to it full of delicates pleasures and daintie delights and let God call and the diuell call yet the diuell it is to be feared is like to haue the greater number to follow him for those short pleasures Christ but a few to follow him because they must go loadē with Crosses and afflictions dayly experience doth teach vs no lesse seeing all our actions are carnall and haue onely but little outward shew and no taste at all of true godlinesse nor so much as any rellish of the spirit and loue of Chri●● Some will abstaine from the committing of any grosse sinnes now and then and yet not that in any true and sincere loue to God but either for feare of shame and punishment in this world or else feare of vengeance in the world to come which both are vnprofitable for the Lord hath no pleasure in forced seruice hee will haue it voluntarie with the heart and proceeding of loue not of a seruile feare otherwise it shall bee numbred with the rest of our sinnes This doth greatly condemne vs that though we doo not such things our selues yet wee can without trouble of conscience griefe of heart or vexation of mind see and heare the Lords name blasphemed his Sabboth vnhalowed Idolatrie committed parents dishonored whoredome theft murder and Couetousnesse commonly vsed and all the lawes of God vtterly contemned and it shall neuer offend the greatest number so much as a thorne in a foote or a blaine or push vppon a finger This vndoubtedly is euen to forsake God in the plaine field and to be afraid to serue him in truth and sinceritie least we should therby purchase mans displeasure vnlesse therefore wee learne to serue him better in more truth with greater zeale in singlenes of heart we haue nothing else to looke for but that he will forsake vs both in this world leauing vs destitute of his assistance that our enemies may pray vpon vs and also in the world to come in giuing out against vs his malediction curse woe and sentence of death Math. 25.37 Psal 15.2 Pro. 23.26 Col. 3.5 Phil. 3.20 Psal 122.2 2. Tim. Math. 25.41 Breakers of the fourth Commaundement 1 AS those parents that bring not their sonnes daughters being of yeares of discretion on the Sabboth day to the Church to be partakers of the holy exercises as preaching prayer Catechising and Sacraments do transgresse this Commaundement So in like manner those pa●ents greatly offend heerein that bring their yong children to the Church on the Sabboth dayes who either by their crying or running vp and downe the Church doo both trouble themselues the Minister and the people that the word preached the prayers vttered cānot with reuerence be so well heard as otherwise they might And no lesse do they offend herein that bring their Hawkes Hounds or Dogs to disquiet the Congregation 2 As Magistrates Schoolemaisters as also all Artificers and Handicrafts men ought to abstaine from their Offices and callings on the Sabboth day because they are impediments to hinder their zeale and attentiuenesse that they ought to giue to God in his worship and seruice that day So contrariwise if God will not haue them exercise their vocations and trades being lawfull and necessarie then much more he will not haue them exercised in vnlawfull and vnnecessarie works as in gayming dycing daunsing carding drinking rioting other vanities of this world whereby they are not onely drawne from the company of the holy Congregation but also doo thereby defile their bodyes which they ought rather to sanctifie and keepe holy Christ commeth of the Father AS the Sunne remaineth the same and is not lessened by the beames which it spreadeth abroad So neither is the substance of the Father lessened or changed though he haue the Sonne an Image of himselfe Christ not to be denied in persecution AS the Serpent when he seeth he shall come into mans hands defendeth his head either by gathering himselfe into a circle or thrusting his head into a hole leauing the other parts open to the wounds So likewise we must do in time of persecution euen keepe Christ our head from wounds howsoeuer our bodies suffer Curiositie 1 AS the Phisitions do speak of the members of a mans body that they are made and composed of forme substance strength and greatnesse and placed and disposed very cōueniently to shew their effects and operations So likewise in euery Commonwealth God hath raised vp some men either Ciuilians or Diuines furnished them with such graces and gifts as are necessarie to effect such things as he hath before determined now if the foote will take vpō him to execute the office of the hand or that the hand wil needs walk as the foote if the eare wil striue to see and the eye to heare it would be a very vaine foolish thing for them to enterprise such things seeing they haue not bene made and framed thereto In like maner we striue in
that the young chicken may slip out of it Euen so none otherwise doth Death dissolue and breake vp our body but to the intent that we may attaine vnto the life of heauen 26 As the mothers wombe carrieth the child seuen or nine moneths and prepareth it not for it selfe but for the world wherein wee are borne Euen so this present time ouer all vpon earth serueth not to this end that wee must euer be here but that we should bee brought foorth and borne out of the body of this world by Death into another and euerlasting life Ioh. 16.21 27 Like as a childe out of the small habitation of his mothers wombe with daunger and anguish is borne into this wide world Euen so goeth a man thorow the narrow gate of Death with distresse and trouble out of the earth into the heauenly life For to die is not to perish but to be first of all borne aright 28 As the brazen Serpent which hauing the forme and proportion of a Serpent was yet without byting without mouing without poysoning Euen so though Death be not vtterly taken away yet thorow the grace of God it is so weakned and made voide that the onely bare proportion remaineth 29 Euen as when the maister of the Shippe perceiueth that he is not wide from the hauen place where he must land and discharge he sayleth on forth the more chearfully and gladly So likewise the nearer we draw vnto Death where we must land the more stoutly ought wee to fight and withstand our ghostly enemies 30 Like as he that goeth a far iourney hath vncertaine lodging trauaile and labour desireth to return home to his owne country to his father and mother wife children and friends among whom he is surest and at most quiet by meanes wherof he forceth the lesse for any rough carefull path or way homeward Euen so all we are straungers and pilgrimes vpon earth Our home is Paradise in heauen our heauenly Father is God the earthly father of all men is Adam our spirituall Fathers are the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles which altogether waite and long for vs. Psal 39.5 6. 1. Pet. 2.11 2. Cor. 5.1.2 Phil. 3 2● Heb. 13.14 31 Like as when a man liue in a darke miserable prison with this condition that he should not come forth till the walles of the Tower were fallen downe vndoubtedly he would be right glad to see the walles begin to fall Euen so our soule is kept in within the bodie vpon earth as in captiuitie and bonds now assoone as the bodie is at a point that it must needs fall we ought not to be sory therefore for by this approacheth our deliuerance when we out of the prison of miserie shal be brought before the most amiable countenance of God into the ioyfull freedome of heauen Psal 142.7 32 Like as it is no grief for a man to go sleep nor when he seeth his parents and friendes lay them downe to rest for he knoweth that such as are a sleepe do soone awake and rise againe So when we or our friends depart away by Death we ought to erect and comfort ourselues with the resurrection 33 As a good Housholder maketh prouision for himselfe and his familie and buyeth afore-hand fewell victualls and such things as he hath need of for a moneth or for a whole yeare c. according as hee is able Euen so much more ought a Christiā to prouide before his Death that which concerneth not onely one moneth or one yeare but an eternitie that hath no ende 34 Like as faithfull seruants waite for their maister So in like manner wee ought to looke for the comming of Christ when hee shall call vs out of this wretched world by Death Luk. 12.36 37 38 39 40. Math. 24.42 c. The time of our Death vnknowne LIke as Christ wold haue his last cōming to be hidden from men So also hee would haue the time of their Death for the very same cause to be vnknown vnto them vnlesse that he openeth the same vnto some either by particular reuelation or by probable coniectures Mat. 24.36 How to Draw neare vnto God LIke as hee is said to depart from God which doth abandon and giue himselfe to the lustes of the world by which he Draweth neare vnto the diuell So likewise he which departeth from these is said to Draw neare vnto God and so cleaueth vnto him by faith and true obedience Iam. 4.8 No Diuinitie except it be against God is prescribed to the Minister AS there is no Lawe by the which a Preacher for his doctrine may be punished if he speake not against the Prince So there is no Diuinitie by the which a Preacher is particularly prescribed or generally ordered if he speak not against God the mightie prince of peace Desires of heauen AS they that are straungers in a forraine countrie and haue parents and great wealth in their natiue soyle being hardly entreated where they soiourne and vppon the point to returne home into their countrie are vndoubtedly very glad thereof euen already they seeme to see their houses lands and possessions and in their conceites doo talke with their parents and feele a feruent Desire to be soone there Euen so we if wee remember that we haue treasures of eternall riches an vndefiled inheritance immortall incorruptible which is reserued for vs a heauenly Father that loueth vs in his welbeloued sonne our elder brother Iesus Christ in glory the Angels and holy Spirits inioy and that we their felow Burgesses haue our portion in al these goods and are euen vpon the point to be really in heauen with them we ought then to be rauished with a feruent desire to be lifted vp thither Phil. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 Daunces AS Apothecaries do couer their bitter Pilles with some sweete substance whereby to make them goe downe the easier So the Diuel vnder the sport and pleasure of Daunces maketh men to swallow lustfull desires and albeit they proceed to no greater iniquitie yet is this a mortall wounde to the soule considering that we knowe that such lusts are accursed in the sight of God Exod. 32.6 18.19 1. Cor. 10.7 1. Pet. 4.3.4 5.8 Rom. 12.2 2. Tim. 2.22 Iudg. 21.21 Ephe. 5.3 4 16.18 The Dutie of Parishioners to their Ministers 1 AS they that sit at a Table do eate chewe and digest their foode So they that be Parishioners and heare the word of God ought to listen vnto it meditate vpon it and print it in their hearts that so they may receiue the nourishment signified by the word and dutie to feede commended to the shepheards of Christs flock 1. Thes 5.12 Phil. 2.29 2. Cor. 7.15 Hebr. 13.17 2 As in meate we are not so much to seek licorousnesse as health So must it be in the preaching of the word for Ecclesiasticall assemblies be not l●ke to common Playes whereto men resort for pleasure but in Sermons we are to looke for that which is health
calamities because hatred and Enuie are directly opposite to loue which reioyceth in other mens felicitie 1. Iohn 3.15 Iam. 3.14 16. Math. 27.18 Gal. 5.21 21 Euen as smoke preaseth and flieth vp on high as though it would couer and darken the skie So Enuie and calamitie doo ayme at those especially which are aduaunced and placed in high degree so that many times they are cast down headlong from their dignitie very suddenly with much ignominie disgrace especially when their honours haue chaunged and corrupted their manners 22 Euen as a moth or woorme doth not breed in the Cedar being a goodly and odoriferus tree alwaies fresh and flourishing the wood whereof doth not rot So Enuy is not bred in the heart of a wise and vertuous man but in the minde of a man that is wicked and vngodly and is grieued and tormented at the happinesse and welfare of other men and repining and enuying those especially that in any gift or qualitie tare before him 23 As a ship which is tossed with continual waues is in daunger So an Enuious man who is alwaies in trouble of mind pining repining at the good successe of others 24 As we see among beastes some feede vpon venim and other some vpon carrion So likewise doth the Enuious man fat himselfe in the losse pouertie miserie death and destruction of his brother 25 As Flies leaue the sound parts of the body and light vpon the corrupted and putrified parts thereof and take such delight in the matter and filth that it is hard to keepe them from it So likewise an Enuious man taketh no pleasure in all other parts of a mans life but only in that which is diseased and corrupted 26 As the enmitie which is betweene Egles and Dragons or that betweene the Crowes and the Owles the Cocke and the Lyon the Boare and the Elephant betweene whom it is reported there is such discord hatred that euen when they are dead their bloud will in no wise be mingled together So likewise Enuie and vertue can in no wise agree for he that will be in fauour with the Enuious man must needes be vicious 27 As the Moth in the garment the worme in the tree the rust on the yron which first consume those things that haue engendred it So likewise Enuie consumeth it selfe For Enuious men as the old saying is are not onely like vnto Vipers in that they be alwaies full of poyson but also for that neither the one nor the other can bring forth their yong ones without killing themselues And they differ in nothing but in this that when as the yong Vipers are hatched the old presently die whereas malicious men consume by little and little as men pined in prison or wasted with long sicknesse 28 As darnel springeth vp among good wheat netles among roses Euen so Enuie groweth vp among vertues Enterludes or games 1 AS Socrates did will men to beware of those meates which might entise them without hunger to eate or of those drinkes which should allure them without thirst to drinke So are those Enterludes games and talke to be auoided which might moue the beholders or hearers to any dishonestie or vice 2 Like as if it be not lawfull to name vices vnlesse it be in the way of dislike Eph. 5.3 So much lesse is it warrantable in Enterludes or plaies to gesture or represent vice in the way of recreation and delight Eyes and Eares LIke as Hunters in no wise will suffer their Hounds to bite of euery beast but will keepe them fresh for the wild beasts So ought we not to suffer our Eyes and Eares to be busied about euerie triflle but rather reserue them for things necessary Psal 119.37 Iob. 31.1 Elected or predestinated to life euerlasting are Elected to all the meanes of attaining vnto it LIke as a man appointed to go to a place must go the direct way vnto it Euen so must men appointed to saluation goe in the way to it that is to be called iustified sanctified and glorified Rom. 8.29 30. Tit. 1.1 1. Pet. 1.2 Ephe. 2.10 Example 1 AS they which doo decke themselues haue then the looking Glasse before their eyes So they which go about any worthie thing must haue of worthie men the Example in minde and do it in that manner that others may not scorn to make them their Example in such a matter 2 Euen as the Lambes with the which the sheepe were conceiued as they beh●ld Iacobs Rod were of the same colour that the Rod was of So as such religion actions of Princes Peeres of Realmes and Countries Ministers Parents and Gouernours be such for the most part is the religion and such be the actions of subiects and inferiour persons 3 As Examples are very daungerous in euill things so be they of great force and vertue in good and holy things For Princes would haue godly vertuous loyall and obedient subiects they must deale with them as Iacob did with his sheepe they must lay before them the rod of true Religion Iustice holinesse righteousnesse and integritie of life and manners and then no doubt they will conceiue in their hearts thoughts that be pure righteous chast sound and holy and bring forth great plentie of fruits of the same colour that the rod is off To wit not words onely but workes also of faith and obedience to God and man Parents with their naturall children Ministers of the word with their spirituall children and maisters with their seruaunts must doo the like 2. Sam. 3.35 36. Ezech. 16.44 4 As when many Birdes flicker and flocke together they fall vpon the net without any feare but one or two alone will be afraid Euen so the Example of many and many sinne companions doo imbolden men to runne through the snares of Sathan without any mistrust Exod. 23.2 5 As the cloud did guide the Israelites through the wildernesse to the land of Canaan So the faithful now are to be guided to the heauenly Canaan by the Examples of good men that haue belieued in God before vs and haue walked the straight way to life euerlasting Heb. 12.1 Good Entents AS if a man who had borrowed a peece of money of a creditor should come to him at the day appointed to repay it againe and should say to his Creditor that hee had dreamed that hee had paide him This Creditor by this saying would not thinke himselfe fully satisfied and paid Or as if a maister who had giuen forth in writing his will and mind to one of his seruants and had giuen him in charge and commaundement neither to adde not to diminish it would be content with such a seruant that would not vouchsafe either to reade or learne his remembrance but trusting to his owne wit would doo all things after his owne will and mind Euen so wee may not thinke that our maister and heauenly Father who hath left vs in writing his will and mind to the end that we
should keepe and fulfill the same will allow and take for payment our well meanings and good intents without either knowing or learning the same his will and mind 1. Sam. 13.9 c. 15.8 c. 2. Sam. 6.6 1. Chro. 13.9 10. Ioh. 16.2 Act. 6.12 c. Edifying of others LIke as they that carrie Muske or other sweete Odours about them cannot be hid but must needes bee made knowne to all and that others must needes smell them Euen so godly and faithfull men that carrie in their harts the Gospell of Christ must needes make others partakers of the same Epicurisme the fountaine of sinne AS the moyst and waterish grounds bring foorth nothing but Frogs and Toades So the belly and wa●rie stomacke that is stuffed like a tunne bringeth foorth nothing but a drousie mind foggie thoughts filthie speeches and corrupt affections Equalitie in marriage 1 AS two Palfreyes or two Oxen of vnequall stature cannot bee coupled vnder one yoke So a Noble woman matching with a man of base estate or contrarily a Gentleman with a begger cannot bee consorted or coupled vnder the bands of wedlocke 2 As the Lord commaunded that an Oxe and an Asse should not bee yoked together because the match is vnequall Euen so it is an vnlawfull thing for the faithfull to marrie with Infidels or else to haue any thing to doo with them Deut. 22.10 2. Chor. 6.14 A great Errour for a man to thinke he shall be saued when he is dying if he say Lord haue mercy vpon me 1 LIke as if an arrand Theefe should thus reason with himselfe and say I will spend my dayes in robbing and stealing I feare neither arraignment nor execution for at the very time when I am to be turned off from the Ladder if I do but call vpon the Iudge I know I shal haue my pardon behold a most dangerous and desperate course Euen so the very same is the practise of carelesse men in the matter of their saluation for a man may die with Lord haue mercy in his mouth and perish eternally except in this world he enter into the first degree of eternall life Math. 7.21 Ioh. 5.24 2 As euery wound killeth not the man So euery Errour depriueth not man of saluation 3 As the naturall partes beeing wounded or infected bringeth death So those Errours that destroy the fundamentall heads of the trueth bring euerlasting destruction vnlesse the Lord preuent them with repentance Ouermuch Ease and pampering of the belly is a great prouocation to sinne AS with a pyle or stacke of small and dry wood the fire is quickly kindled and caused mightily to flame out Euen so the outragiousnesse of carnall and fleshly lust is greatly prouoked moued and stirred vp through ryoting daunsing banquetting quaffing gulling swilling and continuall feeding and pampering of the belly and by taking the body from good lawfull and honest exercises and giuing it to Idlenesse slothfulnesse and ouermuch Ease and rest from labours The fearefull Estate of many people 1 AS the Smythes Stithie the more it is beaten the harder it is made Euen so commonly the hearts of men the more they are beatē with the hammer of gods word the more dull secure and sencelesse they are 2 Like as when a Malefactor on the day of Assise is brought forth of the Iayle with great boltes and fetters to come before the Iudge as he is going all men pittie him and speake comfortably vnto him But why so because he is now to be arraigned at the barre of an earthly Iudge Euen so such is the Estate case of all impenitent sinners which is farre more miserable then the case of this man for they be fettered in bondage vnder sinne and Sathan and this short life is the way in which they are going euery houre to the barre of Gods iustice who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lordes there to be arraigned and to haue sentence of condemnation giuen against them We must giue diligence to make our Election sure AS men are carefull in the world and painfull ynough to make assurance of landes and goods to themselues and their posteritie Euen so we ought to be more careful and diligent to make our selues the Electiō of God which is more worth then all the world beside 2. Pet. 1.10 The Elect are ordained to leade a godly life AS the Sunne was ordained to shine in the day and the Moone in the night and that order they keepe yea euery creature in his kinde obserueth the course appointed vnto it by creation as the grasse to growe and trees to ●ring forth fruite So likewise the Elect were ordained to this ende to leade a godly life and therefore if we would ●ither persuade our selues or the world that we are indeed ●hosen to saluatiō we must be plentiful in all good works and make conscience of euery euil way Ephe. 1.4 2.10 2. Thes 2.13 2. Timo. 2.21 Gods loue to his Elect. AS Ioseph loued all his brethren but Beniamin he loued with a more speciall loue and therfore he gaue messes of meate to them all but Beniamins messe was fiue times as much as the rest So God giueth libertie to all his creatures as a good a louing God in so much that the earth is full of his mercies but his loue to his Elect children by Christ is a thousand times more then the rest for them he vpholdeth in their integritie and doth set them before his face for euer Gen. 43.34 Psal 104.24 41.12 The Elect cannot finally perish AS an Elme or an Oke casts their leaues in the winter yet abideth their sappe still in them Esay 6.13 Euen so shall the holie seede continue in their substance so that though there appeare no fruites outwardly to our grosse sences yet the sure ground and substance which he hath there planted remaineth and though it haue no outward seale in our sight yet hath it a sure seale in Gods sight for the Lord knoweth it to be there which is sufficient Election to saluation doth not abolish but establish the second causes 1 AS God hath limited to euerie man the tearme of his life but withall he hath ordained and appointed that for the preseruing thereof he shall both eate and drinke Euen so God hath ordained necessarily that the Elect must be saued yet by such meanes as he hath appointed in his wisedome for the bringing of them to it to wit by hearing the Gospell preached by beleeuing in Christ by amending their liues by praying to God c. 2 As he that should abstaine from foode and say that he need it not to liue by should directly fight and striue against the will and pleasure of God and so tempt him So likewise they that say that being Elect they need not beleeue the Gospell nor amend their liues for the attaining to the kingdom of heauen do tempt God reuerse his prouidence striue against his will and so farre as in them lyeth abolish the
alike And this is the cause that in our Faith as in all other qualities there is sometimes more sometimes lesse and that oftentimes it is more strong and liuely and then sometimes againe more remisse and faint 2 Like as we see the water is more hote or cold according as it is neare or farre off from the fire Euen so is it with vs according as wee are more or lesse exercised in the word and driuen by Gods spirit wee haue more or lesse zeale and affection 3 And altogether like as the disposition of the body followeth the qualitie and temperature of the ayre Elements and exercises to which wee giue our selues Euen so according to the places where we liue and the nourishment that wee there take is the estate of our soules and consciences But bee it that water is sometime hote and sometime colde and that it chaunge his qualities sometimes one way sometimes an other yet it is alwaies water Euen so the man that is elect after his regeneration is alwayes faithfull howsoeuer in that he is the childe of Adam he bee sometimes enclined to euill and that his Faith be not alwayes in one and the selfe same estate and that hee is not alwayes accompanied with the like zeale and affection For oftentimes it commeth to passe that we feele Iesus Christ to stirre and mooue himselfe in vs and by and by after wee haue no manner of Feeling at all But therefore hee ceaseth not to dwell in vs no more then our soules doo dwell in our bodies when we sleepe although in sleeping wee neither Feele them nor any of their operations Feeling of sinnes greater in some then of the merite and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ. 1 LIke as we Feele the calamities and miseries of warre more then the fruites and pleasures of peace and the griefes and diseases more then the quietnesse of health and the hardinesse of pouertie more then the profites and commodities of aboundance and riches Euen so we ought not much to maruaile if wee Feele the stingings and prickes of sinne a great deale more then the consolations of the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ seeing that sinne dwelleth in vs and not righteousnesse which thing is the cause that the one is more sencible then the other Notwithstanding for all this wee must not thinke that sinne is greater and stronger then righteousnesse or that it can in anye respecte bee compared vnto it or can bee more able to condemne and destroye vs then the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ and the grace of GOD is to iustifie and saue vs. Rom. 6.1 c. 2 Like as we haue sometimes in the ende of our finger some pain or grief which we feele a great deale more then the health that is all ouer the rest of the body yea thogh it be much greater then the paine of our finger Euen so we must not esteeme the greatnesse or the strength whether it be of righteousnesse or sinne according to that feeling we haue because the one that is sin is more sencible then the other and specially forasmuch as we embrace righteousnesse onely by Faith which is of those things that are not outward and sencible Feeling and finding not alwayes in our selues good desires to holy Exercises yet we must not be discouraged therefrom AS a man that taketh bread meate and eateth it without any great appetite hath not such a pleasure in eating as if he were well an hungred notwithstanding that which he receiueth ceaseth not to profit and sustaine him as we see in sicknesse Euen so do prayers and other Christian Exercises to which such cold persons do giue themselues And therefore it only remaineth for them to search the meanes how to encourage themselues and to do euen as a man would do to fire when it is almost out which he would haue kindled againe he bloweth it and layeth matter about it wherwith to kindle the same or as a man that putteth Oyle to a Lampe when the light is going out Babling of Foolish men and women AS there is no beast that more loueth his Whelpes or yonglings then the Asse or Ape So some Foolish women and fond men do more regard their owne tale and blind babling then all other mens Faith as God giueth vs it so he encreaseth the same in vs. AS it is the part of a naturall Father to nourish and set forth the childe which he hath begotten Euen so no doubt God is so faithfull that as he giueth Faith vnto his deare children so he doth furder feede and conserue the same also in them Psal 68.28 Luk. 17.5 Faith the onely trueth which reciueth the bodie of Christ crucified 1 AS the sustenance of bread and drinke being holden onely in the hand or gazed vppon with the eye nourisheth not except the same be inwardly receiued and conueyed into the stomacke and yet neither againe the receiuing of euery thing sustaineth mans bodie except it be meate and drinke which haue their condition properly to nourish So in like sort it is with Faith for as the beleeuing of euery truth and Faith of euery obiect saueth not but that Faith onely which is in Christs blood so neither againe doth the same blood of Christ profit vs except by Faith it be inwardly receiued Mat. 11.28 Ioh. 3.15 16 18. 14.1 11 12. 15.4 5 7. Act. 10.44 2 As the Sunne the fountaine of all light shineth not but onely to such which haue eyes to see nor yet to them vnlesse they open their eyes to receiue light Euen so the body of Christ crucified being the materiall sustenance onely of our soules it followeth that the same sustenance must be receiued by Faith into our inward hearts or else it is not effectuall 3 Like as Iustifying Faith goeth euer with his obiect Christ Euē so to the same faith also must be required that it stand not only in outward profession in words in tong and talke as swimming onely in the lippes nor in inward formes in shewes and gestures only which is but a dead and an idle Faith making an Hypocrite before men rather then a iustified man before God but must enter further into the inward heart and as the sustenance of the soule must inwardly be receiued and digested Forgiuenesse of sinnes to be preached to all men 1 LIke as God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that he might haue mercy vppon all Euen so hee will haue this grace of Forgiuenesse of sinnes of his mercy to be set forth and preached to all mankinde Rom. 11.32 Ioh. 3.16 1. Ioh. 2.1 2. 2 As the hungry stomacke is able to receiue meate but yet for all that vnlesse he which is hungry do receiue and eate the meate he is not refreshed So likewise the contrite and humble heart is able indeed to receiue Forgiuenesse of sins but yet vnlesse he do receiue it in very deed the conscience of sinne is not quietted but it dooth receiue it indeed when it receiueth the word
maisters commaundement Euen so doubtlesse the selfesame worke is sinne in the seruants and creatures of God which to God is no sinne but an ordinarie worke appointed for some special purpose either for the manifestation of his power as was the hardning of Pharao or for the declaration of his mercie as was the fal of Dauid of Peter of Mary Magdalen and all other repentant sinners 4 As the Sunne sending foorth his beames and heate to the carrion and so engendreth in some corruption draweth to it selfe neither corruption neither yet any filthinesse neither yet dooth the Sunne by his puritie and brightnesse so purge the carrion but that it remaineth stinking and corrupt So doth God so worke by the wicked that the iustice which is in him doth not iustifie thē neither yet is hee defiled by their wickednesse and corruption Godly men wants nothing good for them AS a naturall Sonne may assuredly trust that his Father will doo for him all things that may bee for his setting foorth and preferment Euen so we may vndoubtedly assure our selues that hauing Almightie God to our Father we shal lacke nothing neither in this world nor in the world to come which may be profitable and expedient for vs towardes the enioying of the euerlasting inheritaunce which our heauenly Father hath prepared for vs. God alone sufficient to his people AS the Sunne hath no neede to be holpen of the companie of any other lights to giue light to the world and as one soule is enough to keepe life and to gouerne the body Euen so is one God alone sufficient to his people yea to all the world for all things aboundantly without the helpe of any other God tempteth no man to sinne LIke as if a man haue a seruant which is a theefe yet neuerthelesse he wold be esteemed for an honest man and to trie and proue him his maister leaueth his purse ful of money before him If his seruant take steale it away is he a theefe and doth he not declare himselfe to be such a one Yes vndoubtedly And now who made him a theefe The maister or the mony which was left where he might come by it Surely neither of both for the money is the good creatu●e of God And when the maister put it before his seruant ●e did not compell him to take it and to steale it If this seruant had beene an honest man hee would not haue touched it or if he had taken it he would haue brought it vnto his maister and would not haue kept it But seeing that the seruaunt was then already a theefe and had his hart giuen to theft when hee had the occasion to put in execution the wicked affection of his heart he did it And whereas he did it no sooner that was because that he had not the occasion and meanes For if occasion had beene sooner offered to him and if hee had found whereto to reach out his hand he would not haue kept it in and when hee beganne to put foorth his hand he hath not onely then begun to be a theefe but hee hath onely begunne to declare himselfe what he was As wee haue the example in Iudas who was a theefe a long time but he neuer shewed it vntill he had opportunitie Euen so although that God hath giuen the occasion to man for to proue trie him and for to make him to make knowne that which is in his heart It followeth not therefore that God hath done the sinne nor yet is the author of it and that we must impute the fault to him and not to him which hath committed it Iohn 12.6 Gene. 50.20 Iob. 1.11 One God and three persons 1 AS there is in man the soule the spirit and the body three distinct substances which neuerthelesse doo make but one man and not three In the soule there is the mind the vnderstanding and the will but these doo not make three soules but one In the Sunne there is the very substance of it the heate and the light and yet these there be not thereby made three Sunnes but one If the light and shining be taken from the Sunne we should then see the body of it no more And if the heate or warmeth be taken from the Sunne we should then not feele whether there were any Sunne in the skie or no Euen so if the word and spirit be taken from God we should then come by no knowledge of him at all Therfore wheras the Son and the holy Ghost are ioyned vnto the Father it doth further nothing to the making of many Gods but to the manifesting of one true God in nature and essence and three in personnes and properties which was to bee spread throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospell 2 Like as the Sunne in the firmament hath three distinct and sundrie things of the which euery one differeth from an other as the Globe the light and the heate And although euery one of these keepe seuerally their properties yet it is but one Sunne and is not diuided into three Sunnes So in the Deitie the vnitie of essence is not taken away by the distinction of persons and yet for all that is there no confounding of persons nor chaunging of one into an other For as there is but one Sunne in through the whole world no more is there but one God And as the Sunne sheweth himselfe by his beames Euen so God as Father doth shew himselfe by his Sonne Iesus Christ which is his word and eternall wisedome And as the Sunne by his heate dooth make vs feele his force Euen so God maketh vs feele his vertue by his holy spirit which is his infinite power Deut. 6.4 32.39 Esay 43.10 11 44.6 1. Cor. 8.6 3 As reason will and memorie are not three but one and the same soule So the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost are three distinct in propertie and one God The holy Ghost compared to fire and water 1 AS the fire is pure and cleane and can suffer no vncleannesse So the holy Ghost dooth purge clense and lighten the consciences of Christians setting them on fire with the loue of God Math. 3.11 Luk. 3.16 2 As fire is an Element exceeding pure and cleane and so necessarie for mans life that we may in no wise want or forgo it So also the water is very needfull for vs being a very cleare pure and cleane nature and very meete for to represent and signifie the nature office and properties of the holy Ghost Or as the water doth renew and comfort the earth maketh it fertile causing it to bring foorth fruite and also dooth wash away the filthinesse of the body So the holy Ghost dooth wash purifie refreshe and water the harts and consciences of the faithfull moouing stirring perswading ruling lightning and finally comforting them and making them to bring foorth pleasaunt fruites acceptable to God Esay 55.1 44.3 Ezech. 36.25 Iohn 3.5
and couered and the feeling of them may be lost but they cannot either finally or totally be abolished 2 Like as a Mother that loues her childe most tenderly sets it downe in the store lets it stand and fall and breake the face and all this while shee hides her selfe not because her purpose is to leaue her childe quite or to make it hurt it selfe but that when shee taketh it vp againe it may loue her the better Euen so the holy Ghost dealeth with men to make them see their owne weakenesse and frailtie he hides himselfe as it were in some corner of the heart for a season that they may the more earnestly hunger after Grace the want whereof they feele 2. Chro. 32.31 Graces of God 1 AS the excellencie of naturall and outward blessings being abused is the meanes of the excessiuenesse of sinne not of it selfe but by the corrupt disposition of our nature So the spirituall Graces of God bestowed vppon men liuing in the Church doo often by the iust iudgement of God worke the same effect and that in far greater measure 2 As it is impossible that among Heathen men they who are of small wit capacitie knowledge strength and riches should be wicked in so high a degree as they who excell in the foresaid respects So it is not possible that any who hath not receiued some spirituall Graces of God should come to so high a degree of sinne as they in whom it hath pleased God to worke that shadow of regeneration which hath bin declared in the former Chapter 3 As wee see it commeth to passe in naturall things as namely in water which after it hath bene a little warmed becommeth more cold then if it had neuer had any heate in it Euen so men who haue had some heate of Religion kindled in their hearts by the spirit of God if they contemne and abuse the said Graces of God become more wicked and irreligious then they who neuer knew what Religion ment 4 As the encrease of light doth make a decrease of darknesse it being impossible that two things of contrary natures should be together in one subiect the one not expelling the other either wholly or in part so the spirituall Graces of God which are the matter of mans holynesse bestowed on vnregenerate men do worke in them a decrease of sinfulnesse making them lesse sinfull then otherwise they would be and then vsually vnregenerate men are 5 As all sweete and pleasant things are sower and vnpleasant vnto the taste of sicke persons So likewise will Gods Graces and gifts be vnto vs if we vainely waste or abuse them The Gifts of God AS men preserue the fire by blowing it So by our diligence wee must kindle and reuiue the Gifts of God bestowed on vs. 2. Timo. 1.6 Though there be degrees of Glorie yet all shall haue sufficient LIke as if sundrie vessels whereof some are bigger and some lesse if they be cast all into the Sea some will receiue more water and some lesse and yet all shall be full and no want in any So likewise among the Saints of God in heauen some shall haue more Glorie some lesse and yet all without exception full of Glorie 1. Cor. 15.41 Dan. 12.3 Some loue Godlinesse whilst nothing is required of them contrarie to their owne affections AS Aiax would seeme deuout toward God so long as he perceiued nothing to be required of him which was contrarie to his affections but when hee was commaunded to spare Vlysses In other things saith he I will obey thee but not in this thing Euen so of this sort is the Religion of many at this day who will be louers of Godlinesse so that it dooth not disagree with their affections which they will haue wholly to bee satisfied yea though God be angrie therewithall God chastiseth his of very loue and mercie 1 LIke as a naturall Father first teacheth his deare beloued childe and afterward giueth him warning and admonition and then correcteth him at last Euen so God our heauenly Father assayeth all manner of wayes with vs which are well growne and old in yeares but young and tender in faith first hee teacheth vs his will through the preaching of his word and so giueth vs warning now if so be that we will not obey him then he beateth and ierketh vs a little with a rod as sometime with pouertie sometime with sicknesse and diseases or with other afflictions which should bee named and esteemed as nothing else but childrens roddes or the wandes of correction 2 Now if a small rod or wand will not helpe nor doo any good of the child then his Father taketh a whip or a cudgell as in case his Sonne waxeth stubburne and will prodigally spend his mony and thrift wantonly and ryotously in euill companie then commeth the Father and pulleth him out by the hayre of his head bindeth his hands and feete and beateth him till his bones crack and sendeth him into prison or banisheth him out of the coūtrie Euen so when we wax obstinate and stubburne and care neither for words nor for stripes then God sendeth vnto vs more heauie and vniuersall plagues as pestilence dearth sedition vprore casualtie of fire murther warre losse of victorie that being taken of our enemies and led away prisoners and captiues c. And all this he doth to feare and to tame vs and as it were with violence to driue and to force vs vnto repentaunce and amendment of our liues 3 Like as in truth it is against a louing Fathers will and mind to strike his child who would much rather doo him all the good that euer hee could but through long sufferance and ouermuch cherishing his child waxeth rude and euill nurtured therefore doth he punish him but yet in the mids of all his anger his fatherly heart breaketh out in case that he putteth his Sonne away from him for some grieuous fault yet he sendeth him not away altogether comfortlesse but giueth him some apparel and some comfortable words and so sendeth him from him not to remaine for euermore in banishment but when he is once a little humbled meekned and amended then to receiue him home againe and this hee dooth to turne and keepe from his Sonne all such things as might hurt and destroy him not minding to cast away his childe or vtterly to forsake him Euen so certainly when God sendeth miserie and affliction vpon vs there lyeth hidden vnder that rod a fatherly heart and affection for the peculiar and natural propertie of God is to bee louing and friendly to heale to helpe and to doo good to his children and therefore hee sendeth vs euill that he may doo vs good and yet in the mids of all affliction and punishment he sendeth some mitigation comfort and succour 4 As a Mother feedeth and nourisheth her childe and all the good shee can doo vnto it that doth shee euen of a tender and motherly hart and yet through the frowardnesse and
of the sacred Scriptures rightly diuided neither can there be any more wel-commed pardon proclaimed to men then that which containeth the free forgiuenesse of sinnes And there cannot a more happie newes bee published abroad then that which concernes the inheritance of euerlasting life Notwithstanding the Preacher himselfe be carelesse be Leprous be filthie bee beastly or vile yet the godly Hearer will not forsake this heauenly foode or make light account of this wholsome medicine lightly esteeme this Gold or reiect this pardon thinke scorne of this newes but feede hungerly vppon it applie it in time lay it vp in his heart yeelde all reuerence vnto it and delight onely therein as in the very ioy of his soule 9 As a poore Prentise that is very desirous to learne his occupation throughly in euery point who notwithstanding his Maister doth dayly reuile him call him Asse and dolte yea and somtimes doth surely swinge him yet will he accept the same in good part and by no meanes be driuen from learning the misterie of his Trade because it bringeth in the end a pleasure with profit So likewise euerie Christian Hearer of the word should be so addicted to the loue thereof that neither respecting some outragious affections nor yet weying at all the disordered wordes which vnaduisedly passe from some Preachers mouth but regarding rather the matter in hand should wholly fixe their minds thereon assuring themselues that albeit the same seemeth sower at the first to flesh and bloud yet in the end it wil bring quiet rest to their soules Mat. 11.29 Hebr. 12.11 10 As the Anuile or Stithie the more it is hammered the harder it is So the most Hearers of the word now a dayes haue their harts so hardned in sinne and their consciences so seared vp with an hot yron that the hammer of Gods word cannot breake them in peeces nor zealous preaching approach to the quicke as it did before in the Apostles c. Psal 95.8 Rom. 2.5 Ephe. 4.19 1. Timo. 4.2 Iere. 23.29 Act. 2.41 8.12 11 As it is the beastly nature of some Horses to kicke at his keeper which prouides him prouender So is it the marke of a degenerate mind for any man to murmure at the iust reprehension of his Pastour 12 As a Glasse-windowe receiueth in the light so soone as it shineth but withstandeth euerie tempest or shower that beates at the same So should euerie Christian Hearer bee readie to receiue the light of the truth when hee heareth it preached and bee likewise as carefull to withstand and reiect euerie errour or false Doctrine that dooth slip from him which will after mooue a tempest in his conscience by the sence of Gods iudgement 13 As a Riddle or Syue letteth the cleare water issue foorth quite and keepeth onely the Chaffe or the mud that swimmeth aloft Or as a daintie and delicate Dogge which when one offereth him a good morsell of meate will scornefully cast his head aside and catch a Flie So in like manner the malicious Hearer whatsoeuer good morsell of Doctrine or instruction shall be proffered him by the Preacher the same shall surely fall to the grounde but if any vaine or vnsauorie matter shall slippe from him whereby hee may sustaine any reproach that shall bee sure to be catched and marked and to bee cast in his teeth c. 14 As the Thistle which if it bee stroked vpwardes will not lightly molest a man but beeing stroked downewards dooth pricke him So surely many Hearers of the word preached so long as their Ministers doo Preache pleasant things they seeke not to stirre them at all or bee displeased with them both so soone as hee beginneth to rubbe them a little on the gall and to touch them home to the quicke then they kicke and storme at the same Esay 30.10 Ierem. 11.21 Amo. 7.12 Mich. 2.11 2. Tim. 4.3 15 As meate the more a man receiueth the more it distempereth if it bee not digested So the more a man learneth and the more he Heareth the greater is his sinne if he grow not by it 16 As the Auditors of Ezechiel did willingly come and sit before him and Heare him but they iested at his words and would not doo as he taught them Euen so many will giue Preachers the Hearing but with their mouthes they iest it out and make no more reckoning of their Sermons then they doo of a Fidler and his song and not so much Ezech. 33.30 31 32. 17 As Naash the Ammonite said who would make a couenant with the men of Iabesh Gilead vpon condition that hee might put out all their right eyes and bring all that shame vpon Israel So likewise many Hearers of the word will in effect say to the Lord we are content to bee thy children and to heare thy Preachers thou shalt bee our Father so that wee may haue what we will say what we will and doo what we will 1. Sam. 11.2 18 As where the word is not preached there the people perishe So where it is plentifully deliuered and the people negligent in Hearing of it and not obeying it there is deepe damnation and vtter destruction shortly to be looked for Zepho 3.1 19 As stonie grounds mingled with some earth are commonly hot and therefore haue as it were some alacritie and hastinesse in them and the Corne as soone as it is cast into this ground it sprouteth out very speedily but yet the stones will not suffer the Corne to bee rooted deepely beneath and therfore when Summer commeth the blade of the Corne withereth with rootes and all So likewise is it with those professours and Hearers of the word who haue in their heartes some good motions by the holy Ghost to that which is good they haue a kinde of zeale to Gods word they haue a liking to good things and they are as forward as any other for a time and they doo belieue but these good motions and graces are not lasting but like the flame flashing of straw and stubble neither are they sufficient to saluation 20 As they that haue any bodily diseases if they refuse the Physick ministred vnto thē reape no profit at al albeit the Physition offer them medicines a thousand times Euen so the Preacher of the word shall doo no good by his preaching vnlesse his Hearers and auditours attentiuely marke and carefully practise the same 21 As the wicked and vngodly in old time when they were reprehended by the Lords Prophets for their sins and wickednesse did either denie their fault committed as Kaine and Gehesie Gene. 4.9 2. King 5.25 Or else they were angrie and vsed reprochfull words and sought reuengement As king Herord vnto Iohn Baptist Mark 6.17 The Elders to Steuen Act. 7.57 Or else they craftily and couertly excused themselues as Saule did 1. Sam. 15.20 Euen so do the wicked and vngodly Hearers of the word when their sinnes and wickednesse are spoken against and laide open by faithfull Preachers whereas
contrariwise the godly doo acknowledge and confesse their faultes when they are reprehended as Dauid 2. Sam. 12.13 Ezechia Esay 38.8 And as the men did that heard Peters Sermon Act. 2.37 22 As children that are of such heauie sad moulde as that they are neuer mooued with mirth nor with the crying of other children Euen so such is the dulnesse of a number of people in Hearing of the word who are no more mooued with the iudgements of God to feare nor allured with the sweete promises of God to loue and like then if they were so many stockes or stones Mat. 11.16 23 As the fruitfulnesse of the earth when the raine dooth fall vppon it and when it yeeldeth to them that labour in it fruites for them that dresse it is a testimonie of Gods good blessing vpon it Euen so when men profit by the labours which is bestowed vppon them in the preaching of the word it is a testimony of Gods good blessing vpon them Hebr. 6.7 Rom. 1.20 Act. 6.7 24 As he that looketh his bodily face in a Glasse and by and by departeth away about other businesse and forgetteth his fashion and forme Euen so such are the forgetfull Hearers of the word which neuer practise that which is taught them Iam. 1.23 24 25. 25 As in the time of Ezechiel those people that came to offer sacifice might not goe out of the same doore wherby they came in So those that come to Heare Gods word should not come forth againe vnchaunged in their affections which were euill Ezech. 46.9 26 As the Cocke did crow three times before Peter repented Euen so the Lord hath much to doo with vs before wee profit effectually by the Hearing of his word Math. 26.45 27 As the next way to purchase fauour with Princes is to honour their person and fulfill their commaundements So likewise the chiefest way to haue Gods fauour is to honour his maiestie and to doo his will reuealed vnto vs in his word preached Preach 8.2.4 28 As where the dead carkasse is thither do the Eagles resort So when Gods word is truely taught to that place should Christians repaire to Heare it Math. 12.42 29 As when the dam feeds her young euerie Bird gapeth and strugleth and stretcheth the necke to receiue the foode So when wee come to Heare Sermons euerie man must reach and stretch out his heart to receiue the word preached 1. Pet. 2.2 30 As the Eagle continually soareth till shee come to the highest So also Christians must still increase in knowledge through and by the Hearing of the word till they come to perfection Hebr. 6.1 31 As Pharaohs ill fauoured Kine which deuoured the fat Kine but yet remained as ill fauored and leane as they were before So likewise many that haue Heard Sermon vppon Sermon now the space of 36. yeares are yet neuer the more reformed for all their Hearing but as leane in knowledge and godlinesse as they were before Genes 41.3 4. 32 As a Carpenter that should square all by his Rule but stickes it at his backe and workes all by ayme So many haue heard much preaching and remember many things but yet make no profit or practise of it so that it had beene better that they had neuer heard Ioh. 15.22 33 As Bees passing ouer other things take pleasure only in flowers and forsaking the rest doo crop them So likewise some Hearers of the word preached doo onely desire to haue their eares fed with fine phrases delicate flowers of eloquence daintie Similies prettie comparisons and pleasant Histories as for sound Doctrine they contemne it and hate to haue it a bridle for their lustes a reproouer of their vanities and a Glasse to see themselues in they seeke rather after flatteries and fables and they loath the truth which should doo them good 2. Tim. 4.3 Act. 17.21 34 As God in some part did rebuke the Sonnes of Ely for their wickednesse but yet they would not obey and the reason is there set downe because the Lord would destroy them Euen so in like manner howsoeuer wee may not iudge of any mans person yet this may be said that if men will not learne but remaine ignorant still and refuse to Heare the word of God preached when they may or if in Hearing they will not obey it is a fearefull signe that God will at length destroy them 1. Sam. 2.25 35 Like as when a Tumpet is sounded in a mans eare and he lies still not stirring at all hee is certainely dead So surely when the trumpet of the Gospell is sounded in the eares of our hearts if wee awake not out of our sinnes to newnesse of life wee are no better then dead men before God 36 As it is very requisite that a Pastor set ouer a congregation should be continually resident to Preach vnto them and Chatechise them at the least on euery Saboth and not to leaue them to straungers whose voice they know not Euen so euerie Christian Hearer of the word ought ordinarily and vsually to Heare such a Pastor and not to goe from him on the Sabboth day especially if he be desirous to grow and increase in faith and knowledge 37 Like as in times past those trees which did beare fruit might not be cut downe So those Christians which haue a care to leade a vertuous life according to the prescript rule of Gods word are not in daunger of S. Iohns Axe to wit of the iudgement of God for sinne Deut. 20.19 Math. 3.10 38 As of many men comming into a Gold-smithes shop one buyeth a chaine of Gold an other a costly ring some a rich Iewell and some buy plate cunningly and curiously wrought and some one among the rest stoupeth downe and taketh vp a blacke cole which he turneth and tumbleth in his hands til it foule and make blacke his fingers Euen so verie many doo come to the Church to Heare the word preached and doo learne and beare away exceeding good and heauenly lessons and doo gather great strength to their faith and much comfort to their soules and peace to their consciences and some againe doo come without any good purpose intending to take some occasion to quarrell with the Preacher and to marke if any thing fall from him vnwisely vndiscreetly or barbarously wherewith they may sport themselues and scorne him such as they came with wicked purposes and cauilling mindes so they depart with hearts as hard as Adamants seared consciences and brazan faces so bloudlesse that they cannot blush far worse then when they came 39 Like as when a man casteth an handfull of Corne vpon a very hard and smooth path it is all one as if it were cast vpon a pauement So also through the custome and deceitfulnesse of sinning the diuell hath made the hearts of some Hearers vnmeete to receiue the heauenly seede of the word of God Math. 13.4 40 As the men in the olde world were disobedient to Noe and contemned the preaching of righteousnesse So
many faithfull Noes Preach the word sincerely but alas it falleth into the hearts of many but as good seede into euil ground and therefore either bringeth foorth little or else no fruite at all the contempt whereof was then and so is now the cause of many plagues Gene. 6. tot 1. Pet. 3.20 2. Pet. 2.5 Math. 13.3 4. 41 Euen as hunting Dogges neuer leaue searching till they haue found out the wild beast in one place or other So carefull Hearers of the word must neuer leaue searching till they haue found the word and neuer leaue asking till they vnderstand it 42 As Honie which is naturally sweete maketh those things sweete wherewith it is mingled Euen so such is the liuely nature of Gods word in the soule of a diligent Hearer of the same 43 As the ignorant Plowman going in the field trampleth and treadeth vpon precious hearbes but when the skilfull Hearborist and Physition commeth there who knoweth the vertue of them they wounder at them and gather them for their vse Euen so it is with ignorant and carelesse Hearers and readers of the word of God but it is otherwise with diligent and carefull Hearers and readers thereof 44 As there are many degrees before the Grapes come to be Wine as that they bud flower come into clusters ripen c. So are there before a Hearer be fit for God as that he Heare the word preached and read and that he lay it vp in his heart and practise it in his life 45 As a sicke body which saith to the Physition prescribe me what you will but I will take what I list he shall perish for all his Physition So in like manner such Hearers of the word of God as say to their Preacher say what you will we will neuer beleeue you but doo as wee list and as we thinke good such shall surely perish and goe to the diuell for all their Hearing without speedie repentance Ioh. 3.18 5.24 Hearing of the word necessarie to all 1 AS a yong childe after he is borne standeth in need of nourishment that life may be both preserued and increased Euen so hee that is begotten anew by the seede of the word of GOD must yet bee fed by the same word that hee may get strength and spirituall encrease till hee come to some good measure of perfection Ephe. 4.16 2 Like as none will refuse a present or gift that is sent from a Prince although the bringer thereof bee neuer so simple a body Euen so likewise none ought to refuse to Heare Gods word although the Mininister bee neuer so homely that preacheth it because hee is sent of God 3 As the Razor though it be tempered with due proportion of Steele yet if it passe not by the Grind-stone or Whet-stone is neuerthelesse oftentimes vnapt to cut yea though it be made once neuer so sharpe if it bee not often whetted waxeth dull Euen so there is no man so ripe in forecast readie in pollicie sharpe in Iudgement feruent in loue earnest in trueth zealous in Religion who although hee hath profited well by Hearing of Sermons is therefore so sufficiently instructed that hee needeth to Heare no more but rather in truth standeth in need often from time to time to Heare of aduertisement counsell and direction by the Preaching of the word 4 As a tree or a braunch of a tree that hath no deepe rooting but either is couered with a fewe Moules or else lieth in the water at the season of the yeare bringeth forth leaues and blossomes and some fruite too and that for one or two or moe yeares Euen so one that is an Hearer of the word may receiue the word and the word as seede by this generall faith may be somewhat rooted in his hart and setled for a season and bring foorth some fruits in his life peraduenture very faire in his owne and other mens eyes yet in deede neither sound nor lasting nor substantiall Luk. 8.13 c. 5 As Corne and hearbes doo die and wither if they haue not the first and latter raine and moysture in due season So likewise faith and godlinesse must needs perish and decay in those which haue not often the heauenly watering of Gods word to refresh them withall Deut. 11.14 28.12 24. 6 As fire goeth out for lacke of wood So is faith extinguished in vs for lacke of the preaching of the word of God and earnest and heartie prayer whereby it is maintained 7 Like as one man may not belieue for an other and as one cannot be saued by the faith of another whosoeuer he be if he himselfe doo not belieue in proper person Euen so one man may not Heare the word Preached for an other in such sort as it may profit him if hee himselfe doo not Heare it in his owne person Rom. 10.14.17 8 As a man may the better both spie his spots that hee may wash them and also set his attire in the better order about him if for that purpose hee diligently viewe himselfe in a Glasse Euen so hee that is carefull to auoide that which he should not doo and to execute that which hee ought to doo hath very great helpe by Hearing the word preached and by imprinting of it in his mind Iam. 1.23 8 As yron except it be vsed doth become rustie So the soule except it be often exercised with Hearing and reading the word it begetteth sinne Humilitie 1 AS the leaues wherewith the stemme of the Lilie is set from the roote to the top by little and little as they grow vp to the top wax smaller and smaller So the godly as they grow higher in preferment wax Humbler and smaller in their owne sight 2 As the Vallies ordinarily are more aboundant and bring foorth more fruite then doo the mountaines by reason that being more lowe they receiue more commodiously all the dew and fatnesse which falleth and descendeth from the high hills Euen so it behoueth that euerie Christian bee more and more lowe and Humble in his owne eyes if hee will that God endue and replenish him with his graces the which can find no place in him that presumeth any whit of his owne vertues 1. Sam. 15.17 Esa 66.2 Iam. 4.10 3 As they that goe or walke in a plaine way are not in so great daunger to fall as they which goe vpon the ridge of houses or vpon the top of some high mountaine Euen so they that will be humble and haue no opinion of them selues they goe a great deale more safely and surely then they which haue proud hearts and loftie lookes For the way that leadeth to life is straight 4 As sheepe by nature are meeke innocent harmelesse Euen so such as be good Christians ought to bee Humble and meeke and rather to suffer wrong then doo any not to be cruell like Lyons rauenous like Wolues wilie like Foxes leacherous like Goates filthie like swine or to shew themselues in behauiour like other
of them that behold it the more excellent men are they iudged Euen so Hypocrites doo some deedes which to see too are very good workes but neuerthelesse they keepe their hearts minds and wils diuided and seperated farre from God These things to wit their hearts minds wils and purposes they steale from the Lord and doo bestow them vpon the world they regarde not God they seeke onely to please men in the action of vertue they haue no respect vnto vertue it selfe but onely and barely to the shewe and shape or likenesse of vertue Rom. 12.1 6.4 1. Cor. 5.7 8. Ephe. 4.24 41 As the Hearbe of the Sunne so called because it windeth it selfe about the Sunne in the morning very earely it beholdeth the rysing thereof and all the day it euen followeth the course of the Sunne euer turning the leaues towards the same but the roote it neuer changeth stirreth nor moueth it hath that still fast fixed within the earth So likewise Hypocrites will seeme to followe the Sonne of righteousnesse Christ Iesus but it is onely in leaues and outward shewes for their rootes that is their hearts are farre and fast within the earth where in deede their treasure is Math. 6.21 42 Like as Apple-trees which in the sweete and pleasant spring-time will bee well stored and full of goodly blossomes and will giue a franke offer and a large promise of much fruit but when the fruite is looked for and should be gathered there is none to be had they were but bare leaues and idle blossomes Euen so such are Hypocrites who wil lift vp their hands eyes and voices towards heauen and God and with such godly greene leaues will make a faire flourish a beautifull shew but their harts affections are surely set vpon earthly vaine vile and transitorie things and are as farre from God as heauen earth are distant one from an other Esay 29.13 Math. 15.8 43 As a Rushe or grasse without moysture withereth and drieth vp Euen so the Hypocrites because they haue not faith moystned with the grace of God perish and vanish away Iob. 8.11 44 As the Doer of Gods will doth abstaine from euill because it is contrarie vnto the will of God doth good because he is constrayned with the loue of him which is onely good So the Hypocrite contrarily abstaineth from euill for feare of punishment and doth the thing which seemeth good not constrained with the loue of God but mooued of his owne will by desire of praise or hope of reward Math. 7.21 45 As an Actor in a Comedie or Tragedy which somtimes resembleth Agamēnon somtimes Achilles somtimes their enemie Hector sometimes one mans person sometimes an other Euen so an Hypocrite wil counterfeit and seeme sometimes to be an honest and iust man sometimes a religious man and so of al conditions of men according to time persons and place 46 As the Ostrich hath things like wings would make one belieue that she could flie but cānot So an Hypocrite will resemble make a great shew of that which he is not 47 As Stage-players are not taken for them which they be but doo put on and represent a straunge person and hide that vnder a personage which they are not So the Scripture by a Metaphor calleth such Hypocrites as by externall gestures and deeds boast themselues for Saintes when for al that their minde is prophane and wicked that is when the outward man appeareth meeke as a sheepe when the inward man is rauening like a Wolfe Mat. 7.15 48 As the King that exacted of his debtor tenne thousand Talents did neuerthelesse frankly forgiue the whole debt to him which had nothing to pay but flied vnto the mercy of his Creditor So the Lord saith vnto the proude Hypocrite If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements Mat. 10.17 to the end that the Hypocrite descending into himselfe might confesse his filthines pouerty so craue pardon which had he done he had heard with the sinful woman Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Luk. 7.48 49 As it is easie to know a peece of Gold from a peece of Brasse when they come both to the Anuile and to bee striken with the hammer for Brasse will not bee handled but when it cōmeth to the beating it breaketh maketh a sharp dinne and yrkesome Gold soundeth sweetly is pliable you may stretch it out both in length bredth in thin and fine leaues as you list So in like manner when an Hypocrite commeth betweene the Anuile the hammer of affliction hee brasteth with impatience he murmureth cryeth out and lamenteth in blasphemies against God whereas a faithfull Christian praiseth God giueth him thankes and layeth out his heart submitting himselfe willingly vnder the Lords hand that striketh him 50 As the Viper hath a smooth skin finely spotted without but most poysonfull within Euen so an Hypocrite hath sugered words faire speech but a deceitfull heart 51 Like as the Viper when shee goeth to the water to drinke casteth out her poyson and after she hath drunke receiueth the same againe So likwise an Hypocrite when he presenteth himselfe to be partaker of the Lords Supper will counterfeit much holynesse and seeme to bee religious and vpright in life and conuersation but afterwardes he returneth to his vomite and continueth in his wicked course 52 As a Rush cannot grow without moystnesse so can not the Hypocrite because hee hath not faith which is moystned with Gods spirit Heretickes 1 AS one being bitten with a mad Dogge shall not only runne mad himselfe but also with his contagion shall infect others So they which haue conceiued any pernitious Doctrine or Heresie will not onely themselues be infected but also with their infection vtterly marre and defile others 2 As the wind doth not carrie away the sound good Wheate but the light chaffe neither doth a storme ouerturne a tree fast and soundly rooted Euen so no more doth euery wind of Doctrine carrie away true members of the Church but the chaffe and rotten members as Heretickes ignorant persons Hypocrites phantastical heads and new-fangled men c. 3 As vnconscionable Vintners mingle their Wine with water So Heretickes corrupt the truth and mingle their owne conceits with it Hypocrisie 1 AS it auaileth a man nothing at all to the ease and reliefe of his pouertie to haue false coyne in his purse it must be good currant money otherwise it doth further endaunger himselfe and openeth a gap to his vtter destruction Euen so a faire tongue with a foule heart is false coyne it will helpe no man if he say he hateth sinne and yet loueth it in his heart for in so doing he condemneth himselfe how many and how good prayers soeuer hee maketh 2 Like as little children will feare and be greatly afraid at bugges and without feare thrust their hands into a candle or fire So likewise many men will bee afraide to commit the lesse sinnes yet make no
God presseth vs downe and keepeth vs lowe that hee may lift vs vp and exalt vs on high he throweth vs downe here in earth that hee may exalt vs in heauen and layeth many times disgrace vpon vs in this world among men that we may bee gracious in the worlde to come with himselfe his Angels and his Saints We are Heires not through workes but through grace 1 AS an earthly Father doth giue vnto his children according to their deeds that is inheritance to them that are obedient and disheriteth them that be disobedient Euen so God our heauenly Father promiseth inheritance to his children but those which of childrē are made obstinate and enemies he suffereth not to enioy the inheritance Rom. 4.5 6 8. 2 As it is manifest that the children of an earthly Father are neither children nor Heires through desert of their workes So after the same sort the children of God are neither made children nor Heires because of their workes but through the grace of adoption which is receiued by faith alone notwithstanding either of them both giue vnto his children according to their deeds Rom. 6.23 Humanitie or gentlenesse LIke as pride oppresseth loue prouoketh disdaine kindleth malice confoundeth Iustice and at length subuerteth states Euen so Humanitie stirreth vp affection augmenteth amitie maintaineth loue supporteth equitie and most soundly preserueth Cities and countries Quiet Hearts EVen as a quiet calme and pleasant water wil shew vnto vs if wee looke into it the very image and likenesse of our selues as it were a Glasse but being mooued stirred and troubled it dooth not so So likewise our owne Hearts if they bee quiet and not troubled with horrors nor distempered with feares will plainely shewe vs what we be so that we may easily know our selues and not bee deceiued but being filled with feares tossed with terrors and ouer-whelmed with troubles they cannot doo so Iohn 14.27 Psal 55.4 5. Heart of man 1 AS a pot full of sweete liquor if it be made hotte and boyled vpon the fire will driue away flies that they will not come neere it but if it bee colde the flies will by and by goe into it and it will receiue them and they will corrupt and consume it Euen so the Heart of man if it be inflamed with a true and sincere loue of God will not receiue into it those daungerous temptations which are continually flying about it but will remooue and driue them farre off and giue no place vnto them but if by reason of slouthfull idlenesse in heauenly things and for want of a godly courage it grow colde in the loue of the Lord thē is it obuious and wide open to all temptations it barreth out none it receiueth all none are reiected be they neuer so wicked all are imbraced entertayned and welcome then is it a receptacle of all abhominations as Idolatrie blasphemie murther Adulterie and whatsoeuer is wicked mischieuous and damnable 2 Like as if thou shalt cast into a Censer odoriferous and sweete Pomander balles the whole house will be filled with a sweete sauour and pleasant perfume but if thou shalt cast into it Brimstone or some such matter all the house will be full of most horrible stinch So in like manner if thou shalt put into the Heart of some man good and wholsome counsels and shalt instruct him with godly aduertisements and shalt open vnto him the fountain of the truth thou shalt bring to passe that there shall proceed out of his Heart a great sauour of a most sweet smel but if thou shalt fill him with euill and wicked counsels and shalt perswade and draw him to impietie hatred treacherie and al abhominations thou shalt be the cause of an intollerable stinch there shall come out of his Heart a most poysonfull sauour wherwith not only his owne Heart but the whole house wherein he is and all the common wealth where he abideth shall be hurt infected and poysoned 3 Like as if one cast into an hotte burning Furnace wood and stickes that be seare drie and ready to burne there wil arise and burne out a most pure and cleare flame of fire but if hee shall cast into the same Furnace greene stickes wet and stinking Rushes or some other such matter they wil burne in deede but the Chimney and whole house will be filled with smoake and wil bee euen blacke by reason of the thick darknesse which proceedeth of the foule stinking smoake So the Heart of man is a furnace continually burning if thou wilt nourish it with cogitations heauenly meditations of the loue of God there wil appeare and shine out of it a pure flame bright light of true vnfained loue to God man but if thou wilt chearish and maintaine it with thoughts deuises of self-loue thē it wil be ful of vile smoak stinch darknesse Rom. 1.21 4 As the Sunne riseth first and then the beasts arise from their dens the foules from their nests and men from their beds So whē the Hart sets forward to God al the mēbers will follow after it the tongue wil praise him the foote wil follow him the eare will attend him the eye will watch him the hand will serue him nothing will stay after the Heart but euery one goes like hand-maides after their mistresse Prou. 23.26 5 Like as that woman that would haue her dough leauened and layeth her dough in one place and the leauen in an other where one cannot touch the other loseth her labour Euen so he which would haue his Heart sanctified comforted and enlightned and will not giue it to God which should doo it greatly deceiueth himselfe because the tempter then commeth and takes them asunder seazeth vpon the Heart because he finds her alone 6 Euen as Dina was deflowred when she strayed from home So is the Heart when it strayeth from God Gene. 34.61 7 As Abraham when hee was bid to offer his Sonne rose vp betime and left his wife at home and neuer made Sara priuie least shee should stop him being more tender ouer her child like women then the Father is So we must giue our Heart to God before the flesh heare of it Gene. 22.6 8 Like as if Abagaile had consulted with Nabal whether she should haue supplied Dauid with victuals or no when he sent the myzer would neuer haue giuen his consent who scolded so soone as he heard of it therefore he went alone and gaue that which he asked and neuer tolde her husband what she would doo least he should hinder her which sought her welfare and his too So we should steale our Heartes from the world as the world stealeth them from vs and transport them to God when the flesh is a sleepe 1. Sam. 25.18 9 As no man sitteth vpon two seates together No man hunteth two games together No man iustleth with two Speares together So he that hath two Hearts if hee haue a true Heart of the one hee will haue a
false Heart of the other Iam. 18. Luk. 10.13 Eccle. 2.13 1. Sam. 5.2 Act. 4.32 10 As there be two colours red and blew in one Rainbowe So there must be two affections ioy and sorrow in one Heart 11 As a bright and shining resemblance or image may be seene plainly in a cleare and pure looking Glasse Euen so doth the face as it were of the euerlasting God shine forth and clearely appeare in a pure Heart Math. 5.8 Health to be sought for of God 1 AS a good Physition or Surgion wil first remooue the cause ere hee begin to heale Euen so he that enterpriseth his Health must first of all goe vnto Iesus Christ the Physition of the soule that the cause may be remoued then Phisicke hath vertue and power to heale and not before Luk. 8.43 2 As the vertue attractiue to drawe Elisha from his worke was not in Elias cloake but in the power of the word Euen so the vertue of healing is not in the Physitions nor any thing they take in hand but in the Lord of life 1. King 19.19 20. The Husbands dutie to his wife 1 AS a Christall Glasse is a precious and profitable vessel yet brittle which a man doth more carefully take heede of the breaking of it then of some earthen or tinne vessell the one being more base the other more strong So also the Husband ought to haue such regard of the frailtie of his wife that hee may beare with her and entreate her with gentlenesse and discretion that hee may vse her as a precious vessel to his comfort ioy 1. Pet. 3.7 2 As in a great stormie wind a man lappeth his cloake about him and holdeth it fast for feare of loosing but when the wind is downe the weather calme he letteth it hang easily So when Husbands will as it were perforce wrest away their wiues infirmities many of them will obstinatly resist yet contrariwise by sweete words and louing exhortations they might bee wonne voluntarily to forsake them 1. Sam. 1.8 3 As it is meere folly for a Husband to praise and commend his wife in company So is it as dangerous to checke and reproue her before witnesse 4 As God created the woman not of the head and so equall in authoritie with her Husband So also he created her not of Adams foote that she should be troden downe and despised but hee tooke her out of the ribbe that shee might walke ioyntly with him vnder the conduct and gouernment of her head Gene. 2.21 5 As God hath testified his singular goodnesse vnto man in creating him an helper to assist him Euen so the Husband ought to consider in how many sorts shee is to him a helper to passe ouer this life in blessednes Gen. 2.18 High minded men AS the Hauke is then lost when trusting to her wings shee ryseth and mounteth too high Euen so do vaine and proude men then fall from God when with their owne wit reason and wisedome onely and alone they will vnderstand the deepe mysteries of God as though the counsels and wisedome of Gods eternall maiestie might and could bee comprehended with the reason and wit of man Rom. 11.20 High estate of life daungerous AS a tree set vppon the top of a mountaine is mightily shaken and easily rent vp by the rootes with euery blustering blast and storme of winde Euen so man in this world the more and Higher he is exalted the more and greater daungers is he subiect vnto Luk. 1.52 Iam. 4.6 Math. 7.17 Luk. 6.44 Hope 1 AS a man passing through a very swift floud doth not looke downe to the water least it should make him giddie and so be in daunger of falling but he hath his eyes fixed on the banke or shoare that hee goeth ouer vnto Euen so a Christian passing through the waues of the troubles of this world lifteth vp his eyes to heauen beholding there with a spirituall regarde the quiet banke that hee shall come too by Christ not respecting the troubles and torments that hee is in which troubles and torments the wicked doo respect and that is it that casteth them into desperation 2 As the whole vse of the Anchor is to holde fast the Ship in one sure and certaine place notwithstanding all tempests and waues beating against it because it entereth into the very depth and bottome of the Sea there taking fast hold Euen so the principall vse of Hope is to enter into the heauen of heauens where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God and to hold fast our soules there with him notwithstanding all the waues and tempests of Sathan sinne and condemnation doo beate dayly and continually against them Ingratitude of base borne persons and others AS the Iuie sticking to the boughs of trees is so by the others helpe exalted and yet as it were by a flattering and ouer-hard embracing doth either kill or much hinder the growing of the trees So base borne persons that bee promoted in honour by the helpe and familiaritie of them that be noble doo yet oftentimes oppresse them by whose helpe they haue ascended and haue beene aduaunced Imperfections doo not make God to refuse vs. 1 AS a Father casteth not away his children because they are sicke crooke-backt blind or maymed of hand or foote or otherwise counterfeit and Imperfect but handleth them more tenderly and dealeth more softly with them then with the others respecting their debilitie and feeblenesse Or as men cast not away Wine though it haue lees or grounds nor cast away Gold howsoeuer it be couered with dust And as a husbandman refuseth not land though it be ouer-grown with brambles and bryers but will vse the greater diligence to stocke it to plough it hoping by his labour that it wil bring foorth fruit plentifully Euen so God likewise will not refuse and put vs away because hee seeth many Imperfections and infirmities in vs nay rather that is an occasion that hee will take the greater pittie vpon vs. Psal 103.13 2 As wee looking aside through a Glasse be it blew or yealow or of any other colour all the things wee see seeme to vs to be of the colour of the glasse throgh which we did behold them So God also beholding and looking vpon vs in his Sonne we seeme to him to be of his colour notwithstanding our manifold Imperfections wants we haue the appearance and brightnes of his innocencie and righteousnesse which causeth that in seeing and touching vs he thinketh he seeth and toucheth his owne naturall Sonne Euen as olde Isaac did in handling Iaacob Gene. 27.21 22. Infirmities why God suffereth them in the best LIke as a Iudge dealeth with vs in some criminall processe who will giue an enlargement but yet with condition or as they say with a quousque that is till the the time that hee calleth it backe and putteth him in his former estate wherein he was before if it happen that he fall into any new fault againe
but seemeth very bitter to some sicke and distempered bodies So dooth the Law seeme burdensome but this commeth not by nature but through our weaknesse 22 As the debter not beeing able to paie his debt was freely forgiuen Euen so the Law in the act of iustification is vtterly idle as that which is neither the cause nor a part of our righteousnesse as it is wrought of vs. Math. 18.23 24. c. 23 Like as if I owe a man a hundreth pound and bee bound to pay him at a certaine day if I doo then pay it albeit mine hart be neuer so grudging and vnwilling thereto yet haue I fulfilled the Law and discharged my bond so that there shall no processe or iudgement passe against me But Gods Law requireth a thing to bee done with a chearefull and a well willing heart and minde and euen of pure loue for if I doo it either for feare or vnwillingly that shal be imputed vnto me for sinne If I do it for feare 〈◊〉 doo I it not of loue but rather hate both the thing 〈◊〉 I doo and also the Law that constraineth me to doo it and if I doo it vnwillingly then would I doo the contrarie and so would that there were no such Law neither yet any God that should iudge me in so doing and seeing that God iudgeth me after mine heart and will then must he needes condemne me for I would doo contrarie vnto his Lawe and will yea and doo wish in mine heart contrarie to that which I doo in mine outward deed 24 Like as if I see a poore man which is not of abilitie to doo me any pleasure and neuerthelesse doth all his diligence to seeke my fauour and would with heart and mind giue me some acceptable present if he were of power being also sorrie that hee cannot performe his will and mind towards me Now if there bee any sparke of humanitie or gentlenesse in me I wil count his good will as wel as though he had in very deed performed his will for his ability extendeth no further if his power were better better should I haue Euen so seeing we are not of power and abilitie to performe the Law of God and yet beare a good heart towards God and his Law bewayling our imbicilitie that we can do him no further pleasure then will God recount vs not as his enemies but as his deare children and beloued friends 25 As after sleepe the body beeing awaked it is fresh lustie strong and couragious to doo his worke So likewise after the fearefull threatnings of the Law when wee heare the glad tidings of the Gospell that God will be our Lord and dwell with vs the mind is comforted strengthned and mooued vp to doo his dutie 26 As a man is iudged and known to be waking when hee can doo the office of a man as talke worke write or such like Euen so is man awaked out of the sleepe of sins when he liues in charitie feares God and walks according to his Law in his vocation 27 As we see in iudgements here amongst vs there is a royall seate set where the Iudge sits hee that is accused stands at the Barre holds vp his hand heares his Inditement read witnesse is brought against him and hee iustl● condemned to death So likewise we shal see Iesus Chris● the righteous Iudge of the world that will not be bribe● sit in his seate of maiestie at the last day and all the companie of Angels about him and we shall stand at the harre as accused and indighted for breaking that righteous Law of his word the diuel which intised vs so to do shall beare witnesse that to be true yea and our owne conscience also with the feare of that fearefull sentence Goe yee cursed into euerlasting fire c. shall make vs to tremble Math. 25.31 32 41. 28 Like as hee which cannot esteeme and discerne his sicknesse or the grieuousnesse of his disease the same must of necessitie haue a negligent care of seeking foorth a remedie and a wholesome medicine for the same Euen so hee which learneth not to acknowledge his sinnes by the Law the same doubtlesse knoweth not how to embrace grace by the Gospell Learning or vertue of transgression but improperly 1 AS the Date tree is most hard to be climed hauing yet fruit most pleasaunt So likewise the entrie or way vnto Learning and vertue is most vneasily when as yet they haue fruit all pleasaunt and profitable Prou. 3.13 14 15. 2 Like as nature hath hid verie deepe in the ground stones precious and of much value but others of no vertue are euerie where to bee found So things of estimation and price as vertue and Learning are knowne but vn●● fewe nor they will not bee obtained without great labour and studie 3 As hee which hungereth or thirsteth can doo nothing vnlesse they quench his appetite and desire So all things ought we to lay aside vntill we doo obtaine Lear●ing and wisedome 4 As the best Wine soone looseth his taste or colour if it bee powred into a vessell filthie and impure So is good Learning more then lost if it happen to a naughtie man for he will vse it most peruersly to serue his gaine and appetite To Liue well is to die well LIke as Balaam wished and had a great desire to die the death of the righteous but he would not immitate them in godly conuersation Euen so all men wish for a happie end of life but fewe care to Liue vertuously and honestly which doubtlesse is the readie way to die well Numb 23.10 Act. 8.19 20. 19.13 The Law our Schoolemaister to bring vs to Christ. 1 LIke as the Schoolemaister reproueth his Schollers wherby he grieueth them and maketh them heauie and yet not to the end that this bondage should alwayes continue but that it should cease when the children are well brought vp and instructed accordingly and that afterwards without any constraint of the Schoolemaister they should chearefully enioy their libertie and their Fathers goods Euen so they which are vexed and oppressed with the Law doo know that these terrours and vexations shall not alwayes continue but that therby they are prepared to come vnto Christ which is to bee reuealed and to receiue the libertie of the spirit c. Gal. 3.24 2 As the duties of a Schoolemaister bee especially three First to teach his Schollers Secondly to frame their manners And thirdly to punish offenders Euen so the Lawe of God first teacheth vs concerning God that there is a God and what manner of one hee is and what manner a one mans nature is by creation and what was that Image of God or originall righteousnesse in man namely agreeablenesse to the Law of God It teacheth also of sinne and the penaltie of sinne of the last iudgement of the resurrection of the dead and life euerlasting of outward discipline or honest gouernment of manners with many such other things Secondly it frameth our
the more it turneth to his hurt Euen so such Ministers as make no conscience of sinne do by Gods iust iudgement prooue diuels as the example of Iudas manifesteth for the more knowledge a man hath the more wicked he is if he want grace Mark 14.44 Iohn 6.70 33 As a lumpe of Waxe if it bee kept from heate or from the fire it keepes his owne forme still but if it bee held to the fire it melts and runne abroad So Ministers who by reason of their callings come neare God if they be lumpes of iniquitie and liue in their sinnes they shall find that the corruptions of their hearts will melt abroad as wax at the fire Iere. 15.19 Esay 6.5 34 Like as if a Nurse should take a mans child to bring vp and yet neuer giue it milke in so much that the child dieth for hunger shee for thus doing is a murtheresse Euen so it is with him that taketh vppon him the charge of Gods people and neuer feede them with the milke of Gods word or else so seldome that their soules doo famish he is the murderer of them and hath betraied them into the hands of their enemies and shall bee condemned ●or them as a traytor vnto God vnlesse he repent 35 Like as a charitable and godly maister sometimes giueth a good Almes by the hand of a lewde and wicked seruant Euen so God if it seeme good to him by the Ministery of an euil Minister can draw the vngodly to know loue and feare him 36 As the Snuffers and tongs which were in Salomons Temple wherewith they did snuffe the Lampes were of most pure Golde Euen so the Ministers of the Gospell who are bound to reproue and checke the sinnes and iniquities of others ought to keepe themselues blamelesse and vnspotted of the world Exod. 37.23 Esa 58.1 1. Tim. 3.2 Iam. 1.27 37 As he which hoordeth vp hideth his Corne that it may not helpe and succour hungrie soules in the time of dearth is grieuously cursed of men women and children and contrariwise he that in a famine great dearth doth bring forth his Corne and selleth it is highly praysed and praied for of the people So likewise that Minister Preacher deserueth sharpe and rough reprehensions which will not impart his knowledge and skill to the hungrie and thirstie soules of the children of God and on the other-side hee is worthily praysed which openeth vnto them the Garner of diuine doctrine which teacheth and preacheth doth faithfully exercise the office of a watchman Prou. 11.26 Ezech. 3.17 18. 33.2 38 As learned and skilfull Physitions with the bitter potions and sharpe medicines which they minister vnto their patients doo mixe some sweete and pleasant thing to winne those that be sicke the more willingly to receiue them So Ministers and Preachers of the word of God beeing learned and godly wise ought if need bee to temper their bitter and rough reprehensions with a sweete and comfortable doctrine and so of sharpeness● and mildnesse to make a soueraigne wholesome medicine to heale the spiritual griefs diseases of their hearers 39 As the Priest that serueth and wayteth at the Altar is worthie to liue vpon the offerings and the Souldier that ventereth is worthie his wages And the Husbandman that toyleth is worthie the haruest and the sheepheard that feedeth a flocke is worthy to bee fed with the milke and cloathed with the wooll So questionlesse that Minister that preacheth not is worthy no offerings the Souldier that fighteth not is worthy no wages the husbandman that loytereth is worthy of weedes the sheepheard that feedeth not can with no good conscience require either the milke or the fleece but his due reward and iust recompence is punishmēt for by his default the sheepe the people of God are hunger starued destroyed of the Wolfe 40 As the words of a Lord Chauncellor are said to be great because it comes f●●m the King So the words of a Minister are said to be g●●at because it comes from God thence the preachers are said to be the mouth of God and their words a two edged sword Exod. 4.11 12. 41 As God said to Ioshua Whosoeuer will not obey the words of thy mouth shal die Euen so he that obeyeth not the words of Gods holy Ministers shal surely die Ios 1.18 42 As the Gospell is to be preferred before the Law for the worthinesse of it So the Ministers are to be preferred before the Prophets for their worthinesse 43 As they who dresse much meate for others taste some themselues and as nurses who chew meate for yong children suffer some to slip downe into their owne bellies So the Ministers of the word who studie day and night how they may be setting before the eyes of the people the vgly and filthie shape of sinne should themselues bee great●y inamoured with it that they who labour to affright others with the fearefull iudgements of God should stand in some awe and that they who inflame others with the loue of God should heate themselues and in briefe that all the doctrines exhortations threatnings and promises which they propound to the people in the name of God should redownd to their owne profite and edification 43 As it is meete that the Steward of a great family should be wise and discreete in such sort that hee haue a respect to euerie mans age abilitie and disposition and to giue and distribute to euerie one of them accordingly So likewise it is very requisite that Ministers who are the disposers of the blessed word of God should haue a speciall kind of dexteritie wisedome and good discretion whereby hee may skilfully and fruitfully diuide to euerie one their portion accordingly 1. Cor. 4.1 2. 2. Timo. 2.15 44 As a Father beareth a ten●●r affection to his daughter Euen so a godly Minister hath a louing heart tender affection to his people which are members of the Church Lament 2.11 1. Cor. 4.15 45 As the mouth of the Oxe was not to bee musled that treadeth out the Corne. Deut. 25. So the Minister of the Gospell must be prouided for 1. Cor. 9.9 10. 46 As the Candle that is carried in a Lanthorne shall light many Candles and yet loose no part of his owne light bee the wind neuer so boysterous but that Candle that is open to the weather a little puffe of wind or one drop of raine will put it out that it can neither giue ligh● to others nor to it selfe So in like manner that Minister that taketh heede to learning and continueth therein and he to whome the word of God is a Lathorne and a light shall helpe himselfe and others when hee that ventureth without it sh●ll put out his owne light and the light of others also 1. Timo. 4.16 Psal 119.105 47 As it is to be seene and read in the Gospell that not euerie one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shal inherite the kingdome of heauen but they which
Lords Schoolemaister to teach his people the Lords vnder-guides to direct his flock of sheepe into the sheepe fold of Christ Iesus Prou. 29.18 1. Cor. 4.1 Math. 28.19 Ioh. 10.16 11 As the Surgion is accustomed first of all to lay to a sore very sharpe playsters and after the wound beeing open then those that be more gentle Or as a Father seeing the corrupt manners of his child first correcteth them with stripes and afterwards comforteth him Euen so must the Preacher of the word deale with his auditorie after he hath denounsed iudgements and threatnings h● must then minister comforts and promises 12 Like as there bee two duties or properties belonging to a good shepheard to wit first to feede his sheepe and secondly to preserue them in safetie from Wolue● and Foxes Euen so a good Pastor Minister of Christ● sheepe first ought to feede them with the fodder of pu●● and wholesome doctrine of Christ and secondly to d●fend them form Wolues and theeues that is against fal● deceiuers c. Act. 20.28 Ioh. 21.15 16. 13 Like as the Fountaine though no man draw of doth still send forth his springs Or as a ryuer though ● man drinke of it yet dooth it keepe his course and flow neuerthelesse Euen so it behooueth him that Preache● the word of God to do what lyeth in his power thou● no man giue any attentiuenesse or haue any care to f●low the same Iere. 7.27 Ezech. 2.3 3.9 11 17. ●3 ●●●4 14 Like as that man which goeth about to cut downe a tall and mightie Cypres beeing barren vnprofitable and a midle tree that other fruitfull plants which are lette● and hindered through the noysome shaddow of it may increase and prosper dooth not dispaire though at the first or second blow he fell it not but by little and little he striketh with the Axe vntill at the length hee lay it along Euen so a Preacher of the word of God although he see no profit follow his preaching no faults amended no sinnes abated yet for all that hee ought not to despaire to faint and to hide his Talent in the ground but ●●her hee ought to continue his preaching and neuer giue ouer that at the length with the two edged sword of the pure word of God he may new and fell downe the ●●●ge and monstrous tree of sinne and all abhomination ●●d that the new plants of vertue holinesse and righteousnesse may grow prosper and increase 15 Euen as the precious stone called a Iacincte is tur●●d and chaunged with the ayre for in a cleare ayre it 〈◊〉 bright and in a cloudie season it is darksome and not 〈◊〉 pleasant So the Preachers and reachers of the word ●f God in their teaching and preaching ought to frame ●●emselues to meete with the maners ages and qualities fill their hearers 1. Cor. 2. ● 3.1 2. c. 9.19 16 As one and the same medicine is not vsed and mi●●red to all that bee diseased and sicke but diuers medi●●●● according to their diuers diseases So likewise one ●●d the selfe same doctrine is not agreeable to all hearers ●●e reaching therefore and preaching of the Ministers Christ must bee so ordered and diuided that hauing ●●rs and sundrie hearers whose cases differ much and are not all alike euerie one may haue his seuerall portion that not one through want of discretion in him goe emptie away 17 As a diligent and learned Physition before he minister any Physicke to his sicke patient ought not onely to seeke out and to know the disease of him whome hee purposeth to cure but also his manners his vsuall behauiour the nature of his bodie and his qualities So also a godly wise Preacher of the word must doo his best endeuour to know the infirmities manners and dispositions of his auditorie that spirituall Physicke fit and meete for euery one may bee ministred in due time 18 As the people were rowzed and stirred vp to wars and to celebrate certaine dayes wherein sacrifices were offered vp vnto God by the Priestes in the founding of Trumpets Euen so euerie Preacher of the word of God ought to call vpon sinners to remooue their Tents from this wicked world and the manners and fashions of the same and so much as in him lyeth to bring the people that are blinded in their sinnes and falling from God out of their errours perils and daungers and with all their force and skill to mooue and stirre them vp to bee that in deed which true Christians dooth require Numb 10.2 c. Ioel. 2.1 Esay 55.6 7. 58.1 Reue. 18.1 19 As an expert and skilfull Husbandman dooth first draw out of his fields or lands pulleth vp by the rootes thistles briefs brambles and all other venemous wilde weedes and afterward committeth vnto them his good seedes Euen so a wise and skilfull Teacher of the word of God ought first to roote out sinne and vices and to till as it were the minds of his hearers and as much as in him lieth to draw and pull out of them both roote and rinde of all maner of euill and wickednesse and to prepare and make them meete to receiue the good seedes of the holy word and to sowe in them those things which being rooted and growne vp may bring foorth both pleasant profitable and plentifull fruites Ezech. 16.2 c. 20 As a Sine or a boulter wherewith meale is sifted or boulted which sendeth forth the finest flower best of the wheate and keepeth the bran worst to it selfe Euen so that Preacher which instructeth others with wholsome doctrine and doth so staine and blemish himselfe with vile naughtie vices that his life doctrine be opposite and cleane contrarie the one to the other so that it is seene and perceiued of all that there is no agreement betweene them Exod. 28.30 Psal ●5 20 Ezech. 18.8 9. 21 As the looking Glasse dooth shew very plainely to them that behold in the likenesse of such men or women ●ore before it that they may dresse and trim themselues and yet doth not see it selfe So that Preacher or Maister which very copiously and eloquently doth teach others vertue and and all good things and yet himselfe giuen to sinne and wickednesse he doth in deed teach others but he teacheth not himselfe Rom. 2.1 21. 22 As the sower doth fill his hand and so casteth it abroad vpon the ground not setting in seed by seed or chusing a place for euery seed but where it lighteth Euen so the Preacher doth cast forth the word among the people and looke how the ground is into which it falleth so doth a prosper for mens hearts are the ground vpon which the word is cast and euerie one hath a heart vpon whom the feede is sowen 1. Math. 13.3 23 As God commaunded his Priest Aaron to haue the ●●east plate vpon his hart the Vrim Thummim the one signifying light that other perfection meaning also by Vrim
knowledge and by Thummim holinesse So dooth hee hereby declare what vertues are requirred in a Preacher to wit knowledge and vnderstanding in the word of God and godlinesse in liuing manners and conuersation 24 As the Cocke in the darknesse of the night foretelleth the light to come So the Preacher in the darknesse of this present world foresheweth the light of the ioyes of life euerlasting to come 25 Like as when a man lies in his dead sleepe cannot awake except some noyse waken him or some other call him So in like manner wee cannot arise out of sinne except the spirit of God or his Preachers which are his watchmen with often crying vnto vs awake vs vp Esay 58.1 Proud through honour 1 LIke as Bucephalus the horse of Alexander the great beeing vnsadled would receiue on his backe the horse keeper but beeing adorned with Trappers and Barbes hee would suffer none other then Alexander himselfe to ride him Euen so many being poore and base wil suffer many things which they being in prosperitie wold despise and contemne 2 As a tree set vpon the top of a mountaine is mightily shaken and easily rent vp by the rootes with euerie blustering blast and storme of wind Euen so man in this world the more and higher he is exalted to honour the more and greater daungers is hee subiect vnto Luk. ● 52 53. Iam. 4.6 Preparation of the heart before holy exercises LIke as honestie and ciuilitie requireth that our bodie be well ordered and setled when we shall haue talke and communication with men of more honour then our selues Euen so it is much more meete that our mind be very well disposed when we shall pray and speake before God in the sight of his Angels Persons of men not to be regarded in iudging of vertues c. AS the little precious stone is but a small thing yet is it esteemed aboue all huge and greater stones So a little man but of excellent wit is more to be regarded then the long large and dull dolte Papists like the old heretickes LIke as if the Physiton should say to two men of one age of one disposition and sicke of one disease that the medicine that heales the one will kill the other Euen so the Papists thinke they are greatly iniured when they bee compared to the heretickes the Datians who denied matrimonie to all men but they prohibite it onely to the order of their Ecclesiasticall Ministers as though they condemned not matrimonie because they denie it not to all but to some but the Scripture is altogether against them Gene. 1.28 9.1 2.18 Leuit. 21.7 1. Cor. 7.2 9. 1. Timo. 3.2 4.3 Hebr. 13.4 The Pastor not aboue the Prince 1 LIke as if the King should commaund his Guard to keepe his Nobles out of his Court or Pallace yet were not the Guard superiour or aboue the Nobles So though the Pastor should restraine and keepe the Prince from receiuing the Communion it cannot hence bee concluded that the Prince is inferiour to the Pastor as Doctor Bilson truly saith Pag. 222. 2 Like as if the Prince doo yeeld to the instruction of his Pastor out of Gods word this yeelding is to bee accounted to God not to his Pastor for the Pastour as Minister in Gods steed doth speake vnto him So when by the commaundement of God any Church censure is exercised against a Prince it is God and not the Pastor that doth it 2. Cor. 5.20 Peace of conscience 1 AS all men naturally in Adam are corrupte so all men naturally haue corrupt and defiled consciences accusing them and arraigning them before Gods iudgement for their sinnes in such wise that euerie suspition of death and feare of imminent daunger maketh a naturall man stand agast at his wits and knowing not what to doo but by faith in Christ the Christian is perswaded of remission of his sinnes and so the disquietnesse of his conscience is appeased and hee hath an inward Peace in al extremities which cannot be taken from him Hebr. 10.22 Rom. 5.1 15.16 2 As he that drinketh quencheth his thirst So likewise he that thirsteth after the Peace of conscience with God and righteousnesse to bee allowed at his iudgement seate findeth it and quuencheth his thirst by drinking of the bloud of Christ Ioh. 6.54 55. 3 Euen as after great showers and stormes of rayne the ayre is clensed and cleared So after great troubles sorrowes afflictions and temptations cleannesse of heart quietnesse of mind and Peace of soule and conscience doo follow Precepts of godlinesse LIke as to the sicke persons there is not only ministred medicines but there be also Precepts or diets prescribed vnto him to follow least the operation of the medicine should bee hindered Euen so Christ commaunded that his Precepts which do serue to the following of true godlinesse should be laid vnto them that be baptised least they should fal from his grace vnto the Sacrament wherof they be admitted and consigned Plague or Pestilence AS the Lyon is a most rauenous and cruell beast who teareth all other beastes in peeces especially then when she hath yong the shee Lyon spareth as they say no pray Euen so the Plague or Pestilence spareth no sorts of men 2 As there is none comparable in strength to the Lyon Euen so the Plague or Pestilence of all other diseases is most strong and deadly and brings downe to the earth as well the strongest as the weakest 3 As the Lyon is a beast of a most hotte and fierie nature Euen so is the Plague for the infected complaine much of their extreame burning Praysing God 1 AS in a Garland it sufficeth not that the flowers bee fine vnlesse the hands of him that maketh it be faire and cleane Euen so in Praysing God it is not sufficient that our words be godly and religious vnlesse our hearts agree with our words 2 As nothing is more tedious and displeasing to the eares of a good Musition then gerring of strings So nothing in the eares of the Lord can be more displeasing then not to sing and vtter Prayses vnto him with vnderstanding Deut. 32.1 Iudg. 5.1 c. Luk. 1.46 Psal 98.1 103.1 Prince or Pastor 1 AS the flowers of Sysynriehion be many whereof one alwayes is open that standeth at the top So though in a Common-wealth or Church there bee many or all good men yet they which are in the chiefest places as the Prince and Pastor must be most vigilant 2 Like as the Sunne shineth not more vnto the rich then vnto the poore but is vnto all alike So a Prince or Magistrate ought not to haue respect vnto the person but vnto the cause or controuersie Exod. 23.3 Leuit. 19.15 3 As a Horse for the leannesse is not to be blamed but the horse-keeper So the rudenesse and ignorance of the people is to be imputed vnto their Prince and Pastor 4 Like as a little Wart or blot is sooner perceiued in the face
is onely by the Preaching of his word but this they doo not seeke to lay hold of But contrarily they cast themselues head-long into the snares of temptation by ioyning in fellowship with the workers of iniquitie 1. Cor. 1.18 21. Rom. 1.16 10.17 4 As there is not a greater blessing giuen of God to any nation or people then the gift of his holy word there to be sincerely taught and preached So likewise no greater curse from God can be laid vpon any nation or people then when the word of God and the true Preaching thereof is taken away from them Amo. 8.11 12. 5 As there is much difference betwixt a drawne plat and the builded house betwixt the figure and the thing figured the naturall and the thing presented So is there much more difference betwixt the hearing of a Sermon preached and the reading thereof afterwards in writing for the heart is more mooued by hearing the word preached then read 6 As the Hen clocketh and calleth her chickens together and louingly spreadeth her wings to keepe them vnder and to protect and defend them from all things that would hurt or harme them Euen so the Lord most louingly by the continuall Preaching of his holy word doth call men to the imbracing of his mercie Mat. 23.37 7 As Christ when hee raysed vp dead men did onely speake the word and they were made aliue and at the day of iudgement at his voice when the trumpe shall blow all that are dead shall rise againe So it is in the first resurrection they that are dead in their sinnes at his voice vttered in the ministerie of the word shall rise againe 8 As Christ raysed three from the dead Iairus daughter newly dead the widdowes Sonne dead and wound vp lying on the Hearse Lazarus dead and buried and stinking in the graue and all this he did by his very voice So also by the Preaching of his word he rayseth all sorts of sinners euen such as haue lien long in their sinnes as rotting and stinking carrion 9 As the dayes of our life they arise with the Sunne and goe downe againe with it So the day of our saluation it springeth in the Preaching of the Gospell and it is shut vp againe with the ceasing of that voice Math. 4.16 10 Euen as a fruitful field bringeth two kinds of fruits for mans bodily sustenance wherof one must be dressed sodden baked or rosted c. the other may be eaten raw as it commeth from the ground So Gods word hath two kinds of foode for the soule whereof the one must needs be dressed and minced as it were by Preaching and rightly diuiding it the other may bee vnderstood and digested by reading 11 As a Mother doth not giue her child a whole Nut in the shell but breaketh and cracketh it and so giueth it the kernell Euen so must a Minister doo with the word and open it by plaine Preaching 12 Like as they that refuse Pearles because they are brought offered vnto them in homely and base vessels or as they that had rather sit in the darke then to haue a light brought them vnlesse it were put in a Siluer candlesticke or as the baker that refuseth good and pure wheate because of the basenesse of the bag in which it is brought may all be accounted fooles So in like manner such men as refuse to heare the Preaching of Gods word because it is preached by simple base men in regard of the countenance of the world are much deceiued Prayer 1 LIke as in worldly things it makes no matter concerning the sustentation of our bodies where we eate or drinke so it bee wholesome profitable and conuenient So in Religion it skilleth not where any man prayeth so that his Prayer bee deuout zealous and godly in spirit and truth 1. Timo. 2.8 Ioh. 4.21 22 23 24. 2 Like as if a man should tel a tale before a King he had need chiefly to be careful if he intend to speed of his suit that he do not onely speake that is true but that he doo also behaue himselfe after a modest and comely manner in telling of his tale without either gazing about or running into by matters Euen so much more ought wee to haue regard when wee speake vnto God that our speech and Prayer be so adorned and garnished with all circumstances of good meanes and behauiour that it may be acceptable to the eyes and eares of Gods maiestie not suffering our harts to be carried away with wandring thoghts and worldly imaginations or otherwise occupied and to forsake him in the midst of our Prayer For how shall God heare vs when wee heare not our selues Or how would we haue him to remember vs when wee doo no whit remember our selues This is euen to watch with our eyes and to sleepe with our hearts 3 Like as the comelinesse of a Father is to giue vnto his children all such things as becommeth a Father to giue and so the seemelinesse of a Prince is to deale fauourably with his subiects in those things which are seemely and meete for a good Prince to do for like as it falleth out diuers times that children do vnaduisedly aske some things of their Fathers the subiects of their Prince which cannot be graunted to saue the countenance comelinesse of the person of whom they be requested Euen so also it falleth out oftentimes that wee doo aske those things of God by Prayer which hee cannot as God giue vnto vs with the countenance and comelinesse of God 4 As none that is a suter to any other wil do or vse any thing which might offend or hinder his suit So no man that vseth Prayer will flatter himselfe in any thing that may or will displease God to whom by Prayer he mooueth suit when and so often as he prayeth 5 Like as it happeneth oftentimes that those that bee sicke doo wish and desire to haue of their Physition those things that be vnwholesome and vnprofitable for them Euen so many times wee desire by Prayer of God some things which if they should be giuen vs would be to our great hurt and vtter ruine and which are contrarie for vs. Math. 20.20 21 22. 1. Iohn 5.14 Iam. 4.3 6 As men do eate drinke which is a meane ordained of God for the conseruation of their liues not looking thereby to lengthen their dayes aboue their bounds which already the Lord hath appointed but as becommeth them to vse that meanes which hee hath ordained to serue his prouidence Euen so doo the godly as men not curious to know Gods prouidence further then hee reuealeth it vse Prayer as a meane by the which hee is accustomed to worke many of his childrens desire that according to his good will he may dispose the same 7 Like as a louing and well manered wife will not take vpon her to aske any thing of her husband at all but that which shee hopeth he will take in
good part and doo of his owne free will although shee had spoken nothing thereof and when shee knoweth what her husbands will is in things shee gladly talketh with him thereof and accordingly as shee seeth him disposed to doo shee will often desire him to doo it Euen so the godly Christians which vnfainedly loue God in that they know his wisedome and will is best cannot forbeare but often pray and talke with him and desire him to doo that which he knoweth is best and which they know also he would do if none should aske or pray for the same 8 As Rebecca when two twinnes stroue in her wombe was troubled and said why am I so Wherefore she went to aske the Lord namely by some Prophet So when we feele this inward fight betwixt the fleshe and the spirit the best thing is to haue recourse to God by Prayer Gene. 25.22 9 As the children of Israel by compassing the Citie of Ierico seuen dayes by sounding Rams hornes ouerturned the walls thereof So by serious Prayer and inuocation of Gods name the spirit is confirmed and the Turrets and Towers of the rebellious flesh battered Ios 6.34 Math. 26.41 1. Pet. 4.7 10 As the preaching of the word serues to declare and to conuey vnto vs Gods graces Euen so in Prayer wee come to haue a liuely feeling of the same in our hearts for it is the key whereby we open the treasures of God and pull downe his mercies vpon vs. Psal 106.23 Ephe. 6.18 11 Like as if a man be to come before an earthly Prince he will order himselfe in apparell gesture and word that hee may doo all things in seemelinesse and dutifull reuerence Euen so much more are Christians to order themselues when they are to appeare before the liuing God in Prayer Eccle. 5.1 12 As a child cannot without blushing call him Father whom he cares not continually to displease through his lewd conditions neither can his Father delight in such a child Euen so with what face dare any man in Prayer call God his Father whome hee makes no conscience to offend and displease most rebelliously by word and deed 13 As that Citie which is not fenced with Wals may be easily brought vnder subiection of the enemie because it wanteth that which should withstand the force and encounters of the enemie So likewise the diuell will easily bring our soules in subiection vnto him and with no great paines lead them to all kind of lewdnesse vnlesse they be fenced by often and feruent Prayer vnto God 14 Like as the Sunne giues light to the body So Prayer giueth light to the mind for as it is daungerous for a man neuer to see the Sunne So it is much more perillous for a Christian man neuer to pray 15 As trees bring foorth no fruit vnlesse they receiue Sap and nourishment from the rootes Euen so wee can neuer increase in godlinesse vnlesse we bee continually watred by our Prayers 16 As theeues and robbers beholding a man florish his sword about his eares will not then set vpon him Euen so the wicked spirits seeing vs fenced by our Prayers will straightway giue backe and leaue vs vnassaulted 17 As waues of water are tossed and carried away by force of wind So likewise hee that prayeth without faith must needs be carried of euery forcible affection therefore cannot looke to obtaine his petitions Iam. 1.6 7. 18 As women preuaile with men in their suits by great importunitie Euen so godly Christians by Prayer without ceasing do obtaine their requests of God Luk. 18.3 7. 19 Like as the poore Captiue is alwayes creeping to the prison doore often labouring to get off his bolts and fetters and to escape out of prison So likewise must wee alwayes creepe to the Lord for his spirit by Prayer to free vs out of this bondage and prison of sinne and corruption and euerie day come nearer the prison doore looking when our blessed Sauiour will vnbind vs of all the fetters of sinne and Sathan and fully erect his kingdome in vs. 20 As a Mother that carrieth her child in her armes if it crie for the Dugge and suckes the same it is aliue but beeing obserued many dayes together if it neither crie nor stirre it is dead So in like manner it is an vnfallible note of a true child of God to crie to his Father in heauen by Prayer but hee that neuer crieth nor feeleth himselfe stirred vp to make his mone to God is in a miserable case and he may well be thought to bee but a dead child 21 Like as we see green wood lying in the fire sobbing and smoaking long before it wil burne Euen so no doubt all Gods children doo feele a strife and combat in their spirits in many of their Prayers Esay 38.41 c. 22 Like as euery Fencer or florisher proueth not a valiant and couragious man when hee commeth to fight in good earnest Euen so no more are those Prayers found effectuall neither can such men speake a word to the purpose when affliction hath laid hold on thē in deed wheras a true Christian neuer sheweth his manhood nor his cunning in this weapon of Prayer more then when he is to fight for life and death and the greater the daunger is with so much the stouter courage is he endued Psal 32.6 23 As he that truly loueth delighteth in nothing more then in the often talking conference with him whom he loueth Euen so where there is true and vnfained loue vnto God there is a burning desire by often Prayer to talke with God so as no perill nor danger no not of losse of life can stay or hinder it as may appeare by Daniel Dan. 6.10 24 As the more wood is laid on the fire the greater is the flame So likewise is the continuall talking with God by Prayer a great increasing of our loue towards him as on the contrarie the seldomer we common with him by Praier the more doth our loue towards him from time to time abate slake vntil in the end it be cleane quenched 25 As a certaine kind of Serpent when hee commeth to drinke doth vomit vp al his poyson So a godly Christian when he commeth to pray must banish and cast away all anger malice and hatred of his heart 26 Like as the Ship with prosperous wind is speedily carried in her course So our Praier is more profound and is better hard when our minds are feruent with some desire Psal 17.1 27 As Elizeus did cast salt into the waters of Iericho to make them sweete So must wee salt and season our Prayers with teares to make them fauorie and delightsome to God 2. King 2.21 28 Like as if men of great and loftie spirits who to God are as silly wormes creeping on the earth stand so much vpon their reputation that as it is recorded of the Senatours of Rome in old time they thinke it a great disgrace vnto them that any man
are sooner forsaken of God then others Rom. 9.22 Eccles. 9.1 5 As that is not alwayes a good horse which hath his bridle and Sadle adorned with gold So also may not that Rich man be accoūted blessed who hath rich atire sumptuous buildings and costly moueables 6 Euen as a Flie comming to a platterfull of sweete and pleasant honie if shee thrust not her selfe altogether into it but onely touch and taste it with her mouth and take no more then is necessarie and needfull shee may safely goe away and flie to an other place but if shee wallow and tumble in the Honie then is shee limed and taken in it and whiles shee is not able to flie away she doth there loose her life Euen so if a man of all his Riches take onely so much as may sustaine him and honestly maintaine his estate bestowing the rest well and Christianly his Riches then cannot hold him backe nor barre him out of the kingdome of heauen but if couetousnesse shall bewitch him and still pricke him forward to scrape together more and more and shall make him euen vnsatiable then they take him and holde him and so belime the wings of his mind that he cannot once in all his life haue one flight towards the kingdome of heauen and thus being in thraldome and bondage to wicked Mammon the ende of his pleasures in this world is the beginning of his sorrowes in the world to come 7 As Aesopes Dogge who hauing a peece of meate in his mouth and espying the shaddow therof in the water thinking it had beene an other peece of flesh snatched at it and through his greedie desire lost that which before hee had Euen so Rich men who might peaceably and quietly enioy the goods they haue and with pleasure the fruites of their labours by their couetous humour they depriue themselues wholly thereof and setting before their eyes a fraudulent and deceitfull hope of things that seeme to bee good forget for the most part those things that are good indeed 8 Like as when we see a man that drinketh continually yet cannot slake his thirst we coniecture forthwith that he is distempered that he hath more need to be purged and his body to be cleansed from corrupt humours then to giue him more drinke Euen so the great desire of Rich men which alwayes eateth which hath so monstrous a bellie and vnsatiable like vnto the graue doth euidently declare that the mind is very sicke and therefore to recouer it selfe it must be first purged and cleansed of the passion that tormenteth it this being done the disease would continually cease 9 As it is hard for a Periwincle in the Sea to swimme or for a Snayle vpon the land to creepe while they beare their houses vppon their backes Euen so it is hard for a Rich man that trusteth in his Riches with all his bigge bunches of wealth vppon his backe to goe through the needles eye and to enter into the kingdome of heauen Mark 10.25 10 As the Moone when shee is at the full is farthest from the Sunne of whom shee hath her light So likewise many Rich men who doo flowe on euery side with the goods and Riches of this world do euen then in the middest of their wealth withdrawe themselues farthest from God from whom themselues and all their treasures and whatsoeuer haue their being Luk. 8.14 Act. 17.28 11 As the Moone is not eclipsed nor looseth any light but when it is at the ful Euen so some Rich men are wont then thiefly to bee eclipsed and darkned concerning the loue of God and their neighbours when they be full of Riches and abound with worldly wealth A Remnant reserued AS in the time of gathering of Oliues a few berries escape here and there vngathered So when God doth bring generall destruction vpon any land for the impietie of the people therein and for the contempt of his word and ordinances a fewe here and there shall escape Esay 17.6 24.13 Reprobate are in perpetuall remembrance AS the letters carued in stone or other hard mettalles with tooles of yron and steele are wont to be set vp for a perpetuall memorie of that which men will haue remembred So God neuer putteth out of memorie the froward sinnes of obstinate and wicked men Iere. 17.1 The Register of our saluation AS the Penne of man serueth to commit to writing those things whereof hee would haue the remembrance continued So the holy Ghost Registreth in the hearts of the children of God those things which God seeth necessarie for their saluation to bee recorded of them 2. Cor. 3.3 Renued holinesse AS in the natural birth of man his body commeth into the world not so great and strong as afterward it becōmeth but litle weake and impotent So in the spirituall birth of Regeneration the soule of man is not in the first momēt indued with perfection but with a smal measure of Renued holinesse from the which it is to grow and go on forward to a perfect estate The Renued happinesse of man EVen as when Saule turned his backe to goe awaye from Samuel God chaunged him and gaue him an other hart and made him an other man 1. Sam. 10.9 Euen so doth God by changing the minds wills of his elect so secretly as that they themselues know not which way it is done make them new men and prepare them for his euerlasting kingdome A Remnant saued 1 AS a number of things should yearely decay come to nought except seeds of them were saued whereof they are by sowing renued Euen so the people that beare Gods name vpon earth should in the day of visitation of their sinnes be cleane and vtterly destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah but that God spareth some Remnant to bee as it were a seed for the encreasing of his Church and people againe Rom. 9.29 2 As great and mightie vapors with the force and power of the Sunne are taken and lifted vp from the earth and do seeke after the Sunne by whose strength and vertue they are carried vp on high and growing into clouds doo euen follow the Sunne So there is a Remnant and a little flocke of Christes that in a true and vnfained and sincere loue of God are lifted vp from the loue of the world and from all earthly and fleshly affections so far as is possible for a man in this life to bee and doo seeke the Lord and his kingdome in the singlenesse of their hearts and thinking the time of their abode heere in this vale of all miseries too too long they dayly sigh and grone for a dissolution the comming of Christ to iudge the quick and the dead Esa 60.8 9. The portion of Reprobates LIke as of the shreddings of the Vine cōmeth no profit neither can they serue for any other vse but for the fire So those whome God cutteth and casteth off from his Church can serue for no other end but for Hell fire Ezech.
land and our soules as prepared for the fire of hell by reason of sinnes in the common sort of horrible crueltie in many of them that are mightie and of the generall ignorance of Christ according to his Gospell in euerie sort Iere. 9.17 18 19. Ezech. 32.1 2 3. Hest 4.3 Iere. 9.12 Ezech. 32.4 6. Math. 7.19 13.42 49. Hos 7.3 4 5. Saluation is from God alone AS the vertue attractiue to draw Iron is not in the Iron but in the Adamant Euen so the vertue and power of Saluation lyeth not in the Minister but in the power of the word wrought by the spirit of God By our words deedes gestures and moouings Sathan knoweth the secrets of our hearts AS a man holding in his hand an Angling rod and with a baited hooke fishing in an obscure and troubled ryuer although he doth not see the fish rush vpō the baite yet hee perceiueth verie well that the fish is taken and hanged vpon the hooke because the Corke or barke of his fishing line is pulled downe and hid vnder the water So Sathan that most subtile and wily fisher although he seeth not our thoughts beeing in the secrets and bottomes of our hearts yet notwithstanding by outwarde signes he many times doth know them as by our words for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh by our actions and by the gestures of our bodies Math. 15.19 20. Prou. 6.18 Our dutie to read the Scriptures 1 AS Artificers with their tooles and instruments doo finish their worke So by reading of the holy Scriptures our selues are corrected formed and renued Col. 3.16 2. Pet. 1.19 Ephe. 6.17 Rom. 15.4 2. Timo. 5.16 Act. 17.11 Psal 119.105 Dan. 9.2 2 As Artificers cannot transforme earth or wood into siluer or gold onely they can by their Art and workmanship giue forme and shape vnto things But by the reading of Gods word thou maist of a woodden or earthen vessell make a vessell of gold or siluer as saith the holy Apostle Saint Paul 2. Timo. 2.20 21. 3 Like as there are some spices which without brusing do yeeld no smell but the more they be chafed the sweeter they are Euen so is it with the holy Scriptures such as read but little can find no taste but the more they be pervsed and read the more doo they yeeld foorth the treasures and pleasant fruits hidden in them Psal 25.14 Iohn 7.17 6.45 4 As increase of strength groweth to the body by meate Euen so the like groweth to the soule by the reading of the holy Scriptures 5 As a barre of yron by long lying in the fire waxeth hot red and of the nature of burning fire Euen so that soule that daily imployeth it selfe in reading and meditating the word of God groweth to bee spirituall diuine heauenly and kindled in the word of God Ioh. 5 3● 6 As some Birds vse to sit by the waterside that seeing the shaddow of rauening foules flying in the ayre they may escape them by leaping into the water So must Christians bee euen conuersant in the hearing and reading the word of God that so they may behold as in a Glasse the sleights of the Diuell may escape them and so maketh it their Glasse to see their own sinnes in all which would without vnfained repentaunce bring condemnation The Subiects dutie to their Magistrates 1 AS Saint Peter admonisheth seruants to be subiect to their Maisters albeit froward and peeuish So are Subiects bound to obey their Magistrates albeit an infidell a wicked man or an Idolater 1. Pet. 2.18 Rom. 13.1 Tit. 3.1 1. Pet. 2.13 14. 2 As Christian Religion dooth not subuert the order of Policie So the wickednesse and impietie of the Magistrate dooth not depriue him of his right to commaund neither dooth it exempt the Subiects from their dutie to obey 3 So long as there remaineth in Princes the Image and ordinance of God Euen so long continueth the bond of Subiects to yeeld obedience to Magistrats not as to men but as to God Exod. 9.16 Dan. 2.37 1. Sam. 21. 1. c. Iere. 26.7 29.7 35.9 Ezech. 29.18 1. Sam. 26.9 4 As God armeth the Magistrate with the sword for the preseruation of his Subiectes against the violence of their enemies and to enforce rebels to yeeld obedience to their lawfull decrees So when alone or with his Sargeants Officers he is not able to performe this dutie he may and ought to command his Subiects to helpe him to execute his office and they are bound at his commandement to take armes to employ themselues Iudg. 5.9 23. 5 As by naturall affection the handes and other the members of the body doo stand bound to employ themselues for the saftie of the body but especially of the head against all violence and iniurie So likewise ought all Subiects to thinke vpon the naturall bond and affection and in dutie vnder the conduct of their head to preserue the body of the Comminaltie but especially the person and authoritie of their Prince and Magistrate against the violence and endeuours of their enemies 1. Sam. 11.6 7. Iudg. 21.8 c. 6 As the Magistrate is by God authorized to leauie tolles taxes tributes and many other Subsidies of the people So are the Subiects bound to furnish and pay them Rom. 13.6 7. Math. 22.21 17.25 26 27. Saluation is desired of the godly AS all men of themselues be sinners throgh sin are in Gods wrath banished far away from him condemned to hell euerlasting damnation and none is clearely innocent but Christ alone So euerie soule inspired by God is desirous to bee deliuered from sinne and hell and to obtaine at Gods hands mercy fauour righteousnesse and euerlasting Saluation Free from Sinne by faith AS wee being in the seruitude of Sinne demonstrate and make knowne our seruice by giuing ouer our member by the obeying of Sinne from iniquitie Euen so wee being made free from Sinne by faith in Iesus Christ indued with Gods spirit a spirit of libertie must needes demonstrate this freedome and libertie by giuing ouer our members to the obedience of the spirit by the which we are lead and guided from vertue to vertue and al kind of holinesse No Sanctification except we be vnited to the Church EVen as the spirit of man dooth not strengthen the members of the body vnlesse they bee fast and surely ioyned together So the holy Ghost doth not reuiue and comfort the members of the Church when they fall away and will not continue in league and fellowship with the seruants of God longer then they are fast bound and knit to the congregation of Gods people in loue and peace in Christ the holy Ghost doth minister no strength no consolation no comfort vnto them there remaineth nothing else in such men but a numnesse and extreame blindnesse in heauenly things And whiles in their arrogancie and pride they forsake and condemne the church of God because they cannot drawe it
3 As in fishing when the fishes bee deceiued with the baite haue the Hookes in their mouths men draw them and make them follow whither so euer please them Euen so God withdraweth mightie Tyrantes from executing their deuises and from obtaining their enterprises Threatnings AS sometimes it thundreth without lightning which thunder bringeth most terrour but voide of all daunger So the Threatnings of some doo appeare terrible yet are they voide of all trouble and hurt Esay 37.29 Trade of life 1 AS the Oxe is most apt for the plough the Horse for the carte and the hound for hunting So ought men to chuse that occupation and Trade of life wherunto by nature they are most apt 2 As he which hath no house of his owne wandereth here and there So he which followeth no certaine Trade of life must foolishly assay many sorts and chaunces Thoughts LIke as the Lord requireth an account of euerie idle word Euen so he requireth tribute of wicked lusts Thoughts arrayneth them keepeth a court for them and setteth fines and mercements vppon the heads of them Math. 12.36 Rom. 7.7 Iam. 1.15 Math. 9.4 Temperate LIke as it is in vaine to shut the outter Gates of a Citie if but one bee left open whereat the enemie may enter So it is not enough to bee Temperate in other things that is to haue a firme and moderate gouernment of reason against vicious affections of the mind if we set open our eares vnto ribauldrie and filthie talke Tongue 1 AS ryuers be compassed with banks least they should flow ouer So ought our Tongue to be walled with reason least it should be ouer busie in babling Iam. 3.2 c. 1. Pet. 3.10 2 As beasts and birds by mans industrie are tame Euen so contrariwise the Tongue of man is so vnruely that no man can tame it Iam. 3.7 8. 3 As a very little fire kindleth neuer so great a heape of matter apt to be kindled Euen so the Tongue setteth the whole course of nature on fire is kinled it selfe of hell Iam. 3.5 6. 4 As a sharpe Rasour with the least touch that can be shaueth and cutteth So dooth also the Tongue of a mischieuous lying man Psal 52.2 5 As a Ship though neuer so great and huge is turned about with a verie small Rudder Euen so the Tongue though it be a small member oftentimes ouer-ruleth the whole bodie and setteth it out of course Iam. 3.4 6 As it is vnpossible that a Figge-tree should be able to bring forth Oliues or a Vine Figges So it cannot be that that Tongue which is giuen to euil speaking and slaundering should be able to bring foorth any good thing not defiled with the venim of the Tongue and the heart Iam. 3.11 12. 7 As Fire Chaffe and Stubble being added vnto it or any thing apt to burne will burne it cleane vp yea if Townes if Cities yea the whole world be added therto it will burne them vp all So likewise if words be added to the Tongue then backbiting slaundering swearing lying c. it will at the last set whole Kingdomes on fire Talke 1 AS the Musitian with the soft striking of strings doth please vs So the Talke that is gentle dooth sooner perswade then that which is rigorous and extreame 2 As the East wind is accounted neither good for man nor beast Euen so Talke and words that profit not are not wont to proceed from the wise Iob. 15.2 3. 3 As the sauour of stinking carrion is noysom to them that smel it So is the speech of fooles tedious to wise men that heare it 4 As a Vessell is knowne by the sound whether it be whole or broken So are men prooued by their speech whether they be wise or foolish Two natures in the personall vnion of Christ LIke as in that one person of Christ there be Two natures So there is a dubble will working wisedome strength power vertue c. the one heauenly and not created the other humane and created Luk. 2.52 Mar. 11.13 13.32 1. Iohn 2.1 17. Iohn 2.25 6.64 5.20 Heb. 1.9 Iohn 1.33 4.6 Heb. 1.3 Iohn 2.19 10.18 Testimonie of the spirit in the elect AS Marchants being desirous to sell their wares are content to let the buyer see handle and sometimes also taste of the same thereby to induce them to buy Euen so God Almightie willing as it were to sell vs the ioyes of heauen is content to impart a certaine taste before hand to such as he seeth are willing to buy thereby to make them come off roundly with the price and not to sticke in paying so much as he requireth False Teachers AS emptie Cloudes which boast of raine but yet haue none are blowne away with the winde Euen so false and vntrue Teachers who bragge of great things yet they bring not that which they boast off 2. Pet. 2.17 Hose 13.3 Iude. ver 12. Trouble of conscience 1 AS the Angel did say that ther shal be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shal there be any more paine So after that we are at peace with God it is most true that there shal be no more Trouble of conscience Reue. 21.14 2 As it is a chiefe point of worldly wisedome not to tarrie for the vse of phisicke vntill we be deadly sicke but to be acquainted with Gods merciful preseruation to defend vs from it So likewise it is a chiefe pollicie of a good Christian not onely to seeke comfort when the agonie and Trouble of Conscience is vpon him but also to vse all good helpes to meet with it before it comes 3 Like as we condemne them of folly who will not as well labour to keep themselues out of debt as also to pay the debt when they owe it So likewise it is a madnesse not to be circumspect to auoyd all occasions which may bring Trouble of minde or Conscience vpon them As also they would be prouident to enter euery good way which may drawe them out of this Trouble when they haue once entered into it Types of truth AS the Rauen was a figure of the Lawe of God which threatned al sinners So the floud was a reuengement sent from Almightie God vpon all offenders Gene. 8.6 c. Trinitie LIke as if three Kings equall in dignitie should meete all in one place being equall also in power and maiestie if all three should sit downe though one be no better then an other yet one of them must needs sit downe the first and another in the second place and then the third but yet we cannot say that he which sat downe first is the chiefest So it is in the Trinitie though none be greater or aboue another yet the Father is in the first place not because he is before the Sonne or the holy Ghost in dignitie or honour but because hee is the fountaine of the Deitie the Sonne being from him and the holy Ghost from them both 2
recouer againe being dead shall no more fall but continue in their holinesse Wicked children of godly parents 1 AS the faire Echium bringeth forth an euill fauoured seede and that euill fauoured seed againe bringeth foorth a faire Buglosse So sometime a godly Father begetteth an euill child and a Wicked child againe sometimes begetteth a godly Sonne 2 As the foreskin of the flesh remaineth in him which is begotten of one circumsised and the Chaffe commeth againe with the Corne though the seede bee neuer so cleane So it is in originall sinne and in sinfull children of Religious parents The Word of God how it worketh in men diuersly 1 LIke as the materiall Sunne in the Firmament which being but one and euer the same yet is in some sort an occasion of contrarie effectes for whereas properly it lightneth and is comfortable to the eyes that bee sound and cleare improperly it dimmeth and breedeth annoya●ce to such as are maymed in sight againe wheras it softneth Waxe it hardneth Clay and as it procureth a sweete sauour from Flowers so it draweth nothing but a stinking smell from dead carrions So likewise the Word of the Lord beeing preached it worketh in the godly and the wicked a contrarie effect for it lightneth the one and blindeth the other it softneth the one and hardneth the other it draweth a sweete fauour from the one and a vile stinke from the other it maketh some better but some others it maketh worse it allureth some to repentance but other some it causeth through their peruerse nature to encrease in pride and contumacie Psal 19.8 119.105 Esay 6.9 10. Math. 13.13 14 15. Act. 28.26 27. Rom. 11.8 Act. 2.37 Act. 7.51 54. Phil. 4.18 Hebr. 13.16 Rom. 22.11 2 Like as water notwithstanding it bee but one and euer the same yet it is in some sort also an occasion of contrarie effects for beeing the one among fire it quencheth the same but being cast into Lime it sets it on fire So in like manner the Word dooth naturally quench the fierie affections in the children of God but accedentally inflameth the fierie dispositions of the children of Sathan Esay 55. 1. Ioh. 4.13 Iere. 44.16 3 Euen as the Flowers although they be euer the same yet are they the matter of diuers things and effectes For whereas they are Honie to the Bees they become verie poyson to the venemous Spider Or as the Honie which is wholesome for sound stomackes is verie hurtfull for those that are sicke of the Collicke not through fault of it selfe but of the receiuer So likewise the word of God is wholesome and profitable to the godly but otherwayes to the wicked 4 As the fire which purgeth the Gold consumeth the drosse which beeing put vnto Frankencense procureth sweete perfumes which are great recreations for men which yet is present death vnto Swine So surely the Word of God it worketh like contrarie effectes in the godly the wicked For it is Honie to the one and poyson to the other It is verie healthfull for the one and hurtfull to the other It purgeth the one and consumeth the other It draweth a sweet sauour from the one but a foule stincke from the other Lastly it is a recreation for the one but a destruction to the other Psal 19.10 107.20 Tit. 1.9 2.8 1. Timo. 1.9 10. Ioh. 13.10 15.3 5 As the godly by their obedience doo feele in the Word the mightie power and wisedome of God to their saluation So the vngodly by their disobedience do finde nothing therin but the inuincible power of God to their endlesse damnation 2. Thess 1.10 1. Pet. 1. 8 9. 2. Thess 1.7 8 9. 6 As the thunder-Bolt which being cast foorth from the cloudes spareth euerie such matter as submitteth it selfe to the force thereof but breaketh to powder whatsoeuer hard thing shall withstand the same So the Word which proceedes from the Lord by the mouth of his Ministers dooth neuer returne in vaine but is either a soueraigne salue to such as are broken in heart or otherwise an hammer to dash in peeces such as are obstinate in hart And therefore cannot properly bee accounted the cause of sinne though by reason of mens sundrie natures it may in some sort be said to be an occasion thereof Esay 55.10 11. Iere. 23.29 Word of God 1 EVen as the Gold Siluer are put to the fire so much the surer proofe they haue of their goodnesse and finenesse So the Lords truth the more exactly it is weyed with spirituall examination so much the greater confirmation of credite it receiueth 2 As Wells the more they are drawne the better they are Euen so the Word of God the more diligently it is handled vsed the more plentifull fruit is receiued by it 3 As we cannot liue without meate and drinke which God hath ordained for our bodily life So wee cannot haue faith without the preaching and hearing of the Word of God 4 As the fish called a Carpe which seeing the Net to be cast into the water diueth suddenly downe to the bottome and dasheth her head so deepe in the mudde that the compasse of the Net slippeth ouer her cleane or at the most doth touch no more then the tippe of her tayle but take her it cannot So the most kind of men are of so carping a nature that they no sooner perceiue the Net of Gods Word to be preached in the Church by their faithfull Minister but foorthwith they begin to diue so deepe in the dunge of their owne delights and to dashe their minds so much in the mucke of worldly trifles that either the net of Gods Word dooth slip ouer them cleane or at the most it doth but lightly touch them yet let them shift as they can they shall bee taken one time or other if they belong vnto the Lord. 5 As Crowes are then most busiest to doo hurt when the Husbandman soweth his seede and when the same seede beginneth to sprout Euen so Sathan and his infernall spirits are then most careful to steale away the seed of the Word of God when it is first preached as also when it beginneth to take some roote in the hearts of the hearers Math. 13.4 Mark 4.4 Luk. 8.5 6 As Gold Siluer and precious stones are not consumed with materiall fire but rather are made more pure Euē so the pure Word of God suffereth neither hurt nor dammage in spirituall fire that is temptation and persecution 7 As wild Campion Larks-spur Canterburie beles throwen before Scorpions taketh away their power to doo harme So the Word preached sincerely dooth strike men with such a terrour that they dare not doo the euill they intended 8 As the water of Lilium Conuallium if it be drunke restoreth speech to him that hath lost it by the Apoplexie So the Word of Christ truly receiued maketh them to speak that could not 9 As Maister-woort where it is sowne delighteth the ground So the Word where it is
faithfully preached delighteth godly Christians 10 As Balme Apples called Charentia taken in wine are a pleasant remedie for all paines as well within the body as without so comforteth the strength of such as take it that no griefe may happen to them So the Word of God truly preached rightly applied is a present remedie for wounded consciences and so comforteth such to eternall life c. 11 As Sothern-wood taken into the body driueth out Wormes and laide among cloathes killeth Moathes and vermine So the Word of God laid truely vp in the heart killeth and driueth out euill motions 12 As Echium or Milk-woort drunken causeth plentie of Milke in womens breasts So the Word of God well learned of the Minister and rightly diuided applied of him yeeldeth plentie of instruction for the hearers and children of God 13 As a blind man is altogether vnable to iudge rightly of any colour So hee that is ignorant of the Word of God is not able to iudge and discerne what is either consonant or dissonant vnto the truth of God 14 As the purenesse of Gold must bee tried foorth by the touchstone or furnace but yet through the industrie of those that haue skill and experience in both for otherwise what vse is there either of the touchstone or furnace with such as haue no knowledge at all to deale in the same Euen so euerie doctrine is to be tried by the onely rule of the Word but yet the spirit of God must direct the action or else the Word of it selfe will but little auaile vs. 1. Ioh. 4.1 2. 15 As they that haue well swept their Chambers it seemeth vnto them that they are verie cleane and yet notwithstanding when the Sunne commeth to enter there by the windowes they perceiue straightwayes by the beames an infinite deale of dust which the Phylosophers call moates Euen so oftentimes before we be well instructed in the Law of God if we bee exempted from grosse and palpable sinnes such as are murthers whoredomes thefts c. we glorie that we are perfect and innocent but when our consciences come to be descried by the Word of God and that Iesus Christ who is the light hath entred there by his spirit then he maketh vs to see by his beames an infinite number of faults and imperfections which are hidden in our hearts as are the Serpents in the hoales Rom. 7.7 16 Like as drunkards who beeing ouer charged with Wine and meate haue no manner of knowledge or feeling of the case wherein they are nor of any thing else and yet hauing their faces couered and all to bee rayed with durt they cannot perceiue it vntill their Wine bee drenched and their braine deliuered from those fumes and vapours whereby they were so letted and darkned So we likewise before we bee regenerate are in such sort besotted with a loue that we beare to our selues and with a vaine opinion that wee haue conceiued of our selues that we know not the filthinesse and villanies wherewith wee are betrayed but when as the light of the spirit and Word of God begins to breake foorth vnto vs wee come by little and litle to breake and scatter those clouds which were before our senses and recouering the viewe of our reason we beginne to awake our selues and discouer the pittifull and miserable estate wherein we are 17 Anacharsis did say that the Athenians vsed money for none other purpose then for numbring and casting of account So there be some that vse the Scriptures and Word of God onely for table-talke vaine-glorie and ostentation 18 Like as the light of the Sun cannot helpe the eyes that bee blind or a voice which soundeth loude profite deafe eares Euen so no more can the preaching of the Word of God or the administration of the Sacraments profit our soules except the holy Ghost indeede ioyne his power withall by the which onely the eares are prepared the heart opened the affections touched and the willes disposed and prepared there by to giue an enterance to the outward ministerie 19 Like as by the power and blessing of God the fruits of the earth are brought forth yet by the ordinarie means of planting and sowing Euen so although faith bee inwardly wrought in vs by the operation of the holy ghost yet is the true preaching of the Word of God the outward ordinarie meanes whereby the same is brought to passe and as needfull is preaching for the working of faith in vs as ploughing planting and sowing is for the bringing foorth of Corne fruits and hearbes out of the earth for our corporall sustenance Rom. 10.17 Ioh. 17.20 20.31 1. Cor. 3.5 6. 20 As seede sowne vppon the grasse or greene sward doth not yeeld his encrease No more dooth the Word sowne in hard and vnprepared hearts 21 As seed is sown to bring forth fruit So is the Word of God preached to giue encrease 22 As the seed how good so euer it bee bringeth not forth fruit at the same instant time that it is sown but continueth a certaine time in the earth So is it not conuenient to restraine bind the fruit and vertue of the Word of God to the same houre that it is preached but the fruit shall be shewed to the elect when it pleaseth God 23 As when the seed is sowne men iudge if the Land bee good or bad by the encrease of the fruit that it yeeldeth Euen so by the profit of the hearers men iudge whether the Word take effect in them yea or no. 24 As where great store of Corne and seede is it is a signe that our bodies shall not die for hunger Euen so where the Word of God is plentifull preached it is a token that our soules shall not famish 25 As where good land is there is great encrease So in them in whom the Word of God is fruitfull it will appeare and shew forth his fruit as in Zacheus Luk. 19.8 26 As by bread our bodies are nourished and fed So by the preaching of the Word of God our soules are susteined Amo. 8.11 12. Math. 4.4 27 As good seede sowne in good ground will bring forth plentiful encrease So will the liuely Word of God being truly preached amongst the faithfull 28 As that land that bringeth foorth fruit when the deaw of heauen falleth on it is blessed So those people which receiue the Word of God in their harts and bring forth fruit accordingly shall bee blessed of the Lord for it shall not returne nor bee preached in vaine Hebr. 6.7 Esa 55.10 11. 2. Cor. 2. 15 16. 29 As that man that is made Executor of his Fathers last Will and Testament by the benefit whereof he looketh to enioy his Fathers Lands and possessions if there should bee any hard clause or point in it hee would no doubt not only be diligent in searching it out by reading or getting it read againe and againe but also by conferring with other more learned then himselfe and by hauing
the iudgement of the best Lawyers So then if we in our causes and earthly matters whether we bee olde or young no hardnesse can stay or hinder vs to slacke our duties but rather cause vs to vse more diligence Euen so should it be yea so would it be in hearing learning and searching out the will and Word of our heauenly Father wherby our hope is to attaine to the possession and inheritance of euerlasting life And if any part of it should seeme hard vnto vs yet that should not cause an hardnesse of heart in vs to cast off the care of the whole and vtterly to refuse to heare read or learne any part of it Iohn 5.39 Act. 17.11 30 Like as our bodies are nourished sustained with carnall and naturall foode Euen so our soules are fed and nourished by reading and hearing the Word of God 31 Like as the crowing of the Cocke was an occasion to mooue Peter to repent Euen so the Word preached by faithful Ministers is a meanes to bring their hearers to repentance Math. 26.74 75. 32 As the Arke was a blessing to those that knewe the right vse thereof as the Israelites did but it was a curse and a plague to the abusers thereof the Phylistines 1. Sam. 5.1 2 3 4. c. Euen so is the Word of God a great comfort and blessing to those that rightly vse it faithfully imbrace it and rightly practise it but it is a plague and curse to those that haue it and abuse it and do not reforme themselues by it 2. Sam. 6.3 c. 1. Chro. 13.5 Iere. 23.19 Deut. 11.27 28. 2. Cor. 2.15 16. Math. 10.14 15. Hebr. 2.2 3 4. Iere. 11.3 33 As a hungrie man will not refuse meate if it bee good and wholesome which is offered to him by a child So ought none to refuse the Word of God if it be offered sound and good though the preacher thereof be a yong man 34 As those men that dwel by the ryuer Nilus are made deafe by the great and exceeding noyse of that water Euen so many people at this day by the plentifull continuall preaching of the Gospell a lamentable thing to heare doo waxe dull hearers wearie of it and loath it euen as the people of Israel loathed Manna Mumb. 11.6 35 Like as yong children that haue Ratles when they bee new and haue them first will loue them very much and greatly delight in them so that they will not forgoe them when they eate or sucke yea and they will haue them with them in their Cradles but when they be a litle olde they will cast them away and care not for them Euen so a great number of people did make great account of the preaching of the Word in the time of ignorance and would go farre and neare to heare it who now hauing plentie of Sermons doo loath them and care not for them c. 36 As hunger is a signe of good health So likewise to hunger and thirst after Gods Word is a notable signe of our spirituall health and safetie Math. 5.6 37 As Spices smell strongest being pounned and beaten then lying whole in a bagge Or as Imbers are hottest being raked abroad and meates do nourish better being cut and shred then being eaten in gobbeth Euen so the Word of God truely expounded preached and rightly diuided is of greater efficacie and power then when it is but barely read 38 As men vsually rubbe the Chaffe from the Corne and then eate it So must the spirituall foode the Word of God be done withall if it haue any corruption added to it by the preacher 39 As by wholesome meates and drinkes the body is strengthned and increased and by the wise counsell of Physitions the sicknesse to be feared is preuented So by the word of God the faith of euerie Christian is encreased and by the admonitions thereof the daungers to bee feared are auoided whilst hee willingly giueth credite to that which is spoken 40 As the materiall seede is counted of small estimation So is the Word of God amongst the wicked and vngodly Luk. 8.11 1. Cor. 1.18 41 Like as the seede hath power to bring forth fruit of it selfe So doth the VVord of God bring forth that euen which Kings cannot cause to spring forth but by it selfe 42 As seed groweth not in the hand not being sowne So the Word of God doth not increase except it be preached published abroad and rightly diuided 2. Timo. 2.15 43 Like as worldly wise men vse to buy bookes of Statutes and to haue them in their houses to read on that they may know how to auoide daunger of Law Euen so the faithfull do alwayes set before them Gods Word and in all their doings it is their Counseller least they should come into daunger of Gods displeasure Psal 119.24 44 As a shower of raine falling vpon fire dooth easily extinguish and quench the flame Euen so the VVord of God being receiued into our hearts doth easily make all concupiscence to vanish away 45 As the skill and cunning of the Physition healeth al the infirmities and diseases of the body So Gods Word onely cureth the sicke sorrowfull and distressed soule 46 As a plant by continuall watering groweth vp at length to a great tree So a man by continuall watering of Gods Word doth at last grow vp to the full height of vertue and godlinesse 47 Like as long as the Physition doth appoint the sicke man what hee shall doo how to diet himselfe and what medicines to take there is hope of life but if hee forsake him we looke for present death So as long as God of his goodnesse lets his Word be among vs there is good hope of his loue and fauour but if hee take the same away from vs then there is no comfort left 48 As those that build without a good foundation either the wind or water soon ouerthroweth it Euē so they which in matters of faith stay not themselues vppon the Word but vpon the credite of their teachers shall not be able to withstand the subtilties of the Diuill but are easily ouerthrowne Math. 7.26 27. 49 As wheat giueth sound good and substantial nourishment vnto the body Euen so doth the true Word of God mightily and wholesomely nourish the soule 50 As a graine of Mustard seede beeing the least of all seeds and sowne in the earth when it groweth vp ariseth to a great height and beareth great braunches so that the foules of heauen may build vpon the shadow of it Euen so the Word of God and faith beeing not idle but working although in outward shewe it seeme small and slender yet dooth it by little and little spread it selfe and like a faire fruitfull braunched tree receiue daily strength and encrease Luk. 13.19 17.6 Mark 4.31 51 As the Sun which was made to lighten all things is most light So the Word which was made to cleare all things is most cleare Psal 119.105 Prou. 8.9
Psal 19.7 52 As a man will be more warie to trie euerie peece of Gold when he sees many counterfeit and florishing Angels to flie abroad So when christians shall see many sorts of doctrin crawling daily like Locusts out of the bottomlesse pit they must be more diligent to taste trie which is the sound and sincere Word 1. Ioh. 4.1 Iere. 23.28 53 As the biting and sharpnesse of Mustard together with his hot and fierie taste which is many times seene to make the eater thereof to rubbe his nose and wring out teares and which also by prouoking of neezing doth excellently purge the head from rough phlegme and rheumatike substance Euen so the Word of God being faithfully preached and rightly applied doth pearce the conscience shake the mind enkindle inflame the heart excite and stirre vp drowsie faint and dull minds to ensue vertue and performe the duties of pietie and doth many times force and fetch out teares of earnest and heartie repentance Act. 2.37 54 As they that vse the benefit of the day to trauel and walke in needeth not to stumble fall at the things that lie in their way for that they haue light to direct them by So likewise they that direct themselues in their calling by the light of the Word of God goe aright and vpright because God doth guide them Ioh. 11.9.10 55 Like as Gods curse is apparant in that earth which notwithstanding the raine and all the dressing that men can vse bringeth nothing but weedes bryers and brambles So they that heare the word of God faithfully preached and continue in ignorance and proceede in impietie and vngodlinesse haue manifest seales of their damnation Hebr. 6.7 8. 56 Like as if Corne be spilt or shed in any cōmon way the foules presently fall vpon it and deuour it and suffer it not to remaine there any longer Euen so the seed of the VVord when it is preached and fallen into hard hearts is by and by taken away of the Diuell and wicked spirits and so cannot remaine there nor bee vnderstood Math. 13.19 57 Euen as a man receiuing the best friend that he hath into his house will lodge him in his best roome that hee hath So likewise should a Christian lodge Gods VVord in no worse place then in his heart Col. 3.16 58 As no man knoweth how sweete Honie is but hee that tasteth it So wee cannot vnderstand the profite of Gods VVord except we haue experience therein Prou. 24.13 14. 59 As the salt which Elishia did cast into the spring of Iericho was profitable to that land Euen so the Word of God is as healthsome to mens soules 2. King 2.21.22 60 As King Salomon by continuall exercising of himselfe in wisedome did both resolue the Queene of Saba of all her hard and curious questions and wrote many parables to instruct other men that were to come after him So likwise Christians by acquainting thēselues in the Word of God shall be able to satisfie both their owne consciences in matters of Religion and to teach the ignorant that which they ought to know Math. 13.52 61 As Iacobs sleeping in the land of Canaan was a figure of his continuall rest and perpetual possession of the same So likewise the stedfast setling of our sences in the VVord of God is an infallible argument of our continuall enioyin thereof Gene. 28.13 Luk. 10.42 62 As all the sheafes in the Haruest did bow to Iosephes sheafe So must all men be controlled and subiect to Gods Word Gene. 37.7 63 Like as the Sunne dooth not heate all those that it lightneth Euen so the Word of God dooth shewe men what they ought to doo but not enflamed them with a desire to performe the same for it is one thing to knowe that we should be wise and an other to be wise indeed 64 As the Israelites might not sow two kinds of seedes in one and the same ground Euen so the immortall seede of Gods VVord must onely bee receiued in the furrowes of our hearts Deut. 22.9 65 As raine and Snow falling from heauen returneth not thither againe but watereth the earth and maketh it fruitfull Euen so the Word that commeth out of Gods mouth shall not returne voide but shall accomplish and bring to passe that which God will shall prosper in that whereunto he sent it Esa 55.10 11. 66 As the seede once sowne wheresoeuer it pleaseth God to graunt his blessing vnto it whether the sower sleepe or wake or whatsoeuer he doth and howsoeuer he is occupied groweth and encreaseth till it come to maturitie and ripenesse So likewise the Word by the ministerie of God being scattered where God worketh withall by his holy spirit there it bringeth a great maruellous and an vnlooked for encrease Mar. 4.20 67 As of mortal and corrupt seeds men are first borne to this mortall and corruptible life So must wee of the immortall and incorruptible seede of the Word be borne againe to a life immortall and incorruptible if wee will liue euer 1. Pet. 68 As it is impossible that Corne should grow or prosper and come to good among the bushes of thornes So likewise is it impossible that the seede of the Word preached should become the seede of new birth to him that continueth full of worldly cares and is snared with the deceitfulnesse of riches Math. 13.22 1. Pet. 1.23 69 Like as he that is a thirst doth greedily and ioyfully receiue a cup of water or beere to quench his thirst and to ease him for a little time Euen so much more greedily should Christians receiue the VVord the water of life whereby the thirst of their soules shall be quenched eternally Math. 10.42 Ioh. 4.14.15 70 As the Israelites in the wildernesse whensoeuer the cloud and piller of fire stood still they stood still when it went they went Euen so must the VVord of God be a piller of fire vnto vs when it commandeth vs to stand we must stand still and whatsoeuer we doo in our calling we must haue direction for the same out of Gods VVord Numb 9.21 22. Luk. 5.4 1. Timo. 6.1 c. Deut. 17.16 c. Psal 119. c. 71 As children are so greedily carried with a desire of their foode that when hunger pincheth them they neither regard leisure necessitie nor the willingnesse of their Mothers but all excuses and businesse set apart so soone as they crie for it they must be fed Euen so wee must not thinke it enough to desire the Word but we must be earnest and feruent and importunate in calling and crying for it 1. Pet. 2.2 72 As the Lampe burned continually in the Temple without quenching Euen so the Word of God must continually sounde in our eares without intermission Leuit. 24.2 3. Act. 2.46 Ioh. 6.27 73 As Dauid longed for the Well of Bethlehem So must Christians long and languish for the Milke of the Word 2. Sam. 23.15 1. Pet. 2.2 74 Like as a vapour
or perfume in the ayre which in some mens nosthrils is sauorie and pleasant and doth reuiue them and others it striketh starke dead Euen so the Word preached by Gods Ministers lawfully called by him therunto hath the same power and force in it which Christ himselfe shewed when he spake on earth for it is the sauour of life vnto life to saue those that heare it Or it is the sauour of death vnto death to those that contemne it Ioh. 18.4 5 6. 2. Cor. 2.16 75 As it is the vse of Physicke to cure men of diseases when they are falne into them so also to preserue them from sicknesse before it haue taken hold of them Euen so it is the power of the Word to asswage the trouble of conscience when it dooth once presse vs as also to preuent it before it hath ouertaken vs. 76 As it profiteth nothing to graffe a plant if with a whirle wind or storme it bee pulled vp by the rootes before it beare fruit So the Word of God being preached heard and laide vp in our minds shall doo vs no good if before it bring forth fruit with some blustering blasts and sturdie storme of temptations it shall be rooted out of our hearts Psal 1.2 77 Euen as a twig or braunch taken from a very good and fruitfull tree and graffed into the trunke or stocke of some wilde tree as a Crab Thorne or such like dooth drawe the stocke or trunke to the nature of the twig or braunch that now it beareth other leaues and other fruit then it was wont to doo So the Word of God wel planted and surely graffed in our barren hearts by preaching and Catechising doth draw vs and conuert vs vnto and into it self and causeth vs to beare other goodly leaues of holy and godly Words and other most pleasaunt and wholesome fruits of vnfained vertues and graces but by the way we must needes crop and cut off the boughes of our olde sinnes that Christ may be graffed in vs and then no doubt our fruit shall bee such as God for his Sonnes sake wil accept and take in good part at our hands 78 As men are wont accustomed to make account of precious things and not to cast them at randome but to keepe them safe vnder locke and key Euen thus safely and surely must the Word of God when it is heard and preached bee kept in our hearts if we will euer come by true wisedome Psal 119.11 Luk. 2.19 Heb. 2.1 Iam. 1.21 79 Euen as we cannot feele the fauour and taste of any meate vnlesse we chaw the same So also wee neuer feele any fruit of Gods Word vnlesse the same abide in vs and we doo as it were chaw and ruminate the same 79 As the Sun at sometime of the yeare in some place dooth afford his shine and light vnto the people and yet dooth little or nothing warme them So the knowledge and vnderstanding of the Word and will of God preached dooth not by and by worke an hungring and thirsting to lead a vertuous and godly life in all those whom it hath instructed and most perfectly taught what they should doo and how they ought to liue They receiue knowledge and vnderstanding from it but they refuse the grace and denie the power of it 80 As the Iewes which crucified the Sonne of God euen Iesus Christ were conuerted by hearing Peter preach but one Sermon But we are worse then they who haue heard many hundreds of Sermons and yet are many of vs neuer touched with any remorse of conscience nor moued to any serious or true repentance Act. 2.37 38 39. 81 Like as we see Crowes and other foules follow the heeles of the sower to picke vp and deuour such graine and Corne as doo lie vncouered So in like manner doo the Diuels come like greedie foules into the assemblies wher the Word of God is preached to take it away from the hearts of the people that it may not growe there Math. 13.4 82 As a Purgation made for the body many times worketh not his operation by reason of the ill temperature of the body or else of the region that too much by reason of her draweth humours of man into the exteriour parts of the body So likewise the Word of God powred into the eares and vnderstanding of man worketh not many times his operation in cleansing the soule from the humours and corruption of sinne by reason of the ill temperature and disposition of the persons that vseth to read and heare the Scripture 83 As the child before he is borne into the world abideth in the Mothers wombe and taketh all nourishment of her So we must learn what God is within the bounds of his Word not at rouers vntill he mercifully deliuered vs from this bondage and out of the dungeon of the body and graunt vs to behold him face to face 84 As playsters except they bee applied in order and time and be laid vpon the wound though they be neuer so good yet they cannot heale Euen so it is with the Word of God and the parts of it which except they bee vsed in order and time conuenient will not humble and receiue vs as their vertue is 85 Like as the red Sea was a safe passage for the Israelites comming out of Egypt and a drowning to the Egyptians Or as the fire of Babylon hurt not the three children cast into the Ouen but yet burnt the Ministers which cast them in Or as the Lyon saued Daniell aliue but quickly did deuour his accusers Euen so such is the nature of the VVord of God that as it is a condemnation to the wicked so it is the power of God vnto saluation to all those which beleeue the same Exod. 14. toto Dan. 3.21 25. Dan. 6.22 24. Rom. 6.16 86 As there was in the Arke the tables of the Law the pot of Manna and Aarons rod So in the Word of God there are Commandements mercies for the faithfull and iudgements for the impenitent and vnfaithfull 87 Euen as salt is good both for the keeping of dead flesh from corruption and for the healing and purging of that which is aliue So the Word is profitable for them that be dead in trespasses and sinnes to make them aliue and for them that bee aliue in Christ to heale and purge them of sinne 88 Like as the Sunne shining on the earth is not polluted or hurt thereby but rather cleanseth all things So the holy Word of God is not polluted by a sinfull body but purifieth it 89 As Honie through the sicknesse and heate of a Feuer dooth make the bitter things that are taken into the mouth to seeme straunge and worse then they are indeed So Gods VVord beeing digested and receiued into our soules dooth make vs more abhorre the bitternesse of sinne lust vanities c. 90 As we make great account of our Charters whereby we hold our earthly liberties yea we gladly read them and acquaint our selues
252. Crueltie Folio 496. 499. 784. Conference Folio 554. Sirituall Combate Folio 735. D. DEath of Christ Folio 164. 179. Directing Folio 1●7 Doctrine Folio 215. 220. 231. 278. Fleshly Desires Folio 216. Deceites of the world Folio 216 Dissention Discord Folio 216. 232. Diseases of the mind Folio 216. Death Folio 217. 219. 232. 233. 241. 450. 721. 771. Decree of God Folio 217. Decrease of holinesse Folio 218. Displeasure of God Folio 219. Delight Folio 219. Discipline Folio 220. Drunkards Drunkennesse Folio 221. 222. Diet of the soule Folio 223. Desertion spirituall Folio 231. 331. 412. 848. Death of sinne Folio 231. Diuell Folio 232. Desires heauenly Folio 241. Dauncing Folio 242. Diuines Folio 244. Damnation Folio 558. 727 Prayer for the Dead Folio 581. Deferring of repentance Folio 631. Death in the Lord. Folio 731. Deliuerance from trouble Folio 763. E. EXamination Folio 245. 554. Election Folio 246. 253. 257. 258. Enemies Folio 247. 262. Enuie Folio 248. Enterludes Folio 252. Eyes Folio 252. Eares Folio 252. Example Folio 253. 517. 522. 735. Edifying of others Folio 255. Epicurisme Folio 255. Errour Folio 256. 707. Eloquence Folio 261. Excesse Folio 262. Euill Folio 313. F. FAith dead Folio 297. Faith Folio 73. 262. 270. 273. 274. 281. 282. 289. 290. 291. 335. 550. 739. 751. 557. Forgiuenesse of sinnes Folio 276. 282. 287. 300. 301. 656. 689 Feeling Folio 278. 279. 280. Friendship Folio 286. 293. 296. 299. Flatterie Folio 288. Folly Folio 288. Flesh and spirit Folio 289. Forgiuing of others Folio 290. 632. Feare of God Folio 292. 296. 393. Frailtie of nature Folio 293. Fauour of God Folio 294. 348. 349. Faithfull Folio 294. Fall of man Folio 295. Famine of the soule Folio 295. Face of God Folio 296. Fornication spirituall Folio 298. Fasting Folio 298. Forsaking the world Folio 303. 386. Fellow feeling Folio 305. Free will Folio 306. Finall falling Folio 479. 619. Fancies of men Folio 686. G. GLuttonie Folio 256. 305. 659. Godlinesse Folio 308. 315. 320. 324. 334. 345. 456. Grace Folio 309. 320. 335. Good turnes Folio 311. Goodwill Folio 312. 321. God Folio 316. 321. 329. 343. 345. 350. 351. 415. 518. Holy Ghost Folio 318. 320. 334. 343. All good things come from God Folio 321. Gentlenesse Folio 322. 395. Gospell Folio 322. Gifts and graces of God Folio 325. 327. 335. 336. 783. Glorie of God Folio 328. 349. Guiltinesse Folio 334. Glorie of the elect Folio 337. Generation spirituall Folio 344. Glorie and renoume Folio 347. Greatnesse in the world daungerous Folio 400. Grieuing of Gods spirit Folio 727. H. HYpocrites Folio 191. 370. 382. 388. 593. 849. Hearers Folio 242. 348. 351. 393. 394. 844. 848. 851 Hardnesse of heart Folio 257. 383. Hope Folio 290. 401. Hearing of the word Folio 364 Humilitie Folio 366. 393. 394. Heretickes Folio 382. 388 Hatred Folio 384. Husbands Folio 387. 388. 399. Heauen Folio 391. Houses of the wicked Folio 391. Hell Folio 391. Hoste of God Folio 392. Horrour of sinne Folio 392. Helpe of man Folio 392. Holy dayes Folio 392. Holinesse Folio 393. 651. Heires with Christ Folio 395. Heart of man Folio 396. Health Folio 399. Housholders Folio 509. Earthly Happinesse Folio 523. I. IVdgements of God Folio 61. 421. Impenitencie Folio 181. 596. 726. Iudgement day Folio 218. 412. 418. 500. Inuentions of men Folio 220. 231. 417. 494. 686. 783. Good Intents Folio 254. Idlenesse Folio 256. 407. 721. 732 Iustice of God Folio 333. 412. 414. 499. Ingratitude Folio 401. 414. 779. 781. Imperfections Folio 402. 412. 420. Infirmities Folio 703. 786. 793. 827. 841. 845. Iustice Folio 403. 415. Ignorance Folio 403. 410 Iniurie Folio 403. Instruction of children Folio 405. Inconstancie Folio 406. 417. Iudges Folio 407. Idolatrie Folio 413. Incorporation with Christ Folio 413. 790. Image of God Folio 414. Ioy of the elect Folio 417. 418. Illumination by Christ Folio 419. Iudgement Folio 419. Iournie to heauen Folio 419. Iewes Folio 420. Infidelitie Folio 421. K. KNowledge of God Folio 423. Knowledge Folio 424. 425. 427. King Folio 425. 429. Kingdome of heauen Folio 425. Knowledge of our selues Folio 428. L. VNknown Language in Gods seruice Folio 173. Christian Libertie Folio 178. 456. Loue of the world Folio 429. Loue of God to his children Folio 429. 438. 453. 456. Life variable Folio 430. 452. 495. 499. Learning Folio 431. 449. 452. 455. Lying Folio 432. 454. Loue to God Folio 501. Loue of our neighbour Folio 437. 453. Law of God Folio 442. 450. 455. 523. 667 Lawes of men Folio 452. 538. Labour Folio 452. 453. 587. 579. Lending Folio 456. Lust Folio 458. Liberalitie Folio 459. 771 Going to Law Folio 707. M. MInisters Folio 183. 241. 468. 484. 485. 489. 491. 493. 497. 498 502. 503. 584. Marriage Folio 255. 460. 463. 483. 496. Magistrates Folio 311. 467. 485. 503. 522. Man Folio 460. 495. Maisters Folio 463. Mercie to others Folio 464. 499. Miserie Folio 464. Mercie of God Folio 464. 488. Mortification Folio 465. 505. Mind Folio 479. 480. 551. Mind troubled Folio 466. 486. Meane estate Folio 400. 468. 497. Memorie Folio 480. Merite Folio 481. Murder Folio 488. Militarie discipline Folio 495 Meditation Folio 496. 554. Malice Folio 497. 498. Manners Folio 498. Masse Folio 501. Misteries of God Folio 502. Meanes to be vsed Folio 504. 654. 669. 762. N. NOnresidents Folio 483. 484. Nursing of children Folio 496. Nature of things Folio 508. Good Name Folio 508. Noblemen Folio 509. Names in baptisme Folio 511. Neighbours Folio 511. Nobilitie Folio 512. Newters Folio 721. O. ORiginall corruption Folio 65. 198. 385. 462. 496. 514. 516. Opinions diuers Folio 245 Obedience to God Folio 513. 553. Obedience of Christ Folio 514. Old age Folio 514. Order Folio 517. Office Folio 518. 519. Oppression Folio 518. Obedience to superiours Folio 518. Offence Folio 519. Obstinacie Folio 537. P. PRouidence and Prudence Folio 521. Persecution Folio 122. 566. 581. Persecutors Folio 125. 564. 581. Pope Folio 130. 571. Poperie Folio 557. Prouidence of God Folio 160. 555. Prayer Folio 176. 301. 351. 542. 551. 553. 554. 569. 580. 583. 591. Prishioners Folio 242. Promises Folio 569. 583. 598. Promises of God Folio 315. 554. 557. 594 Peace of conscience Folio 396. 534. Pride Folio 400. 532. 537. 568. 575. 599. Preaching Folio 422. 5●● 564. 577. 594. 653. 840. Pleasures Folio 458. 597. 548. Pluralitie of liuings Folio 484. Principles Folio 521 Persons not to be regarded Folio 521. 533. Princes Folio 422. 533. 535. 570. 601. Prosperitie Folio 523. 552. 558. 564. 570. 579. 580. 595. 631. Patience Folio 524. 572. 578. 765. 768. Preachers Folio 525. 565. 566. 718. 596. 774. Preparation before good exercises Folio 532. 554. Papists Folio 533. 558. 572. Precepts of godlinesse Folio 534. Plague or pestilence Folio 535. Praysing of God Folio 530. Pastors Folio 533 535. 584. Praise Folio 536. 539. Power Folio 536. Parents Folio 537. 557. Peruersnesse Folio 538. Popish priests Folio 538. Poyetrie Folio 538. Poyson Folio 538. Presumption Folio
body he suffered in his soule the heauie wrath and indignation of his Father and the extreame tortures and torments of hell for a time no lesse then the the reprobates that be there alreadie and no lesse then all we by iust desert should haue suffered for euer if Christ had not done it for vs and yet fewe or none for all this will shead one teare giue one grone or sigh once from the bottome of his heart Christ his goodnesse considered there was neuer any creature dealt so vnkindly with him as man doth AS sometimes it falleth out that a Henne sitteth vpon Ducks egges and with her diligent sitting and the heate of her body she doth hatch and bring them forth and when they be able to follow her she clucks them and after her maner as though they were her naturall Chickens she doth call them about her but they being not of her but the Ducks kinde though by her they haue beene hatched and of her haue receiued life and though shee hath a continuall care to bring them vp and to defend them from such enemies as seeke to deuoure them yet neuerthelesse they will follow and seeke after that wherevnto by nature they are inclined and giuen when shee is scraping and scratching in the earth to finde them foode they will be in the water mire or foule puddle after their kinde she may cluck and walke alone they will not keepe her companie vnlesse perhaps in some daunger when the Kite is readie to catch them for some succour they will flie to her howbeit at the length when she perceiueth them to be vnnatural and vnkinde to her she doth forsake them and giue them ouer Euen so our sweete Sauiour Christ Iesus hauing taken great pains for vs and hauing humbled himselfe euen in the lowest degree of all humilitie that can be named as in comming downe out of his fathers bosome being most perfect most holy and omnipotent God being euery way equall and in nothing interiour to his Father to take our weake fraile and feeble nature vpon him and sinne excepted to haue a perfect feeling of all our miseries infirmities as wearisomnes of body hunger and thirst and such others and besides the induring of these many yeres together hauing suffered a most cruell death and euen at his death vpon the Crosse hauing tasted and taken a full cup of his Fathers furie and indignation which was indeed filled and prepared for vs as a iust reward for our sinnes and should haue beene our owne cup and our owne portion for euer and euer had he not euen then taken and supt it vp to cleare and to free vs from it Againe after all these things hauing still continued his humilitie in suffering death to keepe his bodie three dayes in the graue and euen as it were to treade and trample vpon him and then manger death hell diuell and Iewes hauing risen againe and being ascended and gone vp to his Father where now vntill his comming againe to iudge the quicke and the dead he sitteth at the right hand of maiestie and power He now speaketh and calleth vnto vs by his Prophets Apostles and Ministers and willeth vs to remember what case and estate we were ●n before he died and suffered all these things for vs and he would haue vs to know to be sure and neuer to forget that if he had not suffered death here vpon earth as hee did we should neuer haue found any way or entrance into heauen the celestiall ioyes and pleasures of the Lords saints saluation and eternall life should neuer haue be●onged vnto vs wee should haue had no more to do with them then they that liue without faith and die infidels The horrors of hell and the stinking lakes of vnspeakable shame confusion torments endlesse death and damnation should haue beene our inheritance lot and perpetuall portion Christ therfore doth daily put vs in mind that we be not our owne but his and that we bee the greatest and dearest purchase that euer was made in heauen or in earth and that the like price and cost was neuer bestowed vpon any creatures as vpon vs. When the Angels which were in heauen in the presence of their creator did once offend they were hurled out and cast into hell Christ would not bestow vpon them one pennie of all that great price and rich raunsome which he paied for vs he would not then become man to shed one drop of bloud for them but for our sakes hee spared not one drop but shed all The Hen that himselfe speaketh of was neuer so diligent and carefull to gather her chickings vnder her wings as he hath euer beene most ready to shroude and to protect vs against all the enemies of our soules and bodies Many mothers shal sooner forget the children of their owne wombe and vtterly forsake them before Christ will forsake vs yea he will neuer forget nor forsake vs vnlesse we first forget and forsake him Now therefore wee being his so dearely bought and so truely paid for hee calleth vpon vs euery day he clocketh vs and looketh for vs that we should follow him and treade in such steps as he hath appointed that we should not range at randome but keepe our selues within the hearing of his voice and our liues within the limits of obedience vnto the same these things he looketh for at our hands But we deale with this most kind most louing and most mercifull redeemer and Sauiour of our soules bodies euen so as the vnnatural vnkind Ducks deale with the Hen of whom they haue receiued life they regard not her clucking neither we Christs calling when shee is seeking and prouiding for them on the faire drie and wholesome earth they will bee in some foule water filthie mire or stinking puddle And when the Lord Iesus calleth vs to integritie of life to doo the thing that is iust and right in his owne eye and to speake the truth according to the knowledge of our hearts then will wee with greedinesse pollute our soules and bodies with al wickednes and things that be abominable then will we oppresse our brethren not caring who sinke if our selues swimme then will we not sticke to speake lies euen to Gods owne face And when the Lord calleth and sendeth vs to seeke heauenly things wee presently returne to the foule puds of the world carnal delights and vaine yea vile pleasures So that wee euer take the contrarie way to that which Christ commaundeth Christ calleth for our harts to haue them in truth and sinceritie with all diligence to attend vpon his pleasure and to waite on his will he would haue vs not in part but wholly to giue them vnto him and without the heart hee will receiue and take in good part at our hands and lips nothing But wee on the other side giue nothing lesse to God then our hearts There is nothing that may and cannot commaund our hearts haue them at pleasure sooner
men which are not well setled in vertue nor grounded in godlinesse nor armed with the holy word and spirit of God but to winne and ouercome if hee could men that are furnished with a strong and liuely faith and such as are stayed and do relie vpon the Lords protection he vseth sundry subtilties and most daungerous and forcible temptations Math. 4.1 c. 3 Euen as the Fisher when he taketh some great Fish doth not by by violently strike and twitch her but letteth his fishing line go at the length vntill the fish do swallow downe the hooke and so worke her owne destruction least if at the first he should twitch her too hard the fishing line or thrid should break and his baite and hooke lost the fish should escape Euen so Sathan the Diuell when he hath gotten a poore sinner fast vpon his hooke and hath intangled fettered him in the chaines of some daungerous and deadly sinne and hath bewitched him with the forceries of the flesh and the world he doth not sodeinly oppresse exasperate him least at the first dash he play the Diuel openly and roughly like a Diuel as hee is the sinner shuld break his bands and escape his snares But he doth cherish him and maketh much of him and doth suffer him now and then both to speake and to doo some things that sauour of vertue that by little and little hee being made fast and dead sure vppon the hooke of sinne and wickednesse hee may by degrees worke his owne woe and vtter destruction So that the diuell doth stretch out his angling rod threed and all not that hee may let the sinner escape but that hee may make him the surer and hold him the faster 4 As Achfah who when shee had begged of her Father an inheritance of the South countries then shee must haue certaine grounds with Wells and Springs Euen so such a shamelesse begger is Sathan the diuell that he will still haue a little sinne and a little and neuer leaue till by little and little he getteth both body and soule into hell Iosu 15.18 19. 5 As little Children who know not what is good for them for if they begin to taste Honie once they will not leaue eating by their good wills till they be sicke with eating Euen so so sweete hath Sathan made sinne to the taste of the wicked that they crie still a litle more of it and finde no fault with it but that there is too little and they cannot haue enough 6 As Flies are alwayes busie about a sore place So that is a sport or pleasure to Sathan which is a sore or a paine to man 7 As an Oxe will eate no kind of grasse but that which is greene and fresh Euen so the diuell will be sure to haue his foode of the finest and best Spirituall graces from God LIke as the earth engendereth not raine nor is able by her owne strength labour or trauell to procure the same but receiueth it of the meere gift of God from aboue Euen so faith grace forgiuenesse of sins or Christian righteousnesse are giuen vs of God without our workes or deseruings 2 As the earth of it selfe is not able to get or procure to it selfe seasonable showers of raine to make it fruitfull Euen so much lesse are we able by our owne strength works and deseruings to winne procure to our selues faith grace forgiuenesse of sinnes or Christian righteousnesse vnlesse God himselfe by meere imputation and by his vnspeakable gift do bestow the same vpon vs. Swearing LIke as he that maketh a custome of striking with his hand it is likely that he should sometime strike vniustly Euen so he that maketh a custome of Swearing in true matters will at the length euen forsweare himselfe in matters of no importance by reason of his custome and vse which he hath got in Swearing Sonnes by adoption 1 LIke as if a King or Noble-man should of meere loue and fauour take in a begger nay a Traytor and make him his heire Euen so God did with vs and such fauour did he freely shewe to so many of the sonnes of Adam as it pleased him to adopt and so to make them his children 1. Iohn 3.1 Iohn 1.12 Rom. 8.14 2 As Iaball the sonne of Adah the wife of Lamech is called the father of such as dwell in Tents for he was the first inuenter of Tents And Iuball his brother is also called the father of such as play vpon Harpes and vpon Orgains or Pipes yet we may not therefore call the Tentes Iabales children and the Orgains and Pipes the sonnes of Iuball Euen so God is called the father of the reprobate but metaphorically because hee first created them but yet they can no more be called the adopted Children of God then the Tents might be called the Children of Iaball or the Harpes and Organes the children of his brother Iuball Gene. 4.20 21. 3 As the Sunne which sometime shineth and sendeth foorth her light dispersing the clouds and sometimes againe is hidden vnder the cloudes Or as the Sea is one while ebbing and an other while flowing Or as the Moone is sometimes waxing and sometimes waning Euen so the adopted children of God by reason of their manifolde corruptions imperfections and rebellious thoughts of their harts haue not the spirit of God alwaies felt in themselues nor perceiued in them by others in a like measure but it is in them somtimes in a greater measure sometimes in a lesse 4 Like as Trees planted by the water side which doo bring foorth fruit in due season yet the same Trees haue both a summering and wintring a spring time and a fall of the leafe when Winter comes they seeme as though they were dead but in Summer they shall waxe fresh and greene againe and yet the fruit of the same Trees are first in the sap onely then it commeth into buds and so into blossomes whereof some are smitten with blastings some are nipped with frost and cold and some are eaten with Wormes but if they escape all these then from blossomes they come to bee Apples and at the first they are greene and liuely and some doo lust to eate them but they are still hard and harsh but in time they come to their full growth And when they are ripe then are they either shaken downe with the wind and Swine deuour them Or if they bee fairely gathered yet are they pluckt from the Tree that hath borne them then are they bought and solde whereof some perishe and are cast out of doores The fairest and the sweetest are brought either to the fire to bee roasted or to the Table to be pared and cut in peeces and so to be eaten then the tree is naked and seemeth to be dead but the next Spring doo fetch all againe So likewise are the fruites of the spirit in the adopted children of God first in the sap of faith onely which is hidden in the heart then it