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A11010 Lectures vpon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: preached by that faithfull seruant of God M. Robert Rollock, some-tyme minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge in Edinburgh Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619.; Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599. In Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses priorem commentarius. aut 1606 (1606) STC 21281; ESTC S116171 462,033 538

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No it is not eneugh but it must abide with thee ay vntill thy breath go out and vntil thou giuest vp the last gaspe thou hast ay neede of the gospell Therefore the Apostle in that place he limites the time vvhile ye come altogether to the vnitie of the faith and vnto the perfite man in Christ When commest thou to that perfite man Not so long as life is in thy lippe So thou hast need of the ministrie so long as thou liuest But in deede when all thy senses goe away when speaking and hearing go away then the ministrie leaues thee thou feellest a sense of these things that thou heardst before but if thou lay not to thine eare to heare in time thou shalt neuer see them Brethren ye will wonder at this earnest desyre he had to see them Might not the sending of Timothie and wryting of this Epistle satisfie him No he thinkes he can not doe them that goode that he would vntill he see them and speake them and that for this purpose to fill out then faith Well brethren when once Sathan gets a seuering of the pastor from the people it is hard to get them together againe Do what Paul could do he could not meete with these Thessalonians For he sayes Sathan held him away when he would haue bene at them Then ye see the remedie against Sathan to stay his course is prayer and instant prayer night and day Presence of the Pastor verie povverful But to the purpose There is much in the presence of him who hes the grace of God in him for augmenting the faith and grace of God in men his message will do much but his presence will do more the lyuelie voice of man vvill be more effectuall nor the written word will be his presence will edifie more nor his letter And so it is no small matter to haue the presence of a man that is gratious Paul knew this well and therefore he is so instant in praying to haue their presence If the Lord hes chosen out a man to win soules there is nothing in that man but it will edifie his tongue his eye his behauiour his countenance all will edifie and further men to Christ Novv in the second part of this text he falles out in a prayer There are thre parts thereof The first part is that yet God the Father and the Lord Iesus should direct his journey tovvard them that he would giue him that grace to see them and haue that mutuall presence Then when he is speaking of the prayer he vsed to God looke what fell out Showing them he vsed to pray instantlie for them in the meane tyme he leaues off this narratiue and he bursts out in prayer to God There is a sodaine change Now take head If that earnestnesse and feruencie to pray be in the heart the least occasion in the world wil walken it vp and make a man hold vp his hands and fall on his knees immediatlie The verie name of ardent prayer vvill raise him vp to prayer for as of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speakes so the words in the mouth will walken the heart if there be anie spark of grace in it and the hart being walkned the mouth will fall out immediatly to prayer Looke to thy heart mouth both Looke that thy heart be filled with God looke that godly speaches be in thy mouth for certainlie as thou speakest so thou vvalknest the heart speake well a good affection will rise in thy hart speak euil a foul affection wil rise in thy hart and thy words shall be as bellowes to blow vp thine owne heart and the hearts of them that knovv the sinne and vncleannesse To the purpose he prayed to whom To God the Father To whom next To Iesus Christ the Lord. He giues them both their owne styles Christ hes bought vs vvith his bloude and so hee is our Lord and wee his seruanes And the Apostle sayes For this cause is Christ risen againe that he should haue 〈◊〉 ouer all creatures Rom. 14. 9. Nowe brethren marke their styles more narrowlie and shortlie God is a name of majestie but Father is a name of loue Paul vses to set downe the majestie of God vvith loue to cause vs to imbrace it This style the Lord is a style of superioritie dominion The style then that Paul vses telles you what disposition was in his heart in praying he spoke to a Majestie he spoke to a Lord therefore reuerence was in his heart He spoke to a louing father Disposition of the heart in prayer therefore loue and homelines was in his heart This telles vs vvhat disposition shoulde be in our hearts is when vve speake to God In prayer thy heart shoulde be disposed with feare and reuerence with loue and homelines Reuerence and feare would not be allone for then it were a seruile feare Loue and homelines woulde not be allone for then thou wouldst grow in contempt So joyne together homelines and feare loue and reuerence and then in exceeding sweetnes shall follow And this was 〈◊〉 fashion and the fashion of all the godlie fathers and this should be our fashion in prayer Looke the persones he directs his prayer not to prayes not to the father allone nor to the Sonne 〈◊〉 allone he prayes God the Father 〈◊〉 Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 Lord. What showes this to vs If there were no other place in the Scripture yet this declares ●●sufficientlie vnto vs Iesus the mediator is equal with God the father else 〈◊〉 had neuer prayed to him joyned him with that glorious Majestie of the Father Now to open this more plainelie to you The Father and the Sonne are one in nature essence and substance next as they are one in nature Iesus eternall God so both their doing is but one that that the father does the sonne does and that that the sonne does the father does also In Iohn he sayes My Father vvorkes to this day and I vvorke vvith him Iohn 5. 17. Farther the Father vvorkes with the Sonne when he is incarnate cled with our nature and Iesus Christ God and man being in our nature workes together with the Father and the Father giues vs all the graces out of the fleshlie hand of Christ the man all the goodnesse that flovves to thee it flowes through the vaile of the man-hood of Christ Looke their thou seuere not Christ and his Father and look that all thy duetie thou doest to them be a common duetie beleeuest thou in the one beleeue in the other Ioh. 14. 1. Praiest thou to the one pray to the other seruest thou and glorifies thou on● glorifie and serue both together honor euer the Father and the Son together for if thou seuer the Sonne from the Father or the nature of the man from the Sonne Father nor Son shall doe thee no good For when thou praiest to the Father seuering him from Christ as the Iewes do or to Iesus seuering
them the presence of the Lord himselfe to be with them all Last he salutes them and the effect of the saluatation is a prayer for them The grace of our Lord Iesus be with you all Amen So all consistes in prayer Then learne He beganne this Epistle with prayer and salutation throughout the whole Epistle prayer is mingled Now in the end he multiplies prayer What meanes this Euen this that in vaine is all doctrine exhortation admonition and precept whatsomouer all preaching is nothing except the Lord by his Spirit worke inwardlie in the harts of the hearers all is nothing but vvinde except he moue their affections Now the way to obtaine this inward and secreete operation of the holy Spirite is oft-tymes to turne to God by prayer beseeching him to be povverfull and to joyne his Spirite vvith the vvord and to joyne vvorking vvith speaking And therefore hovv oft so euer we teach and ye hear the hart and eye should be lifted vp and set vpon him who hes keeped Spirit and power in his owne hand to giue as he pleases No man can giue you it neither the Preachour nor no Angell can giue you it It is onely in the hand of God and Iesus Christ to giue thee Spirite and povver and to joyne vvorking vvith speaking And therefore the eye in preaching should euer be set on Christ The Pastour should pray and haue his hart aboue to dravve dovvne grace to himselfe and the people that the vvord spoken may be effectuall in the hart othervvise preaching and all hearing is in vaine Now to come to the words The first thing he prayes for and wishes is peace The Lord of peace sayes he giue you peace for euer and euery vvay The thing then he wishes is peace that is quyetnes rest and tranquillity concord agreement all these words expresses the meaning of the word Peace The contrare is vnquyetnes What peace is dissention c. This Peace is the blessednes felicity happy estate of Christs kingdome which is his Church both in earth and Heauen And all the graces we haue in Iesus Christ tends to this end that his subjects may liue in peace quyetnesse and joy for euer and that shall be the end when we are in Heauen peace and joy for euer Ye see the happy estate of a worldly kingdome what is it When men liues in rest and enjoyes peace and quyetnes that is the happines of a worldly knigdom therefore in the 1. Timot. 2. 2. he commaundes prayer to be made for all men For Kings and superiour povvers To what end Euen to this same end that vve may liue a peaceable and quyet lyfe Euen so the blessed and happie estate of Christs kingdome is an heauenlie peace concord and quyetnesse And therefore Rom. 14. 17. he makes this peace to be essentiall to the kingdome of God that he defines it by this peace saying The kingdom of God is righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost This Heauenly peace is onely in Christs kingdome in his Church in Heauen and earth And the subjects of the kingdome of Iesus Christ are onely they that enjoyes this peace here and after this life for euer for without the Church of Christ there is no true peace If thou be no subject in his kingdome thou hast no rest no true peace for there is no true peace for the vvicked sayes the Prophet Esay 57. 21. If thou be of that number that is without the kingdome of Christ no peace for thee and the end shall proue thou hadst neuer true peace in this world Now to go forward He craues that it may be giuen to them Then Peace the gift of god it is a gift Heauenly peace is the gift of God thou hast it not by nature None is borne with peace but with warre and inimitie by nature all are borne with dissention strife and debate there is no heauenly peace by nature And the whole lyfe naturall what is it but a continuance in war debate and strife first against God next with thy selfe and thy owne conscience And againe a strife against the Angels in Heauen and men on earth and all the creatures of God thou art an enemie to them and they vnto thee vntill the tyme thou attaine to that new birth in Iesus Christ and then by vertue of that birth thou getst this heauenly and spirituall peace for then thou beginst to liue at peace first with God himselfe and next with the Angels in Heauen and men in earth and with all his creatures So looke how needfull it is for thee to haue regeneration for if thou want it thou shalt be at war for euer thou shalt haue no peace But how getst thou it It is a gift And who shold giue it The Lord of peace The giuer of it must be the Lord with dominion and power with command And as vnder his Lordship other things must be so peace must be at his command either to giue it or hold it Now who is this Lord that hes this power of peace and war Who is he that sayes All povver is giuen to me in heauen and earth Matt. 2● 18. This Lord is Iesus Christ And therefore ere euer he came in this world and tooke on him our nature Esay 9. 6. he styles him the Prince of peace And Paul Ephes 2. 14 styles him peace it ●elfe he is our peace-maker And in Iohn 14. 27. Christ speaking to his Apostles takes on him to be the giuer of peace and sayes My peace I leaue to you and giues you So this Lord of peace is the Lord Iesus Christ who hes in his handes all grace and glorie in Heauen and in earth Yet to goe forward The lords style ansvver able to the grace 〈◊〉 praier Why is it that he makes a choise of this style rather then of any other Certainely this style he receiues here agrees with the petition and thing asked at his hands peace is craued he is styled the Lord of peace what euer we aske of Christ it should be in faith that he hes power to giue it aske i● thou peace aske it not but in an assurance that it is in his hand and that he is able to giue it Now this assurance that all is in his hand it cannot be better vttered then by the Name and style we giue him askest thou wisdome say Lord of wisdome giue wisdome askest thou peace say Lord of peace giue me peace askest thou mercie say Lord of mercy giue me mercy So the name and style we giue to the Lord when we craue ought at his hands should be answerable to the grace and mercy we aske for then we vtter our faith and assurance that he hes such a grace and power to giue vs. This hes bene the forme of Pauls prayer and of godly men of old and should be imitate by vs. The Lord hes many styles he is called the Lord of peace mercy and justice the Lord
The Sonne must not bee forgote heere because all grace is geuen in him by the Father in such sorte that if any man will seeke grace without Christ hee shall neuer get it Therefore he who would haue grace let him seeke it at God through Christ that he may receyue it of that fulnesse that is in the Sonne The Iew that will seeke to the Father without the Sonne shall neuer see grace Whom to is this grace and peace wished to the Church at Thessalonica Wherefore Marke this ground Because this Church is ingraft in the Father and in the Sonne by faith Then first I see here there is no grace but from the Father and the sonne and therefore there no wishing of grace to man or woman but from the Father and the sonne who are the fontaine of all grace Againe I see grace mercie and peace pertaines to none but to so many as are in this happie conjunction with the Father and the Son Art thou in the Father Art thou in the son ingraft in him by a liuelie faith Then grace pertaines to thee mercie and peace pertaines to thee Art thou out of him and not ingraft in him by faith Let men wish welfare and peace to thee as they will no grace mercie nor peace pertaines to thee By grace peace is vnderstood whatsoeuer blessings of God that followes on that conjunction and vnion that is with God the Father and the Son Iesus Christ As for exemple Remission of sins Iustification before the Tribunall of God Regeneration clensing of this foull nature peace joy in the holie Ghost life euerlasting all flowes from this conjunction and therfore it must follow that to him who is out of this conjunction with the Father and the Sonne there is no remission of sinnes if thou be not vnited to the Father and the Sonne by faith no saluation no regeneration no life euerlasting no peace for thee all thy peace is false peace and thou shalt curse the tyme that euer thou had that peace Then it must follow that this forme of salutation pertaines not to the Iew this day who is out of this conjunction neither I nor no man can say to the Iew this day Peace and grace to thee from God the Father and from Christ Iesus his Sonne neither pertaines it to the Turke or Pagane who are out of this vnion with God and Christ by faith More then this it will not be the name of any thing that will do the turne there are many that taks vpon them the name of a christian so will seeme to be in the vnion with the Father and the Sonne that in heart haue no conjunction with them But I say to thee it will not be the outwarde conjunction with them in the name of a Christian it will not be the wishing of good dayes and good euenings that wil do thee good except thou find thy hart bound vp in that blessed vnion with the Father and the Sonne Iesus Christ Marke an other thing Learne heere a forme of an effectuall and pithie salutation that the godlie should vse first when the godlie salutes as Paul Siluanus and Timothie when they wishe any thing to thee what wish they Not any thing thou deserues if thou were neuer so holie but free grace without any merite as Paul heere doth then againe they wish it from them that hes this grace in their handes from the Father and the Sonne And last they wishe it to them who stands in the vnion and conjunction with the Father and the Sonne for this vnion will draw down the droppes of grace from the Heauen from Iesus that is full of all grace Therefore Brethren these salutations of the Heathen Gentiles and of prophaine men now are nothing worth they were neuer of valure I will not giue a pennie for Cicero his salutem dicit nor Plato his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because in wishing well they knew not what they wished they called it welfare well doing they knew not grace nor the free mercie of God they knew not God the fountaine of all grace nor Christ his Son from whom all grace flowes they knew not a Church nor the conjunction of the bodie or the members with the head so their salutations were of no value Euen so it is this day with prophaine men who knowes not God nor Christ nor the Church nor knowes not his conjunction their salutations are not worthie a stray all their good dayes and good euenings are deare of right noght for their salutations are only prophaine words and when they are blessing with their mouthes they are cursing in their hearts Now brethren to goe fordward to the next part which containes this congratulation rejoysing together with the Thessalonians for those graces of God which were bestowed on them Ye se the words We giue God alvvayes thanks for you making mention of you in our prayers In this congratulation he rejoyses together with them for the graces the Lord hath showne on them in rejoysing for the graces showne on them he forgets not God the geuer of all grace but in rejoysing with them he glorifies God thanks him for them and so acknowledges al the graces that were in the Thessalonians to flow out of this fountaine he acknowledges their faith their charitie their hope not to come of themselues but to be of God and therefore in rejoysing with them hee geues God the glorie of all the graces that was in them Why should wee not congratulate and rejoise for the graces of God we se in others we are bound to doe it Thou art oblisht to rejoise with him that rejoyses for the graces of God geuen him as if they were geuen to thy selfe Paul sayes Reioyce vvith them that reioyses mourne vvith them that mournes Rom. 12. 15. Wee are bounde when wee see the grace of God in anie people or nation to commend it in them for it is said trewlie vvhen grace or vertew is commended it growes But looke that thy rejoysing thy commendation of men for the grace thou sees in them be to the end that thou may glorifie God who is the Author and fountaine of all the grace looke that in commending of men if it were all the Monarchs in the earth on paine of thy lyfe thou forget not God Looke first vp to the geuer and then to him who hath receyued say not Sir or my Lord I commend you for your good witte and gouernance I commend you for your man-hood and wisdome The flattering Gentiles that knew not God sayes so but thou who art a Christian speake not so to any man but say I giue thanks to God who is the fountaine of all grace for the grace he hes geuen to thee thou hast no good grace no wisdom no manhood c. but that which God the Author of grace hes geuen thee as euer thou would see the glorie of that God who euer thou be haue thy eye first of
consolation or to thy damnation accordinglie as thou liuest and thou making men to follow thy euill example in doing shalt aggredge thy judgement looke how little a thing will do much euill we should then walke warelie this life will away blessed is he that can make his name to serue to the glorifying of God Thou Scotland hadst a glorious name in many Countreyes Scotlands glorious name the rose-garland of Scotland was the puritie of the Gospell of Christ taught therein and goe it away the Kings honour shall passe and I feare grace also shall goe avvay The Lord oppen mens eyes to see this and lette vs not lose this name vvhich vve haue in the mouthes of good men in other countries Novve the last vvordes of this verse That vve need not to speake any thing As he would say the fame of your faith spred so abroade that vvhere euer I come it mette me so that my mouth vvas closed that I needed not to speake of your graces The Apostle vvhen he had conuerted anie people he euer commended them to the people he vvent to and tolde of their graces as the Acts beares Novv comming to other Countries after the conuerting of the Thessalonians before he coulde speake one vvorde of them the brute of them mette him so the Thessalonians did holde in that parte of his trauaile It is most true the people may disburdeene the Pastor of many thinges for euerie one of them shoulde edifie an other as he preaches and edifyes in publict if euerie one of them would edifie others in priuate conference they vvoulde releeue him of a great burdene The end of his whole trauailes is to edifie and if euerie one of you edifie others yee releeue him of a great part of his burdene His office is to builde vp the house of the Lorde and euerie one of you is bound to take a stone in your armes to lay vpon the building and euerie one in their own vocation is bounde to helpe vp the building of the house of the Lord by conference communication and such other meanes But alas hovv is this practised in this nation they burdene the builder not onelie to build but also to build without an helper for none there is that builds with him The bloodie murtherer will come in with a foul slander and will beat down all that the builder hes builded in the hearts of many the foull adulterer with a foull slander and he will beat down that which the builder hes builded the blasphemer with a foull mouth and he will beat down that which is builded This is the fashiō of Scotland in building the house of the Lord. Woe to thee adulterer murtherer blasphemer c. thou art a destroier of the house of God and shalt be chalenged in that great day therefore Now he make 〈◊〉 more plain in the next verse I neded not to speak any thing for ere● open my mouth he or she comes to tel me that thing I should haue spoke so he brings in their narration vvich spoke of his labour in conuerting the Thessalonians For they themselues shevv vnto vs vvhat manner of entering vve had vnto you and hovv yeturned to God from Idols Ere they spoke of you Thessalonians they spoke of my selfe vvhat manner of entering I had amongst you vvith povverfull preaching and libertie as I haue tolde you before There is his part So that vvhere euer the Country-men amongst whom he was spoke to him of the Thessalonians and of the grace they receyued by his preaching they spake to him of him selfe of the grace God had geuen them by him The commendation of grace Commendation of the people pastor 〈◊〉 patience and charitie in the people should not be without commendation of the Pastor whom God hes imployed as his instrument to their well This commendation ye se beginnes at Paul they speake of the grace of God in him ere they speake of the Theslalonians And in that great day when the true praise shall be the people shall not be glorified without the Pastor If he hes had care in winning of you to Christ he shal be crowned standing by you Paul saith A Crovvn of righteousnesse●● as laid vp for him 2. Tim 4. 8. and in this same Epist to the Thess 2. 19. What is my hope my ioy my Crovv● ye are my glory my ioy Meaning they could not be glorified without him and his glorie and joy consisted in their glorie All this telles vs in that great day what glorie and honour the faithfull Ministers of Christ shall haue for they shall shine as starres byde a little while it is not long to If thou be an instrument to make the people faithfull if they get a crowne thou shalt get a crowne also This for his own part Then he comes on to their part And as concerning you vvhere euer I trauelled they shevv me the manner of your conuersion and hovv ye turned from Idols to serue the true God So the thing that was reported to the Apostle of the Thessalonians is their turning Brethren the first effect that is required in a man or woman in this world is to turne them round about to turne their face where their backe was to turne them off the course they were on they are in an euill course running to destruction and their eye is on Hell There is the first effect of the Gospell Connersi● the first effects of the Gospel to turne them about to take their eye off the Deuill and set it on God thy heart thy soule and thy affection that is set on the Deuill must be turned about within thy breast and set on God if this turning be not wroght in thee by the Gospel looke not for grace remission of sinnes and lyfe euerlasting Art thou a murtherer and hast thy heart set on blood-shed at the hearing of the Gospell if thy heart be not turned thy sinne shall neuer be taken avvay He vvho is nevv comde from murther he vvill come in and holde vp his eare to the Gospell and heare of remission of sinnes and lyfe euerlasting through Christ and he will take all to him and in the meane tyme he will haue his foull heart stuffed with murther and reuenge Away with thee ô foole it is impossible to get pardon remission of sinnes when thy heart remaines yet vnturned from sinne thou hast no part in Iesus I debar thee from him Trowest thou to get remission and lyfe vvhen thy heart bydes vnturned lying still in that stincking filth In a vvord thou shalt get no effect of the Gospell except thy heart be turned to God So as thou vvoulde haue lyfe after this lyfe looke thy heart be turned avvay from sinne and turned to God So then there is the first effect that the Gospell vvorkes Parts of conuersion Repentance and turning Wherein stands it Looke to the vvordes it stands first in this pointe in leauing off Idols if thou be
they may see what danger they incurre by controlling the libertie of the worde in the Church There is his moderation in teaching Now one thing more Al this power is in the beginning in his enterance to them The Apostle is now afflicted in Macedonia when he comes to Theslalonica all his preaching is but a battaile last shamefully is he put away and goes to Ber●●a What shall I say of this If Paul had had no more but the spirite of a man he would not haue immediatlie gone to Thessalonica and there teached and being in Thessalonica he would not haue vttered any thing that would haue displeased them No but he does otherwise the power of God neuer so well appears in men as vnder affliction for when man is weakest God is strongest in them My strength sayes the Lord 〈◊〉 shovven in infirmitie 2. Cor. 12. 9. And in the fourth chapter of the same Epistle vers 7. he showes the Lord hes put a treasure in earthen veshels that the excellencie of his povver may be knovven Then he falles out in a probation of this power My bodie is daylie slaine where euer I go there is nothing but afflictiō But saith he by this I know the lyfe of Iesus is manifest in me He hes not a better token to knowe the life of Iesus nor by affliction and none can know the life of Iesus so well as in the last agonie of death Other countries hes experimented this power of God that appeares in affliction better then we haue done Scotland hes no manifestation thereof in respect of other Churches Well brethren our tyme is comming fast on The Lord of Heauen that is strongest when man weakest giue vs strength and courage to abyde that tyme and holde vs vp in our infirmities that he may be glorifyed in our affliction To this God the Father Son and the holie Spirite be honour and praise for euer AMEN THE FIFTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 3 For our exhortation vvas not by deceite nor by vncleannesse nor by guile 4 But as vve vvere allovved of God that the Gospell should be committed vnto vs so vve speake not as they that please men but God ●v●o trieth the hearts 5 Neither did vve euer vse stattering vvordes as ye knovve nor coloured couetousnesse God is record 6 Neither soght vve praise of men neither of you nor of others 7 Whe● vve might haue bene chargeable as the Apostles of Christ but vve vver gentle amōg you euen as a nource cherisheth her childrē BRETHREN the purpose we haue in hand and hes had these dayes bygone is the rejoysing of the Apostle together with the Thessalonians for the graces of God bestowed on thē The Apost falles out in a narration concerning himself the manner of his entrie among the Thessalonians setting out the grace of God that vvas vvith him vvhen he entered in among them to this end to let them see the ground wherevpon their faith vvas builded vvas not faire vvordes but that effectuall grace of God that was hid vp in the 〈◊〉 The last day vve shevve the Apostle proponed his manner of his entrie among them it vvas not in vaine it vvas not fectlesse but fectfull and when he come and entered amongst them he come vvith a libertie and boldnesse vttering the Gospell of Christ and a libertie not grounded on man or on his ovvne affection but on the power of God This boldnesse he amplifies in respect of the afflictions vvhich before he had suffered at Philippi in respect of that suffering he had while he preached that word of the Gospell with libertie among them Now to come to this text we haue in hand The Apostle in the third verse of this chapt answeres to that which might haue bene thoght and objected by the Thessalonians for he meetes the thoght of the heart Thou sayes thy entrie amonge vs was with libertie boldnes but looke with what sincerity thou entered among vs it is not eneugh to preach with boldnes libertie but there must be sinceritie looke that thy preaching hes not bene with deceat to deceiue vs with vncleānes with guile If any of these thre things haue concurred with thy preacing exhorting al thy liberty in preaching exhorting auails not The Apostle answeres marke euerie word for our exhortation vvas not by deceit nor by vncleannes nor by guile Look to the vvords Our exhortation our doctrine or preaching for by a speciall part of the doctrine which is exhortation he vnderstandes the whole and that because all doctrin ends in exhorting Exhortation is the cōclusion of all doctrine exhortation sayeth he was not with deceat with vncleannes nor with guile that is to say was not with any kind of fainednes neither in substance of doctrin which is called deceat false doctrine deceiues Neither in affection in vttering the Gospell which is called vncleannesse neither in the manner of delyuerie which here is called guile In a word our exhortation was voide of all sort of vnsinceritie no part was simulate Marke the lesson on this verse Ye see here this meeting the Apostle makes to the verie thoght of the heart and to the opinion they might haue conceyued that he was not sincere in doctrine vtters plainlie that there is oft-tymes a verie opinion and suspition in the heartes of the hearers that there is vnsinceritie in the teacher in delyuering the doctrine and this will make such a doubt in the heart that it will hinder edification and faith And therefore the teacher had much neede to take head to himselfe in teaching to his affection and to eschew all sort of vncleannesse if it were but in his thoght and affections before he speake he should striue to get a sanctifyed heart and in word let him meete the verie thoght and suspition of the people to remoue all blame of vnsinceritie in preaching and vttering the Gospell that edification and faith may increase His end in preaching is faith that the people may beleeue and be edified Let him therefore put away all occasions that may stay the edification of the people that the worke and building may goe vp and faith may grow Then secondlie ye se there are sundrie sorts of vnsinceritie A man may be vnsincere in teaching many wayes he may teache and yet teache false doctrine he may be vnsincere in his heart in teaching he may be vasincere in delyuering and thereby deceyue thee And there is none of these wayes but they will stay edification if the people take a suspition if it were of an vnsinceritie of the heart it will stay the worke And therefore in all manner of way the teacher should striue to be sincere in vttering the Gospell that if there be any stop it may be in him that heares and not in him who teaches for if the preachers stryue not for his part to sinceritie and the people for their
what was his calling He sayes The Gospell vvas committed to me That is his calling Therefore saye he so vve speake Looke what is euery mans calling Euery man in a faithful discharge of his own calling is bounde to please God He saieth not God allowed of me therefore I please him in playing the part of a king or magistrate but he hes called me to be a minister therfore I wil please him in speaking Then let euerie man set his heart to please God in his owne calling So there are two things vve should respect in seruing God First do all to please him Secondlie in the calling he hath placed thee into chieflie studie to please him Keep these tvvo and then thou shalt be acceptable vnto him In the end of the verse he subjoynes But God vvho approoueth our hearts These vvordes containe an assurance that Paule had in his heart that in speaking and discharging of his calling hee pleased God God within me had his secreete allowance God in my hart as he allowed of me first ere I had grace and placed me in the Ministrie so now when he has geuen me grace to please him he allowes of me There are two sorts of Gods allowing The first is when God allowes of any man before he haue anie grace 2. sorts of Gods allovving and by his allovvance makes him able to doe good the second is vvhen he allowes of him in the vvorke he hes geuen him by his grace The first allowance moues a man to serue his God and to do all things in his calling the second allowance is a warrand to him that he hes done well Alwaies the lesson is If thou set thy selfe to please God thou shalt neuer vvant a vvitnesse of thy doings thou shalt neuer want a secreete testimonie within thy selfe albeit all the vvorld should close their mouth and neuer speake to thee thou doest well settest thou thy selfe to serue God he shall round in thy eare and tell thee of thy wel-doing and giue thee a secreete joye By the contrair doest thou euill art thou an harlote settest thou thy selfe to displease God who hes geuen thee all things thou shalt get a bitter witnesse in thy hart saying false villaine thy pleasure is in displeasing God ô catiffe thou art adjudged to condemnation Iohn 1. Epist 3. 20. sayes If thy heart condemne thee God is greater then thy heart much more will he condemne thee take head to thy conscience if thy conscience tell thee thou doest well the Lord approues thy doing otherwise if thy conscience telles thee thou does euill the Lord disallowes thee Now as he hes remooued from him before all sortes of vnsincere doing and tooke to him sinceritie in speaking to please God in all things who gaue him his allowance he goes deeper in the verse following and he remoues from him the soull vyces out of the which springs the vnsinceritie in dealing The first is called flattering words the second auarice the third ambition insatiable greed of honour and estimation Foūtaines of vnsinceritie He remoues all these three which are as as many fountaines wherefrom vnsinceritie springs It is not my purpose to insist largelie on these vices Onelie I shall speake as accords to this place The first then is flatterie Flatterie for no man vsed he anie flattering wordes in preaching Marke the lesson When a Preacher is inclyned to flatter and fletche on earth either King Queene Councell or subject man or woman he is not sincere in his calling There is none of vs in no degree but we may be yea and would be flattered The Apostle is speaking heere of flatterie not of Kings or Princes but of the flattering of the Thessalonians Neither did vve vse flattering vvordes sayes he But my lesson is Where any Minister is set to flatter and fletche on the earth that man ere all be done will fall out in false doctrine he will frame himself so to the affection of them whom he would flatter that he wil be vnsincere in doctrine Why The fountaine of flatterie is the foull crooked affection of man or woman and so if the vaine man wil apply himself to the crooked affection of man the doctrine shall be crooked ere he faile in flatterie he shall fall out in false doctrine The heart of them who speakes in the name of the Lord Iesus must be set onelie on God and not vpon any man on earth Well the Apostle takes them to be witnesses of this and sayes As ye knovv It easie to knowe a flatterer his wordes will bewray him he will commonlie call God to witnesse but not men Men shold behaue themselues so that they take not ay God onelie but also good men to be witnesses to their doinges Paul heere takes not God but the people of Thessalonica to be witnesse saying ye knovv It is true brethren albeit the words wil bewray the flatterer yet such is the blindnes of man who vvith selfe-loue is set to pleasure his foull affection that if a man wold neuer so plainelie flatter him in his face yet oft times he can not perceiue the flattery and he beleues this fained flatterer to be his greatest friend The Lord keepe vs from such flatterers lighten our eies vs grace that we may discerne them The next verse The seconde vice is auarice and he calles it the pretence of auarie Auarice your books turnes it nor coloured couetousnes Auarice in anie man is dangerous but chieflie in a Minister it will make him to do much euill for if his heart be set on auarice and that be his end and purpose to vvin the worlde he will in the end fall out in corrupt doctrine for the rule of his teaching being his ovvne bellie and gaine ere he faile to get his purpose hee will teach false doctrine It maye be there be some men in this lande vvhose hearts are so set on this sort of auarice that they vvould say masse ere they should vvant their gaine After that this vice of auarice raigne in anie man it vvill misguide him maruellouslie he wil leaue nothing vndone to get his filthy hart satisfied in anie estate in the vvorld an auaritious heart workes much mischiefe In the next words he takes God to be witnes sayes God is my record Auarice is not sodanely perceiued because it comes in with so faire a colour the colour of godlines the fairest colour that is and the sight of man is so short that it can not looke in to the corners of the heart full of guile But the Lorde hes an eye that can looke through thy bodie in to thy hart and he can tell thee whether auarice be in thee or not And therfore Paule takes God to be vvitnes that his heart was cleane of auarice Then learne there is nothing so hid in man but he will get a witnes thereof if man can not be vvitnes God vvho sees all things hee shall be vvitnes to thee and
vvho reades his vvorkes will vvonder that there coulde be such an affection in his heart to the Church of God Well brethren all grace 〈…〉 loue all the blessinges of God in Christ 〈…〉 of God 〈…〉 Iohn 3. 16. The giuing and death of Christ and all the blessinges in Christ came or the loue of God to vs 〈◊〉 Christ All 〈◊〉 and duetie of men that man can doe to 〈…〉 of the loue of the heart otherwise it● all a van●●hing 〈◊〉 not a thing in deed but a vaine s●o●e albeit it be ne●er so glistring in the eyes of men if thou would giue all that thou hast to the poore i● it come not of loue and affection of the heart all is lost all i● for noght Now in the word● following to the end of the tenth verse the Apostle bring● in 〈◊〉 arguments testifying his in●re affection he had to them Loue must not stand in words but it must be v●tered in testimonies so that the world may see it in very deed The worke wil● let men see the hart albeit it be God who is the 〈◊〉 sear●her of the heart Men will not be so blinde but in the hand they 〈…〉 hand be closed thy ha●● is closed 〈…〉 testifying his loue affection is a good-wil● he haue to them such a good-will that he was 〈◊〉 to imparte and de●●ie to them 〈…〉 precio●s 〈…〉 and all because of the loue he bare to them 〈…〉 〈◊〉 heere the first argument of the 〈…〉 〈…〉 and liberall 〈…〉 〈◊〉 A 〈◊〉 vvho loue 〈…〉 〈◊〉 he vvill giue them 〈…〉 comparision A mother who loues her childe she will not be sparing to him but liberall so a Pastor that hath anie tender affection to his flocke will not be sparing but liberall and free to them When the heart of man is open with the affection of loue it will open the hand also and if he be niggard-handed sparing on his flocke those graces God hes geuen him it is a sure argument there is no loue in his heart But come to the good things whereof the Apostle was liberall The first thing was the Gospell of God a pretious thing the glorious Gospell of the blessed Lord. That is the thing that is concredite to him and it is the foode of the soule of man so that his liberalitie beginnes at the foode of the soule he must be liberall of the foode of the soule of men which is concredite to him to giue it to his flock The mother beginnes to nourish her childe with the milke of her owne breast her own substance So the Pastor must beginne at the foode of the soule he must begin at the sincere milke of the word without the which there is no growing and if they be not fed with this milk of the word first they shal neuer come to the grouth stature of man but shall be like dwarsses and we so long as we dwell heere are onelie infants in heauenlie things and all our thinking of heauen is but infancie all our speaking thereof the blabling of infancie So we must be fed with that milk or else we shal neuer come to the stature of men and perfection of heauenlie things The Apostle counts this but a smal thing to deale the gospel of God albeit it be pretious in respect of the other thing his soule he had to deale to them 1. Cor. 9. 16. He saieth if I preach not the Gospell I haue not vvherin to reicice and vvoe is to me if I preach not the Gospell He who will not be liberall in preaching of the Gospell which coast him not a penny it will be long ere he geue his life for his flock if they were in Hell he would neuer redeeme them with his 〈◊〉 Then the next thing whereof he is liberall it is his 〈…〉 the liberalitie of a louing Pastor will end in 〈…〉 It will begiane at the preaching of the 〈…〉 his life which is more if it be 〈…〉 This is the affection of 〈…〉 to her childe she 〈◊〉 for 〈…〉 affection he 〈…〉 for his flock This is counted a greater thing not the other to die for the flocke greater not to deale the Gospell Not that Pauls soule was more pretious then the Gospel of God no the Gospel of God was more precious then the soules of Paul Peter and of all the Apostles and of all the men in the world but he counts it greater because it was an harder thing to him to do it was an easier thing to him to preache the Gospell nor to giue his lyfe for them Yet brethren albeit it was an easier thing to a man to preache the Gospell nor to giue his life thinges will fall out so that all the bygone preaching shall be in vaine except in the end thou seale vp thy bygone preaching with thy bloude if God call thee therevnto the Gospell shall not haue that sweet smell except it haue the perfume or thy bloude The Apostle to the Philipp 2. 17. sayes that the vvould rejoyce If he vvere offered vp vpon the perfume of their faith When the Lord thinks it expedient he must lay dovvne his soule and vvith his bloud he must perfume the Gospell he hes preached otherwise he hes lost all his trauell and his life to and it is better to suffer then to lose all his trauaile and in the end his life This tyme is yet to come to vs the Lorde knovves hovv neare it is The Lorde giue vs grace that vvee lose not our tyme bygone but that vve may laye dovvne our lyfe for the Gospell if that neede requyre In the end of the verse he turnes againe to the ground of his liberall dealling This my liberalitie is not for any liberalitie of yours toward me nor for any respect of commoditie I will get at your hands This my liberalitie is set onelie vpon louing affection So that hee declareth the cause thereof to be loue It is necessare to the people to be perswaded of the loue of the Pastor otherwise except they be assured of his loue albeit he should vtter the fairest doctrine that is there will be no edifying And so I see Paul ay seekes to show them of his loue that they might be edified Particular gaine will make a man preach There are sundrie Ministers who wil be diligent to preache for game but whē it comes to lyfe geuing they faile there Worldlie gaine will neuer cause him be liberall of his lyfe onelie loue makes a man liberall of his lyfe And therefore Paul sayeth It was onelie for loue and not for gaine because ye vvere deare vnto vs. He vvho hes not this loue he may vvell flatter men a vvhile but the end that ●rye he had no true loue The Lord giue men especiallie the Ministrie this affection that in the end they may proue to bee true Pastors for if they haue not this loue the end shall try they haue bene hyrelings The Lord giue euerie man grace to trye-vvell vvhat reaca●esle
and resolution he hes to suffer for there is no day that the Minister ryses but he is bound to take this resolution in his heart to render his blonde vp for Christ And therefore albeit he die not yet let him be dead in the resolution of his heart and say Lord 〈◊〉 I am readie to die for thy vvorde if it please thee so to call me This is the first argument whereby he showes his loue towards the Thessalonians In the next verse he sayes For ye remember brethren our labour 〈…〉 I will not onelie talke to you of my goodvvill but I will call to remembrance what labour and trauaile with what anguishe and gi●se I haue suffered for your cause The vvordes are verie weightie in their owne language and speciallie the second the words signifies such trauaile as a man takes on him Labor 〈◊〉 the relefe of the flocke an argumēt of loue after he is vvearied vvith trauaile vvhen he takes on him trauaile againe This is great labour He labours while he was wearied and then he laboures againe to get rest He vses this vvord in sundrie places Alvvayes marke To testifie the inward affection of the heart the Pastor beares to the flock it is not eneugh to professe a good-will that he had a purpose to haue vsed liberall dealing with them and to say I vvill deale liberallie vvith you that is onelie vvordes but vvith the words the flock must haue an experience thereof an experience of bygone loue and of a good deed and there is nothing better to testifie the affection then the labour and trauaile the Pastor suffers for the flock Charitie is laborious and painefull chap. 1. vers 2. a man who loues an other he will vndertake paines for him His loue will not be in word but in action he will runne for him he will ryde for him night and day If a Pastor loue his flock he vvith trauaile day and night for it and it is a vvonder to see vvhat paines loue vvill endure Ye knowe this all well eneugh Farther the word is to be marked Ye remember He charges them with a remembrance and if they will forget it he will not let them forget it The people should remember of the paines of the pastor thou art bound to remember vpon the care and prouidence of God for thee thou should remember the Pastors paines for if the Lord had not taken care on thee he would neuer haue raised vp the Pastor to take such a care on thee and this is one of the ordinare meanes God vses to prouide for his people by raising of Pastors to take paines on them and if thou remembers not on the mans paines thou remembers not on the Lords prouidence The remembrance of the Lordes prouidence and paines of the Pastor for thee goe together and thou who lightlies the paines of the man thou lightlies Gods prouidence contemning the one thou contemnes the other remembring the one thou remembers the other Men ●ill say they remember on the Lords prouidence and yet they speake nothing of the instrument God hes sent to winne them No he can not be thankfull to God that forgets his Minister Now in the wordes following he makes plaine the labour pain that he bestowed on them First sayes he I preached vnto you the Gospell of God There is a part of my labour Preaching is a speciall labour what matter were it if there had bene no more but preaching I vvroght and laboured vvith my ovvn hands not in the day onele but in the night also day and night I laboured Paul was a craftsman and had a handie-craft he was a weuer of Tents and Pauilions and vpon that came familiaritie betweene him and A●utla and P●●still● who were of that same trade and he did dwell with them Act. 18. 3. Besides this he was a gentleman and for other sciences he was wel broght vp broght vp in the lawes at the feet of Gamahell who was a chiefe lawyer and yet for all this he was a craftsman an Hebrew of the trybe of Beniaemin of a good estimation he that got that benefite to be a citizen of Rome he was a gentleman Wel a gen●lemā nowadayes thinks it shame to put his sonne to any craft but perchance the next day he will be hanged for theft or murther if he haue not a craft to sustaine him Fy on this idle nation and thou Scotland bears the gree of idlenesse and loytering Wherefore was all this labouring Because saieth he I should not be chargeable vnto you Brethren an end of his working was for his sustentation an other end was that the Gospell shoulde not be s●●ndered We see he was sparing of these Thessalonians and yet he preached carefully to them and al to this end that the Gospel should not be slandered he wroght with his own hands albeit they wer debt-bound to him Marke here the thing in the world all men should chieflie seeke is that the Gospell of Christ should haue the own progresse without any stop or stay And aboue al things a Pastor who is the instrument of this progresse is bound that by no meane hee be the stay of the Gospell given to win soules to the kingdome of Iesus left that which he is building vp with the one hand be not casle downe with the other as many doe they build on Sonday by their teach●ng all the week they cast down by their euill life they destroy more by their life maner of liuing nor they builde by their preaching The least offence in the world wil hinder the course of the Gospel because of the infirmitie of men wemen for they will start at a stray There was neuer a stumbling horse comparable in stumbling to the heart of man considering that so little a thing will cause men take offence at the Gospell and leape farther back nor they came forward We clim vp to Heauen verie softlie and slowlie but if vve runne to Hell vve shall fall dovvn in an houre more then vve did climme in a yeare Therefore we are all bound to flee all kinde of offence and slander Looke that thou offend not offend not the infirme to cause them goe aback neither in the word of thy mouth nor in any action vvith hand or foote or by the vvinke of thy eye to say the progresse of the Gospell And of al men the Pastor is bound to walke most warelie Paul renounces his own right to flee this occasion of offence The Thessalonians wer bound to giue him temporall thinges who ministered to them spirituall things but giuing ouer his right he laboured night and day with his hands for his sustentation Euerie man in their owne degree is bound to suffer all extremitie ere they be a stay to the Gospell but cheeflie the Minister For Paul in the first Epistle to the Corinthians chap. 9. vers 23. sayeth If for the Gospell they absteene not from their ovvne right they shall not be partakers
his heart he wold haue bought the graces of the holie spirit and therfore Peter meetes him and wishes that he should perish and his money to There are manie of this sort who vvill be content to heare allovve it to say The Minister hes said vvel this day all is true yea but what hast thou reported and what hast thou applyed to thy heart Thou heard to thy condemnation except thou apply some thing to thy self of that grace thou didst heare Yet ther is a fourth degree to receiue it as God vvord Not onlie to heare allow embrace but to receiue it as the word of God Albeit Paul spoke it 4. Receiuing of the vvord as the vvord of God yet they looked vp aboue Paul and tooke it out of his hand not as his vvord but as the vvord of God that is a greater grace There are manie that rest to much vpon the man that teaches and set their hearts on the mouth of him that speakes more nor on God that giues the speaker the grace Manie will heare this vvritten vvorde allow it embrace it but they make it to them the vvord of man rather nor the word of God because they count the Scripture to be authentick not because God did speake it but because the Church sayes it as the Papists do say this day So they make the New and old Testament to be the vvord of men The Lord keepe vs from such an error for it is not possible to builde faith vpon that ground I appeale thy conscience that sayest this if euer thou didst finde that constant faith in thy heart faith can not rest except it haue an assurance that the word is from God and not from men how manie in this countrie faile in this There are manie that receiue and embrace it not with that reuerence they should when they hear it spoken they giue no reuerence nor obedience thereto more nor it were the word of man for when they goe out they are as wanton in wickednesse as euer they were before This testifies their want of due reuerence If this were setled in the hearts of men that the word that is spoken were the word of God and that it is not the man that speaks it but Gods Spirite in the man● they would receiue it embrace it and obey it with greater reuerence O the obedience he would giue to that word There is naturallie such a reuerence of God in the heart that when they are assured it is of God they will reuerence it Now brethren ye see in all these degrees nothing but faith All is expressed in faith ye see the beginning of it the progresse of it the ending where it rests It begins at the outward senses It begins at the eare Faith is by hearing Rom. 10. 17. Then it goes next to the minde which allowes and approues it It sticks not there but it goes downe to the heart and there in very deed is the right sait of faith there is the proper loding of faith Look that thy faith be not in thy head and eare onelie there are many hes it so and it goes away with the winde Looke that it goe to the minde and be not content with that but see that it goe down to thy hart This faith ye see then it exercises the whole soule of man it exercises both the reasonable powers the affections Take head to it The thing whereinto this faith is exercised is the word of God Faith in the eare is exercised about the word faith in the minde is exercised about the word faith in the heart is exercised about the word of God The word of God should fill the whole head mynde and heart This is it that the Apostle to the Coloss sayes chap. 3 16. Let the vvord of God dvvell in you plenteouslie not sparinglie but powerfullie And certainelie thinke on I tell you if thou stryue not so long as thou art heere to be filled with the word of God looke not after this lyfe for his presence if thou preasse not in some measure in this lyfe to haue thy soule filled with him looke not that God shall be a father to thee in the life to come Alas we can not get that fulnesse and our soules so wel exercised as we should haue by the word but if we striue to this our willingnesse is acceptable to God Where there is a desire to thinke and meditate of it and to repent that thou canst not haue that desire therof as thou wouldst it repares that want we haue of that fulnesse There is yet one thing heere to be marked The speciall ground of his thanks-giuing is for the imbracing of this word not as the worde of men but as the worde of God Wherein ye see it is a rare thing and a speciall blessing of God vvhen a man is not offended vvith that goode vvorde of God What care I for him some vvill say oft-tymes I vvill heare the vvord of God and receyue it but this companion vvho teaches hes offended me I vvill not heare him Againe he is of so meane graces he can not speake two words right he is babling Well thou art stumbling and thou wilt breake thy neck if thou doest so for thou must not thank that the word of God hangs on the mouth of man but the mouth of man doth hang on the word of God This is the fault we measure euer the word of God by the instrument and counts ay of the word of God as of the word of man that speakes it and preaches it 2. Cor. 10. 7. Enter in comparison The 〈◊〉 God and the 〈◊〉 of man are contrarie and I will let you see Gods doing is far from mans doing and mans doing is contrair to Gods doing There is the wisdome of God It hes pleased him from the beginning to put his power in the weakest creature in the silliest and basest to looke to the hes not chosen the wise in the world the potent and noble to put his power in them when it pleased him to vtter his omnipotent power When he vttered his power against Pharao he puts his power in frogs in lyce in flees and he is auenged on proude Pharac by those vylde things All this is and was that his power shoulde be seene that men should not thinke this is the power of a frogge louce or flee but is the power of the great God that made all thinges And when he meanes to destroy Goliath he will not haue the armie of the Israelites nor Saul● slaying him but he will haue sillie Dauid slaying him without armour with a sling onelie All this was that the world might see it was not Dauids power but Gods that slew Goliath So the richest treasure that God hes in Heauen vvhich is Christ Iesus in the word he puts it in vylde veshelles the Ministers thereof The vnsearchable riches of Christ the power and justice of God in Christ and all the
affirme if there be not a better meeting and greater care to reuerence this calling and to loue and honour it and to prouyde sustentation for them that laboures the eyes of our posteriue shall see this Ministry decay It is going away Men beleeues it is well if they get the teyndes If the Lord and Laird get the teyndes Teinds he will indent and subscryue all with you But either must these things be redressed or else certainly there shall be a decay and then farewell all grace Shame and confusion to Scotland Trowes Scotland that the common-well shall floorishe or that the estate shall be good if this Ministrie goe away No there shall be nothing but desolation If they were heere to whom this matter and this admonition pertaines I woulde charge them in the name of God that they would show a better meeting to entertaine this Gospell or else shame shall ouertake them Now this farre as the wordes of the text furnishes to me I haue spoken of the duety of the people Nowe there is another precept added to this exhorting to peace Peace cōmanded Be at peace sayes he among your selues This is agenerall precept giuen to Ministers to people and to all men commaunding peace loue vnitie and concord of mynde This is the fountaine of other graces She goes before vs as a mother other graces as children followe her If she goe not before no following of graces Where peace is there is grace where peace is not there is no grace And therefore Paul first to Tim. chap. 2. verse 1 sayes Pray for Kings for what end that vve may lead a quyet and a peaceable lyfe in all godlinesse and honestie Where he meanes where peace is these two followes godlinesse which is the ground of the first table and honestie which is the ground of the second table Where peace goes avvay farevvell these tvvo Will ye looke to your ovvne families if there be not peace betvveen the Husband and the Wyfe tell me what grace can be in the familie tell me can godlinesse can grace be in the familie vvhere there is nothing but stryfe and enuy can common honestie be there No no grace Go to a Cittie where there is nothing but dissention can therebe grace godlines or honesty there Goe to a Kingdom or common-well where a Kingdom is rent in peeces can there be grace holinesse or honestie there So it is the peace in Iesus Christ vvhich is the mother and conquerour of all graces where the hearts of men and wemen are bound vp in peace there is floorishing either in Citty or houshold But yet vvhat peace should this be Wherein standes it It stands not in a faire vvord in a faire goode morrow nor in an outvvard behauiour or false fained smiling vvith thy mouth vvhen thou hast no loue in thy heart but this peace standes chieflie in the lenitie and conjunction of myndes and heartes Paul to the Eph. chap. 4. vers 3. sayes Studie to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace where he earnestly recommends an vnion of myndes Paul to the Philippians in the 2. chap. vers 1. sayes If there be any consolation in Christ if any solace if any communion of the spirite if any bovvels of pittie fill vp my ioy and wherein standes it Be sayes he of lyke minde and affection There my joy let your affection be one haue one loue haue one minde dwell with all your soules together Ioyne so your hearts together as if they were one heart joyne your soules together and make vp one soule of all And as concerning your judgements he sayes be not of contrare opinions and judgementes There are some that euer delytes in contradiction When one will say one thing they will make a contradiction to it Now ye see wherein this peace stands and this is the peace that makes vp the Kingdom of God Paul sayes to the Romanes 14. 17. The Kingdom of God standes not in meate and drinke but in peace and righteousnesse tovvards God Indeed the Kingdom of men will be made vp of an outward counterfaite peace The Grecian Kingdom the Roman Impire stoode of an earthly peace but all vanitie the Kingdom of Christ is made vp of an vnitie of our soules knit together in Christ When our conscience is peaceable then our souls is knit to him Reade the 4. chapter to the Ephesians ye shall not finde so many arguments in no place as there to exhort men to vnitie There is sayes he but one bodie one spirite one hope of your vocation one Lord Iesus one faith one baptisme one God one Father of all Then if there be so many one thinges why should ye not be one Now the whole blessing of men standes in vnion Yea the blessednesse of God standes in an vnion the Father the Sonne and the holie Spirite vnited together in one God-hood The blessednesse of our nature standes in the vnion with our head Christ and in the vnion of the members among our selues Where this vnion is not there is nothing but miserie In the Kingdom of Heauen there is nothing but vnity by the contrare there is no peace in Hell If the father and the sonne goe to Hell together trow ye there shall be any loue betweene them No nothing but inuy all inuy and hatred is among the Deuils all peace and vnity is in God who drawes the soules of men and wemen together and makes one soule as it were in that glorious bodie of Christ The Lord giue vs this bond of vnitie and loue that we may be joyned with the rest of the members in one bodie to our head Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Spirite be immortall praise honour and glore world without end AMEN THE XXIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 14. 15. 14 We desire you brethren admonish them that are vnruely comfort the feeble mynded beare vvith the vveake be patient tovvarde all men 15 See that none recompense euill for euill vnto any man but euer follovv that vvhich is good both tovvard your selues and tovvard all men WE goe forward brethren in these exhortations and preceptes concerning goode maners and godly conuersation vvhich the Apostle settes downe heere to the Thessalonians As for these whereof we haue alreadie spoken as that wakrifnesse that should be in them that sobernesse that spirituall armour vvherevvith they shold be armed concerning that mutuall exhortation euery one of them ought to other concerning that duetie that the flocke and the people ought to their Pastour concerning that mutuall peace that should be among them we speake nothing now recommending all to your memories who heard vs. Now in this text we haue reade presently first we haue three particulare directions concerning three estates of persones first concerning vnruely men secondly concerning feeble minded men and last concerning them that are infirme and vveake in saith vveake in the knovvledge
cannot loue him except he loue vs first 1. Iohn 4. 19. There is none that loues him but he that hes the sense of Gods loue in his hart furnished by the Spirit of God O the joy and consolation in the hart when it findes the Lords hart powred out on it And without this sense of Gods loue towardes thee fy on thee if thou wert a king for all thy kingdomes if thou wert ruler ouer all fy on thy glorie and pleasure for all the things vnder Heauen may well minister to thee a false joy and peace in thy hart but they shall neuer giue thee the true joy for there is no true joy but through the sense of the loue of God in thy hart So there is the first gift and argument whereby he assure these Thessalonians that the thinges he askes for them shall be graunted to them without all doubt The next argument is And hes giuen vs consolation eternall In this word he summes vp all the blessinges giuen to man in Iesus Christ in tyme The secōd is eternall cōsolatiō our effectuall calling our justification through his righteousnesse forgiuenesse of sinnes and an acceptation in his fauor our sanctification by his Spirit the resurrection of the bodie and life eternal in glorie al these we haue in him to whom Paul maks this prayer So all the blessinges of God commes and meetes in the hart of man as in a centre they end all in consolation our effectual calling ends in consolation our justifying ends in consolation Therefore sayes Paul Rom 5. 1. Being iustified by faith vve haue peace tovvard God Then in one word As all blessing beginnes at the hart of God and at that loue he powres our on vs so al blessing ends in our hart The beginning is Gods the end is ours and our end is this that peace that passes all vnderstanding This loue of God is as a floode through the which slowes downe all these blessinges bestowed on vs which are as as many springs and conduits comming from that great and vnspeakable loue of God and entering once in vpon our harts wakens vp an infinite and vnspeakable joy in vs For from once that wa●e● of the loue of God touch the hart there flowes such a consolation as is vnspeakable The Lord of Heauen giue euery one earnestnesse to seeke this consolation for it is the arlespenny of these euerlasting joyes which once we shall haue in Heauen throgh Iesus Christ He calles it eternall because it is a fontaine that neuer is stopped it neuer goes dry but euer runnes when the fountaine euer ●●mes the riuer that runnes from it will neuer goe dry And therefore when that fountaine of loue in the hart of God commes in thy hart thy consolation must laste for euer his loue running down in thy hart makes thy joy euerlasting The thinges of this world when thou gettest them will waken vp some joy in thy hart but that joy which thou hast the day thou wilt want to morrow for it is not permanent but as for that joy which proceeds of the loue of God it hes no end it is eternall and therefore they that will seeke consolation in Iesus shal neuer haue an end of joy Indeed sometymes this our joy seemes to be troubled heere because it is compassed with many crosses and afflictions but the Lord from tyme to tyme makes our joy sensible and wakens it vp in vs and when thou shalt be in Heauen thou shalt haue an endles consolation without any vicissitude or alteration for euer Seek then I pray you for this loue of God as ye wold be euerlastinglie blessed with this joy vnalterable Now the third benefite is good hope He calles it good because it is of the best thing The third good hope that euer was that is it is of that cheefe felicitie for vvhat is it vve hope for Euen that consummation of our cheefe and euerlasting felicitie vvith our God vve hope for that possession of the glorie of our Lord Iesus and therefore it is not vvithout reason that it is called good hope Wherefrom flowes it Euen as consolation flowes from loue so hope flowes from consolation Rom. 15. 4. and consolation is as an arlespenny that God puttes in thy hand that thou shalt get thē full payment of the whole summe And therefore it wakens vp thy hart to hope so that when I get a peece of consolation I am induced to hope certainely that that Lord that hes giuen me that arlespenny shal not leaue me till he fil my hart with the fulnesse of consolation for the saciety and full contentment is not till we see Christ face to face and vntill this tyme we must liue by hope In end he sayes all these thinges are by grace Loue is by grace consolation is by grace hope is by grace that is of the free fauour of God without any desert or merite on mans part And it is vvell vvith vs that it is no● so that all is of free grace vvithout out merite for if any blessing of God hang vpon a mans merite vpon his doing and deseruing alas vveak vvould this ground be and there vvould not be one day but vve should fall from the grace If it 〈◊〉 depended on me I vvould lose it euerie moment of the day So the ground of thi● suretie and stabilitie of Gods blessinges is onely in God euen his free grace and loue When the Lord regardes thee not for ought that is in thee but lookes to himselfe then thou hast stedfastnesse by the grace of God as ye may collect of the 4. chap. to the Rom. verse 16. Therefore it is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seede If the inheritance hang vpon thy stinking vvorkes for thou fylest the vvorkes of the holy Spirit in thee thou shouldst neuer see Heauen And thou that vvilt stick by such a ground and say Heauen and saluation depends on thy vvorks thou shalt find thy selfe frustrate in that day and shall not attaine to that inheritance that thou looked for for there is no blessing of God in Christ but that that hangs vpon the free fauor and mercy of God to vs in Iesus Christ All the vvorld shall not louse this ground In the last verse vve haue the thinges he prayes for to these Thessalonians I pray the Lord Iesus Christ and God euen our Father that they would comfort your harts The next establishe you in euerie vvord of the trueth and euerie good vvorke Praier for consolation These are the tvvo thinges he prayes for consolation and perseuerance in well doing Hes he not said before that God the father had giuen them eternall consolation what is the crause then he praies for it as though they had not gotten it He sayes he hes giuen vs eternall consolation and now he sayes I pray the Lord Iesus that he would comfort you How can these two stand Mark brethren
be vvith them in his grace and vertevv but also that he may be vvith them in his ovvne presence and person vvhich is more then the first Then thou must not be content to pray for the benefites of Christ but the cheefe ihing vve ought to pray for to Christ is Lord giue me thy selfe giue me thy presence in thy ovvne person for if vve get any good of him it must be by himselfe he must giue himselfe to vs. In one vvord the first conjunction vve must haue vvith him must be vvith his ovvne person he must be our head and vve the members of his bodie My hand vvill not be the better of any povver or vertue in my head if my hand be not joined with my head the first thing then my hand must haue must be a conjunction with the head and so of the rest of the members of the body and then the conjunction being made vvith the head the vertue goes down from the head and is scatred throgh al the mēbers of the body It is euen so with Christ Iesus before we get grace or lyfe out of him motion spirituall out of hi peace out of him he is full of grace first that sweet conjunction must be made betvveene him and vs he must be conjoined vvith vs in a more strate conjunction then the mēbers vvith the head And therefore he goes to the ground of all peace the Lord Iesus that he may stand vvith them and they may be conjoined with him their head Now he prayes for this presence to them all not to one member to tvvo or three but to all and euerie one of them Then marke The Lord Iesus is a sufficient head and Sauiour for all the vvorld none being excepted all sufficiencie is in him he may serue to be the head to all the vvorld yea to a thousand vvorldes his presence is so ample that he may suffice to be a Sauiour to a thousand vvorldes yea to an infinite number of vvorldes Paul knevv this that he is not like an earthlie king vvhose presence serues but for so many and is contained vvithin narrow bounds and therefore he prayes for peace to all Now if thy head and Sauiour be so ample thy hart should not be narrovve nor thy mouth narrovve but as Iesus is a sufficient head for all so let thy hart desire his presence to all the vvorld if so it should be possible And as for my selfe I vvishe there vvere none but that they vvere partakers of this presence of Iesus Christ For vvhy should vve seeke the vvreak of any creature yet the Lord hes his ovvne and none vvill get his presence but they that are his O vvell is that bodie vvho is predestinate to lyfe for that bodie must haue his presence he vvill be an head and Sauiour to him But that body that is predestinat to destruction cannot haue his presence yet vve are bound to vvish his presence to euery one Novv he commes to the salutation and sayes The salutation of me Paul vvith my ovvne hand Then he subjoines the forme of it The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ c. He began vvith a salutation after his common forme and novv he ends vvith a salutation His first meeting vvith them vvas by a salutation the end of his conference is by a salutation Then looke vvhat example of his doing should learne vs for as vve are bound to obey the doctrine of the Prophets so we are bound to follow their fashion of doing Paul saluted salute thou The thing then I note here is this In all the meetinges and conferences of the faithfull either by vvord presence or vvritte there should be a mutuall beneuolence and an intere loue and affection that as ye see the bodies of men meete together so the harts may meete together joyned in kyndnesse and beneuolence Wilt thou meet in bodie and hold thy hart aback that is vvilt thou haue the half man meeting and not the whole man That is no meeting for the meeting should be of the vvhole man bodie and hart and this should be vttered all maner of vvay in thy gesture in thy doing salutatiōs of christians would be testimonies of their loue in thy speaking and all the vvordes of thy conference should smell of loue Among all other thinges that testifies of loue this salutation is one when thou bidst him good morrowe good night it is a testification of thy well willingnes and of thy loue towards the man and this hes bene the forme of the godly their meeting hes bene with a salutation and their sending with a salutation that if they could not haue a byding together here by their mutuall saluation they might abyde together for all the members that are true members in Iesus Christ are joyned together in their spirits harts and affections this exemple we should followe This maner of doing nowadayes is counterfaite Men will seeme to salute other gladly and yet the harts will be wishing the worst in harts they are enemies to other and so commonly al their doings becking and off-cap and good dayes both all their words and deeds are fained Looke therefore what euer thou doe doe it in sinceritie for the Lord heares and sees all and if thou doe fainedly the Lord shall judge thee for it in that day He sayes he wrote this saluation vvith his ovvne hand The whole Epistle before Paul hes dyted and appearantly another hes written it Now when it commes to the subscription Paul subscryues it with his owne hand Now wherefore was this The cause appeares to be that before this tyme there raise vp deceiuers that stole in wrytings vnder the name of Paul as appeares in the 2. chap. 2. verse be not deceiued sayes he c. And therefore to let them know what was his and what was not his he subscryues with his own hand This hes bene an old practick of Satan euer to corrupt Christs Church both by word and counterfaiting of writte and all maner of way and this same day we see the experience of it in the Romane Church Satan by 〈◊〉 instrumēts coūterfaits holy vvrits Now to the end that false writtes may be trowed the better looke the craft of the deuill he hes in his instruments stollen in bookes written vnder the name of Prophets and Apostles to the intent that the people reading the name of a Prophete or Apostle should giue credite to the writ Papistrie is full of deceite and the cheefe grounds of their doctrine is Apocryphe-books which hes bene stollen in vnder the names of holy men Now looke what hes beene the mercy of God he sees this well eneugh Therefore it pleased him to imprint a marke in his holy writte whereby it should be knowne to be authentike Scripture as in this place he subscryues with his owne hand which was not without the prouidence of God for there is not a part of Scripture but the Lord hes stamped it with such a sure
aboue measure for the departure of their friendes by the way falles out in a discourse of the estate of the faithfull departed this life of the comming of the Lord of the rysing againe of the dead of the tyme of the Lords comming from the 13. verse of the fourth chapter to the 6 verse of the fifth chapter The fourth part of the Epistle is the Conclusion containing a prayer for them a promise of sanctification made to them with some other purposes from the 23. verse of the fifth chapter to the end of the Epistle MAISTER ROLLOCKS LECTVRES VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS THE FIRST LECTVRE THESSA CHAP. 1. Vers 1. 2. 3. 1. Paul and Siluanus and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Iesus Christ Grace be vvith you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. VVe giue God thanks alvvayes for you all making mention of you in our prayers 3. Without ceasing remembring your effectuall faith and diligent loue and the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God euen our Father WE purpose welbeloued in the Lord Iesus Christ by the grace of God as his Spirite shall assist vs to expone this Epistle which is the first Paul doth write to the Thessalonians Which furnishes to vs doctrine seruing for vnderstanding instruction admonition consolation c. Then to come to the purpose shortlie We shall speak something of these Thessalonians to whom he wrytes of the Argument of this Epistle and the purpose of the Apostle in it The Thessalonians were those who inhabited a towne called Thessalonica which as the Historie ●eares was a chiefe towne in the Countrie of Macedonia sounded and builded by Philip King of Macedonia after the victorie he had gotten ouer Thessalia for returning home victorious he builded at towne and named it Thessalonica to be a perpetuall memorie of that excellent victorie he had obtayned But to leaue this Paul as ye may read in the 17. Chap. of the Acts of the Apost in his peregrination together with Sylas who is heere named Siluanus comes to this towne in Macedonia called Thessalonica and entring into the Synagogue of the Iewes three Saboth dayes preached vnto them and all his preaching tended to this to proue that it behoued the Messias when he should come in the World first to suffer then to ryse againe in glorie Vpon this he subsumes that that Iesus whom he preached had suffered had risen vp in glorie And therfore he concludes that Iesus and no other to be the Messias and Redeemer of the World At Paules preaching sundrie of the Iewes who dwelt in Thessalonica were conuerted a great multitude also of the Grecians who abode there and of the chiefe women of the towne not a few Yet notwithstanding of all this sedition is moued against the Apostle and that by certaine obstinate Iewes who would not be conuerted so he is compelled to flee out of Thessalonica fleeing he comes to Beroea where he gets better entertainment and conuertes sundrie Occasion of the Epistle Yet persecution ryses and he is led to Athens where he abiding word comes to him that the Brethren who were conuerted at Thessalonica were heauilie troubled and persecuted by the obstinate Iewes there Vpon this the Apostle sendeth Timothie to them to confirme them and comfort them in their trouble Timothie returning and reporting the grace of God he saw there Paul would haue gone to Thessalonica but as he sayeth Sathan withstoode him and therefore he takes purpose to write this Epistle vnto them which should be in steede of his presence This is the occasion of the writing of this Epistle Then to come to the Epistle it selfe Partes of the Epistle and to speak of the parts thereof First there is a salutation after the salutation he hath a congratulation and rejoysing with them for the graces he vnderstoode to be in them by the report of Timothie He continewes his congratulation a long tyme almost to the end of the second chapter Then he comes to his exhortation and exhorts them notwithstanding of al trouble to preseuere constantlie to the end This he doth in the third chapter In the fourth and fift chapters he comes to the matter and as before he had exhorted them to perseuerance so he exhorts them to godlinesse and holinesse of life such as becomes them who haue receyued the Lord Iesus This is the substance of the Epistle Now in this chapter First we haue the salutation then the congratulation and rejoysing for the graces of God in them which continewes all this chapter and the most part of the next chapter Now to come to the salutation wherein the Apostle salutes the Thessalonians I will speake shortlie of it because it is a common forme vsed by the Apostle in his Epistles and hath beene oft exponed The persons from whom this salutation comes are Paul an Apostle Siluanus Timotheus two Euangelists They who are saluted are the Thessalonians that is the Church of God that was made vp of the Thessalonians who were inhabitants of this towne of Thessalonica The blessings or good things that are wished from Paul and the rest to the Church at Thessalonica are grace and peace the Author of this grace and peace from whom as from the fountaine Paul with the rest of his associates wisheth these things to the Thessalonians is the Father first the Sonne our Lord Iesus next The cause wherefore grace and peace is wished from the Father and the Sonne to the Thessalonians is because the Thessalonians stoode in that blessed conjunction with the Father and the Sonne and therefore it is said in the text To the Church of Thessalonica which is in God the Father and in the Lord Iesus Christ that is to say which is in that holie societie and conjunction with the Father and the Sonne Now to marke something of the salutation Note This forme of salutation that is vsed in this place and in other places by this other Apostles al these general salutations vsed by godlie men vnto godlie men what are they they are testimonies of that good minde and good-will that the godlie beares to the godly They are more too they are meanes and powerful instruments ordained by God wherby the grace of God the mercie of God in Christ is conuoyed from God Christ to them to whom the salutation is directed There are many meanes whereby grace is conuoyed from God to man amongst all the rest these salutations are meanes ordained by God to that end Brethren it is no small matter to wishe well to a man or woman if thou haue a godlie heart when thou wishes well to a godlie person of necessitie the affection of thy heart and mouth must bee effectuall The to goe fordward Grace and Peace is wished But from whome From God the Father and from the Sonne Iesus Christ
God the geuer Then we should learne to craue grace to vtter holie affections to them to whom the Lord hath geuen his graces and that for the graces God hath bestowed on them But to go forward The next thing heere that Paul vtters is a knowledge of their election Knovving your election sayeth he This is a farre sight Then it is true brethren the godlie who are able through the Spirite of discretion to take vp the grace of God in others they haue a great insight yea euen to the eternall election and predestination to that life and glorie wherevnto they are appointed and they will vtter an wonderfull assurance thereof For the word signifies Knovving perfitelie your election Indeed a man will haue a greater certaintie of his own election then of the election of any other because the warrand of his owne election is within him in his owne heart Tokens of election his heart is stamped therewith he findes the seale thereof in his owne conscience as for the election of others it is onelie outward as in his actions and behauiour by the eye of the godlie by the words of the godly and the works of the godlie and such like thinges the visible tokens of the mercie of God in men is showen and so the Lord makes by some outward tokens their election from all eternitie to appeare There are two things whereof it is verie hard to judge vpon and to vtter assurance of the first is the eternall election of others the other is the perseuerance of others in grace to the end the one bygone from all eternitie the other to come to the end It is very hard to judge of these two in other men especiallie Yet I see the Apostle takes on him to judge of both and he vtters an assurance of both Ye see in this place he knowes the election of the Thessalonians In the Epistle to the Philippians 1. 6. he is perswaded that he who had begun with them which is God would perfite the worke he had begun to the comming of Christ that is that they should perseuere in the grace they had receyued vnto the end The ground of all was because of the grace of God he saw in tyme of the Thessalolians and Philippians therefore he knowes perfitelie the Thessalonians is elected and is assured the Philippians will perseuere and stand in grace So all tends to this the grace of God bestowed on any if we sawe but a sparke of grace in them should euer moue vs to judge charitablie that those persons are the elect of God and will stand and perseuere in grace to the end Away then with hard judgements of men More then this Brethren ye see the Thessalonians are elected yet he prayes for them Making mention sayeth he of you in our prayers Election no impediment to prayer And for this same cause knowing that ye are elected Marke this The election of God that sure ground and foundation of lyfe and saluation prejudges not prayer Therefore say not I am elected my saluation can not faile saued must I be● therefore what needs me to pray my selfe or cause any other pray for me No by the contrair say I am elected therefore I will pray ye are the elect therefore I will pray for you that is Paule reason For as saluation and life is predestinate and appointed by God so are the meanes of saluation appointed by God which thou must vse if euer thou wouldst attaine to lyfe notwithstanding of thy election And among all the rest of the meanes Prayer is one thou who art chosen to life prayers is a meane to thee to be vsed before thou come to life Pray must thou and others must pray for thee or else thou was neuer chosen to lyfe There was neuer man chosen to life from all eternitie but the Lord appoynted that he should vse prayer also God ordained that he should liue in holinesse and vvorke good vvorkes vvhich is an other meane must be vsed Ephes 2. 10. For if prayer be not vsed if hee liue not holie if he liue vvithout loue vvithout charitie and goode vvorkes if he continevve so to the end he shall finde that he was neuer chosen Now in the next verse he falles to and proues their election he vtters not this assurance of their election without goode warrands There are two arguments in the text The first is from that vertew and power he founde in himselfe vvhile he preached to them The other is from the effectualnesse and force of his Ministrie in them The first is in Paul himselfe the second in the Thessalonians the first is contained in these words For sayes he our Gospell that is the Euangell preached to you the Gospell of God there is no Preacher but he may take it and call it his Gospell and except thou be saued by it as it is the Gospell ministered by the Preacher thou shalt neuer get saluation Wilt thou goe to God immediatlie and not heare of them but contemne them thou shalt neuer be saued It is Paul and Peters Gospell and the Gospell of the preachers of it ere it serue to thy well this by the way This Gospell stoode not in bare language and vvords onelie but also in povver As he would say when I preached to you I vttered the Gospel in libertie and power and therefore vpon the graces and power I found in my selfe in vttering the Gospell to you I gather they to whom I preached are chosen of God Then brethren when the Lord sends out men to preache in power it is neuer in vaine but it is a sure argument amongst them to whom they are ent there are some chosen of God to life euerlasting and the man who finds himselfe sent out with power to preache the Gospell he may say certainlie there is some I preach to chosen Who will send out a reaper except there be some haruest to be reaped Will the Lord send out a man instructed with power to any place except there be some to be win to him there The Lord sayes Matth. 9. 37. 38. The haruest is great it is comming to maturitie but the laborers are few therefore pray the Lord of the haruest to send out reapers And euerbefore any man be sent out to preache the men to whom he is sent are rype to be instructed so that he is sent out to gather them in to the barn-yarde And by the contrair when God takes away graces and drawes away power from preachers when he lets them vtter nothing but dead and emptie talke without power or when he closes mens mouthes to speake it is a token that the nomber of the chosen is growing narrow and the Church is begun to be barren Well go this Ministrie away and if this power be taken away from vs to an other part there was neuer a surer argument of the drawing in of the godlie in a narrow bounds then this is and that the remanent are left onelie
as miserable catiffes appointed to damnation What auailes this life and al that we haue if we misse that glorie to come In all our proceedings looke what serues for the life to come for all our liues will away our life is not heere this death temporall is not death this life temporall is not life but death eternall is death and life eternall is life But to come to the words and marke them For our Gospell saieth he vvas not vnto you in vvordes onelie but in povver Then it is not preaching in vvordes onelie that vvorkes saluation I see there are tvvo sortes of preachings some preachings in vvordes onelie as these Orators vvho preached to the Corinthians for inuy of Paul had nothing but vvordes There he sayeth When I come I vvill cognosce these men not in their vvordes but in their povver if they haue anie for the Kingdome of God standes not in vvordes but in povver of the Spirite 1. Corinth 4. 19. 20. There is an other preaching of the Gospell not in vvordes onelie but vvith vvisdome and povver Theefore seeing this difference is in preaching that some preachinges are in vvordes onelie and some preachings in vvordes vvith power I must confesse the cause wherefore there is onelie vvordes vvithout povver geuen to the teachers is oft tymes not onelie in the people themselues although they be wicked but in the preacher that vtters nothing but wordes without power to worke into the hearts of the hearers Therefore he that speakes in the name of the Lord looke that he haue power and aske power of God that his words may be effectual in the hearts of the hearers to saluation or else let him holde him silent Either seeke that power of God may be joyned with words or else close thy mouth and speake not one word in the name of the Lord. This power is not gotten lightlie looke to the groundes of this power Paul sets them down heer In the holie Spirite there is one and in full assurance there is an other The first the preaching of the Spirite 2. groundes of povver in preaching the second a full assurance that is in the heart of man that speaks to the hearers Looke that he haue assurance in his owne heart that remission which he preaches to others is gotteu to himselfe Is he promising life to the people looke that he haue assurance that that lyfe is in him The first and chiefe ground of all power is the holie Spirite of Christ if the Spirite of Christ speake not but onlie the spirite of man the humane power in the teacher there shall be no power no vertew in that word to edifie And therefore Paul 1. Cor. chap. 2. vers 13. when he hes spoken of the mysterie of Christ which the wisdome of the vvorlde could not comprehende he subjoynes The vvhich vve speake not vvith speaches and vvordes vvhich the vvisdome of man teaches but vvith vvordes vvhich the holie Spirit teaches vs ioyning spirituall vvords vvith spirituall matters By the which words he meanes plainly that except the Spirit of Christ be the principall speaker of a spirituall matter be the matter neuer so true of it selfe it shall haue no power yea farther in the 1. cha v. 17. he saieth the preaching of Christ with the wisdom of words humane eloquence makes the crosse of Christ ineffectual 1. Cor. 2. 5. he saieth that faith stands not in the vvisdom of mē and therfore who euer teaches in the name of christ let him beg earnestlie that that holy Spirite may be in the heart to tune the heart may be in the tongue to tune the tongue that the matter and words that he vtters may both be of the holie Spirite It is a dangerous thing to a man to speake in the name of the Lord except first he pray and say I am going to this place Lord giue me matter giue me words and let not the speach be so much my speache as the speache of thy Spirite in my heart If the Spirite be in thy heart he will speake but if he be out of thy heart it will be the voice of a man onelie No nothing will conuert men but that which comes of the Spirit A natural eare may take pleasure to heare a naturall thing a naturall heart to speak of a naturall matter but a spirituall eare and hart wil take pleasure in a spirituall matter which comes from the heart of a spirituall man Now to come to the second ground of this power It is the full assurance of grace and mercie that he preaches by his own feeling he speaks nothing but of faith and particular assurance a generall assurance is naught for before I preache the grace of Christ I must seeke my warrand in my heart that that grace righteousnes life I teach is setled in my minde and vpon this assurance I must speake to others and if the speaker albeit the grace were neuer so good haue not in his heart an assurance of that grace all his words will be vnsauory words So he must striue alwayes to participate of that grace he teaches to you either in teaching or before Dauid sayes I beleued and therefore I spake Psal 116. 10. And Paul sayes We beleue to ryse againe and to be joyned to Christ and therfore vve speake 2. Cor. 4. 13. As he would say I am speaking to you of the rysing of the bodie but all this comes of an assurance in my hart that this bodie of mine shall be dissolued and at that last day shall liue and be glorified and vpon this assurance of mine I preache to you this resurrection All tends to this He who speakes of God to vs would be a man that in his owne heart hes a full assurance of grace and aboue all men a Minister that stands vp and speaks to others shoulde haue this assurance and shoulde seeke all vvarrandes of his ovvne saluation And of the assurance of his heart he should speake and say Because I haue felt remison of sins in Christ Iesus and lyfe in him therefore I may assure you of them in him if ye earnestlie by faith seeke them So look that none that is faithles on pain of his life stand vp to vtter one word in the name of Iesus to offer life or remission of sinnes his speaking is but like the clattering of a Parocket his heart is dead and his head onelie sounds The Apostle sayes Because I am assured in my heart of this therfore I spake vvith a great libertie Then there are the two groundes first the holie Spirite secoundlie the assurance if these two be of necessitie the worde must be profitable and thogh a man can not get the ful measure of these two well is he that can sigh and say Lord giue mee an assurance in my heart ere euer I vtter it to others In the end of the verse he takes them to be witnesses of his doing manner of speaking and povver they savv in his preaching
As ye knovv after vvhat manner I vvas among you for your sake As ye know then they knew the power So brethren there will be no Congregation of the Lord that will be so senslesse and dead but there wil be some that vvill haue that Spirite of discretion in them know who speakes with power and who not Euerie man in the Congregation will not haue it but certainlie in all congregations there will be some that will know emptie words and discerne them And therefore let euerie man that speakes in the name of the Lord speake so that he may take the people to whom this discretion is geuen to be witnesse of the power and the Spirite where-with he preached Now all this is for their cause all the graces Paul had was for their cause All grace is giuē to mē for the Church they were not for himselfe Matter word power spirite all was for their cause what euer grace any member gets all is gotten and geuen for the whole bodie the grace that the eye of the bodie gets the grace the hand gets all is for vpholding the bodie and if the Lord had had no other regarde but of the hand onelie he would not haue geuen it the grace to grip So is it in the bodie of Christ for if he had not had an other respect to Paul but for himselfe onelie he had neuer receyued these graces So Iames Peter Iohn c. all their graces are for the well of the Church The Apostle 1. Cor. 3. 21. sayes All is yours whither it be Paul Apollos or C●phas al is yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods Then the man that hath gotten the Spirite and excels aboue his neighbours in graces looke that in pride he contemne not the least menber of the bodie the eye must not lightlie the foote for if it looke to the skyes and let the foote stumble it shall perishe it selfe so who hes gotten great graces let him take them and lay all down at the feete of the Church and distribute them to the well of the Church and say I got them all for your cause The Apostle hauing gotten a reuelation and assurance he sayeth God gaue it for the Church So when thou hast gotten any grace giue it out to the Church in humilitie whither the gift be spirituall or temporall or else it had beene better thou had neuer receyued it yea let a King bestow all his graces vpon the Church for his calling is for the Church and except there wer a Church there should not be a King woe to them that knowe not this end that all Kingdomes and policies standes for the well of the Church Daniel tolde Nabuchadnezar an heathen King that his Kingdome was for the standing of the Church The Lord oppen the eyes of men to se that they do their duetie in their vocation that at that last day they may be found to be members of that bodie To goe forward the Apostle gathers the election of the Thessalonians first from that power he had to vtter the word that for their cause secondly by the effectualnes powerful working of this God within them Brethren if the power that God hes geuen the preacher for vttering of his Gospell for their well be an argument to them of their saluation hovv much more must the effectual working of the Gospell be an argument of their well Ioyne these two together the powerfull preaching of the Spirit the working therof these two makes the assurance of the election of the hearers And by the contrair if there be nothing but speaking without power no effectualnesse in the heart it will not be the speaker that will auaile it wil be ineffectuall to them to their saluation So thou must finde the effectuall working of the Spirite in thee which must be thy warrand But to come to the words And ye are become follovvers of vs and of the Lord and receyued the vvord in great affliction and vvith ioy of the holie Ghost These are the words ye se this effectualnesse in the Thessalonians stands in imitation and following not so much of him as of the Lord of whom he was a follower Well to be short the effectualnesse of the Gospell in the hearer ye fe consists in the imitation of the speaker when the hearer imitates in lyfe the preacher and aboue all imitates in life and conuersation the Lord Iesus Christ followes Pastors as they follow the Lorde onelie and no otherwise If then the effectualnesse of the Gospel in the people stands to imitate thee looke thou that there be matter of imitation of thee looke how thy mouth speaks looke thou speake as Christ speaks otherwise speake not except thou may say as Paul sayes when he hes preached to the people ye are followers of me I am made a guide to you going before ye are followers at the least if they wil not follow thee look that thy life be good thogh they shold run away go thou forward in the way of life Preaching wil not do the turne if thou be not a light going before the people all thy words shall do no good and thou shalt neuer be partaker of that glorie thou speaks of Then mark againe Wherin stands this imitation And receyued sayes he the vvord vvith great affliction There the imitation of the Preacher not only in receyuing the word deliuered by him not onlie by following him in doing but chieflie by following him in suffering affliction Is he afflicted for the delyuering of it thou that receiues it follow him in affliction I remēber Paul in the second Epist to Timothie Cha. 3. v. 10. 11. 12. where he layes downe many things in himselfe to be followed but chieflie his doctrine maner of liuing his purpose his life lenitie patience then he sayes my persecution and affliction in Christ Now he sticks on this last he specially bound Timothie to that and he sayes in generall as it were to euery godlie man All that is vvilling to liue godlie in Christ shall suffer affliction thou must be one of that nomber Timothie Brethren we will be all content to follow in doing the Pastor Hes he faith we will follow his faith hes he any other thing in him we follow him in it but whē it comes to the crosse then we will leaue him we will let him alone no if it were Christ himself going out of Ierusalem to Golgatha wher he suffered we wil let him go all alone will abide in Ierusalem It is vaine to thinke that affliction onlie pertaines to the speaker and not to the hearers The Apostle sayes hauing receyued the word of God with great affliction No affliction is the vnseparable companiō of the Gospel in this life heares thou and receiues thou the word make thee for affliction And so Paul to Timothie makes affliction the necessare companion of the Gospell 2. Timoth 1. 8. It bydes with thee heere on the earth
an Idolater turne thy backe on an Idoll Thou makes an Idoll to thee of thy foull affection as murther theft adulterie vvhen thou obeyes them turne thy back on these Idoles Many thinkes to come to God in an instant vvith his Idole in his armes they vvill present to God prayers vvith the Idoll in their bosomes as Rachell would come dovvne from Padan-Aram and vvorshippe God but she keeped her Idoll No be not deceiued if thou leaue not the Idole behinde thee vvhither it be an Idole in deede or a foull affection that thou settest vppe in the rovvme of God I discharge thee of the Connention of the Sanctes of God for thou scornes him and one daye he shall be auenged on thee for it Turne thee therefore from that vvicked Idoll or else byde away Nowe followes the second part of the conuersion It is not eneugh to turne from an Idoll a false dead stocke vvhich is nothing but the inuention of thy ovvne braine Paul to the Corinthians cal●es it nothing 1. Corinth 10. 19. but thou must turne to the true God Turne thee from Sathan to God Alas filthie creature whome to will thou turne thee if thou will not turne thee to thy ovvne Redeemer The lesson is It is not eneugh to turne from an Idole except thou turne to the true God of glorie the liuing God Brethren many men hes bene deceyed with this Amongst the Nations there were many who would scorne Iupiter condemne Apollo as Diogenes but they turned not to God but turned to plaine Atheiseme So there are many in these dayes who will mocke all the vanities of the Masse and yet for all this they will abyde Atheists and all Religion will be alyke to them Is he amongst the Papists he will scorne them amongst the Protestants he will scorne them also This is an euill sort of men Except thou be of mynde to ●mbra●● the true God holde thee with thy Idoll be a Papist still an Athei●t is most wicked and most dangerous for the scornes all men He is worse then an Idolater and he can not eschew a judgement For the Histories recordes that God oft-tymes hes punished euen the verie cont●mners of the idoles that is such as preased to blot out of their heartes all sense of the Godhoode Learne here in these words that miserable estate that men lay into before their conuersion The Thessalonians what wer they before Paul came among them dead in sin dead in lustes without any sight of God or saluation I shall tell you how all mens sonnes euen the Kings sonnes are borne so that we haue no cause to glorie in our selues When he is borne first and comes out of his Mothers vvombe the backe of him is to God and his face to the Deuill and the burning eye of God is vppon him No infant vvhat estate so euer hee be is borne otherwise his face is to Hell his backe on God his Redeemer and thee seede of hatred vvith the gall of bitternesse against God in his heart and if hee remaine in nature there is no day he liues but there is in his heart some augmentation of the hatred of God Now in the meane tyme the eare of him is ay pulde the light of reasone beginnes not so soone in him but the conscience will round in his eare there is a God that created this world and oft he will looke ouer his shoulder to get a blenk of that God his Creator and seeing him faine would he be quite of that Creator and of that sight of God that reason chalenges his soule with looke to this our nature fy on them that begins to extoll this nature in their doctrine yet he can not be quite of the sight of God and he findes that nature pushes him to seeke a God And then he saieth seeing I can not be quite of God I shall make to my selfe a God and then he will change the glory of the true God in the Image of a foure-footed beast c. Rom 1. 23. Then the Lord seeing this malitiousnesse in the heart of man who sees a God and will not see him he putteth out his eyes geues him ouer to a reprobate sense and minde without all judgement the Lord makes him both blinde and wod as a blinde bodie running like as he were mad and waits not what way for he that is an Idolater is by nature a wod wauering bodie and all his race in that broad way adulterie murther and all other vices and ●unne where he will Hell is the end of his running Looke then to this nature that we are borne in it is worse nor I or the tongue of any man can expresse Then how is this matter remedied when the blinde man is running on in his fury there ryses a noyse that followes him see the mercie of God! what manner of noyse is this It is the voice of the Law crying ô miserable bodie Manner of conuersion thou art condemned Hell is thy lotte and portion and this begins to awalk him a terrible walking Now if God let him alone in this manner desperation would be his end But if it pleases God to haue mercie on that cati●●e there followes an other sweete voice alas no other thing see I in Scotland but damnation if the Gospell be remoued This cry is out of the Gospell with 〈◊〉 the Baptist Sinner repent thee turne thee to the Lord Christ and thou shalt ●inde mercy The voice of the Euangell There is the cry of the Gospell Thy sinne shall be forgeuen thee thou shalt be safe D●eth he heare this if the Lord be powerfull vnto him he will turne himselfe immediatlie about and looke with his face to that God and Christ with such a joy and mourning that no tongue can expresse it A joy beginnes in the conuersion because of Gods presence assuring him of the remission of all his sinnes a sorrovve beginnes because of the offending of God in tyme bypast So I crye this day Beleeue in God miserable men and ye shall finde mercie And if the idolaters in our North-countrie were heere I woulde crye to them Fy on thee idolater that hast runne on so long in diuelish wayes turne you from your idolatrie and vvicked nature to the veritie of the Gospell of Christ and you shall be saued but if you turne not damnation shall ouertake you and thou shalt be casten in vtter darknesse vvhere there shall be nothing but vveeping and gnashing of teeth The Lorde saue out of their vvicked and detestable companie all them that in their heart longes to see the most comfortable countenance of their blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ and the Lord concurre by his heauenlie Spirite vvith the Gospell that is preached that wee may be all in tyme conuerted thereby and see God in Christ and serue him in this life that at last we may haue the full sight of his face for euer AMEN THE FOVRTH LEC. TVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL
fall down before a stock or stone Slauery of Idolaters of all slaueries this is the greatest it is true it is a slauerie to be subject to a tyrannous man in this worlde to his foull affections to abyde all things he will injoine thee but in the meane tyme while as thou serues the liuing and true God thou art a free man and thou hast a singulare comfort and consolation in thy heart and if anie will call the a slaue care not for that for thou art a free man to God 1 Cor. 7. 21. but albeit he were a King and had all the vvorld vnder his dominion if he be a slaue to a false fained God an Idole of all slaues he is the greatest slaue for not to knovve the true God is the greatest slauerie that is for there is no consolation but in God if thou had all the libertie in the vvorld thy soule is in slauerie if thou serue not the liuing and true God I will not call a Nation a free Nation a King a free King if they serue not that liuing God Will I call a Kingdome a free Kingdome that is subject to a miserable slauerie of Idolatrie Woe to that slauerie and thou Scotland if thou lose the seruice of the liuing God of all slaues thou shalt be the greatest because so shamefullie thou hast lost it Dauid in the 16. Psal vers 4. telles of the miserie of the Idolaters and of the libertie of them who serues Iehouah As for the Idolaters saieth he They multiple sorrovv vpon sorrovv to themselues then he rejoyses in his owne felicitie who serues the liuing God Iehouah the Lord saieth he is the portion of my inheritance Therefore ere thou lose the seruice of this true God and Christ his Sonne lose thy life and all that thou hast in this world This is the onelie liberty to serue the liuing and true God Now followes the second end of their conuersion which is to looke for the Sonne and his comming the first was to serue the Father of this life the second is to awaite for the comming of the Son Marke euerie word It is not eneugh brethren to serue the Father the liuing and true God in faith in loue in all seruice that pertaines to him in this lyfe except thy eye throgh hope reach out beyonde this lyfe in the meane tyme of thy seruice Hope of life to cōe Thou art heere novv seruing him looke that thy eye reach out beyonde this life to see and to hope for an other life There are many in wealth in honour in ease in healthe of bodie in this worlde that vvould make a Couenant with God and say Lorde Let mee dwell still to serue thee heere and it were for euer and I oblishe me neuer to looke for more at thy hand giue me this lyfe and wealthe and pleasure thereof I shall serue thee to let me liue heere for euer and I shall binde my selfe neuer to craue more of thee alas I trovv there be many of this sort Fy on it this can not be rooted out of the hearts of the most godlie euen as if either God had gotten glorie sufficientlie or we could get perfite happinesse in this life Alas if our hope were onelie in this lyfe and our blessednesse reached not out beyonde this life of all men the christian man wer most miserable I had rather chuse to be a Turke nor a Christian except my hope reache out beyond this life all the pleasure and seruice I can do to God in it If thou prease to be a true christian think not with thy self I shall driue ouer this life quietly shal stand fast in al trouble but thou must bide tossing toyling otherwise thou can not be a christian for throgh many tribulations thou must enter into the kingdom of heauen Act. 14. 22. Thē ye who wold serue God serue him as pilgrimes in a strange country far frō him what euer thou be doing here in his seruice walking in thy godly exercise in the mean time let thy hart be with Christ let thy hart be wher thy life is hid vp with Christ Paul giues an example of this in his own person saying I liue here as a Citizen of Heauen Philip. 3. 20. A Citizen in the heauen is a pilgrime on the earth And therfore he subjoynes liuing as a pilgrime heere and a Citizen of Heauen I hope for my saluation in Christ A pilgrime hes euer his eye out of this world The second Epistle to the Corinthians Chap. 5. vers 7. 8. he shovves that in this lyfe he walked in faith and confidence but saieth he I chuse rather to flit and remoue out of the bodie and to dvvell vvith my Lord Iesus Fy on thee that is so nailde throgh head and heart to this world that thou hes euer thy heart and sight heere Certainelie I am of this minde that the thing that euerie one of vs should most care for should be to steale away peece peece from this earth Lowse thy heart peece and peece and free thee from this wofull life Now this hope and looking is for the Sonne something pertaines to the Father thou must serue the liuing and true God something pertaines to the Son thou must looke for him from Heauen Thinke not to honour the Father without the Sonne The Iew is vaine that thinks to honour the Father without the Sonne No it will not be serue the Father but honour the Son also or else the Father shall accept no honour at thy hand Ioh. 5. 23. For all the honour of the Fathers is in the Sonne But marke the speciall honour that is geuen to the Sonne in this life The Sonne is honoured in faith in this life in beleeuing that he is alreadie come in the world that he is come in our nature and suffered the death for our sins that he died was buried rose againe from the death thou honoures him in beleeuing this But this is the speciall pointe of this honour to hope that he shall come againe as he come once so looke that he shall come againe But brethren neither hes his glorie yet appeared as it is in deed and shall appeare neither yet your grace appeares as it shall when he shall come againe And therefore the speciall seruice we can doe is to await for his comming ad to glorie vnder that hope No beleeue thou in the Father as thou wilt if thou hope not for that glorious returning of the Sonne thou honours him not This is all to stirre vs vp by hope to looke for an other life for all these things King and Kingdome vvill avvay and they who hoped for him in this lyfe shall shine in glorie with him in that life eternall Fromwhence shal we hope that he comes where shal we cast our eye if we looke for a man to come from one part our eye will euer be on that part where from he should come whither it be
day from the fearce wrath of God Consider this the world bindes vp mens eyes that they should not see Christes comming and it makes vs neuer to desire to heare nor know of an other life or of Christs comming Therefore take vp this necessitie and let all this lyfe be a preparation to a better life in al thy exercise in this life say Lord I am exercisde heere in this vocation or that vocation at thy command but Lord for all this bussines I am a pilgrime here my life is not in this world and my heart and eye is beyond this worlde vvith thee The Lord giue vs grace to haue this hope woe to that soule that must departe and hes no hope of a better life Now I will go forward in the Chapter following Wherein first the Apostle sets out a discourse of himselfe and of his own Ministrie and the successe the Lord gaue him in his Ministrie towards the Thessalonians This he telles in the two first verse● of this chapter Parts of the secōd Chap. Then he comes to the recounting of the graces of God wrought in them by his ministrie to the 17. verse Then vntill the end of the chapter he telles the great sorrow he had that he could not win to thē shewes the impediments Sathan vvithstoode him These are the three parts of the chapter To come to the first part he sayes For ye your selues knovve brethren that our entrance in vnto you vvas not in vaine When I came to Macedonia to vvin a number of soules that God had there my entrie was not in vaine without effect or power the reasone is in the next verse followinge For saieth hee vvee vvere boulde in our GOD to speake vnto you the Gospell of God vvith great stryuing The power of God vvas perceyued in my preaching and all my libertie in preaching of the gospell was of God He aggreadges this his libertie by telling of the stayes and impediments he got ere he came to them he suffered manie afflictions and was euill entertained at Philippi and comming to them he was not free of affliction but all his preaching was with fighting and daylie battell there is the meaning of these verses To come then shortlie to the lessons First Ise the people that hes beene grounded and edified in faith by the ministrie of the Pastor and by the grace and power of God they should not forget the graces of God they got by him and ere they should forget the Pastor him selfe is bound by the example of Paule for to stand vp and to bring them in remembrance of the grace not for his owne praise but for the glorie of God who hes geuen thee grace that the grace of God be not obscured but that his glorie may shine I will lay you a ground in the first Epistle Corinth 2. 4. 5. Your faith is builded vpon the power of God that is geuen to the Ministrie To the Ministrie yea to the Ministrie to the Ministrie man or else thou shalt neuer haue a ground of faith The Apostle sayes that your faith stands not in the vvisdome of men but vpon the povver of God And therefore brethren Faith stands vpon that same verie ground the power of God geuen to the Ministrie Thy eye should be drawn back to see the ground where-vpon thy faith hath beene grounded if thou forget to looke of it Pastors should draw thy 〈◊〉 about and let thee see that thy faith was grounded on the power of the word in the Ministrie I challenge your experience how oft ye remember the power of God in the ministrie whither ye rejoice or not saying well is me I haue not my faith grounded vpon the wisdom of man but vpon the power of God seeke it for the fondation of your faith that it be firme and sure for if thou haue not a sure foundation to ground thy faith on it shall fall And that thou may find it I counsell thee that thou neglect not the Pastor for if thou forget the Pastor his ministrie thou shalt not come to the fondation of thy faith I put it out of question the power of Gods word by his ministry is a ground wher vppon your faith is grounded If this ministrie go awaye faith saluation and all graces in this land will decay The second thing wheron stands this power is in the second verse It stands in a libertie boldnesse freedome in vttring the Gospell and speaking of Christ So brethren wher liberty wher boldnes in preaching the Gospell is there is effectualnes in it the man who hes this boldnes is a fectfull man his entry shall neuer be in vaine If the Lord giue thee libertie if all the worlde had said the contrair the effect shall not be in vaine and where the Lord geues not this libertie all the preaching is fectlesse and without frute I shall say nothing but that which Paul saieth where there is no liberty in the speaking of Iesus of his mercie and grace no freedome of mouth c. there is nothing but a dead Gospell Where there is no libertie in vsing all the parts of the ministrie in rebuking admonishing and comforting there is nothing but a dead Gospell I meane euer of a libertie grounded on God not on mans vaine affections where this liberte is not there is nothing but a dead ministrie I beleue this nation be come alreadie to the hight of this liberty not of the mouth only but of the heart And I think the Lord is binding vp the harts of men that they are not loused with that liberty if it were but in preaching the Gospel as they wer Lord be mercifull to vs. I beleue this worke be drawing to an end ye haue keped it long blessed shall they be that dies in the light And so when I looke a far off I pittie the posterity which appearantly shal be dep●iued of that liberty al for our ingratitude we had a grace libertie which we contemned So God in justice is drawing it away Next marke againe In God sayes he not in man That is we vsed that libertie which God gaue vs. The libertie of the affection of man is nothing worth Looke then what euer be spoken by the Minister it be warranded by the word of God And looke againe that it ryse of the inward motions of the Spirite in the hart If a man speake of his owne priuate affection ô Lord if he should not haue a well sanctified affection that speaks in the name of the Lord it is better to him not to speake he indangers himselfe hes much to make account of But if thou hast warrands in the word break out with it with liberty for it is as great danger to thee to conceale it when thou hast a warrand as it is to speake it of thy owne affection And without question the Lord will controll them that will controll thy libertie here The Lord giue eyes to men that
part to sinceritie in hearing it will be a great stay to the worke Now into the next verse when he hes remoued from him the opinion of all kinde of vnsinceritie and hes purged himself thereof either in doctrine affection or in manner of delyuerie He sets downe the contrair to wit the sinceritie he vsed in doctrine The sinceritie he vsed was this that he spake how spake he Not as they doe who are set to please men but to please God There is the sinceritie in speaking he had not men before his eyes he respected not the pleasure of men but in speaking and preaching his God was before his eye and his heart was set to please God Sinceritie in preaching and hearing is to be measured by the end that thou respects in doing thereof for if God and his glorie be not before thy eyes as the Butte wherat thou shootes albeit that which thou doest and speakest had neuer so faire a face yet al is vnsincere and vncleane The thing I marke heere speciallie is a Pastor that stryues to be sincere in speaking and preaching must set himselfe to please some in his speaking but heere a caueat to be keeped in the persone whom thou studies to please either by doing or by speaking this is all the weight of the matter if thy heart be set in speaking preaching and doing to please men and to satisfie the humours of men first of all if that be the butte thou shootes at because this man likes of this speaking therefore I wil speake this if this speaking please this woman therefore I will speake this If that be the end of thy speaking all thy speaking is vnceritie flattery if thou seeke to pleasure any creature if it were the Angels let be a man all thy pleasant talke is but vaine talke and flatterie I deny not but men may be pleasured to Rom. 12. 18. but looke that thy butte be not to please men of what estate so euer they be but onelie to please God First please God and in God please them then thou can not go wrong If men and wemen what rank so euer they be of can not be pleased in God and will not let God haue the first place then please thou God and anger all the world If thou studies to please any persone onelie in God in speaking and doing there can be nothing there but sinceritie A sure rule a man can neuer faile in setting his heart to please God in thoght word and deed The Lord giue vs vpright hearts to study to please our God and then all creatures onelie in him Now he layes down a good ground why in his preaching he stryued to please his God it was not without a good cause and the ground is God pleased him first why should he not indeuour himself to do all things to please him againe render him the lyke duetie But as vve saieth he vvere allovved of God in such sort that the Gospell should be committed vnto vs so vve speake That is that he hes placed vs in this calling made vs Apostles who wer vnworthie bodies of one who was vnable of such a calling hes made vs able as it hes pleased him so to please me and as he hes allowed of me who was altogether vnworthie my speaking shall be to please him There was neuer a Minister that euer receiued grace for that calling at the hands of men neither at king nor subject but onlie at Gods hand and therefore let him studie to please not men but God who geues him al graces and if men can not be pleased in God let him not studie to please thē Now to speake of this allowance there is a difference betwene the allowance of men when they allow of men and God when he allowes of men man allowes of man because he sees some good qualities in him which qualities he neuer gaue him for God gaue him them But when God allowes of man he allowes not for any good thing he sees in him to moue him to allow of him but al the allowing of God is of fre grace all is according to the good pleasure of his will Gods allovvance of free grace he allowes not of man because he is able to do good but because God allowes of him therfore he is made meet and able to do good when God choised thee before all eternitie to glorie what saw he in thee The Apostle saieth He predestinate vs in himselfe Eph. 1. 5. Of his own fre loue he called vs to grace Before he called vs to grace what saw he in vs to moue him to make vs partakers of his grace He saw matter of hell and damnation in vs. And therfore his allowance of vs was not for any grace was in vs if he had allowed of vs conforme to that which was in vs he would haue shot vs with his hand to hel for euer So when he calles one to be a Minister and teacher of the Gospell allowes he of him because he hes a grace before hand No the best Minister that is chosen he hes no more grace by nature to this holy function nor the vildest sinner in the world So it is the allowance of God himselfe that makes man meet to that office so this allowance of God was in himself no matter thereof in Paul matter contrarie to grace was in him he was a blasphemer 1. Tim. 1. 12. Paul had neuer bene an Apostle but an impe of the Deuill if God had not allowed of him first The note is Gods free loue binds vs to plese him the vndeserued loue of God when he allowes of vs when he calles vs to faith or places vs in any calling if it were a King in his calling either in Church or common-wel bindes oblishes vs to spende our liues in that calling that God may be pleased If euer thing bound thee this vndeserued lyking God had of thee who first lyked thee when thou was full of ●inne bindes thee to set thy heart to please God for thy blessednesse joy and felicitie is to please him and he that studies not to please him knew neuer what joy was Alas if we coulde apprehend our owne miserie before Gods allowance of vs We are not placed so soone in any calling but immediatlie we conceate vvith our selues that God hes seene in vs something worthie of it and then againe if we could apprehend that free mercy of God after the sight of our own vnworthines then we would set our hearts to pleasure him For neuer apprehending our miserie and Gods mercie and free calling we set our selues in our calling to please men and our owne foull affections The Lorde waken vs for appearantlie the tyme of tryall drawes neere we haue beene vnthankfull for the vndeserued graces of God bestowed on vs. Therefore he is begun to draw them from vs and lets vs follow our own affections Now next In what thing striues Paul to please God
childe so he takes a similitude from a mother toward her infant there is no busines nor care the mother wil leaue vndone for the infant nor respecting her hyre or gaine but vpon an inteere affection to the infant Then learne shortlie A pastor must be like a mother Paul Gall. chapter 4. verse 19. compares him selfe to a mother trauailing in birth vntill Christ be reformed in them O my little children vvith vvhom I trauaile in birth vvhile Christ be reformed in you Novv he cōpares the pastor to a nource taking paines to nourish them when they are borne vpon a motherlie affection without eyther respect to goods or honor and he compares the people who by the pastor are fed in Christ nourished by the sincere milk of the vvord to infants As a yong infant craues no other nourishment but milke no more shouldst thou craue to be nourished with any other food but the sinceere milke of the word and as the infant would die except he be fed with milke so all they that refuses to be nourished with this sincere milke of the word if they continew die shall they Thou Lord Laird or Barron Husband-man die shall thou if thou be not nourished with this sincere milke of the worde If it be so betweene the people and the Pastor Affection of the Pastor to the flocke as betwene the childe and the mother the Pastors lesson is Looke what tender affection the mother hes to her birth to cherishe it to take paines and trauaile to wake and watch ouer it and all vpon a motherly affection without respect of honour or gaine the lyke shoulde thy affection be towards thy flocke and on paine of thy lyfe looke thou seeke them and not theirs The Mother seekes the well of her childe and not his goods nor honour so seeke thou the well of thy flocke and not their goods nor honour and let thy affection be motherlie and when thou sees the motherlie affection of the mother to the childe say The Lord giue me such an affection to my people as this mother hes to her childe let my honour and gaine be to get them nourished The honour of a Minister is in Heauen and not in earth his gaine is in Heauen So Paul sayeth 1. Thess 219. What is our hope or ioy or crovvn of reioysing are not euen you it in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his comming to glorifie his elect To this Christ with the Father and the holy Spirite be glorie and honour for euer AMEN THE SIXT LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 8 Thus being affectioned tovvard you our good vvill vvas to haue dealt vnto you not the Gospell of God onelie but also our ovvne soules because ye vvere deare vnto vs. 9 For ye remember brethren our labour and trauaile for vve laboured day and night because vve vvould not be chargeable vnto any of you and preached vnto you the Gospell of God 10 Ye are vvitnesses and God also hovv bolilie and iustlie and vnblameablie vve behaued our selues among you that beleeue 11 As ye knovve hovv that vve exhorted you and comforted and besoght euerie one of you as a father his children 12 That ye vvoulde vvalke vvorthie of God vvho hath called you vnto his kingdome and glorie THE Apostle ye remember brethren leauing off for a tyme the purpose that was in hand to witte that rejoysing he had with them for the graces of God was in them In the second chapter he falles out to a discourse concerning himselfe making mention of his manner of entrie among them how it was not in vaine For when he entred among them he entred with libertie although that hee had suffered immediatlie before at Philippi notwithstanding of the battaile he had in the meane tyme while he preached to them Thereafter ye heard the last day he remoued from him selfe all suspition of vnsincere dealing in preaching the Gospell chalenging to him self sincerity in preaching Seing in preaching and speaking he had not man before his eyes but God not content onlie to remoue from him vnsinceritie in 〈◊〉 he discends to the fountaines of vnsinceritie and vncleane dealing which are three namelie flatterie auarice 〈◊〉 and these three rootes of vnsincere and vncleane dealing in the 〈◊〉 he remoues from him he flattered them not he was not greedie of their goods he was not greedie of honour Albert saieth he I might haue beene chargeable to you as the Apostle of Christ ye were addebted to me both of your goods and honour yet I would haue none of them but I liued in the midst of you vnburdensome submit●ing my selfe to all fash●ie and paines for your sakes as a mother nourishing her childe will vndertake all paines for the childe so did I for you Now in the first vvords of this text we haue red that vvhich he spoke of the nource cherishing her childe he applyes to him selfe Th●● sayes he 〈…〉 tovvard● you The vvord is in the first language I was desirous of you I had a longing desire of you such desire as a mother hes to her infant she can not suffer her infant to be out of her sight to be absent from her incontinent she grie●es for it she is not well vvhile thee haue it in her sight The same affection sayes the Apostle I beare tovvards you I loue you I can searcelie vvant your presence for being absent from you I haue a continual care of you There is the meaning of the wordes in the which ye see that loue that motherlie affection to call it so the Apostle bare to this Church of Thessalonica The first grace in the Pastor is to loue his flock this is the ground of all the rest if he want it all the rest is deare of the hauing if he had all the learning and eloquence and vt●●●ance of men and Angels all is nothing if there be not loue and affection in his heart to his flock Paul 2 Cor. 6. recounting our many marks of the Apostle which he bare amongst the rest in the 6. verse of that chapter he account● vnfamed loue to be one for nombring those marks he declares what spirituall loue he bare to the Corinthians saying in the 11. verse O 〈◊〉 my mouth is open to you our heart is made large so that if it were possible I vvould take you in my heart ye dvvell not narrovvlie in me but ye dvve●l 〈◊〉 in your ovvne bovvelles I loue you but ye loue not me so intirelie as I doe you In the 11. chapter of that Epistle verse 28. stryuing vvith the ●alse Apostles he shovves vvhat carefulnesse he had of the Church Beside sayeth he 〈…〉 I haue the care for 〈…〉 of the vvorlde 〈…〉 but I am afflicted I vnderstand there are none afflicted but I am afflicted vvith him 〈…〉 It is vvonderfull to knovve vvhat affection hee bare to the Church of Christ Ye
therfore let vs come to some obseruations Ye see heere first of all great matter of thanksgiuing to God Grace in 〈◊〉 people d●uble mater of thanks●guing when this sweete harmonie is betweene the pastor and the people when as he teaches and instructs them louingly and faithfullie they receiue that worde he deliuers to them and therto they conforme their life conuersation There is a sweet meetting and if euer there was matter of thanksgiuing in this world heere is matter in the faithfulnes of the pastor and in the faith of the people meetting that faithfull discharge of the Pastor in his office It is true when the pastor findeth the grace of God in him selfe allone albeit he finde no meeting in the people he hes matter of thanks-giuing to God for hovve so euer it be if that he doe playe the part of a faithfull pastor he is a sweet smell to God as vvell in them that perishe as in them that shall be saued by the vvord 2. Cor. 2. 15. If ye meete him not he will be safe if that hee discharge a faithfull dewtie but your bloude shall be vpon you owne heades So he hath matte through the grace he hath receiued to rejoyce in God But brethren when grace meetes grace when the faith of the people doth meete the faithfulnes of the pastor when hee is not onelie a svveete smell to God but he is the sauour of life to life to the people there is the double matter of reioysing and thankesgiuing to God double grace and meetinge of grace craue double rejoysinge and thankes-giuing to God for the mercie double bestovved vppon them If anie man had euer anie grace Paule had it yet the man is neuer satisfied in his owne persone except he finde grace in those to whom he vttered grace meeting his grace except he finde his ministrie povverfull to them whom he teaches for otherwise he counts all his labour and running to be in vaine Therefore all teachers should striue to finde the povver of the worde in the people for wherefore are Ministers sent in the worlde but to see that that word be effectuall in the people to vvinne them to God and in verie deede he may rejoice when he sees the saluation of the people wrought by his teachinge This in generall Now to come to the words Their faith is set downe in sundrie degrees and marke them the first degree is hearing they heare the word of the Apostle 4. degries of saith there is the first grace in the people meetting the pastor when they giue their presence heare him patientlie It is of the grace of God that a man or woman can sit and heare the vvord of God and it appeares that it is the grace of God ye see manie in Scotland that gets neuer the grace to heare no preaching 1. Hearing of the vvord no hearing in many parts of the land miserable are they without preaching without hearing No question what euer other causes be of the lacke of preaching hearing it is a just judgement of God on the people and woe be to them that drawes away the moyen of preaching and hearing from the people miserable shall their end be For I see not how saluation shall be without preaching and hearing There are many againe that albeit occasion of hearing bee offred to them and the teacher be at hand yet they will not come to heare they may heare and will not heare Some will come to sit down but if any thing touch their affection they will heare with impatience all this showes you hearing is of grace First to get the occasion of hearing is grace next to heare patientlie to heare sin and vice rebuked in all estates of men and vvomen it is a grace for some in hearing their sinne rebuked they heare impatiently with grudging and as soone as they remoue and go out that impatience breakes out in bitter vvords As when Steue● in the 7. chap. Acts ver 57. 58. is speaking to that Councell of the Iewes that vvere conueened as soone as he speakes against them they put their fingers in their eares and rus●ing on him stone him to death The 19. chapt Acts verse 33. when Alexander stands vp among the Ephesians certaine people beeing conueened together when he begins to speake to them of the way of God against Demetrius they cry out all vvith one shoute immediatlie Great is Diana of the Ephesians The 22. chapter Acts verse 23. when Paul makes a discourse of his ovvne life and comes to this that he vvas called to be a teacher to the Gentiles they rent their clothes and cast dust vp in the aire All this telles vs the fury and rage of the heart against God against Christ his word And by the contrair it is a speciall grace of God that men and vvemen gets when they can sit still and heare the word of God patiently There is the first degree The second degre of their faith and meeting of the Apostle is receyuing of the vvord That is to say a receyuing and approuing of the word of God 2. generall allowance to be true and good euen a generall allowance therof When this man will say vvithin himselfe this is true that is spoken Many gets not this grace for many when they heare suppose they lend their eare to the vvorde in their minde they disalovv that which is spoken and albeit thy mouth be close yet the minde vvill be making contradiction The naturall man saies the Apostle 1. Cor. 2. 14. vvhen he heares of heauenlie things he vnderstands them not yea more he thinks them all but foolishnesse Set vp a naturall man he will scorne all that is spoken of Christ and of spirituall things and will laugh at them in his owne heart When Paul came to Athens Act. 17. vers 18. and entered among those high headed Philosophers and begouth to speake of the way of God They met him againe with scorning and they said What meanes this bablor they thought all that he spoke babling There are many of them in Scotland who thinks vvhen a man speaks of Christ that all is but babling Then it is a grace of God to geue an allowance to that vvhich is spoken There is farther heere 3. 〈…〉 heart The third degree of grace is embracing the word in the heart There are many that can heare that is a grace when they haue heard will giue a generall allowance that all is good all is true there is the second grace but in the meane tyme they will shoote it all out of their heart they will say it is true and good but what is that to me they neuer emembrace it in their owne heart Simon Magus as it is tolde Acts 8. 21. allowed of that which was spoken it is said he had faith in the meane time no application in his ovvne heart for shortlie after he vttered that gall of bitternesse which was in
glorie of God in Christ he takes it and puts it not in veshelles of siluer and golde no but in a veshell of earth 2. Corinth 4. 7. and all this is that the vvorlde shoulde not esteeme the treasure according to the veshell Therefore the Lorde will put in a veshell of claye the treasure that is Heauen in Christ Now will ye see mans famous wisdome When he heares the vvord comming out of this base and infirme man he sayes the veshell is nothing worth it is made of clay it serues for no purpose a sillie fellow from whence came he therefore this word that is in his mouth it can not be the word of God would euer he haue put so pretious a thing in so vylde a veshell O rebellious man that is euer contrarie to God in all thinges and speciallie in the Gospell Experience teaches vs of the enimitie that the wicked men in this Realme caries in their heart against God and his Ministers they will not let God be wise in his wisdome he hes in his Ministerie but they will be wiser Well fight on his wisdome will winne the fielde and thou wilt lose it to thy euerlasting destruction Now to goe forward He casteth in a parenthesis saying As it is in deed the vvord of God Ye esteemed it not as the word of men but of God as it is in deed Receyue it as ye please account it Gods vvorde or mans as ye please it is and shall abyde Gods vvord and thy mouth in the end shall be shutte vp so that thou shalt not vtter one vvord if thou account anie otherwise of it So vvhat euer be the opinion of men in the vvorlde and their speaches their saying or gainesaying alters nothing Th' instrument neither adds nor diminishes the glorie of the vvord The vvord of Iesus abydes and shall abyde the true vvord and shall retaine the ovvne authoritie and glorie thy vvordes vvill neuer be able to make any change No brethren the mouth of man for as infirme and gracelesse as it is will not be able to impare a jot of the glorie of that God and by the contrair put it in the mouth of neuer so glorious a creature if it wer in the mouth of an Angell nothing will be added to the glorie of it it is powerfull in the selfe the creature will not be able to make any alteration In deed it will honour the mouth when it is put in the mouth of a man it will make him honourable but he can not honour it if he were neuer so noble or eloquent Set vp a king to preache trow ye he will honour the Gospell no but he shall get honour by the preaching of it No if it were all the Angels of Heauen that would preache this glorious Gospell they can not giue it honour but they are honoured by it And when the Angels came and cryed to men this word of God they got a singulare honour Paul to the Galat. chap. 4. vers 14. sayes ye receiued me as an Angell of God yea as Christ Iesus Wherefore was this for Pauls ovvne presence no but for the word of God in his mouth which made him to be accounted as an Angell of God Neuer man shall be able to ad any honour to the word or diminishe the honour thereof Now blessed is he who gets this grace to deliuer this word with an earnest zeale to glorifie God and Christ by preaching thereof Now in the end of the verse He thinkes it not eneugh to call it the word of God but he giues a proofe of it The vvord of God vvher euer it be P●●er of the vvord will euer prooue it selfe to be the vvord of God it can not be idle it must be quicke and effectuall in the hearer it must vvorke liuelie it vvill pearce lyke a tvvo edged svvord and therefore it is said vvhich also vvorketh in you that beleeue Hovvbeit it vvas vttered by an infirme man yet the vveakenesse of the persone hinderes not the povverfull operation of the vvorde It vvill not be the mouth of the speaker that vvill holde back povver from the vvord of God But vvhen the Lord puts his vvord in his mouth and sayes I will put my vvord in thy mouth go thy vvay if all the world had said the contrare that vvord shal be powerfull Well is that man in whose mouth this word is put and vvell is that people that hes a man in vvhose mouth the Lord hes put his word the basnesse and infirmitie of the man will not be able to hinder the povver thereof If the Lorde once put his vvorde in his mouth it is so vvonderfull a thing Set vp eloquent Dememosthenes diuine Plato facunde Cicero c. vvho vvere like as manie vvonders in the vvorld let them come in vvith their eloquence they shal not haue such operation in the harts of men as a sillie fellow and simple of speache shall haue vvhen he speakes the vvord in the name of the Lord. And if there vvas euer a vvorke in the vvorlde maruellous that vvorke vvhich the Minister by the Spirite and vvorde of God workes is most maruelous For to regenerate a man vvho vvas once dead it is not a mans tongue his eloquence his instancie that can doe it but onelie that powerfull and blessed vvord of God that all glorie and praise of his povverfull operation may be giuen to his Majestie Marke a word farther He sayes not that workes in euerie one of you but he sayes in you vvho beleeues In the 1. chap. Rom. vers 16. The Gospell is called the povver of God to saluation to them that beleeues In the first to the Corinthians chap. 1 vers 24. It is the povver and vvisdome of God to them that hes that effectuall calling and hes gotten the heart oppinned to take head and drinke in the worde onelie in these is the worde of God effectuall to saluation Brethren it is true it is offered with power to the vnbeleeuers as well as to the beleeuers but this is the difference If thou hast not an heart hand to take it when it is offred to thee with power thou shalt neuer receiue its thou wantst power to receiue it but there is power in the word very sufficient vnto saluation Alas how manie heare the vvord with their heart so hardened that the word strikes on their hart as an hammer on the studdie The hardnes of thy heart beats it backe againe so that it is not powerfull to thee My counsell is except thou preasse to haue thy heart mollified and crauest at God to mollifie it hear not the word or I le assure thee the more thou hearest the more thou vvilt be hardened Manie make a showe of hearing the Lord and the Laird will come and sit in their daskes and heare the worde and will come forth without anie profite because their hearts were not attentiue to heare Ieast not with the word it shall eyther saue thee
or slay thee and in the day of damnation thou shalt cursse the time that thou euer didst heare the word of Christ if thou finde it not powerfull in thee Come in a minde to renew thy sinfull life or else bide away come to be humbled vnder this word and reuerence it if that thou were a King or else bide away vnlesse thou vvouldst heap on thy selfe an intolerable damnation Now brethren I shall end shortlie in the next verse He thinkes it not eneugh to set downe this in generall what the vvord of God wroght in them that beleeued but he comes to the particulare It will not be the generall word will do thee good but a particulare The speciall effect is It made them to be follovvers It is good to followe them that goe the right way they vvere followers of the Church that was in Iudea followers of the Ievves that were conuerted and beleeued in Christ The word conformed the Thessalonians to the christian Church of the Iewes Al this was by the povver of the vvord of God in the mouthes of men Looke not for an Angell from heauen to speake to thee nor for a sound from heauen but looke for it out of the mouth of men We wearie fast of this ministrie what ministrie vvill vve haue next will ye haue Papist●●e againe will ye haue Angels No if ye contemne this ministrie if this ministrie be put out of the land thou shalt neuer finde anie ministrie powerfull to saluation Then I marke this is the power of the word of God a conformitie like affection in sundry persons to make me like thee the vvord povverful to make cōformity and thee like me the godlie like other this is the power of Gods word to cause a church follow one an other to joine man with man to draw in a bloodie wolfe to the sheep-fold of the Lord Iesus and to make him a sillie lambe He that now was raging to draw him to Christ to cause him sit down and joine himself to Gods people in holinesse and godlines This is a maruelous effect that the word hes It is not the proper effect of the word to cut men from good men but to make a conformitie to joine good mē with good mē draw al together to the church The Lord the great Pastor he joynes all the members of the bodie together and all to make a whole body to the head christ In a word it is the force of Gods word to worke our felicitie blessednesse and I assure thee thou who art a contemner of the word of Iesus thou shalt neuer be happie neither in this life nor in the life come All stands first in a conjunction with Christ the head and then with the members Step out of the societie of the church as you wil what is the church to thee I denounce the terrible judgement of God against thee if thou seek not to haue that conjunction societie of the church of God thou shalt neuer get a portion in Iesus there is thy doome if thou repent not This conformitie is not al wroght at once but the word of God by the power thereof will bring one first in then an other man then the thrid man then one Church secondly an other church thridlie the thrid church and so draw them al together So that they who comes last haue no disaduantage they both haue that same word to draw them in that the first had and then also they haue examples before them drawing them in It is good to haue an aduantage beside the word to draw thee in Brethren we that are now in the world we haue this last vauntage we haue these patternes looke how many haue bene called they are as many vauntages and patternes to draw vs to God And looke that thou heare not of a godlie man but preasse to follovv him and say God make me lyke him for among the rest of the meanes God hes ordained to winne soules the setting vp of patternes before men is one meane This nature of ours is backward For vve are all borne naturallie Woolfes and Tigers so that it makes vs that vve break avvay so fast from the sheepe-●old of Christ that we haue great neede of many meanes to draw vs in And therefore the Lorde some-tymes vses by the word and some-tymes by the examples of others to draw vs in to Christ Iesus Yet againe this conformitie that is set down wold be marked The conformity is in suffering ye are followers of the church in Iudea in what in suffering alike with them the same persecution they suffered ye suffer yea more he amplifies their sufferinges in that they did suffer of such like persecutores as the Church of Iudea did euen of their own countrie-men the Iewes it was that persecuted the Iewes who were conuerted it is the Thessalonians that persecutes you that are in Thessalonica This is the persecution Conformitie in suffring Then learne The conformitie that ought to be among men and vvemen in the world stands not in doing onelie to make others doe vvell as he doeth well As one Church liues holilie so to cause one an other liue holily but it must be a conformitie in suffering also that as one man suffred so an other shoulde suffer as one Church suffered so an other Church should suffer it wil not only be actiue in doing but passiue in suffering There is a faire effect conformitie in suffering Brethren men oft tymes are readie eneugh to follow others in doing but they are loath to suffer all godlie men would be like other godlie men in doing I see not a godlie person but I would be lyke him and one Church would be like an other godlie Church in doing But if I see a godlie man suffer before me I wil hold aback and shrink to follow him If thou see one martyred before thee thou wilt leaue him and not take part of his burden There is not a flourishing Church in Europe but this would be like it but it hes no desire to be like that Church in France that hes bene so long vnder affliction and can not get vp the head of it It is in deed an hard matter to the word of God to worke doing good in the heart of man but a harder matter to worke patience and suffering of affliction but if the word be not effectual as well to work suffering as doing I can not say it hes that force and power in vs that it should haue And therefore albeit thou be not as yet at suffering yet prepare thee for suffring resolue not thy self for doing alone euery day but for suffring also whatsoeuer crosse the Lord will lay on thy back And let this be part of thy prayer Lord strengthen me in suffering For as thou wouldst raigne with him so thou must take a resolution to suffer with him Who will not suffer let him neuer looke to be an heyre of Heauen It is now
due time to learne to be prepared for suffering for Christs cause The Lord giue vs grace that we may suffer patientlie that he may be glorified in our suffering To this God be glorie and praise for euer AMEN THE EIGHT LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 15. 16. 15 Who both killed the Lord Iesus and their ovvne Prophets and haue persecuted vs and God they please not and are contrary to all mē 16 And forbid vs to preach vnto the Gentiles that they might be saued to fulfil their sinnes alvvaies for the vvrath of God is come on them to the vtmost IN this rejoysing of the Apostle Paull together with the Thessalonians for the graces of God that were bestowed vpon them ye haue heard brethren the Apost thanked God instantlie for that meeting he founde in them when he preached to to them exhorted comforted besought them to walke as worthie of that God that had called them to his kingdome and glorie Their meeting was they heard him and not onelie they heard him but they receiued the thing they heard and not onelie receiued it but in heart embraced it and laide it vp as a treasure and the seede of life and immortalitie they imbraced it not as the word of man but as the word of God as it is indeede and not onelie imbraced they it as the word of God but in life and conuersation vttered it it was effectual in their life He proued this because they were followers of the Church in Iudea conuerted to Iesus Christ The speciall thing wherein they followed them was that euen as these Churches were troubled by their owne Countrie the Iewes euen so they that were conuerted at Thessalonica were troubled not by forrainers but by their o●ne Citizens Not to repeat any thing we spak the last day but to go to the text red In this text the Apostle hauing spoken of these Iewes malicious and obstinate doing wherby they euer impeaded the progresse of the Gospell of Christ and hindered mans saluation scattring themselues among the Gentiles throgh al the ●●●mane Prouinces and when anie of the Apostles came stirring vp insurrection and not suffring the Gospell to haue place so farre as they might stop it Therefore he digresses heere and agg●eages the sinne of these malicious Iewes making vp a dittay against them and therafter he giues out the doome and pronounces the sentence of wraith and condemnation against them And therefore to returne and to oppen vp euerie sentence They haue slaine sayes he the Lord Iesus There is the first point of their dittay These men the Iewes that trouble the Church of Christ in Iudea are they that haue slaine the Lord Iesus himself They haue in their extreame persecution slaine and crucified to the death the Lord of glory 1. Cor. 2. 8. That is they haue dispatched him not after a common manner but after a most cruell and shamefull manner by a cruell sore and shamefull death Whom haue they slaine the Lord of glorie and honourable personage all the glorie of God is dwels in him as it wer Who is this by name It is Iesus the Sauior of the world euerie word aggreages their fault There is the first point of their dittay The first crime laid to their charge is the crucifying of the Lord Iesus Christ this is the thing he begins at there are mo pointes of dittay laid against them but he beginnes at this the persecution of the Lord himself Persecution beginnes not at the bodie nor at the members of the bodie Persecution begins at the head of the Church nor at the seruants but it beginnes at the head the Lord Iesus him selfe if not in action in deede yet in intention in the malice and hatred of the heart The Prophetes in deede were slaine and persecuted in action and died before the Lorde Iesus came in the world but these same men that slew the Prophets with their hand ere they slew the Prophets they slew the Lord of the Prophets the Lord Iesus in their hearts because that all the Prophets that were slaine were his seruants sent before him that was to come Now to come forward The second thing is They slevv the Lord Iesus they slew the Lord of glorie that in his slaughter so farre as in them lyes the worlde should be slaine for they that vvoulde slay Iesus vvould slay all men so farre as lyes in them and they slay him after a most cruell and shamefull manner The greater grace the greater the persecution Brethren this is the ingyne and nature of persecutors the worthier the personage be who is persecuted the greater grace of God be in him the greater glorie and innocencie be in him the greater will be the extremitie of their persecution None of the Prophets of olde were so extremelie persecuted as the Lord Iesus was neither yet the Apostles that followed him were so persecuted as he was and all because of the greatnesse of the glorie of his personage If ye will search the grounde of this it must no question come of great blindnes for if men savv vvell the grace and the glorie of God that is in the persones of them that are persecuted for all the vvorlde they durst not persecute them And therefore he sayes in the 1. Corinth 2. chap. 8. verse If they had knovvne they had not crucified the Lord of glorie No if the glorie of the Church were seene vvicked men durst not stirre her There is yet a greater and an higher ground The malice of the heart comes in and blindes and putteth out the eye of the minde Eph. 4. 18. Throgh ignorance sayes Paul that comes through the hardnes of the heart for this is the nature of the hardnes of the heart to hate the light and to delite in darknes which is enemie to the light of God All our pleasure is in darknes by nature and so it is caried against the light and the first thing it does it puts out the light of the minde yea euen the very natural light and so when the heart is blinded it caries him against all light and chieflie against the light of God and the Lorde of light him selfe And this is the vvorke of this fa●e nature of man so highlie accounted of by the Philosophers Seeke therefore to shutte out of thy heart this maliciousnes that blindes it or else thou shalt be blind folde throvvne down to hell The thride thing to be marked heere is When he is laying out this persecution before the Thessalonians he is comforting thē that wer afflicted Haue they not slain your Lord c. what vvounder is it hovvbeit they persecute you Brethren all the affliction is not layde vpon one man hovvbeit he get his burdene heauie enough Comfort through Christes persecutiō The Lord hes measured to euerie one his owne part and he vvho is afflicted should looke ouer his shulder and see who
discharge of a King in keeping the people in good order and peace will be the meane of thy crowning in heauen Art thou a pastor intending to win manie soules to the kingdome of heauen it shall be a meane of thy crowning in that great day When a crowne shall be set on a kings head or a pastors head it shal not be his calling that shal be the cause of his crowning he was an Emperor therefore he must haue a crovvne in heauen it vvill not follow if there be no more He vvas a pastor therfore he must haue a crovvne in heauen no it shall be that blessing and frute that God gaue thee in the faithfull discharge in thy calling heere that shall be the meane of thy crowning And therefore let neuer fleshe glorie in any calling if there be no more if the blessing of the Lord be not with thy calling thou hast cause of mourning and thou shalt say in that day woe to me that euer I was a King an Emperour a Pastor if there be not a faithfull discharge of thy calling the greater damnation falles vnto thee the greater thy calling be Now to end he is speaking of this rewarde that he was to receiue at Christs comming and he speakes not of these earthlie stipends how beit their be much adoe and stryfe for them in the land if they wer neuer so selie he speakes not of these goods or anie thing that pertained to them but the reward of his Apostleship he speaks of is that he claimes themselues ye are my hope sayes he ye are my ioy euen ye your selues So in one worde the rewarde of a faithfull Apostle shall not be the 〈◊〉 of this earth for as niggard as men are of it no it shall not be his man●e his 〈◊〉 two or three ●halders of ●●●uall or an hndreth marke rest all not be this but it shall be the soules of all them hee did vvinne heere on earth and the Lord shall say to him take them and let them be a matter of joy of glorie and honour for euer to thee Well he will not wishe ought of the durt of the earth but their owne selues whom he will professe as the rewarde of his faithfull calling to his euerlasting joy I goe forward before whom and in whose presence shall this joy and crowne of glorying be He sayes before the Lord Iesus Christ it must be done in his sight hee must be before hee must be the doer of all it must be he that shall take thee by the hand and giue thee to the Apostle and pastor and saye Take man there is the matter of thy glorie and crowne make it a matter to thee of thy joy for euer Brethren there is no joy but in the face and presence of Iesus there is no light but that that comes from his face and countenance It is true the pastor ministers light but if in the meane time the light of Iesus shine not in thy heart all is but vaine and lost labour And therefore Paul 2. Cor. 4. 6. sayes all this light must come from Iesus Christ and thou must holde vp that heart of thine that the light of Iesus may shine in it And he sayes also as soone as the heart is turned the va●le is remoued 2. Cor. 3. 16. and the face of the Lord illuminates thee For what trow you the light be the joy be the glorie be that we shall receiue in one word vvhat trow you heauen be Al the light in heauen is nothing but as a reflexe of that light that is in Iesus Christ al the light and glory of heauen is 〈◊〉 like sparkles scattred from him for all glorie is in him And therefore if ever thou looke for joy and glorie addresse thy selfe for Ieses Christ and as thou wouldst liue either here or hence 〈◊〉 to his presence and thinke neuer thou art well vntill you get 〈…〉 that presence Let nothing so bewitch thee 〈…〉 of heart vntill thou getst some light of Iesus Christ 〈…〉 is no life nor joye within him I aske thy conscience Didst thou euer feele that solide joy and life but when thy heart was set on that countenance of Iesus Foole thou mayst rejoice like a dog or beast with a sensuall pleasure but woe to thy joye and peace there is no peace to the vvicked for when thou art so passing thy time out of Iesus the judgement shall sodainelie ouertake thee for there is no saluation out of Iesus When shal this be At this comming It is true we vvalke heere in his presence and that joye that comes downe from Heauen it comes through that glorious bodie wherewith he is cled but the sacietie of all shall not be vntill the eye see it thy glorie shall not be perfited while then I tell you all the light we haue now the Apostle calles it the light of the Euangell of the glorie of God it is his face that shines in a mirror thou seest him no otherwise but then this mirror shall be taine avvay and the face of Iesus shall be holden vp in your sight Brethren while we are here the light cōmes from heauen and ouer shadowes and transformes the soule onlie and that not fullie but in a part but when he shall come he shall transforme not the soule onelie but these vilde bodies and make them conforme to his glorious bodie Phil. 3. 21. And so there must be a greater force in his owne presence nor is in the mirror of the Gospell And thou that takest a pleasure to see Iesus in the mirror of the Gospell and to be ouershadowed with the light of the Gospell the face of Iesus shall shine on thee and by the contrair thou that takest no pleasure in the mirror of the Gospell thou shalt neuer attaine to the sight of Iesus Wilt thou continue in hatred of the ministrie of Iesus Christ thou shalt neuer see the glorious countenance of Iesus In the end of this chapter not being content to tell this once he sayes it againe yes ye are my ioy This doubling proceedes of a persuasion that he had of that glorie in a word let a Minister be faithfull to winne many soules to pleasure God and Iesus Christ who will recompence him so aboundantlie The glorie is sure the joy is sure and if he finde faithfulnesse and a blessing in his calling in this lyfe as the joye and glorie is certaine so when he is going out of this lyfe he may be sure and may say with confidence I shall enter in my joy and my soule and bodie shall be crowned with his crowne of joy and glorie and all in the presence of the Lord Iesus To whom with the Father the holie Spirite be all praise AMEN THE TENTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Wherefore since vve could no longer forbeare vve though it good to remaine at Athens alone 2 And haue
sent Timothius our brother and minister of God and our labour-fellovve in the Gospell of Christ to establishe you and to comfort you touching your faith 3 That no man should be moued vvith these afflictions for ye your selues knovve that vve are appointed therevnto 4 For verely vvhen vve vvere vvith you vve told you before that vve should suffer tribulations euen as it came to passe ye knovv it AFTER the salutation ye haue heard brethren a congratulation and rejoising of the Apostle with the Thessalonians for the graces of God in Christ that were bestowed on them Thereafter followed an excuse of the Apostle wherfore he came not to visie the Thessalonians he excused himself from that great desire purpose he had to visite them face to face He entred in the journey once he was impeaded he entred the second tyme Sathan impeaded him he could do no more Now shortly to come this text He followes out the same purpose and continewes his excuse showing them the desire yet left him not but albeit he was impeaded in his owne person to come to them yet his desire was 〈◊〉 toward them And therefore that which he could not bring to passe in his owne person he thought good to performe by another by a deare brother and fellow laborer Timothie Therfore he tooke purpose being at Athens in Grecia and Timothie with him to abyde at Athens himselfe alone and to send away Timothie to them and all to this end to establishe them in that word which they had receiued To exhort them that they should not be commoued or dasht with the afflictions which ouertooke them and wherewith they were exercised Vpon this he salles out in an exhortation exhorting them to beare patientlie those afflictions that fell vpon them The first argument to moue them thereto is knowing well they were appointed thereto God had ordained from all etern●●ie those afflictions for them a necessitie was imposed vpon them and why should they not then suffer and beare them patientlie The next argument wherewith he comfortes them There is nothing come to vs sayes he but that wherewith ye were forewarned Therefore take it patientlie This is shortlie the summe of the text standing in these two partes in a purpose he tooke because of his owne not comming to them to send Timothie to them and in an exhortation to beare affliction patientlie Now to make euerie sentence The na●●ation is verie plaine and therefore it farnishes plaine doctrine 〈◊〉 sayes the Apostle I thought it best 〈…〉 to send him to you so to remaine al●ue at Athen This is to be marked this earnest desire of the Apostle to doe that which became him in vi●ying these Thessalonians it les● him not notwithstanding or any opposition he got S●han did cast in stayes to hinder him he stayed him to come to Thessalonica yet Sathan could not get the desire of his heart stayed he desired 〈…〉 he is not able to performe that which he desired so earnestlie 〈…〉 It is a hard matter to put out of the heart of the godlie an holy desire to doe well to do that which they should doe of 〈◊〉 yea it is an hard matter to Sathan himselfe to quench the holie desyre of the heart of the godlie Paul in the Rom. 7. 18. vvhere he sets out the battell he had betvvene the Spirite and the fleshe he confesses in plaine wordes that he could not get that thing done that he would haue done In the meane tyme he sayes To vvill is prese●t to me that is say I haue in the meane tyme a good vvill to doe vvell albeit I can not attaine to the performance of vvell doing the flesh in Paul stayed the action and perseuerance in well doing but the flesh vvas notable to quenche the good-vvill he had to doe vvell And brethren most certaine it is vvhere the desyre abydes in the heart vvhen a vvillingnesse to doe well abydes the battell is not lost the Diuell hes not gotten the victorie the flesh hes not gotten the victorie Lose thou once the desyre and will of well-doing if there be in thee no repugnance to Sathan but his worke goes forward 〈…〉 the Diuell then hes gotten the vpper hand the 〈◊〉 is lost and thou art gone keep well therfore the desire in the heart to do well how euer thy hand feet be bound so that thou canst not do with thy hand any good nor can not go with thy foote to do good yet it this will of well doing remaine the victorie shall be thine in the end It is most certaine the desire of the godlie albeit it be impeaded for a time yet in the end it shall be victorious Therefore the Lord himselfe promises them certaine victorie Blessed are they vvho hungers and thrists for righteousnedsse Matt. 5. 6. there is the desire for they 〈…〉 there is the victorie The heart that desires grace continewing in the desyre shall be filled with grace and glorie This for the first The desyre continevving vvith Paul vvhen he is not able to visie the Thessalonians in his ovvne persone he takes him to the next best and that vvhich he could not doe by himselfe he tooke purpose to doe by Timothie vvhich vvas his fellovv-labourers Where there is an earnest desyro to doe well in the heart of any man that thing he can not attaine to at the first he assayes it ouer againe and if he can not get it done in his ovvne person he preasses to doe it in an other As Paul assayed the first and second tyme in his ovvne persone and vvas tvvyse in the journey vvhen he is impeaded in his ovvne persone that he is not able to performe it himselfe he purposes to doe it by others and so he sends Timothie to performe that which he might not doe himselfe Then ye may see an earnest holie desyre hes such a force that it rests not it must break out in some effect at one tyme or other by one way or other it can not still remaine in the heart nor the Deuill will not be able to impead the action for euer No but an holie desyre of goode in the heart shall take effect once in despite of all the worlde Then marke The great necessitie joyned to euerie one of vs to do the thing we should do must not be left off for one or two or three or foure impediments and when we are not able in our ovvne persone to doe it then prouide some other meane to doe it for it may be the Deuill will not be so busie to impead others as he will be to impead thy selfe for it is certaine the Deuill is euer busie working but he was not so busie to stay Timothie as he was to stay Paul Now in the next wordes he sayes he thoght it best to abyde solitare all alone at Athens where he was for the tyme for from Thessalonica he went to Beroea and from Beroea to Athens and there he abode as
of this countrie They thinke it eneugh here if they put in any man to be a show in their offices ô if thou knew what count thou must giue to the Lord for thy doing thou wouldest doe the worke of the Lord more carefullie Yet to insist on this commendation of Timothie It is an high commendation and all tends to this that he shoulde be well accepted of the Thessalonians to whom he was directed that so he might doe them the more good Therefore the Apostle sent him adorned with this faire testimone Good mē deserue good commendatiō Brethren When we see good men in Church or common-weal we should giue them their own commendation why should not the Prince haue his ovvne commendation in sight of the people vvithout flattrie why should not the Pastor haue his honour but to this end Paul looked to that they might be well accepted among the people the next end that being honoured among them they may get obedience So euerie good man should haue his owne authoritie among the people to doe his goode turnes The Lord grant that euerie man who hes office may haue matter of recommendation within himselfe that when he is praised he be not flattered The Lord grant that the Prince may haue matter of his commendation and the Pastor matter of his commendation to this end that their labours be not in vaine Now to go forward with the words Wherefore is this good man Timothie sent to the Thessalonians not to play him not to looke about him but to confirme the Thessalonians in that faith in the which they were grounded by the Apostle The office of the Euangelist vvas to confirme men in that faith which was had down by the Apostles to watter that which the Apostles had planted Paul planted Apollo vvattred 1. Cor. 3. 6. So Timothie was sent to do his ovvne office his owne office was to confirme them vvho were grounded Brethren ye haue heard heere before a great deale spoken of that singulare faith which the Thessalonians had and read in the whole Epistles of Paul ye shall not finde such a commendation giuen to anie Church as to these Thessalonians they were examples to the whole Churches about them as to Macedonia Achaia c. the word of them went abroad to all people and yet Timothie must be sent to them to establishe them Marke it There is none in this life so vvell grounded on the faith of Iesus Confirmatiō of faith necessarie to all men on this life but night and day they haue neede of confirmation yea euen at the last breathe when thou art going out of this world thou must craue a confirmation for there is no perfection in this lyfe nothing in this lyfe but beginning of grace Let none thinke he standes if he thinks so he deceyues himselfe and the man who thinkes he stands he is readiest to fall There is nothing heere but either to grow or decay no standing So we haue neede continuallie of a confirmation faith in Christ is set downe to vs as a ground wherevpon we are established Continuallie euerie houre and moment we craue a setling on that ground for why the sea of the ovvne nature is not so subject to commotion and slovving as the heart of a man When it is set dovvne once in that faith vvhich is the foundation leaue it there it shall returne to the ovvn nature againe Then ye see the sea vvhen it flowes on a rock immediatlie the jaw returnes backe againe in the sea So our heart set on Christ except by grace it be daylie hourlie momentlie setled it vvill returne backe againe to the ovvne nature of it There vvas neuer moe vvindes nor stormes on the sea to cause it rage nor is daylie and hourelie brangling our faith if it were possible to beate thy faith off the groūd-stone Thou neuer seest thing with thy eye but it is a blast of wind to beat thee off thy ground thou neuer hearst thing but it is a blast to beate thee off thy ground Prosperitie a blast of wind to thee aduersitie a blast off winde to beate thee off thy rocke Christ Iesus the scorning vvorld is a winde to beate thee from Christ all ●●n●ations are as manie windes to tosse thee heere and there that thou settle not Looke then if we haue neede to be confirmed more and more in the faith of Christ The next words telles the maner of the establishing of our faith And to comfort The first word was borrowed the next vvorde makes it plaine The maner is seeing the heart of man is ay fleeting Therefore we haue sent to comfort you touching your faith The verie same ministrie which Paul had for the tyme Timothie for his tyme the Pastors and Doctors hes this day That same ministrie which consistes in instructing exhorting comforting admonishing and rebuking them for their misdeedes for all are included within this word exhorting and all these serues to confirme men in the faith of Christ Paul to the Ephesians 4. 11. sayes When the Lord Iesus ascended to heauen after that glorious resurrection leauing this earth he left behinde him some to be Apostles some Euangelists some Pastours and Doctours to the end vve should not be ay children fleeting flovving and caried avvay vvith euerie light vvinde of doctrine What meanes all this That the vse of the ministrie is to establishe the heart of man to holde the heart that the winde of affliction and tentation blovve it not avvay and to settle it on Christ vvho is the ground-stone Then turne it ouer take avvay the ministrie that men vvoulde haue so faine avvay giue men their teyndes they vvould be content neuer to heare a Minister no stablitie shall be in the heartes of the people thy heart shall be blovvne avvay from Christ and thou shalt perishe Alas vve haue ouer great experience of this and especiallie in this Cittie of Edinburgh the Lord amende it Count all thinges vanitie but to be established in Christ Alas that vvee are so senslesse of this A vaine heart vvaites not vvhat this word meanes but a solide heart mournes for the vvant of the meanes of the vvorde Now to come to the next verse The end of this establishing confirming and exhorting of these people by the ministrie of Timothie is this that none of them should be commoued for the affliction vvherevvith they vvere exercised for the present For the Thessalonians at that tyme were afflicted by the Iewes enemies to God and man Then the end is that they should not be commoued with the afflictions that laye on them It is easie to a man to stand in a calme but when winde blowes it is hard to stand sure It is easie to professe Christ in calmnesse but when the blast of tentation strikes on thee then it is much to stand and hold Christ In tentations vve must stād on Christ by faith We are not yet wel acquainted with this So all tends to this Albeit
sa●ene returnes back to Paul with good newes that all was well Paul rejoyses greatlie in the report of Timothie and in the meane time Paul remaning at Athens does his turne and brings some to the faith of Christ there Now brethren I aske hes Sathan gotten any vantage heere by staying Paul to goe to Thessalonica Hes he hindered the Gospell God ouer turns the enterprise of Sathā No the Gospell is furthered thereby Paul abydes and does his turne at Athens Timothie goes and does his turne at Thessalonica and filles Paul with good tidings that he brought from Thessalonica Learne Sathan when he thinkes to hinder the progresse of the Gospell most he furthers it most When he thinkes he is most against the Church he is most vvith the Church yea if he should haue set himselfe of purpose to further the Gospell if he had taken counsell thereto vvhen he impeaded Paul to goe to Thessalonica he could not haue deuysed a better vvay This is vvonderfull the Lord hes euer disappointed him and shall to the end he vvho vvorkes light out of darknesse ouerturnes and vvhirles about so all his interpr●ses that in despyte of the Diuell he makes all the thinges the Diuell thought to doe to the dishonour of God and hurt or the Church to serue to his glorie and the vvell of his Church I tell you in one vvord Sathan neuer yet gotte the aduauntage of the Church nor of no godlie man no not in the sl●ughter of Abel he neuer got it nor shall get it but that vvhereby the vvicked men thinkes they get victorie ouer the Church the Lord turnes about so that one day ye shal see it shal be the profite and honour of the Church To goe to the wordes he saies after Timothies returning he broght him good newes Of whom wer they of yo● Thessalonians What wer they that ye wer in a good estate floorishing full of wealthe full of honour all things going well and prospering with you all things succeeding to your hearts desyre were these the newes that Timothie tolde to Paul no no neuer one word or syllabe of this what were they then He telles me good tydings of your faith that ye perseuere in faith in Christ that is the first He telles me of your loue and that bond whereby ye are bound together in loue there is an other he telles me of that speciall affection ye beare to me The best nevves of any people These are all his nevves Why then I as●● vvhat are the best nevves that can be reported of any people Common vveale and Cittie It is not of their flourishing estate in this vvorld nor of their vvealth and riches nor of their honour in this world al these things are transicprious all the honour of this vvorld vvill avvay the riches of this vvorld vvill avvay The best nevves of any people are vvhen those thinges are reported of them that abydes for euer When faith and loue is reported vvhich they will take to Heauen with them 〈◊〉 in Iesus gripped in thy heart vvil goe to Heauen vvith thee loue vvill goe to Heauen vvith thee The best nevves that euer vvas tolde is the Gospell of peace to the worlde in God the Father through Christ Fyon thee that receyues not these newes As this Gospell and Euangell is nothing but these glad tydings of Gods mercie through Christ So lykewise the best newes that can come of any people is that the people hes receyued the Gospell and that faith in Christ There is great matter of joye vvhen vve heare that grace mercie and peace is preached to any people There was neuer such joy if we knew what is true joy but alas we are lying on the earth we haue no sense of heauenlie things our eye is ay on the earth as thogh there were no grace nor glorie but in this lyfe But brethren to goe to euerie word and to speake of these things Timothie reportes to Paul The first pointe of these tydinges is faith he beginnes at faith Timothie sayes Paul the Thessalonians continewes still in that faith of Christ and embraces that Gospell of Christ which thou taught them There is the first part of the newes Then ye see plainlie heere the first part of the good tydinges that can be reported of any people is that they holde fast the faith of Christ and embrace the Gospell of Christ There is the first and best ●ydinges that can be reported of any people And learne He that hes not and keepes not this faith I say in a vvorde there can be no good tale tolde of him If he had all the vvorlde vvithout this Gospell it is all in vaine because he hes no goode propertie and there is no blessing of God in him That vvhich seemes to be a blessing is a verie curssing to him The more honour and riches he hes in this world the mo are the maledictions of God and all his actiones all his speakinges or vvhat euer he does or thinkes all is sinne What euer flovves not from faith in Christ is sinne if it vvere neuer so glistering Rom. 14. 13. So then I holde this ground Thou canst not tell a goode taile of anie man that embraces not Christ and his Gospell They will say he is a stoutman he is a riche man the vvorlde goes vvell vvith him but all is curssing to him except hee haue faith in Christ faith blesses all and therefore no lyfe to thee except that thou haue faith What is the next pointe of the tydings Loue. Faith beginnes and she goes forvvard as the Queene of all grace Next to her comes in loue she is next in honour and among all the rest of the graces that accompanies with faith loue is the chiefest Then in one vvord The next pointe of good tydinges of any people is to be a louing people a people that intertaines loue and charitie no oppression among them but euere one is readie bent to helpe an other such kyndnesse lenitie and loue that the tongue of man can not expresse it I tell you as I haue said before vvhere these tydings can not be tolde that a people intertaines loue and charitie it is impossible thou canst tell a good taile of them Tell me he is not charitable I will conclude there is no grace in that persone O but ye will say yet he beleeues and vvho hes bene so instant an hearer of the Gospell as he but all is vanitie thy lyfe shovves the contrare for vvho loues not their nighbour and saies that they loue God they lye sayes Ioha in his first Epistle 4. 20. For certainlie loue is an vnseparable companion of faith as the shadovve is of the bodie so that if loue be seuered from it thy faith is of no value Where charitie is not there is no true faith and therefore bee charitable and loue thy neighbour othervvvise thou hast no good propertie The thrid pointe of the nevves is concerning Paul in speciall
God it is a quickning grace to him it is a viuifying of him if he be in dolour and distiesse it is a walkning of him Therefore looke what aduantage thou gettest through loue Art thou a pastor thou shalt get life Art thou one of the people if thou loue thou shalt get life to and thy loue shall euer report to thee a joye in thy greatest dolour If thou be departing off this life and hast beene a faithfull pastor the report of the standing of thy flocke shall comfort thee if thou be one of the people thou shalt euer haue comfort for the grace of any member of the Church reported to thee shall bring joy to thee But the man who hes nothinge but inuie can haue no joye hee knowes not what this spirituall joye meanes Therefore as thou wouldst liue in joye and consolation striue to be louing charitable and tender hearted to euerie one in whome thou ●eest the graces of God and so thou shalt get infinite matter of joy thou shalt get peace heere and life euerlasting hereafter The Lorde for his great mercies sake bring vs to this life through Christ To whom be all praise and honour for euer Amen THE TWELFTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 9. 10. 11. 12. 9 For vvhat thanks can vve recompense to God againe for you for all the ioy vvherevvith vve reioyce for your sakes before our God 10 Night day praying exceedinglie that vve might see your face and might accomplish that vvhich is lacking i● your faith 11 Novv God himselfe euen our Father and our Lord Iesus Christ guide our iourney vnto you 12 And the Lord increase you and make you abound in loue one tovvard an other and tovvard all men as vve doe tovvard you IN the Text immediatlie going before welbeloued in Christ wee heard of the sending forth of Timothie to the Thessalonians we heard of his returning and what tidings he brought hee reported to Paul of the Thessalonians concerning their faith and perseuerance in faith concerning their loue and particularlie of that remembrance they had of Paul who had founded them in the faith of Christ in his absence desiring most earnestly to haue his presence againe Last ye heard what effect these tidings reported by Timothie vvrought in Paul they wrought consolation and joy notwithstanding all the afflictions and miserie he lay in in Athens for the present Now brethren to come to the text vve haue in hand In this text he does two things first he showes vvhat thanksgiuing he gaue to God for them and for all that joye he had conceiued of the glad newes he heard of them he showes how earnest instant he was in prayer for them crauing day and night that hee might see them face to face notwithstāding that report he heard of them by Timothie Then in the secound part of the text he falles out in a prayer continewing to the end of the chapter first beseeching God the Father and the Lord Iesus Christ to direct his journey toward them next desiring God to increase them and make them to abound in loue euerie one toward an other and toward all men in the worlde thridlie beseeching God that he would establish their hearts before him in all holinesse at the comming of Iesus Christ with his Sancts There is the effect of the text shortlie Novv to returne and to speake of the first part he shovves his thanks-giuing and prayer to God for them He sayes For vvhat thanks can vve recompense to God againe for you for all the ioy vvherevvith vve reioyce for your sakes before our God I can not get a heart would he say to thanke my God for it Ioy in the hart burstes out in thanksgiuing as I shoulde doe The text is verie plaine So the doctrine is easie First heere vve see vvhen the heart of any man conceaues a spirituall joy for the grace of God eyther bestowed on him selfe or vpon others it is not able to conteine that joy but it must breake out and it must open the mouth to giue thankes and praise to the Lord for of the ab●ndance of the heart the mouth must speake If the heart 〈…〉 be it good or euill the har● must opened mouth and 〈…〉 must speake either good or euill Then the second thing ● be marked in this text is w●ē the joy of the hart opens the mouth to vtter thankes what euer be the 〈◊〉 and meane of joy the first thanks that are giuen will not be giuen to it especially Paul heere giues not the glorie of this joy to the Thessalonians but the mouth will be opened to glorifie the author of all grace and joy which is God for without him there is no grace neither haue we our selues any grace neither hes any other any grace in him selfe Thankesgiuing to God only and without God there is no joy except he worke the joy there can be no joy in the heart Yea albeit the grace be giuen yet if he giue not a new grace to worke joy in the heart for the grace there can be no joy And therefore the mouth when it is opened to praise glorifie first of al it shold be opened to glorifie him who is the giuer of all honour the instrument as the instrument honour the Minister as the Minister but let the author worker of al haue the glory thanks Then thridlie mark In a maner he complaines that he can not get a mouth to thanke God sufficientlie for all that grace they had receiued and joy he had receiued and gotten through their graces Marke then our thanking and glorifying of God for the grace receiued and joy conceiued in heart it is not answerable in greatnes to the grace nor to the joy receiued For will ye cōpare these two together the grace of God and thy thankfulnes for it the grace of God passes thy thankfulnes yea the verie joy that we haue in heart for the grace bestowed on vs or others will be greater nor the thankfulnesse can be and the tongue of man is not able to vtter all that joy conceiued nor to thank God sufficientlie for it Peter 1. Epist 1. 8. he calles it a joy vnspeakable The joy the faithfull heart will conceiue is an vnspeakable joy So Paul of the sighs of the godly Rom. 8. 28. The mouth of man is not so wyde nor so capable of grace as the heart is I meane of the regenerate man If the spirit of Iesus dwel in the heart all the tongues of men and Angels can not be able to tell nor expresse the thousand part of that joy the hart wil haue in Gods grace for all that ioy saies he vvhat thanks shall ● giue to God As he wold say my mouth can not get words to vtter thanks to God the author for the graces receiued and joy that is conceiued there throgh Now farther we haue to learne in the wordes
vntill we see the Lord face to face and then we shall get saciety then we shall be filled when God who is loue himselfe shall be all in all thinges And therefore grovv euer get a peece of grouth this day another peece to morrovve and so day by day grovv vntill thy heart be filled vvith the grace of Christ As thou increasest in knovvledge so thou must increase in loue for these must be joined together knowledge and loue Knowledge is in the mynde and loue in the heart Ye see how pleasant it is to see the Sunne but the light of the mynde whereby we see the Sunne of glorie is more excellent it is the light that commeth from the Lord. Then joyne thereto the loue in the heart these tvvo should ansvvere other in proportion Growest thou in knovvledge of the vvay of Christ looke thou grovv in loue to God and man othervvayes I say thy knovvledge shall not auaile thee and the greater knowledge without loue grow there-with the greater damnation Now whom should they loue Loue euerie one among your selues loue next all men in the vvorld Loue all mankinde Ye are Christians loue together mutuallie Be ye among the Heathen loue them too who knows not Christ loue the Domestickes of faith but loue the strangers too loue the members of the bodie of Christ but loue them also vvho are out vvith the bodie but in a different maner The words lets vs see the loue of the domestick is mutuall As thou louest me so I loue thee as the hand loues the foote so the foote loues the hand So among the members of Christs bodie there is a mutuall loue The band of loue goes from my hart to thee and comes again from thy hart to me but it is otherwaies with the loue that reaches out beyond the body to strangers it is but a single loue going from my hart and not returning againe from them I loue him but he loues not me I loue the Iew but he loues not me I loue the Turke but he loues not me because he is not conjoined in a body with me we should loue them to saluation Then learne we should not be narrovv hearted in loue Say not I loue not him because he loues not me if Christ had done so vvhen thou vvas an enemie it had not beene well with thee He loued thee being his enemie Loue them then vvho hates thee and them vvho would slay thee I will not giue a penny for thy loue if thou loue them onely vvho loues thee And this telles that thou art a member of the bodie when thy loue reaches out with the bodie to others As Christ loues his enemie so thou if thou be of Christs bodie vvill loue thy enemie Alas the canker of our nature against loue If thou striue not to loue thy enemie and to get that rancor of thy nature slaine slaine shalt thou be Steuin when the Ievves vvere stoning him to death sayes Lord let it not be laid to their charge Act. 7. 60. Therefore as thou wouldst haue thy soule safe loue thy enemie He layes downe his owne ensample as I doe you He vses this commonlie when he bids them doe any thing I craue nothing but that ye should resemble me I loue you loue ye others There is a lesson Thou vvho vvilt bid anie other doe well doe vvell thy selfe vvilt thou bid me loue loue then first thy selfe and loue all men A Pastor vvho vvould teach his flock to loue let him shovv loue first in his life and actions himselfe othervvaies he shall not haue grace in his vvords let him cast himselfe to be full of loue and then his vvords shall edifie Let him euer seeke an hartie loue to their saluation and craue loue to them at the hands of the Father and Christ Iesus his Sonne To vvhom vvith the holie Spirite be all praise for novv and for euermore AMEN THE XIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 13. 13 To make your hearts stable and vnblameable in holinesse before God euen our Father at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ vvith all his Saints 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 And furthermore vve beseech you brethren and exhort you in the Lord Iesus that ye increase more and more as ye haue receiued of vs hovv ye ought to vvalke and to please God 2 For ye knovv vvhat commaundements vve gaue vnto you by the Lord Iesus 3 For this is the vvill of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteine from for●ication IN the wordes going before ye heard brethren the Apostle makes mention to the Thessalonians of that earnest prayer he vsed to God for them that once it would please God to graunt him a prosperous journey to them He fell out immediatly in a prayer The prayer containes thre parts the first part is that God the Father and the Lord Iesus vvould direct his vvay tovvardes them The second part is that how euer it should fall out vvhether he should come to them or not at Gods pleasure yet that they shoulde abound in loue euery one tovvardes another and not that onelie but in loue to all men yea tovvarde their ver●e enemies Now shortly to come to our text In the last verse of this chapter ye haue the third head of his prayer he beseeches God to giue them holinesse holinesse in generall all kinde of holinesse As he prayed before that they might abound in loue and charitie vvhich is a part of holinesse So novv he prayes they should haue all sort of holinesse Thereafter in the chapter following he falles out in precepts of good maners and holie lyfe and conuersation and this he follovves out to the end of the Epistle sauing onely by the vvay he casts in one or tvvo informations resoluing them of certaine doubtes the first concerning the mourning for the dead the second concerning the day of Iudgement and the comming of the Lord Iesus Novv to returne He prayes for holinesse to them And vvhat should this holinesse doe To make your hearts sayes he stable and vnblameable before God And at vvhat tyme especiallie at the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ In vvhat companie should they be established with holinesse They alone No but vvith all his Saints in that happie societie of the Church of God and the Saintes There is the effect shortlie of this thirtienth verse Then brethren marke It is holinesse not a fashion of holinesse in outvvard behauiour Holines stablishes our harts before God but vvithin the heart of a man or vvoman that makes them stand vp in the presence of God that establishes them without feare terrour or trembling when they stand before the. Tribunall of a terrible Iudge Where there is no holinesse no sinceritie of heart in man but an heart filled vvith foull affections full of vncleannesse and filthinesse there the heart dare not present the selfe before the face of
then to finde no rest nor fruite of his labor at night but I say to thee if thy walking be not to please God thou shalt neuer get any frute of thy walking if thy walking be not euer to please thy God thou shalt neuer get the right way thou shalt goe like a doting bodie and be the farther from that glorious butt and in the end thou shalt effectuat nothing but in that great day thou shalt curse all thy labors and exercises and thou shalt say Alas my labours are all lost I haue wearied my selfe and now I am no better But if thy walking be to please God thou shalt finde a sweetnesse in thy labor and joy in the end thereof And when that blessed day of resurrection shall come thou shalt say Blessed am I in my labours that I wrought to please my God for now I haue gotten the butt I finde the frute of my laboures Paul sayes 1. Cor. 9. 26. I runne but not to an vncertaintie Learne neuer to runne to an vncertaintie but euer runne to a butt effectuat something by your doing The onely way to make you runne well is to please God A Minister or any other in the world who woulde runne right must run to pleasure their God and then they shall finde sweetnesse in their running Now well is the soule that can endeuore the selfe to pleasure God for ther is no joy in the creature but when it is set to glorify God night and day in this world for to this end are we set in the world 1. Cor. 10. 31. and if we doe this he shal set vs in the heauens to glorifie him Now in the next verse he takes themselues to be witnesses that he had set before them the preceptes and lawes whereby they should walke in the journey Ye knovve vvhat commandement vve gaue you by the Lord Iesus It is an happie thing to a Minister in his calling when with a good conscience he appeals the consciences of the people that he cried to them and saide ô people I bade you goe I prescriued you rules to goe into your blood be on your owne head I haue discharged a faithfull duetie to you Brethren what auailes it vs if we should euer preache the Gospell if we be not saued thereby And when we teache you the Gospell we also stir our selues forward to come to that butt Christ our owne teaching is the meane whereby we are saued as it is the meane whereby ye are saued Therefore let all goe forward together in the rinke Now in the verse following he beginnes to set down to them the rules of walking and going forward That which he had spoken by tongue being at Thessalonica the same thing he puts in writ by his pen. It is a foolish thing to a man to say The Apostle spoke one thing and wrote another No brethren Paul neuer spake one sentence to confirme any people but it is registrate to vs. It is blasphemie to thinke that Paul and Peter c. wrote not that which they spoke it is follie for there was no sentence they spoke pertaining to our saluation but it is written Then the rule is The vvill of God vvhich is your sanctification That is that ye be holie in your soules and the whole affections thereof in your bodie and all the members of your bodie and all the actions of your members So he drawes the whole rules which are to be obserued in this course and rinke we haue to Heauen and life euerlasting to holinesse and sanctification Then in one word there is the manner how thou shalt goe forward to this butt Be holie be holie thou must be holie holie in heart hand mouth foot in all the members of thy body separate thee from the worlde which is full of sinne full of foull affections displeasing the eye of thy God and put on holinesse Who euer they be that goe forward in holinesse assuredlie they shall come to the marke Liue thou an holie life what vocation that euer it be in assure thee thou shalt come to the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Philipp 3. 14. To turne it ouer againe Busie thy self as thou wilt if that thy businesse be not in holinesse thou art foolishe the faster thou runnest thou art the farther behinde Alas how many are there who busies them selues in wickednesse and the more they wearie themselues the farther are they from Heauen Blessed are they who can goe forward to Heauen Stryue to holinesse and say Lord I am on my journey I cannot goe forward except I finde an holie heart to thinke an holie mouth to speake an holy hand to touch Lord sanctifie them that I runne not in vaine The way to runne holilie is to keepe euer before thy eies God that holie one in the face of Iesus and to cry O Lord guide me in holinesse And I assure thee if thou wilt striue to liue holilie and cry to God to guide thee in holinesse thou shalt come to that endlesse joy But if thou let God out of thy eye thou shalt perishe Brethren this life will away and therefore set your harts to run to that euerlasting life Nowe hauing set downe the generall he deduces it in parts and the first part he takes vp is cleannesse of the bodie as he would say fyle not the bodie with fornication fyle thou thy bodie with fornication thou shalt not thinke a cleane thought speake a cleane word or doe any cleane deed Surelie all sinnes pollutes and fyles The sinne that comes from the heart if it were but an euill motion it goes back againe and leaues a foull blot behinde it a rotten deed leaues a blot behinde it a foull worde in the mouth goes back and leaues a foull blot in the hart when thou hast spoken a word thou art not quite thereof but it comes back againe and fyles the soule It goes not from thee so lightlie as thou trowest no it leaues ay a foull blot behinde it So this corruption growes daily Brethren I tell you all sinnes fylles the bodie yet of all sinnes harlotrie especiallie fyles the bodie Looke the comparison the Apostle vses 1. Cor. 6. 18. The bodie of an harlote of all bodies is the foullest Alas such a fyling of the bodie and soule followes vpon adulterie that it is wonderfull to tell Seeing therefore speciall pollution of the bodie followes on fornication I beseech you as ye would present your selfe before God in cleannesse abstaine from harlotrie An harlot will trauell long ere he come to heauen thy heart and bodie must be sanctified before thou come to Heauen And so as thou would come forward to Heauen stryue to keepe a cleane bodie and soule to God and speciallie abstaine from this vyce of fornication Lord keepe vs from it vntill we come to the end of our journey that we may be presented clean before christ To whom with the Father and holie Spirit be honour and praise for
euer AMEN THE XIIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 For this is the vvill of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteine from fornication 4 That euerie one of you should knovve hovv to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour 5 And not in the lust of concupiscence euen as the Gentiles vvhich knovve not God 6 That no man oppresse o● defraude his brother in any matter for the Lord is auenger of all such thinges as vve also haue tolde you before time and testified WE haue in hand Brethren the third parte of this Epistle written by Paul to the Thessalonians In this part ye haue heard the Apostle exhortes them to a godlie life and conuersation This kynde of doctrine he vses verie oft in the rest of his Epistles The exhortation ye heard that was in the beginning of this chapter vvas not onelie to liue vvell to vvalke in holinesse but also it vvas to excell more and more to stryue in that course of holinesse euen to striue to ouercome not onelie others that ranne vvith them in the rinke but also to ouercome themselues if they ranne fast this day that they should run faster to morrow and so each day to increase and grow It is not eneugh to run not eu●ugh to striue but we must runne and striue lawfullie as he speakes to Timothie 2. Timoth. 2. 5. There are certaine rules and lawes according to the which we must runne in this present course As touching these rules according to the which we must runne the Apostle showes to the Thessalonians he hes prescryued them to them alreadie vvhen he vvas among them Novve in the text vve haue presentlie red hee beginnes to call the lawes to remembrance againe and to repeate them to to them For vvhat euer thing he spoke by worde being present that same thing in effect he hes left behinde him registrate in vvritte and this day by Gods grace it is come in our hands He dravves the vvhole rules and lavves to be keeped in this course wherin we runne to this butt of saluation and to Heauen to be partakers of that glorie First to a generall law which is the law of sanctification and holinesse For this is the vvill of God sayes he euen your sanctification Thereafter he commes to the speciall poyntes of sanctification The first is the abstaining from fornication The next in the wordes red is abstaining from doing wrong to ourneighbour either by violence craft or deceite Now to speake of the first as God shall giue vs grace and to take vp euerie word This is the vvill of God sayes he euen your sanctification Learne then first The vvhole lavves and rules according to the vvhich vve shoulde vvalke and runne in this rinke vvherein the Lord hes placed vs in this lyfe are resolued in a generall called the Law of holinesse The law of a sanctified lyfe He or she that in this course or in this rinke will prease to be holie in all the pointes of their lyfe shall run and striue to speak vvith the Apostle lawfullie and running and striuing lawfullie in the end they shal be crowned But they who in running towardes the marke stryues not to an holinesse of lyfe they runne not lawfullie they keepe no rule in their running They runne and waits not how they are miserable in their running And as they runne vnlawfullie so they shall neuer be crowned with glory they shall runne long ere they come to the marke and prise of that high calling to be with God Then in the course of this life in this rinke which the Lord hes placed vnto runne in vntill we come to the marke of that glorious resurrection we must runne holilie keep in holie heart an holie hand keepe holie senses keepe an holie foot in running in a worde we must be holie in the whole powers of the soule be holie in the whole members of the bodie seuer all from the pollution of this world dedicate all to God and so ye shall come to the end of the rinke Now to goe forward in the text To moue them to this sanctification and to embrace this rule of running forward to the marke Gods vvil a sufficiēt reason of our actions He sayes For this is the vvill of God He giues no other reason but this It is the will of God to be so Howbeit we heare no word of any other reason but this it is the will of God to doe this worke or that worke it should suffice vs we are so oblist to that Lord and so bound to his obedience that if we know of no other reason wherefore we should doe any thing but onelie that it is his will we should obey it And the man who vnderstandes it is the will of God when he is doing any thing and wilclose his eies lead captiue his own reason subject his will to the will of his God and goe and follow on him if it were through Hell if he bid thee goe throgh Hell go throgh it close thy eyes follow on howbeit thouknowest no out-sight surely that man shall get a blessed ishue he shall get a crowne neuer soule vvas disapointed that set themselues to follow God Who euer settes themselues against their affections to serue God they come at last to Heauen By the contrary when a man thinks himselfe ouer wise and will not followe on Gods will except he see a faire out-sight and get great reasons wherefore he should doe this or that and thinkes it not eneugh to say it is Gods will but will say wherefore is it Gods will The Lord will let him followe his owne will and his will and reason will lead him to destruction There was neuer man whom the Lord gaue ouer to his owne will but he ran to his owne destruction Now to go forward He comes next to the speciall pointes of this sanctification There are sundrie sorts of holinesse therefore he will lay it down in parts euerie part thereof in the owne order And the first part of sanctification and holinesse of lyfe First part of sanctificatiō absteening from for●ication he makes it to be absteening from fornication absteening from harlotrie It stands in keeping of an holie and cleane bodie In running on this course in the rinke that conuoyes to the last butt and life euerlasting thou must keepe an holie person But to marke the wordes more natrovvlie First he recommendes abstinence He vvho runnes in a rinke and striues sayes the Apostle 1. Corinth chap. 9. verse 25. that man he is continent in all thinges he keepes a goode dyet ere he enter in the rinke he vvill dyet himselfe and abstaine from many thinges vvhich othervvayes he vvould vse So we vvho runnes in this rinke of Christianitie to be partakers of that Crowne vve must abstaine vve must not follow our appetites vve must not put our hand to euerie thing our appetite
biddes vs we must not yeelde to the lustes of the fleshe there must bee abstinence and dyet And therefore Paul in that same ninth chapter to the Cor. verse 27. shovves how he vsed himselfe in running to be an ensample to vs. He sayes He held his bodie at vnder and redacted it in a seruitude and vvoulde not let it be his master Let thou thy bodie be thy master I promise thee thou shalt neuer see the butt But to come more speciallie What abstinence must it be He names it from fornication There are sundrie sortes of abstinence vvhich is requyred of them that runnes in this rinke but among them all this is a speciall Abstaine from harlotrie and pollution of the bodie vvith fornication Among all the sinnes that defiles the bodie and the members of the bodie of anie man or vvoman harlotrie is the cheefest sinne and makes all vncleane and polluted in Goddes sight The Apostle 1. Corinth chap. 6. verse 18. sayes All sinnes that a man committes is out-vvith the bodie but he vvho committe fornication he sinnes against his ovvne bodie he pollutes and defyles his bodie in a speciall manner Brethren the bodie of a man vvhich is not polluted vvith this filthinesse is a meete bodie to runne in this course it is svvift and readie to runne in this course but if the bodie be de●yled vvith harlotrie it is not svvift and meete for the course Learne it Ye shall see for common a goode turne falles neuer out in the hands of an harlote There is nothing vnder the Sunne that a bodie polluted vvith fornication can doe holilie As the person is vncleane in Gods sight so all thinges he does are polluted yea that same verie action that othervvayes is goode is sinne in Gods sight Commest thou to the Church and hearest the preaching if thou be an harlote all is polluted in Gods sight Deale all that thou hast to the poore lyest thou in harlotrie all is sinne So in a vvord an harlot can doe no goode and if he seeme to doe anie good it is nothing but sinne in Gods sight Looke then vvhat estate an harlote is in Now to goe forward to the next verse He sets downe the speciall remedie of this sinne and vyce whereby they may keepe their bodie from this pollution Remedie of fornication That euerie one of you should knovv hovv to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour The first thing that is requyred heere is a science an habite in doing not a light fassion in doing a doing as it vvere off hand but a setled doing of a setled grace in the heart a craft to possesse and to keepe the bodie in holinesse and godlinesse Thou that vvould keepe thy bodie cleane thou must haue an habite and setlednesse All thinges we doe in this life should come of a constant habite in the soule of an vse and setled grace in the hart to doe well For as the thing a Craftis-man does is of his craft the thing a Wright does is of the science of his craft so euerie one that vvould intende to do vvell must haue an habite and a grace in the heart to doe vvell And speciallie he that vvould keepe his bodie in cleannesse looke that he haue a craft of it otherwayes it may be he vvill not play the harlote this night or that night because he hes not the occasion but the first occasion offered hee shall be an harlote So all resolues in this The best thing in this vvorld to bannishe sinne is to get an heart setled and stablished vvith grace Get an heart once stablished vvith grace then thou shalt not be moued but thou shalt stand fast in all tentations and thou shalt keepe a solide course Let the Deuill the vvorlde and all the enemies of thy saluation vse all the tentations to dravv thee avvay thou shalt stand immoueable And therefore learne the craft of vvell doing and get once the habite in the heart of vvell doing and then vvell doing shall come with such facilitie to thee that thou shalt maruell thereat Then to come to the next words That euerie one of you should knovv hovv to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour He sayes euery one He exeemes none neither riche nor poore high nor lovve but he bindes euerie one of vvhat ranke so euer he be of to the science of possessing the bodie with cleannesse and holinesse Marke it brethren There are none priuiledged to be an harlot not a King nor Queen nor Earle nor Countesse no none of no estate hes this priuiledge but all are bound to keep the bodie cleane and they who wil exeem themselues and thinke their ranke to be a priuiledge to them they shall exeeme themselues also from the rank of them who runnes in this rinke to Heauen Thou goest not so soone to be an harlote but thou goest out of the right way and thou shalt neuer come to Heauen that way runne as long as thou wilt Now what should euerie one know Euerie one should know to possesse his vessell that is his bodie not to be possessed of the bodie but to possesse the bodie wilt thou be possessed of the bodie and be a slaue to it and wilt thou let the foule affections of the bodie possesse thee thou shalt find woe in thy bodie for euer Paul sayes I holde my bodie at vnder and red●ct it in seruice I will not let it be my Master 1 Cor. 9. 27. Alwaies the thing that euerie one should know is to possesse To speake of this possession it is a common saying it is no lesse practick to possesse a thing after it be gotten nor to acquire and conquesse it Yea I say there is greater practick to possesse that well which is gotten nor to get it And there are moe in the world that can find the way to get it nor the way to keepe that which is gotten But what thing is this they should knowe to possesse There are many possessions in the world but among all possessions the cheef is that a man possesse holilie his body which is a vessell to keepe the soule So the first possession that euer one gettes in this world is his own bodie and it is the longest possession that any man keepes Thou shalt be pulled from thy heritage lands goods and riches but as for thy bodie albeit for a time thou lay it down yet thou shalt take it vp againe and thou shalt possesse it for euer and it shall either be an house to honour or else to dishonour to thee for euer And so seeing this bodie is the first possession and the longest we haue therefore we should be carefull how we possesse this bodie Be not so carefull how thou keepest and possessest thy land as how thou possessest thy bodie There are ouer many that are so carefull to possesse their lands that they forget to possesse their bodies and yet their land shall they leaue behinde them So the cheefest thing thou
first Faith then Hope and Charitie then followes al other graces on them When God instructs a man in any grace he first layes down this fundamentall grace and teaches him to loue then he buildes another grace vpon it and puts on liberalitie on it and biddes thee bee beneficiall first he biddes him loue and then hee biddes him be beneficiall Therefore Paul 1. Corinth chap. 13. verse 3. Speaking of that same grace of beneficence saies If I should take all my substance and deale it to the poore if this liberalitie come not from the heart and proceed not from loue it auailes nothing Giue all that thou vvilt giue if thou loue not the person thou guest it to thou hast lost thy thankes at Gods handes Therefore in teaching liberalitie that thy beneficence may turne to thy selfe and doe thee good as it does to another man he teaches thee loue For if my gift redound not to my owne well woe is me Then the vvay to get goode of the gift thou giuest is to loue him thou giuest it to The Philosopher he teaches the childe vertue but as for loue he cannot worke it He will teache thee liberality and descriue it to thee but as for the hart he cannot instruct it It is the Lord that teaches this fundamentall grace of Charitie without the which all thy doinges are as an house builded without good ground In the next verse he proues that they are all taught of God by their doinges Yea saies he and that thing verelie ye doe to all the brethren that are in Macedonia Ye are not speakers and braggers but doers it is not speaking that wil do the turne but doing beneficence must be in the hand and not in the mouth This age is full of talke as euer any age was and all our goodnesse is only in our mouth and tongue our faith in our mouth our charitie in our mouth our liberalitie in our mouth little in heart as little in hand nothing in action Take head All this testifies for all the doctrin and preaching of the grace of God in Christ commonly God is not the teacher God when he teaches a man to be bountifull as he layes the fundamentall grace vvhich is loue so he makes it bud forth in the hand that is he drawes it out in action he draws it not out in the tongue to clatter of it but he draws it in the hand to doe well with it and ther cannot be a surer argument that God is the teacher of any grace nor when we see the action of the hand conformed to the profession Count of them by their workes Hast thou faith the best argument to knowe thy faith by is thy worke Iames saies chap. 2. verse 18. Let me see thy faith not in thy tongue but in thy vvorks Would thou knovve if a man hes a liberall heart Looke not to his tongue but to his hand So he who is instructed by God in any grace he is a doing man a doe● and not a speaker Yet ere I leaue the wordes marke this He saies to all the brethren Loue to all the brethren not to him nor to her nor to one part but all in whole Macedonia that is the whole Countrey about you As if the liberalitie of Edinburgh were extended to whole Scotland and to all the brethren in it Marke then the maner of Gods teaching As he layes downe the ground Charitie and builds ther on beneficencie and bringes the grace from the heart to the hand so he will not open one peece of the hand and shut it out to this bodie or that bodie onely and then draw it in againe but he opens out the hand wide to all the brethren and all the members of the bodie of Christ Looke all the doctoures of Philosophie when they discourse of this vertue of beneficence and liberalitie they lay doe goode to thy friendes and kins-men aduance them doe goode to them that doe well to thee thy enemie meete him againe with an euill turne yea vvith tvvo euill turnes for one And this precept is ouer vvell keeped in Scotland But God when he and his ministers teaches he bids thee be beneficiall to all men showe thy good deeds to all men yea to thy enemies Loue thy enemies show not only a good countenance to thy enemie albeit he loue thee not loue him by so doing coales of wraith shall be on his head Commit the vengence to God and he shall surely repay Rom. 12. 19. Vengence is mine sayes the Lord O would to God men could beleeue that that the Lord would take vengence on the oppressour and on such as are set on euill works we shall see that vengence powred on them in that great day The Lord ye heard is the auenger of harlotrie and wickednesse then let the Lord be the onely auenger Yet there is a great difference in showing liberalitie Respect saies the Apostle speciallie them vvho are of the familie of faith Galat. 6. 10. There is a difference of loue as there are degrees of liberalitie we are not bound to loue all men alyke albeit we be bound to loue all men yet we should loue them best who are members of that bodie with vs in Christ This difference must be keeped Now when he hes left off to exhort them to beneficence In the end of the verse he saies the least thing I can doe is to exhort you to increase more and more This should learne vs that when we see the grace of God in any person we should not insist long to exhort them to that grace for when God is teaching few wordes may serue them to stirre them vp to that grace but they whom the Lord teaches not by his Spirit a thousand wordes will not teach them So they that would releeue the Minister of paines let them seeke earnestlie that God vvoulde be the inward teacher in the heart and then thou shalt be taught Now Necessity of exhortation to perseuerance brethren albeit there be not a necessity to insist to exhort men to the grace they see in any person yet there is a necessity to exhort them to perseuerance in that grace There are none so indewed with any grace as with liberalitie patience loue yea faith it selfe the ground of all graces but he hes need euery day to heare the voice of exhortation to goe forward For none hes made such progresse in the course of Christianitie for we are all in the rinke running to the butt Christ when we haue runne all our dayes vntill vve be gray haired yet vve are farre from the butt and vve are ay falling back and so vve haue ay need of this voice crying after vs. Runne on thou art running thou hast ouercomde him who ranne with thee stryue to ouerrun thy self Ran thou fast the day run faster to morrow amend thy pace euery day There are none of vs who standes so fast in grace but we may fall back againe and therefore
workes shall be the tokens of the true cause which is the onely justice of Christ imputed vnto vs by faith I dare say albeit the reprobate worthe●●e shall be damned according to their workes yet they shall be speciallie condemned that they beleeued not in Iesus Christ but contemned his Gospell without faith Then to come to the sentence The Lord will beginne at the elect as best and worthiest and he shall giue them their sentence Come ye blessed of my Father and vvher●●● the Kingdome prepared for you before 〈…〉 of the vvorlde Matt. chap. 25 verse 32. From once this sentence is past out on them when this absolution from death and damnation is pronounced looke what estate they 〈◊〉 be in They shall stand with the Angles as assessours to judge the reprobate So Paul 1. Cor chap. 6. verse 3. saies knovv 〈…〉 iudge the Angels that is to say we shall allow that most just sentence of Iesus And among all the rest of the 〈◊〉 the twelf Apostles speciallie shall haue place For they shall sit on twelfe Thrones to justifie that just sentence that shall passe on the reprobate Then shall the sentence passe out on the reprobate the voice shall goe downe throgh the aire to the earth a terrible voice 〈◊〉 accursed of my Father to the fire prepared for the Deuill and all his Angels Brethren thinke not this a fable manie will not beleeue this vntil they feele it in them selues Now to be short To speake of the lyfe of the reprobate after this sentence they shall no● remaine on the earth In the verie moment of the doome that is certaine they shall passe to d●mnation 〈…〉 At that same verie moment thou receiuest the sentence of lyfe thou shalt goe to Heauen The moment the reprobate receiues sentence of damnation they shall go to Hell Now to speake of this death and lyfe I will not be curious there is much spoken in the Scripture thereof both to let vs see the glorie of the elect and the torments of the reprobate But I tell you in one word it was neuer all tolde Neuer Prophet nor Apostle expressed the greatnesse of the joy that shall come to the godlie nor of the paine that shall come to the vngodlie There shall bee another paine nor fyre and brimstone to bee tormented in Neyther can any expresse the joye in Heauen There shall be such glorie and joye as the eare of man neuer heard of the eye hes not seene nor yet hes it entered in the heart of man Novv looke hovv Paul speakes of this joye heere He sayes 〈◊〉 shall be 〈◊〉 vvith the Lord. He contentes him with these wordes To be with the Lord imports not a dwelling only vvith him but a lyfe and glorious lyfe joye that is vvith him vnspeakable I cannot tell it all the tongues in the vvorlde cannot tell it For all the joye in Heauen it is in the Sonne of God and shall shine through him that is through the naturall 〈◊〉 of man couered ouer vvith a Majestie and so all Heauens joye and glorie shall be vvith him and they vvho shall bee vvith him shall be in that glorie and joye vvith him I dare say more These thinges shall not be outvvith vs onely but vvithin our bovvels The joye and glorie shall not be outvvith the godlie as it is novv Commonlie the glorie the pleasure are ou●vvith vs the matter of joye outvvith vs and vve 〈◊〉 to it But then all matter of joye shall be in vs Christ first be in vs and God shall be all in all and God in 〈◊〉 be dvveling in vs and then vvhen thou hast all vvithin thee vvhat shall thou vvant And therefore in the Reuelation chap 21. verse 2 it is said We shall not neede thinges outvvith vs. neyther a Temple nor Sunne nor Moone for God being in thee shall be vnto thee a Temple hee is all in all and hee being in thee 〈…〉 all 〈…〉 thee In one vvord He shall be vvithin the● 〈…〉 because God in Christ shall dvvell vvithin thee and 〈…〉 part of that glorie and felicitie of that lyfe Novv is there no more nor this What matter if it vverfor a tyme vve vvere to be with him What matter of Heauen if Heauen lasted not What matter of a Kingdome that vanishes away A man set vp on a pompe to day casten down to morrow what matter of heauenlie glory let be the earthly glory if it lasted not but the Apostle saies we shall be with him for euer Take vp then our blessednesse It stands in two pointes first a passing and exceeding joy and glorie and secondlie in an eternity and euerlastingnesse of joy and glorie Paul plainly and pithilie settes these two together 2. Cor. chap. 4. verse 17. He calles it a weight of glorie that is excellent Then he calles it an euerlasting glorie There are two a weight of glorie and an euerlasting vveight of glorie and more excessiuelie excessiue He cannot get wordes to vtter it It is a weight that will vveigh dovvne all the vvorlde and then a weight of glorie excessiuelie excessiue and then eternall and euerlasting So our felicities in glorie and passing great glorie and an euerlasting glorie As for the paines of the reprobate I will not insist to speake of them because the Apostle is speaking heere to comfort the elect Now when the Apostle hes made a discourse of the comming of Christ He makes his exhortation and sayes and so I say also Comfort one another vvith these vvordes Brethren many hes sought comfort death is dolorous and wearisome in the owne nature and therefore many of the Heathen hes busied themselues to get comfort and matter of consolation in the houre of death What matter of death if there be a comfort therein but then is death dolorous when it is without comfort But vvas there euer any that got comfort that knew not Christ and the resurrection and a life after this life no neuer man neither king nor Emperor As for all the comforts they had all was but vanitie and dreames of comfort Againe I say Was there euer anie that gaue comfort to a bodie in death or that gaue comfort to them that vvas heauie for the death of their freinde but that man that hes a sense of that glorious resurrection of Christ and of his comming And therefore as thou wouldst haue comfort in death giue comfort for death know that the Lord is to come in the world knovv that there shall be a glorious resurrection and after the resurrection there shall be an eternall joy and glorie in Heauen And looke that this be not onely wordes in the mouth There are many vaine bablers of Christ and of that glorious resurrection A knaue an adulterer a murtherer will flatter himselfe and clatter of that glorie and joy but all is vanity Wilt thou be a knaue and then speake of these thinges The Lord shall punish thee Looke therefore that thy speaking of the latter
but that which they should haue done And Christ findes fault with the hypocrite Iewes that could take vp by the sky what maner of weether should be but searched not the tyme of his comming Luke 12. 56. But as to his second comming he neuer tolde of the tyme of it Yea in Daniell in his last chapter 4. verse there is a plaine inhibition to seeke out the tyme of it Therefore it perteines not to men to know it yea it is better not to know the tyme of it nor to know it And this Christ means Matt. 24. 42. Watch therefore for ye knovv not at vvhat houre your Master vvill come Where he teaches vs that the ignorance of the tyme of his comming is verie profitable for vs because it makes vs to watch and pray wheras the knowledge of it would make vs carelesse Ye may aske at me May we on no wayes speake or thinke of the Lords comming to judge the quick and the dead and the tyme thereof I answere To define a speciall tyme either in the cogitation or thought of thy heart or in the words of thy mouth thou canst not nor thou shouldest not doe it But generallie to thinke and to say the Lord will come shortlie whether this age or the next age I know not but I know well it shall not be long when the judge shall come it shall be soone it is lawfull for thee to thinke and say this For the Lord himselfe hes said When it is craued Reuel chap. 22. vers 20. Come Lord Iesus yes saies he I come shortly When he sayes he will come shortlie let vs beleue it The Historie in the Gospell Matt. 24. 25. c. of the euill and the good seruant teaches vs what vve shoulde doe vntill the Lords comming The euill seruant sayes My Master delayes his comming home therefore he will begin to play the wanton and to drinke and to smite his companions The good seruant will say I am looking for my Masters comming shortlie he will come at noone-tyde or midnight or Cock-crow I will wait for it and therefore I will be vigilant And so this good seruant tels that we should euer await for the Lords comming diligentlie And surelie his comming is neare and faine would the godlie haue his comming to end their miserie and to perfite the joy and glorie he hes appointed for them And therefore the Lord saies I come shortlie I shall not be long And albeit we thinke it be long since he promised this yet thinke not he delayes his comming For a thousand yeeres in the sight of the Lord are but as an houre 2. Pet. 3. 8. and in respect of him there is neyther long nor short tyme. So thinke euer with the good seruant the Lord will come shortlie and he is daily comming yea and we should desire him to come shortly euerie day and we should euer patientlie waite for it And therefore this clause is added in the Lords prayer Let thy Kingdome come Which desires that he would perfite that worke of glorie Ye see Paul sayes 2. Tim. 4. verse 7. 8. I haue fought a good fight I haue keeped the faith I haue runne out my course Then he subjoines But vvhat restes I shall 〈◊〉 the crovvne of glorie vvhich the Lord Iesus as Iudge generall vvill giue me and 〈◊〉 onely giuen to me but to all them vvith thirstes for his comming Assuredlie that bodie shall receiue the crowne of glorie Whereto are we so curious of the tyme of the generall judgement Knovve vve not that our ovvne death is our particulare judgement Know I not that within a short tyme I shall be called to an account before that Tribunall No sooner shall the soule depart out of the bodie but as soone shall my judgement beginne for the soule shall immediatlie departe to that place vvhere it shall remaine for euer Therefore seeing the day of my death is the day of judgement to me and how many of you that heares me this day will be liuing this day tvventie yeeres What needes vs to be curious an●ut the tyme of the generall judgement seeing our ovvne particulare judgement is at hand The Lord is alreadie vvarning vs to 〈◊〉 and yet the Lord vvill not haue vs more knowing the particulare tyme of death no● the day of judgement The Lord vvill haue vs vncertaine albeit men will be curious to knovve it The cause is that all may be in readinesse that there be not an houre in the day but thou be readie vvhen the Lord shall call on thee and vvill say to thee Goe I vvill haue thee carying heere no longer That thou may say Lord I vvill goe vvith thee and vve le come death The Lorde refuses to tell his Disciples particulare tymes but biddes them vvatche for that tyme. This doctrine is verie requisite to vs. They are liuing this day vvhome 〈◊〉 this daye eight dayes the Lord vvill call on Therefore let euerie one prepare them selues No in the second verse he giues the reason vvherefore it is not expedient that they should knovve of Christes comming to judge the worlde For sayes he ye your selues knovve perfectlie that the day of the Lord shall come 〈◊〉 as a thiefe in the night That is S●daintie of Christs commi●g 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of it vncertain 〈◊〉 sodaintie Men shall neuer knowe vntill they see Christ come If hee come in the morning then ye may say when he is come The Lord is come in the morning And before that tyme thou shouldst not thinke no● speake of the certaine houre of Christes comming There are two thinges that cannot be knovvne both together The comming of Christ on a sodaintie and the certaine tyme of the comming of Christ If I knevv the Lord vvould come sodaintie it is follie to me to trauaile to knowe the speciall houre thereof vvhen thou hast calculate to see the verie houre of his comming it is but vanitie I tell thee the Lord shall come as a thiefe in the night which tyme is most vncertaine and therefore all thy calculation failes thee Yet farther He sayes that ye yourselues knovve perfectlie that he shall come at a certaine tyme. Heere is a certaine tyme but there is not a certaintie of a certaine tyme but a certaintie of an vncertaine tyme. And if the Apostle settes downe a certaintie of an vncertaine tyme it is impossible to thee to get a certaintie of it Ye shall reade this in Matthevv● chap. 24. verse 42. And who euer hes trauailed in any age to count the houre and tyme of his comming the Lord hath lette them see they are confooted of error and the Lord hes condemned that labour It is a bolde thing to man to seeke out that thing the Lord hes hid Men will stand vp and calculat such a yeere of the Lords comming O vanitie thou passes thy boundes and thou had no such thing in commission giuen to thee The Lord keepe vs from such vanitie But to goe forward in the
in sinne the shall the Lord come and strike him with a sodaine stroke and light on his head with an heauy bloody yron rod when thou art in the midst of thy sinne in drinking in murther then shall this ●odde light on thy head to destroy thee Now this word 〈◊〉 or speaking which the Apostle vses ●●ere would be marked there are sundrie kindes of speakinges There is a speaking in the mouth there is a speaking in the hart there is a speaking also in deeds and actions The Psalmist sayes Psal 14. 1. The foolish man hes said in his heart there is not a God They confesse him in mouth but in heart they deny him Paul speakes of some wicked men who professes they knovv God but in vvordes they deny hi● 〈…〉 Tit. 1. 16. Now the wordes of the Apostle are not to be taken so strait of them that spoke with the mouth only but of those also that speakes the fairest with their mouth but with a false heart and a wicked deed in the hand If thou be found speaking peace and all sure whether it be in mouth hart or hand this sodaintie in vengence shall ouertak thee Among al the tokens of a judgement comming securitie is one of the chief Woulde ye knowe if a judgement be comming on a creature I will tell you If I finde the 〈◊〉 sleeping and s●o●ting in murther 〈◊〉 and wickednesse I will say Thou art able to get a black wakning And therefore among other 〈◊〉 that shall goe before the latter day a dead 〈◊〉 shall be one For when they are sleeping in their high sleepe the● 〈◊〉 the Iudge come 〈…〉 When was it that the destruction lighted on the first world when they were sleeping eating and drinking without thought of Heauen or Hell When was Sodome destroyed when all the inhabitants thereof wer eating and drinking then fire and brimstone came downe from Heauen and destroyed them Againe in your owne memories what euer judgement lighted on any Cittie or person in Scotland but ye might see a sensible and dead securitie on them It is most sure Ye shall see the experience of it in a childe broght to the s●affold among other lamentations of his miserie he will say alas I was sleeping in sinne vntill now I was sleeping in securitie I was playing the harlote I was murthering c. the verie month of him will tell his securitie These plagues of Pest and 〈◊〉 began among these borderers what was their exercise sleeping in sin reauing from others So most justly the plague hes seased on them Trow ye to be free of it No truely the Pest had neuer so soone come on Edinburgh except ye had beene sleeping And I pronunce in Gods name if there be not a wakning in tyme and arysing vp out of this senslesse securitie there shall be another kynde of death Now brethren Then comparison would be marked whereby he settes out the sodaine judgement Euen as a dolour takes a vvoman vvith chylde So shall that paine ouertake them The dolour of a woman trauelling and the dolour in Hell is lyke other in sundrie points And therefore the Scripture takes oft the exemple of it to descryue the paine of Hell as in this part Ye see the woman beares the matter of her paine in her owne bosome the childe and where shall be the matter of pains of Hell which is sinne but in the catiues owne bosome lykewise as a woman with childe will be full of childe So the heart of a knaue will be filled with wickednesse and be heauie albeit he leape and skip on the earth They are lyke in sodaintie For as the sicknesse commes on the woman sodainlie So the strok of hel shall be sodaine and striken sodainlie Compair these two paines in sharpnesse As the woman hes a sharp dolour which if it lasted were vntolerable if the Lord gaue not leysure to draw their breath betweene showre and showre as they call it it were vntolerable So the paines of Hell are exceeding sharp and vntolerable But heere they differ The womans paine is but for a tyme but the paine of Hell indures for euer Againe when the paine will come on a woman she may be at the table eating or drinking or she may be sleeping and it will sodainelie take her So the paine of Hell will come sodainly when the wicked are eating and drinking and making merie But alas when the Apostle hes compared it to the paine of a woman trauailing with chylde he hes not ●aulde all no not the thousand part of that paine The paine of Hell passes all measure The Scripture for our capacitie settes downe a comprehensible paine to signifie an incomprehensible paine O the incomprehensible paine of Hell Alwayes when thou seest a paine intolerable thinke on Hell And say O Lord this paine on me albeit it be in the fleshe it is exceeding sore therfore Lord saue me from that exceeding paine in Hell Now when he hes spoken of the tyme and paine of it He sayes they shall not escape Some will say May not men and wemen flee He therefore seales and stampes the worde vvhich none can open Thou shalt not escape Art thou one who hes bene playing and liuing in dead securitie thou shalt not escape The bullet came neuer so sodainlie out of the gun as the judgement shall come on the knaue and murtherer Men will flee these earthlie judgements when the sword commes a knaue wil flee from it When the Pest commes it may be that a knaue will escape better nor one that is worthie twentie of him O the patience of God! Knowe ye what God will be doing in the mean-tyme It may be he is reseruing the knaue and oppressour to a sorer judgement nor the Pest he may be keeping him to the day of Judgement when hee shall be striken with the sodaine paine of Hell And this is true The longer he is reserued and repentes not the heauier shall the judgement be when it lightes For the keeping of him is an occasion to heape sinne on him Keepe a murtherer who hes slaine one to day if he repent not he shall slay another to morrow and ay increase in sinne One sinne is the punishment of another and a wicked man will run from one sinne to another vntill he come to the head of the ladder and haue filled the cuppe full and holde it vp in his hand saying It is full What is the Lord doing Hes he done one sin The Lord heapes vp an heape of wraith for him Hes he committed another sinne He addes to another heape of wraith and so vntill the cuppe be full the wraith of God is daily augmented vntill it be powred out on his head Alas will not the visible experience of Gods judgementes moue vs But how euer it be that men escape now vntill Christ shall come to the judgement yet there shall be no escaping at that later day O the hand of the Lord will ouer-spanne
is a labourer but a honourable labourer Euen so euerie one that labours and hes offices in the Church are laborers but yet they are honorable laborers So the Ministers are laborers but honorable laborers for he is ouer thee and is thy superior And he hes a burdeene but a honorable burdeene and at the appearance of Iesus Christ in spyte of thee that contemnes him thou shalt see his honor and glory and thou shalt wonder at that day that euer he shold be promoued to that honor for he shall shine in the Heauen as a star this shall stand in despyte of the world Well come on now to the duetie of the people to their Pastor A Kings Master-houshold will be accounted of the Master-housholde of Christes Church what maner of honour shold ye haue him in Dueties of the people to the Pastor The first words that expresses the duety of the flock are knovve them misknowe them not The people would misknow them very faine yet what knowing is this It is the knowledge of the mind when in mind we take vp know that calling of the Ministry to be the Pastor by Iesus Christ the great Pastor to the Church to be a dispenser of the misteries of God and the in searchable riches of Christ such a dispenser as neuer was in the world not of bread and drinke as these world lie stewards No but of the insearchable riches of Christ and that to saluation and feeding of the soule to that life euerlasting wherin soule and body shal liue for euer This is the knowing be speaks of heere What more It is not a simple knowledge to know that he is a Minister but with knowing to joine reuerence giue him his own honor Paul 1. Cor. 4. 1. saies Let a man count of him not as thou cou●●s of Christ but count of him as a Minister and dispenser of the misteries of Christ giue him no more and cursed be that beast of Rome that wold take the place and honor of Christ on him Now this part of duety of the flock in reuerencing of the Pastor is answerable to that part of the calling of the Pastor he is a superior a superiority craues reuerence who euer he be that is a superior whether in families citties or common-wels or in Church if he be set ouer you honor him this is the ordinance of the Lord if the Lord haue set him ouer you honor him look not to the man but to the Lords ordinance And this I continuallie persaue there is a naturall hatred and contempt in the hearts of the people euer toward any superior whether in Church or Policy a naturall io●y we are bred with it and we entertaine it and incresse it Thou hast a naturall hatred against thy superiour if thou wert neuer so good if thou wouldst faine haue him away if thou wouldst cast of all yock but this is a thing the Lord is offended with For I affirme this all superiour powers that are set ouer vs whether in Church or Policie reuerence and honor is craued to them God ordaines it and God will auenge the contempt thereof Now to speake generallie There are tvvo sortes of superiours One in the Policie ouer the bodies of men in the world another superiour in the Church of God which is nothing else but a stewartrie Now say I reuerence should be euer giuen to both reuerence the Magistrat whisper not against him but reuerence him if it be possible holde out euill thoughts out of thy heart let be euill wordes in thy mouth honour all beginne at the King and come to the lowest honour euery one in their owne ranke Againe in the Church honour the Ministrie as stewartes in a great familie the familie of the Lord of Lordes honour him as a faithfull stewart in the house of the Lord. If yee compare these two together euery one of them are bound to reuerence other the Politick Magistrate to reuerence the superiours in the Church Againe the superiours in the Church to reuerence the ciuile Magistrate I tell you my minde mutuallie they are superiours to others The Church man is inferiour to the Magistrate in things ciuile and therefore as a common man is bound to reuerence him and should teach all reuerence to them in that estate And by the contrare the Magistrate if it were the King shoulde be ruled by the Minister in thinges spirituall and he who is a stewart in the Church of God the King is bound to take out of his hand the thing wherevpon his soule feedes and so he and all other Magistrates are bound to reuerence him as Gods stewart If this mutuall reuerence were keeped well were it to Church and Commonwel but where it is not keeped no well in Church nor Policie and I shall craue euer to get this mutuall reuerence keeped and my trauell and exercise hes been this yeere bygone to get it keeped God is my witnesse Now this is for the first part of the duetie of the people The second thing he sayes haue them in singulare loue for their vvorker sake Not in a common loue but in a singulare loue it includes all the whole affectiones of the heart and yet there is more to be vnderstood heere the consequentes of this loue and the effects that followe therevpon If loue be in the heart it will break out in the hand So there are two thinges heere The one the singular loue in the heart the other the outward good deed in the hand If the Ministers giue to you thinges spirituall to enterteine the heauenly lyfe is it a great matter to you to giue them thinges temporall thinges to enterteine this fraile lyfe Now brethren this point of the duetie of the people answeres to that parte of the duetie of the Pastour which standes in labour A labourer would haue loue of them he labours for if it were but the seruant that labours in your kitching ye ought to loue him loue them who loues you Now he who labours not in a vyle office but in an honourable labour to your saluation how much more should ye esteeme of him honourablie and reuerence him An honourable labour woulde be honourablie handled Ye see the meeting that the Apostle craues The Pastour lyes vnder a burdeene and an honourable burdeene On the peoples parte he craues a meeting because the burdeene is honourable and the Pastour should haue preferment therefore he craues reuerence And because the Pastour labours therefore he cranes loue and entertaining of the people It is a common saying Friendship wil not stand long on the one side If this meeting be not of the people to the Pastor the Ministry cannot stād and the men cannot be able to beare the burdeene Brethren what shal I say alas experience telles vs for fault of this meeting on the part of the people and specially of these in Policie to whom this matter appertaines this Ministry is not like for to stand And I
fleshly and carnall joy 〈…〉 that will be in the mouthes of prophaine people be merie eat drinke Is that this joy no no. When Paul bids thee rejoyce he bids thee not passe the time like the Epïcurians Eate drinke and be merie The joy that he craues the nature thereof is not fleshly but it is cleane holie and spirituall To speake the trueth it is in the hart all joy is in the hart of a bodïe but it is not so much the joy that is of the naturall affection as it is the motion of the spirit of Christ within vs vsing the affectiones of our hart as a parte to reioyce in when he is dwelling in vs. When a man reioyces naturallie it is his heart that reioyces but this is another kinde of reioycing It is the Spirite of consolation that comforts the Spirite of Iesus that dwelles in the hart and wakens vp the affection aboue nature and makes it It is 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 that was naturall as supernaturall it cannot be so well tolde as felt Rom. chap. 8. verse 26. The Spirite of God requests for vs vvith sighes vnspeakable Then the Spirite sighes within the heart If the Spirite of God be within the heart the sighe will not be so much the sighe of the bodie as of the Spirite of God 〈◊〉 It is so with that spirituall ioy the ioy in the hart if will not be so much the ioy of the heart as the ioy of the Spirite of God a ioy vnspeakable No no tongue can tell the greatnesse of it And brethren if there vvere no more but this that it cannot be toulde it telles you the nature of it it is not a naturall ioy the naturall ioy can be all toulde the heart of man is comprehensible and the affectiones of the hart can be toulde but the joy of the Spirite of God is incomprehensible The joy of the Spirite of God in the heart of the poore sinner cannot be toulde by all the Angels of Heauen let be by the tongue of man For no man can re●● the infinitnesse of Gods Spirite Therefore put a difference betweene it and all other ioyes The property of this ioy is here expressed Properti● of this ioy It is continuall it lastes euermore it is continuall it alters not it is without interruption it is not broken off prosperitie will not breake it aduersitie vvill not breake it lyfe vvill not breake it death vvill not breake it it abydes in lyfe it abydes in death yea euen to the verie poynte of death vvhen it pleases the holie Spirite to vvorke it vvill be in a greater measure in his soule than nor it vvas in the life-tyme When we thinke the body should be heauiest and saddest then it is most joyfull This earthly joy is soone broken off he is now in joy in the twinkling of an eie it shall be broken off this houre glade the next houre wo. Balthazar was a mery man when he was prophaning the vessels of the Lord and banketting in the meane tyme of his merinesse came the hand writting vpon the wall and then he beginnes to shake and his countenance is changed with shuddering and shaking 〈…〉 Ye heard in this same chapter when the wicked saies Peace all things are sure then a sudden destruction ouertakes them So this worldly joy is ay interrupted it is ay turned in sorrow if thou be content with a worldly joy proceeding of a worldly thing if it were all the kingdomes of the earth thy joy shall be turned in a weeping for euer but the spirituall joy is continuall without interruption Then if this be the nature of it it is spirituall it is cleane and pure heauenly not rude fleshly nor earthly If this be the property of it Matter of spirituall ioy it continues ay for this propertie must follow on the nature of it a spirituall thing must euer abide What can be the matter of it there must be some cause of this joy No joy but there must be some cause and matter that moues it Then what is the matter of it There are two sorts of things in the world that wakens vp joy in the heart of man The first is earthly things ye know the things worldlie honor riches they waken vp joy in the hart Another sort is called spritual heuenly clean There is no other but these two either things heuenly or earthlie to cause men to rejoyce Then are these earthly things the matter of this spirituall joy he speaks of Examine the nature of it it is spirituall it is the joy of Christ Will these worldly things if there be no further consideration of them cause the Spirit of Christ rejoyce within thee Will a kingdome make Christes Spirit within the hart of a man to rejoyce if there be nothing more but as it is a worldly kingdome No I say they will not be the matter of this joy looke to these worldly things how thou resauest them if they be not resaued out of Gods hand as arlespennies of heauenlie thinges and tokens of better benefites and of life euerlasting they shall neuer make the Spirit of Christ to reioyce in thee Thy hart may be blyth for worldly thinges because thou art an earthly bodie A King may rejoyce in a kingdome c. but if they be not taine out of Gods handes as arlespennies of heauenly and spirituall benefites the Spirite of Christ shall not rejoice in thee Take heed if it wer but a morsell of meate if thou take it out of Gods hand as a token of that heauenly food to life euerlasting the Spirit of Christ shall rejoyce in thee Therefore be neuer content of earthly things as earthlie things onely nor of the naturall joy of the hart of man A sow hes a naturall joy 〈◊〉 in filling the bellie No beast in the field but it hes a sensuall joy in the selfe by nature in the foode thereof Fy on thee that cannot haue more joy nor a beast Thou art made for Heauen and not for Kingdomes here Therefore rejoyce in heauenly thinges and I say the Kow and other beasts are better nor thou if thou rejoyce not with that heauenly joy for the kingdome prepared for thee in Iesus Christ Woe to thee that hes not the joy that proceeds of the Spirit of Iesus Againe this joy lasts euermore it is continual it bides in the night it bides in the day it perishes not These worldly things are al perishing He will be a King the day and will be casten down to morrow He is riche the day and will be begging to morrowe How can thinges changeable be matter to me of joy that standes euermore No they cannot If my joy restes on earthly things when earthly things failes me of necessity my joy must faile me When the ground of joy failes my joy must faile Worldly things must faile therefore the joy in worldly things must faile and specially in death Either shall earthly things
This is in effect that same which he spok of before euen the glorifying of God for it is one thing the Lord to be glorified and to wonder at him The meaning is shortly When he shall come First he shal make the faithful wonderful in the sight of the world and then in their wonderfulnes all the world shall wonder at him who hes made them wonderfull Now marke The Lord Iesus in Esay 9. chap. 6. vers among all the names he gets there he is called the vvonderfull and the maruellous one Now this name in effect shal show the selfcheefly in that day of judgement for cheefly in that day Christ shall be wonderful and all the world shall wonder at him It is but a litle wondring we haue here Christ at his comming vvōderfull Ye know wondring presuppones nouelties things of exceeding great importance Then it must followe that the Lord Iesus at that day shall be reueiled to the world in such a wonderful glory at neuer man nor Angel saw yet● it shal be such a glory as neuer eye saw ear heard or once entered into the hart of man as the Apostle ●aies 1. Cor. 2. chap. 9. vers They who saw him ●●ani●ed in a vyle habite judged condemned scourged and crucified vnder Pontius Pilat they shall wonder when they shall see that Lord whom they thoght once so vile raised vp and exalted to such a sublimity and hight of glory Pilat then shal wonder the Priests shall wonder they that with their wicked hand● crucified him shall wonder at that day And in one word there shall be nothing in that day in Heauen and earth but a wondering at the Lord Iesus Christ and his Saintes glorified Ye see here next the cheefe mean that shall make the Lord wonderful to be the wonderfulnesse of the glorie of his Saintes and elect whom in that day he shall make wonderfull The world shall looke in and wonder at them and then they shall looke to the Iudge and wonder at him Then in that day they who hes beleued in Iesus in this life looke what faith brings with it shall be blessed and made glorious For first these faithfull shall be made so maruelous in glory that they shall astonish the whole world I tell thee more when thou shalt be so translated when thy vyle bodie shall be so changed thou shalt wonder at thy selfe for the eare hath not heard the eye hath not seene c. that wonderfull glorie which then thou shalt enjoy As for the wicked of the world the troublers and afflicters of the godly when they shall looke to any one of the glorious elect they shall weepe and wonder This is set downe in the 5. chapter of the booke of wisdome albeit Apocrypha First they shall mourne and weepe when they shall see the glorie of the godly and say O we fooles and sensles bodies esteemed we not the life of these godly in the world a miserable lyfe Then they shall come on with wondering How is this that this vyle bodie so shynes and that he is so exalted So they shall both mourne at this sight and wonder and vveeping and vvondering they shall count themselues to haue bene fooles and sensles bodies The Lord giue vs grace to seeke that true wisdome in tyme. For certainly that true wisdome is esteemed foolishnesse in this world and he that would be wise let him be a foole first he shall neuer be counted wise that day except he haue bene a foole first and humbled vnder this foolish preaching of the Gospell It is true the condemnation of the reprobate shall be a meane to make the world wonder and to make the Iudge wonderfull O the paines that shall be inflicted on the reprobate shall be wonderfull and they shall be set vp as spectacles of shame at that day and the godly shall wonder at their shame and confusion O wonderfull shall that weightinesse of judgement be they shall wonder that euer there should be such a wraith in God they shall wonder that euer the arme of God should be so heauy vpon them O Hell is lighted now will they say the wraith of God is lighted now O what a masse and weight of wraith is this that we see now Men will now leape here and there and make litle count of the weightinesse of the Lords hand and securely contemne threatnings and judgement but in that day to their euerlasting woe they shall finde it the heauiest thing that euer was for by the weight of it they shall be so pressed downe that they shall neuer be able to prease vp againe Alas what a dead senslesnesse is this of men in this world that they regarde neither Heauen no● Hell liuing like beastes and not as men Lord waken vs in tyme to acknowledge these thinges Now to goe forward Who are these that shall be made wonderfull that in them the Lord Iesus may be made wonderfull In one word He calles them beleeuers a base and simple style among vs. He called them before Saintes holy ones and now he commes to the ground of their holinesse and calles it faith It will not be a faire honest ciuile dealing with our neighbour that will doe the turne albeit many men thinks so No but faith in Christ must be the ground any man that in any measure hes had a sense and feeling of that lyfe he will finde in his experience he can not haue hope or assurance of lyfe in the fairest outwarde dealing that euer men did except he finde his hart setled on God and his anchor casten on Christ This is the onely cause of thy saluation faith in Christ As for all thy good workes they are onely effects and tokens that thou hast that faith in Christ which will doe the turne and is the onely cause of thy saluation O blessed for euer is that hart that hes faith keeped let neuer thy remembrance be off it What euer thou thinke or speake keepe it hast thou it be assured of thy saluation lackest thou it doe all thou can thou shalt die Seeke euer to haue Christ in thy hart And seeing we who are now liuing may die in one moment Lord if we should not seeke earnestly to haue Christ dwelling in our harts It is onely his merites that saues vs. In the next wordes he defines them that he calles beleeuers and pointing them out he sayes not they that beleeues in Iesus Christ but they vvho in this lyfe hes beleeued my testimony the Gospell teached by me by my fellow●seruants by the rest of the Apostles and Pastors So take vp the nature of this faith and be not ●egyled with it It is not faith in Christ barely but faith in Christ preached By whom by a selie bodie What was Paul a selie bodie So looke neuer for lyfe nor saluation in that great day except thou humble thy selfe vnder the foolishe preaching as men thinkes it and beleeue the foolishe teaching of the Gospell Thou shalt
wrought by the Spirit of God thou must liue holilie in his sight and then thou must beleeue thou must haue faith that is throgh the trueth of Iesus Christ or else thou wert neuer chosen If thou hast not faith if thou hast not an holy life no saluation for thee Then shortly in the next verse Hauing spoken of faith he showes how a man commes by faith how he gets it He sayes vnto the vvhich ye are called Faith thou is gotten by calling if a man be not called and cryed on as it were with a shout from Heauen O the dead bodie will not waken for if thou be not cry edon thou wilt not get grace to beleeue if thou be not cried vpon by the cry of God in his word thou shalt neuer get faith for faith is kindled vp by the voice of the Euangell The Lord sayes Iohn 5. 28. 29. The houre shall come and novv i● vvhen the dead shall heare the voice of the Sonne of God and they that heare it shall liue meaning the dead in sinne So faith rises by a crye and call when he sayes come out of that death thou that s●eepest if thou heare thou shalt incontinent arise and beleeue O the power of the voice of God! It is his voice onely that makes the dead soule heare and to beleeue It is not thy free-will that makes thee to answere it is the cry of God onely that kindles vp faith in thee and what meanes vses he to call men by Euen the Gospell of Iesus Christ which is the voice of God For what is the word of God but the voyce of God shouting and crying vpon thee So calling is by a word and voice Now calles he thee by the voyce of the Law No long would thou haue lye● ere thou had answered to the voyce of the Law the more it cry vpon thee thou wiltly the longer dead What is the voice then The sweet voice of the Gospell of Iesus Christ when it is tolde to thee that the Sonne of God is incarnate for thy sake he hes suffered and is risen that thou may get remission of sinnes and life euerlasting in one word the speach of the crosse of a dead man it is the speach that puts life in thee and so no faith without calling and no calling without the voice of the Gospell and no life without the voice of the Gospell Thou shalt neuer see the face of God without thou heare the voice of the Gospell Yet marke He sayes our Gospell that is that I Paul and my fellow laborers ministred Then I aske what is the mouth out of the which the voice of the Gospell sounds and by the which the Lord calles the dead man Euen the mouth of sillie simple men and therefore Paul cals it his Gospel Pauls mouth Peters mouth and the mouth of all the faithfull ministers are the voice of God to the end of the world calling thee to faith and therefore doe they call this Gospell their Gospell The Lord hes so ordeined that without the mouthes of sillie men no voice of God should be heard in the earth Goe to thy chamber read as thou wilt thou shalt nor come to Heauen if thou contemne the mouth of sillie men for without the voice of sillie men that soundes this Gospell there is no voice of God calling thee to faith And therefore without this base ministrie is no saluation for thee I say farther If the mouth of this ministrie whereby the Lord speaks be contemned by thee there is no faith no life appointed for thee God hes so bound himself to this ministrie that if thou contemne this ordinance thou shalt neuer see Heauen He will haue thee safe by a foolish preaching or else thou shalt neuer see heauen Say not might he not send Angels No close thy mouth for by foolish preaching thou shalt be safe and by no other means Mark this ye that contemne the preaching of the word of God out of the mouthes of sillie men Now in the end of the verse he sets downe another end of this calling the first end was faith the other is the participation of the glorie of Heauen in Iesus Christ all is in Christ glorie is in him so thou shalt not get either grace or glorie if thou get not Christ alwaies this is an end both of election and vocation life euerlasting Election is from all eternitie vocation is in tyme and lyfe euerlasting followes as the onely effect and end of both Now the calling beginnes here and what other thing is al our preaching but this come to Iesus Christ the Anchor of your faith and life and this cry holds 〈◊〉 till Christ Iesus come and then he will cry out that last cry Come ye blessed of my Father and inherite the kingdome prepared for you and then the chosen shall enter in the participation of that glorie through Christ that neuer shall end And therefore to this Iesus the Anchor of our life and the caller of vs to life and glory with the Father and holy Spirit we render al praise and honor for now and euermore AMEN THE NINTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 15. 16. 17. 15 Therefore brethren ●tand fast keep the instructions vvhich ye haue bene laught either by our vvord or by our Epistle 16 Novv the same Iesus Christ our Lord and our God ●●en the Father vvhich hath loued vs and hath 〈◊〉 vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace 17 Comfort you harts and stablishe you in 〈…〉 and good vvorke AFTER the Apostle he● ended that Prophecy of the vniuersall defection from the trueth and faith of Christ Iesus and of the reueiling and manifesting of the Antichrist and his power he doeth three things in the end of this chapter First he comforts the Thessalonians against this Aposta●ie and defection assuring them it should not touch them because they were grounded vpon that stable foundation of the eternall election of God of the which they had sure tokens and testimonies the sanctification of the Spirit and faith in the trueth the calling of God to faith and participation of the glory of Iesus Christ Next in the text we have red there are conteined two things The first is 〈◊〉 exhortation to the Thessalonians to stand and per●euere to the end The other is a prayer conceiued by the Apostle to God the Father and to the Lord Iesus that it would please them first to comfort the harts of the Thessalonians next to establish them in euery good word and worke Then shortly to come to the text We haue set downe in the first words an exhortation to the Thessalonians that they should standfast But first we shall consider how this exhortation followes on the doctrine passing before Therefore sayes he Then it must be inferred by a consequent vpon the doctrine preceeding The cause of their standing and perseuerance must be in the text preceding
establish you ye are not of this number that fall away for the Lord he is faithfull and according to his promise he shall make you stand for euer Now here he followes out his precepts and in the first verse red we haue a generall exhortation to obedience to be giuen to all the directions vvarnings and admonitions that he had giuen them before as if he should say What euer I haue bidden you in the name of Christ doe ye it all and begin not onely but also perseuere vnto the end Brethren this christian calling that we are placed into craues a doing and practise not a thinking or speaking onely so that all our religion be in our tongue No put to thy hand and doe as thou would showe thy selfe a christian for a christian man would be a doer all men must be doing and set on an action but not euery way for it is better for some men to sit idle and to be sleeping when they are most exercised The doing requyred of a christian should be by a rule not wauering but as ye see a lyne drawen by a rule or square so euer the action of a man should be by a rule euen straight direct not crooked declyning to this side or that side We learne of these words what is the rule whereby the actions of a christian should be ruled The doctrine of the Apostles is the rule of our actions It is the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ doe as Paul Peter and the rest of the Apostles hes bidden thee doe and I shall warrand thee prease to direct thy actions according to that rule for he that heares the doctrine of the Apostles and followes not their direction refuses to giue obedience to Christ himselfe Now the forme of proponing of this matter is to be marked He sayes not doe as I command you to do but he mitigates the command and casts in a motiue to moue them to doe as he bade them He sayes I am persvvaded I haue a sure confidence that ye will doe as I bid you and so he vtters the good opinion he had of them that they did well and would continue in well doing vnto the end So the Pastor hes his lesson It becommes a Pastour or teacher when he sees a good meaning of his flock euer to thinke the best of them yea to conceyue a perswasion but in the Lord that they shall continue in well doing vnto the end And againe in the other part it is very meete that the flock vnderstand that the Pastour counts and esteemes well of them for vvhen the flock conceyues that the Pastour hes a good estimation of them it is no small motiue and incouragement to them to go forward in well doing for when the childe thinkes his father hes a good opinion of him and that he shall come to grace it is an incouragement to go forward in wel doing Euen so it is with the Pastor and the people for if the flock think that their Pastor hes not a good opinion of them it is the verie vvay to discourage them and to cause them goe backvvard So men should be verie ware least they should hurt others Another thing heere is to be marked He sayes We are persvvaded in the Lord not in you for asvvell as vve count of you our considence is not in you for then ye and we should both be beguiled so he hes not a confidence in them albeit vve haue a confidence of them that they should doe well for these are different for if confidence be in a man it is asmuch as to ascryue all power and glorie of vvell doing to man himselfe and so to depryue God of his glorie As by the contrare to put al confidence in the Lord it is to ascryue all glory to God that giues the strength to man to doe well The generall is Why should we not haue confidence of men and be well perswaded that they will doe well but beware while thou hopest they will doe well that thou hurt not the glory of God by giuing the glorie of their well doing to man If he wer the best on earth giue him not the praise of a jote of the power of well doing but giue it to God alone that all the glory may be Gods Let al the glory returne to him from whom all graces came This for the first verse I haue red The next precept conteined in the next verse is more particulare and conteines a speciall thing The Lord sayes he guide your harts to the loue of God and the vvaiting for of Christ. The summe is this Set your harts vpon the loue of God that is one And vpon the patient hope of Jesus Christ and his comming that is another There is the effect of the words So first he recommends to them the loue of God and then the patient looking for of Iesus Christ and their saluation which shall be accomplished when he commes in his glory Now mark the forme and maner after the which he giues out this precept He turnes this precept in a praier this is wisdome in which he beseeches the Lord to direct their harts to the loue of God first and next to the patient hope of Christs comming Mark this forme By this turning of a precept in a prayer he wold teach vs this far that these commands that are giuen in the Scripture these precepts exhortations directions and admonitions imports not that there is any power or free-will in man or woman to obey or to doe that that is commanded and exhorted or to do any part of it This is the doctrine of the aduersares when they heare of any precept or exhortation in the Scripture then incontinent conclude they there is a free-will in man to doe that that is commanded No free-will in man to do good otherwise it were in vaine the command giuen if the Lord giue not free-will to do it wherfore commands he but the Lord knowes how this followes for by turning this precept into a prayer we are taught that albeit man be commanded and exhorted to doe such and such things yet all power of wel doing depends onely on the Lord And therefore oft ye shall finde either the precept turned in a praier or else with precept praier conjoined And therefore when we are commanded and admonished to doe any good in that same instant our hart should be raised to God to desire strength at him thou shold say Lord giue me the strēgth to do as thou commandst me When I admonish and exhort thee to set thy hart to loue and feare God is it in thy power so to doe speaks thy conscience so to thee If it say that it is in thy power thy conscience beguiles thee that conceit is a plain illusion And therfore seeing it lyes not in thy power to do when thou art exhorted let thy refuge be to the Lord and say Lord as thou bidst me loue thee so
giue me grace to loue thee as thou bidst me hope so worke thou hope in me otherwise I will neuer be answerable to thy command Now to the words I pray God to direct your harts to the loue of God Ye see here wherfore he praies not for their mouth or tonge nor for their eies nor for none of these outward members but his prayer is for their harts that the Lord would direct their harts What meanes this To wit that the directer the guider and ruler of all these outward members of the eyes tongue and mouth of the hand and foote is the hart she sittes in the midst and guides all so that if she her selfe be first well guyded ruled and disposed it shall be well with all the members of thy bodie she shall guide thy tongue and brydle thy mouth in speaking and guide thy hand in doing it shall be well with thy eyes and eares she shall not suffer thee to looke or heare wrong and so well is the person that hes a well guyded hart and well disposed mynde For then as for the outward members they shal be all made wapons of righteousnesse to serue God but if the hart be euill disposed but if it be backward and peruerse as it is of nature there shal not be so much as the least member of the bodie but al shal goe the wrong way thy foote shall goe to mischieefe a murtherers hart stirres his foote to murther thy hand shall be a wapon of vnrighteousnesse to fight against God thy eye shall be looking to euill and likewise all the rest all shall be set to do wickednesse And therefore as the hart craues heere prayer for guiding of it so euery part of the bodie craues prayer for it As the Apostle prayes so let vs pray Lord guide my hart my hand my foote No the least member craues prayer but begin at the first stirrer the hart and say Lord guide my hart that all the rest of my members may followe her Alas the neglect of this prayer to God that he would guide the hart makes the hart a foule stinking puddle There is no stinking flewer to the stinke of a foule hart ô if thou felt it that thou might detest it If it be not purged thou shalt neuer see the face of God if thou ly still in the filth of thy hart and euery day in thy hart contract some further filth remember I forewarne thee the intolerable judgement of God shall be heaped on thy head as thou heapest filth vpon filth Now what craues he to their harts I pray the Lord sayes he to direct your harts The word in the owne language signifies a straightning as it wer an euen lyne for brethren consider the hart of man as it is disposed by nature and by this foule birth of ours all within vs is foule without that renuing Spirit of Iesus Christ it comes in this world crooked manshart crooked by nature and bowed in as a crooked tree bowed away from God to the deuill from al good things to all euil and mischiefe It is backward that is the terme that the Scripture giues it euery man is borne vvith a backvvard hart bowed downward from God And therefore what thing should thou craue to the hart what should thou aske for it It is not euen eneugh no so long as thou liuest there shall be ay a crooke in it What should thou pray for it then Euen this Lord make it euen put this peruersnesse out of it for so long as it bydes in this backvvardnesse it is not possible but thy vvraith must be on it Then pray for two things to thy hart First to mak straight thy crooked hart and say Lord I finde my hart crooked vvithin me bovving avvay from thee Lord put in day holy Spirit in it and straighten it And againe because it is impossible so long as I liue that I can attaine vnto an hart altogether straight Lord hyde the crookes of my hart with that mantle of the righteousnesse of Christ Trovvest thou that thou could stand one moment before that Majestie that cannot looke on a crooke except thy crook were couered with that mantle of the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ Therefore our prayer should be Lord let Christ my Mediator euer stand betweene me and thee to hold off thy wraith and fire of thy countenance Now folovves in the end of the verse tvvo pointes vnto the vvhich the hart should be directed manshart should be directed to tvvo things 1. the loue of God The thing that is made straight must be directed to a pointe The first pointe whereinto the hart must be directed is the loue of God the next is the patient avvaiting for of Christ. To speake of the first The hart as it is bowed and alienated from euerie good thing so first it is bowed from God and his loue be assured as thou art borne thou louest not God No thy nature inclines to hate him so deadlie that thou hast no vvill nor pleasure once to thinke of him the hart abhortes by nature the verie cogitation of him and faine vvould thou haue that conscience that aduerises thee of him to be pulled avvay Many vvould be quyte of their conscience that is euer sounding to them of God thou would giue a kingdome if thou had it to be quite of it And as thou wold not think of him by nature so thou vvould neuer heare of him there is such a naturall hatred against God in the hart of man for all are borne as it were with their face away from God and their backs turned to God and the longer thou liuest the farther thou runnest from him except by his Spirit he turne thee and say to thee turne thee and looke on my face And therefore the first thing we should pray for should be Lord turne my hart to thee to loue thee and set it on thee This is the praier of the Apostle and it should be our prayer night and day What thing canst thou loue with any joy or delectation if thou first loue not God Will the Husband loue the wife if he loue not God first fy on thee and thy loue both for thy loue vvill be turned in hatred and thou vvilt cursse thy vvyfe and thy children if thou louest not God first and then them in God for this cause This is the first pointe vnto the which the hart should be directed Now the next pointe he calles Patience that is a patient hope Of vvhom Of Iesus Christ that is of his comming and consequently of thy euerlasting saluation that shall be reueiled at his comming 2. Patient avvaiting for Christ Brethren it is craued that the hart of man be set beyond any thing in this lyfe I tell thee thy hart must be directed farther nor any grace thou can get in this lyfe farther nor faith nor the loue of God vvhich is the preciousest thing thou can haue thy hart must be set on things
see him why should not our desire be to see him wherefore should all this feare be of this latter day seeing thou wilt neuer be established in heart nor get thy full glorie vntil his comming at that day thy blessednesse shall be perfite there I finde in the Scripture the perfection of all graces differred vntill that time Ye shall finde no grace Perfectiō of al graces differred til the ●utter day but the perfection thereof is remitted vntill that day Paul in the same Epistle 2. chap. 19. vers My joy is in the sight of God and of Iesus Christ at his comming He gets not perfection of joy vntill he come And therefore he will not promise to the Thessalonians their joy vntill that day no perfection of grace mercie and peace vntill God put an end to sinne to death and wickednesse Looke then if we should long for that latter day we looke heere and there for this thing and that thing but who lookes for that comming of the Lord Alas if we knevv vvhat grace and joy Christs comming brought to vs vve vvould looke for nothing so much as for his comming We are earthlie and therefore all our lookes are for earthlie thinges we are not spirituall and so we cannot looke for that spirituall grace The Lord prepare vs to looke for and desire that glorious comming All these earthlie thinges goes away Heauen onelie abydes What foolishnesse is this seeing we are subject to mortality that we should set our hearts on this world our dwelling must not be here but in Heauen in endliesse joy Seeke it earnestly therefore Novv in the end of this verse he telles vs in vvhat company and with whom we shal be established in holinesse before God thou shalt not be holy thy selfe alone thou shalt not be an a per se in holinesse doe as thou wilt either shalt thou be in a societie in a companie vvith many more nor thou All graces in the societie of the sants or else thou shalt neuer be holie nor see the face of God This is plaine Either thou shalt be in the Church which is the communion of the Saintes of God or else thou shalt neuer see Gods presence He will leape out of it at this side and he at that side but if thou come not in again in that same societie yea and to the number of this church and of the Saintes that professes Christ this day in Scotland thou shalt neuer see Gods face All blessinges grace mercie and peace euerlasting before God is in the companie of the Church that professe the truth and puritie of the Gospell of Christ not in the company of them who will take the name of a Church or that false Church the Romane Church So let him vvho vvill stand vvith holinesse in the number of the Saintes seuere from Babylon or else he shall be partaker of the judgement So brethren to come againe ye shall not read in the Scripture of any grace giuen to any man but ye shall finde that it is giuen to him as a member of that bodie as one of the Saintes in the societie of the Saintes In the first to the Ephesians verse 18. speaking of the riches of the glorie of the inheritance of Heauen he sayes thou shalt neuer get it but among the Saintes Then againe he sayes chap. 3. vers 18. Who shall vnderstand the loue and charitie of God None but they that are in the societie of the Saintes No light mercie nor knowledge of God but to them that stands knit vp as members in the bodye of Christ ye see cut off a member of the body and cast it away no sap can follow from the body to it So if thou be cut off from the number of the Saintes vvho are the Church of God thou shalt neuer get any grace of Christ Now to the next chapter In the fourth and fift chapters followes the last part of this Epistle containing the doctrine of maners exhorting to holinesse of lyfe and godlinesse But to the wordes He sayes And furthermore As he would say all is not tolde I will tell that which rests which is the doctrine of maners precepts of godlie lyfe and conuersation When we haue teached all the yeere ouer when we haue tolde you the doctrine of justification sanctification c. so long as there is no speaking of a godly lyfe and conuersation and so long as we haue not tolde you how ye should lead your lyfe there is euer something behinde vnspoken of Neuer a full and perfite preaching wher there is nothing spoken of a good or of an euill lyfe and conuersation For there is such a necessitie laid on men and wemen in this world that all serues for nothing except they liue a good holy life Thy profession of loue righteousnesse mercie all the rest is but vanitie and winde if thy conuersation toward thy neighbour be not aunswerable to thy profession it is a shame to thee to speake of Christ of holinesse of righteousnesse of life euerlasting except thou liue conforme thereto And therefore ye shall neuer read any Epistle of Paul but euer vvhen he hes spoken of faith justification c. then in the end he subjoynes precepts charging vs to liue a godlie lyfe And more then this Trow ye in the end at Christs comming to judgement that the pretence of faith or righteousnes will be sufficient to thy eternal saluation No but we must liue holie for al the blessinges of God in Christ tends to this end that we may liue holie yea this is the end of election it selfe Ephes 1. 4. Paul sayes We are chosen from all eternitie that we should be holie Then we should liue soberlie and justlie with our neighbour Tit. 2. 12. And therefore either cast avvay profession of Christianitie and heare neuer a word of faith righteousnesse c. or else striue to liue conforme thereto This in generall Now to the wordes I beseech and exhort you and that in the Lord Iesus Christ What exhorts he that they increase more and more in godlie lyfe and conuersation As for the forme of your going forward I haue tolde you the forme hovv ye should vvalke in this world walke conformable thereto The words would be well marked I beseech and exhort you sayes he in the Lord Iesus He might haue well said I command you as wrytting to Philemon vers 8. 9. he sayes When I might command thee in the name of Iesus yet rather for loues sake I pray thee Loue turnes the command in a prayer All doctrin that comes from any person must come of loue or else it is deare of the hearing Now he showes his loue in speaking for the wordes comes from the heart and so among al the rest of the wayes whereby he vtters the loue he had in his heart this is one when precept and commaund is turned ouer to requeesting When he may commaund he will not but he turnes it ouer and
exhortes Ye may marke this verie oft in the Epistles of Paul Now the wordes are dowbled He is not content to say I beseech you but he sayes also I exhort you There is no vvord lost heere This doubling of the vvordes testifies of the earnestnesse that vvas in his heart to haue this people going forvvard in this godlie life and consequentlie of the necessitie that lyes on euerie one of vs to liue holie in this life For vvhere there is no necessitie why should a man be earnest but seeing there is a necessitie lying on all people that either they must liue a godlie life in this worlde or else be damned woe to that Pastor that is no busie to stirre vp the people to liue godlie and holilie As there is a necessitie in them to liue holie so there is a necessitie in him to charge them to liue holie And therefore blame not the Pastor to be busie eyther to pray admonishe or othervvayes to correct and to reproue sinne For he hes a necessitie laid on him vnder the paine of damnation to pushe you forvvard to Heauen For the Lord Iesus sake that is as euer they vvoulde looke for mercie and grace at Iesus hand as he would say if ye liue wel ye shall finde him to be a merciful God otherwaies if ye liue euill to be a terrible judge to you This is some seueritie against them Sweetnesse and sharpnesse must be joined together thou must be moued to thy duetie partlie by sweetnesse partly by sharpnesse therfore with his request he joines this so weghty an obtestation this is a common custome to this Apostle 2. Cor. 10. 1. More this telles that howbeit a man vse prayer and faire wordes where he might command yet we should not abuse his lenitie and patience for if thou meete lenitie and patience with disobedience it shall bring on a greater judgement nor if he had vsed threatning and seueritie The greater lenitie that a man vses to thee to winne thee if thou wilt not be winne the greater shall be thy condemnation and thou heapst on coales on thy owne head Now what is this he exhorts them to That they euer ease more and more That they goe forward still on with instantnesse vntill they come to the mark for this course of holinesse hes a faire end Brethren there is no standing for vs in this course of Christianitie and holinesse of life When thou enterst once in the way stand not there A man will begin and runne on till euening and then set down his staff and rest him but we must ay runne sleeping waking eating drinking c. ay forward there is not an halfe houre granted thee no not so much tyme as to looke ouer thy shoulder to rest thee but ay thou ought to haue thy eie on the marke And when thou runnest striue not onely to ouerrunne them that runnes with thee but more the words meanes that thou shouldst ouerrunne thy owne selfe if thou runnest fast this day runne faster to morrow and ay prease to run forward and when thou art lying on dead-bed runne fastest then and so shalt thou finde exceeding great comfort in thy running The Lord hes bidden thee run and cryes out of Heauen Run as thou wouldst saue thy selfe What is the Pastors office Paul when the Thessalonians are running out before him he cryes Runne ye are in the rinke runne forward excell your selfe runne out before your selfe vntill ye come to the end of the rinke This is the office of the Pastor to cry behinde you when ye are running and this shout of the Pastor behinde the people when they are in the rinke is so needfull that except he cry continuallie Run out and excell they shall linger and ly down That all the world may see the great necessitie we haue to haue this ministrie continuallie crying in our ●are runne runne Would to God we could let the necessitie of this cry to runne to sinke in our harts that we might obey it If ye would be safe haue pleasure in this cry and runne on identlie vntill ye come to the high prease of our calling Now followes the forme and manner of this running forward vntill they come to the end of their rinke No other forme but the forme set downe before ye haue receiued of vs hovv ye ought to vvalke and please your God Brethren as there is a running and an instant course craued of vs so we must run not in euerie sort nor after euerie manner but we must runne with an ordor There are rules prescryued to vs how we should runne Order in running The Apostle 1. Cor. chap. 9. verse 24. sayes Runne so that thou mayest get a grip of the crovvne To Timothie he saies ye who striues and wrastles and runnes if ye striue not lavvfullie according to a good ordor ye shall not winne 2 Tim. 2. 5. So when we runne we must runne according to good ordor not rashlie according to our owne fantasie but according to the good lawes of God There is no well ruled life on earth but that life that is ruled by the rule of God So we all running in this rinke must be ruled by good lawes As Paul besoght them to runne and cries grow more and more euen so he giues them the Lawes to runne by So as the Minister is bound to cry to men to runne so the word of God is giuen to him to tell thee thou shouldest runne by this rule or that rule the King by his rules the counseller in his own calling by his rules what man that euer he be except he run in his owne calling according to his rules he shall neuer attaine to the marke And if the Lord take away this word that telles vs the rule whereby we should runne miserable shall we be This is plaine Take this word out of the land all shall runne wrong Yet there is one word heere to be marked He calles their going forward walking Borrowing the language from a man who is going a iourney Ye will see in the worde many lawes many commands many admonitions to put men forward in the way to go and run but ye heere no precept in the Scripture to sit still eat drink and take thy pleasure seeing thy life is short So we learne the Lord bids vs walke The Lord hes not ordained vs to rest heere Whatsoeuer calling he hes giuen thee he hes giuen thee a continuall walking and trauelling therein vntill thou come to the end of thy journey and then thou shalt rest he is a foolishe bodie who will promise to himselfe rest heere if thou rest before thy journey be complete it shall be to thy vtter destruction And therefore doe as he hes bidden thee albeit it be painefull heere yet in the end thou shalt find rest Now in the next words he defines this vvalking and calles it to please God It is a paine to a man to walke all day from morning to euening and