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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06333 A pleasant commodie, called Looke about you As it was lately played by the right honourable the Lord High Admirall his seruaunts; Look about you. 1600 (1600) STC 16799; ESTC S109639 54,822 90

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s he that robs he slaunders me he lies Lan. Which set on thee Red. Th this f f fellow has a s s sword and a buckler Lan. Search him this is the theefe o heares my purse My chaine my Iewels oh thou wicked wretch How darst thou vnder show of holines Commit such actions of impietie Bind him I le haue him made a publicke scorne Ski Lay holde vpon that other hermit He is a counterfeit as well as I He stole those clothes from me for I am Skinke Search him I know him not he is some slaue Glo. Thou lyest base varlet Re. O g God he has a sword too S Skink are you ca catcht Lan. Villaine thou shalt with me vnto the Court. Ley. And this with me this is the traytor Gloster Glo. Thou lyest proud Leyster I am no traytor Re. G gloster O b braue now m my father sh shal be f free Lan. Earle Gloster I am sorry thou art taken Glo. I am not taken yet nor will I yeild To any heare but noble Lancaster Let Skinke be Leysters prisoner I le be thine Ley Thou shalt be mine Gl. First through a crimson sluce I le send thy hated soule to those blacke fiendes That long haue houered gaping for their parte When tyrant life should leaue thy traytor heart Come Lancaster keep Skinke I le goe with thee Let loose the mad knaue for I prayse his shifts He shall not starte away I le be his guide And with proude looks outface young Henries pride Ley. Looke to them Lancaster vpon thy life Red. Well I le r r run and get a p pardon of the K K KKing Gl Gloster and Skinke ta ta taken O b b braue r r r run re Re Red ca cap a and ca ca cary the first n n newes to co co court Ley. Lancaster I le helpe to guarde them to the Court. Lan. Doe as you please Glo. Leyster doe not come neare me for if thou doe thou shalt buy it dearely Ley. I le haue thy hand for this Glo. Not for thy heart Ski Braue Earle had Skinke knowne thou hadst been the Noble Gloster whose mad trickes haue made mee loue thee I would haue dy'd Blacke heath red with the bloud of millions ere we would haue been taken but what remedy we are fast must answere it like Gentlemen like Souldiers like resolutes Gl. I ye are a gallant come olde Lancaster For thy sake will I goe or else by heauen I de send some dozen of these slaues to hel Exeunt Enter Prince Richard Robert Hoode Lady Faukenbridge La Your trauaile and your comfortable newes This Ring the certaine signe you met with him Bindes me in duetyous loue vnto your grace But on my knees I fall and humbly craue Importune that no more you nere can haue Ric. Nay then ye wrong me Lady Faukenbridge Did you not ioyne your faire white hand Swore that ye would forsweare your husbands bed If I could but finde out Gloster La. I sweare so Ric. By heauen Rob. Take heed it s a high oath my Lord. Ric. What meanst thou Huntington Ro. To saue your soule I doe not loue to haue my friends forsworne She neuer promist that you vrge her with Ric. Goe to prouoke me not Rob. I tell you true t was I in her attyre that promist you She was gone vnto the wizard at Blacke heath And there had suters more then a good many Ric. Was I deluded then La. No not deluded but hindred from desire vnchast and rude O let me wooe yee with the tongue of ruth Dewing your Princely hand with pitties teares That you would leaue this most vnlawful sute If ere we liue till Faukenbridge be dead As God defend his death I should desire Then if your highnes daine so base a match And holy lawes admit a mariage Considering our affinity in bloud I will become your Handmayde not your harlot That shame shall neuer dwell vpon my brow Rob. I faith my Lord she 's honorably resolu'd For shame no more importune her no more Ri. Marian I see thy vertue and commend it I know my error seeking thy dishonor But the respectlesse reasonles commaund Of my inflamed loue bids me still try And trample vnder foote all pietye Yet for I will not seeme too impyous Too inconsiderate of thy seeming griefe Vouchsafe to be my Mistris vse me kindely And I protest I le striue with all my power That lust himselfe may in his heate deuour La. You are my seruant then Ric. Thankes sacred Mistresse Ro. What am I La. You are my fellow Robert Enter Faukenbridge in his hose and dublet Fau. What Prince Richard noble Huntington Welcome yfaith welcome by the morrow Masse You are come as fitly as my heart can wish Prince Iohn this night will be a Reueller He hath inuited me and Marian. Gods mary mother goe along with vs It s but hard by close by at our towne Tauerne Ric. Your Tauerne Fau. O I I I t is his owne made match I le make you laugh I le make you laugh yfaith Come come he 's ready O come come away La. But wher 's the Princesse Fa. He 's ready too Block Bl. my man must be her waiting man Nay wil ye goe for gods sake let vs goe Ri. Is the iest so nay then let vs away Rob. O t will allay his heate make dead his fire Fau. Ye bob'd me first ye first gaue me my hyre But come a gods name Prince Iohn stayes for vs. Exeunt Rob. This is the word euer at spend-thriftes feastes They are guld themselues and scoft at by their guests Exit Enter John Ioh. Buffild and scoft Skinke Gloster women fooles and boyes abuse me I le be reueng'd Ric. Reueng'd and why good childe Olde Faukenbridge hath had a worser basting Fa. I they haue banded from chase to chase I haue been their tennis ball since I did coort Ric. Come Iohn take hand with vertuous Isabell And lets vnto the Court like louing friends Our Kingly brothers birth daies feastiuall Is foorthwith to be kept thether we 'l hye And grace with pompe that great solemnity Jo. Whether ye wil I care not where I goe If griefe wil grace it I le adorne the shew Fa. Come Madam we must thither we are bound La. I am loath to see the Court Gloster being from thence Or kneele to him that gaue vs this offence Fa. Body of me peace woman I prethee peace Enter Redcap Red. Go go god ye go god s speed ye Ioh. Whether run you sir knaue Red. R r run ye sir knaue why I r run to my La Lady Fa Faukenbridge to te te tell her Sk Skinke and Gl Gloster is t taken and are gg one to the CC Court with L Lord Leyster and L Lord la la Lancaster Io. Is Gloster taken thether will I flye Vpon wraths wings not quiet til he dye Exit with Princesse Rich. Is Gloster taken Red I he is ta taken I wa
lou'd thee so as thou wert made a King Being his childe now he 's thy vnderling I haue done worse thrise I drew my swoord In three set battles for thy false defence Iohn hath done worse he still hath tooke thy part All of vs three haue smitte our fathers heart Which made proude Leyster bolde to strike his face To his eternall shame and our disgrace Hen. Silence I see thou leanst to finde none fit I am sure nor Lancaster nor Huntington Nor Faukenbridge will lay a hand on him Mother wife brother le ts descend the Throane Where Henry is the Monarch of the West Hath set amongst his Princes dignified Father take you the place see Iustice Kin. It s iniust Iustice I must tell thee Sonne Hen. Mother holde you the Bason you the Towell I know your French hearts thirst for English bloud Iohn take the Mallet I will holde the knife And when I bid thee smite strike for thy life Make a marke Surgion Gloster now prepare thee Glo. Tut I am ready to thy worst I dare thee Hen. Then haue I done my worst thrise honoured Earle I doe imbrace thee in affections armes Quee. What meanes thou Henry O what meanes my Son Hen. I meane no longer to be lullaby'd In your seditious armes Hen. wife Mordieu Henry Hen Mordieu nor deuill little tit of Fraunce I know your hart leapes at our hearts mischaunce Jo. Swounds Henry thou art mad Hen. I haue bin mad what stampst thou Iohn knowst thou not who I am Come stamp the deuill out suckt from thy Dam. Que. I le cursse thee Henry Hen. Your best be quiet least where we finde you to the Tower we beare you For being abroad England hath cause to feare yee Kin. I am strucke dombe with wonder Glo. I amaz'd imagine that I see a vizion Hen. Gloster I giue thee first this Skinke this slaue It s in thy power his life to spill or saue Skin He 's a noble gentleman I doe not doubt his vsage Hen. Stand not thus wondring Princes kneele all downe And cast your Coronets before his Crowne Downe stubborne Queene kneele to your wronged King Downe Mammet Leyster I le cut of thy legs If thou delay thy duety when proude Iohn Io. Nay if all kneele of force I must be one Fau. Now by my holydom a vertuous deed Hen. Father you see your most rebellious sonne Stricken with horror of his horred guilt Requesting sentence fitting his desart O treade vpon his head that trode your heart I doe deliuer vp all dignity Crowne Scepter swoord vnto your Maiesty Kin. My heart surfets with ioy in hearing this And deare Sonne I le blesse thee with a kisse Hen. I will not rise I will not leaue this ground Till all these voyces ioyned in one sound Cry God saue Henry second of that name Let his friends liue his foes see death with shame All. God saue Henry second of that name Let his friends liue his foes see death with shame Hen. Amen Amen Amen Joh. Harke mother harke My brother is already turned Clarke Quee. He is a recreant I am mad with rage Hen. Be angry at your enuy gracious mother Learne patience and true humility Of your worst tuter'd Sonne for I am he Send hence that Frenchwoman giue her her dowry Let her not speake to trouble my milde soule Which of this world hath taken her last leaue And by her power will my proude flesh controule Off with these silkes my garments shall be gray My shirt hard hayre my bed the ashey dust My pillow but a lumpe of hardned clay For clay I am and vnto clay I must O I beseech ye let me goe alone To liue where my loose life I may bemone Kin. Sonne Quee. Sonne Ric. Brother Io. Brother Hen. Let none call me their Sonne I am no mans brother My kindred is in heauen I know no other Farewell farewell the world is yours pray take it I le leaue vexation and with ioy forsake it Exit La. Wondrous conuersion Fau. Admirable good now by my holydam Mall passing good Ric. H'ath sir'd my soule I will to Palestine And pay my vowes before the Sepulcher Among the multitude of misbeliefe I le shew my selfe the Souldier of Christ Spend bloud sweat teares for satisfaction Of many many sinnes which I lament And neuer thinke to haue them pardoned Till I haue part of Sirria conquered Glo. He makes me wonder and inflames my spirits With an exceeding zeale to Portingale Which Kingdome the vnchristned Sarisons The blacke fac'd Affricans and tawny Moores Haue got vniustly in possession Whence I will fire them with the help of heauen Ski Skinke will scotrch them braue Gloster Make Carbonadoes of their Bacon fletches Deserue to be counted valiant by his valour And Ryuo will he cry and Castile too And wonders in the land of Ciuile doo Rob. O that I were a man to see these fights To spend my bloud amongst these worthy Knights Fa. Mary aye me were I a boy againe I de either to Ierusalem or Spaine Ioh. Faith I le keepe England mother you and I Will liue for all this fight and foolery Kin. Peace to vs all let 's all for peace giue prayse Vnlookt for peace vnlookt for happy dayes Loue Henries birth day he hath bin new borne I am new crowned new settled in my seate Le ts ' all to the Chappell there giue thankes and praise Beseeching grace from Heauens eternal Throne That England neuer know more Prince then one Exeunt FJNIS NOLI ALTVM SAPERE
escapt the Fleete by some mad sleight Wel farewel he better and better still These seeke forme yet I wil haue my will Jo. Shiriffe in any case be diligent Whos 's yonder Faukenbridge Glo. How now sweet chucke how fares my louely Prince Io. What carest thou or wel or ill we craue no help of thee Glo. Gods mother doe you scorne me Io. Gout what then Rich. Fye leaue these idle braules I prethee Iohn Le ts follow that we are inioyn'd vnto Glo. I mary Prince if now you slip the time Gloster wil slip away tut though he hate me I haue done seruice I haue found him out Ric. A shame confound thee for thy treachery Inconstant dotard tymerous olde asse That shakes with cowardise not with yeares Glo. Goe I haue found him I haue winded him Io. O let me hug thee gentle Faukenbridge Forgiue my oft ill vsing of thine age I le call thee Father I le be penitent Bring me where Gloster is I le be thy slaue All that is mine thou in reward shalt haue Glo. Soft not too hasty I would not be seene in 't Mary a god my wife would chide me dead If Gloster by my meanes should loose his head Princely Richard at this corner make your stand And for I know you loue my sister well Know I am Gloster and not Faukenbridge Ric. Heauen prosper thee sweet Prince in thy escape Glo. Shiriffe make this your quarter make good guard Iohn stay you heere this way he meanes to turne By Thomas I lacke a swoord body a me Io. What wouldst thou with a swoord olde Faukenbridge Glo. O sir to make shew in his defence For I haue left him yonder at a house A friends of mine an honest Cittizen Io. Wee 'll fetch him thence Glo. Nay then you iniure me stay till he come he 's in a russet cloake And must attend me like a Seruingman Io Holde ther 's my swoord and with my swoord my heart Bring him for Godsake and for thy desert My brother King and mother Queene shall loue thee Glo. Marke me good Prince yonder away we come I goe afore and Gloster followes me Let not the Shiriffe nor Richard meddle with vs Begin you first seaze Gloster and arrest him I le draw and lay about me heere and heere Be heedfull that your watchmen hurt me not Io I le hang him that doth hurt thee prethee away I loue thee but thou kilst me with delay Glo. Wel keep close watch I le bring him presently Io. Away then quickly Gl. Gloster close master Shiriffe Prince Richard Ri. Gloste radieu Glo. I trust you Rich. By my Knight-hood I le prooue true Exit Gloster Ioh. Reuenge I le build a Temple to your name And the first offring shal be Glosters head Thy Alters shal be sprinkled with the bloud Whose wanton current his mad humour fed He was a rymer and a Ridler A scoffer at my mother prays'd my father I le fit him now foral escape and all Ric. Take heede spight burst not in his proper gall Enter Faukenbridge and Blocke Jo. How now what way tooke Faukenbridge I wonder That is not Gloster sure that attends on him Fau He came not at the Shiriffes by the morrow masse I sought the Goldsmithes rowe and found him not Sirra y' are sure he sent not home my chaine Blo Who should send your chaine sir Fau. The Prince Prince Iohn I lent it him to day Io. What 's this they talke Blo By my truth Sir and ye lent it him I thinke you may goe look it for one of the Drawers of the Salutation tolde me euen now that he had tooke vp a chamber there till euening and then he will away to Kent Fau. Body of me he meanes to spend my chaine Come Blocke I le to him Iob. Heare you Faukenbridge Fau. Why what a knaue art thou younder 's Prince Iohn Bl. Then the Drawer's a knaue he told me Prince Iohn was at the Salutation Jo. Where 's Gloster Faukenbridge Fau. Sweet Prince I knowe not Joh. Come iest not with me tell me where he is Fau I neuer saw him since the Parlament Io. Impudent lyar didst thou not euen now Say thou woldst fetch him hadst thou not my sword Fau. Wert thou a King I will not beare the lye Thy sword no boy thou seest this sword is myne Blo My Master a lyer Zounds wert thou a potentate Fau. I scorne to weare thy armes vntutred childe I fetch thee Gloster shamelesse did I see thee Since as I went this morning to the Siriffes Thou borrowedst my gold chaine Io. Thy chaine Fau. I hope thou wilt not cheate me princkocks Iohn Io. I le cheat thee of thy life if thou charge me With any chaine Fau. Come let him come I pray I le whip yee boy I le teach you to out face Blo Come come come but one at once ye dasterds come Rich. Keepe the Kings peace I see you are both deceau'd He that was last heare was not Faukenbridge Fau. They slaunder me who sayes that I was heare Ric. Wee doe beleeue ye sir nor doe you thinke My brother Iohn deceiu'd you of a chayne Fau. He did I did deliuer it with this hand Joh. I le dye vpon the slanderer Fau. Let the boy come Blo I let him come let him come Ric. Fellow thou spakst euen now as if prince Iohn Had byn at some olde Tauerne in the towne Blo I sir I came vp now but from the Salutation And a drawer that doth not vse to lye tolde me Prince Iohn hath byn there all this after noone Ioh. The Deuill in my likenesse then is there Fau. The Deuill in thy likenesse or thy selfe Had my gold chaine Ioh. Thou art the Deuill for thou Hadst my good sword all these can witnesse it Fau. Gods Mother thou bely'st mee Jo. Giue me the lye Rich. Nay calme this fury lets downe to the Tauerne Or one or both these counterfeites are there Fau. I know him well enough that had my chaine And there be two Iohns if I finde one there Ber Lady I will lay him fast Rich. It is this Skinke that mockes vs I beleeue Joh. Alas poore Skink it is the Deuill Gloster Who if I be so happy once to finde I le giue contentment to his troubled minde Rcih I hope he 's far enough and free enough Yet these conseytes I know delight his soule Fau. Followe me Blocke follow me honest Blocke Blo Much follow you I haue another peece of worke in hand I heare say Redcaps father shall bee hanged this after noone I le see him slip a string though I giue my seruice the slip beside my Lady bad me heare his examination at his death I le get a good place and pen it word for word and as I like it set out a moornefull Dittie to the tune of Labandalashot or rowe wel ye Marriners or somwhat as my muse shall me inuoke Exit Enter Gloster like Faukenbridge with a Purseuant Gloster hauing a paper
man sir downe I pray yee I pray let me sit downe A sir Richard sir Richard a good sir Richard what haue I deseru'd to be thus dealt with all at your worships hands a ha ah ah Fau. At my hands knaue at my hands paltry knaue Dra. And I should be brought to my booke oath sir Within What Ieffrey Dra. Anan anan Ioh. A plague vpon your Ieffring is your name Ieffrey Dra. I and 't please you sir Rich. Why gentle Ieffrey then stay you awhile What can you say if you come to your booke Dra. If I bee pos'd vpon a booke sir though I bee a poore prentise I must speake the truth nothing but the truth sir Jo. And what 's your truth sir Pur. O O my heart Dra. Mary sir this Knight this man of worship Fau. Well what of me what did my worship doe Dra. Mary ye came into the Bel our roome next the Barre with this honest man as I take it Fau. As thou tak'st it Pur. O sir t is too true too true too true O Lord. Dra. And there he call'd for a pint of Sacke as good Sacke I le bee pos'd vpon all the bookes that euer opened and shut as any is in all Christendome Fau. Body of me I come and call for Sacke Pur. O ye did ye did ye did O O. Ioh. Well forward sirra Ric. Gloster hath done this iest Dra. And you call'd then for Suger sir as good Suger and as wholsome as euer came in any cup of Sacke you drunke to this man and you doe well God be thanked but hee no sooner drunke Pur. But I but I but I O my head O my heart Rich. I cannot chuse but smile at these conseites Io. I am mad and yet I must laugh at Faukenbridge Brother looke how sir Richard actes his rage Fau. I came I call the man is like to dye Practise by th'emafse practise by the marry God Iohn loues me not Prince Richard loues my wife I shall be charg'd heere for a poysned knaue Practise by th'Lord practise I see it cleare Pur. And more Sir Richard O Lord O Sir Richard Fa. What more what hast thou more what practise more Pur. O my box my box with the Kings armes O my box O my box it cost me O Lord euery penny O my box Rcih And what of your box sir Dra. Mary sir it 's lost t is wel knowne my Master keeps no theeues in his house O there was none but you and he Fau. O then belike thou thinkest I had his box Pur. O sir Richard I will not O Lord I will not charge you for all the world but but but for the warrant the olde King signd to repreeue the Porter of the fleet O God O God! Ioh. The Porter of the Fleet the olde king signd Pur. I my good Lord oh oh Io. Is he repreiued then Pur. No my Lord O sir Richard tooke it from me with his owne hand O. Fau. Heere 's a deuice to bring me in contempt With the olde King that I euer lou'd Princes and Shiriffe you can witnesse with me That I haue bin with you this after noone Onely with you with no body but you And now a fellow whome the King would saue By a repreiue this fellow sayes is hang'd Io. If thou hadst done it I de haue iustified it But Richard I conceipt this iest already This mad mate Skinke this honest merry knaue Meeting this Purseuant and hearing tell He had a warrant to repreeue a slaue Whome we would hang stole it away from him This is sure the Iest vpon my life it is Pur. O but my warrant how shall I doe O Ric. But looke about you hot braind brother Iohn And I beleeue you 'l finde it otherwise Gloster hath got the warrant in disguise And sau'd the fellow you so faine would hang. Io. No no how say you M. Shiriffe is he not hang'd Shi. My Lord the gibbet was set vp by noone In the olde Bayly and I charg'd my men If I returne not though it were by Toarch light To see him executed ere they come Jo. I am greedy to heare newes Fau. Rob'd of my chaine out-fac'd I had a swoord Accus'd of poysoning cousonage seeking bloud Not to be borne it is vntollerable Rich. Sir Richard I prethee haue some patience Fau. I le to Blacke-heath talke not of patience It is intollerable not to be borne Io. It is intollerable not to be borne A warrant brother Faukenbridge a warrant Fau. I saw no warrant I defie you all Jo. A slaue a Purseuant one winter borne Fau. I care not for thee that winter borne Pur. O it is I sir that 's my warrant Io. I st you you rogue you drunkerd yeare cheated And we are cheated of the prisoner Out dog dog Pur. O ô ô ô my Lord. Exit and Drawer Shi. Haue patience and we wil haue a priuy search Ioh. Goe hang ye block-heads get ye from my sight O would I were a Basiliske to kill These gleare ey'd villaines Shir. Come away let 's leaue him Exeunt Shiriffes and Officers We haue a warrant let him doe his worst Fau. I le to Blacke-heath I le to the holy Hermit There shall I knowe not onely these deceiuers But how my wife playes fast and loose with Richard Ha I shall fit them I le tickle them I le doo 't I le hence I le to the Heath amaine Exit Ioh. There shall I know where this damned Gloster is I le haue the Deuils rous'd to finde that Deuill Or else I le coniure the olde Coniurer I le to Blacke-heath and there with friends conspire But I le haue Glosters head my hearts desire Rich. Would mad Earle Robyn saw these humouristes T wol'd feed him fat with Laughter O t wold sit him Where euer he is I knowe the bate consaite Is better to him than his daintiest foode Well and it fits mee well now I haue time To coort my Lady Faukenbridge at leysure Loue I emplore thy aide faire Cipria Thou sea-borne mother at affections ring Shine brightly in thy sphere that at my starre My plannet thou of all lights most beautious Be thou to my desires Auspitious Exit Enter Robin Hood in the Lady Faukenbridges gowne night attire on his head Rob. O for this Lady was neuer poore Gentleman troubled with Gentlewoman as I am with my selfe my Lady Faukenbridge hath fitted me a turne heere I am visited with sleeuelesse errands and with asking for this thing Madam and that thing Madam that they make me almost mad in earnest whoop heer 's another Client Enter a Seruingman Ser. Heer 's my Lady Rawfords Page attends to speake with your Ladyship Rob. I pray ye bid her Lordships Page come into my Ladyship well Robin Hood part with these pettycoates And cast these loose deuices from thy backe I le nere goe more vntrust neuer bee kercheft Neuer haue this adoe with what doe you lacke Enter Page Pag. Madam my Lady greets your
take m me away for re re Redcap will r ru run rarely Exit Hen. The sundrie misdemeanors late committed As theftes and shifts in other mens disguise We now must knaue Skinke freely tell thy faults Skin Sweet King by these two terrors to myne enemies that lend light to my bodies darknes Cauilero Skinke being beleagerd with an hoste of leaden heeles arm'd in ring Irish cheated my hammerer of his Red cap and Coate was surprised brought to the fleet as a person suspected past currant till Gloster stript me from my counterfet clad my backe in silke and my hart in sorrow and so left me to the mercy of my mother witt how Prince Iohn releast me he knowes howe I got Faukenbridges chaine I know but how he will get it againe I know not Fau. Where is it sirra tell me where it is Glo. I got it from him and I got Iohns sword Joh. I would t were to the hilts vp in thy harte Ric. O be more charitable brother Iohn Ley. My Leidge you need not by perticulars Examine what the world knows too plaine If you will pardon Skinke his life is sau'd If not he is conuicted by the Law For Gloster as you worthyly resoul'd First take his hand and afterward his head Hen. Skinke thou hast life our pardon and our loue Ski And your forgiuenesse for my robbery Io. Tut neuer trouble me with such a toy Thou hindrest me from hearing of my ioye Hen. Bring forth a blocke wine water and towell Kniues and a Surgion to binde vp the vaines Of Glosters arme when his right hand is off His hand that strooke Skinke at the Parlament Sk. I shall beare his blowes to my graue my Lord. Kin. Sonne Henry see thy fathers palzie hands Ioyn'd like two supplyants pressing to thy throwne Looke how the furrowes of his aged cheeke Fild with the reuolets of wet eyde mone Begs mercy for Earle Gloster weigh his gilt Why for a slaue should Royall blood be spilt Ski You wrong myne honour Skink may be reueng'd Hen. Father I doe commend your humble course But quite dislike the proiect of your sute Good words in an ill cause makes the fact worse Of blood or Basenes Iustice will dispute The greater man the greater his transgression Where strength wrongs weaknes it is meare oppression La. O but King Henry heare a sister speake Gloster was wrong'd his lands were giuen away They are not Iustly said Iust lawes to break That keep their owne right with what power they may Thinke then thy Royall selfe began the wrong In giuing Skinke what did to him belong Quee. Heare me Sonne Henry while thou art a King Giue take pryson thy subiects are thy slaues Life need thrones proud hearts in dungions fling Grace men to day to morrowe giue them graues A King must be like Fortune euer turning The world his football all her glory spurning Glo. Still your olde counsaile Beldam pollicie You 'r a fit Tutresse in a Monarchy Rich. Mother you are vniust sauage too cruell Vnlike a woman gentlenes guides their sexe But you to furyes fire ad more fewell The vexed spirit will you delight to vex O God when I consaite what you haue done I am a sham'd to be estem'd your sonne Jo. Base Richard I disdaine to call thee brother Takest thou a traytors part in our disgrace For Gloster wilt thou wrong our sacred mother I scorne thee and defie thee to thy face O that we were in field then shouldst thou trie Rob. How fast Earle Iohn would from Prince Richard flye Thou meet a Lyon in feeld poore mouse All thy Carreers are in a Brothell house Ioh. Zounds boy Ric. Now man Ley. Richard you wrong Prince Iohn Ric. Leyster t weare Good you proou'd his Champion Jo. Hasten the execution Royall Lord Let deeds make answer for their worthlesse wordes Glo. I know if I respected hand or head I am encompassed with a world of frends And could from fury bee deliuered But then my freedom hazards many liues Henry performe the vtmost of thy hate Let thy hard harted mother haue her wil Giue Franticke Iohn no longer cause to prate I am prepared for the worst of ill You see my knees kisse the could pauements face They are not bent to Henry nor his frends But to all you whose bloud fled to your hearts Shewes your true sorrowe in your ashye cheekes To you I bend my knees you I intreat To smile on Glosters Resolution Who euer loues me will not shed a teare Nor breath a sigh nor show a cloudy frowne Looke Henry heares my hand I lay it downe And sweare as I haue Knighthood heer 't shall lye Till thou haue vsed all thy tyranny La. Has no man heart to speake Glo. Let all that loue me keepe silence or by heauen I le hate them dying Quee. Harry off with his hand then with his head Fau. By the red rood I cannot chuse but weepe Come loue or hate my teares I cannot keepe Que. When comes this lingring executioner Joh. An executioner an executioner Hen. Call none till we haue drunke father fill wine To day your Office is to beare our cupp Ric. I le fill it Henry K. kneele downe He. Dick you are too meane so bow vnto your soueraigne Gl. Kneele to his childe O hell O tortor Gloster learne Who would loue life to see this huge dishonor Hen. Saturne kneel'd to his Sonne the God was faine To call young Ioue his ages Soveraigne Take now your seate againe and weare your Crowne Now shineth Henry like the Middayes Sonne Through his Horizon darting all his beames Blinding with his bright splendor euery eye That stares against his face of Maiesty The Commets whose malicious gleames Threatned the ruyne of our Royalty Stands at our mercy yet our wrath denyes All fauour but extreame extreamityes Gloster haue to thy sorrow chafe thy arme That I may see thy bloud I long'd for oft Gush from thy vaines and staine this Pallace roofe Io. T would exceed gilding Quee. I as golde doth Oaker Glo. It s wel ye count my bloud so precious Hen. Leyster reach Gloster wine Ley. I reach it him Hen. Proude Earle I le spurne thee quickely go beare it Glo. I le count it poyson if his hand come neere it Hen. Giue it him Leyster vpon our displeasure Glo. Thus Gloster takes it thus againe he flings it In scorne of him that sent it and of him that brought it Ski O braue spirit La. Brauely resolu'd brother I honour thee Quee. Harke how his sister ioyes in his abuse Wilt thou indure it Hall Fau. Peace good Marian. Hen. Auoyde there euery vnder Officer Leaue but vs our Pieres and Ladyes heere Richard you loue Earle Gloster looke about If you can spye one in this company That hath not done as great a sinne as Gloster Chuse him let him be the executioner Ric. Thou hast done worse then like rebellie us head Hast arm'd ten thousand hands against his life That