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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02227 The tragedy of Mustapha Greville, Fulke, Baron Brooke, 1554-1628. 1609 (1609) STC 12362; ESTC S103431 27,607 54

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though he meane his ouerthrow Least men should thinke their fauour but a net VVhere easie in but hardly out they get Rossa Rosten let Mustapha be thy example That Tragedies are Gods and Princes plaies Kings know new hopes blot out the shame of bookes Desires eye on hope onely lookes While childrens blood the fathers forehead staine What priuiledge for Councellors remaine He that hath intent to ruine houses Plucks not the timber all at once away Least ruines ruine on himselfe he lay Fury will haue a time to breathe from killing Fury is a wheele with ease kept going Where it with many hands at first was moued Feares shield of proofe is trampt in others blood Good fortune seldome comes by doing good Rost. Fortune is often by presumption tempted To turne the backe Rossa Nay fortune harlot-sicke Who thinkes good maner to be want of spirit Is dearest vnto those that vse her rudely Onely with humble bashfulnesse is tempted Rost. What argument against him Rossa Vse of killing Suspition the fauourite of Princes Delight of change fauours past and feare of greatnesse Sharpned by Acmats harsh and open dealing With noble Princes libertie would draw Into the narrow scope of common awe Power of mischance yeelds honour to aduenture Mustapha is dead Rost. Not dead while Acmat liueth Small sparkes from fire quencht to danger growes From him that feares to strike feare neuer parteth Let Acmat die and danger is departed For Zanger I his brothers charge haue gotten Yet least his death not lookt for might amase him For youth and kindnesse oft doe thinke it glory At things done for their profit to repine I will make haste and giue him from his father Mustaphaes estate his fortune and succession When reason failes one passion rules another Hope and good fortune doe forget a brother Rossa Come Rosten let vs doe and then consider CHORVS VVHen will this life this sparke put in our spright To giue light to this lumpe of flesh and blood Leaue to denie strong destinie her right VVhich it feeles daily cannot be withstood Man looke not downe looke vp into the skie There liue thou must and mai'st be glad to die ACTVS V. SCENA I. Achmatt alone In what Dilemma of mischance stand I Vs'd by the subtile Art of wicked gouernement To serue a tyrants turne with faith and honestie Plac'd ouer men whome vniust rage doth iustly moue I am either in heate of heady mutinie To die or scaping by respect that saftie may Suspition to my selfe and honour lay Destinie hath shot the shaft and it must light To stirre or paine against the streame of fate Which mooues from ill deserts it is too late Innocence and faith from safe estates ouerthrow For floods of error from authoritie The multitude hath easily ouerthrowen For when Kings states must and must fall Iustice diuides not there but ruines all But looke where Rossa comes like Aprill waters Both gusts and cleaues in stormie forhead carrying Like power that with itselfe doth feare miscarying ACTVS V. SCENA II. Rossa Chorus Acmat Acm. Who euer thinkes by vertue to aspire And goodnesse deemes to be good fortunes starre Or who by mischiefe will seeke his desire And thinkes no Conscience wayes to honour are Mustapha here seeing thee and me Sees no man good or ill rules destinie And would exchange the course of fates by wit Which Gods doe make to bring their workes to end And with it selfe euen oft doth ruine it A Tyrant fate to them that doe amisse For nothing left me but my error is Chor. VVhat glory is this that with it selfe is sad Good lucke makes all men but the guiltie glad Ross. Zanger for whome Mustapha was slaine Zanger for whome Camanaes blood was shed Zanger for whome all the world on me complain'd Hath done that which no truth or law could doe Remorce and feares in my distresse hath bred Murthered himselfe and ouerthrowne me too In euery creatures heart there liues desire VVhich men doe follow as appearing good And Greatnes men doe thinke it to aspire Although it weaknes be well vnderstood This vnbound raging infinite thoughts fire I tooke nay it tooke me and plac'd my heart On hopes to alter Empires and Successions And as the sea when his ambitious power Hath ouer-run his neighbour element His pride his rage his glorie to deuoure Nor can with any greatnes be content Till all the Countrie that lay still before Rise vp and force him back vnto the shore So when as I had wonne the marriage bed And Soliman with himselfe ouercome To breake and lay a sleepe his Prophets law By being only of desire in awe Error of selfe harme euer brought a bed Made me this wheele of misfortune drawe Daunger was sport mischiefe desires art Nothing seemd hard but to leaue this impression I Mustapha his fall did vndertake And like the stormes that doe blow VVhen all things but themselues they ouerthrow Hatefull I did him to his father make But as desires on diuers things are plac'd So diuers works For foules like senses haue a diuers taste There be birds of the day and of the night No laws can make one will to be embrac't The daughters heart will make the mother spight Camenas thoughts were soft her good was forth She but with others loue though nothing worth To Mustapha she opens mine intent For she had tried but could not turne my heart Yet she no hurt to me in telling ment Yet hurt she did me to disclose my art I sought reuenge reuenge it could not be For I confesse she neuer wronged me But as the Christian when she sees her child Puld by the great-Lords-men from mothers breast Though she do know it will him honor yeeld Yet for her fathers sake her soule cannot rest So though I know Camenas heart was good Yet I did earne to haue my will withstood Remorce which hath affection in each heart Since whose reason is but what they see Womanish loue and shame with feare tooke part They all conspir'd to haue commanded me Humble patience voide of feare and art Camenas onely strength and weapons be I kild her yet confesse I did her loue Furies of choice what arguments can moue I kild her for a thought her death would proue That truth not hate made Mustapha suspected The more it seem'd against a mothers loue The more it shewd I Solyman affected Thus vnderneath seuere and vpright dealing A mischieuous step-mothers malice stealing It tooke effect for few meane ill in vaine He died infamous though he guilties were High power hath truth tied vnder lawes of feare I liue selfe-guilty and who durst complaine So little care the Gods for me below So little men feare God they do not know This Mustapha whose death I made my glory Hath spoiled all my power but power to be sorry For Zanger when he saw his brother dead Confusedly with diuers shapes distract He silent stood horrors darke cloudes possest him Madnes was mixt with woe kindnes with Racke reuerence reuenge both representing shame Stood equally against and with a mothers name But as these shadowes from his heart withdrew That light became restored to his mind The globes of his enraged cares he threw On me like nature iustly made vnkind Vertue bare secret witnes he was true Remorce did then make me my error find Finde Lo. this hatefull loue did make From pittie woe he spake Mother is this heart Is there nor Law your desire Can neither power nor goodnesse scape your art Be these the Counsels by which you aspire Doth mischiefe onely feare no ouerthwart Is there no Hell nor doe the Deuils loue fire If neither God Heauen Hell nor Deuill bee 'T is plague enough that I am borne of thee Mother O monstrous name shall it be said That thou hast done this fact for Zangers sake Honour and life shall they to me vpbraid That from thy mischiefe they their glory take O wretched men that vnder shame are laid For sinnes that we and sinnes our parents make Yet Rossa to be thine in this I glorie That being thine giues power to make thee sorie He wounds his heart and downe with death he fals On Mustapha who there for his sake died Fame with his breath he wils on him to call Forgetfulnesse he would should me betide For the dead and mercie for vs all And with these words for mercie died Thy goodnesse I mis-vnderstood Shunning ill did worse to shed my blood He dies VVoe is me when in my looke Horror I see all their lost but My loue I ioy become booke Eternitie of shame is printed there Thinke of God Alas that so I might Madnesse onely natures peace VVith thy selfe though all else thou displease Made to giue light spirits ease VVhat shall I doe Desuntpauca FINIS
their very loue brings miserie Most happie men that know not or else feare The slipperie second place of honours steppe Which we with enuie get and danger keepe But Kings whome strength of heart did first aduance Be sure what rais'd you first keepes you aboue Man subiect made himselfe it was not chance Loue treateth trueth and Ll. rule the world with feare loue Iustice not kindnesse reuerence doth inhaunce For subiects to your selues when you descend To doate on Subiects Maiestie hath end Here as in weaknesse flatterie prints her hart And priuate spight dare vse a Princes hand He error enters trueth and right depart And Princes scorne the newes from hand to hand As Rossa prints her selfe in our Lords loue And with her mischiefe doeth his malice moue First of her selfe shee durst send Rosten forth To murther Solyman his dearest sonne He found him onely garded with his worth Suspecting nothing and yet nothing done Rosten is now return'd for wicked feare Did euen make him wickednesse for beare A Beliarby dispatcht is sent to call him hither With colour of a warre against the Persian Indeede to suffer force of tyrannie From his inforced Fathers iealousie Who vtters this is to his Prince a traitour Who keepes this guiltie is his life is ruth And dying liues euer denying truth Thus hath the fancy-law of Kings ordained That who betrayes them most is most esteemed Who saith they are betrayed is traytor deemed I sworne am to my king and to his humor His humor No which they that follow most Wade in the sea wherein themselues are lost But Acmat stay who wrests his princes mind Presents his faith vpon the stage of chance Where vertue to the world fortune vnknowne Is oft misiudg'd because she is ouerthrowne Nay Acmat stay not who truth enuirons With circumstance of mans failing wit For feare for loue for hope for malice erreth Nature to Natures bankrupts he engageth And while none dare shew kings they go amisse Euen base obedience their corruption is Then feare dwell with the I ll Truth is assured Opinion be and raigne with Princes Fortunes Pollicy go peere the faults of mortall kingdomes Death threaten them that doubt to dye for euer I first am natures subiect then my Princes I will not serue to innocencies ruine Whose heauen is earth let them beleeue in princes My God is not the God of subtile murther Solyman shall know the worst I looke no further Act. 3. Scaen. 2. Enter Solyman and Acmat Soly. Acmat foolish naturall affection Openeth too late the wisedome of my fathers Who onely in their deaths decreed succession If Mustapha had neuer beene intitled In my life to the hope of my estate My life more then my death had him auailed Example might haue beene perswasion That high desires are borne out of occasion But kindnesse with her owne kinde folly beaten Like crooked sticks made straight with ouer-bending What she hath strooke too much must ouer-threaten Hath kings loue taught kings raigning giue offences That long life in the best kings discontenteth And false desires within false glasses shewed By Mustaphaes example learne to know Who hewes aboue his head shall hurt his eye Acmat giue order Mustapha shall die Acns. My fortune doth me witnesse beare That my hopes neede not stand vpon succession Where hopes want all but onely woe and feare Then Lord doubt not my faith though I withstand The fearefull counsell which you haue in hand Sir I confesse where one man ruleth all There feare and care are secret keies of witt Where all may rise and one may onely fall Their thoughts aspires and power must master it For worlds repine at those whome birth or chance Aboue all men and but a man aduance I know where easie hopes doe nurse desire The dead men onely of the wise are trusted And though crook'd feare do seldome rightly measure As thinking all things but it selfe dissembled Yet Solyman let feare direct kings counsels But feare not destinies which doe not altar Nor things impossible which cannot happen Feare false Stepmothers rage woman ambition Whereof each age to other is a glasse Feare them that feare not for desire to shame And loose their faiths to bring their wills to passe Establish Bassaes children for your heyres Let Mustaphaes hopes faile translate his right Let their ambitious thirst once glutted be Streight enuie dies feare will appeare no more For as ill men but in felicitie Where enuie feares and freedome sleepes seeme good So heyres to crownes tenants to miserie Their good is but in ill lucke vnderstood But Sir put of this charme of cunning spight Which makes you to yourselfe inuisible Make it not knowne deere Lord by your example That onely Enuy fuire and suspition In euery kinde and state keepe their condition If Mustapha haue one fault but his mother If else where then in her heart he be guiltie Let those deafe heauens which punnish and forgiue not Let hels most plagues vnto her best beloued Mallice and rage which without mischiefe liues not Thunder torment burne ruine and destroy mee If Mustapha haue one thought to annoy thee Solim. Mallice is like the lightning of the sommer Which when the skies are cleerest lights and burneth Her end is to doe hurt and not to threaten Iustice vniustly doth to loose occasion Hazards it selfe to force and to perswasion Acmat Sir hastie power is like the rage of thunder Whose violence is seldome well bestowed Danger not ment needs not to be preuented Reuenge still in your power is not repented Solim. Danger already come is past preuenting Princes whose Scepters must be feard of many Are neuer safe that liue in feare of any Acmat Tirants they are that punnish out of feare States wiser then the truth decline and weare Wisedome in man is but the print and doubt Whose inke is either blood secrets of states Which safely walls with gouernment about Solim. In princes dangers iustice euer goes Before the fact that all els ouerthrowes Besides my Bassaes in whose faith I trust As staies to mine estate with one consent Shew my sonnes fault and vrge me to be iust Thy selfe alone per chance with good intent Art crosse wisedome is not faiths Relative For oftentimes faith growes for lacke of wit And sees no perill till he feeles of it Acmat Doubt wounds within For as in kings when feare to kill hath might Both wrong and danger must be infinite And Sir we Bassaes whom you Monarches please To heare much further are from princely hearts Then eares for fauour growes the states disease When more then seruice it to vs imparts Base bloud hath narrow thoughts which set aboue Sees more of greatnesse then it comprehends And for all is not to our partiall ends We faile kings with themselues we take their might And vse to our reuenge make lawes a snare To ruine all but instruments our friends Till kings euen let in lease to two or three Are made of vs the to be