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A94063 Lydia's heart opened: or, divine mercy magnified in the conversion of a sinner by the Gospel Being the sum of several sermons preaced lately by James Strong, M.A. and Minister of the Gospel. Strong, James, 1618 or 19-1694. 1675 (1675) Wing S5993; ESTC R232916 38,722 113

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the heart of sin so it opens the heart to Christ unbelief bolts the door against him but Faith unlocks it Christ could not do many mighty works in Nazareth because of their unbelief away then with all sinful fears Though we have many misgivings within us yet lament them with bitterness and cry out I believe Lord help my unbelief Mind that blessed promise Mat. 2l 22 Whatsoever you ask believing it shall be given you 7. Lastly get your hearts warmed with the grace of Love though they are cold by nature yet beg a spark of this Heavenly fire from Heaven Love is of a dilating and widening nature it makes room in the heart for Christ read Joh. 14.23 If any man love me he will keep my word and my Father will come to him and we will dwell with him Can we possibly bolt the door and keep out him whom we love no the love of God will constrain us to let him in and entertain him 2 Cor. 5.14 The word there used signifies to streighten or to keep in but that is from other things as from sin and the world that so the soul may be the more free for God Oh then that the measure of our love to Christ might be beyond measure this one rule if practised would do the work for all God never parts from that soul where there is but love to entertain him Vse 6. Lastly its matter of unspeakable comfort to as many as with Lydia have their hearts opened Oh what heavenly peace and security what rivers of spiritual pleasure and joy should overflow our hearts as soon as God hath opened them Hath God opened thy heart know that God hath brought Heaven into thy heart now and the same God will bring thee into Heaven shortly When Lydia's heart was opened how was her joy increased and her affections enlarged we read she sought acquaintance with the Apostles she could no longer be a stranger to them who had been the instruments of her Conversion but besought them earnestly saying If you have judged me faithful to the Lord come into my house and abide there and she constrained us Her heart could not hold her comfort but must now impart some of it to them from whom she had received it If any of us have shared with Lydia in the Grace of the Gospel make a little room more in these narrow hearts of yours to entertain some part of her comforts also Q. You will tell me you would willingly but you doubt whether your heart be opened or no A. For your resolution you may know that your heart is opened by God If you find your love and your affections carried out to God above all things in Ezek. 44.2 where the Prophet describes the New Jerusalem We read the Lord brought him to the East-gate of the Sanctuary and said unto him This gate shall be shut and shall not be opened and no man shall enter in by it because the Lord God of Israel hath entered by it This gate is a figure of the heart which being once opened to God must be opened to nothing else We may know then that our heart is opened to God when 't is shut to all vanities in the world God will have all the heart or none nothing must share with him a heart possessed by God loves nothing but God or for God 2. If our heart be opened to God it will cast out all sin as when the graves were opened at Christs death we read they sent forth their dead the dead bodies arose as soon as the graves were opened so 't will be in a soul that is opened to Christ it will cast out all dead works works of sin and darkness If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin 3. A heart opened to Christ will send forth all sorts of spiritual Graces duties and performances as 't is with the Earth while it lies bound up and frozen in the Winter it 's barren and brings forth nothing but as soon as the spring warms it with the Sun and opens it it sends forth all sweet herbs and flowers even thus we may know that Christ is within us by the Graces and gracious performances that are without Christ is a living root a root that never ceases but like Aaron's rod is always blooming and blossoming 4. Where the heart is opened to Christ all is opened all the parts and powers of the whole man God is so entertained into one part that he is kept out of none 't is all suitable where God hath opened the heart A taste you may have in these Particulars 1. There 's an open ear to hear the Word of God till God hath taken possession of the heart we are like the deaf Adder that stop our ears to the voice of Gods sweet charmers Isa 29.18 In that day shall the deaf hear the words of this Book and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and darkness 1 The blind and deaf Gentiles shall in the days of the Gospel be both enlightned and enlivened with saving knowledg whensoever God commands men to return from iniquity he openeth their ears to discipline Job 36.10 Gods Word comes with authority and makes its own way to make room for Christ when once he hath taken hold of the heart 2. There 's an open eye to see the will and mind of God we are all by nature as well blind as deaf in things that are spiritual but God makes the eyes of the blind to see as well as the ears of the deaf to hear Isa 35.5 that is God so far enlightens our understanddings that the mysteries of Salvation are revealed and made clear to us Gods Word comes now with a Commission when it goeth forth it gives light and understanding to the simple Gods redeemed shall never miscarry thorow ignorance They have an unction from the holy one and know all things 1 Job 2.20 1 Whatsoever is necessary to Salvation in lesser errors Believers may be intangled but in Fundamentals they shall never If any man be a doer of Gods will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of God Job 7.17 3. There 's an open hand to do the work of God such whose hearts God hath opened are not only hearers of the Word but doers also such a one shews his Faith by his Works you may see what such a one is within by what he is without Like Noah's Ark he is pitcht within and without there 's grace within and grace without he shews by a good conversation his works in meekness and wisdom Jam. 3.13 4. Lastly where God hath opened the heart there is also an open mouth to praise God This is added to compleat the work Isa 35.6 God promises to make the tongue of the dumb to sing Such souls whom God hath visited in mercy are not able to conceal either Gods mercies or their own comforts no they must speak of the loving-kindness of God though it be
that Christ dwells in them by faith and sith they have good evidences that they are such what need more ado for them A. There are divers degrees and measures of Grace whereby Christ dwells in his Elect and though we have already opened to him yet 't is our duty to open wider still Our case is like that of the blind-man whom Christ cured in the Gospel who after the first touch saw men as trees walking but Christ touches his eyes again and then he saw plainly Mar. 8.25 'T is just so with the best of Gods Saints Alas we have but a little of the Power and Spirit of Christ at our first acquaintance with him and therefore we must evermore widen our hearts and make more room to entertain him Arg. 5. Consider the many engagements God hath laid upon us to open our hearts to him God hath opened his heart to us he hath not lockt up the Mysteries of the Gospel in secresie No as we read of Sampson for the love he bore to Delilah he told her all his heart so hath God to us he hath kept nothing from us that may make us wise to Salvation The Apostle tells the Church of Ephesus That he had shewed them all the counsel of God Act. 20.27 And that the will of God was never revealed to other ages as now it is revealed to us Eph. 3.5 2. God hath opened Heaven to us that for sin was shut against all Adams posterity for as Adam sinning was driven out of an Earthly Paradise so was he also out of the Heavenly Paradise and Christ came from Heaven and suffered death for us that he might open a way for us again into Heaven therefore he is called our forerunner Heb. 6.20 Whither our forerunner is entered in for us The Holy of Holies in the Sanctuary was a type of Heaven this holy place was severed or parted from the body of the Sanctuary by a veil at Christs death we read this veil rent in twain Mat. 17.51 hereby shewing us that Christ by his death hath made an open way for us into the Holy of Holies in Heaven God hath paved us a way in the blood of his Son and now we may come with boldness 3. God opens his ears to our prayers Isa 37.17 his eyes to distresses Exod. 3.7 I have surely seen the affliction of my people Israel which are in Egypt and have heard their cry c. He hears his peoples prayers and their enemies threats he hears the railing of Rabshekah the cursing of Shimei and the least injuries that are plotted against the just shall not we open our heart to him 4. He hath opened hell and the grave for us We read when Christ suffered at the Resurrection many dead bodies of the Saints which slept arose with him Mat. 27.53 to assure us that he hath the keys of hell and of death and that he will not leave the dust of his Saints for ever under the power of death No I know thou wilt not leave my soul in the grave c. Psal 16. The grave until Christs Resurrection was an impregnable hold and from thence had been no redemption had not Christ opened it for our deliverance 5. God opens his hand to us daily in the gifts of his bounty God comes loaden with plenty of all good things He openeth his hand and filleth every living thing with goodness whatever wants the poor creature sustains God alone supplys them all Oh shall God open so much to us and shall we not open our hearts to him it would be horrid ingratitude should we thus requite the Lord. The duty though most reasonable yet it 's difficult these Directions improved may make it easie Direct 1. Be faithful and diligent in searching into the state of your hearts know that there are a thousand deceits that lodg and lurk in the hearts of the sons of men The Psalmist tells us That the ungodly boasteth of his hearts desire When Solomon assures us That the soul of the wicked desireth evil Prov. 21.10 O let not your treacherous hearts deceive you pose your selves with such serious Questions as these Heart what is thy case how is it with thee tell me faithfully whether thou art the old heart or the new whose Image dost thou bear Christs or Satans Art thou a dead heart or a living hast thou been ever new-made or no hast thou new affections new motions and desires or no tell me hath Christ taken possession of thee or not These would be close Questions if our hearts were held closly to answer them Know you not saith the Apostle that Christ is in you except you are reprobates 2. If you find not Christ within you mourn over your empty hearts What a lamentation did Mary make when she found the grave empty when she sought Christ Ah they have taken away my Lord c. Much more reason have we to break our hearts with sorrow if upon a serious search we find not Christ in our heart Oh cry out Sin and Satan have robbed me of my dearest Saviour no tokens or footsteps of Christ to be seen in me 3. Seek Christ diligently imitate the Church in a like case who sought Christ Jesus at home and abroad by night upon her bed she sought him whom her soul loved arose and went about the City and enquires of the Watchmen and all to find her Beloved Cant. 1.5 4. Be gleaning in Gods field the Ordinances of God are a spiritual harness where you may fill your empty sacks as Joseph did his Brethrens Ruth gleaned in Boaz's field among the sheaves and reapers and so returned laden Christs Ordinances are like Israels Camp where the Heavenly Manna falls If your souls are sick of love to Christ here he 's present to refresh you with flagons of spiritual liquor far better than wine Take then Christs own counsel get forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed your kids beside the shepherds tents Cant. 1.8 The Prophet calls the Word a hammer come under this hammer and there 's hope of opening Again the word is Christ's voice and 't is worth our observation that the Church first cried out It is the voice of my Beloved that knocketh before she opened Cant. 5.2 5. Affect your hearts with the incomparable excellencies of Christ We are all in a deep sleep by nature and who will rise and open to one whom he doth not know Observe when Christ sollicited his Church she had never stirred out of that deep slumber she was in and opened to him had she not been thorowly convinced of those rare endowments that were in him witness that rare description she makes of him from the 10. v. to the end of that Cant. 5. the daughters of Jerusalem wondered she troubled her self so much about her Beloved to whom she replys Do you wonder my beloved is white and ruddy and the chiefest among ten thousand c. 6. Labour for Faith as for Heaven it self as Faith empties
he ceased not to give thanks for them making mention of them always in his prayers Had Paul known any blessing better than this sure he whose heart was so set upon them would have begged it for them But further to prove the greatness of this inestimable blessing read 2 Cor. 6.16 where the Apostle enjoyns his Corinthians the highest pitch of holiness upon this ground For what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for ye are the temple of the living God as he hath said I will dwell in them and walk among them and I will be their God and they shall be my people In this Scripture we have a double argument to prove the greatness of this blessing 1 Christs dwelling in his people 1. The greatness of the duty that is urged from it v. 17. Come forth from among them and be ye separate c. Now for weighty services God usually furnishes his people with strongest arguments as is evident in Abraham's case Gen. 17.1 't was high service that God enjoyned him Walk before me and be thou perfect And high encouragements God gave him I am God all-sufficient c. Deus jubet juvat God's Commands carry strength with them whatever Abraham's weakness be yet this supports him that the everlasting arms are under him God is all-sufficient both for the work and reward 'T was hard work too on which God set Moses when he sent him with a commission to deliver Israel from Egypt and suitable encouragements God gives him God finds his heart low and raises it to a height suiting his service by working no less than three several Miracles to strengthen him his Rod is turned into a Serpent his hand is leprous and the river is turned into blood Exod. 4. 2. A second argument which this Scripture yields us to prove the greatness of this blessing is this That Christs dwelling in us is but a short abridgment of the Covenant of Grace for that 's presently added I will be your God and you shall be my people When we have summed up all those invaluable blessings that are treasured up in the Covenant we have all in a little viz. in Christ dwelling in us peace pardon grace glory all is virtually comprehended in this 2ly Again 't is the very blessing God promises the Saints in Heaven Rev. 21.3 where S. John saw the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven c. He heard a voice from heaven saying Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people c. Christs dwelling in us is but Heaven aforehand or Heaven upon Earth if God dwell in us here by his Grace he will dwell with us in glory But for our more Methodical prosecution of the point I shall confine my self to this method 1. I shall explain it 2. Confirm and 3. Apply it For the Explication I shall do that by answering several Queries in which the sum of the Conclusion lies Q. 1. The first is what we are to understand by the heart A. Not to trouble our selves with the various acceptations of the word heart in Scripture many of which are impertinent to our purpose we are to understand by heart the Will and the Affections especially as in the former Discourse these are the spring out of which are the issues of life Prov. 4.22 and that good treasure mentioned Mat. 12.24 But a good man out of the good treasure of his heart c. Q. The next thing to be enquired is what we are to understand by Christs dwelling in us A. It 's a Metaphorical or figurative speech to shew that intimacy and holy acquaintance that is between Christ and Believers Christ is not in the heart as a stranger in an Inn where he tarries but a night but as a man dwelling in his own house where he lives and works and rules c. More particularly this dwelling of Christ implys these several things 1. It implys propriety Christ will never usurp where he hath no right no he never dwells but in his own his own he will never lose and more than his own he will never take All that the Father hath given me shall come to me Job 6.37 Satan shall never sit quiet for ever in a soul that belongs to Christ though the strong man armed keeps the house yet a stronger than himself will come and bind him not one of those that are heirs of the promises shall miscarry no I will ransom them from the Power of the grave I will redeem them from death Hos 13.14 4. Christ's dwelling in believers implies actual possession a man may have a just right or claim where yet he may not dwell Christ doth not content himself with a bare right to his redeemed but he takes actual possession of them he keeps house in theirs hearts Joh. 14.20 At that day you shall know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you Furthermore Christ Jesus may be said to possess believers two ways 1. By assuming our nature When the Word was made flesh he dwelt among us Joh. 1.14 1 lived and conversed awhile with the sons of men yea he dwelt in us in as much as he was partaker of flesh and blood with us And as the fulness of the God-head dwelt in Christ so Christ too dwells in us 2. By communicating to us his Spirit The Spirit of Christ is the Fountain of all Grace and comfort and by this Spirit of Christ we have both union and communion with him Gal. 2.20 Christ liveth in me Christ is in us as a Principle of life and Grace active and operative he is not in the Soul as once he was in the ship asleep but always inciting quickening and enlivening his elect who would again becom dead in sin but he acts and excites his own Grace in them 3. Christs dwelling in us means the neerest intimacy that is imaginable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so 't is in the original I will indwell in them 2 Cor. 6.16 As if Christ could never have communion enough with his People Now this sweet and saving intimacy will appear in those things 1. His People shall know his secrets Psal 25.14 The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will shew them his Covenant The saints are all Gods secretaries when God intended that fearful overthrow of Sodom shall I hide from Abraham saies God the thing that I do No Abraham was his friend and as a bosom-friend He shall know his Councell such honour have all his saints 2. He will speak to their hearts Hos 2.14 When the hearts of Gods People are so overwhelmed with grief that men and Angels prove miserable comforters They may speak to the ear but cannot reach the heart then Christ alone doth this I even I am he that doth comfort thee c. Isa 51.12 Christ speaks such things as make our hearts leap Thus he spake
into Macedonia and help us Where by the way we may note that Ministers how meanly soever esteemed in the world are those by whom God helps his perishing people This title the Apostle owns a helper of his peoples joy 2 Cor. 1.24 Those that cannot help themselves sometimes can yet help others poor themselves yet make many rich Luther boldly told the Prince of Saxony Scire te velim c. I would have your Highness know you have more need of my Prayers than I have of your Protection Well now it appears indeed that Christ by his death hath pulled down the wall of partition between Jew and Gentile and that God hath put no difference between us and them for what was Macedonia at this time when Paul was called to preach Christ there but a mass and mixture of Ignorance and Atheism as we and other Gentiles were without God without Christ and without hope Eph 2.12 Being come to Macedonia he begun to preach at Philippi ver 12. and his encouragements at first were but mean for his auditory were only a few poor Women ver 13. Gualter on the place excellently notes how God exercises the faith and constancy of his Servants Paulus vocatus per Angelum putaret aliquis omnes ei obviam venturas c. Paul was called by an Angel who would not have thought that the whole Country would have flocked to hear such a Preacher But alas Paul's hopes fail him not one man came to hear the great Apostle only a few poor Women and among these God singles out one and marks her up for mercy v. 16. A certain woman named Lydia c. We have here then the History of Lydia's Conversion and here again we have 1. The Apostle preaching 2. A weak Woman hearing 3. The great God blessing the Sermon Or we hare 1. The person convetted who is several ways described 1. By her Name to confirm the truth of the story Lydia 2. By her Sex a Woman that Sex by which sin entered into the world 3. By her imployment a seller of Purple a trade as one observes serving not so much for necessity as for pride 4. By the place of her abode a stranger one of Thyatira a City of Lydia all these difficulties God breaks thorough humane improbabilities are no prejudice to Omnipotency Though we are by nature like the Prodigal are run into a far Country yet our Heavenly Father can easily bring us home 5. She 's described by her Religion she was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Worshipper of God A Gentile she was yet some dark notions she had of God which she got either by the light of nature or by tradition from her fore-fathers or some familiar acquaintance with the Jews such another as Cornelius was Act. 10. But whatever dark apprehensions she had of God yet she fell far short of a Christian for till the heart be made good ground and purified by Faith 't is impossible it can bear good fruit 2ly We have the means of her Conversion 1. Paul Preaches 2. Lydia heard the Word 3. God makes the Word effectual he opens her heart 'T is this latter part of the verse that I design for the subject of my discourse viz. the means of Lydia's Conversion God opened the heart of Lydia c. The first thing that I shall note is this Doct. 1. That 't is Gods work to open mans heart God may and doth use inferiour means to knock but none can open but himself Gods word in Scripture is called a hammer Jer. 23.29 With this God beats and knocks at the door of our hearts but no heart opens unless it be held in the hand of his own Spirit hence is that complaint of the Prophet Isa 53.1 Lord who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed No wonder that men believe not the report of the Gospel whilst God doth not put forth or make bare his own arm But for methods sake in prosecuting the Conclusion I shall observe this order 1. I shall shew what 's meant by the heart 2. What 't is to open the heart 3. I shall prove that 't is Gods work to open the heart 4. Shew why God opens the heart 5. Answer an Objection 6. Lastly come to Application 1. Then let us enquire what is meant by the heart and here to pass by the various significations of the Word in Scripture by heart here we are to understand the rational Soul with the faculties and affections which are therein for as the heart is the fountain of Natural life so 't is of Spiritual This is the womb wherein Christ is first formed see Rom. 10.10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness sc Here faith is seated here it s born and breaths its first breath Act. 8.37 Philip to the Eunuch If thou believest with all thine heart thou maist be baptized There is no less in that zealous Prayer of the Apostle for his Ephesians chap. 3.17 where he is upon his knees to the God of Heaven that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith 3. Let us inquire what 't is to open the heart In short to open the heart is to convert a soul or to turn a sinner from the power of darkness unto God The word in the Original that is here used signifies properly to open a door Now our hearts in Scripture as they are usually called doors so by nature they are all shut and that under three several locks and God in our Conversion opens them all There is one lock or bar of ignorance and this is Gods first work to open our understanding by nature we are very darkness it self Ephes 5.8 Like that poor man born spiritually blind thick cataracts there are upon all our eyes unless God touch them with the hand of his Grace and say Ephphata be opened Now as the first creature that God made in the first Creation was Light Gen. 1. so 't is in the new Creation he commands light to shine out of darkness Oh the gross and rude notions and apprehensions that we have by nature of the most fundamental Truths or the Gospel How hardly are we perswaded that by nature we are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity tell a poor sinner that he is the servant of sin he 'l reply as the Jews he was never in bondage to any man How hardly were the Disciples themselves perswaded that Christs Kingdom was any other than an earthly Kingdom With what difficulty were they brought to believe that their Lord and Master was risen nor had they at last had not Christ himself opened their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures Luk. 24.45 O rich mercy O Divine work The Preacher tells us 'T is a good thing for the eyes to see the light What a mercy is it then when Christ opens blind eyes to see the wonderful things contained in his Law Ps 119.18 2. The second
bar or bolt that by nature is upon our hearts is stubbornness this sticks to our wills man by nature is a way ward and a self-will'd creature our wills are imbondaged to sin and though we have a will to destory our selves yet we have none to save our selves Corrupt minds know no other law but their own lusts and of these they cry out as Israel of their Idols Strangers have we loved and strangers will we follow Jer. 2.25 When Christ comes and knocks at our hearts corruption presently rises to oppose him we will not have this man to reign over us Luk. 19.14 But God comes with his key and opens this door also he makes us of an unwilling to be a willing people Psal 110.3 This God doth not by violence and compulsion but in a sweet and a gracious way he perswades Japheth to dwell in the Tents of Shem Gen. 9.27 God reasons us out of our rebellion making use of that excellent gift of reason wherewith he hath adorned his creature And thus debates the case with him What reason have you to forsake me who am a fountain of living water for broken cisterns that will hold no water Why will you die O house of Israel When all was well between God and you was it not better with you than now Turn you turn you therefore from your evil ways Thus God treats man as a reasonable creature and takes the hint of his own gifts wherewith he bath endowed his creature 3. There 's one lock or bolt more which God opens and that is the Affections Man by mature cannot delight in God nor love him but when God woes in earnest he wins our hearts and engages all our affections to himself so that we love nothing but God or for God for when once the Will is won all is won For the Will among other perfections of the Soul hath the dominion over all the other faculties and affections when therefore it hath fixt the desires or some good that is proportionable to the wideness of the heart it useth its liberty for the choosing of such means as are most proper for the attaining of that good and imploys all the inseriour faculties for the execution of these means In short as soon as the Soul becomes ravisht with the apprehension of that infinite goodness that is in God it 's earnestly drawn out to desire union with him and participation of his glory So that now God is the adequate object of all our love joy and desire and that this is no other but Gods work see Deut. 30.6 The Lord thy God will circumcise thy heart and the heart of thy seed to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul c. But this is more directly our next work 3. The third thing proposed is to prove that 't is Gods work to open mans heart He that made the heart can only open it men may knock but there 's none can open and enter but God alone We read in the Acts when the Exorcists undertook to cast out unclean spirits the Devils answered Jesus we know and Paul we know but who are ye Act. 19.15 'T is so here longer than God owns his messengers and stands by them Sin and Satan tell us God he knows and Jesus he knows but who are you A lively abridgment of Gods dealing with his people in this case we have in Cant. 5. where Christ comes wooes his Church and lays her open ver 2. but see what silly and sinful excuses she makes to put off Christ ver 3. I have put off my coat how shall I put it on But Christ had a purpose to enter and therefore we read ver 4. He put in his hand by the hole of the door and then her heart was affectioned toward him What is this hand or finger of Christ but the efficacy of his Spirit whereby he puts back the boult or unlocks the door of her heart before she could come and entertain him Christ first bores and digs thorough the heart and makes a passage for himself to enter and then comes in and takes possession The arguments for proof follow of which the first is this Res 1. Our hearts by nature are all possest by Satan and strongly fortified against God and Christ whence Christ thus frames his argument That the strong man armed keeps the house till a stronger than he comes and bind him Mat. 12.29 Satan hath the possession and will not leave his hold until he be over-powered so much that Scripture imports Col. 1.13 Who hath delivered us from the powers of darkness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath delivered us by force so strong are his chains that nothing can break them but the hand of Omnipotency but Oh here is the happiness of Christ's redeemed that stronger is he that is in them than he that is in the world Thanks be to God who hath made us conquerors thorough our Lord Jesus Christ I Joh. 4.4 Res 2. If God come into the heart he enters the right way he doth not climb up the walls nor creep in at the windows such an entrance is not for the honour of the King of Saints and therefore he bids us open the everlasting doors c. Psal 24. as when a King enters a City the gates are set wide open or thrown off their hinges to congratulate the Kings coming and ta shew their joyful entertaining of their lawful Soveraign such an entrance is Christs God makes no forcible entry doth not break the house or enter against his peoples will no he sweetly subdues us as he that opens with a key now none but God hath a key to open those doors Rev. 3.7 The Angel to the Church of Philadelphia c. Thus saith he that hath the key of David which openeth and no man shutteth 'T is wonderful to see the strongest hold and most impregnable castle that from outward force is free and invincible yet 't is but the turning of a key that presently opens it and gives entrance without blood or blows so 't is here God oyls the lock and turns the key and the Soul opens Res 3. All heart-work in order to Salvation if it be effectual is ascribed to God Take a few Instances 1. God searches the heart Jer. 17.10 I the Lord search the heart and try the reins he only knows it that made it even he whose eyes are like a flame of fire that pierce to the bottom of hell The wiles and wickedness the depths and deceits of this member are so many that the Prophet cried out Who can know them Jer. 17.9 Who none but an Omniscient God before whose eyes all things are naked and bare 2. God opens our hearts to our selves so much as we know of them savingly Deut. 8.2 God minds Israel of the tedious and tiresom travel of theirs thorow the Wilderness forty years which was to humble them and prove them to know what was in their
water thorow a sieve well the word preached if it be not heedfully heard will never stay in us but be lost and run out This is damage sufficient a loss that is irreparable none indeed like this loss when we receive the Grace of God in vain For directions I shall refer you to what hath bin already said a word or two by way of motive 1. To incourage us to this heedful hearing of the Word consider that it is a complexive duty a duty which is so acceptable to God that under it are comprehended all duties of Religion Isa 55.3 Hear and your Souls shall live life and death enter in the same way As death entered into the world by the ear by our first Parents listning to that old Manslaier so God hath ordained that life should enter by the same door The dead shall hear the voice of the son of God and they that hear shall live Joh. 5.25 Oh you that love heaven love hearing too 2. The most eminent Saints of God have ever bin observed to be the most diligent and attentive hearers Luk 4.20 We read while Christ Jesus war preaching the eyes of all his hearers were fastned on him a good way not only to prevent distractions but also to raise our affections our hearts are wily and will give us the slip It is our wisdom by all ways imaginable to ingage our hearts in hearing and lay bonds upon them to hold them to such an attention as becomes us 'T is storied of Englands second Josiah that peerless Prince Edward the sixth that he usually stood at sermon and took notice all the while he was a-hearing 3. Consider that we never read of more bitter complaints from God than when he complained of heartless hearers in Psal 81.13 O that my People would have hearkned to me c. but my People would not hear my voice and Israel would none of me and in Psal 95.10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation and said It is a People that err in heart for they have not known my ways they knew but not practically their ears were uncircumcised and their hearts unsanctified O fearful judgment to have ears that we should not hear c. Thus God punishes one sin with another Rom 11.8 who can read without astonishment Jer. 7. from the 13. v. to the 17. I arose up early and spake unto you but you would not hear therefore I will do unto you as unto Shilo c. Read it thorow I forbear the application desiring if ever you remembered a lesson you would remember this and never give your Teachers cause to complain Oh we have laboured in vain and spent our strength for nothing 4. Lastly To close all carry with you St. James caution be not forgetfull hearers of the Word but doers also he hears aright saith one that doth not contradict his hearing by his life otherwise you will be as a man that sees his face in a glass and turns away and forgets what manner of man he was O wash off those spots which this glass discovers so hear the Word of Christ that you may conform to the will of Christ Lydia's attention was the first step to Salvation Hear as she did and you will be happy as she was So much Briefly of this Work of Grace which God wrought in opening the heart of Lydia Reader let me carry thee one step farther and shew thee Gods end in this Work or why he thus opens the heart And that is that himself may enter and dwell in it Ephes 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts Ephes 3.17 the former part of the Verse That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith THese words are part of a zealous prayer which the Apostle puts up to God in the behalf of his dear Ephesians The prayer begins in the 14th ver where we find Paul upon his knees begging Grace for them of the Father of Mercies For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of mercies c. The blessings that he begs for them are especially two 1. He begs the gift of spiritual strength that as they had begun well and laid a good foundation by believing in Christ so they might be constant in holding out that profession against all the enemies and oppositions which they met with and were like to turn them out of the way of righteousness Thus he prays ver the 16. That he would give you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man Those that are wholly under the power of corruption are not so much troubled with persecution and temptation Satan like a Pyrate seldom sets upon a soul unless like a Ship it be laden with the merchandise of Grace This was the case with these Ephesians By Pauls preaching they had begun well building on that rock of Ages and venturing their Immortal Souls on Christ and his Righteousness But Paul now being in prison false Teachers were among them vexing the Church and were like to turn them from the way of truth God had smitten the shepherd and the sheep were like to be scattered Now then is a time to press the duty of perseverance that as they had begun well so they might so run that they might obtain 2. He begs that soveraign means that was only able to confirm and strengthen them in the Service of Christ and that is Christ himself That Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith I shall a little explain the words That Christ that is whole Christ in both his natures God and Man May dwell that is spiritually possess live and work In your hearts that is in the inner man consisting of the Understanding Will and Affections which are the principal and chief place of Christs residence the fort Royal or Castle which Christ chuseth and above all delights in By faith that is as the means and instrument whereby we receive and entertain him There are as many Doctrines offer themselves to us as there are words in this Scripture And we might note first Doct. 1. That the heart is the place of Christs residence Doct. 2. Christ is no stranger to Believers but an in-dweller with them Doct. 3. That Faith makes a union between Christ and the Soul But I shall wave prolixity and bring my Discourse into a narrower model casting all into this one Conclusion Doct. That no blessing whatsoever on this side heaven can be imagined that we should more desire than this That Christ should dwell in our hearts by Faith We find the Apostles affections all in a flame and he burns with zeal to promote the happiness of his dear Ephesians he bends his knees and casts himself down at Gods feet and among all blessings in Heaven and Earth he can find none better to beg for his young Converts than this What the strength of his affections was to them you may see Chap. 1.16 where we read that
from our reins 2. Learn hence next That there is nothing lost by giving Christ entertainment No 't is the gain of a Christian as God blessed Obed-edom for entertaining the Ark so doth he much more bless Believers for entertaining his Son Christ What glorious guests had just Lot when he entertained two Angels a much more glorious guest hath every one that entertains Christ Jesus he brings Salvation with him and so salutes the heart that receives him as he did Zachens This day is salvation come to thy house 3. Learn next what a mystery or rather miracle there is in the actings of saving Faith in that it unites Christ and the soul and brings them to dwell together Wonder we may that though Christ in regard of his humane nature be in Heaven and we on Earth yet Faith easily narrows this wide distance and in an instant possesses the soul with its beloved Jesus As the soul by vertue of sight inlightned with the Sun doth joyn it self with the body of the Sun and touch it after a manner so the eye of Faith inlightned with the beams of the Spirit which come from the Sun of righteousness doth joyn and unite it self with Christ Jesus Vse 2. The next is a use of Trial. If it be so great a blessing to have Christ Jesus dwelling in our hearts it concerns us all to try whether he dwell in our hearts or no. Now the tokens of his presence or evidences of his co-habitation with us may be these 1. The heart in which Christ dwells is an humble heart Isa 57.15 Christ was a pattern of Humility himself Learn of me for I am meek and lowly of spirit And Christ delights to be no-where but in a heart that is like himself The richer the Ship is laden the more water it draws and the lower it sails so 't is here that heart that carries Christ is laden with more than a golden mine it carries him in whom are hid all spiritual treasures and all such souls sail low Abraham calls himself dust and ashes David a worm and no man great Paul the chiefest of sinners though every Saint that is his successor contend still for that title The most hard-hearted sinner so Mr. Bradford subscribed his Letter 2. The heart where Christ dwells is inflamed with the love of God In cold frozen spirits or hearts that are luke-warm like Laodicea Christ likes not to be as the Sun begets heat on inferiour bodies by shining on them so doth Christ the Sun of Righteousness when he ariseth on a soul though he find our hearts cold yet he makes them by his spiritual presence burn within us as it fared with them with whom he journeyed to Emaus Luk. 24.32 The soul burns with love and burns with desire to Christ Jesus that is once united to him Read Joh. 14.23 If any man love me he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him As when Christ comes he comes willing so where he comes he comes welcome Mary entertained Christ and she loved him much and this love discovered it self in spending that costly Oyntment on his sacred body There 's nothing too dear for Christ in his account where Christ dwells but such a one says with the Martyr He is glad he hath any thing to lose for Christ or with the Church whatever good thing he hath he keeps it only for him Cant. 7.13 2ly With love to our Brethren If we love one another God dwelleth in us 1 Joh. 4.12 God loves to be where love is One observes That where the Devil dwells all is in peace much more where God dwells who is the God of peace If then we find our hearts filled with malice and hatred toward our brethren we may confidently conclude God is not in this place the Lamb of God will never lie in a Lions den We read in Judg. 9.23 God sent an evil spirit between the house of Abijam and the men of Shechem a spirit of hatred enmity and division This is an evil Spirit from the Devil not from God where Satan dwells he sets all on fire not with fire that warms but consumes And when we give place to wrath we give place to the Devil Ephes 4.27 3. The heart wherein Christ dwells is a holy heart as no unholy thing shall for ever dwell with him so neither will Christ dwell with it The heart is a Temple 2 Cor. 6.16 Ye are the Temples of the holy Ghost now we know Temples are holy consecrated things That which is lawful to be done in another place is not lawful to be done in a Temple we read Mark 11.16 Christ would not suffer a vessel to be carried thorow the Temple Neither will he have the hearts of believers made a rode for sin no If any man defiles the Temple of God him will God destroy 1 Cor. 3.17 4. The heart where Christ dwells lives in a sweet subjection to Christ and his Laws His commands are not grievous but his yoke is easy and his burden light Christ dwells no-where but where he is acknowledged and serves as a King for God hath appointed him both for a Prince and a Saviour Act. 5.31 The Government is laid by God upon his shoulders and he makes every thought to stoop and come into subjection to himself Well then where men serve not the Lord but their lusts set up their corruptions and cry down Christ in such hearts Christ never dwells But a Soul possest by Christ sets Christ in the Throne and cryes up Christ as the Jews did Caesar We have no King but him 5. The heart in which Christ dwells is a tender heart Such as tremble at Gods Word Isa 57.15 A hard sensless heart is a dead heart And as the Angels to the Women that sought Christ in the sepulchre So we may say in this case Why seek ye the living among the dead Christ is a Spring and a Fountain of life to every believing Soul Because I live ye shall live also Now where there is life there is sense dead men nor fear any thing nor feel it but living men do both they feel the least guilt and fear the wrath and anger of God they are sensible of every miscarriage and their heart smites them on the commission of the least sin as David did when he cut off but the lap of Sauls garment Such a heart shews who is in it to wit that Christ dwells in 't such a heart we read was in good Josiah whose heart was so tender that he wept but at the reading of the Law 2 Kings 22.19 Vse 3. This should cheer the hearts of all believers what unspeakable comfort doth this bring to every one whose heart is a habitation for Christ Jesus how doth Christ honour you that when the World scorns you Christ crowns you when men shun you the Son of God dwells in you Surely this blessing affords matter