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A29152 The rape, or, The innocent impostors a tragedy acted at the Theatre-Royal by Their Majesties servants. Brady, Nicholas, 1659-1726. 1692 (1692) Wing B4170; ESTC R19594 37,820 65

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Passion For ●●ght Eurione and make her the Price Of my Important Silence if that fails Add my Assistance too to join in it By Heav'n it wears a forward face of hope Nor can it fail to take it shall be so Alm. His looks clear up the Resolution 's taken Be 't what it will My Lord we wait your leisure Gen. O! my best Friends you come most opportunely I want your kind Assistance in some matters Of mighty Moment and so much I trust Your well experienc'd Faith I will not doubt But you dare follow wheresoe'er I lead Although the Path I tread be full of danger Rod. My Lord you judge us right all our Employments Are but your Gift when the Ungrateful Court Repuls'd and cast us off you took us in Stemm'd the rough Torrent drest us in fresh Honours And fix'd us near your self And if for you we forfeit all We pay but back your own Alm. Our Lives are Trifles Which for a Drunken Friend we oft expose How shou'd we then refuse to lay them down For you our Friend and Patron Gen. Read this Paper The hand I guess but to inform me farther Are you acquainted with it Rod. Let me see This Writing is familiar to my eyes And now the weighty matter it contains Instructs my Memory 'T is Briomer's I oft have seen 't when jointly we commanded The Vandal and the Gothish Cavalry Most certain 't is his own Gen. It is not doubted Now take the Darling Secret of my Soul I 'll turn my Heart quite outwards to your view Nor shall one thought escape you O my Friends I love Eurione love her beyond Victory Ravish'd from valiant Foes that made Success Hang doubtful long Rod. She 's destin'd for the Prince And if I err not much her Inclinations Bend that way too Gen. They 're biass'd by her Interest He 's Heir to mighty Kingdoms she a Captive But wave we that You see the dreadful Secret Contain'd within that Scrowl dare you join it I 'm sure you dare dare any thing but basely Desert a Friend that trusts you with his life Nay more his Love Alm. We are your Creatures Sir And are resolv'd to move as you direct us Rod. Besides this blest occasion wakes the memory Of former wrongs which call aloud for Vengeance Gen. Let me infold you thus in this Embrace I tie my Fortunes to you in our walk We 'll settle matters further As some rich Merchant when the Billows roar Holds fast one Casket full of precious Store Whilst all his meaner Treasure 's tumbled o'er So while Love's safe securely I survey Fame Profit Honour Virtue cast away Rather than see my Darling Love distrest Let wide Destruction swallow all the rest Exeunt ACT II. SCENE a Terrace-Walk Enter Gunderick THe Prince's ill-plac'd love to proud Valdaura With the loud Murmurs of my Gothish Subjects Distract my careful thoughts by Day and haunt My restless Dreams by night Hard Fate of Kings Whose outward Grandure only serves to guild The Slavery they undergo within And yet these Ills admit one common Cure His Marriage with Eurione a Remedy Which must not be delay'd their Discontents And his loose Passion if we give them time Will daily grow more strong it is resolv'd And Fate if it had otherwise decreed Shou'd sooner change than I. Enter Agilmond Agil I was inform'd Your Majesty commanded my Attendance I had not else presum'd to interrupt Your private thoughts Gund Come nearer Agilmond Nor think your Presence interrupts my thoughts For they were full of you Agil I could not wish To fill a Nobler Scene yet humbly hope That melancholly Cloud which shades your Brow Was not occasion'd by the thoughts of me Gund And yet it was For you my Agilmond My careful Brain toils daily and my Sleeps Are nightly broken all to make you great And to that Greatness happy Agil Royal Sir If still I hold your Favour I am both In that my Greatness lies in that my Happiness Gund Priz'd you my favour at so high a rate You wou'd not dare to contradict my Will A Will whose chief and only aim it is To make your Fortunes certain Put not on A Face of seeming Ignorance my meaning Is soon unriddled why are your Addresses So coldly paid to fair Eurione Your destin'd Bride My Will has made her such And yours if mine you valu'd as you ought Shou'd hand in hand go with it Agil Your Pardon Sir 'T is worse than Death to me to disobey you And yet 't is worse than that to marry one I cannot love Gund How cannot love take heed It is not safe to dally with my Anger Is she not Chast and Fair Of Royal Birth And Princely Education flows there not A winning Sweetness from her Is there ought That 's hard in this Injunction Agil Only this 'T is hard to force Affection fair Eurione Has Charms to Conquer any Heart but mine Gund 'T is then because that Heart of yours is steel'd With Disobedience but no more Valdaura The proud Valdaura whom you know I hate She is the Darling Object of your Love And doubly disobedient as you are You shun what I desire and fondly seek What most I loath Agil 'T is my Unhappiness To have my Actions undergo so harsh A Misconstruction but to prove my Innocence And that I am not what your Anger stiles me Stubborn and Disobedient be you pleas'd To cancel the Commands you laid on me To wed Eurione whom I cannot love And I will quit all claim to fair Valdaura Nor see nor speak to her Gun By Heav'n the Boy Begins to Article and I must treat On equal terms and meet him half the way Whilst his Compliance but keeps pace with mine Moves just as far no farther Hear me you That dare thus trifle with your King and Father Hear this my fix'd Resolve By all my Glory by my thirst of Fame And my great Name in War to Morrow's Sun Shall see you Wedded to the fair Eurione Or never more acknowledg'd as my Son Agil O Sacred Sir call back that dismal Vow Kill me and I will kiss the hand that does it But oh condemn me not to loath'd Embraces See on my Knees I beg it Kneeling and Embracing his Knees Gund Loose your hold Or I will force my way thou that art Manly In nothing but in Disobedience That too is Womanish 't is Wilfulness A Female Vice no more you know my Will Prepare to meet it Breaks from him and Exit Agilmond lies down Agil Rather to meet my Death For that must be the fatal Consequence Thus my sad Sentence runs To Morrow's Sun Shall see you Wedded to the Fair Eurione To Morrow's Sun will then disclose a Secret Which Sixteen Years have faithfully conceal'd Unhappy Agilmond thy latest Glass Of Life is running now and the last Sand Will steal away to Morrow Enter Amalazontha Amal. I met the King With Fury in his Looks regardlesly He past along and in a surly
a doubt upon you Thus I disperse your fears Now take me to you Tears the Letter And mould me as you please Brio Welcome brave Sir Be this Embrace the Seal of lasting Friendship Between us two I 'll lead you to the Queen Who shall confirm all that your hopes can aim at Gen. O my best Friend make good this mighty Promise And Heav'n it self has nothing more to give me Exeunt SCENE a Chamber-Royal Enter Eurione and Merinda Eur. The sence of former Happiness encreases Our present Misery and the fresh remembrance Of those dear Vows which Agilmond once paid Does but imbitter more his late neglect Merinda sing the Song I so well lov'd Since Agilmond grew false SONG HOw long must Women wish in vain A constant Love to find No Art can fickle Man retain Or fix a roving Mind Yet fondly we our selves deceive And empty Hopes pursue Though false to others we believe They will to us prove true But oh the Torment to discern A Perjur'd Lover gone And yet by sad experience learn That we must still love on How strangely are we fool'd by Fate Who tread the Maze of Love When most desirous to retreat We know not how to move Enter Amalazontha Mer. Madam the Queen Amal. What fair Eurione Indulging still those melancholly thoughts Which prey upon your inward Peace and cloud The lustre of your Eyes Eur. My thoughts and looks Are such as well become the humble Fortune Of our unhappy House Amal. Fortune's unjust To wound such Innocence yet I must join In her Unjustice too I come Eurione To put your Virtue to a mighty Tryal To trust you with a Secret of such weight As must admit no other Ear but yours Eur. Merinda wait without Madam you honour me Ex. Mer. To think me worthy of so great a Trust Nor can I e'er be guilty of such baseness As to abuse so generous a Confidence Amal. 'T is that belief makes me unlock my Heart And give its darling Secret to you know then To Morrow Gunderick designs to wed you To Agilmond blush not Eurione The Chast and Virtuous Love you bear the Prince Carries no Guilt along with it and sure The Gods themselves inspir'd you with that Love To save his life and mine Eur. Can any danger Threaten such precious lives O! bless me Madam By making me the happy Instrument Of saving them though at th' expence of mine Amal. We would not purchase ours at such a rate But generous Eurione prepare To hear surprizing News summon your Virtue For you will need it all Suppose I come Like early Frosts to nip your blooming hopes And blast the Fruit for ever Eur. Hope of late Has been a Stranger here I well perceive Your Majesty approves not of that Honour The King designs me and I cannot murmur But mourn my want of Merit Amal. Fair Eurione Mistake me not I grant you merit all things And were he capable to meet your love How gladly would I forward it Eur. Not capable Alas the killing word My Rival Sister Has Charms I find too strong for me to strive with Amal. Still you mistake me take it in a word My Agilmond But see we are prevented Enter Gunderic Rhadegonda Agilmond Valdaura Genselarick Ferrismond Rodorick Almerick Briomer Albimer Guards and Attendants Embrace the offer which the King will make Till I inform you farther Gund Though Right of Conquest and the chance of War Have firmly join'd the Gothish Crown to mine Yet still methinks Possession seems uneasie Since you my Royal Sister are a Mourner And whilst your Tears attend my yearly Triumphs That Scene of Sorrow dashes all my Joys And palls the Tast of Pleasure Rhad. Tears my Lord Are a just Tribute I must hourly pay For Rhadagaise's loss Gund Forget it Madam And suffer yours like other Griefs to find A cure from time Rhad. They will I hope and soon Aside No time my Lord can ever end my Griefs To him But that which ends me too Gund Hope better Madam Or if time fails let me your kinder Comforter Prescribe a cure a cure which shall at once Heal all your Griefs and dry up all your Tears Or change the sad and melancholly Current To chearful Streams of Joy Draw near my Agilmond And trust a Father's care to make your life And all the remainder of your time to come Happy at once and Great Agil I stand prepar'd To meet your Royal Will with full Obedience Gund Come to my Arms thou Comfort of my Age. Dare you to my Disposal Madam trust To Rhad. This Beauteous Princess Rhad. She is yours my Lord So are we all your Captives and your Slaves How should we then deny to be dispos'd By you our Master and our Conquerour Gund The Names of Captive and of Conquerour This hour shall cancel and blot out for ever But for the mighty Trust you now repose Thus low I bow to thank you Noble Nephew And you my Lords attend to what I say Though the rough hand of War first ty'd the Knot Which binds together both my Diadems Yet the soft bands of Love shall fasten it Approach fair Virgin and receive from me The greatest Present Gunderick can make My Agilmond and with him both my Kingdoms And if my flattering hopes deceive me not In giving him I give the greater Gift Why are you silent lovely Innocence Methinks the vastness of a Gift like this Should justly challenge Thanks Rhad. Impute her Silence To Maiden Modesty and her just surprise A Virgins Tongue moves only in her looks And she in Blushes speaks her glad consent Gund My Wishes are compleat nor shall our joys Be cramp'd by dull delay To Morrow's Sun That yearly Celebrates my Gothish Triumph Shall shine with double Light whilst to his Splendor Their Marriage-Torch shall add a brighter lustre My Lords prepare to grace the wish'd Solemnity With all becoming Honours You Genselaric Draw forth my Troops and see the Pomp set off With all the glorious Pageantry of War Exeunt omnes praeter Genselaric Rodoric and Almeric Agil drops a Dagger as he goes out Rod. takes it up Gen. Confusion on them all How could I stand Thus tamely by and see my panting Heart Pluck'd from my trembling Bosom fresh and bleeding By this inhumane King Am I a Coward Answer me Friends am I that wretched thing I must be sure I could not else look on And see the Tyrant ravish from my Soul All it holds dear and precious Rod. 'T is a patience Extreamly hard to practice nor could you So well disguise your thoughts but that I fear'd The King when he addrest himself to you Wou'd have discover'd something Alm. 'T was most lucky That he retir'd so soon for I perceiv'd Your Forehead glow your eager Pulse beat fast And your full Breast swell at the harsh injunction Gen. By Heav'ns he mock'd me You Genselaric Draw forth my Troops and see the Pomp set off Yes I will set it off but in a manner
tone Bad me go teach my Son Obedience Sees the Prince See there he lies alas is that a Couch Fit for the Heir of Mighty Gunderic Goes to him What means my Agilmond what sawcy Grief Usurps a Breast so dear to me as thine And yet I fear to ask for sure it is Of Mighty Weight that bows you to the Earth As you were rooted there Agil Forgive me Madam That must alarm your Ears with sounds more dismal Than Groans of Mandrakes or the Scritch-Owl's Note The Croaks of Ravens at a Sickman's Window Would be but Musick to the News I bear Amal. Alas what means this dreadful Preparation Is the great Secret of your Sex disclos'd Has Gunderick discover'd what you are He has not sure for as I enter'd here He spoke to me of you and call'd you Son Agil 'T is true he has not yet but oh to Morrow To Morrow he has vow'd that I shall wed Eurione and then the fatal Secret Must needs be known and well you know his Vows However rash are obstinately kept Amal. Too well I know it Nor is this Vow the first O! cruel Gunderick Was 't not enough rash and inhuman Prince That when this precious Burthen fill'd my Womb You doom'd it then to Death but must I now When Sixteen Years have made it dearer to me And ty'd it to my Heartstrings see it Butcher'd By thy unnatural and savage rage Agil Be witness Heav'n how little that afflicts me Your Danger sinks me under that I bend Unable to sustain it Permit me Madam To dye for both to Morrow dooms me Let me but dye now And the important Secret dies with me And gives new life to you Amal. No Agilmond Our Case is dangerous but not desperate Through all these Clouds I spye one Ray of Hope Break brightly forth and gild the horrid Scene Eurione is Virtuous and Discreet We 'll trust th'important Secret to her knowledge And sure she will not scruple to assist Two Royal Suppliants Come my Agilmond Wait on the King and seemingly comply Leave the Event of things to me and Heav'n The Gods that watch'd to guard your Infant state Will save you still and their own Work compleat Exeunt SCENE A lonely Walk within prospect of the Palace Enter Briomer Curse on my Negligence to lose a Paper Of such a vast Concern my life 's wrap'd in it My life 's a trifle but the lives of all My Countrymen nay ev'n the Queen's and Prince's Are by my fatal carelessness expos'd The best that I can hope is that the Queen Her self has found it yet suppose ev'n that How wretched must I be How should I look On one so much endanger'd by my Folly Enter Gen. Rod. Alm. O that I had it tho' for every Letter I paid a ruddy drop of that rich Blood Which warms my Heart I should not think it dear Gen. He 's here and by that gloomy look confirms me The Writing was his own and that already He has mist the Letter wait a while without And be not seen I 'll sound him at a distance Ex. Rod. Alm. My Lord I have observ'd for Friendship 's Eye Is quick and piercing in your Face of late Unusual Mixtures seriousness and joy As if your busie Soul were burthen'd with Some weighty matter happy at once and dangerous Brio Your Eyes my Lord are ill Intelligencers To represent as things of Weight and Moment The sudden Starts of an uneven temper Gen. And yet I fear your Tongue has scarcely given So just an Information as my Eyes But wave we this discourse hear you no News Brio Not I my Lord 't was always my Opinion That Curious and Inquisitive were names Fit for the softer Sex Gen. I 'll tell you then 'T is whisper'd to the King that still a Prince Of Gothish Blood is living Brio Ha! what says he Aside Gen. Now you my Lord if such a one there be Can sure inform me of 't Brio Dreams idle Dreams For were there such I could not but have known it Gen. Why so 't is whisper'd too and that your self Now form a Faction to assist his Cause Amongst the discontented Goths Brio My Lord I know my Duty to my General Had any other dar'd to speak these words My Sword e're now had been unsheath'd to right My injur'd Honour Gen. This Paper would have forc'd it back again Shews the Letter And nail'd it to the Scabbard Brio 'T is the same And he 's alone blest opportunity My Lord you have my Secret but you must Restore me that or with it take my life Draws Genselaric whistles Enter Rodoric and Almeric they rush on him and disarm him Gen. I will be forc'd to neither Disarm him So Give me his Sword now leave us to our selves Ex. Rod. and Alm. And on your lives no word of what has happen'd Brio What shall I judge Of these Proceedings Base at once and Generous Gen. You seem to be surpriz'd and your amazement Is too well grounded to create my Wonder Yet think not that I summon'd these to help me Because I fear'd your Sword you know I fear not But could not wound the Breast of one I honour Nor suffer you to kill the Friend that loves you Brio My Lord I understand you not your words Are full of Mystery But could you be a Friend to so much Misery 'T were noble to excess Gen. I can and will be Believe me Briomer 't is a Solemn Truth I hate this Gunderick this Tyrant more Than happy Men the thoughts of Death with Torture And if there be a Hatred beyond that I hate the Prince yet more Brio 'T is wondrous strange So favour'd so belov'd Gen. Grant all this true That I am great in Favour and in Trust If they at the same time tear from my Heart The only Person that my Soul is fond of And give her to th' Embraces of another Does not this cancel all Brio 'T is true indeed That injur'd Love admits no Compensation Gen. This is my case now tell me Briomer What may that Man deserve that being Master Of this important Secret which commands The Lives and Fortunes of a mighty Nation Not only locks it safe within his Breast And buries it in silence but breaks through The Solemn Ties of Duty and of Blood To tempt an equal hazard nay to make By his assistance the Attempt secure And past the fear of failing Brio He deserves What e'er his forward Wishes can aspire to What e'er a rescu'd Nation can bestow Gen. Cou'd this or more deserve the fair Eurione I durst perform it for her now you have The mighty Secret tell me my Lord May I have leave to hope Brio Not only hope But Certainty attends you I dare pawn My yet untainted Honour that the Queen Will give a glad consent your Birth is Princely Your Fame is great and what you now design Is more than Kingly Gen. Take your Sword My Lord And that I may not leave
They little think of now by all my wrongs It is a Noble thought draw near my Friends And swear on this good Sword to undertake Whatever I desire nor shall the danger Be yours alone I 'll share in all the hazard And shoot the Gulf as well as you Rod. I swear To execute whatever you command Nor Racks nor Tortures shall deter me from it Or force the weighty Secret from my Bosom Alm. I swear the same Gen. O! let me rivet you For ever to my Breast the truest Friends That ever Man was blest with Listen both And to your Bosoms I 'll impart a business Would startle any Courage less than yours I must enjoy Eurione or die This Night the Eve of all my destin'd Sorrows Shall make me blest and revel in full Joys The Princess every Night as I 'm inform'd Walks singly forth and in a lonely Arbour Enjoys her private thoughts the place I know Thither we 'll haste and shrouded from all eyes Expect her coming seize the trembling Prey And rifle all the Treasures of her Beauty Then if the Prince feasts on her Sweets to Morrow He shall have but the leavings of my Riot Rod. Th' attempt is full of hazard but to make Our after-game more safe take my Advice As a sure means to free us from discovery Know you this Dagger Gen. Yes 't is Agilmond's Remarkable and known to all the Court Rod. As he went out he dropt it in the Crowd I stoop'd and took it up but had no time To give it him Take it and when your Sences Are surfeited with Pleasure drop this Weapon Near to the Ravish'd Princess this will be Ten thousand Witnesses against the Prince To fix Suspicion of the Deed on him Gen. 'T is well contriv'd nor can it fail to hit His long profess'd Aversion to this Marriage Though late he faintly gave a forc'd Assent Will make it pass unquestion'd and the Walks That lead unto this Scene of killing Joy At such late hours are barr'd from all our Sex Except the King and Prince 'T is fit we hasten That while the Pass is open we may enter And lie conceal'd Methinks I see already Her dying Looks her seeming faint Resistance And feel the mighty Transports of hot Love Let but Success on this blest Moment wait The rest of Life I freely leave to Fate Exeunt ACT III. SCENE a Chamber-Royal Enter Agilmond and Amalazontha Agil THe King is gone to Bed the busie Courtiers All scatter'd and dispers'd but I in vain Shou'd seek for rest till first I know what past In your late Conference with Eurione Amal. I found her Agilmond for I must yet Give you that name compos'd throughout of Sweetness And I ne'er wish'd more earnestly you were What you pretend to be than for her sake Who pants for you with all the modest warmth Of Innocence and Love Agil Alas I pity her Amal. When first I told her I must blast her hopes Something that look'd like Anger seem'd to rise But as a Stranger soon was banish'd thence And sunk to humble Sorrow Agil 'T was a sight Wou'd have affected the most Savage heart To see such mourning Virtue Amal. First she thought Or seem'd to think that her small Stock of Merit Bred my dislike of the intended Marriage But undeceiv'd in that her jealous thoughts Suggested to her straight that all your love Was on Valdaura fix'd her haughty Sister Agil And did not that opinion shock her temper For sure she has a Soul above her Sex If yet unmov'd by such Assaults as these Amal. Still the same meekness still the same composure I told her then that she was yet mistaken And just as I was going to impart The mighty Secret of your Sex the King Attended by your self and all the Court Enter'd the Room and hinder'd the Discovery Agil 'T was most unlucky When I parted from you As you advis'd me I found out the King Humbly implor'd his Pardon and assur'd him I was in all things ready to obey him He press'd me close commanded all to follow And led us streight to you and to Eurione Amal. Late as it is 't is fit you see Eurione Disclose your Secret to her and instead Of those returns of Passion which she looks for And which you cannot pay offer such Love As tender Sisters to each other bear Tell her the glorious Title of a Queen And all the dazling Pomp of Royalty Are hers if she complies Agil Madam I go This clear calm Night will tempt the Princess forth To her lov'd Solitude there I 'll surprise her And to her private ear disclose my Secret Soft Rest attend your Majesty Leads her to the Door and Exeunt severally SCENE a Night-Piece of a Garden Enter Genselaric disguis'd coming as out of an Arbour and peeping about I wonder that the Princess comes not yet 'T is past her usual hour and shou'd she fail How miserably wretched should I be Fool that I was like an unthrifty Gamester To venture all my stock of Happiness On one uncertain chance Hist Rodoric Enter Rodoric and Almeric disguised And Almeric discern you nothing yet Rod. Nothing You need not whisper so there 's not A living Creature within hearing of you Besides our selves Alm. The Court is gone to rest The Windows all are darken'd except one That 's in the Lodgings of the Gothish Queen And see a light darts through the Gallery And seems to move this way Gen. It is the Princess She 's now undress'd and comes to take her walk By Heav'ns I see her yonder quick retire And when she comes seize the attending Maid And stop her clamorous Throat leave me alone To grapple with the Princess Oh! ye Gods How my full Veins swell and my boiling Blood Bubbles and foams as it would break its Channels Sure my hot Flames will thaw her Ice and melt Her frozen Heart whilst rowling in her Snow I cool the raging burnings of my Feaver Exeunt as into the Arbour Enter Eurione and Merinda Eur. Methinks I have no mind to walk to night And yet an unseen Pow'r conducts me on I stumbl'd at my entrance and upon My heavy Heart hangs a dead Weight of Sorrow Mer. Pardon me Madam if I blame this Sadness When Fortune seems to court you with fresh Honours And all your eager hopes are almost Crown'd Eur. Alas my dear Merinda Fortune's smiles Are falser than the Tears of wicked Women And though she seems to promise fairly to me Yet my too truly boding Heart assures me That I shall ne'er be happy Fetch my Lute To yonder Arbour there I 'll sit a while And try if Musick can compose my mind In which I nothing now but Discords find Exit Merinda Not all the Royal Favours of the King Nor Agilmond's compliance with his Will Can bring me Comfort equal to those Fears Which the Queen 's doubtful words inspire me with Yet why should I despair perhaps the Queen But dally'd with me and that
Resemblance of the Face and Mind Could we but read the Hearts of Men like you What God-like Justice might we Monarchs do Exeunt severally ACT V. SCENE a Chamber-Royal Enter Gunderic and Amalazontha Gund THat Love by which you urge me to a grant Denies your strange request Why should you tempt Unnecessary hazards your soft Sex In safety plac'd should leave to us the dangers And drudgery of War Amal. There is no danger Or were it ne'er so great I ought to share it As well as your Success besides my Agilmond Is now at stake and every doubtful minute By leaving me uncertain of his Fate Will give me many Deaths Gund You shall o'ercome But lest some fatal Dart should rob me of you I 'll once more offer Mercy and my self In Person treat with them Enter Ferrismond Fer. My Lord your Forces Are all drawn up and wait for your Commands Gund Let them advance and tell them Ferrismond My Queen and I will head them This rash Boy Exit Ferrismond Has by this vain Attempt giv'n me fair warning To make sure work and I with little pains May quash this young Rebellion Enter a Vandal Vandal Pardon Sir The luckless Bearer of unwelcome news Old Vinderic the Gothish General Is at the head of thirty thousand Rebels Advancing hither Gund Then we shall have work More tough than I expected How near are they Vandal Last Night they quarter'd seven Leagues off to Morrow Expect to see them here Gund I 'm satisfi'd We shall have time enough to finish here Before they can arrive O Agilmond Thy Guilt if prov'd will more distract my Soul Than the united Force of all my Enemies Exeunt SCENE the Cittadel Enter Ambiomer Briomer Albimer Gothish Lords c. Amb. Though long Experience join'd with daring Valour Are met in Gunderic to make up an Enemy Too great to be despis'd yet your known Courage And our just Cause do give me full Assurance Of wish'd Success I feel an inward joy Which tells me this important Day will crown Our forward hopes with vast Advantages Brio May all those hopes prove true or only fail In promising less than your Fate performs Amb. My Lord I thank you Gunderic I hear Whose fiery temper hates the dull delay Of formally Besieging has resolv'd To carry us by Storm we must prepare To give him a sharp welcome Hark! his Drums He 's advancing towards us let us all Attend our several Charges Come my Lords Now let us shew the ancient Gothish Courage Which made the Romans tremble Exeunt SCENE A large Space before the Cittadel Drums beat a March. Enter Gunderic Amalazontha Genselaric Ferrismond Rodoric Almeric c. Gund Though with our Arms in Hand 't is much below us To treat with Rebels yet since you my Queen May be expos'd to some unlucky Arrow We 'll condescend to parly Let our Drums Declare our pleasure to them Drums beat a Parly then Ambiomer Briomer c. appear on the Walls Which is he You call Ambiomer the new-found Prince Amb. I am Ambiomer King of the Goths And rightful Owner of those large Dominions Possess'd by Rhadagaise my Royal Father Gund To me he lost them by this Arm he fell And with him fell his Kingdom Amb. You then claim By right of Conquest only and if I By Strength of Arms can pluck that Title from you The right again is mine Gund O! never hope it As soon you may from the avenging Pow'rs Snatch their dread Bolts of Fury as from me That which my Sword made mine But listen now To what my Pity of your Youth inclines me So well I love the Brave that though this Action Does savour more of Rrashness or Despair Than prudent Valour yet release the Prince Give up the Fortress and return again To your forsaken Duty and your Fault Shall die forgotten like an idle Dream That pass'd unheeded by Amb. Such Dreams as these Carry vast moment with them and oft-times Portend the fall of Monarchs Think not Gunderic That this attempt is like a short-liv'd Blazo That dies as soon as kindl'd no the Justice On which our Cause is built though we should perish Would from the midst of your own Subjects raise Some Valiant Spirit to redress our Wrongs And bravely strike to right a Ravish'd Virgin Gund Be witness for me Gods how much I loath A Villany like that How much my Heart Deplores with Tears of Blood the Virtuous Princess And if the Prince be Guilty not your self Should run more greedily to just Revenge Than I no more I 'll own him for my Son But blot him from my Memory for ever And give him up to Justice Amb. 'T is not safe To venture so the Honour of our Race Upon the partial Justice of a Father The soundest Proofs against so strong a Prejudice Will weigh but little Gund How have I descended Below my self to bandy words with Rebels And in return meet nothing but Contempt But I will rowze my sleeping Majesty And speak in Thunder to them Hear me you That try beneath the Prince to shroud the Traitor Hear what your King commands Deliver up The Fortress straight and with a quick Submission Implore the Pardon you so proudly slighted Or the Revenge which I will take shall stand To after times exemplary and dreadful Amb. Threats cannot frighten Men now hear me Gunderic Not that I doubt the Issue or despair Of wish'd Success but that I may not leave To chance a thing of such vast consequence As is our House's Honour which would suffer In wanting just Revenge soon as your Forces Attempt our Strengths the Head of Agilmond Reeking with Blood shall be thrown over to you And the first hour of your Assault shall be His last of Life Amal. The Head of Agilmond Forbid it Heav'n rather let me disclose Aside With hazard of my Life the fatal Secret Which has so long lain hid Gund You dare not act What you would seem to threaten Amb. Let my daring Be put to tryal and you soon will find How much I dare or little Gund Now by Heav'ns He mocks my Anger the insulting Boy And dallies with my Rage But let me live Branded with the base Names of Slave and Coward If any tame results of Blood or Nature With-hold my just Revenge Genselaric Begin th' Assault Perish ten thousand Sons Rather than I 'll endure Affronts like these Though Agilmond should fall my Noble Vengeance Shall like another Son keep up my Fame And make my Name Immortal Is going Amalazontha holds him Amal. Stay O stay My Royal Husband and before you go To this most fatal Conflict give one Moment To the sad Transports of a mourning Mother And you Ambiomer attend a while For I have mighty Wonders to disclose Gund What means the Woman Can you have ought to say That may at such a time as this be worth One Moment's stop Amal. Yes my lov'd Lord I have Kneeling But first unbend your Brow whilst on my Knees