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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12129 Changes: or, Love in a maze A comedie, as it was presented at the Private House in Salisbury Court, by the Company of His Majesties Revels. Written by Iames Shirley, Gent. Shirley, James, 1596-1666. 1632 (1632) STC 22437; ESTC S117313 42,908 81

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sheet of Sir Philip Sidney that inspired me and my nurse descended from old Chaucer my conversation has beene among the furies and if I meete you in Apollo a pottle of the best Ambrosia in the house shall waite upon you Enter Sir Gervase Simple and Mistris Goldsworth Mis. They are here Sir at full view Cap. What 's he Mis. A Knight I le assure you Cap. Does he come A wooing to the Ladies Gol. After the Spanish fashion A farre off Mis. Daughter I must counsell you to respect This honorable man you doe not know What 't is to be a Lady and take place Such titles come not every day observe With what a comely garbe he walkes and how He bends his subtle body take him a my word A man of his complection loves a woman naturally Cap. A pretty motion Mis. Pray come neerer Sir Sim. You shall pardon me for that I know My distance Cap. Will he not speake to her Gol. You should doe well to furnish him with an oration a spoonefull of Aganippe's well and a little of your Salt would season if not pickle him Cap. Should I so wast the bright Minerva's dew to pickle a Mushrome Sim. Thumpe she lookes upon me to say truth I am but a bashfull puppy Thu. Your worship is more than a puppy Sim. I I know I am an old dog at her mother but and I should be hang'd I have not impudence enough to speak to her does not that Gentleman laugh at mee Thu. He is very merry with her father Sim. 'T is very suspitious would I had a good jest to get of withall Au. You shall command the duty of a daughter But I hope mother you will give me leave To love before I marry I have yet No argument of his affection But what you please to bring me it becomes not My modesty to court him and give up My heart before I heare him say he meanes To meete and entertaine it Mis. 'T is a fault and I must blame him that he is no forwarder Ca. I will accuse him Gol. Doe so Au. Love forgive me this excuse my heart is fixt I finde another written here Ca. I doe salute you venerable Sir Sim. You may salute me at your pleasures but you are mistaken I am no more venerable than your selfe my name is Sir Gervace Simple Thu. And I am one of his Gentleman Vshers Sir that follow him Ca. Heroick Sir I doe adore your physnomy Now by the dust of my Progenitors Sim. There 's a fine oath Ca. You looke like the Nine Worthies Sim. I have been taken for 'em a hundred times Cap. Fairer than Plutos selfe king of the shades Sim. That King was a poore kinsman of mine and indeed Wee had one complexion Ca. The Divell you had Sim. Sir I am sorry I cannot stay wi'y but pray if you meete any of the nine Worthies or my Cosen Pluto commend me to 'em I shall be glad to meete you or them at any Taverne betweene Cheape and Charingcrosse and so I remaine yours or not his owne sau's complement Mis. When will you please Sir Gervace to visit us agen Nay it shall be yours He complements Exeunt Sim. Now my foot 's in Ca. But that I see 't I should not have beleeved there were such a foole in nature Ge. In this variety of servants I Acknowledge you greatly honour me and in the presence Of both your parents to vouchsafe this favour Doubly obliges me Ch. You are most welcome Au. You may beleeve my sister she n'er speakes But by direction of her heart Ger. I am confident Nor hath she any vertue which you doe not Divide with her your twins in birth and goodnesse Au. Y' are bountifull in character Gol. I le not oppose you Sir and you can winne their opinion Cap. 'T is enough I shall be proud to serve you But at this present with your noble licence I take my leave there is a Lord expects To meete me at a Taverne that has come Fourescore and nineteene mile to heare an elegy of My composition Gol. He deserves to enjoy you Cap. I le attend the Ladies when my starres will be more propitious i th' interim wearing your beautifull figures in my heart I kisse your white hand Exit Ger. I thinke the stocke of his discourse be wasted And he returnes to take up more on 's credit Vntill he breake agen the Towne is full Of these vaineglorious flashes Gol. Chrisolina You see what store of servants yee attract Plenty of louers but I hope you will Be ruld and take my counsell which of all And be plaine wi'mee hold you best opinion of Ch. You will not Sir be angry if I answer you justly Gol. No no tell me Ch. I confesse I now doe feele the power of love untill That Gentleman Gol. Which which Gentleman Ch. By his faire merit won my hearts consent I had my freedome Gol. Master Gerard Ch. The same oh Sir there 's no comparison With him and those that proffer us their service Sir Gervace is but title tother noise Empty of all reality and worth There is my choise more pretious to my thoughts Pointing to Ger. Than all mankind without him and I hope You will be kind in your allowance Sir Gol. You might have us'd lesse haste in your election Or first acquainted me you shall doe well To keepe possession of your heart awhile But I le consider send your sister to me What say you daughter to Sir Gervace Au. Nothing as much as he hath said to me I affect worth not shew and in my choise I hope your judgement Sir will meete Gol. I like this well be obedient Au. What thinke you Sir of Master Gerard Gol. You doe not love him Au. I should then bely My heart when I deny him my best love He needes not boast his worth like those whom Nature And Art have left unfurnish'd hee 's a man For birth for education for his fortune Worthy a nobler wife than shee that now Commends him to you Gol. Would you marry him Au. I know not that man in the world beside I would call husband in my soule I am Already his and if you will not be Held cruell to your daughter Gol. How 's this Both in love with the same man my care will be To a great purpose this is very strange Send your sister to me come hither come hither You are not yet contracted to that Gentleman Ch No such thing has past Go. But you are content to take him for your bridegroome I meane Master Gerard Ch. And call it happinesse Go. Your mother calls so so doe you heare Aurelia doe you love that Gentleman Au. Yes Gol. Very good when your wedding clothes come home pray give me leave to pay for 'em and the dinner too I say nothing of a portion goe after your sister hum this is very pretty faith let me be bold to aske you a question Sir Ger. My answer shall be just
Chrisolina Aurelia Ch. Was ever Maid so miserable in her affection Au. Is not my fate as cruell Cannot wee love him still and yet bee sisters I hope we may the love I beare to him Shall not destroy my piety to you Nature hath fram'd us two in person but wee are both one in heart Ch. Indeed we are Wee are too much one And both love one too much for either to enjoy him Au Say not so give me a little time and I will try How I can give him you I will perswade My heart to let him goe Ch. Alas poore sister Why should you give him me it is no argument Because I came one minute into life Before you therefore you should render first To me what is so pretious to your selfe Rather let me begin that was first made Acquainted to the world resigne to thee And make thee happy by enjoying him Au. But doe you know the miserable consequence For if you love him with that truth and fervour You speake of as it were a sinne in me Not to beleeve it can you looke for lesse Than death to see mee mistresse of his faith And lead in nuptiall triumph to the Church Ch. I cannot tell Au. Or if it did not kill you So soone I know the sorrow would distract you How can I smile to see my sister weepe Away her eyes and tell the jarring minutes With hasty sighes to know her selfe forsaken Ch. And can it be you could doe lesse that love him As well as I to see him made my husband Would it not make you melancholy sister And ofte retire into the darke to weepe Could you behold us freely kisse embrace And goe to bed together remembring that You gave this friend to me from your owne Heart and live Au. Why let me dye then Rather than you I shall perhaps obtaine Some charitable Epitaph to tell The world I died to save my sisters life T is no such thing to dye Ch. This is agen Our misery it is not in our power Be resignation to assure to either His love he only must determine it Wee cannot guide his passion Au. Nor himselfe Direct it as he now appeares divided May be it would be fortunate for both Would he be more particular Ch. That makes Our flame increase that he protests he loves Vs both so equally Au. 'T is very strange Ch. Let us then joyne our argument to perswade him To point out one of us to be his Bride Tother in time may hope to gaine her freedome I know not what I say we both must plead Enter Gerard Against our selves see he is come already Ge. The scales are even still that one had lesse Perfection to make the doubtfull ballance Give difference in their value but I wrong Their vertues to wish either any want That equally incline my soule to love 'em Iustice I now consent thou shouldst be blinde My eyes are but the cause I cannot see And will not give my judgement leave to make Distinction of these two Democritus I doe allow thy rashnesse ad confesse Then thou didst rectifie thy contemplation When thou didst lose thy sight Which of these two Instruct me love that tother both what fate Hovers about my choice Were it not sinne I would be blind as Poets fancie love Into whom now I am transform'd that then My soule not looking through these glasses might With inward speculation ayme at her That is the happiest if one can be so Ch. Sir if wee be not troublesome Ge. You cannot Au. To interrupt your meditations wee have a sute Ge. Both it must needes be granted Ch. Nor let us suffer in our modesties If our request seeme strange Ge. T is a command And I must needes obey you two divide this Empires Ch. You prepare we dispute not The strangenesse of your love but pitty it And are so ready in our owne affection To answer your opinion of us both That if you can collect what devide On two and place it fairely upon one Choose whom you will make happie Au. We expect not Your hasty answer though wee both desire A swift end to your trouble Ge. I pray stay Exit I would determine now but cannot faire ones Was ever lover so perplext I must resolve Enter Master Thornay Tho. Why how now Franke what melancholy Ger. How came you hither Tho. Why o' my feet I was at your lodging to enquire for you And here they told me I should finde you Ge. Yes Here I am lost indeed prethee excuse my dulnesse Tho. What 's the matter come I ghesse The cause which of these Gentlewomen is 't I saw 'em Ge. Didst and how dost like 'em prethee Tho. I doe like 'em so well that I could wish Ge. Which which of them Tho. Faith I cannot tell the worst of 'em both a-bed wi' me Ge. Thy wishes are Not modest couldst thou love one of them nobly Ha thou hast a person and fortune to invite thy Entertainement come let me counsell you Tho. To what Ge. To love and to a blessing couldst thou see So sweet a paire and feele no burning shaft Hast thou a soule about thee that is capable Of knowledge and delight didst ever love Tho. Yes once and I thinke heartily for the time But I ha' drowned her Ge. How Tho. In Sacke I thinke as gallants lose their Mistresses By drinking their health too often Ge. Prethee doe not trifle Tho. What wouldst have me answer I can love Ge. A woman Tho. What dost make of mee Ge. With honour Tho. And honesty if I see cause Ge. Enough thou shalt have cause Within two minutes shalt but see agen These sisters and be proud to be a servant I prophesie already oh my friend Tho. Pray take me wi' you Ge. Yes thou shalt goe with me And speake to 'em and be amaz'd as I am To know there are such creatures Tho. I ha' seene a multitude of faire ones Ge. All other women Are but like pictures in a gallery Set off to th' eye and have no excellency But in their distance but these two farre off Shall tempt thee to just wonder and drawne neere Can satisfie thy narrowest curiosity The stocke of woman hath not two more left To rivall them in graces Tho. You speake for 'em I may goe farther and fare worse I le not Consider more on 't le ts to 'em stay Which of these two 's your mistresse let me know Where to direct my service Ge. That question Hath puzled mee already Tho. Say which is 't you best affect Ge. I love em both so equally I know not which to name Tho. How both what then Should I doe with em art thou mad Ge. A little Containe thy selfe and call thy reason to thee Although it be the cruelty of my fate I can be no barre to thee I can enjoy But one and yet thou shalt have choice Of both thou art not thus my rivall But my friend reliefe of my distraction for shee
Whom thou refusest if thou canst endeare thy selfe to either In my heart shall meet a cleere and perfect entertainment Tho. Hum Ger. Canst thou resolve winne either And we both grow happy at once Tho. You say well this is faire Ger. They are here Enter Simple and M. Golds. at one doore and Thump Chris and Aurel. at the other Mis. With your favour I must chide you Sir not once speak to My daughter she expects to be courted with kisses and imbraces Sim. I I I could kisse her all over and imbrace her too but I have an imperfediment I cannot speake as I would doe but let mee alone a little I le try let me see and I hanot forgot my verses Mis. Here they are I le not trouble you Exit Ger. I will leave this Gentleman Hee is my best friend Ladies Ch. You oblige us more to respect him Ger. I hope you will be just At my returne when I declare my selfe Au. Sir you sh'anot need to urge it Ger. I am your honourer Exit Sim. Now Thump I am resolv'd to speak to her whatsoever Come on 't hum hum Enter Mr. Goldsworth Gol. What another sutor I were best locke up my daughters they 'l be smothered with Gentlemen Sir Gervace you are a welcome man Sim. You shall see if I doe not speake to her now Now and to the purpose in spight of the divell Thump Stroke me o' th back He plucks Aur. by the gowne There 's something in my head and t' were out Thu. I hope you doe not meane your braines Sim. Would somebody lov'd me but as well as I loved Somebody Au. Now 't is out Sim. La you there I thinke I talked to her Gol. But in my opinion you were quickly daunted Sim. Was I so well marke me now now I will wincke As hard as I can and then I 'me sure she cannot put me out Enter Caperwit Sim. takes Cap. by the hand Sim. Beauty Cap. How now what meanes this Sim. Let me but kisse thy hand and tell How much I love thee I know very well Thou art a Phenix beautious and bright And dost burne every man for thy delight Thy eyes are Sunne and Moone not to be match'd Ch. This was intended for you sister Sim. Thy haire is fine as gold thy chin is hatch'd With silver needs must brazen be my face That cannot come into thee with a grace Cap. Before or after meat Sim. Sweet heare me out But this I know I am thy faithfull Lover Oh quench my fire Cap. Or else the pot run's over Sim. Y' are in the right Accept me for thy servant not thy foe For I doe love thee better than any man in the whole world can doe Cap. Come kisse me then and open thy faire eyne Sim. With all my heart Om. Ha ha Sim. Gentlemen rest you merry Thump By this hand I le bee drunke presently Thu. And you had taken my counsell you had done so Before you came hither Wine is armour of proofe Exeunt Cap. Ladies I am sorry this rude fellow has Abus'd your eare with harsh and untun'd numbers Gol. Your verses have a tune belike Cap. I came a purpose to present a copie Of verses that should make your genius stand O' th tip-toe list to me and grow immortall Ch. We shall be troubled now Tho. If please you Lady Wee l walke a side I have something of more weight I would impart Ex. Au. I le leave him too Exit Gol. Master Caperwit before you read pray tell me Have your verses any adjectives Cap. Adjectives would you have a Poem without Adjectives they are the flowers the grace of al our language A well chosen Epithete doth give new soule To fainting Poesie and makes every verse A bride with Adjectives we baite our lines When we doe fish for Gentlewomens loves And with their sweetnesse catch the nibling eare Of amorous Ladies with the musicke of These ravishing Nownes we charme the silken Tribe And make the Gallant melt with apprehension Of the rare word I will maintain t against A bundle of Grammarians in Poetry The Substantive it selfe cannot subsist Without an Adjective Gol. But for all that Those words would sound more full me thinks that are not So larded and if I might counsell you You should compose a Sonnet cleane without e'm A row of stately Substantives would march Like Switzers and beare all the field before e'm Carry their weight shew faire like Deeds enrold Not Writs that are first made and after fild Thence first came up the title of blancke verse You know Sir what blancke signifies when the sense First framed is tyed with Adjectives like points And could not hold together without wedges Hang 't t is pedanticke vulgar Poetry Let children when they versifie sticke here And there these pidling words for want of matter Poets write Masculine numbers Cap. You have given me a pretty hint t is new Gol. And will bee gratefull My daughter will affect it much the better And t will be honour if shee be the first To whom so choice a Poem is presented I wish you well Sir Exit Cap. You oblige my service I will bestow these verses o' my footman They 'l serve a Chambermaid let me see I want a little quickning two or three Infusions of sacke will heighten mee And make my Genius dance then Lady Lady Gone Shee 's hard of Soule but I must supple her And there 's a conceit new strucke upon my braine Will doo 't {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} forces united conquer Lady grow soft if merit cannot prove Happy wee must use policie in love Exit Enter Chrisalina and Thornay Ch. No more you doe not well to wrong your friend That trusts you with his bosome Tho. Faire one heare mee Ch. He gave you welcome hither and you practise Vnworthily to supplant him Tho. You are too Severe I have no thought so wicked Lady Deny me not that liberty which all The Creatures have to wish their owne felicity Which cannot bee without you hee will not Repine to see mee happy in your love Ch. In seeming to extenuate your error You thus enlarge it and bring into question The honour of your friend for whom I must Though weake rise up a Champion for his vertue And to beate off all argument on your part To move for my affection know he is next heaven The onely object of my heart nor can it know a change Tho. And yet if you collect your selfe you are not The onely Mistresse of his heart your sister hee loves As well as you your pardon fairest t is possible Hee may preferre her too since neither piety nor law allowes Hee can bee husband at one time to both Then let discretion guide you first to freedome I love you not with halfe a heart but all Heaven knowes with all at every looke you doe Transfixe me and can onely cure the wound With the same eyes if they but smile upon it Ch. I must not heare you
they had been married And then wee had not suffered this perplexity I did commend an honorable man But your deliberation hath mar'd all And they were here agen Gol. Have patience wife They are not lost for ever Mis. No no lost They 'l come agen double I warrant you And perhaps treble with some unthrift husbands Of their owne choosing Gol. It does trouble me They were not us'd to walke abroad without A servant to waite on 'em Mis. You must thinke They have servants of their owne for such a businesse Young maids have plentie of such waiting men And this has beene a long conspiracy I le lay my life Enter Servant Gol. What hast found 'em yet Ser. I can heare no newes And Sir Iohn Woodhamore is much troubled Sir His Neece is gone too Gol. Hey day Ser. Sh 'as been absent Ever since morning Gol. Pretious pretious theeves Eugenias gone le ts have 'em cried together Mis. They that have found em will too soone I feare Alter the property Gol. We shall keepe no virgins i th towne shortly Enter Woodhamore Welcome Sir Iohn Wood. Is not my Neece Eugenia here Gol. Not here Mis. Wee have lost our daughters and that 's two for one Gol. Ours have been absent ever since the morning Nor can we study what 's become on 'em Wood. Is 't possible is there no plot in this Gol. Our servants have enquired in every place Of our acquaintance Wood. I will tell you Sir You doe remember Master Yongrave Gol. A servant of your Neeces Woo. The same Sir With my consent he tooke her forth this morning To marry her I doe beleeve he has don 't But it doth wracke my braine why they should stay thus They might have married forty times by this Gol. You did perhaps desire it private Woo. And he too Gol. I will engage my life they are all together Woo. Doe you thinke so Gol. I am confident le ts in to supper and expect the best Enter Servant and whispers Mistresse Goldsworth What newes with him Mis. T is something that he sayes Ser. I cannot find em Gol. How Ser. But I have met a Gentleman that can Tel you some newes Gol. That does concerne my daughters Ser. So he reports he is a cunning man I think a conjurer He talkes of art and spirits Enter Caperwit like a Coniurer This is he Sir Cap. Gentles in your troubled brow I read what you desire to know Let no feare invade your heart I will tell by powerfull art Your Childrens fate and where they are Know then they are wandred farre Led by Cupid God of loves They have now arriv'd those groves Where no happie soule can sleepe Venus doth there revels keepe Consecrating day and night To song to kisses and delight They in Elysium breath chuse whether They shall move thence or you goe thither Woo. This is some Poeticall businesse Mis. Sweet husband let us goe to 'em I have heard Poets talke much of Elysium I would faine see whither they be honest of their words or no Gol. No it will befit them to come to us Cap. It shall be so harmonious straines That doe blesse those happy plaines Vsher them forth and shame the spheares Charme with heavenlier notes our eares Recorders That when we see the lovers come We may beleeve Elysium It selfe come hither all those bowers And the shades of pleasure ours Enter mask'd Yongrave Chrysolina Gerard Aurelia Thornay Eugenia Simple Bird betweene every couple a torch carried they march ouer the Stage and Exeunt Gol. Who are all these Mis. I ghesse some of them oh that I were in Elysium VVood. What are they vanished Another turne of your art Good Sir Cap. Chime other musicke Enter the Maskers and dance VVoo. Now they will discover Master Yongrave I rejoyce Yon. discovers To see you here this is the Gentleman I prais'd so much hee has Married now my Neece Chr. But I must aske your blessing we are married Wood. Chris unveiles Ha another Sweetheart I am abus'd hee is a very Knave where is my Neece Gol. Is hee worse for marrying of my child nay then my Blessing on you both my sonne and daughter Mis. Aur. unveiles Where 's Aurelia Aur. Here Mother I have met a Husband too let us divide your Prayers soft Master Caperwit Ger. discovers wee are married Sir already Cap. How married did not you promise mee Gol. Master Gerard nay and it be no worse I care not rise to my heart Ger. My duty shall deserve it t is ene so good Master Caperwit you must dance without her Cap. Have I made verses and studied speeches for this Mis. Since there 's no remedy I blesse you both but I did Eug. unveiles wish Eug. Sir if you will acknowledge your Neece You must accept a Nephew too we are as fast as they Woo. Death I am coozend cheated there is law Yon. And there is conscience Th. I le not give you a penny Yon. I will not publish Sir your avarice Wish em good joy Woo. Well t is done Tho. Yes faith Vncle wee are coupled man and wife Woo. I le enquire how this came about hereafter Looke you love her Sir Tho. As I will doe my soule Sim. Gentlemen all is not yet discovered there are a paire behind worth taking notice of doe y know Sir Gervace Simple I am the man Thu. Simple as he stands there Sim. And this is my Lady what does thy haire come off already Pag. Your worship is a most egregious coxcombe Sim. A boy Gentlemen have I married a boy or is shee metamorphis'd Yon. Ha ha Master Caperwits Page Om. Give you joy Sir Pag. The Bird is flowne indeed law Sim. Bird they make a coxcombe of me Cap. I am glad somebody else is coozend beside my selfe Nay nay take her there is a man within a mile of an Oake I name no body has had earnest of her body Sim. Bawdy quoth a Thumpe I will sell thee my Knighthood for halfe the mony it cost me and turne Yeoman in the Country agen why there is neither wit nor honesty in this Thu. Be ruld by me le ts to some Taverne and Drinke away melancholy Sim. I and then we may steale away disguisd a match Tho. Nay nay le ts all together and make a merry night on t Sim Why how now Thumpe are you sneaking away Gol. Le ts all together Ge. But first we must the licence of these Gentlemen Epilogus OVr Poet knowes you will be just but we Appeale to mercy he desires that yee Would not distaste his Muse because of late Transplanted which would grow here if no fate Have an unlucky bode opinion Comes hither but on crutches yet the Sun Hath lent no beame to warme us if this Play Proceed more fortunate wee shall blesse the day And love that brought you hither t is in you To make a little sprigge of Laurel grow And spread into a grove where you may sit And hear soft stories when by blasting it You gaine no honour though our ruines lye To tell the spoiles of your offended eye If not for what we are for alas here No Roscious moves to charme your eyes or eare Yet as you hope hereafter to see Playes Encourage us and give our Poet bayes Exeunt FINIS
Here shee comes Mis. Sir I hope you and my Daughter are agreed Aur. And the conditions please mee infinitely Mother you never plac'd your commendation Vpon a Gentleman so Noble such Plenty of honour dwels in him I must Bee happy in his imbraces Sim. Oh ho is 't come about agen Mis. Nay nay I told you you should find him honourable Aur. Wee understand each other perfectly Hee has so sweet a soule I may have any thing Hee has promised me the finest Parrats Sim. Oh I and Madgehowlets that can speake all languages Mis. Nay and hee 'le performe Well for this act of duty I shall finde Some gold beside thy portion i' th meane time I le move thy father to conclude the marriage And here hee is already Enter Golds. Caperw and Chrysol Aur. Looke you Sir These turnes you put mee too doe not beleeve I beare one thought more of good-will for this If you suspect it otherwise because I carry it sweet and pleasing to my mother Who is so zealous in your cause I 'le sweare Your worship is the most unwelcomm'st man I' th world to mee Sim. I 'm glad shee is not gone yet Au. What need you distrust Hee 'l know precisely when we must be married Is jealous of delayes wo'not beleeve I love him Till the Priest hath seald me his i' th Church hee sayes Sim. These are tricks demurres your daughter is not sober Au. He meanes serious Sim. She doth but mocke Au. Who would thinke you could dissemble Mis. Sir have patience I have not beene so hasty To become tedious at last referre that to my care Since you have made a marriage in your hearts The Church shall soone confirme it Au. What doe y' thinke of this Faith yet be wise and leave this wooing I shall maintaine this humour to my mother And finde a crotchet to come off with honour you have not Yet my hate pray let 's bee friends and never meet agen Sim. This is very fine yfaith if I do not study some mischiefe Au. Conceale for your owne shame Cap. How doe' y like 'em Lady 't pleasd your father To impose somewhat severely on my Muse But your Divine acceptance shall declare it A Crowned Poem most illustrious Simple Sim. Simple mee no more than I simple thee Enter servant Ser. Sir there is a Lady enquires for Master Caperwit Cap. A Lady out of complement t is hee Ser. Shee seemes of Noble quality she has Coach and faire Attendants and cals her selfe the Lady Bird Cap. Good Cupid is it shee Who gave her direction to finde mee here An honourable Lady I confesse and hath a fortune Noble like her birth t is the rich Aldermans widdow The great Bird that dyed at 's Country house a Kinsman To the Ravens of the City by no meanes admit her Shee 'le betray her foolish Passion Gol. What is the matter Cap. Some few dayes agoe I did by chance but drop a complement How much I was her servant and she tooke it To 'th heart and ever since hath sought occasion To expresse her love to mee poore Gentlewoman Gol. You cannot helpe it Cap. T is one but of the myriad of Ladies That have been taken Chr. With your tropes and figures Gol. No matter let her come it were not civill Sir to deny your selfe Cap. Shee le tire all patience But Lady be assur'd my heart is dedicate To you and were all women kind in ballance With your divinest person their light scale Would kicke the Firmament or comming downe Bee lost i' th middle Region of the ayre Or bee converted to a Cloud to weepe Vpon the earth for being so much exceld Enter Lady Bird Bir. Where 's this Footman Ser. Trot my Ladies Footman Bir. Goe pray my Vncle Sir Walter Cormorant To dine with me to morrow And doe y'heare T is in your way to aske if my Cosin Bulfinch The Steward of my Land bee come to Towne Hee lies in Fleetstreet betweene Hawke and Buzzard I' th afternoone remember Sirrah that You goe to Master Kite that lives i' th Poultry And say I shall expect the thousand pound Was lent him upon morgage Sir beseech your Noblenesse excuse mee The affaires so neerely doe concerne mee with A Gentleman now your guest that I presumed It should not bee offence if I tooke hold Of this occasion to speake with him Gol. Madame you need plead no excuse for that Command your freedome here Daughters my Lady Would have some private conference Bir. By no meanes Let me appeare so troublesome your presence Will be no hurt to my designe you shall Command a great deale more Cap. 'T was cunningly prepared Bi. Sir after all let me obtaine your priviledge Ca. Proceed Bi. I shall accuse my selfe of too much boldnesse If you neglect mee Sir before all these I come not to disturbe you nor to publish What you have taken from mee Go. I hope shee will lay some felony to his charge Bi. But Sir you might have been so kind to have seene your friend once in three dayes Ca. I must be pardon'd Widow The glasse that tells the hower hath not more sands Than there be Ladies waite to catch me up To spend my time with 'em they breake my dreames With importunity and allow me but One minute in a weeke to say my prayers Bi. Among them all there is not one That more desires your happinesse Ca. T is more your goodnesse Lady than desert Or provocation in me Bi. Y' are modest And thus increase your value Ca. Your favours are acknowledg'd and take up Much of my studies how I may be active In service to reward 'em still preserving My liberty I must not be confind Or wedg'd in all that 's good in nature ought To be communicable if you have Promis'd your selfe more of me than as you are Allowd an excellent part o' th commonwealth T is justice you correct the imagination Perhaps you 'l say you love me Go. A fine Dialogue Bi. My blushes speake me guilty and I feare Betray my frailty to these Gentlewomen You 'l sinne against your knowledge Sir to make A question how much I esteeme you be not A tyrant if my opinion of your worth Prevaile against my modesty to say I cannot choose but love you t is my fate My breeding never suffred but in this That I should lose my selfe to court a man Ambitious of my favour t is in vaine To tell you with what art my eyes have beene Courted by great ones for their smile for you Will turne them all to teares Chr. Alas poore Lady I pitty her what doth she see in him To draw this passion Cap. May be I am engag'd To another beauty Bir. That 's my feare indeed For who can looke with eyes like mine upon you And not be tempted to the same desires But be not Sir deceived all forheads are not True glasses of the minde and beauty alone Deserves not such a blessing young men doe Too hastily
man so miserably lost Is there a balme can cure me Oh I bleed The sword wounds gently but love kils indeed Exit Sic explicit Actus Tertius Actus Quartus Enter Eugenia and her Maid Eug. Has truth forsooke mankind or is it my Fate onely to converse with those that are So cruell and neglectfull of our sexe Vnhappy Maid is he not yet return'd Maid None yet appeares Eug. Then I despaire to see him And when I thinke indeed of the imployment That 't is against himselfe I may with justice Accuse my want of judgement to expect He should performe so hard an imposition I would I could not thinke of any man They rob me of my peace I prethee try Thy voyce to put my heart in better tune There is a power in harmony some say To charme the unruly motions of the braine Love is itselfe a melancholy madnesse Why should not Musicke cure the wound of love Melancholy hence goe get Some piece of earth to be thy seat Here the ayre and nimble fire Would shoot up to meet desire Sullen humour leave her blood Mix not with the purer floud But let pleasures swelling there Make a Spring-tide all the yeere Enter Chrysolina Chry. How does my deare Eugenia Eug. As well As this restraint will give me leave and yet It does appeare a part of my enlargement To have your company I hope your sister Enjoyes her health Chry. And more felicity Than I can boast mine owne shee 's halfe a Bride Happy i th' embraces of her wished servant You know our story he ha's chosen her And most uncivilly neglecteth me Thus laden with his scorne I come to practise A scene of sorrow w' ye sure thy fate Hath spun a thread for me we are so like In our misfortunes Have you heard no newe Of your ingratefull servant for I know No other name and he indeed deserves To have no other memory that takes A pride in his disdaine Eug. Nothing as yet But I have met occasion to convey A Letter to him yet I cannot promise Enter Yongrave But here 's the messenger Chr. That Gentleman I know the man you love then is 't not Thornay Eug. The same I did conceale him for his shame Chr. Why hee 's a zealous suiter for my love Yon. It makes for me that he continues cruell I was not able to command his passion But will she not mistrust I have not beene So carefull in advancing her desires But satisfied my selfe with any answer As knowing what must bring comfort to her Must needs be killing to my hopes In what A narrow path I tread her spring must be My frost and when her tree carries the pride And bloome of summer I retaine no sap But wither and creepe backward into earth Like a forsaken plant Chr. Here I le obscure Chrysolina withdrawes Eug. You are welcome Sir Yon. I would I were Eug. Shall I beleeve you have beene faithful to My griefes request Yon. Yes and bring comfort backe Chrys. How 's that Eug. Pronounce those words agen Yon. I bring you comfort Eug. He did say so What meant she To mocke me with another sad relation Was 't a device in her to increase my joy At meeting he did talke of comfort is it A thing restor'd in nature Oh before You blesse my eare agen with that wished sound Excuse my modesty if my heart present A kisse to thanke you Yon. I drinke in my poyson Eug. Now let your comforts flow Yon. I have returned you As true a lover as yet ever Mistris Could boast possession of one so resolved To honour you Eug. Can this be possible Yon. I have examined every secret thought Within his foule concerning you and dare Thus boldly justifie he is your owne Eug. Let me but live to see him and I write My ambition satisfied Yon. He 's here Eug. Where Yo. Here In me your truest servant is return'd Chr. Does he affect her Yon. I call all that 's good To witnesse with me I discharg'd with zeale The unkind office to my selfe but could not Incline him to returne to any softnesse In briefe he has unworthily engag'd That heart belonging to you and would not be Provoked to see you agen Chr. Eugenia Chr. leads in Eug. Yon. Is all this waking Have I seene her faint And did not she that cherishes her enemy Haste to her reliefe and seeme to suffer with her While I as one had growne here did not move I did not well to exalt her with a hope To meet a blessing and then ruine her If death hath whisper'd her aside I shall Be accused and I will take my preferment To be sent after her to tell her ghost I lov'd her best when wee are both immortall She 'l understand me better Enter Chrysolina Is Eugenia alive agen Chr There is no danger to be fear'd a qualme Pray let me aske you Sir one question Doe you affect this Virgin really I move it not for any harme Yon. Would she had sent hither But with desire to be resolv'd Chr. May be she has Yon. Then tell her I doe love her better Than I can expresse but when she has Numbred all things are excellent on earth She is to me above 'em infinitely Chr. This carries no probability Yon. Would thou wert a man Then I durst tell thee I doe love her so I durst be wicked for her and kill thee Chr. With all this it does not appeare you love her so And be an instrument nay plead to put another in possession Of your lov'd treasure for if I mistake not You late did urge a man whom shee esteemed Better to returne and marry her Can any man that loves a woman truly Strive to supplant himselfe and give away His comfort Yon. There 's the honour of my service When I am dead the story shall remember I lov'd a maid so well that I prefer'd Whatever she desired above my selfe And cause she lou'd one better was content To serve her wishes with my banishment He does not love a Virgin nobly whose Affection walkes not just to her desires To like e'm 'bove his owne Chr. If this can be Thou art the noblest lover in the world With what affection shall shee be blest That loves him when the mistresse that esteemes Him not is thus rewarded Enter Eugenia Eug. Indeed I love him still and shall doe ever Nor had I now returnd to life but that I had not tooke my leave of him Yon. More corrosive Eug. If you 'l oblige a Virgin For ever to you once more visit him Tell him I lye like one that 's desperate sicke Opprest with griefe of body and of mind But cannot be so fortunate to quit The world till he vouchsafe to visit me Bid him not feare I will detaine him long With idle talke sixe words and I am dead Although he love me not he may doe this If you will adde this to your other worke I will impose no more indeed I will
and Iack Yongrave with his Mistris Cap. The number I desire Thor. I know your lodging say no more I le bring 'em This afternoone to practise we may soone Perfect a dance Cap. Shall I trust to you Thor. Here 's my hand Cap. I kisse it Thor. I may give you a hint perhaps for the device too Cap. I have no other gratitude but this Live but a weeke I le send you an Ode or dye I le write your Epitaph Exit Thor. I have no purpose to put your Muse To such expence Farewell Phantasma Enter Chrysolina Chr. Have I not beene tedious I told my sister all and she is gone To Mr. Gerard if their meeting prosper I have directed where to find us Thor. Excellent come let 's away A thousand joyes expect us Exeunt Enter Gerard in his gowne and cap Ger. I once beleev'd women were full of pitty Of soft and gentle constitutions But I have found 'em cruell for Aurelia One of the best of all her sex doth owne A hard and tyrannous nature Enter servant Ser. Sir t is done Ger. I prethee let it be vndone as I am Ser. The Song Ger. I gave to be taught Musicke I le hear 't anon I prethee goe Ser. Whither Ger. To Prison Ser. How Sir Ger. Yes and aske when are the Sessions Ser. They are every moneth Ger. I would 't were execution day to morrow Ser. Why with your pardon doe you wish it Sir Ger. I would intreat the Surgeons to beg Some Woman for Anatomy nothing else I have heard their Lectures very much commended And I 'd be present when they read upon Her heart for sure there is much difference Betweene a Woman and a Man in that Same thing we call a heart they doe not love As we doe we are fooles indeed we are To dote so much upon 'em and betray The glory of our creation to serve A female pride we were borne free and had From the great Maker Royall priviledge Most brave immunities but since have made Tame forfeit of our Charter Let me see 't It is the same first read it reach the chaire T is yet no Song infuse a soule into it Song If Love his Arrowes shoot so fast Soone his feathered stocke will waste But I mistake in thinking so Love's Arrowes in his Quiver grow How can he want Artillery That appeares too true in mee Two shafts feed upon my brest Oh make it Quiver for the rest Kill me with love thou angry sonne Of Cytherea or let one One sharpe golden Arrow flye To wound her heart for whom I dye Cupid if thou bee'st a Childe Be no god or be more milde Enter Aurelia and Servant Ser. I have not since I serv'd him knowne him so Opprest with melancholy hee 's asleepe I dare not wake him Aur. I le expect a while Ser. This quiet will much benefit him hee Began to talke idly Aur. Heaven preserve the temper of his braine Ser. He wakes Ger. Ha t is not shee doe I dreame still Come hither dost thou see nothing Ser. Yes a Gentlewoman that came to visit you Ger. Doe not abuse thy master 't is not possible Aurelia Will doe me so much honour in my sleepe Me thought I parled with her and my fancy Hath not yet lost her shape Oh my Aurelia Aur. I come to aske thy pardon Ger. Doe not mocke me Thou wo't bee cruell when I wake agen And then I shall repent I dream't so sweetly Aur. Y' are now awake and I am your Aurelia That if you can forgive her past neglect Will give you proofe of her repentance But these teares Ger. Let not the ground be hallowed with Such water I have a heart to drinke this Balsome Enough Aurelia doe not make thy eyes Poore to enrich thy bosome where the drops Shew like a Carkanet of Pearle upon it Thou hast enough restor'd mee Aur. Oh my Gerard Thou art too mercifull and dost forgive Too soone the injury I did thy love But I am come to make thee satisfaction And this is but a shadow of those joyes Wee must divide if you vouchsafe to follow As I direct Ger. T is sinne not to obey Aur. You must walk then Ger. It is to heaven thou goest Convey mee swiftly thither Aur. Nay t is hast is now required Ger. What blisse can bee deny'd A man that followes such an Angell-guide Exeunt Enter Thumpe Thum. Where in the name of simplicity should my Master be all this while I have been at sixe Ordinaries twelve Tavernes and I thinke foure and twenty Bawdy-houses places that Gentlemen use to frequent and yet cannot find him well I am resolv'd to aske every man I meet and if I cannot heare of him the sooner I le have him cryed Enter Yongrave and Eugenia Pray did you see my Master Yon. Thy Master I know him not Thump Nay Sir did you see him for if you see him you cannot choose but know him for hee had a hundred markes brought him warme out of the Country this morning Yon. Much good doe it him next his heart I see him not Ex. Thump No no there is no hope 't is but an unmannerly tricke of any Master to leave his man o'th is fashion t is well there is no presse abroad no disguis'd Constables twelve pence and the Kings name would put mee into a pittifull Feaver and I should curse Sir Gervace in another Country as often as I heard the report of a Musket for bringing me up no better that might ha' hv'd quietly at home and gone a feasting with the train'd Band without any danger Enter Thornay Chrysol Here is another youth and his commodity I 'le enquire of him Pray did you see my Master Thor. Thy Master what 's he Thum. A Knight Sir I le assure you of the last edition that Was my foolish Master for want of a better Thor. His name Thum. Sir Gervace Simple Thor. Something of a blacke complexion with a weezell face Thum. The same Sir Thor. In a doublet of Orange-tawny Satten richly laced and blew trunke hose very sutable Thum. Very right Sir Thor. A long Italian Cloake came down to his elbowes a Spanish Ruffe and long French stockings Thump Iust the same how happy was I to meet with this Gentleman Thor. Faith honest friend I saw none such Thum. Pox o' these questions Thor. But if thou 'lt goe with me I may chance helpe to a sight of this Pageant Thum. Heaven blesse your worship and the sweet fac'd modicum in your company Exeunt Enter Master Golds. Mistresse Golds. Mis. To prison with your servants Husband hang Them all unlesse they finde our daughters Gol. And I have sent to Sir Iohn Woodhamores They may be with his Neece Mis. They never us'd Thus to absent themselves Oh me unhappy Gol. Wee have been too indulgent Mis. I would have had them more restrain'd yong wenches That have so many sutors grow soone wanton And throw off their obedience had you been Forward as I
Your wedding day Yon. Right Thor. In very good time You weare a sword Yon. What then Thor. I le only try how you can fence I must not lose her so Yon. You lose her you despis'd her wo'd not see her Not to recover her from death D' yee not Remember such a saying In the Towne Were many yonger brothers that might be Content to marry her let her use her fortune For your owne part you were engag'd there was No wrestling with your fate Was it not so Thor. 'T is all one for that my mind is altred I 'm of another humour now and will Maintaine I love her better than you dare Yo. Then I must tell you Tho. Tell me no tellings Either resigne her to me againe or Yon. Resolve me pray can you affect her heartily Thor. Else let me perish on your sword Yon. I heard You court another Mistris that did answer it with entertainment Thor. She was a very Gipsie You were no sooner parted but she us'd me Basely 't is true I did sufficiently Deserve it for my breach of vow to her I now alone doe honour and for whom Chang'd into honesty I will rather dye Than live without her Yo. Heaven do's heare all this Thor. I make no doubt and while my heart to her Is reconcil'd cannot despaire of mercie Yon. You shall have her Thor. Shall I then I le love thee too Yon. And know she ha's no thought but to be yours There ha's no obligation past betwixt us two I came for this yet I must tell you Sir I love her too and shall doe ever Thor. How not when She is my wife I hope Yon. Yes then Thor. If you have cut her up and left her cold meat I shall lose my stomacke Yon. With a holy flame Her vertue keeps a Vestall fire within me But she affects not me yet I might challenge her Nor can you ever but in right of me Glory your selfe possest I have bought her Thor. I hope she ha's not sold her maidenhead Yo. Her vncle Whose aime is onely profit hath concluded With me a price for her and therefore gives Accesse to none till I ha' prov'd my fortune But I finde her devoted to you onely And have conform'd my wishes unto hers She loves you best and I preferre you too Returne and be her husband I le direct you Enter Caperwit and Dancer Cap. You understand my purpose you shall make The Dance let me alone to write the songs Dan. A Maske will be delightfull to the Ladies Cap. Oh Sir what Playes are taking without these Pretty devices Many Gentlemen Are not as in the dayes of understanding Now satisfied without a Iigge which since They cannot with their honour call for after The play they looke to be serv'd up i th' middle Your dance is the best language of some Comedies And footing runnes away with all a Scene Exprest with life of Art and squar'd to nature Is dull and flegmatick Poetry Tho. Enough I am bound to honour thee command my life Thou excellent young man Yon. I wish you happinesse and never after her will love a woman Cap. You know my lodging Dan. I le attend you Sir Exit Cap. I wonder what 's become of my hermophrodyte Yongrave how is 't man what art melancholy What hath hung plummets on thy nimble soule What sleepie rod hath charmd thy mounting spirit Yon. Prethee enjoy thy selfe Cap. By Parnassus You must not be so head hung why dost peep Vnder thy cloake as thou didst feare a Serjeant Enter Simple and Lady Bird Who are these my wish fortune hath sent thee a cure The rarest mirth you sha'not lose it ha ha Bir. You have strangely wonne me to obey you Sir I refuse nothing you command Sim. Shalt go And heare how I will talke and baffle 'em But what if wee meet Caperwit Bir. No matter Sim. No w'y then let him goe hang himselfe in his owne verses if the lines be strong enough come my Nightingale my Bird of Paradise Exit Cap. If ever thou didst love me le ts follow 'em Feede not this sullen humour I le promise excellent sport Yon. You shall prevaile Ex. Enter Chrysolina Aurelia Chr. It was not kindly done beleeve me sister He did performe but our request Aur. T is granted But his neglect of you afflicted me Chr. He could not make you happy and remaine Servant to me Aur. Nor make me blest while you Seem'd discontented Chr. Doe not thinke I was I did but carry trouble in my face When he declared himselfe withdrew my smiles For your sake to make you appeare most lovely And worthy of his choice and could you be So cruell to reject him when he came To be confirm'd your owne without a rivall It seemes he did not know who lov'd him best Aur. Best Chr. Yes and I in this will mak 't appeare That now you have exild him from your love I le sue for his affection Aur. He is mine Chr. But you Aurelia are not his I will Appeale to his modest reason that shall guide His eye to looke on both agen I doe not See what in me should not invite him hither With as much ardor rather more since he Hath prov'd already your too much unkindnesse What if this noble Gentleman should lose His wits upon 't will all your beautie call His straggling senses to their seate agen I le seeke him out betimes and comfort him Aur. T is more than will become you sister Chr. How Aur. And it must bring your modesty in question To follow one that cares not for you Chr. Thus I may awake his noble flame nor is it Any dishonor when the world shall know How you have us'd him if I make returne To what I lov'd so deerely Aur. Not while I may challeng interest here are company Enter Simple Bird Yongrave Caperwit aloofe Let us withdraw I have something more to tell you Chr. Deferre it rather now here comes my hope Aur. How 's this nay then I le stay a little longer Sim. By your leave Gentlewomen I should mock you To call you Ladies perhaps you may wonder at me Chr. I see no cause Sim. Have you no eyes Aur. Such as you see Sim. Oh eyes no eies but Mountaines fraught with teares Chr. Hee 's turnd Ieronymo Sim Goe by Ieronymo goe by goe by He passeth by them with disdaine Chr. Doe y' know where you are Sim. Yes and to whom I speake I hope Aur. Noble Sir I hope you doe not scorne us Sim. Scorne you no but I doe not care a rush for you you might have had me when I was offered t is none of my fault and you doe fall to eating of chalke and dye o th' black jaundise I cannot helpe it now for I proclaime here is the what doe y' call it of my heart Aur. Has he wonne this Lady I suspect her I hope you have not quite forsaken me Virgins for custome sake sometimes deny Beleeve me Sir when you
did plead for love My heart did not so much as think on 't Sim. Nay t is no matter I ha' tooke my course yet I Have a sute to you that you would not breake your heart Nor you to see us kisse Nectar immortall nectar He kisses Bird Oh let this Diamond purchase such another T is pitty that my lips should ever open To let the breath she gave me out agen Chr. Doe y' pay so much for every kisse a Diamond Sim. I never offer lesse to touch her lip marry her hand or her a or foote or so I may salute for a ruby or an emrode or a satire or so but I have stones now doe thou speake a little for their further mortification Bir. I did not thinke to have returnd so soone A trouble to you but the importunity Of this most worthy Gentleman prevail'd I thinke there was some Magick in his tongue Sim. Nay you may sweare that the wisest in the country thought my mother a Witch Bir. He did no sooner open his desires But he did wound my heart you see his bounty What jewels hee has given mee Sim. All thine owne somebody else might ha' been wise and had 'em Cap. Somebody else might have been wise and kept 'em Bir. I must confesse I lov'd another lately but his affection 's frozen up Cap. Blesse you bevy of Ladies Bir. Sir you are come most seasonably before These Gentlewomen I release your promise My thoughts are fixt upon this Noble Knight Affect now where you please here is my husband Cap. You are not married Sim. No but I came to bid you all to my wedding I have Bespoke Gloves and Points and knacks and knaveries Cap. I will dye Hymens Saffron robe in blood Put out the Torches with the teares of Virgins And make the Temple quake Sim. Will you so Sir Cap. Excellent Rascall Bir. There is no way but to acknowledge it It is no shame in love there 's no disgrace For else by Law he may recover mee Sim. Doe y' heare Sir you may take her if you please but if she be troubled with a timpany there is a man within a mile of an Oke I name no-body that has had some earnest of her body Cap. I hope you doe but jest Sim. I le make all sure what a loving Lady is this Cap. Then I require you give me back this Diamond The token once I gave of my devotion Sim. Why that 's mine I gave it her but now before all this company Bir. Be wise and let him have it 't is like his within my Cabinet let 's be quit on him this will secure our marriage Sim. Let him have it there bee more in Cheapeside but let 's not tarry any longer Bird hee 'le challenge all the rest of thy fethers Bir. I will obey you Sir Sim. Farewell beauties and kind Gentleman if you come to my wedding I name no time nor place wee 'l be very merry excellent cheere I le promise you your belly full of Fidlers Cap. Ha Ha Exit Sim. and Bir. Aur. What did you meane that Ring was his Cap. The Boy shall ha 't agen ha ha you do not know the mysterie this Lady is a boy a very crackrope boy Au. Is 't possible Cap. I made him first disguise himselfe Aur. Indeed Cap. Yes faith to come to you Aur. Then I must tell you Sir you have not us'd us civilly to make our conversation ridiculous To talke and complement with a Boy Cap. Sweet Lady by Hyppocrene Aur. Doe y' not thinke your wit found out a precious device to make me love you by a president is this your great Lady Cap. Doe but heare mee speake Aur. Not now I know you have art enough to excuse it Yet I am not mercilesse let mee entreate Your absence without ceremony when You come agen your talke will bee more musicall Cap. Doe's shee not prophesie the conceit I goe The Maske will doo 't more musicall t is so Exit Chr. Then hee 's gone to her Yon. Hee did promise mee Chr. Let other Virgins when they heare this story Wonder but give mee leave to love you for it Indeed I doe looke not so strange your vertue Compels mee to reaveale it t is no shame To owne a passion kindled by such goodnesse Yon. If I doe understand you give mee pardon To thinke you are not perfectly advis'd I am a prisoner still to my Eugenia Chr. Shee is satisfied and you are disingaged Yon. But shee has not yet resignd the heart I gave Nor can I thinke of any other Mistresse Choose in a plenty of more happy men I gave too much away to love agen Exit Chr. I will retire to blush and weepe Aur. Not so Alas poore sister now I feare you not I see your purpose was to make mee kinde I wo'd hee were my brother but let 's in And joyne our heads some counsell would doe well T is pitty wee two should leade Apes in hell Exit Sic explicit Actus Quartus Actus Quintus Enter Eugenia and Thornay Eug. MAy I beleeve my selfe so fortunate Art thou return'd or doe I dreame thus happily Are these my Thornays armes are those his lips Can hee repent his cruelty and love How soone are all my teares dryed up I doe Forgive my griefes and thinke they have been modest And gentle sufferings who can merit such A joy that has not felt a world of sorrow Let us imbrace agen and if thou canst Confirme mee yet more that I am awake And taste my true delight Thor. By this and this Kisses Through which if it were possible I durst Convey my soule I am for ever thine Created new to bee made worthy of thee I have beene dead too long to thee and vertue Committed sinne enough in my neglect Of thee to plant a fierce and deepe antipathy In every womans heart against mankind But you are mercifull and imitate The eternall nature Enter Woodhamore Woo. Ha how is this a kissing Eug. We are betraid Tho. So now t is done I would not Be engag'd to kisse you againe for all the estate Your father left you Eug. I hope my breath has not offended you Tho. I cannot tell I ha' not kist a woman this twelve-moneth and had not done this but that he had my oath to performe it well you have the lip labour he sent you Master Yongrave is well will see you agen shortly Godbe-wi'y' Eug. Pray stay a little Tho. You 'l send him such another token imploy your waiting woman I am no common kisse-carrier Woo. Oh ho is 't not otherwise hee is a messenger from Master Yongrave y' are welcome Sir Tho. And I be not I am going Sir to the place from whence I came Sir Woo. How does Master Yongrave Tho. As foolish as ever he is still in love Woo. I pray commend me to him Enter Yongrave Tho. You may now commend your selfe he is here Eug. Oh let me flie into his armes and boast