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A12016 A wittie and pleasant comedie called The taming of the shrew As it was acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke Friers and the Globe. Written by VVill. Shakespeare.; Taming of the shrew Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 1631 (1631) STC 22327; ESTC S111180 44,251 74

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thou canst Assist me Tranio for I know thou wilt Tra. Master it is no time to chide you now Affection is not rated from the heart If loue haue touch'd you naught remaines but so Redime te captam quam queas minimo Luc. Gramercies Lad Go forward this contents The rest will comfort for thy counsels sound Tra. Master you look'd so longly on the maide Perhaps you mark'd not what 's the pith of all Luc. Oh yes I saw sweete beautie in her face Such as the daughter of Agenor had That made great Ioue to humble him to her hand When with his knees he kist the Cretan strond Tra. Saw you no more mark'd you not how her sister Began to scold and raise vp such a storme That mortal eares might hardly indure the din. Luc. Tranio I saw her corrall lips to moue And with her breath she did perfume the ayre Sacred and sweete was all I saw in her Tra. Nay then 't is time to stirre him from his trance I pray you awake sir if you loue the Maide Bend thoughts and wits to atchieue her Thus it stands Her elder sister is so curst and shrew'd That till the Father rid his hands of her Master your loue must liue a maide at home And therefore has he closely meu'd her vp Because she will not be annoy'd with suiters Luc. Ah Tranio what a cruell Fathers he But art thou not aduis'd he tooke some care To get her cuning Schoolemasters to instruct her Tra. I marrie am I sir and now 't is plotted Luc. I haue it Tranio Tra. Master for my hand Both our inuentions meet and iumpe in one Luc. Tell me thine first Tra. You will be schoole-master And vndertake the teaching of the maid That 's your deuice Luc. It is May it be done Tra. Not possible for who shall beare your part And be in Padua heere Vincentio's sonne Keepe house and ply his booke welcome his friends Visit his Countriemen and banquet them Luc. Basta content thee for I haue it full We haue not yet bin seene in any house Nor can we be distinguish'd by our faces For man or master then it followes thus Thou shalt be master Tranio in my sted Keepe house and port and seruants as I should I will some other be some Florentine Some Neapolitan or meaner man of Pisa 'T is hatch'd and shall be soe Tranio at once Vncase thee take my Conlord hat and cloake When Biondello comes he waites on thee But I will charme him first to keepe his tongue Tra. So had you neede In breefe Sir sith it your pleasure is And I am tied to be obedient For so your father charg'd me at our parting Be seruiceable to my sonne quoth he Although I thinke 't was in another sence I am content to be Lucentio Because so well I loue Lucentio Luc. Tranio be so because Lucentio loues And let me be a slaue t' atchieue that maide Whose sodaine sight hath thral'd my wounded eye Enter Biondello Heere comes the rogue Sirra where haue you bin Bion. Where haue I beene Nay how now where are you Master ha's my fellow Tranio stolne your clothes or you stolne his or both Pray what 's the newes Luc. Sirra come hither 't is no time to iest And therefore frame your manners to the time Your fellow Tranio heere to saue my life Puts my apparell and my countenance on And I for my escape haue put on his For in a quarrell since I came ashore I kil'd a man and feare I was descried Waite you on him I charge you as becomes While I make way from hence to saue my life You vnderstand me Bion. I sir ne're a whit Luc. And not a iot of Tranio in your mouth Tranio is chang'd into Lucentio Bien The better for him would I were so too Tra. So could I 'faith boy to haue the next wish after that Lucentio indeede had Baptistas yongest daughter But sirra not for my sake but your masters I aduise you vse your manners discreetly in all kinde of companies When I am alone why then I am Tranio but in all places else you master Lucentio Luc. Tranio let 's go One thing more rests that thy selfe execute To make one among these wooers if thou aske mee why Sufficeth my reasons are both good and waighty Exeunt The Presenters aboue speakes 1. Man My Lord you nod you do not minde the play Beg. Yes by Saint Anne do I a good matter surely Comes there any more of it Lady My Lord 't is but begun Beg. 'T is a verie excellent peece of worke Madame Ladie would 't were done They sit and marke Enter Petrucio and his man Grumio Petr. Verona for a while I take my leaue To see my friends in Padua but of all My best beloued and approued friend Hortensio and I trow this is his house Heere sirra Grumio knocke I say Gru. Knocke sir whome should I knocke Is there any man ha's rebsu'd your worship Petr. Villaine I say knocke me heere soundly Gru. Knocke you heere sir Why sir what am I sir that I should knocke you heere sir Petr. Villaine I say knocke me at this gate And rap me well or I le knocke your knaues pate Gru. My Mr is growne quarrelsome I should knocke you first And then I know after who comes by the worst Petr. Will it not be Faith Sirrah and you 'l not knocke I le ring it I le trie how you can Sol Fa and sing it He rings him by the eares Gru. Helpe mistris helpe my master is mad Petr. Now knocke when I bid you sirrrah villaine Enter Hortensio Hor. How now what 's the matter my old friend Grumio and my good friend Petruchio How do you all at Verona Petr. Signior Hortensio come you to part the fray Contutti le core bene trobatto may I say Hor. Alla nostra casa bene venuto multo honorata signior m●o Petruchio Rise Grumio rise we will compound this quarrell Gru. Nay 't is no matter sir what he leges in Latine If this be not a lawfull cause for me to leaue his seuice looke you sir He bid me knocke him and rap him soundly sir Well was it fit for a seruant to vse his master so being perhaps for ought I see two and thirty a peepe out Whome would to God I had well knockt at first then had not Grumio come by the worst Petr. A sencelesse villaine good Hortensio I bad the rascall knocke vpon your gate And could not get him for my heart to do it Gru. Knocke at the gate Oh heauens spake you not these words plaine Sirra Knocke me heere rappe me heere knock me well and knocke me soundly And come you now with knocking at the gate Pet. Sirra begon or talke not I aduise you Hor. Petruchio patience I am Grumio's pledge Why this a heauie chance twixt him and you Your ancient trustie pleasant seruant Grumio And tell me now sweete friend what happie gale Blowes you to
hand Luc. Sir to satisfie you in what I haue said Stand by and marke the manner of his teaching Enter Bianca Hor. Now Mistris profit you in what you read Bian. What Master reade you first resolue me that Hor. I read that I professe the Art to loue Bian. And may you proue sir Master of your Art Luc. While you sweete deere proue Mistresse of my heart Hor. Quicke proceeders marry now tell me I pray You that durst sweare that your mistris Bianca Lou'd me in the world so well as Lucentio Tra. Oh despightfull Loue vnconstant womankind I tell thee Lisio this is wonderfull Hor. Mistake no more I am not Lisio Nor a Musitian as I seeme to bee But one that scorne to liue in this disguise For such a one as leaues a Gentleman And makes a God of such a Cullion Know sir that I am call'd Hortensio Tra. Signior Hortensio I haue often heard Of your intire affection to Bianca And since mine eyes are witnesse of her lightnesse I will with you if you be so contented Forsweare Bianca and her loue for euer Hor. See how they kisse and court Signior Lucentio Heere is my hand and heere I firmly vow Neuer to woo her more but do forsweare her As one vnworthy all the former fauors That I haue fondly flatter'd them withall Tra. And heere I take the like vnfained oath Neuer to marrie with her though she would intreate Fie on her see how beastly she doth court him Hor. Would all the world but he had quite forsworne For me that I may surely keepe mine oath I will be married to a wealthy Widdow Ere three dayes passe which hath as long lou'd me As I haue lou'd this proud disdainfull Haggard And so farewell signior Lucentio Kindnesse in women not their beauteous lookes Shall win my loue and so I take my leaue In resolution as I swore before Tra. Mistris Bianca blesse you with such grace As longeth to a Louers blessed case Nay I haue tane you napping gentle Loue And haue forsworne you with Hortensio Bian. Tranio you iest but haue you both forsworne me Tra. Mistris we haue Luc. Then we are rid of Lisio Tra. I'faith hee 'l haue a lustie Widdow now That shall be woo'd and wedded in a day Bian. God giue him ioy Tra. I and hee 'l tame her Bianca He sayes so Tranio Tra. Faith he is gon vnto the taming schoole Bian. The taming schoole what is there such a place Tra. I mistris and Petruchio is the master That teacheth trickes eleuen and twentie long To tame a shrew and charme her chattering tongue Enter Biondello Bion. Oh Master master I haue watcht so long That I am dogge wearie but at last I spied An antient Angell comming downe the hill Will serue the turne Tra. What is he Biondello Bion. Master a Marcantant or a pedant I know not what but formall in apparell In gate and countenance surely like a Father Luc. And what of him Tranio Tra. If he be credulous and trust my tale I le make him glad to seeme Vincentio And giue assurance to Baptista Minola As if he were the right Vincentio Par. Take me your loue and then let me alone Enter a Pedant Ped. God saue you sir Tra. And you sir you are welcome Trauaile you farre on or are you at the farthest Ped Sir at the farthest for a weeke or two But then vp farther and as farre as Rome And so to Tripolie if God lend me life Tra. What Countreyman I pray Ped. Of Mantua Tra. Of Mantua Sir marrie God forbid And come to Padua carelesse of your life Ped. My life sir how I pray for that goes hard Tra. 'T is death for any one in Mantua To come to Padua know you not the cause Your ships are staid at Venice and the Duke For priuate quarrell 'twixt your Duke and him Hath publish'd and proclaim'd it openly 'T is maruaile but that you are but newly come You might haue heard it else proclaim'd about Ped. Alas sir it is worse for me then so For I haue bills for monie by exchange From Florence and must heere deliuer them Tra. Well sir to doe you courtesie This will I doe and this I will aduise you First tell me haue you euer beene at Pisa Ped. I sir in Pisa haue I often bin Pisa renowned for graue Citizens Tra. Among them know you one Vincentio Ped. I know him not but I haue heard of him A Merchant of incomparable wealth Tra. He is my father sir and sooth to say In count'nance somewhat doth resemble you Bion. As much as an apple doth an oyster and all one Tra. To saue your life in this extremitie This fauor will I doe you for his sake And thinke it not the worst of all your fortunes That you are like to Sir Vincentio His name and credit shall you vndertake And in my house you shall be friendly lodg'd Looke that you take vpon you as you should You vnderstand me sir so shall you stay Till you haue done your businesse in the Citie If this be court'sie sir accept of it Ped. Oh sir I doe and will repute you euer The patron of my life and libertie Tra. Then goe with me to make the matter good This by the way I let you vnderstand My father is heere look'd for euerie day To passe assurance of a dowre in marriage 'Twixt me and one Baptistas daughter heere In all these circumstances I le instruct you Goe with me to cloath you as becomes you Exeunt Actus Quartus Scena Prima Enter Katherina and Grumio Gru. No no forsooth I dare not for my life Kat. The more my wrong the more his spite appeares What did he marrie me to famish me Beggers that come vnto my fathers doore Vpon intreatie haue a present almes If not elsewhere they meete with charitie But I who neuer knew how to intreate Nor neuer needed that I should intreate Am staru'd for meate giddie for lacke of sleepe With oathes kept waking and with brawling fed And that which spights me more then all these wants He does it vnder name of perfect loue As who should say if I should sleepe or eate 'T were deadly sicknesse or else present death I prethee goe and get me some repast I care not what so it be wholsome foode Gru. What say you to a Neats foote Kate. 'T is passing good I prethee let me haue it Gru. I feare it is too chollericke a meate How say you to a fat Tripe finely broyl'd Kate. I like it well good Grumio fetch it me Gru. I cannot tell I feare 't is chollericke What say you to a peece of Beefe and Mustard Kate. A dish that I do loue to feede vpon Gru. I but the Mustard is too hot a little Kate. Why then the Beefe and let the Mustard rest Gru. Nay then I will not you shall haue the Mustard Or else you get no Beefe of Grumio Kate. Then both or one or any thing thou wilt Gru. Why then
the Mustard without the beefe Kate. Go get thee gone thou false deluding slaue Beats him That feed'st me with the verie name of meate Sorrow on thee and all the packe of you That triumph thus vpon my miserie Go get thee gone I say Enter Petruchio and Hortensio with meate Petr. How fares my Kate what sweeting all a-mort Hor. Mistris what cheere Kate. Faith as cold as can be Pet. Plucke vp thy spirits looke cheerefully vpon me Heere Loue thou seest how diligent I am To dresse thy meate my selfe and bring it thee I am sure sweet Kate this kindnesse merits thankes What not a word Nay then thou lou'st it not And all my paines is s●rted to no proofe Heere take away this dish Kate. I pray you let it stand Pet. The poorest seruice is repaide with thankes And so shall mine before you touch the meate Kate. I thanke you sir Hor. Signior Petruchio fie you are to blame Come Mistris Kate I le beare you companie Petr. Eate it vp all Hortensio if thou louest mee Much good do it vnto thy gentle heart Kate eate apace and now my honie Loue Will we returne vnto thy Fathers house And reuell it as brauely as the best With silken coats and caps and golden Rings With ruffes and Cuffes and Fardingales and thinges With Scarfes and fannes and double change of brau'ry With Amber Bracelets Beads and all this knau'ry What hast thou din'd The Tailor stayes thy leasure To decke thy bodie with his ruffing treasure Enter Tailor Come Tailor let vs see these ornaments Enter Haberdasher Lay forth the Gowne What newes with you sir Fel. Heere is the cap your Worship did bespeake Pet. Why this was moulded on a porrenger A Veluet dish Fie fie 't is lewd and filthy Why 't is a cockle or a wallnut-shell A knack a toy a tricke a babies cap Away with it come let me haue a bigger Kate. I le haue no bigger this doth fit the time And Gentlewomen weare such caps as these Pet. When you are gentle you shall haue one too And not till then Hor. That will not be in hast Kate. Why sir I trust I may haue leaue to speake And speake I will I am no childe no babe Your betters haue indur'd me say my minde And if you cannot best you stop your eares My tongue will tell the anger of my heart Or else my heart concealing it will breake And rather then it shall I will be free Euen to the vttermost as I please in words Pet. Why thou saiest true it is a paltrie cap. A custard coffen a bauble a silken pie I loue thee well in that thou lik'st it not Kate. Loue me or loue me not I like the cap And it I will haue or I will haue none Pet. Thy gowne why I come Tailor let vs see 't Oh mercie God what masking stuffe is heere What 's this a sleeue 't is like a demi-cannon What vp and downe caru'd like an apple Tart Heer 's snip and nip and cut and slish and slash Like to a Censor in a barbers shoppe Why what a deuils name a Tailor cal'st thou this Hor. I see shee s like to haue neither cap nor gowne Tai. You bid me make it orderlie and well According to the fashion and the time Pet. Marrie and did but if you be remembred I did not bid you marre it to the time Goe hop me ouer euery kennell home For you shall hop without my custome sir I le none of it hence make your best of it Kate. I neuer saw a better fashion'd gowne More queint more pleasing nor more commendable Belike you meane to make a puppet of me Pet. Why true he meanes to make a puppet of thee Tail She saies your Worship meanes to make a puppet of her Pet. Oh monstrous arrogance Then lyest thou thred thou thimble Thou yard three quarters halfe yard quarter naile Thou Flea thou Nit thou winter cricket thou Brau'd in mine owne house with a skeine of thred Away thou Ragge thou quantitie thou remnant Or I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard As thou shalt thinke on prating whil'st thou liu'st I tell thee I that thou hast marr'd her gowne Tail Your worship is deceiu'd the gowne is made Iust as my master had direction Grumio gaue order how it should be done Gru. I gaue him no order I gaue him the stuffe Tail But how did you desire it should be made Gru. Marrie sir with needle and thred Tail But did you not request to haue it cut Gru. Thou hast fac'd many things Tail I haue Gru. Face not mee thou hast brau'd many men braue not me I will neither bee fac'd nor brau'd I say vnto thee I bid thy Master cut out the gowne but I did not bid him cut it to peeces Ergo thou liest Tail Why heere is the note of the fashion to testifie Pet. Read it Gru. The note lies in 's throate if he say I said so Tail Inprimis a loose bodied gowne Gru. Master if euer I said loose-bodied gowne sow me in the Skirts of it and beate me to death with a bottome of browne thred I said a gowne Pet. Proceede Tail With a small compast cape Gru. I confesse the cape Tail With a trunke sleeue Gru. I confesse two sleeues Tail The sleeues curiously cut Pet. I there 's the villainie Gru. Error i' th bill sir error i' th bill I commanded the sleeues should be cut out and sow'd vp againe and that I le proue vpon thee though thy litle finger be armed in a thimble Tail This is true that I say and I had thee in place where thou shouldst know it Gru. I am for thee straight take thou the bill giue me thy meate-yard and spare not me Hor. God-a-mercy Grumio then he shall haue no oddes Pet. Well sir in breefe the gowne is not for me Gru. You are i' th right sir 't is for my mistris Pet. Go take it vp vnto thy masters vse Gru. Villaine not for thy life Take vp my Mistresse gowne for thy masters vse Pet. Why sir what 's your conceit in that Gre. Oh sir the conceit is deeper then you thinke for Take vp my Mistris gowne to his masters vse Oh fie fie fie Pet. Hortensio say thou wilt see the Tailor paide Go take it hence be gone and say no more Hor. Tailor I le pay thee for thy gowne to morrow Take no vnkindnesse of his hastie words Away I say commend me to thy master Exit Tail Pet. Well come my Kate we will vnto your fathers Euen in these honest meane habiliments Our purses shall be proud our garments poore For 't is the minde that makes the bodie rich And as the Sunne breakes through the darkest clouds So honor peereth in the meanest habit What is the Iay more precious then the Larke Because his feathers are more beautifull Or is the Adder better then the Eele Because his painted Skin contents the eye Oh no Kate neither art thou the worse For
arm'd With his good will and thy good companie My trustie seruant well approu'd in all Heere let vs breath and haply institute A course of Learning and ingenious studies Pisa renowned for graue Citizens Gaue me my being and my father first A Merchant of great Trafficke through the world Vincentio's come of the Bentiuolij Vicentio's sonne brought vp in Florence It shall become to serue all hopes conceiu'd To decke his fortune with his vertuous deedes And therefore Tranio for the time I studie Vertue and that part of Philosophie Will I applie that treates of happinesse By verue specially to be atchieu'd Tell me thy minde for I haue Pisa left And am to Padua come as he that leaues A shallow plash to plunge him in the deepe And with sacietie seekes to quench his thirst Tra. Me Pardinato gentle maister mine I am in all affected as your selfe Glad that you thus continue your resolue To sucke the sweets of sweete Philosophie Onely good master while we do admire This vertue and this morall discipline Let 's be no Stoickes nor no stockes I pray Or so deuote to Aristotles checkes As Ouid be an out-cast quite abiur'd Balke Logicke with acquaintaince that you haue And practise Rhetoricke in your common talke Musicke and poesie vse to quicken you The Mathematickes and the Metaphysickes Fall to them as you finde your stomacke serues you No pro●it growes where is no pleasure tane In briefe sir studie what you most affect Luc. Gramercies Tranio well dost thou aduise If Biondello thou wert come ashore We could at once put vs in readinesse And take a Lodging fit to entertaine Such friendes as time in Padua shall beget But stay a while what companie is this Tra. Master some shew to welcome vs to Towne Enter Baptista with and his two daughters Katerina Bianca Gremio a Pantelowne Hortentio sister to Bianca Lucen Tranio standby Bap. Gentlemen importune me no farther For how I firmly am resolu'd you know That is not to bestow my yongest daughter Before I haue a husband for the elder If either of you both loue Katherina Because I know you well and loue you well Leaue shall you haue to court her at your pleasure Gre. To cart her rather She 's to rough for mee There there Hortensio will you any Wife Kate. I pray you sir is it your will To make a stale of me amongst these mates Hor. Mates maid how meane you that No mates for you Vnlesse you were of Gentler milder mould Kate. I faith sir you shall neuer neede to feare I-wis it is not halfe way to her heart But if it were doubt not her care should be To combe your noddle with a three-legg'd stoole And paint your f●ce and vse you like a foole Hor. From all such diuels good Lord deliuer vs. Gre. And me too good Lord. Tra. Husht master here 's some good pastime toward That wench is starke mad or wonderfull froward Lucen But in the others silence do I see Maids milde behauiour and sobrietie Peace Tranio Tra. Well said Mr mum and gaze your fill Bap. Gentlemen that I may soone make good What I haue said Bianca get you in And let it not displease thee good Bianca For I will loue thee nere the lesse my girle Kate A pretty peate it is best put finger in the eye and she knew why Bian. Sister content you in my discontent Sir ●o your pleasure humbly I subscribe My bookes and instruments shall be my companie On them to looke and practise by my selfe Luc. Harke Tranio thou maist heare Minerua speak Hor. Signior Baptista will you be so strange Sorrie am I that our good will effects Bianca's greefe Gre. Why will you mew her vp Signior Baptista for this fiend of hell And make her beare the pennance of her tongue Bap. Gentlemen content ye I am resolud Go in Bianca And for I know she taketh most delight In Musicke Instrumen●s and Poetry Schoolemasters will I keepe within my house Fit to instruct her youth If you Hortensio Or signior Gremio you know any such Preferre them hither for to cunning men I will be very kind and liberall To mine owne children in good bringing vp And so farewell Katherina you may stay For I haue more to commune with Bianca Exit Kate. Why and I trust I may go too may I not What shall I be appointed houres as though Belike I knew not what to take And what to leaue Ha. Exit Gre. You may go to the diuels dam your gifts are so good heere 's none will holde you There loue is not so great Hortensio but we may blow our nailes together and fast it fairely out Our cakes dough on both sides Farewell yet for the loue I beare my sweete Bianca if I can by any meanes light on a fitt man to teach her that wherein shee delights I will wish him to her father Hor. So will I signiour Gremio but a word I pray Though the nature of our quarrell yet neuer brook'd Parle know now vpon aduice it toucheth vs both that we may yet againe haue accesse to to our faire Mistris and be happie riuals in Bianca's loue to labour and effect one thing specially Gre. What 's that I pray Hor. Marrie sir to get a husband for her Sister Gre. A husband a diuell Hor. I say a husband Gre. I say a diuell Think'st thou Horensio though her father be verie rich any man is so verie a foole to be married to hell Hor. Tush Gremio though it passe your patience mine to endure her lowd alarums why man there be good fellowes in the world and a man could light on them would take her with all faults and mony enough Gre. I cannot tell but I had as lief take her dowrie with this condition To be whipt at the high crosse euerie morning Hor. Faith as you say there 's small choice in rotten apples but come since this bar in law makes vs friends it shall be so farr forth friendly maintain'd till by helping Baptistas eldest daughter to a husband wee set his yongest free for a husband and then haue too t'afresh Sweete Bianca happy man be his dole he that runnes fastest gets the Ring How say you signior Gremio Grem I am agreed and would I had giuen him the best horse in Padua to begin his woing that would thoroughly woe her wed her and bed her and ridde the house of her Come on Exeunt ambo Manet Tranio and Lucentio Tra. I pray sir tel me is it possible That loue should of a sodaine take such hold Luc. Oh Tranio till I found it to be true I neuer thought it possible or likely But see while idely I stood looking on I found the effect of loue in idlenesse And now in plainesse do confesse to thee That art to mee as secret and as deere As Anna to the Queene of Carthage was Tranio I burne I pine I perish Tranio If I atchueieue not this yong modest gyrle Counsail me Tranio for I know