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A06333 A pleasant commodie, called Looke about you As it was lately played by the right honourable the Lord High Admirall his seruaunts; Look about you. 1600 (1600) STC 16799; ESTC S109639 54,822 90

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lookes La. The Prince if he giue heed to Marrians sute Must heare heart-sigh's see sorrow in my eyes And finde cold welcome to calamities Rob. And why for gods sake La. Euen for Glosters sake Rob. why by mine honnor and Prince Richards faith Your brother Gloster shall haue liberty Vppon condition you release a prisoner That you haue longe held in captiuitye La. I haue no prisoner Ro. Yes a world of eies your beuty in a willing bondage ties La. Go to you are dispos'd to iest my Lord Rob. In earnest I must be an earnest suter To you for loue yet you must be my tuter La. Are you in loue Rob. I dearely loue Prince Richard La. Then doe you loue the loueliest man aliue The Princeliest person of King Henries sonnes Rob. I like this well La. he is vertuous in his minde his body faire His deeds are Iust his speaches debonaire Rob. Better and better still La. In deed he is what no body can denye All louely beautie all all Maiestie Rob. I le tell his excelence what you reporte No doubt he will be very thankfull for 't La. Nay heare you young Lord Gods pitty staye Rob. What haue you more in Richards praise to say La. I haue said to much if you misconster me Dutie bids praise him not vnchastitie Rob. Vnchastitie holy heauens forfend it That he or I or you should once intend it Enter Blocke and Richard Blo They are there sir close at it I leaue you sir the more Roome the lesse company Ric Drinke that farwell Blo If that sir Richard comes this ties this bindes O golde thy power conuerteth seruants mindes Exit Rich. How now faire Maddam who hath angred you La. Greife at my brothers duraunce angers me Rich. I had thought my Ward young Huntington had vext you La. who he alas good Gentleman he wrong'd me not No matter for all this I le tell your tale A noyse within Enter Skinke Blocke Constable Bls. Sir there comes no more of you in with him then the Constable Zounds heare 's a beadroll of Billes at the gate indeed back ye base La. Now sirra what 's the matter Blo Marry heare 's a stammerer taken clipping the Kings English and the Constable and his watch hath brought him to you to be examin'd Consta No Madam wee are commaunded by the King to watch and meeting this fellow at Mile-end he tels vs he is the Porters sonne of the Fleete that the Earle of Gloster sent him to you Skin Iff forsooth h he desire you to speake to the p Prince for him La. O I conceaue thee bid him blithly fare Beare him this Ring in token of my care Skin If I be rid of this euill Angell that haunts mee many rings much Fleete will Skinke come vnto Con. Madam if you know this fellow we 'll discharge him Bloc Madam and you be wise trust your honest neighbors heere let them bring this ca ca ca ca to the Fleete and s see your ring deliuered Skin A plague vpon you for a damned roge The Porter of the Fleete will surely know me La. Good neighbours bring this honest fellow thether Ther 's for his paines a crowne if he say true And for your labour ther 's as much for you Skin Why Ma Ma Madam I am Re Re Redcap the Porters sonne La. Thou hast no wrong in this farewell good fellow Skin Best speaking to Prince Richard no I le try And face out Redcap if the slaue were by La. Make them drinke Blocke Blo Come to the Buttery bar stitty stitty stammerer come honest Constable hey the watch of our towne we 'll drinke trylill I saith As they goe out enters Sir Richard Faukenbridge stealing forward Prince and Lady talking Rob. Lupus in fabula my Noble Lord See the olde foxe Sir Richard Faukenbridge Rich. We 'll fit him well enough second vs Robin La. I le fit you well enough for all your hope Fau. beckens to Blocke Fau. Leaue quaffing sirra listen to their talke Bloc O while you liue beware two are sooner seene then one besides beare a braine Master if Block should be now spide my Madam would not trust this sconce neither in time nor tyde Fau. Well leaue me now it buds see see they kisse Bloc Adew good olde sinner you may recouer it with a fallet of parsly and the hearbe patience if not sir you knowe the worst it 's but euen this Rich. Madam what you desire I not deny But promise Glosters life and liberty I beg but loue Fau. When doth she giue her almes La. Faire honourable Prince Fau. Nay then they speed La. My soule hath your deserts in good esteeme Fau. Witnesse these goodly times that grace my head La. But were you the sole Monarch of the earth Your power were insufficient to inuade My neuer yeelding heart of chastity Fauk Sayst thou so Mall I promise thee for this I le owe thy cherry lips an olde mans kisse Looke how my Cockerill droopes t is no matter I like it best when women will not flatter Rich. Nay but sweet Lady Rob. Nay but gracious Lord doe not so much forget your Princely worth As to attempt vertue to vnchastity Fau. O noble youth Rob. Let not the Ladyes dead griefe for her brother Giue life to shamelesse and detested sinne Fau. Sweet childe Ro. Consider that she is of high decent Fau. Most vertuous Earle Rob. Wife to the noblest Knight that euer breath'd Fau. Now blessing on thee blessed Huntington Rob. And would you then first staine your Princely stocke Wrong beauty vertue honor chastitye And blemmish Faukenbridges vntaynted armes Fau. By adding hornes vnto our Falcones head Well thought on noble youth t was well put in La. Besides my gratious Lord. Fa. Tickle him Mall plague him on that side for his hot desire La. howeuer secretly great Princes sin Fau. Oh now the spring she 'll doe it sercretly La. The King of all harts will haue all syns knowne Fa. Ah then she yeilds not Ric. Lady heer 's my hand I did but try your honorable faith Fau. He did but trie her would she haue bin tride It had grone hard on this and on this side Rich. And since I see your vertue so confirm'd as vice can haue no entraunce in your heart I vow in sight of heauen neuer againe To mooue like question but for loue Fau. My hart is eased holde Blocke take vp my cloake Blo And your cap to sir Ric. Sir Richard Fau. What sweet Prince welcome yfaith I see youth quickly get's the starte of age But welcome welcome and young Huntington Sweet Robyn hude honors best flowring bloome Welcome to Faukenbridge with all my hearte How cheares my loue how fares my Marrian ha Be merry chucke and Prince Richard welcome Let it goe Mall I knowe thy greuances Away away tut let it passe sweet girle Wee needs must haue his helpe about the Earle La. Let it not be delayd deere Faukenbridge Rich. Sir Richard first
lou'd thee so as thou wert made a King Being his childe now he 's thy vnderling I haue done worse thrise I drew my swoord In three set battles for thy false defence Iohn hath done worse he still hath tooke thy part All of vs three haue smitte our fathers heart Which made proude Leyster bolde to strike his face To his eternall shame and our disgrace Hen. Silence I see thou leanst to finde none fit I am sure nor Lancaster nor Huntington Nor Faukenbridge will lay a hand on him Mother wife brother le ts descend the Throane Where Henry is the Monarch of the West Hath set amongst his Princes dignified Father take you the place see Iustice Kin. It s iniust Iustice I must tell thee Sonne Hen. Mother holde you the Bason you the Towell I know your French hearts thirst for English bloud Iohn take the Mallet I will holde the knife And when I bid thee smite strike for thy life Make a marke Surgion Gloster now prepare thee Glo. Tut I am ready to thy worst I dare thee Hen. Then haue I done my worst thrise honoured Earle I doe imbrace thee in affections armes Quee. What meanes thou Henry O what meanes my Son Hen. I meane no longer to be lullaby'd In your seditious armes Hen. wife Mordieu Henry Hen Mordieu nor deuill little tit of Fraunce I know your hart leapes at our hearts mischaunce Jo. Swounds Henry thou art mad Hen. I haue bin mad what stampst thou Iohn knowst thou not who I am Come stamp the deuill out suckt from thy Dam. Que. I le cursse thee Henry Hen. Your best be quiet least where we finde you to the Tower we beare you For being abroad England hath cause to feare yee Kin. I am strucke dombe with wonder Glo. I amaz'd imagine that I see a vizion Hen. Gloster I giue thee first this Skinke this slaue It s in thy power his life to spill or saue Skin He 's a noble gentleman I doe not doubt his vsage Hen. Stand not thus wondring Princes kneele all downe And cast your Coronets before his Crowne Downe stubborne Queene kneele to your wronged King Downe Mammet Leyster I le cut of thy legs If thou delay thy duety when proude Iohn Io. Nay if all kneele of force I must be one Fau. Now by my holydom a vertuous deed Hen. Father you see your most rebellious sonne Stricken with horror of his horred guilt Requesting sentence fitting his desart O treade vpon his head that trode your heart I doe deliuer vp all dignity Crowne Scepter swoord vnto your Maiesty Kin. My heart surfets with ioy in hearing this And deare Sonne I le blesse thee with a kisse Hen. I will not rise I will not leaue this ground Till all these voyces ioyned in one sound Cry God saue Henry second of that name Let his friends liue his foes see death with shame All. God saue Henry second of that name Let his friends liue his foes see death with shame Hen. Amen Amen Amen Joh. Harke mother harke My brother is already turned Clarke Quee. He is a recreant I am mad with rage Hen. Be angry at your enuy gracious mother Learne patience and true humility Of your worst tuter'd Sonne for I am he Send hence that Frenchwoman giue her her dowry Let her not speake to trouble my milde soule Which of this world hath taken her last leaue And by her power will my proude flesh controule Off with these silkes my garments shall be gray My shirt hard hayre my bed the ashey dust My pillow but a lumpe of hardned clay For clay I am and vnto clay I must O I beseech ye let me goe alone To liue where my loose life I may bemone Kin. Sonne Quee. Sonne Ric. Brother Io. Brother Hen. Let none call me their Sonne I am no mans brother My kindred is in heauen I know no other Farewell farewell the world is yours pray take it I le leaue vexation and with ioy forsake it Exit La. Wondrous conuersion Fau. Admirable good now by my holydam Mall passing good Ric. H'ath sir'd my soule I will to Palestine And pay my vowes before the Sepulcher Among the multitude of misbeliefe I le shew my selfe the Souldier of Christ Spend bloud sweat teares for satisfaction Of many many sinnes which I lament And neuer thinke to haue them pardoned Till I haue part of Sirria conquered Glo. He makes me wonder and inflames my spirits With an exceeding zeale to Portingale Which Kingdome the vnchristned Sarisons The blacke fac'd Affricans and tawny Moores Haue got vniustly in possession Whence I will fire them with the help of heauen Ski Skinke will scotrch them braue Gloster Make Carbonadoes of their Bacon fletches Deserue to be counted valiant by his valour And Ryuo will he cry and Castile too And wonders in the land of Ciuile doo Rob. O that I were a man to see these fights To spend my bloud amongst these worthy Knights Fa. Mary aye me were I a boy againe I de either to Ierusalem or Spaine Ioh. Faith I le keepe England mother you and I Will liue for all this fight and foolery Kin. Peace to vs all let 's all for peace giue prayse Vnlookt for peace vnlookt for happy dayes Loue Henries birth day he hath bin new borne I am new crowned new settled in my seate Le ts ' all to the Chappell there giue thankes and praise Beseeching grace from Heauens eternal Throne That England neuer know more Prince then one Exeunt FJNIS NOLI ALTVM SAPERE
I le doo 't I knowe she meanes to shame you Exit Fau. Why Mall wilt thou beleeue this paultrie woman Huswife I le haue you whipt for slaundring me Ro. What Leacher no she is an honest woman Her husband 's well knowne all the houshold knowes Blo Heer 's some now to tell all the towne your mynd La. Before ye all I must sure complaine You see this wicked man and ye all knowe How oft he hath byn Iealous of my life Suspecting falshood being false himselfe Blo O maister O maister Fau. She slaunders me she is a cousoning queane Fetch me the Constable I le haue her punisht La. The Constable for me fie fie vpon ye Madam do you know this ring Rob. It is sir Richards Blo O I that 's my masters too sure Fau. I mary I did lend it to the false drab To fetch some money for that bankrout knaue Her husband that lyes prisoner in the Fleete La. My husband bankrout my husband in the Fleete prisoner No no he is as good a man as you Rob. I that he is and can spend pound for pound With thee yfaith wert richer then thou art I know the gentleman La. Nay Madam he is hard by there must be Reuelles at the Hinde to night Your copesmate there Prince Iohn Rob. Ther 's a hot youth Bl. O afierce Gentleman La. He was fierce as you but I haue matcht him The Princesse shall be there in my attyre Fau. A plaguy crafty queane mary a God I see Prince Iohn coorted as well as I And since he shal be mockt as well as I It s some contentment Bl. Masse he droopes fellow Humphrey he is almost taken Looke about ye old Richard Fau. Hence knaues get in a little prethee Mall Let thou and I and she shut vp this matter Rob. Away sirs get in Bl. Come come let 's goe he wil be baited now farewel old Richard Exit Rob. Now sir what say you now Fa. Mary sweet Mall I say I met this woman likt her lou'd her For she is worthy loue I promise thee I say I coorted her tut make no braule Twixt thou and I we 'l haue amends for all Ro. Had I done such a tricke what then what then Fau. Ah prethee Mall tut beare with men Rob. I we must beare with you you 'l be excus'd When women vndeserued are abus'd Fau. Nay doe not weep pardon me gentle Lady I know thee vertuous and I doo protest Neuer to haue an euill thought of thee Rob. I I ye sweare who 's that that will beleeue ye Fau. Now by my holy dam and honest faith This Gentlewoman shall witnes what I swea e. Sweet Ducke a little help me La. Trust him Madam Fau. I will be kinde credulous constant euer Doe what thou wilt I le be suspitious neuer Ro. For which I thanke noble Faukenbridge Fau. Body of me who 's this yong Huntington La. And I your Lady whome you coorted last Ye lookt about you ill foxe we haue caught ye I met ye at Blacke heath and ye were hot Fau. I knew thee Mall now by my swoord I knew thee I winkt at all I laught at euery iest Rob. I he did winke the blinde man had an eye Fa. Peace Robin thou 't once be a man as I. La. Well I must beare it all Fa. Come ye beare it s but your office come forget sweet Mall La. I doe forgiue it and forget it sir Fa. Why that 's well said that 's done like a good girle Ha sirra ha you matcht me pretty Earle Rob. I haue ye see sir I must vnto Blacke heath In quest of Richard whom I sent to seeke Earle Gloster out I know he 's at the Hermits Lend me your Coach I le shift me as I ride Farewell sir Richard Exit Fau. Farewell Englands pride by the mattins Mall it is a pretty childe Shall we goe meete Iohn shall we goe mocke the Prince La. We will Fa. O then we shall haue sport anon Neuer weare yellow Mall t was but a tricke Olde Faukenbridge wil stil be a mad Dicke Exeunt Enter Redcap and Gloster Red. Doe ye s s say fa fa father Hermit th that Gl Gloster is about this Heath Glo. He is vpon this Heath Sonne looke about it Run but the compasse thou shalt finde him out Red. R r run I le r run the co compasse of all k Kent but I le f finde him out my f f father where ere hee layes his head dare ne neuer co come home I know t t till hee bee fo fo found Gl. Wel thou shalt find him knowst thou who 's a hunting Red. M m mary t is the Earles of La La Lancaster and Le Leyster Fa fa farewell f father and I finde Skink or Glo Gloster I le g g giue thee the pr prise of a penny p p pudding for thy p paines Glo. Adew good friend this is sure the fellow I sent on message from the Parlament The Porters sonne he 's still in quest of me And Skinke that cousoned him of his red cap. Enter Richard like a Seruing man But looke about thee Gloster who comes yonder O a plaine seruingman yet perhaps his bags are lyn'd And my pursse now growes thin if he haue any I must share with him Enter Skinke like a Hermit And who 's on yond side O it is my Hermit Hath got his other sute since I went foorth Ski Sbloud yonder 's company I le backe againe Else I would be with you counterfeite I le leaue the rogue till opportunity But neuer eate till I haue quit my wrong Exit Ric. I saw two men attend like holy Hermits One's slipt away the other at his beades Now Richard for the loue of Marian Make thy inquiry where mad Gloster liues If England or the verge of Scotland holde him I le seeke him thus disguis'd if he be past To any forraigne part I le follow him Loue thou art Lord of hearts thy lawes are sweet In euery troubled way thou guidst our feete Louers inioyn'd to passe the daungerous Sea Of big swolne sorrow in the Barke affection The windes and waues of woe need neuer feare While Loue the helme doth like a Pylate steare Glo. Heer 's some louer come a mischiefe on him I know not how to answere these mad fooles But I le be briefe I le marre the Hermits tale Off gowne holde Buckler slice it bilbowe blade Ric. What 's this what should this meane old man good friend Glo. Young foole deliuer else see your end Ric. I thought thou hadst been holy and a Hermit Glo. What ere you thought your pursse come quickly sir Cast that vpon the ground and then conferre Ric. There it is Glo. Falles it so heauy then my heart is light Ric. Thou't haue a heauy heart before thou touch it Theft shrinde in holy weedes stand to 't y' are best Glo. And if I doe not seeing such a pray Let this be to me a disaster day
take m me away for re re Redcap will r ru run rarely Exit Hen. The sundrie misdemeanors late committed As theftes and shifts in other mens disguise We now must knaue Skinke freely tell thy faults Skin Sweet King by these two terrors to myne enemies that lend light to my bodies darknes Cauilero Skinke being beleagerd with an hoste of leaden heeles arm'd in ring Irish cheated my hammerer of his Red cap and Coate was surprised brought to the fleet as a person suspected past currant till Gloster stript me from my counterfet clad my backe in silke and my hart in sorrow and so left me to the mercy of my mother witt how Prince Iohn releast me he knowes howe I got Faukenbridges chaine I know but how he will get it againe I know not Fau. Where is it sirra tell me where it is Glo. I got it from him and I got Iohns sword Joh. I would t were to the hilts vp in thy harte Ric. O be more charitable brother Iohn Ley. My Leidge you need not by perticulars Examine what the world knows too plaine If you will pardon Skinke his life is sau'd If not he is conuicted by the Law For Gloster as you worthyly resoul'd First take his hand and afterward his head Hen. Skinke thou hast life our pardon and our loue Ski And your forgiuenesse for my robbery Io. Tut neuer trouble me with such a toy Thou hindrest me from hearing of my ioye Hen. Bring forth a blocke wine water and towell Kniues and a Surgion to binde vp the vaines Of Glosters arme when his right hand is off His hand that strooke Skinke at the Parlament Sk. I shall beare his blowes to my graue my Lord. Kin. Sonne Henry see thy fathers palzie hands Ioyn'd like two supplyants pressing to thy throwne Looke how the furrowes of his aged cheeke Fild with the reuolets of wet eyde mone Begs mercy for Earle Gloster weigh his gilt Why for a slaue should Royall blood be spilt Ski You wrong myne honour Skink may be reueng'd Hen. Father I doe commend your humble course But quite dislike the proiect of your sute Good words in an ill cause makes the fact worse Of blood or Basenes Iustice will dispute The greater man the greater his transgression Where strength wrongs weaknes it is meare oppression La. O but King Henry heare a sister speake Gloster was wrong'd his lands were giuen away They are not Iustly said Iust lawes to break That keep their owne right with what power they may Thinke then thy Royall selfe began the wrong In giuing Skinke what did to him belong Quee. Heare me Sonne Henry while thou art a King Giue take pryson thy subiects are thy slaues Life need thrones proud hearts in dungions fling Grace men to day to morrowe giue them graues A King must be like Fortune euer turning The world his football all her glory spurning Glo. Still your olde counsaile Beldam pollicie You 'r a fit Tutresse in a Monarchy Rich. Mother you are vniust sauage too cruell Vnlike a woman gentlenes guides their sexe But you to furyes fire ad more fewell The vexed spirit will you delight to vex O God when I consaite what you haue done I am a sham'd to be estem'd your sonne Jo. Base Richard I disdaine to call thee brother Takest thou a traytors part in our disgrace For Gloster wilt thou wrong our sacred mother I scorne thee and defie thee to thy face O that we were in field then shouldst thou trie Rob. How fast Earle Iohn would from Prince Richard flye Thou meet a Lyon in feeld poore mouse All thy Carreers are in a Brothell house Ioh. Zounds boy Ric. Now man Ley. Richard you wrong Prince Iohn Ric. Leyster t weare Good you proou'd his Champion Jo. Hasten the execution Royall Lord Let deeds make answer for their worthlesse wordes Glo. I know if I respected hand or head I am encompassed with a world of frends And could from fury bee deliuered But then my freedom hazards many liues Henry performe the vtmost of thy hate Let thy hard harted mother haue her wil Giue Franticke Iohn no longer cause to prate I am prepared for the worst of ill You see my knees kisse the could pauements face They are not bent to Henry nor his frends But to all you whose bloud fled to your hearts Shewes your true sorrowe in your ashye cheekes To you I bend my knees you I intreat To smile on Glosters Resolution Who euer loues me will not shed a teare Nor breath a sigh nor show a cloudy frowne Looke Henry heares my hand I lay it downe And sweare as I haue Knighthood heer 't shall lye Till thou haue vsed all thy tyranny La. Has no man heart to speake Glo. Let all that loue me keepe silence or by heauen I le hate them dying Quee. Harry off with his hand then with his head Fau. By the red rood I cannot chuse but weepe Come loue or hate my teares I cannot keepe Que. When comes this lingring executioner Joh. An executioner an executioner Hen. Call none till we haue drunke father fill wine To day your Office is to beare our cupp Ric. I le fill it Henry K. kneele downe He. Dick you are too meane so bow vnto your soueraigne Gl. Kneele to his childe O hell O tortor Gloster learne Who would loue life to see this huge dishonor Hen. Saturne kneel'd to his Sonne the God was faine To call young Ioue his ages Soveraigne Take now your seate againe and weare your Crowne Now shineth Henry like the Middayes Sonne Through his Horizon darting all his beames Blinding with his bright splendor euery eye That stares against his face of Maiesty The Commets whose malicious gleames Threatned the ruyne of our Royalty Stands at our mercy yet our wrath denyes All fauour but extreame extreamityes Gloster haue to thy sorrow chafe thy arme That I may see thy bloud I long'd for oft Gush from thy vaines and staine this Pallace roofe Io. T would exceed gilding Quee. I as golde doth Oaker Glo. It s wel ye count my bloud so precious Hen. Leyster reach Gloster wine Ley. I reach it him Hen. Proude Earle I le spurne thee quickely go beare it Glo. I le count it poyson if his hand come neere it Hen. Giue it him Leyster vpon our displeasure Glo. Thus Gloster takes it thus againe he flings it In scorne of him that sent it and of him that brought it Ski O braue spirit La. Brauely resolu'd brother I honour thee Quee. Harke how his sister ioyes in his abuse Wilt thou indure it Hall Fau. Peace good Marian. Hen. Auoyde there euery vnder Officer Leaue but vs our Pieres and Ladyes heere Richard you loue Earle Gloster looke about If you can spye one in this company That hath not done as great a sinne as Gloster Chuse him let him be the executioner Ric. Thou hast done worse then like rebellie us head Hast arm'd ten thousand hands against his life That