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A03388 Eliosto libidinoso described in two bookes: vvherein their imminent dangers are declared, who guiding the course of their life by the compasse of affection, either dash their ship against most dangerous shelues, or else attaine the hauen with extreame preiudice. Written by Iohn Hynd. Hind, John, fl. 1596-1606. 1606 (1606) STC 13509; ESTC S104128 67,558 100

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thy life then win thy Love Ah ha●…lesse Cleodora would to God thy vertues were lesse then thy beautie or my vertues greater then my affections so should I either quickly free my selfe from fancie or be lesse subject vnto folly But alas I feele in my mind fierce sk●…rmishes betweene Reason and Appetite Love and Wisdome Dang●…r and Desire the one perswaded him to hate the Queene becaus●… his fathers wife the other constrained him to love her as a friend If I consent to the first I end my dayes with death if to the last I shall leade my life with infamie What shall I then do Ah Eliosto either swallow the juyce of Mandrake which may cast thee into a dead sleepe or chew the hearbe Carysium which may cause thee to hate everie thing so eyther shalt thou die in thy slumber or dislike Cleodora by thy potion Tush what follies are these Wil●… thou with the Woolfe barke at the Moone or with the yong Gr●…phons peck against the starres Thinkst thou to quench fire with a sword or with affection to mortify love No no if thou be wise suffer not the grasse to be cut from vnder thy feete strike while the yron is hote make thy market while the chaffer is to sa●…e Eliosto b●…ing thus resolute in his opinion began to cast beyond the Moone and to frame a 〈◊〉 devises in his h●…ad to bring his purpose to passe fearing everie shadow doubting everie winde stumbling at the least straw yet at the last pricked forward by fancie he purposed not to omit the least occasion which he thought would redound to his content Fortune who had long spurned at him with her foote gave him this oportunitie to raise him whom she had like to have overthrowne chaunci●…g to looke out at a window ●…hich opened into a Parke belonging to the Court he espied the Queene pleasantly passing away the time with her traine of Ladies which oportunitie he was not wil●…ing to loose but with all such speed as his faint legs could make revived by the sight of his sweete chase with all sayles spread in short time hee recovered his wished desire who was no sooner of Cleodora seene his humble dutie done and she having requited the same giving him the time of the day with a most pleasant and friendly countenance she chalenged him of negligence whom in two or three dayes shee had not seene and leading him politikely pretending matter of importance to impart vnto him from the companie she broight him neare the side of a faire copesse which so overshadowed them that the Sunne beames could no waies be offensive vnto them where they might both boldly say whatsoever it pleased them without being heard or seene of any whose presence might interrupt their conference which caused her to take oportunitie to discusse with him thus Sonne quoth she I pray thee say of the dutie which thou hast vowed me and by those sweete thoughts which are best pleasing vnto thee what is the Ladie to whom thou hast dedicated thy love For love doubtlesse thou doost thy countenance bewrayeth it which I have noted with more regard then becommeth mee yet of care to thee whose health I tender for thy courtesie and good service done which I would requite in the best maner I might and for because thy lookes shew that thy heart craveth to be pitied of thy Ladie let mee know her who may chance stand thee in some stead for women may prevaile much with one another Eliosto wrapt into a heaven of joyes hearing the goddesse of his devotion with such favour and kindnesse to grace him with a blushing countenance standing at the barre before her whose sentence p●…onounced was either li●…e or death sayde Honourable and gracious Madame That I love I cannot denie which argueth your skill in phisicke to be great but if your highnesse could iudge whose love I most adore and love have and judging ease me I should have cause to say no Aesculapius on the earth whatsoever might stand in comparison with you for skill I dare say no more fearing to offend The Queene all this while gazed on the perfection of her Sonne as deeply enamored on his feature as he inveagled with hers for her eye made a generall survey of his excellent proportion which she found more exquisite by how much the more she had bent her liking to love him Thus Affection which had assailed both their hearts indued them with such a sympathy of content beholding themselves all alone that with overmuch joy they were stricken mute so that how much soever ●…heir hearts desired to let each other know their loves they could not reveale the same In this heaven of happinesse they had not long been but a Ladie that attended the Queene brought her word the King was comming into the Parke which place hee had chosen to recreate himselfe where resting on a hill that over-peered the great Mediterrane●…m hee noted how Phoebus fetched his Lauoltos on the Purple plaines of Neptunus as if he had meant to have courted Thetis in the royaltie of his Robes the Dolphins ●…he sweete conceitors of Musicke fetcht their carreers on ●…he calmed waves as if Arion had touched the strings of his silver-sounding Instrument the Mermaides thrusting their h●…ades from the bosome of Amph●…rite sate on the mounting banks of Neptu●…e drying their watrie tresses in the Sun-beames hee marked likewise howe A●…olus forbore to throw abroad his guests on the slumbring browes of the Sea-god as giving Triton leave to pleasure his Queen with desired melodie and Proteus l●…bertie to follow his flockes without disquiet Amasias looking over the champain of Cyprus to see if the continent were as full of smiles as the Seas were of favours saw the shrubs as in a dreame with delightfull harmonie and the birds that chan●…ed on their branches not disturbed with the least breath of a favourable Zephyrus Seeing thus the accord of the land and sea casting a fresh gaze on the water Nymphes hee began to consider how Venus was faigned by the Poets to spring of the froth of the seas which drave him strait into a deepe conjecture of the inconstancy of love that as if Luna were his load-starre it had everie minute ebbes and tides somtime overflowing the banks of Fortune with a gracious looke lightned from the eyes of a favourable lover otherwhiles ebbing to the dangerous shelfe of de●…paire with the piercing frowne of a froward Mistresse By this time nights duskie mantle shadowing the earth with a darksome coverture had bewrayed heavens disguise and the twinckling starres whose sight the Sunnes brightnesse doth in the day time obscure did now plainly appeare while Phoebus reposing in his Palace waited the dewie-vprising of Aurora so that the King was for that time constrained to desist his walke In the meane time Eliosto whose extreames were vehement after his abrupt parting with his mother grew so melancholy as that nothing was able to delight him so that in outragious maner he
Madame if a blinde body may catch a Hare I may happen to come somwhat neere the exposition of this your fancie The wood you went in is the Court the nettes the eyes and tongues of your well-willers that haue no power to take sure hold of your affectiō now the great water may be the sea and the golden Line the yong Prince that may cary your deuotion from his father for if I be not much deceiued he hath you by the hart whatsoeuer it was that held you by the middle Vnhappy wench quoth Cleodora thou commest too neere that hittest the marke so right but yet maist thou be deceiu'd in one point thogh not in fom other I haue passed the nets that true and I am caught it is not vntrue but that he either wil or shall cancell my loue to the King that I feare will not fall out But the Gods know all to whom only will I leaue it Foes may be friends and kindnes where it lighteth doth more than all the worlde besides His presence may please the purest eye and for his wit I heard my Lord wonder at it for his bountie our Court speaketh of it and for his vertue who dooth not see it But for his loue happy is shee that shall enioy it for princely wisedome with honourable bountie shewes a diuine spirite in an excellent nature and of such a temper I holde him and for such a one I loue him and will euer honour him though I haue neuer the fruition of my desires But leauing this I pray thee tell mee what saide my sonne when he deliuered these letters vnto thee Madame to say trueth nothing touching his loue but importuned with such earnestnesse for the presenting of them vnto your handes as might haue made many prowd to doe so charitable a deede crauing it with wordes so pittifull and lookes so ruthfull For mine owne parte my heart imagining by your affection that the destinies which caused your griefe had fettered him and well knowing where loue is vnited there ones weale is the others good though I were hardly wonne to the same yet at length I vndertooke the hazard of your good wil promising to returne him an answer thereof wherein without the graunt of your consent I shall breake promise Oh Lucilla doubtest thou of my consent in answering his kinde Letters for whose sake I haue indured so many nights of vnrest and carefull dayes No Heauens neuer fauour me with good if I doe not paralell his affection to the vtmost of my power Therefore as thou hast played the aduocate so make I thee my principal and chiefe Secretary peruse these lines and in equitie consider if that his wound deserue not to be tented with pittie then let mee see thy skill in inditing to the which thou shalt haue my helpe Prorogue no longer the time hunger is a sharpe sawce to those that haue good stomackes and I measuring his desires by mine owne imagine that meate can not be more pleasing to the hungry then the vnexspected tydings of consent from his new acknowledged Loue. Soft fire Madam said Lucilla makes the sweetst mault say our huswiues You are far wide what no sooner at the stile but ouer h●…ste maks waste looke before you leape lest a blocke vnthoght of chance to breake your shinnes What if these letters impart his loue how are you thereof assured men are subtile can cast many colors to deceiue women al is not gold that glisters vnder the greenest grasse lurks the poisoned adder the crocodile sheades most teares when he seeketh most to deceiue Trie ere you trust Madam repentan●…e comes too late therefore howsoeuer you affect him conceale it lightly wonne is as lightly lost The Laborer that gameth his mony by hard toile is more chary in parting therewith than the purloyning thiefe or the riotous youth which by subtill practises draweth all he can from his kinde parents to maintaine his dissolute expences Let him bite on the bridle a while yet gently line his curbe that he g●…ll not a little thing pleaseth a childe and a good countenaunce is wo●…rth golde to him that regardeth it as he professeth weigh your owne estate who is Queene of Cyprus and his mother with the basenes of the fact consider what a corrasiue this loue of yours wil be to the king and if once discouered with what detestation amongst all men you shall liue I speake this for the disparagement if it be possible of his loue and to draw your liking from him if otherwise in such sort to temper your affection that to both your contents you may long enioy it and besides so moderate your lookes that neyther the lightnesse nor the liberall bestowing thereof may minister to the iealous heads any occasion of mistrust For princes are great markes vpon whom many eyes are intended If therefore you are once perceiued what perill either part may procure your wisedom can best conceiue Thus in dutie haue I spoken and deliuered a grosse aduise which I referre to your graces better consideration Well hast thou said quoth the Queene but what auaileth counc●…ll to a desperate minde No more than he that seeking to quench the flame powreth thereinto oyle Thy good regard hath so ballaunced each inconuenience incident to both our estates that by no meanes I am able to requite the specialitie of thy good will Now if thou canst aswell deuise howe we may enjoy our delight without which wee perplexed can not long endure what is it that Cleodora shall euer be mistres●…e of which Lucilla shall not haue at her commaund Then as thou tenderest my good bethink thee of some remedy for such is my love vnto him as that nothing may extinguish it Shal I then by writing answer his leters or no In this I will be ruled by thee how gladly soeuer I wish his comfort in whome of all earthly creatures consisteth my happinesse Experience is the best wisedome saide Lucilla who would euer haue beleeued Loues power to be of such effect how imperious soeuer he seemed had the violence of this attempt in silence beene obfuscated but I am thereby compelled to recant my heresie and say Loue is a god or how is it possib●…e hee should commaund Princes Whereas you haue referred the answer of Eliostoes letters to me I was neuer so voyde of reason or so desirous to be your Counsellor as to take so great a matter vppon me yet shall I so please it you to heare me deliuer my simple opinion as I would doe my selfe in the like action The olde wiues say That they which feede with the diuell must haue a long spoone and they that goe about to maister Loue had neede of many good and sufficient precepts Disswade your grace since I am not able I will not for I see it is in vaine neither would I wish you to giue him his answer by writing for a paper is soone lost and lost vnto whose finding it shal come it is
shee might espie her beloued sonne what ioy it caused let them iudge which haue made better experience in louers delights The Queene hauing the sight of her so long desired obiect sent Lucilla to entertaine him and to conduct him vnto her presence Cleodora staying to frame her countenance for his welcome bethought her selfe of sundry meanes e●…tsoones doubting by hir too pleasant and kinde vsage to be held too forward in loue than what discontent her lowring aspects might mooue vnto him whom she most desired to please In this quandary sitting vppon a pallet and leaning her head on her pillowe Lucilla had brought the Prince in who doing his duty very feebly for the remembrance of his attempt had astonisht him was by the queen againe saluted attending like the guiltie condemned his sentence from her mouth which was to giue him either life or death Eliosto thus at a non plus ouercome with the beholding of her excellent perfection was by her the mirror of affabilitie and courtesie remooued out of his dumpes in this maner Eliosto whether I should chastice thy presumption in writing to me so bold●…ly or no I am not yet resolued but before I acquainted my Lord therewith I thought good to heare thee speake for that I would not so sodainly disgrace thee whome so often I haue fauoured as well to heare thy intent in committing so great a foly as what thou canst say in excuse thereof Princes are not to be ieasted with nor in such maner by their kinred to be assailed therfore thou hast greatly erred in that which is committed incurred the danger of our chiefest lawes by which were thy fact knowne thou art already condemned The prince standing at the barre where Beautie sate chiefe iudge was surprised with many griefes so that hardly he could vtter a word yet reuiued by the hope of those comfortable and sweete sayings pronounced by Lucilla hee shaped her this reply Gratious Lady in that I haue presumed fa●…e I ●…an not but acknowledge yet that I haue incurred such punishment as your Highnes●…e would i●…flict vpon me I denie vnlesse death be the guerdon assigned the saithfull for duetifull seruice and entire affection vrged me to seekethy fauor in loue without the which I cannot liue so deepely are thy vertuous perfections imprinted in my heart which if Ienioy not I desire no longer to breathe Therefore madam if thou disdaine his loue that liuing dieth continually for thee doe but say the word and this blade so often embrued in the blood of 〈◊〉 enemies shall sacrifice his masters owne true heart before thy face that thy cruell selfe may witnes●…e how faithfully Eliosto hath loued thee The Queene grieued to heare these speeches moued with great compunction could hardly forbeare shedding of teares yet modestie the ornament of womankinde caused her to faine a counterfeit shewe of displeasure to him whose teares wroong drops of blood from her tender heart yet that snee might not too suddainly confesse her desires nor giue him cause of vtter despaire made this answer Eliosto that thou maist see and seeing report in all places where euer thou shalt become of womens pittie I graunt thee pardon for thy fault and with it that life which was wholly at my disposing For louing mee as thy prince I heartily thanke thee but in seeking to obtaine my loue as thy Concubine in that I defie thee let each estate frame it selfe in affection as it becommeth equalitie so shall men sooner obtaine their desires and their loues in more tranquilitie be maintained Thou knowest that such absurde actions are in the extreamest degree of sinne Wilt thou therefore wish me in violating the faith which I haue plighted vnto thy father purchafe vnto my selfe such a name the remembrance whereof is not lesse grieuous vnto mee than death No no desist not any further to prosecute thy su●…te let reason vanquish thy brain-sicke humour which so aff●…icts th●…e in doing which thou shalt make demonstration of that true nobilitie wherewith thou art endued for no greater conquest can be imagined than that which vpon a mans vnt●…med affections is atchieued Do this and thou 〈◊〉 finde Cleodora thy louing and faithfull friend who 〈◊〉 be as carefull with fauours to aduance thee as I haue found chee prompt and ready by thy seruice to pleasure me A●…as good Madame answered the Prince it is a thing farre more easie to giue counsell than once giuen to follow it The full gorged Churle little regardeth the staruing creature at his gate but could you conceiue the leas●… part of many thousand griefes that afflict me you would at the length pittie me though further fauour from you I receiued none If thy heart be not harder than the Adamant yield thy grace sweet Lady to augment my life or vtterly for euer deny me your good will I expect but your answer for my resolution is no other than I haue protested dastards feare to die but the noble mind preferreth death which endeth all sorrowes before a life to be continued with discontent The Queene as full of anguish as hee of sorrow beeing at her wits ende turned her speeches to an other matter and requested him to contriue as cunningly as he could his fancie in a fiction willing therefore to shew his Mistresse for such I must now tearme her that he was not ignorant in musicke taking a Lute in his hand began to warble out this Roundelay Loue was arm'd with fatall bow Shafts which Mother did bestow Mother gaue but Father fram'd Father Mother both wer●… blam'd Want●…n Goddesse did beguile Husband with afained smile For a kisse shee did obtaine Labour neuer spent in vaine Tha●… her sonne by Vulcans trade Might the chiefest God be made Thus shee wonne him to her will Wily worke of Womans skill But the Boy more prowd then wise Waues his wings and forth he flies Soone as he on earth had lighted Thus the fondl●…ng was despighted As he vaunted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 olde Thinking all that glistered gold Tearming in a 〈◊〉 thought Which his selfe conceit had ●…rought Heau'●… his footstoo●…e gods his marke Men his obiects Earth his parke Gods and men his hunting game Beautie natures darling came Beautie clad in natiue hue Whom the Graces did indue With rich plentie of their gifts Beautie cause of wittie shifts Beautie with whose worth delighted Poets haue sweete Hymnes 〈◊〉 Faire as is th●… ruddie morne Leauing restfull Bowre forlor●…e M●…rne did with Vermi●…ion redde Rising from ●…ld Tithons bedde Thus the fairest of all faire Denide to grace the liquid aire Passing by where Loue did stand Holding powerfull bowe in hand Not saluting as shee went Him that ragde in discontent Boyli●…g wrath must issue finde Wrath that boyld in troubled minde For the ease of whose vnrest Thus his furie was exprest Loue said he was Beauties better She said Loue was natures debter Loue exclaimde on Beauties pride Which all duties force denide Shee said Loue receiu'd no wrong Where no dutie did
in order returnd with safety to Famogosta esteemed famous for his peaceable gouernment administring Iustice with such seueritie and yet tempering the extremitie of the law with such lenitie as he both gained the good will of strangers in hearing his vertue and wonne the hearts of his subiects in feeling his bounty counting him vnworthy to beare the name of a soueraigne who knew not according to desart to cherish chastise his subiects and had not in continent affection which he vsed daily counteruailed his more royall disposition the state of his soueraignty had bin beutified with inequiualency But the obliquity of this vice being firmly fortified in the center of his heart could neither by the honest societie with his Qu. any thing be mitigated or through the immoderate illicit acquaintāce with others somwhat discouraged For proofe whereof on a day after the Northern tēpests were quieted as he rode a hunting with certain of his Peeres he stumbled by chance at a Farmers house where hee espied a woman homely attired of modest countenance her face imported both loue grauitie who seeing the King approach dying her christall cheeks with a vermilion hue after humble reuerence brought him in a country Cruise such drinke as their cottage did afford Amazias narrowly marking her proportion courteously tooke his leaue and departed but the sparkes of lust that had kindled a flame of Desire in his fancie perplexed his mind with sundry passions For calling to his consideration not onely her exteriour beautie adorned with sundry graces but also her inward perfection bewraiing she was both wise and honest hee fell into this discourse with himself For shame Amazias let not thy thoughts wander in a Laborinth to be endlesse seeing the flower of thy youth hath bin spent in vice let the fruite of thine age onely sauour of vertue if the goods had not the Firstlings of thy yeres yet let thē haue thy gray head in pawne of a sacrifice Time is a retrait from vanitie vice thy foot is stepping to the graue Opportunie bids thee take hold of repentance Venus is printed without wrinckles as signifying shee is the goddesse of youth What of this fond foole suppose thou wert yong shalt thou therefore wallow in intemperance do not the gods forbid thee to craue another mans due are not voluptuous desires to be suppressed as wel in the yong sien as in the old tree is thy fancy so fickle as euery face must be viewed with affection Fond man think this that the poore man makes as great account of his wife as the greatest Monarch in the world doth of an Empresse that honestie harbours as soone in a cottage as in the court that their mindes oppressed with want are freed frō the vanities of loue Thē Amazias cease these friuolous suppositions and seeke not so much as in thought to offer wrong to so modest a woman whose honest behauiour foreshewes that as she is poore so shee is chaste and holdeth as deere the price of her fame as the state of her life No doubt Amazias thou art become a very holy Prelate that hast so many precepts to refell that thou hast alwaies followed Is not Loue a Lord as well amongst Beggars as Kings Cannot Cupid as soone hit a shepheards hooke as a scepter Doth not Pouertie by naturall in-sight yield to the desires of Maiestie Are womens faces alwaies Kalenders of Truth or are their lookes as Ouid affirmeth euer Mind-glasses No the thoughts of women hang not alwaies in their eies Dissimulation is sister to Ianus and wanton appetite oftentimes jetteth vnder the maske of Chastitie Hast thou hitherto not bin repulsed with any resolute denials and shalt thou now be ouerthrowne with a looke No forward Amazias in thy purpose triumph man and say as Caesar did in his Conquests Veni Vidi Vici The King resting vpon this wicked resolution met by chance the husband of the wife comming from Plough who seeing Amazias did his dutie in most humble manner The King thinking to take opportunitie at the rebound thought now he had very good meanes to know the disposition of the woman and her husbands name that hee might make repaire thither to prosecute his wicked purpose He began therefore to inquire of the man where he dwelt the poore Farmer calling to minde that he had a faire wife was not willing to tell the place of his abode made answer Vpon the Forrest side What is he quoth Amazias that dwels at yonder Grange place for they were in view of the house and if thou canst quoth he goe so farre tell me what your neighbours say of his faire wife The man was amazed at this question suspecting that which indeed prooued true though his apparell was simple yet hauing a subtill wit made him this answer The man my Liege is poore but honest his name Lew●…sohiln a Farmer by profession loued of his neighbours for that he neuer enuieth his superiors nor grudgeth at his equals fauoured of the gods in that amidst his pouertie he hath a contented minde and a wife that is beautifull wise and honest whose life is so vertuous that our Countrie wiues take her actions as a President whereby they may gouerne their fame and credit in so much that shee is not so much praised for her beautie as shee is reuerenced for her chastitie Amazias contented with this reply rode his way and the poore man in a dumpe went home to his wife to whom he reuealed the effect of the Kings demaund shee willing her husband to repose his wonted trust in her good behauiour quieted his mind with the hope of her constancie but the like rest happened not vnto the King For he incensed by the praises of her vertues fell into such a restlesse Chaos of confused passions that he could take no rest till the night was passed in broken slumbers The next morning taking Loue onely for his guide priuatly he went to the Farmers house where finding her with one of her maides in the midst of her huswiferie he stood a prettie while taking a viewe of her exquisite perfection till at the last the good wife espied him who nothing dismaied with his presence for that beeing forewarned shee was fore-armed gaue him after her homely fashion a Countrie welcome The King sate downe and finding some talke began to discourse with her about her well ordered house and other matters that by a long insinuation he might the better fall to his purpose The poore woman whose name was Ballinea was as busie as a Bee to set before Amazias such rurall junkets as the Plough affoards making fewe answers till at last the King after hee had tasted of her delicates taking her by the hand framed his speech in this manner Ballinea I will not make a long haruest for a small crop nor goe about to pull Hercules shooe vpon Achilles foote Orations are needelesse where necessitie forceth and the shortest preamble is best where Loue puts in his
perfection as is seldom found in earthly substance But s●…th I cannot fully expresse his feature I will rehearse vnto you the description of him couched by a Cyprian pen man in a briefe Ode a conceit well knowne to all Sheepeheards and by them oft recited The description of Eliosto in an Ode GAnimede the Idaean Boy Second glory of the day Phrigiaes wonder fathers ioy Loves content Ioves wishfull pray Blyth Adonis Beauties treasure Venus darling Fancies fire In whose lookes were heav'nes of pleasure Fruit too fowle of faire desire Both these would though both were rare Both the mirrors of their time Blush if they should make compare With this wonder of our clime In whose eyes Love lodg'd 〈◊〉 darts But he did with glances aime them That he might subdue all hearts And his owne by conquest claime them Such his face such is his stature Locks resembling burnish't gold That his like astonish't nature Framde not since of earthly mold Nature at her selfe amazed O what influence then did guide her Sith in want such worth was blazed Worth which heav'ns have since 〈◊〉 her May not then this l●…vely boy For he is a lovely creature Well be tearmd our Cypr●…s ioy Blest in bearing such a feature Well he may and if not he Who shall then our wonde be Such and so many were his perfections that he could not fully describe them much lesse I discover them he was affected of many and admired of all Sheepheards doated on him Lasses droupt for him all liked him for who could not love him It is the custome of the inhabitants of Famagosta to rest in some shade when summers scorching heate annoyes them being shrowded from the Sunne they spend the time in discoursing vpon their owne or their fellowes fortunes Sheepheards I meane men of their owne profession whether native in Cyprus or no as in memorizing the worth of Philoclea praising the perfections of Phyllis lamenting the losse commending the loyaltie of Amyntas mourning for the death yet misliking the disdaine and pride of Amaryllis pittying the distresse of the forlorne Sheepheard the vnhappy admirer though happy herauld of her worth But if Eli●…sto by hap came by as oft he did they would abruptly breake off these discourses and follow him greedily gazing on so glorious an object Nor was this vniformity of affections onely in humane hearts for the rurall powers were touched with like simpathy Pan sighed to see him remembring by him his Syrinx though of another sexe The Hamadriades flocked to view him wishing him one of their troope Faunes Sylvans Satyres seldome seene before were oft beheld by men while they left the halowed groves to gaze in the open fields on that eye-Syren alluring not with the sound but at the sight But as no extreame is durable so too soone to breake off the knot of this exceeding comfort see what ensued Amasias having now through tract of time sufficiently digested his sorrowes lived in his Court no lesse accompanied with the most honourable then beloved of the most vertuous where finding that humors were no honours and time lost could never be recovered thought good at the earnest perswasions of his Peeres to enter againe into the lists of marriage which thing being knowne many Princes of Ionia and of Europe desirous to insert themselves into so royall a kinred and to have interest in so noble a family offred their daughters with large portions But onely the Prince of Lemnos sped in his ●…ute whose aliance the King accepted as being a man noble in deed graced with al ornaments which Nature might afford or Vertue chalenge His daughter also named Cleodora was a creature endued with such ornaments of the body graced with such qualities of the minde that it seemed Nature and Vertue concurring in one had conspired to make her a peerelesse proofe-peece of their vnited perfections and though Fortune fretting at their favours so largely bestowed sought to crosse their courtesies with her cruelties yet ●…ould s●…e not at that time blemish the bright-shining wor●…h of so famous a wonder But as a small clowd in a cleare day may somewhat s●…aine though not wholly stop the sunnes light so Fortunes malice did rather darken then drowne her merits in whose Ivory browes Chastitie sate enthronizde as gardian of her lookes Modestie teinting her cheekes with a vermi●…ian die of Virgin-redmaiden blushes emblazond her a map of mirrors Maiesty which beautie claimed birth challenged love commanded guided hir gestures with such decent proportion as Iuno wanted in the pride of her glorie and Minerva in the prime of her pompe These gifts these g●…ories did so vnluckily as the sequell will manifest enchant enthrall enforce Amasias that having scarce vi●…wed her hee vowed her his owne such deepe impressions were wrought in his affections To be brie●…e the parties were resolved to give Love his right and so married they were honourably For that purpose the Cyprian King sent Heralds to all the Iles adjacent and Provinces situate in the maine of Greece which published in his name leave and liberty of accesse to all whomsoever especially strangers of account which did repaire to his Court and were present at his nuptialls and honoured him in such prince like exercises as did best beseeme the worth of that intended solemnitie Besides a troope of meaner persons the most worthy Heroes of Greece appeared at the appointed time and being present at the ceremonies of Hymens rights gave honourable testimonie of their performance Forth with many honourable sports and deedes of chivalry were exercised in which Eliosto was cheefe challenger suted in purest white mounted vpon a milke white Courser richly caparrasoned These second solemnities thus finished the Lemnian Prince and other strangers departed bruiting an honourable report of the Cyprian Courts royaltie This married couple for two yeares living in a league of vnited vertues safely floated in the seaes of securitie and bathed themselves in the streames of blisse they were not daunted with any dread because they saw no present danger they thought that the sea being calme there could come no tempest that from the cleere aire could ensue no stormes that quiet ease was not the mother of discention and that were Fortune once tuned in the strings could never bee found any discord But they at length tried though by haples●…e experience that when Nilus filleth vp his bounds ensueth a dearth when the Angelica is laden with most seede then he dieth when musicke was heard in the Capitoll then the Romans were plagued with pestilence when Circes proffered most guifts she pret●…nded most guile and that when Fortune had deprived them of most care then she meant to drowne them in the greatest calamitie so she thinking to give them the Mate began thus to proffer the Checke There chaunced to bee in his Court attendant vpon a Noble woman a proper peece named Florinda who by birth was but the daughter of a Knight but by beautie seemed to be a heavenly creature
Now the destinies so ordered the matter that the king by chance cast a looke vpon this gorgeous goddesse and at the first view was so vanquished by vanitie that he thought his l●…fe no longer pleasant vnto him then when he was in her sight and failed not dayly familiarly to frequent the Mistresse cōmpanie for the Maides cause And having attempted her chastitie by shewing her his great good will by bestowing on her gifts by large promises of preferment and many other meanes nevertheles missing of his purpose at that time for as yet she stood at defiance with incontinencie in pensive perplexitie fell at parlee with himselfe to this purpose Why Amasias quoth he art thou so squeamish that thou canst not see wine but thou mu●… surfeit Canst thou not draw nie the fire and warme thee but thou must with Satyrus kisse it and burne thee Art thou so little maister of thy aflections that if thou gaze on a Picture thou must with Pigmalion be passionate Canst thou not passe through Paphos but thou must offer incense to Venus Dost thou thinke it injurie to Cupid to looke if thou dost not love Ah fond foole know this fire is to be vsed but not to be handled the Baaran flower is to be worne in the hand not chawed in the mouth the precious stone Echites is to be applied outwardly and not to bee taken inwardly and beautie is made to feede the eye not to fetter the heart Wilt thou then swallow vp the bait which thou knowest to be bane Wilt thou hazard at that which can not be had without harme No stretch not too farre wade not too deepe violate not the rites of matrimonie impeach not thy faith plighted to Cleodora vse beauty but serve it not shake the tree but taste not of the fruit lest thou find it too hard to be disgested Why but Beautie is a god and will bee obeyed Love looketh to command not to bee conquered Iuno strove but once with Venns and she was vanquished Iupiter resisted Cupid but he went by the worst it is h●…rd for thee with the Crabbe to swimme against the streame or with the Salamander to strive against the fire for in wrastling with a fresh wound thou shalt but make the sore more dangerous Can Beautie fond foole be resisted which makes the gods to bow Love himselfe yeelded to the feature of Psyche and thinkest thou thy fancie to be of greater force But Amasias if thou wilt needes love vse it as a toy to passe away the time which thou may est take vppe at thy lust and lay downe at thy pleasure Love why Amasias doost thou dreame whome shouldest thou love Flori●…da what thy servant no sure thou art not so fond And with that as he vttered these words such thoughts such sighes such sobs such teares as●…ailed him as he was stricken dumb with the extremitie of these hellish passions scarce able to draw his breath for a good space till at last recovering his senses he fell to his former sorrow in this ●…ort I ever heretofore thought a Princes life to be voide of contention and that they had alwayes passed their time in pleasure wi●…hout moles●…ation but now I s●…e we are as soone exposed to sorrow as the meanest subject we have Likewise be●…ore this I was o●… opinion that the number of friends abo●…nding in riches continuing in health and such like things which pertaine to the bodie were sufficient to attaine to felic●…tie in ●…his life but now I see it is the mind that maketh mi●…th and stirreth griefe yea the contented minde is the onely riches the onely quietnesse the onely happinesse Good God! how vnsavory seeme those sweet meates vnto me wherein I was wont to delight how vnpleasant are the s●…orts wherein I was woont to take pleasure how co●…bersome is the companie which was woont to content me no game pleaseth me no triumphs no shewes no hawking no h●…nting yea nothin●… vnder the Sunne doth solace me And would I know the cause why I have not a contented mind The exquisite pa●…ts of Florinda do so diversly distract my minde that onely her sight is sweet onely her societie is comfortable onely her presence is delightful vnto me the reason is in her the Fates have fixed my happinesse in her the heavens have laid vp my felicitie her companie I must injoy and without it I must die Here vpon betaking himse●…e to his meditations hee framed a Letter to Florinda to this effect Amasias to the fairest Florinda health SVch and so extreame are the passions of love Florinda that the more they are quencht by Disdaine the greater flames are increased by Desire and the more they are galld with hate the more they gape after love like to the stone Tapozon which being once kindled burneth most vehemently in the water I speake this the greater is my griefe by proofe and experience for having my heart scorched with the beames of thy beautie and my mind inflamed with thy singular vertue neither can thy bitter lookes abate my love nor thy extreame discourtesie diminish my affection No Florinda it fareth with me as with the hearbe Basill the which the more it is crushed the sooner it springeth or the pure spice which the more it is pouned the sweeter it smelleth or the Cammomill which the more it is troden with the feete the more it flourisheth so in these extremities beaten downe to the ground with disdame yet my love reacheth to the top of the house with hope Sith then Florinda thy beautie hath made the sore let thy bo●…ntie apply the salve as thy vertue hath caused my maladie so let thy mercie give the medicine repay not my constancie with crueltie requite not my love with hate and my desire with despight lest thou procure my speedie death and thy endlesse infamie Thus hoping thou wilt have some remorse of my passions I attend thy friendly sentence and my fatall destinie Thine ever though never thine Amasias As soone as he had written his Letter he dispatched a Messenger as privily as might be who speedily delivering his Embassage was willed by Florinda to expect an answer who ruminating vpon the contents of his Epistle being incited by sordid preferment she thought by his approved loyaltie that her may denly modestie was sufficiently strayned and therefore after a sort was at length willing after long warding and awarding his waster to affoord him the vennie For who knowes not quoth she that this Hawke which comes now so faire to the fist may to morrow check at the Lure Having said this shee wrote as hereafter followeth Florinda to Amasias health THou hast followed fast Amasias and kept me long at a bay which maketh me willing now at length to obey and yeeld a branch of Lawrell as ensigne of thy conquest for this thy meede doth merite both Nobilitie and Courtesie Certes thy feature is neither crooked nor crabbed as for thy beautie I will not or at least I cannot signifie
perceiving without casting of her water where she was pained shaped her this reply For mine owne part Madam as yet I never had experience of what force Love is and therefore ignorant of the disdaine and sorrow which such as you are sustaine yet neverthelesse I verily beleeve that the passion both of the one and the other is so great and vnmeasurable that the surplusage of the alterations that trouble and mole●…t the spirit is nothing in respect of this inexplicable distresse But I behold and perceive the imbecility of humane minds and how soone through vnlawful desires they are disquieted which with no lesse tranquilitie are digested in the stomacke and thoughts then the sea sands when they are encountred with the tumultuous blasts of powerfull Bor●…as Ah Madam where is the great chastitie that made you once more renowned then all the Ladies in Lemnos I beseech you labour to containe your selfe in that honest estimation wherein hitherto you have lived to the great content both of your parents and frends But if Reason be curbd by incontinency and that you deliberate to follow the vice of wantonnesse for the accomplishment of your desires then by all meanes let diligent regard in such sort intimate secrecy that neither the house from whence you are descended be dishonoured nor your selfe merit infamy or ignominious punishment While they were thus talking a page brought word that divers Ladies were come to visit the Queene which caused them to sur●…ease their talke When the Ladies salutations were ended and Cleod●…ra againe left to her cogitations she could not feele one minute of such ease as was requisite for vn●…essantly she rolled the stone with Sysiphus turned the wheele with Ixion and filled the bottomlesse tubbes with Belides in so much that when shee could finde no meanes to mittigate her maladie shee fell into these bitter complaints Ah Cleodora ah wretched Cleodora how art thou without reason which sufferest reason to yeelde vnto appetite wisedome to sensuall will and a free minde vnto servile love but I perceive when the Ivi●… ris●…th it wreatheth about the El●…e when the Hop groweth hie it hath neede of a poale and when virgins waxe in yeares they follow that which belongeth to their youth Love love y●…a but they love expecting some good hap alas both love and live without all hope for Eliosto is my sonne and yet if he were not he liketh not me Sith then Cleodora thou art pinched and hast none to pittie thy passions dissemble thy affection though it shorten thy life For better it were to die with griefe then to live with shame The spunge is full of water yet is not seene the leafe of the tree Alpina though it be wet looks always dry a wise lover be she never so much tormented behaves herself as thogh she were not toucht Yea but fire cannot be hid in the flax without smoke nor musk in the bosome without smell nor love in the breast without suspicion Then seeke some meanes to manifest thy love to Eliosto for as the stone Draconites can by no means be polished vnlesse the Lapidarie burne it so thy mimd can by no medcine be cured vnlesse Eliosto ease it Thus resolved without longer stay she called vnto her Lucilla her chiefe attendant who from her infancie had bin brought vp with her In this Lucilla shee conceyved her greatest hope vnto whom she said Lucilla since I had reason to discerne good from evill thou knowest how I have tendered thee and how willing I would be to seeke thy preferment make triall when thou please so shalt thou be assured of that which justly thou maist hold in suspence But leaving these conjuring words I must Lucilla commit vnto thy secrecies a matter of import whereon my honour and reputation dependeth for I tell thee Lucilla I have made choyse of thee amongst all those which I may commaund as of her I love and have best cause so to doe having had such societie else should I rather choose to die ten thousand deaths then reveale it Luci●…la which had her whole hope of good from the Queene hearing her speeches with teares standing in her eyes proceeding of joy for the honour done her by the Queene protested vnto her by heavens Maker and what else he framed to be secret in her determinations and doe her best endevour to accomplish whatsoever shee commanded Cleodora taking her word for currant in whom she never found deceit said Lucilla that it is incident to all creatures in their kind to love I know thy wittes be not so simple but thou canst conceive and he that made vs directeth our likings as best pleaseth him be it Prince or Beggar from the highest to the simplest and he my Lucilla hath linked my liking albeit extraordinarily to a most brav●… Gentleman on whom I think if Affection which is blind deceive me not is worthy to be favoured of the most beautifull To keepe thee with idle speeches is now no time having other matters enow whereon wee must discourse therefore that thou mayst know to whom my love is intended Eliosto my sonne is he Eliosto famous for his valour renowned for his bountie and admired for his courtesie He he Lucilla is the joy of my heart and my hearts sole delight without whom I cannot live nor I wil not live neither may I live such is the service which my heart hath vowed in love vnto him therfore if thou love me as thou hast professd by thy industrie seeke to save my life which cannot but perish in not obtaining my desires Lucilla listning to her discourse willing to become second in this tragedie had her braines alreadie beaten in the search of the charge committed vnto her yet would she not sodain●…ly answer any thing Considering how displeasing speeches spoken out of time be to lovers corasives yet chering the Queene she requested vntill the next morning respite for answer which willingly she granted affying greatly in her whose j●…dgement above all others she esteemed most sound and perfect whom to her studie we leave Eliosto by reason of the affable countenance and courteous vsage wherewith dayly she did gratifie him had his intrailes so fried with the scorching flames of his metho●…s beautie O inspeakable wickednesse that his colour was ch●…nged and his stre●…gth impaired and he through great griefe ●…nd extremity of his love enforced to withdraw himselfe into his Chamber where casting himselfe on his bed with a million of carefull thoughts he determined to seeke her favour and then by contrary motions fearing the successe of his suit by reason of affinitie which might give cause of great dislike and disparagement thereof said Ah thrice vnfortunate Eliosto what strange fits be these that burne thee with heate and yet thou shakest with cold thy body in a shivering sweate and in a flaming ice melting like wax and yet as hard as Ada●…ant Is it love then woulde it were death for likeher it is thou shalt loose
exclaimed on his misfortune cursing the tydings bringer of the Kings repaire to the Park and his tongue for not revealing his griefe his Physition being so readie to heare that despairing of his hope he was likely to mischiefe himselfe yet Reason affirming That the learnedst Phisition could not discover the disease of his patient without he shew it how neare soever he ghesse Entring further into consideration of her favourable speaches shaking off feare like a hardie Souldier he determined in writing to let her know his love since he had no hope to meet her againe at the like advantage Therefore like the condemned hoping of pardon lived Eliosto yet desirous to be resolved either of comfort or despaire he called for pen and ynke and wrote thus To the onely mistresse of my heart the most beautifull Cleodora happinesse and hearts content IF Iupiter being a God was vanquished by love and many mightie Monarches have beene forced to seeke the love of beautifull Ladies I have lesse cause to accuse my fortune or exclaime against his soveraigntie who hath framed my heart to like and love your excellencie how long I have honoured you onely I omit and desist to impart the many griefes endured for your sake Now as you are by nature pitifull so vouchsafe to credite the lines of me your sworne servant and by your favour reclaime from the gates of death my soule which vpon deniall is readie to leave her earthly mansion Therefore peerlesse Ladie if thou holde the life of thy servant in any regard grant me thy love and with thy love gratious liking so shall I live to honour thee or die through thy crueltie I write not as a Poet but as a passionate lover of your highnesse and therefore if thou dislike these lines at●…ribute the shortnesse of my stile to my ardencie which without flatterie hath delivered the summe of my miserie and hope shal be by your gracious courtesie mitigated So attending your answere either of life or death I wish thy ioyes never to have end and my selfe a speedie death without your liking Your Graces in life most humble Eliosto What man living hath either heard or read of such sensuall and incontinent designes such libidinous and incestuous affection Thou Hyppolite for not yeelding to the lust of Phaedra thy Stepmother wast through her false accusation by thy father pursued till the Chario●… wherein thou fleddest brake and thou miserably among the sharpe stones rent to peeces but by thy fall thou hast preserved thy name from blacke mouthed infamie who onely is delighted with her brazen Trumpet to sound the harsh tunes of our foule defame as for thee Elios●…o whom the Fates likewise have reserved to perpetuitie must with thy licencious Phaedra abide continually the detestable brand of vnspeakable ignominie But I digresse When he had ended these lines sealed and directed the same he could not find by many devises which hee sought how it should be brought to his mothers hands at length after many and sundry wayes invented this was thought best calling to mind Lucil●…a the Queenes Maid which he often noted to be in some regard with her determined to procure her either for courtesie or reward to deliver it And verie early in the morning as soone as he could get readie addressed himselfe to the Court attending the comming of his mother thither as she vsually did but vnhappie El●…osto it ●…ell not out so well with him that day for the Quee●…e distempered in her thoughts had her mind so much on loue as she en●…oyed no sleepe by night nor content by day so that she was enforced with weaknesse to keepe her Chamber to the great discomfort and griefe of all the Ladies But Cupid which is alwayes benigne to them that serve him brought him this pleasure It fortuned that Lucilla with whom Eliostoes chief desire was to have some speech passed into the Garden either to walke or for some occasion of the Queenes I know not whether whom he followed with a fear●…full countenance more like a novice in Loves schoole then any way skilfull in such enterprises yet whet●…ed on by the hopes which his heart conceyved he saluted the Gentlewoman who was not a little abashed to see the Prince so neare her nor could she iudge any cause of his comming vnto her Lucilla being willing to heare what he would say with a face blushing shewing a kind countenance she enquired of his health with other ordinarie prattle vnto which hee answered and returning her many thanks said Mistresse Lucilla though my deserts have never merited favour at your hands yet let me crave your furtherance in a sute for that I heare my mother is weake and not willing to bee troubled so that I cannot attaine vnto hir speech and besides my businesse of importance compelleth me very shortly to leave the Court to deliver this Letter into her owne hands and at your leysure to returne me such answer as she shall please to deliver in doing which you shal both do me a favour of great esteeme and cause me her ea●…ter not to wound this your kindnes with oblivion The Gentlewoman which did know where the Queenes shooe did wring her began immediatly to coniecture his disease and to shoot●… at that which indeed she hit without any great aime supposing the Prince to be wounded with like affection was glad to become so happie a Messenger to her who could willingly vouchsafe him as partner of her best fortunes yet making a kind deniall she said Sir though I could willingly doe you more service then modestie will I acquaint you with yet it is not the part of our Country Gentlemen to make poasts of women having Pages fit for that purpose if I refuse your request attribute it to no discourtesie in me which am verie loath to offend her h●…ghnesse not knowing whether the sentence of your Paper may breed any discontent or no. That many Messengers have incurred displeasure yea and losse of life as the cause hath deserved I hope it is not vnknowne vnto you yet hath the harmlesse bearer known●… as little what he carried as I desirous to know of you Sweet Lucilla quoth the Prince that it is wisdome by others harmes to beware I denie not yet notwithstanding it is discourtesie not to fulfill the request of a Gentleman which hath evermore shewed himselfe most dutifull vnto her Maiestie can I therfore frame my heart to preiudice that Ladie of incomparable vertue No no heavens never permit me life if in the least thought I once offend her Lucilla noting by the often change of his colour in telling his tale that his heart was not his owne but had some more businesse in hand then willingly he would reveale loath to move his patience by her deniall answered Sir perswading my self of your loyaltie I will for this time become your Embassador although it should impaire my credite with her Excellence whose favour I hold as deare as my life and that
you shall assure your selfe of my fidelitie herein if you please to meete me in this place to morrow by that time the Suns power shal have drawne the deaw from off the earth I shall returne you answer as you desire Thankes good Lucilla for thy courtesie assure your selfe I will not die in your debt if ever Eliosto may requite it by any industrie In the meane time quoth he favour me so highly as weare this for my sake and pulling off a Diamond of great price gave it her which she was loa●…h to accept yet giving him thanks for his kindnesse replied Sir I prize not my paines that you should reward me with hire or do you good in hope of benefi●…e for as it is vnfitting a Gentlewoman to take gif●…s in such m●…ner bestowed so is it discourtesie and no part of womanlike condition to reiect the gift of a friend therefore accept my thanks vntill such time I shall better deserve it Thus time passing away Lucilla taking her leave went towards the Queens Chamber and Eliosto to his lodging where ministring fuell vnto his follie hee began in his imaginations most strangely to be perplexed for his propheticke soule layd downe before him both the enormitie of the fact and the condigne punishment which alwayes accompanieth such a crime yet notwithstanding he was so blind with outragious lust as that no such sacred s●…ppositions were of force sufficient to reclaime him from his intended resolution Vnto which I leave him Lucilla seriously bethinking her selfe of these rare and abhominable accidents thought good since they were committed vnto her secrecie to smoother them vp in silence lest by their detection both their safeties vtterly might be ruinated Vpon this she came into the Queenes presence where being of her perceyved shee was demaunded where shee had spent the time so long from hir knowing that all her attendants besides her selfe were combersome Madame having beene to search some daintie that might yeeld delight to your weake stomacke and cause better disgesture by chance prying in the garden for such things I was encountred by the best Phisition in the Dominion of Cyprus who gave me a receipt which I judge by my simple skill will give your Majestie great ease yet doth the man doubt whether your stomacke will disgest it yea or no this gracious Ladie quoth Lucilla hath beene the cause of my absence and no other Alas good wench how am I beholding vnto thee that regarding my health searchest the depth of thy skill but Lucilla in vaine seekest thou her redresse which no Phisition with all his hearbs drugs and simples balmes emplaisters or what Art may provide can remedie the gods only by their grace must finish my desires or give evidence that life hath left within me the due possession of her field What Madame ever in this tune once alter these discords which maketh your Musicke jarre and sing the beleefe with a cheerefull voice so may your minde be a little eased and the receipt I have to minister worke with the more effect I speake this of experience for everie cunning Phisition will prepare the body of his patient before he minister any thing therefore if you will shake off this melancholie you shall have a taste of what I promise if not your Grace must pardon mee it were great pity so precious a thing should be cast away Wel quoth Cleodora thou art disposed to crosse me with thy wordes which in yeelding small comfort do nothing else but aggravate my disease therefore leaving these jeasts tell mee if thou hast aught will doe me good if not vse me no more thus vnkindly lest vanquished with the extremitie of my griefe I chance to say that with my tongue which my heart will repent or exercise my hands in such severitie as shall not beseeme my person The Gentlewoman seeing the wind blow so warme at the view of the Queenes impacience feared as much as shee promised thought not good above her strength to moove her for women being by nature hot vpon small occasions oft times become vnreasonable wherefore making a preamble to her discourse like an eloquent Orator began thus Eliosto with that word making a long pause to note her countenance on the sodaine naming her beloved was thus interrupted Eliosto Lucilla What frantike humor in this maner causeth thee to nominate him with whom as yet thou never hadst any conference Madame said the Gentlewoman 〈◊〉 the rest before you either dislike or commend me then proceede quoth the Queene This Eliosto as I am credibly informed loveth a Ladie but whom I know not and as a dear friend of his certified me is so tormented in his passions that the night naturally ordained for rest restlesse he consumeth in great discontent the day wherein all creatures delight is vnto him loathsome insomuch that through watching and refusing his diet his lovely visage from the sanguine is altered into the yellow coloured saffron yea Madame these mine eyes are witnesses of it who this day saw him passe into the Court so feeble that his weake legges could hardly support the weight of his bodie No more of this Lucilla lest thy tongue busied too long on this tragedie I in the meane time be compelled to seeke an end of my torments by dispatching mine owne life Is this thy comfortable confection Is this the reliefe thou preachest of which would yeeld me such quiet of minde Why should I live to see another enioy my loue have I made choise of him and shall another no wayes worthie of him enioy my ●…elicitie Peace Cleodora whither rovest thou let reason subdue rage let not every one be privie to thy incestuous love but conceale it as thou maist and seeke some secret device by death which is the best remedie to give contentation to thy heart But hearken Lucilla that thou mayest in time when my bodie shall be intombed among the dead report vnto my sonne how deare I held his love as my countenance often shewed though hee carelesse of Loves toyes never regarded it do but this for me by his frind to learne the Ladies name with whom Eliosto is so inthralled this is all the service that ever I will exact of thee that knowing her I may become an intercessor for him whom my heart more desireth then all the worlds possessions With this tears which trickled downe from her opticke instruments restrained her tongue In which sorrowfull passion her Maiden became a partner and grieved for her follie which indeed was none committing so heynous a fault in procuring the same excused her selfe in this manner How much I grieve to see you so discomforted I cannot tell but relying vpon the hope of your graces free pardon if you vouchsafe to peruse this Letter you shall know what shee is with whom your sonne is so strangely affected This Letter I received at his hands who hearing of your disquiet desirous as it should seeme to acknowledge his dutie coniured me by many faire
belong None might craue peculiar ri●…ht Sith they were of equall might He said Beauty ne're preuailed But where Loue the heart assailed Beautie for it selfe admired His shafts causde to be desired For where Loue bredno remorse There had Beautie little f●…rce Psyche was more faire then any Lou'd of few though lik't of many Yet so lik't that none affected Sisters sped but shee reiected Yet quoth Beautie Psyche gaind Cupids heart to her enchainde Where was then his wonted might Uanquish'd by a womans sight Thus fell Loue into a trip Thus shee gald him with a quip He said t' was his owne pr●…curement Shee said it wa●… her allurement Loue said Beautie pleasd the eie But he wrought hearts sympathie Hee said heart when eie had viewd Was by Beauties force subdu'd He said Beauty soone decaid Shee s●…id Loue no longer staid Then while beautie was in prime Thus did both giue place to Time Cupid grieu'd with these replies Fram'd by her in taunting wise Sware by dreadfull Stygian lake Greatest v●…w that Gods can make That he would no more discend Till he did this quarrell end Vowing by his godheads might Beauties darlings to despite Thus he sa●…es and vp he fl●…es Swiftly through the Empire skies If me●… might this strife decide As by men it should be tride Then would all agree in one Beautie can preuaile alone Beautie able to ●…thrall Eies and heart and thoughts and al Y●…t three powers in one a●…enting Stroke mine heart heart soone rele●…ting Eye●… saw beauty and admirde it Loue saw heart through eyes he fir'd it But faire lookes did first constraine Cupids shafts to shape my paine Fairer vertue Beauties ●…ewell Bade me not pronounce Loue cruell Loue that forc'd me to affect Beauties worth by Vertue deck●… Then O three of all the chiefe Ease at last my ●…oathed griefe The Queene hearing all those extreames to growe from affection was in such sort by them captiuated that vailing top-gallant she returned to Eliosto this finall and comfortable resolution The flaxe gentle Eliosto soone flameth and yeeldes but a flash the kinde mushrome soone ripens and as soone rottes the best Emphemerum in the riuer Hippanis is made in a moment and marrd in a minute but contrariwise it must be immoderate heate that engendreth the Salamander which ingendred neuer dieth vntil the fire be extinguished Long time it is before the Lawrell flourisheth which flourishing neuer fadeth with summers blaze or falleth with winters blast The Elephant is borne tenne yeares in the dammes belly but once brought foorth liueth three hundred Therefore thinke me not vnworthie to be worne Eliosto because so long to be wooed For light beli●…fe hath commonly light loue The fish Alphya is engendred with a small showre of raine and therfore is counted no meate for a veluet mouth But good chaffer is not so soone cheapned that which is deere of price is deere and pretious yea that Castle which beares most brunt is deemed most worthy when it is scaled Neither doe I yet condescend to thy petition vnlesse I were pushed therto by thy p●…mise that thou wilt be as faithfull ' as thy protestations are faire Not like the Lightning which flasheth and presently ●…adeth Nor resembling the stone M●…hrax which is of a rose colour but scorched with 〈◊〉 beams becomes chargeable but rather immitating the jem Thra●…ias most burning when thou 〈◊〉 ouerwhelmed with roaring and raging disasters On which conditions thy promises placing ●…nd reposing the irremo●…eable foundation of my faithsull refolution I make thy person the prison of my heart and not only v●…uchsafe thee of some gra●…ts of grant but th●…t thou mayst assure thy selfe the feedes of thy sute to haue beene sowne in a fertile soile for euery graine of Loue buried in my breast I will yeeld thee an eare of fifty corns With that the impatient Louers as if Mars had combatted with D●…me Cytherea for ●…uffring her Boy to make him the marke of his game rose in armes where Loue conquered Pleasure Desire tooke incestuous Delight captiue and litle Cupid like a valiant carpet knight flew into Uenus his mothers bosome Lucilla suspecting no lesse was thunder-stricken with that sod●…ine and sorrowfull imagination that bursting out of an extasie wherein she had long stoode like one beholding 〈◊〉 head lamenting as if shee woulde haue died and in dying made an attonement with Death she sate weeping and wailing for that outragious accident wringing her lili●… white handes and fixing her blubbered eyes on the comfortlesse ground clad in sable habite witnessing her hearts sadnesse and sti●…l crying on the names of Eliosto and Cleodora stil casting out woful inuectiues against the Destinies calling her selfe a most accursed wretch born vnder such vnfortunate planets with that she might heare certaine trumpets sound whereby shee gathered as it was indeede that the King was returning from hunting giuing therefore these Lou●…rs dren●…ht in the full channell of Pleasure this aduertisement for that time they parted Now Eliosto after this was more impatient in his passions For loue so fiercely assayled him that neither Company nor Musike could mittigate his ma●…yrdome b●…t did rather far increase his maladie Shame would not let him craue counsell in this case nor feare of his fathers displeasure reveale it to any friend but was faine to make a Secretary of himselfe and to participate his thoughts with his owne troubled mind Liuing thus a day or two distracted he called to minde the counsell of Cleodora which was that he should insinuate himselfe into the fauor of her maid Lucilla who both could and would pleasure them in their loues Her therefore hee determined to make one of his c●…mplices not for that hee certainely thence expected helpe neither meant desperately to detect his int●…mate secrets without some hope but as the Merchant when with the cruell confederacie of the rocke and surges rage the ship like to a weake stickler hauing all his plancke-ribs rent and riuen asunder committeth his wearied body to the conuoy of a floating boorde as the souldier who being hemmed in on euery side with his enemies rankes neither stands amazed with feare yeelding his naked breasts to the mercilesse jaueline nor desperately rusheth against the poynt of the pike which is not fortitude but folly but to perfourme Natures iniunctions gathereth him selfe wisely within his weapon and striueth with courage to acquite him selfe valiantly Or as the wise phisition which forsaketh not his patient though hee can not finde any soueraigne medicine for his maladie but ministreth such as meere coniectures teach him lest hee discoraged should deliuer to death his patient discomforted Euen so Eliosto thinking to prooue Lucilla though not sure to preuaile sent for her who speedily comming he courteously entertained and with these perswasions indeuoured to make her a fauourite to his purposes To whom as they sate together in his lodging Friend Lucilla quoth the Prince for so your courtesie in speedy comming at my request willeth me to call
you I am to imparte a matter vnto you of no small importaunce in which I must first desire your diligence faith and secrecie Long since I had layd these affaires in your faithfull bosome but that I scarce knew your nature which since the deerest of mine acq●…aintance being the most familiar of your friendes the most friendly of my familiars haue with no small commendations deliuered vnto me saying also that you deserued to be inscribed in the catalogue of my acquaintance I euer soght to ioyne hands with you in friendship which now willingly breaketh forth into a flame and displaieth it selfe vnto your sight and if it shall please you to accept the same you shal henceforth find me as forward to shew my selfe gratefull as at this time I am desirous you should gratifie mee in this action To these Lucilla bowed hir selfe and Eliosto proceeded Since the matter is to be vnfolded between friends I need not vse any glozing phrase flowers of Rhetoricke or colours of eloquence thou knowest gentle Lucilla how di●…ficult it is to loue and how much difficult not to loue Is the iron faulty because it cleaueth to the forcible Adamant the needle because it is drawne by the vertue of the Loadstone gold in that it cannot withstand the hidden strength of the Chrysocol or the rush because it moueth to the jeate or Amber or is flesh and blood to be blamed because subiect to Beautie No no gentle Lucilla It is the attractiue force of flowering beautie which bewitcheth the wisest encl anteth the seuerest curseth Sobriety from her Court dislodgeth Vertue from her castle The conquerd must obey by constraint for me to striue against the streame is furie to beare a saile against the wind frenzie Wherefore exiling all mistrust from the bottome of mine heart I wil briefly display vnto thee the whole shrine of my secrets then will I vnfolde both our ensuing profits and also the meanes of eschewing our perill I loue my mother Cleodora neither is the fault if any fault be to be fathered by me but by Fortune who holdeth the helme or stearne of al humane life I was not earst acquainted with mothers manners nor inuitiated in the elements of her country curtesies I thought that womens eies had euer beene true embassadours of their hearts I tooke their lookes for their sutors and their glaunces to be tokens of their speciall good-wil alas herein I failed in my physiognomie for noting Cleodora often sweetely to smile on me and gathering thereby as I thought infallible signes of her fauour towards my selfe and on the other side supposing that I should shewe my selfe to be but of a very cold constitution in that I could not loue or prooue my selfe an haggard or faint-hearted foole to expect any further at a womans handes whose modestie restraineth her from opening her minde any otherwise than by her eies onely Wherefore I mo●…e forward than fortunate first set my fort into the fielde thinking my selfe a worthier personage because loued of such a Ladie and then first thinking my selfe vnworthy at least vnworthy of such a creature so not suspecting otherwise than that all was sure on my side with the better courage I marched thither where I found contrary to expectati●…n the gates of Lou●… fast locked and my passage to Affection gaine-said but shame it was to retire nay it was vnpossible to returne for by dealing with the flame I had so seared and singed my wings that I was safe enough for flying further Therefore now pittying my selfe who was earst so pittifull for her sake I fought by all meanes I could by often rubbing to force out some fire in the hard flintie walles of her heart whereby in time I found her so tractable yea and her intire loue shining forth in such aboundance that I could not without much diligence and industrie deuise how to couer the light thereof our loue was still letted but so farre from beeing lessened that now if thou vouchsafest not thine helping hand it will deface with the fowlest blot our whole familie to the ruine both of thy Mistresse and my selfe Although for the honourable loue which my soule beareth to our famous house I could perswade my selfe to abandon the Court my Country to leaue my father yea which thing is greatest and most grieuous to forgoe my deerest mother hoping that Time might weare out the Impressa of her image ●…rom mine heart if thus much I were not acquainted with her determinate resolution that shee will either flie with me or follow me yet if shee bee intercepted shee will teare the prison of her daintie bodie with her naked hands so that her soule freed from earthly fetters will still accompany me Then what lowd laughter would this affoard to our enuious foes what lamentation would it bring to our friends who the more the enuious should triumph umphat hir grief the more would she grieue at hir triumph Therefore sweete Lucilla wee commit to thee the reines of our coach hoping thou wilt with as great speede as we both exspect guide vs to the height of our desires what preiudice can arise for that I once or twice enter commons with my father especially when his eyes see nought wherat they may grieue nor any perceiue whereat they may grudge which done we shall beginne to loue with reason who now are led with rage and after our heat is mitigated call our selues to account and counsell how we may break off our commenced course Thou knowest how our wishes may be comp●…ssed how our willes may be accomplished thou art acquainted with the roomes and lodgings of the Court thou canst procure me accesse without suspition and regresse without danger this cannot bee doone without thy helpe and cannot be left vndone without our mishap Now what profite may hereby proceede what discommodity you shall preuent I appeale to none other Iudge than to thine owne dis●…retion for heereby thou shalt preserue our houses fame and deserue mee thy eternall friend Be not mercilesse good Lucilla because I intreate thee nor voyde of pitty because I pray thee I haue committed to thee my body which is my selfe and Cleodora who is my soule vse them faithfully who doubted not to conceiue of thee friendly let it suffice that thou couldest as well hurt as helpe kill as cure as well sincke as saue vs. Heereupon Lucilla somewhile deliberating and in deliberation making faire weather in her face which betokened the like to betide E●…sosto in his loue And although Eliosto quoth shee as you pretend the yro●… naturally cleaueth to the forcible Adamant and nature can not be exanthorated yet the adamant leeseth his power when the iron is rubbd ouer with the Sideritie though th●… needle be drawne vnto the loadstone yet the operation of the loadstone is annihilated by opposition of the more vertuous Theomedes the Chrysocoll beeing steeped in the iuyce of garlike leeseth his effect the jeat cannot preuaile against the rush vnlesse your selfe
perplexities had not the sting of griefe recalled and reclaimed his ●…leeting and fugitiue spirits Alas if I should flie quoth he I were guiltie of her death for leauing her destitute in such danger if I remaine some one of her guard may take me and f●…om me my life O vnfortunate loue which minglest my sugar with salt my sirrope with aloes my gladnes with griefe thou giuest me a nosegay of nettles hid amongst a few roses thou shewest mee a faire picture drawne with infectious paint thou offerest to kisse me and in kissing to stabbe mee Into how many daungers hast thou drawne mee Into howe many deathes hast tho●… driuen mee with how many blowes hast thou annoyed my ●…orrowfull head what plague now remained for thee to exercise vpon my vnfort●…nate ●…elfe but this the worst and wo●…ullest to murther a Lady in mine armes why hadst thou not rather tried thy cruelty and tyred thy selfe with tyranny firs●… on Eliosto why hadst thou not first butchered my body and stanched thy thirst with my blood happ●…er had I ●…ied laying mine head in he●… lap than liuing to haue held her dy●…ng in my bo●…ome This sa●…d he beeing ouercome with pitie and kindnesse cast away all care of his owne 〈◊〉 and often bowing vp her speechlesse body often kissing her and more often watering the garden sometimes a faire garden fairely deck'd with freshest flowers of her face with deaw from his distillant eyes Ah Cleodora quoth he where art thou why hearest thou not Or hearing why answerest thou not Open thine eies and see thy Eliosto and seeing smile on him and smiling as thou arte woont kisse him it is thy Eliosto who is present with thee speaketh to thee and kisseth thee alas and arte thou dead my heart soone shall my sworde make passage for my soule that it might meete thee againe in the faire Elizian fieldes Ah my life my delight blessed hope my dearest ioy shall I so leese thee Yet vnfold those beautiful carbuncles of thine eyes yet heaue vp thine head or at least bid me farewell I see thou arte not yet departed thou yet retainest vitall heate thou yet breathest thy heart yet beateth O Cleodora leaue not thy Loue in so lamentable distresse are these the ioyes vnto which thou bidst me these the delights to which thou bringest me these the pleasures to which thou inuitest me is this the night which thou affoordest me Ah blackest night fit witnesse of my woes because best resembling my sorowes Therewith fixing his eyes on Cleodoraes face he rained foorth teares in such aboundance that they washing her temples somewhat pierced and quickened the surprised senses whereby weakely starting vp and garishly staring about especially on the face of Eliosto Ah where haue I bin said she why didst thou not rather suffer mee quietly to departe blessed had I died in thy embracings and happy to haue breathed foorth my soule into thy mouth but now must I liue to be left of thee and now must I die for being left of thee But within a while she being appeased they entred their bed chamber and hauing layd aside their apparrell as some men vse to doe their friends vntill they had neede to vse them againe they reposed their dainty bodies in the prepared bed In which bed it might seeme that Cupid had taken vp his lodging and yet not to rest he came naked and without all armor and yet not without his dart He was her Mars Paris Ganymedes she his Venus Helena Polixena Aemilia Nowe he praised her faire eyes commended her soft cheekes her full swelling pappes and yet not satisfied with delight hee often lifted vp the sheete to make the sence of his sight partaker of those ioies which his feeling had before possessed And what disaster said he so desperate that could deterre me from ventring for such a conquest Now is my fortune in the pride of her estate now am I placed in the height of felicitie now am I seated vpon the throne of happines But alas why flies th' enuious houre away so fast why fleets the winged night so hastily why doth Apollo gather his starued steedes so soone to their daily labor Giue me a night such as thou didst to Hercules and Alcmena certes if aged Tithon were as much delighted with the company of Aurora as I with Cleodora hee would longer detaine her in her watry couch Neither was the queene all this while silent who repayed him his owne both in word and action By this time the blackest night had his jeaty beard changed into an hoary gray whereby Eliosto perceiued that hee was waxen old and departing ready to resigne his scepter to a better successor Wherefore though detained with the loue he bore to his mother yet forced with feare of both their ensuing infamies he tooke his fainting farewell Thus by these two infortunate louers as in the progresse of this Historie shall be shewed wee may see How through our owne will and too much libertie that small inclination which we haue to vertue to be vtterly extinguished and brought to nothing The palme tree pressed downe groweth notwithstanding but too fast the hearbe Spattania though troden on groweth very tall and youth although strictly restrained will proue but too stubborne The vessell sauoreth alwayes of that liquor wherewith it was first seasoned and the minde retaineth those qualities in age wherein it was trained vp●…e in youth The tender twigge is sooner broken than the strong branch the yong stem more brittle than the old stock the we●…ke bramble shaken with euery winde and the waue●…ing will of youth tossed with euery puffe of vanitie ready to be wracked in the waues of wantonnesse vnlesse it bee cunningly guided by some wise and warie Pylot Whersore seeing youth is so easily intrapped with the alluring traine of foolish delights and so soone intangled with the trash of pernicious pleasures let vs not passe away our time in idlenesse least happily beeing taken at discouert we become carelesse captiues to Securitie For when the mind once floteth in the surging seas of idle conceipts then the puffes of voluptuous delights the stifling stormes of vnbrideled fancy the raging blasts of alluring Beautie and the sturdie gale of glozing vanity so shake the ship of reckles youth that it is daily in doubt to suffer most dangerous shipwracke But let vs spend our time in reading such ancient Authors as may sharpē our wits by their pithy sayings learne vs wisdome by their perfect sentences For where Nature is vitious by Learning it is amended and where it is vertuous by Skill augmented The stone of secret vertue is of greater price if it be brauely polished the gold though neuer so pure of it selfe hath the better colour if it be burnished the mind though neuer so vertuous is more noble if inriched with the gifts of Learning But to my purpose Not long after Amazias hauing quatted the quesy stomaks of the rebels setting all things
but to indowe her with such sufficient lands and possessions as might very wel maintaine her in the estate of a gentlewoman who with her husband long after liued in a most prosperous and happie estate These and such like irregular proceedings of the King did without doubt occasionate a farre greater presumption of offending to Cleodora and Eliosto after that inexpiable manner then vnto which by their owne inclination they would haue bin instigated But we must not looke what men doe but what men ought to do it is ill going to Hel though with a thousand companions Wel Eliosto was at length so intricated in the gins of affection and so intangled with the trappe of fancie so perplexed in the laborynth of pinching loue and so inchanted with the charmes of Venus sorcerie that as the Elephant reioyceth greatly at the sight of a Rose as the birds Halciones delight to viewe the feathers of the Phae●…ix and as nothing better contenteth a Roe bucke than to gaze at a red cloth so was there no obiect that could allure the wauering eies of Eliosto as the surpassing beautie of his mother Cleodora yea his onely blisse pleasure ioy and delight was in feeding his desires with staring on the heauenly face of his goddesse But alas her beautie in the ende wrought his bane her lookes his woe her sight his miserie her exquisite perfections his vtter ouerthrow that as the Ape by seeing the Snaile is infected as the Leopard falleth in a trance at the sight of the Locust as the Cockatrice dieth with beholding the Chrysolite so poore Eliosto was pinched as the consequence of this Historie manifesteth to the heart with viewing her comely countenance was griped with execrable calamity and tortured with insupportable torments by gazing on the gallant beautie of so gorgeous a dame Neither did Cleodoraes mishaps faile to accompany Eliostoes extremities with correspondencie for she so framed in hir imaginations the forme of his face and so imprinted in her hart the perfection of his person that the remembrance thereof would not suffer her exempted from his company to take any rest but then passed the day in dolour the night in sorrow no minute without mourning no houre without heauinesse till at length the vengeance of the gods issuing foorth like thunder eclipsed the bright sunne-shine of their felicitie with the Cimmerian blacknesse of confusion In the meane time Fortune willing to aduaunce them to the top of her inconstant wheele sundry times presented them with opportunity for the fruition of their desires and conueniencie for the discourse of their mutuall affections which thing Eliosto tbrough consonancie found most true for on a day as he espied his Lady and Loue walking alone in the Garden his senses by that soddaine sight was so reuiued that without any dread or doubt he manfully marched towards her and was as hastily as heartily encountred by Cleodora who embracing him in her armes welcomed him with this salutation As the whale Eliosto maketh alwayes signe of great ioy at the sight of the fi●…h called Talp●… Marina as the lion fawneth at the view of the vnicorne and as he which drinketh of the fountaine Hypanis in Scythia feeleth hismind so drowned in delight that no griefe though neuer so great is able to asswage it so Eliosto I conceiue such surpassing pleasure in thy presence and such heauenly felicitie in the sight of thy perfection that no misery though neuer so violent is able to astonish me no distresse though neuer so hatefull is able to amaze me●… nor any mis-happe though neuer so perillous is able to make me sincke in sorrow so long as I enioy thy presence which I account a soueraigne preseruatiue against all carefull calamities that as hee which tasteth of the hearb Hyacinthus is neuer 〈◊〉 with trouble and as hee which weareth the stone 〈◊〉 about him is surely defenced against all ensuing 〈◊〉 so enioying the aspect of thy seemly selfe and 〈◊〉 eyes with the forme of thy feature I thinke my selfe sufficiently shrowded against all the tempestuous showres of sinister Fortune and to proue these my promises to be no fained vanities but faithfull veritie I committe my selfe and state into thy ●…ands to dispose of me at thy pleasure wishing rather to liue with thee in most opprobrious penurie than to linger heere in most fortunate prosperitie Eliosto histning attentiuely to this sugred harmony was so enthralled with the sight of her sweet face and so rapt into a trance with the contemplation of her beautie that as the lion tasting of the gumme Arabicke becomes senslesse as the bull by browsing on the barke of a juniper tree falleth asleepe as the camell standeth astonished at the sight of a rat so Eliosto seeing in his armes the Saint whome in heart he did honour and embracing the goddesse whome with most deep deuotion he did adore was so amazed that he was not able to vtter one word or witnesse of his happinesse vntil at last gathering his wittes together hee beganne thus to replie Cleodora quoth he it is an axiome in Philosophie that the colour ioyned hard to the sight hindreth the sence the floure put into the nostrill stoppeth the smelling the wine vessell being full le ts passe no wine though neuer so well vented the water-pot being filled to the brimme yeeldeth forth no liquor though hauing a thousand holes so where the minde is surcharged with ouermuch ioy or too much pleasure there the tongue is both tied and the sences so restrained that the heart is neither able to conceiue the ioy nor the tongue of power to expresse the pleasure which Cleodora I now speake by proofe and know by experience for I am so drowned in delight by enioying that princely ●…emme which I esteeme the rarest and richest jewel not only in Cyprus but in all the world so am I puffed vp in pleasure by thy diuine presence Yea thy faithfull and vnfained affection the promise of thy constancy and the hope of thy loyaltie the force of thy beauty and the fame of thy vertue but aboue all thy prodigall bountie in bestowing these heauenly perfections on thy poore Eliosto so surchargeth my seelie heart with excessiue ioy that my tongue not being able in part to expresse the extreame pleasure of my minde I am with Philistion the Comicall Poet constrained by silence to vnfolde that affection which in words the siled phrase of Demosthenes were not able to descipher But this assure thy selfe Cleodora that if Iuno would aduaunce me to be Monarch of the world if Palla●… would preferre me to exceed hauty Hercules in valour if Venus would present me with some princely peere of heauenly complexion yet would I not so gladly receiue their proffers as I doe gratefully accept the promise of thy loue and loyalty No I doe gladly account the treasure of Croesus to be but trash in respect of the guerdon of thy good will I account the fortu●…e of Caesar but follie respecting the
miseries but the greatest extreames are least permanent Mars thus rufling in this martiall Isle was crost by counter-working of some other god for Cupid grieued that he could fasten no shafts in their flintie hearts whose eares were stopped from loues in●…icing by the continuall clattering of Armour a melodie not fitting his mothers humour sware solemnly to alter this or spend all the shafts in his quiuer Each part wearied with daiely massacres did for a certaine time conclude a Truce from Armes Thus had the wily wagge meanes to effect his stratageme The two chiefe of these two Factions had each a child the one a sonne the other a daughter both so graced with rare qualities of the minde ●…o endued with perfections of the bodie that they seemed the mirror of that age and wonder of their time To these ornaments was added the f●…iendly fauour of smiling Fortune so largely bestowed that the summe of Aristotles felicitie might seeme to bee in them accomplished Dihnohin for so was he named passing oft in this time of truce by the house of his fathers enemie and viewing Gatesinea so was shee called felt himselfe surprised with a suddaine change and so long hee carried loue in his eies that at last it sunke downe to his heart and his affection was so much the more vehement how much the lesse his loue seemed possible to be obtained Gatesinea seeing Dihnohin yong and faire began first earnestly to looke then secretly to like and lastly so deepely to loue that as her happe was without hope so were her passions without patience Thus these two louers vnited with an vnknown sympathy of affections smothering their secret thoughts in hatefull silence liu'd discontent not knowing how to cure so dangerous a disease Shee voide of comfort reuealed her loue to her nurce praising Dihnohin and complaining of her hard fortune and the vnhappie discord of those two noble families whose dissention was the onely obstacle of her desire The old nurce though sorie that her yong mistresse was so affected yet thinking it impossible to alter her setled resolution did apply a medicine of comfort to mitigate the extremity of her sorrow not vsing disswasions for well shee knew that striuing to quench the fire shee should more increase the flame But Dihnohin seeking accesse vnto his mistresse found for what ●…ānot Loue atchieue that the chamber of Gatesinea being in the backe part of her fathers house stood towards a garden hauing one window looking into a little narrowe lane through which none or very fewe and they very seldome did passe When Titan hasting to plunge his fierie chariot in The●…is lappe had gladded Oceanus with his returne the tor●…ented L●…uer taking a Lute in his hand went to the place which so late he found and there did in sad melodie sound foorth his sorrowes Gat●…sinea wondring to heare musicke at her windowe looked out and discerned her beloued Dihnohin whose affections when shee sawe like her owne shee was rauished with incredible ioyes and had presently vttered some signe of her content had not maidenly modestie and the presence of her nurce staid her who perswaded her that hauing Dihnohin at the aduantage shee should not so easily offer her loue lest hee might little esteeme it hauing so lightly got it The perplexed Louer repairing oft to his accustomed place with more pleasure to Gatesinea than content to himselfe resolued in the ende to make a full triall of his good or badde fortune and no more to vse s●…ch dumbe demonstrations Comming therefore late as he was wont to the window he tarried till he perceiued by some signes that his mistresse was come into her chamber accompanied only with her nurce then fingring his Lute and framing his voice he vtter'd this passionate Dittie making euery rest a deepe-fetched sigh Dihnohins S●…nnet I rashly v●…w'd f●…nd wretch why did I so When I was free that Loue should not inthrall me Ah f●…lish b●…ast the cause of all my woe And this misfortune that d●…th now b●…fall me Loues God i●…cens'd did 〈◊〉 th●…t I should smart That done he shot and str●…cke me to the heart Sweet was the wound but bitter was the pain●… Sweet is the bondage to so faire a creature Ifcoie thoughts d●…e not Beuties brightnesse staine Nor crueltie wrong so diuine a feature Lou●… pittie mee and let it quite my cost By Loue to finde what I by Loue haue lost Heau'ns pride Earths wonder Natures p●…erelesse choice Faire harbour of my soules dec●…ying gladnesse Yield him some ease whose fa●…nt and trembling voice Doth sue for pitti●… ouerwhelm'd with sadnesse In thee it rests faire Saint to saue or spill His life whose loue is ledde by Reasons will Scarce had he finished this sorrowfull Sonnet when Gatesinea opening the casement cast him downe a Garland compacted of sundry sweet smelling floures which she had gathered in her fathers garden making that her afternoons taske Dihnohin taking vp the fauour which his Mistris had throwne him and redoubling many kisses on that e●…e-pleasing object departed the happiest aliue prowde that shee had applauded his humour and grac'd his conceit with so ●…ire a guerdon But Gatesinea restlesse in her passions could not be satisfied till she had conceiued some possible means of Dihnohins and her meeting Loue the whetstone of wit brought this possibilitie to a plaine likelihoode and proceeding a steppe farther made this likelihoode seeme a certaintie and thus it was she had a doore out of her chamber into the garden and out of the garden ther was a litle doore that opened into the narrow lane whither Dihnohin was accustomed to come who being that way let in they might as she thought there safely conferre of their loue This doubt onely rested how Dihnohin might be certified of Gatesineas deuise which taske the Nurse vndertooke promising such care in the deliuerie of he●… message that no suspition should thence arise Which promise she fully performed and knowing that great trouble might grow of that enterprise if she 〈◊〉 the enemy of Dihnohi●…s father and waiting on his daughter were seene openly to talke with Dihnohin she vsed such warinesse and secrecie that he was by her cer●…ified of Gatesinaes purpose without suspition or discouery of her intent Dihnohin liberally rewarded the nurse for her lucky tidings willing her to doe his humble duety to his mistris and assure her of his diligent attendaunce at the appoynted time place The two louers longing for nights approch thought Phoebus envying their blisse did slacke his course more than he was wont declining too slowly But when a generall darkenesse had ouerspread the earth and dayes light was eclipsed by Titans departure to the other Hemisphere Dihnohin comming to the garden doore was let in by the Nurse and louingly receiued of Gat●…sinea What greetings were vsed when the two louers met they can best conceiue that haue knowne like fortune But when common cerimonies of curtesie had passed betweene them they retired into the Arbour
and the Nurse withdrew herselfe from them there they discoursed their loue each to other and finding their affections equall they mutually reioyced Dihnohin folded in the armes of his mistris and kissing her at his pleasure thought himselfe in a second heauen but presuming to proceed further Gatesinea whether pleased or offended with his amorous attempts I knowe not halfe in anger thrust backe his hand saying that as shee loued him so she regarded her honour Whereto Dihnohin replied that hee tendred her honour more than his owne life protesting that if she would vouchsafe to accept him ●…or hir husband the onely meanes to establish their loue and preserue her name from blemish that then there should want in him no endeuours to doe her seruice with more affection than he could expresse This fell out as Gat●…sinea wished and therefore she graunted that which so much he desired the Nurse was called for a witnesse in whose presence Dihnohin gaue Gatesinea a ring Thus were the Nuptials secretly finished not graced with the presence of Hymen the President of marriage rites but thwarted with the fatall influence of some vnluckie Planet comically begunne tragically ended and both in the dreadfull silence of the darkesome night Thus they beeing Man an Wife or at least so seeming to themselues Gatesinea with her new spouse returned into her bed-chamber and the nurce departing both dis-robing them●…elues entred in one bedde and did freely possesse the full frui●…ion of that which hee so earnestly pursu'd shee so willingly granted and both so much desired When day appeared and Phaebus posting from the Antip●…des had remounted the Eastern hill and burnished Heauen with his glittering beames Dihnohin leauing his mistresse departed that way by which he came In this sort they long enioyed each others company till Fortune Loues sworne enemie shadowed their blisse with a cloud of mishap Dihnohins father secing him well growne in yeres hauing past the spring time of his child-hood told him on a time he had prouided him a wife worthy his better both for birth and wealth Dihnohin astonished at these wordes stood like one of those whom Perseus with his Gorgons head transformed into stones but beeing forced to answer hee told his father that he had setled his fancie and made his choice in another place his father furiously demanding where he fearefully though with many delaies reuealed his loue to Gatesinea The old man beeing in a rage commanded him forthwith to depart his house threatening besides to dispossesse and dis-inherit him Dihnohin seeing his father in these termes thought it best to dissemble and crauing pardon submitted himselfe wholy to his direction who glad to see his sonne in su●…h a vaine of obedience thought it not good to vse delaies but presently dispatcht the mariage fearing a suddain change of so suddaine a conformitie Thus Dihnohins second espousals beeing finished he furcharged with sorrow wro●…e a letter to Gatesinea containing a sad ●…ehearsall of that vnluckie accident imputing all to the ●…orce o●… his fathers threats still promising and protesting that she only had the possession of his heart and vowing that no sooner the breath should be out of his fathers body but he would reiect his new loathed wife and receiue her and so ending all discord ioyne the two factions in one Lastly he aduertised her what time she should exspect his comming This letter Dihnohin causd to be conueied to her by a trustie messenger Gatesinea hauing receiued and perused it was ouerwhelmed with such vnwoonted sorrow that she swowned presently and hardly coulde the sorrowfull Nurse recall her fainting spirites but when she was come againe to herselfe jealousie the mother of extreame hate turned her teares into threats and conuerted her feminine anger into flatte fury Thus resoluing on reuenge she awaited a fit time to effect her tragicall purpose Dihnohin failed not to come at the appoynted time and being let into the garden by the Nurse was receiued at the chamber doore by Gatesinea to whom he made a long excuse of his fault committed attributing it to the feare of his fathers menaces she though griped with griefe vsed such moderation in hir outward gesture that Dihnohin could not ghesse her thoughts by her lookes nor coniecture her passions by her speeches Night being farre spent they went both to bed where Dihnohin desirous to renew his woonted sports was hindered by Gatesinea who tolde him that hee should no more haue the fruition of that fauour till hee had made her a sufficient recompen●…e for the fault committed he halfe discontent with this repulse turnd aside to take his last and longest sleepe whereinto when he was entred she perceiuing him so soundly setled that hee could not easely be awaked rose vp and taking a knife which for that purpose she had layd vnder the beddes head shee stabbed him cruelly to the heart saying thus Most treacherous heart the faithlesse harbour of disloyall thoughts receiue the fatall guerdon due to thy deserts I will not die vnreuenged as Dido nor liue discontent as Medea who failed in the sexe and therefore in the certaintie of her reuenge Qui fecit patitur That said she redoubled her bloody stroke casting a steerne aspect on poore Dihnohin which lay weltring in his blood What temorceless●… Scythian or sauage Tartarian nourished in the desarts beyond Tanais could haue beheld so ruthfull a spectacle and not be pierced with compassion Yet she whose heart was more impenetrable than the adamant seemd to triumph in his tragedy loading his dying eares with reproachfull termes and accusing him of disloyalty at which word Dihnohin lifting vp his eyes thogh scarce he could lift them seemd with a milde countenaunce to sue sor pardon in the extreamitie of his punishment but when she still frownd he fetcht a deepe sigh from the bottome of his grieued heart making that the last period of his loue and life Scarce had the long imprisoned soule leauing the senslesse mould of earthly drosse returned to the blisfull harbour whence it descended when shee the ruthlesse reuenger of her owne crueltie did with that knife which depriued Dihnohin of loues joy bereaue her selfe of liues comfort and inflicting a deadly wound fell backeward on the bed fetching a grieuous groane The watchfull Nurse whose eares were open to this vnwelcome sound fearing that which was too true and doubting the welfare of her yong mistris came hastily into the chamber where seeing Gatesinea in that pittifull plight she stoode astonished at so tragicall a chance yet hoping that the stroke was not mortall nor the danger past recouery she came to her endeuoring to stoppe the wound But Gatesinea drawing neere her end violently thrust her backe saying thus Wonder not for ●…e hath his desert and I my desire which wordes being spoken she gaue vp the ghost The aged Nurse which did more than heare for shee plainely sawe though wishing s●…ee had not seene this vnlucky accident did screech so lowd that all they of the
house awaked by her sodaine out-cry rose from their rest and first Gatesineaes father started vp whose troubled thoughts presaged some future mishap Nor is it maruell that he did darkely foreknow though he could not plainly foresee so hard a chance for as the smoke issues before the fire flames the lightning is seene before the thunder be heard the Sea swell before a tēpest arise so the minde of man whose continuall motion is an infallible argument of a diuine and immortall essence droopes before danger The dismaied olde man slipping on his night-gowne hastened his aged steps toward his daughters chamber where finding her dead holding the bloody knife in her hand and seeing his enemies sonne in the same bed with her slaine likewise what hee thought I referre to those that hauing one only jewell their liues solace and soules comfort are thereof depriued by the malice of fortune But he distracted with sundry passions sometimes lamented his daughters misfortune sometimes he threatened the trembling nurce then he bewailed the downefall of his house wanting an heire and the extinguished memorie of his name for lacke of succession The silly woman falling on her knees before him besought him to deferre his pretended reuenge on her till shee had vnfolded the cause and manner of that sorrowfull euent which granted shee rehearsed their loues meetings secret nuptials his second mariage enforced by his angry fathers threats and her desperate resolution of reuenge This short and sorrowfull discourse thus finished shee halfe dead with age before nowe cleane dead with feare yielded her spirit to him which gaue it The next morning when the report of this rare misfortune was bruted through the citie the streete wherein Gatesineaes father dwelt was so pestered with the concourse of people that scarce any passage could bee found This thus passing for currant newes through euery mans mouth Dihnohins father was soone aduertised of it by the generall rumor who though astonished ●… so rare a chance yet suffered this misfortune with more courage than his yeeres could affoard knowing that his enemies fortune was no better than his owne Thus did the parents beare the childrens happe whose ghosts are nowe mette in the shadie groue of Mirtle trees fronting the Elyzian fieldes that dreadfull groue the eternall mansion of those vnhappy louers which witnesse their loyaltie to Loues hestes by sacrificing their owne blood and making their owne bodies oblations and it was time for till then his Deitie was despised his Altars emptie his Temples not frequented This groue planted is in Hell Darker groue was neuer seene Where life-loathing Louers dwell Haplesse haue those Louers beene Such oblations beauties treasure Loue receiues with ioy and pleasure But this onely chance did mollifie their indurate hearts which were before so inflamed with priuate malice that they loathed publike agreement But seeing in this infortunate couple the lamentable effects of their dissention they suddainly left Armes ioyning their hands whose hearts had beene so long disioyned they let fall their weapons embraced concord the soueraigne stay of common weales These two sorrowfull fathers earstfoes and now by this misfortune made friends were chiefe mourners at their childrens funerals who beeing vnited by Loues lawes had Loues right for though their mindes were at their deaths diuided yet were their bodies both in one tombe inclosed Amazias was not so much perplexed at the information of these tidings as well pleased that at length these seditious stormes of ambitious enuie were through an inuiolable league of amiti●… qualified and quietly ended The King as hee himselfe thought thus blest with earthly fauours doubted no misfortune for he could see no way for him to mishap nay if hee had beene wise he might the more haue feared miserie in that he was so fully pampered vp with felicitie Fortune yea fortune in fauouring him made him most infortunate Syren-like hiding vnder musicke miserie vnder pleasure paine vnder mirth mourning like the sugred honie-combe which while a man toucheth hee is stung with Bees Shee presenteth faire shapes which prooue but fading shadowes shee proffereth mountaines and perhaps keepeth promise but the gaines of these golden mines is losse and miserie None rode on Seianus horse which got not some mishap none toucht the gold 〈◊〉 Tholossa whom some disaster chance likewise did not assaile neither hath any bin aduanced by Fortune which in time hath not bin crossed with some haplesse calamitie These things the King found answerable vnto veritie the issue whereof brought no lesse vnto him than the vtter ruine and suddaine confusion of his kingdome For Rawcikew liuing in his court noting as I said before Eliostoes entertainment by Cleodora his more than ordinarie obseruation of dutie her affectionate opinion of him and his assiduate repaire vnto her lodging and his long abode with her gathered by these circumstances how that the conuoy of their proceedings was but for the obscuritie of affection with whom beyond credit it was most brutish and out of measure vnreasonable Wherefore continuing his vigilant obseruations in the ende he discouered the very secrecie of their attempts to the great satisfaction of his blood-thirstie spirits Nowe quoth hee since their sinnes are come to the ripenesse of their abomination I vowe by that bright Lampe Heauens ornament that speedie information shall bee giuen to the King that so their wanton and lasciuious incontinencie may bee liable to the punishing racke of iustices seueritie and for this purpose hee attending the benigne leisure of opportunitie it chanced as Amazias two or three daies after walked towards the stable for the viewe of his horse that then the infortunate Prince blinded with the folly of impetuous concupiscence assailed his mother after the inordinate pleasures which haue beene heretofore sufficiently declared But their Argus which slept not at all in a furious extasie posting to the king presently cōducted him to such a place where he was the perfect spectator of their most vitious d●…ested practises The king hardly moderating the vehemency of his rage from breaking the doore vpon them betooke himselfe to his closet where beeing cumbered with cholerike cogitations and perplexed with despitefull passions inflamed with wrathful fury he fel into these termes Now quoth he I prooue by experience the saying of Sophocles to be true that the man which hath many children shall neuer liue without some mirth nor die without some sorrow for if they be vertuous he shall haue cause wherof to reioyce if vicious whereof to be sad which saying by this spectacle I trie performed in my selfe for I haue but one childe which should haue beene the inheritour of my kingdome I see so addicted vnto vanitie that hee is a fretting corrasiue to my wounded heart For what griefe is there more pinching what crosse more pernitious what paine more griping what plague more combersome yea what trouble can torment me worse than to see my sonne to haue consumed his time in ryot after this manner folowing