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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00958 The bloody brother A tragedy. By B.J.F. Fletcher, John, 1579-1625.; Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637.; Massinger, Philip, 1583-1640. 1639 (1639) STC 11064; ESTC S102322 41,389 76

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watchman for the state and one that 's known Sir to be rightly affected Aub. Baud of the state No lesse than of thy masters lusts I now See nothing can redeem thee doest thou mention Affection or a heart that ne're hadst any Know'st not to love or hate but by the state As thy prince does`t before thee that dost never Weare thy owne face but putt'st on his and gather'st● Baits for his ●ares liv'st wholly at his beck And e're thou dar'st utter a thought 's thine owne Must expect his crep'st forth and wad'st into him As if thou wert to passe a foord there proving Yet if thy tongue may stop on safely or no Then bring'st his vertue asleep and stayst the wheele Both of his reason and judgement that they move no● Whit'st over all his vices and at last Dost draw a cloud of words before his eyes Till hee can neither see thee nor himselfe Wretch I dare give him honest counsailes I And love him while I tell him truth old Aubrey Dares goe the straightest way which still`s the shortest Walke on the thornes thou scatter'st Parasite And tread 'em into nothing and if thou Then lett'st a look fall of the least dislike I le rip thy crown up with my sword at height And pluck thy skin over thy face in sight Of him thou flatter'st unto thee I speak it Slave against whom all lawes should now conspire And every creature that hath sense be armd As 'gainst the common enimy of mankind That sleepst within thy masters eare and whisp'erst T is better for him to be feard than lovd Bidst him trust no mans freindship spare no blood That may secure him t is no cruelty That hath a spatious end for soverainty Break all the lawes of kind if it succeed An honest noble and prayse-worthy deed While hee that takes thy poysons in shall feele Their virulent workings in a poynt of time When no repentance can bring ayd but all His spirits shall melt with what his conscience burnd And dying in flatterers armes shall fall unmournd There 's matter for you now Lat. My lord this makes not for loving of my master Aub. Loving no. They hate ill Princes most that make them so Enter Rollo Hamand Allan Guard Rol. I le heare no more Ham. Alas t is for my brorher I beseech your highnesse Rol How a brother had not I one my selfe did title Move mee when it was fit that hee should dye away All. Brother loose no word more leave my good cause T`upbraid the tyrant I `me glad ●`me falne Now in those times that willd some great example T' assure men wee can die for honesty Rol. Sir you are brave pray that you hold your neck As bravely forth anon unto your headsman All. Would hee would strike as bravely and thou by Rollo t' would make thee quake to see mee die Aub. What 's his offence Ham. For giving Gisbert buriall who was sometimes his master All. Yes lord Aubery My gratitude and humanity are my crimes Rol. Why beare you him not hence Aub. My lord stay souldiers I doe beseech your highnesse doe not loose Such men for so slight causes This is one Has still been faithfull to you a tryde soule In all your fathers battailes I have seene him Bestride a friend against a score of foes And looke he looks as hee would kill his hundred For you sir were you in some danger All. Till hee killd his brother his chancellor then his Master to which he can adde nought to equall Nero But killing of his mother Aub. Peace brave foole Thou valiant asse here is his brother too sir A captaine of your guard hath servd you long With the most noble witnesse of his truth Markd in his face and every part about him That turnes not from an enemy But view him Oh doe not grieve him sir if you doe meane That hee shall hold his place it is not safe To tempt such spirits and let them weare their swords You 'le make your guards your terrours by these Acts And throw more hearts of from you then you hold And I must tell you sir with my old freedome And my old faith to boot you have not livd so But that your state will need such men such hands Of which here 's one shall in an houre of tryall Doe you more certaine service with a stroak Than the whole bundle of your flatterers With all the unsavory unction of their tongues● Rol. Peace talker Aub One that loves you yet my lord And would not see you pull on your owne ruines● Mercy becomes a Prince and guards him best Awe and affrights are never tyes of Love And when men begin to feare the Prince they hate him Rol. Am I the Prince or you Aub. My Lord I hope I have not utterd ought should urge that question Rol. Then practise your obedience see him dead Aub. My Lord Rol. I le heare no more Aub. I 'me sorry then there 's no small despaire sir of their safety whose eares are blockt up against truth come Captain Ham. I thank you sir. Aub. For what for seeing thy brother dye a man and honest Live thou so Captaine I will I assure thee Although I die for 't too come Exeunt all but Rollo Lator Rol. Now Latorche what doe you think Lat. That Aubreys speech and manners sound somewhat of the boldest Rol. T is his custome Lat. It may be so and yet be worth a feare Rol. If we thought so it should be worth his life and quickly too Lat. I dare not sir be author Of what I would be t is so dangerous But with your highnesse favour and your licence Rol. He talks t is true he is licenc'd leave him We now are Duke alone Latorche securd Nothing left standing to obscure our prospect We look right forth beside and round about us And see it ours with pleasure only one Wish'd joy there wants to make us to possesse it And that is Edith Edith shee that got me In bloud and teares in such an opposite minute As had I not once set all the flames And shaft of Love shot in me his whole armory I should have thought him as farre off as death Lat. My Lord expect a while your happinesse Is neerer than you think it yet her griefes Are greene and fresh your vigilant Latorche Hath not been idle I have leave already To visite her and send to her● Rol. My life Lat. And if I find not out as speedie wayes And proper instruments to work and bring her To your fruition that she be not watch'd Tame to your Highnesse wish say you have no servant Is capable of such a trust about you Or worthy to be secretary of your pleasure Rol. Oh my Latorche what shall I render thee For all thy travailes care and love Lat. Sir one suit which I will ever importune till you grant me● Rol. About your Mathematitians Lat. Yes to have The Scheme of your nativity judg'd by them I
fall upon him May heaven never heare his prayers I beseech you Oh sir these few teares beseech you these chast hands wooe you Th●● never yet were heav'd but to things holy Things like your selfe you are a God above us Be as a God then full of saving mercy Mercy oh mercy for his sake mercy That when your stout heart weapes shall give you pitty Here I must grow Ral. By heaven I le strike thee woman Ed. Most willingly let all thy anger seeke me All the most studyed torments so this good man This old man and this innocent escape thee Rol. Carry him away I say Ed. Now blessing on thee oh sweet pitty I see it in thy eyes I charge you souldiers Even by the Princes power release my father The Prince is mercifull why doe you hold him He is old why doe you hurt him speake oh speake sir Speake as you are a man a mans life hangs sir A friends life and a foster life upon you T is but a word but mercy quickly spoke sir Oh speake Prince speake Rol. Will no man here obey me Have I no rule yet as I live he dies That does not execute my will and suddenly Bal. All that thou canst doe takes but one short houre from me Rol. Hew off her hands Ham. Lady hold off Ed. No hew'm Hew off my innocent hands as he commands you Exit Guard Count Bald. They 'le hang the faster on for deaths convulsion Thou seede of rockes will nothing move thee then Are all my teares lost all my righteous prayers Drown'd in thy drunken wrath I stand thus then Thus boldly bloody Tyrant And to thy face in heavens high name defie thee And may sweet mercy when thy soule sighes for it When under thy blacke mischi●●es thy flesh trembles When neither strength nor youth nor friends nor gold Can stay one houre when thy most wretched conscience Wak'd from her dreame of death like fire shall melt thee When all thy mothers teares thy brothers wounds Thy peoples feares and curses and my losse My aged fathers losse shall stand before thee Rol. Save him I say runne save him save her father Flie and redeeme his head Exit Latorch Ed. May then that pitty That comfort thou expect'st from heaven that mercy Be lock't up from thee fly thee howling find thee Despaire oh my sweete father stormes of terrors Blood till thou burst againe Rol. Oh faire sweet anger Enter Latorch and Hamond with a 〈◊〉 Lat. I am two late sir t was dispatch'd before● And his head is heare Rol. And my heart there goe bury him Give him faire rites of funerall decent honour● Ed. Wilt thou not take me monster heighest heaven Give him a punishment fit for his mischiefe Lat. I feare thy prayer is heard and he rewarded● Lady have patience t was unhappy speed Blame not the Duke t was not his fault but fates He sent you know to stay it and commanded In care of you the heavie object hence Soone as it came have better thoughts of him Enter Citizens Cit. 1. Where 's this young Traytor Lat. Noble citizens● here Any here the wounds he gave your soveraigne Lord. Cit. 1. This Prince of force must be Belov'd of heaven whom heaven hath thus preserv'd Cit. 2. And if he be belov'd of heaven you know He must be just and all his actions so Rol. Concluded like an Oracle oh how great A grace of heaven is a wise ●●●●zen For heaven t is makes them wise as 't makes me just As it preserves me as I now survive By his strong hand to keepe you all alive Your wives your children goods and lands kept yours That had beene else preyes to his tyranous power That would have prey'd on me in bed a●saulted me In sacred time of peace my mother here My sister this just Lord and all had felt The curtian gulph of this conspiracie Of which my Tutor and my Chancellour Two of the gravest and most counted honest In all my Dukedome were the monstrous head● Oh trust no honest men for their sakes ever My politique Citizens but those that breathe The names of Cut-throats usurers an Tyrants Oh those beleeve 〈◊〉 for the ●oule mouth'd world Can give no better termes to ●imple goodnesse Even m● it dares blaspheme and thinkes me tyrannou● For saving my owne life sought by my brother Yet those that sought his life before by poyson Though my owne servants hoping to please me I le lead to death for t which your eyes shall see Cit. 1. Why what a Prince is here Cit. 2. How just Cit. 3. How gentle Rol. Well now my dearest subjects or much rather My nerves my spirits or my vitall blood Turne to your needfull rest and setled peace Fixe in this roote of steele from whence it sprung In heavens great helpe and blessing but ere sleepe Bind in his sweet oblivion your dull senses The name and verme of heavens King advance For yours in ●hiefe for my deliverance Cit. Heaven and his King save our most pious soveraigne Exit Citizens Rol. Thankes my good people mother and kind sister And you my noble kinsmen thinges borne thus Shall make you all command what ever I Enjoy in this my absolute Empery Take in the body of my princely brother For whose death since his fate no other way Would give my eldest birth his supreme right We 'le mourne the cruell influence it beares And wash his sepulcher with kindly teares Aub. If this game end thus heavens will rule the se● What we have yeelded to we could not let Exit ●●nes Praet●r Latorch and Edith Lat. Good Lady rise and raise your spirits withall More high than they are humbled you have cause As much as ever honour'd happiest Lady And when your eares are freer to take in Your most amendfull and unmatched fortunes I le make you drowne a hundred helpelesse deathes In sea of one life powr'd into your bosome With which shall flow into your armes the ri●hes The pleasures honours and the rule● o● P●in●●● Which though death stop your ea●es me thinks should ope'm Assay to forget death Ed. Oh slaughter'd father Lat. Taste of what cannot be redress'd and blesse The fate that yet you curse so sin●e for that You spake so movingly and your sweet eyes With so much grace fill'd that you set on fire The Dukes affection whom you now may rule As he rules all his Dukedome is 't not sweet Does it not shine away your sorrowes clouds● Sweet Lady take wi●e heart and heare and tell me● Ed. I heare no word you speake Lat. Prepare to heare then And be not barr'd up from your selfe nor adde To your ill fortune with your farre worse judgement● Make me your servant to attend with all joyes Your sad estate till they both blesse and speake it See how they 'le bow to you make me waite command m● To watch out every minute for the stay Your modest sorrow fancies raise your graces And doe my hopes the
So you please sit by me Faire gentle maid there is no speaking to thee The excellency that appeares upon thee Tyes up my tongue pray speake to me Ed. Of what sir Rol. Of any thing any thing is excellent● Will you take my directions speake of love then Speake of thy faire selfe Edith and while thou speak'st Let me thus languishing give up my selfe wen●h Ed. H 'as a strange cunning tongue why doe you sigh sir How masterly he turnes himselfe to catch me Rol. The way to Paradise my gentle maide Is hard and crooked scarce Repentance finding With all her holy helpes the dore to enter Give me thy hand what dost thou feele Ed. Your teares sir. You weepe extreamly strengthen me now justice Why are these sorrowes sir Rol. Thou't never love me If I should tell thee yet there 's no way left Ever to purchase this blest Paradise But swimming thither in these teares Ed. I stagger Rol. Are they not drops of blood Ed. No. Rol. Th' are for blood then For guiltlesse blood and they must drop my Edith They must thus drop ●ll I have drown'd my mischiefes Ed. If this be true I have no strength to touch him Rol. I prethee looke upon me turne not from me Alas I doe confesse I 'me made of mischiefe Begot with all mans miseries upon me But see my sorrowes made and doe not thou Whose only sweetest sacrifice is softnesse Whose true condition tendernesse of nature Ed. My anger melts Oh I shall lose my justice Rol. Do not thou learne to kill with cruelty As I have done to murther with thy eyes Those blessed eyes as I have done with malice When thou hast wounded me to death with scorne As I deserve it Lady for my true love When thou hast loaden me with earth for ever Take heed my sorrowes and the stings I suffer Take heed my nightly dreames of death and horrour Persue thee not no time shall tell thy griefes then Nor shall an houre of joy adde to thy beauties Looke not upon one as I kill'd thy father As I was smear'd in blood do not thou hate me But thus in whitenesse of my wash't repentance In my hearts teares and truth of love to Edith In my faire life hereafter Ed. He will foole me Rol. Oh with thine angell eyes behold and close me Of heaven we call for mercy and obtaine it To Justice for our right on earth and have it Of thee I beg for love save me and give it Ed. Now heaven thy helpe or I am gone for ever His tongue ha's turn'd me into melting pity Enter Hamond and Guard Ham. Keepe the doores safe and upon paine of death Let no man enter till I give the word Guard We shall sir. Exeunt Ham. Here he is in all his pleasure I have my wish Rol. How now why dost thou stare so Ed. A helpe I hope Rol. What dost thou here who sent thee Ham. My brother and the base malicious Office Thou mad'st me doe to Aubrey pray Rol. Pray Ham. Pray pray if thou canst pray I shall kill thy soule else Pray suddenly Rol. Thou can'st not be so trayterous Ham. It is a Justice stay Lady For I perceive your end a womans hand Must not rob me of vengeance Ed. 'T is my glory Ham. 'T is mine stay and share with me by the gods Rollo There is no way to save thy life Rol. No Ham. No it is so monstrous no repentance cures it Rol. Why then thou shalt kill her first and what this blood Will cast upon thy cursed head Ham. Poore Guard sir. Ed. Spare not brave Captaine Rol. Feare or the divell ha's thee Ham. Such feare sir as you gave your honor'd mother When your most vertuous brother sheild like held her Such I 'le give you put her away Rol. I will not I will not die so tamely Ham. Murtherous villaine wilt thou draw seas of blood upon thee Ed. Feare not kill him good Captaine any way dispatch Him my body 's honor'd with that sword that through me Sends his blacke soule to hell Oh but for one hand Ham. Shake him off bravely Ed. He 's too strong strike him Ham. Oh am I with you Sir now keepe you from him What ha●s he got a knife Ed. Looke to him Captaine for now he will be mischievous Ham. Do you smile Sir Do's it so tickle you have at you once more Ed. Oh bravely thrust take heed he come not in Sir To him againe you give him too much r●spite Rol. Yet will you save my life and I 'le forgive thee And give the all● all honors all advancements Call thee my friend Ed. Strike strike and heare him not His tongue will tempt a Saint Rol. Oh for my soules sake Ed. Save nothing of him Ham. Now for your farewell Are you so warry take you that Rol. Thou that too Oh thou hast kil'd me basely basely basely Dyes Ed. The just reward of murther falls upon thee How doe you Sir ha's he not hurt you Ham. No I feele not any thing Aub. I charge you let us passe within Guard You cannot yet sir. Aub. I 'le make way then Guar. We are sworne to our Captaine and till he give the word Enter Sophia Matilda Aubrey Lords and attendants Ham. Now let them in there Sop. Oh here he lies Sorrow on sorrow seekes me Oh in his blood he lyes Aub. Had you spoke sooner This might have beene prevented Take the Dutchesse And leade her off this is no sight for her eyes Mat. Oh bravely done wench Ed. There stands the noble doer Mat. My honor ever seeke thee for thy justice Oh 't was a deed of high and brave adventure A justice even for h●●●en ●o envy at Farewell my sorrowes and my teares take truee My 〈…〉 Oh bloody Brother Till this houre never beauteous till thy life Like a full sacrifice for all thy mis●●●efes Flow'd fro 〈…〉 ri●ers never righteous Oh how my eyes 〈…〉 wish then joyes how My longing heart even leaping out for lightnesse But dye thy black sins with thee I forgive thee Aub. Who did this deed Ham. I and I 'le answer it Dies Edi. He faints oh that same cursed knife has kil'd him Aub. How Ed. He snatch'd it from my hand for whom I bore it And as they grapell'd Aub. Justice is ever equall Had it not been on him th'adst dy'd too honest Did you know of his death Ed. Yes and rejoyce in 't Aub. I 'me sory for your youth then though the strictnesse Of Law shall not fall on you that of life Must presently go to a Cloyster carry her And there for ever lead your life in penitence Ed. Best Father to my soule I give you thankes sir And now my faire revenges have their ends My vowes shall be my kin my prayers my friends Exit Enter Latorche and Iuglers Lat. Stay there I 'le step in and prepare the Duke Nor. We shall have brave rewards Fis That is without question Lat. By this time wher 's my huffing friend Lord Aubrey Where 's that good Gentleman oh I could laugh now And burst my selfe with meere imagination A wise man and a valiant man a just man To suffer himselfe be juggl'd out of the world By a number of poor Gipseys farewell Swash-buckler For I know thy mouth is cold enough by this time A hundred of ye I can shave as neatly And nere draw bloud in shew now shall my honor My power and vertue walke alone my pleasure Observ'd by all all knees bend to my worship All sutes to me as Saint of all their fortunes Prefer'd and crowded too what full place of credit And what place now your Lordship no 't is common But that I 'le thinke to morrow on now for my businesse Aub. Whose there Lat. Dead my Master dead Aubrey alive too Guard Litorche Sir Aub. Seize his body Lat. My Master dead Aub. And you within this halfe houre Prepare your selfe good devill you must to it Millions of gold shall not redeeme thy mischiefe Behold the Justice of thy practice villaine The masse of murthers thou hast drawn upon us Behold thy doctrine you look now for reward sir To be advanc'd I 'em sure for all your labours And you shall have it make his gallows higher By ten foot at the least and then advance him Lat. Mercy mercy Aub. 'T is too late foole Such as you ment for mee away with him He is led out What gaping knaves are these bring 'em in fellows Now what are you Nor. Mathematitians if it please your Lordship Aub. And you drew a figure Fis We have drawn many Aub. For the Duke I meane sir Latorches knaves you are Nor. We know the Gentleman Aub. What did he promise you Nor. We are paid already Aub. But I will see you better paid go whip them Nor. We do beseech your Lordship we were hyr'd Aub. I know you were and you shall have your hyre Whip 'em extremely whip that Doctor there Till he record himselfe a Rogue Nor. I am one Sir Aub. Whip him for being one and when th' are whip't Lead 'em to the gallows to see their patron hang'd Away with them They are lead out Nor. Ah good my Lord. Aub. Now to mine own right Gentlemen Lord 1. You have the next indeed we all confesse it And here stand ready to invest you with it Lord 2. Which to make stronger to you and the surer Then bloud or mischiefes dare infringe againe Behold this Lady Sir this noble Lady Full of the bloud as you are of that neerenesse How blessed would it be Aub. I apprehend you and so the faire Matilda dare a●cept Me her ever constant servant Mat. In all purenesse In all humility of heart and services To the most noble Aubrey I submit me Aub. Then this is our first tye now to our businesse Lord 1. We are ready all to put the honor on you Sir Aub. These sad rights must be done first take up the bodyes This as he was a Prince so Princely funerall Shall waite upon him on this honest Captaine The decency of armes a teare for him too So sadly on and as we view his blood May his Example in our Rule raise good FINIS Hee o●fers his sword at Otto the fa●●ion joyning Aubrey between severs t●e brothers