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A44458 Blessed rest for the burthened sinner. Or the only center of the soul Wherein is discovered. 1. Who he is that invites and calls sinners to this rest. 2. The encouragements to come unto him for rest. 3. Many obstructions and impediments which keep back sinners. With their unreasonableness answered. 4. The rest that every one shall have that comes unto Christ. Delivered in some sermons at first, yet since some addition and enlargement has been made to them. By John Hopwood preacher of the Gospel. Hopwood, John, preacher of the Gospel. 1676 (1676) Wing H2761A; ESTC R216474 156,207 450

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Christ Grace and eternal Blessedness as David saith Psal 42.2 My Soul thirsteth for God for the living God Instead of this they are after the World and the things thereof they are for who will shew us any Good here as for the Light of Gods Countenance let those that will seek after that And those passions and affections which have evil for their object are irregular also as Fear Sorrow Hatred and the like these are placed upon quite contrary objects the Soul should hate evil sorrow for Sin fear the wrath of God which he hath threatned against rebellious Sinners but on the contrary it doth by nature hate the good and choose the evil sorrow for worldly concerns and disappointments more then for Sin fear the wrath of Man more than the wrath of God and by reason of this depravity and irregularity of the affections the Sinner minds not coming unto Christ 5ly The hardness of the heart is another Lett. This kept many of the Jews from believing in Christ Mat. 3.5 The Heart of Man by nature is so hard and obdurate that the distillation and daily droppings of the Gospel cannot penetrate or make impression therefore God has graciously promised to take away the Heart of Stone and give a Heart of Flesh Ezek. 36.26 And till God doth effect this upon the Soul to take away the hardness from it and mollify it with the Blood of Jesus it will never receive any divine impression or come unto Christ that it may be for ever happy Heb. 3 15.16.18 As it was through the hardness of Heart the Israelites provoked God in the Wilderness and believed not in him and so shut themselves out of the promised Land of Rest so to this day the obduratness of Sinners impedes them so that they regard not coming to Christ As the Heart of Man is so desperatly Wicked and deceitful above all things Jer. 17.9 so it is desperatly hard and obdurate above all things Moses struck the Rock but twice and the Waters came out abundantly Num. 20.11 but Christ stands knocking at the door and cannot get admittance into the hearts of most Sinners Rev. 3.20 all his sweet and kind expressions and glorious promises will ●ot induce them to let him in or allure them though miserable to come unto him 6ly And lastly the Pride and haughtinesse of Mans Spirit obstructs him A Proud man is loth to own his own poverty and come to Christ for Riches he is unwilling to own his nakedness and come to Christ for cloathing Rev. 3.18 Because God at first made him Lord of the Creature he concludes he hath now no need of his Creator he thinks by his own Arme to procure Salvation and by his own industry work out redemption for himself To be saved by the merits and righteousness of another he cannot indure to hear of Man cannot indure to own himself a Bankrupt lost and undone unless he seek to another for help that he is poor and must now turn Beggar when he has so much Riches by him as he vainly conceits he has accumulated and heaped together a little treasure of fine wishes perhaps with an inconsiderable number of morral or civil acts and so he is an accomplished person and it is beneath him to seek adjuvation or assistance from another for being vainly puft up in his Fleshly mind he slights Christ he is like Esau who having got something of the Riches of the World seems to slight Jacobs presents till he urged him to take them so the Sinner being elevated by the Pride of his Heart disesteems Christ and his tenders of Love and Mercy till Christ do as it were force them upon him if he at all receive them Thus have I laboured as briefly as I could to lay open many of those impediments and obstructions which deter and impede Sinners from coming unto the Lord Jesus although it is their duty to come and they are for ever miserable and undone if they come not unto him therefore if any of the forementioned obstacles stand in the way between thee and Christ labour to remove them and beg grace to overcome them that thou maist come unto the Lord Jesus 3ly I come now to remove a few objections that some may make against this Doctrine that It is the duty of all heavy laden Sinners to come unto Christ Some may object and say how can this be a duty for all to believe in receive and come to Christ this supposes a will and power in man or else it is to bid a Blind man see a Cripple walk upright a Child encounter a Gyant and a Mole overturn a Mountain if man hath no ability this can be no duty I answer 1. Man hath no free will or power of his own by nature to come Jo. 1.13 Not born of Blood nor of the will of the Flesh nor of the will of Man but of God Rom. 5.6 Whilst we were yet without strength Christ dyed for us No strength or ability to carry our selves to Christ it is God must work in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure Phil. 2.13 but although men cannot will or come to Christ yet it is their duty Jo. 6.29 This is the Work of God that ye believe on him whom he hath sent i. e Believe in his Son Jesus 1 Jo. 3.23 This is his commandment that ye believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ here we see it is made an express command incumbent upon all and from which none may exempt themselves Christ preached this Doctrine and hath commanded his Ministers to preach and publish it to all Mark 16.15.16 Go Preach saith he the Gospel to every Creature 16. vers He that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned The Apostle Paul preached and pressed this duty upon both Jews and Gentiles Acts 20.21 Testifying both to Jews and Greeks repentance towards God and Faith towards our Lord Jesus 2 Obj. If man cannot come then it is in vain to preach and inforce such a duty I answer it is a duty and to be preached 1. That man may be convinced of his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 natural impotency and inability of coming to Christ and that he needeth the adjuvation and help of an omnipotent Arm to draw him Jo. 6.44 Silly man is apt to conceit great things of his own ability and that it is easy and Facile to believe in Christ Jesus but when they are under the apprehensions of death or the like they are convinced of the necessity of coming to Christ but find their power to be faintness and their will to be meer conceitedness as one of that perswasion being under the apprehension of Death told me shee could not then find power in her self to come to Christ or believe in him for Salvation unless he would work faith in her to apprehend him and apply the promises 2. To exalt the infinite riches
2.5 2dly They are ignorant of him in his offices as King Psal 2.6 as Prophet Mat. 21.11 as Priest Heb. 3.7 3ly They understand not that he is the only and alone way to the Father Jo. 14.6 I am the way the truth and the Life no man cometh to the Father but by me Acts 4.12 for there is Salvation in none other He is the only way to all happiness Peace Comfort and Eternal Life Jo. 3.36 But the benighted Soul being altogether in the Dark as to these things wholly defers coming unto Christ 8. They whose minds are Blinded know not God who is the fountain of all Good if they had but a Spiritual understanding concerning God they would not desire to be long away from Christ and where there is not this divine knowledg the Heart cannot be good For it is Life eternal to know the only true God Jo. 17.3.1 They are ignorant of the infinite holyness and purity of God He is of purer Eyes then to behold evil and he cannot look on Iniquity Hab. 1.13 God cannot look on Sin with any approbation for the least Sin is contrary to his Holyness Those glorious Seraphins we read of Isa 6.3 do adore God in his holyness which when the Prophet Isaiah heard and saw he presently crys out ver 5. I am undone because I am a Man of unclean Lips when he perceived the holyness of God he was made more sensible of his own pollution and what need he had for the Seraphin to bring a coal from the Alter to touch him ver 6. that so his Iniquity might be taken away and his Sin purged So I say did but Men and Women apprehend the holyness of God and that no Sinner or Sinful thing can abide in his presence because he is a consuming Fire to all such Heb. 12.14.29 They would cry out we are undone because we are polluted and defiled O that Christ the Angel of the covenant would come and Sprinkle us with his Blood that we might be cleansed from all our Iniquity purified from all our Sin that we may be holy as our God is holy for who can dwell with devouring Fire or who can dwell in ever lasting burnings Isa 33.14 2ly Of his righteousness Psal 145.17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in his Works There is no unrighteousness with him he will give to every one that which is Right as David confesseth Psal 51.4 That thou mightest be just when thou speakest and clear when thou judgest Sinners are very subject to think God is like themselves Psal 50.21 They think because they are unrighteous therefore he is so to they do not believe that he will render to every man according to his Deeds and that God is so righteous that he will Punish the Least Sin with eternal damnation if the Soul be out of Christ but if God was not thus impartial he could not be righteous for as the Apostle says Rom. 3.6 Is God unrighteous who taketh Vengeance God forbid for then how should God judge the world Now it is the want of the right knowledg of this scil That God is a righteous God and that he will exact the uttermost Farthing either from the Sinner or from Christ the surety which impedes and let them from coming unto Christ 3. The faithfulness of God 2 Tim. 2.13 He abideth faithful God is a faithful God he will fulfil all his promises of mercy to them who receive and believe in Christ 2 Cor. 1.20 For all the promises of God in him are yea and in him are Amen That is they are all certain and true in and through Christ God will fulfil every one of them and also he is Faithful to make good his Threatnings denounced against Sinners who continue strangers to Christ and enemys to the Gospel which invites Sinners to come unto him They will be ready to lay hold upon that Scripture Exod. 34.6.7 The Lord the Lord God gracious and merciful but read not those Words who will by no means clear the guilty which relate to his Justice and Righteousness 4. They do not know that hatred God bares to Sinners whilst they are disobedient to Christ Psal 11.5 They understanding not who are the only persons God loves conclude they are of that number who have an interest in his Love not considering he loves none but those who believe in and except of his Son the Lord Jesus all others are objects of his hatred For he who is Love it self 1 Jo. 4.16 Abhors those who slight his only Son the Son of his love even the Lord of glory 3ly The third Lett or Hindrance from within is the perversness of the will at first when God created man he gave unto him a perfect will and he always willed that which was pleasing unto God but upon his Sinning he quite depraved although de did not loose that faculty now in this depraved state and condition the Will is perverse averse to that which is truely good and willeth evil continually therefore saith Christ Jo. 5.40 Ye will not come unto me that ye may have Life Christ Jesus who is Life Jo. 11.25 makes offers and tenders of Life unto Sinners and promiseth If they come he will in no wise cast them out Jo. 6.37 Yet they obstinately refuse and are ready to cry out we will not have this Man to reign over us Luk. 19.27 Mansit quidem arbitrium hominis liberum à coactione sed tantum ad Malum Wolleb The will of Man doth still remain free from all coaction or compulsion but it is free only to evil not to good Therefore Christ so graciously invites and it is their duty yet they wilfully refuse to come un●t him 4ly The vitiosity and irregularity of the affections is another internal impediment Those affections which have good for their object as Love Joy Desire these are fixed upon wrong objects and so they are impeded from coming unto Christ Love which should be fixed upon God Sufficiens perfectum bonum who is the Summum bonum the Supream good the sufficient and perfect good is placed upon the Creature which is but an inferior insufficient and perishing good The Scripture saith Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart and withal thy Strength Deut. 6.5 But God generally hath the least part for if God was chiefly beloved of the Soul Christ would be so too for he that loveth the Father truely loveth the Son sincerely so for joy and delight we are commanded to rejoice in the Lord always Phil. 4.4 We should take complacency and delight in him above all but for the most part their joy and delight is in carnal perishing objects in the Creature more than in the Creator for if the Soul took delight in the Father it must needs take complacency in the Son who is the eternal delight of the Father Pro. 8.30 so the desires of the Soul when they should be after God
shal ye be my Disciples Thus thou wilt manifest thy self that thou art come to Christ and to be one of his Disciples if thou indeavourost to glorifie God 2. Thou art inlightened to know thy duty towards thy Neighbour as Christ saith This is the second great Commandment to love thy Neighbour as thy self Mat. 22.39 1. To love his Person as he is the workmanship of God fearfully and wounderfully made Psal 139.14 Thou art to love him not to envy him Let not thy Heart envy Sinners but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long Saith the wise man thou maist hate the Sins of thy wicked Neighbours because they are against God and his own Soul but thou art to Love his Person because he may be converted and shine gloriously for ever you may be Heirs together of the same happiness 2. And principally to desire and indeavour the good of his Soul by seasonable reproof for Sin Lev. 19.17 Eph. 4.25 and by admonition and exhortation unto good which tends to the eternal well being of his Soul I might number up many more as to tender his Name and Reputation not any way to prejudice him in his estate but I must contract 3. Thou art instructed thy duty concerning thy self as 1. To preserve thy Life by all lawful means whilst God is pleased to lengthen out the days of thy Pilgrimage 2. To Fly and turn from all Sin which wrongs thy own Soul Pro. 8. ult and to make use of all these means God hath appointed in order to thy Salvation These are some of the dutys in short which the holy Spirit doth teach a Man who is come unto the Lord Jesus 4ly Thou art brought to understand the Law not only the Letter of it but the spirituallity so saith the Apostle Rom. 7.14 not only as it relates to the external but the internal Man vers 7. Christ when he expounded the Law Mat. 5. shewed the extent of it reached to the outward man and especially to the inward man the thoughts and cogitations of the Soul as well as the actings and motions of the Eye the Tongue and the Hand Paul whilst a Pharisee was very exact as to his external deportment in all things keeping to the rule of the Law Phil. 3.6 Act. 8.1 he little thought then that his consenting to the Death of Steven was such a Sin that it deserved eternal Damnation although he had no hand in the Stoning of him but when his Eyes were opened then he crys the Law is Spiritual but I am carnal sold under Sin then he saw how the Law condemned Passion Malice Spiritual Pride and other motions of Sin as he calls them vers 5. when they never broke out into action as well as the actions of Sin done in the Flesh for indeed there is an action of the Soul even in the very thoughts of evil the Imagination acts and communicates it to the understanding the understanding to the will the will to the affections Thus there is a secret passage of every thought of evil throughout the whole Soul therefore the holy Ghost saith Gen. 6.5 The imaginations and thoughts of Mans Heart were evil continually Now the natural unconverted man discerns not this heart-evil or the spirituallity of the Law but he that is come to Christ as the Apostle Paul was to close with him and believe in him he perceives it 2. Thou seest the purity and holyness of it as well as the spirituallity of it The Law of God is pure and holy Psal 19.8 the Commandment of the Lord is pure inlightening the Eyes it is holy in that it comes from a holy God and tends to make and keep men holy holy in its nature and the inlightened Soul perceives and discerns an extraordinary sanctity and holyness in the Law of God Rom. 7.12 The Law is holy and the commandment holy Saith the holy Apostle when he was made holy by the Blood of Jesus 3. Rom. 7.12 The justness and Righteousness of the Law it is just therefore it will clear none that are guilty it is just and therefore it requiers compleat obedience and in case of default or transgression threatens eternal Punishment it allows of no repair neither will it abate the least mite of its just demands Thus when the Eyes are open to discern these things of the Law it becomes a School-Master to bring the Sinner to Christ that he may be justified by faith in him therefore our Divines say the Law should be Preached before the Gospel John Baptist-like to be a Harbinger to prepare the way for Christ into the Soul that he may find free and ready entertainment 4. Thou art brought to see the goodness of the Law Rom. 7.12.13 The Law is good 16. I consent to the Law that it is good In that it manifests the contrary evil to wit Sin and it is opposite to it and God hath ordained and commanded it for the good of his People Deut. 10.13 now he that is come to Christ looketh upon the Law as good therefore with the Prophet David He loves it above Gold or Silver Psal 119.72 And taketh delight in it as the Apostle did Rom. 7.22 I delight in the Law of God after the inward Man This is thy condition if thou art come to Christ thou art more grieved that thou canst not keep that Law which is so just and good and holy then because God hath made it so strict holy and just thou art ready to cry out Give power to do what thou commandest and command what thou wilt the Spirit is made willing although the Flesh is weak Rom. 7.15 5. Thou art brought to understand the Gospel I mean not that thou shouldst understand the Gospel as a Divine or learned Scholler by the Spirits assistance may do but I mean thou art inlightened to understand and apprehend the glad tidings of Salvation and the good will of God towards Men declared throughout the whole covenant of grace wherein God maketh known his willingness and readiness to be reconciled to poor Sinners upon the account of Christ Jesus 2 Cor. 5.18 All things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ 19. God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them vers 12. He hath made him to be Sin for us who knew no Sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him In these words here are the great transactions between God and Christ concerning the Salvation of poor Sinners 1. Here are the great benefits redounding to Believers scil Reconciliation with God and a compleat Righteousness of God in Christ vers 18.21 2. The causa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Scool-men term it the Proegoumenal or moveing cause not the foresight of Mans obedience but meer mercy of God All things are of God vers 18. 3. The causa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the procureing cause which is the Lord Jesus he was in
that he will not pass by the least Sin without full satisfaction to his justice or else in equity he will punish every Sinner with infinite punishment till then I say the Soul doth not so much regard coming to Christ that it may be made partaker of his righteousness when the Sinner is made to see Gods righteousness then he flys to the Horns of the Alter scil to lay hold of Christs righteousness tendered to Poor Sinners in the Gospel 6ly I might add further that the Spirit doth inlighten the understanding to discern the Love Pity and mercy of God in Christ and his readiness and willingness to accept of those who come unto him in and through his Son Jo. 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life God is ready to give and be reconciled Psal 86.5 But there is no coming unto him but by Christ Jo. 14.6 these considerations do incourage the Poor Soul to come to Christ because God is full of Pitty and faithfulness to forgive 1 Jo. 1.9 7ly The Spirit inlightens the mind in the knowledg of Christ 1. What he is 2 What he hath done 3. What he is doing in the behalf of Poor Sinners 1. What he is I have declared in the beginning of this Book that he is God blessed for ever Rom. 9.5 the true God and eternal life 1 Jo. 5.20 that he is the eternal delight of the Father the Glory of Angels admired by Saints and the Saviour of poor lost Sinners that he is God-man in two distinct natures and one person for ever as he was Man he suffered but as he was God-Man he satisfied infinite Justice by laying down an infinite price for infinite transgressions It was the blood of him that was God as well as Man that was effused and poured forth for our sins Acts 20.28 1 Job 3.16 2dly What he hath done for lost sinners he who was in the form of God took upon him the form of a Servant Phil. 2.6 7. he put himself into a capacity to fulfil all righteousness and to undergo all misery for our iniquities that he might save us from the wrath of God wch will consume all those who believe not in Christ he hath compleated the work of Redemption for we are made compleat in him Col. 2.10 In short he hath fulfilled the whole Law in way of obedience he suffered the penalty due unto those whom he redeemed he was made a Curse for them Gal. 3.13 that they might obtain the blessing even life for evermore he died that they might live for by dying he conquered Death and brought life and immortality to light he broke through the Prison of the grave and by his own power brought Salvation and ascended on high and lead captivity captive that he might give gifts unto men Eph. 4.8 3. He is now sitting at the right hand of God till his Enemies be made his foot-stool Psal 110.1 and his Saints crowned and glorified with him in his Kingdom he prayed for them when he was here on earth Joh. 17. but now he is interceding at the right hand of God in the behalf of his redeemed ones 1 Joh. 2.1 These things and many more the spirit reveals unto them that are come to Jesus Christ Christ is the head of the Body his Church Eph. 1.22.23 And gave him to be the head over all things to the Church which is his Body the fulness of him who filleth all in all * Sicut vita ex solo capite in omnia membra propagatur sic ex un● Christo in omnia membra spiritus ipsius spargitur non autem ex uno membro in aliud Ursin de doc Chris pa. 249. for as life from the head alone is propagated into all the Members so from one Christ his spirit is poured out into all his Members but not from one member into another as the Head is sons omnis vitae the fountain of all life so Christ is the fountain from which his Members derive continual supplies Now seeing Christ and Believers are so nearly related as to be one spirit 1 Cor. 6.17 he the Head and they the Members there must needs be an intimacy and knowledge of each other for as Christ saith Job 10.14 I am the good Shepheard I know my Sheep and am known of mine so I say if thou art come unto Christ the Spirit hath revealed Christ Jesus to thee he hath enlightned thy understanding to know in some measure what he is what he hath done and what he is doing for thy Soul 2dly If thou art come to Christ thy conscience hath been convinced by the holy spirit it is his work to convince a person of sin Joh. 16.8 and when he is come to wit the holy Spirit he shall convince the world of sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is beyond the power of man to convince the conscience it is proper to the holy Ghost 1. Then he hath convinced thee of thy original sin which is the source and spring from which all other sins flow it is not Fons vitae the fountain of life but Fons corruptionis Mortis of corruption and death from this spring flows forth the bitter waters of Meribah which prove destructive to Mankind the whole man being vitiated and corrupted by original sin which made the Apostle say I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing Rom. 7.18 he calls it The Law in his Members Vers 23. The Body of Death ver 24. Thus he was convinced of his Original sin and therefore he saith We are all the children of Wrath by Nature Eph. 2.3 which Scriptures are fully and excellently declared to be meant of Original sin by that worthy Minister of Christ Mr. Anthony Burgess in his Doctrine of Original sin The Prophet David confesseth it Psal 51.5 Behold I was shapen in Iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me he was convinced of his pollution even in the very womb and so art thou if the Spirit hath been effectually at work in thy Soul from the heart naturally proceeds no good thing but thence come Thefts evil Thoughts Murders Adulteries Fornications false Witness Blasphemy Mat. 15.1.9 All which defile and pollute a Man 2. Thou art convinced of the evil of thy actual sins thy manifold transgressions and violations of the Law of God those sins which thy hand thy heart thy tongue thy ear and eye have been imployed in as David was convinced of his Murther and Adultery which the 51. Psal declares Paul of his Persecution injuriousness and blasphemy 1 Tim. 1.13 Peter of denying his Lord and Master Mat. 26.74 75. Thou art now convinced that Sin is exceeding sinful Rom. 17.13 and that thy great work and business in thy unconverted state was to Sin against God 3ly Thou art convinced that every Sin doth contaminate and defile thy Soul Psal 19. Cleanse thou me
9.13 but if thou art come to Christ thou willingly say'st with the Apostle Paul Phil. 3.9 And be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the Law but that which is through the Faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by Faith Thou lookest upon thy own as indeed it is imperfect and insufficient in point of justification and that it must by no meanes stand in competition with Christ and his righteousness 3ly Thou art made willing to accept and imbrace a whole Christ upon Gospel Termes Christ on the Throne as well as at the Altar Christ in his Kingly office to rule and govern thee to impose Laws and institutions which thou must obey as well as Christ a Priest to sacrifice himself that he might appease the Wrath of God satisfie his divine justice extinguish those flames with his Blood which sin had incendiated that he might procure Salvation for poor Sinners Christ in his prophetick office to teach and reveal his Fathers will to thee for no man can know the Father or his will as he ought but he to whom the Son will reveal them by his holy Spirit Mat. 11.27 Neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him 1 Cor. 2.11 The things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God I say thou art willing to receive a whole Christ as the Gospel tenders and offers him to poor Sinners to be Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1.20 Christ will either be a whole Saviour or none he will raign in the heart alone or not at all 4thly Thou art willing to obey the Lord Jesus in all his divine Institutions and commands and not say as those Disciples Joh. 6.60 This is a hard saying who can bear it thou dost not look upon his commands as grievous for his Yoak is easie and his Burthen is light Mat. 11.30 To will is present with thee although how to perform thou knowest not Rom. 7 18. Thy great desire is to walk in his Precepts and The Spirit is willing although the flesh is weak Mat. 26.41 Indeed this is the great tryal and touchstone by which we may know what Metal we are of If thou art not fruitful in obedience to Christ thou art none of his Disciples John 15.8 as the Apostle saith Know ye not to whom ye yield your selves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness Rom. 6 16. it doth not trouble thee that his Laws are strict holy and good but thou art grieved that thy power is but imbecility and weakness so that thou canst not do that good which thou wouldest Rom. 7 15. Believers are the only persons that yield obedience to the Lord Jesus they follow him wheresoever he goeth Rev. 14 4. To all his commands thou art willingly subject and in all his Ordinances thou wouldst willingly be active Fifthly and lastly Thou art willing to deny thy self and follow Christ to the end notwithstanding those Mountains of difficulties that may oppose thee in thy Christian course both external and internal Luk. 14 26. If any man come unto me and hate not his Father and Mother and Wife and Children and Brethren and Sisters yea and his own life also he cannot be my Disciple Verse 27. And whosoever doth not bear his Cross and come after me cannot be my Disciple Self-denial is a special lesson to be learned in the school of Christ he was frequently when he was upon earth instructing his Disciples in this kind of Literature Christs Cross is to be learned even in the A B C of Christianity and Christians are daily to exercise themselves in the study of it that they may be good Proficients The Apostle Paul had made a fair Progress and was got to the highest Forme in Christs School when he could say God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world Gal. 6.14 This was a brave spirit in him that he could glory and boast of his afflictions and sufferings for the Lord Jesus Enemies and afflictions must be expected in the narrow way which leads to life and those who follow the Lord Jesus to the end will be followed by Satan and Temptation and yet for all these things the Spirit maketh the Soul willing to keep close to the Lord Jesus and once having chosen him never finally to forasake him Heb. 10.39 4thly The Spirit doth sanctify and regulate the affections which in the unregenerate state are totally vitiated in the unregenerate state the heart loves sin more than holiness the perishing Creature more than the eternal Creator it can delight in earthly carnal vanities but takes no complacency in the ways or things of God and Christ it can sorrow and lament for worldly sufferings and disappointments but hath no grief at all for sin and transgression of the holy Law of God and that affront upon the glorious Majesty of Heaven the unregenerate Mind fears more the displeasure of mortal Man whose breath is in his Nostrils then offending the great God who lives for ever but now the work of the Spirit is to purify and regulate these affections and passions of the Soul and fix them upon more suitable and God-pleasing objects and this he hath affected upon thy Soul if thou art brought home to the Lord Jesus Now thou canst say with David O how I love thy Law it is my Meditation all the day long Psal 119.97 The Law of thy Mouth is better to me than thousands of Gold or Silver ver 72. The Soul hath a high estimation of and valuation for the Law of God it esteems of God as the supream good because he is an all sufficient eternal and unchangable good he is the fountain which never ceaseth flowing a Sea not to be exhausted a Tree which always bears fruit therefore the Soul makes choice of him and highly magnifies him Christ is now an object thy heart doth most delight in and thou lookest upon all other things but as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dogs-meat in comparison of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus Phil. 3.7 8. Thou canst say of Christ as the Philosopher lid of Vertue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is no possession more glorious and splendid more firm and permanent now thy heart hates and abhors that evil which before thou lovedst and thou lovest that good which formerly thy mind was a verse to 5thly and lastly If thou art come unto the Lord Jesus then the holy Spirit hath wrought all these graces within thy Soul which do manifest thee to be a real and sound Christian I shall only treat of these six Repentance Faith Love Hope Humility and Zeal where these are wanting in the heart Christ is not possessor there but where these are effectually wrought be sure
said to Thomas Believe me for the very works sake what works were they why they were such as are almost incredible and to many seem impossible as giving sight to the blind strength to the weak health to the sick life to the dead c. but it would be tedious for me to relate all the miracles he did upon the bodies of men and women he did and doth effect greater things upon the Soul Luk. 4.18 for he enlightens darkned understandings heals broken hearts likewise there are his works for the good of his Church My Father saith Christ worketh hitherto and I work Joh. 5.17 Christ is continually working for the glory and happiness of his beloved ones for he protects them as the apple of his eye and sends his Spirit who conveys celestial treasure into their souls fills them with grace and conducts them over the raging waves of this tumultuous World to the haven of rest Joh. 16.13 14 15. and the land of eternal felicity Christs care is continual towards his Church and therefore he hath and doth and will work wonders for it Thus his divine works prove that he is more than a creature yea that he is the Creator Joh. 20.28 5th Argum. The fifth Argument to prove his Divinity is deduced ex honore Divino from the divine honour given to him God the Father saith I will not give mine honour to another i. e. Is 4.8 Joh. 5.23 any creature yet it is said of Christ Jesus That all men should honour the Son even in the same manner and in the same measure as they honour the Father he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him He is not only to be honoured as a person designated to the office of Mediatorship but also as he is the true living God For as Christ said to Philip He that hath seen me hath seen the Father so that one said concerning the Trinity ‖ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Greg. Naz. I cannot think of one but presently I am invironed with the glory of three I cannot discern three but immediately I am carryed to adore the glorious Unity The Angels are said to adore and worship him Heb. 1.6 When he bringeth his first begotten into the world he saith let all the Angels of God worship him i. e. give divine honour to him Is 6.3 The Angels did cry holy holy holy Lord God of Hosts Now the divine Apostle saith that it was the glory of the Lord Jesus that the Prophet did behold in that glorious Vision Joh. 12.41 When the Angels were thus magnifying and adoring him for they are but ministring Spirits in Rev. 5.12 13. we have the whole regiment of them celebrating his praise Heb. 1.14 as one worthy of divine honour 2ly Saints Militant do pay the tribute of divine honour to him who is their Lord and Saviour As 1 Faith this is accounted part of divine honour as a learned Divine hath defined it Cultus qui tendit in Deum anquam in bonum nostrum Ames Medull Theol. saith he it is a worship which extends to God as our present good Now that Faith is proper to Christ as part of divine worship I need not say much to prove because the scriptures are so clear in it as Joh. 14.1 Ye believe in God believe also in me i. e. believe that I am the second Person in the blessed Trinity therefore am able and faithful to perform what I have said and promised unto you Repentance towards God and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ Now we know that the Scripture saith it is sin to trust in man Act. 20.21 and a curse to them that rely on him for salvation nay to believe or depend upon Angels because they are but creatures Jer. 17.5 and it would derogate from the honour of God that we should believe for salvation from any but from him who is all-sufficient and all-mighty to save 2ly as Faith so Prayer which is part of divine worship is frequently made unto Christ Prayer as one saith is made up of two species or kinds Orationis species Duae sunt Petitio gratiarum actio Ames Phil. 4.6 scil Petition and giving of Thanks Be careful for nothing but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God for he alone is the true object of all religious services as Christ told Satan It is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve But I suppose Mat. 4.10 this granted by all Oratio est voluntatis nostrae religiosa representatio coram Deo ut illa Deus quasi afficitur Ames Medul Theol. that Prayer is a religious Act. And thus that excellent Author defines it Prayer saith he is a religious representation of our will before God that he may as it were be affected with it My work then is to enquire whether this part of divine honour be given unto Christ Jesus as 1 Petition in the 2 Cor. 13.14 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen so 2 Thess 3.18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen 2 Tim. 4.22 The Lord Jesus Christ be with thee All which prove that petitions are made to Christ and that for the highest mercy scil grace and peace Tim. 1.2 Rom. 16.20 21. 2 Thes 1.2 which comprehend most spiritual blessings and seeing the Apostle prays for these things it proves that he is a divine Person from whom he requests them or else he could never give such mercies for who can give grace but God alone who is the fountain of grace Eph. 2.13 14 16. now grace peace flow from the Lord Jesus to poor sinners for he has made peace by the blood of his Cross it is he that has purchased peace for believers with his Father and grace in an abundant measure Joh. 1.16 I am come that they might have life that they might have it more abundantly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gratiam super gratiam life is put here for grace other spiritual blessings for it is out of his fulness we all receive and grace for grace There is a fulness of redundancy that dwells in the Lord Jesus and well it may for there dwells in him the fulness of the God-head Bodily Col. 2.9 Rom. 9.5 Therefore the servants and true worshippers of God make their petitions to the Lord Jesus for Grace who is God over all Blessed for ever Secondly The other part which is thanksgiving and praise is by the Apostle Ascribed to him 2 Tim. 4.18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me 2 Tim. 4 18. unto his heavenly Kingdom unto whom be glory for ever and ever Amen The context makes it evident that it is applyed to the Lord Jesus Heb. 1.6 When he bringeth his first
the occasion as this Jam nova progenies Coelo dimittitur alto Chara Dei soboles Now a new Progeny or off-spring is sent down from Heaven the dearly beloved Son of God with many other expressions to the like purpose Thus we perceive from Scripture and from extraordinary Revelation that Jesus Christ the Messias is proved and owned to be God I might come nearer home and alledge the confession of all Orthodox Divines but I made mention of some before only let me add that of Bucan that learned Divine Verus Deus manens homo factus est Filius haber eandē essentiam cum Patre Vrs so remaining true God he became true Man thus have I endeavoured with as much brevity and perspicuity as I could to set forth who this Person is that invites poor labouring heavy laden Sinners to come unto him he is God therefore able to help and succour poor sinners Heb. 7.25 he is God therefore faithful to his promise he is God therefore willing to refresh and ease weary Souls I might here add the very confession of the Devils who are forced to acknowledg this Truth Joh. 6.31 then Sinner be ready to close with his gracious tenders of mercy unto thee But more of this in the application 3. How doth Christ invite 1. By his Word 2. His Ministers 3. His Spirit 1. By his Word as Christ said to the Jews Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures for they testifie of me And Isa 45.22 Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else Christ for it is applied to him as we may see in the following words vers 23. compared with Romans 14.11 Phil. 2.10 would fain insinuate himself into the affections and hearts of poor creatures I am God and there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nullus praeterea none else as if Christ should say Soul there is no Saviour no Redeemer to deliver thee if thou seek'st to Eternity as the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sometimes signifies there is none that can help thee for I am God and all others thou canst go to are but creatures therefore far unable to save thee then sinner 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 turn thy eies unto me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fix thy face here and find salvation Isa 55.1.2 3. Ho every one that thirsteth come thirsteth for peace pardon grace salvation and glory come saith he though never so Poor never a good work a Gentile without God a stranger to the covenant of grace no mony yet come believe and I have all things for thee come to the Waters my grace is free like the Ocean for Rich or Poor High or Low do but come do but believe and fill thy bucket satisfy thy Soul with marrow and fatness and Wine on the Lees well refined If thou art a poor publican that darest not look up to Heaven Isa 25.6 Luk. 12.13 yet look down upon my Blood If my Fathers holyness doth affright thee yet let my Blood revive and chear thy Soul if thou art in the Court of thy own Conscience a condemned Malefactor yet look unto me come unto an able and willing Saviour Joh. 7.37 38. Rev. 22.17 If thou thirst come believe and then out of thy Belly shall flow Rivers of Living water Thou shalt have grace abundantly We see here is free invitation to sinners those who labour and thirst may come So hear in my Text Come unto me 2ly By his Ministers Christ has taken care in all Ages to have some to publish the glad tidings of Salvation and to invite and perswade Sinners to come unto him he sent forth his Apostles with this commission To Preach the Gospel to every Creature Mark 16.15 Now the Gospel contains the glad tidings of Salvation through a Redeemer it calls the Sinners to believe in Christ and to accept of him now this is the work of his Ministers and for this end they are Embassadors 2 Cor. 5.18.20 He hath commited to them the Ministry of Reconciliation and care We are Embassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God Christ by his Ministers prays and beseeches the Sinners to be reconciled unto God to himself and to his own Conscience Christ hath prepared the Feast of fat things therefore he sends forth his Servants to bid the guests Luke 14.17 But too too many have their excuses as those in the 18.19.20 verses 3ly By his Spirit as in Rev. 22.17 The spirit and the Bride say come the spirit convinces the Soul of its impoverish'd condition and declares the abundant Riches of the Lord Jesus Jo. 16.14 He shall glorify me for he shall take of mine and shall shew it unto you the Spirit is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifys not only a Comforter Jo. 16.7 but an advocate also 1 John 2.1 And the Spirit doth plead and solicite in the behalf of Christ he shews the Sinner the happiness the glory and priviledge of coming to Christ and the danger that attends the Soul upon refusing indeed the Word and Ministers will do nothing effectually unless the spirit co-operate they may perswade but it is he alone prevails and conquers and makes of unwilling willing he can make the Heart flexible and make it bend to the will of Christ he prepares the desires in the Soul then leads it to the Lord Jesus Pra. 16.1 that the Soul may derive out of his abundant and redundant fulness grace for grace Jo. 1.16 Love and all grace is the work of the blessed Spirit Gal. 5.22 He inables the Soul to apprehend Christ with all his benefits for the natural man knows nothing of Christ or the things of God 1 Cor. 2.14 15. but the Spiritually inlightned man discerns and is affected with them those full treasures which are in Christ are the believers they rejoice in them the Spirit has invited and brought them to Christ and now they rest and center there Christ and none but him is their Language as the Apostle Paul Phil. 3.9 4ly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Reasons of the point 1. Negatively 2. Possitivly 1. Negatively He doth not invite thee Sinner because he hath need of thee for he is God blessed for ever he is the beloved of the Father Col. 1.16 He is the Heir of all things thou indeed hast need of him and art undone and that for ever if thou come not to him but seeing he is God we must conceive no deficiency or want in him Psal 50.12 He possesses all in himself 2ly Neither is it because thou canst add any thing to his eternal infinite blessedness for as from infiniteness there can be no detraction so to it there can be no addition he will add glory to and confer happiness upon thee if thou come unto him if thou dost imbrace and accept of him he
the highest even with all the Heart with all the Mind and with all the Strength God and Christ are to be beloved beyond all measure as one saith the right manner of Loving God is Modus diligendi deum est ut diligatur quantum potest diligi Bern. that he may be beloved as much as he can be beloved This evangellick Love seats it self in the most superlative place of the Soul there is no comparison between this Love and the Love of the Creature 4ly This Love is sincere Grace be with all those who Love the Lord Jesus in Sincerity Eph. 6.24 If there is not Sincerity at the Root besure the Fruit is corrupt Hypocrisie is the distruction of many but Sincerity Integrity and Uprightness preserveth the Soul wherefore were Noah Job and others counted Perfect it was not because they were Perfect in their obedience but because their Love was Sincere this makes the Scripture give such an excellent Charactor of them Sincerity is as it were the Salt which seasons every duty and a Sincere Love although but weak in the actings is that which savours of a right Gospel Spirit 5ly It is a fervent Love Rom. 12.11 Fervent in Spirit Serving the Lord. It is true that this Love may not always Seraphin like be in a bright burning flame but yet where once it is wrought by the Spirit it never after is quite extinguished for when it flames not it does burn and when it burns not clearly there are some scintilla's and Sparks which keep it from quite going out and when the Cinders of Corruption are blown away it kindles up into a flame again Let one who hath this fervent Love through invigilancy fall into Sin or neglect duty it cools and damps the fire of his affection for a time but let him come again to the ordinances and by Faith Drink a draught of the warm Blood of Christ and by Prayer blow up the heat of his affections it will prove but like the Water the Smith Casts upon the fire which seemingly Puts it out but when he hath blown a while it flames more violently I say not this to incourage any to make tryal by Sin but if it be so with any that now find their Love but cold which formerly was fervent they may see the cause be wise to improve and apply the Remedy this Love I say is Ardent Love which warms the heart for it is a ray from the Sun of righteousness which sets the Soul all in a Divine feaver 6thly This Love is total I mean it is with the whole heart God hates a divided Heart or as the Hebrew hath it a Heart and a Heart one as it were for God and another for the World and Sin but God will have the whole or none therefore it is said Thou shalt Love the Lord thy God Mat. 22.37 Deut. 6.5 with all thy Heart with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind See here how many Times 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all is expressed as God is of an indivisible essence so he would not have that which is his due to be divided now the true Saint is very well content that God should have all he would have none to be Copartner with God and Christ but desires that his Love and affections may wholly be fixed and set upon the right objects when God saith to the person who hath this Love my Son give me thy heart he is ready to respond and say Lord here am I take the whole of my heart nay take the all of my all let me be but thine and that for ever 7thly and lastly It is a constant and permanent Love as Christ said unto his Disciples Jo. 15.9 Continue ye in my love so may I say to you See that this love abide and continue in you For if your Love be of an Evangellick nature it is a permanent Love 1 Cor. 13.8 Love never faileth Christ spake of some whose Love should fail them but that which is durable ends in Salvation Mat. 24.12.13 Because Iniquity shall abound the Love of many shall wax cold but he that indures to the end the same shall be saved He whose Love keeps warm and abideth shall certainly obtain Salvation as the love of God towards his People is an everlasting love Jer. 31.3 So he expects that their love should be a permanent love God hates those who draw back Heb. 10.38 but it is the nature of this love to press forward to increase and aspire till it comes unto the Center from whence it came He that hath this love maintains it in adversity as well as prosperity when the Clouds do darken the Face of God as well as when the Sun-shine of this love beams forth upon the Soul many of the Saints have experienced this they have found their love hottest when their afflictions have been heavyest when most shaken by the World they have been most confirmed in their love to God and Christ I come now to the objects of this spiritual evangelick love and I shall speak of them first negatively shewing what are not the objects of this love 2ly possitively what they are 1. Negatively what are not the objects 1. Not Sin neither in ones self or in another The Soul that hath this Divine love in it cannot but hate all Sin Psal 119.101 and 104. I have refrained my feet from every evil way v. 104. I hate every false way v. 113. I hate vain thoughts but thy law do I love As God is said to be of purer Eies then to behold Iniquity so the Saints are of purer Hearts then to love Iniquity Sin hath brought bitterness to their souls therefore they now abhor it they have no love or liking at all for Sin it doth not fix upon Iniquity as a delectable and lovely object but hates and flees from all base lusts which seek to insnare the Soul 2ly It is not fixed upon Satan for although no Creature mearly as a Creature is to be the object of our hatred because it declares something of the wisdom and power of the Creator in giving existence and being to such a Creature yet Satan in his Sinful lapsed State and condition as an Enemy to God Christ and the well being of our immortal Souls ought to be the object of our hatred 1 Pet. 5.8 For he goes about like a Roaring lyon seeking whom he may devour He makes it his great imployment to effect the ruin of poor Souls therefore he is become the object of hatred 3ly It is not placed upon this te●rene dying and perishing world love to God and Christ in that measure and degree as it should be cannot consist with an eager and earnest love of the world Jam. 4.4 Ye Adulterers and Adulteresses know ye not that the Friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God This is further manifest in 1 Jo. 2.15 Love not the World neither