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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B13700 The foundation of the faythfull In a sermon deliuered at Paules Crosse the 17. of Ianuarie. 1610. By Samuel Gardiner, Doctor of Diuinitie. Gardiner, Samuel, b. 1563 or 4. 1611 (1611) STC 11577; ESTC S116548 34,682 78

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Garment agree not togeather Wee beare Adams disease about vs rather tasting of the Tree of Knowledge then of the Tree of Life Scientia Knowledge weigheth heauier in the Ballence then Conscientia Conscience therefore our Sorrow must be added to that part to adde more weight vnto it Such Vocalistes haue their Repulse alreadie in the persons of those prating Professors whom Christ shooke off thus J know you not depart from mee yee workers of iniquitie For Light and Darknesse will haue no entercourse togeather God and Belial will not bargaine togeather Psal 89. Hee cannot abide a sinfull body of whom it is written Righteousnesse and Truth is the preparation of his seate Hee that will fill a Glasse-bottle with Hony that stood full of Vineger before must first emptie it of the Vineger before it can be capable of the Hony The vessels of our Soules are full vp to the brim with the sharpe Vineger of our sinnes God would gladly fill them with the Hony-blessinges of his goodnesse Wherefore wee must first be purged and rinced of our former iniquities Lethalia peccata non sunt Christianorum sed Ethnieorum Deadly sinnes are not of Christians but of Heathens Wherefore our Circumcision went before our Reconciliation to signifie that the circumcision of our sinnes must goe before our pacification with God Wee are not vnder the Law but vnder Grace What then Therefore Iniquitie must not thus set vp a Monarchie in vs it is Paules consequent and it is necessarily inferred With our new Profession wee must cast off our old Conuersation as the Eagle casteth her Bill And we must know that the kingdome of God is not in word but in worke Dauids monition in these words Yee that loue God see that yee hate the thing that is euill Psal 97. answereth in effect the wordes onely varied to this present direction of the Apostle in our text Let euery one that calleth vpō the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie Aulus Fuluins on a time espying his Sonne in Catilines Campe among the rebellious route would haue put him to the Sword telling him that hee begot him not for Catiline but for his Countrie So this is not the condition of our creation or the consideratio of our regeneration that we should serue vnder sinne the professed Enemie vnto God but that wee should serue him in righteousnesse and true holynesse all the dayes of our life Demades in times past seeing Philip the King want only disposed among his Minions insulting vpon the misfortunes of his Prisoners whom he had then in durance thus grauely and aduisedly censured his leuitie Sithens Fortune and good lucke hath imposed vpon thee the person of Agamemnon that is of a valiant and victorious Prince mayest thou not be ashamed to play the Thersites that is a Man of vnseemely demeanour It is a huge disgrace to a Kings Sonne any way to conuerse with rascall Company So wee beeing adopted the Sonnes of God by grace in Christ Iesu it will bee an indeleble turpitude in vs to haue any dealing with sinne iniquitie Wherefore remember wee our calling and let euery one of vs that call vpon God bidde adiewe to iniquitie Wee will conclude all with a short supputation suruey of the multiplicitie of especiall vse that this Text tendereth vs. 1 First heere is liuely demonstrance of the vncreated wisedome of God who in his eternall counsaile hath foreseene and in singuler wisedome hath disposed of euery ones estate and this foundation of his ordidation standeth sure without possibilitie of any alteration 2 Heere is also consideration of his power absolute that he is able notwithstanding all resistaunce to saue all such as are appointed thereunto by his diuine prouidence 3 Thirdly heere is Mercy taking Iustice by the Heele and supplanting it as Jacob did Esau in sauing such by his gratious election through the hand of a Mediator which were determined to destruction 4 Fourthly heere is argument of liquide Ioy and comfort that this foundation of our saluation is the Lordes it must needes therefore be vnresistable and most sure 5 Fiftly whereas God hath preordinated vs to life and hath giuen vs the meanes in his word to attaine the certificat of our particuler election let vs take the counsaile S. Peter giueth vs 2. Pet. 1.10 to endeuour to make our electiō sure vnto vs. In the world men looke well to the assuraunce of such Landes and Possessions as they purchase that they may be sure to them and to their Heires how much more standeth it vs in hand to make sure to our Soules the heauenly inheritance purchased for vs at so deare a price as the blood of Iesus Christ 6 Further hence ariseth Patience in afflictions in asmuch as Rom. 8.29 Those whom hee knew before hee also predestinated to be made like to the Image of his Sonne as Saint Paul setteth it downe now wherein our conformitie with his Sonne standeth hee else-where sheweth vs where he layeth it downe thus Phil. 3.10 In the fellowship of his afflictions by being made conformable vnto his death Wherefore they feede vpon a fond Fancie which is a strong fallacie who make an estimate of the Graces of God towardes them by the measure and proportion of their worldly prosperitie that the Lord heere affordeth them Saint Paul teacheth them otherwise Rom. 9.22 where he sayeth God to shew his wrath and to make his power knowne suffereth with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared vnto destruction The Sheepe that are highly kept in the better Pastures come soonest to the slaughter when as such as feede on the Common liue a longer time 7 Moreouer wee are heere armed and prepared to withstand all offence that wee might otherwise take vp in the sense of the contempt that is cast vpon the Ghospell and in the senselesse ignoraunce of the People while wee ponder this in our mindes that nothing contingently or casually commeth to passe but according to the purpose and foreknowledge of God the Lord knowing who are his In this respect Gods Ministers are not to discourage them selues and to be out of heart in that their labours haue no better successe in the heartes of their hearers bring foorth such slender fruites while they fixe their thoughtes vpon the Decree of God of sauing some and of reiecting other some it belonging also to the sayd Decree that some are called sooner and some later 8 Moreouer whereas the Lord knoweth who are his and some there be whom hee is sayd not to know wee are thereby stroken with no small feare It is the consequent and application the Apostle maketh from the excision and extirpation of the Jewes the naturall Branches and the insition of the Gentiles Rom. 11.20 Through vnbeliefe they are broken off and thou standest by Fayth be not high minded but feare There is nothing happen to them but may befall vs for others examples are our Looking-glasses Judas was tearmed an
strengthneth me The grace that God giueth all such as feare him according to that the royall Prophet sayeth He shall make them strong Psal 103.5 and lusty like an Eagle This grace is ours in a double respect 1. Of the promise of God in Jeremie J will put my feare in their heartes that they shall neuer depart from mee Luk. 22.32 2. Of the Prayer of Christ J haue prayed for thee that thy sayth should not fuile thee Hetherto maketh this sweete speech of Augustine De corrept et gratia cap. 2. Ipse cos facit in bono perseuerare quj facit bonos He that maketh men good maketh men to continue good and hee alloweth not that loue that may be lost wherfore hee sayeth Charitas quae deserj potest nunquam vera fuit That Charitie that may be casseered is but counterfaite 4 An other Obiection is from the examples of such as haue departed from the Fayth Ephes 1.4 1. Thes 1.4 1. Pet. 1.1 as the Ephesians Thessalonians and dispearsed Iewes styled in holy Writinges The elect and chosen whereas many of them did afterward forsake their first Loue and gaue vp their Fayth as it were in the plaine field Heereto we answere that there are two sortes of Iudgementes touching mans estate this way 1. The one is called Iudicium Certuudinis the Iudgement of Certaintie by which an vndoubted doome may be deliuered of any mans Election But that is Gods royaltie peculiar to himselfe sette downe in his sacred and secret booke of counsailes man is not to meddle with it no further then God hath reuealed to one man an othermans estate 2. The other is termed Judicium Charitatis The Iudgement of Charitie whereby wee proceede by the Lawe of Loue esteeming of such as liue in the Church and outwardly beare loue to the word of truth to be in the Calender of the Chosen vntill wee haue a better Schoolemaister then Nature to informe vs the contrarie Now in respect these Ephesians Thessalonians and Iewes did beare these outward markes the Apostle maketh the best construction of their doinges as Charitie would haue him 2. Againe they may be deemed to be thus denominated a maiorj parte of the greatest part according to the common course of speach wherby we call it an Heape of Corne which standeth most vpon the Corne though much confounded with colder and with chaffe 5 An other Obiection Reuel 3.11 is this admonition Saint John giueth Hold that which thou hast that no man take thy Crowne whereby is meant as some would haue it The Crowne of heauenly glory Whereto they inferre this Prouiso of the Apostle 1. Cor. 10.12 Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed least he fall We answere that the Crowne there mentioned is the Crowne of the Ministrie which without losse to our election may be lost and can not be rightly taken for the Crowne of heauenly glorie And what if it could we should graunt so much there would be nothing gotten by it For it is to be conceiued that one of these two wayes it is to be lost 1. Either in respect of our selues 2. Or of God 1. In respect of our selues wee easily yeelde it that wee may soone loose this Crowne from our heads For we are fickle and feeble nothing else but a compound of corruption Now Death and not the Diademe of Glorie is the debt that is due to Sinne. 2. But in respect of God who hath chosen vs and of Christ in whom wee are chosen this Crowne can neuer be taken away from vs in asmuch as the giftes and vocation of God Rom. 11.29 are without reuersion Wherefore in both these respectes wee haue warning in the Scriptures to looke to our standing and to tread sure least wee fall And are taught herewithall that the Elect stand sure in the Sanctuarie of the Lord they are vnder the safe protection of Christ and so can not perish 6 The last Obiection I will deale with is from such places of Scripture as speake of Blotting out of the Booke of life As that peece of Imprecation of Dauids against his Enimies Psal 69.29 Let them be wiped out of the Booke of the Liuing and not be written among the Righteous As that asseueration of the Spirit in the Apocalips Reuel 3.5 He that ouercommeth I will not put out his name out of the Booke of Life Exod. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 As those passionate wishes of Moses Paul to be put out of the writinges of the house of Israel for the saluation of the people of God committed to their charge All which places conclude nothing lesse then that they make shew of at the first sight being not throughly vnderstood Dauids enemies had neuer any name in Gods booke but only in the courtious opinion of the Church And therefore it can not properly be sayd of them that they were spunged out But in Scripture phrase they are taken so to be when their hypocrisie is discouered and they are manifested what they are So Augustine expoundeth those wordes of the Psalme Let them be wiped out of the Booke of the Liuing that is Scriptjnon esse cognoscantur tam ab ipsis quam ab alijs Let it appeare both to themselues and others that they are not written downe They seeme to be written sayth the same Father Secundum praesentem Iustitiam et temporariam fidem as they carry credite in the World for their good carriage of themselues in their outward actions and for their temporarie profession Concerning Moses his wish some thereby would meane the Booke of this present life as if Moses should desire to dye for his People As if he should haue saide Eyther saue them or slay mee But this meaning is too light to suite with the grauitie of this his petition For many Captaines and Valiaunts haue been founde that haue been prodigall of their owne for the safeguard of their Souldiers liues And it is the commaundement the Godly stande charged with to giue their liues for their Brethren Wherein Moses had had his matches euen among the Heathens such as were Philenj that were brethren Decius Curtius Theseus and such like that made no spare of the effusion of their blood for the benefite of their Countrie Wherefore some giue these wordes to the Booke of the Couenant as if he should haue sayd Blot my Name out of thy Church-booke and let it no more be in the number of those to whom thou hast made thy Promises of eternall life Not that Moses desired directly to be damned for the peoples deliueraunce but onely to be excommunicate from the Church that is heere on earth which is somewhat more then to die But some of better iudgement then the the former are of the minde that Moses looked higher then so namely to the Booke of eternall life as if he should thus say Rather then thy whole people should perish let my name no more stand in thy Predestinatiō-booke