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A90268 God's presence with a people, the spring of their prosperity; with their speciall interest in abiding with Him. A sermon, preached to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, at Westminster, Octob. 30. 1656. A day of solemn humiliation. / By John Owen, D.D. a servant of Jesus Christ, in the work of the Gospel. Printed by Order of Parliament. Owen, John, 1616-1683. 1656 (1656) Wing O757; Thomason E891_4; ESTC R206508 24,955 44

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in Gods special presence He is with us to give us direction in all our undertakings to take away darkness perplexities difficulties from our Councels or to cause us to rest and cease from what-ever may come into our hearts that is not according to his minde The Lord give us evermore of this his presence I cannot stay to shew you the several wayes whereby God now communicates direction to a people how he inclines their hearts insensibly yet powerfully fixes the bent of their spirits effectually their hearts being in his hand as the rivers of water which he turns as he pleaseth supplys them with reasonings and consultations beyond the verge of their own wisdome proposes occasions invitations provocations gives them Spirit and courage beyond their natural frames and tempers enlarges them in prayer or shuts them up makes walls on the one hand and open pathes on the other with innumerable such wayes and means as in his infinite wisdome he is pleased to make effectual for their guidance It suffices that in the use of means through patience and waiting upon him they shall be directed to that which is pleasing to him so is he with them The second use of this pillar was to give them protection and defence in all their way So Exod. 14. 19 20. 24. This protected them from the Egyptians and from thence God troubled their Enemies out of the pillar that is from his especial presence This use of it is insisted on Isa. 4. 5. 6. The cloud that was as smoke by day and as fire by night was also a shadow a place of refuge and a covert in one word a protection or a defence And this is a second thing which is in Gods special presence He will protect or defend them with whom he is so present He is their dwelling place Psal. 90. then when in this world they had none their refuge in the time of trouble So Isa. 25. 4. 26. 1. 31. 4. promises and instances to make this good abound they are known to all The time would fail me to insist upon them I might go over all the Causes means and wayes of the fears dangers ruines of such a people and shew you how a defence is provided against them all Are their fears from themselves because of their folly weaknesse and division or from pretended friends because of their envy and desertion or from open enemies because of their Power Cruelty Malice and Revenge a defence is provided on every account heat raine tempests stormes adversitie prosperitie all are provided against where God is present Isa. 32. 1 2. And if any people in the world have experience of this truth we have it this day Had not the Lord been with us who had not destroyed us Enemies friends abroad at home our own follyes all any of them had done the worke had not the Lord himself been with us Onely observe that the presence of God as to these effects may sometimes in some perticulars be eclipsed and the Effects themselves for some season be intangled though there be not an utter breach between him and his People How often did the Israelites attempt things without his direction how often did he breake in upon them to their woe and sorrow yet for the maine he forsooke them not untill the great work intended by them was accomplished Nehem. 9. 19. It is not every intanglement every disappointment every defeat that argues Gods departure as to his speciall presence It may be good for us sometimes to be in such a Condition and then that desertion that carries into it is from the presence of God We are now grown to that that if every thing immediately surmount not our imagination say some God is gone from them not because it is so but because they would have it so but he is Mercifull with whom we have to doe and will not cast off his People for ever Secondly The People with whom God was had the Glory of Jehovah as a pledge of his presence with them this appeared only at extraordinary seasons so it did at the giving of the Law Exod. 24. 16. so also at the setting up of the Tabernacle It differed from the cloud for when the cloud was upon the Tabernacle the glory of the Lord filled it It appeared again to all the People Levit. 9. 23. I shall not now enquire what was this visible representation of the Majestie of God it sufficeth as to the purpose in hand that when God gives his presence to a People at extraordinary seasons he affords them extraordinary manifestations of his Glory So in Ezekiels Vision of those dreadfull wheeles of Providence the glory of the Lord is said to appeare in the Temple and as his Especiall presence departed from the Temple and the Citie so the glory by severall degrees departed also Chap. 2. 10. 18 19. Chap. 11. 23. Eminent and glorious appearances with and for a People in extraordinary seasons is then another thing that accompanies Gods speciall providentiall presence with them when they are at an utter loss in their Counsels at a stand in their Motions disappointed in their undertakings deserted in their enterprises pressed on every side above measure or called to some extraordinary worke so that their Ordinary direction and protection will not carry them on nor beare them up then will God relieve them by some especiall appearance of his Glory In the Mount will the Lord be seen This will give a reliefe when all is at a losse And in this lies the most discriminating evidence of speciall Providence Glorious appearances in great streights are eminent testimonies of Gods regard Could I now insist on some of the instances that might be given of this kind of dealing with us in England in the pursuit of the Cause we have in hand it would make us ashamed of all our unworthinesse carnall fears and unbeliefe This is the second Evidence of Gods presence He is with a People to direct them to protect to manifest his glory amongst them His glory in ballancing the Issues of Providence one in respect of another so that all shall acknowledge that of a truth the Lord is amongst them Blessed is the People that is in such a Case yea blessed is the People whose God is the Lord What would you have more here is ease of all cares a remedy for all sores securitie in the midst of troubles Rest and Peace and assured dwelling places though the Assyrian should bee in the Land Thus you see what is this great Concernment of any People Let us now consider the tenure of this Blessedness on what account it is to be obteined or enjoyed now this is our abiding with God This then is nextly to be considered what it is for a People what it is for you and us so to abide with God as that wee may in all our affaires enjoy his presence in the wayes before described Now something is hereunto previously required something it consists
unless this be allowed nothing can be more contrary to my Text than that promise and such as that which we have Isa. 54. 9. where provision is made for Gods abiding with his people notwithstanding all their backslidings and provocations which he will so far heal as that he may not forsake them and this is firstly to be observed that we doe not in the consideration of Gods presence and withdrawings as to providential dispensations cast any reflection on the stability and unchangableness of the Covenant of Grace David hath fully stated this business 2 Sam. 23. 5. saith he Although my house be not so with God yet he hath made with me an everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my salvation and all my desire although he make it not to grow David had a promise for the prosperity of his house he had also an ingagement of the sure mercies of the Covenant The different tenour of these engagements as to their success and establishment he gives us this account of The Covenant is absolute and unchangable that is ordered in all things and sure the prosperity of his house depends on another Law and Rule that is subject to Aleration Secondly Observe the nature of this dependance of Gods presence on our abiding with him it doth not depend upon it as the Effect upon its proper cause as though it were procured by it merited by it we enjoy not the least morsel of bread on any such account much less such eminent priviledges as attend Gods special providential presence we deserve nothing at the hand of God and therefore if he should take us in the middest of the choysest obedience and fill us with the fiercest of miseries he did us no wrong and therefore the Lord does so deal sometimes with his and that not only with particular persons as in the case of Job but also with his people in general as Psal 44. 17 18 19. All this is come upon us yet have we not forgotten thee neither have we dealt falsely in thy Covenant Our heart is not turned back neither have our steps declined from thy way Though thou hast sore broken us in the place of Dragons and covered us with the shadow of death Though he requires our duty at our hands yet he is not tyed to any such present reward This is all it ordinarily depends upon it as a Consequent upon an Antecedent which allows an interposition of grace and mercy as Nehemioh 9. 19. Neverthelesse thou being mercifull forsookest them not so elsewhere that good man prayes remember me for good and spare me according to the multitude of thy Mercies For the glory of his righteousnesse and of his wayes in the world God hath Ordered that his people shall walk with him when he abides eminently and conspicuously in a speciall manner with them Thirdly Observe that our abiding with God even in Nationall administrations is the proper Effect of his presence with us in Covenant dispensations so that all in the Issue is of mere Mercy and grace though the Condition seems to be imposed on us yet it is from him alone that we have strength for its performance It is in this and such like cases as David said it was with them at their dedicating their silver and gold for the building of the Temple {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} of thine own Lord have we given unto thee we doe but returne him his own we give him but the fruits of his own grace and without it we can make no returne what ever These things being premis'd I shall give the proposition some Confirmation and so descend to the due improvement of it I suppose I need not goe for proof beyond the observation of the constant tenor of Gods Proceedings with his People of old When did he not deale thus with them what instance can be given of transgressing this Rule Is the whole story of the Nation of the Jewes any thing but the illustration of this proposition some ruled well and sought the Lord and the Lord was with them and prospered them in all their wayes some fell from him and walked according to their owne imaginations and the Lord cut them short on that account Yea sometimes the same man as Solomon Asa Uzziah experienced both these states and conditions Hath not the state of all nations since they came into the power of men professing the knowledge of him been the same look on the Roman Empire did it not flourish under the hand of men who rul'd with God and were faithfull with the Saints Is not the present distraction of it under the fury and cruelty of Turke and Pope the Issue of the violence unrighteousnesse Idolatry Luxury and persecution of ill Governours Doth not the Demonstration of all Gods people in the world the consideration whereof in particular might be insisted on as the Ground and Reason of the Truth insisted on require that it should be thus Leviticus 26. and almost the whole Book of Deutronomy are Sermons on this Text and every verse almost in them would afford a new confirmation of the truth in hand I shall need rather then to Caution from mistakes then further to Confirme the Proposition For this end take these ensuing Observations First all outward flourishing or prosperitie of a People doth not alwayes argue the speciall presence of God with them There are sundry things required to make success and prosperitie an Evidence of the presence of God First That the People themselves prospered bee his People his peculiar How many wicked nations are there in the world that for a long season have received blessings as it were and successe in their undertakings Is the Lord amongst them by his special presence not at all He is using them indeed for his own end and purposes to breake others or fill up the measure of their own iniquities that their destruction may be an evident demonstration of his vengeance and righteous Judgements to all the World but present with them in the sense contended about he is not The case is stated Hab. 1. 2. as you may see in those Chapters at large It is the same case with the Antichristian and Mahumetan Nations in the world at this day Their prosperity is no evidence of Gods presence because themselves are his enemies Other bottomes reasons and grounds there are of their successes Gods owning of them is none of them Secondly That the whole worke be good and have a tendency to Gods glory wherein they are engaged Davids Counsel for the killing of Uriah prospered and took effect yet was not God with him therein the work ingaged in must be according to his minde and Thirdly made useful and subservient to his glory when the hearts of a people can secure themselves in these things then may they rejoyce in their prosperity as a pledge of Gods presence with them Secondly Even great Afflictions eminent distresses
GOD'S Presence with a People THE Spring of their Prosperity With Their speciall Interest in abiding with Him A SERMON Preached to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland at Westminster Octob. 30. 1656. A Day of Solemn Humiliation By JOHN OWEN D. D. a servant of JESUS CHRIST in the work of the Gospel Printed by Order of Parliament LONDON Printed by R. N. for Philemon Stephens at the gilded Lion in Pauls Church yard 1656. Friday the 31. of Octob. 1656. ORdered by the Parliament That the thanks of this House be given unto Dr. OWEN Dean of Christ-Church and Vicechancellor of the University of Oxon for his great paines taken in his Sermon preached before this House yesterday in Magarets Church Westminster being a day set apart for Solemne Fasting and Humiliation and that he be desired to print his Sermon And that he have the like priviledge in Printing thereof as hath been formerly allowed to others in like Cases And Major Generall Kelsey is desired to give him the thanks of this House accordingly Hen. Scobell Clerk of the Parliament To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England Scotland and Ireland with the Dominions thereunto belonging Sirs MY hope that some Impression may possibly remain upon your hearts and spirits of and from the things delivered unto you in the ensuing Sermon make me willing unto the obedience of presenting it unto you upon your command in this manner Were I not perswaded that your peace interest and concernment is expressed therein and knew not with what simplicity of heart you were minded thereof I should have chosen on many accounts to have waved this duty But having now performed what is incumbent on me to render this service useful recommending it yet further to the Grace of God I humbly beg that it may not in this return unto you be looked on as a thing of course and so laid aside but be reviewed with that intension of spirit which is necessary in duties of this importance whereby you may manifest that your command unto this service was grounded on a sense of some advantage to be made by that performance of it Sundry things I confess that were spoken unto you are gone beyond my recovery having had their rise from the present assistance which God was pleased to afford in the management of the worke it self The sum of what was provided before hand and no otherwise without the least addition is here presented unto you with hearty desires that the vision of the truth herein considered may be to them that love you and the accomplishment thereof be found in the middest of you So prayes Your humblest Servant in our dear Lord Jesus John Owen Novemb 17. A Sermon Preached to the PARLIAMENT of England at their Publick Fast held the 30. of Octob. 1656. 2 CHRON. 15. 2. And he went out to meet Asa and said unto him Heare ye mee Asa and all Judah and Benjamin the Lord is with you while ye be with him and if ye seek him he will be found of you But if ye forsake him he will forsake you IT will not I am sure seem strange to any that I have taken a Text to Preach on in a Day of Humiliation out of a Thanksgiving Sermon such as this discourse of Azariah seems to be if they shall but consider the suitablenesse of the Instruction given therein to any great and solemn occasion whether of Humiliation or rejoycing The words indeed are the summe of all directions that in such Cases can be given the standard of all Rules and Exhortations wherein any Nation or people in any Condition are or may be Concerned so plainly measuring out our fate and lot the Event and Issue of our Affairs with all the great undertaking of the people of God in this Nation that of themselves I hope they will make some passage to the hearts of them to whom the Inferences from them shall this day be applyed In the foregoing Chapter we haue an account of a great victory that Asa and the people of Judah fighting in faith and with prayer obtained against the huge host of the Aethiopians with the abundant spoyles which they took and carried away thereupon In their Triumphant return to Hierusalem the spirit of God stirs up a Prophet to goe out and meet them to give them an account of the rise and cause of their success and direction for their future deportment under the injoyment of such mercies and deliverances The Lord knows how apt even the best of men are to forget the spring of their mercies how negligent in making suitable returns by a due improvement of the advantages put into their hands unto the Lord of all mercies Therefore are they in all seasons to be minded of their proper interest and duty This is done in my Text to Asa and Judah by Oded and I desire in my Sermon that it may with the same spirit and the same success be done by me unto you The words I intend principally to insist on having the same thing for substance three times repeated in them the opening of the first clause with the general tendency of the whole will suffice as to their Exposition and the grounding of that general proposition which I shall improve Two things are then principally to be inquired into First what it is for God to be with any people Secondly what it is for a people to be or abide with God and according to the Analogie of these two the following Assertions of seeking the Lord and forsaking him will be easily understood For though the words differ in expression yet they are all of the same way of Assertion They are 3 hypothetical propositions or promissory assertions on supposition If you abide with the Lord he will be with you if you seek the Lord he will be found of you if you forsake the Lord he will forsake you The same matter is trebled for the fuller and surer confirmation of the thing Asserted Only whereas the last proposition supposeth a thing possible namely that they might forsake the Lord the first supposes a thing present and therefore it is so expressed whilst you are with him because they had abode with God in their late war and triall Before I enter upon the opening of the words themselves I cannot pass by the Earnest Preface of the Prophet Hear ye me O Asa he saw the people upon their success taken up with many thoughts thinking of many businesses full of many contrivances one imagening one thing another another all of them it may be how they should use and improve their peace and success to their Advantage Interest Profit or Security Or the Princes and Rulers as it is probable and usual in such cases might be considering how to carry on their victory how to make the best advantage of it in their dealing with Neighbour Princes and Nations in making peace or warr In the midst of these thoughts the Prophet meets
long perplexities may have a consistency with Gods special presence Though the wheele goes on yet it may have a cross wheele in it that may cause rubs and disturbances The Rule of Gods acting in his presence is his own wisdome and our good in the Issue not our partial self-destroying desires Had the best people in the world all their own desires they would be every way ruined When God is nigh to us he knows what is best for us Security from destroying evils not trying evils he gives to them with whom he is And this is all that I shall offer for the Explication Confirmation and Cautioning of the proposition insisted on what remains further to be opened will fall in under the Uses of it which now ensue This special presence of God being as you have heard the great and only concernment of any people the tenure or condition thereof being our abiding with him let our first Use be to instruct us particularly First what this special presence of God is and wherein it doth consist Secondly what it is for us to abide with God so as we may enjoy it For the full discovery of the first I shall consider it in that eminent instance wherein of old he did grant his presence to his people The bottome of that stupendous undertaking of the Israelites in leaving Egypt and journeying through the wilderness into Canaan lay in the promise of this presence of God with them Exod. 7. 10 11 12 On this one consideration their whole undertaking and affair turned to this issue it is put by Moses Exod. 33. 15. If thy presence goe not with us carry us up not hence They will not move one step without him and with him they care not whither they goe Now this presence of God with them Symbolically did consist in or rather was represented by two things First the pillar of the cloud and fire which was with them ordinarily Secondly the Appearance of his Glory which they en-joyed on extraordinary Occasions The first with the first use of it is mentioned Exod. 13. 21 22. And the Lord went before them by day in the pillar of a cloud to lead them in the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light to goe by day and night he took not away the pillar of the cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people There is mention here as if it were of two pillars one by day and another by night but it seems to have been the same pillar with several properties for Chap. 14. 19 20. the same pillar at the same time performs both these offices in respect of several persons to some it was on the one side a cloud and darkness to others bright and shining as fire The pillar of the cloud went from before their face and stood behinde them and it came between the Camp of the Egyptians and the Camp of Israel and it was a cloud of darknesse to them and it gave light by night to these After this when the Arke was made and the Tabernacle erected this cloud which untill then went before the Camp came and covered the Tabernacle night and day as it stood in the midst of the Camp or the Congregation as a cloud it was by day and as a pillar of fire by night Exod. 40. 34 35 36 37 38. and there it continued with the people all the while they were in the wilderness Nehem. 9. 19. This being the first eminent pledge of the presence of God with that people let us consider what was indulged or granted to them thereby First they had hereby constant direction in all their journeyings and undertakings they were by this pillar directed in their way so at large it is expressed Numbers 10. 33. as also Exod. 40. God by this pledge of his presence was the beginning of all their rest and motion the guide and directour of all their undertakings so that they moved acted rested proceeded according to his will and Counsel he guided them by his Eye and led them by his Counsel Psal. 32. 18. Sometimes perhaps they would be forward they would be up acting doing their hearts are full of desires and they are impatient of delay If it be not according to his minde he will cause a Cloud to abide on their Tabernacle or their Assemblies and meetings a Cloud that shall darken them and distract them in their Consultations that they shall not be able to take one step forward Though their desires be great their intentions good yet the cloud shall be upon them and they shall not know their way Sometimes perhaps they are heavie fearful slothful there is a Lion in the way Gyants are in the land difficulties and perplexities lie in the way before them in such and such undertakings they have no heart to them the way is long and perilous better return than go forward Would God now have them pass on and engage the cloud shall break up and goe before them they shall see so far on their way as to goe forth with chearfulness Only observe this that when the cloud was taken up they knew they were to goe on in the way wherein they were and journeyed accordingly yet they know not whither they should goe nor what would be the end of their journey And therefore it is said that when they journeyed the Arke went before them to seek out a resting place for them Numb. 10. 33. It was carried on to see where the pillar or cloud of direction would stay and there they rested where ever it were When God gives a people so much direction as that they see it is their duty to go on and to trust him in so doing though they see not the end nor know what their resting place will be yet it is a pledge of Gods presence with them I suppose in your Assembly you have had the cloud taken off as to your engagements in some undertakings concerning which you are to trust that the Ark of Gods presence the Lord Jesus Christ will find you out a resting place which as yet appears not unto you What a full Experience have we had of this kind of proceeding among us In the last Assembly of Parliament How many had no less real intentions to be at worke for God than now God saw that it would not be for the advantage of the people that they should proceed hence the cloud rested on that Assembly that they could not see how to take one step forward He was still present with us but it was by a darkning cloud that we could not journey towards our rest Nor is it the will or counsel of man but of God that is to be looked to in these things We now hope the cloud is up and we are journeying towards our rest The Great Angel of his presence will find a rest for us in the good providence of God This then lies
in 1. First That we may abide with God this is indispensably required that wee may have Peace with him in Jesus Christ If we are never with him we cannot abide with him no man can abide where he never comes The acceptance of our persons lies at the bottome of the acceptance of our duties As the speciall presence of God with any is in and by Christ and no otherwise so is our abiding with God in and through him God with us is the name of Christ Our beeing with God is in him who is our Peace Two cannot walke together unlesse they be so agreed Amos. 3. 3. Now because this is not to be expected from all the individualls of a Nation yet this thing is to be endeavoured That the Rulers of it be such as have this Interest I do not divest of a share in Government those who have no share in Christ if lawfully called thereunto But I say when God gives Governours whom he intends to make a blessing unto a People they shall be such as are blessed of him in Christ And if ever the Government of this Nation in this present Constitution suppose it the most exactly framed and ballanced in the severall parts of it for the furtherance of Publick Good be devolved into the hands of men not interessed in God by Christ Though the constitution may be absolutely good yet the Government will not be blessed and the Nation will be ruined for God and his glory will depart Micah 5. 5 6. It is Christ that is our Peace even in outward troubles They are seven Shepherds under him and Eight principall men accepted with him that are to be our releife It is true for some particular actions or workes a wicked man may be anointed particularly as Jehu and Jeroboam the son of Joash But you have no instance that ever God was with a People to blesse them indeed in a course of special providence when wicked men by their own consent were their Rulers where the Vnion and Relation between them and the people is considerable I confesse unto you I never think of the State of Englnnd but my heart trembles at this thing Namely that those who have and it is fit should have so great a Share in the Government of this Common-Weale should have their rise from the body of the People that is darke and profane and full of Enmitie against the Remnant did not God over-rule men contrary to their own inward principles and lusts How soon would ruine and desolation breake in upon that hand And give me leave to say that God in his soveraigne Providence having called so many at this time to the place of Rule and Authoritie who indeed as we beleeve love the Lord Jesus in sincerity it seems to me to look as your Duty to consider all wayes and means whereby the Power of these Nations may be in succeeding seasons devolved on men of the like spirit and Condition I shall not interpose in that which by some is so much spoken of The reigne of the Saints I am sure the means used and attempted by some to set upon and to set up such a rule and dominion have not become sobermen much lesse Saints of Christ yet this I must say and in the saying of it I dare say Heare ye me Asa and all Judah and Benjamin If ever God cease to call Saints that is men interessed personally in Christ to places of Chief Authoritie in this Nation or commit the power of it into other hands and when those called to Power cease to exert it in a subserviencie to the Kingdome of Christ for the true spirituall advantage of his people there will be an end of Englands glory and happiness I say heare ye this all ye People This I have delivered long ago and many times in this place this I say still and in this perswasion hope to live and die The Lord guide you in this thing however we shall live on the good providence of our God who hath hitherto taken care for us This then I say is prerequired as a qualification of any person to the performance of this duty of abiding with God It is the Psalmist's advice Psal. 2. 11 12. Let this principle be alwayes owned amongst you by it honor Christ in the world give him the preheminence it is the Fathers will he should have it in all things Expect not the presence of God but upon this account Beare Testimony herein against the world of profane men who despise these things Seing then it cannot be expected to have this qualification diffused universally as yet through the body of the People let the Rulers take care that they be not the Cause of Gods departure from us Secondly What is it now for such persons to abide with God so as they may expect Comfortably the continuance of his presence with them which is their all that they need or desire I shall name some few things that are signally required thereunto First that they enquire of God aske Counsel at his hand look to him for direction in all their Affairs He is present with them to give them direction not to seek for it at his hand is exceedingly to despise him it must arise from one of these two apprehensisions either he cares not for us or he knows not how to direct us When he gave direction by the cloud on the Tabernacle the people being reproved for their carnall feares and unbelief upon the return of the Spies some of them would needs instantly into the Mountaine and fight with the Canaanites but sayes the holy Ghost the Arke abode in the Campe They went without Gods Direction and prospered accordingly With what contempt doth God speake of the wisedome and Counsells of the sonnes of men when they will adhere unto them How does he make it his glory to turne all their Consultations into folly and to make them erre in their wayes like a drunken man how doth he bid them take Counsell together when he intends to destroy them what instances may be given of all good and prosperous Rulers of old of their seeking direction from God what Promises of a successe and a blessed Issue in so doing are there The words of my Text will suffice as an instance in every kind But you will say how shall we enquire of God the Nations had their Oracles whereby they deluded themselves The People of God had their Vrim and Thummim their Prophets and Oracle Bring hither the Ephod and enquire of God was the word with them but alass what is all this to the advantage we have of seeking Counsell of God and taking direction from him We have an High Priest alwayes present with us by whom we may enquire Our High Priest is the Angel of Gods Presence the mighty Counsellor the power and eternall wisedome of God himself and where is he he appears in the presence of God for us in the holy place not made
a peoples Vniversal owning of Gods concernments in the world His presence with them is his owning their concernments and certainly he expects that they abide with him in the owning of his Gods concernment in the world is his people as invested with the priviledges purchased for them by Christ Deut. 32. 9. The Lords portion is his people This is that which the Lord has perticularly Kept to himself The Vineyard that he has chosen out of all the forests of the world the handful that he hath taken to himself his Sons and Daughters his Family These he expects that you abide by if you would have him abide by you Yea it is most certain as your respect and regard shall be to them and their interest as his people so will his respect and regard be to you and your interest as the people of this Nation But I have formerly spoken hereof unto you and therefore though it be a matter of the greatest importance I shall not further insist upon it And these are some of the Conditions of Gods special presence with you pleasant conditions their performance is your glory your rest your blessedness not your bondage not your burthen Not one duty doth God on this account require of you but it is also your reward O blessed termes of peace and agreement Blessed be the great peace-maker cursed be the breakers of this blessed Agreement Is this all indeed that is required that we may have the special presence of God with us for ever O how inexcusable shall we be if we neglect these termes how just will be our ruine Behold I have set before you life and death this day The life or death of these Nations O choose life seeing it may be had on such easie such blessed termes Termes wherein in doing good to others you will also doe good to your own souls you will give peace to the Nation and have peace and rest in your own souls Look on this presence of God as your main concernment This is that which the Prophet calls for in the words of the Text so the Psalmist there are many that say who will shew us any good Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us Psal. 4. Let other men make what enquiries they please look for good for rest for peace in what they best fancy Acquiesce you in this that the light of Gods countenance a pledge of his presence with you is that alone which you are to enquire after I remember since the beginning of these last wonderful dayes how often we have thought our selves utterly ruin'd if such alterations come we are undone if such men dye fall off oppose there is little hope of the carrying on the work wherein we are ingaged If such shakings such divisions befall us our ruine is at hand If we breake with such and such forraign Nations what hope remaineth But alass we have found by experience that our Affairs have turned on none of these things our prosperity hath been built on none of those principles such desertions as we feared have happened such Alterations such divisions have befallen us we have been sometime almost reduced to Gideons number such breaches with forragin Nations have ensued one party that was with us have gone off and asked what will ye now do And then another party hath gone off and asked us what will ye doe now And no sooner do any fall off but instantly they expect and foretell destruction to them that do abide as though they were God and not man or as though God were bound to follow them with his presence in all their passions in all their wandrings It would I confess be more desirable unto me than life it self to see all those at least who stick to the Cause of God in its greatest difficulties and trialls and then when it Ceased to be carried on in the ordinary paths of Nations Vnited again in the same common interest to see their passions and prejudices cured and their persons returned to their former usefulness but this is that which is the result of all this discourse It is not this or that thing or any thing what ever but the presence of God alone with a people that is their life their preservation their protection and prosperitie If our strength had laine in any thing else in this world our light had gone out long agoe and it had departed from us But hence it is that we are not consumed Now if you are so carefull not to loose these and these friends this and that Partie of the Nation not to provoke this or that people ' causelesly Oh what weight ought it to have upon your hearts and soules that you provoke not the Lord to depart from you that you take care for the continuance of his presence with you This is your life your safety your successe your peace Learn to prize it value it c. Secondly Whilst you have any pledge of the presence of God with you be not greatly moved nor troubled by any difficulties that you may meet withall be not moved with any terrour but sanctifie the Lord of Hosts in your hearts and make him your dread and your feare and he shall be a refuge and a hiding place unto you Some pretend to Visions of God and they prophesie your ruine and destruction yea they have limited times thereof to the shame of their Prognostications some are full of revenge and they threaten your Ruine and talke what a Catholike Interest is complicating and rising up against you some are troubled at your proceedings that they are not in such equall paths as might be desired as though that were a worke and way of yesterday as though we had not been turned and driven out of old tracks and pathes above ten yeare agoe and as though the old pathes were not so worn to the interest of a profane multitude that it is yet impossible to keep the burthen upright in them whose guidance you are intrusted with Some say you will never be able to goe through with the charge of your undertakings as though God had never said the Gold and Silver is mine Should these things busie or distract you doth the Issue of the business in hand depend on the thoughts of these men will the end be according to their contrivances have these things indeed any influence at all into the determination of this Controversie will not this one Consideration guide your hearts and spirits when all these waves roll all together upon you Yea but the whole of this affair must be ordered and will fall out according as the presence of God is with us or otherwise If God be with us who shall be against us How may you on this account triumph against all oppositions whatsoever Thirdly Fix then your thoughts on the things which lye in a tendancy towards the Confirming of Gods special providential presence with you You have heard of the tenure of